#i hope yall enjoyed my silly little thoughts
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queersolaris · 3 months ago
I watched Flow (2024) a few days ago and I have been itching to get my thoughts out in some kind of way!! So don’t mind me gushing/ psychoanalysis this absolutely amazing movie—
This post will probably be all over the place cause I am still processing everything; forgive the jumbling thoughts
I think this movie had so many angles to see it from~ I totally got the found family (MY BRAND) and climate change perspectives buuuut what got me tearing up was interpreting it as parts of a person processing trauma
“oh this feels like it should be a video game” was actually my first thought
From the silence, style, hell even the boat steering felt like a game mechanic-- it kept coming to mind that this was similar to games like Brothers: a tale of two sons or When the past was around (kinda)?
It seemed obvious that there is trauma going on; how could there not be with an event like that? The theme that got me thinking it was more so about parts was 'reflection'
Obviously it starts and ends with a scene of the cat looking at itself in the water; but there was also our lemur friend being obsessed with their reflection in the mirror. From the angle of it being about parts dealing with trauma here is my dump of thoughts— I know its not that deep but I JUST GOTTA GET THIS OUTTA ME
The stags running represents the trauma event itself and the water felt like the overwhelming feelings that come afterwards-- something you can’t control it’s depth and suffocated by as it keeps rising no matter how much you try to escape/ignore it
The cat being in a house that is already run down feels like it’s clinging onto anything that is familiar but the feelings won’t let the cat survive— feelings will create the need for change and that’s is unavoidable (especially with trauma) The run down house could also have represented the way the cat has settled in poor conditions with time, old memories from a simpler time, and that can lead to isolation
Cat = representing resilience/self sustainability through situations which is why it is the main POV; it can lead to overwhelm and helplessness when isolated but it is the adaptability that is needed to progress (throughout the movie or trauma)-- the statues at the house could also be seen as almost versions of that; moments that it was bigger, smaller, more mobile but always is the same form
Dog = it was interesting that this character was introduced at the start but not along the journey the whole time right? I thought they were a representation of surviving through socializing— there is childishness and innocence but it is mainly always seen with others or serving others
Maybe the dog even could represent a child self ; something always willing to trusts others and help selflessly They do jump in to protect but in a way that is not rejecting
Capybara = survival by freezing or floating thru the situation— which is why we get to see them already on the boat, their focus is to nurture itself for the next day
 taking it one day at a time and doing what it could but not worrying too much about the things it can’t help
Bird = the opposite of our doggy friend— we meet it as the one of the first to be around others of its kind but there is a self sacrificing nature to it. Giving its food to fighting for the cats safety... it has a protective role; however in a way that reject risks of the groups survival/comfort (with the pack of dogs) yet when that over protectiveness leaves
 the situation ends soon after
I wondered before the bird disappeared if it was meant to be a older self— still juxtaposed to the dog— something with more trust issues because of experience, it looks after the other parts, even steers the others in the right direction... the connection to the cat also felt right ya know?? The parts of you that are willing to adapt usually come out the most in adulthood or when you need to be your more 'mature' self
There is also the concept of the flight response it could represent; which is why they did not want to be around the pack of dogs— almost showing it wanting to run/keep away from others
It disappearing felt like maybe there was something else— like this is meant to represent passing on a part or habit that kept healing at bay but was necessary to move through the trauma
Lemur = obsessed with material and it’s own reflection— it seems to be the part that tries to survive with status and the approval of others; of course being self destructive

Maybe representing rumination, clinging onto things that are apart of the familiarity (which is why the movie kept the ball from the house as a reoccurring object), and even masking since the mirror was something that gave it company later before realizing it wasn’t the kind of company it wanted
The foundations crumble suddenly, the overflow of emotions (water) starts to sink in; leaving things different and the same (it seems like the same forest/area). We see the stags again running like before-- which almost indicates that something similar could happen. Then the cat waits for it all to happen again; the worst. When nothing does it runs after them almost looking for an answer, I think we've all been there; trying to figure out why our responses vary or what is was about us that has changed from before that makes things easier. That's when the cat gets to see our final part:
Whale = this thing made me cry for sure because throughout the story it felt like this represented old coping mechanisms (like from childhood); something that kept you a float or going no matter how dire things became—when rock bottom would hit in the middle of floating/navigating so many feelings-- it ensured survival. Even when the cat finally learned to fish for itself (which now i wonder was meant to be like naming emotions or processing things bit by bit) the whale shows up once more almost to be a reminder that it was still around even when not fully needed. At the end when foundations crumbled, the whale is no longer able to survive
 and the cat is able to thank it for its help.
The water was there the whole movie but there was little times when the cat seemed to look at it's reflection. When it did it again at the end of the movie but with whole group being together-- I was obviously crying because dammit undertale you’re right despite everything it is still you
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OH about the video game thought— looking at this from the lens of a trauma response; it did make more sense to be told as a movie; I mean with a game I can pause
 I can take myself out of their experience and feel in control with a situation that is meant to not let us feel any
So being a movie instead is actually perfect
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rowanoftheunknown · 11 months ago
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“I hope I’ll find all the pieces of my mind that fell out of my head over all those years, and that I’ll be able to put myself together again. I hope the echoes of pain will fade, and memories of sorrow will die, and that you’ll visit me here some day
“And I hope you have a happy ending of your own.”
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nayaesworld · 2 months ago
My favorite Dork
A/N: something short because this idea was stuck in my head for a complete week straight 😭..I hope yall enjoyđŸ€­
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“You’re such a dork!”
“Mmcht..you said you liked it when I explained these things to you?” Terry turned and laid between your legs with his back turned to you as you stroked the short curls on his head. You loved listening to him blab to his heart's content about his favorite nerdy shows and topics. It made your coochie drip like a faucet when his sea green eyes lit up and that boyish grin found his face, it was so sexy and you had it all to yourself.
“I do, you're MY nerd. And if you said Eren Yeager had a right to let all those people die
I believe you bubby.” Terry had been hell bent on explaining Attack on Titans from beginning to end, making sure you understood every detail minor and large. He had a cute obsession with the show and the shelves in his room were lined with figurines, his closet had hoodies with his other favorite animes on them, and his watchlist on his tv was filled with new and old shows.
“All you gotta understand is that Eren is that nigga, and he was destined for this shit
end of story.” His voice elevated with excitement and his shirtless body was warm against your legs. You tapped his shoulder signaling him to lean up. Your sticky arousal was becoming uncomfortable in your panties and you needed to catch your breath to try and settle your horny thoughts.
“I need to go to the restroom bubby I’ll be right back.” You stood up from the bed pulling the pink sleep romper from between your heavy cheeks. A heavy smack on your right cheek had you spinning around quickly to face your best friend, a silly smirk on his mischievous face.
“I don't know why you walk around in this
why are you tempting me when you know you can’t handle this dick?” A tiny gasp left your mouth and your mouth sat open for a while thinking of a comeback.
“Me tempting you, Terry you tempt me often trust me
plus it’s not that I couldn’t handle it, you’re just so big. I’ve never tried to take anything that big before and I’ll admit I chickened out so what.” You rolled your chocolate eyes at him and crossed your arms. You were more than down for the dick at the time but seeing it and taking it was two complete different things.
“You know I had to jerk off to your panties that night
I was so horny that night when you left. And your panties were still so soaked I-I couldn’t let all that juice go to waste so I used it.” Your head was spinning at this point and you could barely stare him in his face after his confession.
His tall body sat on the edge of the bed, bulky arms reaching for her waist and pulling her into his open legs.
“Remember those FaceTime calls we used to do..I miss those, I wish we never stopped them.” You sighed and looked down at him. When the two of you were separate from each other masturbating on FaceTime was the go to
you’d get all wet and leak all over your bed from his deep velvet voice and moans.
“Terry I was in a relationship at the time, that’s why we stopped them
 I thought he was a good guy and I didn’t want to risk what we were building.” He snorted at that and rubbed along the backside of her thighs.
“Yeah and that ended with me whooping his ass
y/n you’ll always have me I need you to understand that. I'm not going anywhere until you tell me to.”
“And I’ll always thank you for beating his ass, he was a dick and you protected me regardless of how you felt about our relationship..I love you bubby.” You leaned down to trail kisses across his face trailing them eagerly to his ear.
“When you nerd out and get all excited it makes me so wet. Do you know how many nights I had to go home and stuff my pussy because of you..and you were just so oblivious to it all, how I’d encourage you to keep talking.”
“All these years I’ve been sitting here yapping and you were turned on by it
you’re a tease you know that right?”
“It was my dirty little secret..it was innocent on your end but I was just being a freak. I wanna try something new, if you’re up for it.” His pretty green eyes held hers in a suspicious glare.
“What you trying to get into peaches?” Oh he was not playing fair.
“Oh now I’m peaches again, boy you are so sneaky. Now listen up..I’ve always had this fantasy I wanted to act out with you. I always wanted to jerk off a nerd and listen to him blab about his interests, I’ve wanted that nerd to be you for a long time.”
“You know you my peaches when you get nasty, and I’ll fulfill whatever fantasy you want
there’s lube in my top drawer.” You shook with excitement and bounded to his sleek black dresser to retrieve the bottle of pineapple flavored lube.
Your hands worked to unbutton the top of your romper. Double D titties bouncing as you positioned yourself on your knees in front of Terry to give him a perfect view of your plentiful breast. Your hands ran over his black netted basketball shorts, his heavy bulge making a tent in them. Eager to get your hands on the monster you motioned for him to pull them down just enough for you to work your magic. Your heavy breast kept him occupied as you squeezed a hefty amount of lube into your hands.
“Is there something new that you’ve been interested in bubby?” Your hands saturated his shaft in the flavored lube as you stared up at him expectantly.
His fingers twirled a taut nipple before he answered. “Mhmh
a show on Netflix based on a book I read. It-It’s about a mutant’s journey to protect his child surprise
fuck squeeze my tip. Yesss.” One hand sat firmly at his base, the other tightly wrapped around the leaking head.
“I like how you’re two different colors
prettiest dick I’ve ever seen. Keep talking, I wanna know more.” Lips now placing kisses lightly to the pulsing appendage.
“He tries to help her uncover her powers and hone them while building her trust
creating a bond with her. Fuckkk peaches hmm
suck it harder uh huh, now open wider let me fuck this throat.”
Mouth wide and tongue out, you welcomed nine inches of pineapple flavored dick down your throat. His toes ground into the carpet as he found his footing to serve mouth watering strokes to your mouth. Saliva dripped down your chin to your breast as his balls slapped your chin.
“I want this pussy next and I don’t want no excuses
shake your head yess.” your greedy hands tugged softly on his heavy sack and you shook your head up and down.
“If you can throat it you can take it right?” This time he nodded your head for you, too impatient to wait for your response.
“Y/N is scared of dick
but not peaches huh? Peaches takes dick she don’t run from it, ain't that right?” You were beyond turned on, freaked out, and now you were letting him hype you into taking nine inches of pulsating dick. No more running from the dick.
“If you nut before me you owe me a trip to Sephora
you better hold out big boy.”
Nerdy dick was the best dick
that point you couldn’t argue
@becauseimswagman1 @ranikyani @blyffe @23jammy @keehendrixx @ovohanna24 @venusincleo @grlsbstshot @yassbishimvintage @avoidthings @pocketsizedpanther @writingsbytee @simplyzeeka @zillasvilla @kimuzostar @playgurlxoxo @kumkaniudaku @megamindsecretlair @theereina @keyaho @hotgrlcece @henneseyhoe @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @uzumaki-rebellion @blackmoonchilee @tvchi @blackerthings
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luvergirl-866 · 2 months ago
dreams, fairytales, fantasies
pairing - paige bueckers x azzi fudd
word count - 7.9k
c/w - language, drinking, fluff, and ofc smut (sub p, sub a, strap, eating, fingering
it’s a lot) (also heavy usage of pet names bc i am a sucker for them)
a/n - this is just a real depiction of what happens when lesbians go two weeks without sex 😔. no but fr, i hope yall enjoy!!! (feedback much appreciated) (also, im majorly crediting the smut queen @basketball-lesbians bc ease and stiff changed the way i write smut forever).
The much anticipated make-up sex doesn’t happen until a week later, which is about six days after they’ve actually made up—which they manage without the involvement of sex. And that’s a great thing for them, considering they have a history of resolving arguments via orgasm, but they also can’t give themselves the credit because the no-sex thing wasn’t really their decision. (If it had been up to them, Azzi would have jumped Paige’s bones that very night they made up).
That day, though, was spent talking, reliving their breakup and the horrible year afterward for the sole purpose of truly processing it. They had continued talking during that time, of course, claiming to be ‘best friends’, but they meticulously danced around the topic of their high school relationship and the fact they were both miserable once it ended, grieving it in their own ways. They talked for hours, and both of them quickly came to realize that there was so much they hadn’t told each other. Azzi was shocked to hear that Paige spent her entire freshman year moping around, never getting out and having fun like Azzi wanted her to do. (“Seriously? I thought you hoed around?” she said when Paige gave her this information. Paige shrugged and said, “I told you I did, so I didn’t seem lame. But yeah, no. I smoked a lot and looked at our pictures and that’s—well, yeah, that’s pretty much it.”)
Paige was just as shocked when Azzi told her she tried going on a date with someone else, just to get the breakup off her mind, and they kissed at the end of the night and she went inside and cried for a long time. (“I didn’t know you went out with anyone,” Paige said, not particularly jealous, just a little hurt because even though they were exes that year, they were still best friends, and they usually told each other everything. Azzi picked her thumbnail, eyebrows drawn at the memory. “It hurt too much. I didn’t even tell my mom.” That, if possible, made Paige feel even worse).
Anyway, by the time they talked everything through (with some crying involved, and maybe a little kissing, too), it was late at night and they were both emotionally exhausted from the day. They’d gotten ready to sleep and laid in Azzi’s bed and murmured about how much they’d missed each other for about two minutes before they promptly assed out.
And then it was the week, their time consumed with classes, homework, practice, and even grownup things like grocery shopping. They spent as much time together as they could, practically magnetized to each other, attached at that hip when they were in the same vicinity. But they were both swamped with homework and while they tried to do it together that Monday, they quickly realized that it was impossible to focus around each other. Or at least, Azzi did. (“C’mon, we’re doing okay,” Paige said, at approximately 1 A.M., when they had been at it for four hours and had gotten absolutely nothing done. “I wouldn’t say that, P,” Azzi mumbled, slinging her bag over her shoulder and pecking a sulking Paige on the lips. “No more school around each other, ‘kay?” She couldn’t help but be amused at Paige’s exaggerated pouting. “I think we’ll be okay. See you tomorrow, baby.”
That night, her phone had blown up with messages from Paige, most of them silly selfies of her pouting at the camera as she sat at her desk with schoolwork laid out in front of her. Even that was enough to distract Azzi from her work).
So, no, it’s not until Saturday—the night of their second-first date—that the make-up sex (that can’t really be considered make-up sex anymore) happens. But, as the saying goes, good things come to those who wait. And that must be true because that night turns out to be very good indeed.
It all starts before the two of them are even together, with Azzi picking her outfit for their date. She’s never been good with decisions, and this is a big one in her book. She needs to wear the perfect outfit—something sexy and cute and romantic and alluring all at once. An hour into choosing the outfit, Caroline is beginning to regret offering to help.
“Okay, you’re just overthinking it now,” she says, exasperated, watching as Azzi frowns at herself in the mirror.
“If I don’t overthink it I’ll end up looking ugly,” Azzi says, turning this way and that in the mirror, making sure the outfit looks good from every angle. But when she takes a step back, leans her head to the side just so, and turns to the left, the shirt suddenly makes her look atrocious. With a frustrated sigh, Azzi takes it off, tossing it onto the ground.
Caroline groans, flopping onto Azzi’s bed. “What was wrong with that one?”
“Everything,” Azzi replies, going back to her closet to try again. “Has my wardrobe always been this bad?” she mutters to herself.
“You look good in everything, Az,” Caroline says. “And your clothes are cute. Paige is going to love you in whatever you decide to wear.”
Which is true—Azzi could be wearing jorts and a flannel and Paige would still swear up and down she’s the prettiest girl in the world. But love and want are two different things. After two weeks of no sex Azzi needs to be wanted.
“You know what your problem is?” Caroline asks as Azzi rummages through her clothes.
“What?” Azzi asks, sort of desperately.
“Your bra,” Caroline says simply.
Azzi looks down at her bra, then turns to Caroline, a little confused. “It’s a cute bra, though?”
“Yeah, it’s cute,” Caroline concedes, leaning back on her hands and giving Azzi an up-and-down look. “But I thought you were trying to get laid tonight?”
Azzi nods, because duh she’s trying to get laid tonight. It’s all she’s been talking about all week.
Caroline wiggles her eyebrows suggestively. “Then, this isn’t really about your outfit. It’s about what’s underneath.”
As she stares at her genius best friend, Azzi nods slowly, starting to get it. “I need lingerie.”
“Yup.” Caroline smiles, satisfied. “As soon as you put some sexy panties on, I promise you, girl, you’re gonna feel better about yourself.”
Azzi is already reaching back into her closet, opening her special drawer and rifling through it. “Should I wear one she hasn’t seen before?”
“Yeah, for sure,” Caroline agrees, standing up and walking over to Azzi, peering over her shoulder at her array of underwear. “And don’t tell her you’re wearing it, either. It has to be a surprise.”
Azzi pulls a few sets out, but none of them particularly catch her eye, and it isn’t until they’ve been searching for a few minutes that Caroline reaches into the closet and grabs a still-sealed box, the logo of a designer lingerie brand on the lid. “What about this?” she asks.
It takes a moment for her to remember what the box contains. She’d bought it just a month ago, on a whim, and while it had cost her a fortune she also couldn’t not buy it. She’d, of course, had Paige in mind when she’d bought it, but they haven’t exactly had lingerie sex in awhile—with their busy schedules, they’ve only had time for spur-of-the-moment quickies and lazy mouths and fingers in the mornings before practice.
But this—this is going to be post-date, make-up sex. The absolute perfect occasion to wear insanely expensive lingerie catered specifically for Paige.
With an excited smile, Azzi (with the help of Caroline) gets all laced into the set. And once it’s on, it becomes surprisingly easy to choose the perfect outfit. Because Azzi knows, by the end of the night, Paige will forget all about what she’s wearing, the memory replaced by what she’s not.
Paige, of course, tries to fuck her multiple times before they even get to the restaurant. It starts immediately, when she comes to pick her up and they share a chaste hug and kiss, and Azzi takes the flowers from her hands and turns to find a vase to put them in—Paige’s eyes trail down to her ass and stay there for longer than she’d like to admit. And then Azzi is carefully arranging the flowers, talking about how excited she is for their date, when Paige comes up behind her and holds her tight. It’s a gesture that Azzi thinks is innocent until Paige kisses her neck and murmurs, “You look good, Az. Makes me wanna make us late for our reservation.”
Azzi’s entire body heats at that, but she playfully shoves Paige away, not about to let their hormones get in the way of this date.
But then, it happens again, in the car on the way over. Paige’s hand rests on Azzi’s thigh while she drives, which isn’t unusual, and Azzi doesn’t question it—that is, until her fingers trace a slow but sure path between her legs. Azzi lets it go farther than she probably should, only pulling Paige’s hand away once she’s fully touching her clothed center. Laughing, Azzi returns Paige’s hand onto her side of the car. “Your thigh-touching privileges are revoked for that.”
Paige groans. “I didn’t even do nothing, don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Just keep your hands to yourself, weirdo.”
And when they get to the restaurant, Paige opens her door for her, guides her in by the small of her back, pulls out her chair. It reminds Azzi of a more mature, experienced version of the Paige she dated in high school, and it reminds her exactly why their relationship was so perfect back then. It also reminds her of the aching need between her legs, the one that’s been there for two long weeks and that now practically burns in anticipation. But, she forces herself to ignore it, to just focus on the romance of it all. Paige decides to make that difficult by running a foot up and down her calf, and when she hisses at her to stop, Paige laughs and says, “You’re imagining things.”
It’s not five minutes later that Paige picks up her phone and begins typing. A flash of annoyance comes from the side of Azzi that thrives off attention, more particularly Paige’s attention, and that’s so used to constantly having it it’s a little off-putting when she doesn’t. But then, a moment later, her own phone buzzes, and Paige sets her’s down with a satisfied little smirk.
Azzi rolls her eyes. “You’re stupid.”
“Look at your phone.”
“That’s rude,” Azzi teases. “We’re on our first date.”
“We’ve been on a million dates before,” Paige says, which is technically true. “Look at it.”
Amidst the usual lighthearted, joking tone of Paige’s words, Azzi also catches a hint of something demanding, something that leaves no room for argument—at least, not without repercussion—and it makes it impossible to focus on the setting they’re in without also thinking of the events that will occur when they get home.
She picks up her phone, and there’s a text from one ‘P Boogs 💗’. When she opens it, she finds a stupid, horny text, nothing short of what she expected: can we go fuck in the bathroom or??
Rolling her eyes, and a little relieved that Paige didn’t actually write anything sexy (because if she had, Azzi’s not sure she would’ve been able to resist), she kicks her under the table and sets her phone down. “No, Paige. What’d I say about no more public restrooms?”
Reminiscent of a small child, Paige crosses her arms and slumps back in her seat. “I rebuke that.”
“You don’t know what that word means,” Azzi waves her off, before motioning to their plates. “Now eat before your food gets cold.”
Azzi has only two glasses of wine, so by the time they’re driving home she’s the perfect amount of tipsy. Wine also tends to make her horny, which doesn’t hurt the situation.
“You’re really okay?” Paige asks for what seems like the millionth time. “Because if you’re even, like, a little drunk, we don’t have to—“
“Paige,” Azzi says before she can finish that god-awful sentence. “I’m mostly sober. We’re all good.”
Paige glances over at her, and when she sees the firm look in her eyes she nods, relaxing into a sly smile. As she focuses back on the road, she says, “Good. Because I have an empty apartment tonight.”
The thought of it—the thought that Paige asked her roommates to clear out for the night, knowing what was to come—makes Azzi shift in her seat. The ache between her legs is crossing into painful territory at this point.
By the time they get inside Paige’s apartment, every instinct in Azzi’s body tells her to jump Paige’s bones as soon as the door is locked behind them. But Paige doesn’t really give her a chance—first kicking off her shoes and then immediately heading towards the kitchen. Azzi trails behind her as she opens the fridge.
“Hungry?” Azzi asks, a little confused considering they just had a fairly large meal at dinner. But Paige shakes her head, reaching into the side drawer of the fridge and pulling out a seltzer.
She waves it at Azzi with a smile, though it’s a little unusual—almost wavering? Not the familiar one Azzi’s used to. “Wanted a little drink.”
“Okay,” Azzi says slowly, leaning against the counter, watching as Paige cracks the can open. She shouldn’t be surprised—she herself is tipsy and it’s only fair that Paige would want to catch up after she had to drive. But Azzi has been a little blinded by the filthy thoughts that have been playing through her head all night, and was under the impression they’d fuck against the front door the minute they got home.
She’s already waited two weeks, she reminds herself. Paige only needs a drink or two—they don’t want to be drunk, not tonight—so what’s a couple more minutes?
“It’s kinda hot in here,” Paige says abruptly, and when Azzi looks at her, her cheeks flush. “Isn’t it?”
Azzi’s a little warm, but it’s mostly a mix of the alcohol and pure horniness, so she shakes her head. “Feels okay to me.”
“Oh,” Paige says, and then takes a long swig of her seltzer. She offers up that strange, wavering smile again.
Azzi studies her. This is her best friend, the girl she knows better than she knows herself. Paige is practically an extension of her at this point, it’s that easy for them to read each other. But right now, Paige is acting strange in a way Azzi can’t quite place. She’s been flirting like normal all night, but now that they’re alone she’s putting space between them. And that’s not to mention the blushing, the weird smiling, and the need for a drink.
As Paige takes an extra-long gulp of seltzer, it finally clicks where Azzi has seen this behavior from her: Back in high school, not long into their relationship, the first time they had sex.
She’s nervous.
But, no, that can’t be it, can it? They’ve slept together countless times in the four years since then. Paige knows Azzi’s body like the back of her hand. There’s no reason to be nervous.
Sure that she’s got it all wrong, Azzi crosses over to Paige, watching the way Paige’s gaze falters as she sidles up to her. “Hey,” she says, wrapping her arms around Paige’s neck, “you good?”
Paige blinks, then swallows thickly. “Me? Yeah, I’m all good.” She takes a sip from her drink. “Why you asking?”
Azzi hums, bringing a hand down to guide Paige’s free one to her waist—something she usually never has to do, as Paige tends to be pretty handsy. “You’re acting
weird, all of a sudden.”
