#what if..?venom
shima0021 · 2 months
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3 Venomized Doctor Strange
Spider-Man : Maximum Venom,Venomverse,What If..?Venom
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chaos0pikachu · 4 months
sorry but I so don't care that venom might not be in the mcu cause where the fuck would he and eddie even fit in the mcu? there's no chaotic sexy energy in the mcu i'm so sorry like the mcu's idea of sex is two dry pumps on a beach with ppl so pretty they might as well be ai generated the horniest thing they've done in their films is had steve rogers in a boob shirt and then they finished his story by becoming joe biden Venom would eat some cop's skull and the avengers would literally shit themselves they'd be like "OMG EDDIE YOU CAN'T GO AROUND EATING COPS" and Eddie would be like "I didn't that was my husband" and then John Watson would show up and be like "I'm an ally so I totally understand but also we don't allow the eating of law enforcement here" and Venom would try to eat John Watson while eddie calls the avengers neolibs in his head like THEY DON'T FIT IN THE MCU
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loveless-venom · 6 months
What if we both had dog collars on? What if they were clipped to each other by a chain? What if that chain was so short that it forced our lips together??
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maroonmused · 2 months
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just passed the fuck out
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lemonpais · 3 months
people don’t talk enough about how much hidden rizz Eddie truly has.
by god’s luck, he was able to pull Anne and he was able to make some random man-eater parasite from Klyntar betray his entire planet just so he can spend life day-to-day with him, eating nothing but tater tots and chocolate.
this (sweaty ass) man is a god
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samd1o1 · 2 months
Marvel Anti-Heroes Be Like
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nex-has-gender-envy · 5 months
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Switching on who's smoochin who 🥰💞
og posts - 1 , 2
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bridoesotherjunk · 1 year
so I saw this article today
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That says "5 years later, Sony still doesn't understand why it's biggest spider-verse hit worked"
And the article mainly talks about how the Venom films are self contained and don't try to be films in a cinematic universe. They have a clear identity. Yes, there is no Spider-Man in them, and that's okay because they knew what they wanted to do without him when they made the films. They even say at one point "the Venom films are not for everyone, but at least they know what they are"
This is something I personally have talked about many times. And I've seen other Venom fans talk about. And what I'm seeing MCU fans starting to say more and more now. The movies work when they have a clear story and identity and don't feel interchangeable or formulaic.
You could take any Disney plus marvel show or 'phase 4' movie and switch the characters around and the story would probably stay largely the same, or at least feel the same. We all know what I mean right? The characters all make quips like Tony Stark no matter if it is in character or not. They talk and act the same.
But the Venom films? You couldn't take Tom Hardy's Eddie and swap him with the mcu cast. He acts so differently than 90% of them, he wouldn't fit in. He's fucking weird and unhinged and is very much Tom Hardy's brain child.
Also the Venom movies worked because queer people liked them. The films were hugely popular with LGBT audiences but you didn't hear that from me 👀👀👀👀
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symbiotic-slime · 1 year
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I just wanna know who on the marketing team approved that wording
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hollowboobtheory · 2 years
idc if you personally like spiders or reptiles but if someone posts a picture of their snake or tarantula and you reply with a picture of a gun you're a fucking asshole. that's their PET. imagine if you showed someone your cat and they yelled "KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!111!"
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valeriapryanikova · 2 years
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interesting trust exercise 
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yukipri · 2 months
For curiosity's sake...
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there are two genders.
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The pishacha are manifestations of evil itself, locked within a cursed amulet. The wearer of the amulet is at the mercy of the demon, known for possessing humans and feeding off their host's chakra energy. However, if symbiosis is achieved, the pishacha can grant its host a myriad of powerful abilities.
I just needed to draw something cool okay. I needed to draw some cool goop and some cool looks okay. okay. if I didn't post this I would have exploded okay
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notebookpapers · 2 months
I can only pray that Venom 3 has something as homoerotic as what went down in the backseat of that Honda
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 192
Danny feels exhausted. His stupid ghost-puberty is annoying, and is affecting even his human form. Which wouldn’t be that bad, except for the fact that instead of having a simple elemental or obsession core, he happens to have a Space one. Technically the Space Core seeing as apparently he’s the newborn Ancient of Space. Or something. 
Urgh, he just wants to get some food from the dollar store down the street, not deal with whatever attempted mugging this is. He’s hangry, and just wants to get some food and curl back up in his mass of blankets back in his tiny apartment. 
So maybe he overreacted. He might have released his very careful hold on his less-than human traits that have been attempting to leak through the last several weeks. On the bright side, he, uh, isn’t hungry anymore and is now back in his nest of blankets. 
On the other hand, there is now a vigilante in his window. 
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