#what if my brother took his exam and i took an exam and i wrote his name and turned it in and he wrote nothing and walked away? then what?
Ok ok
I was saying the worst head empty moment I've had*
*That I can remember
Was this one time during an exam when I wrote my dad's name on my exam because I forgot mine. I didn't even realize, I was like hmmmm name. What names do I know? Automatically wrote my dad's name.
So a couple weeks go by and I still didn't realize that was a mess up because I was just going over the answers in my head like yeah I got that one. Got that one. Ooooof I only did that one partially correct. So if the professor gives half credit for half correct work and then a baseline 5% for an attempt --
All that good stuff right
Exams get graded and I get a 0. I was like WHAT? NO!! I can argue my points back right now! Tf they think I did? Cheat? I can resolve the the paper right now! I'm gonna fight!
And the professor goes "oh is this yours?" That's when I noticed that wasn't even my name and I was like "oh yeah thats mine that's my dad's name"
And this guy goes. This guy deadass asks me "how do I know your dad didn't take your exam"
And I was ready for some knowledge test or retaking the test or getting grilled or whatever. This mf who is the professor who was there!!! He asked me HOW DOES HE KNOW MY DAD DIDNT TAKE THE EXAM????
Its so over. So I was like, bro I can call my dad right now. And also my dad doesn't even know my field of study. But whatever I'll call him. And so I called my dad on video call and the professor goes "yeah I don't recall seeing him there but he could've been sitting in the back" IS THIS GUY FR? bro is CRAZY!!
so I was like damn this guy is a brick. OK then, what if I brought back eye witnesses? People who were sitting next to me? And do you know what he said to that
He said I could've bribed other students to pretend I was there.
And I was like ooooooh shit this guy is an absolute brick and if he's not convinced, he's gonna report me for academic dishonesty.
No ok. See. For some reason at this point, both me and the professor forgot that he had 6 TAs there acting as proctors for all sections of the rook. I didn't notice them so I forgot they existed.
I deadass have no idea why the professor didn't know this. Maybe he was testing me? But bruh! I was taking the test! Why should I notice anything?
So I'm in my TA section and I'm like brooooo the professor is gonna beat my ass I'm gonna fail and then die. And the TA was like if it's academic dishonesty just confess. And I was like noooooo the professor doesn't even believe I was there. I couldn't say the full reason because I think it's hard to believe that a person can be this
Head full of bubbles
And she was like oh is that it? I saw you.
And then I'm sure I said something stupid in response to learning this and then they started checking student IDs for future exams and everything got resolved.
And I started writing my name as the last thing on my exams so I can use my entire brainpower to remember.
The end
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redflagshipwriter · 3 months
Inspiration came from this post by @stars-obsession-pit !
Word count: 1479
Masterpost of Archive Down Fics here.
(I wrote three dp x dc fics based off of prompts I've seen in the last day for reading while the site is getting maintenance. )
There was a high, shrill scream in the Fenton lab.
Maddie bolted for the stairs, abandoning her coffee without a thought. She flung herself down to see Jack bent over a body in front of the portal.
“Is this person a threat?” Maddie prepared to defend her husband, but the body didn't move.
Jack looked up at her. “No, I was just surprised! I think he's hurt, Mads.”
Her bleeding heart husband. She crossed the room and rolled their intruder over to see it was a kid, maybe Danny's age. In his sleep, he had a sweet, soft face. His face and throat were covered in faint scars.
Well. That was one of hers, now. No getting around it. That was a teenage boy on her floor who has obviously been the victim of violence.
“Well, shit,” Maddie said companionably. She blew out air between her teeth. “Dear, would you put clean sheets on in Jazz's room?”
They were running out of space, between the clones and the past evil alternate future children.
Jack saluted her, shouted an affirmation , and bounded away.
Maddie took a moment to wonder if her children would be an infinitely expanding collection and if so, if it would be better to move into Vlad's castle than to build the home addition they had planned for.
She gathered the teenager up in her arms despite him being her size, and laid him out on an exam table. She started checking his vitals.
A hand shot out and grabbed her by the wrist.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” Maddie said. She redirected her hand to smooth hair behind his ear. He blearily followed the movement, just as obviously intelligent as he was obviously compromised. She didn't know if it was a concussion or drugs or what, but this boy was not well. “It's Friday June 29th, and you're in Amity Park, Illinois. I'm Madeleine Fenton and you're at my house because you fell through a portal. Is there someone I should call for you?”
He stared at her. She could see the moment he decided not to speak to her.
That situation didn't change much all day. The kid walked himself up to bed and peered around at Jazz's old posters. He seemed to want to be alone, but Maddie caught him watching Dani and Dan playing catch in the yard. She made eye contact with him over her book and then looked back at her shrieking kids. Dan was doing flips on the trampoline and launching his sister in the air, catching and tossing her back up in the nick of time between flips.
Their new boy closed his curtains.
“I was thinking about Dante,” Jack said, bringing out a pitcher of iced tea. “Or, how about Jasper! Eh? Eh? You know, like Jazz-per?” Jack belly laughed.
“He probably has his own name,” Maddie said calmly. She'd estimated him at 16 or so, anyway. But whatever. If he wasn't going to give them a name, they did eventually need something to call him. And they needed to sort out accommodation fast, before Jazz got back from her college tour trip.
“Let's go with Jasper until he gives us his real name.” There were enough Ds in her home, honestly.
She lured Jasper out of his room for lunch. He sat at the kitchen table and watched them all warily. He only ate what they ate.
Danny arrived mid-meal. “Mom! Dad!” There was a whumpf as he probably threw himself onto the sofa. “We wanna go to Elmerton, that ok?”
“You should take your brother with you,” Maddie called back. “He needs clothes.”
“What?” Danny clearly pried himself up and came into the kitchen. Maddie silently offered to make him a plate. “No, I ate at Tuck's. Dan, what'd you do to your clothes?”
“Nothing, you pathetic worm,” said Dan, who really was a sensitive boy. “I am not the topic of discussion, you blithering fool.” He jerked a finger at Jasper. “New one.”
Danny stared.
Jasper looked uncomfortable. He gave a sort of hello nod.
“He's, uh, he's not-”
“Not a clone or alternate future version of you, nope,” Maddie agreed. “Though he did come out of the portal. We wondered if he might be a ghost, but it didn't seem necessary to ask.”
Jasper full body flinched at the word “ghost”, but he looked confused.
Danny squinted at his new bother who, it must be said, did look a bit like a Fenton already. “Not a ghost,” he said after a long pause. “But a little undead. Not sure what kind. But yeah, you're walking dead, buddy.” He clapped Jasper on the shoulder.
“You'll fit right in!” Jack cheered. “Dan is half dead! So is Danno! And so is Dani here! And-”
“Thank you, Jack,” Maddie cut him off. “It might be a sensitive subject, don't you think?”
“Nah,” said Danny, stealing food out of the pan despite saying he wasn't hungry. “We aren't that sensitive. Like-” he looked at Jasper and explained: “I got electrocuted to death in the lab two years ago. Dan is from an alternate future where everyone he loved died, so then he killed everyone else on earth. And Dani is a science experiment baby.”
“It's true,” Dani said solemnly. “I'm a work of science.”
“You make me sound so uncool,” Dan complained, stabbing at his spaghetti.
Jasper laughed for the first time. He himself seemed surprised by the sound. It was hoarse but there was promise there.
When the boys were off at the mall in Elmerton with Sam and Tucker, Maddie called up Vlad.
“You want to come here?”
“I’ve got more kids than I have rooms in my house,” she said wryly. “So if the offer is still open…”
“Yes, of course it is,” he assured her. “But- most of the little ones are still in the Ghost Zone, correct?”
“They're not big enough to leave yet,” Maddie agreed. “Which is why I need to be near a portal.” The ghostlings were staying with the LunchLady and Box Ghost, but they needed to be able to be in touch. “But no, I've got another one.”
Glass shattered in the background. “Another- what happened to Daniel this time?”
Maddie laughed at how flustered her old college friend got. “Nothing to do with Danny, actually, this one fell out of the portal. He's some level of partly dead, but we don't think he's a ghost at all.”
Left unsaid was that they needed to do a lot of research to figure out what other possibilities there were. If they could get into contact with Danny's GP, he might be able to get them on the right track.
“Well.” Vlad took a moment to rally. “When will the family be arriving?”
Two months later, all the kids were pretty settled in.
Jasper had never shared a name, but he was happy to let them call him Jay. He was a phenomenal big brother to Dani. He wrestled with Dan. He bullied Danny into doing his homework. It had been something of an administrative nightmare to get Jaspen enrolled in school, but Vlad had pulled off whatever magic trick he'd done for Dani (applied a lot of money to the problem, Maddie supposed) and Jay had settled in very well.
“Your debut in society,” Maddie hummed, making a point of straightening Jay’s tie. He was growing already, she was sure of it! He was going to wind up as tall as Jack.
“I've been to parties before, Mom,” Jay drawled, and then flushed a dark red that meant he didn't want to be asked questions. Maddie tweaked his nose instead of answering.
“But this is the first one where Vlad's introducing you to his business friends!” She said, already dressed up for a fun night. Vlad had flown them all in on his private jet for the day.
“Queen is a family man as well,” Vlad had said the night before, aiming for calculating and coming off soft. “It will put him off his guard or perhaps make him sick with envy that I have brought a higher quality child than he could ever manage to produce.”
They arrived together, Maddie on Jack's arm, keeping her flock of kids within eyesight as Vlad led the pack. She had a perfect view of Oliver Queen seeing them arrive, the smile dropping off his face, and him choking on his drink. He did look very silly, Maddie had to admit.
“Inept,” Vlad hissed, very pleased. “The fool can't even drink. His company will be mine-” he looked at Danny for some reason. Vlad faltered at whatever be saw. “....Through legitimate business practices, such as buying a majority of stocks,” Vlad weakly finished.
Maddie slapped him on the back. “Go get him, tiger.”
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bimb0fy · 7 months
— 02; bonfire
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pairings; luke castellan x hephaestus!reader
warnings; smoking, SMUT, slight bondage, slight degrading, public sex, loss of virginity, raw sex (wrap your willy silly!!), rough sex, dom!luke, corruption kink if you squint, maybe, idfk atp, wrote this b4 my English speaking exam so it's shit.
summary; the weekly bonfire, a tradition for councillors like yourself, like luke, but this one, this one had a certain twist to it.
wordcount; 1.4k
masterlist!! | navigation!!
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-> You walked down to the bonfire. You're brother Alex made you dress up for Luke. He could sniff something happening and usually, Alex was always correct about that.
You raised the low rise pants, the star imprints were different. Yet he wasn't overboard with the outfit, allowing you to wear white shirt instead of a tank like he originally planned.
You smiled as you found your way to the councillors bonfire, each week, you'd throw one and get wasted and high.
You plopped down beside the Apollo Councillor, smiling at her as you talked.
"Hey mender, wanna get outta here?" Luke said as he raised his hand for you to take, which you gladly accepted.
You walked to the lake, hand in hand as you walked down the path. "Wanna play a game? Like 20 questions?" Luke asked you as you gave him a confused glance.
"Why?" You asked the boy who shrugged.
"I don't know anything about you." Luke answered. You smiled and nodded as he smiled back. "Let's see, uh, what's you're favorite color?"
"Basic much." You joked as he laughed. You sat down on the dock, taking off your slippers as you dipped your legs into the water, Luke sat crossing his legs beside you as you looked at the stars. "Green."
"Green?" Luke asked as you nodded. He smiled before turning back to the sky. "Mine is red."
"Okay uh, have you ever left camp?" You asked the boy who shook his head. "Wait really?"
"I don't have a place to go back to." Luke looked at the planks, tracing the outlines as you looked away, placing a hand on his in an attempt of comfort.
"I go to my aunts sometimes, my mom she uh, she died from an illness." You muttered as Luke looked at you. You gave him a sad smile as he pulled out a cigarette box from his cargos. "Really Castellan?"
"Shut up, don't act like you don't smoke." Luke laughed as he placed the cigarette in his mouth, taking out his lighter but groaning when it doesn't light.
"Here. Let me." You said as you removed your legs from the water, shivering from the cold as you leaned in.
You snaped your fingers, a little flame exiting from your hand as you lit up the cigarette for him.
Your face close to his. His gaze steady onto your eyes. You felt butterflies in your stomach as his breath hitched.
Once the cigarette lit up, you moved back to your original position. Luke exhaled the smoke, handing you the cigarette as you placed it into your mouth.
"Shit that's a nice one." You exhaled before handing it back, only for him to shake his head, taking out another one.
He took out his lighter, lighting up the cigarette before looking out to the stars, but your thoughts were confusing you.
He didn't correct you with his sword, his lighter is clearly working. It was almost as if he knew you'd light the cigarette for him, why was he acting this way.
"Hey Luke?" You called out as the boy turned to face you, a smile on his face as he inhaled the smoke, taking out the cigarette before answering.
"Yeah mender." He smiled as you crossed your legs, facing him as he did the same. "Whats up?"
"You're lighters working." You pointed out as Luke held onto it. He glanced at it, then back at you, clearly still confused.
"And what's the issue mender?" He asked before putting the cigarette back into his mouth, you put out yours, causing him to do the same as he stared at you, waiting for you to continue.
"You didn't correct me when I was making your sword, and you knew I'd light up your cigarette if your lighter randomly stopped working, didn't you?" You asked him as Luke bit the inside of his cheek.
Luke didn't even know how to respond. He knew what you were thinking. He leaned in, taking a second to watch your reaction.
You leaned in, intchung closer as you placed you hand onto his cheek. You're noses touching as his hands snakes around your waist.
Without warning, he pushed you onto the dock, knees on both sides of your thigh as he kissed you.
You let out a groan as he grabbed your arms, clutching onto your wrists as his lips hatched to your neck.
"Luke!" You breathed out as his hands found their way under your shirt.
"Mhm." He mumbled into your neck, kissing and biting the area. You let out a groan as you pushed him off, he had a hurt expression on his face as you sat up. "Sorry."
"No no it's just. I've never been with anyone, ever." You confessed as Luke raises his eyebrows at you, seemingly shocked by your confession.
"Really? Huh I gotta say I wasn't expecting that." Luke muttered as he stared at you, smiling, yet it wasn't a smile. It was a lustful grin at most.
You'd be lying if you didn't like Luke, everyone did.
Yet, he liked you. He chose you.
"Do you wanna?" Luke asked you, a grin plastered onto his face. You were nervous obviously, and all you could think about was someone finding you out here with him.
Luke would be lying if he said that didn't turn him on. He needed you, from the moment he saw you in your pony tail, working on a random Apollo kid's arrows and god, you were breathtaking.
"Okay." You whispered as he smirked. He gave you a grin, a grin that you interpreted as a 'I'm not gonna go soft on you' grin.
He pushed you onto your stomach, rasing up your hips as he smirked. His hand traced against the burn scars along your back, raising up your shirt as he kissed your back.
He slowly slid your pants down, you underwear falling along as he groaned at the sight.
You were pure, he could tell.
"God, mender you ready?" He asked you as he palmed through his cargos. You nodded your head, he kissed your back before unbuttoning his pants.
He pulled out his cock, precum spilling onto his fist as he gave himself a few jerks before lining up with you.
One swift movement, that was all it took for his to enter.
You let out moans and mewls at the unfamiliar feeling. You could hear Luke's groans as you clenched around him.
His hips started thrusting into you, not giving you time to adjust to his side as you let out moans, the sounds of his balls hitting your ass and completely obliterating you was too loud for you're liking.
But Luke was making you feel too good.
"Luke. Oh. Oh Luke right there." You moaned as you're eyes rolled to the back of your head. Tongue out as you couldn't think anymore, simply panting at the way he was completely destroying your insides.
"Oh god you're so tight, just my personal little cocksleeve huh." He whispered as he pounded into you. You moaned as he slapped your pussy, pulling put and flipping you over.