Paige gives her a long, hard look, and Azzi thinks she’s about to deny it again but then Paige is sighing and setting her drink on the counter behind her, wrapping both arms around Azzi’s waist. “I guess I feel a little
nervous, for some reason?” she shakes her head, locks her hands behind Azzi’s back as if to steady them. “I’on know, bro. It’s stupid.”
Azzi shakes her head, playing with the baby hairs at the nape of Paige’s neck. “It’s not stupid.”
“Kinda is,” Paige says, chuckling at herself but it’s a shaky, breathy sound.
“Hey,” Azzi says gently, bringing a hand up to brush a stray strand of hair from Paige’s face, “if you’re not up to it, we don’t have to.” (Even though she spent the entire night suffering through a thong up her ass. The things we do for love.)
But Paige firmly shakes her head, gripping Azzi’s waist more tightly just to show how much she means it. “No, I don’t—you have no idea how much—“
“Yes, I do,” Azzi says incredulously. “I really fucking do.”
Paige’s breath hitches, and her gaze flicks down to Azzi’s lips. Azzi does the same, allured by the shiny gloss there, knowing it’s vanilla flavored from their previous chaste kisses tonight. She wants to taste more of it. Wonders if Paige’s lotion is vanilla, too.
“P,” she murmurs. Paige’s eyes don’t waver away when she hums, “Yeah?”
“Don’t be nervous,” she says quietly, bringing a hand down to cup her cheek, which gets Paige to look at her. “You know me,” she almost whispers.
Slowly, Paige nods, and when she leans down to connect their lips, Azzi nearly groans at the slight contact. It’s chaste to the point of innocent but it’s something, and they’re alone, and god does Paige look so good in this outfit. Paige readjusts, shifting so their legs are slotted together as she deepens the kiss just slightly, and Azzi reminisces on how she’s been waiting for this all night. Since that fateful night at Ted’s, really.
With Paige’s leg between her thighs, Azzi takes the opportunity to bare down, just slightly, only enough to increase the tension between her legs more than relieve it. But Paige groans into her mouth at the feeling and it lights her senses on fire.
They found a good dynamic years ago, and it’s one in which Paige often leads, allowing Azzi to follow without giving her the responsibility of being the first to move, to make decisions—something she’s always been more hesitant with. The past six months they’ve experimented some, stepping out of the comfort zone they had in high school and trying new things. But they still found that, for the most part, Paige prefers to lead, and Azzi prefers to be led—it just works.
But, even now, as Azzi dips her tongue into Paige’s mouth and brushes it against her’s, Paige still seems a little withheld. It’s obvious that she’s overthinking this, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out why—this is big for them. They’ve talked about their feelings and gone on their first date and this feels a little like the last step in a routine that will throw them back into that all-consuming, intense relationship they had in high school. Which is exciting, and it feels natural, like it’s only the right thing to do—but it’s a little scary, too. And, knowing she’s being expected to lead, Paige is worried about getting it wrong. Messing up, somehow.
So when Azzi pushes against the fabric of Paige’s blazer, letting it slip off her shoulders, it’s not really a conscious thought that she’s taking over this time. It’s just—something she needs to do. And, if the absolute fire in her belly says anything, it’s something she wants to do, too.
Opening her mouth a little wider, Azzi sucks Paige’s tongue gently between her lips, drawing it out slightly, and when she pulls off it she opens her eyes to find Paige with her mouth wide open, tongue out, barely five minutes into kissing and already looking so desperate for her.
The sight makes Azzi groan a little, her eyes trailing from Paige’s lips, to the curve of her jaw, to her slender neck, and without thinking about it she slides her hands around Paige’s throat, squeezing experimentally. It elicits the right reaction, Paige’s eyes widening, hands sliding down to Azzi’s ass.
Pulling her close again, Azzi ducks down, moving a hand to the side to kiss sloppily at the skin revealed there. Paige sighs, always having liked being kissed on the neck, and Azzi mutters, “Marks?”
There’s a slight pause, Azzi’s lips hovering just shy of kissing the skin of Paige’s neck, and as soon as Paige hums out a noise of affirmation, she’s basically attacking her, tongue soothing over skin as she sucks hungrily. Her hips grind instinctively down on Paige’s knee as her hands slide lower, down her chest to squeeze her tits through her thin tank. Paige gasps, using her leverage on Azzi’s ass to pull her down harder on her leg. At this point, she’s sure she’s soaking through her fancy lingerie just listening to the little noises Paige is making, and suddenly, Azzi feels hungry. The kind of hungry that tends to be insatiable.
As soon as the thought comes to her, her hands fly to the button of Paige’s jeans, staring down to watch her hands work it open. Paige watches, too, then brings a hand up to Azzi’s cheek. Azzi halts her movements, looking up at her, searching her face for any sign to stop and finding a little hesitancy there. “Hey,” she says, “you good?”
Paige nods, then glances furtively down at Azzi’s hands. “I don’t think I’m ready for—your fingers.”
Soothing her hands across Paige’s hips, Azzi nods, pressing a tender kiss to her cheek. “I know, baby,” she says—Paige has always needed a good amount of buildup before any actual intrusion. “Wasn’t gonna use my fingers.”
Paige blinks, thoughts obviously a little sluggish as it takes a moment for the words to register, but once she does, she nods eagerly. “Shit. Okay.”
With one last peck on the lips, Azzi’s fingers get back to work, and as she slides the jeans down her legs she goes down with them, dropping slowly to her knees. She helps Paige step out of the pants and then tosses them to the side, looping her arms around her thighs and urging her to widen her stance. She presses a few comforting kisses to Paige’s pelvic bone and across her hips, breathing in the familiar scent of her as her kisses stray lower. As she licks up the inside of a thigh, her eyes open, glancing at the girl’s boxers and the wet patch growing on them. Feeling quite proud of herself, she smirks, biting at her thigh and relishing in the way Paige hisses.
“Stop messin’ with me,” Paige breathes, bringing a hand to Azzi’s head and trying to move her closer to her cunt.
“Uh-uh,” Azzi says, using a hand of her own to move Paige’s firmly away. When she looks up at her, Paige looks wrecked, which does amazing things to Azzi’s ego considering she hasn’t even touched her yet. Loving the expression on Paige’s face—lips slightly parted, eyes fluttering, the picture of submission—she decides to try and coax more out of her. “No touching,” she adds, something Paige likes to do whenever she’s being particularly needy. When Paige starts to protest, she moves her hand to her clothed clit and rubs harshly, cutting her off. “You heard me, baby.”
Paige’s eyebrows furrow, either from pleasure or annoyance or, more likely, both. “Azzi, please—“
“Shh,” Azzi soothes, removing her thumb and licking a stripe up her boxers—the faintest taste of her already addictive. “Be patient.”
She expects more resistance—the few times they’ve switched roles like this, it takes at least an orgasm for Paige to take her commands. But today must be different—is different—and Paige dutifully shuts up, using her hands to brace herself against the counter as she tilts her head down to watch.
Pleased, Azzi removes her boxers, salivating at the pretty pink peeking out from between her legs, and it’s all she can do when she uses her thumbs to spread her open, groaning when she gets a good look at the familiar, dripping folds. “So pretty,” she can’t help but mumble, leaning forward to press a kiss against her, licking her lips to taste the arousal left there. Paige’s hips buck, and Azzi gives her a sharp slap to the thigh. Paige nearly whines, which is kinda new—they’ll have to experiment with it later. “What’d I say, hm?” she asks, unable to keep herself from pressing her tongue between her cunt lips and licking upward, eyes nearly rolling into the back of her head at the taste. “Be patient.”
“Fuck,” Paige gasps above her.
It takes every ounce of self-restraint in Azzi’s body to not just dive in and devour her like a woman starved. It’s been far too long since she went down on Paige, even before their two weeks of celibacy, and she wants nothing more than to push her tongue inside and draw out as much slick as she can. But she also knows all too well that Paige likes to be ate slow. So, slow it is, as she licks up around her folds, tongue dragging delicately over her clit.
Her eyes fall shut, focusing on how wet Paige is against her tongue, dipping just slightly into her hole where the taste is the strongest and reveling at how good it is.
When Paige makes a high-pitched noise in the back of her throat, Azzi looks up at her, watching her reaction as she gently sucks her clit into her mouth. Paige is leaning back against the counter, cunt pressed into Azzi’s face desperately, and it’s obvious she’s trying to keep still. But when Azzi’s tongue flicks against her clit as she sucks, Paige can’t help but gasp, hips bucking just slightly.
With painted nails, Azzi squeezes her thigh just enough to get her attention. When Paige looks down at her, she pulls off her clit with a wet noise and says, “Hold your shirt up, babe.”
It’s amazing how quickly Paige obeys, rucking her tank up to reveal her bare chest, nipples pink and hard. Azzi doesn’t even try to stop herself from reaching up to play with one of them as she dives back into her pussy.
Her clit is already puffy, sensitive to her every touch based off the way Paige moans when she flicks her tongue against it. She licks little shapes, taking note of which ones draw the most sound out of the older girl. It’s mostly for her own benefit when she traces the letters of her own name on her pussy, but Paige whines high-pitched and needy like she knows.
Azzi pulls away just enough to see that her clit is an angrier pink now, twitching almost imperceptibly, and she gives it a break, moving lower to suck around her hole, drinking the copious juices she’s teased out. When she presses her tongue inside, she finds much less resistance than last time, and her fingers itch to be inside her.
This time, when she pulls away, Paige whines again—the sound a mix of frustration and desperation—and Azzi soothes a hand up the inside of her thigh. Paige’s eyes are hooded now as they lock with Azzi’s, and Azzi smiles up at her. “Hey,” she mutters.
“Uh-huh,” Paige breathes, nearly panting at this point.
“Think you’re ready?” Azzi asks. Paige gives her a quizzical look and she holds up her right hand in explanation. “Wanna finger you.”
As if on their own accord, Paige’s hips jerk forward. When she says, “Yes,” it’s nothing more than a breathy little sigh, but it’s enough.
Nodding, her eyes go back to Paige’s cunt, gaze immediately going to her hole, clenching around nothing. She brings two fingers up and dips inside, then drags them through her pretty folds, making sure they’re plenty wet. And then, without another warning, she plunges into her pussy, moaning as she’s immediately swallowed by wet heat.
Paige’s reaction is visceral, hips pressing down to meet her halfway, hands falling to her head, previous no-touching rules forgotten. Azzi decides to let it go, though, as she watches Paige’s features contort beautifully, pleasure etched into every sound she makes.
Azzi pulls out, presses deeper. Does it again, and then stays inside long enough to push up against her walls.
It’s then that Paige starts talking.
“Oh, fuck, Azzi,” she breathes, still generally pretty quiet, something Azzi plans to have changed once she’s done with her. “You feel so—good, Az, fingers feel so fucking good.”
“Yeah?” Azzi coos. She loves it when Paige gets to the babbling stage of fucking, and is quick to egg her on. “You like that, huh?”
“Mm-hmm, missed it—needed it—I don’t—“ she chokes on her sentence when Azzi plunges particularly deep. “Oh, baby, right there. So fucking good at that.”
“I know,” she murmurs, pressing a gentle kiss to Paige’s clit. “You missed me, right? Missed this?”
“Of course I—“ she gasps, arches forward, “did.”
Suddenly, Azzi speeds up, filthy squelching sounds filling the room as her fingers move relentlessly inside Paige, palm coming to meet her clit again and again. Paige mewls, shifting a little, and Azzi uses her free hand to hoist her leg over her shoulder, allowing for a better angle.
“Oh!” Paige cries out, hands gripping Azzi’s head for leverage. “Oh, oh fuck. Baby, baby—mm, so deep—Azzi, more.”
“More?” Azzi asks, pulling her eyes away from where she’s wrecking Paige’s cunt to double-check. Paige usually can’t take more than two.
“Uh-huh,” Paige nods fervently.
Azzi doesn’t slow down, concern about hurting the other girl cutting through her own haze of pleasure. “You sure?”
“Yes,” Paige says, exasperation filling her voice.
“I just don’t want to hurt y—“
“Azzi, if you don’t give me another finger right now I swear to God—“
That’s all it takes for Azzi to pause her movements, pulling out enough to add another finger, and finding it surprisingly easy when she slides back in again. It’s not long before she builds up to her earlier rhythm, Paige’s hips moving against her hand, and then wet sounds are filling the room again, slick trailing down Azzi’s wrist.
Somewhere between Paige’s high-pitched moans and desperate little whines, she calls Azzi’s name. Azzi presses a kiss to her belly and says, “Yeah?”
“Can you—?” there’s hesitance in her tone that gives Azzi pause, movements slowing once again to look up at her.
“What’s up?” she prompts, gently as possibly through the arousal scraping rough against her vocal chords.
“Just, come here,” Paige finally says, hands moving from Azzi’s head to her shoulders, urging her up.
Azzi softens, mind becoming a little less cloudy at the request. Carefully, she eases Paige’s leg off her shoulder, then works up to her feet, keeping her fingers firmly inside Paige all the while. As soon as she’s up, Paige’s arms go around her shoulders, pulling her in, and Azzi smiles softly at the absolutely fucked-out, but undeniably lovesick, look on the other girl’s face.
Pressing a kiss to Paige’s cheek, she starts moving again, staying close so that Paige’s lips are right by her ear, hearing every sound she makes.
“I love you,” Paige mutters, forehead dropping onto Azzi’s shoulder.
Azzi presses a smile into Paige’s hairline, the gesture so innocent compared to the hand between her legs. “Love you, too, P.”
At that, Paige chokes on a moan, only just managing a feeble, “I’m close.”
Azzi nods, doubling her efforts. “Take your time, baby.”
“Mm-hmm,” Paige hums, but then she’s reiterating, “oh, fuck, Azzi, I’m really fuckin’ close.”
To be honest, Azzi is, too. It wouldn’t be the first time she’s come untouched, deriving pleasure from the simple act of giving it to Paige. But she holds back, forces herself to focus on the girl in her arms, running her free hand up and down Paige’s waist. “Yeah? About to come?”
Paige grasps her tighter, too fucked out to respond, but her following whines are answer enough.
“Give it to me, P,” she urges, knowing words are always the last thing Paige needs to tip her over the edge. “Wanna feel you coming all over my fingers, okay? Need you to show me how good I make you feel.”
Paige nods, and Azzi coos a, “Good, girl,” into her ear, and that’s all it takes for Paige’s hips to stutter, abs tightening as she spasms around Azzi’s fingers, crying out her name like it’s the only word she remembers. And at this point, it might be.
It takes awhile for her to come down, letting Azzi continue to thrust slowly for another minute or so before finally pushing her away. “Too much,” she breathes.
“Okay, baby,” Azzi says, pulling out slowly, bringing her hand up to Paige’s lips once she’s done. Paige doesn’t hesitate to take them into her mouth and suck, and it’s as she runs her tongue between her fingers that Azzi is reminded of just how magical her mouth is. Trying to sound casual, Azzi takes her hand back and says, “Hey, you all done?”
Paige is panting, hands going down to hold Azzi by the waist, looking as if she can barely hold herself up—but still, she shakes her head. “Nah, I can go for more.”
“Good,” Azzi says, stepping out of Paige’s grasp with a sly smile. Paige opens her mouth to protest but then Azzi swiftly pulls her shirt over her head, revealing her lavender lacy bra which leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination. Whatever Paige was about to say dies in her throat. “I may have planned for this when I was getting ready.”
Her pants are still on—Paige hasn’t even had the pleasure of seeing the garter yet—but already her jaw is practically on the floor. “Oh, shit.”
“Uh-huh.” Reaching out, she takes Paige’s hand in her own, leading her down the familiar path to Paige’s room. “You can thank Caroline, by the way. Was her idea.”
“For real?” Paige asks as they enter the bedroom. She plops down on the edge of the bed, watching as Azzi locks the door behind them. Her eyes rake not-so-subtly over her frame as she watches her. “I’ll send her a card and flowers for this shit.”
Azzi laughs breathily, leaning against the doorframe.
Paige raises her eyebrows and then reaches behind her head, pulling her own shirt off and discarding it on the floor. “Aight, I think I can feel my legs again. Lay down, mama.” She smiles deviously. “I’m bouta get you right.”
Paige has never been a good liar—which is clear, considering twenty minutes later she has her head between Azzi’s thighs, making her legs shake as she eats her relentlessly.
She’s already put on the strap, and this is her way of getting Azzi ready—alternating between eating her slow and then absolutely devouring her, pulling away every time she gets close to the edge, overstimulating her without even making her come.
“Paige, please,” she basically cries out for the nth time since they started. “I need you.”
Paige only smirks from between her legs, quite cocky considering she just got fucked into oblivion less than an hour ago. “What was it you said to me earlier? About being patient?”
Azzi rolls her eyes (though it may be more from the way Paige sucks on her folds than how annoying she is). “Mm—shut up, you liked it.”
Paige sure as hell isn’t about to admit that. Of course, though, she had enjoyed it, had reveled in the pleasure she took from giving up control, letting herself be told what to do. But now it’s Azzi’s turn, and she needs to regain control of the situation-hence, the edging. “Do you want me to fuck you?” she asks, muffled in Azzi’s pussy. “Or not?”
Azzi can’t say no to that, obviously, but still sounds a little ashamed when she lets out a meek little, “Yes.”
Paige quirks an eyebrow up at her. “Yeah? You done bossing me around?”
Azzi doesn’t respond to that, lips forming into a cute little pout that’s also reminiscent of the face she makes when she gets bratty. Chuckling, Paige shakes her head, pressing a lingering kiss to her clit. “I’on think so, baby. You had your fun.” Slowly, she crawls her way back up the bed, Azzi scooching up with her. “Now you’re gonna tell me watchu want. And you’re gonna be polite about it.”
The demanding tone in Paige’s voice is usually enough to set Azzi right, but she must’ve gotten too big a head after her little stunt earlier because now she doesn’t say anything, just looks at Paige a little defiantly.
Admittedly, she looks adorable, and Paige wants to kiss that look off her face. But she can’t let Azzi think that this is how it’s gonna be now. “Alright, pretty girl. If that’s how you’re gonna be, I’ma get right back down there and make you come on my tongue. You won’t get no strap tonight.”
At that threat (which is baseless, considering Paige is absolutely going to strap Azzi down one way or another tonight) Azzi’s eyes widen, and she shakes her head. “Okay, okay, no, I’m sorry, I don’t—I need you inside, Paige. Please?”
Grinning, Paige leans down and kisses her forehead. “That’s what I thought.”
Taking the silicon in her hand, Paige balances on one elbow as she drags it slowly through Azzi’s folds, taking extra care to bump the head against her swollen clit. When Azzi gasps, her eyes flit to her face, checking that she’s okay. “You ready, baby girl?”
Azzi hesitates, looking down at the toy between them. “It’s bigger than the last one.”
It’s true—this is a new strap, one Azzi herself actually suggested, claiming she wanted to try something bigger. They still have their last one, just in case this doesn’t work out, and Paige is about to remind her of that when Azzi shakes her head to herself and says, “It’s okay, I’m good.”
“You sure?” Paige asks suspiciously. “Because if it’s too big
“Nope. I’m sure.”
“Babe, we don’t have to do anything you don’t wanna.”
Azzi’s eyes move down to follow the cock, watching as Paige moves it methodically through her soaking folds, and her eyes grow a little wider. “Yeah, okay, I’m definitely sure.”
Amused, Paige watches as the younger girl stares, incredibly hungrily, at the toy. “Okay, princess. You gotta tell me if it hurts, though, okay?”
“I will,” Azzi promises. With that, Paige guides the tip down to her entrance, pushing her hips forward and against the resistance she finds there, studying Azzi’s face carefully.
After a moment, the head slides in, and Azzi gasps, wincing a little. “You good?” Paige asks, taking her hand off the cock to stroke Azzi’s cheek.
“Good,” Azzi confirms, swallowing thickly as her eyes meet Paige’s. “Just—go slow.”
“‘Course,” Paige says, leaning forward to press their foreheads together as she pushes in further. “Sweet girl,” she murmurs, mostly to distract her, “y’look so pretty like this, mama.”
She’s about halfway in at this point and Azzi gasps again, breathing out a word that sounds enough like a stop for Paige to halt. “Too much?”
Azzi’s knees are bent, feet flat against the mattress as Paige lays between them, but now she readjusts, wrapping them around Paige’s back for better leverage. “Okay,” she says once she’s done, giving Paige a little nod. “I’m good, keep going.”
Not loving the bossy tone of her voice, Paige makes a face at her. “Manners, princess.”
Azzi frowns but still lets out a little, “Please,” anyway.
With that, Paige jerks her hips, burying the dildo inside to the hilt. Azzi cries out, surprised and left breathless from the sheer stretch of it. “Shit,” she breathes, “so much for going slow.”
“Mm,” Paige hums, ducking down to kiss into Azzi’s neck. “‘S what you get for being bratty.”
“Yeah, okay,” Azzi sighs—Paige can’t tell if she’s being sarcastic or actually conceding—and her head falls to the side, allowing more access to her neck, which Paige already marked up earlier.
“I good to move?” Paige asks.
“I think so,” Azzi replies, breath still caught from the sudden fullness.
Paige rocks her hips back, eyes flitting from Azzi’s face to her pussy, unable to keep from watching as she slides back in, eyes widening as she watches her cunt swallow it whole, basically sucking her in.
When she does it again, a little more smoothly this time, Azzi fists the bedsheets so hard her knuckles turn white. “Mmph—so deep, P.”
“Yeah? Feel good?” she asks lowly, rutting her hips flush into her when Azzi nods, building a steady rhythm. Her eyes land on Azzi’s face, contorted with pleasure, then rove down over her body—her neck, her tits, her stomach—until she lands back on the strap. The sight has her leaning down on her elbows, heart racing as she breathes deep to steady herself.
Picking up the pace just a little, Paige lifts herself up, watching as Azzi’s eyebrows furrow, her fists tight in the sheets. The bed is starting to squeak now, which just turns her on even more if that’s possible, and she nuzzles her nose into the crook of Azzi’s neck, muttering, “Hold on to me, baby, it’s okay.”
Azzi’s arms come up to loop around her neck before she’s even done with the sentence, and Paige smirks, pressing a few kisses into her cheek. “How’s it feel, hm? How deep am I?”
“So fucking deep,” Azzi breathes, and it shouldn’t come as a surprise how close she sounds considering Paige has been working her towards the edge for awhile now.
Paige brings a hand down between their bodies, using it to rub a few tight circles against Azzi’s clit, stopping when she starts whining. And Azzi makes a sound of protest but it’s quickly cut off by a moan when Paige’s hand moves instead to press against her lower abdomen, pushing down hard enough to feel the strap moving inside her.
“Baby, baby, please,” Azzi slurs, crying out in time with Paige’s thrusts, “right there—keep doing that, fuck.”
Who would Paige be to tell her no? There’s that whiny edge to her tone, all desperate and needy, a telltale sign she’s getting close. Pressing down a little harder on her stomach, Paige speeds up significantly, angling her hips up in an attempt to hit that spot deep inside.
Based off the high-pitched moan Azzi let’s put, it works.
“Shit, look at that,” Paige says when she looks between them again. The strap is soaking now, and so are the bedsheets, a mix of Paige and Azzi’s arousal leaking down onto them. Angling her hand down, Paige uses her fingers to spread her lips open, groaning as she gets a better view of Azzi’s cunt swallowing the entire dick. “Taking it so good, mama. Fuck, that pussy crying for my dick, huh?”
“Paige, fuck, yes,” Azzi gasps, clawing almost desperately at Paige’s shoulders.
“Close?” Paige asks, trying to gauge where she’s at based off the way her legs are beginning to shake, noises becoming less breathy, more insistent.
Azzi nods, maybe all she can manage at this point, and Paige rocks forward deep, pleased with the way Azzi’s mouth falls open, tits bouncing with each thrust.
They’re silent for a few moments, nothing but the sound of the bedframe fighting for its life and Azzi’s pussy squelching around her cock filling the room. “Hear that?” she asks, using her fingers to rub harshly against her clit, only adding to the filthy sounds in the room. “Best pussy in the world, baby. And it’s mine, huh?”
Azzi only manages a pathetic “uh-huh”, and that’s just not good enough for Paige. “Nah, you gotta tell me, princess. Tell me whose pussy this is and I’ll let you come, okay?”
It takes Azzi a moment, probably trying to gather her scattered thoughts, before she whines out a needy little, “Yours, fuck, my pussy’s all fucking yours.”
Nodding, Paige presses a kiss to Azzi’s parted lips. “That’s right, mama. You wanna come?”
Tears are gathering at the corners of Azzi’s eyes when she nods, and it only spurs Paige on further. “Go ahead, pretty girl. Come all fuckin’ over my dick. Lemme feel it, baby.”
