#what nice clowns
27thfirefly · 1 year
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the-kipsabian · 6 months
saw a take so fucking rancid on twitter i almost deleted the entire app from my phone jesus fucking christ
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first of all ao3 is an archive site. this is like going to the library and saying "oh i dont like this" on every piece of media you find that you dislike and thinking they should be stamped with some sort of a marker just cause you didnt like it
you can always click back and leave. fic writers owe you nothing to explain themselves and their creations. if they have mistagged or miscategorized fics, then i understand, however there are report tools for that instead of yelling at the artist tbh
im not saying free works arent necessarily above criticism. but this is just. fucking wild. its common courtesy to just enjoy stuff (or fucking leave if you dont, the back button is free) and if the artist specifically asks for critiques, then give one - constructive that is, shitting all over someones work is not proper criticism, mind you
i just find it fucking wild people are treating art and archive sites as social media these days like this and everything needs to be policed and ~catered to the algorithm~ like. no. ao3 doesnt have an algorithm. you should be able to fucking tell what you like and what you dont like and steer away from that kind of content and let people fucking be with their art. they dont owe you anything (except trigger warnings i'd argue, but i know some people disagree with that as well for some reason), and imagine how much more energy you'd have if you only engaged with things you liked and spent time looking at instead of going to places where you dont enjoy yourself. let alone spending time telling other people you dont enjoy what they enjoy. what a fucking life
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there is something so so so Appealing about angry/irritated Barnaby. it scratches an itch in my brain. somethin somethin comic relief characters getting to break their mold and be outwardly unhappy
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a-mongooose · 1 year
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A dump of things I drew since the last post! i am so normal about them. I AM SO NORMAL   ABOUT THEM . totally not making cosplays of julie and sally . it is not true  ! if u want to use as pfps, feel free to! just pls credit me :p alsooo if you have any requests for the silly goofies, my asks should be open, go crazy in there 
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inkskinned · 2 years
maybe i'm a bitch but if i hear you go out of your way to judge someone's weight, i immediately lose trust in you & will probably forever find you a little unbearable . yes also the little floating bar over my head will start reading [hostile]. this is natural and u caused it.
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leopardom · 3 months
so besides umazane misli band karaoke, (early) ngvot band karaoke also exists
full video and credits
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petite-phthora · 1 year
So about that dinner…
[DP x DC fic]
[Love at first... murder? - part 2]
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Part 1
Danny lets out a long groan as he enters his apartment.
He’s dead tired— hehe, ‘dead’ tired— due to an exhausting schoolday and having been unable to fall back asleep last night after what happened.
So sure, he might have started having a panic attack when he got back to his apartment when what he had just done had finally fully sunken in.
And he might have spiraled even more, even going as far as to try and trap himself in a Fenton thermos, thinking he was back on the path to becoming Dan.
Luckily for him, a green sticky note, left by his favorite unnecessarily cryptic mentor, appeared.
It let him know that he is no more on the path to becoming Dan than prior to the incident and that the actions he had taken that night, while vexatious, were necessary for the betterment of the timeline.
Whatever that means.
By the time he had come to terms with his actions enough to stop spiraling and remember that he has school soon. He checked the time, noticing that he only had a few minutes left until his next class started.
Which meant he had to sprint to his classes and start the day off already tired and emotionally drained. He hadn’t even been able to at least get a coffee beforehand. And so he spent the rest of the day fighting to stay awake during his lessons, sporting eye bags big enough to carry the weight of his sins.
Danny glances at the space-themed clock on the wall that Jazz had gotten him as a housewarming gift. 6 pm. He should probably get started on dinner.
Deciding to go with something simple, as he simply does not have the energy for anything fancy right now, Danny opens the cupboard and grabs the first thing he sees: a box of mac n cheese. Danny rubs his eyes and squints at the box, trying to read the instructions when he gets interrupted by a knock.
On his window.
Danny turns around to see Red Hood at his window, outside of his 3rd-floor apartment. He pauses before shrugging it off. Stranger things have happened. He sets the box down and makes his way over to the window. He opens the window once he reaches it, only to come face to face with a bouquet of sweet peas, the colors ranging from white and pink to lavender.
Oh, those are his favorite.
He gingerly takes the flowers before looking over the top of the bouquet at the person who handed them to him. Ah, yes. The crime lord. Who had seen him commit murder.
Danny stares at him, debating on whether he should ask him what he’s doing here or thank him for the flowers. Red Hood speaks up before Danny can make a decision.
“So about that dinner… ” He trails off, tone laced with hope and a slight nervousness.
“Right.” Danny nods with understanding, despite not having a clue what Red Hood was talking about, his joke the night before having slipped from his mind.
“I’ve got the entire night planned out for us. First, we’ll have dinner at Pete’s. They recently rebuilt and they have this amazing cannoli, you have to try it sometime.
“And then after dinner, we’ll go to the Gotham Observatory—“
Danny, not even questioning how the crime lord found out where he lives and that he loves space, cuts him off in excitement.
