#what if we were like a cat and dog afterward
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laughffy · 6 months ago
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au where everything is the same but zoro got stitched up from his duel with mihawk by sanji
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erinwantstowrite · 7 months ago
if you're stuck on a chapter there are a few reasons:
-your set up to the scene you're writing is not working. go back and check it
-you are not in the right POV. think about who would be the most interesting or the most entertaining or the most informative in that scene, depending on what impact you want the scene to have
-you're at the beginning of the chapter and the words aren't coming to you even though you have it planned out already? the solution is simple: you don't like what you have planned out as much as you think you do. do not force it
-solution to a lot of problems comes from a single question I ask myself: Do I choose the kind option, or the mean option? (Your readers will eat up either one)
-You find the dialogue lacking? Act it out
-Your scene feels boring or something just "ain't right" but you can't tell what it is? Try making yourself feel the emotion you want your readers to feel. If you didn't cry while writing a scene meant to make your readers bawl their eyes out, then you might not have connected to your character as well as you wanted to. Put yourself in their shoes, pretend you ARE them.
(And afterwards, please practice putting yourself back in your own shoes and taking care of your mental health. Sometimes the fucked up stuff might get to you. Healthy minds create healthy lives, and in turn, you get to keep creating.)
-Your environment might be bothering you. Take a look around you and see what's nagging you. Is your workspace not clean? Are your notes out of order? A clean/orderly workspace can help you organize your thoughts or get you into a more productive mood. (Trust me, I get it, sometimes it's really hard to keep it tidy.)
-Try white/brown/pink noise. Try listening to music, or to videos that create background noise you feel most productive with.
-Jumping jacks. Squats. Stretches. Wiggle around your room. That one scene in High School Musical where Sharpay and Ryan are warming up. It sounds ridiculous, but this is good for you, your body, and your mind. Release pent up energy, get yourself awake and focused. If you aren't able to do this, try something silly to wake your brain up. Do some puzzles, sing some songs, etc.
-Most importantly:
Did you do your laundry? Did you get enough sun? Did you drink enough water? Did you eat enough today? Did you get your favorite snack? Did you smile? Did you run in your yard like you did as a kid? Did you laugh with your friend? Did you see the way their eyes crinkle when they smile at you? Did you play with your dog? Your cat? Did you look at the flowers in the field near your house? Did you meet someone new? Did you learn something you didn't before? Did you try something you were scared of? Did it go well? Did you enjoy being yourself? Did you explore the world today? Did you live? Did you love? Did you feel? Did you breathe, and relax, and feel that everything is gonna be okay?
It might seem insignificant, but we write from the heart, not just the mind. Let your story sit in the back of your mind when you truly feel stuck. Take care of yourself, try getting out of your head. Notice the details around you, commit them to memory. Your story will wait for you. It might take a day, or days, or a week, or a month, months, or a year or years. But the story sits with you and you'll be thinking about it without actually thinking about it. When you come to your story again, it will be happy that you've grown, no matter how big or small
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madamtrashbat · 7 months ago
When I was ten, we lived on a rice farm with a lot of big buildings in the middle of nowhere. One of the shitty employees of the rice farm decided that, because we had barn cats on the premises, it was perfectly fine to dump a litter of very small kittens into one of the barns.
(I hate her I hate her I hate her)
The kittens were not old enough to be on their own, and despite one of the barn cats looking after them, the majority of them did not make it. All except for one, a little tuxedo that let my dad pick it up.
He brought it into the house, and I decided I was going to nurse it back to health. He was mostly black with a white chin, little white toes, and a white belly. He was so small. I fell in love with him.
I named him Pookie.
He would curl up in the crook of my neck and sleep on my shoulder, where it was warm. He was eating the cat food I mushed up with water, and for three days I thought he might make it.
Then, inexplicably, our dog Fancy, a heeler/shepherd mix, attacked him in the laundry room. She had never done anything like that before and never did anything like that afterwards. I never knew why she did what she did.
I begged my parents to take him to the vet. Please, see if there's anything we can do. I want to save him so badly.
But we had very little money at the time, and my mom couldn't justify an enormous vet bill for a cat we'd had for less than a week that there was surely nothing to do for.
I put him in his basket that night with food and water and many blankets. He had no external injuries besides a nosebleed, so I hoped it wasn't as bad as it seemed.
He didn't see the morning. My dad buried him in the flowerbed without much ado.
I cried for two days into the arms of an unsympathetic mother who didn't understand why I felt so strongly over a cat we'd had for three days, bombarded with criticism from a judgmental sister who severely disliked cats. My dad did his best to try and comfort me, but he's not the best with emotions and didn't know what to say.
It has stuck with me for 20 years. I wonder, from time to time, if I did enough. If I'd kept him in my room instead of the laundry room, if I'd looked up how to care for him, if I'd kept closer watch on him and kept the dog away from him, would he have lived. Would he still have been my cat. Would he have known a life of love and warm fireplaces and full bellies and cuddling into my shoulders until he was too big to fit.
I'll never know.
I told Sawyer about this recently, in a moment of emotional upheaval where I was just spewing out a list of things that had happened in my past that I'd never really gotten over. The conviction of my sadness apparently struck a deep chord with Sawyer, who decided to make me a memorial for Pookie to keep his memory close.
No one else had taken my emotions regarding Pookie seriously. Not until now. And not only did Sawyer take it seriously, the emotional vomit of an adult woman still crying over a cat she had for three days in fifth grade, but Sawyer thought it important enough that it should never be forgotten.
It's nice, sometimes, to know the person you've chosen to go through life with is the best person in the world for you.
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astra-ravana · 27 days ago
A Guide To Shape-Shifting
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Shape-shifting has long captivated the human imagination, holding a prominent place in the realms of witchcraft and the occult. In fact, the myth of the shape-shifting witch can be found in folklore around the world and across multiple cultures, from the British Isles to the Americas to Asia and Africa. Witches were reported to turn into rabbits, cats, deer, mice, owls, ravens, and wolves. Shape-shifting is an intriguing practice that involves altering one's physical form, or at least one's perception and is often associated with mystical abilities and spiritual connections.
What Is Shape-Shifting?
Shape-shifting, in the context of witchcraft refers to the belief and practice of altering one's form or perception through magick and ritual and can take place in the Otherworld or on our current astral plane, depending on the needs of the witch. It encompasses the idea of undergoing a physical or metaphysical transformation, allowing witches to embody different beings, animals, or even objects. Often times this occurs when the witch wears the body of an animal, we know literal transformation is not possible, but it can certainly happen on an energetic or spirit level. This can occur in one of two ways: the witch's spirit transforms into the spirit of an animal or the witch's spirit 'rides' a living animal or external spirit on the physical plane or in the Otherworld. In either case, both are considered shape-shifting and can be used for the same purposes.
Some History
By the 13th century, it was widely believed witches could turn into animals at will. Witches were believed to turn into hares, toads, dogs, cats, and other animals to steal from their neighbors, curse livestock, and otherwise create mischief and mayhem. In many cases, harm done to the animal form caused similar wounds to the human.
In 1649, John Palmer of St. Albans, England confessed to transforming into a toad in order to torment his neighbor. The neighbor reportedly kicked the toad and Palmer complained of sore shins afterward. Similar stories appear in American folklore, including Aunty Greenleaf who was said to take on the form of a white doe to torment her neighbor's livestock. When the doe was shot with three silver bullets, Aunty Greenleaf was said to later die with three silver bullets in her spine.
Of course shape-shifting myths and folklore don't end there. We also have the Navajo skinwalker, the American loup-garou, Korean kumiho, Japanese yokai, the Kitsune, and the Mexican La Lechuza.
Famous incantations come from Isobel Gowdie during the 17th century witch trials. During her confessions, Gowdie named two charms one for transforming into a hare and and one for transforming back into a woman.
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To Transform Into A Hare:
"I shall go into a hare
With sorrow and such a meickle care;
And I shall go in the Devil's name
Ay while I come home again."
To Transform Back:
"Hare, hare, God send thee care.
I am in a hare's likeness now,
But I shall be in a woman's likeness even now."
Other witches reported similar shape-shifting incantations as seen below.
To Transform Into A Cat:
"I shall go into a cat,
With sorrow and such a black shat;
And I shall go in the Devil's name,
Ay while I come home again."
To Transform Into A Crow:
"I shall go into a crow,
With sorrow and such a black thraw;
And I shall go in the Devil's name,
Ay while I come home again."
Modern Uses Of Shape-Shifting
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In contemporary witchcraft, shape-shifting has taken on metaphorical and symbolic significance. Modern witches utilize shape-shifting as a tool for personal growth, empowerment, and self-discovery. Through the exploration of different archetypes and primal instincts, witches seek to deepen their understanding of themselves and their connection to the natural world, develop a relationship with an animal guide or totem, or even gain new perspectives on a problem. Shape-shifting becomes a means to tap into hidden aspects of the psyche and to embrace transformative experiences. This can take many forms, including calling upon different animal spirits during spellwork, meditating on different animal aspects, working with animal spirits, journaling, ritual dances, etc.
Shape-shifting also shares a deep connection with shamanic journeying and hedge riding, a practice in which the witch traverses the different realms of the Otherworld for spiritual insight and healing. Within hedge riding and othet shamanic traditions, shape-shifting serves as a means to enter other dimensions, communicate with spirits, and tap into their wisdom and attributes. By assuming the form of a particular animal, the shamen can embody ita qualities, accessing unique perspectives and guidance on their journey. An animal form is also taken often as a form of protection during otherworldly travel, as animal spirits are often able to traverse undetected, acting as a form of invisibility, much like Celtic fith-fath incantations. An animal form also allows the witch to travel more quickly and in some cases, access areas previously unreachable, such as high mountain tops, deep within an ocean or lake, or even borrowing underground or into tight spaces.
How To Shape-Shift
Modern witches engage in shape-shifting through various techniques and practices. Visualization exercises play a significant role, where witches create vivid mental images of their desired form or archetype, often coupled with ritual work such as wearing animal skin/bones, dancing, drumming, or incantations. Through meditation, yoy can enter a state of deep focus and receptivity, allowing yourself to embody the essence and qualities of the chosen form. Energy work such as harnessing personal energy or working with elemental forces, can serve as a catalyst for the transformation, although most witches find it easier to use a mask or skin, or use an ointment to prompt the change. Needless to say, there are multiple approaches to shape-shifting and you need to experiment to find which method works best for you. Below are several ways to engage in shape-shifting from both folklore and modern witchcraft.
• Incantations And Charms- This is probably one of the most commonly cited historical ways to shape-shift, with the incantations from Isobel Gowdie and her fellow witches being cited most often. These incantations can be modernized and adapted to turn you into any animal you desire. Since most witches do not incorporate "God" or the Devil in their craft, these titles can be changed to reference deities or the forces you believe in such as Lord/Lady, Horned God, Hekate, Lilith, etc. Pagan musician Damh the Bard does an excellent job of this in his "Fith Fath Song" where he says "I shall go as a wren in spring
With sorrow and sighing on silent wing
And I shall go in our Lady's name
Aye, til I come home again
Then we shall follow as falcons grey
And hunt thee cruelly for our prey
And we shall go in our Horned God's name
Aye to fetch thee home again
Then I shall go as a mouse in May
Through fields by night and in cellars by day
And I shall go in our Lady's name
Aye til I come home again
Then we shall follow as black tom cats
And hunt through the fields and the vats
And we shall go in our Horned God's name
Aye to fetch thee home again... "
Of course writing your own incantations works just as well, if not better, than using others' words.
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• Wearing Animal Skins, Bones, Or Masks- Apart from incantations, many witches engage in shape-shifting by animal skins, bones, or masks to encourage a transformation. This is often coupled with ritual dancing and drumming until an altered state of consciousness is reached. In Call of the Horned Piper, Nigel Jackson describes such a ritual. In order to shape-shift, the initiate would undergo a symbolic death by undressing and crossing a lake or other body of water. Upon arriving on the other side they would don a wolf skin or belt and enter into an altered state of consciousness to "be projected forth into the form of a wolf". This same practice can be replicated with any animal pelt, bone, or mask, using a cold shower as the bridge to 'death' should you not have access to a river or lake and privacy.
• Trance, Meditation, and Visualization- Reaching an altered state of consciousness coupled with one or both of the aforementioned methods is the key to actual transformation. Reaching an altered state of consciousness can be done in a variety of ways, including ritual dancing, drumming, humming, consuming psychoactive plants, or using ointments. The methods used are essentially the same as hedge-riding, however the goal of reaching the trance state is to shape-shift. With that intention firmly in your mind, you can visualize yourself shifting into your animal form, your consciousness slowly becoming that of an animal. You may find walking/crawling on all fours, growling, hissing, or otherwise behaving like the animal aids in this transformation. Become the animal you wish to transfrom into.
If you are looking to shape-shift while hedge-riding, visualizing the shift, reciting an incantation, and donning your animal garb within the Otherworld will also work. Unlike on our plane, you won't need to shift your consciousness again, as that has already occurred. While you don't necessarily need anything physical to do this, having real animal remains or a mask on your person prior to hedge-riding will greatly aid you in your work on the astral plane.
When first starting out, start small, shape-shifting for very short periods of time. Experiment with a variety of methods, combining them into a ritual that works for you.
Shape-Shifting Safety
There are dangers to shape-shifting into an animal form. This includes not being able to return to your body because tou have forgotten you're human, forgetting which realm you belong to, being captured, injured, or killed within the Otherworld or while riding a live animal. There are many tales of witches traversing the world as an animal and being injured only for the same wounds to appear on the witch's human form. These injuries sometimes resulted in the death of the witch, so be mindful of hazards while shape-shifting.
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What You Can Do To Protect Yourself
1. Set clear and firm boundaries and time limits for travel. Setting an alarm or using a musical cue can help pull you back from a trance.
2. Have a spotter who can help rouse you should you not come back when originally planned.
3. Have a safe word or incantation that when spoken pulls your spirit into your body.
4. Use a red witch's thread tied around your finger or arm to anchor your spirit to your physical body. If you get lost, follow the thread back to your body.
5. Carry or wear protective charms that will prevent your spirit from being stolen or harmed while in the Otherworld. Your familiar or household pet can also act as a protector of your body, sitting on or near you during shape-shifting to ensure nothing else tries to inhabit your body.
6. When you are finished, make sure you are completely grounded in your human body.
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Shape-shifting in witchcraft remains an enigmatic and alluring practice, intertwining myth, history, and contemporary spirituality. It offers a gateway to explore the depths of our own selves, connect with the primal forces of nature, and embark on transformative journeys of self-discovery. Whether through the exploration of archetypes, communion with spirits, or embracing the hidden aspects of our being, shape-shifting provides a mystical transformation that resonates with the essence of true witchcraft.
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shankss-magnificent-ass · 8 months ago
Imagine meeting Rob Lucci again on Egghead Island
Warning: Contains spoilers! If you aren't caught up in the Egghead arc and don't want spoilers, don't read.
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Rob: [tied up and unconscious on the floor of Vegapunk's lab]
You: [glaring at him from the other side of the room]
Stussy: Oh my, that's quite a scary look. It's almost like you know him.
You: I do know him, or at least I thought I did... A little over two years ago I lived on Water 7 where I worked for an engineering firm, and had a life, and a boyfriend.
Stussy: {looks shocked and points at Rob] Was he your boyfriend?
You: Yup, but I got transferred here shortly before he tried to kill Iceberg, who is my adoptive father. We used to exchange letters, and then one day they just stopped, and then three weeks later I got a letter from Iceberg that explained everything.
Stussy: That must have come as quite a shock.
Kaku: [wakes up] what the? [looks around, before cringing away when he notices you] oh dear.
You: [glares] Is that all you have to say to me?
Kaku: Listen, it was just a job, it wasn't personal.
You: Really? Because trying to murder members of my family feels really personal to me, buddy.
Kaku: [Nods to Robin] Technically, she shot Iceberg.
Robin: I shot him the first time, and I didn't feel I had another choice because you were threatening my friends and I didn't know what to do.
You: The second time was Blueno, and then you and Rob beat Paulie, and then left both Iceburg and Paulie tied up inside a burning building!
Kaku: we did do that, didn't we...
You: not to mention Rob played with my feelings by pretending to be a loving boyfriend.
Kaku: I swear that wasn't pretended Lucci really does love~
Rob: That's enough, Kaku.
You: You can talk! Why am I surprised, everything was a lie, wasn't it?
Rob: .... not everything [looks up at you, clearly pouting that he's being admonished]
You: I don't believe you.
Rob: ... can we discuss this in private, please?
You: no, we can't, I do not want to be alone with the World Noble's attack dog.
Rob: I'm a cat.
You: Excuse me?
Rob: I am a Zoan-type devil fruit user, the Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Leopard, specifically.
You: I don't care, because then you're just plain bad at being a cat.
Rob: Bad at being a cat!
You: yes, because if you knew a damn thing about cats, then you'd know you don't ever actually own a cat, you just live with one. They don't listen, they don't obey, and they most certainly don't respect you. So, I suppose, you were good at being a cat when it came to me, but bad when it comes to the world nobles.
Rob: That's not true...
You: save it, I don't want to hear your excuses.
Rob: [Takes a deep breath] They're not excuses, it's true I got close to you in the first place because of Iceberg, but I grew genuine feelings for you once I got to know you. I know I hurt you, it's why I stopped writing you after what happened in Water 7.
Nami: And because his ego was bruised because our captain whooped his ass.
Kaku: He was also in a coma for like a week afterward.
Rob: I figured by then you would have already had word from Water 7 of what happened, so I didn't want to rub salt into the wounds by trying to stay in your life, and that a clean cut was best for you.
You: [remembering that Iceberg had said he wouldn't be upset with you if you elected to stay with Rob] ... Where is Hattori?
Rob: what?
You: Where is Hattori?
Rob: He flew away when Stussy attacked.
You: I'll go get him...
Rob: [smirks[ thank you, I'm sure he'll be happy to see you again. Although he might not recognize you, you've glowed up since your Water 7 days. [winks]
You: [rolls your eyes] I know single life suits me, so save your smooth talk tough guy, it doesn't work on me [lying].
Rob: uh huh
You: [feels your cheeks heat up as your heart flutters, and you avoid eye contact with Lucci] Whatever, I'll go look for your bloody bird.
Rob: [eagerly watches the door slide shut behind you] It's still there
Stussy: What's still there?
Rob: I believe most people call it, "a spark between us'.
Nami: [dramatically gags]
Kaku: Dude, they always liked Hattori more than you, don't go getting a head of yourself.
Rob: [kicks him] zip it.
Stussy: [sighs] men are so stupid.
Robin: [nods in agreement]
Shaka: [judges in silence]
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the-travelling-witch · 9 months ago
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summary: the human custom of sharing clothes had been an unfamiliar one for jade, but he has always been a quick study
pairing: jade leech x gn! reader (both have graduated nrc, but a lot of this is reliving school memories)
warnings: fluff, implied smaller reader; i think it made more sense in my head but have it anyway bc i never wanna shut up about him, please applaud my restraint to not name this ‘boyfriend material’
twisted wonderland masterlist
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It was true that wearing clothes was a foreign feeling when Jade first came to the shore all those years ago. But he had come to like the human custom, no matter how tedious it might seem at times. Not only did he realise the way one dressed held a lot of power in the way one was perceived by others, it had also served him in making some fond memories.
The ones he remembered most vividly, however, were those which featured you at the centre of them. Through various means, like the course they had attended or familiarising himself with different types of media above sea level, Jade had learnt that sharing clothes was a thing done between close friends or romantic partners, often being hailed as a sweet gesture and being positively received by characters and audiences alike. So when you had caught the eel’s interest, he had decided to see what the fuss was all about.
Despite his tendency to curate situations which would bring about whatever outcome he desired, the first time the opportunity arose had been a happy coincidence. That day, it had started raining cats and dogs right as the bell signalling lunch break rang. Luckily, Jade’s last class of the morning had been in the building the cafeteria was in, so he could watch in amusement as students swarmed towards the building with various forms of rain repellent keeping them dry- or not.