And that’s all Azzi needs, her back arching off the bed, moaning all high-pitched as she comes, pussy clenching around the dildo, nails scratching down Paige’s back, leaving her shuddering. She doesn’t stop, though, rolling her hips deep into Azzi’s through every tremor, only stilling when Azzi shakes her head, tapping against Paige’s hip.
She gives her a moment to catch her breath before saying, “Can I pull out?”
“Uh-huh,” Azzi sighs, throwing an arm across her face as Paige slowly eases out of her. She manages to get the strap off and tosses it onto the floor, a problem for future them to deal with, before laying next to Azzi, pulling her into her chest. She chuckles at Azzi’s blissed-out expression, and Azzi’s eyes open at the sound, peering at her a little sleepily.
“You laughing?” she asks, no real accusation in her tone.
“At you? Never,” Paige jokes. Azzi slaps her chest, collapsing back onto it, sighing as she wraps a leg around Paige’s waist. She’s not the touchiest person in general, and Paige finds it endearing how snuggly she gets after sex.
Her hands begin to run up and down Azzi’s bare back, and when she hears Azzi sigh, she’s quick to speak, trying to catch the younger girl before she inevitably falls asleep. “Hey,” she says, “you okay?”
“Mm,” Azzi hums.
“Was it good?” Paige asks, even though she already knows the answer.
“Very,” Azzi replies, cuddling closer into Paige’s neck. “Missed you.”
“Two weeks is too long,” Paige agrees. Azzi chuckles softly, and Paige angles her head to look at her, only to find that her eyes are closed and her lips are slightly parted.
“Why are you tryna sleep,” Paige very nearly whines.
Azzi lifts her head lazily, resting her chin on Paige’s chest to raise an eyebrow at her. “Because you just fucked the shit outta me. I’m tired.”
“I did, didn’t I?” Paige sighs dreamily.
Rolling her eyes, Azzi lays her head back down, settling back into her. “Lemme sleep, okay? I need some energy for the morning sex tomorrow.”
“F’real?” Paige can’t keep the excitement out of her tone at this.
Azzi shrugs coyly, yawns. “If you’re good.”
Internally, Paige vows to be the absolute best. Even if it means no yapping.
Her silence only lasts a few moments but, surprisingly, it’s Azzi who speaks. “And, babe?”
“You’d better ask me to be your girlfriend tomorrow.”
(Paige does, in fact, ask Azzi to be her girlfriend ‘again’, as she puts it. Azzi, of course, says yes.)
(Oh, also, Caroline does receive a thank you letter and a bouquet of flowers in the mail a few days later. Confused, she opens the letter, to find it reads, “Thx for helping azzi pick that fit for our date. you’re a g mama carol. p.s. the sex was ridiculously good.” Caroline sends a photo of it to Azzi, wondering why she needed to know about the sex. Azzi replies with a shrugging emoji and a, “She’s not lying though”.)
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jov1ii · 2 months ago
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♡⃕.pairing: The Salesman x Reader
♡⃕.summary: The man you had known for way before, before he 'ruined' your life, the one you were so determined to find, pays you a visit.
♡⃕.word count: 1.5k+
♡⃕.a/n: This is my first time writing a "proper" fic and it did NOT turn out the way I wanted it to but ig we all start somewhere. I hope yall like it, thank you!! 😭 [not proofread]
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Being the only surviour of what you considered no less than hell on earth, you should have been content, no? How could you be? After witnessing the death of so many people, people who you promised you would enjoy life with after escaping that game.
Call it greed, call it madness, whatever it was, it had people blinded in those games.
One would call you crazy if they saw how determined you were to put an end to the games you had played and survived.
Being already considered half crazy, if not a total gone case by your friends, you found it hard to even believe yourself at times. If it wasn't for the giant stack of money in the corner of your store room, maybe even Lei would have not trusted you.
There you were, sighing in defeat, another day spent, trying to search for the man who ruined your life by a game as stupid as ddajki. Fucking ddajki.
Throwing your phone over at the couch, you sat down next to Lei. With your face hidden now in the curve of your palms, you pondered upon the number of days left, the number of days which still remained unticked on the calendar.
You could not find it in yourself to give up so easily, no. You had been trying for years now, it was as if your life had a purpose.
"Did they find him?" Lei asked, placing a comforting hand on your back. She rubbed your back gently, wishing to offer you comfort. You remained quiet, allowing her to soothe you.
After a pause, you rested your head on her shoulder, seeking more of the warmth she was offering. "I... I am tired, Lei. I am so fucking tired."
Lei closed her eyes for a brief moment, allowing you to let your emotions flow as she pulled you into a hug. "It will be okay, all is well."
ㅀㅀ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ă…€ ă…€â€ŽâŽŻâ€ŽâŽŻâ€ŽâŽŻâ€Žă…€đŸŽŸ
Drinking had never really been your thing and yet you found yourself standing right beside Lei, watching as she ordered drinks for the two of you.
"You come here often?" You ask, your wandering gaze landing back at her. Lei simply shrugged, offering you a smile. "Is three times a week often?" She chuckled.
As the hours passed and the two of you made your way out of the bar after spending an undoubtedly wholesome evening, you could not help but ponder upon the cold, almost commanding look that Lei offered to the bartender at one point.
The games had made you too paranoid, they had forced you to pay unwanted attention and overthink every little thing that happened around you. After seeing the countless betrayals before your very own eyes, who could blame you for behaving like that?
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Lei's voice brought you back to reality. "Oh... It's nothing." You said, looking back at her.
"It has to be something if it had you so deep in your thoughts, what is it?" Lei asked, demanding an answer.
"I said it's nothing. Come on, it is getting late, keep moving, Lei." You said, patting the skirt of your dress, refusing to meet her gaze.
"You do not trust me, do you?"
Oh. Your eyes finally met hers.
"Lei— what are you..."
Lei chuckled, shaking her head. "I love how easy it is to get you so... anxious. Of course I know you trust me, silly!" She laughed. "I earned it, didn't I?" After a brief pause, she added, "Let's get going, hm? It's getting late."
You nodded, moving ahead to look for a taxi for the two of you, blissfully unaware of the cold pair of eyes that stalked each and ever step you took.
ㅀㅀ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ă…€ă…€â€ŽâŽŻâ€ŽâŽŻâ€ŽâŽŻâ€Žă…€đŸŽŸ
If there was one good thing remaining in your life, it would be night outs like these with Lei. They would usually end with Lei pulling dumb moves, flirting with strangers, enjoying her life and you would be lying to yourself if you said you didn't crave the life she has.
A life free from guilt, a life full of excitement and will to see and experience what the next day had to offer.
After looking at the numerous selfies sent by the people you had hired in hopes that at least one of them would succeed in catching the man that had plagued your thoughts, you could not help but groan in frustration.
Another fruitless search. You threw your phone away, closing your eyes as you thought of how your life used to be before all this happened.
A part of you hated yourself for yearning his touch, his caress. You had known for way longer than you would like to admit, he was kind, loving... or perhaps you were a fool.
It was funny how you still remembered each and every night when he took you to his home, when he fed you and held you in his arms when you cried about how bad your life was getting.
You trusted him with everything. Told him about how you managed to get all your hard earned money stolen by your own boyfriend. Sometimes felt like he knew you better than you knew yourself.
You trusted him when he told you to play a game of ddajki with him. You trusted him when he told you to give that number a call.
And now here you were, alive. With all the blood money in your pocket. You wish you had died there. You knew that he wished you had died too. You knew he was scared to meet you or so you liked to believed.
You knew that once you managed to get catch him, you would not let him leave without giving you any answers.
ㅀㅀ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ㅀㅀ‎⎯‎⎯‎⎯‎ㅀ ă…€ 🎟
"Why so silent, hm?"
Your throat felt as if it had closed when you saw him in your apartment, staring at the calendar.
"Missed me, angel?"
He chuckled, turning around. His cold, calculating eyes found your scared ones.
"Weren't you dying to meet me?" He asked, taking a step in your direction.
"I feel a bit— hm desired, knowing that the first thing my sweet girl thought of was searching for me instead of just letting her little brain rest a bit."
He laughed. "Most people would have taken the money and started a new life but here you are, still stuck. Typical." He said, offering a rather phoney smile.
"You expected me to move on?" You cry, feeling a sting in your throat.
"Oh please, save your tears." He said, his voice taking an irritated turn.
"Is this all a joke to you?! I trusted you— I trusted you so fucking much! You ruined my life!" You yelled.
"You agreed to play them. You called that number willingly."
"I was helpless and in need of money, you knew it! I had no idea of what I was getting into!" You yelled.
He didn't flinch, his face showed no emotion. As if her words had no effect on him. "Why do you still yearn for me, after all that happens, hm? I can see it in your fucking eyes." He spat out, taking a few long strides in your direction.
"You think I haven't been watching you?" He laughed hysterically. "Searching for me like your life depended on it..." He paused, tugging you closer as he pressed his forehead against yours. "So unaware of how I never left. "
His words irritated you. You hated how his words still had effect over you— after all that happened.
"You don't know anything." You whispered, your hands clenching into a tight fist and before you knew it, your hand was out to punch him, to take your frustration out.
"Ah, ah." In a sudden motion, he reaches out and grabs your wrist, his grip unyielding "Don't you think I deserve a better welcome?" He pouted.
"Let go, you bastard!" You yell and his hold around you tightens, enjoying your futile efforts futile struggle. "That stubborn spirit... it just makes me want to break you more." His voice drops dangerously low. "But don't worry, angel - I have ways of..." He pauses, staring into her eyes.
He leans down to whisper in your ear, his warm breath ghosting across your skin. "...ways of making you beg for more." His free hand trails down your side, maintaining the pressure that keeps you trapped.
"I wonder how long it'll take for you to accept this as your new reality... As your new normal." He smiles to himself, a cold, calculating smile, before leaning down to capture your lips in a possessive kiss.
Before you could comprehend any of this properly, he was already making his way out of your apartment.
Leaving you once again, with just the warmth of his touch.
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insomniakisses · 2 months ago
G!p Caitlin taking you with her to a team dinner and some random dude starts flirting with you and you decide to make her jealous a little bit and she eventually gets fed up and leads you to the bathroom
Broken Bonds and Finding Love (Caitlin Clark x Reader x Kate Martin)
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Part one - You’re Mine // Series Masterlist
A/N: Lowkey changed the request a bit, i just went with it haha. Not exactly the vibe I had hopped for my first WBB fic but.... Yeah. Maybe i could make a part 2 if yall are wanting it!
warnings/notes: I changed this to be alpha!cait hope thats okay, smut, semi public sex, possessive nature, omegaverse au, cait has a dick, afab reader, omega reader, alpha caitlin clark, daddy kink, CNC themes, Toxic!caitlin, cheater!caitlin, Blowjobs, porn with plot, Slightly angsty too, Slight Alpha!Kate x reader, omega space, talk of injuries, blood, possibly slight abusive themes, mentions of cum.
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It was a common thing, Caitlin taking you out for meals. Whether it was with her team, the pair of you and Kate or just the two of you. She was just that kind of girlfriend, she liked spending time with you, doting on you and spoiling you beyond belief no matter how much you protest that it’s not necessary.
Today was different though, her attention was not on you at all. No, her attention was on her team and her team only. You put up with it at first, knowing to behave because Caitlin doesn’t like bratty girls. Bratty girls have to be punished. Not to mention the big win the team had just had, she deserved to celebrate and enjoy her night.
But when the second hour of her paying you no mind rolled around you began to get squirmy, you tried to be good you really did but you couldn’t help act up. Especially when your attempts to get her attention were brushed off.
Your first attempt was subtly, shuffling closer to her and looping your hand in her free one, content with the feeling of her skin against yours. That was until she shook your hand off a moment later moving her hand to rest on the table. You pouted then, feeling uneasy that she had brushed you off so easily. The second attempt was a little bolder, and you knew it might cross a line, but you didn’t care. Reaching over you squeezed her upper thigh, but she gave you nothing. Not even a lip twitch.
A soft whine escapes you, quiet enough that only she could hear but she doesn’t react. It makes you sad really, having so little of her attention when she’s usually so wrapped up in your presents that the world becomes white noise. Not tonight though, no, tonight she was focused on anything but you. Even the waitress’s chest and ass apparently judging from the way she bites her lip staring at her as she passes by.
That’s the last straw you think, its one thing for her to ignore you for her team after a win. That you could learn to live with, but to shamelessly check out another omega in front of you after ignoring you all night? Ouch.
You avert your eyes as soon as you see it, like looking any longer might burn you. Your eyes lock with Kate and she shoots you a sympathetic look, clearly more than aware of your feelings. Certainly, more so than your own girlfriend. If you could even call her that.
The two of you had never really used such labels, the girl claiming she didn’t need a label to prove she loved you and only you. And if she loved you and you knew that why did anyone need to know. You felt silly now, sitting there in her jersey her number delicately painted onto your cheek with such detail and care it was clear you had practiced making it look perfect.
Your cheeks flushed, embarrassment and humiliation flooding you. Stupid. You thought, negative thoughts swirling round in your head, beginning a spiral. You excused yourself not that anyone batted an eye as you made a beeline for the restrooms. You lean on the counter and shake your head trying to stop the thoughts that hit you.
She’s embarrassed of you.
She doesn’t even want you here.
She just wants you to leave her alone.
She wants the waitress, she’s prettier than you are.
You shake your head, willing the thoughts to go away. Caitlin hadn’t said any of that, you shouldn’t believe it. You sigh, taking a deep breath and splash your face with water. Taking a deep breath readying yourself to go back out there. Caitlin was your ride, so you were stuck there, forced to endure another 2 hours of humiliation. Sat next to Caitlin as she ignored you and eye fucked anything that walked past. You didn’t know what was worse the way she ignored you without a care, the way Kate was sat opposite all kind smiles and eyes full of pity or the way you knew at the end of the night you’d be faced with horny Caitlin’s honeyed words and empty promises. You’d fall for it of course, you always did. Laying there as she hovered above you, thrusting into you without a care, breath like a brewery.
Stepping out of the restrooms you didn’t notice Caitlin’s gaze on you, you were too busy apologising to the poor waiter you’d bumped into. Luckily, he hadn’t been carrying anything, but it didn’t diminish your efforts as you rambled on and on apologising to him.
He dismissed you though, a flirty smirk settling onto his face as he rubbed your waist. Complements and examples of how you could make it up to him escaping his lips over and over. Usually, you would push him off with a scoff and a comment about how sleazy it was, but not today. Today you needed the attention, and you didn’t care who it was from.
You didn’t know or care if Caitlin was looking, having ridded yourself of her jersey and washed her number off your face. She didn’t deserve you, not after her behaviour today. An opinion you would stan your ground on. At least for now.
For now, you were content laughing and encouraging the man in front of you. Though, a few minutes later his smirk dropped into a worried frown. You furrow your brows about to ask him what’s wrong when you hear it. A low deep growl from right behind you. Caitlin’s growl. You shudder at it, not liking the way her scent covers you. It feels wrong. Smothering even, in the way you can only smell her. Her anger is heavily evident in the scent, it sets you off, filling you with dread.
You don’t react, you don’t have time to before your being tugged away. Her grips hard around your wrist, it hurts, and you know it will bruise. She growls again, throwing you into the restroom and into the counter not batting an eye when you yelp out in pain.
Her eyes are narrowed on you, her jaw set. She’s beyond pissed, angrier than you’ve ever seen her. You don’t like it. Not the way she looks at you or the harshness of how she’s touching you. Its wrong. It doesn’t feel good, it makes you feel unimportant. Confirming your previous fears.
She’s quick with her movements reaching out and grabbing your jaw, hard. “What, the fuck was that?” She spits, eyes full of disgust. Her anger flaring when you don’t answer, “I asked you a question slut!” she growls unamused when you fail to answer again, your mouth just opening and closing as you stare up at her wide-eyed.
“Can’t work your mouth huh? You’re just a dumb fucking slut, aren’t you?” you don’t answer, she doesn’t let you. Shoving you down onto your knees with a grunt. “Your mouth’s only useful for one thing, isn’t it? Huh?” her voice is deep and raspy, her hands making quick work of freeing her cock.
“Cait-“ you begin to whine, but she talks over you.
 “Oh, just SHUT UP and fucking take it” she grunts grabbing the back of your head and slamming herself down your throat. Groaning in delight when you gag around her, your fists balled up and slapping against her thighs, drool dripping down your chin onto the floor.
“That’s it,” she gathers your hair in both her hands guiding your head along her as she starts a rough pace fucking into your throat. “That’s fucking it, all your good for warning my fucking cock like the cockslut you are.”
She keeps her rough pace as she abuses your throat, loving every gag you make trying to take her, you have no choice, but you just shut your eyes and take it.
“My slut aren’t you baby,” she taunts thrusting fast as she nears her orgasm, “just here for my use, my personal little cock sleeve, fuck!” She gasps pinning your head to her crotch holding you still as her cock twitches in your throat. Her cum painting it as she spurts into you, panting heavily as she does so.
You gasp for air when she finally releases you, coughing slightly after swallowing all her cum. She slaps her cock again your face smugly, wiping cum and drool across your cheek without a care.
“Are you ready to answer me now slut?” she asks, voice calm but sharp.
“Yes daddy, sorry daddy” you whimper shuffling closer to nuzzle into her thigh as she absent-mindedly strokes your hair. The little attention doing wonders to send you slipping into omega space.
She hums, giving your hair a tug as she repeats her earlier question. “So, what the fuck was that outside, hmm? Throwing yourself at that worthless alpha right in front of my face” she scoffs, staring down at you awaiting your answer which comes out mumbled against her thigh as frustrated, and embarrassed tears escape your eyes.
“M’sorry daddy, wanted your attention but you didn’t want me anymore
” you whimper more tears flowing down your blushed cheeks. “You wanted that waitress
 not me.”
She sighs at that, hearing the confusion and heart break in your voice as you stare up at her with such sad eyes. Her hand comes down to caress your cheek and you mean into her touch letting her pull you up and into her arms, though you curl into yourself a little when met with her intense gaze.
“Look at me.” She commands guiding your head, so it’s tilted up at you. She waits till she has eye contact before she speaks again, “I want you, only you baby hmm” she coos as she wipes your tears and rests her forehead against yours.
“But I was bad
” you mumble, head getting fuzzy as your hit with a wave of her pheromones pushing you further into omega space weather you want it or not. Your pupils dilating as you let out a whine leaning into her fully eyes closing as she tugs your pants and underwear off, guiding you onto the counter and spreading you.
“That’s why I have to punish you...” you hear her say, missing the smirk on her face as you let your eyes close finding it hard to focus one anything right now, trusting your alpha to take care of you.
She lines herself up slamming in, neglecting wrapping up her dick because your so out of it you won’t stop her. Besides if your hers so what if she cums in you? That’s her right whether you like it or not.
The bathroom is filled with grunts and groans as she pounds into you, gripping your thighs hard enough to bruise and slamming into you so hard you’d find it painful in your right mind. There’s no kisses or gentle words, she just pumps out more pheromones keeping you in a state of constant compliance as she pounds away not batting an eye as you hit your head into the mirror ever time she thrusts. Or how you whine in pain from the tap digging into your side.
“That’s it, take it. Fucking take it.”
“All your good for”
“Mine to use whenever I want, however I fucking want.”
“That’s right I fucking own you.”
“Your mine”
She just repeats the same few things grunting against your neck as she bites and sucks at your neck not caring that she’s just mate marked you, and certainly not licking at it to stop the blood or sooth the wound. Instead, she just pounds and pounds into you not caring when people come in or out until she’s done with you. Pulling out with the false promise of coming back for you after she grabs her jacket, instead she leaves you there. Kate watching her leave with the waitress from earlier a little while later, wondering where you could possibly be or if you could see this happen. Scoffing “does she have no shame” she thinks to herself.
You’re in and out of consciousness, confused and in pain when Kate finds you. Having taken a trip to the restrooms to fix her hair before leaving. The first thing that hits her is your smell, she smells your in omega space and then her eyes land on you.
You’re still on the counter, slumped up by the mirror. Bruises and scratches litter your skin, blood crusting on your neck as the bite mark remains an open wound. Caitlin’s cum leaking from your pussy and it’s there she sees the hand shaped bruises across your legs and hips. She’s frozen in place, she knew Caitlin wasn’t always the best or most loyal to the omega’s she had but she would have never thought Caitlin could be so cruel especially not to someone so sweet and loving as you. She growls then, silently promising to protect you from now on. Even if she has to fight Caitlin to do it.
You’re shaking as she gets closer your eyes barely open, clearly not able to do anything not even speak. She’s unsure if the constant shaking is from coldness or that your body is in shock, honestly it could be both judging on your state. She’s so thankful that it was her that found you, who knows what another alpha might have done.
She slips off her jacket and helps you into it grabbing some paper towel and wetting it in the sink, gently cleaning at your sensitive pussy. She coos when you jolt and laces her free hand with yours, kissing your knuckles as she talks you through every single thing she does for you. Making sure she notifies you before she makes any kind of movement to touch you.
Once she’s cleaned you up and tended to your wound as best she can with what’s around her, she looks for your clothes placing them in a pile on the counter next to you. You can’t put them back on, there soaked in god knows what from the floor and half ripped from Caitlin’s lack of care.
“For fucks sake Caitlin! You asshole.” she mumbles under her breath. Shoving them into her bag to deal with later.
Slipping out of her sweats and helping you into them she can’t help chuckle at how long they are on you, rolling up the bottoms until they rest at your ankles. She takes her hoodie off then and ties it round her waist covering whatever her baggy t-shirt didn’t of her boxers. Once she’s satisfied, she won’t flash anyone she guides you into her arms.
“C’mon then babygirl, let’s get you somewhere safe, okay?” She doesn’t really expect an answer back, not in this state anyway, but she asks regardless. A small smile tugging at her lips when you manage a slight nod as she carries you out to her car, setting you gently into the seat and buckling you up. With one gentle kiss to your head, she closes the door and gets in the driver’s side, making her way back to her apartment. She’d never been so glad she moved out into her own place. Her only focus being making sure you’re okay
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purpleph4se · 3 months ago
million dollar man
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the wizard x reader
warnings | smut (sorry), fem!reader, soft dom!wizard, fingering, praise, age difference, he’s also definitely a bit of a pervert (i’m self indulgent ok)
a/n | last fic of the year so let me go out with a bang. yall i am so so obsessed with the wizard I've gone down the jeff goldblum pipeline i love him so much. he’s so lana del rey coded it’s kinda insane. so i decided to be the first person (?) to write smut for the fuckin wizard of oz (i cant believe i wrote this sentence) so to anyone who also enjoys the wizard who reads this you thank you so much! crossposted on my ao3
“sir! i have a message for you from madam morrible, i believe it's urgent!”
you were the wizard's own personal assistant. one of the very few people who saw who he truly was; an older, but still very handsome, man who operated the magical console that controlled the giant puppet used to control his subjects. in truth, he was very kind and gracious, even silly at times.
“oh! thank you, my dear.” he gracefully strolled over to you in his beautifully elaborate emerald suit and took the letter from your hands and slipped it into his coat pocket, he paused for a moment to look over you. you could feel his honey-colored eyes scanning your frame and felt your heart race, you shifted in place hoping he wouldn’t notice your nervousness. with his endless power, you guessed he already knew.
“it’s—it’s my pleasure, your ozness! is there anything else you require of me?” the wizard lets out a laugh, soft and elegant, just like him you thought. he grabs your hand, his large aged one completely envelops yours as he takes you to his control panel. your face flushes and your hand trembles in his, you pray he doesn’t notice. how embarrassing it would be if the wizard thought you were this easily swayed by just one touch. in actuality, he thought it was adorable.
“you’re still so formal with me hm? but dear, i do need you for just one thing, if you don’t mind that is?” he had this mischievous look in his eyes, his charming smile making the corners of his eyes wrinkle, you couldn’t help the warmth rising more in your cheeks.
you nodded a bit too quickly for your own liking, “yes! um—of course, i don’t mind, sir!”
the wizard smiles, and the butterflies in your stomach flutter rapidly as he turns you to face the control panel as he stands behind you. even though you’re not facing him you tremble as you can feel how close he is to your back, the soft waft of his cologne and his breath upon the back of your neck. oh sweet oz, you felt yourself get impossibly warmer like you could combust at any moment.
“now dear, i just want your opinion on something,” he reached over you, turned, and pulled a few levers on the console, you heard the familiar creaking and mechanics of the puppet he controlled. “you see when i operate this thing, i just feel like there should be a way to hm, be more—how do i put this
less imposing?” the wizard rambles off about how he would like to still use the figure as he feels that his people need it but he doesn’t want to seem as feared anymore, especially in situations when it’s not needed.
you hang on every word, more focused on how his voice graced your ears, how the great and powerful wizard was asking you for advice, how you can feel his every movement behind you, and oh he felt so warm. you shudder as you feel him press his chest against your back as he reaches for a different lever, it seems that he noticed as he paused his ramblings for a second.
