#what is this chaotic energy we are getting rn
pallases · 2 years
tbh i miss the hs band atmosphere
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
Okay but like you guys know how Toji killed Riko Amanai because she was the star plasma vessel and he hates the Jujutsu world?
Imagine that after killing Riko and just narrowly escaping Gojo and Getou, promising to kill every Star plasma vessel just to spite them, he has a daughter- you, and its revealed that you're the next star plasma vessel, a perfect match for Tengen to merge with and prevent forced evolution, and now Gojo and Getou are sent put to capture you and bring you to Tengen.
And they go, not because they want to bring you to Tengen, but because they want to protect you from Toji, only to find out that you're his daughter that has him wrapped around her tiny finger and oh oh THE HYPOCRISY???? So as long as you're his daughter, TOJI WONT KILL THE STAR PLASMA VESSEL?????
Ans Toji's all like- "ohh you guys don't need to worry about Y/n, I'll take care if her and protect her from anyone and everyone. Yall better leave rn unless you want to have a horrible death." Meanwhile, toddler reader is just in her own little world as she's spinning around in circles because it's fun when the world is spinning and makes her stumble.
Anyways, Gojo and Getou don't believe him, and even if they did, they won't just let him go that easily because fuck that guy, he killed a teen and now has the gall to stand there like he didn't kill an innocent kid.
And Gojo is all like "fuck that, we gonna kill your kid too bitch." He's not, but he's gonna make sure Toji feels scared and doomed before dying.
Immediately, Toji has whipped out all of his weapons, pushing you behind him, and just then, out of thin air, the entire Zenin clan appears to Toji's aid because yes, they hate Toji too, but they adore you and they eint letting white haired bitcha and his emo Buddha bf take you.
As the battle begins, there's someone from the clan who's keeping you safe, moving you away from the battle ground so that you don't end up getting hit, and obviously, they put some headphones and sensory videos on their phone to keep you distracted from the fight. Meanwhile, there is absolute chaos on the field, Getou and Gojo being merciless as they kill one clan member after another.
Eventually, one of the attacks ends up blowing away your "bodyguard" and you're just there alone, unattended and unsupervised, so naturally, you look to the ground and see Gojo wielding Hollow Purple, and you don't know what that is except for a purple orb and since your dear uncle Naoya had been forcing you to take tutoring from the best teachers in tge world, you had learned color theory and immeadiately, without knowing the consequences of your actions, you throw out a yellow orb directly at the purple orb because you were taught in art class that "yellow cancels out purple", but now everyone is looking at you like "did a kid just- neutralise the most powerful Jujutsu technique???? Without so much as breaking a sweat?" And you're just giggling nd jumping up and down, calling out to Naoya "see uncle Naoya??? Those classes were not a waste of money!"
And that's when everyone noticed-
You're alone.
Naobito is immediately yelling at Toji to "collect your chaotic child before she reveals more of her powers and becomes everyone's target!" And Gojo is like "??? Um wtf?? Did a child just beat me???", while getou is springing into action to get his hands on you before Toji can.
Toji beats him to it, grabbing you with one hand while the other pulled out his sword. Getou summoned his own curses to help him attack Toji and simultaneously save you. As the two began fighting, Gojo sent another attack to Toji, who in an attempt to save you, shielded you with his body while taking the impact of hit.
As Toji was down, you were taken away from him by Getou, and while you didn't understand just what happened to your dad, you were becoming distressed as he didn't respond to you. And with your distress came a change in your cursed energy, which Getou recognised and he knew sooner or later, you will have an outburst of energy and hurt everyone in the process, because you're just a kid who doesn't how powerful she is.
So, yanking on Gojo's shoulders and telling him to leave the other members of the clan because they need to leave right now, the three of you teleported out of there.
Anyways, Gojo and Getou decide to take you in because there's no way they're giving you to Tengen, and taking you back to the Zenin clan was also out of the question, AND not to mention, they want to discover more about your cursed energy and help you control it. I mean, Getou wants to help you learn your powers and also give you a normal childhood, Gojo is slighted that he got beat by a child who didn't know what she was doing and he's low key concerned if you're gonna be a threat in the future. So... why not just take you in, and act like your parents because you're a gullible child who'll believe anything, and really has the attention span of a goldfish.
And at first, things were great because Gojo was like a chaotic parent who adored bullying you, while Getou was the calm and collected parent who helped you calm down as you swore you were gonna Hollow Purple Gojo if he kicks the back of your knees one more time. But everything changed when Getou parted ways with Gojo because he wanted to "kill humanity because they're all selfish and cruel🥰" and Gojo was like "babe, no, it's my job to be the sadistic one as a joke and you're the one who's supposed to laugh and say no, humans need us to protect them🥺" but Getou is like no, fuck that. And then Getou is like, well you can give Y/n to me because I love children and I love taking care of her, and Gojo is like "no." While holding a very struggling child that wants to scratch his face off, and Gojo only said no initially just so that there's something for Getou to come back. He knows how attached and fond Getou has grown over you. But Getou just sighs and goes "aight. Shared custody it is then. See you in 8 months, Y/n! Give your papa a kiss🥰" and you do.
And yeah, everyday since Getou departure, you can see the changes in Gojo's behaviour. It's not bad exactly, he's depressed for sure, and he's doubting his principles every step of the way, BUT he's kinder to you and to humans in general now. Meanwhile, whenever you do meet papa Getou, with Gojo's supervision cause my man doesn't trust Getou to not take you away and turn u into a killing machine, you can see the changes in Getou's personality too. He may still have that same kind, noble, shaman facade going on, but you see the way he looks down on the weak and on the non sorcerers. You see how he uses people as means to achieve his ultimate goal. Sure, you can also see that he still adores you, but you... dont know if you still love him with his view of the world.
Then one day, it happens. Gojo has finally killed Getou, not because of any ill intent, but because he simply threatened his students and the innocent people of Japan. And even though you knew this day wold eventually come, you still didn't forgive Gojo for a long time. You cried and fought against him, until Gojo had to eventually knock you out just so that your breakdown wouldn't unleash cursed energy and endanger everyone.
After Getou's death, Gojo's behaviour towards you and in general did a whole 180. He became the kinder, softer, gentle parent towards you. The empathetic teacher who pushed you but also consoled you when you failed, instead of the previous Gojo who would ridicule you for failing to master a technique.
Getou's death had definitely changed Gojo in other ways too. He had become more protective of you, always keeping you around because he couldn't bare the thought of losing someone else (Riko, Getou, etc). He keeps a close on you, watchubvvyour development and progress like a hawk because he knows you will soon be wanting to help him on missions, or worse, go solo. He doesn't want that, he can't have that. So the more you push Gojo to let you be independent, the more he tells you to sit down and practice more because you're just not ready yet.
Then one day, you reach your braking point and just- leave when Gojo is busy with his students. And this turned out to be a big mistake because the moment you had left Jujutsu High, it seemed like you were surrounded by thousands of enemies. Everyone wants to either kill you or capture you, and you don't even know why (because Gojo never revealed to you about your family or you being the star plasma vessel). Fortunately, you had trained enough to fight these assassins, and by the time you were done, you were tired and wanted to return back to Jujutsu High, but before you could, someone knocked you out.
When you woke up, you were lying in bed in a traditional Japanese home. Soon, a man with blonde hair came in, introducing himself as your uncle Naoya. He revealed who you were, how he was your family, how he saved you from Gojo, the man who stole you and killed his family members.
Of course, you call bs because why wouldn't you?? Naoya gives major prick vibes without trying so yeah, you didn't trust him at all. Then he pulled out pictures of you, of Toji and everyone else, and you vaguely remembered them, but not enough to believe him because Naoya could just be manipulating you to be compliant for human trafficking.