You had been one of the poor, unfortunate souls who had left their umbrella at the dorm that day, a point made abundantly clear by the way you had sprinted with your PE uniform jacket held over your head in a feeble attempt of shielding yourself. By the time you had made it into the dry hallway, your jacket had been absolutely drenched, the rest of your clothes not faring much better. Witnessing your predicament and seeing a chance to put his theory to the test, Jade had slinked over to your side.
“Oya, if I had known you were this fond of water, I would have invited you to the Coral Sea before,” the eel had said, startling you with his sudden appearance. Your reaction had only served for the polite smile on his lips to grow a tad bit wider. “Yet, here I was under the impression humans don’t like getting their clothes wet. Perhaps I have been wrong?”
“You know well enough this wasn’t intentional, so drop the oblivious act, Jade,” you had sighed, rustling through your backpack for something and subsequently taking your eyes off him. “So what do you want? If you’re trying to rope me into a deal over a little bit of rain, I’ll have to disappoint–”
Something warm and dry had landed on your shoulders then, your gaze landing on the black fabric draped over your form first and wandering back to the tall student afterwards. With your mouth parted, opening and closing in the search of something to say, you had borne a strong resemblance to a fish out of water.  
“I heard humans get sick easily after walking in the rain,” Jade had mused, tugging at his vest and shirt to make sure they sat correctly without his blazer, “and we wouldn’t want that, would we?”
“What are you–” You had shaken your head, overcoming your initial confusion as you began shrugging the jacket back off your shoulders. At that point you had been sure he had some ulterior motive and you hadn’t felt like picking up any shifts at Mostro Lounge that week. “I can’t take this from you.”
“Oh, but you can,” he had insisted with a smile, a gloved hand landing on your shoulder to keep the clothing in place. “If you are worried about my health, I am most touched. However, us mers are used to the cold and therefore aren’t as prone to catching one.”
“That wasn’t really what I was concerned about,” you had mumbled, crossing your arms. “I’m more worried about whatever strings come attached with this thing.”
“You wound me. Do you really think I would abuse my fellow student’s misery for personal gain?” Despite his words, he had chuckled at your resolute ‘yes, you would’. The hand on your shoulder had pressed into your upper back then to bring you in closer in order to throw you off with the newfound proximity, disguised as shielding you from the throng of people heading to lunch. “If this is what stands in between you and caring for your health, how about this: In return for accepting my blazer, you accompany me to lunch? I’ll consider us even then, I promise.”
You had studied the vice housewarden more closely, yet, as usual, his expression did not give anything away. Just then a chilly breeze had blown through the corridor, making you tremble as you instinctively pulled the blazer tighter around your body. 
“Fine, I’ll accept,” you had relented through chattering teeth.
“Wonderful,” the eel had beamed down at you before guiding you forward, still with his fingers splayed over your upper spine. Students had parted like the sea when they had seen the second year approaching and it was a welcome change of pace from having to fight your way into a spot in the queue.
By the time you had found a table, you had slipped your arms through the sleeves of Jade’s jacket to better hold your tray. And when you rolled up the excess fabric to properly use your cutlery, Jade finally realised why lending someone your clothes was a popular trope in various media. 
To say the piece was ill-fitting was an obvious remark, with Jade easily being one of the tallest students around, you were practically drowning in his jacket. It had been eye-openingly endearing for him to say the least. And that was even without factoring in the expression on people’s faces when they realised whose clothes you had been wearing, the Octavinelle band around your left arm added to the context of the scene being a dead giveaway. Yes, as a born predator of the sea, a possessive side of him had revelled in the feeling of staking his claim over you in this way.
But he had shoved the notion down as you had asked him if he liked the food that day and how his morning had been. While he had been able to tell you were still a little wary, cautiously phrasing your responses at first, falling into a casual conversation with you was easy enough. When the anecdote of his brother doing something reckless again made you snort before laughing, he had filed it away as something he wanted to see and hear more of, especially when he was the cause for it.
Lunch had passed a little too fast for the moray’s liking but with one glance at his watch and then one at the still pouring rain, he had quickly devised a plan to monopolise your time to the fullest before returning to your classes.
“Allow me to walk you back to your dorm, so you can change before your next lesson,” Jade had smiled as he pulled out his umbrella, his arm hovering around your back as you had exited the cafeteria. “I assure you, this favour comes with no strings attached.”
Looking back at it years later, perhaps that last part had been a lie, though he was sure neither of you minded. Because after that rainy day, you had interacted more frequently with pleasantly changed feelings. 
On Jade’s side of things, he had been more fascinated with you and your reactions than ever and the image of you swaddled in his clothes had managed to stir these newfound emotions in him. You, on the other side, had started considering him as more than a devious loan eel and allowed the normally tightly locked thoughts and feelings for him to come out of their confinement little by little.
After playing cat and mouse for a while, you had taken all your courage, grabbed Jade by the collar and confessed, not able to withstand the tension and anticipation any longer.  Of course, he had reciprocated your feelings in teasing delight, which, as your relationship had become public, had easily catapulted you up the list of the school’s lunatics in the eyes of many. But you couldn’t have been happier and, the initial complexities of navigating a new relationship aside, Jade was a dream of a boyfriend if he wasn’t hellbent on prodding and poking you for his own amusement.
So it came as no surprise that, during your school years, you had spent a lot of time at each other’s dorms when Jade wasn’t dragging you up some mountain with him. At that point, you’d felt as comfortable in his room as in yours, even if half of it was shared with the sentient tornado that was Floyd, leaving one half to be pristine and the other opposingly messy. 
Jade fondly remembered the day you had come over to study for your upcoming potionology exam, your own dorm room too loud to concentrate and hoping to rope the merman into helping you with your prep questions, especially as his brother had been absent from their room that evening. While many regarded him as the sly and conniving one in the relationship, Jade had to admit you were very good at playing your cards right to where he found it increasingly hard to deny you. Perhaps this cheekiness was one of the things that drew him to you.
Considering you had given up on studying in your room pretty much immediately and had only grabbed your books before marching over to Octavinelle, you had still been in uniform when you joined him at his desk. Ever observant, Jade had quickly noticed the way you subconsciously pulled at the clothes or squirmed in your seat trying to get comfortable. 
So being the amazing and reliable boyfriend that he was, he had fished some comfortable loungewear out of his closet; he had initially bought it to round out his collection of essential clothing items, though frankly, he didn’t wear it much himself. With no plans to work at the Lounge that night, he had thought that it might be a good chance to give the comfy clothes another shot.
In retrospect, maybe he should thank your uncomfortable uniform. 
When you had both changed into the loungewear, he had not only been amused by the way the shirt, which was a regular fit for him, engulfed your upper body or how you had rolled up the ends of his sweatpants. With some playful huffs at his teasing, you had gone back to work until you had finished writing your study notes, at which point you had relocated to his bed, Jade joining you soon after.
Sitting side by side, your boyfriend had taken to quizzing you to see how much you had retained until he had felt your head drop against his shoulder, which was the first time he had taken note of how late it had gotten. For a few moments he had done nothing but study the way your chest rose and fell with deep breaths, your slightly parted lips inviting him to trace his thumb over the curve of them in featherlight reverence. To think that he of all morays would ever be treated to such a peaceful fragment of mundanity, it had made a warmth tug at his heart the same way the waves rolled over the shore in a calming rhythm, which persisted to this day.
It had pained him to wake you again, so could get ready for bed, persuading you sweetly into staying the night. Though he regretted neither getting to see your half asleep face while you had brushed your teeth, nor how he had been able to pull you close to him under the covers, curling his arms around you as his fingers had wandered over the warmth of your skin under his clothes. 
In the comfortable darkness of his room, you had exchanged hushed whispers and murmured confessions as you had settled in his embrace, lulled to sleep by the steady beating of his heart and the lips that  had spelled promises of safety and adoration against your skin. And for Jade, tugged deep into the crevice of his heart, there had formed the image of a future where this domesticity was normality. 
Years later, after graduation, Jade could proudly claim that this fantasy now lived at the forefront of his heart, that he could fall asleep and wake up to your body next to his, cradled by the allure of forever. After all, for no one but those closest to him would he be up with the rising sun to prepare breakfast, humming under his breath as he relived those memories. Though he considered all his efforts paid off when he heard you shuffle into the kitchen before two arms wrapped around his middle and your head leaned against his spine. 
“Good morning to you too, pearl,” Jade chuckled as finished plating the eggs on two plates, then knowingly slid a fresh cup of coffee within your reach. “Did you sleep well?”
“I did, until someone decided to just leave me all by my lonesome,” you grumbled, detaching yourself from him so you could lean against the counter and take a sip of coffee, prepared perfectly to your liking. “I like seeing my beautiful husband’s face first thing in the morning but alas…”
As you stepped into his field of vision, Jade noticed you had chosen not to wear a piece of clothing of yours, but had instead plucked his black dress shirt from the chair he had draped it over the day prior. His dress shirt and nothing else. While it was long enough on you to hide what was for his eyes only, it still showed off the beautiful curve of your legs, ending tantalisingly around your thighs. The few buttons you had closed still displayed the sharp contrast between your collarbones and the softness of the skin peeking through below. It would be all too easy to slip the garment from your shoulder…
“That does seem rather unfair,” Jade agreed as he stepped in front of you, hands ghosting along the expanse of your thighs to rest at your waist, the look in his eyes reminding you of his origins and sending shivers of excitement down your spine. “If you allow me, I have a few ideas in mind on how to make it up to you.”
Within the blink of an eye, his hands had steeled their grip around your waist and lifted you to sit on the counter as he took the opportunity to stand between your legs. Then, with a gentleness which did not match the show of strength, he carefully cupped the back of your head in his palm and connected your lips in a kiss as light and soft as the golden rays bathing your kitchen in light. Your own hands busied themselves with tousling his bed head once again, slowly sliding his black lock behind his left ear as you parted from one another, like a painter putting the finishing strokes on their magnum opus.
“Hm, I might be able to be convinced about forgiving you,” you teased, the lovestruck look in your eyes mirroring his as you slung your arms over his shoulders and crossed them behind his neck in an effort to be even closer to him. 
“I must be the luckiest man alive,” he mused, meaning every word of his playful response.
Yes, after living on land for so long, Jade had truly taken a liking to the human custom of wearing clothes and all the different possibilities it held. Then again, the fondness those memories held probably had nothing to do with the clothes at all.
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thenewgirl76 · 6 months ago
Why Can't We Be Friends?
Before John can spend his rare downtime bonding with his childhood friend Angela Foley's son for the next two weeks, he first has to find someone to babysit the... weird looking creature that's apparently his nephew in all but blood's best friend. Not an easy feat given how clingy to the point of being attached to the hip the ferret shaped thing is.
Tucker has to bribe his pet(?) with hanging with the Green Lanterns along with the rest of the Justice League up in the Watchtower(they'll definitely be discussing that later) just to convince him to not try and tagalong. And that's how Hal finds himself dealing with the major headache that is Phantom.
No, he's not exaggerating. That's exactly what the measly gremlin is with his constant demands for food, affection, or playtime from anyone who's present and insistence on getting into whatever he can, one never-ending headache. What makes it even more taxing is how everyone else, even Batman is so wrapped up in how "cute and lovable" the little bugger is they see nothing wrong with his annoying antics.
And as if it couldn't get any worse, the tiny menace seems to have taken a liking to him the most out of all the League and won't quit following him around. It's like dealing with an abnormally needy and scarily intelligent cat, and Hal absolutely abhors cats.
That said, he does find himself feeling just a smidge of regret when he allows his stress over a grueling patrol to get the best of him and yells at the little creep for drinking his coffee. If it'll get everyone off his back and stop Phantom from making those hurt puppy dog eyes at him he'll make it up to the diminutive devil later somehow. Right after he sneaks a nap in while he's stuck on monitor duty.
But of course Phantom won't even allow him that, as he's now pestering him rather persistently with that aggravating chirping and trilling. Since napping is no longer an option he'll just see what Phantom wants and hopefully get rid of him for at least a few minutes afterwards. So Hal slowly drags himself into consciousness, and is met with a large oddly colored hunk of swiss cheese?
Waking up a bit more he starts hearing the swiss cheese begging him for death. Okay, clearly something's wrong with this picture. Wiping the last of the sleep from his eyes Hal looks again, and is instantly screaming in horror upon realizing what he had mistook for swiss cheese in his sleepy haze is actually Sinestro, looking very much like he'd fought a school of piranhas and the piranhas won. With all the blood and all the chunks of missing flesh and skin Hal can see why his former mentor was pleading with him to end him.
And throughout all this that little monster Phantom is staring up at him, perched on the barely alive korugaran, covered in his blood and looking far too pleased with himself. If it weren't for Hal's training and fortitude he'd either be running scared or having a nervous breakdown. That doesn't stop him from being immensely relieved over no longer having to be on guard around Phantom once John finally comes to get the miniscule hellion off the Watchtower.
Though it would be nice if; Superman stopped trying to guilt trip him. *He swears on everything holy he's gonna find the biggest piece of kryptonite and shove it where the sun don't shine if he has to listen to how Phantom never would have did what he did if Hal hadn't been so harsh one more time.*
Wonder Woman ceased with her badgering about how he should have shown more appreciation towards Phantom and the gift he had bestowed upon him.*He'd love to see just how appreciative she'd be if it was Cheetah getting dumped in front of her all chewed... oh wait.*
Flash quit laughing at him. *Shut the hell up Allen. He did NOT scream like a little girl.*
And most of all, John and all the other GL dropped it about how they were so jealous he was the one Phantom gifted instead of them. *Seriously guys? With all that little miser put him through, that's what you're taking from it?*
Missing Scene
*When Sinestro was confronted by Little Baby Man*
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*What Little Baby Man did to him before hauling him off to present to Hal*
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hereforbothimg · 2 months ago
Clark cousin HC’s
- We know Ben is mute by choice bc he dislikes what his broken voice sounds like but I hc that at home Ben says a little bit of words that are practical but he dosent form full sentences, which he only does with Aiden
- When Aiden is bored he comes into Ben’s room and lays on his bed for bit, steals a hoodie or something, gets up and either leaves the light on or the door open, like any sibling would and it very much annoys Ben
- They watch movies together and make blanket forts when they can’t sleep after the phantom demension due to nightmares or nervousness
Just Aiden
- Hardcore Energy drinks are his best friends (Ashlyn likes coffee)
- For each of his friends contacts he has nicknames and very specific emojis that correlate to each of their interests and who they are. Ex: Ash🩰🎧💚, Ben 🎶🔇🩶
- His ringtone is the Party Rock Anthem
- Hates it when his roots come in since they remind him of his past and “old self” so he always gonna re-dye his hair as soon as possible
- He’s an Ambivert. Not too introverted but not too extroverted
- A cat person, although he’s scared off that bunny one time I think he’d be rather gentle with a cat
- When around others he’s a Golden Retreiver but when he’s alone his a Black Cat
- Major Gossip King along with Taylor (Queen) and Tyler
Just Ben
- Most used apps are Spotify and the Notes app and he has different playlists inspired by each of his friends + his cousin
- Tries to be gentle with all his friends and will never raise a harmful hand to them even if it’s playful as he’s afraid he could hurt them
- Not that great at cooking but is an excellent baker and bakes sweets for his friends while they hang out and has Tyler stand gaurd of the kitchen so that nobody tries to lick the batter or icing
- Dog person. No further questions
- He finds comfort in drawing and sketching and hides his drawings from everyone except Taylor who always praises him for how good his drawings are
- After guitar lessons from Tyler, he’d practice for hours afterwards until his fingers were sore and he hand the perfect note
- Head pats are his sign of affection because he doesn’t want to jump the gun with outright hugs but also wants to show his care without having to use his words
- Adores Ashlyn’s long hair and loves to braid it and always volunteers to braid it and try new hairstyles on her
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sky-scribbles · 2 months ago
Some more things I’m really enjoying about Veilguard:
The companions cheering you and each other on in combat, and Rook thanking them for using helpful abilities! It’s a tiny detail, but it’s genuinely sweet, and it does a lot to make me feel the team dynamic at work.
Petting every dog and cat I see.
I feel that there’s a theme building up of ‘What will you do to defend what you love, and how will you live with the consequences afterwards?’ It makes a really nice connection between Rook, Solas and the Evanuris; they reflect each other and act as foils in very interesting ways. It’s a monumental step up from the bland dynamic between the Inquisitor and Corypheus.
Everything I’ve seen of Taash’s gender subplot. I started quietly crying as my agender Rook talked about how it felt to realise they were NB. And Taash’s complex feelings – their confusion and misplaced frustration with Neve for being comfortable in her womanhood; them writing that they ‘did not ask for “a journey”’ - god, I felt that in my soul.
I’ve seen people making fun of the ‘parkour levels’, but… I would much rather have a map that lets me jump, tightrope-walk and ipline my way across obstacles than just watching the characters jog toward their destination for ten minutes. It's more dynamic, it's more engaging, it's simply more fun. And I also feel the exploration maps are about the right size: you can run around and explore like you could in Origins, but without all the overwhelming size and endless dull side missions of Inquisition.
I really like the decision to give every companion several smaller companion quests, rather than one big one-off mission. It gives you more opportunities to interact with them, and it helps make you feel that these characters have an arc rather than one big life-changing event that defines them.
Playing rock-paper-scissors with Manfred and hugging Assan. This game understands what I want.
Emmrich’s first personal quest has been living in my head rent-free since I played it. It’s a genuinely wonderful surprise to have a video game suddenly start asing questions about what funerary rites are for and how we process grief and reckon with our own mortality. (This is a little personal to me, as I have a family member who works with the bereaved and indeed the dead - and so far, Emmrich’s story arc is nailing it.)
Emmrich in general, actually.
Group Solas Psychoanalysis Sessions are just a hilarious plot feature. A++.
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pandora-writes-one-piece · 3 months ago
Mine to Protect Part III
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@thetrueghostqueen Thank you so much for your wonderful request for the birthday prompts! I truly hope you enjoyed the story! Even though it turned out pretty big 😅
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Source for Pic
Mine to Protect
Word Count: 4408
Tags for the whole story: Highlander!Kid; Fem!Reader; Alternate Universe - Scotland 13th century; Gore; Blood; Violence; Death; Mild Angst; Fluff; Nudity; Cursing; Sexual Tension; Explicit Sexual Content; Protective!Kid; Possessive!Kid; Soft!Kid; Feral!Kid; Jealous!Kid; Happy Ending; Sort of Enemies to Lovers; Teasing; Banter; NSFW; MDNI; Mature Audiences;
Special Warning: English is not my first language, I apologise for any possible spelling or grammar mistakes.
Summary: Your father and his allied clans are at war, and you're a liability. When you're assigned a guard to protect you - against your will - you do everything in your power to infuriate him. The problem is that he can be more infuriating than you, as you're about to find out.
Notes: Final part everyone. I hope you enjoyed this! It really wasn't supposed to be so big... but then there were so many little moments I wanted to include... Thank you for reading!
Part 3 of 3
|Part 1| | |Part 2| | |Masterlist|
You avoid the wedding conversation with your father like the plague, but you chase Kid’s company like a hunter tracking deer through the glens. More than once, he tumbles into your sheets –sometimes you don’t even make it that far. He has you against doors, walls, on the ground, under the shade of trees, anywhere –everywhere!
You now know the shape and contour of all his scars and muscles. The way they ripple as he uses them to handle your body effortlessly, the way they tense when he’s lost at the edge, spilling his release into you, or the way they soften as you search for the warmth of his embrace afterwards. 
He’s told you about many of the scars. He’s even told you how his left arm was rendered almost useless during battle. He has opened up to you, and you to him, sharing all your worries over your people, sharing how you’ve lost your brother to brigands when you were young and vowed not to be a helpless noble girl –he assures you, you’re not.
Things happen easily between you and Kid, even though you still disagree on many things and keep fighting like cats and dogs. Most of those fights end the same, with both of you lost in a mess of tangled limbs. 
You’ve fallen.
So hard it hurts. And it’s scary as hell in more ways than one. Not only do you not know if Kid feels the same for you, but you also don’t want your heart and emotions to be so tied to a single person. Because, at this moment, it feels like you might die if something happens to Kid. 
You can’t hold back that conversation anymore, so it takes a particularly cold night –a bit warmer now that you and Kid have exercised– when you’re lost in his embrace, to peel the words from your lips.