“are you alright, my dear?”
you gasp, stumbling over your words as you hear him quietly speak his concern over you. the wizard was worried he made his poor little assistant uncomfortable and he wouldn’t want that. but you eventually manage to tell him that you’re ok, hoping he doesn’t pull away from you.
he knows exactly what he’s doing, he's so keenly aware of what his magnificent presence does to others, especially you. he continues his ramblings, moving different levers and speaking softly into your ear. he knows the effect he has on you, but he revels in how easy it is to make flustered in particular, how cute you look trying to hide yourself reliving the warmth between your thighs.
you feel the wizard bring his large hand to your waist, and you try your hardest not to melt into his touch. but when he speaks in that low tone, his deep honied voice so close to your ear, you shake in his hold, letting go of a breath you didn’t know you were holding. you never would have thought the wizard would ever be this close to you. he has you right in the palm of his hand.
“you’re shaking sweetheart, if you want me to stop you just have to say the word.”
you pause for a moment, your breath leaving your lips shakily. this—this was wrong, you cared very deeply for the wizard maybe more than you should, and you were eternally grateful to work under him. your attention comes back to him as he teasingly squeezes your hips with his hand. he thought you were just too cute to not tease. your thighs press together again trying to relieve the evergrowing pool of heat.
“please—please don’t stop, your ozness—“
“i was hoping you would say that, dearest”
his hand glides over your uniform, and you feel him smile devilishly, even though you don’t dare turn your neck to check. “i’m quite fond of you, you know? you’re such a sweet little assistant and i think you deserve a reward no?” the wizard coos into your ear, his touches pressing insistently deeper, like he’s desperate to feel your skin under your clothes.
your head feels so fuzzy with the attention he’s giving you, you can’t think straight so you nod dumbly at his question. with the way he’s making you feel now, it could certainly be called a reward. people would die to be in your position. his hand trails downward, tugging at the hem of the green pencil skirt you decided to wear today. your heart nearly beats out of your chest.
“i just adore this skirt on you, dear, but it does get in the way of what i’m trying to do here,“ he chuckles, hes so close you can feel his chest rumbling when he laughs. you tremble in his grasp as he pulls your skirt up, exposing your clothed cunt to him and you feel the blood rushing to your cheeks. you knew this was wrong, but you ached for his touch. sweet oz what has gotten into you?
“shh—let me take care of you, sweetheart.”
you could feel your breath begin to quicken and the pulse between your legs grow stronger. this was not good. but you melt into him when he trails his hand up your thigh, pressing yourself closer to his chest. his hand climbs higher up your thigh, you feel him breathe out a laugh at your flustered state once his hand hovers over the heat between your legs.
“tell me you want this, my dear
he croons softly into your ear, he hasn’t even touched you yet and you are already blissed out. his facial hair brushes over your skin, tickling your neck as his lips graze the tender skin that lies just beneath your earlobe. you stammer indistinctly, pawing at his other arm now wrapped around your waist while your eyes train towards the ceiling. you felt dizzy.
the wizard's teeth scrape your skin, they sink into the curve of your throat. his elegant fingers press into your panties, stroking down the cloaked hood of your clit, rolling over the bud through thin, sticky cotton. your body jumps, chasing that feeling, and goosebumps rise on your skin as he begins to pull away.
“wait! i-i want it,” you plead, chasing the feeling of his hands with a strained whine. “please—your ozness” you were shocked at the desperation in your own voice. but sensing his lips curl into a smile against your neck you realized he reveled in it.
your hips bucked reaching for his touch again, he shifted just enough to push his fingertips beneath the elastic. he chuckled softly, "would’ve never thought a sweet thing like you would be so needy." he chided. he plunged his hand down and slipped it over your vulva, cupping and pressing against you.
your hips jolted at the pressure and a soft gasp escaped your lips. "is this what you wanted, dearest?" his deep voice was at your ear again, curling around your senses, filling your mind with heavy fog. barely able to make out a response for him you nod dumbly relishing in the pleasure the wizard gave you.
"hm?" a finger slipped down between your folds, "you’re so wet, sweetheart" he purred. his fingers slowly began to stroke down to your entrance and back up to circle your clit in a meticulous pattern. his fingers, wet with your slick, circled your clit just a touch faster. pleasure is coursing through you, as more little moans leave your lips, but you grow embarrassed at the noise coming out of you that you press your lips together.
“no, no we can’t have that honey, let me hear those pretty little noises, hm?”
and you couldn’t help but obey him. soft moans began to slip through your lips. "oh, you’re just so adorable." the wizard sighed. the tension in your limbs slowly melted away until you were a soft and pliant thing for him. pleas slurred off your tongue when he placed more pressure on your clit, stroking tight, precise patterns that had you dripping for him.
you moaned as his fingers moved down to pet at your wetness, two fingers brushing against your entrance but not pressing in. he pressed against your cunt firmly as your hips slowly began to grind down.
"yeah? you want my fingers to make you feel good, hm?" his fingertips probed your entrance, teasing you. a soft cry escaped you, your hips trembling in need. a flurry of pleas escaped you and the wizard shushed you gently, taking pity on your pathetic state. he took his time slipping his fingers inside and pressing them firmly against your walls as they squeezed around him.
"there you go, this is what you needed, hm?" he cooed, almost talking down to you. he began peppering delicate kisses over your ears and neck, slowly pumping his fingers in and out. “does me teasing you always get you this wet?” and you couldn’t help but admit to him, simply nodding. oh, and he just couldn’t help but indulge in your confession. you were nothing like the pretty young things he used to mess around with back in nebraska, you were full of pure devotion just for him.
"feels good doesn’t it?" he began curling his fingers just enough to stimulate your g-spot but not enough to send you keening into mindless pleasure. "or do you need more?" your mouth fell open as breathing became too much for you while you nodded furiously.
"yes—please—" you let your head tip back into him, your hands grabbing at the emerald-clad arm around your waist, a feeble attempt to ground yourself to reality, "sir—" you whined quietly.
your whine morphed into a cry as he curled up his experienced fingers finding that sweet spot of stimulation inside of you and positively abusing it. all you could do was whine and shake in his hands. "look at you," he muttered into your ear. "messy little thing aren’t you, sweetheart?" his fingers quickened in pace as his palm began nudging just right against your abandoned clit.
the wizard's words were lost to you, with your mouth hanging open ever so slightly you nodded and tried your best not to cum too quickly. the obscene sound of his fingers fucking into you and the sound of his palm slapping against your clit echo throughout the control room. that combined with your growing moans and his husky breathing was overloading your senses in the best way possible.
"i’ve been wanting to see you like this for a while," he purred, slowly pressing his palm against your clit a little harder. “since you started wearing these adorably tight skirts." he purposely pulled you tighter against him so you could feel him hard against your lower back, "you feel that? that’s all your fault, honey." his voice sounded strained, all you could sob was his name, begging him to take you right then and there.
the wizard chuckled at your state, and at the feeling of your cunt tightening around his fingers more and more. "that close already, hm?" he pulled away from your neck as your head turned to meet his hazel eyes, yours heavy and glazed as you nodded. "aw dearest," he cooed, "that won't do, i need to hear you” a whimper and buck of your hips was your response.
he tsked, "that won't do." his free hand came up to grab your face and held it there, looking into your eyes. "be good and say 'please' and i’ll let you finish all over my fingers." he had a stern but flushed look to him as he spoke, seeing the wizard flustered pulled your pleasure filled mind out of the haze for a moment of coherency.
"pl—please..." was all you could muster up as the edge he kept you on turned your pleasure into pain. he released your face, grinding his palm hard and slow against your clit. and you swore to oz you almost came right then and there as you cried out. "please—oh-p-please, your ozness let me finish—" you whined and squirmed in his arms as you tried to chase after your own pleasure to no avail.
he pressed his lips against your neck again and you felt him grin devilishly as his fingers pace picked back up. “such a good little assistant.” the wizard began fucking you again with just his two fingers, pulling embarrassing noises from your throat and each thrust of his soaked digits in your cunt. it was obscene the way you writhed in his hold, the way your hips humped into each pull and push of his hand. “so so good for me,” he cooed, pressing soft kisses against your throat, a stark contrast to how his fingers were moving inside of you.
each pass of his fingers over that sensitive patch inside of you produced the most delicious moans from your lips, and with every brush of his palm against your clit your legs shook more and more. “just like that honey,” his lips brushed against your ear. “i’m making you feel good, yeah? your sweet little cunt belongs to me.”
your body jerked with pleasure at the wizard's words, as his free hand pressed down holding you against him, “ah-h–your o-ozness” you cried out. he let out a soft groan against your neck at the way your hips involuntarily bucked with pleasure delightfully pressing against the tent in his pants.
“let go for me.” oh, the deep timbre of his voice had taken hold of your mind and pulled you deeper into a pleasure-filled stupor. you couldn’t think of anything but the pulsing of your walls around his long fingers. with a cry, his hands and voice alone he coaxed your climax out of you, his fingertips abusing your poor g-spot until you couldn’t take anymore. your thighs clamped around on his hand, while your hips jerked with each almost painful throb of your cunt around his fingers.
you could even feel your heartbeat in your now oversensitive clit, your hips involuntarily overstimulating you as they met each stroke of his fingers fucking into you. “oh—oh sir, wait—“ your voice shuddered as his hand slowed.
“pent up weren’t you?” the wizard cooed, retracting his fingers and tracing his thumb from your slick entrance and up to your clit and back down again. mindlessly running his fingers through your slit as you whined, trying to pull away from the overstimulation.
“sorry dearest, you’re just so adorable i couldn’t help myself,” he chuckles against your throat, finally pulling his fingers from your panties. his slick fingers coming up to slip past your lips, your tongue quickly sucking down your own juices, he couldn’t help but marvel at your need and he thought for a moment about how lucky he was to have you.
“honey, do you think you can help me with one more thing?” you’re reminded of his own need pressed against your lower back, and you were more than happy to help your wonderful wizard.
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elliespassagerprincess · 6 months ago
ellie period comfort fic pls? istg i hate this shit but love ur fluff fics KJAKSJHKA:cc
Comfort - (ellie williams x reader)
hi pookieeee!!! firstly thank youuuu, secondly so real. if i could get rid of it forever i would because joh the painnnnnnnn:(((( i hope you enjoy<3333
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Pairing: ellie x fem!reader
requests are open! send me your silly thoughts
warnings: none
Summary: in which she helped you
authors note: its midterm break rn and im so bored, all i do is sleep, eat and write. also do yall think i should make playlist with all the songs people send me as requests???
Ellie was worried. Really fucking worried.
The two of you were supposed to meet at this new cat café Ellie recently discovered. She remembered showing you pictures that she found on Instagram, and how excited you were.
"Ellie there's ginger cats!" You squealed when you saw the pictures. "Can i hold them?"
"The website says you can"
You let out a scream of excitement and you hopped onto her, straddling her. Her hands immediately went to your hips.
You kissed her all over her face and she fucking giggled.
"Thank you baby!"
Now here she sat all alone with ginger cat on her lap waiting for you.
She sat there for over an hour waiting but you never showed up. She's called you so many times. She's texted you so many times.
I'm here (delivered)
when are you coming? (delivered)
Where are you? (delivered)
Baby are you ok? (delivered)
You're scaring me (delivered)
It wasn't like you to not respond, especially if the two of you had a date planned.
Maybe you were mad at her? Maybe you were ignoring her? Maybe you were in danger?
Fuck, so many possibilities.
She checked your location only to see that you were at your apartment.
She immediately left the café, and she hopped into her car. She was speeding down the highway, praying that she wouldn't get pulled over.
Maybe you fainted, maybe you forgot, maybe you had someone over?
She was terrified.
She pulled into the driveway of the complex and she rushed up the stairs forgetting that the elevator was there. She ran to your door and she unlocked it with the key she had, not even bothering to knock because if you were in trouble then she needed to get there urgently.
She walked into into your apartment and it looked like it always has. It was clean, everything was in its place.
What the fuck?
She slowly walked through the apartment and she checked every room but there was no one. She just has your bedroom left. She slowly opened the door and there was a huge lump on your bed. She walked to the other side of the bed to see you fast sleep covered with a million blankets.
She let out a sigh of relief and she squatted down so she could see your face more clearly.
She gently touched your cheek and your nose scrunched at the sensation.
"Baby" she muttered quietly.
You slowly opened your eyes and she gave you a small smile.
"Are you ok?" Ellie asked with concern "you didn't reply to my texts"
you frown and you reached out to grab your phone from behind you. You switched it on you read all the texts and you eyes widened.
"we had a date?"
"I'm sorry"
Ellie shook her head "what happened?"
you look away shyly
"baby talk to me"
"my period started and i decided to take a nap"
'that explains your mood swings' Ellie thought
"oh you poor thing" she got up and she kissed your forehead "does it hurt?"
"A little" you admitted.
"Let me help you"
you nodded at her request and Ellie immediately got to work. She went into your bathroom and she filled the tub with water. She back into your room where you quietly sat and waited for her. She came in and she gently grabbed your hand
"come on baby"
You got out of the bed following her. When you got into the bathroom and you saw the water filled tub you gave her a big hug. You took off your clothes and you gave you got in with a relived sigh.
Ellie took your clothes and she out it into the washer. She immediately went into the kitchen and she looked for every sweet treat she could find because she knew how much loved eating sweet this, especially at this time.
She changed your sheets, she got you pain meds and she sat on the edge of the bed waiting for you.
You walked out all clean, and you were immediately looking for Ellie. When you walked into the room, seeing the new sheets the snacks, you were suddenly overwhelmed.
"Oh Ellie" your eyes filled with tears.
"No baby don't cry" she got up and she walked over to you and she hugged you as you silently sobbed. The two of you stood together for a while as you found comfort in her arms.
"Lets lay down" she mumbled.
"Tonight we'll do whatever you want" she said as she cuddled up behind you.
"Can we watch Disney?"
"We can baby"
"can you also get me cheese?"
"Whatever you want baby"
you gave the arm that was wrapped around you a squeeze
"i like cheese"
" i know you do"
"thank you els, i love you"
"i love you too"
335 notes · View notes
jensthwa · 4 months ago
mountebank chem pt. three (JYH x reader).
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part of the love's an uncharted path universe ★.
* đŠđšđźđ§đ­đžđ›đšđ§đ€: 𝐭𝐹 đ›đžđ đźđąđ„đž đšđ« đ­đ«đšđ§đŹđŸđšđ«đŠ 𝐛đČ đ­đ«đąđœđ€đžđ«đČ. The first time you met Yunho, you knew he was going to be part of the biggest tragedy of your life: the loss of your freedom, of your free will. You didn't know why back then but what you did figure out is that you and Jeong Yunho were going to, eventually and very publicly, date each other at some point. Is that reason enough to hate his guts? Well, of course! Now, when the time comes to fulfill the prophecy, how the hell are you going to pull it off? And, most importantly, what do you need to do to not fall in love with him in the process?
PAIRING: rich!yunho x rich!reader.
GENRE: enemies to friends to lovers.
WORD COUNT: 16.5k (dear god).
WARNINGS: eventual SMUT ☜ (MINORS DNI) attempt !!! at comedy, this chapter is truly them being cute and barely fighting which is ???, healthy competition i think, they get a serious case of the silly goose at some point, mentions of drinking at some point, gyuri being an overprotective friend, meeting new people, emotional talk involving kids yall will see why, pet names (princess), descriptions of female and male anatomy, first kisses!! *the crowd cheers*, a little bit of dry humping... *the crowd boos* and unresolved feelings!!!! *the crowd AND y/n leave in angry tears*.
NOTES: hi everyone! here's part three of this mini series that is PART OF THE LOVE'S AN UNCHARTED PATH / SHOW & TELL UNIVERSE. so, so sorry it took so long but i had a bit of a writer's block these past months :(. there's mentions of the last installment plot so, if you're new around here, you can always find the rest of this series and the rest of the stories of this universe on my masterist! this is 100% self indulgent, as all fics should be, and i think i've re-read it so many times that if you find a typo or something that just doesn't make sense, you can blame it on english not being my first language i guess lmao. i hope you enjoy it and if you do feel free to send to my askbox/reblog/type in any feedback or thoughts! <3
POSTED: december 5th 2024.
masterlist - part one - part two.
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There's this image of you that flashes across Yunho’s mind. 
It happened right before he fell asleep last night, too, and he's having a hard time figuring out if he only dreamed it or if it actually happened. 
The skin on your back glistening, the cut of the dress after he pulled down the zipper just enough to not be disrespectful. 
He did it out of instinct, out of the sudden familiarity he felt between you both. He did it because, before he had the genius idea of helping you with your dress (to get it off in some way, what the fuck is wrong with him), you were really close to his face and he couldn't think straight for the remainder of the time he was in your presence. 
There was a time in his life where the mere thought of you brought discomfort to him. It kinda brings discomfort to him now, too, but it's a different kind of discomfort. It's dull, it's confusing and it's angering at the same time because, if he was sure of something before, it was the fact that he never really wanted to be near you. 
You were the bane of his existence when you two were kids, something that was forced on him the second your parents wanted and he despises the lack of control and freedom he's always had around you. 
And now there's a flash of you genuinely laughing at him for blushing after the old lady from last night gave him some not-so-innocent compliments in front of everyone. There's a flash of you defending him when you really didn't need to, even if you stated otherwise. 
There's a flash of you wiping the corners of your mouth after finishing the food he made you, a visage that completely besots him. 
He never really wanted to kiss you. 
Only once, at your graduation party, but that was drunk him and playing spin the bottle and seven minutes in heaven really did a number on his teenage hormones at the time. 
He remembers the bottle landing on the girl next to you and the guy next to you and the guy next to the guy next to you. Yunho kissed them all with the hope of kissing you at some point that night. Just because he was curious, because deep inside of him he knew your parents plans all along. 
He didn't get to do it, though, and so it didn't really matter; the wish died as soon as he woke up the next day with a huge hangover and a dry mouth. Yesterday, he thought the same would happen if he went to sleep and dreamed about anything but you. 
That, of course, didn't happen. 
Now he’s just left trying to figure out what the fuck is going on exactly as the memory of your lips and the sting of annoyance that follows the thought of him wanting you in any way other than fifty feet apart distracts him from whatever his friends are saying right now. 
“He lost his fucking mind,” Gyuri stands in front of him, hands on her hips and furrowed brows like a mother who’s scolding her troubled child. She collapses on the couch behind her a second later, next to her best friend who’s giggling at her and her reaction “He’s not even answering to me.” 
They called for an emergency meeting at San and Wooyoung’s place, as expected. He was supposed to see them on saturday anyway but now he gave the friend group a reason to hang out a day earlier. Seonghwa did too, but his story, apparently, is more interesting than the oldest sudden girlfriend. 
In a way, they both got out of nowhere partners. But the friend group is hanging out a day earlier than expected so he’s not really sure why he’s being reprimanded for something so out of his control. 
They don't know this is out of his control. Maybe that's why. 
Wooyoung takes a sit in front of him, on top of the wooden table separating the space between the tv and the couch and puts a hand on his shoulder, like a father who’s trying to be on his side of things without offending his wife “Care to explain yourself, Yunho?” 
He decides to play pretend so he doesn’t have to think about it more than he needs to “Explain what?” 
As Gyuri gasps, Woo shakes his head before dramatically hanging it low.  
“God help you, my dear friend.” 
Gyuri gets up again and Wooyoung gets up as well, stepping aside so he can give space to her to regard poor little him with the angriest look ever directed at an innocent man.
He thanks Mingi for opening the front door of the apartment right at that moment. 
Behind him, Mingi’s girlfriend, Yeosang, Hongjoong and Seonghwa follow suit. San is in the kitchen finishing the dishes and Jongho is at school, taking a quiz or something, he thinks. 
He didn’t really read the group chat like that. They just requested his presence and he spawned in the apartment half an hour later.
But he didn't take into account that he was seeing Mingi that day too. Mingi, his best friend for a few years now, the only person he should've actually told what was going to happen yesterday night. 
He fucked up. 
“Can you let the man explain himself, Gyuri?” Mingi asks, down on one knee and helping his girl take off her shoes. Yunho wants to roll his eyes but Mingi is, after all, head over heels for her. 
How is he going to explain to them that he’s not head over heels over his new, sudden girlfriend? That, in fact, he thought he despised her until yesterday. 
And that now he’s not able to shake her from his thoughts even if he desperately wants to. 
“What’s going on?” Seonghwa asks and Gyuri turns and points at him. 
“We’re talking to you after we talk to him.” She makes a show of her threat, her pointed finger moving to Yunho’s forehead and slightly pushing him back on his seat. 
Seonghwa rolls his eyes and plops down on the couch, next to San’s girlfriend “Oh, my God.” 
“I’m sorry,” she tells him with a tiny smile “She’s freaking out today.” 
Wooyoung turns the tv on. His laptop is connected to it through a long, orange cord and when Yunho turns to the screen, it shows a picture of him and you with plastic smiles that look too real. 
If only people knew. 
“This is what’s going on,” he says, pointing to the image and then leaning into his laptop to click a new tab “The Jeong and Kim empires merge into one after their youngest announce they’re in a relationship at yesterday’s twenty year celebratory gala,” reading directly from the article, Yunho manages to cringe at the wording of it before Wooyoung turns to him “Since when, bitch?” 
Yunho opens his mouth to reply but both Yeosang and Seonghwa make a surprised noise. 
“Isn’t she
?” Yeosang looks at him “Is she?”
He nods and Yeosang claps, mumbling a I knew it under his breath. 
“So that’s what she meant when she told me I looked familiar, she knows you!”  Seonghwa smiles a little and then his expression turns into a frown, like he just realized something he shouldn't “When did you start dating her?”
“Well, actually—”
“And didn’t tell us?” Mingi’s girlfriend looks very offended but he can tell she’s half joking, especially when Mingi smirks a little and then joins her with a pout. 
His best friend looks at him a second too long, though and that lets him know he might be a little offended. 
Mingi opens his mouth to speak but a choir of voices stops him from doing so and Yunho breathes out his regret for even showing up and for not explaining everything to Mingi first. 
“What do they mean ‘merge their empires’. Are you getting married?” 
“When did you even meet her?”
“Through his family, I suppose.” 
“Are you getting married?” 
“So did you cheat on her like two months ago with that girl from the bar?” 
“No, no, he didn’t hook up with the girl, that was Hongjoong.” 
“Sure I did,” he says and gives Yunho a look, like he doesn’t remember who they’re talking about “Yuyu, can I be the main groomsman?” Hoonjong asks as San returns with a snack plate on his hand and he takes it from him when he offers it, putting some chips on his mouth immediately “Hwa, too. We're the oldest, so.” 
Mingi scoffs “And I’m literally his best friend, don’t even try it.” 
“That’s literally me, oh my God? Liar?” 
Yunho is starting to feel a little overwhelmed by the amount of noise he normally would contribute to. 
Right now? He wants everyone to shut up while he finds a way of explaining everything and not sound completely insane in the process. 
It’s quite the normal concept, he thinks. Arranged matrimonies are a thing in a lot of cultures and in his it’s more subtle than anything, not quite what it used to be, but they’re still there especially for families like his. 
He’s not getting married, he should also clarify that. But as Mingi takes hold of Wooyoung’s laptop and scrolls through the article and then turns to him asking for an explanation with his eyes instead of his words, all the coherent sentences he just put together in his mind die on his tongue. 
Mingi is not really one to pry, but his stare tells him that he’s a little bit concerned with everything. After all, he’s the only one who understands the full complicated history Yunho has with his family. 
“Guys,” he says, all mischievousness wiped out of his face “let him explain and don’t interrupt.” 
The noise quiets down and everyone looks at him, expectant and curious. Now that he’s able to untense his shoulders and take a calming breath, he also notices a few concerned stares that join Mingi in the sentiment. 
Alright. Okay. He can do this. 
Yunho sends his best friend a thankful smile before gulping down his nerves. 
“That’s Kim Y/N,” he points at the tv screen, although half of your face is cut off because Mingi scrolled down to read “I’ve known her since we were kids, her parents and my parents are really good friends and her dad helped my dad launch his company, so we were
 They were celebrating that yesterday.” 
Everyone nods and then he catches Seonghwa’s eye “My brother and her brother are very good friends, too. You know Sukwon hyung, don’t you?” 
“Oh,” he seems taken by surprise by that “he’s a new client.” 
“I figured,” Yunho smiles, “He’s a good guy, just a little
“Carefree?” Hwa offers. 