And then he takes you to another room, on the way you see a lot of other people who are looking at you fondly and have tears in their eyes, they seem like they want to say something or touch you, but Naoya glares at them to move away. Eventually, you reach a door and on opening it, you see a man sitting on a wheelchair, looking away from you.
"Who's that?" You asked as Naoya gently pushed you in. He walked towards the man, turning his wheelchair around and your breath hitched-
"Y/n, meet Toji, your-"
"Dad?" You whispered, recognising him as memories flashed through your mind. How- how could you have forgotten him all these years?
Tears began flowing down your face as you saw his miserable state- his face emotionless, the man was missing an arm, and he looked pale and weak.
"Gojo did this to him." Naoya began. "While your father was fighting, Gojo tried to purple Hollow you. But Toji took the hit instead, protecting you. He almost died that day, but with a little cursed energy, we were able to save him." He sighed, patting Toji's shoulder. "Unfortunately, he is paralysed. The cursed technique we tried to save him, has sent him into a vegetative state. He can't move, can't speak, doesn't even react."
More tears fell as you began questioning if Gojo really did this. Then again, if he was so innocent, why did he never tell you who your father really was.
"Why- why did you bring me here?" You asked.
Naoya scoffed. "Why wouldn't I? I had to save you from that monster. Look at what he did to your father! How could have I just leave you with him? You belong here, with your family, with your clan!"
"I cant- I can't stay here." You said, tearfully.
"Why not?"
"Because Gojo will find me. And when he does, he will hurt you all. I- I can't have that-" but Naoya pulled you into a hug as you began sobbing into his chest, heart heavy with guilt at the sight of your father.
"Shh, its okay. This is not your fault. You didn't do this, Gojo did. Which is precisely why you must stay here, with me and with your father. Besides, you don't need to worry about Gojo. I'm not a weak sorcerer, yknow? And not alone either. Plus, I remember you neutralising Gojo's attack pretty easily as a child. I'm sure you're better at it now. Obviously, not better than your uncle, I mean who are we kidding? No ones better than me-"
Yeah, you're remembering Naoya alright now.
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Meanwhile, Gojo is losing his mind and is on a murder spree through Japan to find you. He doesn't even know who fucking took you, and Naoya may not be as strong as Gojo, he is pretty good at hiding, like a rat.
Besides, Gojo isn't the only who's looking for you.
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Opening scene and Earth's got vibe-checked by God and I've been gaslit about the dinosaurs
GARDEN OF EDEEEEEN wow his first appearance and Aziraphale's already so prissy and flustered might fuck around and fall in love with him idk
I finally understand who these mf's are hi Hastur and Ligur you're not zombies after all
idk sister mary loquacious is kinda doing it for me rn with that satanic nun's habit and losergirl energy
third crowley scene and he's misplaced THE LITERALLY GODDAMNED ANTICHRIST because he made small talk with a bloke outside without checking for details
mmmmhm yes sister mary wink again your bitchless decisions are sexy y'know what i mean
Gabriel feels like his brain was eviscerated and replaced with one of those youtuber's paid course promos at the end of their how to change your life in 45 days: three simple mindset shifts video
mmmhm yes sure crepes French revolu--Crowley stop eye-fucking Aziraphale you're making everyone at the Ritz horny
Aziraphale don't moan into your food man you can't take these two anywhere
Crowley thanking the driver for slowing down is everything to me
And they're drunk hu-fucking-zzah good thing we'll have 11 year olds saving the world coz these fuckers sure ain't doing shit
What Aziraphale was doing back was definitely kissy faces though that mfer wasn't even trying to say bouillabaisse when Crowley said what sounded suspiciously like baby
kissy kissy from lil miss prissy [i would have made such a great high school bully shame i had no inclinations that way]
oop nun down nun down
i want ya see a wile ya thwart amirite on a t-shirt
"actually i encourage humans to-" just say you're a lazy bitch azi we love you
love crowley fake-manipulating azi into helping like azi wants to be manipulated y'know so it's not technically his fault he was wiled over or whatever and they're both just such ENABLERS
not azi going SOFT at being godfathers with crowley
why is nanny ashtoreth so seductive with that of course dear is it just crowley's inherent disastergirl sex appeal
erIC THE DISPOSABLE DEMON I DIDN'T KNOW THEY COME IN S1 well not come i hope unless being eaten by a hellho--nope
gonna give my roxie a kissy brb she's my angel and all this dog talk makes me miss her (she's a few feet away under the bed)
i asked her for a kissy and she crawled out and gave me a kiss i love her
...roxie's crying to be taken downstairs it's nearly 2 am this is on me for waking her up i crowley'd myself fml
EYYYYY WELCOME TO THE END TIMES don't mind me I'll have to take roxie down yes I know maggots I'm crowley-coded I KNOW THAT I'M A BLOODY DISASTER BYEEEEEEEE
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d1ana-m0nd · 2 months
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╭─► ❝The Servant: Umbrella Academy's Servant❞
Five Hargreeves × Female! Reader || Written by Diana (d1ana-m0nd)
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➢ Description : A Q&A video with Y/R/N and Aidan Ghallagher featuring a special guest that no one expected.
➢ Word Count : 2,390
➢ Links : Masterlist && Character Profile
➢ Note : Not gonna lie, I am uncomfortable about writing a real person 😭, well, real people in general. That's why in this fanfic, Mr. Gallagher may come off as OOC. So please don't be surprised that I focused more on the reader's chaotic energy to contrast with Mr. Gallagher's tame personality. For the record, Y/R/N means your real name.
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Q&A with Aidan Gallagher and Y/R/N ft. Special Guest
Aidan Gallagher smiled, his dimples defining his cheeks, and smiled, “Hey guys! So today we will be having a Q&A again with Y/R/N.”
The actress beside Aidan wore a big smile, she raised her hands and her limbs while the stool she sat on was unbalanced which ended up with her falling on her back. “Ow! Ow!”
“I already warned you, so I’m not even gonna bother saying it.” The brunette chuckled lightly, as he assisted his fellow co-actor to stand up.
“Shut it, Gallagher.” Y/R/N rolled her eyes and turned her attention to the camera, “Anywho, the Q&A will be brief since there were only two questions sent to us.”
The actor noticed the co-actor wore a slightly disappointed look, prompting an amused look to settle on his face. “I thought you didn’t want to stay in the studio that long.”
“I mean, yeah, I don’t wanna stay that long,” She rolled her eyes along with the card she was reading, “But, why does my manager get a lot of questions!?”
“It's not my fault, I’m more interesting than you.” A voice behind the camera called in, prompting the actress to flip off the bird at her manager. Conveniently, the camera cuts off.
ㅤㅤㅤ❲ T H E ☕ S E R V A N T ❳
The brown-haired male read the question out loud, “So the first question is from @groovydazephantom - My question for both Aidan and Y/R/N is whether they have played any pranks on each other or have they played a prank together on an unsuspecting victim?”
“This doesn’t count as a prank. One time, my manager and I were making maruya, it is called ‘banana barbeque’ in English, and well, Aidan walked in on us making them. He asked what we were making. And at the time, I was not paying attention to the conversation because I was watching over the bananas, though my manager had a brain fart at the time. After all, she forgot what maruya was called in English so she just said ‘vegan barbeque’.” The girl recounted as she struggled to bite back a laugh.
“Imagine my surprise when I found out that the barbeque was very sweet.”
The actors laughed in unison, Y/RN was leaning her arm on Aidan’s shoulder as she was laughing as the boy covered the lower part of his face and used his free hand to settle on his thigh. Once they both calmed down, the actress retracted her arm from her friend’s shoulder.
Aidan answered, “Though to answer that question, we have never played any pranks on one another. Well, not intentionally, at least.”