Your arousal dripped everywhere as he changed positions, entering you once more as he watched your tits bounce at his pace.
"Fuck you're perfect babe, made for me." Luke muttered as he drilled your sobbing cunt, fully disappearing in you.
Without a second thought, your back arched as you came. He groaned as he helped you through your high, pulling put and finishing onto your stomach as you let out loud moans.
He plopped down beside you, grinning as he looked at you. "Not bad for a virgin mender."
"Shut up Castellan." You laughed as you sat up with a strained moan. Biting your lip to forget your aching cunt as you slowly put your pants back on.
"Want me to kiss it better?" Luke joked as you widened your eyes at him. "No worries. I'll do it next time."
You smiled at his sentence. Next time. He wanted to see you again.
"It's getting late, cmon, I'll walk you to your cabin." He stood up, raising his hand for you to take it, which you gladly did as he wrapped his arm around you. "So tell me, what's your dream date huh."
"So now you're gonna take me out to dinner huh? What happened to doing that first."
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hugshughes · 10 months
this is me trying L. Fantilli
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Luca Fantilli x fem!reader
synopsis - You just want Luca to know that you're trying.
wc - 2.5k
contains - cursing, academic burnout (self reflection...), crying, not feeling good enough, reader has an older brother, um suggestiveness??? (reader makes one joke), that's it! LMK!
an - im so sorry i kept you guys waiting... but happy thanksgiving, forgive me im so thankful for you guys. this was a bit more self indulgent than my other fics... THIS WAS SO LATE BECAUSE i wrote 2000+ words then they didn't save and so i literally cried over it and couldn't write for the rest literal week whenever i came back to it i was upset, like i was that sad guys. and i really don't love this because it just isn't as perfect as the first one i wrote was. anyways hope you love this!
i've been having a hard time adjusting. i had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting.
You were sick. Not like physical illness, go to the doctor and get medicine sick. You were sick of waking up every day, going to the same classes, eating the same food, coming home, sitting alone in your dorm, then falling asleep and doing it over again. But you couldn't afford to do anything else at the same time. If you wanted to get the grades you needed to pass your current classes, you were going to have to work your ass off.
You were always considered gifted. You took advanced classes all of high school, attending college-level courses in your junior year. Even in your freshman year at Umich, you passed with flying colors, but now, now it was different. You don't know why classes were so much harder now, and it was especially hard because everything had always been so easy.
Even with all of this, you had Luca. Luca had been your boyfriend since October of freshman year. He'd always stood by your side no matter what, but now it felt different. He'd never seen you like this, struggling so much with things you were known for being good at. You remember him telling you how proud he was when you had gotten a 98% on one of your final exams last year, you were worried he wouldn't be proud anymore.
As a child, you were conditioned into thinking that better grades meant better treatment from your parents. Your brother had been a star student always until he'd slacked off senior year and ended up going to a college he was way too smart for. When that happened, your parents decided you wouldn't be like your brother. You would go to a good school, and get good grades, and in exchange they would love you, at least that's how it felt.
i didn't know if you'd care if i came back, i have a lot of regrets about that.
All the love you'd ever known was for a price, your parents', your boyfriend's, even your brother's it was like you had to be good enough before they would consider you lovable.
You never felt this from Luca, but you never gave him a reason to think otherwise. You'd always been this smart girl for him, a girl he bragged about to his friends. The girl he could go to for help in classes.
You didn't mean to be pushing Luca away, but you were so stressed and didn't want to bring him into it.
I know I already said you weren't sick like an illness, but right now you felt gross. You were stuffy and coughing and had a pounding headache, but you had assignments due at 11:59 pm and they couldn't wait. It was 9:03 pm and it didn't look like you were gonna get any relief from class work for a while longer.
pulled the car off the road to the lookout. could've followed my fears all the way down.
You didn't even know you were crying until you saw tears fall onto your iPad screen, where you were currently writing notes for a quiz you had tomorrow. You felt completely helpless. You couldn't stop and let yourself wallow, because you had to get moving on your study guide.
You dropped your Apple Pencil and just buried your face in your hands, rubbing your eyes till you saw stars. Your pity party was interrupted by your phone ringing. Your phone was on your studying do not disturb so if someone's call was coming through it had to be Luca's.
You quickly tried to steady your breathing before swiping to answer the call.
"Hey. So, what's with you totally skipping my game? You know that meant a lot to me."
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. How did you forget? You were the worst girlfriend ever.
"Oh my God, Luca. I'm so fucking sorry, it completely slipped my mind, oh my God, I didn't even know. I had a really long day, baby, I'm so sorry."
You were trying not to cry even more, you didn't want Luca to think you were a crybaby. Crybaby. That's what your parents called you whenever you got like this, too much for them to love.
and maybe i don't quite know what to say,
Luca just sighed, upset. He was upset with you, and you couldn't fix it. You could hear rustling on Luca's end, and another voice. All of a sudden you were seventeen getting a call from your nineteen-year-old boyfriend while he cheated on you, while another girl laid with him.
but i'm here in your doorway.
You didn't think Luca would do that to you, you really knew he wouldn't. But that one part of you was just screaming that you'd proven yourself unworthy to him, that he was done.
i just wanted you to know,
"I just, I don't even know anymore. You haven't consistently talked to me in weeks, every time we do speak you're in your head, and you keep pushing things off and forgetting. I just don't know what I'm doing wrong here."
Fuck, you couldn't stop the floodgates now. You quickly sniffed, holding the phone away from you so he wouldn't hear, soaking the cuff of your sweatshirt sleeve with tears before trying to respond.
"No, no Luc, you're not doing anything wrong. The last month has just been tough, I just don't know how to tell you. I'm trying Luca, I am, and I'm sorry. I know it doesn't fix anything and you still have every right to be angry with me, I understand why-"
this is me trying.
"Hey, it's whatever, just don't worry about it."
No. No this couldn't happen like this. He couldn't be checking out of your relationship right now. You needed him, even if you didn't know how to tell him. You accidentally let out a whimper when you tried to speak, before shakily breathing a deep breath and trying again.
"No, it isn't. I'm not being good to you. I just- Fuck Luca I'm sorry I didn't mean to forget, and I'm not meaning to be such a bad girlfriend I just, there's just,"
"Just what?"
"I don't know how to tell you! I don't want you to think differently about me Luc. You've never seen me like this."
Your trauma was truly shining through, you were terrified of Luca thinking you weren't smart.
"Are you like uninterested now? You could just tell me, not lead me on! Not just ghost me!"
"No Luca! I love you so much, I'm in love with you. I just-"
You cut yourself off, letting out a stressed sigh, rubbing your eyes when you felt the tears prick in them.
i just wanted you to know,
You didn't know what to say, it was so complicated. Every time you ever tried to talk about this with your family they shut you down, told you you were wrong for feeling like you did, and you didn't want Luca to think those things too.
"I just can't do this stuff anymore,"
this is me trying.
"I'm just not smart anymore, and everything is so hard. And I don't know how to talk to you about it 'cause I don't want you to think I'm not smart, but I don't think I am anymore."
"Oh, baby."
Luca was stunned, his girl was going through something and he was upset with her over a hockey game. He thought you were beginning to distance yourself from him because you started to be uninterested in him. He never would've assumed you were doing it because you were scared to talk to him. He never would've assumed you were scared he would think less of you.
"Hey, it's okay. Everything's gonna be alright, okay? How about I come over? We can talk more about everything and I know I'm not the brightest guy when it comes to all of your stuff but I could try to help. That okay, pretty?"
"Yes. Please, Angel. Need you right now."
"Okay, give me a couple minutes, I'll be right there. I love you, okay?"
"I love you, Luc."
Luca let you hang up, taking a deep breath and sitting for a moment just to take in what had just happened. He had a bad feeling in his stomach now, knowing how you were hurting. He quickly recovered and got up, putting his shoes and a hat on backward before leaving his dorm.
He walked fast through campus to get to your dorm building, the cold motivating him further. When he got to your dorm building, he quickly went up the stairs, taking two at a time, and to your room. You were in a single this year, so he wasn't worried about a roommate being bothered by his presence. He knocked on the decorated door gently, bouncing on his feet waiting for you.
they told me all of my cages were mental, so i got wasted like all my potential.
Luca could've sworn he felt his heart break when he saw your face, the exhaustion mixed with sadness wearing you down. He didn't say anything before jumping to wrap his arms around you, just holding you for a minute. You clung to him so tightly, you'd missed him so badly while digging yourself into a hole of isolation.
"Hi sweet girl."
You could've started crying again. He held you gently but firmly, and it was all you ever needed. You felt yourself relax for the first time in two and a half weeks.
and my words shoot to kill when i'm mad. i have a lot of regrets about that.
"Hi Luc"
You sniffled, and Luca just melted. He pulled away from you just a little, pulling his arms away so he could cradle your faces in his palms. You brought your hands up to rest on his wrists, rubbing your thumbs back and forth.
"I missed you, pretty."
You missed him like a little kid. But it was your fault you were ever apart.
i was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a sphere.
"I missed you. 'M so sorry I isolated myself from you, I'm so fucking stressed right now. Everything is hard and it's scary 'cause it's never been hard like this for me, and I-"
fell behind all my classmates and i ended up here,
"I know baby. It is scary. College is just scary. And you are like the smartest girl I think ever so I know it's like even scarier for you when things don't make sense quickly, but it's gonna be okay. Because you have your amazing, talented, stud of a boyfriend to help you."
pouring out my heart to a stranger. but i didn't pour the whiskey.
You gave him a look, laughing for the first time in many days.
"He is pretty amazing, and talented, and hot, isn't he?"
i just wanted you to know, that this is me trying. i just wanted you to know, that this is me trying.
He nodded reassuringly, before putting his hands on your hips and pushing you back into your room, closing your door behind him.
"Damn, you just got here."
"Shut the hell up."
You laughed as you climbed up onto your bed, pulling Luca up next to you after he took his shoes off.
at least i'm trying.
"So, about this class. What do we need to learn?"
You explained how tonight you only really needed to do two things, finish a paper that was 75% done, and do another assignment that if you could figure out how to understand the concept, would be done in no time. You both snuggled close together while looking at the paper, Luca helping you through sentences you got stuck on. You finished the paper quickly, then pulled up your notes for the concept of the other assignment.
and it's hard, to be at a party when i feel like an open wound. it's hard to be anywhere these days when all i want is you.
At one point Luca took your laptop to read through the notes so you just turned over and rested your head on his chest, before seeing his gorgeous hair covered by a stupid hat grabbing it off of him, and putting it on your bedside table.
"No hats in my room."
"What? Since when?"
"Since I want to see your pretty hair, not the maize and blue hat I see every other day."
Luca just laughed, shaking his head and running his non-scrolling hand down your back. Luca somehow understood the concept and reiterated it to you in a way that made everything click. He was your good luck charm, you knew it. Everything made sense with him.
you're a flashback, in a film reel, on the one screen in my town.
You made him lay on your chest with your laptop resting on his back while you completed the assignment. One hand was in his hair while the other was gliding across the keyboard. You finished it in 20 minutes. And your chest felt so much lighter after you hit the submit button.
You closed your laptop, sliding it onto the floor before putting both of your hands into Luca's hair.
"I knew you could do it, baby. You just needed someone to tell you that."
"I love you."
"I love you so much."
Luca's arms around your middle tightened, and he moved his head to look up at you.
"I know you feel like you have to be this perfect person, baby, but I need you to know you don't have to do that for anyone, especially me. Because you are everything, and I can't take care of you if you're scared to talk to me about how you're feeling. I know your parents and other people make you feel like if you don't do good at school they will love you less, but you need to know that you could flunk out of school, and you would still be the most important person to me, okay?"
i just wanted you to know, that this is me trying.
You were crying. You pulled him somehow closer and hugged him so tight, pulling away after over a minute to give him a good long kiss that expressed your gratitude. Because you were, so fucking grateful. This boy had seen all of it, and still chose you, and would continue to choose you until his last breath.
(and maybe i don't quite know what to say,)
"Thank you, Angel. You don't know how much hearing that means to me. I love you, so so much."
"You're everything. I see that you're trying, and that is always gonna be enough."
i just wanted you to know, that this is me trying. at least i'm trying.
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at1nys-blog · 25 days
A change of heart
Pairing: Kakashi Hatake x Naruto mother figure!reader
Summary: Naruto has left to train with Jiraya and you are left to wonder if he is doing okay.
A/N: let me get this out of my system thanks a lot don’t know if is going to kill my writer’s block but I see what happens with the asks I have in my draft. I have no idea what this is, if is bad please pretend nothing was written🙃. This is the longer ff I have wrote and is just crazy to me lol @charming-cherry0 here the Kakashi’s ff I’ve talked about hope you like it
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You gave up a life filled with missions; a life of notority for the love you had-and still have to this day-for the people that took you in and raised you when your family died. You had promised to Minato and Kushina that you would take care of their son if anything happened to them. You didn't expect to fill in the role of a mother this soon.
When they sacrified themselves for the security of Konoha you were initially mad at them, leaving you just like your biological family did. Of course it wasn't their plan to die this young, not when they just became partens for the second time. You had to live with the fact that you had a job do to, to take care of your little brother Naruto.
Time passed, Naruto grew up and you couldn't help but being reminded about that night. Mostly because the villagers would always bring it up when walking past you and the Jinchūriki, making the young ninja ask questions, and you had to tell him white lies about it, the Third Hokage had made everyone promise to never reveal the true identity of his parents.
It broke your heart to lie to him, keeping him in the shadows of his lineage, but you knew that if words spread he was the son of the famous Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage of the Leaf Village, he was going to be in more danger than he already was for having a tailed beast sealed into him.
It broke your heart when Naruto would come home faking a smile. You noticed he had been secretly crying, his puffy red eyes giving away his secret, but you never commented on them, instead you made sure to remind him that there were more important metters than caring about what people had to say about it. It always brought a sincere smile on his beautiful features.
With time, his pranks and shenanigans never stopped, and so your profusely apologizes to the villagers, who only rolled their eyes to you and whispered under their breath what a terrible guardian you were to the kid. "If he doesn't know how to behave is because he is not getting a proper education" they always said and you had to control yourself and not yelling at them that you were doing your best as a young girl yourself. Sometimes Naruto would hear the adults making fun of you, and this was one of the reasons why he would be mean to them, throwing ramen leftovers on their face or sticking out his foot to make them trip.
"Naruto, what happened? Why would do that to them?" you would ask him once in confinement of your apartament, away from prying eyes and ears. He would only say that he felt like it, or that they had been making fun of him. He didn't want to make you doubt your skills as a parental figure, not when he too knew he wasn't an easy kid to take care of. You would scoff and tell him to got to his room and do some homeworks while you would make dinner.
With time, things started to get better. Naruto had came to you one day revealing that he was determined to befriend Sasuke Uchiha, at the mention of the clan that got massacred your mind went back to when you had met the boy's mother before the tragedies that took place at the village and you smiled at him. Assuring him that one day, the two of them would the best of friends, you didn't know that was taking them a long time to get there.
It was when Naruto failed the gennin exam that you felt like a failure, if he didn't came to you for help it had to be because you weren't doing a good job of reassuring the boy he could rely on you, but oh how wrong you were. Naruto loved you dearly, and was grateful to have you in his life so he couldn't let you down, he had to make you proud of him and he thought that coming to you for help was a sign of weakness for him and he didn't want to show you he was weak.
You cried, for the first time in front of him, that night after he had told you all of that. Hugging like your lives depended on that you assured him that it was okay to show weakness, for him he was just a kid. From that night he never kept sectres from you, well maybe just the fact that he knew that people still belittled you by doing a poor job raising him.
You never, in your life, were jealous of people but since Kakashi Hatake became the sensei assigned to Naruto's team you discovered a new emotion: jealousy.