“Wait! Isn’t that the one with the crystal powered telescope?”
Red Hood nods and holds out a hand to him expectantly.
Danny stares at the hand for a moment before shrugging, setting the flowers down on a table, and taking the offered hand. He lets Red Hood lead him out of his own window.
Once Red Hood has helped him down to the ground and led him to his motorcycle, it dawns on Danny he’s going on a date(?) with a known crime lord— or wasn’t it former crime lord now?
Well, who was Danny to refuse a trip to the observatory and some good cannoli?
Who knows, he might even get a new boyfriend out of it.
Red Hood takes his helmet off and sets it down on the table between them so he can eat.
Danny tries not to stare too much but damn, he’s handsome, even if he’s still wearing the mask.
Danny takes a bite of his food to try and distract himself, idly noting that ohhh, this is some good spaghetti. He'll have to try the cannoli if it's as good as their pasta.
Red Hood is the one to start the conversation.
“Hey, so, since we didn’t get to talk more last night, I still wanted to thank you for your service to the city”
“My what?”
“I’ve been wanting to kill that insane clown for years now.” Red Hood continues.
“And while I’m a little disappointed that I didn’t get to end his miserable existence myself, I’m so glad he’s finally gone. So, thank you” he says, looking Danny right in the eye with an earnest expression.
Feeling a mix of flustered at the heavy gaze that’s on him, and confused by the other’s words, Danny stammers out a bewildered “You’re… welcome?”
Red Hood nods at him before continuing.
“And you don’t have to worry about others finding out if you don’t want them to. I ain’t a snitch, and I’ll try to keep the Bats off your back the best I can.”
Danny gives him a nod in gratitude.
“Though honestly, I’d doubt you’d have to deal with much trouble even if people did know it was you who got rid of him.
“The Joker has done a lot of horrid shit and caused a lot of grief for Gotham over the years. He’s had it coming for a long time now, so don’t even feel too bad about it. It might even become a local holiday when his death comes out!”
However, something Red Hood had said stood out to Danny. He stiffens before blurting something out in a tone that sounded even more panicked than when he accidentally killed the clown.
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isawthismeme · 1 month
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cometblaster2070 · 6 months
listen Epic Winter is great and all, and of course i love darabella and bribelle BUT LIKE
and then the fucking show never came back like.
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thebucketpail · 1 year
When You Accidentally Kill a Clown pt. 6
Hey guys, I know part 5 was only yesterday but I was bored and crave validation so here's part 6! Enjoy
Pt 1. Pt. 5
A shiver went down Danny’s spine at the same moment a gasp of cold air caught in their throat for probably the twelfth time that day. Sighing, they went back to scanning the library shelf for whatever book they needed (A biography of some old dead writer or something). And honestly, if Hood just asked them whatever he wanted to know, they would happily tell him, if only to stop almost choking every twenty minutes.
But evidently, Hood was a coward, as he did not come talk to Danny.
So Danny continued scanning the shelves for the book, ‘at this point it would probably be faster to just track down and talk to the actual dead guy’ they thought moments before finally spotting the crisp unbroken spine, ‘well that’s promising’ Danny reached to take the book form the shelf at the same time another hand reached for the same thing.
Danny flinched back as the other person’s hand landed on theirs, and glanced over to find an absolute tank of a person. Towering a little less than a foot over them, the man had short cropped black hair, dazzling blue-green eyes and a jaw so sharp it could cut steel. There was no doubt in their mind that this was an absolutely gorgeous human which is probably what fueled the heat rising in their cheeks.
Their gaze snapped away from the man and back to the shelf where their hands were still intertwined over the book. Quickly they drew away, shoving their hands in their pockets and hunching their shoulders.
“Oh, s-sorry did you need that?” they stammered whilst mentally groaning at their own embarrassing behavior.
A flash of something passed behind the guy’s eyes before a small smile tugged at his lips, “Oh, no this was just going to be some light reading,” He said, referring to the inch and a half thick book about some random dead author, that was now in his hands, “here, you can have it,” he held it out to Danny who just looked at it and rocked back on their heels, trying to seem nonchalant.
“No, no it’s alright I'll just find anot-” it was at this moment that Danny lost their balance and fell backwards. ‘How? Why?’ they thought shutting their eyes as they prepared to hit the floor, ‘worst possible time what the fuck.’However the impact never came.
Confused, and silently praying they didn’t accidentally tap into their ghostly floating, Danny opened their eyes. Only to find the man, with the book now on the floor, and both arms wrapped around their waist, a silent look of worry in his eyes. If Danny wasn’t already blushing they certainly were now.
“Umm, hi. I’m Danny,” They said, staring into the man’s electric eyes. They managed to squirm one arm from where it was pinned to their side (Ancients, this guy had muscles), and held out their hand for the other guy to shake.
The guy chuckled before shifting to take Danny’s hand. “Jason,” he smirked, “Nice to meet you.”