The (your hair color) haired girl read it loudly. “Moving onto the second question, the second question is from @inkedeye2345 - I have a question for Y/R/N and Aidan, do you guys romantically like each other, or just in a friendly kind of way? Cause I kinda ship-”
With a confused expression on her face, the actress turned to the co-star. “Am I too affectionate on camera, enough for them to misinterpret it?”
“Well, I can see why they would misinterpret it but,” The actor grinned at his friend, “You're just physically affectionate. Behind the scenes, Y/R/N is very affectionate with the other actors and staff, she gives surprise hugs from behind or tackles them with hugs. That’s why most of the posts with Y/R/N are just her holding onto someone or hugging them.”
“Well, besides me being physically affectionate to my co-workers and my friends. Please remember that we are friends first, and coworkers second, who are working in the same show, so we would appreciate it if you did not ship us so our working environment isn’t affected. You can ship the characters we play as because, obviously, they are meant to be each other’s love interests but, please don’t let your shipping be overwhelming to the point that it affects our careers.”
The brunette looked at the actress mildly surprised though he seemed proud but, instead took advantage of the situation to tease her. “Oh wow, I didn’t think you had a brain in there-” The girl got off her stool and was ready to wrestle him then, the cameras cut.
ㅤㅤㅤ❲ T H E ☕ S E R V A N T ❳
A girl with a light blue pixie bob cut comes into the frame and sits on the stool. She straightened herself and fixed her bangs a bit even though it still covered her eyes. Several hair accessories decorated her hair as she wore a black long-sleeved shirt underneath, layered with a graphic t-shirt and a pair of green cargo pants.
She shyly waves at the camera and then speaks, “Hi! I’m Diana, Y/R/N’s manager and today I’m here to answer the questions that were sent to me.”
“For this special chapter- And yes, I am breaking the fourth wall because, at the moment I am drained from writing the fifth chapter.” Diana ‘looks’ away with a strained expression as she covers the lower half of her face, “I don’t think my brain and back can handle another writing session. That’s pretty much why this chapter is very scuffed.”
“Besides, I wanted to spoil you guys for my eight-month absence so I went out of my way to write a long chapter and a bonus chapter for you guys. So here you go! And just for clarification, I would have done a Q&A between Aidan and Y/R/N for this chapter special but I didn’t receive enough questions from the last chapter so I decided to just make a chapter special focused on (what I believe to be) questions the readers have in mind.”
Q1: What’s your writing process?
This is rather complicated since I have two writing processes. However, I took the time to make two flowcharts just to show the process with a brief explanation included. By the way, the flow chart templates used in this post do not belong to me, I used the free templates that were available in Canva.
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If you want an in-depth explanation regarding the process, just ask me in the comments or send an ask regarding it because I’m willing to delve further into the process. I’m not going to go into detail here because I don’t think some people are interested in that but, I am allowing you guys to reach out to me if you want writing advice or want to learn more about writing.
Q2: Why do you take so long to publish a chapter?
Firstly, I have ADHD. For the record, I am not using it as an excuse, just dropping it off because you guys need context. Due to my late discovery of the disability, I started with a messy life with me struggling with school, my hobbies, and my mental health. Thus, led me to keep pushing off my passion projects, like this writing blog.
Secondly, I had a boyfriend at one point, and now he’s my ex-boyfriend. Before I discovered my ADHD, I made an unwise decision to confess to that jerk, then, later on, dedicate my 6 months to that jackass, only to realize how it was one-sided, only to find out that he accepted my confession out of pity then, and then found out from him that he cheated on me. Besides that unwise decision, at the time, I thought I would dedicate more of my time to him if I stopped my hobbies to spend more time with him.
And lastly, I am in college, like everyone else I was cursed with growing up, and I am taking a lot of time to adjust to this new environment. It doesn’t help either that I am still trying to organize my life with the help of professionals and a lot of research on my end. At the moment, I want to focus on adjusting to this environment before I integrate my hobby.
In conclusion, external factors like my disability and my new environment are the reasons why I take so long to publish. We do not talk about thy ‘boyfriend ’ since he doesn’t exist in Ba Sing Se.
Q3: What do you use for your writing?
Google Document / Notes - auto-save, on the phone you can write offline
Google Translate - read the text(s) out loud to analyze if it sounds natural
Tumblr / Pinterest - prompts, dialogues, ideas
Grammarly - edit
Wordtune / Quillbot - paraphrase
Power Thesaurus - gives definition and synonyms
Q4: Do you plan on making another fanfic series in the future?
I plan to make two more fanfic series for ‘One Piece’ and ‘Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse’.
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If you have any questions regarding making fanfic or writing in general, feel free to drop them in my ask box or the comments in this post! I’ll answer them to the best of my ability but, I cannot promise I will respond on time though. So I apologize in advance for the late response.
Q1: Why did you discontinue ‘The Servant’ fanfic series? Do you plan to pick it up and finish it in the future?
If you missed the announcement, here's the post. And I responded to the second question in this ask. If I do change my mind in the near future, I will make an announcement regarding it.
Q2: What are the things you wanted to add in the fanfic but never got to?
➢ In season 2, I was debating whether Y/N would be a bartender or a pole dancer. I couldn’t really decide so I planned to make a poll once I finished writing season 1.
➢ In season 2, I was thinking of giving Y/N a scythe. However, I dismissed the idea since I was not sure how the fight scene with Lila worked, the final battle I mean.
➢ In season 3, Y/N is a bellgirl assisting around the hotel, and a girl tries to flirt with her but the girl is awkward about it and ends up asking her friend (in their native language) what she should do. Y/N understands their conversation and misinterprets it as the girl being unable to speak English so she speaks to them in their native tongue. You can imagine how that ends lol.
➢ In season 3, when Victor comes out, Y/N is supportive but is awkward and unsure about what to do. Kinda acts like those parents who try too hard to be supportive.
Q3: Who is Y/N Rosseweisse based on?
The Servant is based on Rita Rosseweisse (HI3), Noelle (GI), and Baam 25th (TOG).
I don’t recall why I based Y/N on Rita Rosseweisse but, I think my decision was influenced by the fact that I was playing HI3 at the time. I liked how elegant and graceful she was, and how she held herself. As for Noelle and Baam 25th (S1), most of their personality influenced her character, the same can be applied to Baam 25th (S2) and Rita but it will only become more apparent in the TUA S2 though.
Here are the traits that Y/N got from the mentioned characters: humble, polite, obedient, will do any means to attain the goal (in S2), commendable work ethic, eager to learn, hard worker, empathetic, calculating (in S2), put the academy’s needs first before her’s (more will be revealed on S1 Chapter 8 or 9), naive, socially awkward, inexperienced, perfectionist, detached from society, distant.
Baam 25th’s ability to master things at first glance / Technique Replication / Instant Learn is one of the powers I gave her. In season 1, I don’t get to focus on this but, in season 2 when she gains more experience in the real world and learns new things, she will start to use it more often though it’s more treated like something she can’t control, since she was never trained properly by Reginald Hargreeves.
Q4: What is your biggest struggles when writing the series?
You guys won’t believe this but my biggest struggle is actually writing a chapter. It’s a common struggle for writers but, I think this is a common struggle for any creative individual. It sounds so bloody ridiculous but, I can’t bring myself to sit my ass down and pull out my google docs. I always end up getting distracted with things that aren’t related to the task at hand. One minute I’m researching adrenaline, then the next thing I know I’m looking up ‘Which side of the body hurts the most when stabbed? ’ If you're curious, the answer is front because that’s where most of the organs and pain receptors are, you can still survive if stabbed from the back though your lungs and spine will be the main target, and there is a slim chance of you surviving if your spine got bye-bye.
If you have any questions regarding the fanfic, feel free to drop them in my ask box or the comments in this post! I’ll answer them to the best of my ability but, I cannot promise I will respond on time though. So I apologize in advance for the late response.
