#what if there was an old nerd who was also a baby. many people are asking this
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kayvsdoodles · 2 months ago
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old nerd doodle i don't think i posted
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intheholler · 10 months ago
the appalachian murder ballad <3 one of the most interesting elements of americana and american folk, imo!
my wife recently gave me A Look when i had one playing in the car and she was like, "why do all of these old folk songs talk about killing people lmao" and i realized i wanted to Talk About It at length.
nerd shit under the cut, and it's long. y'all been warned
so, as y'all probably know, a lot of appalachian folk music grew its roots in scottish folk (and then was heavily influenced by Black folks once it arrived here, but that's a post for another time).
they existed, as most folk music does, to deliver a narrative--to pass on a story orally, especially in communities where literacy was not widespread. their whole purpose was to get the news out there about current events, and everyone loves a good murder mystery!
as an aside, i saw someone liken the murder ballad to a ye olde true crime podcast and tbh, yeah lol.
the "original" murder ballads started back across the pond as news stories printed on broadsheets and penned in such a way that it was easy to put to melody.
they were meant to be passed on and keep the people informed about the goings-on in town. i imagine that because these songs were left up to their original orators to get them going, this would be why we have sooo many variations of old folk songs.
naturally then, almost always, they were based on real events, either sung from an outside perspective, from the killer's perspective and in some cases, from the victim's. of course, like most things from days of yore, they reek of social dogshit. the particular flavor of dogshit of the OG murder ballad was misogyny.
so, the murder ballad came over when the english and scots-irish settlers did. in fact, a lot of the current murder ballads are still telling stories from centuries ago, and, as is the way of folk, getting rewritten and given new names and melodies and evolving into the modern recordings we hear today.
305 such scottish and english ballads were noted and collected into what is famously known as the Child Ballads collected by a professor named francis james child in the 19th century. they have been reshaped and covered and recorded a million and one times, as is the folk way.
while newer ones continued to largely fit the formula of retelling real events and murder trials (such as one of my favorite ones, little sadie, about a murderer getting chased through the carolinas to have justice handed down), they also evolved into sometimes fictional, (often unfortunately misogynistic) cautionary tales.
perhaps the most famous examples of these are omie wise and pretty polly where the woman's death almost feels justified as if it's her fault (big shocker).
but i digress. in this way, the evolution of the murder ballad came to serve a similar purpose as the spooky legends of appalachia did/do now.
(why do we have those urban legends and oral traditions warning yall out of the woods? to keep babies from gettin lost n dying in them. i know it's a fun tiktok trend rn to tell tale of spooky scary woods like there's really more haints out here than there are anywhere else, but that's a rant for another time too ain't it)
so, the aforementioned little sadie (also known as "bad lee brown" in some cases) was first recorded in the 1920s. i'm also plugging my favorite female-vocaist cover of it there because it's superior when a woman does it, sorry.
it is a pretty straightforward murder ballad in its content--in the original version, the guy kills a woman, a stranger or his girlfriend sometimes depending on who is covering it.
but instead of it being a cautionary 'be careful and don't get pregnant or it's your fault' tale like omie wise and pretty polly, the guy doesn't get away with it, and he's not portrayed as sympathetic like the murderer is in so many ballads.
a few decades after, women started saying fuck you and writing their own murder ballads.
in the 40s, the femme fatale trope was in full swing with women flipping the script and killing their male lovers for slights against them instead.
men began to enter the "find out" phase in these songs and paid up for being abusive partners. women regained their agency and humanity by actually giving themselves an active voice instead of just being essentially 'fridged in the ballads of old.
her majesty dolly parton even covered plenty of old ballads herself but then went on to write the bridge, telling the pregnant-woman-in-the-murder-ballad's side of things for once. love her.
as a listener, i realized that i personally prefer these modern covers of appalachian murder ballads sung by women-led acts like dolly and gillian welch and even the super-recent crooked still especially, because there is a sense of reclamation, subverting its roots by giving it a woman's voice instead.
meaning that, like a lot else from the problematic past, the appalachian murder ballad is something to be enjoyed with critical ears. violence against women is an evergreen issue, of course, and you're going to encounter a lot of that in this branch of historical music.
but with folk songs, and especially the murder ballad, being such a foundational element of appalachian history and culture and fitting squarely into the appalachian gothic, i still find them important and so, so interesting
i do feel it's worth mentioning that there are "tamer" ones. with traditional and modern murder ballads alike, some of them are just for "fun," like a murder mystery novel is enjoyable to read; not all have a message or retell a historical trial.
(for instance, i'd even argue ultra-modern, popular americana songs like hell's comin' with me is a contemporary americana murder ballad--being sung by a male vocalist and having evolved from being at the expense of a woman to instead being directed at a harmful and corrupt church. that kind of thing)
in short: it continues to evolve, and i continue to eat that shit up.
anyway, to leave off, lemme share with yall my personal favorite murder ballad which fits squarely into murder mystery/horror novel territory imo.
it's the 10th child ballad and was originally known as "the twa sisters." it's been covered to hell n back and named and renamed.
but! if you listen to any flavor of americana, chances are high you already know it; popular names are "the dreadful wind and rain" and sometimes just "wind and rain."
in it, a jealous older sister pushes her other sister into a river (or stream, or sea, depending on who's covering it) over a dumbass man. the little sister's body floats away and a fiddle maker come upon her and took parts of her body to make a fiddle of his own. the only song the new fiddle plays is the tale about how it came to be, and it is the same song you have been listening to until then.
how's that for genuinely spooky-scary appalachia, y'all?
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is-dracula-daily-today · 5 months ago
may we hear about the stage play?
Ok so disclaimer before I start whining, I recognise that adaptations cannot be perfect 1:1 representations of books because that just won't work.
Also local theatre are doing the best they can, they looked like they had fun, genuinely good for them for putting on a whole play. Dracula, Van Helsing and Renfield were particularly good, and the crew of the Demeter gradually being taken was cool.
But having read Dracula a few times now (and caring about it more than I would have expected, in large part thanks to the Dracula Daily community), here are the changes I wasn't on board with.
Most of Jonathan's time in the castle was cut. He arrived, had one scene about solicitor business when Dracula said to write that he was staying another month, and then that was it until Mina got a letter that he was in a convent hospital. There was a flashback scene in the second act with the three creepy ladies eating the baby and him realising he was about to be eaten himself so he needed to escape. I guess it was for time but we just didn't get any of the build-up of dread.
Arthur's father, Lucy's mother and Mr Hawkins were all cut. Again, I can kind of see why as it streamlines some plotlines etc but it reduces the amount of stress and loss the gang are dealing with on top of Dracula.
Jack and Quincy were individually friends with Arthur but only met each other at the start of the play? And neither of them proposed to Lucy - it was mentioned later that Jack was in love with her but Quincy barely even interacted with her.
None of the modern technology that helps the heroes get the edge over Dracula - shorthand, telegrams, phonographs, trains - were mentioned, so the whole theme of Old vs New was lost. (also so many of the lovely quirks of the characters! no Mina being a massive nerd about railway timetables!)
It was a bit... confusing? Like who was in Whitby and who was in London at which points, what was going in the big final showdown... I could follow but the people I was with who hadn't read it were a bit baffled at times.
Last point going under a readmore, spoiler warning for the epilogue
They changed the epilogue to be a real downer! The frame of the play was Van Helsing telling us the story three years later, at which point: no mention of little Quincy, Mina still wakes screaming and won't tell Jonathan what she dreams about, Jack has buried himself in work, and Arthur has withdrawn from society. Uhhh cool. ok.
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nnicknnelsonn · 4 months ago
The New York Times Review:
The Broadway revival of “Romeo + Juliet” plays to the TikTok crowd. But maybe that’s a good thing.
Source: New York Times Oct 24, 2024 (X)
Mostly positive, which is impressive from the NYT! Hopefully offsets the negative reviews. (X)
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Kit Connor and Rachel Zegler and a viral pull-up
…Connor needs no help in keeping and maintaining the emotional temperature, easily enlarging the tenderness and obliviousness of his Nick on “Heartstopper” to fit the stage. When he looks into Juliet’s eyes, you see what he wants and how seriously he wants it; when he walks among his riotous peers, as they hump Teddy bears and sniff out insults, you see how little that means to him now.
Connor is also a very physical actor, or at any rate his recently beefed-up, often tank-topped body is given a workout. Instead of just climbing to Juliet’s balcony — represented by the design collective dots as a flowery bed that descends from the heavens — he does a leaping pull-up from the ground to get there, then lifts himself farther to achieve full face time. This is a lover with lats.
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But a manly Romeo and a tiny Juliet — Connor is nearly a foot taller than Zegler — creates, or reinforces, a problem. It’s disturbing enough in the Shakespeare when Lady Capulet tells her 13-year-old daughter that “ladies of esteem” her age are “already made mothers.” With an actor who, despite his baby face, looks much older than his years (Connor is 20) and an actress who looks much younger than hers (Zegler is 23) you’re left in an indeterminate space between ancient and current levels of ick.
It’s wise, then, that despite the supercharged sexuality of the staging otherwise, Gold limits the pair’s lovemaking to gropes and kisses.
…Gold’s staging is perhaps the busiest and funniest I’ve seen, a lot of the humor coming from the dotty nurse, whom Shakespeare designed for that purpose. (She is played with Valley Girl snark by Tommy Dorfman, who also plays Tybalt.) And though there is, of course, violence, it is broadly mimed and deliberately mild. What the production emphasizes instead is unfairness, as teenagers tend to do as well, wanting limits to excuse their whining.
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The play is thus less terrifying than teenifying — hence the plus sign instead of the “and” in the title. The lobby, lit like a junior high school prom, offers not just the expected merch and specialty mocktails but a table where ticket holders can learn about registering to vote. The choreography by Sonya Tayeh lands perfectly in the zone between professional movement and what a nerd might do in front of a mirror. Fangirling and fanboying are strongly encouraged. There is nothing unlikable about any of this.
It’s a little slick, though, at least for seen-that adults. The play’s twisty language, expressive of twisty thoughts, is largely untangled but, in the process, flattened. (Gold’s edit brings the running time, not counting intermission, to “the two hours’ traffic of the stage” Shakespeare mentions, but some of that traffic is stop-and-go.) I smiled a lot but never came close to crying.
Is that a reasonable response to aim for when staging the world’s most famous weepie? For me, seeing so many young people engaged, it is. Perhaps, as Shakespeare commands in the play’s closing speech, they will “Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things.” And so what if the production achieves that goal by protecting them from too much unruly feeling, just as the Capulets aimed to protect Juliet? Probably, the Capulets were right.
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elswing · 6 months ago
i've had the new elf OCs for two seconds and i'm already so attached oh my GOD. camnir!!!!!!!!!!! to be fair we spent a year in mass delusion convinced he was celeborn so i'm predisposed to adoring him but it doesn't help that he turned out to be my dream characterisation of galadriel's nerd house husband. you hear The Wise™ i hear slightly dorky, zero social skills, has at least seventeen highly niche interests that he's the world-renowned expert of purely because no one else in their right mind finds them interesting enough to bother learning about
anyway i doubt the show will explore them since they simply don't have time for fully rounded side characters but that just means i get to invent whole backstories and personalities for them in my head >:}
elrond asking galadriel to pick the warriors for the company implies that he was the one who picked the mapmaker, since a fellow scholar would fall under his expertise whereas the combatants would be galadriel's
WHICH!!!!! means that at the very least he knows camnir and has worked with him before. technically that could also mean they're old friends. study buddies????
i think whatever exclusion elrond went through for being peredhel was less outright scorn and more wariness/stiffness because they just didn't know what to make of him, either because of his biological fuckery or the intimidating presence of his heritage. camnir is completely exempt from this simply because he is too oblivious to follow a social norm
also he just. does not care all that much
he's originally a sindar, but he applied for an apprenticeship in lindon after he'd learned all he could from the mapmakers in eryn galen
he was offered a permanent position there after completing it, but in the early days when he thought his time was limited all he wanted to do was study
he and elrond became friends purely because of how much time they both spent in the library. neither of them spoke much and they didn't interact outside of it due to their interests and studies encompassing different areas, but eventually they both settled on the same table and spent many nights in quiet company
he's a little awkward and doesn't interact well with the noldorin elves, and though they view him as a bit of an oddity, most of them chalked it up to "ah, well, he's sindar. maybe that's normal where he's from"
it is not. he loves his home and his people, and like them he is very attuned to nature and loves passing time with wildlife or in the forests. he did not, however, inherit their love for festivities, as he found them horribly loud and the constant movement made him nervous. he mislikes the unpredictability of them
this is also why he was so drawn to mapmaking. he likes the precision and focus they require to draw, and one of the only times he can find inner quiet is when he's making those calculations
he also has a great love of botany. he spent most of his younger years with his nose buried in a book, reading about the plantlife that could be found beyond eriador's borders
he used to enjoy babbling about his findings to his younger sister when she was a baby, or to their grandparents who raised them after they were orphaned in the war
they were happy to indulge him, but if all else failed he would go into the forest and talk to the trees instead
he's very young compared to the other elves in the company, and the only one without much experience in combat. they took one look at him and unanimously went 🫵 baby. baby brother
camnir was fully aware from the start that he was out of his depth, so he asked the others to teach him some fighting manoeuvres.
daemor suggested archery, as he might benefit from a longer range weapon while he was too inexperienced for close combat. unfortunately his aim was comically bad and rían was forced to ban him from coming within three feet of a bow after he accidentally fired three (3) arrows that missed their marks so badly they almost skewered elrond
(elrond was so focused on glaring suspiciously at galadriel & nenya that he didn't notice)
they also had to remind him multiple times not to wander into rían's path while she was wielding a bow just because he wanted a closer look at an interesting patch of moss
he DID prove to be adept at wielding a knife, so vorohil entrusted him with one of his own
he grew very fond of daemor after discovering his love of singing. camnir taught him some drinking songs he remembered from his youth, and daemor spent most of their night-time treks humming them
he was very sad when he died. being shot at and then magically healed disorientated him at first, but the only thing that successfully soothed him was when they promised to stop and give daemor a small funeral ceremony
him, vorohil and rían definitely survive the siege of eregion and go on to help elrond build imladris btw. they reside there all the way through to the third age. no one gets boromir'd full of arrows or written off or dies off-screen. Btw.
