#what kinda stuff would be good for secret Santa
gh0str3c0rd3r · 10 months
whay are these guys all so nice.. wadda hell‼️‼️
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jpeg-dot-jpeg · 1 year
5 and... jaytimkon??? (For the drabble prompts)
Jpeg fr the things I would do for a jaytimkon from you akfjslajdlaja
I haven't drabbled much into jaytimkon territory, but i'll do it for you, beloved <];)
"So how long have you two been married?"
It comes out of Jason's mouth as a joke. Or, at least, he means it as a joke. He expects a scoff or an eyeroll or maybe a besotted smile. He isn't quite sure what to do with the startled look Kon gives him.
"What?" the guy asks, stupidly thick lashes fluttering in abashment. His cheeks go pink and Jason gets the sense he's resisting the urge to fan his face like a scandalized genteel woman.
Jason nods his head towards the door that Tim had just left through after walking in, saying, "Do you-" and promptly getting handed exactly what he needed from Kon without having to specify what it was. It isn't the first time it's happened since the two of them have set up shop at the little basement coffee station - separate, of course, from Tim's regular coffee station up in his living area - waiting for Tim to work his genius.
It's kind of magical the way they operate on the same wavelength - finishing each other's sentences, knowing what the other needs, vollying inside jokes back and forth too fast for Jason to even pretend to keep up. It makes some kind of longing crawl up in his throat. So he teases instead of saying Can I get in on that? Instead of saying Stop doing that before I start uncontrollably sobbing. Instead of saying Who do I have to kill to get me a bitch like that?
Kon stutters out, "We're not- that's- why would you-"
"Oh my god, breathe," Jason orders, taking pity on him. "I was messing with you. I just meant that you two practically share a brain. It's kinda freaky. But also...kinda cool."
Kon looked down and shrugged. "Just known each other a long time. Lotta missions, lotta near-death experiences. Watching Santa get blown up together probably had something to do with it."
"You- what?"
"It's whatever." Kon waves a dismissive hand through the air. "We're close, but - I dunno. You bats have something else entirely going on. I'm sure you understand him better than I do."
"Oh, come on," he can't help but protest. "Just 'cause we're both bats doesn't mean we have some kinda psychic connection. If we could communicate the way the two of you do, we'd all beat each other up a lot less."
"No, seriously," Kon insists, face open and imploring in a way that makes Jason want to cover him with a blanket so no one else can catch him like that. "Sometimes I think he's the alien, but then I hear how he talks about you, the way all of you guys work together, and it's- it's a little cult-y, but it's also really cool? Like you guys have a secret language. Plus, it doesn't hurt that he's been obsessed with you for, like, ever, so there's kind of that hero worship thing going on, and you're actually smart enough to keep up with the stuff he talks about and-"
There's something in Kon's voice that tickles the back of his brain, something between He talks about me? and 'Batclan Cult Allegations.' It sounds stretched thin and bittersweet and tense. The pieces fall together faster than he can relegate them.
"Wait a minute," he interupts. "Are you jealous? Of me?"
The idea is bizarre, absurd, unthinkable. It makes a little bird flutter around in his stomach, but he isn't sure whether that has more to do with the lovely, mysterious creature in the next room over or the goregous, good-natured creature in front of him.
Kon shrugs again, refusing to meet Jason's gaze. "Who wouldn't be?"
A warmth surges in his gut, rushing to his palms in a way that makes him want to reach out and share the heat. He puts several years of laborious therapy to use and decides to take a chance.
"And here I was, all green with envy over watching the two of you together."
And once those ethereal blue eyes lock onto his, Jason can't look away.
"Maybe if we put our heads together," he continues, hoping Kon can hear all the things he isn't saying as well, "We can parse out what the hell Tim is talking about all the time, 'cause I don't have a fuckin' clue."
The laughter that earns him sounds like bells. And when Tim walks in and asks, "What's so funny?" the two of them share a knowing look, something just between them.
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ween-kitchens · 9 months
oh if you didn’t stay (I would wait anyway)
it does make him think though, that maybe, if he was still so determined to ignore it all, he could have blamed the warmth in his face and chest on the fires that had been surrounding him and ren for the past half hour rather than the man accompanying him for a pretty lengthy improv session. honestly, he isn’t quite sure when he decided to stop lying to himself, but he didn’t realise how.. freeing it was until this moment—to be able to feel and feel- and to let himself feel. a smile has been unmoving from his face since he first started talking, and his cheeks hurt, and martyn doesn’t care. void. he really missed ren, huh?
this is a secret santa gift for @loveroped!! I haven’t written treebark before, so I hope I did them justice hkfhd
can you tell i’m messing around with the way I format things here
martyn might have just had the best day. like- ever.
of course, he’s not sure if anything could top a reunion with ren, regardless of the circumstances. not to discredit decked out, of course- it’s an amazing game! a wonderful game! it’s extremely clever and fun and interesting and he loves it very much.
(martyn is pretty sure that the game can both hear and understand his thoughts. after his experiences with thought-reading things, he is not about to take any chances.)
it does make him think though, that maybe, if he was still so determined to ignore it all, he could have blamed the warmth in his face and chest on the fires that had been surrounding him and ren for the past half hour rather than the man accompanying him for a pretty lengthy improv session. honestly, he isn’t quite sure when he decided to stop lying to himself, but he didn’t realise how.. freeing it was until this moment—to be able to feel and feel- and to let himself feel. a smile has been unmoving from his face since he first started talking, and his cheeks hurt, and martyn doesn’t care.
void. he really missed ren, huh?
“man, they need to make more rifts.” martyn says, leaning against the blessedly cold wall of the citadel, eyes closed. “this has been so fun.”
ren chuckles, and martyn’s heart jolts as he realises that they are much closer than he thought they were. “you’ve been in the actual game like- once, dude.”
martyn hums, cracking an eye open. “who said I was talking about the game?”
“I-“ ren’s breath audibly stutters, and martyn finds his own has been swept from his lungs. when did he start holding it? “you mean the- pictionary, and stuff?”
“kinda.” martyn looks down, realising that his newfound confidence has left him entirely. oh good, that’s exactlywhat he needs right now. “y’know and the- the people who I don’t.. see as much.”
martyn can feel ren’s eyes on him, burning into his skin. “it’s been amazing to see you again, dude.” ren says with just enough honesty to make martyn feel as if he could be floating.
when martyn looks back up at ren, he’s smiling the smallest, softest smile martyn has ever seen grace his face. in truth, martyn thinks that may just be the best thing he has ever seen in his life; he wants to put that smile in a locket and keep it around his neck forever.
“you as well.” martyn says, maybe too genuinely.
ren’s face flushes in pleasure, and he squishes down a very obvious smile. martyn might just be in love. “well, i’m- i’m glad.”
martyn grins, nudging ren with his shoulder. “what, you didn’t think I missed you?”
there’s a quiet thumping noise that martyn thinks is coming from behind ren. probably just all the machinery behind decked out making itself known. “well, I- y’know. I found myself.. hoping that you would but.. I was never sure.”
“aw, c’mon,” martyn says, voice far more casual than the reaction to that statement should be- than it is. because- man, is it a weird feeling to be the cause of nervousness, to be the cause of that ‘does-he doesn’t-he?’ feeling. “I was practically lamenting over you. just ask jimmy; i’ve been so annoying.”
ren snorts a little, and some of the tension that martyn didn’t notice was between them dissipates. “I have to admit that i’ve already had a complaint from jimmy.” he says it like a joke, but there’s a distinct undertone of fondness that sends martyn’s mind reeling.
