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Character sheet for my Dark Urge, Leith (I played the game back in August last year lol) Designed around my love for monochrome + bright red color schemes
I've been sitting on this for a while because I wanted to wait for the hype to die down a bit before posting
I don't think I'll be drawing much fanart tbh, but there is at least one thing I know I'd like to draw so maybe I'll get to it someday!
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Mobility aids in fantasy!
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dungeon-aged-dragons · 11 hours
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finally, the Fley Tokens
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dungeon-aged-dragons · 14 hours
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Following my basic rules cheat sheet (also tagged ‘For DND newbies’), here are the Artificer, Barbarian, Bard and Blood Hunter cheat sheet. These are super basic things meant to be printed in A5. PDF version can be made available on demand. Still no ID because I have no idea how the fuck to describe this more than I just did.
Please reblog if you find this useful :)
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Fantasy idea:
Goblins do not have a concept of personal property or privacy. They're often labelled simply as thieves, but they genuinely do not understand why a group of travellers would be upset by waking up to someone rummaging through their camp to see what they'll find, pocketing whatever looks cool, and eating their rations. A goblin feels perfectly fine walking into another goblin's house to do so.
They will also tell you everything about themselves to introduce themselves. Not only their name and where they live, but also what they do for a living, how many spouses and children they have, their parents and siblings' names, what they have done with their lives and who their best friends are. A particularly accomplished goblin can and will take 20-30 minutes to fully introduce themselves.
Travellers who manage to start a polite conversation with a goblin instead of immediately resorting to violence to defend their property will soon - to their great confusion - be invited to the goblin's home to meet their family and be welcome to stay as long as they need. This might feel strange to them, but deep down it's a cultural misunderstanding.
The goblin list of things to include in one's long introductions isn't a standardised list, but goblins have a general idea of what they expect to hear in them. They don't have a concept of private information any more than they have genuinely private property, and if someone's list doesn't involve spouses and children, that can only mean that they don't have any. If a goblin won't say where they live, that means they don't have a home. If they don't list who their friends are, that can only mean they don't have any friends.
If a traveller only introduces themselves with their name, perhaps profession, and "this is my stuff", then naturally that must be all that they have in the world. If they had friends, family, or anything else in life, obviously they would have said so. How horrible that someone doesn't have anything but a name. And if you won't tell them your name they'll assume you don't have one of those, either.
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hey tumblr. what’s up. so, i worked on this for almost two years and just finished it. it’s a full Catholic liturgical calendar. it’s done in the traditional latin mass style, so it uses the older dates / names / observances. i made the font(s) for it, laid it all out, this easily took me hundreds and hundreds of hours. it’s also the largest thing i’ve ever made - the full print is two feet by three feet, or it comes in four 12x18 quarters. ill post more about it, but i was hustling to get it together in time for the holidays. it’s in my shop at:  https://owen-cyclops.myshopify.com/collections/calendar also, i just wanted to show some people that would be into it or think its cool so, thanks for taking a look. hope your advent / winter vibe is unfolding well
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Bountyhunt: Raven Redd
“While accosting travelers on the road may once have been the province of hooligans and vagrants, It speaks to the moral deprivation of the age that such a scoundrel would not only aspire to dispossess his betters, but dress like them as well. Shall we not have sense and the harsh law of the gallows, or will we allow propriety to slip until the social order is upturned and the footpads wear crowns upon their heads?”
-Political tract by Augistine Flintworth, local magistrate. 
Adventure Hooks
The stories are mixed on Raven Redd, the infamous highwayman who seems to feature in every other ballad sung in roadside taverns. Some claim he is a ruthless killer, while others claim he is a champion of the downtrodden, punishing the noble class for their excesses. What all can agree upon is that Redd’s bounty is astronomical, and that any group of adventurers who managed to bring him in would not only be well compensated, but likely in the good favor of several noble houses and possibly even the crown itself. 
Tracking Redd is difficult, but a stroke of luck finds the party when a terrified footman comes stumbling into town out of the woods, screaming about a man in a raven mask slaughtering a whole carriageload of nobles and all of their guards. Redd’s MO with such well bred targets  is usually to grab a single individual and ride off into the night, but following this trail of carnage might just lead the party to their man. 
Confronting the highwayman sees the party facing off against a master duelist, one seemingly unhindered by the forest’s pervasive dark and favors hit and run tactics that negate their superior numbers. Eventually though, the party will face down Redd and strike a decisive blow, Only to have their target dissolve into mist and vanish into the night. 
Setup: The Criminal known as Raven Redd is but a dramatis personae worn by a vampire by the name of Florian ValDaata, scion of a noble family thought extinct for nearly two hundred years. Seeking to disguise his feedings and stave off the pursuit of monster hunters, Florian adopted the mantle of a simple roadside criminal, and has used allies to spread his legend as a means of concealing his true nature. 
Florian works hard to maintain his guise as a mortal outlaw, engaging thieftakers and caravan guards on their own terms as a way to dissuade attention and keep things “sporting”, sometimes he can’t help but be overwhelmed by his appetite and turn a simple robbery or abduction into a full on massacre. 
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Heroes who put the city before themselves, who never falter in their duty
I love that little speech Minsc has in the epilogue party…
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Wyll: Fuck yeah, that's my girl! (devnote: Enthusiastically, Karlach's language has rubbed off on him a little.)
Wyll: Oh shit - I'm starting to pick up your bad habits. Well, fuck it. In for a coin, in for a coffer. (devnote: Oopsy - he's been picking up some bad language habits from Karlach!)
Edit: These lines trigger for an Origin Karlach in the Epilogue!
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Issue #7 Schools of Magic
Featuring Iffy, the Wizard of Interesting Failure @wizard-of-interesting-failure
Read the full version on our website and support us on Patreon!
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I had the pleasure of doing this portrait for the wonderful Freddy! Yes another blue elf heheh
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Some idioms for fantasy races and classes shared by u/nagonjin on reddit. Follow her on instagram (@lyresforhire) for more D&D idioms.
My favorite one is the bard one “When I am song”
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D&D: Coins and Currency
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Finished the first arc of the tabletop rpg game I’m GMing, I can finally post all the art! More about the worldbuilding under the cut:
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