The (your hair color) haired girl read it loudly. “Moving onto the second question, the second question is from @inkedeye2345 - I have a question for Y/R/N and Aidan, do you guys romantically like each other, or just in a friendly kind of way? Cause I kinda ship-”
Y/R/N looks at Aidan excitedly, to which the boy nods. “Well, I and Aidan weren't sure when to share this but, we are seeing each other. At the moment, we are still in the courting stage.”
The brunette grabs her hand and begins drawing circles on the back of her hand, “I'll be honest, I didn't think she was old-fashioned.”
His girlfriend puffed out her cheeks at him then blew a raspberry as she averted her gaze, and covered the lower half of her face as she spoke in a muffled tone. “I'm an old-fashioned romantic, you're lucky I didn't force you to sing something cheesy.”
“Why are you covering your face? You know I'd willingly do that.” He laughed.
“CUT THE CAMS BEFORE YOU START FEELING EVEN MORE SINGLE!” Diana screamed from behind the camera.
( Note : This bonus scene isn't real or canon in the behind-the-scenes AU, I just made it for fun so please don't take it seriously. )
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➢ Taglist : @igotanidea @incapableofanything @kumioon @buuhsworld @stray-npc @sunsunhe @x0xodnvt @theredvelvetbitch @yoashh @keowthedino @snoopyluver20 @sol3chu @instabull @d-a-r-k-s-w-a-n @supernova25 @venuseuripedis @cluelessteam @lovely-maryj @cultish-corner @fionaapplelover2010 @inkedeye2345
➢ Note : If your username is highlighted blue that means I cannot tag your blog. I suggest you either follow my blog and turn on your notifications or you turn on your subscription to the masterlist. "Reblog to support your favorite writer" belong to @/benkeibear
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magolandandfriends · 10 months
What are you guys gonna do for thanksgiving. Will it be chaotic.
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
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Magolor: I can’t speak for what Susie and Taranza are doing, but it should be less chaotic with me and Marx today, but when we all get together I bet it’s gonna be insanely chaotic.
(I’m gonna post more because I’m on break! *doesn’t post* *doesn’t post* *doesn’t post* *doesn’t post* *doesn’t post* *doesn’t post* *doesn’t post* *doesn’t post* *doesn’t post* *doe-)
(Bro I wanted to do more for this but I don’t think I have the energy to draw rn- I need to add a follow up drawing to the list of things I have to do- ok listen in my defense I was working on a comic for an ask then I just stopped working on everything why I don’t know and I haven’t worked on my animation for my class bruh I’m sLACKING-)
(Ok no more of me yapping happy (late) turkey day :D I don’t really celebrate it but if you do I hope you had a good time- if you don’t I hope you still had a good day 🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️‼️ I apologize for getting- nothing out- even though I said I was gonna be more productive with answering asks but my break went by even quicker than I expected- you know what if I’m lucky I can get more asks answered over the weekend but I have no clue if it’ll happen!!! D: I’m just gonna try my best and focus on my school work (animation project) over the next few days)
(But lemme talk about the AU quickly- trivia for you guys Marx and Magolor are watching DHMIS (both TV show and YT series) Marx loves the puppets and wants to show Magolor the spooky puppet show (Marx is info dumping on every 3 minutes- they’re both enjoying it)- I don’t know much about Pirika I didn’t read the novel she was from but she looks super cute and based off the images from the novel I think Pirika and Taranza would be friends)
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loveanaox · 1 year
Enhypens personality Off Camera
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(This was a request from @sungine , thank you so much for the request!)
Cards pulled out: The hierophant, the fool reversed, knight of swords, temperance
Yeah so what im getting is that off camera he's a very traditional guy with traditional values here and there he shares it, off camera he still can be a bit reckless like all the kpop idols, cause we all know they're humans. A little neglectful. But even the cards say a leader lmao. Still witty, sometimes daring, very like single- minded. But ja
He's a balanced guy off camera and has a little bit of patience and calmness. It's like he doesn't let things get to him, but he only gets to himself. If you know what I mean.
Overall pretty good tbh.
Cards pulled out: Knight of pentacles, the tower, the hermit, queen of swords reversed
Okay damn, so off camera he is practical, logical, hard worker, making his dreams come true, but at the same time extremely chaotic, which causes him to like go home take a shower and think deep about what he has done and how chaotic shit is. Very pessimistic too which causes him to be very nasty at times and make cruel comments, bad at communicating too.
He's a good person deep down and he means well, but communication skills are bad and he's too focused on the bad and being perfect.
Cards pulled out: four of cups, the empress, page of swords, seven of pentacles.
Okay so he's very in his head a lot and he's so in his head that he misses good opportunities for him and he even refuses some offers to him, idk if it's pettiness or just because he's so stuck in his head, but he had a lot of nurturing and creative energy, not shocked from all his Taurus placements.
But he's more on guard and tries to think before he speaks and tries to not get into arguments. But ja sometimes he questions things a lot. Too in his head, but nothing too bad. He should just get out of his head otherwise depression starts.
Overall chill, but ja something he should work on.
Cards pulled out: Ace of wands reversed, chariot, seven of cups reversed and the devil reversed.
So I feel like off camera he does have a lack of enthusiasm and gets bored easily and has a blocked creative side. Idk what stopping it but I think he's fixing it rn. He's overcoming obstacles and has self-discipline and some will power in him.
He's too focused on materialistic things and I feel like he feels trapped, but I think he out himself in that trap not gonna lie, he tries to avoid these problems but I think he realized he can't now.
Now he's getting over his addictions and gaining control again. Yaya yaya
Cards pulled out: king of wands reversed, seven of cups, queen of cups, the emperor reversed
Idk this is confusing, so he can be very nasty and abuse his power and be a bitch, but still very emotional like nice and kindness and shit, womanizer bro. Anyways. He might break a lot of his promises
He has a lot of options and he procratinates a lot and has a lack of enthusiasm, I don't blame him.
But he's very controlling ngl and abusive, or abuses his power. He seriously needs to get a grip of himself.
Cards pulled out: Nine of cups, five of swords reversed, two of swords reversed and four of pentacles.
So off camera he is still very cheerful, optimistic, confident and had a high self-esteem. But he can be a little relentless and be emotionally cold to some people and be like cold and gone.
He can be very indecisive and he holds onto his fears and anxiety a lot. But that's not all he holds on to, he holds on top people, his belongings, ect ect.
A little stingy ngl and ja very possessive.
Cards pulled out: all reversed, knight fo swords, three of cups, ace of pentacles and ace of cups.
Damn. So he can be a little hurtful with his words and be sarcastic, sometimes a know it all, he goes with the flow and is a follower. So he just follows the group.
He had a lack of social life and friends which is sad and he has a lack of security and he can be a little stingy with his money, he's very heartbroken though. Ngl I can imagine, he basically doesn't even have a proper teenage fun years. He has blocked emotions and stuff. Shame man he just needs more friends and people that will hear him
I hope you guys enjoyed the readings. Till next time. Byeeee
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ambrosia-ghostie · 1 month
i am so upset.
here are my real-time thoughts from tua series finale, i guess:
- is gun control not a thing in this timeline? jeez
- i don’t even know where i’d get a gun lmao
- this is giving MAGA… yikes
- i love meghan so much. national treasure. AND she can sing. EGOT, please.
- lila isn’t the only one hiding stuff from her husband 👀
- diego talking about lila with a new lease on life 🥺
- awh this is very “it’s a wonderful life”
- lila’s family is fab. the spinoff we need.
- i love how many actors get to perform as other actors performing another role on this show
- the whistle !!! call him out dr. jean !!!
- dr. jean deserved better !!! 😭
- i love the fast food lady (featured extra). she understood the assignment.
- “it smells so nice in here!” why are me and klaus the same person but completely different?