“well, there you go.” martyn grins. “i’m nothing without my king.”
“no.” ren says softly. so softly, in fact, that martyn suspects ren never meant him to hear it in the first place, but he just- he can’t stop listening; not when ren sounds so sure, so honest. “you’re everything.”
before he can stop it, a gasp escapes martyn’s lips, and ren’s eyes widen as he seems to realise that he was not as quiet as he meant to be. martyn wants to respond, to let ren know he feels the same as—well, whatever ren is feeling right now, it sounds pretty fucking close to what martyn is feeling—but his voice is stuck in his throat. 
“i’m sorry- I shouldn’t-“ ren looks almost scared, and martyn silently begs his voice to return. he can’t let ren sit there and not know-
“I love you.” martyn blurts, breathless and a little too loud, but ren is looking at him as if he’s the only person in the world, so he doesn’t stop. “I think- for several years now, and i can’t keep doing the- the skirting around our feelings thing, because all i’ve been doing this whole time is pining over you and- i’ve had enough of waiting, okay. so i’m- i’m telling you now, and you can do whatever you want with this information. but i just- I love you. always have.”
“I- martyn.” ren half whispers, looking for all the world as if martyn had just given him bedrock or a block of void or- or something very good. he’s running out of metaphors, okay, leave him be. martyn vaguely notices the quiet thumping returning. what part of the game could that be?
“that’s- that’s me.” martyn says, unsure whether to be reassured or terrified by ren’s response.
“I can’t- I don’t even-“ ren stammers, running a hand through his hair. martyn is leaning towards terrified when ren finally lands on- “I love you. this whole time, i’ve loved you, and I thought- oh my goodness.” he gives a huff of laughter. “you’re serious?”
“am I ser- of course i’m serious!” martyn grabs ren’s hand, who is smiling more than martyn thinks he’s ever seen ren smile. “you thought i’d pour my heart out for it to be a bit?” he laughs.
“well I- you’re very committed sometimes y’know.” ren grins, intertwining his fingers with martyn’s. 
“it has been- what, three years now?” martyn leans into him. “I am extremely committed to you. i’m probably too committed, honestly.”
“asking someone to kill you is a great way to flirt—who knew?” ren says, mock-solemn, and martyn cackles.
“i’ll have to try it some day.” martyn teases, looking up and finding himself much closer to ren’s face than he expected to be. 
and- okay, martyn won’t pretend that he’s never watched ren just a little too closely from across a room, or that his gaze has never lingered for a few seconds too long after ren left, or even that he hadn’t found himself lost in his eyes—cheesy as it is. 
but this- this is different. because martyn has never admitted his love before, and ren has never reciprocated those feelings before, and so there’s never been a moment where he could just look and look and look until right now. and you’d be kidding yourself if you don’t think that martyn is sure as shit going to take advantage of that.
“you know,” martyn murmurs, reaching a hand up to brush the stubble on ren’s jaw, watching with the utmost interest as ren melts ever so slightly into the touch. “I don’t think i’ve been able to do this before.”
“do, uh- do what?” ren’s voice comes out just a little too high for it to be entirely natural. martyn suppresses a smile and the thumping grows faster.
“look at you while you’re looking back.” martyn says simply, and oh, that shy little grin that slips onto ren’s face is perhaps the most gorgeous thing martyn has ever seen.
ren rubs a thumb against martyn’s hand that he still holds, and- okay, maybe martyn’s insides have gone all mushy because of it, but who are you to judge? “then I think we must have kept missing each other.”
it takes a moment for martyn to process the words. when he has, he pouts jokingly—even as his mind reels. “what, you’re telling me I could have been doing this years ago?”
“that is absolutely what i’m telling you.” ren grins. is he getting closer? martyn thinks he might be getting closer.
“well then,” martyn says, and the smoothness of his voice sounds entirely ludicrous when his brain is so frantic, it’s probably on fire. ren is leaning forward, and martyn thinks he might be too, and they’re getting so close to each other that martyn can feel ren’s breath ghosting his lips. “I guess we’ll have to make up for lost time.”
“I suppose we shall.” ren’s voice is low and soft, and martyn thinks he might just die.
that is until their lips meet and martyn decides- no, he knows he’s going to die. because ren’s hand is in his hair, and martyn’s is still cupping ren’s cheek, and it turns out that ren’s lips are exactly as soft as martyn always imagined them to be and he’s going a little crazy over it.
the kiss is fairly short, but martyn feels like his brain has entirely short-circuited by the time they part—in the best possible way. 
“we- that happened.” martyn stammers. “oh my god. I didn’t think i’d ever-“
“I thought i’d chicken out.” ren sounds equally astonished at his own confidence. “I- dude, you are a great kisser.” martyn’s face burns and ren puts a hand in front of his mouth in an obvious attempt to keep from laughing. “well you are!”
“I- thank you, I-“ martyn can’t see himself, but he’s fairly certain that he is beet-red right now. 
the thumping returned the moment they kissed and has not left, and martyn realises it is far too close to be part of the machinery. regardless, it sounds familiar somehow; the weight behind it, the rhythm of the thuds, the softness of it. martyn knows he doesn’t have the best memory on the server, but he’s pretty sure he should be able to remember what-
wait a second.
“ren,” martyn says, a grin creeping slowly onto his face. “are you wagging your tail?”
it’s kind of cute how fast ren goes from cocky to deeply flustered within a matter of seconds. it’s also very funny, especially as ren’s ears—which were resting casually—are now stuck straight up into the air.
“I- I don’t know what you mean!” ren says in a failed attempt at his usual suaveness. martyn stifles a laugh. “i’d- that’s a preposterous thing to suggest, you-“
martyn, deciding to test a theory, leans forward and presses a chaste kiss to ren’s lips (he is never gonna get over the fact he can just do that now) and watches with glee as ren’s tail wags even harder.
“I.. might be wagging my tail, yes.” ren mumbles, thoroughly embarrassed.
martyn fails to stifle another laugh, and ren honest-to-void pouts. “oh my- ren.” 
“yep?” ren practically squeaks. he clears his throat, blushing pink. “um- just pretend you don’t see that.”
“why would I do that?” martyn teases. “it’s cute.”
“you say cute, I say embarrassing.” ren says, but he’s grinning shyly, and man if that isn’t the best thing martyn has seen all day.
“ren, trust me when i say that if I had a tail, it’d be entirely a blur by now.” martyn half laughs. “I love seeing you happy.”
“then you’re in a great amount of luck,” ren says, and his gaze drifts to martyn’s lips. martyn would make fun of him, if he weren’t so flustered by it that he’d forgotten the english language. “because seeing you has never failed to bring me joy.”
martyn feels all the air leave his lungs. “you- i haven’t-“ he stammers a few more failed attempts at a sentence before landing on, “oh- just kiss me.”
ren grins, and his canines push ever so slightly against his lower lip, and martyn is going to die. “gladly.”
and- okay, it’s a little embarrassing to admit, but.. well. they may have gotten a tad carried away, and before they knew it, jimmy’s turn was over and tango was looking for martyn. it’s not his fault, okay! when you’ve been wanting someone for as long as martyn has wanted ren (and vice versa apparently, which- no, martyn is never gonna get over that), time starts to fly a little.
so when tango stumbled upon them both, accompanied by half the guests and half the hermits, that was entirely not martyn’s fault! in fact, it was theirs for being so damn quiet. if they were louder, ren would have heard them, and then they would have time to- stop making out.
yeah. martyn is never gonna live this down.