Kid’s arm grips you, his hand securing you tightly by the waist, and you absentmindedly realise that he never holds you differently. It’s always with strength, a fierce claim, or a desperate need to protect. Your fingers trace the scar on his chest, as you usually do, and that always brings a soft smile to his lips as he relaxes his breathing.
After a while, he speaks. “Yer awfully quiet today. Ye must tell me what I did tae get ye tae shut up.” He chuckles. “I might need that information for other nights.”
But you don’t reply. Not with a chuckle, nor with a witty response as he was expecting you to. 
“Lass?” He opens his eyes and lifts your chin with his fingers to inspect your face, and you sigh. 
“What are we, Kid?” The fear of his answer grips your heart in its clutches holding it ransom. 
“What do ye mean?”
Sitting up and crossing your legs on the bed, you lock your gaze with his. “This, us. What are we?” You gesture between your bodies, impatience oozing from your pores. 
Kid sits up as well, running a hand through his fiery, slightly damp hair. “Lass… we… we’re us.” He shrugs, and you sigh again. Talking about feelings with Kid is like pulling a sword from solid rock. Clearly, he senses that you’re upset, because he tries again. “I care for ye.”
“I know that.”
“Good. So, that’s it.” He reaches for you, but you swat his hand away. 
“Is that all? You care?”
“We have fun, aye, lass?” He smirks at you, trying to lighten the mood, but he’s not even inching closer to where you want him to be. 
“Aye. Fun. You care, and we have fun. That’s all there is, right?”
Kid tenses, and the ticking in his jaw alerts you that he’s finally taking this seriously. “There cannae be anythin’ else, can there? Yer a noble lady, I’m a hired sword.”
You nod. In your head, you know that, technically there can’t be anything more, but in your heart, there are infinite possibilities. What you wanted to hear from him is that he more than cares, that he is willing to fight for both of you. You want to hear him say that he’s fallen for you too. You don’t expect him to be romantic, he was right all those nights ago, you don’t need to be sweet-talked. But you want something real. 
“Is that what ye wanted to hear? That we’re nae good tae each other? That we cannae work?” He slams a fist on the bed, and you know he’s not angry at you, really, it’s at the situation. 
“No, Kid. What I wanted to hear was a bit of fight in you.” You get up, pull your dress over your head, and your feet through your boots. “Because you fight so hard to protect me from outside threats, when the biggest threat to my heart is right here in my room.”
The hurt in his expression is a mirror of your own as you make your way to the door. But it’s not over yet. There’s something else you need to tell him and this was why you asked him what you were. To see if you and he were worth fighting for. 
Your hand hovers the doorknob and you don’t look back at him as you deliver the news. “My father has chosen a suitor to marry me. I have no say in the matter. We are to be married within a month.”
As tears fill your eyes, you leave the room without looking back, not knowing what Kid feels about the news or if he’s as devastated as you are.
You will never know how he felt about the news you delivered, because by morning, he’s gone. Just gone, without a trace, without a goodbye, without a word. Why does your chest ache so much when he took your heart with him?
Your father merely assigns another guard to you, but since you’ll be married within a month –securing a formidable war alliance that comes with soldiers and money– and leaving his house, he simply assigns one of his personal guards to shadow you.
This guard is quiet, slow, and an idiot. You lose him on the first try. 
Though you don’t wander too far alone. The streets are growing more dangerous, and this guard isn’t Kid. You don’t trust him to find you anywhere and everywhere, as if you were connected by more than duty. 
You refuse to cry.
You know you have many, many tears to shed, but you gave yourself one night to do it. The night he left you, and that was it. No more tears, no more broken heart. And though it all seems easier said than done, you manage slightly. 
You set up a food delivery system with some of the citizens on the keep’s grounds, so you can be safer and still help them, and this has kept your mind and hands occupied. But the end of the month approaches, and so does your wedding. 
You can’t stop thinking about Kid and how he makes you feel and it’s nearly impossible to think of giving yourself to another man. Be it body or soul. You’re Kid’s. And that’s it.
Days without him seem colder and drag on slower than before. Training doesn't feel the same, and every time you lie in bed you still feel the ghost of his arms wrapped around you. You've found yourself glancing over your shoulder more than once, hoping he's there, just around the corner, with his scowl in place, a witty remark at hand, or a biting word. 
But he's not. 
And so, you tread on, day by day, night by night, forcing your heart to harden, to stop caring, to just let him go. 
Until you feel him. It's that prickling sensation at the nape of your neck, the tingling that bristles your hairs and almost stops your heart. This time, when you glance over your shoulder, he's really there, and it takes every ounce of willpower not to run to him and jump into his arms. 
Gods, you've missed him. 
He looks… haggard. His hair is duller, matted and dirty, there's dried blood on his skin and clothes –you're too scared to ask him if it's his, so you don’t– and there's darkness in his eyes, so much darkness. 
“Kid…” You barely utter, your heart too shattered to let your mouth part with any more words, lest he take them as ransom and use them against you. 
“Forgive me, lass. I've been gone longer than I meant, aye?” His voice seems drained. He looks exhausted, and you want nothing more than to scream at him for leaving you without a single word, for making you suffer beyond human understanding. But none of what you feel matters when he looks ready to drop dead from exhaustion at any second. So you drag him into your quarters and draw him a warm bath without uttering another word. 
He sits in the tub as you pour warm water over him, loosening the grime and blood so he can scrub it off. You don't speak. You're too afraid that the first words out of your mouth will be angry and accusing, and now’s not the time to fight. For what it's worth, he doesn't speak either. Whether he's respecting your silence or simply too tired, is anyone's guess. 
When the water rises enough for a comfortable bath, you wet the cloth and hand it to Kid, but he doesn't make a move to take it. His eyes are droopy, and his head lolls back and forth until he finally leans it against the rim of the tub with a groan and a grunt. 
You sigh as your heart clenches, and you kneel beside him, running the wet cloth over his arms first, scrubbing off the caked mud, blood, and whatever else he dragged on him from wherever he was. When you reach his hand, his fingers curl slightly, seeking your touch, trying to hold you and you give everything to stop your tears from falling. 
Gods, how you love this man. 
He slumbers for a bit as you clean most of the grime off, but when you reach his chest and your hands find the familiar scars, his eyes slowly open, watching you. You're frowning pretending not to notice him observing you, but you grumble something unintelligible when you find three new scars –badly healed– on his torso. 
“Where did you go…?” The question slips from your lips against your will in a quiet whisper. You're not even sure if he heard you or if he'll answer. 
“Behind enemy lines, tae the north.”
The cloth slips from your hand, and you fumble to secure it again, your mouth open as wide as your eyes. “Beyond the borders? Into enemy territory? Kid! You could’ve died!”
His smirk barely curves his lips, but it's there. “Would've been worth it.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” You growl, scrubbing harder and making him wince. 
“Ah, I've missed that filthy tongue, lass.” How can your heart warm at such words when you want nothing more than to yell at him for having left you? “I got what I went in for.” He dips his head back into the water, using his hands to try and comb through his matted hair. When he rises out of the water, his exhausted gaze falls on you, waiting for your questions. 
“What did you go in for?”
“Information. War information that’ll make the clans turn tae yer da’s side without ye havin’ tae marry.” A chill runs through you as you stare at him. Is he serious? Has he risked his life just to get you out of an arranged marriage? Does that mean… does he love you back? Are you more than just ‘fun’? 
You swallow the lump in your throat and try to make your tongue work past the dry, sand-like feeling in your mouth. “You still left me behind, without a word or a goodbye. Without a warning. I was alone!” The sigh that parts your lips is filled with sorrow and resignation. “We'll speak about this after you rest, you're in no condition to argue.”
He chuckles as you force him to lean forward –with a harder shove than you should– so you can clean his back. “Oh, but I've missed arguin’ with ye.” You purse your lips, drawing back an angry snarl that only makes him chuckle again. “Think about it. Would ye’ve let me leave if I told ya my plan?” He shrugs nonchalantly. “I mean, I would've left just the same, but ye would've tried tae stop me. Or worse, ye would've wanted tae go with me. It was better this way.”
“Better for whom? Because I was left thinking you'd abandoned me, right after I poured my heart out to you!”
Kid's face falls again. “Better than tae worry about me. If I died, at least ye could've forgotten me if ye hated me. It would've been a lot harder tae forget me if ye still cared.”
I still care. 
You think the words, but you don't say them. Instead, you hand him the cloth. “Finish up, Kid. I'll go grab you some clothes from your old room. It hasn't been touched.”
When you return he's clean and dry, a  towel wrapped around his waist, and you lower your gaze before you get lost in the body you know so well. Handing him the shirt and breeches, you return to your room, waiting for him with a tray of food and ale, so he eats and rests, because he looks like shit. 
He follows you wordlessly after getting dressed and eats the food ravenously, which makes you wonder how long it’s been since he last ate. By the time he finishes, he looks ready to fall down again. You lead him to your bed, setting him down in the place he's slept more times than you can count, and securing the blankets around him. As Kid closes his eyes, you sigh, turning to leave, but his arm loops around your waist, and he drags you to bed, your back firmly against his chest, as he pulls you closer and drapes the covers over you too. 
“Kid…” You start to protest. He needs rest and you don't trust your heart enough to be this close to him and not break. He still hasn't told you how he truly feels. He said he missed your remarks and arguing with you, but he didn't say he missed you. 
“Stay.” His voice sounds hoarse and pained as he pulls you impossibly closer, burying his head in your hair, inhaling your scent in deep breaths. 
You relax in his hold. It's not like you want to leave anyway. You've never felt safer than in Kid's arms, you're just not sure if you feel loved. 
“I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, lass.” The whisper of his words kisses the back of your neck in warm breaths, and your heart clenches. “I'm shite with words and feelings, ye know that… but… dinnae think for a minute that I left because I dinnae care. I left because I do care.”
He's still not saying it. 
“I know you care, Kid.” You sound weary and resigned. Perhaps you're asking too much. It's obvious he cares deeply, or he would've never gone to the lengths he did for you. 
“It's more than that.” You can almost hear the strain in his voice as he forces the words out. “I knew I could never fall for ye. I'm a guard, yer a noble lady. How could I… love ye if I'm no’ worthy? Yer da would hang me for ever touchin’ ye…” His chuckle is just a rumble against your back. “If he knew how much I've touched ye, my head would roll.”
You hold back a smirk. All your life you've defied your father and his rules. Kid would never be the exception. 
“But I've come tae realise that I cannae live without ye, nor do I want tae.” He sighs and rolls you, motioning for you to turn to him, so you do. Your cheeks are hot and flushed and your heart is hammering violently against your chest. His fiery eyes are droopy and tired, filled with so much exhaustion that is physically noticeable. But he needs to get his words out. His fingers tilt your chin so he can stare right into your eyes. “I've realised that if lovin’ ye is a risk, then I'm ready tae bet everythin’. And that's why I had tae go. Because I love ye.”
A ragged sob breaks through your defences and tears down the dam you've built to hold your tears in since Kid’s return. Tears spill from your eyes in fat droplets as Kid pulls you to his chest, his hand resting on the back of your head, comforting you, cradling you. He doesn't say anything else, but he doesn't need to. 
He's said it all. 
You spill all the tears you vowed not to cry when he left, all the pent-up emotions that you’d stored safely away in a dark corner of your heart come crashing down with the force of a tidal wave, destroying everything in their path. And Kid holds you through it all. Your lifeline, your anchor, your everything. 
He doesn't utter any more words, and he's right, you know he's shit with feelings. But his actions have always spoken much louder than words. He holds you tightly, clearly fending off all the exhaustion in his weary bones just to comfort you. His lips press softly against the crown of your head, again and again, in an endless torrent of kisses, like he can't get enough of you. His hand rubs your back up and down in soothing motions as your heart explodes from all this love. It's overwhelming, overpowering and somehow, still not enough. 
Eventually, you pull back from him, tilting your head upwards and watching him through wet lashes. “Gods, Kid. I love you too. So much. So, so much.” The warmth in his gaze overpowers the tiredness as he lowers his face, mouth hovering just above yours. “Yer mine.” His words are a claim and he delivers them softly, like a man who is sure of what he's saying. 
“I'm yours.” 
With the softest of grunts you've ever heard him release, Kid takes your lips in his. You melt into him, this kiss insurmountably different from all the others you've shared. It's soft, steady, and tender. It's not filled with brimming, raging fire or fueled by desire. It's intimate and filled with promises. It's perfect. 
When you both pull back, he cups your cheek and rests his forehead against yours, eyes hooded as exhaustion finally overtakes him. “Stay with me.”
“Aye, Kid.” You don't really know if he asked you to stay the night or to stay forever, but it doesn't really matter when the answer to the question is the same, right? 
As dawn approaches, you leave Kid to rest in your bed as you get changed and ready. Then you gather the papers Kid brought with him, the valuable information about the war front and you grimace. The papers are bloodied and dirty, a testament to what he's been through, but they are readable. In fact, it serves the purpose best like this, so your father can understand what he's endured. 
You march into your father's quarters, and his guards have the gall to try to stop you from entering. “Either of you touch me, and you'll meet my wrath.” Your fiery reputation is well known in the keep and after exchanging glances, the guards step aside. With a deep breath, you burst into the war room where your father and his advisors are already gathered, though they seem to be discussing how juicy a piece of boar meat is, instead of actual war business. They startle at the noise of the door banging, and you stride towards your father with pursed lips and purposeful steps, daring anyone to stop you. 
Nobody does. 
“Here.” You shove the plate of meat aside –almost dropping it on the floor– and slam the papers in front of your father with a loud bang. “You'll be interested in these, Father.” You watch as he cleans his greasy fingers on his cloak and picks up the parchment, curiosity lighting his eyes. 
You have to suppress a grin when his eyes widen and his mouth opens in surprise. “This… how? This information can change the war… it can bring us the support we need. This is vital.”
The advisors look at your father, then at you, also filled with curiosity. “Aye, Father. That information can sway the clans to your side and bring you the numbers you need to finish this. All without me having to marry.”
A triumphant smirk curls the corner of your lips as all the men gathered around the table begin talking with one another, discussing outcomes and probabilities, finally forgetting the food and actually delving into war business. Your father passes the bundle of papers to the advisor on his right and pins you with his stare.
“How did you get these?”
“Remember Eustass Kid?” You can’t help the way your voice softens at the mere mention of him.
“Aye, the sword I hired to protect you. The guard at the entrance reported that he returned yesterday. Was it him?” He seems incredulous. 
“Aye. He risked his neck for that.”
Your father scratches his chin, the weight of what Kid did hanging heavily on his shoulders. You’re pretty sure he’s already considering how much gold he can be parted with to compensate him. But you’re about to help him solve that problem.
“I will not marry the laird.” You state. You don’t ask, you simply inform your father of your decision because you know he cannot deny you that, not when he doesn’t need a marriage alliance anymore. 
“Fine. I barely know how I convinced you the first time. You’re free, lass, to do whatever you want.”
Your heart hammers against your chest, but you don’t let your nerves show. Not now, when you’re so close. “But I want to marry, Father. Just not him.”
A heavy sigh escapes his lips as he returns his gaze to a paper that wandered back into his hand, looking as though he has more important matters to discuss than your marriage. And he does, and this reminds you of all the headaches you’ve brought upon him, all the troubles you’ve stirred up while growing up. You know you were not an easy daughter, but you know your father loves you, in his own way. 
“Who, then?” 
He lifts his eyes from the parchment in front of him to stare you down again. “The hired sword? Not a laird?”
You nod. Your throat suddenly feels too tight to squeeze any words through. 
“Impossible. You’re noble, and he’s… not. I was willing to grant you a marriage of your choosing, but I thought you wanted someone of your standing.”
You knew this was coming, so you take a deep, calming breath. “What I want, Father, is someone who fights for me, someone who is willing to go behind enemy lines and risk his neck for me. Someone who loves me so much, that he’d burn down the world for me, if only I asked. He has proven his dedication to me –and to you– a hundred times over.”
“He’s just a mercenary” Your father’s voice rises, and the room stills. “You need a leader by your side! Someone who knows the people and how to lead, not just fight!”
You place your hands on your hips to hide the trembling in them. “I know the people well enough for the both of us. I love the people more than anyone in this room.” Your voice starts to rise with each word. “Gods, I’ve done more for the people and the land than any of you combined! For once, just for once, Father, let someone love me! I deserve to be happy, too!”
Your father stays silent for a moment, his throat bobbing up and down as his thick brows furrow in deep thought. His eyes scan the information laid before him again, as if weighing everything he has and what he’s willing to lose. 
“Very well. You can marry him, if that’s what you truly want.”
You barely make it past the hallway outside the war room before you feel a familiar prickling sensation on the back of your neck. Kid’s waiting for you. He looks better, more like himself, but there’s still weariness in his eyes and a sort of darkness in them that can only come from claiming someone else’s life –and gods know he’s done enough of that for a lifetime.
“Lass, I knew ye’d be with yer da.” His gaze softens, however, when you meet. “Did he call the weddin’ off?” The hope in his voice mirrors the one that fills your heart.
“I’m still marrying.” 
“The fuck ye are! He lays one finger in yer direction, and he’s dead. I’ll fuckin’ kill him and his entire clan if I have tae! Fuck! I’ll just grab ye and we’ll run. I dinnae care where–”
“Kid!” You take one step towards him, tears threatening to spill from your eyes at the intensity of his feelings. Placing your palms on his heaving chest, you look into his eyes with nothing but love. “You would really burn down the whole world for me, wouldn’t you?”
His hand brushes your cheek gently, a contrast to the beast of a man he is. “Just say the words, lass. I’ll do it.”
“I’m marrying you, you insufferable man. There’s only you.”
He lets out a string of curses in his thick brogue, and you barely understand a word, though you know they’re all directed at you. “Ye wanna kill me. I already knew ye wanted me dead, lass!” Then he weaves his fingers through your hair and pulls you closer, lowering his face until his lips hover over yours. “Damn brat.”
“I love you, Kid.”
“Aye. Me too. Ye’re mine, always.”
“And you’re mine.”
The smile on his lips mirrors your own as they touch again in that soft, gentle dance you’ve come to know as love. 
Tag list: @rosidaze @beachaddict48 @armiliadawn @jintaka-hane @sprinkklz @baby5555 @hopelesslover06 @mars-mizuko @sleepykittycx @nerium-lil @eustasscapitankid @ren-ni @jqperi @lycoriskalmia @takamimami
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queersolaris · 1 month ago
I watched Flow (2024) a few days ago and I have been itching to get my thoughts out in some kind of way!! So don’t mind me gushing/ psychoanalysis this absolutely amazing movie—
This post will probably be all over the place cause I am still processing everything; forgive the jumbling thoughts
I think this movie had so many angles to see it from~ I totally got the found family (MY BRAND) and climate change perspectives buuuut what got me tearing up was interpreting it as parts of a person processing trauma
“oh this feels like it should be a video game” was actually my first thought
From the silence, style, hell even the boat steering felt like a game mechanic-- it kept coming to mind that this was similar to games like Brothers: a tale of two sons or When the past was around (kinda)?
