#what is the ship name for Theon/sansa?
purplehawk16writing · 2 months
Hi! I actually wrote something!
I based it off @winterrose527 ‘s amazing A Lifetime Sentence on AO3. Go read hers then mine. Hers is at the link in the summary of mine here
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dalekofchaos · 7 months
If Ned Stark became King
Hypothetically speaking. Let's say Robert and Rhaegar killed each other in the Battle of The Trident and Ned had no choice but to take the Iron Throne because The Rebellion expected it of him. Here is how I could see things going.
Tywin lannister would have been sentenced to death do to his part in the deaths of Ella Martell, Rhaenys and baby Aegon.
Jamie has three options. He killed the King he was sworn to protect which should mean either a death sentence or a sentence to the wall. If he could convenience Ned that he did the right and honorable thing by keeping the city from being burned maybe he could have lived and be Lord of Casterly Rock.
If Jamie died, Tyrion would have become Lord of Casterly Rock.
He would send for Queen Rhaella and Viserys and baby Daenerys in peace promising safety. Rhaella would have been allowed to live and raise Daenerys possibly in the capital or on Dragon Stone. Viserys would have been sent to the Eryie as a ward of Lord Jon Arryn. ( Ned had fond memories of being warded there, a good place for a confused young child).
Now for Jon, this is my belief of what would have happened. Jon would have been named Prince and heir and betrothed to Ned's first born daughter, in this case Sansa. This would unite both the rebellion and House Targaryen uniting the kingdom again.
Stannis would have been given temporary lordship over Dragonstone, holding it for Viserys. And would still be Lord of Storms End.
The Martells would be happy because they would have been given the Mountain and Tywin would've been executed for his crimes. I could see Ned also fostering Jon there. By all rights Jon is sort of related to the Martells. Its unknown if Ella knew that Rhaegar was going to remarry or not, if she knew and told her family I could see them opening their arms to Jon.
Now for Winterfell, with Ned at Kings Landing, Benjen would be the stark in the north. Its unknown why Benjen joined the Nights watch, I think he just plain wanted to. Ned would ask Benjen to hold Winterfell for a time before he joins, till either Robb is ready to take over, or Ned leaves the thrown for Jon.
Since the Eddard-Catelyn marriage had already been arranged it would not change. Marriages would be vastly different however.
Eddard and Cats marriage ensures an alliance between the Tullys and Starks.
Robb would then be promised to Margaery Tyrell when they both came of age thereby ensuring an alliance between the Tyrells and Starks.
Jaime Lannister and Lysa Tully would be betrothed thereby ensuring an alliance with The Westerlands and the Riverlands and, by extension, the Crown.
Because Jon Arryn had no heirs and was getting older he would be wed as well but since he was already Lord Paramount of the Vale his bride would be from a lesser vassal house from the Reach.
Prince Oberyn would be wed to Cersei hereby ensuring an alliance with Dorne and the Westerlands.
Arya Stark and Quentyn Martell
Arianne Martell and Theon Greyjoy
Viserys and Shireen
Daenerys and Willas
Varys and Baelish would be summarily dismissed from their services in the capital. They would be given holdfasts somewhere far away and forever be barred from the capital or from raising armies.
Grand Maester Pycelle would be sent to the Citadel for reassignment elsewhere. An election for a new Grand Maester would take place then (as is the Citadels way).
Small Council members:
Hand of the King: Jon Arryn
Grand Maester: Marwyn
Master of Coin: Olenna Tyrell
Master of Ships: Balon Greyjoy (bring him into the fold)
Lord Commander of the King’s Guard: Barristan Selmy
Master of Whispers: Prince Doran of Dorne (Bringing Dorne into the Fold as well)
Master of Laws: Brynden Tully
Lord Commander of the City Watch: Mace Tyrell
One of Ned’s first and continuing acts would be to repair the damage, both physical and emotional from Robert’s Rebellion and to repair the relations and trust between the common people and the Crown.
All soldiers that fought against Robert and Eddard during the campaign would be forgiven and pardoned and allowed to return to their homes without consequence. Their leaders, depending on their level of loyalty, would be offered a chance to swear fealty to the Starks. Any that refused would be sent to the Wall and their lands, estates, and positions would be given to loyal nobles.
Ned understood that the job of a noble is to help the people (he considers them his children), and he would immediately order all noble houses of a certain wealth to pay a one-time reparation tax to lift the poor out of poverty and to secure a positive working relationship with them.
Because so many noble houses have been killed off and there is a lack of trueborn individuals left in the kingdom tournaments would be held throughout the kingdom that would be open to the common man, the winners of which would receive a large reward of coin, be allowed to squire with the guarantee of knighthood, and a holdfast. These new nobles would be extremely loyal to the house that allowed them knighthood as well as the crown that elevated their status. These tournaments would also serve to lift the spirits of the common people.