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scasuallypursuits · 9 months
#3: Surprised Link
One of my better work for ZeLink. I experimented with more saturated colors than usual with some desaturated on others for some nice contrast.
Below this art are some of the stages I went through.
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I was browsing youtube when I saw this thumbnail. A vision flashed through my mind the moment I saw it. So I immediately went to work with it.
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Noticed how there is more line weight on the hands. I was very careful about, took a good amount of time and in return nobody noticed it. Until I pointed it now, of course. It's the same reason why you can't see LInk hands behind Zelda cuz I was conscious about it. Now in hind sight, adding the hand might had added a more feeling of surprised and embarrassment.
Adding the brown hand as Ganon's would had also been funny as well.
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Here is the line art. You'll see a some text faded in. Those are my notes.I tend do my art stuff in small intervals cuz I have other shit to do so often I have a layer called notes to remind future me on what to do and what other cool ideas to think of. It's been helpful and sometimes, I kinda like how it looks. Like it reminds me I'm some kinda of scientist peering through human anatomy, it's fault and how to improve it.
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The in between rendering. Here you can see that Link is finished but not Zelda. I start with the slightly desaturated flat colors first then make a simple gradation based on lighting. Even with just the gradation only, it gives so much more 3D look of it. Since I started with some desaturation, when I do a more saturared color shapes, it pops out more. At least in theory.
Also added that red line. Like in those manga to convey motion and stuff. I like it. It's quite neat-o.
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Here is the finished product you saw at top. My way of picking gradient background it usually just picking they're 2 most dominant color.
I then needed something to contrast the heads better since I want the focal point to be there stronger, I added a neutral color to it as contrast. Great at adding some marks there as well. That's why I added my signature and I had some fun and made a korok and a hearth looking stickers. Took like 20 minutes top. Though I do feel like the korok could be cuter.
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Here all the of them at them side by side.
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Last of my better looking art. Hopefully by next week, I'm done cooking something up. I'm also doing an secret santa art gift so my time are quite split between. I draw slow, so that's why I only add stuff here weekly cuz I'll run out of content here fast.
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ashxngrotto · 9 months
𝑺𝒆𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒕 𝑺𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒂 𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕
This is a story written for @olivermorningstar from the Secret Santa Event hosted by @lemeowade !!
Warnings: reader being referred to ‘he’, Christmas themed, fantasy AU in Theo’s part, Arranged marriage for Jude, and fake dating for Sariel, also he/him pronounces for the reader!
A/n: hello I hope you like this! ><
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𝑺𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒍 𝑵𝒐𝒊𝒓 — 𝑭𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈
“To avoid letting any nobles or princes from the other countries knowing that you’re Belle, we will start dating.”
“W-wait.. what?” He was shocked, didn’t expected that sentence and the devilish smirk.
“Fake, fake dating.” Sariel said it out loud as if it was the most normal thing in the world, “to avoid people spreading rumours and stuff, we will be fake dating, is that all right for you, Belle?”
Oh, anyone would know that they couldn’t say no to that devilish smirk as if Satan himself came waving at you.
So, he said yes.
Sariel is now sorting out documents for Chevalier’s faction, also asking servants to search for Luke for his absence for the whole morning.
There he is, no, not Luke, but the “fake partner”. Sariel saw something in his hand, what could that be?
He held out a small present box, the colour is the same s Sariel’s eye colour, a beautiful amethyst-coloured ribbon on top.
He smiled and handed the present to Sariel, and Sariel took it with both his hands,
“What is this?” Sariel asked, his voice filled with gentleness and tenderness as he spoke, no one except Belle himself has ever heard the ‘devil’ spoke so gently.
Inside the box was a snake-shaped pin, and a Rhodolite stone in the middle as decoration.
Belle shrugged as he began, “I don’t know what to give you for Christmas, I know you don’t like sweets that much, and you definitely wouldn’t like roses.”
Sariel chuckled, he was so sweet for thinking and giving him a gift for Christmas.
“So I chose a pin, and it even had a Rhodolite stone!” His voice was filled with excitement as his face lit up with joy.
Sariel’s lips were curved into a delicate smile, he took out a hairpin from his drawer, one that was given to him from the previous king, saying that he may need it for someday, sure, today’s the day.
The hairpin was rose-shaped, also with a Rhodolite stone.
Sariel leaned closer, as he whispered in Belle’s ear like a snake whispering sweet nonsense to its pry.
Sariel began with a soft, but also seducing voice as he began, “this Christmas, and for every Christmas from now on, I’ll give you the devil’s eternal love.”
As he spoke, the church bells rung, signalling it’s another Christmas in Rhodolite but also their first Christmas spent together.
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𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒐𝒅𝒐𝒓𝒖𝒔 𝑽𝒂𝒏 𝑮𝒐𝒈𝒉 — 𝑭𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒔𝒚 𝑨𝑼
Theo is kinda like a werewolf vampire in this au ><
“Hondje, come here” Theo sat with his legs open as he patted his muscular thighs signalling you to sit on them.
He sat on Theo’s lap, shifting as he found a more comfortable posture.
“You want something?” He laid his chin on Theo’s shoulder, speaking softly while stroking his lover’s ears.
“Food.” Theo chuckled as his lover pouted, clearly not satisfied with that answer.
“Alright…” Theo placed his hand on his lover’s waist, the other one unbuttoning his shirt, “I feel like I’m craving for your blood.”
His lover blushed, but didn’t stop him from continuing as Theo shed off his shirt, revealing his lover’s bare shoulder to him.
“May I..?” Theo’s fingers were tracing the outline of his lover’s bare shoulder, his lover nodded, giving him the permission.
Theo bit into his shoulder, as his lover softly let out a whimper, no matter how many times they’ve done this, it always feel so good in many ways.
Theo licked the blood away, showing his fangs to him.
“Merry Christmas..” Theo took his lover’s hand in his, softly kissing the back of it.
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𝑱𝒖𝒅𝒆 𝑱𝒂𝒛𝒛𝒂 — 𝑨𝒓𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒅 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒈𝒆
Jude was never a gentle person.
“Hey Jude-“ Victor began
“Shut the hell up dumbass”
“Mean as always I see~” although being called a dumbass, Victor still had a charming smirk on his face, his lips curled into an elegant smile.
“I want you two to get married.”
Jude’s eyes widened, the cigarette between his lips fell off.
“What the f-“
That’s how you two got together, but Jude never saw you as a real partner, even after the wedding.
During the wedding night~
Jude’s back was facing you, his chest rose and fell as he slept.
You were still recovering from his previous rough and merciless actions, why did you agree to this marriage?
You saw Jude hanging out with other women, although he claimed it’s for work, you still didn’t believe him.
Why? You’ve tried hard to be a good fiancée, you did whatever what he wanted. And now you’re his partner for the rest of your lives. You’re not even sure will he love you someday.
You started thinking about the previous memories with him:
One time when you tried talking with him,
“Don’t annoy me, I’m working.” He blew the smoke out, and shooed you away yet again.
How many times already? You can’t remember anymore, you’re too tired of being pushed away, so you just tried to ignore this feeling that keeps stinging your heart every time.
“What now?” Jude’s handsome face was in front of you, his calloused fingertips caressing your tear-stained cheeks.
Wait.. when did I start crying? You thought to yourself.
“Thinking about stupid stuff again?” Jude’s voice was nothing gentle, or kind. Like how it always is.
“No I’m not.” You tried arguing, but can’t help to feel sad, why can’t he be gentle?