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stuffnthangsss · 5 months ago
I wonder why there’s not many deaged aus in the GF fandom? Especially, baby! dipper & mabel. I feel like that was a big part of fandom back when GF was airing lol. Maybe it was just the marvel fandom?
This made me start to write a Drabble about the mystery twins one day randomly turning into ~toddlers for some supernatural reason or another. And Stan and Ford have to deal with their niece and nephew being way younger than they’re used to lol while trying to find a solution to get them back to being 13. Maybe I’ll do some art of this too 👐.
Stan’s reaction when heading into the mystery shack and seeing two babies who look way too much like the kids…: “Oh no”
I have a headcanon that dipper was a particularly clingy baby. And that Mabel was a bundle of never ending energy hahah.
This also leads to dipper being wary of ford (bc he knew stan for longer and he’s thinking like a much smaller child now) at first unlike Mabel who’s one of those babies who’s ok w everybody. This hurts ford’s feelings :( at first!! But then it gets better
Stan is very confused why his twin bro’s mini nerd isn’t immediately attached to him and Ford rationalizes this and comes to the conclusion that the twins’ brains must be operating at the level of 3-4 yrs olds so all their memory is not there which then leads ford to be like “oh..”
But sadness aside!!:
“FORD, this one’s attached himself to me like those dang ginormous barnacles we found in the Red Sea”
“It was the Arctic Sea, Stanley.”
“Holy moly how did their parents manage to keep Mabel from killing herself, why this kid wants to eat plastic is lost on me.”
“Dip, buddy I gotta put ya down, my old man back is not liking this standing business”
*baby dipper pouting and suddenly having watery eyes*
“Oh Jesus.”
“Seriously, Ford are we sure the pines aren’t descended from a line of strong beasts or sum. These gremlins have crazy grip”
The twins trying to talk:
M: “Gwunka!!”
S: “What’s that, pumpkin?”
D: “‘Tan, ‘tan!!”
S: “Dipper, kid it’s Stan, stuh-an”
“‘Tan!” He replied with a self satisfied expression
“Jesus kid you were always stubborn huh” Stan raised his eyebrow slightly and let out a huff, smiling as he said so
“Gwunka ‘Tan!” Mabel followed her brother
Some random dialogue:
“Jeez, Sixer looks like we’re down 2 people to do our bidding.”
“sTanLeY. Seriously do you hear yourself?”
Ford huffed and shook his head explaining how to reverse the spell or whatever
Soos upon seeing the situation:
“Uh dudes, do Mabel and Dipper look a little different to you guys?”
Cue to stan and ford looking at soos with twin “srsly?” faces
Some fluff with Stan seeing the twins struggling in their sleep from nightmares:
“Are there brains even developed enough to have bad dreams??”
“Well I’ve read that-“
“Rhetorical question, Sixer”
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c-m-stuff · 2 years ago
Girls Fight
Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
-Description: You and Spencer are married. You two have a beautiful daughter, but because of a crazy woman, your family is in danger.
-Warnings: Angst, language, fighting, having a child
-Word count: 2687
-Note: (Repost from Wattpad.) An angsty story. I use here the name "Abby", know that I don't have anything against the name, or people with the name. Have fun, guys!
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'And, how is it going? Does she wants to talk?' I asked Aaron, as he closed the interrogation door.
'No, she says nothing.'
Abby Lim, a hitwomen, who killed many people. We just arrested her. It was a very stressful case for all of us. The thing is, before we arrested her, she was being very flirty towards Spencer.
'Drop your weapon, Abby.' David ordered, in a serious voice.
Abby was just standing there, gun pointed at us.
'I don't know. I don't want to.'
'Hey you, little nerd. What do you think? How do I look?' she continued, looking straight at Spencer.
As Spencer didn't gave an answer, she gave it.
'I know, I look hot as always. But, you don't look bad either, baby.'
I felt my blood raise, as I tried to concentrate me. I quickly glanced at my husband, who was looking nervously.
'Put your weapon down, now!' Derek yelled, also furious.
'Calm down, muscles. I do, if nerd asks me.'
'Abby, put your weapon down.' Spencer spoke, a little more calmly, trying to win her trust.
It worked. Surprisingly, she trew her weapon away, as the men cuffed her.
'See? Was that now so hard?' she said, before they took her away from us.
Flashback over
Now, we only needed to know, where she kept her last victim. She kidnapped a woman, who was still missing. It is really important, that we find her as quick as possible. Aaron just questioned her, but she didn't said a word.
'She asked for one thing. If we gave it to her, she swore she will tell us, where the victim is.' Aaron sighed, which I didn't understood, since it's good news we're getting closer.
'That's great! What is it?' I asked, everyone now looking at him.
'It's a date with Reid.'
My eyes went wide, and I'm sure, I wasn't the only one.
'No, no, no.' Spencer said, repeatedly, coming closer to us.
'How-how do we know, she's not lying?' I asked him, biting my lip.
'She would sign a contract. If she lies, she would get more trouble than she already has.'
'Okay. Let's do it.'
'What? But, (Y/N). I don't want to go on a date with her.' Spencer said, still a little in shock, that I accepted it so quickly.
'I know, love. I don't want it, either. But, it's the only way to save another life.'
'We give you two some privacy.' Aaron spoke, as everyone left the room.
'But, it would feel like cheating on you.' he admitted, giving me a sad look.
'Spence, I trust you. I know, this is for saving a life. But, if you don't want to, that's also perfectly fine. We can always try and find another way to let her speak. It's your decision.'
'Okay then. But, I want you and (Y/D/N) home. Far away from her.'
'You got it!' he wrapped me into a soft hug, pressing kisses on my head.
(Y/D/N), is our 4 year old daughter, who we will always protect with our lives.
'Yes, love?'
'Be safe, please.'
We slowly ended the comforting hug, and went back to the others.
'I do it.' Spencer confirmed.
They all started arranging things, as I went to Derek.
'Derek? You're going to be there with him, right?' I asked the muscular man, causing him to nod.
'I am.'
'Please, take good care of my husband.'
'I will, pretty girl. I promise.' I smiled at his words, while he returns the smile back.
Not much later, it was time for me to go. Just as Spencer already said, he wants me and (Y/D/N), home. Safe.
Spencer's POV:
Abby and I, just arrived at the fair, where our "date" was located. Morgan and another agent, were walking behind us, from a little distance.
'I'm so happy, that our first date is at a fair. We can have so much fun!' she exclaimed, but my thoughts where only by (Y/N) and (Y/D/N).
'Babyyy.' she catched my attention, but not in a good way.
'Don't call me that.' I spoke, irritated. The only person who is allowed to call me that, is (Y/N).
'Don't be mad, little nerd. Look where we are, look at the things that we can do.'
'You know, you signed a contract, right? In exchange for this date, you-'
'I have to tell you where the last person is. I know, I know. Stop rambling.'
'Okey, well give me something.'
'Green? Give me something better.'
'Hey, aren't nerds supposed to be smart? Figure it out by yourself.'
'OMG!' she suddenly yelled, causing me to look immediately at her point of view.
'Can we take some pictures in the photo booth? Pleaseee!' she begged me, considering I had not much of a choice, I agreed.
'Yay!' Abby clapped in her hands, as she pulled me inside.
'Smile, lover boy.' she ordered, while I forced a fake smile.
We took a few pictures, as she suddenly pulled me into a kiss. I immediately pushed her off of me, but it was too late, the picture was already taken.
'Abby! Don't ever do that again!' I yelled angry at her, my thoughts by (Y/N), the woman that I love so much. I felt guilty.
'You're so boring, it's not that you're having a relationship or something.' I kept quiet, as she began to scan my nervous behavior.
'Omg! You have a girlfriend!'
'No, I don't!' I lied, although technically I don't have a girlfriend, I have a wife.
She kept quiet, suspicious. But, she stopped talking about it, and changed subject. Just at that moment, the pictures came out. She quickly took them, placing it in her pocket.
'I keep them.' Abby told me, before walking further.
'I already told you to not call me that.' I answered, a little pissed.
'Whatever, I need to use the restroom.' I sighed under my breath, as we walked to a little bar, which was not too far. It was a little crowd, but it could have been worse.
'Okay, an agent is coming with you.'
'Don't you wanna come? We can have a lot of fun in there.'
'I thought, you found me boring? Besides that, I think, that's something you need to do by yourself.' I replied, as she rolled her eyes.
She went to the restroom, an agent following her, and waiting by the door. Morgan came towards me.
'Pretty boy, how is it going?'
'It's terrible, she won't stop calling me "baby", and she even kissed me. I hate this.' I sighed, this time out loud. He patted my shoulder, while giving me an understanding look.
A few minutes passed before realizing that she was there for a while now. A rush of concern, washed over me, as Morgan and I decided to take a look. While we entered the restroom, we saw the other agent on the floor, beaten up. He was still alive, but had bruises and blood everywhere. But, Abby was gone.
'Shit, she escaped.' I cursed, as Morgan and I looked at each other with defeated faces.
I reached for my phone, but found my pants pocket empty. My eyes immediately went wide, and I began to panic.
'NO, NO, NO, NO!'
'What's wrong?' Morgan asked me, as I once more searched for my phone.
'She took my phone! AND MY KEYS!' I panicked, thinking about the many pictures in it, of (Y/N) and (Y/D/N).
'I call Garcia to trace your phone.' Morgan said, as he took his own phone.
'You've reached Penelope Garcia's office, how may I safe your ass today?'
'Baby girl, you're on speaker.'
'Garcia, you have to trace my phone.' I spoke, as I tried to calm myself down.
'On it. But Reid, you sound worried. Everything okay there?'
'No, everything is horrible. Abby escaped, and my phone and keys are gone.'
I could hear her typing quicker, and felt that she was worried too. We all were.
'Oh no.'
'What is it?'
'She's on her way to your house.'
It felt like I was hit by a bullet. My breathing became heavier, as I was already running to the SUV, Morgan right behind me. We both stepped in, while Morgan said his goodbye to Garcia, before hanging up. He drove with fast speed, towards my house.
'Reid, she is going to be fine. They are going to be fine.'
'We have to drive an hour, because I wanted them as far as possible. Abby is already on her way, and she is closer to them.'
I rambled, panicking even more.
'I-I can't lose them. (Y/N) and (Y/D/N), are everything I have. They're my world. I-'
'Then you don't lose them. Spencer, they will survive. Besides that, (Y/N), works also at the BAU. She has the skills, they're not gonna die. Okey?' I nodded slightly my head, trying to ignore my stupid worse scenario's thoughts.
I just finished reading my sleepy daughter a bed time story. I love to read her bed time stories, just as I love Spencer reading them sometimes for me. I kissed (Y/D/N) on her forehead, as I quietly stood up, and closed the door.