If Ned took the throne the world would be a lot different and ultimately the story would be considerably more boring because the “game” would never happen.
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winterreigned · 2 months
𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐈𝐒 𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘 𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐒. he would see her there. every ship leads him closer to the next time they would meet. fate had brought to them the hands that would guide her to true safety. and his own two feet had led him to the sea. and every corridor he walks , he does so with the anticipation that she might be at the other end. any moment , any day. he would see her again.
asha does not understand his decision to part ways. she supports him anyway. born of the sea and suffocating — she is twice the beast that sings in his bones. and he is grateful for it. and there's no regret , nothing weighing him down all the way to winterfell from the islands. a steadier thing , land. his own legs have made peace with the dirt , some quarter lifetime spent landbound and the earth supported his sea legs all the same. held them in aim and in fall and it's all he greats the earth as an old friend , miles to go and only seconds to reacquaint.
his feet lead him to the great hall of winterfell swiftly , his men in tow behind. she is not present on the counsel. only jon and daenerys. theon thinks , for a moment , she might be somewhere else in the north. bidding for their aid for the war to come. ever dutiful , as he always remembered her to be. straight in all her edges and full of meaning he could not , with the whole of himself, understand. admiration persists , all the same.
he is asked his business. the dragon queen speaks , not jon. fire in the north is strange. gurgling. something melts in the distance. he doesn't feel like he is home. theon states his meaning clear: he would like to fight for the north. and moreso for sansa. there is silence. jon chokes on something immemorable. daenerys looks to him. he speaks. ' sansa did not make it home from her escape. her body lies in the crypts of winterfell. they are making a statue of her likeness as we speak. i am sorry, theon. i am. '
theon smiles. and then nods. and then commands his people to fall into rank with the northern army. and then he dismisses himself , bold and uncaring. he knows every step to the crypts. cold and without greeting. he would not believe until he should see.
he finds lyanna. and then ned. *gods , he doesn't look like himself.* and then an alcove. pedestal left for a statue. name carved on stone: sansa stark: returned to the winter.
knees hit the ground. he doesn't feel them. eyes could never leave the whole of her name and especially not the s. cold at the end of life. cold now. and he could keep her warm. and he kept her warm and why could she not stay warm. for all the gods' fucking sakes , why could the lot of them not lend one night of warmth to her. to the daughter of the winter. to the woman he had risked his life to save. and to the woman he loved. he never should have left her and it's his fault for assuming anyone might take that burden and bear it with even half the fervor he would.
theon looks back at every body in line behind him. some suit of soldiers , given sorely. stacking one by one and soon , in his face , she stands. white eyes. blue veins. *you did this to her and you should have taken her all the way and you will regret the afterthought that you are.*
theon looks at his fists. his knuckles. they're bleeding. oh. maybe he has been punching the stone floors of the crypts. *god, you fucking coward, it's not enough.* duty inflates him. he stands tall. purpose flowing. he finds his way to jon , through so many fucking corridors. theon hands him the dagger at his belt.
" you were my brother then and you are now. i could not save her in this life. let me find her in the next. " the tears have been falling for longer than he might remember. his arm shakes where he holds the seaglass dagger to jon. and he is ready to die. and he would see her around the next corridor.
actually boohooing like a fucking baby WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO THIS TO ME FOR I'M GOING TO SCREAM AND PUKE AND DIE.
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The queen wore a high-collared black silk gown, with a hundred dark red rubies sewn into her bodice, covering her from neck to bosom. They were cut in the shape of teardrops, as if the queen were weeping blood.
I love this part so much because my mind instantly goes "Bolton looks" and my Theon x& Cersei (interpretative dynamic I like ships when they are unclear) au involves a Tywin who didn't die and sent Cersei to be married off to Roose and everyone is miserable. She would be horrible to Theon, but I think it would be hilarious to witness this terrible contrast in the way both of them deal with public humiliation and overall distaste for life.
This is a dumb concept of course but I'm still fond of it. I know the theoncersei ship is mostly a joke but I read that one fanfic on life journal and I think it could actually be so interesting if it were taken as a serious idea. Especially if we have a Theon who has been at the hands of Ramsay, but not enough to be so visibly changed as to not be recognised anymore. The idea of him being suddenly trusted back into society with people expecting him to act like nothing has happened because there would be no visual evidence is so interesting and painful to me. It has the type of trauma one develops after a failed suicide attempt, but even more complicated. An AU where he is expected to be functional (or as functional as he was during agot-acok) while internally dealing with everything that has happened to him...