You began talking about all your unhappiness with him, “I don’t like this, I don’t like it when you’re treating me like a toy-“
“Who said your a toy?” His voice was sharp, but you can see that his eyes were carrying a tiny bit of gentleness, something that you’ve always wanted.
“..but you treated me like one.” You still don’t want to face him, so you looked away, not letting him see your tears-filled eyes.
“Look at me.” He turned your face to look at him directly.
“You’re never a toy,” he said.
You felt him leaning closer, his eyes are now looking at you lovingly, could it be he love you? Wait.. but it’s impossible..?
“You’re my partner.” He continued.
His lips are touching yours, kissing you oh-so-gently, nothing like how rough he was like two hours ago.
He pulled away after a while, leaving you panting heavily.
“I love you.”
His voice has never sound so sincere, he took your hand in his, as he kissed each of your fingertips.
“I, Jude Jazza, promise to love you..” he kissed your thumb.
“And take you as my partner..” he kissed your index finger.
“To have and hold from this day onwards,” a gentle kiss landed on your middle finger.
“For best, for worst, for rich or poor,” now your ring finger..
“In sickness and in health, to love and cherish,” he lips touched your pinky.
Now, he looked at you as if you’re his everything, you know, he never break his promises.
“Until death do us apart.” He kissed the your wedding ring.
He never break his promises, he’s for real.
He’ll never stop loving you, until death do you two apart.
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third-arch · 10 months
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My Trafalgar Law HC’s!! pt.4🥳🥳
This one’s longer and is kinda inspired by some people around me, but most of these I could honestly see for him!!
He doesn’t work at a hospital. He owns a private clinic. If he did, he’d work in the ER. He’d have a scribe. He’d either be very grumpy or very patient to work with.
He doesn’t read Homestuck/doesn’t really like it but if he absolutely had to choose his favorite human would be Dave Strider. I literally have no clue what his favorite troll would be, but I’m guessing maybe like Aradia or Karkat.
His favorite Nintendo series is Star Fox.
He’s more of a Vinesauce guy than a Jerma guy.
If you asked him what the three most recent songs he’s listened to are, he’d probably say:
Madhouse-Matt Maltese
Everyone Here Hates You-Courtney Barnett
Climbing Up The Walls-Radiohead
How they appeared on his playlist or if he even liked them is up to you.
He’s not a Taylor Swift fan, but I could see State of Grace, Red, Sparks Fly, Mine, All Too Well (10 min version) and Love Story being his favorite songs. (I literally can’t explain this one LOL)
He doesn’t mind Lofi.
This one is actually inspired by an old friend of mine, but he doesn’t really watch anime. He watches a lot of analysis videos on YouTube and if it’s interesting enough, he’ll watch it. This was the case for Cardcaptor Sakura, Fruits Basket, and Ergo Proxy.
He’s seen Phoebe Bridgers in concert with Nami. She also introduced him to Mitski.
Radiohead is probably his favorite artist. He also likes Paramore and Mitski
(Note: Before, I thought it was FATM, but a lot of my HC's and fanfic content heavily revolve around Radiohead. So, there's that. He probably still really likes FATM though. Same for Evanescence.)
He loves Metal Gear Solid and Death Stranding, and stuff like Half Life, Silent Hill, Portal, Overwatch and GMOD.
He likes watching Luffy play Skyrim and would probably be better than him if he played it.
He cried playing Shadow of the Colossus, Deemo, and Yomawari. He’s also cried playing some other games.
He went through an Undertale phase. He also cried playing it. He’d also be the person to spoil the whole route system, and would get annoyed if you don’t do “the good route”.
He really likes Batman. He prefers DC.
His favorite channel is Adult Swim.
If you show him Star Wars I-III he’ll make really funny jokes the entire time. He also really likes Chewbacca, Luke, and Obi Wan. And if you gift him a lightsaber you might find him on the deck late at night doing lightsaber tricks.
He LOVES Pikmin.
He sucks at MarioKart.
He’s really good at Smash Bros but he’ll silently rage quit if he’s doing bad or loses. His main is Cloud.
His favorite Pokémon is Lucario, but he also likes Bulbasaur. His favorite element is electric, so he also likes Espeon and Umbreon.
He does not participate in Secret Santa at the clinic.
This one’s kinda obvious but his favorite AOT character is Levi.
His favorite Demon Slayer characters are Rengoku and Nezuko. He bawled when Rengoku died.
His favorite BTS member is Jungkook.
When Pokémon Go was big, he used to drive Luffy, Chopper, and Nami around. Them and Kid and Killer would be fighting for Poke stops all the time, and leech (MaxMoeFoe reference) off their lures. Things would get so heated LOL
If you ask him to watch a Kdrama with you he’d hate it at first but then get really into it. He'd get so upset at any cliffhangers.
This one’s also obvious but he hates the color pink.
He doesn’t play Minecraft. And he probably wouldn’t in the foreseeable future.
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bigalockwood · 4 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Thanks @sunshine-rudberg for tagging me <3333
How many works do you have on Ao3?
What's your total Ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Young Royals. I used to write for other fandoms ages ago, but have no interest to write for any others right now.
Top five fics by kudos
(The results to this are kinda skewed, because I started posting my stories for users only after Royally Whipped, which drastically influences nr. of hits and kudos).
Royally Whipped
we'll make a home on the cracks (glowing review)
Simon Eriksson hates breeches
All Is Fair In Love and Secret Santa
arm-biting (vindictively)
Do you respond to comments?
I try my hardest, but when I was writing Royally Whipped I was insanely busy and got super behind on replying. So now I have a mountain of comments waiting for me to reply to . I'm trying my best to go through them and keep up with the comments coming in because of should've said no.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
No angsty endings for me. I guess in terms of what was angsty until close to the end, it would have to be glowing review.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Royally Whipped, I'd say. Season 3 completely derailed my plans for that one, so it's much less angsty than originially planned.
Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet. But I guess there's always first time for everything, right?
Do you write smut?
So far, no. Just weirdly suggestive scenes.
Craziest crossover:
Never written one.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. Hope it doesn't ever happen, either.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope! (As far as I know, at least.)
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
In an old fandom, yes. It was fun but also super messy and definitely far from my best work.
All time favourite ship?
Wilmon! No one does it like them.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
There's a bunch of stuff in my drafts, but most of those are just rouch ideas or random scenes. So no WIP. I'm usually very good at finishing them (though there is an abandoned twilight fanfiction on another website, but I'm not touching that one with a ten-foot pole).
What are your writing strengths?
Questions like that always throw me off, because I genuinely don't know. But I think I'm pretty good at coming up with metaphors for my characters feelings that are hopefully not too cringy to read.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I ramble. A lot. Other writers could probably tell my stories in three chapters and be done. I'm unable to do that. Also too many details in general. Pretty sure I overuse and repeat certain words all the time. Generally just don't know how to make anything concise.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I don't mind it when reading fanfic (actually barely notice), but personally choose not to use it. If the story is set in Sweden, then imo they're already speaking Swedish with each other, so no need to have them say Swedish words.
First fandom you wrote in?
Twilight lmao
Favourite fic you've written?
You're asking me to decide between my children??? Okay, I'll give it a shot. I think Royally Whipped will always have a special place in my heart because I wrote it in such a chaotic phase of my life. But I also really, really love Simon Eriksson hates breeches (I think it's very funny ngl) and had the best time writing glowing review.