I decided to watch my favorite show in the bedroom, laying comfortable under the covers. But, suddenly, I heard something. I heard carefully footsteps. I knew, it couldn't be Spencer, since he would call or text me, if he's heading home. I let the tv play, as I quietly took my hidden gun from my closet. Just in case.
With the gun pointed forwards me, I slowly stepped out of the bedroom. My heart started to sink, as I saw the bedroom door from (Y/D/N) her room open. I took a deep breath, and pushed slightly the door more open.
My eyes were full of fear, as I saw Abby, pointing a gun at the head of my still sleepy daughter. I tried to be confident, not showing any fear.
'Abby, you could have knocked.' she immediately turned her head towards me, a smirk formed on her face.
'And ruin the surprise? Didn't think so.'
'Look, Abby. What do you want?'
'Isn't that obvious? To kill you, of course. But, I could use a little challenge, why don't we fight a little, so I can beat the hell out of you?'
'If that's all you want, let's do it. But, you need to leave my daughter's room. She has nothing to do with this.'
'Fair enough, but no guns.'
'No guns. Let's go first to the living area, shall we?' I lowered my gun, trying to win her trust a little. She did what I said, and left the room.
We both trew our weapons away, as I quickly locked (Y/D/N) her room. I never locked her room, but the last thing I want, is her to witnesses this.
I just wanted to turn around to Abby, as she hit me in the stomach. I winced at the pain.
'I wasn't ready yet!'
'Aww, how sad. But, I just don't care.'
I then found the confidence, and ran into her, both falling on the ground. I was now on top of her, as I punched her repeatedly.
Suddenly, she trew me off of her, causing me to fall next to her. She took her chance, and stood up as quick as she could. I stood up, as well, as I looked panicked around me. There was no Abby.
I walked with high speed, towards the kitchen, as I felt an incredible pain. I clutched my stomach, and noticed the blood on my hands. That bitch just stabbed me, the knife still in her hand.
'You said no weapons.'
'No sweetheart, technically, I said no guns.' Abby said, unfortunately a matter of fact.
'You stupid bitch!'
Trying to ignore the pain, I trew my body on her, causing her to drop the knife. She used her hands to dig into my wound, as I screamed out of the pain. Abby used this into her advantage, getting immediately up, as I still was wincing from the pain.
'You know, (Y/N). I first thought that you were a weak slut. After all, this just proves me right.' she said, the knife again in her hand.
'It's only so sad, that you're daughter and Spencer, never going to see you again. They need to live a life without their mommy. And, the best part is, that Spencer will forever blame himself.'
She walked closer to me, as I looked quickly around me. I spotted my gun, not that far away from me.
She came closer to me, ready to stab me.
It was now or never. Ignoring the heavy pain, I reached for my gun, grabbing it, and just on time, I shoot her, right in her stomach.
She fell on the ground, crying it out from the pain, as she struggles with breathing. I empty my gun, trowing it far away. I tried to stand on my feet, as I groaned at my own pain.
'You know, I have to admit, I didn't excepted this ending.' Abby managed to speak out, causing me to laugh, lightly.
'I did.' I joked, but in reality, I really was scared for all of our lives.
I leaned against the wall, still clutching my stomach, as the front door busted open. The team coming in, followed by paramedics.
'(Y/N)!' Spencer yelled, as they all putted their guns away, sawing what had happened.
'(Y/N)! Are you okay? I was so worried!' he immediately rushed towards me, just like the paramedics.
I shook my head.
'Abby needs more help than I.' them seeing that I won't give up, they went first to Abby.
'I'm okay, Spence. Everything is fine now.' I reassured him, with one hand grabbing his.
I looked around, seeing the whole team being concerned about me. I gave them a soft smile, before calling JJ.
'JJ, can you come, please?' I asked the blonde, as she walked towards us.
'(Y/D/N), was sleeping when all this happened. I bet, she's awake now. Will you please, check up on her? Telling her that everything is alright now?'
'Of course.'
'Keep her there, please. I don't want her to see this.' JJ nodded her head, walking towards the bedroom.
'Are you okey?' Aaron came towards us, as I nodded my head.
'She just confessed the location of the victim. Agents are on their way.'
'That's great.'
I accidentally made an unexpected move, causing me to groan in pain. Spencer immediately supported me, so I won't fall.
'You're so brave, love. I'm so proud of you. I can't imagine what you went through.' he helped me through it, as finally the paramedics came.
Spencer kept holding my hand the whole time, while the paramedics were taking care of my wound. The whole thing, forced Spencer to think about the one person, who brought us in this mess.
'I need to-'
But, I cut him off, holding his hand.
'Spencer, no. I know, she deserves it, but don't. It's all okey now.' I stroke the back of his hand with my thumb. His eyes softened, looking at mine with admiration and love.
'And, that is one of the 1000 reasons, I love you. You're always kind towards others, no matter what you went through.' we both smiled, as our lips connected, for a sweet, loving kiss.
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avastrasposts · 4 days ago
I've been thinking a lot over the last few days about what you said about seeing redheads/ plus sized redheads in media. I think it's an interesting conversation to have. I am also a redhead and I'm midsize, but I live in Scotland. And while I fit a stereotype here, and there are a lot more redheads around than there would be elsewhere, I've still experienced quite a shocking amount of bullying and grief because of it (something I was told over and over again was that people were just 'jealous', but that really only goes so far to explain shitty behaviour - I actually had someone deliberately cut a chunk out of my hair in an art class once). I've also been thrown some sectarian abuse out and about on occasion just because people made an assumption about my religion based on how I looked, which is a whole other conversation, but it is connected. I'm a 90s baby, so by the time I was old enough to really know what was going on, there were a lot more redheads in my sphere of media (Ariel was a BIGGIE for me, as was April O'Neil from TMNT), but I picked up from a younger age than I should have that redheads were overtly sexual- I've dealt with bullying and harassment because of my hair, skin tone and freckles, sure, but I've experienced fetishisation and over-sexualisation WAY more as a curvy redhead than I ever anticipated, and it's happened at home and in different countries across the world. The way people would just casually drop sexual or overly-familiar comments in to every day conversation is completely nuts, and as a young woman I didn't want to make a scene or call people out publicly, so I just laughed along with everyone else when it happened. Now I'm in my 30s I've run out of shits to give, and have absolutely no problem making conversations awkward if people do it, but my heart goes out to younger women, or those who maybe don't feel like they can openly pull people up about their behaviour. It seems redheads are either the butt of the joke or overtly sexual, and it's so hard to exist in neutrality somewhere in the middle and just *be*. I just wanted to send you this to say that I hear you, and while it's nowhere near the same sphere as racism and could never be, it is a lived experience and it's worth talking about.
Reading your message really brought tears to my eyes because we share the experience, and it's very unique to us. I'm so glad you messaged me this ask and shared your side of it too!
It makes me wonder how many other redheads grow up with the same experience but not realising that there are others. After my first post, I got a couple of DMs from people who wished to be anonymous, so I won't name them here, who said the same thing you did. It's been amazing getting these messages about what it's like being a redhead, and how we are portrayed in the media because it's not a discussion I've seen before.
You're so right about the way redheads are either the butt of a joke, or sexualised, and although it's gotten better, it still stings when yet another "ugly" character is portrayed as a redhead with freckles (and often glasses, but at least I can wear contacts). Not sure the overly sexual act is any better, how many "do the drapes match the carpets?" joke do we need to hear? What does it teach little redheaded girls when all they've had to chose between was either ugly nerd/freak, or sexual objects? Thank god that's changed a lot, but the trope still appears far too often.
And like I said in my first post, and I'm glad you mentioned it too, Ariel was a BIG deal, the beautiful mermaid who was also a redhead, a Disney princess as a redhead! And her hair wasn't her personality, it was just her hair. When they cast Halle Bailey as Ariel in the live action, some people were upset and said she should be white, but I know how big of a deal her not being white was to a lot young girls, since it was a big deal for me that she was a redhead in the cartoon (and she's still a redhead in Halle's version so I take that as a win :D).
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sefusneezed · 10 months ago
What was Kat's upbringing like (with having three dads)
Ermm TECHNICALLY one dad and two uncles 🤓🤓🤓🤓
UHHHH probably not the typical admech upbringing experience. She didn't have any like, tiger parent stuff. But its honestly not any typical upbringing experience in general lmfao Von Kuronar is nuts.
She's an orphan and adopted RIP but she doesn't remember her birth parents because she was literally an infant when Von Kuronar took her in. Like five months old. This guy who claims he's ALL logic NO emotion went out and adopted a baby just to spite the ecclesiarchy who was calling her blessed by the Emperor when it was his skitarii blessed by the OMNISSIAH who found her. Then he comes back to the rest of the gang ranting about the hardships of being a single father and Kalanis and Mordekai are just confused as hell.
Problem is this guy had no idea what he was doing. A SUPER old archmagos who's not only disconnected and out of touch, but also unhinged and strange in general to begin with. He's literally the worst guy you could pick for parenting. Dude yells way too much at everyone, he had to get his vocal chords augmented so they can handle the amount of yelling he does. He just seems angry all the time. Literally everything he says can be taken negatively. And he just Cannot Relate to stupid biological child problems so he has no idea what to do when she comes crying over random kid stuff and he ends up saying and doing the stupidest most braindead stuff you can imagine to try and "fix" it. I mean, dude tried his best. He read as many parenting books as possible. Let's her get away with everything (literally bans her from the biologis labs and then conveniently "forgets" the next day) And he spoils tf outta her. So then you get this weird disconnected dynamic that's literally just based off miscommunication where he loves her as his own and thinks her not wanting to be around him is just "grr my dad is old and NOT cool" but then actually she's just scared of him and every interaction is awkward as hell. He will not admit any fault though he did nothing wrong he is the best dad. UHH MORE INFO She was homeschooled. She was so bad at basic admech stuff that she would not has survived in any kinda schola and it got too expensive to keep bribing them. She does not vibe with the machine spirits and tbh didn't have much interest in them anyway. But its ok she makes up for it by being a biologis savant. Literally ten years old and doing open heart surgery sticking augmentations on people messing with clone vats. It's so weird she is so bad at machinery unless that machinery has SOMETHING to do with biology, and then she's a genius. So Kuronar just let her focus on that because mechanics was just painful for everyone involved when she did that. Unfortunately UHH she also had no friends. Literally none besides like, SUPER old people and servitors because like she just simply didn't know anyone else. She was so lonely she harassed anyone who made the mistake of giving her attention RIP to all of Kalanis' offworld diplomat guests.
In general umm it wasn't really good but it wasn't bad either?? I mean, its kind of shit but in the context of 40k childhoods she was soooo lucky. Didn't even have the typical admech rigid structures and schedules and whatever smh smh they just let her do whatever she wanted. Sucks for her though because she's still a big nerd who made HERSELF study biologis stuff and now everyone must suffer for it when the latest Kat Beast escapes containment. They should have just left her with the ecclesiarchy and made them deal with her.
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twst-hottest-takes · 3 months ago
I don't know how much of a hot take this is, but it's crazy to me that book 6 had to have all the housewardens in the book because Vil couldn't transition well into book 6.
Every other overbloter could transition well into the next book. Like in book 2, Riddle didn't feel forced in because he's a rule follower who doesn't want others to get hurt. In book 3, Leona was able to help us out with his unique magic. Book 4, Azul is charismatic and knows how to get his way. Book 5, Jamil likes to dance. What does Vil have going into book 6? A big fat nothing. He doesn't have siblings, he isn't secretly a nerd, he isn't apart of the government in anyway, his unique magic is to change objects but never comes in handy, literally the only reason he's there is because the story mandates it.
Now, I'm not saying the housewardens being at Styx was a bad thing, it's just ironic considering Vil's character. Like he had to share his limelight with about 9 different people (housewardens before him+Rook+Epel+Mc+Grim+Malleus), and it honestly made him more like a character who's only there to say "I love my family." I know he turned old for Grim, but it wasn't really a problem until they got on the airplane. Which even then, you're telling me this nepo baby can't get a job even when looking like an old man? Also I honestly thought a medical professional could just turn him back, but that's mainly because the magic system is buns, and I don't understand it.
Idia ftw (ftw=for the win) though, his story was written fantastically even though his overblot was confusing to say the least, but like I said buns magic system, I don't understand.
Vil was kind of just a plot device that round wasn't he?