- call back to viktor drawing the umbrella tattoo as a kid !!!
- holy shit, ben is the fly
- body horror is so cool
- oh hey! they’re seeing each other and it’s neither a wedding nor a funeral
- klaus still eating because he deserves it - just give him all the nourishment, please
- why do they always wait to tell each other the most important thing ??? one brain cell - i stg
- “not during christmas” - oh, diego. for those of us with chaotic families, it’s always on christmas
- klaus scooping up five’s empty seat is such big family/sibling energy
- “i didn’t see that one coming!” klaus, luther, and allison look just as confused as i still am
- time travel is wild. five was right in s1 - i am not smart enough for it.
- “do you love him?” 🥺
- cronenberg would love this. i wonder how much of the virus effect is practical vs. cgi
- klaus’s clothes make a lot more sense for the final showdown since he probably borrowed from one of lila’s relatives
- luther’s borrowed clothing is a bit too luther to be believably borrowed tho
- this is my favorite van 🚐 set piece since little miss sunshine
- allison pulling the emergency brake is the ultimate mom arm 💪
- i too, like five, always end up in the subway (as a new yorker)
- oh shit, i just realized that no one probably told klaus how ben really died - ugh
- but, you know what, allison probably didn’t want to overwhelm the poor guy with more trauma so i’ll let the lack of communication slide this time
- “i can fly now! oh it hurts”
- aim for the tanks… like jaws… the… 🦈 ?
- sigh, five and diego beef is just really not necessary - i’m annoyed
- “my hand is stuck in its ass” !!!
- WHO CARES ??? this romance is not that important, dude. you’ve been trying to save your family for decades, my guy 😭
- oh damn - is five going to find the right subway station now?
- if they all forget everything like fucking dorothy in kansas, i’m going to be so mad
- holy shit - PET CEMETARY, but like PET SEMETERY !!! you can’t bring someone back, not really… that’s the show 😭
- netflix loves their stephen king
- this is also the lesson in 11/22/63… JFK… yeah
- i could write a thesis on this rn
- we got our coffee shop AU ?!?!
- can i be “cheesecake five”?
- oh… oh no
- no no no
- don’t make my children not exist 😭
- i’m sobbing… out of hurt and anger, tbh
- the children/family are on the lifeboats 💔
i’m not going to be ok for a while
klaus didn’t find out how ben died ???
wouldn’t ghost ben have been able to tell him ???
they really did borrow from stephen king because the alien reginald plot was pointless (i’m looking at you, under the dome)
all in all, i’m glad i got to spend time with these characters… we could have gotten even fewer seasons based on how netflix operates. but this ending could have been written/executed so much better.
i would have even smiled if the last scene was with everyone in the void. but no. we get the original ending of the little mermaid with the marigolds instead of sea foam 😫
there were parts of it i did like - especially the cleanse - but i feel like we all deserved better…
i dedicate this post to the memory of dave, sissy, ray, and every other beautiful character who ultimately became disposable. 💔
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rzyraffek · 2 years
Odd request, but could you mess around with slashers x gn/male partner who gets seasonal depression or it gets worse when the weather gets crummy? It's been raining for a while where I am and could go for a little comfort, haha.
Possibly Brahms or Billy Lenz? Or anyone else you really want to write.
Can do🌼 If anything here is not accurate please feel free to let me know i really dont want to offend anyone🌺
They/them partner with masculine features okay? Because it might get confusing to read when everyone has he/him pronouns i really hope that you dont mind i just know it wil get confusing
(Sfw) (Request open)
Billy Lenz👽
What you mean seasoned depresion? Doenst sound tasty? He does not belive in long words.🙄
At first he will think that his partner will just be sad for whole winter(or other season but Winter/Autumn is pretty common) which is upsetting because he loves winter. But when he finally understands what being depressed means, he will do his best to be useful
Even if they dont have Energy to leave bed/ do anything in hause, he will stay with them, at first he might talk but if they arent in mood for that he will just keep them company. Its his way of saing 'hey im here for you its gonna to be okay🌼'
He cant cook but if he sees that they were avoiding food latley or just not leaving their room for a while, he will bring them choco pudding
If his partner is cis-man and they grow a bread(and it gives them disphora) he will help them shave it. Like yeah Billy is silly chaotic goblin man but u seen him? Either he has testosterone level -5 or he knows how to shave
Also if they feel bab when weather is gloomy he will just cover the Windows? No Windows=no weather affecing them, easy😎😎😎 (thats billy saying that not me)
Overall 9/10 wont force them to talk to him and will give food
Brahms Heelshire
He knows what it is, but its still heartbreaking to see them like that
If depresion goes hard like hard to the point they cant leave the bed. You remeber how in every Brahms headcanons i mension that you have to help this guy take a Bath? Yep its reverse now. Now He takes care of them
I know that Brahms is a lil bebi boi lil shmol bebi men, but he can get mature if he wants to, he will bring them tea, headpats and warm words. He will probably avoid talking at first, but its because he feels like walking on minefild, NOT because of them being depresed, but because he knows that he sometimes gets angy at random stuff and he really desnt want to yell at them
Hes more happy to give them hugs and lay in bed with them (of couse if they want to)
He will try light up the mood with good dinner or a nice walk around the mansion.
Will spend more time with you, but if you need space he will understand
Overall 8/10 tries his best to light up the mood by being romantic gentleman. Will bring you tea -2 points for being british
Yautja (hes here only because i have funny ideas)
Wym mental health?? Season makes ur brain go not good?? I- my beloved we are on spaceship rn wym
The idea of depresion itself is pretty new for him, so they need to teach him
He will go 😨wym you sick in mind and theres no medicine? 😓aww man 😍 i guess I will stay by urside and help you with anythin u want😈
This guy will pick you up and carry you everywhere u need to be. U need to take a shower? Boom. You are hungry? Watch him speerun cook some pasta with salt and kechup (he has No clue how to food)
Will cuddle
Again if any of those make their partner uncomfortable he wpnt do it, those are just sugestions. Also I know that depresed people arent just little sad bolls without Energy to get out of bed. But he doesnt know that! He didnt know depresion exsisted till 3minutes ago!
6/10 acts like his lover is shmol sad Ball, and will baby them around
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that-starry-freak · 2 months
(im defiently not balling my eyes out over non-canon sams animatics rn-)
Anyway!! We really need to acknowledge more that when Old Moon was gone, Sun was the oldest. And that Nexus is the youngest brother. At least in consciousness terms, and I feel like thats what really matters anyway- Earth isn't his little sister (i mean, she isnt his sister anymore according to him, but you know what i mean) Nexus is the youngest-
Anyway, I have more TDSP au doodles
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Its just the family again. I wanted a digital drawing of all of them ♡♡ and I hadn't done Star in pen anyway
Uh- quick explanation of the au. Basically the Star didn't get destroyed with Eclipse, so Moon hid it. And when Solar died, he tried to use his lingering energy to bring him back, but when he was trying to do that the star randomly triggered and instead used Solar's energy to become conscious, forming Star. So Solar is kind of their dad, making Jack and Star siblings. And now Sun and Moon (mainly), and the rest of the family are raising them. Also Moon never went crazy in this, but changed his name to Nexus to distinguish himself from Old Moon, not wanting to carry the name of his predisesser and be linked to all the horrible things he did (love you old Moon but you committed a lot of crimes <3)
Nexus is still grieving Solar but he's mostly accepted his death, at least to the point he stopped trying to bring him back. He has a kid now to raise, anyway, and he is still dealing with Ruin. He wears Solaris goggles as a reminder of him <3
And uhh- yeah! Eclipse isn't really trusted around Star, for obvious reasons. And Star causes a lot of chaos by just randomly changing little things in reality (mostly just making toys for themself or putting people in random outfits, they're chaotic but they're a good kid). The Astrals tried to discipline them, but quickly found out Star is a force not even they could control, so they left the little guy alone. Uhhh- so yeah, not theirs two star power guys in the family
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zaacoy · 2 years
It's 3 am!! You know what that means!!! Delusional tang posting time let's gooo yippee!!!!!!