It seemed obvious that there is trauma going on; how could there not be with an event like that? The theme that got me thinking it was more so about parts was 'reflection'
Obviously it starts and ends with a scene of the cat looking at itself in the water; but there was also our lemur friend being obsessed with their reflection in the mirror. From the angle of it being about parts dealing with trauma here is my dump of thoughts— I know its not that deep but I JUST GOTTA GET THIS OUTTA ME
The stags running represents the trauma event itself and the water felt like the overwhelming feelings that come afterwards-- something you can’t control it’s depth and suffocated by as it keeps rising no matter how much you try to escape/ignore it
The cat being in a house that is already run down feels like it’s clinging onto anything that is familiar but the feelings won’t let the cat survive— feelings will create the need for change and that’s is unavoidable (especially with trauma) The run down house could also have represented the way the cat has settled in poor conditions with time, old memories from a simpler time, and that can lead to isolation
Cat = representing resilience/self sustainability through situations which is why it is the main POV; it can lead to overwhelm and helplessness when isolated but it is the adaptability that is needed to progress (throughout the movie or trauma)-- the statues at the house could also be seen as almost versions of that; moments that it was bigger, smaller, more mobile but always is the same form
Dog = it was interesting that this character was introduced at the start but not along the journey the whole time right? I thought they were a representation of surviving through socializing— there is childishness and innocence but it is mainly always seen with others or serving others
Maybe the dog even could represent a child self ; something always willing to trusts others and help selflessly They do jump in to protect but in a way that is not rejecting
Capybara = survival by freezing or floating thru the situation— which is why we get to see them already on the boat, their focus is to nurture itself for the next day… taking it one day at a time and doing what it could but not worrying too much about the things it can’t help
Bird = the opposite of our doggy friend— we meet it as the one of the first to be around others of its kind but there is a self sacrificing nature to it. Giving its food to fighting for the cats safety... it has a protective role; however in a way that reject risks of the groups survival/comfort (with the pack of dogs) yet when that over protectiveness leaves… the situation ends soon after
I wondered before the bird disappeared if it was meant to be a older self— still juxtaposed to the dog— something with more trust issues because of experience, it looks after the other parts, even steers the others in the right direction... the connection to the cat also felt right ya know?? The parts of you that are willing to adapt usually come out the most in adulthood or when you need to be your more 'mature' self
There is also the concept of the flight response it could represent; which is why they did not want to be around the pack of dogs— almost showing it wanting to run/keep away from others
It disappearing felt like maybe there was something else— like this is meant to represent passing on a part or habit that kept healing at bay but was necessary to move through the trauma
Lemur = obsessed with material and it’s own reflection— it seems to be the part that tries to survive with status and the approval of others; of course being self destructive…
Maybe representing rumination, clinging onto things that are apart of the familiarity (which is why the movie kept the ball from the house as a reoccurring object), and even masking since the mirror was something that gave it company later before realizing it wasn’t the kind of company it wanted
The foundations crumble suddenly, the overflow of emotions (water) starts to sink in; leaving things different and the same (it seems like the same forest/area). We see the stags again running like before-- which almost indicates that something similar could happen. Then the cat waits for it all to happen again; the worst. When nothing does it runs after them almost looking for an answer, I think we've all been there; trying to figure out why our responses vary or what is was about us that has changed from before that makes things easier. That's when the cat gets to see our final part:
Whale = this thing made me cry for sure because throughout the story it felt like this represented old coping mechanisms (like from childhood); something that kept you a float or going no matter how dire things became—when rock bottom would hit in the middle of floating/navigating so many feelings-- it ensured survival. Even when the cat finally learned to fish for itself (which now i wonder was meant to be like naming emotions or processing things bit by bit) the whale shows up once more almost to be a reminder that it was still around even when not fully needed. At the end when foundations crumbled, the whale is no longer able to survive… and the cat is able to thank it for its help.
The water was there the whole movie but there was little times when the cat seemed to look at it's reflection. When it did it again at the end of the movie but with whole group being together-- I was obviously crying because dammit undertale you’re right despite everything it is still you
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OH about the video game thought— looking at this from the lens of a trauma response; it did make more sense to be told as a movie; I mean with a game I can pause… I can take myself out of their experience and feel in control with a situation that is meant to not let us feel any
So being a movie instead is actually perfect
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writingsfromhome · 6 months ago
Things to Learn II
A/N: I kind of love writing these characters? tsm for the love on the original I’m glad I got to dive back into their story again. I’m starting a taglist so if you’d like to be on it give me a shout :)
Part 1 / 2 / 3 /
Harry rushes out of the toilets so he doesn’t miss the opening scene and nearly crashes into someone standing around the corner.
“Sorry!” He says as he tries to rush on by.
“Harry!?” The person calls his name.
He stops in his tracks and takes a look at who he just bumped into. And of course, it would be her.
“YN,” he swallows the lump forming in his throat. “Hi-uh what are you doing here?”
“Watching a movie?” She raises a brow. Still the same attitude as before.
“Oh! Right. Yeah. Me too-“
“Which movie are you here for?”
“The Planet of the Apes reruns,” Harry points to the door he so badly wants to walk through. As much as he wanted to stand here and talk to YN, have her attention all to himself, he wanted to watch the movie he came here for more.
“Well I’m here for that new romcom but Raina ditched me to go to that riverbank bonfire bullshit everyone’s talking about. But I hate smelling like campfire afterwards plus I already bought popcorn-“
“Didn’t that movie start 15 minutes ago?” Harry notices she’s standing in front of the poster. Why was she hovering outside?
“Well yeah because I’m wondering if I should be the loser inside watching a romcom by herself.”
Harry doesn’t know if he should be offended—he regularly watched movies by himself during the summer when he had nothing else to do. But then he realizes YN and her opinions weren’t something he took offence to ever since he put down his intellectually superior flag.
“Well I’m here with Caleb if you want to-“
“Bloody hell I was waiting for you to get the hint,” she brushes past Harry and he trails behind, confused.
“You wanted to watch Planet of the Apes?”
“No! I just didn’t want to watch a movie by myself. And you were supposed to invite me.”
“Oh,” these were the social rules Harry often missed. It was sort of nice having YN spell it out for him. “You could have just said-“
“Shh,” she shushes him as they enter the theatre.
Harry was pleased at the way Caleb’s eyes bugged out of his head at the sight of YN.
“I thought you were going to the toilet?” He whispers loudly.
“I was but she-“ Harry cuts off as someone in front turns around with a dirty look. The movie hadn’t even started.
YN sits beside Harry and begins snacking on her popcorn. She hogs the armrest and he lets her, and when she pulls out her sweets and offers it to Harry and his friend they end up swapping most of their snacks. Despite being distracted at first he has a really fun time with the two of them.
Outside in the lobby after the movie is done, YN hesitates after throwing out her trash. It looks like she was wondering if she should stick around or not.
“Thanks,” she finally tells Harry. “Let’s not do this again though.”
“You joined us,” Harry reminds her. She eyes both him and Caleb.
“Yeah, exactly?” She says with a hand on her hip.
“I’m j’saying we weren’t the ones ditched here,” Harry says before he could stop himself. Her pleasant expression falls and Harry can see Caleb concentrate on something far away. Coward.
“Firstly I was invited to join the party but like I said I don’t like smelling like campfire. Secondly, just cuz I told you I was ditched doesn’t make you-“
“Um, I gotta go.” Caleb pipes in from behind. Both Harry and YN turn to him and he almost shrinks. “My ride is here um…”
“See ya later,” Harry cups his hand and Caleb bolts out faster than a cat seeing a dog.
“You were saying?” Harry turns back to YN.
“Look,” she points to the other theatre, the one she’d been standing in front of when Harry bumped into her. “The next showing starts in a bit.”
Harry stares, trying to figure out what she was asking.
“We could watch it?”
“I thought we shouldn’t do this again?”
“Shut up,” she starts walking away.
“Isn’t this illegal?” Harry catches up to her. “I don’t even want to watch this movie.”
“Actually you do,” she grabs his arm and pulls him up the stairs even though he’s following her anyway. Harry tries not to focus on the exact part of his arm she’s touching but it feels warmer than usual. “And secondly nobody is going to kick us out. It doesn’t even matter, do something illegal once in a while.”
Harry follows along with her and they end up having a lot more fun at the second movie. He actually finds it funny and it reminds him of watching these during the holidays with his sister and mum. YN leans her head on his shoulder during an emotional scene and Harry feels like he’s made of clay until she takes it off and laughs at the next scene.
“You had fun, admit it!” YN says as they walk out of the theatre. It was close to midnight now and Harry was planning on walking home.
“Maybe!” Harry doesn’t.
“Liar,” she skips ahead of him. “Secretly you thought my romcom was a lot cooler than your Ape movie.”
“Planet of the Apes, and you enjoyed that one.”
“I’m not denying it,” she shrugs. “C’mon I know you’ve got a sister don’t you watch romcoms with her?”
Harry seems disturbed by the idea, “Not that sort. We watch holiday ones during Christmas but-“
“Oh my god like the Holiday?”
“Yeah I’ve seen that a billion times. And there’s one with Keira Knightley-“
“Oh I bet there is,” she nudges him and Harry blushes. “She does seem your type.”
“Yeah and you probably love Jude Law in The Holiday.”
“Well yeah he’s alright,” she pouts her mouth and doesn’t finish her sentence.
“No way,” Harry laughs. “It’s not Jude Law.”
“You know who’s peng? Tom Hardy. There’s a man I’d watch in a romcom over and over.”
“What?” Harry didn’t know who that was but now he was curious.
“Yeah. You should look him up. Anyway, my ride’s gonna be here any minute so I’m staying here.”
“Oh. Yeah right.” Harry thought they were walking home together but she stays near the closest bus shelter. “Well bye.”
“Bye,” she waves him off.
He doesn’t think he’d see her again that summer. But the next morning she sends him a text saying it was fun and he should come over some time to broaden his romcom education. He thinks she’s joking but the following Tuesday she shows up at his house with DVDs and Percys and although Harry’s mum is surprised to see a girl friend at the house, she orders them pizza and his family gives him the den all to themselves.
After watching two movies back to back and feeling sick from all the junk they’ve consumed they lay on the floor. As evening falls through the wispy curtains of his front window Harry asks YN about her summer and uni. She’s cagey and likes to turn questions around on him but it’s nice talking to her like that with most of her guard down. It almost feels like they’re friends.
YN shows up at Harry’s house after dinner. His butt is glued down on his sofa ready to settle into a night of playing video games but the ringing at the door interrupts him.
“Harry!” His sister calls out from somewhere. He was closest to the door and on his way there he peeks through the curtains of the den to see a familiar head of hair. In a cap.
“Hey!” She walks right in.
“Hey…” Harry looks at her get-up: a tanktop and gauzy skirt paired with the trainers she always wore.
“Oh YN,” Harry’s mum pokes her head down from the staircase. “You haven’t been around in a while how are things?”
“Hi Mrs. Styles.” YN was always the perfect angel in front of his parents but his mum was right, it had been a couple weeks since she came by. “I’m good! I’ve been working a few shifts at the shop I do summers at. I had the day off I’m trying to convince Harry to come out with me.”
She was, Harry thought. And she had a summer job?
He’s reminded that no matter how much closer they got, she was always somewhat of a mystery.
“Oh where are you heading out?” Harry’s mum walks down a few steps and sits down.
“There’s a get-together of some of our school friends. Harry never shows up to these things so-“
“Harry,” his mum joins in. “You should go!”
“I never even said no, jeez!” Harry grows flustered.
“But he was totally going to,” YN says to his mum. She laughs and Harry feels peer-pressured.
“Fine! I’ll go.”
“Well be safe,” his mum gets back up. “Make good decisions.”
Harry glares at YN when his mum clears the area and she smiles sweetly back at him.
“For the record I don’t want to go.”
“Exactly,” she smiles. “Now where’s your room we need to put you in something better than that.”
He was in very comfortable sweatpants and a tee. By the time he was leaving he was in was a short sleeved button-up layered over the same tee and shorts he didn’t even know he owned. She’d forced him to take his glasses off and wear contacts then ruffled his hear with gel and she’d been so close every one of Harry’s senses had been hyper-tuned to her. YN had been oblivious.
“I can’t find my phone,” Harry pats his pockets down as they go downstairs.
“Just leave without it! We’re gonna be late!”
“Can you just call it?” Harry’s halfway up the steps. “I can’t leave without it.”
YN rolls her eyes and calls it. It rings from the den and she walks towards it.
“Seriously?” She walks back out. “You never changed my name?”
Future Prime Minister YN with a heart. It had stayed the same since their group project.
“I guess not,” Harry suddenly feels even more self conscious.
“You can keep the heart,” she goes into his contacts after holding his phone up to his face.
“Hey I never said you could go in!”
“Shush!” She smirks as she updates her name. “There.”
“You don’t want to change the photo?” Harry asks and sighs at her new name: HRH 💖
“No time. Let’s go!” She pushes him out the door.
“I’m going I’m going!” Harry closes the door behind him and they set off down the road.
“You’re so lucky your mum’s so chill,” YN says as they walk.
“Where are we going?” Harry asks.
“My mum thinks I’m at Raina’s watching movies or some shite. Your mum actually like, encouraged you to go out. She didn’t even give you a curfew.”
“Well I never do this,” Harry replies. “What is this anyway.”
“Another bonfire-“
“Does Raina do those like every week?” Harry remembered something about this that night they bumped into each other at the cinema.
“No,” YN says, offended that he would criticize her friend in any way. “The guy she’s seeing right now knows a guy. They do them like a couple times a month. If they did it every week don’t you think someone would catch on?”
Harry shrugs.
“Anyway, you have a decent closet why do you always dress so…boring?”
“I don’t dress boring,” Harry shoves his hand into his pockets. “I’m just comfortable.”
“I’m comfortable,” she points out.
Harry eyes her outfit again, she looked nice and her legs looked particularly nice in the skirt. Harry looks up in the silence he’d just created to find YN staring at him with a raised brow.
“Had a good look?” She punches his arm.
“Ow,” Harry rubs his arm but he deserved it. He’d been oggling. But ever since she’d gotten into his face to run her gelled fingers through his hair, and the cloud of her shampoo or perfume whatever it was closed in around him he’s having a hard time not glancing at her every opportunity.
“Have you got anyone you’re seeing?” Harry asks.
“Nope,” she pops her p. “With uni starting I didn’t really want to let a guy distract me and fuck with my feelings.”
“Wow,” it slips out of Harry’s mouth.
“What?” She narrows her eyes. “And we’re going right here.”
They turn the corner and she asks Harry again what his reaction meant.
“Nothing. I’m just surprised you’re not having a summer fling or something.”
“God Harry, do you think I just date boys to get off or something? I’ve barely had a boyfriend-“
She cuts herself off.
“What?” Harry missed what happened.
“Aw c’mon you can’t say ‘nothing’ now,” Harry pushes. After knowing YN this long, she was still scary, but he’d learned where and how to poke at her to get more answers without getting his head bitten off. “You’ve dated plenty of guys.”
“For someone with his nose in a book all the time you claim to know a lot about who I’m dating.”
“It’s hard not to miss what everyone’s talking about.”
“So you believe all the rumours? In that case it’s probably true you cried your first time.”
“What?!” Harry flushes. “Who said that?”
“But rumours are true right?”
“Fine. You just always had one of the football blokes nearby I just-“
“So you just thought I dated the whole team?”
Fuck, Harry realizes he’d screwed up when she starts to speed walk away. He’d spoken before thinking about what it might sound like from her end.
She starts to walk ahead and Harry fastens his pace to catch up. He reaches out and clasps her shoulder. “YN wait I’m sorry. I didn’t think-“
“Whatever,” she brushes his hand off.
He felt awful. He tries again, grabbing her arm this time and she comes to a stop.
“I’m sorry!” He says again. “Just forget I said anything.”
He’s surprised to see her teary eyes when she turns to him.
“What?” She snaps. “Never seen a girl cry before?”
“No I just—I didn’t mean to make you cry-“
“Oh you didn’t make my cry don’t worry,” she huffs. “I just hate how everyone in school always judges me based on their own fucking insecurities.”
Harry pauses, it was true. And he knew YN was only as cutting as she was so she could be taken seriously—so nobody would walk all over her just because she was a girl. He shouldn’t have made that comment, he knew that. He knew better but apparently he still had things to learn.
“I shouldn’t have judged you like that,” Harry mumbles. “I knew better.”
Her mouth parts slightly, YN wasn’t expecting Harry to say a combination of words that actually sounded better than an apology. She forgives him, but she doesn’t let him know.
“Well…you can make it up to me.” YN threads her arm through Harry’s. At first he doesn’t quite know what to do—despite their budding friendship YN rarely showed any affection or even friendliness in public. This was different.
“How? That sounds a bit sinister.”
“You’re going to get drunk with me. I’ve never seen you drunk before, and I want to be able to have embarrassing pictures of you to use next time you make me upset.”
“No way!” Harry unthreads his hand, regretting the decision a little.
“So you’re just gonna go to a party and watch everyone else drink? Your mum would be disappointed!”
“Trust me my mum doesn’t want me to get drunk,” Harry corrects her. “And I don’t drink for a reason. It really doesn’t take much to get tipsy.”
“Really?” YN eyes him. “But you’re tall.”
Harry shrugs, suddenly his heart thuds in his chest as he catches sight of the smoke of the bonfire. This was real—he was actually going to a class party with YN as his company. He had no friends there. This wasn’t his scene. What was he thinking?
“Have we got to do-“
“We’re going,” YN takes his hand and drags it the rest of the way. “We’re going to uni next year and you’re not going to be a party virgin.”
“I’ve been to parties!”
“What? D&D parties?” YN snorts. “You’re going to an outdoor party with drinks and getting drunk. I want you to let loose. Show everyone Harry the nerd is kind of funny?”
“Kind of?” Harry tugs her hand back. “You snorted at my jokes a couple weeks ago.”
YN looks back at him and Harry’s breath is momentarily caught in his throat. The light of the bonfire reflects in her eyes that crinkle at the corners as she looks at him. She has an amused smile fixed on her face. She’s relaxed completely, unguarded.
He wanted more of that, he realizes.
“Oi it’s about time!” Someone notices YN and waves her down. Harry’s forced to follow. “Brought a date did you?”
“Not my date,” YN rolls her eyes.
The group, amongst whom most had been in a lot of his classes, simply stare at him expecting a name or something. Blimey, he realizes nobody recognized him. YN did a good job with her makeover.
“Good,” one particular bloke—tall with a shaggy overgrown mop of hair peels away from the group and slides his arm around YN. She distances herself in one languid move and continues on.
“Are you lot alright?” YN asks. “It’s Harry?”
“Hey Harry,” a few of them say with a removed friendliness. They still couldn’t place him. Harry would have been offended if this wasn’t the last summer he would see them all.
“Okay?” YN turns to Harry with her eyebrow raised and a joke in her eyes like they were on the ins of something together. It warms Harry’s chest with a gentle ease.
“Harry,” shaggy-hair says. “How d’you two know each other?”
“I’m gonna show Har to the drinks,” YN continues ignoring the guy. Harry’s dying to know who that is. “Anyone seen Raina?”
“She was over there a little while ago,” someone motions towards the fire.
This satisfies YN enough. She turns, “Drinks
“Yeah,” Harry feels lighter being here knowing nobody really recognized him. Like he could be anyone. Maybe he was getting a taste of what being at uni would feel like. He liked it.
He asks YN who that guy was when they get enough distance.
“Oh him? We went out a few times, hooked up at a couple parties. He seems to think that means I want him around at any given moment but he’s a bit clingy.”
A bit was an understatement but Harry stays quiet.
“He looks old.”
She laughs, “Yeah maybe cause he’s 21?”
“What’s he doing with a bunch of teens?” Harry asks, puzzled.
“Oh Har,” YN pats his shoulder and laughs. “Let’s get you a drink.”
“Just one drink,” Harry insists.
But after downing the disgustingly hoppy beer YN hands him Harry starts to feel even better being here. Nobody recognizes him, he has YN keeping him company (after she goes to Raina for a bit and comes back grumbling about her new boyfriend), and the energy at the party starts to really take off as someone turns on a playlist and people really start to mingle.
“So you excited about uni?” YN asks. They’re both sitting on a large rock. Yn has her knees tucked into her and her cheek rests on top. She seemed down after coming back from Raina.
“Yeah!” Harry says. “Finally get some bloody freedom, away from this place.”
“This place?” She slides her cheek across her knees to look at him. She looks beautiful, Harry thinks, before sliding his eyes away. It was still hard for him to maintain eye contact with her despite all the evenings they spent together.
“School. These people.”
“Hey they didn’t even recognize you today,” she chuckles. “I did a good job.”
She reached out and brushes one of his curls. Harry inadvertently leans in closer to her.
“I look the exact same,” Harry scoffs.
“No without those big ass glasses you actually look different.”
“Call me Clark Kent then.”
“Clark Kent.”
Harry looks at YN with an are-you-serious expression and she laughs.
“I didn’t actually mean to call me Clark-“
“I know,” she says softly. “I’m trying to annoy you.”
“That’s not hard to do.”
“Hey!” She punches him lightly. “That’s mean. You’re mean when you’re drinking.”
“No I’m not,” was he? He was just being himself here.