“Mhm. Anyways,” he shakes his head, trying to get back on track “Jeong Tech made a huge mistake a few months ago and so they decided to announce our relationship yesterday to kind of
 Everyone loves Y/N,” he says quickly “She’s
“Are you two together or not?” Wooyoung asks, clearly confused and when everyone shushes him he mutters his apologies. 
Yunho wants to answer him with the truth. He really does and it’s right there, ready to come out, but he thinks about you. About everything you told him yesterday, about how you actually seemed to care to please your parents.
He thinks about his own mother’s threats. 
And he knows it’s a little stupid wondering if someone in this room would tell, but he hesitates. 
It hurts him to hesitate but then someone speaks up. There, curled around San’s arm and peeling open an orange, his savior speaks up.
“Relationship of convenience,” she says softly and matter of factly, turning heads in her direction “What? I could’ve told you this two hours ago,” she points at Gyuri and Wooyoung “But you refused to explain! Come on, everybody,” giggling, she offers a freshly peeled slice to her boyfriend. “I work with books for a living, you work with books for a living!” She points at Woo again, “This trope is classic,” and then she looks back at him with a kind and honest smile. “You two do look good together, though. Are you friends, at least?” 
He hesitates. You both definitely, sort of, made amends last night. But it's a little weird and, suddenly, also hard to explain. 
Yunho thought the word friends would've just rolled out of his tongue naturally, as a little white lie to ease everyone's worries. Now, it hardly makes its way onto it so he just nods after a long pause that definitely raises suspicion on everyone's face. 
“We've known each other for a very long time, went to highschool together and everything,” that seems to eradicate some of the doubts, because San grins and turns to his girlfriend with a knowing smile that she returns. 
Gyuri is not as convinced “But are you friends?” 
“Yes,” he returns immediately after that, wanting the conversation to be over. He’s not lying, not really, not after what you both said yesterday “We are, we’re trying to be.” 
“So you hate the bitch. Got it.” Gyuri nods. 
Yunho takes offense to that, oddly enough. Because no, he doesn't hate you, not a little, not at all. 
He thinks. 
Besides, he confirmed yesterday that you're not much of a bitch and it hurts that Gyuri thinks you are one, but San’s girlfriend it's already handling that before he has the opportunity to defend you like you defended him. 
“Babe, don't call her that.” 
Gyuri raises her hands defensively “I'm just taking preventive action! What if she is a bitch?” 
“She's not.” Yunho says and they both turn their heads to him, Gyuri with a frown and her best friend with a knowing smile. 
What does she know that he doesn't? Beats him. 
Instead, he settles “She's just
 Well, she's—” 
“Intense?” Gyuri offers. 
Wooyoung shakes his head and points to his ex “No, that's you.” 
For once, he's glad their bickering interrupts him because he doesn't really know how to describe you. What's his current opinion on you? He has no clue. It's weird, he hates it a bit, but the feeling is there and the words are on the verge of spilling out of his mouth.
San’s girlfriend gasps and then murmurs an excited: “I love enemies to lovers!”
“I don't think real people can fit into fictional tropes, babe,” Gyuri returns, taking a slice she's offering in her direction before eyeing Yunho “Or can they?” 
That he can answer “We're not enemies and we're definitely not lovers.” He says with a shrug. 
“You're something way worse then,” San’s girlfriend nods and then smiles in excitement “Can't wait!” 
“For what?” Yunho asks in a whisper but Mingi, thankfully, interrupts. 
“Why are they talking about marriage, then?” He asks, his concern is palpable and Yunho feels kind of bad. He feels really bad, actually. 
He could have told him this, at least. He could have talked about you, but the truth is that his mind avoided remembering you if not necessary; that’s how much you two seemed to hate each other.
It’s kind of complicated not to think about you when you’re plaguing his mind, infecting it like a virus. 
Or painting it, like the canvases he saw in your room yesterday. 
Do you paint? Is that something you like to do in your free time? 
Why does he feel like he knows very little about you, all of the sudden? 
He groans and then shakes his head. 
“There’s no marriage, they’re getting ahead of themselves,” he clarifies. 
“Is there going to be a marriage?” 
There's movement on the screen now and he sees Mingi’s girlfriend scrolling unapologetically through the article. She's watching a video of the both of you posing together for a picture and there's something that pulls inside of him. His eyes attempt to water but he manages to keep his emotions down, locked up because there's a lot of feelings he won't put on his friends. 
He's sure they think of him as a dumb puppy who's actually very academically smart, just a little clumsy with his social interactions. He's been pretending he is, anyway. 
The only one who really sees through him is Mingi but even him, to some degree, has bought his immature act. And to some extent it became real for Yunho himself, too, so deep fears and sad emotions are off the table. 
So he pulls himself together and turns to his friend.
“I think she has an escape plan if our parents decide to marry us off to each other,” he admits, snorting out a laugh that’s a little bitter but more amused than anything, he shakes his head “So no, no engagement, no marriage.” 
“Why, what's wrong with you?” Gyuri asks, eyes squinted with prejudice and suspicion “Why wouldn't she want to marry you?” 
“Well, that's not
 Gyuri,” he opens and closes his mouth a few times, not really knowing what to say to his friend's question, so he looks at Mingi with begging eyes “That's not really the point, right?” 
“Don't look at me, she's right,” Mingi shrugs, “Why wouldn't she want to marry you?” 
“Because we're not in love!” 
Wooyoung scoffs “And yet you're a perfectly fine and rich young man, so why wouldn't she want to marry you?” 
“So we officially hate her, right?” Gyuri says and claps her hands before standing up again for the millionth time and heading his way. Her hands fall on his shoulders and he has to crane his neck to see her from below “Okay, then! What's the plan? Do we get rid of her?” 
“I could, if that's what you want.”
His head snaps at Hongjoong at the suggestion, disbelief writing on his face “I love you guys but the Yunho protection squad needs to dissolve right now, everything’s fine!” 
“Is it?” Mingi asks and Yunho takes his time to look at his best friend before nodding. 
“It is. We're supposed to break up eventually anyway,” air leaves his lungs in a long sigh and then he gulps a little, not really sure how to say what he wants to say without offending anyone. And Gyuri's hands are still on him, so the pressure doubles at the potential threat of physical harm that his next statement can get him. “Listen, I won't make any of you sign nda’s or anything like that because I trust you but please, please don't tell anyone this.” 
He looks around the room and sees wide eyes before they turn understanding and when his friends nod in agreement, he feels a weight lift off his shoulders. 
Literally, Gyuri moves to sit next to Wooyoung who tries to put an arm around her and fails. 
“You're not that famous, Yunho,” Hongjoong kisses his teeth and the mood shifts into the lighthearted one he's used to “Unlike me. I'm a celebrity among my peers.” 
Wooyoung rolls his eyes “Yeah, because all the criminals turned music students turn guitarists of a nugu rock band worship you.” 
Hongjoong ignores him but his smile is tense and his eyes are squinted in fake joy when he speaks again “You are going to the gig tomorrow, right?” 
He laughs “Of course. I might be a little late but I'll get to see your set.” 
Hongjoong frowns “Why?” 
“I have a schedule now, so
“Oh, my God,” San’s girlfriend squeaks, typing something in her phone and Yunho catches his friend fondly following with his eyes the sentences she's putting together “And what else do you have to do now?” 
“Babe, I hope you're not writing a story about this.” Gyuri warns but her friend ignores her and turns to Seonghwa. 
Who realizes right away what she's doing, gaping at her and her betrayal with feign hurt. Yunho gets it a second later and his lips curve upwards a little. 
“And what did you do to get a girlfriend so fast? It was the motorcycle, wasn't it?” 
Wooyoung gasps and Gyuri seems to remember suddenly that there were two important subjects to dissect on the table today, so she gets up again with her hands on her hips and stares at him like a distressed mother.
“What the hell were you thinking, Park Seonghwa? Girlfriend? You met her yesterday!” 
“Three days ago, but yes, maybe—” 
“Oh, three days ago! That's an eternity in dog years, right? Are you a dog, Seonghwa?” 
Seonghwa’s eyes practically meet the back of his head and Yunho has to stifle a laugh “Not a dog, Gyuri, just a guy.” 
She pauses and then makes a face. 
 Actually makes a lot of sense.” 
“We made the mistake of calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend way too soon. But, to be fair, his text messages woke us up,” Seonghwa's finger is pointing to Yunho and he pouts as a response “Kind of, so we were sleepy and—”
“Sure, let's hang out tonight so you can meet my girlfriend,” Hongjoong reads directly from his phone and shakes his head. Yunho can't actually tell if he's offended or not “Not even a warning first.”
“I literally told you about her and you told me to go for it.” 
“Did I?” 
“Yeosang was there.” 
At the mention of his name, Yeosang looks up from his phone and smiles shyly at the oldest two “Correct.”
There's a bit of silence and then Hwa clears his throat softly. 
“She's going to be my girlfriend though,” he says, almost in a whisper but everyone hears him “So I don't know what the big deal is.” 
Wooyoung slumps from the couch to the ground with his eyes closed in defeat “Oh, dear God.” 
“The big deal is that—” 
Gyuri's voice fades to the background and he catches Hwa telling her that she's not his mother or something before tuning the discussion out. 
When he turns to his left, Mingi is still eyeing him to make sure he's okay. Yunho nods and smiles and then offers his hand to him, which he takes. 
Mingi's girlfriend turned off the laptop and is watching the interaction with a tiny contempt curve to her lips and, when Yunho catches a glimpse at San’s girlfriend from behind his friends built form (she's completely hiding behind him from all the chaos Gyuri is bringing to the living room), she catches his eye and then blinks one of hers in complicity. 
Again, Yunho wonders what she knows that he doesn't. 
But with the attention off of him, your face returns to his head.
So he's not really able to concentrate on anything else for the remainder of the hang out. When he finally, finally has his mind occupied by something else (San dared him to beat him at Mario Kart and Jongho brought food and drinks as an apology for completing his academic duties instead of showing up to the meeting), a text pops up from an unknown number. 
+82-5-059-6733: Hey. Added your number  from that stupid group chat our brothers made because telling each other things through our assistants makes me physically ill, hope you don't mind.  +82-5-059-6733: Actually, I don't really care if you mind. If you block me, I'll find another phone to text you on. +82-5-059-6733: Anyway, I'll send you the address of where we're going fashionably late tonight. It's an early drive so you're free to skip this (Do skip it please).  +82-5-059-6733: Jeong Yunho, do not ignore me or I swear to God

He hates that, after reading his home screen, he has a smile on his lips. You sound both formal and pushy through text, too and he didn't think it was possible to have so much personality that it filters through writing as well. He's finding out new things about you and, although he made it a point to ask you to get along yesterday, it still feels really weird to do so.
When he turns to the screen again, he's down a few spots and San’s character speeds besides his in its kart. 
“Is it her?” San asks, looking at him for a second, a knowing smile on his lips. 
“It is but I'm not smiling because it's her,” he defends himself but there's a tint to his cheeks that might give him away. San laughs “Shut up. Your girlfriend’s schemes are rubbing on you.” 
At the mention, he catches through the corner of his eye as his friend turns to the mentioned girl and Yunho smiles again before he hears him sigh, completely and utterly in love. 
“Thank God.” 
He recovers on the game while San is distracted, passing him and winning the race. The sound of it ending makes San snap his head back and watch as Yunho relaxes on the couch in egotistical victory. 
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The sun is shining through the clouds even though it was supposed to rain again. There's a singular gray one moving ominously among the other ones and threatening to mess up what you planned for the day. 
It suspiciously moves past you and into the city when Yunho's car pulls up the hill. By the time he gets down, the sun is shining in full force and you roll your eyes when he regards you and your closed arms with a wink. 
What does he gain out of this? You've been wondering since that night if coming here is better than staying at home for the weekend. 
He could stay at his dorm, though. Is that an option? The curiosity you feel towards him now has completely taken over. It feels disgusting. 
Either way, you hate that he actually showed up. That means someone, somewhere around you, is going to casually document the thing you kept to yourself for a long time. No because it's a secret but because there's no real need for anyone to know that you do this. 
Your presence on social media is scarce, you have one open account that you use every six months (if you remember to use it at all) and the one you stalk people of your circle on. You have a twitter account that's private and not under your real name, a youtube account that doesn't really count as social media in your eyes and nothing else. 
No one needs to know you do these sorts of things. Then, you wouldn't be doing it out of the kindness of your heart but to get sympathy points. Even though you'll always do it because you want to and not because you have to. 
There's a lot of things you have to do, like your relationship with Yunho, but never this. 
You know it's only like five out of one hundred people who wish you ill but those few people are enough to tarnish the affection the kids have for you, the trust you worked so hard to gain the few years you've been trying to make this orphanage somewhat quality-of-life acceptable. 
You stumbled upon it one of those drunk early mornings where you had to walk around to get the alcohol out of your system before even daring showing up home or near it. Not because your family didn't know what you were up to, but because of the possible photographers roaming around the house. 
A drunk underage daughter was worse than anything back then. Maybe it is now, too, but you remembered the mistake you made the first time you got drunk and the absolute reaping your mother gave you. 
So when you locked eyes with a middle aged woman in the middle of nowhere after walking around half an hour before in heels, your almost-sober self pretended to be lost just to talk to someone and feel safe. The sun was barely showing that day and you were cold and sad and angry for not controlling yourself at the party and it must've shown in your face because you saw the woman taking a deep breath before offering you to step inside. 
At that hour, the kids were asleep. There were traces of them everywhere, though and you remember the way your heart sank at the lifeness of the space even in the still hours of the morning. 
It looked lived in, enjoyable and cozy. You never had that. Toys were put back in their place the second you got distracted by the tv or a book or when your mother said that was enough playing around for the day. Your room was always neat and tidy, put together and devoid of any evidence that you were real. 
That has changed a little now, but back then seeing something you didn't have struck something within you. There was obviously no way you would complain about it out loud, though. 
You had everything solved, your struggle has always been insignificant when compared with everyone else outside of your circle. It's fine, it's always been fine and the tears brought to your eyes when the middle aged woman put a hand on your shoulder and consoled you when she saw the environment was affecting you meant nothing. 
You tried to convince yourself they meant nothing and tried to keep your heart where it belonged: inside of your tinsel bubble, frozen and harsh so that no one takes advantage of you.
And then she managed to melt the ice not even five minutes into explaining what it was that they did there. She said her position wasn't permanent, that the district kept changing directors and that the quality of life they were able to give to the kids was acceptable at best. Not good, not what they deserved. 
Maybe that was the first time you took advantage of your privilege for something good. Because next thing you knew, you were putting together a presentation and pressing your father to do something about the home. 
Your mother was scandalized but she agreed to do something with your ideas if your brother was put on the front of the newspapers, inaugurating the renovations made to the place. 
Saturdays have been destined to the orphanage since then. They know not to put anything else on your schedule for the day, they know not to film you or send photographers per your request. Because your brother was already seen making the good deed a few years ago, so there's not really a way to take advantage of this anymore. 
Besides, the district still manages it and no amount of volunteering can help the fact that its administration and the decisions that they make are as dumb as you believing for a second that Yunho was going to take your advice and stay home today.
Yunho being here changes things, you know it does. Why did they put this in his new schedule if not? You thought it was a punishment for him but now you're not so sure. 
There's lack of movement, lack of press, lack of your mother's touch to it so you wonder what's the angle here. And, as usual, Yunho seems to be in the dark about the things plaguing your mind. 
You point at his outfit in retaliation when he gets near you and your mother’s assistant, who became yours for the day. 
“Is this what you could put together with such a long notice?” 
“You said casual.” 
“And this is your casual?” 
At some point these past few days, and after seeing all the pictures of you two together at the gala, you came to terms with Yunho’s attractiveness. Objectively, he's a handsome guy. His dad was handsome at one point, his mom is absolutely breathtaking and his brother is handsome as well. They're just a family of naturally physically gifted people, alright? 
But it is kind of unfair that he can look this good in flared jeans and a white fitted shirt, for fucks sake. He looks like he just got out of a Calvin Klein shoot
 If the shoot was somehow made in the seventies. The black belt and the black boots with a tiny platform he's wearing add to the whole look and your eye twitches a little. 
He looks really fucking cool, actually but there's no way in hell you would ever accept that. Handsome? Sure. Cool? Your mind is tricking you somehow. 
It's that warmth that invaded your body when he made you food a few nights ago making you think nonsense. You want to desperately get rid of it. 
He scoffs but a tiny smile tugs at his lips when he looks you up and down “Is this yours?” 
Looking down at your wide leg trousers, your kitty heels and your short sleeved cotton top, you fail to see where the problem is. 
He whistles, low and for a few seconds and for a moment you think he's doing it because of you and your heart beats erratically until you realize his eyes are fixed on the orphanage.
You smile a little. 
These past few years you've been able to get funding and provide funding to it, so the renovations just keep coming and coming. It doesn't look like the one you found refuge on that morning a few years ago at all and it definitely doesn't look like the one your brother had the chance to be photographed with either. 
Right now, it has a little bit of your touch: It looks like an elegant structure, but a building that's also suitable for children to be in. It has a playground vibe to it, the exterior and the design of the new entrance you approved a few months ago only solidifies it.
The kids love it. You didn't exactly run the design through them but it would've shown if they didn't. 
They're very expressive, but decisive too. Bossy, even. You look at Yunho and you want to smile fully because he simply doesn't know what he got himself into. 
That proves to be true as the hours go by. The kids raise their eyebrows when they meet him, say hi to him with a bow and then turn to you for explanations. When you say that this is a new friend that's going to be helping out that day, you don't miss the way Yunho lights up a bit besides you. 
And then that light is completely stolen by hour three, you see it as he chases kids around the yard. It hurts that they acclimated so fast to him but, again, when you got there the first time the place wasn't really one where they felt completely safe. 
This proves that you helped change that. Good. 
There's a few of them, the older ones, that sit on the ground and stare daggers at Yunho like he's going to hurt the younger kids at any moment. These kids were practically toddlers when you met them and they had a hard time being around you when you started to show up regularly. 
They barely spoke a word and, when they did, they yelled at you for not playing with the toys like you were supposed to, or because you looked too clean and too pretty to be messing with paint or something of the sort. 
It took months for you to build that trust and now the oldest is a tween with shaggy hair and a scowl on his face because he thinks of Yunho the same way he thought of you when he was just a kid.  
He barely notices when you crouch next to him, the hand you put on his shoulder making him jump slightly. 
“I understand the feeling of wanting to punch Yunho in the face,” you start, smiling and then tilting your head a little “but you're going to burn a hole on his back if you keep staring at him like that, Hyunjoon.”  
“Then why did you bring him here?” His frown deepens and you shrug “We were just fine with everything here and now there's a stranger playing tag with my little brother,” he shakes his head “I don't like it.” 
Sighing and then turning to Yunho, you see the exact moment his attempts to escape Haejoon, Hyunjoon’s little brother, are sabotaged by Hyunjoon’s best friend, Soyi. 
“I think you're a little jealous.” 
You want to laugh when his head snaps at you, chest heaving in preteen anger at the word jealous. 
“Yeah, not because he's playing with Haejoon but because Soyi is there too,” you shrug again, readjusting your crouching position because it hurts your legs but there's no way you're sitting on the ground “You like her, Yunho is handsome and you're jealous.” 
He turns away from you and you laugh when he makes a disgusted face that then turns into mild discomfort and ends up being a full pout.
“We're fighting.” 
“You and Soyi?” He nods and you sigh “What is it now?” 
“I dunno.” He murmurs with a shrug. 
“Are you sure?” 
“I don't know what I did! Okay?”
There's this uncharacteristically amount of patience you have when it comes to these kids that don't run out even if they yell at you and cause a few heads to turn your way. It never really bothers you except today, when you know there's possibly someone monitoring your movements. 
Yunho’s assistant, most likely. You know yours is compliant and doesn't really give a fuck about what goes on here, her focus on her tablet the whole time, probably arranging things for her actual boss (your mom). 
“Have you asked her?” He shakes his head “Then maybe start by asking her, later today if you want,” you rush to clarify when you see him tense up at the idea “Or tomorrow or the next day but don't let silly things get in the way of your friendship with her, hm?” 
His pout returns and his eyes start to water a little but before you have the opportunity to make him laugh the sadness away, someone jogs towards you both. 
“Everything alright?” 
Yunho’s sweating, he's out of breath and squinting his eyes because of the sunlight and it reminds you of when you used to cross paths during recess, back in highschool. 
“Wouldn't you like to know?” Hyunjoon sulks and scoffs at him and, once again, you suppress your laughter. 
“We're fine. Did you need something?” 
“No, no, Soyi just asked me to—” He stops when Hyunjoon's reaction gives away the root of his sulking and you see him glance at you once. You don't give Hyunjoon secrets away, though. “She asked me to tell you that she's going to start counting in two minutes and you are both obligated to play.” 
“Ah, yes, the mandatory hide and seek of the day.” You nod and watch as Hyunjoon's eyebrows raise in interest “Tell her it's okay, that she can start counting now.” 
Yunho raises his eyebrows as well, curiosity on his face “And you're hiding too?” 
“It's mandatory, Yunho. Do you know what mandatory means?” 
He clicks his tongue “I obviously do, Y/N, it was a simple question. Do you have to—” 
“Don't speak to her like that, ahjussi!” 
Once again, Yunho is interrupted by Hyunjoon and this time you can't help but laugh at the pure shock on his face. It warms your heart that a kid that was once so reluctant to have you around is defending you and you think your expression might give the feeling away because Yunho says nothing in return, just nods once and then presses his lips together, fighting a smile “I'll go tell her, then.” 
“No!” Hyunjoon gets up quickly and you do too, your legs and feet thanking you “I'll do it, she's my best friend.” 
It's the threatening (and very cute) look Hyunjoon sends in Yunho’s direction before sprinting towards Soyi and his brother that breaks the both of you into giggles. 
Only when your laughter dies down is that you turn to Yunho, arms crossed as you look him up and down to assess the real damage caused these first few hours.
No other reason. 
“Thought you said these kids were tough.” 
You shrug and he smiles “They are but you came here with me, so they're going easy on you.” 
“Yeah, I'm sure that's it.” Yunho nods and then turns over his shoulder. You do too, only to find Soyi with her hands over her eyes and counting already “Better don't get caught first, Kim.”  
Walking towards the spot you usually hide in when it's mandatory hide and seek time, you bump your arm with his in not-so-fake animosity. 
“You better not get caught, Jeong.” 
“Is that a dare?” He yells when you're almost out of reach. 
“I don't know,” you yell back “Is it?” 
You miss the way his eyes follow you until you're out of frame, until some kid whose name he doesn't remember grabs his hand and pushes him to hide because he stood in place long enough to almost get caught first. 
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You do get caught in the first round but not before Yunho, so you count that as a win. The second round is trickier, Soyi banning some hiding spots like the natural leader she is, and so you get caught before Yunho. He does a little celebratory dance when he sees you in the yard before him. Ass. 
There's only one round left before they call everyone to clean up for lunch. 
Moving through the orphanage halls, you walk down the stairs that lead to the staff rooms before choosing one you know kids would not check if they don't caught you in plain sight: It's the one that has some panel windows on top of some lockers, to bring in some natural lighting because it was used as a classroom before.
Now, only boxes and dust live down there. But if you hide in the corner, there's no way you're getting caught before Yunho. 
You checked when you were upstairs. 
You giggle to yourself as you rest your back against the corner, taking your phone and unlocking it to find something to do while you await your very predictable victory in this pointless battle you and Yunho have going on. 
Only for it to be crushed when he enters the room and closes the door behind it. See, you obviously didn't lock it because that defeats the rules of the game. 
But maybe you should've. 
“Get out.” 
He seems startled when he hears your voice, clearly not expecting another soul to be there. “You blend so well into the wall, Y/N.” 
You don't bite the bait “Yunho, you're going to get both of us caught. Get. Out.” 
“How? I literally fit in here, too.” 
He gets into your space, a petty smile on his lips until your backside is completely flat against the wall.
You let out an indignant laugh and a breath at the same time because, from where you're shoved into the corner, he looks so dumb. 
And then the sunlight shifts a little and lands on his shoulder and you get reminded: You're going to get caught and it's going to be his fault. 
You want to yell at him to get out again but then hear laughter near the panel windows, so you whisper-shout instead “Find your own hiding spot, Yunho!” 
“I got kicked out of my last one!” He whispers-shouts back. 
“Well you can't have this one either!”
“We're going to be fine, Y/N,” he tries but at your scowl he laughs again “I'm perfectly hidden here and I'm hiding you.” 
“You're not perfectly hidden, idiot! You're like
” You move your hands, trying to replicate the broadness of his shoulders “You're huge.” 
“Yeah?” He seems pleased by your words and your eyes rolls on their own accord “I've been hitting the gym, so I'm glad it's showi—” 
“I don't care, get out!” 