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So, from a writing standpoint, Vil's pressence in the story makes sense and all that but he doesn't really do much. He gets kidnapped with all of the overblotters and Grim, which prompts (just) Rook and Epel to go looking for the STYX facility and bringing the MC with them. Rook's signature spell specifically makes it possible to do this, and then we reunite. That's all. After that point Vil doesn't really do much except turn old in a self sacrificing gesture that he regretted as soon as he saw the consequences. The other overblotters being present makes enough narrative sense when considering the stakes. When you realize Leona was the only one who could solo wield a thunder spear it becomes apparent why it's helpful to have so many powerful mages around. But that did bloat the cast and put Pomefiore into obscurity worse than what happened to Scarabia in Book 5. . . That's not to say that the writing for this chapter is bad. It's coherent and makes sense from start to finish and utilizes the characters involved accordingly, but yeah, Vil kind of got snubbed (and I'm saying that as someone who can't stand the guy). I don't thinm he even used his signature spell which is weied because everyone before him had used theirs in some way against the previous overblotters.
Writing choices, amiright?
Thank you for your take!
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quitealotofsodapop · 10 months ago
Monkey King: Hero is Back Au/Sequel details:
Old post of ideas and theories - made before I experienced the game.
May name the au and/or fic "Hero Rebound" as a ref to the ship nam eof Dasheng and his LEM.
Mixing some elements found in the video game as the added lore is cool af but a bit messy. Also the old man that raised Liuer deserves recognition.
Putting characters under Read More:
Major Characters:
Dasheng/Sun Wukong/"The Great Sage Equal to Heaven":
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Going by the prequel concept poster; Was born/hatched looking like a coconut macaroon.
Secretly a herbalism/medical nerd. In the games he keeps a little guide of the medicinal plants and materials he finds.
Babysat a lot on Huaguo. In the english dub he even seems to default to asking if Liuer needs a babysitter.
Instincts take over a lot. Will pull the kids towards him and groom fur thats not even there.
Is tramatized by his experience in the Trigram Furnace.
Desperately wishes to find Erlang Shen so he can kick his ass.
Tries to play it cool; but Liuer's death actually tramatized him. He fears losing him again.
Don't touch Liuer or Silly Girl. Those are his babies now. He will kill you.
Zhanshi/Six Earred Macaque/Liu er Mihou/"Great Sage Informing Wind":
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An oc/JTTW character variation; Was a member of the Brotherhood of Sages during her and Dasheng's youth. The LMK OC Picrew was used to create a rough image of her.
Sweetest ray of bustling sunshine compared to her gloomier mate. Will still kill any being that dares touch one of her subjects.
Severely injured during the Burning on Mount Huaguo - permanetly damaging her right eye and ears. Dasheng had assumed she'd died during the battle after he was tossed into the Furnace.
Honorary grandma to the little monkeys of Mount Huaguo. Helped raise many of them after the Burning while their parents foraged and worked the land.
Finds a weird Stone Egg that crashed down after the solar eclipse. Now everyone seems to want the dang thing. Realised what the egg truly was when she heard the flutters of a heartbeat from within.
First time Liuer accidentally called her "Mama", Zhanshi cried for two hours.
Pls do not touch the baby monkeys. She will bite. And crush.
Jiang Liuer/"Tripitaka"/Current Incarnation of Golden Cicada:
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Died during the battle with Hundun - but Dasheng basically smashed down the doors of the Celestial Realm and begged the gods/bodhisattvas to bring his biy back.
Is bedbound and near comatose for 49 days as his body and soul heals.
Dasheng sacrificed his powers, freedom, and some of his dao/life energy for Liuer's revival. Liuer may or may not be part-stone monkey now.
Liuer doesn't know what happened to his parents. He assumed he was abandoned. His time in Diyu-Limbo clears this assumption up - learning that his parents died protecting him from mountain trolls/yao that wanted him for his delicious holy soul.
Can be a feral little guy at times. He was raised by a hermit after all.
Calls Fa Ming "granddad" in the english dub, so it's possible he just assumes Fa Ming is his granddad.
Is desperate for a mother figure.
Sha Ya Tou/"Silly Girl"/"A-nan":
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A very cheerful baby despite her situation.
Is not 100% human.
Hundun specifically needed her for the ritual.
First word ends up being "Bima!" (horse) after someone mentioned "Bimawen".
Zhu Bajie/"Uncle Pigsy"/Marshal Canopy:
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Lies that he's the reincarnated Pagoda King to scare demons. And because nobody outside of Heaven knows who Marshal Canopy is.
Gets real quiet when people bring up the story of Chang'e for some reason...
Amazing uncle figure. Notices that Liuer is sad during the movie's song sequence and uses his transformation ability to let the little guy experience flying.
Most of the time on the road he lets the kids use his stomach as a pillow.
Sha Wujing/"Sandy":
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Another oc/JTTW character variation since no Sandy-equivalent appears in Hero is Back. Also made in the LMK OC Picrew.
Dresses very masculine but loves accessorising with flowers, shells, bones, pretty rock etcs.
Zhu Bajie shot her a wink and Sha Wujing had to politely explain that she wasn't interested in men in general. The two then bonded over their shared love for women.
Encounters the Seven Spider Sisters and... ohhh mama.
Sifu Fa Ming/"Grandpa":
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Just some really cool old human dude.
Has a Diogenes-esque view of life, and does not care for monks and religious officials living in luxury. Self-exiled himself from his Vihara so that he could persue a simpler life.
Raised the baby he found (named "Little River Float/Jiang Liuer" cus thats what the baby was) with whatever he could find. Pretty much all alms he gained were used for food and clothes for his adopted grandchild. And from what the opening credits show, Fa Ming travelled with Liuer on his back through rain, snow, and shine.
Considers finding Liuer a blessing from the Buddha. Something he's somewhat correct on.
Was the first one to introduce Liuer to the legend of the Monkey King - as a cautionary tale to not be covetous. He did not anticipate Liuer thinking the monkey demon was the coolest person in all of Buddhist mythos. Fa Ming sighs, maybe that doll of his influenced that too.
His english va is James Hong, aka Mr Ping from Kung Fu Panda and he gives the best english performance imo. James Hong just be playing ancient chinese men who find and adopt a random baby they find.
Canglong/"The Dragon":
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Isn't Ao Lie/Bai Longma... but is one of his dads. Canglong and Ao Run are a thing. Ganglong was once a regular rain dragon who saw that the newly-appointed King Ao Run of the "Western Sea" (in the mythos the older three called dibs on the actual seas around China) trying to build a canal from the Yellow River. Canglong called down a great rain to help make the in-land sea/lake that would become Qinghai Lake. The two dragon bonded over their effort and well... dragon pups occured.
I hc that the Western Sea kingdom is a lot more chill than it's empire-like brothers, so these guys are flying and swimming freely all around the place.
In the film the dragon and Dasheng just sorta team-up off screen. In the game they have Guanyin bring the boys straight to the Western Sea Palace (in the sky) to ask for a dragon assist. Canglong fought Hundun and the other three Perils before alongside "Shunwang" - a human with a sword. "Shunwang" is likely a reference to Emperor Shun of the "Three Soverigns and Five Emperors"-era of Chinese mythos (same era as Nuwa, Fuxi, and Shennong) and predecesor of Yu the Great; who ultimately tamed the waters with Ruyi Jingu Bang (Sun Wukong's future staff). Emperor Shun in mythos beat the stuffing out of the Four Perils - though not the same ones that include Hundun - rather Gonggong who broke the Heavenly Pillar.
Adding on to the lore from the HiB game: Canglong teamed up with humanity during the Great Flood to help curb the flood waters. Here he met Shunwang, who's goal was to kill the Four Perils and God that helped cause the Flood. Canglong thought that was cool af and got all the dragons involved to help. The Four Perils are sadly all concepts and you really can't 100% kill them, so they all ended up sealed away instead. By the time of Dasheng's release; Hundun (blind chaos) got out. Canglong was in the same area as the gang looking for Hundun to apprehend him - when Sun Wukong ran up to him with info on what Hundun had planned, Canglong agreed to help no questions asked.
As in game canon: Helps the gang return the stolen children. I hc through amazing sense of smell. Canglong doesn't hang around for long though, as Ao Run immediately flies over, worried out of his mind for his injured mate, and brings him home. Canglong and Ao Run do however have a cheeky white-scaled dragon pup that likes to pretend to be horse and is obsessed with the legendary Bimawen...
Hundun and the Great Perils:
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A squad of four primordial concepts set loose when the destructive water god Gonggong destroyed the Heavenly Pillar. Their goal? Take out the newly-formed humanity.
Among them was (as taken from Chinese mythos):
‣Qiongqi/窮奇/"poor and strange": Deviousness. Said to devour the innocent/noble people, and serve evil ones. Said to either possess the body of a flying tiger or a carnivorous ox. Killed at the hands of Emperor Shun.
‣Taotie/餮/"greedy glutton": Gluttony. Said to have the head of a ding/bronze vessel that consumes all. Has the body of an ungulate, and the voice of a baby. Some believe it to be the reincarnated form of Chi You - the decapitated enemy of the Yellow Emperor.
‣ Taowu/檮杌/"stupid stump": Ignorance. Personifies the stubborness of man, and the refusal to learn. Resembles a sabre-toothed tiger.
‣ Hundun/混沌/"chaotic torrent: Chaos. Like chaos it's true form is blind and directionless. Mythology says that attempts were made to give it holes in which to see, breath, and eat, but it immediately died and reincarnated into "an evil creature".
Nuwa, alongside Shunwang and the dragons, and a bunch of other allies, kicked the Perils butts but couldn't 100% kill them. The compromise was exile/sealing them away indefinitely. Hundun in his original form was attemtped to be rehabitilated, but upon gaining sight and the ability to breathe - died and reincarnated into the human-reptilian avatar we see in the film.
"Hundun" is an extenstion of primordial chaos itself - a thing that isn't inherently evil and was born alongside Pangu when the World Egg hatched. The demon king however, has merely a chunk of the power held by his original life.
Hundun in his current form may have died... but the soul within has move on into something else. Child-like chaos cannot be contained.
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evenmyhivemindisempty · 6 months ago
Hi! Do you have a favorite ship for each Boyd character?
I am sorry this one took me so long!! Couldn’t be helped - I’m such a multi-shipper in general, and it was so tough narrowing these down! (And I still cheated a bit!😅 But here we go!!)
Steve Murphy: Oh man, it’s gotta be Javi. They’re coworkers with baggage!! There’s so many trust issues and the occasional bad blood but it’s clear this is also the most intimate relationship in both of their lives. These are lonely, obsessed workaholics who can only really take solace in each other. Plus, Holbrook staring longingly at Pedro Pascal will never get old. But I gotta give an honorable mention to Steve/Pacho Herrera. I mean - sexy, openly gay narco kidnaps DEA agent, proceeds to greet him soaking wet and shirtless, fresh off a swim. He made him a cocktail! Steve said they were good!!! How long did you stay there after, Steve?? Be honest with us!!
Donald Pierce: I am a HUGE multi-shipper for Pierce. I don’t think I’ve seen a Pierce ship that I don’t like! I like them all! But my all-time favorite has gotta be Gabby/Pierce. There really is an entire story with those two we only get little glimpses of – she calls him her boyfriend (although it’s unclear how honest she’s being in that scene), but more than that, they were *friends*! They were both comic book nerds! She managed to steal 20k in cash from him! They were probably so close at one point, and it implies *so much* about what Pierce is probably like in his private life, with people he trusts, because I cannot see Gabriela Lopez being good friends with somebody who exclusively acts like an overly masc mercenary asshole. Never gonna get over how the original script calls for Pierce to leeringly describe Gabby’s “long legs” and “long hair” to Logan, but Holbrook notably nixes that bit. There’s respect there! There’s love! There’s betrayal! It’s so good!!
Cap Hatfield: Aww so a friend of mine turned me onto Nancy/Cap! It really is interesting how this loyal little murder bunny decides to straight up tackle his beloved uncle for whipping her, and I do adore the idea of them getting together in some capacity later. I bet stone butch, maybe virginal, Cap would have a hell of an interesting time following the commands of a woman who absolutely knows what she wants.
Clement Mansell: Oh, Raylan/Clement for sure. Clement has a massive daddy kink and a need to prove himself to male authority figures in his life! Sweety/Clement has some similar potential, as Clement does really respect Sweety and wants to impress him, but ultimately Sweety is just not capable of handling Clement in the way he needs. Clement’s a brat that secretly yearns for someone to be able to just put him on his back and show him his place, and that’s Raylan!
The Corinthian: Oof, this one is so hard. I wanna ship this pansexual icon with all the characters!! Dream(both Morph and Danny)/Corinthian, Gault/Corinthian and Hob/Corinthian all really intrigue me for different reasons, but for some reason I keep gravitating back to Calliope/Corinthian and Rose/Corinthian, cuz I think Corinthian deserves a better god to worship than Dream!! I honestly can’t decide which one I ship more between those, *but* I’ll probably go with Rose/Corinthian just because of the sexy threesome potential if you add in Carl or the Good Doctor. (Rose and GD both topping Corinthian together?? GD sexily teaching baby dom Rose a thing or two??)