Said I'd dump S4 Tang thoughts here a week ago and then I just kinda. didn't. oopsies, but I can start now!!
S4 Spoilers below the cut, you have been warned!!!
AUTHOR'S NOTE OF SORTS AFTER WRITING THIS: WOW IS THIS LONG. I got a little too silly and put too many thoughts down at once oops, prepare to be reading for a good minute you have been warned (twice!!) aughdhsj
My thoughts are so disorganized rn prepare for a rollercoaster of whatever my brain spits out!!
First. Ep 4 intro.
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Good to see that Tang still can never have a nice landing unlike everybody else
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I can't. I cannot. convey in words how incredibly funny this scene is to me. I can't sit through it and not laugh or start kicking my feet it's just THAT good. They had Z E R O business doing this to him, this scene had absolutely NO REASON to be THIS chaotic but they?? did it anyway????? jgkngm???? I love this show sm
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He's so pretty in this specific lighting I need to draw him like this soon or I will explode wowowee
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That's such a funny reaction, no more energy just. Whatever. Eat me I guess I don't care just start cooking so pigsy can come back please. He is so funny
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weapon. just straight up bonk him into a demon like a plank of wood
Actually now that I think about it why? Did nobody untie him??? they found him and just left him like that?? Neither of them ever untied him if memory serves I'm pretty sure pigsy did it while he was cooking. ???
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"To get crammin' APPARENTLY! HMPF!"
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"Oh, haha! I'M the dinner! Excellent."
Good to see Tang's sass and saltiness never leaves, they should let him be sarcastic and talk back more often
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Done with all of your bs glares at you glares at you glares at you glares at y
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What comes around goes around!!! Their dynamic is fun wahoo
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He noms very happily!!! omnomnom (he deserves it at this point mans DESPERATELY needs a break)
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THEY DID NOT HAVE TO CALL HIM OIT LIKE THAT DHDHJS PLEASE????? JAJJS The little sad noises he makes as he gets torn into, little guy behavior tbh
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"-stop gorging yourself on our rations!" "I'm sorry! It's just I'm stressed okay!?"
STRESS-EATER CONFIRMED!!!!!!!!! YOU AND ME BOTH BUDDY. No wonder he married a cook, wonder if in college everytime Tang was mega stressed about finals or a big deadline coming up (the latter could be true later when he's out of college and had a job too) if pigsy, assuming he had the time, would just make a meal for him. They probably wouldn't be able to spend much time together in that situation so making him something when he knows Tang is stressed seems like a realistic thing for Pigsy to do in order to subtly show he's there for support when need be. Tang pays that kindness forward by actually paying his tab for once coughs
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"HEY! I so to am perfect!" (S1)
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"hmmmm, if I wasn't so cool and relaxed all the time I'd be reeeeeally worried about the consequences of this" (S1)
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"I know my issue is my self confidence" (S4)
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(Can't find a way to make it a gif) Tang: so ""relaxed"" in his current situation that he is shaking hard enough to vibrate in place, coupled with the look of completely calm and collected and ""coolness"". (S4)
Does it ever drive you crazy just how fast the night chan- gets shot
ACTUALLY THo S4 fleshed him out as a character so much, especially when we compare him to how he started all the way back in S1. Beforehand in earlier seasons everything was mostly stable for him. Same places, same people, consistent comfort, it gave him some sense of security that could have made his "calm and relaxed" demeanor viable back then. But now that everythings been thrown up and ruined by powers out of Tang's control, his bubble of safety no longer stands. We begin to see it in season 3 with lady bone demon's attacks + macaque's continued interference. Tang seems a lot more on edge near the latter half of season 3 then he had been all of the rest of the show and there's definitely WAY more panic present as one bad thing after another unfolds, notably when he is quite literally moved to tears as he's forced to forge the samadhi fire. It does kind of consistently crop up during other prior conflicts too but much more mildly and on a more temporary scale. Now, seemingly not long after the lbd incident as mk evidently still hasn't pushed past lbd all that well, his entire framework of stability is practically smashed into pieces. He's stuck in a scroll, he loses track of all of his friends for a while, there is no comfortable safe space for him anymore(a book can probably only realistically tell you so much about a setting, probably not enough to evoke the same familiarity that his house or pigsy's shop does), he literally almost gets eaten, there's ANOTHER massively powerful divine being threatening the safety of his loved ones along with his own, and on top of it all he can't get his powers (which are evidently in DIRE need right now) to work half the time. He had built a dependency on the routine of mundane life beforehand and S4 completely shatters that routine and subsequent stability. It's no wonder why we begin to see him crack, it make sense why we're just now seeing the actual depths of his lack of confidence and his anxiety. This has always been a problem more likely than not, he was able to cope before, or at least hide it, but he can't now. His inability to use his powers properly inevitably worsens the problem. He needs to use his powers but he cant. He needs to be useful, he has to be, but he just can't no matter how long or how hard he tries. Every odd is against him, it's getting to him and it shows. I love how lmk doesn't try to hero-speech it's way out of every character's doubts. I love how they let him break down several times throughout season 4, I love how they let him show emotional weakness not as a plot obstacle that can be ✨✨completely overcome with the power of believing in yourself!! And friends!!! And flashy magic!!! Yayyyyy!!!✨✨ but as a fundamental part of Tang that he just has to work around and deal with it. They obviously can't get too in depth into it (and probably never will) because a. This is a kid show made by Lego, and b. Because he's, y'know, not the main character, but the attention they did bring to it is nice.
I have. Accidently written a paragraph. Oops. uhhhh tldr: They did a good job portraying Tang's internal struggles through S4 while not invalidating his character and behavior from previous seasons. When you kick the rug out from someone's feet and then throw them off a 400ft cliff into a pit full of spikes they're going to be at least a little bit terrified out of their mind and are probably going to understandably show weakness somewhere along the way, I'm glad Lego takes a moment to explore that with Tang at least a little bit.
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Mentioned this earlier on twt but the death grip he maintains on his staff when he gets really scared is a nice touch. He has a history throughout all 4 seasons of latching onto objects or people when he's distressed, a small but fun character detail!
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"ahh I'm sorry I'm just- I'm having a melt down and I have no idea what's going on and I just-!"
In line with what I ranted on about for an entire essay earlier- explicit mention of a meltdown! It's quick and short but the fact that they called it a meltdown at all is impressive, this is the first time I can remember a show calling one as such. A meltdown in response to a seeming extended lack of security and a disconnect between Tang and what's going on around him is realistic too, I think at least. The scene right after this when the gang (mostly sandy) does their best to bring Tang back down to earth for a moment was nice, they're such a supportive friend group I love this little found family
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I had more to say and I will probably say those later!! For now this is it, it is almost 6 am I should really go to bed augahh
Remember!!!!: live, laugh, tang lego monkie kid. GOODNIGHT!!