I think there is something liberating about the Reek persona in the sense that there is no one who expects anything from him anymore (Alexa, play Bob Dylan's "Like a rolling stone"). He was so indignant when Jeyne asked for his help and to me that was entertaining because there was anger and rage at his internal treatment of her (What had she been thinking, that he would whistle up a winged horse and fly her out of here, like some hero in the stories she and Sansa used to love?) How dare she demand something from him? And then there is even more of that during TWOW when he is mentally raging at her for not remembering Mikken's name (Really Theon? Are YOU going to get mad at someone for hesitating at names?). Anyways there is so much anger in Theon during and after his torture, but it is always purely internal. From the outside, he is every whump fan's perfect protagonist. Poor little soggy meow meow who has been rivalling Dante's concept in Journey through Hell. From the inside it's a completely different thing (I like both of them. He is a reversible sweater and you can find beauty on both options); The way he refers to his torturers as "The Bastard's boys" (a nickname he doesn't dare to speak out loud but has given them himself. He indirectly refers to Ramsay as "Bastard" even if he is terrified of him) , the snark, the "she'll pray for you to march, Reek thought, and she'll pray that you never come back to her bed.", the way he thinks about the spearwives.
And yet all of that has to be repressed in order to keep himself alive and (considering the circumstances) safe. He has to swallow his pride and fury and his defiance and endure and I love that. Swallow your pride, my friend, it's not the worse thing you could swallow.
Cersei is different. Cersei almost always openly shows her disdain and fury at everything and everyone surrounding her and even after going through the cruellest humiliation she has suffered (Alexa, play Bob Dylan's "Like a rolling stone" again but this time the live version where people are booing him and he is sarcastically telling them how wonderful they are) she still keeps her head high, or as high as she can.
I don't know, both of them are on my top 5 pov characters and I would like them to interact beyond comedic relief type of dynamics (although I like those too) and I think there could be interesting explorations. I think in this weird nonsensical scenario where she becomes Cersei Bolton she would probably act like an anti-Jeyne in the sense that she too would demand for him to act more according to her notions of Theon Greyjoy but replacing Jeyne's soft and tender pleads for help with unjustified harshness and cruelty and a mocking type of defiance. Jeyne pets the dog, Barbrey taunts the dog, Cersei just straight up kicks it. I like imagining she would steal him from Ramsay as to have something mildly diverting in her boring Northerner lifestyle and that could be fun to explore.
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daenystheedreamer · 2 years
You asked me my fave ASOIAF ships so it’s only right that I ask u what yours are 🫶🫶
oh honey you got a big storm comin 😈 
JAIME/BRIENNE: god it's just so. like its truly insane. they are beauty and the beast but there's LAYERS like ok first look. oh she's a girl and he's a boy so she's beauty and he's the beast. but jaime is so sexyhot and brienne is ugly so he's the beauty and she's the beast. oh but she's brienne the beauty and he's a lannister lion. oh but she's the only kind and good and pure soul in the world and her eyes are so, so beautiful and jaime is so horrible and destroyed inside and out and he's so cruel but he doesn't want to be but he does. AND he dreams of fighting alongside her nude like ok RRRING RRING um hi freud i gotta crazy guy for you to psychoanalyse yeah he's got daddy AND mommy AND sibling issues and he’s a little gay with it.
THEON/ROBB: look ok. coming out as a robb neutral. THATS KIND OF A LIE look i love robb he's just a boy he's forced into the meat grinder he's hamlet he's doomed i love that that's so fun. but i'm not one of those people who's like WE NEED A ROBB POV or like mad he died. i'm a theongirl first and foremost and the way i love throbb is through the lens of theon my traumatised horrible catboy.
RHAENYRA/ALICENT: god what can be said that hasn’t. vicious lesbian divorce. psychosexual incestuous passive aggressive actually aggressive love hate inner child growing old always on their mind everything is about the other constrained by patriarchy doing patriarchy but in a way that benefits you. and she’s her stepmother.
JONSATIN: yeah yeah its a bit of a yaoi ship i know i know. mostly i like it cos it gives satin something to do LMAO i really like him so i have to give him personality and wants and a backstory and jon is a great puppet for that. on jon’s side honestly satin is like the nicest choice for him everyone else has so much baggage...
LORENLY: its like canon i like it. i like the doom and tragedy i like how renly is a fun guy and loras is such a cunt.
DAENSA: i think they would be a nice couple :) i think they would be good for each other. nice fluffy ship, very sweet. lemontreecakes forever!!
SANSAERY: its like what if regina george and cady heron were lesbians. i love manipulative bitch margaery whos like shit she’s genuinely nice and pure and cute goddamnit. and sansa who has to slowly realise she’s being used but that even though their relationship is kinda fucked up it IS complex. also really funny that she was comphet for marge’s gay brother.