“No…you’re not,” she agrees. “But you’re honest. Anyway, you’re living on campus right? That’s lucky.”
“Why don’t you?” Harry asks.
“I can’t,” YN turns her face away again. “I’ve got to stay at home. Things are…complicated. So I’ve just got to commute.”
“Do you think we’ll hang out at uni?” Harry asks and then flushes as he realizes he said it out loud.
“Yeah? Why wouldn’t we?”
Harry shrugs. “We don’t exactly run in the same circles.”
“Look at us now,” she leans into him, nudging his shoulder, and the warmth of her pressed into him is a balm to his melancholy. “We’re not gonna have the same labels in uni. Nobody knows us. We just get to be ourselves.”
“I hope so.” Harry says. “Should I get another drink?”
“Really?” YN sits up. “You want another?”
“Yeah!” Harry suddenly feels energized. “Why fucking not?!”
“Alright!” She hops off and he follows. “You also swear a lot more when you drink. It’s funny.”
“Sorry,” Harry apologizes immediately.
“Don’t be, I like it.” She says and Harry’s heart skips a beat. He floats the rest of the way to the drinks.
He downs half of another beer before he’s recruited to do a keg stand. He’s pretty sure it’s YN’s pretty-boy that jostles him into that crowd. He’d never done one before and YN tries to pull him away but tipsy and brave he gets instructions and allows two strangers to hold him up while he drinks what feels like the equivalent to the Thames.
The boys standing around cheer him on when he stands back up with the longest time out of everyone tonight. If he was anything, Harry was a winner. And he feels powerful: he’s actually seen and celebrated tonight for doing something as stupid as a keg stand. Why didn’t he do this more in school?
“Make way for the goat!” One of the guys shouts.
“You’re all wankers!” Harry shouts. “I just owned you all!”
“Harry,” YN’s hand clasps his and while he shouts celebrations back to the guys he’s dragged away by her.
“It’s Harry right?” A girl he’s never seen before stops YN on her trek to get him far away from the drinks. “I’m Marva.”
“Marva!” Harry pulls his hand from YN and shakes Marva’s. “Nice to meet you…Mara.”
“Yeah nice to meet you,” she smiles. “You’ve got really nice eyes.”
“Thank you Mara. You have really nice teeth.”
“Fucking hell,” YN mutters then louder she says, “Sorry Marva we gotta go. Maybe you can catch up with-“
“Okay I just wanna say that was sick what you did,” Marva points to the keg.
“I’m king of the keg,” Harry says and YN mumbles something to the side but Harry’s too swept in winning, in getting attention from this beautiful girl, to hear.
“Yeah, uhm could I get your number?”
“Uh,” Harry tries to remember his number but it doesn’t come to him. He should remember his number. Why isn’t it coming to him?
“Or I could give you mine?” She says after Harry stands there silently for an uncomfortable minute.
“Yeah,” Harry hands his phone over but his mind keep trying to push through the slosh to remember his number. Soon enough he’s walking away with YN again. “Why is my number? It’s a set of numbers…”
He’s mumbling, an anxious feeling creeping up his chest as he tries to remember.
“Hey,” YN finally allows him to stop. She senses the panic rising in him and lays a hand on his chest. The buzzing stops immediately. “Harry look at me.”
Harry looks down at YN, she was one of the most beautiful women he’s ever seen. He wishes he could hold her face for eternity. He would live in peace.
“Hello?” She snaps her fingers. “You’re not blinking are you alright?”
“Probably not!” Harry laughs. “I just got hit on by a gorgeous girl did you see that?”
“Yes,” she rolls her eyes. “She was impressed by your ability to drink upside down. What a catch.”
“I am a catch,” Harry motions to the water behind them. “I’m a fish in the sea.”
“Oh my god,” YN laughs. “You’re ridiculous is what you are. That’s a river I thought you were smart.”
“I’m cool now.”
She brushes his hair again, “give a nerd a new hair style,” she drags her hands over his eyes, “put him in contacts,” she continues tracing her hand down his face to his chest, “put him in new clothes-“
She cuts herself off when Harry grasps her hand against his chest. He was sure she could feel his heart racing inside.
They stare silently at each other, the darkness cushioning them on either side until it feels like they’re the only two beings in the night. Like they’re drifting in the dark, tethered only by hands and gazes.
Harry tilts forward, YN doesn’t move back. So he closes the distance and presses his lips to hers, they’re as soft as he imagined. They’re the best lips he’s ever kissed.
Maybe he imagines it, maybe it was a drunk fantasy, but for a brief second she presses her lips against his; she closes her eyes and kisses him back.
The next second, she’s shoving him backwards and scrambling away. Her look of shock and betrayal cuts right through the fog in his brain.
“What the fuck?” She shouts. “Did-did you just fucking kiss me?”
“I’m sorry!” Harry feels his heart in his throat, why did he think she would ever want to kiss him? She was YN, he was just Harry. “I don’t-I’m not I-“
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” She wipes the back of her hand against her mouth, adding assault to injury. “Why would you do that?!”
“YN,” Harry stumbles forward but she peddles backward. It’s another punch added, almost deflating him entirely. “I didn’t mean—I’m drunk I’m sorry-“
“Being drunk isn’t a fucking excuse,” she spits.
“I know! I’m sorry!”
“Goddamnit! You’re just like every other asshole of a guy. I thought we were friends! But of course you get drunk and try to kiss me-“
“It’s not like that!” Harry tries to tell her. He was just braver drunk but he’s been in love with her a long time. After hanging out this whole summer he just thought they had a moment there. He read the signs wrong; apparently a bookworm could read wrong.
Maybe he would never be good at this whole people thing.
“Then what?” YN seethes. “Then why the hell—why did you try to kiss me Harry? You don’t even like me why would you kiss me?!”
“I…” he doesn’t know what to say. Of course he liked her. He more than liked her; YN changed his life and he’s starting to like who she makes him be.
But nothing will make this situation better. And the worst part is he feels her slip away, right through his fingers. It’s like one of those jelly toys from when he was a kid; the harder he gripped the easier it slipped away.
“Get fucked Harry,” YN swears. She turns and leaves. She leaves him and he doesn’t think she’ll ever come back.
When the rush of adrenaline subsides Harry empties the contents of his stomach. With his head swimming he picks himself up and finds his way out. With a final glance at the party he’d just felt king of, he spots YN tucked into the body of shaggy-hair and his stomach turns. Why did he ever think she’d want him? Girls like her didn’t end up with guys like him. Why did he ever come to this stupid party in the first place and get drunk? This wasn’t him. Uni or not, maybe he was never meant to change all that much.
Harry looks around his half of the dorm he’s just finished putting together with a proud smile. At last the day had come, he had successfully escaped the shackles of school and all its taunting and made it to the uni of his choice. Despite only being a 1.5 hour train ride from home Harry chose to get the full uni experience and live on campus. His life was going to change, he could feel it.
That is, until his roommate walked in.
Messy hair, backwards baseball cap, crewneck and baggy jeans and massive headphones on. Harry already types him in his mind—how the hell did the dorm board pair the two of them together?
“Aw marra,” he holds his hand out sideways and Harry clasps his hand and lets his body gets tugged into his roommate’s bony shoulder. “Harry right?”
“Yeah,” Harry tries to find his balance again. “Roderick?”
“Just Rod yeah,” Roderick throw his duffel bag onto the bed and points behind him. “Give me a hand with the other bags?”
Harry wasn’t much for lifting heavy things but he didn’t want to start off on the wrong foot with someone he’d be living with the next year. So he goes.
“When did you get here?” He asks.
“Last night,” Harry wanted to get in before everyone else and avoid the crowds of people. He knew it would be a good way to meet others and make friends—his sister told him the first week was when you made most of them, but he did what we wanted.
Rod barely hears him as they get the last of his bags. “It was packed to shite trying to get in here. Where’d you come in from?”
“London,” Harry answers.
“And you’re staying here? On campus?”
“Yeah, I didn’t want to do the commute everyday. Felt like a waste of time.”
“Yeah that’d be crazy.” His roommate agrees.
“What about you?” Harry remembers to ask.
“Sunlun,” he replies. Harry hadn’t heard of it, and reminds himself to look it up later. “I was right ready to lose it driving here. My mam drove me-“
“Oh is she around?” Harry asks.
“No,” Rod laughs. “I’m not starting school trailing after her. But I promised her I’d have a meal with her after moving my—hey you should come!”
Harry has a hard time keeping up with Roderick, despite having longer legs than him he walks as fast as he talks and he talks with an accent that takes a minute to filter through for understanding.
“I couldn’t-“
“No you’re coming,” Rod claps Harry on the back. “She would love seeing that my roommate’s someone like you.”
Someone like you, what did that mean? But on some level Harry knows just by comparing Roderick’s outfit and Harry’s slacks and spotless crewneck.
Harry has no choice but he gets a free meal out of it. Roderick’s mum is sweet and by the end of the meal he understands his roommate a lot better, knows everything about where he’s from—Sunderland, and is invited to “drop by for tea” anytime he’s up north.
Roderick invites Harry to a get-together for first years happening somewhere off campus but Harry feels sensed out and tells him he was calling it a night. Rod looks disappointed but leaves without him. Harry almost feels disappointed in himself. He was supposed to have a different life being in uni, but he didn’t want to make old mistakes and try to be someone he wasn’t.
Freshers week is both invigorating and exhausting for Harry as he tries to navigate all of the personalities and social groups without falling back into his usual ways. He attends the talks and the tours, one in which he meets Mikey who was also planning on joining debate club. Harry goes to mixers and breaks so much ice he’s sure he could get a part time job as an ice sculptor.
Harry also attends the workshops and he meets a few more friends there, but mostly when he signs up for clubs he’s interested and goes to their mixers he finds people he clicks with very easily. He doesn’t spot Rod once or anyone else he would have known from school.
On Thursday Harry heads to Newsroom Society Club which was a fancy title for the uni’s reporting club. He has a few new friends he’s made, Florence from one of the workshops and Gabriel who lived in the same hall as Harry as well as Mikey. They were all interested in being part of reporting—the newspaper or the podcast.
Harry stumbles into a projector when he spots her.
“You alright?” Gabriel grabs Harry’s jacket to hold him steady. All eyes are on him as the slideshow on the wall tips off balance and he’s bright as a tomato.
“Yeah I didn’t see that there,” Harry lies.
“Kinda hard to miss,” YN pipes in from where she stands.
Looking at her reminds Harry of the summer. It felt like a dream looking back on it, how they became friends and then quickly drifted off after he stupidly misread her cues and tried to kiss her. Although it was one of the few times he had gotten drunk and he was out of his depth when it happened. But YN had avoided him after that. He knew they were going to the same school but he didn’t think he’d see her this early on.
Harry’s new friends eye YN, assuming she was being rude just because. But when Harry acknowledges her they settles down.
“YN. Hi.” Harry waves awkwardly.
“Harry,” she says coolly.
“You’re here for the paper?”
“The show actually,” YN nods. The girl she’s talking to touches her arm and motions she was heading elsewhere.
“Oh me too,” Florence pipes in. “I’m Florence by the way.”
“I’m Mikey,” his other friend says as if Flo opened a gateway to YN. “I’m also interested in it. Not sure if I’m staying though.”
YN eyes his friends and returns her gaze to Harry. “Neat. I’m YN.”
“You two know each other?” Mikey asks.
“Yeah,” Harry says as YN says “Unfortunately.”
There’s an awkward beat as the group tries to figure out if she’s joking it not. When her lips curl into a small smile and they take the cue to laugh. It amazed Harry how well YN could command a group. Even now.
“Are you going for any other clubs?” Flo continues asking YN.
“I was thinking tennis, I used to play.” YN says and Harry’s surprised to hear that. He’s reminded he didn’t know her much—he never really got to know her that well despite all the time together. She was a closed book on a lot of things. “How about you?”
“Yeah I’m thinking of joining the volunteer committee!”
“Yeah what do they do?” YN asks. “Obviously volunteering but like-“
She doesn’t need to correct herself any further as Flo launched into a onboarding speech about volunteer committee. And Harry’s mesmerized by YN as she listens to Flo attentively, it’s different to the way she interacted with him or Mikey or a lot of people. When she feels him staring her eyes flick up to meet his and then back to Flo. She does it again and he takes the hint, looking away.
He flushes remembering the summer, how things started so well and ended so terribly.
YN ends up sticking to their group as the club organizers gather everyone to do a small introduction of the Newsroom Society. When it ends and they’re left to mingle Harry’s friends ask him what they were going to do for lunch.
“I’m easy, we can go anywhere.”
“I wanted to catch the fencing match they have going on at 2,” Gabriel says. “I might stay behind-“
“Let’s just do the caf.” Harry decides.
Florence turns back to YN who’s with her friend again. “Hey we were gonna grab lunch in the caf would you want to join? Both of you?”
YN meets Harry’s eye and an awkward energy sizzles between the two. It happens so quickly.
“Soph?” YN asks her friend.
“Eh,” she shrugs. “Okay. I’m Sophie by the way…”
Introductions are made all over again and YN and Harry are left herding the crowd from behind at the end if it.
“Hi,” Harry says as they fall into step.
She eyes him first before responding, “Hi.”
Silence as the group ahead chatters away.
“How’ve you been?” Harry attempts small talk.
“Fine.” She replies without returning the question. Harry gets the hint and grits his teeth. It was frustrating knowing she had glued herself shut and it would require a tool he didn’t have to get her to open again.
At lunch she continues to gloss over anything he says and talking with everyone enthusiastically but him, making him feel like he was in secondary all over again.
“We should do this again,” Florence suggests. “You guys are fun.”
Harry thinks Flo just liked having girls to talk to since most of the friends she’d made so far had been Harry and his.
“Yeah,” Soph agrees. “Maybe we’ll all make the Newsroom Society. Flo I think I’ll come to the volunteer thing with you next week just text me when it is.”
Somehow Harry’s friends intermingle with YN’s and by the time classes actually starts he’s seen YN socially more often than he had in secondary.
“YN,” Harry catches her walking out of their international business course. He’d found they had two classes together despite deciding different majors.
She glances up at her name and upon seeing Harry continues walking.
“Hey YN,” he walks ahead enough to stop her.
“Hey. What?” She asks.
“Can we talk?”
She raises a brow.
“C’mon,” Harry turns and hopes she’ll follow. She does. He leads them to a seating area for students in the building’s courtyard. “We should talk.”
“Us.” Harry fidgets. “Look, I know what I did last summer wasn’t right. And being drunk wasn’t an excuse. I…I misread the signs and I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to betray your trust like that and. Yeah. I’m really sorry. If we’re gonna hang out and be mates, it’s weird when you’re always mad at me.”
She stares at him for an uncomfortable period and Harry can’t hold eye contact the whole time.
“How many times did you practice saying that?” She asks with a straight expression.
He laughs, “A few times.”
Like the sun after a thunderstorm, her smile slowly brightens the rest of her face as it stretches over her face.
“For the record, don’t ever try to kiss me ever again.” YN lists on her fingers. “Secondly, there will never be signs between us as anything more than friends so just…don’t look for them. We’re just friends.”
“Got it,” Harry mock salutes.
“I’m not done,” she holds up three fingers. “Thirdly, it’s nice seeing you be less…secondary Harry.”
“Y’know like, bookish awkward nerdy Harry. You’ve actually got friends, I saw you at a couple parties. It’s nice!”
“Oh,” Harry didn’t think YN thought about him at all. He thought he went back to being a nobody but she was still noticing things about him. Things he thought only he had picked up on.
She was right—he felt more himself the longer he was at uni. It wasn’t easy but he found it easier to make decisions about people and friends, emotions and conversations when the pressure to fit into a box fell away.
Of course, Harry still struggled connecting with his roommate. After declining his initial invite to a party Rod mostly kept to himself and sometimes Harry was asked to give him privacy a few hours some evenings. Harry usually obliged, wanting to still be friends with Roderick.
One of the parties YN saw him at must have been one Rod invited him to. It was the first time he’d really spoken to him since that first day. And Harry had gone to the party just to reduce the friction with Rod. It went over well, he’d even chatted up a girl.
“Anyway,” YN hitches her bag onto her shoulder. “My next class is much later in the day so I’m gonna find a place to crash until then.”
“When is it?”
“Like, 5?”
“Shit, you commuted for our 10 and have to stay that late?”
“Yeah,” she sighs. “It was the only way I could fit both classes into this semester.”
“D’you…” Harry reconsiders the rules she’d given him. He didn’t think this was breaking any. “D’you want to come go my dorm? You could…nap or something.”
Her face lights up, “Wait really?”
“Um yeah? If that’s alright if-“
“Yeah,” Harry’s pleased to be able to offer something that’s made her light up. “Yeah c’mon. My roommate should be out. My next class is at half past 1 though.”
“That’s enough time for a nap,” YN says as she falls into step beside him.
“You don’t have to leave.” Harry tells her. “You can stay while I’m in class.”
That’s how Harry finds himself walking out of his dorm quietly so as not to wake a sleeping YN. She had knocked out soon after getting into his sheets, and he’s thankful he’d just washed them over the weekend after accidentally spilling tea all over them.
He felt bad that she had to commute for nearly 2 hours and stay the whole day for an evening class. He gives her an open invitation to use his dorm as a hotel when she wanted. She’d corrected him it was more like a motel, and then said his bedsheets smelled surprisingly nice for a motel.
Harry has a smile for most of his walk to class.
Near the end of class his phone vibrates with a text.
Roderick: there’s a girl sleeping on your bed?
Shit, Harry didn’t think he’d be back before him.
Harry: that’s just YN, sorry hope you don’t mind.
R: nah I just wasn’t expecting it lol
H: she’s just crashing
R: she single?
H: what happened to the girl you were hooking up with last week?
Despite not talking a lot, Harry still had the lowdown on who Rod was hooking up with because of the revolving door of girls.
R: mate. That was last week.
Harry rushes back from class but to his surprise he finds YN sitting in bed braiding her hair while Rod leans against his desk explaining something about Sunderland.
“Oh hey Harry,” YN says when he walks in.
“Hey,” Harry tries not to sound too out of breath. “Uh I see you two’ve met.”
“Yeah. YN’s pretty cool, where’ve you been hiding her?”
“I’m not-“
“Ew,” YN cuts him off. “Do they not teach manners in Sunderland?”
Harry watches, for the first time since he’s met him, Roderick stammer and look uncertain.
“Anyway,” YN gets off the bed and adjusts her clothes. “Thanks for letting me crash.”
Harry watched Rod get a hold of himself and YN put her bag back together again. That was the privilege of being so beautiful, she could shame guys like Rod into behaving themselves.
“See you Friday?” YN tells Harry. They had a Newsroom Society meeting. Harry ended up making the cut for the paper along with Gabriel and Flo. YN had made it for the podcast and this week was when they first got assignments.
“Yeah,” Harry says. YN walks past him, squeezing him arm and walking out.
“Marra,” Rod blow the air out of his cheeks. “She’s….something. You should invite her to the party Friday if she’s on campus.”
“Yeah I’ll ask,” Harry says. Weird how the tables have turned, he thinks. Here he would be, inviting YN to a party.
Harry doesn’t get a chance to catch up with YN until after Newsroom. He asks her if she was doing anything afterwards.
“Nope,” she rubs her temple. “I have a Saturday shift to work so I was just gonna head home after this.”
“Oh.” Harry says. He forgot she worked. “I was gonna invite you to this party-“
“You?” She points to him and laugh. “You’re inviting me?”
“Erm yeah?”
“I love it.” She says seriously.
“Yeah,” a smile tugs at his lips. “I know. But if you’re busy-“
“Oh no. I’ll show up to a party you’re inviting me to, where is it?”
Harry gives her the place. She tells him one of her friends was trying to get here there too.
“Whatever, I’ll just suffer the consequences tomorrow. Although I’m not dressed for a party at all.”
Harry eyes her hoodie and jeans. Even he knew YN dressed up more for parties.
“Too bad you’re not a girl,” she sighs. “I could just borrow something from your closet.”
“How about the friend you mentioned?”
“She lives a town over so she commutes. Wait, let me see your closet maybe we can make something work.”
“Don’t you make fun of my closet?”