Eli Klaber: Oh Klaber/Voller for sure. Klaber is absolutely unhealthily obsessed with his boss, and there’s so much good fucked up potential there, especially how Holbrook describes Klaber as almost being suckered in by Voller offering him unconditional love for the first time in his life.
Ty Shaw: I’m in two camps here. For the sweet stuff, Sancholo/Ty is the way to go. They’re grieving together! They both played up how much they *totes hate each other*, but Sancholo was in on the whole bit with Ty the entire time! Sancholo probably had a puppy crush on Abby’s older brother when they were younger. It’s cute! Now, that’s all well and good, but god, in the fucked-up and dark column, Abby/Ty??? LOOK, the Shaw’s are welcoming and kind, but that family was also dysfunctional as hell. The mom didn’t really seem like she was parenting much - Ty and Abby seemed like they were almost the “mom and dad” of the household, and I love them developing this intense and unhealthy attachment/codependency.
Quinn McKenna: Nebraska!! No question. All those *looks* Nebraska was shooting his way?? Adoring and soft but hungry at the same time?? Nebraska thought he was cute and precious, and I love that Quinn pretty quickly starts getting attached to him, too. That conversation they had by the pool…! But you know, Predator/Quinn is spicy too 😌
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officeobject · 5 months ago
Boyfriends Webtoon slander compilation (the old compilation + will update)
Color codes:
Pink = Darlen stuff
Purple: Compilations, aesthetic stuff, etc
Orange: Other, such as news, I guess
Everything before "Best and worst fidgets, for when you're watching Boyfriends Slander content" is old and from 2023 or something.
Why I hate them (I can swear to God none of my hate is in a joking way)
Besides the fact that they are stereotypical, awful characters, I knew someone for years who reminded me of Goth (which is why I seem to hate Goth the most), and Prep reminds me why I'm aromantic asexual, whilst also making me feel aroacephobic to myself. The webtoom gives me the same feelings as, and remind me of me, if I was alloromabtic allosexual, and that would include a change of both personality and would also remove my neurodivergence, since I could swear to God I can't separate myself from those identities. The webtoon is the webtoon equivalent of what I feared I would become, the webtoon is the equivalent of when I'm being myself less, etc, and hating on it makes me feel:
A sense of community, pride (also queer pride), general happiness, a sense of being heard and understood (the latter of which I don't seem to feel as often as the average person), a sense of belonging, a sense of being allowed to be me, and many other things. 
Anyways, I obviously also hate Nerd and Jock (in case you don't know, he likes the other back, has a puppy kink, and allegedly also has a cow kink), but I connect Goth and Prep more to things that make me feel like shit, but subconsciously. 
Also, allegedly some people have been rude to the, or at least one of them, and I have a squish (the extreme type, which is usual for me) on whichever character that is, and I'll end up having that character as a special interest, and I'll write a free story or something, to the one who can provide me this info!
Btw, I saw Nerdburningcore being called AND I FINALLY FOUND MY OWN!
OUR Boyfriends headcanons (for everyone who follows specifically this book)
I'll start:
Goth hates Darlen Momentum. 
Jock sweats more than Jebediah 
Nerd is the type of smart kid that most people don't like, but who will turn everyone against you, and hit you, and tell you to do stuff you don't want to, then claim to be your friend
Prep likes Justin Bieber's Baby song. 
🟡Good slander, slander, and YTPs compilation:
NOT Final:
Even more, flash warning: youtu.be/zyP2HZAiYHg
A good YTP with a good ending:
And slander:
New slander:
More slander, good intro:
More slander by same person:
Part 1, of more slander
Boyfriends slander with censored kisses:
Another good slander, with most of the ads, and stuff: 
Simple/simply slander:
Nice short slander
Good reactions and reviews, video version compilation:
A funny reaction to some of the ads:
An appropriate reaction to the Prep Tiktok ad:
A public, short, around 3 dollars Boyfriends few official Webtoon images fan dub roast:
Why a YouTuber doesn't like Boyfriends, but check the comments about clarification about information on Refrainbow, and this is kinda a review thing:
Good inspirational videos for when the one you dislike/hate is like one of the characters, and/or a Boyfriends fan compilation:
Sending someone on Discord, the text from the Prep ad:
Annoy the shit out of Nerd, POV: youtu.be/jWvx6hhRBE8
Inviting Nerd to spend quality time with him (animation meme-like short vid).
Good Boyfriends voice-overs, and dubs compilation:
Boyfriends good voice-over, almost the entire thing is good (that's more than what I can say for over half the slanders)
Another voice over with good quality:
And the sequel:
Third one:
Boyfriends but I don't hate Goth TW for suicide stuff:
Boyfriends Webtoon everything voice-over, captions included, so that you can understand Goth's 9129380198273 year old smoker voice, like, he is a representation and manifestation of SO many things that I hate, and some of the worst things in my life:
I have NO idea what they're saying, but the voice-acting is great, for this voice-over:
A good dub, with extra good stuff, such as more Goth slander than most:
Boyfriends, but everything is voice-acted:
A good dub, with extra good stuff, such as more Goth slander than most:
A voice-over:
This is also a voice-over:
Chapter 1-20, (30 MINUTES OF SLANDER) voice-acting:
Speedpaints and links to art compilation: 🟪
Purple Hoodie Guy speedpaint: 
Boyfriends first (according to me), commercial thing, cheap animation version, Prep moan warning.
Part 2, Nerd-meeting commercial:
Part 3, last part, party commercial:
Boyfriends slander quotes:
"If I were the *I forgot* of this comic, I would give these two more brain cells." Or something like that. -Squidy. 
" "yAy A bOyS nUmBeR" yeah, whatever." - Four the four. 
"Uhm ... yeeeaaaahhhh, I'm not gonna read the rest of it, because it's just flirting around, like a moron." - Four the four
"The trash touched the trash, how romantic! sO cUtE i'M goNnA mElT! You know what's cute?! YOUR DEAD CORPSE." 
- Four the four
Random Boyfriends webtoon facts (and reasons to hate)
A LOT has happened in my life, but I can be here, to bring you some Boyfriends facts!
The webtoon that fetishizies gay and poly people, is made by a queer (queers can still.be queerphobic and whatnot, and I can use that word, because I'M queer), pro-shipper, who drew fan art of a K-pop singer ... as in, pornographic fan art ... as in, of that singer being a minor ... as in, WHILE that singer was a minor ... also, yes, the creator, was also a minor, at the time, but he still drew and wrote a bunch of porn of IRL people, and shipped the underaged person, sexually, and with the older members of the band. 
Moving on, we have a Jock fact:
He has a puppy kink, and allegedly a cow kink (if you don't know those things are, basically, he finds it sexually attractive, when people act like a stereotypical puppy and/or a stereotypical cow)
Now, a Nerd fact: People find it suspicious that he somewhat and/or sometimes acts like a kid, even though they're all college students (around 20, Lance Gray's age), and is still highly sexualized, and people find it weird that they think he even LOOKS like a kid. Also, he dyes his hair, and since one of the main ways I recognized people and characters is by hair, that confused me a lot. Sounds like stereotypical nerd emoji. 
Prep fact: People think he's like the gay stereotype. He has cringe lines, and he is never a good boy, and he is not a good boy. 
Goth fact: One of the types of people I stay away from, not even goth (is basically an e-boy). Trans man, which we all will accept, but we won't accept HIS PERSONALITY. Also, why does he sound like a smoker, even though, on average, people DON'T sound like smokers, unless they are? Oh, wait ... ANYWAYS, he has those cat headphones, that people cringe at, and for a good reason, because THAT outfit with THOSE headphones?! EW! Anyways, he is a gamer, and people think he's a stereotypical Discord mod, but I'd say, he's the guy to show everyone your fight with him, without consent, make brutal fake fights, spam your server with stuff, because "if you gotta have one, this is what might happen, so get used to it", or something more pathetic, instead of just muting your server or whatever. He's also the type to not care about what you write, and also the type to make sexual jokes, and and the type to send irrelevant GIFs, and when you're trying to be the mature one, he will react like "u hoe ass loser", even though you're the opposite of a hoe, and he sure ain't. He's also the type to self-harm and have mental stuff, and make jokes about it, and when you don't know how to react, and/or react innapropriately (maybe because you're neurodivergent), he gets mad, and doesn't believe people will help him, and doesn't take your advice, so what are you supposed to do?! He's also the type to be quite mean if he's in a fight, and to have them a lot, etc. 
Non-voiced character's voice-claims
Every canon Purple Hoodie Guy scene I'm aware of, written and described
Note: He's not hot, and don't ship him (sorry, just my friendly feelings towards him). 
One scene is him kinda from a distance. He is wearing his iconic outfit, consisting of a (bright) pastel purple hoodie, a white cap with, like, THE part, of the cap, being almost black, but appears to just be an extreme dark shade of color, a white shirt, that isn't low-cut nor anything , and his black jeans are technically ripped jeans (at both respective knees). He is walking, and holding what is implied to be a glass of beer, in a beer glass at least, with beer to the brim, and almost completely over-flowing with that one part of beer, that I forgot, except the implied beer, is a light pink. His hair is short, but seems messy, but INTENDED-MESSY, and he has light pancake skin, lightly red lips (lucky, because mine seems to just be too bright, in my opinion, or maybe I'm just thinking it, without that being true), and his hair is also a shade of dark blond, but the shade of blond ACTUALLY looks cool, which is rare for blond people! He is looking, and walking, to the left, from the right, and that is the angle, of which his nose is being seen from. His glass of a chosen drink, is held in his right hand. His mouth is closed.
Every canon Purple Hoodie Guy scene I'm aware of, written and described
Note: He's not hot, and don't ship him (sorry, just my friendly feelings towards him). 
One scene is him kinda from a distance. He is wearing his iconic outfit, consisting of a (bright) pastel purple hoodie, a white cap with, like, THE part, of the cap, being almost black, but appears to just be an extreme dark shade of color, a white shirt, that isn't low-cut nor anything , and his black jeans are technically ripped jeans (at both respective knees). He is walking, and holding what is implied to be a glass of beer, in a beer glass at least, with beer to the brim, and almost completely over-flowing with that one part of beer, that I forgot, except the implied beer, is a light pink. His hair is short, but seems messy, but INTENDED-MESSY, and he has light pancake skin, lightly red lips (lucky, because mine seems to just be too bright, in my opinion, or maybe I'm just thinking it, without that being true), and his hair is also a shade of dark blond, but the shade of blond ACTUALLY looks cool, which is rare for blond people! He is looking, and walking, to the left, from the right, and that is the angle, of which his nose is being seen from. His glass of a chosen drink, is held in his right hand. His mouth is closed.
Another one, is a closer shot, and one learns that the strings of his hoodie are actually a lighter shade, than the hoodie itself, but still pastel purple. His face-shape is more detailed, and he isn't QUITE looking directly at one, but half-way there. He has average ears, that are more pink-ish on the inside, and his drink got audibly, and accidentally, bumped into Jock, which has the expected effect, including PHG himself, looking angry, or at least on his way there. He is clenched his teeth with anger, which reveals his hygienic, and brushed, calcium-made mouth-bones. (If this comes up when searching for him, then we all better HOPE he's not famous/popular anymore, lmao!)
Yet another one, is close to him, and in the same angry as the first one mentioned and all, except it is as detailed as the FIRST one mentioned, and includes him being ready, to, with quite an amount of anger, yell/scream/shout at Jock, as he looks average, and his dark (black, specifically), eyebrows, are more a part of his expression, than ever before. He has taken Jock's white shirt, and is keeping Jock close enough to yell threatingly at, effectively, but it is also visible, that the holding of the garbage bag, is meant in an angry, and aggressive, and generally unhappy way, as the emotions that are allegedly being conveyed here, being that he won't let Jock go, until Jock hears, and gets threatened by, PHG putting him in his place, like the leader bitch he is. His hand's palm doesn't look the same as mine, as he has one line, visibly, which is near the base of his thumb, starting at exactly that weird middle part of the front of the arm that I personally have, starting a bit more to the left, before being a straight-ish line, that otherwise is on its way to the right. He visibly seems to be an average human, having average bones at average places, complete with thinner skin at the usual places one has thinner skin, as shown by the bone near his neck, and the previously-mentioned arm-dip. PHG has anger-lines, as if it's not obvious, that he is angry, like, I may be bad at social stuff, like pure shit, but it's obvious to me that he is angry, which is one of the most obvious examples of conveying emotions, that this only-good-for-PHG-Webtoon has, as far as I am aware of. Meanwhile, Jock is showing "calm down" in his body-language, remaining somewhat calm, with the average speech-bubble saying, written exactly:
The last scene, is the same scene, but from a more far away shot, like the first one, and PHG is clenching his fist, and teeth, respectively, with the same negative emotions, as established. He is saying, in an average speech-bubble:
"WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING, FUCKFACE!" spelled exactly that way, all-caps. 