You had heard about the shinobi in question, how could you not? He was famous because of his father and for his talents. While at the academy you never interacted much with him and he kept a distance from you too, the two of you had nothing in common but the fact that your adoptive father was his teacher, that was it. Nothing less, nothing more. One single person in common wasn't a reason strong enough to bring the two of you to talk to each other for more than five minutes. But now? How much you wished to be able to take off your ears, because honestly? You couldn't stand another day hearing about the man.
Naruto was smittered with him, sure Kakashi sometimes was harsh with him but he was a great teacher. He couldn't stop talking about him, not only that but the constant talk of the town on how lucky Naruto was to have such a mature and responsible teacher made all your hard work seem trivial. The villagers kept on belittling you by putting on a pedestal Kakashi Hatake, the gem of the Leaf Village.
It had been a week since Naruto left Konoha alongside Jiraya, a week without a single word from him informing you about his days with the legendary ninja and his training sessions, a week worrying about the boy. Was he eating enough? Was he resting enough? Is he spending his money wisely or is he spending it for useless things? You couldn't stop thinking about how he was doing away from you.
"Earth's calling Y/N." you heard the voice of Kakashi from the other side of the window of the shop. You rolled your eyes upon seeing him laying hands on the windowsill with his book on sight. You turn around, asking him what he needed in such a late hour at your store. "saw the light was on and decided to see if you needed anything"
"Nothing if it's coming from you." you simply said walking towards the register to collect your things before heading back home. You didn't hear him jump into the store, his movements always quiet as if he is always on a mission of some sorts, you didn't even hear him closing the window, only when you turned to leave the store you noticed what he has been doing. "you need anything?" you mocked him, your words harsh because why was he so suddenly paying you a visit after closing hour?
"I don't need anything. Again I saw the li-" you cut him off, taking out the keys you unlocked the door and invited him outside. He didn't say anything, just followed your silent instructions and waited next to you to lock the door again. "heading home?"
"What do you think?" his presence was annoying you, you didn't want to be seen with him walking around the village, who knew what terrible things people would say if they saw you with such loved shinobi like him. "Hatake you don't have to walk me home, I still remember how to protect myself" it was true, all those year of combat training were still present in your muscle memory so you could have managed just fine if something were to happen to you. He didn't care, keeping you company on your way home.
"I just want to catch up with an old friend, is that wrong?" you halted at his words? Friends? Since when did he consider you a friend? The last time you checked the two of you even spoke was during the attack of the Nine tailed fox on the village, and just because you had to inform him about a change in the original plans.
He noticed your absence a couple of seconds later, turning around he asked you what happened that got you to stop in your tracks.
"I'm sorry, since when are we friends?" Kakashi was about to answer but you didn't give him the chance to add anything. "Listen, just because you are Naruto's teacher does not mean you and me are friends. And before I say anything that I will regret later please go home. I don't need to be reminded that I am a pathetic excuse of a mother." you whispered the last part, you didn't need him to know how you felt.
Kakashi heard you, loud and clear. He knew you were critisized by the villagers. He came across a couple of people that would praise him by belittling you, the ninja had always took your side, defending you against the mean words spoke behind your back. He didn't fight you, he didn't comment on your sentence, he was sure whatever he said wasn't going to make you feel better.
That night you cried, alone in the apartament you shared with Naruto and that was going to feel cold until he was back from his training. You knew that those three years without him were going to be long.
The next morning you woke up tired, giving a quick look at the pillow you could tell you cried yourself to sleep. The sight in the bathroom's mirror could confirm your theory, not that it was that hard to come to the conclusion of that, after what happened last night it was either that or you had spilled some water on it. The latter being the last possible.
Once you were finally ready to go and open the doors of your shop, you were faced with a toad at your doorstep, you can tell is one of Jiraya's because the animal is too big to be a common one. Is only when you took a second look that you noticed it had an envelope between its hands, you asked permission to take it from the animal and when the envolope was in yours the toad disappeared. You smiled reading the name of Naruto on the paper. Today was going to be great.
Dear Y/N,
sorry if I haven't written to you sooner but this week my days were filled with learning new techniques with the Ero-sennin that I totally forgot to inform you about my days. You don't have to worry about me, the Toad Sage reminds me to not overwork myself. I am eating a lot of good and tasy food. My sleeping schedule is not the best but I always remember your words about how important a good sleep is to become stronger.
I miss you very much, take care of the shop and eat a lot of ramen for me too.
Love you, Naruto.
The letter finished with his signature thumb print and a smiley face next to it, you smiled thanking that he remembered you while away for training.
The door of the shop opened, and you looked up from the letter to invite in your first client of the day but upon seeing Kakashi you rolled your eyes annoyed by his presence already.
"I don't think rolling your eyes is a good way to make your costumers feel welcomed" he commented.
"Why are you here?" you asked walking in front of the your desk. "and don't you dare to say that you just want to have a talk with a friend because I'm pretty sure I made it clear yesterday that we aren't friends." your tone was calm but the point came across to the shinobi, you didn't want to have him around.
"I'm here in peace. I want to look for something to buy, that's all." he said, intertwining his hands behind the back of his head he started walking around the store.
"You do realize this is a store that has nothing for you, right?" your shop was filled with clothes and accessories for the female villagers, nothing that Kakashi could wear or use even if he wanted to. The sizes were too small for him and you could swear he is not the type to take a bag with him. You pictured him with a couple of hairpins but only in the secrecy of his apartament, never outside. You scoffed at the imagine of him securing his white hair with pretty pins.
"I never said it was for me. I said I'm looking for something to buy." he repeated, deciding to not ask you why were you scoffing so out of the blue. "Asuma wants to surprise Kurenai and I offered to help him find something that she might like" you were taken aback, you never imagined him to be someone that would offer his help to look for gifts. "oh by the way, do you know if Naruto is okay? That ungrateful kid didn't write me a letter yet." you totally missed the little smile that formed on his face, both because you were facing his back and because of the mask he never takes off his face.
"I, actually, got a letter from him this morning." you said happy that Naruto wrote to you first than Kakashi, even though he had wrote at the two of you simultaneously, but what you didn't know couldn't hurt you, right? and Kakashi kept that information for himself when he heard your teasing tone. He didn't want to ruin your day, not after what you had said yesterday.
"That kid, forgetting about his teacher like I mean nothing to him." he commented looking at some hair clips with a charm at the end, he took a couple of them and came to you asking for which one you prefered. You choose the wooden one with the red details reminding him that most of Kurenai's outfits involved the color red. He thanked you and paid for the object.
"You mean a lot to Naruto, more than I like to admit honestly." you told him before he could leave the store. "Thank you for everything you do and for taking care of him when I can't" you confessed. He only smiled at you, wishing you a good day and promising that he wasn't going to bother you for the rest of the day.
Months passed and once a week you would get a visit from one of Jiraya's toads delivering at your doorsteps a letter from Naruto informing you about his days with the Toads Sage and how much he is improving his ninja's skills and you, oh so wished to write to him how proud you were, but his safety came first and if you wrote to him the Akatsuki would probably find him, risking to get kidnapped. You just made a note to yourself to tell him that, the moment he was back to Konoha.
Naruto’s letters weren’t the only thing keeping you company and making you smile, Kakashi was another reason why your days weren’t too boring. He would come to your shop, pretending to look around and then waiting for you to close up so he could walk you home, asking about your day, asking what Naruto had told you in his letter that week, talking about his missions (if he was allowed) and about Guy. The stories about his friend were the one you anticipated the most if you had to be honest.
When he started to hang around more, you were annoyed at him, mostly because you knew people would talk behind your back, making comments questioning why Kakashi Hatake, one of the most renowned shinobi of the village was friend with someone like you. Someone that failed both as a shinobi and as a parental figure. Their words were just speculations, you knew that, everything was far away from the truth but they still hurt you.
"She was a great shinobi and gave up all of it just because of a kid." you heard someone commenting while walking past Ramen Ichiraku, his friend scoffed saying that if you gave up so easily to take care of Naruto it was because you weren't that good as a ninja to start with.
"She failed as a ninja and as a mother. If Naruto thinks he can do whatever he wants is all her fault." he added half drunk. You had to stop in your tracks, not because you wanted to know how the conversation would move on, you didn't care much, but you had to take a deep breath before breaking down in the middle of the street. The day didn’t start in the best way and it was going to end even worse if you were to show yourself weak in front of others.
"She was the only one that could keep up with me." you recognized the voice, how could you not? It was Kakashi. "and she could kick your asses if she only wanted." he stopped, you thought to eat some more portion of ramen or to drink some water. "She did her best considering her young age and the fact that everyone was against her. Leave her alone already, she went through so much and doesn't need such remarks from people that don't even know her." The other two ninjas didn’t talk back, and you headed back home assuming they dropped the conversation there. Nothing else to add after Kakashi called them out.
Walking down memory lane that night you rememberer how during your days at the academy you thought you didn’t like Kakashi, but with time you realized you hated him. Growing up you matured and came to the conclusion that hate was such a strong emotion to feel for someone that you had nothing to do with, it was jealousy, not hatred. It could never be hatred. Now, at the doorsteps of your thirties you had to admit you were envious of him.
You envied Kakashi because he was naturally talented; you envied him because every kid always talked about him; you envied him because he was liked by all the people of Konoha; you envied him because he was everything that you could have been if life didn’t throw you a tragedy after another. You went to sleep with Kakashi’s words still in your mind and with apologizing to Kakashi on your to-do list.
That morning was rather...calm, the sky being grey didn't allow the birds to fly away from their nests and you imagined today was going to be pretty slow since people didn't like to go out with such a weather.
Opening the door of your house you bumped into Kakashi, standing there with a Bangasa* umbrella in hand.
“What are you doing here?” You asked visibly, and rightly so, confused at his presence in front of your door.
“Walking you to work? I need to be gone for a mission after lunch so I thought that maybe I could spend some time with you before leaving. If you are fine with it, of course.” You were fine with the idea of him walking you to work but the fact that he was leaving for a mission wasn’t in your plans. You decided to wait when he was back to talk to him, you didn’t want to distract him while on a mission. “So…”
“Sorry. I’m… that’s okay and really, you don’t have to spend time with me.” You said locking your door.
“But I want to. And you know, we can’t tell if I’m coming back to Konoha in one piece.” He teased but you took it seriously, knowing that you had a conversation planned with him.
“You better come back in one piece I… I have something I would like to discuss with you.” Kakashi was curious and asking to explain further your words, you repeated that it had to wait when he was done with the mission. “I just don’t wanna distract you.”
“You would never distract me. Come on, tell me.” Giving in sounded so easy and it was. The apology rolling out your mouth in a second. “And it had to wait for the mission to be over because…” you didn’t know, it was stupid considering you just had to apologize to him. Maybe you thought he was going to add more than a simple ‘thank you’, what exactly were you expecting was a mystery to you too. “Don’t worry, you don’t have to tell me.” He added before you could express your reasoning, if there were any.
As he said he spent half the day at your shop, in the corner he made himself with time. He was quiet, reading his book and not exchanging words with the women that wanted to talk to him. They didn’t exist to him.
At lunch he stood up from his chair (yours but you never used it so he decided to claim it as his) and took out of the pocket of his vest a small white stone, you recognized it, it was an opal.
“I read it is good for protection. Never go out without it until I’m back.” You smiled at him and thanked him. “Or… don’t I don’t know. I was told… I thought you would like it.”
“I love it. Just, make sure to be back safe and sound. I don’t want to plan your funeral, I still don’t like you.” You joked. He smiled under the mask, his visible eye squinting a little bit.
“Don’t worry, Guy has everything planned for my funeral already.” He joked “see you when I’m back.” He added before leaving the shop. You watched him walk out when one of your costumers nudged at you.
“He is a good catch, confess already.” You blushed at her words and made sure she understood that you felt nothing more than admiration towards the ninja. “Whatever makes you sleep at night.” She said before paying for the necklace she had chosen.
The mission took longer than what you expected, and since your apologizes to Kakashi you bumped into his friends more than usual (Guy drunk told you he asked them to keep you company when possible) but you didn’t mind their presence. Since Naruto left you realized he was your only friend.
Kurenai was a sweet woman, always making sure you were doing fine and making sure if you had eaten enough for the day; Asuma was quiet, mostly sticking around Kurenai and promising you he would quit smoking (he never did); Guy was the funniest of the trio, telling you stories about when he and Kakashi were younger and even if you knew some of them already you let him talk.
Waking up, you looked at the calendar on your little desk, the day circled in orange was a reminder of the anniversary of the death of Minato and Kushina. It was the first time you went to their grave all by yourself and thinking about it you didn’t want to go anymore. Maybe staying all day home wasn’t a bad idea after all.
You wished Kakashi didn’t get his friends to be on your neck 24/7 because the second you laid down in bed you noticed the three ninjas outside your bedroom window.
“Why are you guys here?” You asked looking at them.
“Because we don’t want you to rot in your bed today.” Answered Guy “get off bed and get ready” he added.
“Ready for what?”
“We have a little surprise for you.” Asuma was the one answering your question. “Come on.” You sighed rolling your eyes before leaving the bed once again. “Good choice.”
Getting ready with your mind elsewhere wasn’t easy but you wouldn’t dare make the three ninjas outside your house tell you, once again, to move already.
Stepping out your apartment you wanted to go back in, whose idea was to blindfold you? And, most importantly, why would they blindfold you? Kurenai assured you it was her idea, you doubted that but there wasn’t time to fight if she was lying or not, and that you had to trust them.
Is not like you didn’t trust them but the fact that they just decided to take you out and blindfold you wasn’t helping at all. You decided to follow their instructions, without complaining.
The spot was a special one for you, not because it was anything secluded (if it was your friends couldn’t be able to find it) but because it was where Minato, Kushina and you liked to spend time together. It was your little piece of Heaven on Earth until…
“You didn’t had to” you told them, because they really didn’t had to prepare a picnic for you.
“We wanted to” replayed Kurenai “and besides what a best way to remember them than spending some time at their favorite secret place” she added up, smile on her face.
“If the dishes are not of your taste blame it on Kakashi, he suggested those” explained Guy
“Pretty sure he remembers his sensei’s favorite foods so I’m not even surprised.” You were, because those were mostly your favorite dishes (also some of Minato and Kushina’s).
The four of you started eating and in the mean time ended up talking about the Fourth Hogake and his wife, the three ninjas asking you about how the two deceased shinobi were in the privacy of their house and you laughed at the memories.
“Okay, okay let me just…” you cleared your throat and took a sip of sake before speaking again. “…I would tell you curious cats all about my lovely parents that died to save the village that hates me” everyone laughed at your tipsy words.
Standing up you try to stay as in equilibrium as possible before speaking again. And you started from the beginning, from when Kushina found you crying your eyes out over your parents’ dead bodies. She comforted you, telling you everything was going to be okay, and she took you with her, there is when you met Minato and Jiraya for the first time.
You told them how Minato was a lovely fiancée to Kushina and how he was always helping around the house without a sense of shame whatsoever, you admired him for that wishing for yourself a man that could help around the house without complaining that he shouldn’t do such things since ‘he is a man’
“That sounds like Kakashi if I have to be honest” cut you off Asuma and you laughed it off, maybe he was right but you and Kakashi? Engaged? No thank you. Talking about them some more you arrived at the day they sacrificed themselves and your happy smile dissolved from your features, leaving space to a more serious expression.
“No one knows, not even Kakashi I guess but I need to be honest about it. I hated them for quite a bit. They promised me to never leave me alone. That they would never do like my biological parents did and yet… but they didn’t leave me alone, no sir. They put the responsibility of raising a child on my shoulders and I was only 15 years old. I hated it, I couldn’t look at Naruto without thinking about them and for a couple of months I didn’t take care of him like I promised. Then one day I saw Kakashi…” another sip of sake “…and he looked like nothing was bothering him, he had moved on faster compared to me, he made it seems so easy and I hated him for that. I hated how fast he had moved on, I hated him so much that I felt like I had to prove a point. I still don’t know what the point was supposed to be, but I think it helped me come to my senses and do what I was supposed to do for the past three months.”