No pressure tags @hergrandplan, @wilmonsfolklore, @gulliblelemon, @nerdyfangirl76, @iwouldnevergetintofanfic & anyone else who wants to do this (I could tag so many amazing people, but I have no idea who's already been tagged, other than those along side me)!
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pureanonofficial · 1 year
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Well, at least she's a good-looking spy.
1962 Cuban Missile Crisis/Spy Movie Chess au for @because-i-love-chess for the Chess Cherver's Secret Santa exchange! Creative decisions/thoughts about the au below the cut!
Anatoly's outfit takes major inspo from the youth counterculture movement in Russia at the time! The Stilyagi! I thought this would be a good way to show how he's not a "proper," Russian, but in a way that still read early 60s as opposed to the more famous counterculture movements of the late 60s/70s. Stilyagi dressed very Western, with zoot suits, plaid, bright colors -- unfortunately there's not a lot of color photos of them that I found online, so I took some creative decisions, and looked at the 2008 movie musical about them! Funnily enough, this idea all started with Anatoly quoting a Cole Porter term in canon! Now, would Anatoly be able to get away with wearing Stilyagi fashion as such a public figure? Probably not, but I thought it was an interesting enough choice that I could handwave it. At this point, Russia had started becoming a bit more Westernized, and so the stilyagi are starting to fall out of fashion. However, Anatoly is still kinda clinging to his youth in a way, and to his idea of what America could be.
In contrast, Florence is very modern American. The hair, the silhouette -- it's not quite what the idea of the 60s we have in our heads yet, but it's tending towards that! I wanted her to read as up to date as possible because this Florence was an adult when she left Hungary! So she's deliberately trying to be as American as possible to avoid suspicion.There's no ties to Hungary in her appearance in this point in the show. I think this Florence is very involved in trying to get her father back, and she has rather more ties to the American government than usual.
In style, I wanted to try to pay homage to some of my favorite mid-century illustrators. Coby Whitmore and René Gruau were especially the ones I looked to for this. I tried to take influence from Gruau's color choices and his trick of black lineart on the outside, colored lineart on the inside. So, this was a little bit of a study for me in trying to learn from artists I really like too!
I have become quite fond of this au actually! I'd have to do more research for it to come to anything, but it's been fun harking back to the original concept for Chess, and I'd love to make more stuff for it.
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cranberrv · 5 months
i think it’s finally time to fill u guys in on my roster LOL.. be prepared for blood sweat and tears
his name is geography cuz i met him in geo class for the first time! he looks like a skinny matt dillon w lighter hair, and he’s literally 6’1”. i used to like him sososooso much and when we sat together in a desk change i went feral!!!1! he’s sooo funny and i lowk miss when he was normal cuz he used to be so cute and awkward but now he’s so weird and immature ughhh. he asked me out last semester and i said no and i kinda regret it but idk i wanna like him so bad cuz i literally liked him FIRST but ig hes more like a friend. we argue a lot (teasingly) and its sooo obvious hes flirting with me and its so cute but i dont know.. maybe high school sweethearts maybe not (bye pov him to our future kid “ya ur mom liked me first then rejected me and then hated me and now likes me again and we r married and we had you”)
hehehehe hes so cute! he is blonde and goes to the school im transferring to and hes totes my type! (but then again my type is toxic red flags) we snap a lot and i quickadded him (whoops) but ive had my eye on his forever because his pfp on tiktok is so cute and we have mutual friends and i have been waiting for him to appear on my quickadd for forever! he wants me to move to the new school and thats sweet and he apologized for losing our 50 day streak :((( he was like “whoops mb” and i was like “abt what lmao” and he said “for losing our streak!” like awwwhhh u care! hes lowk depressed (i stalked his reposts) and he doesnt do super well in school but i can help him! hes my moms fave boy
mickey mouse:
i added him as a joke cuz hes only a couple years older than me and hes related to a celeb i like and i found his snap and he added me back and we’re snapping me full face and stuff. hes SO cute and i only just met him but he seems so sweet i stalked his insta
dw thats not his actual name its an inside joke! anyway the way i describe this is gonna sound like true love but i swear its not hehehe <3 ive known him since gr6 and we instantly clicked on a canoe trip and got along sooo well, talking to him for the first time is a core memory. we were homeschooled together during the pandemic and we started liking each other and it was middle school so it was obvs so innocent and adorable! he got me flowers and chocolate for secret santa when we were 12 :(( i lost feelings but he liked me for a whole year after and i promised we would date in high school and now its high school and i broke my promise. i feel bad lowkkk.. but anyway i heard me might like me again! we have been kind of distant recently because he became one of the “cool kids” and i became one of the “popular girls” so ig we’ re in super similar and close circles but idk we never talk. i ran into him at the gas station and hes still so cute tho
person d:
thats who i left jeremiah for LMFAOO we met in gr7 and he was in gr8 and i was instantly head over heels, he has a big nose and dusty brown hair and brown eyes and hes so cute awww :(( we barely talked in middle school but then we added each other and started full on talking! he was soooo sweet but he had his days when he was kind of a jerk. we argued a lot and i think he thought it was teasing each other but it does get a bit tiring. we stopped talking for a bit but were kind of back again, its so off and on. when its good its so good.
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phillipdiffy · 10 months
happy OFFICIAL secret Santa season! When I was a kid our cat would knock over our tree every year without fail so I understand your decorations pain. Since you mentioned it, what are some of your fave christmas/winter DCOMs and episodes?
my favorite holiday dcom is probably full court miracle, just because 1) theres so few hanukkah movies in general and 2) the premise that these kids just assume some guy is a reincarnation is so
also i havent seen the new one yet so maybe that'll be a new favorite, who knows!
im struggling to think of holiday episodes im looking forward to the most. i havent seen most of them in a bit so they're all just kinda combined in my head at the moment if that makes sense. i remember liking the ducktales ones so im looking forward to revisiting those!
for non disney stuff, i watch the spongebob episode "christmas who?" every year, and grandma got run over by a reindeer is very good and special to me
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lmelodie · 2 years
Ok SO!!! I just recently read through the entirety of the junior novelization of the Santa Clause 3 and yall. There's a handful of crazy stuff in here, and I see no one talking about it so I WILL. I didn't cover EVERY changed detail, but I think I did mention a lot of them lol.
I read the book so you dont have to!
So, some of the big changes between the Movie and the Novel:
The change probably everyone cares most about is that yes, Bernard is in it. But he basically shares character screentime with Curtis throughout the whole thing, very very minor role. Any scenes Curtis has during the movie, Bernard would also sometimes be there, and that's pretty much it. 
But the biggest shift story wise in the book is that Jack uses Curtis’s jealously of Bernard (Head elf position) and Curtis JUST TAKES JACK STRAIGHT TO THE HALL OF SNOWGLOBES HIMSELF. Just lets the man inside and explains the whole escape hatch thing. I don't think it's ever explicitly said but I think from this point on he just has the snow globe now for the entire rest of the time while he goes around fucking shit up. 
So that whole mess kinda shifts around some of the other events as a result. Jack and Lucy have a talk (So that he can distract her) way earlier then in the movie, after messing up just one machine. 
AND LUCY RECOGNIZES HIM IN THE NOVEL. She says Jack Frost? and he says YES! THATS ME! She talked about how she knows him as the guy to give us the first good winter freeze, and then she starts bringing up Christmas in association, which immediately brings down his mood about the whole thing. 
But because of the whole shifting of events here that also means that JACK NEVER FROZE LUCYS PARENTS IN THE BOOK. I don't even think he directly interacted with them at all.