GENDRYA: she’s 9 so im like meh on it but its very sweet. the living-vicariously-through-your-children marriage robert wanted with sansa and joffrey. well actually its the genderfreak lyanna clone and anarchist robert clone. 
STAVOS and MELYSE: idk melisandre and selyse’s ship name. i could be serious about it but it’s just funny to me. you can still fuck even when youre at the rotting decrepit old age of 34 and you once cut off your domestic partner’s fingers
JonValJon: i dont like ValJon because it so often negates val’s character and her wants and desires also jon is 15 and val is like clearly an adult woman but the name is really funny i like les mis eh heh heh
Theonsa: i like show theonsa i think its sweet. book theonsa i dont like because shes a lesbian.
Brienne/Sansa and Brienne/Margaery: show only. its cute and brienne x margaery is kinda hot ngl. also Brienne/Cersei that’s also hot. sorry im gay.
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alleyskywalker · 2 years
Unpopular opinion: Theon x Jeyne is a very underrated pairing. They were both bullies, both strove to be accepted by the Starks (Jeyne was friends with Sansa, Theon with Robb), both were traumatized by Ramsay, both had name dichotomies (Theon/Reek, Jeyne/Arya) and both came from families with an affiliation with water (Theon’s family were seafarers, Jeyne’s is named after a pool). And the ship has the fairytale aesthetic of a prince saving a lady in a tower from the monster in the castle.
So, I disagree on Theon being a bully. I don't see evidence of that at all in canon (barring maybe one suspicious incident with Benfred Tallhart, but it's too vague and out of context to make such a conclusion on, imo). But to everything else YES. They have such wonderful parallels - the ones you mentioned and also the whole "growing up in the shadow of your prettier/richer/more powerful or popular/etc" (best) friend and the rank differences (inherent for Jeyne, situational for Theon) vis-a-vis the Starks and to some extend the way both Robb and Sansa act toward them, with a certain amount of superiority. And then of course the co-trauma and the romantic themes...
And yea so much High Romance in this, not just because of the fairytale themes you mentioned of the heroic escape/lady in the tower tropes, but also the bit of Beauty-and-the-Beast with how Jeyne kind of brings him back to himself a bit? It's not just her, and Theon never fully breaks mentally of course, but she's the one he manages to be brave for, to overcome that existential fear of Ramsay for. Theon gives off the sense of the kind of guy who'd always wanted to be a hero, who does have a fundamental grasp and desire for decency, but is often misled and confused about how to go about things in the absolutely insanely shitty situations he's constantly in. And finally, with Jeyne, he's able to self-realize. And she's the first in a long time to see him not just as human but as a man, as someone who could help her and save her. And we talk a lot about how Theon is the one who sees Jeyne and helps Jeyne and not "Arya." But she also sees him for himself as well. She recognizes him - and she links their past and their present. She'd had a crush on him as a girl, and they're both so different now but, but it's still what she calls back to when she asks him for help. They save each other.
And then just the pure id (to me) of the story that's like...the girl who was pretty but insecure, always in the shadow of her best friend, not overly valued, in love with the boy who was too out of her reach for one reason or another, who didn't really notice her, and he was perfect to her though with so many issues of his own. And then they meet years later and nothing is the same and they've both been through so much and have changed, and it turns out that they both just want the same things in the end: safety and comfort and acceptance and love. And they give that to each other and save each other, at first maybe because each other is all they have, but then later, when they both have a choice - if they still choose each other? If the girl gets the guy she's always wanted after all, but not because she got a hot makeover or whatever but because they've been through it together and really connected and it's not perfect at all and so very different from when she was first in love with him... It's not a fairytale and yet it is at the same time? That's the kind of trope-adjacent High Romance I want. That's how you write het, as far as I'm concerned.
Anyway, sorry, this was very stream of consciousness but I have a lot of feelings about Theyne but too tired for in-depth actual meta.
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stevesxyellowxsweater · 10 months
For the ask game! 💕
☠️ - What's one of your most controversial ships you like? 💗 - Name an accent you love to hear 🍉 - You're transformed into your favorite blorbo. On a scale of 1 to 10, how screwed are you.
What's one of your most controversial ships you like?
I'm a big Sansa Stark and Theon Greyjoy shipper, but then I can pretty much ship Sansa with everyone because she's my girl. Also shoutout to Zuko and Katara!
Name an accent you love to hear?
I really love Scottish, Italian too.
You're transformed into your favorite blorbo. On a scale of 1 to 10, how screwed are you.
Let's face it, it's Steve Harrington. Other than being beaten up every season I think I'd be okay. Maybe about 5?