Asuma, Kurenai and Guy were left speechless at your words and you mentally thanked them for keeping their judgmental thoughts for themselves. Because if they spoke their minds you would have hated it.
You spent the whole day eating and training with the three shinobi and you are happy to be able to get back to the old days when you would train with them when you weren’t yet stripped of your position as a ninja of the Leaf Village.
You are a little rusty, I mean after 17 years of working in a jewelry shop everyone would be, but you managed to take down Guy and Asuma a couple of times. It was after the sun set that your friends decided it was time to go home and after your thank yous they left you alone with your thoughts.
You stayed some more, looking at the horizon with one thing in mind: Kakashi Hatake. You wished he was there with you, he was the only one, after you, to have spent the majority of his time alongside Minato. Rin was dead, to keep the village safe, Obito died to save Kakashi and he was away for a mission that would take his life away if he wasn’t careful enough.
Walking up the stairs you didn’t notice the “bread crumbs” left on the steps, only when you reached the top and see Kakashi in front of your door that you notice he is holding something in his hands.
You look back noticing the petals of Kushina’s favorite flower. Your eyes tear up at the memory and the fact that you didn’t allowed yourself to look at those flowers ever again.
“Surprise.” He said and when you turn around to face him his small smile disappeared and his expression turned worried. You don’t have the time to fall on your knees that he is holding your shaking body into his. Your cries filling the silent night. “Is okay, I’m here now.” And you keep crying holding into him for dear life.
It took you a couple of minutes to stop crying and even then you kept on sobbing every now and then. Kakashi took off his fingerless gloves and started wiping away the tears on your face.
“I miss them” you said hiccuping your words to him. He doesn’t say much, just that he understands the pain in your heart because he misses them too. “Please don’t you leave me too” his heart aches at your words and he keeps on drying up your face assuring you that he wasn’t going anywhere without you.
He helps you up and walks you to the door and you wished you were able to function but no. With shaky hands you dropped the keys on the floor but he is there, helping you in every way possible without judgement.
Entering he made you sit down at the dinner table and while you tried your best to recollect yourself he filled up a glass of water.
“Drink up everything you are drained” he commented and you listened to him (mostly because you were truly thirsty) and chunked the whole glass down. It was refreshing you though. “Sorry if I made you cry, it wasn’t my intention”
“It wasn’t your fault. I think it was the build up pain.” You didn’t mean to tell him about it but you did regardless. Telling him how you never properly mourned their death because first you hated them for leaving you and then you had a child to take care of and you couldn’t dwell in your pain.
“I hated Minato for a while too.” He confessed and you were speechless at the confession. You always thought he had moved on pretty fast after what he had been through, you imagined he was used to people leaving him behind. You were so wrong about all of it and you felt guilty you felt like crying again. But you didn’t, you couldn’t because Kakashi told you to get ready for bed. “If you need me here I can sleep over.”
You find yourself almost using the L word in that moment, if it was out of friendship love or romantic you didn’t know. You knew you were grateful for him in that moment. You tell him he could sleep in Naruto’s bed and he nods at your proposition. That night you had a good sleep, one you haven’t had in years and that you truly needed and you only had to thank Kakashi Hatake for that.
It was during dead time that you heard Konohamaru screaming from the top of his lungs that Naruto "big brother" was back from his three years training. You rushed outside, locking the shop as fast possible. Running behind the Third Hokage's grandchild on your way to see Naruto you almost bumped into Kakashi.
"where are you running to?" he asked, following behind you.
"Naruto is back" Konohamaru and you said in unison, Kakashi speeding up and catching up with the two of you. He wanted to meet his student because he too have been missing him lots during those three years.
Kakashi stayed behind, never passing by you. The shinobi wanted for you to be the first one to see Naruto, considering the relationship that binds the two of you and for the fact that the young ninja didn't write that week (Kakashi hopes that Naruto did it on purpose but he imagines the kid just genuinely forgot), and you did, between the three of you, you spot him first. He was talking with Sakura, the girl was mad at him for something you didn't even care to find out. It was when the kid you raised as your own spotted you that he ran to you. He hugged you, hands around your middle and lifted you making you squeal out of surprise.
"why didn't you wrote me you were coming at the village?" you said once he put you down. "I was going to think something had happen to you" he scratched the back of his head giving you a nervous smile. Before he could apologize properly Konohamaru was all over him asking him questions about the time he was away and reminding him about the promise the older ninja made before leaving (a stupid challenge about who performs better the Sexy Jutsu Naruto invented). You noticed Sakura rolling his eyes, Moegi doing the same.
You felt Kakashi lightly hugging you from the side, and you didn't mind the presence of the ninja, not when you apologized for your shitty behaviour. Since that day your relationship with Kakashi got better day after day to the point where you started having feelings for the man, romanic ones to be pricise.
"what is happening between the two of you?" he asked, looking confused to why you weren't at Kakashi's throat for being this close to your figure. "are you fucking my mom?" you were able to feel hear Kakashi stiffening at those words, who wouldn't when accused of such an intimate, and very personal, activity. "you know what? I don't actually want to know. Treat her right or I am coming for you, I know where you live" he threatened him and both you and Kakashi weren't able to say much back before he excused himself saying he had to report to Granda Tsunade frst thing first.
As you were left with Sakura, team Ebisu and Kakashi you cleared your throat ready to explain that the only thing that there was between Kakashi and you was pure frienship. Nothing more, nothing less.
"not to be that person..." started to speak Sakura "but I never, ever, saw Kakashi sensei interested in a woman like he is with you." she shrugged her shoulders when you gave her a death stare. "Just saying. By the way, gotta make sure Naruto doesn't get in trouble with the Hokage" you pinched the bridge of your nose, inhaling deep to keep calm. When you opened back your eyes you noticed the younger ninjas looking at you.
"You three better get to training before I rat you out to Ebisu Sensei" Konohamaru wasn't didn't care, you could tell, the smirk selling away his thoughts on the entire situation.
"Kids those days, always telling lies" you tried your best to light up the mood but Kakashi's espression told you you were failing. "you don't... you don't think so?"
"totally, yeah. Kids teasing their teacher like there is no tomorrow." he said, heading back to his apartment avoiding any type of contact with you. You follow behind him, your shop being in the same direction as his house.
"I'm sorry for Naruto. I will make sure he apologizes to you as soon as possible." he doesn't answer, keeping his pace slow so you were able to keep up with him. "I would suggest he pays for whatever you would like, you know, as a little revenge" he chuckled a little and you were happy that he finally was able to let Naruto's words bahind him.
Kakashi kept you company at the shop, helping some costumers that mostly wanted to engage in a conversation with him. Mostly to ask him if he was single and what type of girls he liked, he nervously laghed at them trying his best to change the topic.
Looking at the interaction you couldn't help but smile at it. The way he softly smiled at those ladies trying to set him up. The way he would try and subtly change the subject. The way he would walk them out with gentle hands.
He scoffed, walking to the cash register he takes his head between his hands complaining about the ladies of the village doing whatever they were trying to achieve.
"I mean, you are old and never been seen with a partner of any sorts. You spend all your time with your students or out for missions." you tell him, pushing his elbows away from the desk. "they like you and they want to see you settled down. That's it" Kakashi and you were discussing about the fact that he doesn’t want to settle down with the first woman people would set him up with, he wants to meet someone and grew with them, embrancing their qualities but also their flaws and he does tell you that. Soft boy, was your first thought at his words.
The bell at the top of the door rang and shifting your gaze to the entrance you saw Naruto with his signature smile on display.
"Ehy mom, I came to tell you that I need to go first thing in the morning for a mission."
"So soon? But you just..." looking how his joyful look turned into a more serious one you knew it was about Sasuke, it had to be about him. "I get it. Do you at least have the time to eat with me before you leave?" he nodded and you told him, and Kakashi to wait for you outside so you could finish cleaning before closing the shop.
Walking to Ichiraku Naruto revealed some new details that he couldn't share before about his days with the Ero-Sennin and you had a good laugh with him. Kakashi didn't intrude much, for what reason you couldn't tell, but it didn't care at the moment becuase you were back with your favourite boy.
Teuchi welcomed the three of you and so did his daughter, a little smirk forming on his face at the sight of Kakashi.
"Introducing the boyfriend to the family?" she said earning a little spank on her back from her father.
"He is not my boyfriend Ayame, how many times do I have to tell you?" you complied at her statement.
"But you wished he was?" said the younger ones, you turned to Naruto looking at him in confusion, what gave him such an idea? "I mean I come back and you haven't yelled at him once."
"This doesn't mean I want him to be my boyfriend but just that me and Kakashi talked out our.."
"yours" he interjected and you rolled your eyes at him.
"Yeah, my problems..." you said looking at Kakashi "...we became friends with time. Nothing wrong with it" you said and then asked Teuchi for three ramens.
While Teuchi and Anyame prepare your food Naruto was curios to know how it happened, he clearly remembered you saying that there was no way you would change your mind on Kakashi, and here you were, sharing some ramen with the person you were supposed to hate the most in this world.
You told him about how everything changed between his sensei and you when you apologize to him and that you find out a different side of him when he helped you during your breakdown. Since then you did everything together, let it be a little stroll around Konoha or having lunch during your breaks at the shop.
“With time I started liking him.” You said “oh thank you for the food.” You take a spoonful of it and complimented Teuchi. “You see, with time you can understand who truly cares for you.” That was a little jab at Naruto because you never liked Sakura for him. Sure they were good friends now, but the way she treated him at the beginning ot their training times? It wasn’t what you had expected from a team mate.
“Don’t get all philosophical on the kid already.” Commented Kakashi. You gave him a side eye. “Sorry but he just arrived after three years with Jiraya what do you think he will understand if you use big words to him?”
“I’m not stupid”
“He is not stupid” Kakashi turned around when he heard Teuchi and Ayame defending Naruto as well. “The kid just ignores some things.” Carried on the owner of the ramen shop. “I mean a LOT of things but is not his problem. He took after his mother.” You laughed, remembering Kushina being just like him when you first met her. She calmed down a little bit, still being her silly self, now that you were under her care.
Naruto finally dropped the previous conversation, more interested in knowing more about his mother now that the man mentioned her. Sure you had talked to him about his parents but you didn’t know much about them before you became part of their family so while he is intrigued about stories of his young parents from Teuchi you kept an eye on him, smiling at his shiny eyes at the stories he is told.
Once you were done eating Kakashi payed for the three of us and you thanked him for the gesture. Naruto complained, if he knew his sensei would have been the one paying he would have got a second portion to take home for you just to rise the bill a little bit and annoy his sensei.
“You want us to walk you at the gates?” You asked making sure you weren’t too much of a burden for him since he had to be at the gates before sun rise. He “uhmed” in response and you are quite happy that you can spend some more time with him.
“I wouldn’t be too mad at Kakashi if he tried something.” Naruto spoke when he was able to see the gates of Konoha. You and Kakashi stopped in your tracks both looking at him with wide eyes. “I want you to be happy and if he makes you happy I’m okay.” He kissed you goodbye before sprinting away where his friends and team mates for the Sasuke rescue team were waiting for him.
You were left alone with Kakashi next to you, with nothing to say due to Naruto’s confession. What were you supposed to say? What were you supposed to do? You wished Kurenai was there to give you some advice on it but she wasn’t. And even if she was she wouldn’t be much of help because she would be too occupied teasing you.
“So… do I make you happy? Because you sure make me happy.” Kakashi cut the silence and you wished he didn’t, not like that at least.
“You annoy me, that’s different.” You rolled your eyes at him and started walking towards your apartment. It took him some minutes to realize your words and when he does, he runs behind you catching up with you almost immediately him and his stupid long legs.
“Ehy, what do you mean I annoy you? You said you started to like me.”
“Again, it doesn’t mean you don’t annoy me sometimes.” You keep teasing him and he missed the way you smiled at him. And you miss the way he does the same.
It was in front of your porch that he cups your face and looked deep into your eyes before asking permission to kiss you and you gave him the green light to do so. The kiss is gentle, and short lived but you didn’t care. You invite him inside and this time you let him sleep in your bed.
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luminiscented · 10 months
could you make hcs for ninja [+ pixal, morro and harumi] and their ideas for their s/o? i love your work sm,<3
ninjago characters x their perfect gn! s/o
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Pairing: Ninjago characters x gn! Reader
Status: none
Summary: The perfect partners of each character (mentioned above)
Warnings: none
Type: headcanons
Note: I'm sorry if Harumi is a bit ooc!! I haven't really watched a lot after seasons 7 and 8!! Thank you for the request though!! IM VERY SORRY ABOUT THE DELAY!! IT'S EXAM SEASON AND I'VE BEEN HAVING SOME PERSONAL PROBLEMS!! :((
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♡ Lloyd has a very unstable life, so I'm sure at one point he'll crave a partner who's very down to earth, but still has that kid in them!!
♡ Despite him being a warrior and a leader, Lloyd is very fragile. He can take just that much stress and hurt so he'd need you to be his safe space.
♡ In my eyes he'd need someone careful and gentle, but still someone who could be a kid along with him,,, someone who's willing to stay despite everything and listen to him. Someone to take him in their arms and shush him sweetly whenever the pressure gets too much,,
♡ Kai is a very outgoing, confident, fiery person, but behind closed doors he lets himself be the exact opposite. I see him having a partner that is ready to accept both of his sides,,
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♡ I honestly see him dating a chill confident person who rolls their eyes at his pick up lines, but in the same time I see him having a s/o who's a bit nerdy and their eyes just light up whenever their favorite topic is brought up,, he's over there lovestruck while you gawk about your fixation,,,,
♡ Reassurment is constant with Kai - from both ends of the relationship and it means the world to him that for once he could get taken care of instead of always being the older brother, the caregiver, the parent
♡ A very simple, very very sweet guy, so I think an equally sweet s/o would definitely catch his attention!!
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♡ If you have a thing for cooking, you're already his biggest crush
♡ I see Cole as a touchy person and he would def love it if your love language was physical touch and acts of service
♡ He's used to being the muscle of the team, always doing the heavy lifting, so it would be a relief to get pampered and taken care of after a tough mission,, he would melt if you took the time to tend to every scar,,,,,
♡ A sweet chill s/o would definitely be the perfect pick, since I think he would value stability a lot in his life.
♡ Zane's perfect match would be someone very patient and gentle!!
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♡ He'd love a partner who's just as curious as him and someone who's willing to be patient with him,,,he doesn't have a very good grasp on all things romantic, but he's trying his best!!
♡ Zane really loves quality time over everything else!!
♡ Zane would be head over heels in love with someone who's very intelligent and interesting!! Bonus points if you're an artistic person,,,he tries his best to understand art and he enjoys it a lot!!
♡ He'd love a S/o who loves cooking or trying out new food, also one who loves to go out on small private romantic dates!! It's his type of thing, but he would be open to a slightly different type of outing if that's what you're into.
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♡ He'd love a very energetic s/o who's just like him!! If you're into tech and stuff he'll be over the moon!!!!!
♡ Jay loves a sweetheart who could comfort him and reassure him that he isn't too much and that he's doing a good job,,
♡ If his s/o is into poetry he'd be smitten,,,yes of course he wants to hear what you wrote,,,,,
♡ Jay is the type of guy to want a very dynamic relationship with a lot of fun and surprises and dates!! He's always thinking of ways to surprise you and make you feel appreciated!!
♡ Physical touch and gift giivng are his love language!! Prepare to be smothered in kisses on a daily basis and have a ton of handmade gifts!!
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♡ He is in denial to the very end.
♡ He isn't very vocal about his love, but he's like a puppy trust me,,
♡ Morro'd love a peaceful s/o,,, someone who could balance his temper out and keep him down to the ground. A calm partner would definitely be his best match. He would be very passionate in his love, just like Kai, so he'd appreciate a bit of spice as well.
♡ He's very into intelligence!! He is also head over heels for some confidence and cockiness.