“No I make fun when you wear it. It might look hot on me.”
The idea of YN looking hot in his clothes forces the blood to rush to his head and he has to take a few deep breaths before trailing behind.
Rod’s nowhere in sight when they get to his dorm. Harry unloads his backpack and splays out on his bed, tired from the day and really not wanting to go to any parties.
“This could be cute,” YN unhooks a plain white tee from his closet and throws it on his bed. She picks up a sweater and a short-sleeved button up. She holds them up to her and instructs him to turn around while she tries it on.
Harry’s so tired that turned around he ends up falling asleep, half his body still dangling off the bed.
While uni was really fun for him, and getting to explore different sides of him and learn a whole lot, it was a constant rotation of something. Sometimes he wondered if he should drop a class or a club just to give himself some breathing room. Or sleeping room. But Harry wasn’t a quitter. Instead he was tired a lot of the time and felt like he was constantly catching up.
“Hello,” Harry’s woken by a vigorous shaking. YN peers down at him, lashes long and coated in mascara probably. Her lips are painted a deep pink and she’s put her hair down.
“How did you…” Harry blinks at her.
“I had some makeup in my bag, I just touched it up while you slept.” She sits down beside him. “Now what are you wearing and when are we leaving?”
“I’m just wearing this,” Harry motions to his jeans and hoodie. She raises a brow. “Wait what are you-“
He notices what she’s wearing. His white tee that hangs loose on him has been tightened into a single point on YN’s ribcage, baring her midriff. She’s kept her jeans on but somehow despite only swapping out one item of clothing she looks magnetic.
“I know right,” she gets up to allow him the full picture even though he didn’t want to ogle any more. “I just went with one of your tees, used a hair tie to style it. I’ll wear my bomber on top. And you can change your hoodie at least. You’ll look like a slob in that, it’s not going to impress any girls.”
“What if I don’t want to impress any girls?”
“Don’t forget I caught you flirting with Sophie last week.” She warns him.
It was embarrassing, Soph had been talking through one of the articles they were assigned to think about for Newsroom and it had turned flirty when Sophie started teasing him. Harry had recently felt more confident in the girl department and he’d flirted back until YN had dropped into the conversation pretending to gag at Harry.
Harry wondered if Sophie would be at the party. He should have texted her to ask.
“Let’s not talk about that.”
“I would actually love to talk about that,” she grins. “But I do want to head out. So wear this and let’s go.”
She throws Harry a crewneck and taps her foot. When she doesn’t make a move to look away he changes in front of her and doesn’t meet her eye.
“You’ve got a tattoo?” YN sounds surprised as he gets his arms into the crewneck.
“Huh?” Harry realizes she’s staring at his ribcage. He forgot he had a tattoo, not often looking at himself naked in the mirror. “Oh yeah. Caleb and I got it for our 18th before we went to uni. He’s moved to Canada for uni so-“
“You’re full of surprises aren’t you.” YN says in a quieter voice than usual. Harry’s hands are still trapped in his sweater, halfway to his head, when she steps closer and traces her hand over the numbers. Her hands are cold and unexpected and he gasps.
“Sorry,” she looks up at him but he can barely look at her. She was touching his bare torso. “Was that cold?”
“Yeah,” Harry clears his throat.
“Any others?” She asks.
He shakes his head, his voice sticking in his throat. He couldn’t move, he was too busy concentrating on breathing.
He slowly pulls his jumper on the rest of the way and only when they head out does he feel safe enough to talk. He tells YN how he planned on getting more tattoos eventually, once he figured out what he liked. It was a bit scary being so permanent but he liked the way he could express himself or hold memories on his skin.
They talk about it until they reach the dorms the party was at.
“Catch you inside,” YN says as they enter. “Don’t get too drunk.”
“Never again” Harry shouts after her. She waves without turning around.
He thought they would hang out here together but he finds himself wandering the dorms until he spots Mikey. He becomes absorbed in Mikey’s group of friends and forgets he’d been here with YN.
At some point Harry finds himself the centre of attention of a girl from his intro to biology class. Mary. She’s cute with a shoulder-length brown hair and animated eyes. When she smiles at Harry he feels his heart flutter.
“What about weirdest?” She asks Harry. They were talking about their shared interest in cults.
“Raelian,” Harry responds. “Have you heard of them?”
“Ooh no tell me about it,” she shuffles closer to him in the stranger’s room they were talking in. Harry had been nursing his drink for the last couple hours and he’d nearly made it look like it was done.
His phone vibrates in his pocket and he ignores it. When it goes off again Mary raises her brow.
“D’you need to get that?”
“I dunno,” Harry pulls out YN flipping him off on screen. He still hadn’t changed her photo.
“Harry!” He hears his name shouted from the hall just as the call ends.
“Is somebody actually calling you?” Mary furrows her brows.
“I don’t-“ his name is shouted again but louder.
The two of them shuffle to the hall and YN’s unmistakable face comes into view.
“Harry!” She says in a loud and happy tone. “I found you!”
“YN,” Harry glances at Mary nervously. She seems concerned. “What happened?”
“What didn’t happen amirite?” She elbows him. “Anyway. I don’t feel well and I am going home.”
“Drunk?” Harry scratches his head. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea. You’ve got like nearly 2 hours on the train.”
“And?” She shrugs. “I’ll sleep it off.”
“You can’t do that.” Harry insists.
“Well good thing you’re,” she points her finger into his chest and tilts forward. “Not the boss of me. Oh hey. We haven’t met!”
She spots Mary beside him and she bows to her.
“Heh. Harry. And Mary.” YN points between them.
“D’you need help?” Mary asks. “With her?”
“I don’t need help!” YN shouts. “I’m cool. I’m fun. I’m totally alright.”
“You’re really not,” Harry grits his teeth. He was finally hitting it off with Mary and of course YN had to go and get drunk and ruin it.
Technically he did invite her to the party though. Did that make her his responsibility? Harry wasn’t too sure about that sort of thing.
“I did an amazing job at Ring of Fire,” YN slurs. “Phe-nnnnn-omm-enal.”
“I am going to get her out of here,” Harry tells Mary. He twists his mouth to the side and hopes he looks as sorry as he felt. “I invited her so…”
“That’s alright! That’s what friends are for right?” She smiles. “I’ll see you in class?”
“Yeah!” Harry nods. “I’ll see you.”
With a final exchange of smiles Harry grabs YN by the shoulders and gets her out of the building. The whole time she talks about random things from the night that Harry couldn’t care less about.
“YN why did you get so bloody drunk,” Harry says outside his building. It was a co-ed so it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for both of them to go in but Harry wanted to sneak her into his room.
“I didn’t mean to,” she says. “I wasn’t even gonna stay this long.”
Her voice pitches down and she becomes droopier in Harry’s arms. His arms hurt; he should use the gym on campus more often.
“What happened?” Harry continues to entertain her.
She doesn’t say until they reach his room. He prays Rod would still be at the party and breathes a sigh of relief when the other side of the room is empty.
“Sit here,” Harry places YN on his bed and finds a water bottle for her. “Drink.”
“I can’t, I need to piss.”
Harry groans. “Why didn’t you say earlier?”
“I forgot,” she whispers. “Sorry.”
He points the toilets out to her and leaves the door open a crack so she can find her way back. Her mascara’s running when she gets back.
“Were you crying?” He asks.
“No! I tried to take this stupid stuff off.” She sighs. “It really is waterproof.”
Harry shakes his head, YN was a right state and he didn’t really know what to do. She’s always the one in control and in command. He remembers his sister using makeup wipes but he didn’t have any. He improvises with kleenex but she complains that it hurt. He tries dousing one in water but the makeup barely budges.
“Just let me sleep in it,” she complains.
“And get it all over my bedsheets?” Harry shakes his head. “No way.”
“Oils,” YN leans back in his bed anyway. “If you’ve got oil. Or balms. Whatever.”
Harry rummages through the room and manages to find a hair product his sister bought him with oils. He puts some on the kleenex but YN is snoring in bed by the time he gets up to her.
“C’mon,” he taps her face. “Did you seriously fall asleep already?”
“No,” YN cracks an eye open. “I’m up.”
“Good. Here use this.” He offers her the wipe but she whines until Harry gives in and helps her wipe it off. It makes his heart race and he tries not to breathe her in too much. Despite smelling like a brewery, underneath that she smells like YN. The one he knew last summer.
“You can’t sleep in my bed with this on.” Harry complains. Who knows where those jeans have been.
“M’not sleeping in my underwear,” she mumbles. “You wish.”
“Trust me I don’t,” Harry didn’t even sleep in his underwear. “I’ll give you some sweatpants. Please change into them.”
“You’re the worst,” she whines. But does as he says, moving like a sloth. She peels off his tshirt and slides into his sheets and Harry avoids looking at her in her sports bra. At least it wasn’t a lacy one.
She was just a friend. They had both made an agreement. Friends slept in the same bed. He’d probably shared a bed with Caleb before—this was fine.
Harry creeps under his sheets and tries to keep space between YN and himself but she tucks herself into his side and is out like a light.
Harry wakes to a shock of cold on his thigh. His eyes rip open and he yanks himself away from the freeze.
It takes him a moment to register YN giggling beside him.
“What the fuck!” Harry groans and turns on his back. At some point he’d turned towards YN and they’d probably slept facing each other. It was better than any other alternative he figured.
“Sorry,” she says without sounding a single bit sorry. “I just had to do it.”
“I literally let you crash in the same tiny bed as me and you repay me like that!?” Harry says to the ceiling. Sleep still tries to pull him back in but he fights it—with YN up he probably wasn’t going to get any more sleep.
“Okay no I shouldn’t have done that sorry.” She apologizes. “You wouldn’t happen to have like paracetamol or-“
“It’s in the desk drawer—what are you—ow!”
YN had started climbing over him as he answered and nearly kneed him between the legs.
“Sorry!” She whispers. Harry glances at his roommate to find him sleeping in his bed. He hoped Rod was too drunk to notice YN in his bed when he came in.
Harry decides to just get up then and eventually he walks YN to the bus terminal both of them full on caf coffee and breakfast. She was going to cut it close for her shift but she didn’t seem to care.
“Thanks for taking care of me last night,” YN says as the bus comes into view. She doesn’t look him in the eye as she says it and he can barely look at her saying it. “You didn’t have to and you did.”
“It’s nothing,” Harry says, equally uncomfortable with YN’s vulnerability.
“I saw an ex,” she meets his gaze. “I didn’t think I’d run into him after all this time. That’s kinda why I drank more than I intended. I wasn’t supposed to inconvenience you—hey, weren’t you talking to some girl last-“
“Yeah,” Harry hoped Mary wasn’t too weirded out by YN. “It’s fine. I’ve got class with her.”
“Oh I’m sorry,” she slaps her hand to her forehead. “I hope I didn’t make things weird. I owe you.”
“It’s alright,” Harry finally meets her eye and realizes it was alright. He could be friends with YN and maybe this could work. “It’s what friends do.”
“Really?” She asks.
He nods. “I’ll help you home from any party.”
“Awww,” she wrings her arms around Harry’s neck and he takes a step back to steady her. He forces his brain to think only friendly thoughts, and not how steady his hand feels on her lower back or how nice her hair smells, as he returns the hug. “That’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said.”
She leans back and pats his face. “You’re growing up so much. Look at how much nicer you are.”
Harry blushes and she laughs at him as she runs to catch the bus. He watches the bus wink out of sight and sighs.
It was in part thanks to YN he’s grown so much, she forced him out of his shell and pointed out all the ways his intellect can get in the way of being a nice person. And being out of school helped the rest of the way; Harry’s contemplative on his walk back home.
“What about orange juice and biscuits?” Mary asks.
Harry thinks about it before shaking his head, “No. it doesn’t make sense.”
The two were having dinner together in the caf. Ever since the party last month they’ve spent more time together in between classes. They weren’t dating but there was a heavy chemistry between them. Harry didn’t realize, Mary was just waiting for them to make the first move.
“Crisps and jam?”
“Why?” Harry scrunches his face imagining the weird food combination. Mary was reading off an article she was reading when he sat down at her table.
She shrugs, “Apparently it’s moreish.”
Harry liked Mary a lot but he sometimes felt he paled next to her, like if he asked her out and she really got to know him she might not like him as much. So he kept her at arm’s length.
“What’s more-ish is the bile coming up my throat thinking of that.”
“A lot of these are pregnancy cravings!” Mary says. “What do we know?”
“Who’s pregnant?” Flo asks as she sits beside Mary. Mikey joins the table too.
“Nobody’s pregnant,” Harry corrects. “We’re just reading an article.”
“No actually, the computer science prof that everyone hates is pregnant. She’s not teaching next semester anyone who’s interested should take it then.” Flo informs the group.
“Can you imagine?” Mary turns to her. “Being so hated that the one semester you’re not teaching there’s a massive waiting list on your course?”
The group begins to discuss this particular prof and Harry fades into a listener. Mary catches his eye a few times and sends a bright smile his way and Harry keeps it tucked within.
Now a couple months into uni Harry was starting to find a rhythm that he was able to ride. He had more friends than he’s ever had, regularly went to parties and hung out with them, Rod and him were good friends by some way of YN, and uni challenged Harry’s brain in a good way.
Him and YN didn’t hang out very much but he often saw her at parties, in the Newsroom, or if he came back to his dorm while she napped. If had become part of their regular schedule for her to use his dorm to nap and Harry was more than happy to let her. Rod was too—even happier than Harry sometimes.
“Are you going to the Halloween thing Harry?” Mikey asks.
“Huh?” Harry had zoned out. “Uh I think so. Yeah. Why not?”
“Awesome,” Flo says. “We should go together.”
“We’re not doing matching costumed Flo,” Harry says for the tenth time this month.
“Why not?!” She cries. The table becomes noisy again as they argue the same thing they’ve argued since October started. Harry feels at home.
Just finished my mid-term, Harry texts Mary. We should celebrate with drinks later.
Yeah after I finish mine later today, would love to. Mary texts back.
Harry smiles at his phone and switches chat to YN.
Are you still at mine?
She doesn’t reply and Harry figures she’s either sleeping or maybe writing a mid-term. He knew she had one later this afternoon—the same class as Mary.
Uni turned out to be a small world, he’d found a few people he already knew in these halls and somehow new friends and old acquaintances had all mingled together.
The good thing was now that he regularly wore contacts and started putting in some effort in how he looked, a lot of his old classmates either walked past him with no recognition or spoke to him like they weren’t the reason he had one friend in secondary.
It still took some adjusting to: here he was, bottom-rung at his old school, asking someone at the top rung if she was still sleeping in his bed. It was mad.
Harry turns the key of his door and freezes at what’s before him.
His roommate Roderick sits on his bed with his back to the wall and someone looking very much like—no it was YN because her jacket lay on his bed, straddling his lap. YN and his roommate were making out.
“What is this?” Harry asks when his senses return. “What’s going on?”
“Oh hey Har,” Rod looks past YN. He was so casual, Harry felt a little crazy at thinking this was a big deal.
“Oh,” YN turns and unhooks her legs from around Rod. “You’re done your exam. How was it?”
Were they insane it was he just a prude? Harry’s roommate was making out with his friend. That regularly crashed in his room. Has this been going on for a while?
“Good. Fine. YN can we talk?” Harry asks.
“Sure,” YN climbs off the bed and fixes her lipstick whilst passing the mirror. Harry nods to the hall and she steps out. “What’s up?”
“What…what’s going on there?”
“What? Rod?”
“Oh my god Har, it’s nothing serious we were just making out.”
“For how long?”
“I dunno? Why do you want to know?”
“No like how long have you two been hooking up?”
“We were just making out today why’ve you got your panties in a twist?”
“So this is the first time?”
“No…we made out at a party last week. Anyway I was just studying on your bed after getting a nap in and he walked in. It got flirty, one thing led to another-“
“I’m not comfortable with this.” Harry clenched his teeth. He didn’t know why but it felt wrong they were doing this in his room. After he’d opened it up for her to give her a break from the constant commuting. What if things go sour between them and Rod takes it out on him? What if she ruins the vibe of their dorm?
“Harry,” YN lays a hand on his shoulder with a serious face. “You know I’ve kissed boys before. Done even more than-“
“This isn’t a joke,” Harry brushes her hand off. “I don’t feel comfortable with you doing…that in the room.”
“So now you’re deciding who I can see-“
“No!” Harry shouts a bit too loud and someone on the other end of the hall looks up. “No. You know that’s not what I’m saying. I don’t care who you hook up with YN. Just not in my room with my roommate. Do whatever you want with him at parties but not in my room. I don’t care what you do. Just…not in my room.”
Harry shuts up once he realizes he’s repeating himself. He hopes she understands.
“Fine.” She does her classic move. She shuts down. “I’ll be a devout virgin in your room. Outside I’ll be the wild child I am.”
“YN don’t twist this,” Harry sighs. “Why do you do that?”
“I’ve got an exam in a couple hours.” She opens the door. “I should go.”
“Already?” Rod says as they walk in.
“Harry’s made a request about us,” YN shoots him a look and Harry wants to take that look and throw it back at her. He was going to break it to Rod differently knowing how tenuous the balance of their friendship was. But now she’s just dropped it like a bomb in the middle of their dorm.
“What?” Rod looks at Harry.
Harry flushes but he tries to look at Rod when he tells him, “I think it’s weird you two making out here. You can do that anywhere just not here. My roommate and my friend…it’s weird.”
Rod blinks, Harry thinks he’s zoned out until he shrugs. “Nee bother. I respect it Harry. I’ll catch you out there then YN.”
YN looks between the boys, her hands holding her bag are curled into fists and with one last angry look to Harry she exits the room.
“Doesn’t look like she’s too chuffed with you man.” Rod pipes in from behind.
She wasn’t chuffed with him half the time, Harry was now used to it.
The Halloween party is packed like sardines and Harry considers leaving. Mary had come down with a flu and she’d also been avoiding him the last week. Gabe said she’s probably tired of him not doing anything about their mutual crush, Flo thinks she needs space, and YN says she found someone new to fantasize about but Harry thinks the last one is mostly to get under his skin.
Ever since that day in his dorm YN’s gone back to being bristly with Harry. It doesn’t bother him most days but it does frustrate him on a few.
“Harry!” A familiar face waves him down. The party was in off-campus student res and it was decorated like somebody had gone batshit on Amazon. Just walking toward Sophie, Harry had gotten a faceful of smoke, fake cobwebs, and bubbles for some reason.
“Soph! How’s it going?” Harry hadn’t seen Sophie since she quit Newsroom a few weeks ago. With midterms and club deadlines clashing she decided she couldn’t do both and left the club.
“So much better,” her brightened eyes and large smile fixed on her face clued Harry in that she’d already started drinking. “But I miss the Newsroom crew. How is everyone?”
“We’re fine—you know you could still hang out with us? We’re around.”
“Ugh I know,” she sways towards him. “But I feel like I hardly have time to be social. Social. Does that sound weird—so-shul?”
“I think you’re a bit drunk Soph,” Harry points to her cup.
“Oh yeah,” she laughs. “What about you? You don’t even have a drink!”
“I…I was gonna go get one.” Harry lies. He was actually gonna go home.
“Okay! Someone had shots going.”
She grabs his hand and it tingles. She races around until she finds the half-empty vodka and demands Harry do shots with her. He nearly chokes on it and coughs uncontrollably which sets Soph off.
“Are you alright?” She slaps his back harder than she looks like she could. “You need a chaser hold up!”
She disappears behind the table and pulls out lime wedges from god knows where. She instructs Harry how to do it even though he didn’t want any more but she doesn’t relent.
The second time is a lot smoother but Harry realizes he really did not like vodka either.
“Soph! Har! You two know each other?!” Roderick suddenly walks in on them, crashing the two with an arm around both. “Small worlds!”
“Hey Rod,” Soph’s glow dims a little.
“Now what kind of hello is that? And what are you supposed to be?”
“Scream queen right?” Harry asks as Soph says “Scream Queen duh?”
Rod frowns and takes his arms down. “Well I can make you scream, qu-“
“Alright,” Harry and Soph eye each other. Harry has been to enough parties with Rod to know what level of drunk meant what level of no filter. And it was best they left him alone now. “We’ll see you around mate.”