And in the Book version when Scott gets reset to his Santa-less life, it's in the middle of a house party celebrating his new CEO job. And he gets all the supplementary information on his new life from a very confused very huge bodyguard/assistant, instead of the twink he talks to in the movie. 
When it gets to Santa Jack in the north pole, hes still described as being very wrong and off-putting (even actually scaring some of the children) but it's implied that the Santa look IS ALL FAKE. The clothing is very deliberately described as a COSTUME, and it describes how THE ENTIRE BEARD IS COMPLELY FAKE. LITERALLY GLUED TO HIS FACE. Even more of fraud then before. 
And it's revealed by Jack that after midnight that night, SCOTTS MEMORIES OF BEING SANTA WILL BE WIPED. HE’LL, JUST COMPLETLY FORGET ABOUT IT. 
And there is no secret mission for the snow globe back either. Lucy plays no part here. Scott just sneaks into the hall of snow globes, yoinks Jacks snow globe and then messes up his show. But he instead baits Jack into saying the magic words playing it off as memory loss. What magic words?
Finally, because Lucy's parents were never frozen in the book, there was no magical hug taking place after everything happened. And it seems that the concept of being thawed/frozen and magical hugs was thrown completely out the window here. So instead of a magical hug, Jack instead gets banished to the south pole as punishment.
And now for some not so big details about the book that I find interesting:
It's mentioned when Jack is talking to Carol that HE CANODICALLY HAS A MOTHER??? IMPLYING THAT ALL THE LEGENDARY FIGURES HAVE PARENTS??? I'm glad that its almost practically cannon that Jack has mommy issues confirmed. I take it as canon casual Winter Frost mention @safyresky​
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Speaking of the Legends! They actually get a little more time in the meeting at the beginning and therefore just a little more personality which I LOVE. There's a line that's describing Father Time brewing Sandy some coffee for him to stay awake. AND I QUOTE, “extra caffeinated triple espresso extremely strong coffee.” FT is a peach.
They just have some good lines in this meeting scene that just wasn't in the movie.
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Another really funny difference that I love is that in the book when fixing the sign JACK COMPLETLY FALLS OFF THE LADDER ALLTOGETHER. HE DOESNT KNOW HOW TO USE A HAMMER AND JUST FALLS OFF A ROOF HEIGHT LADDER. Icon
Charlie in the book, while being almost exactly the same, has a completely different girlfriend named Nikki. THAT SCOTT HAS NO IDEA ABOUT until she walks straight through the door while he’s visiting the family. And as a cover up Charlie told her that HIS DAD WORKS FOR THE CIA. AND SCOTT LOVES IT.
It should also be noted that while Bernard is in the book, Jack forgoes messing with him all together for his plan. A WISE decision. 
Scott actually has a pretty cool break scene thrown in there where he needs to clear his head, so he goes off to the reindeer stables to more or less hide from the chaos. He sits down on the floor with a comet and just cuddles with the reindeer for a little bit while he vents about his problems and it's actually really sweet.
And I also find it interesting that Laura was called in specifically to help delivery Carols baby. She was also the one in charge of the delivery room renovations while the in laws were visiting. Dr. Hismus is in the book and he’s there, but for some reason Laura also had to be there to deliver the baby. 
At the council meeting there was mention of Frostmas Dolls. I don't even wanna know what those would look like.
We also get a foreword by Bernard and Bman’s signature
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roppongi-division · 3 months
Zakari's Thoughts on Aomori Division
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Aoi Yamamura
"Hey, it's Wolfman Aoi! That's my personal nickname for him, FYI. He always gets exasperated when I call him that, but deep down, I think he likes it. I mean, hey, can you blame me?! He's known as "Aomori's Werewolf", his MC name is "Blue Wolf", and he's leading a team called "Howling Moon!" So, calling him something akin to a 'wolf' isn't so far off, right?"
"...Speaking of which, I wonder how he and Max from Kobe would react to each other if they met. I mean, Max-kun was the closest to an actual wolf-boy that I've met. ...But then again, my dad is known as 'Wolf of Shadows', so... Ahhh. I think I better stop before I give myself a headache."
"But truthfully, I like Old Man Aoi. I visited his shop out of curiosity last year during Christmas because I wanted to find some gifts during that whole 'Santa Shuffle' event going on that Chuohku made us all do. His place stocks some really good toys. It's my go-to place when it comes to toys and stuff. I even got my mom interested and now she likes it too. Ha, I did a good deed!"
Hisui Meguno
"I don't know him well, but I first met Hisui when my dad hired him to play violin for a song he was working for Jyushi and his band over in Nagoya. I don't exactly have an ear for music, but... it sounded pretty good from where I heard them outside of his recording studio. I'll admit, it's things like this that makes me think I should consider learning how to play an instrument. Maybe the drums or something."
"Aside from that, I don't know much about Hisui. To be honest, the guy's kind of a downer. Old Man Aoi tells me he has had to deal with a lot of trauma in his past, but didn't exactly expound on what. I... I can kinda feel for him in that regard..."
Ruka Shiina
"Ruka-chan! Can you believe she's a radio DJ, like my dad?! In fact, I think my dad was the one who inspired her to start DJing. I actually knew Ruka before she became a DJ. We both attend school together, but we didn't really talk to each other much. I recall my dad saying she used to call his radio show all the time. I didn't pay too much attention at first until I happened to have heard talking on the phone to my dad while on his radio show. It was then I realized she was the one dad was always talking about."
"One day after school, I approached her and asked if she wanted to meet the legendary 'Wolf of Shadows'. I could tell she was interested, but she didn't believe me when I said I could introduce her. I think she believed me even less when I said that he was my dad! But she followed me, nonetheless, and I welcomed her into my home where she met my parents, my mom, the nightclub owner, and my dad, the legendary radio DJ!"
"Since then, when she's not busy with her own radio show, Ruka will often come over to our house and either help my dad with his music, or she and I will study or play video games together. She's a really good player!"
Howling Moon
"Man, Wolfman Aoi really put together a pretty good team. I'm kinda curious to know what his reasonings are for entering, but he just said he had his own goal for the D.R.B. He didn't exactly state what. I gotta say, for a toy shop owner, the guy sure is secretive. ...But I guess everyone's got their own secrets or things that they don't exactly want to share out loud. Still, I'm kinda looking forward to see what he and his team can do. It'll be a really good show. I can tell!"
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etherealyoungk · 2 years
hmm hii skye i should be asleep but i was wrapping xmas gifts. but anyways hmm a fluff thought maybe seventeen and their favorite winter activity to do with their s/o ?
like i would imagine mingyu and -> holiday baking, seungkwan -> christmas carols, or like soonyoung -> hosting secret santa with s/o. stuff like that?
hello nico!! i kinda did something like this, you can read it here! but im always game to give you more so here are some more christmas seventeen thoughts!
hoshi hosting a secret santa with you sounds so cute! i can imagine him taking this very seriously and will probably look carefully into what you wanted and what he wanted to gift you with. he would be extra aware when you guys when out and he saw you lingering at an item, he'd make a mental note of that, one of the things that could be added in your potential gift list. he'd somehow noticed that you were being very subtle about the gift looking. "babe are you even looking for a gift for me?", he asks you in bed. "what do you mean of course? why would i not?", you ask. "just, you seem to be very subtle about it, haven't really seen you do anything?", he says, the tiniest hint of a pout forming on his lips. "it's called secret santa for a reason", you say deadpan. he just shrugs. "okay maybe you're not getting a gift", you say just to tease him and the frown and look of confusion that breaks out on his face makes you laugh. "im kidding", you say between laughs and he'll just hide his face before engulfing you in a bone crushing hug. "yeah if you don't give me a gift, i'll just assume you're my gift and keep you", he'll joke before kissing you.
christmas carols with seungkwan only you're not as good at singing as him and you're just too shy to sing in front of people. seungkwan would encourage you telling you how good you were when you practice singing in front of him but then when you saw the people gathered, you just couldn't do it and he let you go, giving you a peck on the cheek as he told you to just sit and watch. you'll watch him sing carols with his sweet voice and smile because it helped calm you down a bit and make you feel better. you could see how much fun seungkwan was having though and you loved that.