You hear a scream and then laughter that follows it outside of the windows and your wide eyes peek around a little behind Yunho’s form to see what's going on. 
There, rolling on the grass and laughing hard, are Hyunjoon and Soyi. You see when she pushes him further into the ground and away from her, smiling like she usually does. She did seem a little sad today and you wondered why without intruding.
Learning about the fight made things click in your head and so now you're smiling wide because they potentially made up. 
The sound of someone gulping is what brings you back to reality and you crane your head up to catch Yunho staring at you with parted lips and soft eyes. Somewhere in the process of looking out of the panels, you ended up leaning into him and bracing yourself with your hand on his arm. 
You quickly keep your hands to yourself again, pushing your body into the corner one more time. 
“Sorry,” you say right away “I was just
 They like each other and they were fighting today so I'm glad they, um
” You trail off. 
“Are not fighting anymore?” Yunho says for you and you're nodding frantically before you can help it “You seem better today.”
“Oh,” that catches you off guard and he notices, “It's never
 It's never really as bad as what you saw a few days ago. You don't have to ask me about it.” 
“I didn't mean to
 I was pointing it out to say that you seem different here.” 
“Different how?” 
“Relaxed,” he says right away with a shrug. “Less
You get what he's trying to imply. 
“I can't really be a stuck up bitch when I'm surrounded by children, Yunho.” 
“Never said you were one.”
Your eyes squint “But you were thinking it.” 
He doesn't back down at your accusation “I swear I wasn't. You could see it, too, if you stopped being so
“I'm trying,” you kind of speak over him as he is finishing his sentence, your arms crossing in, well, defense “but your fugly jeans are provoking me.” 
This time around, he's the one that doesn't bite the bait. He smiles, leaning into your space with purpose this time; not because the corner you're both hiding in is small, not because he forgets who you both are. You can see it in his eyes that he means to do it. It's scary.
It's really not scary at all and it brings thoughts to your head that you need to put away immediately. 
You pretend it's bothering you, creasing your brows in order to bring to your expression the usual disgust you feel for him. 
“You like my outfit, I saw you checking me out earlier.” He murmurs like it's the most obvious thing ever. You, on the other hand, think you did a great job in concealing your staring for the day.
“I was judging you, not checking you out. You look like a hippie.”
He smiles but doesn't lean back at all “I have something to do tonight.” 
“So I heard,” and now you look over his outfit on purpose, as well “This fit is definitely a choice.” 
The usual spark that the arguments you two are used to have is there, but the actual nastiness and loathing of it all is mostly gone. Now, there's this weird pull that nudges you forward, your jaw set softly as you wait for his response. 
“It's a rock concert, I have to look the part.” 
You laugh and then nod “And so you dressed up as a greaser. Got it.” 
“So I look like John Travolta in Grease?” 
“More like Barry Pearl.” 
He scoffs “Who even is that?” 
Your smile is nothing but pure bliss at the way you seem to get under his skin with that one. The anger crosses his expression, his eyes widen a little before roaming your face and you wait for his comeback. 
And wait. 
And wait. 
But it never comes. Instead, he leans in a fraction more than what your sanity can handle and keeps his voice low when he changes the subject.
“I had the opportunity to speak to Jiwoo earlier
” He starts and you nod, expectant and a little distracted by the smell of his cologne. “She told me everything you've been doing for this place. I had to ask her because you didn't tell me.” 
“You didn't ask.” 
“Would you have told me if I did?” 
It takes a second and a tiny smile, but you shake your head and he clicks his tongue. 
“I wasn't expecting you to show up in the first place,” you murmur back in your defense, sincerely, “and I'm not used to people seeing this part of my life.” 
Laughter and hurried steps outside remind you that you're in the middle of a game, in the middle of a dare with Yunho, too. But it doesn't seem to matter anymore. 
This is a weird way of having a genuine conversation, an odd place to have it in as well but there's nothing conventional about your relationship with Yunho. 
In a way, it's kind of fitting for you two. 
“Well, you got great reviews.” 
“Do I?” 
“Mhm, Jiwoo said she was about to be sent away when you stepped in,” he starts to recall, nodding to himself “Soyi also said she met you when she was little and that you were there when Hyunjoon and his brother got here for the first time,” this time, you nod and a tiny smile tugs at your lips at the memory “And I saw the way you were looking at the kids earlier, how you spoke to them
 That's why I told you that you seem different here.” 
It's your turn to gulp and blink a few times, trying to measure your words. You know that you and him came to an agreement the other night, but it's still a little hard to be fully honest with someone you've tried to be so superficial and distant for a very long time. 
“I'm happy here,” you whisper back, taking in a breath. “I'm happy when I'm helping, it makes me feel
” You trail off, failing to find the right words. 
“Purposeful?” Yunho offers and your heart beats loudly at that, your stomach sinks at how accurate that is and he can see it in your expression, because he takes in a breath himself and closes his eyes for a millisecond “I understand.” 
You want to ask him how he understands it. Is it simply because it's something easy to grasp? Is it because he relates in some way? The breach in between you became a simple line the night of the gala and that line blurs the longer you stay amicable with him. 
It's dangerous because you can already picture him going away when this whole charade ends. 
You don't want to get used to the feeling of him making your heart beat this way. 
And hopefully you can forget all about it with the usual meal related anxiety you feel but even that is dull. It's not as bad here and Yunho knows so it's not going to be as bad with him either. Fucking great. 
If you someone would just interrupt yo— 
There's a knocking, persistent and that allows you to step away from him finally and glance at the panel windows one more time. 
Soyi and Hyunjoon are lying on their stomach, smiling knowingly like they understand what is going on in your head. Yunho steps out and they pretend to be surprised but you can tell they were expecting to see him here. 
“The game finished like five minutes ago.” Hyunjoon says and it's muffled by the glass but you can make it out just fine. 
Soyi nods and joins in, adding something as she stands up “Yeah, it's lunch time and if you don't hurry I'm stealing your food!”
At that, Yunho seems to react like he's a child himself “Don't even think about it!” He yells back, heading for the door and leaving you there with an erratic heartbeat and questions. 
Thirty seconds pass before you hear him again, his laugh this time and you close your eyes because the curve of your lips needs to go away before you step out there as well. 
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Three more hours pass and at some point you don't see Yunho at all, letting him do his thing. 
Turns out, he's actually very good with kids. Considering he was a weird kid himself, you don't even find it weird that he's sitting on the grass with a worm in his hand and kids circling him like he's giving a masterclass. 
Kind of like they were circling you fifteen minutes ago, when you gave them a little painting advice. You started on a small canvas and your paint strokes look tired, probably because you feel that way, but you use it to pass the time even if their interest is now elsewhere. 
They have art classes here, you insisted on including them in their pensum as something mandatory, like science and maths. 
They enjoy it. A few of them want to pursue art in the future and that makes you really happy, even if you probably won't be around to see it or if they change their opinions along the way because, as dumb as it sounds, you were never encouraged by anyone to pursue what you liked. 
Maybe, sometimes that's enough. Planting the seed to wait and see if it grows into something fructiferous in the future can be what some of these kids need. 
Aside from resources and opportunities, of course. 
There's less activity in the room you're in and you're sure it's because the kids are tired. They're taking naps in their rooms, they're washing up for the night and you're dreading leaving this place. Your shirt it's dirty, there's paint on your arms and dirt under your nails and you don't want to catch the disgusted look your mother is going to give you when you get home. 
You fuck up the painting a little bit. Lost in thought, you barely notice when Yunho makes his way inside from the garden, a little girl secured around his neck like he's her father or something. You barely spare him a glance, but smile at her when he sits down besides you and she opens her arms and clings to you instead. 
Leaving the brush and canvas forgotten on the table, you make space for the seven year old in your lap “Hi, gorgeous.” you smile at her and her sleepy eyes “Did you have fun today, Jaemi?” And at her name, she punches you softly in the arm with her little fist. 
You're afraid she's too tired to commit to the bit. 
“Jaemi,” Yunho nods beside you and you look at him, “she didn't want to tell me her name.” 
“Then that's totally not her name,” you correct yourself and Jaemi smiles, sticking her tongue out to Yunho afterwards “Did you have fun?” You insist. 
“Yes, he was teaching us something about
” she pouts in concentration, trying to remember “Crickets?” she offers with her little lisp, turning to Yunho to confirm her words. 
“Yeah, that.” She turns to you, nodding “He said that they sing when it's about to rain and that made me happy but then he said that they also sing when they're about to die and that made me sad.” 
Looking at Yunho, you let him know with your expression that that's not something kids need to know. He just shrugs, smile growing when he sees how Jaemi hides on your neck, sleepy and comfortable. 
“And I told him what you told me about the worms,” she murmurs there and you pat her back, softly, but trying to tell her to stop talking. There's an embarrassed glow on your cheeks at what she says next “and he told me that he was the one who taught you that.” 
Eyes wide, you huff out a laugh and then clear your throat, but Jaemi speaks through her pout before you defend yourself “Is he your boyfriend?” 
“Oh,” her question is not weird but you've been avoiding answering it all day. Right now, there's not really a way you can evade it, so you just focus on your painting and nod “He is.” 
“He's smart,” she mumbles and when your eyes land on Yunho again, his cheek is pressed to his forearm that is pressed against the table. He's looking at you both with stars in his eyes and you want to kick him under the table “Like you. I want my future mom and dad to be like you.” 
Yunho pouts and you gulp, defensiveness abandoning your body and emotions swirling inside at the sweet, hopeful color of Jaemi’s voice. 
“People here are going to make sure of that, Jaemi,” you assure her in a whisper and by the time you rock her softly in your arms, you can tell she's asleep in them “I'll make sure you get the best mom and dad in the world, hm?” 
You don't know if you can keep your promise. If there's enough will for you to do it, if it's up to you to decide it. But you don't get to dwell on it for long. 
“Is she out?” Jiwoo asks and you nod, sliding back with your chair a little so that she can take Jaemi in her arms instead “I'll get her to the nap room. Sorry about that.” 
“It's okay.” You smile at her and she puts a comforting hand on your arm, shaking you a little on your seat before heading for the nap room. 
You don't dare to look at Yunho after that. Yeah, he saw your mother belittling you and, yeah, he made you food and wiped away your tears after having a panic attack
 But that might've been the most vulnerable Yunho has ever seen you. Maybe. It felt like it, anyway. 
Returning to your painting, you forget what the orange blob in the corner of the canvas is supposed to be. From the corner of your eye, you catch Yunho staring at you still, unmoving from his position against the table. 
“How dare you steal my earth friends facts, Kim Y/N.” 
“You mean the facts about worms everyone learns in kindergarten, Yunho?” You scoff “Didn't know you trademarked them.” 
“You enjoy painting.” He says, a fact not a question, ignoring your jab at him and it's starting to get a little annoying how he changes topics so fast. 
“I'm not very good at it.” 
He gets up, scoots his chair closer to yours and you catch as his eyes move up and down your stupid painting “I don't agree.” 
“I didn't ask,” huffing, you squint your eyes at him and at your tone he rolls his eyes “Don't you have a concert to get to?” 
“Yeah, you should go with me.” 
That's hilarious. 
“I'm afraid I'm a little underdressed,” you tell him and you think he wants to laugh,  but presses his lips together and pretends to be offended at your words instead. You lean into the table, your eyes following his mouth as he stops pursing his lips, a tiny smile tugging on yours. “And I don't feel like pretending to be your girlfriend today anymore.” You whisper to only him. 
“You won't have to,” he whispers back, leaning in as well, “they know.” 
“What? You told them?” 
“They kind of figured it out.” 
“Hm, because you have no bitc—” 
“Yeah, yeah,” he interrupts you, annoyed and you laugh, leaning back in your chair “Come with me. I saw your car outside,” he smiles and bats his eyelashes at you “I don't want my mother to know where I'm going, so you can drive me.” 
“Ah, that's why you want me to go.” 
“I also want to hang out with you,” his hand on your arm doesn't startle you but it does send sparks down your spine, his words causing your chest to go warm and your walls to go down “I thought we were doing that today and then I got kidnapped by eight year olds.” 
There's this image of Yunho that flashes through your head, the one of him running around the yard with people so dear to your heart that it makes the poor organ beat erratically for the second time today. 
“And you managed to keep your ugly outfit clean. I'm impressed.” 
He lets out a tired breath. 
Deflect. Ignore. Don't let it fool you, Y/N, he's not staying this cordial forever. 
However, you think that as a thank you you can give in a little. Just a tiny bit. Just for tonight. 
“Do they have parking?” 
Yunho smiles wide. 
You would never admit you actually want to hang out with him, too, so instead you just say: 
“I'm driving you and then I'm staying for an hour,” he claps and gets up suddenly, grabbing your hand and pulling you out of your chair as well “And if I don't like it there, I'm leaving.” 
He looks like he wants to say something but, instead, he just shakes your twined hands with excitement before letting go at the realization of what he's doing. 
“You might want to go to the bathroom first.” 
“Why? Where is the concert?” 
He says nothing. 
“Jeong Yunho
 Where are we going?” 
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They do not have parking. Not near the musty bar you're currently trying to make your way into, anyway. 
Yunho shows something on his phone to the bouncer at the entrance and then turns to you “My girlfriend,” he says, grabbing your hand again and opening his eyes at you as a signal to go along with his lie “She's also invited, obviously.” 
So long for not pretending to be together, huh?
You nod and you kind wish you didn't because it leads you to a small space with a crowd that's bigger than what it can host. There's heavy drums and amazing vocals coming out of the speakers and you actually recognize the guitarist of the band that's playing. You don't know his name, but you definitely saw him in pictures with Yunho before. 
Grabbing Yunho’s arm when he lets go of your hand, it grants you the brief grace of his stare. 
“I'm sorry about that,” he says and then his eyes are on the stage again, smiling at the band. His height works wonders because you can tell he's actually able to see them fully and the next second you're being pulled across the crowd and up some stairs “They didn't expect me to come here with anyone tonight
 And don't say it's because I have no game, Y/N, or I swear—”
“You made it!” 
When you let go of Yunho’s arm and stand shyly behind him as they let the both of you into the very humble vip area of this bar, it's like the pictures you've been staring at for months come to life. You don't know names (only Park Seonghwa’s, who's glued to the balcony’s rail, jamming along to the music) but you do know their faces. 
This girl that greeted Yunho with a hug just now it's in almost every picture, smiling just like that. And when she turns at you, that smile disappears and it's replaced with one that's not genuine at all. 
“Oh, hi to you too,” she says and her eyes alternate between you and Yunho “I didn't know you were bringing your fake girlfriend tonight.” 
You don't know why, but the way she says it ticks you a little bit. 
“Yeah, me neither,” Yunho’s arm is around your shoulders now and you have to fight the urge to shove him away, like a second instinct “This is Y/N, Y/N this is Gyuri.” 
“It's nice to meet you,” returning her energy, you smile coldly at her too, “I've heard nothing about you.” 
Yunho's hip connects with yours in a silent warning. 
But instead of the usual hypocrisy you're met inside the crowd you move in, you're greeted with something genuine: At your response, Gyuri looks you up and down for what feels like a minute and a half and then that fake smile turns into a genuine one. 
“Okay, I get you,” she nods, laughing to herself when she turns to Yunho. You do too and the color has been drained from his face, at least a little bit “I'm glad you're here. I guess it is meet my girlfriend night,” her head cocks to the side, to where Seonghwa stands and you're a little relieved you don't have to ask what she's talking about when, besides him, you see the mechanic you didn't get to meet earlier this week. She turns to you again “Do you want a drink?” 
“Oh, I'm driving, um
” You look at Yunho “I don't know if you—” 
“No, let's not drink tonight, though if you want to we can call—” 
“No, that's not necessary, I don't feel like—” He interrupts with a nod. 
The nervousness is palpable and, although you didn't really feel anything the hour and a half it took you two to get to the bar (Yunho didn't really let you, bickering with you about your driving or the decor of the car or the tinted windows or whatever he could think of to annoy you), but now you you notice it. 
The way Yunho's fingers tap on your arm, his around your shoulders still. The way he doesn't really know what to say when you both turn to Gyuri after speaking over each other like that and the way you can't bring yourself to be hostile to him in front of his friends. 
It's a little pathetic. You think Gyuri thinks so too, and the long-haired guy next to her as well because they're staring at you stoically, unmoving. 
“So I'm taking that as a no but I need a drink now. If y'all excuse me
“H-hi, Woo.” 
“I thought we got rid of this when San and Babe got together,” he sighs as Gyuri turns around and leaves for a table, offering you his hand with a wink. You can tell he's a little drunk but the way he shakes your hand brings out a genuine giggle out of you “I’m Wooyoung, Yunho’s best friend. I bet he already told you that, though.” 
No, you want to tell him, you and him haven't been able to talk like that yet. Even after knowing him for over ten years and spending holidays together, you don't know his best friend's name at all. 
And you start to nod just to skip explaining that but Yunho speaks and ruins your plans.
“Mingi is going to kill you if he hears you say that.” 
“Say what?” A tall man stands next to Yunho and only when he hugs his shoulders is that Yunho lets go of you “Are you talking shit about me, Woo?” 
Wooyoung genuinely sulks“I wouldn't dare, Mingi.” 
“You must be Y/N,” Mingi ignores him and you want to laugh at the expression he makes in return, but you busy yourself taking the hand that Mingi's offering “I've heard so much about you in the last forty eight hours.” 
“All terrible things, I'm hoping.” 
“Okay, okay,” Yunho pushes him away and takes your arm again, giving his actual best friend a look “Let me introduce you to everyone else before Wooyoung makes a scene for the night.” 
Over your laugh, you hear a faint gasp and a I don't ever make scenes! shouted on Wooyoung’s side of the room. 
You were never shy but you fall a little quiet in the middle of these strangers because the one thing you realized right away is that there's no actual need to pretend here, in the dim light and with people who don't give a fuck if your posture isn't perfect or that you're not making small talk. 
It's a little freeing. 
That weight falls off your shoulders and you kind of get why Yunho is a little clueless about how things work in your world after talking to San and Mingi’s girlfriends for a little. 
It truly takes everything in you to keep everything you share about yourself in shallow waters. 
You tell them things they might've already known, things that can be found online about you. You tell them that you met Yunho when you were little, you tell them about your job when the girl that Park Seognhwa chose above going to the gala with you joins and then you direct the conversation to her instead of you. 
They tell you about Yunho’s college life, the parties and the embarrassing moments that you've missed all while he talks with his friends about something, all against the vip balcony railing while they watch the band perform. Gyuri is there too, arm to arm with Wooyoung and they tell you they used to be together. 
It shows, especially when you get up to join Yunho and watch the performance and she snuggles a bit closer to Wooyoung to make space for you. 
Even if there's plenty of space already. 
He looks at you when you bump into him, smiling and leaning into your space a bit to talk over the music “There you are. I thought I lost you to girl talk!” 
You roll your eyes.
“Your friend's are nice.” 
“Normal people usually are, Y/N.” 
Scoffing, you focus on the main vocal of the band. The only girl up on the stage, too and you convince yourself that's more interesting than the way Yunho seems to sparkle when he's with his people “Well, that explains why you're everything but nice.” 
He laughs “I am nice, just not to you.” 
“No, yeah, trust me, I know.” 
“You seem quiet around them,” he turns to look at the girls for a brief moment “And you're usually, obnoxiously loud. Everything alright?” 
You know he's asking about your panic attacks. Yes, you feel fine. You took your pills with your lunch and, considering the small space you're at gives you brief anxiety, mixed with the general nervousness of being with people you don't know, it could be worse. 
But, like you said, his friends are nice. 
You don't exactly fit in this group, but they make you believe you're a part of them at least for a little while and you know your friends, or the people you usually hang out with when you go out, wouldn't give a stranger the chance if presented with it. 
“I'm fine, I'm just
“You just said they are nice, Y/N.” 
“And they're all very good looking, which is unfair and nerve wracking,” you add with a scoff and hear him giggle before you turn to him again. “You said you wanted to hang out with me but it's been forty minutes and you barely said anything,” you give him a look, “so you just wanted the ride, hm? Asshole.” 
“Needy,” he returns, pushing you with his arm, “I also wanted you to meet them. They're a huge part of who I am and I know it’s not this way for everybody, but I do believe you can gather who someone is if you meet the people they surround themselves with.” 
What does that say about me, is what you want to tell him and then his words from a second ago cross your mind. 
It's not this way for everybody. 
He knows and there's something so deeply fucked up about his understanding of you because is not supposed to be this way. You hate Yunho, he hates you and keeping each other at arm's length has always been the norm. 
It baffles you how quickly he can leave his preconceptions of you behind and open the door to his comfy bubble, invite you in and make you feel welcomed where you otherwise don't belong. 
He understands. It makes you smile and he smiles back, close to you both physically and emotionally, and so you're sure you don't need to add anything to this moment you two are having. 
Instead, you shake your head “I don't know why they hang out with you, then,” you turn to the stage one more time and there’s some tension between the band all of the sudden. You don't ask, Yunho is not paying attention to them right now anyway “I still think you wanted the free ride. Send me the gas money when you get home.” 
“When you take me home.” 
“No, you're walking back,” your fingers take a hold of his forearm, pinching it and gaining an exaggerated reaction to the mild pain it causes back from him “asshole.” 
“And get him again for me!” Wooyoung shouts to your left and you both turn to see almost everyone staring at you. 
It's almost enough to make your cheeks burn. Almost. 
When it's almost time for you to go home (the hour you said you were staying turned to two hours) and the band gets down the stage, Seonghwa sits beside you. 
“Did you paint over it?” Is the first thing you ask him and he frowns before understanding. 
“The tree in your brother's office? Nah. He said we should keep it.” 
Your brother has no taste. 
“It's a horrendous tree, Mr Park,” you insist, shaking your head when he makes a noise to disagree. “Please be sure to take it down at some point, behind his back if it's necessary.” 
“Miss Kim,” he starts and you realize whatever he's about to say, it's not about that goddamned tree, “when you asked me to go to a party with you, was it the gala you and Yunho went to?” 
He's direct and blunt and you are grateful that he addresses the topic straight ahead instead of walking around it like the girls did. 
You nod “Yes, I wanted to say I had someone to go with so they wouldn't force Yunho and I to
“I understand.” 
“I'm glad you said no, though. She likes you a lot,” you point to his date, she's jamming along to a rock song you don't recognize in the slightest with Hongjoong, who just joined the group in the vip area with the rest of the band. The vocalist it's missing, however and you wonder where she went, “And you like her too, so that's good. I'm glad.” 
“And you don't like Yunho?” 
The chuckle that bubbles out of you comes out a little more nervous than what you intended “He's, um
 An old friend.” 
“He told us you were trying to be friends,” he says and you blink, wondering what else Yunho told them, “but that's not what I'm asking.” 
“I know what you're asking, I know what some of you think it's going to happen,” your eyes land on Yunho, his arm around Hongjoong and they're both laughing at something Mingi said. There's that pull again, your chest feels heavy with something you've never felt before “but it is not going to happen.” 
Yunho catches your eye and smiles, says something to his friends and then starts making his way up to you two. 
Seonghwa, instead of getting offended at your very direct refusal of his intentions, just laughs at you “Famous last words, Miss Kim.” 
“Paint over the stupid tree and I might reconsider your point, Mr Park.” 
He opens his mouth to say something else but then Yunho interrupts, a hand on your shoulder. 
He's so touchy. You never actually took into account if he enjoys physical touch or not, but his hands are always on someone.  On you, when you're close to him. 
“We're leaving.” He says and he's talking to Seonghwa, not you. 
“We all are?” 
“Nope, just us. Princess has a curfew.” 
“Aw,” you place your hand on top of his, pretending to be moved, “yes you do!” 
Harshly but also half-joking (you think) he moves his hand away and turns around “I'll be waiting for you downstairs, you witch.” 
You watch him say his goodbyes and flash you his middle finger before, effectively, going down the stairs. Laughing as you stand up, you return your eyes to Seonghwa “Stop it.” 
“I'm just saying—” 
“Shut up.” 
Seonghwa laughs again and you say goodbye to everyone, Mingi giving you a look that reads as be careful with him and you want to clarify that nothing is ever going to happen. 
But some of them think otherwise. 
When you get downstairs, the crowd overwhelms you all over again and, just when you think Yunho might've actually left you, there's a hand that closes over yours. 
The hand spins you around and Yunho comes into view with his lips curled upwards into a teasing smirk “This way, princess.” 
Suspicious (about the fact that he's navigating the crowd towards anything but the exit, not about his flirtatious ways), you tug at him to make him stop “What are you up to?” 
He ignores your question, moving fast and through a deserted hallway where music doesn’t really get through and, after that, he opens a door that leads to the back of the musty bar. 