They didn’t move for what was probably too much time, instead they just looked at each other, each scanning the other’s face. Through the pounding in their ears Danny could barely make out the muffled thrum of a half-formed ghost core. ‘Seriously? How many half formed ghosts does Gotham have running around her streets?’ It wasn’t until Danny broke eye contact that Jason finally set them down and retrieved the book.
This time Danny took it when offered, mumbling a quiet thank you as the redness in their cheeks died down to more of a pinkish color. Ancients, they were glad they only blushed green as Phantom. The silence dragged on.
“So how about that weather?” Jason asked.
Danny tried to focus on anything other than how close they were still standing, or the muffled hum they could still hear emanating from Jason’s chest. Maybe the ghost sense from earlier had been from this guy and not Red Hood. So instead they peered over to the large window across the room.
“It’s- weather-y,” they winced, ‘what does that even mean.’ But somehow that managed to get a laugh out of the man so maybe that was a win?
He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off.
“Jason!” a redheaded woman wheeled down the aisle, making a beeline for Jason who was suddenly looking rather skittish. “B’s on the phone, he wants to talk to you.” she said, holding out said phone.
“How’d he know I’m here?” he asked, eyes narrowing.
The red head let out a huff and glared at him with a look that could only read as ‘seriously?’ “Look I tried holding him off as long as I could but he’s really insistent,” her eyes flickered over to Danny for a second, “Who’s this?” She asked.
Jason pulled his gaze away from the phone, still in the woman's hand, to look between the two of them. “Oh, Babs, this is Danny,” he said proudly. ‘Why proudly?’ Nonetheless, Danny reached out their hand to take Babs’. Her brows scrunched together for a moment before falling into something like realization. She looked at Jason, seemingly asking a question. Their silent conversation lasted a minute before she seemed to get the answer she was looking for.
“Do you need to check that out?” Babs asked, gesturing at their book.
“Huh? Oh yeah,” Babs nodded once before shoving her phone into Jason’s hand and turning around, waving a gesture like ‘follow me.’
Danny started after her but stopped when Jason grabbed their arm. Amidst Danny’s confused sputtering, he produced a black marker and wrote something on their arm.
“Call me,” he said with a wink, before turning to leave, pulling the phone to his ear and apparently getting an earful from the person on the other end.
Danny stared, frozen, after him. ‘Damn, that’s an ass,’ they thought, blush rising in their cheeks once more.
“Danny you coming?” Babs shouted
“Yeah, be right there,” They called back. They took one moment to look down at their arm, and sure enough, in bold, black, surprisingly neat handwriting, was Jason’s number. Danny felt butterflies float about in their stomach as they drifted to the front desk.
Om my goodness!!! It's Jason! Woooo!
Yeah I hoped you liked that.
Also updates twice in two days? More likely than you think. This is what you get when I have three days left in school and nothing to do during classes. I may even start working on the next part during shop class.
As always, I hope you enjoyed it. I love reblogs and comments and I read all of them so tell me what you think! I crave interaction. Have a day besties.
Ao3 pt.7
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pcktknife · 5 months
what do you think of miss april monster prom?
clown and a mimic that's a win for me
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seases · 2 years
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i just wanted to draw old-school splatfest style guys lol
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electricmaimer · 9 months
"i dont care if people who havent read the books get spoiled for the show" <- words of a person i now want to bite and yell at
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somegrumpynerd · 4 days
Hiii!!!! You're my best friend and I think ur so cool!!!! <333
Also!! If you could meet any Sans who would you pick?
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Ahk;jdjkbdjkb Pigeon I'm gonna die you can't be surprise nice to me like this!!!!! Bro that's so sweet ;A; You're my best friend too and you're way cooler!!! You know how all the layers and features and stuff in art programs work and you're good with animals and you're getting college educated - what a cool friend!!!!! <3
Oh god... that's a good question :oc
I mean Killer and Nightmare and all of the gang are out, I would get myself stabbed in record time around them lol
I think either Classic, Swap or Fell. Like, Swap is such a lil ball of positive energy and I know he has that "I don't have a lot of friends" energy buried in him so I'd love to hang out and hype him up. Me and Fell could bond over being grumpy and sweaty and bad at taking affection lol and who wouldn't wanna hang out with THE Sans? Eat some fries, tell some jokes and take a nap? Ideal day
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pybun · 2 years
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I doubt the one legend I love is the type to celebrate but he can be silly sometimes 🤡
With Maytaki's faves; Wattson, Pathfinder and their love for pastel colors and cute things, I managed to work in Caustic 🥳
You can get this holospray among the other wonderful community created items if you complete the reward tracker!!!
You can see the community showcase video for the event here
It's always a dream come true to be able to contribute to the game I love!!! I'm very grateful for the Apex team for inviting to work with them
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aaaand immediately after answering that ask i got one pretty much saying what it is. thankfully tumblr blurs pictures in asks until you click on em so That wasn't spoiled for me but still. cmon
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