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fly-chicken · 7 months
I realized I haven’t posted about one piece in a while…it’s still really fucking good
Current random theories I’m running with rn
-since the giants fast/feast for the sun, they are going to absolutely adore Luffy; the fact that his crew set his masters free from their conflict AND from Mr. 3 is going to only add to his freedom angle
-at some point of the series is going to involve Luffy catching/befriending a golden rhinoceros beetle (a symbol of the sun)
-the treasure on Raftel is going to need to be bounced too (think like that doodle jump game style)
Thoughts from chapter 1108
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Thank you oda…this is such a good valentine cover🥹 my girl looks soooooo good and happy! Especially when you remember the start of the series had her smile to be such a rare occurrence to the point her SISTER was shocked she had indulged in doing so
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….shoot him
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What a team…strawhat potential future ally alert
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God I love when Oda does these full panels…this is going to be so beautiful when fully animated (peep silly Nika pose mid summersault, please be a reoccurring thing in each battle). I do hope they time it slightly slower so we can appreciate all the poses in the battle
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Ugh this is soooo good! The stone face to feral goblin; the chaotic energy is palpable! Also being able to catch light 🥺 after having your entire crew wiped at his hands previously in Sabaody; this has got to be soooooo cathartic for Luffy. And honestly what is probably contributing to the manic frenzy oda has drawn. I’m so impressed how he managed to capture the same look a dog gets when so stimulated from play that they start snapping. Or the look a cat gets right before pouncing on their prey
Oda is still cooking; and I’m gobbling it all up 😋
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dragkbluire · 5 months
It is I! the wizard!
I come with memes of I was in jjba! Mainly part five rn-
Bruno: I should have left you in the fire exit ladder when I found you.
Me: *covered in stolen stationary sets*
Me: But cha didnt!
the gang+me: *walks into the colosseum*
Me: So this is fabled 'tilted towers'.
Abbacchio: I get it- you're all without father's!
Me: I'm not.
Abbacchio: . . .
Me: F*ckin love my dad.
Me: Okay- here me out!
Fugo: *deep inhail* Here we go.
Me: Lets say I eat some batteries whole. How many would it take for me to be able to put a light bulb in my mouth and make it turn on?
Fugo: Why are we friends?
Abbacchio: I just keep getting this recurring headache. . .
Me: *walks in*
Abbacchio: there it is again.
Giorno/Bruno: Thanks for doing this mission with me.
Me: hey no problem!
Me, under my breath: You look pretty. . .
Giorno/Bruno: What?
Me, panicking: I said you look shitty!
Me, red, turning ro my room: Goodnight my guy!
*The gang + me fighting Melone*
Me: Hey bruno! Some Masked guy named the glitch is-
Melone: Wizard! My long lost lover! i- uh-
Me: >:0
The gang + trish:
Me: Hey! I told you not to bring that up anymore. I'm putting that behind me!
Me: *Having been up all night*
Me: *sees Bruno and Giorno*
Me: *Crys*
Bruno: Wizard?! what's wrong?!
Me: You both too gosh damn beautiful!
I'm back >:) (Sorry I was cleaning and rearranging my furniture xd)
My favourite one was the batteries xD
Wait ... WITH MELONE?? What kind of story you're leaving behind? :0
Almost all of them felt like:
The gang + Trish:
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Bucciaratti, Giorno and Abbachio after that:
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I love so much the chaotic energy you have xD
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snowddeong · 2 years
Ryeji rocker au brainrot (1/?)
Split into three sections
- the prologue, which takes place in highschool (middle school for Yuna) where Itzy forms and ryeji have that first "will they, won't they" highschool romance.
- interlude section, the messiest part cause they're properly broken up but they officially dated for so short they basically act like a long distance couple despite not being together.
- the main story which takes place after everyone's done with college and Ryujin can finally rejoin the group after coming back from the UK.
Highschool Era
Very much that kid that brings her guitar case to school even if she's not gonna play anything later. By her first year she already had some experience in the indie scene thanks to her friend Chan
At first only knew Yeji cause she used to go to the same piano lessons as Yuna and Yuna wouldn't stfu about her
When Jisu first approaches her she says no cause she doesn't think they're serious about it and she's very determined to actually work in the music industry. So she uses the fact that she also played gigs for bands that need a substitute as an excuse
Yuna's auditioning for Jisu and Yeji's band though and insists Ryujin attends that at least. Ryujin gets there early cause she has a gig later and finds Yeji self teaching herself the bass
Yeji's like really really bad rn, can barely even hold the thing properly but there's something about how serious and passionate she is despite all that that really resonates with Ryujin big time (also she's very pretty) so Ryujin changes her mind and adds her name to the audition sheet last minute
She can't be there fulltime cause she wasn't lying about subbing in for groups that need a guitarist but she does give her all. And it really doesn't hurt that she gets to spend more time with Yeji
Gets closer with the band and gets Chan to help them reccord their shitty first original single to give out at their first gig
They're not very good but it's fun and Ryujin really loves how alive Yeji looks on stage even if she's nervous af
Ryeji don't exactly date per say at first but Ryujin flirts A LOT and they get extremely close
Gets an offer to join the Mixnine Program for Upcoming Artists in the UK and she's excited ofc but she also really loves her new bandmates a lot and kinda doesn't want to leave
Only fully decides to go when Yeji tells her to
Her music background is mostly dance but she also used to play the piano in middle school
When Jisu first starts talking about how cool it'd be for them to form a band since they both love music she's like "okay but what if we actually do it though?" Which is how Itzy was born.
She decides she wants to play the bass because it will be more of a challenge for her and she doesn't want to just take the easy route (also it looks cool)
It takes a WHILE for her to get good enough to actually play in front of people but eventually she gets insane at it and is really proud of herself
Recruits Chaer to be the drummer cause they know each other from dance and she wants an excuse to still soend time with her friendo now that she's got a lot less time to dance for fun
Has no idea what the big deal about Ryujin is until they officially meet at their first practice and then she's very much whipped but tries not to be extremely obvious about it because Ryujin is so casual and cool and she feels like she has to match that energy
Becomes the defacto leader of the group because the other 4 are such a mess and she's uncannily good at keeping things together despite also being a chaotic person herself
Joins Yuna in writing their first single, it's not very good but she's so proud that they were able to actually get this far
Gets NERVOUS at their first performance but tries her best to hide it cause she can see the others aren't going much better than her. Ryujin sees through it and gives her a little hand squeeze and her whisker dimple smile before they go on stage and Yeji's like "wait... do I have a crush on Ryujin???"
After that experience she gets a lot more serious about the band and sits Jisu down to ask if it's silly that she kinda wants to try and get Itzy into the industry proper.
Jisu's been thinking about the same so they discuss it with the rest of the girls. Chaer and Yuna are on board but that's when Ryujin reveals that she applied for the Mixnine program and probs won't be able to commit fully if she gets accepted
Yeji's conflicted cause this is an amazing opportunity for Ryujin and she's happy for her, but she also thought she had a lot more time to fully figure out her feelings and confess. So she decides to make the most of the time they have together and only eventually confess if Ryujin doesn't get accepted
She does and Yeji tells her to go despite being super emo about it
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bittertarot · 8 months
Hi Freya! Thank you for this game :)
I would love to receive New Years letter from my idol to me and my idols of choice are ATEEZ San, Seonghwa, Wooyoung and Yunho. I spent my Christmas chilling around my family.