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peaterookie · 4 months
PREVIOUSLY ON PEATER'S INSANE RAMBLING ABOUT HIS OC - part 1 here :) i seriously recommend reading this first.
and yknow what? I should probably cover all of the christmas perrins all in a row because getting rid of all of them rn would better fit the writing flow better-
oh. there's a picture limit. god fucking damn!!! see you later then!!!
okayyy here's the later that everybody had asked for. we were talking about christmas perrins last time, got it.
~Christmas Perrins ~ peater gets sidetracked talking about his favorite holiday
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combining all four christmas peaters will grant you the ultimate christmas weapon i think.
I used to host two Secret Santa events on the Sony Sketch Amino, where my ocs starred as the host of those events and got their special little designs and such. it was really fun... maybe there will be a third secret santa perrin in the future........
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i also wanna show you these art i made for the event. the characters beside perrin are part of his #awesome gang called the pinwheel quintet
left to right is berry(blue girl), audie (yellow they), and lu (red guy) ofc perrin is the green creature. the four genders.
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wow that improvement kinda go hard though
the third christmas perrin is aaaallso from a pinwheel quintet drawing!!! not much lore but i found the design cool.
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can you guys tell that i like christmas
~ 2020 - 2021 ~ Thieves are coming to town!!!
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March 2020 Perrin was a hallmark in his design history i think because for starters, I finally cracked the code on his design and how I want to draw him!
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If you had paid attention to how his hair was drawn, which is completely understandable if you didn't its ok, he has always had a tuff of hair that completely sticks out. sadly, i dont think this was ever obvious to people given how it blends in way too easily when it's positioned towards the right, so i moved it towards the left to make it pop out a little.
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his hair has always been a bit inconsistently drawn throughout the years, but i think after this you will notice that i start styling it very consistently because i started finally *getting it* around this time.
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hopefully this makes it better for people to understand. listen. i had to suffer drawing those early designs so you guys still sit and listen to me complain about a 12 year old's shitty character design.
along with a new design for Perrin, Kirbypeater also makes a comeback after being shafted for almost 4 years!!
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I mainly picked him back off from his mid 2015 design, but made some refinements and changed the direction of his tuff of hair lol. I also made him a separate character from perrin kinda. he's a bit more child-like and friendlier than the human perrin.
2020 also brings two new awesome AUs onto the table!! The first one being based off of Persona 5, where the Pinwheel Quintet becomes Phantom Thieves and such. This was made for an art challenge in Sony Sketch Amino and I did a whole fanfic for it but it's really bad.. I'm not showing you.
All I can tell about the story is I think i turned evil or something and their superpowers got taken away, so now they gain the persona powers and shit and they have to steal my heart to turn me good again.
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Second au is also from a Sony Sketch Amino art challenge. Created by the same friend that made that one reference sheet of underswap sans lol (hi yan) and the story was co-written by meeee!!
This challenge revolves around a detective mystery, where the participants are given the plot and a prompt per week, each week the story updates giving them more details on the mystery and they eventually have to find out the perpetrator of the crime and stuff.
The story i think goes that a rich ass woman invites people to her party to see her awesome shiny diamond and so people come and then uh oh! the diamond's gone!! so then the detective (yan's oc) goes up to you like ur gonna investigate this with meee and then they do that and a bunch of stuff happens and oh my god peater's the thief all along?!?!?!? holy shit!!!
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credit to @hinatas--oj for the art. haha. didn't expect to see this drawing in a while huh.
that story was so fun to make though. so then we made it into an au and i think my friend is making that story into a visual novel game!! so excited!! woohoo!!!!
ok, moving on.
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holy moly!! new design again!!!
heavily deviating from the usual striped sweater, i completely abandoned the original story i wrote for him and wrote a different one, so that's why he looks really different.
oh yeah, i completely forgot to mention the cheeks on the ref before this. that was added as a little nod to him being heavily inspired by chara undertale back then. check chara's design they have pink cheeks :)
i think he was supposed to be a bounty hunter or something iunno that whole thing was also scrapped.
also i added his 7th birthday design on there because it kinda kicks ass.....
~ 2021 - 2022 ~ The AU Era
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hooohhh boy
look I'm gonna be frank with you guys, I don't think this era was exactly my proudest. I think it's because the more we approach the present, this is gonna be the thing closest to the current me. you can kinda excuse all the other embarassing stuff from the earlier ones because i was young but honestly i dont like looking at this stuff sometimes 😭
but it's okay!!! this era is super cringe but it's time to fucking ball!!!
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icky style.
this one was just me refining the prev design a bit more. i think i might added too much detail though. also he looks really fruity here which is just really funny to look back on now
speaking of fruity, some of you might've noticed that he also went by any pronouns in this ref and the prev. this was sorta something randomly added that gets retconned later on. (he does by he/him only now.) this doesn't mean he's cis though. he could be trans? or a third mysterious thing? who knows.
also! the introduction of peater piper!! his pipe weapon!!! it is the most powerful pipe to ever touch fiction. i felt like the baton thing wasn't anything significant enough + severe downgrade from the sword so i changed it to a pipe. feels like it fits his sewer rat vibe.
i think this stage was just particularly experimentative, going in very strange directions that i dont usually take so you're gonna see a lot of strange characters popping up now.
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awright!!! let's tackle these three now!!
Swap Perrin - So you remember the Lu guy i mentioned during the christmas part? Well i made a funny swap au once and peater gets swapped roles with Lu! he is acoustic and likes hamsters.
Harlequin Rabbit - There's a lot of drawings i made of him but this is the only bareable one i can find. this bastard is a fucking god of the rabbits or some shit and he can travel through worlds but he's a FUCKING ASSHOLE and a FUCKING LOSER and EVERYPERRIN BULLIES HIM!!! I ALSO HATE HIM!!!!!
SpaceBun - This cute motherfucker is from a story that Lu imagines in his funny little brain of his where he's an awesome bunny space ranger and perrin is like, his love interest character kind of. she kinda has godly powers? she's a sweetheart. i love her. you should love her too. (also by far the hardest to draw and color in my drawing because she actually doesn't have a real reference sheet.
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alright, more aus.
Roboperry - Not actually an AU, but they kinda snuck in there as part of the perrin group through a simple doodle i made. A friend became REALLY obsessed with it and now it's part of my story along with normal Perrin. They're a sweet little idol robot that loves Perrin very much <3
YanLu Perrin - AU where Lu is a yandere that wants to GET PERRIN!! honestly this guy's just a blank slate, wow, almost like senpai from yandere simulator, which this was based off of!!
P5PT - He's back!! with a fresh look!! Lookin' cool, Perrin.
OmorPea - yeah.
Demon AU - Based off of this vietdrama i saw of a group of witches living in the human world and terrorizing their neighbors with their magical powers. This instead is Perrin being a demon and terrorizing the neighborhood by being fucking evil.