“Thank you,” Soph whispers in his ear as she loops her arm and they walk away.
“What’s going on with you two?” Harry asks. He’s learned enough to know Sophie soured at the sight of him.
“Really?” She asks.
“Him and YN were hooking up a few weeks ago. He was just…ekgh.”
“That’s not a word,” Harry laughs.
“I know!” She throws her hands up, one of which holds a knife.
“Alright,” Harry holds his up. “It’s a word.”
She throws her head back and laughs, then wields the knife against his throat.
“Woah, Soph.”
“It’s fake!” She laughs again.
“Yeah thank god,” Harry lowers it and she tumbles into him with the pressure she had put on it.
“Oops,” she smiles up at him. “Hey how d’you know Scream Queens?”
Blood rushes to Harry’s head as she looks up at him through her lashes. Soph was beautiful—she always had been. But tonight she looks particularly beautiful. It could be the vodka. But he wanted to kiss her.
“I watched it over the summer with…” Harry had watched it with YN. This was YN’s friend. Maybe he shouldn’t kiss her.
“Hm?” She inches her arm up and loops it around his neck. Her head tilts to one side and Harry feels the vodka flood his brain while his blood rushes another direction. “You’ve got really nice eyes.”
“So do you.” Harry barely gets out.
“Our babies would have amazing eyes.” She says with complete seriousness. Obviously she was drunk.
“Yeah. Uhm,” Harry tries to push her away. He does, or he tells himself that. But when she stands on the balls of her feet Harry felt it was rude to not meet her halfway. Not press his lips against her strawberry-flavoured plush ones. It felt amazing.
“D’you wanna go somewhere?” She whispers in his ear.
Harry doesn’t want to. He just wants her to shut up so they can keep kissing.
He leads her gently to the wall and continues kissing her, displaying what he’s learned in his two months at uni. And the noises she makes does unspeakable things to Harry.
“C’mon!” She urges to him. “Surely one of the bedrooms are free!”
At the thought his mind clears for a single moment. Should he be doing this? Was his first time really going to be at a Halloween party with Soph?
“I don’t have any-“
“That’s alright!” She tugs him back to her. “Let’s just see where the night takes us.”
“You’ve got to lose the knife though,” Harry says against her lips.
She laughs and tucks it into his back pocket. “Okay?”
Her laugh scatters away the remaining rational thought and he follows her wherever she takes him.
“Alright team,” the head of Newspaper stands addressing the crowd. “This has been an incredible year of reporting. I think we’ve done a fantastic job and I want to commend you all on your efforts and time lent to our humble club. Our final edition is going to print today, and the year’s final episode releases this Friday. So do give it a listen. Next year we’ll be back invigorated with more stories to tell. Have a great holiday all!”
Harry’s eyes roam the room, feeling content at being part of this hard-working group.
Despite only a semester on the Newspaper Harry felt really bonded with everyone. The team was big, split into print and podcast and yet despite not knowing everyone, the passion for stories and reporting was palpable. Especially release weeks.
Over the semester Harry had gotten even closer to Florence and Gabriel, it made Newsroom feel even more collaborative. And they often grabbed a bite after Newsroom or they would sometimes go to Gabriel’s and play video games. YN would join occasionally.
YN, only being a first year, was often frustrated being sidelined by seniors. Her friends often heard about it after particular Newsroom meetings. Still, YN on the podcast team made waves and Harry knew because her name was often on a lot of projects or on the lips of a lot of seniors. It made him proud to be her friend, often it reminded him of how he used to think about her. But Newsroom was a perfect example of how they both had separate strengths and how they flourished in each of them. He’s glad he realized that last year.
Harry’s eyes continue to dart to the door, checking his phone. It was weird y/n didn’t show up today when she should have. Especially the final meeting.
When the group goes for dinner in the caf Harry spots their friend Sophie.
What started as hooking up at Halloween ended in a few other hook-ups over the last month or so. Each time Harry felt incredibly guilty but Soph was really nice to him and nice to kiss too. Plus, Mary had stopped hanging out with him without another word and he wasn’t exactly sure what he did for that. So he’d given her space.
“Y/n wasn’t at today’s meeting, shame.” Flo says to Soph. “D’you know where she is?l
“No, that’s strange. I saw her earlier today?” Soph looks at the group.
“Me too,” Gabe adds. “She’s around.”
“Yeah it is strange,” Harry comments. “She’s usually on time, or at least sends us a text if she can’t make it.”
“I hope everything’s okay,” Flo scrunches her brows.
“I’m sure it is.” Sophie reassures her.
She turns to Harry with a secret smile, one hand sliding onto his thigh. “Any plans after this?”
“Oh!” Harry startles as her hand slides higher up his thigh. This was so…public. “Maybe. Uhm. Soph can we talk?”
He’d wanted to talk to her all week but had been so busy with exams. He thought about it a lot and really didn’t think sneaking behind y/n’s back with her friend was right. Especially after he asked her not to hook up with Rod in his room and she stopped.
Sophie shrugs and follows him off to the side.
“We need to talk,” Harry starts, he waves between both of them. “About this.”
“Yeah?” Sophie asks.
“Yeah. And. About Y/n.”
Sophie just notices the serious tone to Harry’s voice. She stops playing with her hair and stands taller. “Okay. What about her?”
Harry takes a deep breath, trying to articulate his thoughts. “I’ve just been thinking with us being her friend, she doesn’t know about us. I don’t want to sneak behind her back give her another reason to have trust issues—she’s been through a lot.”
“Yeah,” Soph agrees. “Y/n’s strong. She’s got like, that tough quiet strength she just exudes it always. I admire that about her.”
Harry nods, a small smile tugging on his lips. “Exactly. She’s really loyal to her friends, and I don’t want to screw anything up. I just…don’t think she’d approve of this.”
Sophie’s eyes soften with understanding. “Oh.”
“You…care about her don’t you?”
“Well uhm yeah she’s my friend I-I yeah-“
“Like care about her.” Soph cuts off Harry’s stuttering. He felt like an idiot.
“Be honest,” Soph curls the side of her mouth. “It’s not like we’re dating I don’t like care if you do.”
“Yeah fine. More than I probably should yeah,” he sighs. “But she’s made it clear we’re nothing more than friends. And I’m fine with that but we go way back and she’s helped me though a lot. I just don’t want to lose her. As a friend. But you’re a really great person too Soph I don’t want to lose. And I don’t want it to get complicated here.”
“I get it,” Sophie shrugs. “But it doesn’t have to be complicated. Or a secret. We’re just having fun!”
“Yeah I just don’t want to jeopardize anything.”
Unbeknownst to Harry and Sophie, y/n enters the caf then and spots the two before spotting their usual table. She heads towards Harry and Sophie first, curious as to why they were separated in what looked like an intense discussion.
“Fine. I get it!” Sophie continues.
“I’ve screwed up with her enough.” Harry says as y/n gets within hearing distance. “I hate feeling like I’m walking on egshells around her.”
“YN’s a tough cookie,” Soph agrees. “I’d be scared to be on her bad side.”
“I’ve been on it. Kinda made my life hell. It’s like facing a lion with just a stick.”
“You poor thing,” Soph touches Harry’s cheek and laughs just as her phone vibrates. “Oh that’s Emmy hold on.”
Harry smiles as she steps away but it dies as y/n steps into view.
“Oh y/n…how long-“
“Walking on eggshells? Didn’t realize being around me was such a burden-“
“No y/n that’s not the-“
“Save it Harry,” her eyes flicker with hurt.
“No seriously!” Harry tries to explain. “I wasn’t saying it like that!”
“You compared me to a fucking lion!”
“Let me explain-“
“After everything I told you about me I thought we got each other Har-“ Y/n cuts herself off as her throat closes with tears. She was not the type to cry in front of anyone, especially a boy. She waits for the feeling to subside. “It’s pretty clear where I stand. And by the way, talking me down isn’t going to make you look good with Soph.”
“Y/n please,” Harry feels her slipping away again and he envisions taking her by the shoulder and giving her a good shake. He hated when she did this, like the tides at a beach she retreated so quickly all he was left with was sand. She never left enough time for someone to grab her.
“Just…whatever Harry.”
With that she turns on her heel and walks away, the noise in the caf suddenly comes roaring in on either side of Harry. He wants to turn the volume dial all the way down and run after her but he knows neither are possible.
“What was that?” Sophie reappears.
“She heard the wrong end of our conversation.” Harry says with dread. “I didn’t mean for her to hear it like that. She must think…I don’t even know what she must think.”
“Mmm,” Sophie squeezes Harry’s shoulder. “Just give her space. I’ll ask her what she heard and explain don’t worry. She’ll come around.”
Harry wasn’t so sure.
Harry watches as Mary enters the bar and looks around. For a moment he can just be another bloke seeing Mary for the first time wondering what she’s like with her cropped hair and animated brown eyes. He feels his heart picking up speed the longer he watches her—he can’t believe it took him this long to ask her out officially.
Although it wasn’t entirely his fault.
Harry didn’t think Mary would ever be interested in him on a deeper level—he definitely wouldn’t date himself. And when Mary began to make excuses about hanging out last year, Harry took that as a big glaring sign he was right, instead of just asking her outright.
Then there was the tryst with Soph. And the fallout with y/n who cut him out of his life like she was scissors through wrapping paper. Harry acted like it didn’t hurt him but it did; after all the time they spent together he didn’t know how y/n could be so cold with people she called her friends. She didn’t even care about his explanation.
But Harry’s sister had given him an earful one night during Christmas break, about dating the girl he was really into and not being such a coward. It took him a whole month to work up the courage but on Valentine’s Day he’d asked Mary to be his. It was cheesy but she loved it. They’d hung out a few times and last week Harry asked her to be his girlfriend. He was officially in a relationship!
Mary catches his wave from the front and she breaks into her toothy smile that squeezed his heart every time it was directed his way. Falling in love made the whole world feel soppy. Harry’d never experienced something like this; in a world of learning and achievements this was one he felt really proud to get to.
“What are you smiling so hard about?” Mary teases as she reaches him. Harry kisses her and keeps her hand in his as they sit.
“Just this girl, can’t stop thinking about her.”
“Must be a lucky lady,” Mary grins. She was head over heels too.
“Nah I think I’m the lucky one.”
“God,” Mary pulls her hand away and presses them to her blushing cheeks. “You’re damn charming when you want to be Harry.”
That wasn’t a word anyone would ever use to describe him. Yet Harry feels over the moon to hear it. Here was proof he was changing—he was finally growing up.
The new couple have a few drinks with their food, they talk about school, friends, and the upcoming Easter Break.
“I’m heading home too,” Mary was originally from Liverpool. “My mum’s sister’s coming in from Australia for Easter. She’s got these little rascals I haven’t seen in years so I’ll have to see how big they’ve gotten now.”
“Are those the rascals who stole your Taylor Swift poster?”
“Signed poster,” Mary corrects him. “And yes. As payback because I caught then stealing their dad’s smokes. It’s been 3 years and I still haven’t gotten that back.”
“You really think they kept it?”
“Well we’re gonna find out,” Mary grinds her knuckles into the palm of her other hand. “I’m older and stronger now I can take them.”
Harry laughs, he loved seeing Mary when she was joking like this. Otherwise she was a bit like him when it came to studying and being serious.
“Well you’ve got a boyfriend now. I’ll make the trip if it means getting that poster back.”
“Would you!?” Mary reaches out to him. “That’s actually so sweet.”
Harry’s chest fills with warmth as she kisses him, and that sparks a different hunger. They pay their tab and head out hand in hand back to his dorm.
Rod isn’t in and they take advantage of that.
Roderick and Harry had continued their friendship despite y/n disappearing from his dorm. They’d gotten to the point where Harry declined a couple parties and Rod didn’t take it personally, and Harry actually helped Rod out with some of his studies. They worked out together and there was a better balance.
He did see y/n at parties sometimes. A couple times with Rod too. He tried to talk to her the first couple times but she always danced away just as he got to her. So he stopped trying. She was frustrating.
“Hey,” Mary kisses his jaw. “Where’d you go?”
“Sorry,” Harry had gotten lost in his head again. “I think Rod’s gonna be back soon-“
“Oh,” Mary sighs. “Okay. My roommate’s a shut in, too bad we can never go to mine.”
“If I asked him to not come home he wouldn’t,” Harry realizes Mary wanted to cross some bases too late. He really should stick to being in his body more often. He should have messaged Rod as soon as they headed here.
“Maybe next time,” Mary smiles sweetly. She wipes the side of Harry’s lips with her thumb, that’s when he realizes she was wearing lipstick. It was a subtle colour but not as much when it’s smeared on her chin. Something about seeing it like that feels endearing to him.
“Until then,” he pulls her back to him and kisses her hard, she responds in kind. Just as Harry slips his hand below her tee the doorknob jiggles. He sighs, “Fuck.”
“It’s alright,” Mary whispers below him. “That was fun.”
He peers back down at her, her lipstick is even worse but she’s looking up at him like she’s seeing him for the first time. Note to self show Mary how much I like her, Harry realizes.
This time he uses his thumb to swipe at the smudged lipstick. She smiles at him like he hung the stars.
Harry would have taken the train home last night to avoid the crowds but it was his last day with Mary before being apart for 2 weeks and he wanted to make the most of it. So now he pays the consequences with a packed train and barely any leg room.
The guy next to him plays some video game on his phone, the person across from that guy is already napping with her mouth open. Harry waits to see who takes the seat across and his heart drops when they finally take the seat and look up at him.
“For fuck’s sake,” she mutters.
Y/n. Of course it would be her. She’s cut her hair since the last time he saw her—now she has a fringe and he’s pretty sure layers with how much they flick outwards from her face.
“Y/n,” Harry greets her. This was going to be one long train ride. Although he wasn’t sure what she was doing here—did she move on campus this semester?
“Harry…” she says with a studied coolness.
“Nice to see you.”
“Is it?” She asks. “Look I’ll just find another-“
She gets up but Harry’s faster. He stretches out his long leg to block the corridor. She’s stuck within the 4-seater.
“What are you doing?”
“Keeping you in,” Harry says with a small smile. She would be forced to sit in front of him, he would finally be able to get her to talk.
“Harry don’t be so immature move your leg.”
“That’s your seat just take it y/n.” He motions to it.
“Harry!” She tries to climb over it but Harry just raises his leg and it throws her off balance. She nearly falls backwards but Harry springs up fast enough to balance her. That’s how he finds himself standing in her personal space, one hand on her lower back and the other clutching her arm.
“Sorry,” he mumbles.
“Get. Off of me.” She replies.
He lets her go and she actually sits back down. Harry glances around and flushes as he realizes everyone around them had started staring.
“Nice hair,” Harry tries again as the train leaves the station. By then they’d been sitting in silence for at least 15 minutes.
“Yeah. Whatever.” Y/n brushes her bangs.
“So are you on campus now?” Harry continues casually.
This both surprises and irritates y/n. Usually he was very sensitive to when she was being a bitch to him, but now it seemed he was getting some enjoyment out of talking to her despite her attempt at staying cold; something had changed with him.
“No.” She answers as clipped as possible.
“So you’re taking the train home today because…”
“God Harry,” y/n sighs. “I had my last exam and stayed out too late. Now stop asking me questions like I’m in a bloody interview. Leave me alone!”
“Isn’t that what I’ve been doing the last couple months,” Harry grumbles. The look she gives him could cut him in half.
She studies him, what’s changed she wonders. He still didn’t meet her eye completely but he was challenging her a lot more. She wouldn’t have minded it as much if she wasn’t recovering from a killer hangover.
“So won’t be hard to continue.” She glares.
And that’s how the remaining hour or so is spent sitting across from his friend or ex-friend, whatever. In silence. Apart from a few glances her way he buries his nose in his book and texts Mary as she boards her own train.
Of course, they get off on the same platform and when Harry’s mum catches sight of y/n she insists on giving her a ride home since y/n was just going to take the bus. The two of them sit in silence as Harry’s mum asks them a dozen questions. The ride ends with an invite for dinner and a non-committal yes from y/n.
“You guys get into a fight or something?” Harry’s mum asks as they drive to their home.
“Or something,” Harry mumbles.
“It was like the the bloody DMZ in here.”
Harry shrugs. “It’s just y/n being y/n.”
“I saw her a couple weeks ago at M&S,” Harry’s mum continues. “She didn’t look so good I offered her a ride but she said she was waiting for her sister to finish her shift. D’you know what’s going on with her?”
Harry thought about it but couldn’t think of a single thing. Y/n kept her cards very close to her chest.
“No. She doesn’t share much.”
“Well do you ask?”
“No but even if I did she would just shut me out,” Harry suddenly feels defensive.
“It’s still nice to be asked,” his mum says. “Knowing someone cares enough.”
Harry looks at his mum, the words she’s saying makes sense. But it surprises him to hear them and realize just how much it made sense. How come he’s never realized that?
Maybe he was a shittier friend than he realized.
So Harry gives it a few days and shows up at y/n’s house. This time he knew exactly where to find her.
“You are?” One of y/n’s brothers answers the door. He was a couple years older than them.
“Harry I uh-is y/n home?”
“Maybe,” his brother continues to scrutinize Harry until he squirms. “Wait here.”
He waits for an eternity, sitting down on the stoop while he does. Finally the door opens behind him and y/n joins him on the stoop.
She’s in a blue sweater and pyjama pants. Harry’s surprised to see little powerpuff girls all over them. His sister used to watch that Friday evenings.
“What’re you doing here?”
“I just want to talk y/n,” Harry had practiced looking her in the eye. Just talking to her like a friend. He looks at her now. “You’ve been icing me out for months now it’s unfair. Sophie told me she told you what we were talking about, how you walked in when it sounded wrong and you’re still mad about it?”
She stares at him for a beat before sighing.
As she exhales she grows smaller in front of him until she’s drooped over, her arms circle her knees, and her head rests atop them—she’s the size of a pumpkin.
“I’m not mad at that,” she admits. “Sophie explained you didn’t mean it like that. I was more offended just at the fact that you two were talking about me. But I didn’t realize you two were close…”
“Yeah. I’m sorry about that-“
“That,” she cuts him off. “Is mostly why I was upset with you. You made such a big deal that I was hooking up with Rod meanwhile you were banging one of my friends? Behind my back?”
“We weren’t-I wouldn’t say bang-“
“Doesn’t matter Har!” Y/n sits up again and Harry feels the clouds break for a sec as she uses his nickname. “That wasn’t a great way to find out. Why didn’t you tell me?”
Harry didn’t know. Or he did: he didn’t think him and Soph were going to be more than a one time thing and when it was, he was ashamed a bit. He didn’t think he would go to college and have a casual relationship as his first one. It wasn’t something he necessarily wanted public knowledge.
“Maybe I was scared. I dunno. I just know I’m really sorry.”
They sit in silence for a few seconds, Harry hears the hoover turn on in yn’s house.
“Why’ve you got to be so fucking honest for,” y/n finally says with a sigh. “Makes it so hard to be mad at you when you’re all sincere and vulnerable.”
“Sorry,” Harry repeats.
“Stop it!” YN exclaims.
“Fine!” Harry’s heart pounds. “I don’t give a fuck about how you felt. Happy?”
Y/n freezes and slowly turns to stare at him. A smile ever so slowly tugs at the corner of her lips. She almost looks proud?
“Harry!” She grins. Then she punches him square in the bicep. Then gasps. “Have you been working out?”
Harry had been; in between class and clubs and dating, he started working out last winter with Rod.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me y/n,” Harry jokes and y/n snorts. The two look at each other at the sound of it before bursting out in laughter.
“I don’t know where that came from!” Y/n says through laughter. “I literally snorted!”
“You sounded like Peppa Pig,” Harry also has tears in his eyes. He missed hanging out with y/n.
Once they get ahold of their laughter Harry bumps his shoulder into hers. “It’s nice you’re talking to me again.”
She looks like she wants to say something to Harry, her eyes grow intense as she fixes onto him, her chin wobbling, but then it passes. Harry ignores the spark of disappointment.
“Yeah we’ll see.” She says with a half smile.
All was right in the world again, Harry thought.
He should have known, though, being friends with y/n would never be that simple.