“Are you bringing me here so I can get robbed, Yunho?” 
He huffs out a laugh, kind of offended but not really “Obviously, Y/N. It wasn’t because someone was taking pictures of us all night at all.” 
His hand is on yours still as he drags you to the streets and to where you think your car is. You’re grateful he’s holding you, your heart dropping at his words. Not because people can’t know you came to this bar, or that you’re with Yunho, but because someone recognized you and you didn’t notice.
You always notice.  
But this time, you felt so comfortable inside a bubble that isn’t yours that you allowed someone to disrespect you like this. 
Worst, disrespect someone else who’s supposed to be with you like this. 
“Are you sure it was us and the person wasn’t taking pictures of Hongjoong? He’s kind of the buzz around here, Jeong.” You try to joke to calm the beating of your heart down, swallowing hard as you get to your car. 
Your hand shakes a little as you press the buttons to unlock the doors and, by the time you get into the car you’re sweating. You feel the moisture on the back of your neck like a warning, it tells you that you need to calm down before actually getting on the street but Yunho’s words don’t help at all. 
“That's what I thought but then I realized the phone was following you.” 
“Great,” you gulp again, starting the car and turning on the ac just to have something to distract you and your hands. "You didn't have to leave with me, though. You just needed to tell me and—” 
“We’re together, aren't we? At least to them, we are, so leaving together it's the least they expect us to do.” 
Expect. You hate that he's right, that he was able to think rationally and you hate that he regards the situation you're both in with a little more maturity than a few days ago. 
This turn in his personality is overwhelming to say the least. There's only so much concealing you can do before it shows that you're starting to care about him genuinely, beyond the pr and the arranged relationship.
“Thank you.” You mutter after a few seconds of silence where he checked his phone. 
He looks up from it a few seconds, smiles at you a little and then returns his attention to the screen. It takes a few seconds of the ac blasting in your face and the sound of the keyboard of his phone to return you to the ground, panic dissipating when he looks back up again. 
“Are you sure you don't want to sneak back? I don't mean to steal you from your friends, Yunho.” 
“You are my friend, princess.” Without really wanting to, your nose scrunches at the corniness of the statement and he rolls his eyes. “Don’t make that face. Look, I was searching online for the pictures or videos they might've taken at the bar and I found this.” 
He turns his phone and although your panic went away, the feeling is replaced by a little bit of anger: It's a picture of you both, Jaemi in your arms, her face covered by your hair and shoulder. Yunho is staring at you both sweetly, like you remembered he did and you are mid sentence. 
It's not the face you're making in the picture that upsets you, it's the fact that someone took that moment and posted it online for everyone to see. 
“You don't like it.” He says and you take a swing of air before replying. 
“I do like the picture, I don't like what it means,” and he's about to ask what you mean, you see it in his eyes but you stop him with a shake of your head. “I don't like that they took that moment away from me, from us.” 
You don't know why you say it like that but you do, there's this emotion laced on your voice that, a week ago, you would've fought to keep away from him. He was never supposed to see any of this. In fact, no one was supposed to see any side of you that wasn't perfectly crafted to their liking, to your mother's liking. 
Yunho getting to know you like this wasn't part of your plan. So you ignore the sting on your chest at his pained expression caused by what you say next. 
“From now on, let's not allow them to take moments away from us. Let's meet when we're scheduled to, during the week and not on weekends and—” 
“Let's go.” 
“Yeah, I'll take you home and then maybe we can tell our moth—” 
“No, no. Just
 Let's go here,” he tips and taps at the screen of your car, placing an address inside the gps you're unfamiliar with, “and then we can go home.” 
Confused and in a surprising complaint mood, you start to back out of the parking spot. At the questions written all over your face, he simply places a hand on your knee and squeezes there. It does nothing to calm you down but it does distract you for a second. 
Which is bad. Cause you're driving and all, so you bat his hand away with yours and he laughs at the dead look you send his way. 
“Where are we going?” 
“I want to show you something.” 
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“Jeong Yunho, are you sneaking me into your dorm room?” 
A finger on your lips is the only thing you get as a response before he pokes his head out, into the badly lit hallway of what you can only presume is his dorm room. 
His digit is replaced by your hand because you're trying very hard no to burst out laughing at his very specific change of placement. He sprints to the wall in front of you and moves his hand, urging you to follow his footsteps. 
You do, only much slower than what he intended, you guess, because as soon as you're on his reach he grabs your arm and collides his body with yours. His lips near your cheek when he looks down, his words a whisper. 
“The cameras are old and they don't catch fast movements that well, so we have to run.” 
It takes five good seconds to try and contain your laugh again before replying: “Okay
 Mister Bond.” 
His face falls. “Y/N, I can get in serious trouble for bringing you here.” He deadpans and you nod, fast and unserious. 
“Yeah, no, I can totally see that.” 
“I hate you.” 
You smile all the way up to his room, his anxious behavior a little strange because, well, you see a girl casually exiting a room on the base floor as you go upstairs. She's flushed and giggling as she types on her phone, so you don't understand what big deal is. 
Especially when Yunho all but shoves you into a room you can only assume is his, your kitty heels almost making you trip with the shoe rack by the entrance. 
“You're the most dramatic person I have ever met, Jeong.” 
“Hall monitors are a thing here, Y/N and I don't want to get banned from the team!” 
“What team?” 
Now that you think about it, this does seem like one of the dorms reserved for sports teams in the school you graduated from. This one is smaller, definitely not as luxurious and allegedly has a faulty security system but that's besides the point: there's banners and posters on the walls all the way from the entrance to this room that kind of smells like soju and beer. 
“The dance team!” He says as you step further into the room. 
“I didn't know you dance.” 
There's enough space for two beds, two desks that are pressed together on one corner of the room, in front of one of the beds, giving the illusion of being one cohesive piece of furniture when it's not. In front of the other bed there's a corner mirror and a bedside table with old energy drink cans and one unopened, undrinked water bottle. 
“I didn't know you painted until recently.” 
“I don't,” you argue, throwing your purse on one of the beds before Yunho takes it and places it into the other one. You assume that's his. "You are allowed to have a dorm here for shaking your little ass on stage a few times, Jeong?” 
Your teasing makes him frown but you can only smile at the reaction, arms crossed as you take one more look around the room. 
“I do more than shaking my great ass on stage, princess. Besides, this makes me somewhat very independent from my parents,” he shrugs “And I'm close to the campus. It's a win, win situation for me.”
“Yeah, I'll give you that.” And it's true: you can't really argue against being away from your parents. He's lucky he's able to do it, least to some degree. “You still have to go to your house on weekends, no?” 
“Yeah,” he sighs and when you return your eyes to him, he's making his bed. He looks a little ashamed of the state he left the room in when he catches you staring. “But I think I can allow myself to stay here on weekends now, too, considering they forced me into our little
“Yeah, because your mother is all but allowing you to do things this week. Really, Yunho, don't test the woman’s patience.” 
He frowns at you “What side are you on?” 
“The side where we get scolded the least until this whole thing is over, Yunho!” 
“Look, I understand that you care deeply for your parents approval and we've gone through this already this week but—” 
“But what?” 
You hope the look you send him makes him choose his words very carefully. You don't think it gets the message across when he takes a breath and shrugs. 
“But at some point you're going to have to let go of that, Y/N, you're clearly not happy.” 
“Stop caring so much about my happiness, Yunho.” 
“We're friends, that's what a friend is supposed to—” 
“Oh, stop that.” 
He looks taken aback by your interruption and your tone, but the whole leaving the bar because someone was taking pictures of you knocked some sense of reality into you and now you're upset. 
You don't want to scream, you don't want to fight with him because today has been so good. Good to you, good to him, good to people who are dear to you and to him, but it's so hard. 
It's hard when he understands some of it but not the full picture and it's hard when your walls are down, your feelings are on your sleeve and your words spill out of your mouth without a second thought. 
“We're not friends, Yunho. We've never been friends, we were not brought together to be just friends and you may think otherwise because you have the opportunity to live like this,” you point to his bed, “and go to bars and concerts and make noise within the crowds because you're tall and attractive, not because of your last name but I am never going to have that.” 
Feet moving to their own accord, you cross the space as you speak, until you have to look up at him and that pained expression you saw before heading towards his dorm is back, that pained expression he gave you back at the gala when he found you in that room, that pained expression he had when he fought with his mom in front of you. 
You hate it. Not because he might be in some sort of pain, but because it makes you feel bad that you are the one that's causing it. 
“I am never going to have this, Yunho. So yeah, I'm unhappy and bitter and sad and I've developed a whole panic disorder because of it but that's just what—” 
“God, you're impossible.” 
“‘That's just what it's meant to happen’. Is that what you were going to say? ‘That's just the way things are’,” he mocks and that hurts you but he doesn't back down even at the way you physically recoil at his words. 
He moves to the floor, knees hitting hard as he drops and looks for something under his bed. 
You don't need to be here. But before you announce that you're leaving, he does something that ignites your curiosity: he pulls out a box. 
A box with the name of the highschool you attended together in it. You have that box, or at least you think you do, somewhere in the storage of your house where no one can find it because, like almost everything in your life, there's no happy memories in it.
You're not sure if there's happy memories for Yunho, but the way he harshly opens it and rumages inside to find something specific tells you otherwise. 
“The other day, after seeing the canvases in your room, I tried to remember if you liked painting,” he starts and gets up, a mid-sized blue photo album on his hand with the name of the school and your classes slogan engraved in gold on the side, “I tried to remember things I'm supposed to know about you, because we grew up together, Y/N.” 
His reminder makes you gulp. 
“I've tried to distance myself from you as much as I can because I never thought that we would need to get along and— No, no, I never thought I would want to get along with you but now I do and so I went home and I stole this from my mother's office.” 
He opens the album and, at first, you only see pictures of him. Him at his graduation day, him at that one soccer event where he almost broke his nose, him at the school yard with guys from your class you barely remember and then he gets to a specific part of the album. Instead of a picture, there's a card with beautiful handwriting that reads your name instead. 
“See, I always hated that my mother seemed to adore you. She doesn't have any daughters, so I thought it was a way of living that through you and that your mother was a little weird for allowing it to happen, but I was wrong,” he hands you the album and you scowl a little at the pictures you see of yourself, pictures that you've never seen before tonight, “And so, when she asked me to take pictures of you at school events she couldn't attend or your parents couldn't attend, I did it because of that. But I realized recently that she never wanted this for herself.” 
There's a picture of you at a piano recital where you came in third because you sucked at it. There's a picture of you on stage, on school assembly day, accepting a medal for your academic excellency. There's a picture of you next to the school’s art gallery, where you were able to display the canvases you painted throughout your senior year, at your teacher’s insistent request. There's a picture of you in the art gallery, someone you don't recognize or don't really remember is talking to you, their hands pointing at an abstract piece you did. 
It's the only picture where you're genuinely smiling. 
You trace the picture caged with the protective film of the album with the pad of your finger, softly, over that smile and wait for it to disappear but it doesn't. 
You look at Yunho, eyes almost teary with confusion and sentiment. 
“She never wanted this for herself because, although she loves you, she doesn't care about any of this when you're already the perfect match for me in her eyes” he smiles a little, his finger joining yours on the page. “She doesn't care if you got third or first place here, she doesn't give a fuck about your academic achievements and she definitely doesn't give a shit if you're an artist or not,” his finger connects with yours, over your immortalized smile on the picture “but I do.” 
Your head starts to shake, your mind starts to reject his words right away. He cares? About you? No, no. It can be, he— 
He's nodding, stepping close and letting his eyes move away from you just a millisecond so he can stare at the picture “If it makes you this happy, I do. And I did, I don't
 I don't remember exactly everything I thought about you as I took these pictures, Y/N, I was probably very annoyed,” he laughs a little and you do too, softly, barely, “but I probably cared back then too, I just
 Well, what I'm trying to say is that you can be happy, you can have this and—” 
You don't know what does it. Is it his speech? This whole I was supposed to hate you but I don't think I ever did feeling that washes over you, like some sort of light in the midst of a very long period of darkness? Is it the lingering curve of his lips as he looks at your face in that picture and then back at you with stars in his eyes? Is it the way his finger brushes against yours shyly, like he intended to do it but he's not so sure how you would react to it? 
Is it the way he looked at you this afternoon, while Jaemi was speaking nonsense into your hair? Is it the fact that, at some point during the drive, you looked over and saw him smiling at his phone, at the picture that stole your moment with him this afternoon? 
What exactly prompts you to shut the photo album, let it fall to the floor and close the distance between your lips is beyond you but, if you're being honest with yourself, it doesn't really matter. 
Kissing Yunho feels like defiance, like rebellion against yourself and your principles and your values. It makes your heartbeat happily against your ribcage and that's, maybe, what makes you pull away from the close-lipped encounter. 
He just told you that you can be happy, but your mind can't just accept it so easily. 
Also, he didn't exactly kiss you back. 
His lips are parted when you look at him again, his pupils going all over your face like trying to get ahold of what the fuck just happened. 
This is so embarrassing. 
“I shouldn't have done that,” you start, in a whisper, tiptoes going down until you're back from the clouds on the ground. “I'm so, so sorry. I'll leav—” 
Briefly, you wonder what makes Yunho grab the side of your face and kiss you back, this time with a foreign emotion pouring into the kiss that you, somehow, feel equipped to return as your lips move in tandem with his. 
You wonder if what makes his free hand move to your waist and press you flush against him is, in any way, motivated by some sort of pity. 
His tongue brushing softly against yours for the first time makes your insecurity go away. It makes everything else go away, including that alarm inside of your head that tells you that you're making a mistake. 
It’s blasting red, dangerous and irrevocable red, but you think you confuse the color of it with the blush on Yunho’s cheek when you push a little onto him and he falls to the bed. You confuse the sound with the sigh that he lets out when he pulls you to him and your first instinct is to sit on his lap, leg on each side of him, hand fisting his shirt as you capture his lips again. 
His warmth engulfs you when his arms go around you, press you into him again and settle you further into his lap so you’re not awkwardly hovering over it anymore. There’s this need that takes over you, struggling to come up to the surface. You think he feels it too and, when your hips move out of pure want, he opens his legs a little more. 
Adrenaline rushing through you, making you confuse the sensation for pure euphoria, it takes two more thrusts into the material of his jeans for you to come to your senses. 
What the hell are you doing? 
Your heart races, for a different reason now. 
What the hell do you think you’re doing? 
Panic rising, you push Yunho’s shoulder with your hands, pulling you both away from the kiss completely. He has a pout on his lips, swollen from your kisses and flushed pink. They look very inviting, and although there’s a part of you that wants to give in, there’s the other side of you, the louder side, that’s telling you to think clearly. 
Giving into Yunho, is giving into your mother’s wishes fully. Giving into Yunho means she won. 
And Yunho thinks you are able to be happy one day, the words you cut off still ringing in your mind and they cover your fears with hope you never felt before, hope that you didn’t think you deserved to feel in the first place. His kisses had that taste, too. 
But you don’t think you can let your mother win.  
“Dinner.” You manage to say, untangling his hands off your waist, using them to help you up and off his lap.  
“It’s almost nine, I have to go to dinner with my brother.” You fix your shirt, tuck your hair behind your ear and bend over him to grab your purse before clearing your throat, “I know the way out.” 
“Y/N, don’t—” 
“I’ll see you next thursday.” 
When you sprint out of the room and close the door behind you, you already want to go back in. 
But running is sensible, it’s what you’re supposed to do. 
It doesn’t matter that hot, angry tears are wetting your cheeks. 
It’s what’s best for everyone, including him.
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If you read all the way down here: THANK YOU SO MUCH. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
© jensthwa, 2024.
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strayteezsimp · 1 year ago
A Dance with Fate
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Pairing: Yunho x afab!reader
Summary: You are a new soloist under KQ Entertainment and your debut is in less than a week so you turn to Yunho for some guidance. Little did you know about his feelings towards you.
content warning! IdolAU! Smut(MDNI 18+), some fluff, swearing, slight angst (self-deprecation), breast play, fingering, oral (receiving), edging, usage of sir, use of pet names (baby, pretty baby, sweetheart), piv, unprotected sex//creampie (don’t be silly wrap ya willy)
Word count: 2.3k
My first fic in a literal decade lol. A huge thank you to @optimisticbabypanda for helping me with editing it and making sure it looked good! Also thank you for taking time to help me! I appreciate you whole heartedly 💕
Hope yall enjoy 💕
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You exhaled in frustration while lying down on the practice room floor. “After 5 years of training, you’d think I’d be better at dancing by now.” You said out loud to yourself. Dance was always your struggle point as a trainee, and you were surprised when KQ said they were gonna debut you as a new soloist for them. You were hoping you would end up in a group so your dancing wouldn’t stand out as much, but here you were wallowing on the floor in self-pity. You’ve been debating whether or not you should ask someone for help; however, every time you think about it you feel this deep sense of embarrassment.
You felt like they’d make fun of you for needing help on something you should be relatively good at by now. Then you thought about Yunho. You’ve met him a few times and each time you talked to him- he seemed nice enough, “Maybe I could ask him. He seems like he'd be the least judgmental about it,” you thought to yourself, still lying on the floor with your debut song playing in the background on a loop. After some internal debate, you decide to swallow your pride and go ask Yunho.
As you're making your way down to Ateez’s practice room you feel a sense of dread. What if he laughs at you? What if he scolds you for not being able to dance to your own debut song? These thoughts have plagued your mind to the point you didn't even realize you had walked past their practice room. Internally smacking yourself in the face, you turn around and head back to the room. As you were about to knock on the door, it swung open with Yunho standing right there before you. You stood there gapping as anxiety started rushing through you.
He let out a little chuckle “Hey y/n! You're a long way from your practice room” he said with a smile on his face. You giggled nervously as you looked at your dance shoes. “Yeah, I actually had come here to talk to you about something.” You said, embarrassment laced in every word. He looked at you with a face mixed with curiosity, concern, and a hint of excitement. The moment he laid eyes on you his heart skipped a few beats- he knew he wanted to have you. You hesitated as you were trying to muster up the courage to ask.
“I really need your help with something but I’m a little embarrassed to ask in the middle of the hallway.” You said still looking at your shoes. He leaned over so he could look at your face and smiled. “Then where would you like to talk?” You giggled shyly as your cheeks turned a faint pink. You stepped back a little bit to see his face properly. “Preferably in my practice room, if you don’t mind.” Your mood lightening a little bit, you were always amazed at how much Yunho brightened up any room he was in, how just a smile from him could make your day better within seconds.
He stood up straight and started stroking his chin, it was obvious to you that he was messing around with a loud hum. “Sure I would love to help, lead the way y/n.” He said with a dramatic bow. You laughed as you lightly tapped his arm, “come on drama king.” As you two were making your way down to your practice room Yunho was internally trying to calm himself down. He was so excited to spend time with you and get to know you a little better. He was sure whatever it was you were worried about wasn't as bad as you were making it seem.
Your debut song was still playing as you entered the practice room. You walk over to your phone to start it over and pause it. “So what's the problem y/n? Are you worried about your song?” Yunho asked as he sat on the floor beside the speaker. “No, it's not the song I love my song. It's my dancing. I just can't get the choreography right.” You say as you rub your face in frustration. “Would you like to show me?” Yunho asked, standing from his spot on the floor. This was the part you were dreading. “He's gonna see me dance and laugh at me. What if he tells the rest of his group? And his members tell their friends? I'm going to be the laughingstock of the industry” you thought to yourself as you handed your phone to Yunho. You got in your spot and signaled Yunho you hit play.
He watched your every move as you did your choreo. Making mental notes of the moves you did and did not need work with. As you were dancing you felt his eyes on you the whole time. You were getting nervous because you couldn’t read his face, was he getting secondhand embarrassment? Was he trying not to laugh? Thoughts like these purged your mind as you finished your choreo. Yunho paused the music and sat your phone down. “I think I know what the problem is.” He said with a pause, making you even more uneasy. “You’re letting your anxiety get the best of you, and it’s making you stiff. Try and relax- you really did great.” He said looking you in the eyes. You felt his sincerity and it made you feel better. “Can you do it one more time for me? Have fun with it! I’ll dance with you if that would help?” He said beaming with excitement, looking more like a golden retriever than ever before.
He walked back to your phone as you readied yourself. You start your choreo again as Yunho quickly jumps beside you and dances with you. The choreo flowing like you were a natural. You were so dumbfounded by how fast he learned your choreo that you missed a step and rammed face first into Yunho’s chest, Yunho losing his footing in the process. You felt Yunho’s hands grip your waist as he quickly caught both of you from falling, both of you stared at each other in surprise as both of your faces turned red. He exhaled quickly as he stared into your eyes. The stare was intense, but in a loving way. You couldn’t bring yourself to look or pull away, it was like he had you in a trance.
He looked to your lips and then back at your eyes as if he were asking for permission starting to lean towards you. You closed your eyes and felt your lips touch as he kissed you. His lips were soft and gentle and he moved against your lips. As he started to pull away you wrapped your arms around his neck and went back in for another, not wanting this moment to end so soon. Your lips met again with much more intensity. His grip on your waist tightened as he licked your bottom lip, asking for entry.
His tongue dominated yours as you let out a light moan. You felt a light tug in your shirt as he pulled away from your heated kiss, resting his forehead on yours and looking into your eyes; you nodded and helped him lift off your shirt. He started kissing down your neck, to the tops of your lightly exposed breasts. You felt him move his arm up your back to remove your bra. Feeling his eyes on you started to make you feel self-conscious and before you could cover yourself he quickly cupped your breasts and started to kiss them. “Don’t cover them, you're so beautiful I want to cherish this moment.” You let out a moan as he licked your nipples. His hand toying with one as he sucked on the other.
You let out another moan as he slid his hand into the front of your sweatpants, rubbing your nub through your underwear. You felt your wetness on your underwear against your heat as he pulled his hand out. “I’m gonna go lock the door, have your clothes off, and have that pretty pussy ready for me okay?” Doing as he said you swiftly removed your pants and underwear and laid down on the floor. As he was making his way over to you he took off his shirt in one swift motion, he crawled to hover over you but first taking in the sight of your body. “I’ve been wanting to make you mine for so long.” He said as he stroked his fingers between your folds, earning a squirm and a moan from you. He stuck a digit into you, pumping at a slow pace. “Yunho please more” you whined, needing more.
Yunho smiled as he looked at you. “You’ll have to be patient for me baby. Can you do that?” You huffed in frustration then nodded. He stopped. “No, I need to hear you say it, sweetheart.” He peered into your eyes with a gleam of excitement and seriousness. “Yes.” You sighed out. “Yes, what?” He said, still staring at you. “Yes sir?” You said thinking that’s what he was wanting. He let out a little chuckle. He then added another digit and picked up his pace. His long slender fingers hitting you in the right spot, you let out a guttural moan as he was hitting your sweet spot. “Yunho. Please. Cum. I’m gonna cum. Please don't stop.” You said between moans. You felt the knot in your stomach tightening, and right as you were about to release he pulled his fingers out.
You groaned in frustration. “Fuck Yunho please.” He leaned to your ear and whispered “Not yet pretty baby. If you can't be patient I won't let you cum okay?” He pulled away from your ear and started gently kissing down your stomach, making his way to your soaked core, your legs spreading instinctively. Leaving love bites at the tops of your thighs, you felt your hips buck as he kissed closer to your heat. His tongue finally gives your sensitive bud relief as you let out a high-pitched moan. You throw your hand over your mouth to keep from being too loud. You writhe in pleasure as he laps up your folds like a starved man.
Your breaths become irregular as you feel yourself about to release.”Yuunhoo!” You draw out as he pulls away again. “You’re doing such a good job baby. I'm gonna make you feel so good.” He pulls back and removes his pants. His thick cock springs up and smacks against his abdomen. “Are you ready sweetheart?” He asks with a gentle tone. “Yes sir please, I need you in me, please.” You whimper out as you spread yourself open, wetness pooling from your core. He lines himself up to your hole and slowly pushes in, your breath hitches as you feel him enter. Your walls practically pulling him in. “Fuuuuuck” He growls as he bottoms out. “You feel so good baby, so wet for me.” You let out a moan as he starts thrusting into you at a steady pace.
Wrapping your arms around his neck you pull yourself to his lips, using them as a cushion to muffle your moans. He snakes his hand down to your clit and begins rubbing it in a circular motion as he slams into you. Suddenly, he flips you over so you're straddling him. “Ride me sweetheart.” After adjusting yourself to the new angle you begin you bounce on his cock. The sound of skin echoing through the practice would be loud enough for anyone walking by to hear. Yunho grips your waist and starts fucking up into you, eliciting a wail from you.