Thank you and happy holidays 🎄✨
- ari ♉️
Hihi!! It's no problem at all <3 Let's get started; A New Years letter from ATEEZ!! San - *The Empress* "Hello, Ari! My year has been a rollercoaster, I've felt really accomplished! Very busy, but I enjoyed it. I wish every year could be like this year! My mom was very proud of me, praising me and our members a lot. I felt very in tune with nature and took some time to ground myself, I learned more about myself than I ever have before. My one piece of advice I would give you to take into the New Year is to find yourself again, go for a walk, spend more time outside. You'll learn more than you think! Connect with your feminine energy, whether you're a woman or not, I think your year will become amazing if you look into connecting with that aspect of you! Rooting for your year to be amazing. Fighting! - San <33" Seonghwa - *3 of Pentacles Reversed* (I can't he's adorable he fr was like "huh? my turn to talk already? Ah..." LMAOO) "Hi, Ari! Happy New Year! I hope your 2024 has been going well, mine's been... something. I suppose I should talk about 2023, with how delayed this message is. I felt like a huge lack of teamwork was going on and I was very afraid, there was a lot of group conflict and it almost felt like we were back in our trainee days when the company made us compete against one another...? It was absolute chaos! We accumulated a lot of money, but I don't feel fulfilled by it. I'm just hoping this year is better teamwork/group wise than it was in 2023. Anyways! I should stop rambling! My piece of advice for you for the rest of 2024 is; focus on working together with those around you for a special purpose/service, it's for the greater good. Look into organising aspects of your life more, so you can grow. Look into ways you can express yourself and avoid doing things just for self-benefit. I have much more to say, but I can't think of how to word it. Either way, I hope my advice helps you to have a successful and amazing year! You have great things coming your way! From, - Seonghwa." Wooyoung - I'm sorry I cannot do him rn, all I hear is screaming in my ear oh my god I want to cry. He's a menace (in a good way). If you wanna hear what he has to say, send me a private message since jeez, he's rambling more than Hwa. Too talkative and calling me a rat :/ I'm hearing from him "You look like Ratatouille if it was AI generated" I can'tttt Yunho - *Hierophant Reversed* "Ari, hey! I've been handling a lot this year, feeling more rebellious and wanting to go against the grain and try a new approach to a lot of things. I'm hoping Atiny like it and that it's paying off! I felt very restricted in the past, so I'm enjoying embracing a more chaotic side to me than ever before. Now, for advice to you; if you're feeling restricted and questioning your choices, stop RIGHT NOW!!!!!! Stop being so nice and considerate, it's okay to be selfish for once! Who cares about others expectations, societal rules, it's all a load of nonsense! Allow yourself to be free and pursue a new approach in life the same way I have! Have an awesome year!! Hoping for the best !! Update me <3 - Yunho."
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spricket-central · 1 year
SOOOOO i have a new spricket, ahaha
meet Baguette!
im visiting my parents rn, so unfortunately shes gonna be stuck in this lil container for about... 5.5 hours :( I'll set up my biggest tank for her when we get home though!
we had just gotten food from a local diner delivered, and my mom kindly offered an assortment of veggies to her (and a bit of apple she had out for our cockatiel)!
my mom is also the one who named her :) its sweet! shes not a big fan of sprickets, but she INSTANTLY asked what they like to eat (anything. literally. theyre goats. theyll eat dust and paper towels lmao), and was happy to name her when i asked her if shed do the honors :,) she also commented on how BIG she is! shes average size for a full grown adult, so shes a decent size indeed!
im most surprised by the condition of her antennae: theyre perfect! normally the "wild" sprickets i find have at least a little bit nicked off, but hers look completely flawless.
i knew RIGHT AWAY she was a spricket when i saw those Big Hops outta the corner of my eye, ahaha. crickets have nothing on sprickets; those jumps are weak, bro. plus i find sprickets have more chaotic, nervous energy, ahaha
anyway! sorry for the less than ideal accommodations, lil baguette. im glad youre taking a lil break to eat though! dont worry: I'll set up a lovely little home for you tonight! 💚
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You said I could rambles about Rexanidala @ you so here we are, i hope you won't regret your choice ❤️
OKAY SO FIRST OF ALL you have the characters aka the canon couple (Anakin Skywalker & Padmé Amidala that i think most people know at least from names?) and then you have Rex aka Captain Rex aka Anakin's right hand man during the Clones Wars and LISTEN in general i love their relationship but if you add poly to it??? -chefkiss-
Like listen you have one of the most powerful Jedi, one of the most badass & kindest Senator & one of the best Clones Officer around there, you put them in a room together, and they lost all their braincell and something ends up in fire. There's so much raw chaos in them. They're so competent but they forget everything when you put them together. They just go and cause so many problem, they're probably the reason why Mace Windu decided to stay bald and why Obi-Wan Kenobi ended up grey that young.
Various exemple of their chaotic energy: the very classic "someone is trying to assassinate me so I'm gonna go into the lion's den and almost get killed, i mean i did take my Jedi bodyguard with me after all—" from one Padmé Amidala; "one of my friends got killed so I'm gonna resolve his murder even if it's not my job" from the same Padmé Amidala; "imma gonna crash this ship on the enemies bc why not" by Anakin Skywalker (self-proclamed best pilot of the Galaxy); "imma gonna give my lightsaber to my very secret wife to prove to her how much i love her and oooops there's a hostage situation and i don't have my weapon anymore" by, again, Anakin; "I'm gonna shot point blank at a clone bc he was acting suspicious and I'm not telling anyone and especially not my superior officer why i did that — hey look it was a droid i was right lol" by Rex; "you know what since droids want to pretend they're us I'm gonna pretend I'm a droid in clone armor" by Rex AGAIN; and, obviously, the whole "Padmé & Anakin are married but it's a secret so obviously we're gonna kiss everywhere, give lovesick at each other all the time, acting all lovey-dovey and/or jealous when with each other, to the point that even our enemies know we have something going on", to the "Rex for some reasons knows about their relationship and is trying to cover for them but he's really not any better than them in the art of lying and/or pretending he has no idea what's going on". They're disasters and i love them <3
ALSO Re: the last part, there's a whole scene where 1) Anakin is like "hey Rex come on we have something to do -wink wink wink-" IN FRONT OF SOME OF THEIR MEN 2) Rex is like "srly, rn now??" And Anakin insists and i swear when you watch this scene without context........ so gay 3) Anakin uses Rex's helmet to call Padmé "in secret" (re: they're so bad at keeping it a secret) and Rex is keeping guard 4) while they are talking, and despite the fact that they haven't seen each other in months and haven't been able to talk to each other a lot, Anakin asks advices to Padmé bc he's worried about Rex and wants to help him 4) Padmé knows Rex & the way he think enough to reassure Anakin and she's also worried about Rex but trusts him 5) LISTEN THEY'RE IN LOVE I DON'T MAKE THE RULES.
Anakin/Padmé is pretty much established but it's like,,,, so easy to add Rex to their couple??? Like, ofc Anakin is close with him, he's his most trusted man and his right hand man!! He knows him & cares for him & trusts him everything and everyone he hold dear!!! But also Rex & Padmé bonded in their own way!! Like, mainly, they got infected by a dead virus together and almost died, which, u know, is always a good way to bond with your future wife <3 And they're obviously friends!! And i absolutely believe they team-up to stop Anakin from doing his most stupid ideas lmao (at least when it's not their brand of chaos and thus they enable him ofc).
ALSO there's Ahsoka!!! She's Anakin's Padawan so obviously she's close to him, and bc she goes to war with him she's also close to Rex (and the rest of their men, tbh it always kills me a little how they all care for each other)!! He gives her advices and takes care of her and supports her!!! And they obviously love each other a lot!!! Rex's love for Ahsoka literally saved her life during Order 66 idkdjdj I'm so normal about it. BUT ALSO she's close to Padmé!!! Padmé is her friend!! She follows Padmé on stupid mission she decided to do herself and uses as justification "Anakin told me to stay with her to learn politic :D" kdjdjdjdj anyway she's at the same time their little sister and their kid and i LOVE IT.
Also there's so much angst potential. Like, Rex survived the end of the war but neither did Anakin nor Padmé. Rex didn't know Luke & Leia were their children. He was robbed of his kids' whole life!!! Rex didn't know about Anakin being Darth Vader either!! (He had a suspicion but no real answer.) How do you want me to be normal about it???
And in a Palpatine-slips-on-a-banana-peel-and-dies au, they can just raise the twins together and they would be even more chaotic that they already are in canon <3 but also i think they deserve it. As a treat.
Anyway i love them so much and we're like five out there shipping them but IT'S FINE. MY LIVE WILL NOT DIE.
thank you <3
(sponsored by the show Star Wars: the Clones War)
Thank you so luch for rambling @ me about ur blorbos i love when ppl are sonpassionate about stuff they love
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