Random question ask game
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patrocles · 2 years
throbb? Sansaery? Daemon/Nettles?
THROBB 10/10 ship name. In the books I don't really ship them at all, Robb feels SO much younger than Theon. But show!throbb absolutely fucks. There's absolutely a queer undertone to this dynamic that a better writer could have explored, especially when you utilize the quote "I should have been with him. Where was I? I should have died with him." Especially since the show went out of its way to make Theon his only friend in the war. Neither of them were beating the fruity allegations when Robb told Theon he didn't have to call him 'your grace' when no one else was around. And so if EYE was writing Theon in the aftermath of the Red Wedding, I would have shelved all the castration jokes in favor of Theon truly having to grapple with Robb's death and his feelings surrounding him (jealousy, unrequited love, repressed bisexualty, etc). It wasn't just that they were best friends, but Theon loved him, was in love with him, and he still betrayed him. Could something have happened? Something that was always just beneath the surface? Maybe, but now he'll never know. Robb should have been an ever-present figure in Theon's arc for the rest of the series. And how so much of Theon's quest for redemption is rooted in accepting the way in which he loved Robb, accepting his own grief for what it was, and being able to let it go to finally attain absolution.
SANSAERY - I feel like I'm in the minority in that I actually don't care about this ship all that much... And if we're keeping it 100 I don't really like Natalie's Margaery all that much either. I definitely think they should have kept her the same age as Sansa, and I think I'd feel better about them in the show? Idk there's something about her going from a scheming, but still ultimately a pawn-of-the-patriarchy teen girl, to the sexy seductress with quippy lines to shade Cersei and sleeps with a pubescent child bc the writers are freaks that kind Icks me. And even in the book it's hard to really think of their friendship as anything tangible when Sansa is so desperate for a friend and then gets dropped the second the Tyrells plans for her falls through. HOWEVER, should Margy live (and I hope she does!) I would really like to see them reunite at the end, after everything they've both been through.
DAEMON/NETTLES - If "get a job! get away from her!" was a ship. I genuinely think of them as like Jason Bateman falling for Juno while she's a teenager and carrying his surrogate child simply because they bonded over nerd shit. (obviously sans the child) Like he's old now, and she represents the youth he misses and the ~Targaryen Values~ that he's obsessed with. (the dragonriding, the ferocity). I don't think she was his daughter, but I definitely think he treated her like one even if they had a sexual relationship. He traded Rhaenyra in when Nettles was the best replacement for what Rhaenyra no longer had- youth. Not to mention, he replaced Rhaena too, his own daughter, for the one that had a dragon and could fight alongside him. And the thing for Nettles is that Daemon was her only real access to social mobility, despite her own capabilities. I'm so glad that old bitch died and she got to live as a fire goddess in the Vale.
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grey-joys · 1 year
WIP Ask Games
Tagged by @ship-ambrosia
Rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips!
I actually write in physical notebooks!
Teal Notebook, yellow sticky note: Pomegranates
Green Notebook, blue sticky note: In a Crowd of Thousands
In DMs: What rhymes with boat? (Inside joke haha)
I do have other WIP, but for a fandom I am not actively involved in, so I won’t post about them here. That, and I don’t like mixing platforms
I don’t know anyone besides the person who tagged me, so no tags :)
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futuregws · 2 years
On so many levels, but just out of curiosity what stood out to you the most?
Trigger warning: mentions of abuse and r*pe
I'm assuming this is about my game of thrones post?? If not then I'm sorry it's been a long day.