♡ Morro pretends he's a very tough unlovable guy even after getting reformed, but the truth is that he's fragile. He's been that way ever since he was a kid, so he's not going to trust you with his emotions in the beginning. He needs constant reassurement even if he doesn't say a word about it. You need to pick up the subtle signs by yourself if you want to figure out what's with the change in his behavior.
♡ Make him his favorite dish, give him some cheek and chest kisses and some kind words and he's not going to leave your arms for the rest of the day. Make him feel appreciated and enough and it's going to be returned tenfold.
♡ This man will adore every single thing you do.
♡ Quiet dates are his thing, even if it's just laying in bed cuddling he's there and fully engaged. He'd love a fancy date tho,, you get a bit from both worlds.
♡ Quality time and physical touch are Morro's type of thing, his hand is always around you - rubbing your shoulder, holding your hand etc. His hand is on your waist outside and you're always getting kisses on the top of your head.
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♡ If Pix is in a relationship, she'd be fully invested, so she'd want a partner who's fully engaged as well.
♡ Her projects and work are very important to her, but you always come first.
♡ Pixal would be the type to fall for a person that takes interest into her own interests, or if it isn't their type of thing, pay attention to her, ask her questions, try to engage, show interest and she's going to appreciate you sm!!
♡ Her love language is gift giving and acts of service, but she's going to melt for some sweet words and reassurement!!! Sucker for pillow talk!!
♡ I feel like she'd love physical affection as well, especially cuddles!! Stroke her head and kiss her cheeks while letting her feel your body warmth and pixal will be so happy!!,,
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♡ She WILL treasure you and adore you every day!! Fresh flowers included!!
♡ She's pretentious and bratty and no one can truly please her you're perfect how are you doing this
♡ She's going to be protective of you, surely.
♡ She'd love to do things for you to express her love, since I think she isn't going to be the best with words - cleaning your room, doing your makeup, making you food, memorizing your medicine or your hair products etc etc.
♡ She'd be head over heels if you made her home cooked meals,,,,Harumi would love a partner who celebrates all her accomplishments with her and also one who looks after her even if she pretends she doesn't want to be,,, she's fussy, but painfully in love whenever you take care of her bruises or fix her makeup if it's smeared before she goes out,,,just little things like that make her day better,,<3
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jymwahuwu · 4 months
I said I'm not interested in AU but this is what popped into my head… HSR retro AU. No more space technology.
Basically you are a college student 🙈🙈🙈 Depending on whether you are an extrovert or an introvert, you may go shopping and play with your friends during the holidays, have a party, or stay comfortably at home listening to music with MP3 and cassette tapes, or reading novels on the subway.
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You use a bulky computer to click on the Windows XP system, and spend hours downloading music and opening chat software. Your MSN friends list is as follows:
Jing Yuan:
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Your mysterious neighbor is much older than you. You have never understood what the Xianzhou Alliance is. It is said that he kept a lion named Mimi in the yard, but every time you passed by, you thought it was just a cute cat. He'll stuff you with sweets and prepare you milk and afternoon tea, giving you advice. Well, he can also write ancient poetry. You shamelessly gave this old man your homework.
(You lie on his lap and sleep, breathing quietly.)
Aventurine & Ratio:
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These two live together, are also your neighbors, professors, friends... You are not sure what their relationship is, but they quarrel every day. Aventurine is a high-level executive in IPC. Every time you visit a department store, you will whisper in your heart that this is also an IPC. He takes the bill in your mailbox every month and pays it off, very weird. His car is the most talked about in the community.
Ratio is your college professor...he is very strict about grades and academic performance. You cursed him one time and he heard you and he took you back to the office for an OTK spanking...unfortunately, it was legal. You have since become his target in class...
Sunday & Robin:
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They still have halos and wings, share the same MSN account, and even the same pager. They have no privacy from each other. They are well-known brothers and sisters of the Xipe Church. They are very popular and eye-catching, attracting people's attention wherever they go. So if you are an introvert, the difference is even more pronounced haha. But both of them will approach you, in the name of kindness, with a look of concern on their face. Robin picks out clothes for you and lends you homework to copy. In return, you agree to go to church on the weekend… and help her sell cookies at the church charity sale.
Sunday provides insight into your life and schedule in the name of "for your own good". You don't know why you wrote your schedule in a notebook for him… He shows up in front of your house and listens to music with you (using the same MP3 player). You share with him a few things you learned in the sex education class, and he says that he has signed the commitment card (you: ? what is this). Promise to remain chaste until marriage… That card has an inexplicable printed pattern, with a photo of a couple holding hands, leaving you speechless. But you don’t know why you signed this commitment card under his supervision…
Dan Heng:
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Your nerdy college classmate, with dragon horns (don't ask me why). He reminds you of class and exam times and lends you notes, leaving you with the last piece of cake. You always tease him until he blushes and gets angry.
Dan Feng:
Dan Heng's brother. He seems to be very traditional. You haven't seen him much and you only added him as an MSN friend.
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The mysterious old man. He seems to have a grudge against Dan Feng and Dan Heng. One time you were playing cards with Yanqing and Dan Heng. He suddenly broke into the yard, said something incomprehensible and then started fighting with Dan Feng. This scared you to death. Kafka appeared to stop him. You added Kafka friends to avoid being attacked by Blade.
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The mysterious woman who can control Blade. You don't know who she is, but she seems to know you well and be gentle to you.
Silver Wolf:
Your college classmate has designed several computer games and won many awards at a young age, and occasionally plays cards with you. For some reason, she is very close to Blade and Kafka.
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mirisss · 10 months
Haunting Shadows prequel
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Vampire! Mafia! Ateez OT8 x afab! reader
Wordcount ≈ 2.2k
Warnings: mentions of weapons, blood, violence, mentions of someone being unalived, being chased, involuntarily put to sleep, I think that’s it, 
Thank you for the request! I hope you like it! I wrote it at 4 am when I couldn’t sleep so the ending isn’t the best. 
Please reblog!
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Third Person POV
In a deep dark alley, somewhere downtown. A group of six men gathered around a seventh man lying on the ground. The man on the ground tried to shield himself from the haunting red glowing eyes staring down at him. The blood-red eyes paired with the guns pointed in his direction, made him realize that he was not getting out of this alley alive. One of the six men took a step forward as two others seemed to appear out of nowhere, or rather, they seemed to be appearing from the shadows. The man who had stepped forward had red hair that almost seemed to glow but right in front of the scared man, the hair morphed from red to black and the facial features of the previous red-haired man changed too. He went from someone the scared man had never seen to someone he recognized quite well. 
“Hello, Lee Jaejoong,” Jaejoong tried to move backward but his back met with a wall stopping his tried escape. “Who are you?” The eight men around him all smirked, revealing sharp fangs, causing him to hold his breath. “My name is Wooyoung, and these are my blood brothers, you may know us as Ateez,” Jaejoong’s heart sank as he recognized the name, Ateez, the largest mafia in the country. Ateez, a mafia group known to not leave anyone who has wronged them alive. “Please, please, I’ll do anything, just please, don’t kill me,” A shorter man stepped forward, giving a silent cue to Wooyoung who immediately stepped back again. “Yeosang, are you sure he is the one?” “Yes, captain, his scent is a complete match to the blood we found,” “Jaejoong, Jaejoong, Jaejoong… mm… and here I thought our partnership was going so well but you just had to mess it up, what a shame” The one called captain, moved around a little while sending a terrifying glare to the man on the ground. “Yunho, Mingi, take care of him. Jongho, keep guard. Seonghwa, San. Go fetch the car, no need to waste any more time on this one,” “Hongjoong, captain, someone’s getting close,” 
It was around 10 pm when (Y/n) decided to leave the university library to head home. Her back hurt from crouching for a few hours, trying to study as much as she could for an upcoming exam. Only a few students were still around, most of them studying with a few just hanging out with their friends. (Y/n) walked along her usual path, soon approaching the part she hated walking by. It was a dark alley downtown. While she had never seen or heard anyone there, she always felt uneasy walking past it but there were no other paths she could walk to get home from uni so she couldn’t avoid it. She took up her phone, prepared to call for help should anything happen. 
For the first time, as (Y/n) came close to the alley she found a light coming from deep within the alley. Her unease increased, that could only mean that someone was down there, she thought. Just as (Y/n) came to the opening of the alley, she saw two dark figures walking in her direction as she heard a loud noise. It sounded frighteningly familiar to a gun being fired, followed by a scream. Or rather two screams. One from whoever was shot and one from (Y/n). 
(Y/n) ran as fast as she could away from the alley, continuing her way home. Hoping that whoever had been walking toward her from the alley wouldn’t follow her, but if they were following she hoped they wouldn’t be able to catch up with her. 
“Hongjoong, captain, someone’s getting close,” Hongjoong turned to Yeosang who looked worried after picking up an unfamiliar scent coming closer to them. “Hwa, San, check it out on your way,” “Yes, sir,” As they began walking away, they could make out the shape of a girl or woman in the distance. Just as they were within eyesight of the human, a gunshot rang through the alley followed by a scream that bounced off the walls out toward the road. Within a second, another scream resonated through the eight vampire’s ears. Seonghwa and San saw the human look at them and then run for their life away from them. “Catch her,” Seonghwa muttered to which San ran full speed after the human. 
(Y/n) was terrified as she heard loud footsteps in pursuit of her. Please, I don’t want to die, not like this. She was getting tired after running for a few minutes, not even the adrenaline pumping through could keep her going for much longer. (Y/n) turned her head to try and see just how close the person behind her was only to find no one, feeling hopeful she turned her head back thinking she was safe, only to see a man standing a few meters in front of her. He seemed completely unfazed while (Y/n) was panting loudly, coming to a complete stop only three steps away from the man. What the hell? How did he get in front of me? (Y/n)’s eyes shot open as wide as they could when she looked into the, very attractive, man’s eyes only to find them shifting from a deep brown to a glowing purple. 
San was surprised by the overwhelming warmth that emerged throughout his entire body when he met the human’s eyes. His sight disappeared for a second only to come back a bit hazy, a purple tint now colored the world. A tint he had experienced before when he first met the other seven vampires in his group. This human, was their final soulmate. The missing piece of their connection. 
“Please don’t hurt me,” (Y/n) didn’t know what to do, her legs felt weak from the running and suddenly her heart was beating fast not only from fear and the running, but from the way this man was looking at her. While his gaze was threatening, it didn’t seem malicious, no it seemed more like longing. Another pair of footsteps could be heard approaching from behind (Y/n), but she didn’t dare look away from the man in front of her. “San, what’s going on?” “Hwa-hyung, it’s her,” “I may be older than you but I am not dumb, obviously this is the one who overheard our business,” “No, hyung, I mean she’s the final one,” Seonghwa stared at San a bit confused, it wasn’t until Seonghwa looked at his younger soulmate’s eyes that he realized what he meant. “Our soulmate?” San couldn’t do more than give a slight nod in answer, to captivated by the woman in front of him. 
Seonghwa carefully approached the human and put his hand on her shoulder, applying a bit of pressure to turn her toward him. (Y/n) was surprised both by the action but also by the handsome face she was now only mere centimeters from. The deep brown eyes of this man also shifted into a purple color, making the human gasp. Seonghwa shivered from the feeling of experiencing the first look at his final soulmate. The vampire quickly gathered himself though, shaking away the lovesick feeling that had made San freeze. The purple color in his eyes slowly faded back to brown only to shift into a glowing red. Seonghwa looked deep into (Y/n)’s eyes before he whispered: Sleep. (Y/n) immediately felt drowsy as her legs grew even weaker and her eyelids grew heavy, before she knew it she faded into unconsciousness. Seonghwa captured her body as she fell asleep. “Let’s go to the others,” San had finally managed to shake away the shock and could finally move and think freely again. 
The two vampires didn’t make it far before their six other soulmates approached them with questioning looks as they noticed the unconscious woman in Seonghwa’s arms. “Boys, let me introduce you to our soulmate,” Mingi gasped loudly while Wooyoung shouted out of joy. Yunho and Jongho looked at each other with happy smiles as Hongjoong and Yeosang both only looked down at the woman. No one said anything more as they simply walked to their van, bringing the human with them to their home. 
When (Y/n) woke up she could barely recall anything from the night before. Her memory felt foggy, she remembered walking home from uni but somewhere in the middle of the walk, everything turned black. The bed she was sleeping on was unfamiliarly soft and big. (Y/n) sat up and tried to shake off the sleepiness to focus on her surroundings. She quickly realized that this was not her bedroom nor any room in her apartment nor was it any of her friend’s homes. Hell, this room was pretty much as big as her entire apartment. (Y/n) looked around for her phone as quietly as she could but to no avail, she couldn’t find it anywhere. 
“She’s awake,” Yeosang said as he walked into the kitchen where the other seven vampires were gathered. “Earlier than usual,” Yunho pointed out. “It might not have been as effective because of the mating bond,” Seonghwa responded, usually when he used his gift of absolute command the effect wouldn’t subside for at least 12 hours, especially not the sleep command. Yet this time, it had only worked for about 8 hours. “That’s most likely it, the mating bond is known to mess with the effectiveness of gifts,” Hongjoong said before taking a sip of his coffee. “Should we go meet her?” Mingi asked, quite excited to finally meet the missing piece of their bond. “Yeah, let’s go,” Jongho said excitedly. “Come on, I really want to see her,” Wooyoung whined, he was ready to break down the door just to see her. “Let’s do it,” Hongjong said, as the leader he was the one to have the final say on most decisions they made, though sometimes Seonghwa as the oldest would be the one in charge, it depended on the situation. 
The eight vampires walked toward the room in which (Y/n) was still trying to find her phone. She didn’t stop searching until she heard the door creaking as it opened. (Y/n) turned toward the door coming to face eight unfamiliar men, six out of these men caught her attention one by one as their eyes slowly blossomed from brown to purple. This awakened a memory from the prior night, brown eyes turning purple, she also faintly remembered something red too. It took her a few moments until everything came back to her. Walking home, seeing the alley being lit up, hearing a gunshot, screams, running, facing two of these eight men before becoming unconscious and waking up in the unfamiliar room. 
Hongjoong, Yunho, Yeosang, Mingi, Wooyoung, and Jongho were all overcome with the euphoric feeling of meeting their soulmate. Seonghwa was the first to step into the room, a kind smile grazed his lips as he tried to make the human feel less scared. “I apologize about all of this, what happened yesterday and us barging in like this. All of it will make sense in a few moments if we may explain it to you,” He stopped speaking for a second, clearly indicating that he expected an answer from (Y/n) to his half-question-half-statement. (Y/n) didn’t dare deny it so she simply nodded her head. “Good, my name is Seonghwa, and you remember San from last night, the red-haired one is Wooyoung, the tall blonde one is Mingi, the other tall one is Yunho, the buff one is Jongho, this is Hongjoong our leader, and finally we have our handsome Yeosang. What is your name?” 
“I’m (Y/n),” (Y/n) couldn’t help but notice the fangs that protruded from Seonghwa’s mouth as he smiled and spoke. Eyes that turn purple and red, super speed or something like it, making me fall asleep just like that, fangs, soulmate… What kind of freaky fantasy book have I fallen into? Are they vampires? No way, right? “(Y/n), what a beautiful name,” Yunho said as he smiled brightly, showing his fangs which only confirmed (Y/n)’s delusional thought. “Are you vampires or am I going crazy?” They all chuckled at (Y/n)’s question, a little surprised that she had put it together so quickly. 
“You are correct, we are, indeed, vampires. And you dear (Y/n), are our soulmate,” Wooyoung said as he sent a wink her way as well as a beautiful smile, a smile that revealed yet another set of fangs to the human. (Y/n) just nodded before she turned her back to the men, counting her fingers to try and see if she was dreaming but she found 10 fingers confirming she was awake. She turned back to the alleged vampires. “Please explain all of this in detail because I still think I am asleep,” After a lengthy explanation and discussion on how they were vampires and what a soulmate meant with more. The nine soulmates began their relationship that would continue for eternity as (Y/n), even though she is human, was gifted immortality to be able to accompany her soulmates forever. 