Goth is watching, with a "?", looking like shit as always, eyes not visible.
Nifty quality fanfic/fanfiction compilation + nifty slander books
A forced, exercise-themed challenge, FT. Purple Hoodie Guy:
boyfriends headcanons !! - the boyfriends do the pacer test - Wattpad
The restaurant staff must work together, in order to kill the Boyfriends:
boyfriends headcanons !! - explosions - Wattpad
The day already had a shocking start, but will it at least not be THAT bad, from now on?
Boyfriends fanfic 🖤 - tamariplushies - Wattpad
Has all except Jock, and has mostly about Prep, but is descriptive of how they really are:
the book of slander - boyfriends slander: prep - Wattpad
Premium Boyfriends-hater, defends friend
I don't care that she says she likes that Webtoon, and that she has read enough to make an opinion, as SHE ADMITTED TO NOT READING MUCH, and she has the Webtoon app, so I think maybe her taste is generally shit, plus, I don't think she knows about the NSFW chapters, and Boyfriends gets more cringe, if you read beyond a little bit. 
FACTUAL graphic novel info
Gonna add this, in case this is what you're here for, and you'd be freaking out like how I would: PURPLE HOODIE GUY WILL NOT APPEAR IN THIS, AS HE DOES NOT APPEAR IN EPISODE 55, NOR ANY ONES BEFORE!
The official description is some of the story, and some lies (such as, calling Goth the word "sexy"), and the cover image is of Prep, and chibi versions of the other Boyfriends (this time, Nerd has blue hair), and some yellow stars in various sizes that look like stickers, a planet or two, and some strawberries, and oh my God I don't know exactly why I hate Boyfriends but while most people do not hate stuff that gives me similar/the same feelings, people usually hate Boyfriends. A second book is planned, BUT DON'T BUY THEM, BECAUSE THERE WILL BE FREE REVIEWS ONLINE, AND PICTURES, AND BECAUSE OF THIS FACT:
"Collects episodes 1–55 of the WEBTOON comic Boyfriends." (I deleted the word "delightful"). So, yeah, it's just a scroll-free compilation of the Webtoon episodes, in order ... wait ... there will be physical copies of all of that ... God save us ...
Boyfriends Volume One: A WEBTOON Unscrolled Graphic Novel
by refrainbow
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SHIP THIS ITEMQualifies for Free Shipping Available for Pre-Order. This item will be available on November 21, 2023
More details: 
Book 1 of 2Boyfriends
Print length304 pages
PublisherWEBTOON Unscrolled
Publication dateNovember 21, 2023
Product details
Publisher ‏ : ‎ WEBTOON Unscrolled (November 21, 2023)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 304 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1990259782
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1990259784
Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1 pounds
Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6 x 1 x 9 inches
Best Sellers Rank: #549,867 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
#564 in LGBTQ+ Manga (Books)
#2,759 in Romance Manga (Books)
If you wanna see the cover, the description, and some random details, here, but keep it away from fans: Boyfriends Volume One: A WEBTOON Unscrolled Graphic Novel by refrainbow, Paperback | Barnes & Noble® (barnesandnoble.com)
Boyfriends Volume One: A WEBTOON Unscrolled Graphic Novel (Boyfriends, 1): refrainbow: 9781990259784: Amazon.com: Books
And more stuff is out on the internet, but basically, there is no reason to be afraid, except for having physical versions of otherwise digital trash.
When info comes out about the second one, then I will write that down, and also tell if PHG is there, but there obviously won't be any new images of him, then, and don't buy it, as pics are available online, and the money from the copies, and even from just scrolling on Webtoon, would logically partially go to Refrainbow, at minimum, who can then make more trash, like, at least make captain Darlen Momentum canonically chosen siblings with re-occuring fellow antagonist "Purple Hoodie Guy".
My opinions on Boyfriend ships
Also, for those who will probably say "but don't you hate them?", I'd like to say, that thinking a couple is good together, shipping, etc, does not make my hate any less than it is, as I don't like the people, but it's nice seeing two shits having to deal with each other (and also, yes, I even got a couple to be together, but now I actually want the dude to experience the pain that I got from his lover, due to his cruelty, and I hope they break up).
Prep x Nerd: Honestly, it's entertaining, but at the same time, I wanna destroy this ship thing.
Prep x Jock: I think I actually might only ship them, because they had a crush on each other, before eventually hooking up ...
Nerd x Jock: To be honest, I don't wanna see that.
Jock x Goth:  I hate this.
Prep x Goth: This is not only my favorite ship, but also, I generally just ship this.
Goth x Nerd: I ship this, too, but it's not THAT good, you know?
PHG x Goth: Stop.
PHG x Prep: WHY?! Anyways, I hate it. 
PHG x Jock: The one who is Purple Hoodie Guy, bumped into a guy who spilled his drink unintentionally, and who has a puppy kink, so does anyone really THINK they should be shipped?! ESPECIALLY due to their respective personalities?!
PHG x Nerd: No.
Purple Hoodie Guy | WEBTOON (webtoons.com)
Non-platonic PHG fanself-ship stuff, presumably, I don't know, I'M not taking a cool at it
And for reference, Boyfriends extra chapters, refers to 18+ mini-stories (I think, I don't know), that has the Boyfriends, but never Purple Hoodie Guy, only available by payment, or I guess someone else leaking it, I think, which is where their names are ACTUALLY used, and I guess some fans posted about it, because now some of us know, but I honestly don't even care that much, after I heard the names.
Boyfriends extra chapter 1 scribd
... them ( ps: includes selfshipping with Myself x Purple Hoodie Guy. ... If you're looking for a long BL comic with a versatile/switch Boyfriends Extra ...
Here is the link, but also, I could imagine what it is, and I don't like it. Don't know anything about the site, the creator, or anything, and I'm not clicking on that, but if someone could tell me if it IS just someone having sex, as a self-insert ship, then I could just know that, post about it, and move on.
Stuff for those who hate generic anime, and stuff that reminds of generic anime
(Those videos I have linked, are good enough in quality, and make fun of stuff like that).
A bit of generic animes
Generic anime intro made by a meme channel
Part 2
I'm gonna make a QnA, and also, I split up the Boyfriends slander video compilation, in order to have it more sorted
I also have an emoji on the first AND last video compilation, so you can scroll the perfect distance, and I'm also thinking of making a "things Boyfriends fans tend to defend the Webtoon with, and some reasons why I still don't like it" thing.
I have no idea how, months later (aka, since AROUND FEBRUARY, I'M NOT KIDDING), I still have more I can post about, but oh well.
I saw the (now) 1+ month old official Boyfriends return announcement, so you don't have to (and described what you might want, and need to know)
12 June 2023, the description has the link to the Webtoon, the official social media, and credits, but not before a "The boys are back ... soon!" Message. 
The first image is an image I will describe later, with a heavy overlay of purple, and with "the boyfriends are back!" As text, before switching to another image, with the text reading "the moment you've all been waiting for", that gets replaced by "Are you ready?" 
Then there is a quick image of Goth trying to stare into my soul, but as if I'm a disgusting creature, as he still looks like an E-boy, and there is a more zoomed-in image, that is under the purple filter thing unlike the first one mentioned, that is in the background, and he holds up a finger, and between the images, there is the number "1", as what appears to be the start of a countdown, is synced to the music. 
The next part is that, except it's Jock, but Jock doesn't have a resting bitch-face like Goth, and has a blue theme, and is presumably blushing, and has a wide smile that shows his teeth, as well as a wink, and a hand like "✌".
Next is Prep, with one eye close, and open mouth that shows his top front teeth, and dude looks like he's gonna rant about something that isn't good enough, and there is the number "3" in the background, with 3 fingers held up. 
Lastly is Nerd wearing a "cute" sweater outfit, with white glasses and pink hair, a yellow background, and that background image thing, but both of his arms are spread, holding 2 fingers respectively, to the side, as he has a "cute" face with an open mouth. 
Next up, is the text "moving in together?!" With several images in photograph things. 
The first one is Goth doing something I can't see, Jock perhaps being angry at the blond genderbend Boyfriends one (but yes, that exists, but that ain't where my focus is at), with his open mouth, as he holds 3 boxes with Nerd "cutely" on top, while the genderbend one is happily and casually carrying 2+ boxes, that have those shake lines, and Prep looks surprised but in a bad way, to his right, at them all, as he is closest to the "camera". 
The next image is Goth throwing clothes behind him, as the angle makes it so that one can't see what he is taking stuff from (which I guess is a drawer), and based on the style, it's Prep's clothes, and his face is like "><" + "🔺️" for his mouth, as he seems to be in the clothes he sleeps in, and is leaning, seemingly harshly against the closet, with his back, which is where the clothes are being thrown. 
The third one is their chili forms in either casual clothes, or pajamas, as Nerd is on a scooter, and they look down in a box, that they are circled around, on the floor. 
Then, a film-reel style of images, are shown, some repeated. 
The first image is Jock looking behind himself, as he drives a purple vehicle like "🛻" (I forgot what it's called). He is surprised, and there are boxes in the place that can have boxes, and Nerd is "cutely" and happily watching Goth and Prep holding each other, lying down, and kissing, on the van thing, chibi style. 
On another image, God knows what is behind them, but they're in the apartment, and there is a place to sit, and a few boxes, but they are dressed in casual clothes, as pink-haired Nerd seems to nervously walk, with little to no visible of a face, and Prep standing in front of him, back faced, seemingly yelling, while being defensive. 
The next one is happily Prep with an open mouth, standing and staring at us, while the location is presumably his new bedroom. 
The next image is distressed and nervous and/or mad Prep holding a purple goat mask thing, and I don't think Prep has anything other than the white part, in his eye. One can't see Goth's expression in the background, as he is completely facing his back on us, and the same for Jock, except half, and he seems surprised, as they are watching a shelf of vials with liquids, and generally containers, and maybe a few books, and such. 
Then, a feminine and quite pink bedroom, with unhappy animal plushies, is seen, as Jock has wide eyes, and a "😐" expression, staring, being close to us, as a body-pillow is standing up against the window and the bed, of Prep, which looks suggestive, as well as the two on the ground next to each other, of Goth and Jock, respectively, implying they didn't know that Nerd commissioned body-pillows of them, without consent ... and also, they are ALL suggestive ... I hate Nerd even more, now, but also, there is a dramatic zoom-in on that, as if it's a shocking, yet exciting and/or generally happy reveal ... this is literally one of the reasons that people call Nerd a pervert, and generally hate this Webtoon ...
Some gradient background with clouds is then shown, with the text "Reminisce past relationships", as Goth is looking like an E-boy, eyes not visible, frowning with closed and visible teeth, as his face is close to Prep's blushing face, as he is gripping the other guy's wrist, and there is white sparkle effects and white comet effects, and he looks surprised yet neutral-ish. 
Next up, e-boy is sweating, and is facing us, eyes not visible, presumably the pannel afterwards, but from a different POV, with an unhappy but nervous and no longer mad mouth, as he appears now even more, to have sexual and/or romantic feelings, and as if he knows what that comes across. 
Next up, Goth is gripping the wrist of the surprised and wide-eyed, blushing Prep, as his face seems to be in denial, yet without visible eyes, as it appears that Goth kissed him, and lazier drawn Goth that was added in afterwards, holds up a sign over where their mouths would be, that says "SPOILERS AHEAD !!!", and on the sides, it's shown again, but with respective color filter things. 
"And live in the moments of the current ones!" The next text with the next image, says, as part of who I think is Goth, which is near the shoulder, an arm, and a part of the side of his body, that is shown (who cares about how English functions anymore?!), and i think there are pillows, but definitely pajamas - but also, what I assume is sexual liquid, dripping from the mouth of the more visible character, whose eyes are hidden, who has light hair, and appears to be about nervous and a bit enjoying whatever happened, and also maybe the sexual liquid is elsewhere -
And then the color filter of blue, comes off, and there's a big, dramatic zoom up, revealing that the boyfriends are all satisfied, lying down and hugging Jock, while Prep and Jock blush, and Prep snores, and Jock seems surprised and distressed but probably isn't, and Nerd is just salivating. 