But I'm gonna answer as if it is if it isn't let me know, so I feel like game of thrones as a whole is just much worse in that aspect and I feel like it will only get worse bc I'm still in the beginning I'm about to finish season 2, and I know of one character that is still not in the show and he's the worst of the worse so I'm obviously only gonna speak on the scenes I did see but my mind might change. So the one that made me originally make that post was the scene I don't remember what episode honestly but it's S2 and its when Tyrion sent those women to joffrey's room, and he made one of them (I always forget her name for some reason) beat the other, it was the whole watching them go from their own acting they have to do with clients of pretending to enjoy to then seeing the actual fear in their eyes, and the part that really just made me very uncomfortable and it was just a no, its when he gives that girl that huge thing to hit the other with it killed me to watch that, and overall the way they treat women like objects when they are talking between each other saying that they will get the other a woman to fuck, and manyyy more other comments but the fact that their goals is to r*pe women for example the scene with Theon where he's giving commands to the people that are going with him on the ship and one of them mentions that one of their goals is to r*pe the women, and don't get me started on the scene where Sansa almost gets r*ped and then the next day another thing that truly disturbs me happens which is them wanting to almost control her period so that she can get pregnant, her fear when she saw that she had gotten it for the first time and she got so scared bc now she could be forced to have his babies its just too much and something else I noticed that really bothers me is the unnecessary nude scenes with women bc it's always women there isn't one episode where we don't see a women's boobs and I'm just like why?? And the fact that even in scenes such as when they attack joffrey (the same episode and situation where sansa almost gets r*ped) they felt the need to have a background actor(I'm not sure if that's what they are called) get her dressed ripped like FOR WHAT. And honestly I could go on and on I knew that this show had a lot of scenes like this bc I saw what people said when episode 4 of hotd came out and people were so relieved to finally see a positive sex/nude scene that wasn't r*pe and the women was actually enjoying it, but I did not think it was THIS much. But anyway sorry I'm rambling, but yeah THE scene that stood out the most like I mentioned was really the Joffrey and the two girls scene I just was not expecting it
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Modern AU where all the Stark kids meet at pride without realizing any of the others are there too and they’ve all got their partners with them. None of them are out to each other. They all thought THEY were the gay Stark. They were wrong. Sansa has Margaery and they’re both covered in kiss marks in lesbian flag colours. Jon and Tormund have Tormund’s daughters with them and they’re acting like an old married couple even tho there’s an age difference there. Podrick thought he was being cute by putting rainbow flags on Bran’s wheelchair, but Bran is too stoic and only grins about it when Podrick isn’t looking. Arya and Gendry are together but both wearing bisexual colours. Rickon is trans but only his tutor Osha knows so far, and brought him to his first pride to hang out. Robb brought both Theon AND Talisa with him and it’s obvious he’s been giving them both kisses all day.
In which they all assumed they were gayer than the others.
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cat-stark · 5 years
"jon x sansa x theon (to no one’s surprise) and i just need to finish up some fics so i can start writing fics for my ot3" fiNALLY SOMEONE BRAVE ENOUGH thank you for your service
nonnie, you don’t even know, i literally have so much planned for this ship.
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bby-driver · 5 years
theon sansa shippers make some FUCKIN NOISE
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I'm following the shipping anthropology like it's my paid job ofc but was there anything interesting about gen preferences ? Iirc exacty if there was a question about it/what it was like but I'm curious if anyone shared
Sorry for the last response! I went over the answers many times already and one of my regrets is not digging deeper into general non-romantic dynamic preferences so I am sorry I will have to disappoint you when it comes to it since I was too short-sighted. Here are the stats for Greyjoy dynamics, some comments on Robb and Theon as friends and a few general comments on possible friendships. Character studies type of gen fanwork sadly wasn't mentioned.
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Extremely surprised by Theon & Euron being more interesting than Theon & Balon to the common fandom.
Many throbb people and also less Theon-centric people who answered the survey also spoke of Theon and Robb as friends or friends to lovers which I found interesting because this wasn't the case with other ships that are are based on somewhat positive interactions/emotions, like show! theonsa or theyne (who I don't consider his friends either).
i picked theon/robb mostly because that's been his healthiest relationship during his life but i generally don't engage with shipping content besides occasionally seeing fan art. i enjoy the dynamic of childhood friends turned lovers as well as like maybe them bonding over their mistakes in the afterlife. i like to think robb would forgive theon eventually, he doesn't seem the type to give up on his loved ones. -
Very close tie between Theonsa and Throbb for me. I enjoy a dark twist on the childhood friends trope, I like the potential for exploring Theons trauma from being a hostage vs his genuine love for Robb and Sansa
I don't feel strongly about it, I don't think Theon and Robb would ever say or do anything explicitly romantic/sexual "in canon", but I get that it can be fun to explore it. I like to explore how their friendship developed, how they grew so close, and the crushing guilt, regret and trauma of the betrayal
I live for TheonxRobb fics but mostly the ones about the war time, the angst about betraying Robb or his family, reactions to the red wedding, angsty flashbacks to their childhood and so on. it's the childhood friends to lovers to enemies to tragedy that does it for me. but when I'm in mood I can get super into fluffy fics of the two, since Robb isnt really a pov character there's much more leeway for the writer, I can read I fic about them and not be bothered if Robb is ooc (hard to be out of character when you are not much of a character lol) because I'm not familiar with inner thoughts and all that, theres more freedom for imagination.
I find Theon/Robb interesting because the themes of friendship/brotherhood/betrayal are really interesting to me. Theon's guilt, mania, depression and his complex relationship to the Starks are best shown through the Throbb (ew name lol) dynamic. I also think it's hilarious. Mordern AU throbb is insane..
I wish he was in AGOT a little more! Like I don't think we get a full conversation between Theon and Robb besides when Robb yells at Theon, which sucks because they are basically best friends.