TAGLIST: hmu if you want to be added
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samfucker · 4 months ago
darlin's unempowered friend hcs :3 also masc darlin oc mentioned A LOT! (who's surprised)
his name is trevor o'connor. he's half korean (mom's side) and was born in northern ireland, belfast specifically, before moving to america around the same time that julius (darlin) came to Dahlia, so they quickly became friends because they were both new and had no clue what to do with themselves
he moved away because his mom abandoned him and his dad and his dad, tiernan, didn't really know what to do with himself and moved to america where his brother was. (tiernan is a triplet!) his dad eventually remarried to charlotte and is now extremely happy. trevor loves char!! he has younger siblings from her (that sounds weird? idk how else to word it) and she's overall just one of those mothers that radiate sunshine but does NOT play abt her kids
julius has a bunch of nicknames for him. It went from Trevor to Trev to T to TT (Tee-tee) then titty then Mr. Titty. It's like when you give your dog a nickname and then it escalates into something completely different 
neither of these dudes can walk straight. widawee. like they bump into each other or walk in front of each other and get mad like "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE FUCKING GOING, WHAT ARE YOU DOING??"
they were both losers... they were both pretty boys, but losers. like if they were extroverts and didn't have interests that were considered "weird" then they probably would've been more popular in school
before moving to america, trevor forgot to break up with the girl he was dating so it looked like he literally just disappeared. one time during lunch at school trevor did a big ol sigh like "SIGHH.... man i miss my gf.." and julius was like WHAT r u even talking about......
one time he buzzed and bleached his hair and julius called him eminem for a week and a half before trevor got mad and made julius dye it silver, and when it grew out he had those like tiny little spikes with dark roots and he thought he was the SHIT (he was.)
allergic to pineapple 
his favourite number is 8. julius' is 7. 
after being attacked by quinn, trevor never blamed julius
julius tried to cook for him when he got discharged from the hospital and trevor was like "what... even is this.." 
he didn't eat it. julius ordered him something and ate his creation himself cus he hates wasting food
monster lover, julius is a redbull lover
trevor is also a WHORE for a dr. pepper
one time when they were 14, they tried feeding a stray dog which lead to julius being bitten HARDDD like this dog held on for dear life. afterwards, they hopped on trevor's bike and went to marie's. halfway there trevor asked if julius was okay and julius was just like "are you serious."
they always argue over shit like soccer vs football, chips vs fries, scone vs biscuit, etc. all julius can say to defend himself is "im not from this country."
once he was caught in a lie and trevor replied with "i have an accent, you don't know what i said."
do not have a srs talk around these two. they'll make eye contact and lose their shit
julius wanted to start a band and trevor was like dude we have literally no friends what are you talking about
they used to cuddle platonically all the time, especially when all the quinn shit was going on
trevor has horrendous handwriting. julius makes fun of him when his own handwriting isnt any better, but he defends himself by saying you can read it and that's all that matters
julius : i made u a friendship bracelet :3
trev; thats gay
julius: ok fuck u damn give me it back
trevor has a ginger little cat with one eye who's called pearce 
one time julius and trev's apartment building caught on fire cus of shitty wiring and julius had to sit outside in just baggy sweatpants and trevor was sitting out there on the curb in just underwear and a pair of slippers cus it was like 2am
julius: ur so annoyi-
even tho it was his apartment too and they literally lose half their shit to the fire
trevor's little sister made him mad one time and he told her the tooth fairy wasn't real
they worked together for a while and both got fired cus they both have anger issues and were also so unserious. like they'd end up on the floor with laughter mid shift.
he hated david for a long ass time. he'd refer to him as bitch boy. he loved asher tho and thought milo was a little too intimidated for a short guy (sassy man apocalypse.)
he has an eyebrow piercing and a few small tattoos, he's scared of needles but wanted to look cool
he didn't know about magic until he got attacked by quinn and was about to pass out from blood loss and he fully thought it was a hallucination. then julius came to him in the hospital like you'll never believe this...
EVER SINCE THEN, julius has no peace.
werewolf reaction pics. dog jokes. julius' birthday gift after trev found out was a squaky toy and on halloween he dressed up as the most cliche werewolf ever and said he was julius. (creds to aster). he used to call it transforming instead of shifting and julius would be like THATS NOT WHAT ITS CALLEDDDDDDDDDDDDD.
"man, im bored... wanna go play fetch?" "ur hairs getting long... i'll take u to the dog groomers." "do u want a pedigree??"
THIS IS KINDA WHAT TREV LOOKS LIKE!! (awooga booga *hearts pop out of my eyes and my tongue drops out of my mouth and rolls across the grounf like a red carpet)
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also this pic (ik it doesn't look like my darlin oc or Trev) is so them
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tags - (i lurv u guys)
@achios @aurorialwolf @infinitelovewiithoutfulfilmentt @tgckceo @astrodude-87 @krashkitty @cozy-collins @professionallyyappinabtangst @porters-fangs @n0r
cus u guys eat up my hcs.
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deluxewhump · 2 months ago
Carlo’s Letters: Absalom (unsent)
CW: self harm, disordered and restrictive eating
January 2020
I know you think anything that draws blood is girlish and pitiful.
So sometimes I play a game with a boxcutter that makes me feel less responsible for when the blade nicks me. Still, afterward, I see my palms and arms shallowly slit up as if with cat scratches and I think, this is pathetic. Self pity, you called it. The worst thing in the world.
That’s the worst thing in the world, I quote under my breath as I toss the metal handle up so it spins in the air and I catch it on the way down. When I catch it blade first, the pain of it jolts through me like a small electric shock. It fades quickly but it releases pressure, like a dental instrument cutting into an abscessed gum. When the blade doesn’t nip me, I have to say it again, your condemnation of my self-pity. That’s the worst thing in the world.
I do this on my new master’s back patio, a half circle of stone tiles with wicker furniture and Adirondack chairs that are covered in frost half the day since the sun doesn’t hit this spot in winter. We’re up in the hills and there is truly no one out here, just the far away line of trees like druids with beards of virginal snow, the calls of chickadees and the chatter of squirrels. I see deer all the time in the yard. I watched the babies get bigger and lose their white spots. I know when I can’t stand the cold anymore because my fingers will get stiff and whitish-purple and I’ll just drop the stupid boxcutter altogether. Then it’s time to go inside and the self-pity ritual ends.
To avoid the shame of the boxcutter, I can also choose not to eat during the day. I eat with Max at night usually, and I don’t want him to notice, so I keep doing that. But I don’t have to eat all day. It’s better this way, because I can keep doing it for longer. If I stopped altogether the ruse would be up pretty quickly. But one meal a day? That’s perfect. The first week or so I feel physical hunger, but that fades. I get a sense of sharpness that I like. It feels like I’ve taken a stimulant.
I get dizzy when I stand up fast, but I don’t black out. I still eat once a day, so it’s not that bad. And it makes eating way more pleasurable. Anything at all tastes incredible. My mouth waters from the smell alone. I notice textures as if I’ve never eaten them before. I swear I can feel my blood sugar rising, and when it plateaus later. I always leave some on my plate so Max doesn’t think I’m hungry, even if I want to finish it. Im not sure what he’d say, but I hate his disappointment. More than I hated yours. Sometimes I flirted with your disappointment just to get your eyes on me, to get you to look at me at all. His feels different.
I’m hungry when I go to bed at night even just a few hours later, but it doesn’t keep me awake. I’m in control of it. It keeps me company. Like a dog at my feet.
I’ll stop if I get too skinny again. I know you don’t think I will but I will. I don’t know if I ever fully realized this until the day I saw you on tv with your lawyers, coming out of a Baltimore courthouse as if it were a O&H shareholder meeting, but you’re not omniscient. We don’t have telepathy. You don’t know everything. It’s not about that anyway, it’s about feeling the way I need to feel so I don’t lose my mind. And I can’t cut my hands to ribbons, so I do this for a few months instead.
It thrills me that you can’t take my face in your hands and use your quietest, calmest voice to bully me, or force me, or even sweet-talk me into submission. Sometimes I think of the fact that you can’t even leave your cell without permission and I laugh out loud. You and your cabal of colleagues, workers, hired help, house-call doctors. It was all so tight under your rotten fucking thumb.
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moutainrusing · 5 months ago
949 words, no warnings, @dorlenemicroficprompts
With a wary expression, Lily resigned herself to waiting by the door from which Dorcas Meadowes had just walked out of. Lily winced at the anger which crossed Marlene’s face the second she spotted Dorcas. And finally, Lily tried not to combust from the toll it was taking on her mental stability to watch Marlene and Dorcas fight like cats and dogs, apparently unable to put their minds together and find a better solution to their sexual tension.
Lily and Marlene had been heading to the library to finish their homework, but at the rate Marlene’s quarrel with Dorcas was going, that wouldn’t be happening. In fact, Marlene and Dorcas would still be arguing past curfew, and they’d all get ushered away with points taken by Prefects, Lily included, all due to her misplaced effort of trying to be a good friend and waiting for Marlene.
Oh, the woes of being Lily. Why did she have friends again? Oh, yes. She was nice. She was nice, and she would wait for Marlene. Stupid, stupid Marlene. And stupid Dorcas, too.
“You glared at me first!” Marlene yelled. “I was minding my own business, walking down this corridor, and at that exact moment, you decided, ‘oh, why don’t I just interrupt Marlene’s path with my horrible existence?’” Marlene imitated Dorcas in a very squeaky, high-pitched tone, and Dorcas scowled.
Using her rather low and reverberating voice (which Lily figured drove Marlene crazy and was the reason behind her false mockery), Dorcas gritted out, “I was just leaving a room. I was finished there, so I can leave. I didn’t even know you—”
“Oh!” Marlene cried. “But you did,” she waved a condemning finger. “You did! You knew I was walking past, so you purposely walked right in front of me to piss me off!”
Dorcas exploded. “You were glaring at me! I walk out, don’t even know you’re there, turn, and you’re glaring at me! Of course I glared back!”
“You glared at me first!” Marlene repeated, outraged, cheeks blotched red. Lily pinched the bridge of her nose.
“I. Did. Not,” Dorcas hissed. Lily sighed. (They had both been glaring. At the same time.)
“Oh, okay, sure. So you were just glaring for the sake of it, huh? Like the grumpy hag you are. Glaring and glaring and glaring ‘cause you can’t do anything else,” Marlene scoffed, lips curled into a snarl.
Dorcas rolled her eyes, “Like you can talk? Every time I see you, you’re glaring!”
“That’s because every time you see me, I’m seeing you!” Marlene spluttered. “And who wouldn’t glare at someone like you?!”
“Everyone who’s not someone like you!” Dorcas threw her hands up in exasperation.
“Someone like me?!” Marlene shrieked in offence. “What’s that supposed to mean?!”
“You said it first!” Dorcas screeched. She took in a breath and heaved, “You. Said. It. First.”
Marlene paused, eyes darting down to Dorcas’s heaving breasts. Lily could facepalm. Marlene’s eyes flicked back up, resting on Dorcas’s, and they reached some sort of stalemate. A stalemate which consisted of narrowed eyes and ragged breaths and heaving chests, lasting for minutes. It could’ve lasted longer, if not for the knocking on the door Lily was standing by.
“Dorcas?” A voice on the other side called, “Is it safe?”
“What. The. Fuck?!” Marlene raged. “Were you just fucking someone in there?!”
Dorcas looked caught. Caught between wanting to kill the person behind the door, or Marlene.
“You were,” Marlene accused, as if Dorcas had somehow betrayed her. “In a classroom! You defiled a classroom with your depravity!”
Now Marlene was jealous. This wasn’t going to end well.
Dorcas clenched her jaw. “It’s not depravity. And we cleaned the classroom.”
“That doesn’t help!” Marlene frowned petulantly, and Lily imagined her stamping her feet like a wronged toddler. “It’s still ruined. You shouldn’t be fucking someone there!”
“Where should I fuck them then?” Dorcas jutted her chin out defiantly.
Maybe Lily should intervene. “Marls—”
“Nowhere! You were glaring afterwards, so you didn’t like it and you won’t do it again,” Marlene was almost pleading.
Dorcas raised an eyebrow. She smirked slowly, “I was glaring ‘cause of you. It was actually a good shag, shame you ruined it.”
“Fuck you! I knew you were glaring at me first! Fuck you,” Marlene sneered bitterly, swivelling on her heel and striding back towards Gryffindor tower with purpose.
Lily blinked, and moved to chase after her, but before she could do so, she heard Dorcas sigh.
“Yeah, please fuck me.”
Pursing her lips, Lily gave Dorcas a once-over and dryly stated, “If you want Marls to shag you, why’re you shagging someone in there?” She jabbed a finger at the door.
Dorcas returned the dry look, “‘Cause I can.”
Lily deadpanned, “Yeah. But if you want Marlene, you should put in the work to get her.” Lily hardened her gaze. “And don’t lead other people on when you’re hooked on Marls, okay?”
“Oh, don’t worry,” the voice behind the door interrupted cheerfully. “Dorcas and I are friends with benefits, no strings attached. She needed someone to help release those pent-up feelings for Marlene, and I agreed, ‘cause who wouldn’t shag Dorcas?”
Freezing, Lily turned to the door. She recognised that voice. “Pandora?” she croaked.
“Oh,” Pandora opened the door. “Well. You caught me.” She smiled at Lily, eyes sparkling. “By the way, I was also releasing pent-up feelings for someone,” she nodded her head meaningfully, and Lily felt like she was being pulled into a trance, where the rest of the world blurred, only she and Pandora remaining.
Distantly, Lily heard Dorcas mutter, “Looks like I’ve lost my fuckbuddy. Fine. I’ll put in the effort for Marlene.”
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the-tomcat-disposable · 3 months ago
Short fic based off of this by @nami-ramen because I couldn't stop giggling about it
Summary: the Waldos take turns tossing around the detective. Why not play with their food a little bit?
TW: non consensual tossing?? I guess. Very briefly implied murder.
No beta read we die like Waldo's victims.
Shoutout to the dumb little joke me and @wyvernet made once about the Waldo clones calling each other who/what/when/where/how
The detective was by no means a morning person. They blinked their eyes open and groaned at the tightness in their head as their alarm blared obnoxiously. Ever since they were assigned to Waldo's case, they'd been getting headaches more frequently. They hoped that this wasn't the start of one. They reached over to the alarm clock and hit whatever button their hand landed on first to silence its beeping. Hesitantly, they carefully slid out of bed, wishing they could stay longer in their wife's hold, but their job was important.
After stretching and popping all their stiff joints, they yawned as quietly as they could, giving Wenda's sleeping form a gentle kiss on the cheek before dragging themselves to their shared closet. What Waldo would do to make their day worse is a mystery that they did not look forward to.
They did enjoy the morning commute to their office. The crisp air of autumn and the orange leaves illuminated by the rising sun made life feel so surreal. The morning news played through the radio, reminding people to stock up on candy for trick-or-treaters with a warning for parents to check their kids' bags afterwards for drugs and such. They detective sighed at that— it really was never as big of an issue as the news reported it to be, and they had the statistics to prove it, but they knew that there were people out there who were the reason that the lady reporting it needed to say it every year. They briefly wondered if taking a job as a news reporter would be better than the constant stress that Waldo puts them under.
"Make sure you stay warm! The weather this week—" the detective groaned as they tuned it out. Cold, yes, just like it was for the previous weeks. They saw frost settling on the ground and their breath forming a cloud when they exhaled, not to mention that they felt like a block of ice. That was plenty to know that they probably should have borrowed one of Wenda's scarves today, but it was too late. They had already pulled into a parking lot behind a coffee shop and noticed a barista catch sight of their car on the way in and run back to the kitchen.
Something rustled the leaves of the hedge behind the detective's car as they slammed the door and locked the car. They glared at the now unmoving leaves for a short while, always suspicious of a potential Waldo attack, and sighed with some disappointment when a cat jumped out of it and mrowed a greeting at them. It blended in very well with the orange and brown of it's surroundings.
"Hey, little guy—" they glanced at the cat's name tag, "Egg. You here for coffee too?" the detective questioned her, and she nipped their leg and ran off with a hiss.
"Ow! Rude! This is why I prefer dogs," they scolded. They swore they heard a chuckle as they walked to the front of the nearly empty coffee shop and entered. Thankfully, the barista had already had their coffee ready.
"Your coffee to go, Mr 'black with enough caffeine to kill a horse,'" the barista joked, wearing the forced smile that they were trained to wear, though it seemed genuine when they saw them. The detective reached into their coat and pulled $12 from their wallet to hand to the barista.
"It's still $12, correct?" the barista hummed an 'uh-huh' as they took the money and tossed it into the register. "Such a shame that this place isn't flooded with customers. It's that season when people usually do."
The detective sipped their coffee as they chatted with the barista. They'd attempted to ask questions about the Waldo case, though the detective would not answer them. A cat— maybe the same cat that bit them— yowled from outside, and the detective quickly thanked the barista before rushing back outside towards the parking lot to investigate the commotion.
"Ah, detective, hello! Fine morning, isn't it?" the tall, striped figure stood beside their car, holding the cat by the scruff and away from himself. He balanced on his cane and the cat yowled in terror as Waldo's grin widened impossibly wide before changing to look more human again. He dropped the cat and she scattered away faster than the detective had ever seen a cat run.
The detective blinked at Egg as she left then back at Waldo, who had moved slightly closer. The detective moved backwards the same amount of steps and silently prayed that they wouldn't meet the same fate as his predecessor who they considered to be a mentor. They chugged down a few more gulps of their coffee and felt it as the caffeine and heat properly woke them up.
"Couldn't you wait until I clocked in?" the detective scoffed. Waldo kept his distance and laughed over the sound of faint static from somewhere nearby.
"I believe this is a special occasion, detective. Why wait?" Waldo stepped closer. "Do you know what day it is, detective?"
"Fuck o—" the detected hissed as they stepped backward, cut off by long arms swooping them up bridal style. The surprise caused them to drop their coffee on the cement as they yelped at the sight of a second Waldo grinning mischievously at them. Would this be the end for them?
"Heads up!" was the last thing they heard before being hurled into the air with surprising force from such a lanky creature. They squeezed their eyes shut to brace themselves for the pain of the impact against solid ground but they hadn't landed against the cement. They opened their eyes to stare up at Waldo, then quickly afterwards, noticed three more clones standing in a circle. Their canes were each hooked around one arm as they held them both open.
They quickly understood what was happening as they attempted to escape Waldo's hold, though it was futile as his grip only tightened.
"Detective, struggling will get you hurt," Waldo scolded with a tsk-tsk-tsk. Before the detective could ask why he was tossing them back and forth between himself, Waldo shouted to one of them. They shouted curses as they were hurled into the air repeatedly with calls of "Where, catch!" or "How, catch!" which the detective gathered to be nicknames these pretend humans used for each other.
This continue for a while, until the Waldo nicknamed "What" had shouted to "Who" to catch. "Who" seemed different from the rest. The most notable difference being that his cane seemed lighter than the others'. They didn't have time to think on this, as they were thrown into the air once again before landing with a thud against "Who," both of them landing on the cement.
The Waldos all groaned with displeasure at this as three of them had cursed and disappeared with a crackle of electricity. The detective stood up to get a proper look at him. He was different. He looked almost just like the rest of the Waldos, except for small hairs above his lip. Before they had a chance to question this, Waldo scoffed and hooked his cane around the detective's neck and yanked them against his body and spun around, holding them there as they kicked and grabbed at the cane for what felt like longer than a few seconds.
"Detective, you had the opportunity to capture one of us just then, you realize?" Waldo grinned, purring with curiosity. He released the detective and with a gasp, they looked to where "Who" had been just moments ago. As expected from a Waldo, he wasn't there now.
"Damnit," the detective cursed as the last remaining Waldo hummed the tune of a Halloween classic. They looked solemnly at their spilled coffee on the ground, completely unsalvagable now. Their $12 was wasted all because Waldo thought a game of "catch the detective" would be funny. As a car horn honked in the distance, a static crackle sounded as they turned to lunge at Waldo, only to find a red envelope in his place.
"Dear detective, I appreciate your attempt to capture me, though you should have taken the chance to do so sooner. Don't cry over spilled coffee, now! You'll have an opportunity to stop by here again.
— Waldo"
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