The next one is some dotted, gradient background thing, as "cute" and happy Nerd, hugs Prep, lying down, eyes closed, while Prep has invisible eyes, and an otherwise "😖" mouth, and his hand is on Nerd, and his feet are on, or around, Jock and Goth, as Goth sits uncomfortably on top of Jock, hand on him, seemingly horrified, sitting uncomfortably, as the content Jock has his arms wrapped around him. 
Then there is a random background that is no location, and is just the boyfriends chibi heads, looking like (Goth, Nerd, Prep, Jock, respectively):
"😑", "🤓😃", 😠" with an open mouth, and "☺" or something like that. 
There are two Girlfriends Webtoon characters, then amazed Nerd with blue hair, dressed like a Planet Idol Puri character, and Nerd has so dramatic eye-liner or mascara or whatever, that I don't even know if that long thing eventually stops, and transitions flawlessly into a continuation, in hair form, but he looks as usual, but with a pink bag, a lollipop, and the side on OUR left, being a bit different, as half of his shirt and hair, is some kind of light pink. "New self-discoveries!" The text says. 
Then cosplay Nerd is alone, looking distressed and surprised in our direction. 
Then he suddenly looks "cute" and happy, with all of his facial features closed, as he holds his face. 
There is chibi cosplay Nerd, and that's about it, then. 
"Stepping out of comfort zones!" As photograph image things show, where for example Goth suffers while lifting weights, Jock looks seriously somewhere past us while in a batista outfit at a different image, and at another one, there is a wooden spoon in the hands of Prep who had food flying around and something and then "cock" on his apron. He'd tooooootally be trusted in a restaurant. 
Then chibi siluetthe heads, I know that I spelt that wrong but I don't care because I always hated that word, and I am tired. 
Jock is then having tears in his eyes, an open mouth that is frowning with visible front teeth, and text outside the pannel, being like "And despite their ups". 
"and downs..." Goth has wide eyes, shocked, mouth open yet teeth closed. 
Then none of the two mentioned people's eyes are visible, as Jock makes a dramatic run, but as an emotional person, that's not how you're supposed to portray yourself unironically, like, that is not an extreme emotion, that's a goofy ahh run, and he is sad and perhaps a bit angry and Goth is shocked and reaches out with one hand. 
Then some Filmora Go + Capcut vibe camera filter is placed on them, posing, happily holding each other, whatever. 
Purple thing over previous images mentioned, text over, "Bringing smiles to your faces again". I am tired and feeling weak and maybe my eyes hurt, and I spent a long time and I don't think I even know and/or can describe emotions that I see, anymore, and I was also shocked by my housemate coming from behind me out of nowhere, while I was describing the first pannel of Goth toooootally not chrusing on Prep. I hate myself. I just wish ... I don't know, it seems like some people just wanna see me unhappy, right now, btw, and everyone else seems to have succes - and I forgot what else I was gonna write, because I was busy sobbing while venting to a housemate, but, anyways, in a way, this Webtoon DOES make me smile, because the slandering is fun, I love PHG, and it's just pure fuel for more slander, and they are so goofy ahh. 
And I don't remember when, but at some point, with that image "Bringing smiles to your faces again"
Then nothing except some color background whatever, with the previously shown images being in the background, under the filter, with the date of " 06.19.2023", which I guess means it already has more stuff, I don't know, I avoid reading it, and only watch slander dubs, partially because going in there on Webtoon, would give money to the creator.
Other Boyfriends logo. 
Webtoon logo.
"Only On Webtoon". 
Original Boyfriends logo, with an image of generic moving in stuff, and just the boyfriends doing stuff that is not relevant (Jock is looking back at them, while holding a box, Nerd is "✌" while holding a box, looking "cute", and Goth looks like Goth, who holds happy Prep. Under the logo, it says "Moving in together with you!" Which honestly sounds like a threat, but if Refrainbow ever sees this, then I will work with him, as in, just adding me as Purple Hoodie Guy's chosen sibling and best friend, because ... do I need to give a reason? 
Then back screen. 
Don't harass the creator and stuff ... do suggest, but not in a bad way, to add me, and say relevant stuff about me - also, you should probably just vaguely say say I post a lot about Boyfriends, instead of what I specifically post. 
I looked at Refrainbow's Boyfriends social media posts, and this is what I found (which I wish I never did), here's stuff that might be new
Trivia, includes stuff that I wish I never knew, and no PHG stuff.
Disclaimer: Don't harass, doxx, etc, obviously, and also, this is MY slander compilation, so we obviously know not to do it, and we don't do that.
- They regularly attend stuff with Boyfriends stuff
- Goth is the only top - or the only bottom, I don't care nor remember
- Goth is Refrainbow's self-insert, I'm pretty darn sure 
- In case you forgot, Nerd and Prep are pan, Jock is bi, and Goth is a trans asexual guy.
- Something that I can't even describe, because I have no idea how to say it
- Take it as you wanna, but they have bunny ears and tails in one image, and based on Nerd's pose, it's a sex thing.
- Nerd is also ALLEGEDLY a demiboy
- Also, I think Refrainbow has a puppy kink as well, and some other kinks
- I HOPE that Jock expected Nerd to squeeze his "boobs", because otherwise that wasn't consensual, (as in,  Jock is a cis man, but it's the same area or whatever you know what I mean, so he does not technically have boobs)
- Refrainbow sees their ship-dynamics as "puppy bf x tsuntsunt bf" (Jock and Prep), "disaster gay senpai x disaster kouhai" (Prep x Nerd), "bros that kiss sometimes" (Goth x Jock), "beeg himbo x thirsty smoll" of which the himbo is more aware of the thirst than he seems (and does stuff on purpose, according to the image, and also, that is Nerd x Jock), "goth bf x pastel bf" (with the pastel one being much softer, and that is Nerd x Goth), "osananajimi" (with a bonus of the dynamic being swapped during childhood, and we are talking about Prep x Goth), 
- You can commission fan art
- He seems generally so proud and happy about Boyfriends
- There is Boyfriends merch, including stuff for Tamagotchis 
- They have made a blushing face meme, with Goth
- Oui, they make other comics, but are now focusing on working full-time on Boyfriends
- They - especially Nerd, don't know hygiene, when making strawberry-related stuff in the kitchen
- I got to accidentally see them with kink gear on (there's drawings on the Twitter), email me bleach
- "If you look like either of these dm me" spelled exactly like that. Nerd and Jock, respectively, if you wanna know.
- They have cat outfits
- Refrainbow's drawing captioned "commit cringe on main": "Donut hole" (Nerd's social media according to the drawing) made a Twitter post, consisting of him in a cat outfit, and I don't know what's with the feet, and it's called "New photoshoot for my OF" (which stands for "Only Fans", and ask and do not search it if you don't know what that is), with 41230 likes, and comments reading "Ew", "who would pay for that", "SNIFF", and "u do customs?". Goth is looking at it, eyes covered by his e-boy hair, and there are speech bubbles coming from the phone, with dollar signs in them. Goth has a cigarette in hand, and is now lying down, with 1 drop of sweat, and hair covering eyes, and a strained face and a shaking body, as his phone is on Spotify or something, and the other arm is behind his pillow, because Nerd is holding his neck with both hands. Goth asks "Can I have a kiss too?". Next image, hair covered for both, Nerd in his fugly outfit, hearts, "he" is being said twice by Nerd but more as a sound effect, and one hand is against Goth's, and the other is holding Goth's chin or whatever, and Nerd is smiling and is like "Maybe after you brush your teeth *insert that wavy thing* Your breath smells like cigarettes". 
- "Did you really think I was above this? #" (some suggestive pose that is NOT morning stretches so don't even use that excuse because it's not hot like just say what it is, I can't explain myself!)
- Nerd writes what appears to be inappropriate things at what appears to be his work environment
- "Femboy shoto now in my mouth please", not spelled that way.
- Refrainbow either makes a bad joke, or does not appear to know what a moodboard is.
- Just an image of Nerd eating pizza, while the bear on his shirt is in kink gear, and it is allegedly a cropped version of a worse version
- Refrainbow masked face reveal, and drawing. They do not look like Goth, but they're also trans.
- "No bitches? ;(" with Nerd crying.
- Yeah, Boyfriends have been memed by them, and such
- They're giving Goth a tattoo, sometime
- Yes, Jock has a confirmed cow kink
- Please prove that they do not have cat kinks
- Jock with facial hair ... ugly
- I could be 100, and I'd still be too young for Nerd being dressed up sexually and wanting to "feed on" Goth to "show him THE experience" just because Goth doesn't have sex but draws hentai for a living
- Boyfriends had at some point, 20000000 subs on Webtoon 
- Style swap meme
- Goth and other trans character being mad, LMAO
- "No bussy?" - Nerd
- Also, Boyfriends ain't the only thing that is getting these things, just most often. 
- Nerd is trans. 
Just fyi, more Boyfriends book exists, not researching into it
It's basically just the entire thing, in several parts, but as a book, and also separately there appears to be a tutorial book on how to draw the characters (which, realistically, wouldn't have Purple Hoodie Guy in them either). The only Purple Hoodie Guy content guaranteed, is the book version of his non-new appearance. 
Also, yes, am still a slanderer, and should probably start up some content, especially since it used to help that amount on my mental health, at stuff that I now need help for more than before. 
Boyfriends slanderer mood playlist/good songs to slander the Boyfriends Webtoon to
Typisk Norsk: youtu.be/ZDM11qUkr-w?si=Gew758iQmoP9CkO2
 Surveillance (Cruella movie): youtu.be/Tg6qZTyt80U?si=zjPOPinQPhcQ11IH
IDGAF (that She-hulk series song): youtu.be/eUud75tivA0?si=ExSY7UJ40zb43Ej4
Bubblegum Bitch: youtu.be/E7AuHPmvRWk?si=9GpgzZHAAN2I4eec
Cha Cha Cha, Eurovision 2023 (slowed),: youtu.be/lJPX7FF_bYQ?si=zqQFJvfmcTyhOzV8
Emotions Like: youtu.be/yfxTYELfGLg?si=esLtpBDQxFu9AiuO
Best and worst fidgets, for when you're watching Boyfriends Slander content
This big tangle-function-like fidget toy I have is great, because it's in such good volume in comparison to me hearing the Boyfriends slander, but it can be noisy if one makes it. It's also good for glancing at or whatever, and keeps my hand that isn't holding my phone, occupied. 
A bike chain/flippy chain is a portable and aestehtically good way to have something for your hands/hand while watching the slander. It can be great as something to ignore and keep you focused, and/or to glance at. 
Soft pop-its just exist, but they're good and I have no idea what else to say. 
I guess this is a big pop-it, but it's loud and satisfying, just like Boyfriends slander, and looks good, and you can even hit things. 
Pea-poppers are just hard to use when you're watching something like Boyfriends slander, or are already frustrated, so I would NOT recommend. 
Puppycups are too boring, frustrating, distracting, and REALLY don't fit the mood, save yours for later. 
A stressball, would NOT fit the mood either. 
DNA stressballs aren't good for this either, but I forgot why they're bad for this. 
This thing I have, to look at, with little bubbles inside, is just too boring and not stimulating enough when it comes to literal fricking Boyfriends Webtoon slander. 
Mochis are too distracting, too small, too annoying - just not good for this. Don't use mochis for this. 
A pop-it spinner has too much going on, and can't ACTUALLY be used with one hand, plus, it's just frustrating in this case. 
Small pop-tubes seem too fragile and boring. 
There's a Boyfriends Webtoon coloring book.
Source and photo: https://www.tumblr.com/flurry-bace/760465262830108672/what?source=share .
Want more Purple Hoodie Guy? Are you like him, and wanna LOOK more like him? Searching for more labels? Need a compilation of Purple Hoodie Guy inspiration? Well, I have a new WIP going on, with things ranging from what to wear, to colors, and even an included playlist! Grab your pronouns, xenogenders, and alternate versions of songs, because THIS has lots of Purple Hoodie Guy things, and recommended media, perfect for pretty purple hoodie guys, and general Boyfriends slanderers, looking to casually make their life more "aesthetic":
4 best slander videos for showing to your squish as a first time:
Boyfriends slander is really good, but also really misunderstood, and though you may wanna show your precious squish, this fun thing you love, especially so they don't misunderstand your many Boyfriends slander THINGS, it can be hard to choose between many good edits - you have to figure out what to say, and THEN, have to choose between the many great and unique slander videos, for a good first impression - showing the original trailer is just inflicting painful cringe, and maybe that's not how YOU got introduced, and making them laugh means a lot, so things may seem HOPELESS, when you just wanna quickly look through the slanders, of which you might not know what to look for, but still fear making a mistake of - well, I stopped watching each video after I saw one I wouldn't wanna show my squish, and with multiple things open, a need for slander, and a squish I hope will laugh out loud too (whom I also have to meet), I have compiled just a few for you to skim through and pick between, out of the most appropriate for a first meeting - the best for the best, and the least intrusive that you'd still laugh at, in all the situation's glory - OR, as a compilation for you two to watch, filling the day with entertainment and just a bit of first slander session, so they can test out the hobby, and YOU, worry LESS!