I feel like Robb was Theon's only friend in Winterfell for a long time. Like he was the only person the idiot could sorta trust
Catra from she ra! Redemption and identity and sexy bad boy stuff again. Childhood friends to lovers. Enemy/rival of the childhood friend/lover. Most of the characters in Yellowjackets. (Jackie is Robb).
I just ignore things that bug me. I don't like calling him reek. I don't think he was "right to betray the Starks" or that he didn't betray them. I think he did betray them despite being a ward, or at the very least he betrayed robb who was his friend. Theon says as much, what he did was wrong and it supposed to be wrong.
let him have other friends in modern aus, the whole botley family is right here.
Back to the iron islands support group thing we came up with. I would really love it if Wex, Falia, Jeyne & Theon would become friends (and maybe it develops into something else with one of them, maybe it doesn't). Not found family, he has a family, but friends! Good friends who treat him right and don't look down on him. He had friends in Winterfell and he had friends in the Iron Islands! He is not unloveable or unloved but life has made it very difficult for him to keep those friendships or for those friendships to even be healthy and these three people have gone through similar situations in their life and could find some happiness and carelessness in each others company.
I need to know who his dead or grown into strangers friends were. Was Botley one of them? Was that the reason he looked down on him and Qarl later on? Was Baelor one of them? grrm why add that extremely relatable line and not expand on it?!? You know me, I know you. Killing ourselves over this.
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amuelia · 2 years
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An AU/spec fic setup i was thinking about... Ca 15 years after the events of asoiaf, Rickon Stark, who stayed with Osha, hears that Bran is getting married and enters the celebrations incognito to see what became of his siblings.
Pictured: Rickon Stark and Osha, Arya Stark and a friend, Sansa Stark with her husband Samwell Tarly and their daughter, Jon Snow, Bran Stark
Explanations under the cut:
Rickon Stark:
 Davos finds him, but due to the chaos in the North and the various conspiracies decides that Rickon might be the happiest staying with Osha for now. While Osha offers to reunite him with his family, he has a grudge due to feeling abandoned and kept his distance for years.
His wolf’s name, Shaggydog, reflects this, as Rickon’s story takes an undramatic end despite him being technically very important to the Northern succession story as one of Ned’s trueborn sons.
Arya Stark:
 Became a traveller and boat captain. Throughout the story, we see that she has an easy time making friends and learning languages, and has an open mind and willingness to become friends with people from all walks of life, which fits a captain as she would have a tightknit relationship with her crew. Arya has also shown that she dislikes the stereotypical expectations for a courtly lady and does not envision herself in this path of life; Boats in asoiaf on the other hand have been home to a number of gender-nonconforming women such as Elissa Farman and Asha Greyjoy.
"You," Ned said, kissing her lightly on the brow, "will marry a king and rule his castle, and your sons will be knights and princes and lords and, yes, perhaps even a High Septon." - Arya screwed up her face. "No," she said, "that's Sansa."- Eddard V, aGoT
Her wolf’s name, Nymeria, reflects this, as the historical Nymeria has been famous for her ten thousand ships. She was also a queen, and per a Theon chapter “every captain was a king aboard his own ship”.
Sansa Stark:
Always desired to be a lady, and has shown to be adept at the expectations of the court and working and interacting with other nobility. Samwell as her husband shares her love of songs and stories, is the heir of a southern castle which is the style of court she loves, and would treat her kindly and gently. Sansa’s story deals with themes of how appearances do not reflect character, and while Samwell does not look the stereotypical prince, he has a wonderful character and showed feats of bravery against all odds.
"Sweet one," her father said gently, "listen to me. When you're old enough, I will make you a match with a high lord who's worthy of you, someone brave and gentle and strong. This match with Joffrey was a terrible mistake. That boy is no Prince Aemon, you must believe me."  - Sansa III, aGoT
Her wolf’s name, Lady, reflects this endgame.
While Sam is currently at the citadel, i feel he will not end his life devoted to celibacy; While technically being against his father’s wishes, being a maester still plays into the idea of Sam not being deserving of Horn Hill and not continuing the Tarly line. Randyll’s toxic masculinity is not the be all end all of how a lord can be, and i like the idea of Samwell returning to his home after Randyll’s death with all his new experiences and living his best life. I see the wall as broken down by the end of the books, so there is no use for Sam to be a maester there. Gilly fell in love with Sam who showed her kindness from a heavily abusive home life, but she might want to one day return to what is left of her family and siblings and try to build a better life. Sam as lord of Horn Hill would send supplies to Jon’s projects and help out Gilly however he can.