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nicohischierz · 1 year
the great war: nico hischier
tani speaks: this is loosely based off of taylor swifts song ‘the great war’ and also i couldn’t help myself and finished this before my exam 
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you looked over at dawson, guilt all over his face. 
the one person you thought you could trust had betrayed you. 
tears were streaming down your face as your brother pulled you out of the room. your senses were overwhelmed as your ears started ringing. occasionally, you could hear the calls for your name but you couldn’t move. 
the only time you snapped back into reality was when your brother threw a punch across your boyfriends face. and still then you couldn’t move from your spot. you didn’t move until your boyfriend fell to the floor, your older brother walking away from his captain. 
“nico,” you mumbled. jack had a strong grip on you as you tried wiggling your way out of his arms. but alas, the hughes brother proved his strength by carrying you out of the room as you kicked and screamed to be let down. 
it had been two months since your brother had stormed into nico’s apartment and taken you away from him. you didn’t really understand why, you were old enough to make your own decision. 
timo hadn’t let you leave the apartment unless you were accompanied by either him, luke, jack or dawson. jack would force you out of your room at least twice a week whether it be to join him and luke for a movie and dinner at their house or to go out for dinner with your brother to make things seem normal.  
but you didn’t want to go out. especially with timo or dawson. 
luke seemed to be the only one who saw how heart broken you were over the whole ordeal. the first two weeks since your forced break up, timo allowed luke to stay with you and the young boy would stay up late as you cried just to make sure you made it through the night. 
practice was still tense as nico avoided timo but tried not to change the environment the team had created. erik and jonas knew what had happened, they were in charge of making sure nothing happened between the boys at practice. 
the others in the team noticed the awkward tension between timo and the captain but they all ignored it. even the one’s who knew ignored the situation and tried their best to go back to normal. 
that was until erik walked into the locker room after everyone had left and found nico sobbing on the floor, a photo of the two of you in his hands. “i miss her so much,” he cried as erik gave him a hug. 
erik had made nico write you a letter describing how he felt and he was going to make you do the same. when erik rang the doorbell he was surprised to find you answering. 
“he isn’t here,” you sniffled. erik took in the sight of you in one of nico’s sweater’s, your eyes red and your hair tangled. “i’m not here for him,” he replied. “well then why did you come?” you asked. 
erik didn’t say anything as he fished out the letter nico had written for you. “can i come inside and give this to you? i don’t want your brother to appear and see it,” 
you nodded and let him in. erik was quick to shut the door behind him and give the letter to you. “read it quickly and write a response so i can give it to him,” erik had waited and made you something to eat as you wrote your letter. 
erik played messenger for you and nico as he dropped by occasionally to give you a letter and at the end of practice, erik would wait for everyone to leave before handing your letter to nico. 
the letters were filled with the two of you recalling every touch and special moment the two of you shared.
timo thought he was doing the right thing, keeping you separate from nico. at first he was oblivious to the pain you and nico were feeling even when he dragged you to their first playoff game at the rock. 
for the past two months you were heartbroken. especially now as you watched nico do what he loves, knowing you can’t be there for him in the way you want to.
you were sat in the press box with luke when you ran out hyperventilating. your heart ached in your chest, more than it did before. “y/n?” luke asked. the boy had called his mother to come upstairs and help as soon as you ran out.  
“it hurts so much luke,” you whispered, gripping onto your chest. 
when ellen arrived, she took you in her arms and directed you down to the medical staff. luke was trailing behind you as he texted erik and jonas, he knew it would be a long shot and the boys wouldn’t see his messages but he just needed to try. 
luckily for them, nico was being checked by the team doctor as he had an awful cut on his cheek. “she’s hyperventilating and we don’t know how to calm her down,” ellen explained as they walked into the room.
luke had left the room to find one of the guys to warn them to distract timo. but he had no luck as he walked into the locker room and came face to face with timo. apparently, a member of the medical team had come to tell timo about his sisters arrival at the medical room immediately. 
“schätzli,” nico called as he saw your distressed state. and just by the sound of his voice, your breathing slowed. his voice was laced with worry but it still held the same gentle tone you loved. 
nico waved off the nurses as he made his way over to you. he didn’t say a word as he wrapped your body in his arms, his cologne engulfing your nose. sobs racked your body as you took in the feeling of being in nico’s arms again. 
luke’s attempt to keep timo away from the medical room proved no help as your brother pushed past the younger boy. even though erik and jonas had tried to help keep timo preoccupied there wasn’t enough time to split you and nico up. 
your brother walked into the room and was met with the sight of you in nico’s arms. a sense of deja vu ran over timo but this time it was different. this time you weren’t half naked in his best friends room. 
this time timo could tell that you were happier around nico. he could see it in the way your eyes held more life in them in that moment than over the past two months and he could see it when your face showed relief as soon as nico’s lips met your forehead. 
“i will always be yours y/n,” nico vowed to you and to your brother as the two men made eye contact. 
now as you moved into nico’s apartment you smiled to yourself because you had done it. you and nico survived the ‘great war’
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mr2swap · 2 years
Food made me happy
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-Oh fuck! I really needed this! -I couldn't stand another day without having something and good food in my stomach, it's amazing that the coach is so cool to give me his body every time I need to satisfy myself.
Ever since I started high school I started to develop a little food addiction I think it's because of stress or at least that's what the school counselor told me. whenever i had a fight with my girlfriend, failed an exam, or heard my parents fight or argue about their divorce i used to fill my mouth with huge amounts of junk food to forget all my problems i knew it was not healthy but i didn't really mattered the food made me happy.
Sure it made me happy until I started putting on weight and started getting a lot slower in my football practices. The coach immediately noticed and called me into his office to talk, he knew something was wrong with me so he told me he wouldn't leave that office until I came clean with him.
The coach was always a kind person, perhaps a bit harsh and direct, but he was always there for all his students who needed help. It was really hard and embarrassing to admit that he had a problem with food but the look, the kind and understanding voice of the coach made it a little less difficult.
When I finished telling all my problems to the coach he smiled kindly at me and gave me a strange and magical solution, Right now the coach is playing against our rival school for the state championship. That was too much pressure so before the big game I decided to go to the coach's office so we could swap bodies.
I told him all my fears again and he took out a couple of necklaces with some strange red and blue stones, He said that he had bought them as a gift for his ex-wife in a trinket shop in the mall but when he discovered his strange powers He decided to keep the secret to himself and his students.
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When we both had the necklaces on our necks the colors slowly inverted as well as our bodies, before my eyes I saw how the teacher slowly got younger, smaller and thinner while I got fatter, older, taller and grew a thick, unkempt beard on my face.
When the trade ended the trainer was in my young and fit body and I was now in his old fat body, maybe since me and the trainer traded places so I could let off steam the trainer's body had gained a couple of pounds and although He told me not to worry about it and to enjoy myself even though I felt a little embarrassed.
The trainer took off his clothes and was completely naked, since I received help from the trainer my body was never in better condition, I could train without any problem and every time I had a craving for something sweet or greasy I just had to talk to the trainer to take his body.
We had swapped bodies a bunch of times before so it was customary to have some extra clean clothes in my backpack but today I would be wearing my football uniform, while he dressed in my uniform I was still in my original clothes. Maybe next time I should take my clothes off before swapping bodies with the trainer because every time I swapped bodies with the trainer it was a long battle to get my pants off.
I looked down examining the trainer's body, right now I had the body of a 40 year old man but I felt more alive than ever, I had a huge, hairy, watery belly now thanks to the binge eating he fed me during our exchanges, the coach's body had changed rapidly since he started helping me maybe he should compensate for it somehow.
But all my doubts and fears quickly vanish when I relax in the coach's office for a full pepperoni pizza or a bucket of fried chicken. I'm sure the trainer is doing a fantastic job on my body. Summer vacations are coming and I don't think he can resist more than 3 days without the coach's body, maybe we can reach a deal and I could leave him my body for a week or 2....
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Sup brothers! I wrote this story back in February and it's probably one of my favorites, If you want to read all the stories they've written since then check out my patreon, I also have a Discord server in case anyone wants to contact me or check out my new stories.
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wearenot7withu · 2 years
pairing: ex!jungkook x f!reader
wc: 2.4k
warning: curse word like once, pure angst, exs2??
a/n: ngl i wrote this quickly. iwas home one day after my exam and I was listening to this song when I got inspired.. it didn't really turn out how i wanted and i'm not really happy with it but i need to write and share it here because i was always insecure about my writing.. so this is me oiling my skills with angst..
feedbacks are welcome, good and bad too - as long as you’re nice about it. english isn’t my first language but i hope the story is enjoyable even like this. have fun reading the story and i hope you like it.
But does he know you call me when he sleeps?
You were laying in bed wide awake, reflecting back on your day. Your phone is next to you, illuminating the room in a blueish light.
A conversation is open on your phone, the last message being from your boyfriend, in which he wishes you good night.
You started going out with Haewon officially a couple days ago, unofficially maybe a month or two. As time passed by he asked you to be his girlfriend.
He was everything a girl could ask for - sweet, caring, a gentleman. You're aware that that's what you deserve. All of your friends say that Haewon is the one, that his love for you is true… and despite it all, he's not the one you want.
You thought maybe you'd come to love him, feel a little more towards him than friendship. That moment still yet has to come.
Because every night when you're alone, all you can think about is him. The one who you love, the one you crave and want. The one you miss.
So in a moment of weakness, you open your drawer on your bedside and take out a small piece of paper with numbers on it. A phone number that you swore you'd never dial again.
Against your better judgement, you knew you'd call again because even if you deleted the number from your phone, you still kept it on a small piece of paper.
A few rings in and the person on the other side picks it up.
"Y/n?" He sounds surprised.
Bet he is. You two didn't talk for two months, since you broke things off.
How stupid it was to call him. He probably moved on and is in a happy place, why did you want to make a fool out of yourself?
"Y/n are you there?"
"Yeah…" Your voice came out unevenly. Your eyes became teary.
"Is everything okay?" His voice changed from surprised to confused. Of course, he's confused. "Are you okay?"
And that question was the last drop for you. Two months of suffering, missing came to the surface. "I miss you" You cried to the phone.
"I miss you so much it hurts" He sighed. You could imagine him running his hand through his dark hair. Maybe it's even longer than when you've last seen him. Maybe he'd cut it back. Both ways he was breathtaking.
"Let's not do this to each other again" His voice came out strained too, but you didn't realize that because of your breakdown. Then, he hung up the call, but you were determined.
But does he know the pictures that you keep?
You've sat in your car in front of the old brick building for ten minutes, looking through the pictures you couldn't delete.
The first picture was from your first date when Jungkook all those years ago took you to the city fair and won you a small plushie - the one you still sleep with until this day. It makes you feel closer to him like you still have some part of him.
The second picture was from Jungkook's brother's wedding. You two were actually broken up during that time, however, at the end of that night you let your first I love you known.
The last picture with him was a couple hours before your break up. You were having a marvel marathon, watching the movies in chronological order from Disney+. You were happy, smiling in the picture while he was laying down on the couch with his head in your lap.
So how did you two end up breaking up? A guy from work called you because he needed help with a project. Then came the fight, the tears, the yelling and the defeat. He said maybe it would be better to end things, for good now.
You two ended things a couple times in your four years together, but this one really felt different. You never had an official break-up before.
Every time a fight like that came, one of you said I'm done, the other said yeah, okay and a week or two later, when you gave enough space to the other, one of you would reach out.
This time, however, none of you did.
Drying the tears on your face you got out of your car and headed inside the building. You've entered the code and went up to the third floor.
You have walked those stairs many times, but you have never felt as nervous as now. Not even when you broke Jungkook's favourite mug and had to face him - the mug was an Iron Man one, by the way.
You knocked on the door with the A13 on it. Your thoughts were running wild, trying to figure out what to say to him when he opens the door. However, you didn't need to say anything because instead of Jungkook a young girl stood in front of you.
Turns out he moved away, and you didn't even know where.
So you walked the stairs one floor higher and knocked on another door. Jungkook's best friend, Jimin was living there with his girlfriend.
"Y/n? What are you doing here?" You could clearly see the confusion on his face.
But you didn't care, you had a question to ask.. and you weren't leaving without an answer.
But does he know the reasons that you cry?
Again, you were in front of a door trying to think about what to say. This time, however, you were in a much nicer building in a much nicer part of the city.
You have many questions, although you know the answer is obvious - they're not concerning you.
You put your hand up to ring the doorbell and put it back down three times already. Should you or should you not?
Maybe you should not. There's a reason he moved without telling you. For some reason, he didn't reach out to you.
"Y/n?" A very familiar voice came from behind you.
You turned around and that's when you saw him. Jungkook was dressed in a hoodie and jogger, holding a blue plastic bag. You could see ice cream in it, the one type he eats when he feels sad or down.
You opened your mouth to say something but nothing came out. You felt like crying again, and when you tried to keep your sobs in, Jungkook came up to you and hugged you.
He opened the door and let you in. He went to put down his bags, poured you some water and led you to the couch, while not even once letting go of your hand.
He sat next to you, moving his hand up and down on your back. When he thought you've somewhat calmed down, he quietly asked you. "What are you doing here?"
Jungkook's heart was breaking. When he saw you calling him, his immediate thought was that something bad happened. Why would you call him at 11PM on a Friday night?
When you told him you miss him, he felt like someone punched him in the guts. He misses you too, if not more than you miss him. But what you had wasn't healthy.
Neither of you could change your ways, and your differences were crashing so much.
He was laid back, and you were a planner. He let everything go as it is, you loved to control - or at least try to - how things go. He didn't give a fuck about what others thought, you always cared about others' opinions. He was not giving more than necessary to others, well except his close friends, you were giving everything to everyone.
Deep down, you both were just insecure because you both knew that the other deserve the change you were not willing to make.
"I tried. I tried so hard to just start anew." You started to answer his question with a shaky voice "Everyone is telling me to forget you, everyone was pressuring me to go out with Haewon. And I did"
Haewon is the dude who got you into this mess in the first place. If it wasn't for him, Jungkook wouldn't have flipped out that faithful day. Hearing that you went out with him, Jungkook couldn't help but feel some kind of betrayal.
Jungook's eyes were always so expressive. Even if he tried to hide what he feels, one could always see it in his eyes. This time was no different.
"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry" You've cried "They were telling me all these things. That I deserve better, that maybe I really need to leave us behind." You inhaled a deep breath "And I thought you want an out. So I tried. I tried to give you that space."
Jungkook looked straight ahead, he felt like crying too. "I think" He started, "I think you deserve Haewon. Even when we were together, he always knew how to help you with work and you two were so compatible, so alike"
You stood up fast. "So just because I'm alike with someone I should be with them? Why does everyone want me to be without you, including you?" You were now pulling on your hair in frustration "He would be a good husband, he would be a good father. I don't doubt that, but why do I have to be in the picture for that?"
Jungkook let out a humourless chuckle "Your mom always wanted grandkids early, you know that"
"She wanted it with you too, she just realized we're not going to give her that"
"And she decided it was because of me" He rolled his eyes, but you could hear the accusation in his voice
"I've never let her think that it's because of you. I always told her that we're just not ready for marriage or children" You were hurt that he thought you'd let him be the bad guy in your mom's plans.
"So why did you cry on the phone for Jaeri that you want to be a bride? That you don't know why you're with me if we're not going anywhere with our relationship?" He asked with slight anger in his voice
You looked at him with a confused expression. What is he talking about? "What?"
"I went to visit you at work a couple days before we.." He didn't say it out loud, before we broke up "And Haewon asked me when am I planning to propose because he heard you crying to Jaeri"
You sat down next to Jungkook and looked straight into his eyes. "I've never, ever said anything like that. Obviously, if you'd asked me I'd have said yes in a heartbeat. But I was content where we were. I was happy with you, didn't matter if husband or boyfriend… what mattered was that it was you."
You sat next to each other in silence for minutes. "Do you still love me?"