Gripping his shoulders you begin feeling that familiar knot in your stomach, your moans get louder “Yunho! Please! I'm close, fuck I'm close!” He lets out a deep groan, thrusting up into you at speed you didn't think was possible. “So good baby. Gonna cum. Gonna fill you up baby.” He looks up into your eyes as if he were pleading. “Cum with me baby. Cum” as if on command, you both release at the same time- filling you up with a mix of both yours and his cum, your hands clawing at the tops of his shoulders as you both came down from your highs. Exhausted, you collapse on top of Yunho, both laying there listening to sounds of your breathing, feeling both of your hearts racing.
As you were pushing yourself up you felt Yunho gently grab the back of your neck and softly kiss you. As he pulls away he looks at you with tenderness and concern. “Are you okay? I didn't go too rough did I?” You smile down at him and shake your head. “No Yuyu, you were perfect.” He reaches over and grabs one of the towels you brought for your face and holds it under you as you pull yourself off of him. You both clean up the best you can and get dressed. You both sit back down on the floor and he pulls you into him, your head resting on his bicep.“I know it's a little backward to ask now, but I do really like you. I have since I met you, and I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me sometime?” He laughed nervously, averting your gaze as shyness took over him. You smiled and turned his head back towards you. “I’d love that Yuyu.”
Lying his head on yours his face gleamed with excitement as he took your hand into his. Turning to look at you with the biggest smile on his face “We should go dancing!”
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featherclan · 3 months ago
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Thank yall, truly this has been probably the most fun I've had just being able to draw these silly cats.
I did want to just share my thoughts and feelings about doing this for a whole year, especially as one of my longest running projects so far.
I've had a really hard time in the past with continuing projects, or honestly even starting them at all. This was all done on a whim last December, and I did start with a completely different idea that never made it to being a comic. These are actually the two cats from the original clan I did
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Maybe one day these two will make an appearance, but probably not.
I decided to go with Featherclan because I just didn't like how these two started out, and I just went for it. I have some regrets with Featherclan as a whole, I wish I had done a little more planning on the story part, as things are getting a little more slow before we get to the exciting stuff in the next couple of moons. The original designs of Sparrowtuft and Ravenstar were done in an effort to make it easy to draw them so I didn't get discouraged, but now I think they might stick out as newer members join the clan. Though I think I have done pretty well in changing them subtly enough to have them be more distinct while also being simple. I also originally made them too dark, especially Ravenstar's markings. I've actually gone through a few subtle iterations to try and make that less of a problem. I've also been a bit stuck for a while since Featherclan starts off so slowly- It did take like 20+ moons for another cat to join lol.
Some goals I have as the comic goes forward is that I really want to make the story more enticing and give myself more time to work on the updates. I want to make the characters personalities very distinct and have their actions really affect things. I want to world build more. I have a lot of goals and honestly, they might not all happen, but I'm hoping y'all will enjoy what's to come.
I really am so grateful for the support I've gotten from everyone here, it does help keep me motivated to continue.
I am also preemptively sorry for the drama that will happen in the next few moons, you have been warned.
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etherealyoungk · 3 months ago
— ✩ etherealyoungk's 2024 rewind!
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i saw this going around so i thought i'd hop onto it and do a little appreciation post for 2024! this is going to contain my top fics, some stats, goals for 2025 and a little paragraph for all my lovely moots on here <3
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— top three posts this year!
into the night - jeon wonwoo (with 1918 notes)
sugar & spice - jeon wonwoo (with 1536 notes)
new beginnings - jeon wonwoo (with 1287 notes) honestly didn't think people would like this concept so much haha and not all the top three being wonwoo fics lol.
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— longest fic of 2024:
sugar & spice - wc: 29.2k
— shortest fic 2024:
wonwoo fluff drabble - wc: 438
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— an unexpected fic in 2024:
love between the lines - chwe vernon (wc: 12k) i genuinely really enjoyed writing this fic. vernon isn't a member i write for often or find a little hard to write, so this was a nice challenge. i honestly don't thing i'd ever have written a long fic for vernon if it wasn't for the collab and i'm so glad i joined and wrote this because i had great fun with it and really happy with the outcome + seeing so many of you guys enjoy it makes me always happy ^^
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— some of my fav reads:
tell me that you love me pt 1 & pt 2 by @wheeboo one of the best fics i've read this year honestly this was tooo good like THE joshua fic so everyone go read this right now.
what's wrong with secretary kim with soonyoung by @xinganhao this was the cutest fucking thing i've read and i need more ahhhhhh kae your work is top tier i love it sm.
rates of change by @wqnwoos hana i'm literally in love with you and your writing and ths fic was the cutest thing ever i adored every word and ate it up.
ex-conomics by @ugh-yoongi oml this fic was so fucking good i read it in one go on my bed and it was such an emotional rollarcoaster but you wrote it so well everything was just so so amazing one of my favs for sure.
here and now by @writingmeraki babe im in love with your spy gyu couple im not even kidding when i say i go reread this often like i love it so much okay and i love you.
burnt promises, second chances by @slytherinshua omg zanna please this fic it was so good you wrote it so so well i just loved everything about this and the concept was so cool too!
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— milestones in 2024
writng an almost 30k fic bc that is insane to me i never thought i could do that but im so proud of that fic.
hitting 4.5k followers just before the year ends! that's honestly insaneee. i adore each and everyone who reads my work and leaves reblogs and feedback.
joining collabs and doing a collab for the first time was so new but also so exciting for me. hopefully in 2025 i can do more.
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— goals for 2025
finishing all my incomplete wips!!! i really really want to finish all the wips i started and left hanging skgjsg bc they were really good ideas and i wanna put them out in the world for you guys to read as well!
try to interact with you guys more? i feel like i don't enough.
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— a word to my mutuals <3
to all my mutuals i love and adore you guys so much and i still can't believe i'm actually friends with some of you insane guys i love yall so much and i love this silly little family i have on here, it means the world to me <3
@wheeboo rania i love talking to you and love how i can just come in your dms and be delusional and bounce off ideas with you. i love talking to you about anything and everything. you're seriously one of the best writers and i can't wait to see where 2025 takes us.
@fairyhaos yenaaa my love! i love talking to you and you're the sweetest and your fics are always so so good. i miss you but i hope you're doing well and taking care and uni isn't too hectic. always thinking about you fondly and sending hugs mwah mwahh
@writingmeraki pri the loml my wife i love you so so much. i love how became moots bc of this one post of yours and after that it's history and i just love talking to you about anything and how we just talk about anything and everything <3 i just love us so much. mwah mwah mwahhhhh
@strawberri-uyu nico my love! our convos are honestly the best and i miss you and i hope you're doing well and taking care of yourself bubs <3
@paindivinemp3 my dear maria! you're the sweetest soul ever and i love talking to you about life and things and it's always so nice to talk to you, it always feels like i'm talking to an elder sister đŸ„ș sending much love <3
@wqnwoos hana i literally adore you and your writing so so much and you're the sweetest kindest soul mwah mwah ily <3
@gyuswhore you're the coolest moot! you're so so talented, an amazing person and just the coolest!!
@jeonsupershy kashii i love talking to you about day6 and seventeen and i adore your gifs they're truly amazing and im so glad we got talking.
@ylangelegy kae omg i love your work it's so good especially your text imagines im in loveeee and plus i know we only started talking but it's so nice to meet another myday and carat and hopefully we talk more!
@gyubakeries tiyaa i love how you text me on discord and we have the most funny convos.
@fxstpace aspen omg new moot but you're so much fun to talk to i hope we talk get to talk more.
and all my other lovely moots that i adore: @blue-jisungs @slytherinshua @kyeomyun @hannyoontify
@weird-bookworm @lvlystars @icyminghao @cheolhub @rubywonu
if i missed anyone im so sorry but just know you guys are so loved by me!
@reikaryu @husbandhoshi @welcometomyoasis @babyleostuff
@odxrilove @holdinbacksecrets @husbandhoshi @naaaaafla
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tickly-trashcan · 1 month ago
It's The Thought That Counts? {Atsushi x Akutagawa}
Hear Me Out Cake Event!
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A/N: omg this is lowkey inspired by a REALLY old fic i did (linked here but its probably cringe omg) but basically Akutagawa should never be let into the kitchen LOL it's my fav headcanon that he cannot cook for shit so i wrote another fic with them having silly kitchen shenanigans! hope yall enjoy hehehe~
(Akutagawa was requested by @z0mb13-p0sts, so here's a little tag hehe hope you enjoy!)
Summary: Akutagawa absolutely cannot be trusted in the kitchen!
Word Count: 1.5k (under the cut!)
Akutagawa stared at the stovetop. He was unsure of where to begin despite the cookbook open beside him, which gave detailed instructions on how to cook the food. He glanced at it over and over again, checking to see if he had all the ingredients, all the right tools, everything you could need to make the food.
With a reluctant sigh, Akutagawa set to work. Chazuke could not be that hard to make, right?
Akutagawa was quickly proven wrong. He picked up the salmon that he was planning to top the chazuke with and checked the recipe again. It said to preheat the oven, and so Akutagawa set the salmon on a tray, set the oven to the temperature, and put the salmon in. He set a timer for 20 minutes, but the oven was not up to temperature yet. Akutagawa did not know that was important.
Next, Akutagawa turned his attention to the rice, which was the more important part of the dish. He checked the recipe again, which said to wash it under water. It did not say anything about soap, so he did not use any. He carefully measured out the rice and put it into a bowl with some water, swirling it around. The water became cloudy so he went to strain it out, but lost some of the rice along with it.
Akutagawa added the drained rice to a pot with some more water and set it over the stove. He hesitantly turned on the heat and stared at the pot. The recipe said to allow it to come to a simmer, whatever that meant. He turned up the heat again, despite the recipe saying to only go to medium-high heat, and watched until the rice began to boil. He then covered it with a lid and moved onto the next step of the recipe.
Atsushi preferred chazuke with genmaicha, so they had some stocked in the pantry. Akutagawa could make tea easily, so he quickly whipped up some piping hot genmaicha, then realized that it would need to be hot to serve. Atsushi would not be home for another ten minutes or so, so Akutagawa decided to just sip at the tea while he worked on any other elements.
Akutagawa poorly sliced some nori and mitsuba to top the chazuke with, and then checked the timer on the salmon. It was nearly ready, so he checked on it, only to see that it was still almost entirely raw.
Akutagawa checked the clock. Atsushi would be home in about five minutes now, so he had to hurry. He cranked up the oven temperature a little bit and checked the recipe one more time. The only thing he had left to do was assemble, but he would wait for Atsushi to come home before he did that.
Akutagawa smiled to himself as he thought of Atsushi coming home to a hot meal and what he would say to him. He imagined Atsushi pulling him into a hug and thanking him for the delicious chazuke, telling him it was delicious and that Akutagawa was a much better cook than he had let on.
The door creaked open and Akutagawa was struck out of his train of thought. Atsushi was home a bit early, but not too early, which was good for Akutagawa. He walked over to Atsushi and saw him taking off his coat and setting down his bag, looking at Akutagawa with a gleeful smile.
“Ryuu! How was your day? Mmm
 it smells good in here! What did you order for dinner?”
“My day was good
 Chuuya nearly had my head over something stupid,” Akutagawa chuckled and took Atsushi’s coat from him to set on the coat rack. “And for dinner
 I didn’t order anything. I cooked it all myself!”
Atsushi’s eyes widened. “Ryuu
 Are you serious?” Akutagawa nodded proudly, but Atsushi still looked hesitant. “Is everything cooked? There’s nothing sitting on the stove, or in the oven, or—”
“Everything’s under control, Atsushi, don’t worry about it,” Akutagawa said, kissing Atsushi’s temple. “Just sit down at the table and let me bring you some chazuke.”
Atsushi, despite his worrying, did light up at the mention of chazuke. He knew it was relatively easy to cook, so some of his worry subsided. “Ohh
 Well, alright. I am pretty hungry
Akutagawa ushered Atsushi to the table and then turned back to the kitchen, where everything had been going smoothly. His heart dropped, however, when he saw smoke billowing out of the oven and the rice boiling over on the stovetop.
The rice hissed as it hit the heat of the stove, and the smoke smelled like it would almost definitely set off the fire alarm. Akutagawa froze, unsure of what to do. He grabbed an oven mitt and fanned it around the smoke, trying to disperse it before he opened up the oven, only to release so much smoke that the alarm went off.
“Ryuu!” Atsushi called from the table. He ran into the kitchen and saw Akutagawa flailing around with an oven mitt and coughing.
Atsushi quickly jumped in, turning off the stove and setting the pot of rice aside to the cooler part of the stovetop. He took the mitt from Akutagawa and fanned it right by the alarm, trying to disperse the smoke more there until it stopped beeping loudly. He slipped on the oven mitt and pulled the tray out of the oven, completely unable to identify what it was that Akutagawa had put in, and dumped it into the sink.
“Ryuu, are you okay?” Atsushi asked as soon as he did a scan to make sure that their apartment would not burn to the ground. “Ryuu
Akutagawa had recovered from his coughing fit, but now he looked terribly upset. He kept his gaze fixed on the floor, unable to meet Atsushi’s eyes. “I’m sorry, Atsushi, I– I just– I really wanted to—”
Akutagawa stopped and grumbled to himself. He leaned back against the fridge and slid down the side of it, pulling his knees to his chest as he moped. Atsushi sighed softly and did one more sweep of the kitchen before he sat down next to Akutagawa.
“Hey, it’s okay, Ryuu,” Atsushi said. He did not put an arm around Akutagawa, unsure of how he would react, despite it being his initial instinct. “I really appreciate that you made the effort to make dinner for us. It was really sweet of you! I know it didn’t go the way you wanted, but maybe next time we could do it together? Would you be okay with that?”
Akutagawa was silent for a few moments, but then he nodded. “I would like that
 I’ve never cooked before, really
 Not even for me or Gin. But I think I’d like to cook with you.”
Atsushi nodded with a smile. “Good. Why don’t we go out for dinner tonight? You can treat and then we can pretend like you cooked that meal, hmm?”
Akutagawa laughed at that. “You’re just trying to use me for my money now, are you?”
“Of course, not!” Atsushi said with a hum. “Do you want to go to that new place that just opened up for sushi?”
“You are such a bad liar, Atsushi,” Akutagawa grinned. “If you’re going to use me to get expensive food, at least be subtle about it.”
Atsushi put a hand on his chest in mock offense. “You think that lowly of me? I’m hurt, Ryuu!” Akutagawa rolled his eyes and was about to say something else, but Atsushi began to poke at his side, making him jolt with a yelp. “Maybe instead of an expensive dinner, I should try and extort something else from you, then!”
“A-Atsushi–! Please, dohon’t!”
“What do you say, Ryuu? A nice, expensive sushi dinner
 Or your cute giggles?” Atsushi said with a smirk, poking at Akutagawa’s side as he spoke.
Akutagawa squirmed from the poking and huffed. “They’re not cute! I’ll take you to dinner, just don’t– GAH!!”
Akutagawa quickly burst into laughter when Atsushi began to squeeze his sides, making Akutagawa spill onto the floor as he flailed and squirmed. Atsushi laughed along with him as he pinched at his sides and lower ribs.
“Ooh, I’m excited for dinner! Hey, do you think they’ll have tuna?” Atsushi said, having to raise his voice slightly to be heard over Akutagawa’s laughter.
“I dohohohon’t know!! Ahahatsushi– Atsushi, stahahahap!”
Atsushi hummed. “Hmm
 Should I? I guess you did say you would get me dinner
” Akutagawa shrieked when Atsushi began to drum his fingers along his ribs. Atsushi tickled him just a bit longer before finally relenting, leaning over Akutagawa as he caught his breath. “Your treat, right?”
” Akutagawa wheezed.
Atsushi smiled widely and pressed a kiss to Akutagawa’s nose. Akutagawa grumbled and sat up while Atsushi snickered. The two of them worked together to clean the kitchen, then went off to the new sushi restaurant. Eventually, Akutagawa would learn how to cook, and that way, he would never have to be tickled for sushi ever again.
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whiskers-my-beloved · 6 months ago
Whiskers Update
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Hello everyone ! I hope you had a great summer this year! I haven't been posting in the last few months and I want to say I am so sorry for not updating you all sooner ! I have been very busy, it had been hectic for me and during the summer I had a lot of things to do aswell. I felt bad for being on here and not posting, so I thought I won't open my tumbrl till I had finshed the next page of my comic.
Which in hindsight was a bad idea, I should have told you all that I was busy instead of staying silent. So here as a little apology have this Tsum Wesker at the beach drawing. This summer I was more busy and couldn't really enjoy the beach but the little Tsum got to enjoy the beach atleast :D
I have many things still planned, so many art ideas that I want to share. But like before, I am busy and I am not sure how often I can post. The Tyrant!Reader comic is rough to draw and takes time but I really do enjoy making it!
Besides that I have other smaller comic ideas in the making. And ofcourse like before, I have seen some writings I liked and I wanted to make fanart of that. Hope I can find those posts again! Fanarts to fics / writings is really fun to draw too! (And I have unfished drawings from months ago that I would like to finsh too)
I want to thank everyone of you that took the time to read my silly comics, look at my art, leave hearts / comments and rebloggs. Those mean so much ! And thank for also caring how I was doing too ! Yall are so nice ;w;
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disappointmentofthefam · 1 year ago
Love? Love. (part 2)
Andy Barber x Reader
warnings-age gap,slow burn,smut
i hope yall enjoy this, i wrote it from the pit of despair.
p.s.- i promise you dom daddy andy is cumming soon ;)
The night following the fateful events of Andy sweating like a damn teenager after meeting y/n had resulted in restless sleep sprinkled with incessant thoughts of her. Did she have a boyfriend? hmm that would be bad But the thought of her being available is somehow worse damn it Andrew! You are not a silly little boy anymore, you are a grown ass man and you can talk to a girl without giggling and kicking your feet in the air! As the morning rolled in, it seemed like Andy's prayers were answered as a smiling Y/n was once again at his doorstep. she looked different in the morning, somehow more majestic.Still in her sleep shorts and her hair in a messy bun. lips looked plumper somehow, hints of slumber still in her eyes. "Good morning Andy", she grumbles. " Good morning, angel," Andy tries to test the waters, "missed me so soon?" fuck! I sound like a creep! maybe I should jus- His thoughts are interrupted with a soft giggle, "Yes, Mr. Barber, you couldn't possibly fathom how hard it was for me to spend all that time away from you", she rolls her eyes, but smiles nonetheless. there's some truth to it, she couldn't exactly shrug of the feeling of
.. um
. Andy from her heart and her mind and especially her pussy. the low vibrato of his voice was enough to cause her to flood with heat and arousal, "yes Andy! right there", His tongue lapping at my cilt I bet he's a fucking munch when it comes to eating out I bet he's a biter I bet he'd slap my face with it I bet he was one for holding me down and pounding me into the mattress I bet he'd cum in m- GIRL- IT'S 9 IN THE MORNING
She does that thing again, where she tries to divert her eyes from the man in front of her, "um, I think the mailman might have accidentally delivered our stuff to you." The sudden shyness in her demeanor doesn't go unnoticed by Andy's watchful eyes. "I just had Jacob bring in the mail, why don't you come in and make yourself comfortable while you sort through the stuff?", he ushers her inside. Jacob's eyes light up as he sees her, "Y/n! I was just thinking about you! my chemistry grades are sooooo tanked and i need your help", he looks at Andy, "Dad, would it be alright if y/n tutored me?" "Sure, Jake, I mean if she finds time in her schedule", they look at y/n for an answer. " Sure thing, I'm free by 6 p.m. on weekdays after classes, I think I could fit you in around
seven?" "Done", Jacob smiles at her as he grabs his school bag and slings it over his shoulder, " I'll see you tomorrow then? at seven?". "Yeah, at seven". " Bye dad, love you." "Love you too." With that Andy and Y/n fall into a comfortable silence as she sorts through the mail and separates the ones meant for her house. "Can i ask you something?" Andy breaks the silence. "You just did", y/n smirks at him. " Okay, smartass," Andy can't help but smile at her 12-year-old-boy-esquù-humor. "Can i ask you two things then, " Andy leans forward from opposite to her on the dining table, enjoying the back and forth between them. "Go ahead, jeez it's like a question paper come to life",y/n bites her lower lip in anticipation. Andy tries a more casual, less creepy approach, "How do you find the time to tutor after coming home from college? I mean you wouldn't have time for other things like for example, uhh a boyfriend." Y/n's cheeks turn red and she again diverts her attention from Andy, "I don't have one, Mr. Barber"
The admission makes Andy's stomach flutter with a sense of relief and something else
..a wave of pure and primal desire. She looks up at Andy with a flustered smile and lustful, hooded eyes, looking like the perfect mix of a nymph and a virgin, "is that what you wanted to know Andy? because let me tell you, you weren't being very subtle." she teases. "What if I did, sweets? What if I wanted to know if there was a limpy ,lacking frat boy who was doing nothing but disappointing you every time he touched you?" Andy's eyes go darker, the blue ring of his eyes being engulfed by his blown out pupils. "Well then Mr. Barber, let me tell you that i don't have any frat boys disappointing me at night," she leans in closer, so much that Andy can feel her warm breath on his lips, "what are you gonna do about it?" Almost.
This six letter word was the bane of Andy Barber's existence. She was so close, I could smell the faint smell of vanilla on her skin. She was so close, I could see the tiny freckles by her nose. She was so close, so, so close. Our lips almost touched Almost. Suddenly, the door opens and then shuts close and the sounds of progressing footsteps breaks them apart. "Hey, I just forgot my phone here." Jacob doesn't question the awkwardness in the room as he grabs his phone and leaves once again. In a frenzy, Y/n collects her mail and leaves for the door too, "I'm sorry if I overstepped Andy, I swear it won't happen again." Her voice small and choked, but I fucking hope it does happen again and again and again and again Amused by her nervousness, Andy tries to speak, but before he can get her attention, she has already left. Well she'd be here again at seven tomorrow, right?
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silly-circus · 10 months ago
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★SillyString’s story/background★
(Way long overdue lmao and long I’m so sorry guys, also made some edits because I wanted to word some things better)
I want to start off by saying she is me, me is she(Im not sure if I made it clear or not so apologies I’m kinda dumbđŸ«°). I say “her” in my posts instead of “me” because idk it feels right since I make her look differently than I actually do. Even so, we share the same name and I do the clown look all the time when I go out to places that I get an excuse tođŸ§â€â™‚ïžso really it is just me but anyway,,, time to begin! This is my first time actually writing this out so I’m sorry if it’s formatted and explained terribly
First off, Silly String is my persona’s clown name. She came up with it herself, everything else was Pennywise’s idea. She was originally a human, and still looks like one and has the appetite of one(when she changed Pennywise assumed she would want to eat people. He was wrong.) She lived in texas(yee-honk) before moving to Maine literally because she thought “why not?” and ended up in good old Derry. Her life growing up wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t the best. She was always into odd and strange things, or things that most would find creepy(clowns. Love clowns. They’re so cool) so she was kinda outcasted from others at a young age but soon people learned to just let her live in peace which of course she was happy about. She did manage to make some friends, solidarity. After moving, she continued pursuing freelance photography and painting, but her full time job is as a barista in a local coffee shop(wow, how interesting💀).
The way that she met Pennywise was kinda stupid. All she was doing was taking photos of the local wildlife and next thing you know a kid is running by before she notices a fucking weird ass clown creature from hell charging straight towards her(she still snapped a photo before running). He does catch up to her and jumps her. How she managed to not get away, but the kid did, don’t ask me. She survived, her camera unfortunately did not(he gets her a new one eventually guys trust).
since then, they kept bumping into each other. He does try to kill her again but she kept managing to escape him(pissed him off more and more each time) but soon enough he starts to chill out and basically decides to learn more about her. The more she realized he was going to not continuously try eat her every time he visited she would start asking him questions about who he was as an entity and where he came from. It does start out as a weird friendship where he would mess with her at work or appear out of literally no where to hang around. He does start to enjoy her company and watching her do normal, human things since her doing it made it seem entertaining. After a while of slowly getting closer and closer they become loving parters yay(she was still human at this time).
Fast forward and they get “married” which they really call their “eternal binding.” Basically what it means is that she became a part of him. As in if he dies, she dies. She unfortunately didn’t gain any cool shape shifting and such, she just gets to live and thrive as long as he does. When it first happened she was having a hard time with it simply because she’s going to outlive everyone she knows and will continue to, but over time she made her peace with it and saw it as a privilege to watch the world change around her and of course stay with her beloved.
Also the year they met was set in the 1980s, or honestly it could be any time after that or something I don’t know yall get creative I’m just going with the flow.
That is it :) sorry again this is long, and I hope every one has a good day/night(it’s 3 am why do I do this to myself). I also hope you guys continue to follow along with me on their lover clown journey :D
AND- little sneak peek of an upcoming piece I’m working on for Mermay 😙
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