AstroDome AU - AU where Audie (the yellow they) is a sad starving child that tries to sleep off their pain by being in their dream world. Perrin in the dreamworld is one half of a powerful crow god and he is a fucking bastard!!!
MM AU - Also new design!! He's not seen above but I do wanna talk about his character a bit. He grew up in a poor family and due to a series of unfortunate events, had to abandon his family and live on his own, deciding to become a thief to survive. Though he didn't want to live like this, he gets extremely good at his job and becomes an infamous thief in the cities. I think this AU was part of the reason why i got really into lupin iii later on
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All of these Perrins were in like a Perrinverse situation where they interacted with each other and I drew a shit ton of art for them. All of these AUs, aside from Masquerade Mystery, AstroDome, Roboperry are now defunct and not being used sadly. It was fun while it lasted.
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~ 2024 ~ Now?
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Okay, last one to go through.
This one really got slapped with the Monkey Punch art style lmao. Not to say that's a bad thing, he looks pretty awesome. It was honestly really hard to draw him right in my new style, it took quite a while to get used to it but it was all worth it!!!
Will there be a couple more changes to his design in the future? maaaaybe.. But I'm happy with how he is now, the previous design got way too out of hand with the details.
With this post approaching its end, I wanna say to Perrin: I'm deeply sorry that I couldn't care for you well enough these recent years!!! I am very occupied with current projects, and while I'm unable to care for you now, you are more than just a character, you are an intergral part of my life and I will never forget that. With you reaching 10 years of age now, I promise that one day through these next 10 years that I will come back to you again with even more energy and passion that I had in the past. But for now, have this post and the drawing as a present from me to you :)
And thank you for whoever read BOTH POSTS through the end!! you are fucking wild and I would really love to hear what you thought of Perrin and his lore. I really wonder how long this took to read actually
uh what if i made it longer
and a bit longer
and a biiiiiit longer
maybe a biiiiiiiiiiit mo-
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abnerkrill · 2 years
2022 Year End Fic Review
tagged by @jeynepoole, thanks friend!!
1. What is your AO3 account?
it is apo_mekhanes -- blame my 2 years of ancient greek and my preference for greek over latin :)
2. How many words did you write total in 2022?
394,596, which feels unhinged because it was also the year of my thesis and graduating university. girl help. this is also not counting original stuff, probably another 30/40k?
3. How many fics did you publish in 2022? How many multichapters vs oneshots?
i unfortunately Do Not finish things often, so let's see. 12 oneshots on ao3 versus 33 multi-chaptereds, but at least 5 of the multi-chapters only have 1 chapter at this time, lol.
4. What was your longest fic? Your shortest fic?
longest: the abner/reader love should make you feel good at 92,012 words, but about half of it was written in '21. shortest: the kieren/simon you can hear it in the silence, for the taylor swift prompt fill, at 463.
5. What was your most popular fic? Your least popular fic?
most popular based on kudos: obviously again love should make you feel good. least popular: between the daylight and the deep sea, the angsty eliot spencer hurt/comfort that was just posted for leverage secret santa in december, at 7 kudos.
6. What fic didn’t perform as well as you thought it would?
ngl i thought people would go for elendil/female character more! maybe i should actually get around to the sex scenes or something. or maybe people just aren't into sub!elendil? much to think about
7. What fic performed way better than you thought it would?
the elrond/durin really exploded in popularity, probably due to being posted in the last week of of ROP airing. i knew people were into the ship but it's like, really popular, which kinda psyched me out of finishing it oops....!!! soon, probably. probably.
8. What was your favorite fic you wrote from 2022?
i'm very partial to my magnum opus and ship i originated and captain all on my own, the elrond/adar crushed by the wheel and reshaped by the gear, as well as the intensely tragic adar/arondir no wasted love. spot the similarities (it's someone loving adar.)
9. What was your favorite fic that somebody else wrote in 2022?
i'm gonna do a 3-way tie. there's ready to serve by @aadmelioraa; this fic rewired my brain. thanks! (crying.) next is @brynnmclean's fell in love with the fire long ago, which made me care about mairon and ship a version of haladriel, to my great shock and dismay. and finally there's a fresh start by @wildwren. unlocked potentials in my mind for arondir/bronwyn, who were lowkey boring to me until this fic made me experience galaxy brain connections. i owe you all my life. i love you rop mutuals (roptuals?)
10. Tag your friends to do this year-end fic review as well!
@reynaofrivia @salzundhonig @ongreenergrasses @firstelevens @elrondsscribe @murraybaeman @charlybaltimore @brynnmclean @capondi @moonatoms @geislieb and anyone else who'd like to participate!!
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luonscribbles · 2 years
Alright! So here’s the comment!
The plot thickens!
Okay, so now we have some more stuff to work with in order to figure out who has who!
…I mean, just like four things, but they might really help!
Okay, so A HUGE HINT that you gave is that Piranha most certainly doesn’t have Wolf! Which means that he HAS to have either Shark or Diane!
Second, it seems like Snake doesn’t want Shark to see what he bought (maybe because it’s for Shark? Or maybe because he doesn’t trust Shark not to blab, Shark DID spoil the honeymoon surprise after all!)
Third, Piranha mentioned that there’s “huge pressure” to find a really good gift, which to me sounds like he probably has Shark.
And finally, Shark mentioned that the gift that Snake bought smelt ‘flowery’ which I think means that Snake either bought perfume or (and this one is much more likely since it would be a SET) one of those bath sets! Which means…!
…It could go either way…Diane’s job is rather taxing so a bath set would be nice to help her unwind…and Shark seems like the kind of guy who’d treat himself to a nice relaxing bubble bath with candles and music.
So, with these new developments in mind, I’m gonna lock my prediction for who’s who’s secret santa!
(SS=Secret santa R=Receiver)
(SS)Webs—>[R] Piranha
(SS)Piranha —>[R] Shark
(SS)Snake —>[R]Diane
(SS)Shark —>[R] Wolf
Um, fun fact. I actually misread Wolf’s dialogue as “Gotta bounce. SHARK wants to go put his present in the car.” 
So…that threw me for a loop, until I re-read it and realized my mistake! (Which is pretty stupid considering how flirty Wolf was when he answered the phone, imagine…and right in front of Piranha too!) Oh, and it just further proves my prediction! Originally (when I misread) I thought Shark was going to ask Snake if he could unlock the car to put his gift in, but now I realize it was likely advice for his gift for Wolf!
…But while I do have an idea of who’s getting for who…I still don’t know WHAT they’ll be getting!
So lets start ✨speculating✨
Wolf —> Webs
-We know that Wolf got Webs something for her setup! But we don’t quite know what that something is yet! All we know is the general idea and that it’s twenty five dollars…so like…a mouse pad, a new mouse maybe?
Diane —> Snake
-Oh my god. Is Diane seriously buying Snake a guinea pig? It has to be that! I have no idea what else it could possibly be!
Webs —> Piranha
-Well, we at least know that she ISN’T getting him socks or something like that.
-Snacks maybe?
Piranha —> Shark
-Both the audience and Piranha are both unsure what he’ll be getting for Shark at this point (if that is who he is buying for!)
Snake —> Diane
-So I already kinda covered this but I’ll just list what I think here as well.
Shark —> Wolf
-No clue! Zilch! Na-dah! Zip!
Anyways, love this story! Keep up the amazing work, Luon!
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I love how you take the time to write these, and so glad you're invested in the deep and intriguing plot of the secret santa story hehe
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