He didn't look at you. He turned his head away, biting his lips. "I don't"
Or tell me, does he know where your heart lies?
The next day you called Haewon before work to meet up for breakfast with him.
You had a rough night. You came back from Jungkook's after 2AM and you continued to cry until the morning.
Your eyes were puffy and red, and you're sure your face is swollen too.
"Hi beautiful" Haewon tried to kiss you on the lips, but you turned your head.
"Why did you tell Jungkook that I want him to marry me?" You wanted answers, and you wanted them now.
"I didn't say anything like that to him," He said, reading through the menu, not taking you seriously.
"Well, he said you did"
"And you rather believe him than me?" He put the menu back on the table
"Yes" You answered immediately "Look Haewon, you're a nice guy. But I don't like you like that and I… I still love Jungkook. It wouldn't be fair to you"
"I see" He let out a small laugh "You know, it's such a shame that you are hooked up on that guy. He doesn't have a good job, and he never treated you right… I don't know what you see in him."
"Don't talk about him that way. Don't ruin my opinion about you please, I love working with you and we make a good team - don't ruin that." You said with an edge in your voice. You're not letting anyone talk bad about Jungkook. Then you softened your voice. "Are you still up for breakfast?"
So you two ate and went to work together. After you were done, you didn't go home. Instead, you drove back to Jungkook's place.
You were thinking all day about the previous night, and you came to the conclusion that you didn't say everything you wanted.
You knocked on the door, hoping that he was home. When he opened the door you didn't give him time to react, you slipped into the room next to him.
"I know you said you don't love me anymore. But I do. I love you. Since we met in the library during college. I loved you every day for the past years. No matter if we were together or not, if we fought or not. You're it for me. And I don't believe you don't love me. So look me in the eyes and tell me that you don't"
One moment you were telling him how much you love him, the next he was kissing you.
You've kissed him countless times before, but each kiss gives you the same feeling. It's magical and you can feel the love through it.
"How could I not love you? I've tried to give you an out, but you're it for me too. I don't want anyone else if I can't have you. I rather am alone than with someone else."
You kissed him or at least tried because you couldn't stop smiling. "I know we have a lot of things to work on. There are a lot of things to fix and grow from. But I'll rather work on us than leave us fade away"
Maybe you're running in circles and nothing will change. One thing is for sure, you love each other, and right now you're not near ready to live without the other.
Right here with me, babe Where it truly lies
That night you stayed over. You were laying in bed, cuddling with Jungkook.
"So why did you move?" You asked out of curiosity. It's been two months but he never said anything about moving before that either.
"Yeah, about that…" He started and you looked up at him, waiting on him to finish what he was saying "I actually wanted to move in with you"
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zoyalannister · 2 months
Gracetopher week 2024
Day 5: First
Read on Ao3
Since I already wrote in many fics the first meeting/”I love you”/kiss/time, I decided to go in a totally different and comedic direction.  Modern!AU where Christopher introduces for the first time his girlfriend Grace to the family, but the Six Nations is on and today's match is Wales vs England. 1032 words.
Grace was a bit nervous, but Christopher held her hand and kissed her on the cheek. 
“Don’t worry, my family will love you,” he said. 
She exhaled a shaky breath. 
She and Christopher had been dating for a few weeks, and now that they’d both finished the exams for their first semester of uni, they had decided it was time to meet his family. He talked about his family a lot, and she knew how close they were, and a little part of her couldn’t calm down the fear that they wouldn’t like her, despite Kit’s constant reassurances of the opposite. 
Christopher gave her a last kiss on the cheek and rang the doorbell. A few moments later, a woman opened the door. 
Grace stared at her: she was in her early forties, had black hair and blue eyes, and was wearing a Wales rugby jersey. 
The woman smiled and hugged her son as she said, “Kit, you came home just in time for the match.”
“Match?” he asked her, puzzled.
The woman let them in as she explained, “The Six Nations. It’s Wales versus England today.”
Christopher made a face that screamed he’d forgotten about it. It was entirely possible: they’d both been so immersed in their respective studies for their exams, neither of them had kept track of the sport events of the season or checked their social media. 
“She is Grace, my girlfriend,” he said, as if remembering why they’d gone to the Lightwoods’ in the first place.
The woman held out her hand to her. “It’s a pleasure meeting you, Grace. I’m Cecily, Christopher’s mother.”
“It’s a pleasure meeting you, Mrs. Lightwood,” Grace replied. 
Cecily waved her hand. “No need to be so formal, you can call me by name.”
Grace and Christopher were led inside, but Grace had barely taken five steps when Cecily addressed her with, “So, Grace, are you supporting Wales or England?”
Before she could reply, a man got in the room. He was obviously Christopher’s father: he looked like an older version of him, except that he had green eyes and didn’t wear glasses. He was wearing an England rugby jersey and handed Christopher an identical one saying, “Kit! Here’s yours.”
Christopher hugged him before saying, “Dad, she is Grace, my girlfriend.”
“Gabriel Lightwood, nice to meet you.”
As they shook hands, Grace saw Kit quickly taking off his shirt to wear the white one his father had just given him.
“You’re supporting England, right?” Gabriel asked her.  
Grace glanced at Christopher for help. What was she supposed to say?
Was she supposed to pick England, like the two men? Or Wales, like his mother?
“Kit! You’re back!”
A little boy wearing Wales’s red jersey, not older than eight years old and with wild black hair and green eyes, ran towards them, and hugged Christopher tight.
“Hey, Alex, how are you?”
His little brother smiled. “I’m great! The match is starting, come here!”
Alex dragged Kit over to the living room, and Grace took her chance to avoid giving a reply to that million-pound question. 
While Christopher’s parents discussed what crisps and drinks to bring into the living room, Grace walked inside to find two women sitting on the sofa.
One looked so similar to Cecily, Grace only guessed she had to be Christopher’s sister. She kept her hair short and wasn’t wearing any jersey: instead, she had a Guns N’ Roses t-shirt. The girl next to her was Indian, and by the way she was holding the other woman’s hand, Grace guessed they were partners. Most importantly, she wasn’t wearing a jersey either.
“Grace, this is my sister Anna and her girlfriend Ari. You met Alex already, but he was too rude to introduce himself.”
“I’m not rude!” the child yelled. “I was just excited.”
Grace chuckled as she shook his hand before doing the same with Anna and Ari’s.
“Did Mom and Dad ask you to choose who you’re supporting?” Anna asked.
“Yes, they did,” Grace answered, then pointed at the other woman’s clothes and added, “Who are you supporting?”
Anna shrugged. “I support good sportsmanship.”
“It’s a fancy way to say that she changes sides according to who’s winning,” Christopher cut in. 
“I don’t support anyone,��� Ari intervened. “We don’t have rugby in India, and I don’t understand the rules.”
Christopher rolled his eyes as he sat next to his sister and gestured at Grace to do the same before addressing Ari. “You’ve been living in London since you were a child. You just pretend not to understand rugby because Mom and Dad won’t doubt your word.”
Ari laughed at that. “It may be,” she said with a wink.
“Please, Ari, support Wales this time!” Alex exclaimed as he sat on the arm of the sofa next to the woman.
“I will see how the match goes.”
Grace felt a little twinge of envy looking at them. She’d never had a loving family, and she was a bit jealous of the ease with which Christopher, Anna, Ari and Alex talked to each other. 
But also…
Neutrality was an option.
When Cecily arrived, a few moments later, all the Lightwood siblings and Ari were lost in their talks about statistics, points and players, and so Grace got up to help Cecily put the soda and the packets of crisps on the coffee table. 
“Thanks, Grace.”
“No worries. Anyway, as for who I’m supporting, my family has never been into rugby and I wouldn’t know who to pick.”
Cecily just smiled at that answer. “Don’t worry, you’ll see that Wales is the best team when we crush England, and you’ll know who to support next time.”
“I love your confidence,” Gabriel Lightwood intervened, bringing more crisps and some bottles of beer on the table. “But you must know we are going to win.”
It turned into a full-on fight that involved the whole family. It wasn’t serious, but both the parents started listing the respective nation’s victories to each other, with their children chiming in and adding spice to the argument. 
Grace stayed out of it, but as the conversation unfolded, she smiled. 
For the first time, she finally felt at home.
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Overthinking (Paper Stars 6)
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Content: rants about romance, rants, hurt + comfort?, fluff, usual stuff, Joel has a soft spot for you,
A/N: I'm finally back and free! (not for long before exams catch up to me again). This chapter sort of wrote itself and may also be a rant idk. I have also just realized it has been exactly a month since I updated this series. My apologies. (This is also a repost sorry I was trying to edit my post but me being me accidentally deleted it instead )
Paper Stars Masterlist
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GIF by loregifs
   “It’s fine.” The last message from Joel has plagued your thoughts for the past hour. You furiously swiped the screen, hoping that the screen would refresh with a new message. The last time you truly saw him was literally the time when you had chased him out of your house. You had barely caught glimpses of him after that and the guilt that ate at your heart for treating him so harshly only seemed to grow with each cold shoulder he gave you. Joel had stopped giving you his usual smiles when he saw you and stopped coming up to you for a quick conversation. “Sorry, been busy.” Your eyes reread that message he had sent to you for the umpteenth time. Hell, you could recite this conversation out loud if anyone wanted you to. If you were any wiser, maybe you’ll realise that Joel has been avoiding you but you decided to trust him instead.
     “Joel, I’m really sorry about the other day, fuck I feel real bad about it. I just hoped to be able to talk to you, face to face.” You reread that apology you sent him. Did you mess everything up with him again? It shouldn’t be a surprise, you tend to do that anyways. The jar of paper stars sat on the surface of the coffee table, mocking you. 
     “That’s harsh Joel.” Tommy commented, scrolling through Joel’s chat. Joel harshly snatched his phone back from his younger brother, dropping to his seat with an exasperated sigh. “I mean, I suspected something when you decided to spend more time in the office but to her?” Tommy poked. “Drop it, Tommy. Hand me the proposal already.” Joel instructed. Tommy took the proposal he had tucked under his armpit and dropped it onto Joel’s desk. Tommy let himself drop into the seat opposite Joel, leaning against his arms that were behind his head. “Come on, fill me in.” Joel ignored Tommy, deciding to busy himself with the proposal in front of him. “Its not like you to be so harsh. At least not to her.” Tommy went on, spinning a stray pen that was on Joel’s desk. He leaned forward, a teasing smile on his face as he stared at his older brother. “Ah, the silent treatment. That what you been doing these days? To her?” Joel’s eyes finally snapped to meet Tommy’s. “I told ya to drop it didn’t I?” Tommy stifled a laugh, “That would have worked years ago. Using that card too many times seems to have dulled the fear effect on me” 
Joel simply glared at him before deciding to focus on his proposal again. 
      “Fine, I’ll just ask her myself.” Tommy insisted, standing up to pull out his phone from his pocket while walking towards the office door of Joel’s office. The door slammed shut before Tommy even made it past the door. “Cut it out,” Joel warned again, having got out of his seat to close the door before Tommy could do anything. “Then spill,” Joel averted his gaze away from Tommy. “I don’t want to talk about it.” Joel couldn’t help but think it was so petty when he thought of voicing his thoughts to Tommy. “Something major must have happened. You were literally trying to pick up cooking despite your hectic schedule a few weeks ago. You were more smiley and easygoing since you saw her again and now you are back to the old boring grump.” Joel rolled his eyes, 
   “We just got different perspectives on some matters,” Joel stated plainly. 
     Having grew up in a family that was not very keen on forming attachments, you have learnt to be nonchalant and not have most things bother you. The literal reason for your family not getting a family pet like a dog was not even the usual heavy responsibilities reason. It may have been one of the reasons but you remember distinctly that the main reason was “When the dog’s time is up, it would be living hell. You wouldn’t want to go through that.” These were the exact words that your parents have told you. It had shaped how you grew up as a person too, having attachments to people only seemed to bring the most pain if they left you, you would rather be alone than have to go through that. You would rather not have formed that deep of an attachment in the first place. 
    You had always despised people who got into relationships headfirst, your first thought was always ‘what if it didn’t last?’, you watched your friends get into relationships with guys and saw how their relationships eventually end in failure. The reasons range from having lost that ‘spark’ to having different priorities in life. It all seemed so foolish, especially when you had firsthand seen how your friends cried over the people they once thought were the ���love of their life’ when they seemed to never be able to get over their exes. It seemed so foolish and stupid to you, putting yourself in a vulnerable state over someone, not knowing if they felt as strongly as you. The probabilities and variables involved always showed that it was a losing game. The nickname ‘romance pessimist’ was given to you by your friends. It did hurt when some of your closest friends did not tell you about their relationships or open up to you about their own relationships in fear that you would judge them or not empathize with them but you that upon yourself anyways. Just like most things in your life, you just brushed that behavior off, that is also the reason why your phone is filled with contacts that you haven’t talked to for years, you tend to drift apart with people easily. 
    However, you would be lying if you said that you didn’t believe in love at all. In the oceans of bad relationship examples, there were good ones too. Relationships that made your heart flutter upon hearing them speak about their significant other, gestures that made your heart melt when you saw what they did for each other. Chemistry that seemed to bind two people in ways that science and logic cannot explain. It intrigued you to say the very least. While others' dose of romance came from pursuing relationships, yours came from fictional works and other successful relationships. Despite the cold exterior you had put up when it comes to romance, you were a sucker for it deep down. You were just afraid of the ‘what ifs’ in a relationship. 
    Joel Miller, he always seemed to break through that exterior of yours. When he picked up cooking to cook for you, when he changed into formal attire just to match you, and countless small gestures he did for you over the years only fed into your desires for romance. You forced yourself to suppress those desires but now, as you sat on the couch worrying if you had pushed him too far away. You knew that you had already became vulnerable when it comes to Joel. You knew when your thoughts spiraled around him. when you consistently thought and reflected on yourself. A friend once told you that being in love was like being delusional. You never know what the other person is thinking so you think about it until you eventually convince yourself the other person either thinks positively or negatively about you. You delude yourself into believing in that image of you despite what the other person believes. 
     You sat up with a sigh. What were you doing? Analysing his every reaction, wondering if he hated you, wondering if you had finally pulled his last straw. The logical part of you scolded yourself, gave yourself the same advice that you had given countless friends when they ranted about their relationship issues. “Stop overthinking.” You had never realised how useless that advice is until now. You put on your shoes and forced yourself out on a walk, leaving your phone in your home to avoid thinking about the matter any longer. 
     Joel yawned as he waited at a red light. His eyes fell to the time that read 12.45am. The streets were dark and empty, anyone who took a walk now would be as foolish as the characters you see in horror movies. Not to mention, the dark and stormy clouds towering in the sky and the few raindrops that littered his windscreen. 
      Just as he finished that thought, the one person that would be foolish enough to do all this appeared in his hindsight. It was like a sign to Joel never to underestimate you. He massaged his temples in annoyance as he watched you stroll along the streets like everything he had just thought of did not apply to you. He always admired your nonchalant attitude, the shittiest things could happen to you and you could just smile and laugh it off, preferring to adapt than do anything about it. However, this was a circumstance where that attitude annoyed him. You never seemed to understand the concept behind getting a cold, since young, you have learned to embrace the rain rather than seek shelter. The countless times he had to drag you out of the rain to a shelter and nagged at you for splashing puddles of rainwater at him, especially that one time when you had intentionally stuck your hand out into the rain despite the shelter just so you could gather the rainwater to splash at him. He admitted that it had got onto his nerves, seeing the dirty stains on his pants from you kicking dirty rainwater onto him and getting wet despite being a shelter but the smile and happiness on your face seemed to melt away all the anger in him. Your smile was worth him spending an extra few minutes trying to scrub off the stains on his pants and the sneezing fit he got after. 
       Joel subconsciously smiled at the memories. He watched you, nagging internally at you when he realised you hadn’t brought an umbrella with you too. You were the only person he knew that treated umbrellas like the bane of your life. “It gets wet and what am I supposed to do with it? Hold it? I can’t even throw it back into my bag!” You always complained, opting to get drenched. A logic that he would never understand. 