Jon Snow:
Resurrected after his assassination, he has stopped aging, and lives his life trying his best helping relations around the former wall. “Kill the boy and let the man be born.”, Jon is told, an advice that appears to have a toxic effect on him (he thinks of it when he decides to pursue Ramsay); in the end, his traitors kill the boy, yet a man is never born as he will never grow up. The conditions and biological effects of his resurrection make him a living embodiment of the nights watch vows; a bittersweet fate.
His wolf’s name, Ghost, reflects this; as Jon himself now resembles a Ghost, forever reflecting the look of his death, wandering around with the purpose that his life once had.
“An albino,” Theon Greyjoy said with wry amusement. “This one will die even faster than the others.”
Jon Snow gave his father’s ward a long, chilling look. “I think not, Greyjoy,” he said.“This one belongs to me.”  - Bran I, aGoT
Bran Stark:
As Robb Stark’s heir, he has become the new King in the North. Since Robb was the king of the Riverlands as well, Bran might have his seat at the isle of faces in the god’s eye, a location that has often been speculated about; otherwise, he would have his seat at Winterfell. Bran in aCoK has shown good potential as a ruler and handled things as well as his young age allowed. While Bloodraven acts as a teacher to him, his fate as a tree-bound seer appears to be the worst case scenario and a fate that Bran would avoid. Grrm’s works appear to celebrate life and humanity, and Bran as the first main PoV will likely choose this path over a life of slow dehumanization. While treated as Robb’s future bannerman, Bran‘s first chapter (which starts the entire series) shows a strong preparation for his role as a ruler.
His Wolf’s name, Summer, reflects this dream of spring ushered by a new King. 
The morning had dawned clear and cold, with a crispness that hinted at the end of summer. - Bran I, aGoT
Obviously these are all just speculations as well as things that i think would be fun for the purpose of this scenario :) Feel free to disagree!
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🌠Jaime/Brienne mentions in House of the Dragon 🐉 Critic Reviews💻
"Season 3 is also the season of the Red Wedding. Another massive pop culture moment that cemented Game of Thrones as the show that was not afraid to kill off a whole chunk of main characters who everyone pretty much considered the “good guys”— as if there was any need to confirm it after Ned’s death. Still, it was absolutely shocking. Plus, it’s the start of the great Jaime and Brienne romance—the only ship that has made me go all fangirl in the entirety of the show. It truly was the best of times." The Mary Sue
"Game of Thrones, for all its flaws, was a Sunday-night treasure for a reason: its wild inventiveness and beauty, its overstuffed intrigue and action, its humor, its characters. It was also one of the last sparks of American monoculture, a phenomenon that managed to bring millions together, all at once, to eagerly discuss a scene or detail: Jaime waving goodbye to Brienne of Tarth, the emergence of a missing direwolf, the thrilling flight of a jerk through the Moon Door." The New Yorker
"Weapons in George R. R. Martin’s A Game of Thrones are occasionally given names. The significance of that is a glimpse into the history of said weapons. For example, Brienne of Tarth names her Valyrian steel sword, given to her by Jaime Lannister, “Oathkeeper” after swearing an oath to find and protect Sansa Stark. Another sword with an interesting history is Dark Sister." Twinfinite
"Daemon is King Viserys’ brother. As for his personality… Well, imagine Jaime Lannister before he met Brienne and lost his hand. Then put a drop of Tyrion Lannister’s sexual appetite in there, heap a spoonful of King Joffrey’s ruthlessness on top, and you’re right on track." Metro
"Matt Smith may not resemble Prince Charming as closely as Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, but that’s OK, because Daemon’s charm can’t compare to Jaime’s, either: He’s not quite as likable as the Lannister twin was, which is saying something considering Jaime had sex with his sister and tried to kill a kid in the first episode of Thrones. Jaime was a kingslayer, but—unbeknownst to everyone but Brienne—for virtuous reasons." The Ringer
"The massive sprawl of Game of Thrones could be both blessing and curse. The HBO fantasy epic had a seemingly bottomless and varied well of colorful characters and places from which to draw stories, and to keep the audience from growing tired of any one corner of its fictional world. But in striving for such breadth, GoT at times struggled with depth. Installments of the series could feel less like TV episodes than hasty guided tours of the Seven Kingdoms: If you look over on your right, you’ll see Jaime Lannister leaping into a pit to rescue Brienne of Tarth from a large bear! And coming up in a moment on our left is Theon Greyjoy being castrated by the mysterious sadist who’s been torturing him all season… On the rare occasions when an hour stayed entirely with one group, like Jaime’s brother Tyrion mustering the defenses of King’s Landing for the Battle of the Blackwater, the narrative focus was so potent, it was hard not to wish for more of that — or to wonder what the show could be if it didn’t have to service dozens of characters and subplots." Rolling Stone
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