Text and a few reaction vids, obvious edits, not distracting, statement of suicide at the end, censored kisses though: youtu.be/OrXeM7ux3pc .
Reaction, text on screen of what the person says (not the boyfriends though), not distracting and even pauses at times: youtu.be/ICbEsD3FJqI .
Voice-over so it's not on script thing, captions included, not loud despite screaming somehow: youtu.be/hGe5P8c9UxM .
Voice-over with captions and distorted audio and nice background music, might be loud: youtu.be/1Be-U5nbrao .
I might make one as well ...
Can't sleep and can't think of any new method that'll work? Don't want Boyfriends slander to end right now but gotta go? Do you need something to not keep your eyes on, but that still is entertaining? Need an auditory stim as you're sensory-seeking, but replaying music, just won't cut it? WELL YOU'RE IN LUCK! With THIS compilation, I fully re-heard ALL the Boyfriends slander (except a few), and noted down as many sensory things as I could, ALL WHILE TALKING TO SOMEONE AND ENDING UP BLOCKED! Get your ears and brain happy and satisfied now, with the detailed and linked rankings of the lovely Boyfriends slander hobby, and cater your experience to your taste and need:
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fanaticsnail · 8 months ago
meant to send this yesterday but the sleepy got me so....
Off to an amazing start with my dad coming up behind me during opening credits/music and asking if I'm watching Tom & Jerry.
Thats such a pretty frame!
I wasnt expecting singing!! But hell yeah!! Sing your funky songs, bug man! - Ooooooh, is that a watercolor background? So pretty!
THE 🏹 BLACK ⚫️ FOX 🦊 - "Good friend Griswold from the north" Snail, is there something you'd like to sbare with the class?
Also, the costuming! I havent seen this many men in tights since Romeo and Juliet!
Sword Fight⁉️
Quick aside; his daughter looks so unbothered. Also, what is she embroidering? Is that a map? - "You marry griswold" -girl, I CACKLED
The King X Griswold- 20 k slowburn, friends to lovers - The singing should not surprise me as much as it does. I was practically raised on bollywood, so its not like im not used to it, maybe its because this is Hollywood not Bollywood, so I'm not used to it here? - Wearing his clothes is one thing, but did Hawkins make 6 additional Fox outfits for his friends? I'm starting to see the Buggy comparison you were making
I've always been under the belief that every weird little man needs a weird little child. So far, I'm not disappointed
Pretty sets, pretty people, what's not to love? - UGHHHH this is so soft, I love itttttt
question: did he do his own singing for this? singing for yourself isn't common in Bollywood so idk. - ONE BED? ONE BED!!??!??!!
Damn, no song in the swiss Alps, but worth it to see this little nerd short-circuit around a pretty girl. Ripe for the fic writing, this scene.
Couples who commit crimes together stay together. Nothing like some good old treason to set the mood. - waitwaitwaitwaitwait she's actually a witch????
If Jean and Hawkins aren't endgame I'll cry - This movie is like if the Princess Bride and Once Upon A Mattress had a child and made Monty Python and the Holy Grail the godparent - JEAN 🩷✨💋 (she didn't do anything, I just think she's pretty) - Snail! Snail, why haven't you written this fic yet??? - I-I don't think that's how lightning works......could be wrong tho, who's to say, I've never been struck by lightning.
They're both the same flavor of stupid, bless - HIS FUCGKNG HEAD!! - That white shirt 🫦 That orange dress 🫦🫦 - THE 🏹 BLACK ⚫️ FOX 🦊
What the hell is going on???????????? - UGH, what an icon - okokokokok so the king is on the throne now but he's still....yk a baby. Give me a 10k fic about Jean being a girl boss and running the kingdom while Hawkins sits there like the goof he is and just admires her. 10k words of him being the biggest simp in existence.
Me at you right now:
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"With your permission, my lady. I'd like to go round again."
I love Danny Kaye and Basil Rathbone. The fact that Angela Lansbury is there too as a gorgeous young, sassy princess is just my favourite thing.
"If it pleases me, you will marry Griswold." "If it pleases you so much, you marry Griswold." -> yes, queen. Get it. She is going to be the model for the type of sass Sir Crocodile's Sapsorrow is going to need to endure.
Your commentary is everything. The shipping of Griswold and the King is just hilarious. I need it 🤌.
Hawkins x Jean is beautiful. The whole plot is simply the best: failing forward incarnate. The masquerade trifecta. The disguises. The songs. The wenches. The silly dancing. Danny Kaye can absolutely sing, and his voice is gorgeous. His speciality was reciting tongue twisters.
My favourite line in the whole movie is: "Sometimes tenderness and kindness can also make a man. A very rare man." Coming from a strong woman who had to claw tooth and nail to become the pinacle of her rank. In the 50s.
Again, I love this movie to much that I got a tattoo of it.
I hope you liked it. It's an odd one, I'll give you that. It's one of my childhood favorites.
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prosciuttulipa · 11 months ago
RAAAAAAH i want a match ngl LMAO
Jjk match because Im a fucking simp, and a guy bcs I am in fact a straight woman thanks
I'm a big nerd. Like, a very big nerd. I do math for fun and I am not ashamed at all when I interrupt someone to correct them (I have autism and ADHD, how could you tell?)
I'm relatively closed off, and most of the time, insecure. I'm shy and I barely ever make the first move (unless I've had a couple of drinks or a lot of eyeliner). I think what people most define me as is the "old soul, young body). I'm like the mom of the group, though I am absolutely reckless when there's another mom in the group, since it takes the responsibility away from me.
I hate going out, and it's really hard to get me to go to the beach, for example. I think my best quality personality-wise is that I'm down to earth and realistic about my goals. A problem is probably how much self-doubt I have, since people constantly tell me I am capable of achieving more than I think I can. I don't settle for seconds, but I'm not too excited when I rech first, because there's always a new competition.
Oh yeah, I'm competitive. Very.
I'm a pessimist, though I like to say it's realism, because why be positive, hype myself up, only for it to go wrong and the disappointment hurt me? As I said, emotionally closed off.
My personality is the infamous black cat, and I think (though I'm not sure), that a golden retriever boy is what would fit me best. (even though I simp for other black cat guys)
For hobbies, I'm boring, though I do have many. I play the guitar, do martial arts (krav maga), draw, sing, write absolutely filthy smut, and, most important of all: do math and study. Yeah, my main hobby is studying.
I'm not sure how I show my love? I don't, usually. I can love someone unconditionally and be absolutely lovesick, but only after a very heavy emotional session, may it be a fight or drinks, will I tell soemone how much they mean to me. I spent the last four years with my best friend, and only after a day's worth of drinking and crying did I tell her how much she meant to me.
I'm a bit icky with physical touch, but if I trust them, I'll let them cling to me. Initially push people away and only after knowing them do I let them hug me, kiss me, cuddle me. I am awful when dealing with compliments, and I cannot take a gift. So probably quality time is my love-receiving language when generally speaking. A boyfriend/husband would probably work with physical touch and words of affirmation, though.
I dont think there's any big turn-off or turn-on in relationships? Maybe not giving me enough attention and helping me emotionally, because I'm easily falling into insecurity, feeling like I'm not enough.
I have like medium curly dark hair and dark eyes. Eyebags, and a lot of moles all over my face. My body is relatively fit? I have a bit of fat ngl but I also have muscles. A bit of a tummy and thicc thighs (they do, in fact, save lives) that double the size when I sit (insecurity alert!) I'm pale, though I am a mixed baby. I dress in all-black most of the time, and all the color variations are like red or dark blue. (I AM NOT EMO). I wear eyeliner from the moment I wake to the moment I sleep and I have pierced ears. I also plan on getting nip piercings and plan on getting
I think i need more songs to listen to, so I'm going with the three songs he associates wit me.
Congratulations! You have been matched with...
Choso Kamo
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When people see you and Choso together, they immediately assume that you're just another average emo couple, quick to place stereotypes. But under the heavy eyeliner and dark clothes, are two people who are just trying to figure out life in their own way.
Choso is fascinated by your contradictions: insecure yet quick to correct others, pessimistic but burning with a competitive drive for more. Where some people may see indecision, he sees something much more real and human in comparison to the single-minded characters he's met during his time alive. Living is hard, has experienced it for himself, so he doesn't shun you for your contrasting perspectives. Instead, he wants to learn about the world alongside you, unpicking the way you think, wondering about your insecurities. Although he's been through a lot, there's something inherently innocent and simplistic in the way Choso sees the world. If you're an old soul in a young body, then he's a young soul in an old one. Perhaps by meeting somewhere in the middle, the two of you will get closer to unravelling the mystery that is life.
Choso doesn't mind that you don't like going out, but you often find yourself tagging along as he explores the world in small ways. A trip to the convenience store may as well be a museum visit, with the way he asks you about the products, eyeing them with confusion. He also admires the fact that you study math—to dedicate yourself to understanding anything in such depth is no small feat—and he's happy to sit next to you while you work, occasionally asking questions about your interest in the subject. His most common form of affection is just leaning his head against your shoulder, watching silently as you work.
Dates with Choso are pretty laid back, since he's happy to take the lead on whatever makes you comfortable. It doesn't matter to him where you two are. For him, understanding your mind (and falling in love with the way you think, the way you are) is what matters to him the most.
The Matchmaker's Gift:
Contrary to popular belief, Choso's music taste is rather soft. This song reminds him of the inherent dependence that comes with being connected.
Offering you this song with a curious tilt of his head, Choso asks you if this is how your pessimism feels like.
This is the song Choso uses to confess to you. His feelings are one of the few things he has to his name, and he wants to share them with you.
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beardedmrbean · 2 months ago
[Huey Zoomer Anon]
I stumble upon this https://x.com/stefisdope/status/1877782296947732575?s=46
….I think half of my uncle ruckus jokes came from me unfortunately having to go school with the spawns from these fuck up relationships.
These type of woman: We were prey upon drug dealers!
Me: Yes this was a major issue that for some reason was left out in 2010’s activism because idk blm?
These women: Now the nerds who became successful businessman don’t want us because we’re baby mamas!
M: What? I mean there several reasons to that because non bio men and kids may not get along well…
Is there a deeper social issue my autism not letting me get?
Jewish people I have no means to cultural appropriate your heritage
But can Black Americans use the idea for Ancient Judea inspiration? It for the split that happen in my community
But will I live to see the Babylon that destroyed rest of my community?
whole rant in the tweet there is just this meme
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I really hope someone showed it to her, several someones really, after her rant got some attention.
Is there a deeper social issue my autism not letting me get?
Whole lot of entitlement there, wonder how many of the women that act like this unironically pull up 20+ year old statements people have made that were perfectly normal at the time in order to try and tarnish their current reputations.
Sorry that the people that you rejected are now rejecting you, they're under the exact same obligation to respond to you as you were them then.
Jewish people I have no means to cultural appropriate your heritage But can Black Americans use the idea for Ancient Judea inspiration? It for the split that happen in my community But will I live to see the Babylon that destroyed rest of my community?
These guys would be about the closest you're going to get to that
That page is also home to one of the funniest notes to exist on wikipedia.
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I have to wonder if the Rastafari's messed up so many times they added that or if the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster's adherents mad it so that needed to be added.
They still do the pan african thing, and babylon is code for western civilization, that and there's that thing about the last Emperor of Ethiopia being the 2nd coming of Jesus.
We talked about him briefly I believe.
He belonged to the Solomonic dynasty, founded by Emperor Yekuno Amlak in 1270; Amlak's successors claimed that he was a lineal descendant of Menelik I, the legendary Emperor of Ethiopia who was supposedly born to King Solomon and Queen Makeda of the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Sheba, respectively. Historians regard the Solomonic lineage claim as unfounded, created by Amlak to justify wresting power from the Zagwe Dynasty.
But ya, most of the leg work for the appropriation has already been done.
and again as for the "Don't Worry Baby, He's Just a Nerd!" lady in the video, a farmer reaps what they sow and occasionally get lucky,
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