      Joel drove slowly beside you, cursing slightly at your obliviousness as you continued to walk. If the roads weren’t empty at this time he would definitely be identified as a stalker or be considered as obstructing traffic. Honestly, if it wasn't for the circumstances now, he would have driven right away, still feeling rather hurt at your actions the other day. Well, he told himself that even if deep down he knew he would never just coldly drive past you. Joel lowered his car window, calling out your name. He groaned when you just continued walking, never even realising his truck beside you and that he was calling you. He pressed the horn in the spur of the moment, cringing slightly at the loud noise it made. He swore he could hear the people complaining and cussing him out for horning at this time. You finally snapped out of your daze, you jumped at the noise before your eyes caught sight of the familiar truck. Shit. 
      “Get in.” Joel grunted. You shook your head, “It’s ok.” you tried to brush him off. “It’s about to pour, get in.” At the mention of the rain, the rain got heavier and you cursed. “Joel, I’ll get your seats dirty.” You argued, feeling your clothes get pelted with raindrops. Joel rolled his eyes, hopping out of his truck. A gesture that took you by surprise. “What- Joel- you’re going to get wet!” You said. “I couldn’t care less about my seats right now and I’ll prove it by standing here with you.” “Joel, you’re a fucking maniac.” Joel raised his eyebrows, “Says the one who doesn’t ever bring an umbrella. Talk all you want, we’ll just get more drenched the longer we stand here.” You let out a frustrated groan, shoving past him as you got into his truck. Joel smirked, looking down to hide it before entering his truck again. 
      The silence between the both of you caught up real soon. Unlike the usual comfortable ones the both of you usually shared, this was tense. You looked out of the window, trying to ignore the uncomfortable energy suffocating the both of you in the truck. You eyed the radio in the car enviously, having some music would probably make this less torturing. Joel pressed his lips into a thin line, his eyebrows furrowed as he focused on the road ahead. The mature part of him was calling him childish for ignoring you until you decided to make the first move to talk but he was too stubborn to listen to it. In a way, you did make the first move, offering to talk, but he had rejected you with a cold lie. 
     “You wanted to talk didn’t you?” Joel broke the silence. You stared at him, pursing your lips. You definitely had, you even wrote a script in your mind on what to tell him but all the words seemed to have left your mind now that you were faced with him. “Or did I get you mixed up with Tommy?” He tried to joke, but he should have guessed the frown on his face didn’t facilitate in delivering it as a joke. “I did yeah.” You admitted. He kept quiet, waiting for you to continue. He snuck a glance at you when you took a little too long. “Sorry Joel, that is the main message. The rest of the words are just a mess in my mind.” You sighed, trying to sort your thinking out. 
    “Spit it out, anything. I’ll put them together for you.” You bit your lip upon hearing those words. It was just words, but it brought on a surge of positive mixed emotions. “It's just- I didn’t mean to push you away. I didn’t want to either. I- it just seems like a natural instinct to do that.” 
    “You didn’t want to burden me with your emotions.” Joel concluded for you. You nodded, you would never understand how he knew you so well. He tightened his grip on the steering wheel for a split second. “I’m not a goddamn mind reader you know?” You glanced at him, unsure of what to say to that.
    “I respect that sometimes you need space, but then when I noticed that look on you. I just had to know what was going on in your head. I never wished to be a mind reader more than then. Scratch that, I want to be able to read your mind all the time. I want to know everything about you. So I genuinely don’t mind if you treat me like that diary you had in middle school. Hell, it’ll make me happy. You know I never was one for puzzles.” You smiled at his words, a warmth settling in your heart at his words. When you were young people used to say you talk too much, that you needed to know when to keep quiet, and that your topics of conversation were not interesting. Joel, you should have noticed his comments about you ever since young were the opposite. He never stopped you from talking, he enjoyed it even. Joel was never good with words, he preferred listening and seemed to let him do just that, making jokes and witty comments that can lift his moods on the darkest of days. 
      “That’s just creepy. Imagine if you knew what I thought of 24/7, and it was a journal, Joel. Not a diary.” You joked, you weren’t one for sappy words either. You just hoped he knew in his heart how much his words meant to you. A smile crept onto his face, he rubbed his beard with his hand. “Why? You got dirty thoughts?” “Worse than that.” He chuckled, “Yeah, I would know. I read your diary.” You hid behind your arm as you laughed, cringing slightly at the diary you used to have as a child. “Shut up, it’s a journal.” “‘Mrs. Jefferson needs to learn how to mind her own business and Jennifer inserting herself into random conversations does not make her more popular but annoying literally go back to your front seat and kiss ass.” Joel quoted. “Why do you still remember!” You placed your hands over your ears, cringing at his impersonation of the exact words you once wrote in a private journal until Joel Miller got his hands on it. “Because it was interesting. Only book I read that year, maybe that explains why I failed that literature test on Shakespeare.” Joel thought back, he would never consider himself to be academically smart. “Maybe huh. Just a slight chance you may have failed because you didn’t even do the necessary readings.” you shot back in sarcasm. Joel grinned, “Hey, you should be the next great writer! You  literally beat Shakespeare in being more interesting.” “I literally failed most of my English essays because of ‘grave errors’ like expression and grammatical errors up until finals.” You said, thinking back on how your English teacher failed you by penalizing you on multiple occasions. “I’m sure Mrs. Jefferson would be pleased to find out your diary is one of New York’s bestsellers. With the terrible grammar and all. Could be your unique writing style and all.” Joel teased and you shoved him lightly. 
       The tension between the both of you became non-existent soon enough. 
     Tommy was right, maybe airing some of your problems out instead of bottling them would make life much easier. Advice he had given you in all his years as your best friend, having long learned how to maneuver past those walls you had put up. 
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my-taste-in-music · 1 year
When the World Stopped Turning
I was one year old on September 11, 2001. I don't remember anything.
I think I was nine when my dance teacher wore an old sweatshirt with the New York City skyline on it. She pointed out the twin towers and said that's how you know it was from before 9/11. After dance class, following my mom to the front door of our house, I asked what 9/11 means. She stopped dead in her tracks. Looking back that always seemed overdramatic. No one stops dead in their tracks in real life, that only happens on TV.
I was 13 when my brother wrote on Facebook "What's the difference between a cow and 9/11? a cow isn't milked for 12 years" My mom was horrified. But my brother is funny, so I thought it must have been a funny thing to say.
I didn't understand why my mom never let my brother play Weird Al's Christmas at Ground Zero in the car. Instead, she played Where Were You (When the World Stopped Turning) by Alan Jackson. It's impossible not to feel something when you hear that song, but it didn't feel real. I couldn't remember a time when the world stopped turning.
As I got older, I learned the details. I learned that there were 4 hijacked planes. Two planes hit the two World Trade Center towers. One plane hit the Pentagon. The other was probably aiming for the Capitol but it went down near Pittsburgh. I knew there were heroes, but I didn't know their stories. I knew there were casualties but I didn't know their names. I learned just enough facts to laugh at the unfortunate asbestos ad that makes the rounds every year.
When I was 16, I went to visit my dad in New Jersey and he took me to the 9/11 Memorial. It was the first time any of it felt real. I stood there and saw where the twin towers used to be, imagined how tall they must have been. I saw the white roses left by some of the names. I went home and wrote a poem about it for my creative writing class. My teacher said it was beautiful.
The next week was AP exams. The world did not stop turning.
I was 17 on February 14, 2018, when Nikolas Cruz opened fire at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. I sat in my own high school, on the other side of the country, and scrolled through the tag on tumblr. I watched a video posted by a student from inside the school. I heard the gunshots and the whimpering tears and the pure terror. I felt the world stop.
I was almost 20 when I met a boy named Patrick. He was a year younger than me. He had been a student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. His sister died that day. That was real.
For years I've been surrounded with 9/11 jokes and discussions about islamophobia, and that's not a bad thing. But today, for the first time, I found the Something Awful Forums 9/11 thread, documenting people's reactions in real time as the events unfolded. They watched thousands of people die on live television. Friends and family. I saw the explosions and the confusion and the pure terror. It was real. And 22 years later, I felt the world stop turning.
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chaotic-nick · 2 years
Collector's item || Miche Zacharias x reader
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Here's another fic for my 400 follower milestone fic specials with the theme '[Un]learning' where my favourite life lessons are used for in fics.
Plot: eleven years ago you confessed your heart out to Miche in a poem. Eleven years later, he's reminded of how valuable it is to him.
Lesson learnt: the puppy love you show someone sticks with them in a different way and van mean something bigger.
+ note: This is how I told my ex I liked him. I wonder where all the stuff I wrote for him went. So it's a very personal fic 🥲
++ did you know that Miche's English dub actor is the same as Kishibe's [I just had to add this in the fic]
+++ what do we think about the pictures in the stories 😗👉👈
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— 11th Grade
The winter’s harsh winds hitting their faces and her eyes that she refused to blinked wasn’t the reason why (Y/n) looked like she was about to cry. Staring up at Miche as the weight of her bag dug both her shoulders and the tote bag heavy with economics textbooks while she waited for Miche to finish her confession poem brought on a screen of tears.
He lowered the ruled papers she tore out from her notebook, the one where she wrote all of her fanfiction in during class, with a grin tugging at the corners of his lips, “Really?” Miche’s bushy eyebrows rose and his hand combed his hair back.
“Wow,” he breathed when she nodded. “No one ever told me this way.”
Feeling everyone’s eyes who waited for the bus on her, (Y/n) was reminded that Miche had too many confessions throughout the start of High school. Pride fueled her to reach her arm up at him, crumpling the paper in the middle as she snatched it away. 
“That’s my bus!” She yelled, hoisting her bag up as she ran away, a stray tear from embarrassment falling. “That was so stupid, what the fuck, (Y/n)?”
— Eleven Years later
“Paper,” was what his niece said she needed when he peaked his head into her room to ask what she wanted from his grocery run. Being the guest in his brother’s house— and wanting to compensate for the time he didn’t spend with his nieces, Miche spoiled them with snacks. Teenagers always wanted snacks.
And, “Paper?” He asked that to Marielle who was crouched over the textbooks that guaranteed a passing score in the country’s top universities.
“Just paper.” She mumbled. “Thank you uncle, Miche.”
“No problem,” he took in one last look at her before he crouched down to his brother’s last addition. Three year old Sylvia who’s had him thinking of settling down to start a family. “I can’t take you with me today, I’m buying many, many things.”
She was a smart kid like her sisters that’s why her eyes watered at Miche’s gentle tone, and turned around calling for her,“Mama!” 
It was those little moments in the household when his mind began to dream of what it’d be like settling down in Paradis with a house across hsi brothers. Followed by the many what if’s of (Y/n)— whose heart loved him so much that she wrote him a confession in class. A memory that made him chuckle now.
And bring in rage and the want to punch his younger self for thinking that she’d beg for him to look her way.
A hand deep in his pocket and the other pulling the basket with his groceries, Miche stood at the end of the stationery aisle. As he waited for the woman crouched in front of the packed papers to stand up before he made his way to it, when his phone buzzed.
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A senior who only began the year and she’s already preparing herself for college entrance exams for next year. He still remembers being told not to carry her too much on the night she celebrated her fifth birthday . . . right. Miche carried her to distract himself from the confession letter (Y/n) tore out his hands that afternoon.
“You have a senior in high school, too, miss?” He started when he joined her in looking at the variety of packed papers. “My niece wants—”
Turning to him, her hair swayed to the side and eyes without a thought stared straight up at him, “I’m sorry, what?”
Again, Miche towered over (Y/n). This time he really felt his heart swelled with a sense of familiarity and the memories that came to his mind all at once.
— That night
His heart had never beat too fast when he talked to a girl, sending messages were easy. Especially when he knew what type of effect he had on them. Though this time while Allie’s fifth birthday party continued outside, and the possibility of being walked in on during a what would be heartfelt call made Miche nervous.
Heart beating at a new pace where he felt it in his fingertips. It sped up after every ring. “Hello?” Came a younger voice. Probably one of her brother’s, who she calle dher dogs.
He picked up the cord, twirling his fingers to take away. “Can I talk to your sister?”
“She’s napping.”
“Uhm,”  he swallowed, “Can you tell her that Miche Zacharias called?”
“Are you a boy?”
“I’ll tell her that.”
“Thank you. . . I think. And tell her I need the paper, too.”
“Okay, bye.”
— Present Day
Looking down at her made him wonder if she still wrote with so much love in her heart. Or if the heart that he broke found someone else to write for. Miche’s throat dried at his mind wanting to tell her that the poem was safe in his wallet.
That it’s always been with him. It was a reminder that love— no, someone had loved him that way. Instead he only said, “(Y/n)! Long time no see, how . . .” his eyes trailed down to the wrist brace she wore as he stepped back.
“Life’s definitely life still.” She nodded. “Mhm, it’s definitely life. I’m alive.”
He pointed at the paper packs she tried to balance against her hip, “Do you need help with that? Not really in the best shape.”
“I’d actually appreciate that, thank you, Miche.”
“Ey, you still remember my name.” Of course she does. She wrote him poems. One after another and gave it to him at the end of the day.
She only smiled. Careful not to bump against the other shoppers, she looked up at him, “So what . . . happened— no, what do you do?”
“Continued engineering,” he replied with a shrug. “I just got back from Hizuru.”
“Ah, so you were based there like everyone?”
“Yep! I was there for five years. I was the first batch actually.”
“That sounds nice.”
His next question brought the idea of asking her out to coffee, “And you? Still writing?”
“Sort of—” She turned to the display screen with her card in hand, ”how much?”
Turning to Miche who handed the bag of papers, she almost laughed as she waved her arm up. “I write for shows these days, that’s why this happened.”
“Sounds serious.” His basket still at the starting point of the cashier, he was pressured to ask, “Will I see you around?”
“With my fiancee.” She smiled, pointing at the man who had just entered the store with a phone pressed up to his ear, “we’re filming around the area. Maybe you’ve heard of the show? 
Chainsaw man?”
“No,” His hope was washed away. Still, Miche looked at her smile longer despite it being for someone she loved. He’d look at it when he went to sleep with a broken heart later. “Welcome back. Or welcome home?”
“He’s home,” hshe controlled her grin and turned to him one last time, ”my home. But, welcome home to you too, Miche. Thank you so much for helping.”
“Mhm.” He nodded, lips pressing into a thin line.
“Sir, do you have a bag of your own or?”
— That evening—
“Where’s the paper?” Asked Allie after she rummaged through the bags Miche set down on the table.
His older brother busy with cleaning the meat froze. “Miche,” slowly turning to him.
“My ex . . .”
“Allie, we’ll get you paper.”
“Nah, you can listen kid.” He sighed, pressing on to the news channel. “I saw her at the paper aisle and,” pinching the bridge of his nose, Miche exhaled hard. “She was our school’s writer and she used to write me stories.”
“Is it (Y/n)? She’s on the alumni wall.”
“Hah,” his brother recalled, “You used to laugh at them. Your uncle led the poor girl on.”
“And she’s engaged now.” Miche sighed, “I just felt stupid there.”
“Because you thought you could ask her out again?”
“Technically she dod that first, but,” he slumped further into his chair when the TV showed her picture on the screen.
Scriptwriters of your favourite shows are cooking forward and selling their first drafts to raise funds for the Hizuru Disaster. One of it going for as low as eight hundred thousand.
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“You still have some of her poems with you?” Joel joined him at the table. “Those are collector's items now.”
“And it’s all mine.”
Calling all Miche lovers: @ririthu @1252291 @mightshad0w @bouquetoutlaw-blog @nathalunalune @shrekisshrimpthesimp @barbossa2319 @cocobird09 @aizenhours
Picrew used here
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monako-jinn-stories · 2 years
Crosshair X Fem!reader FanFic
It Started With a Vacation
Main Master List
Story Master List
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Seven
IT’S BACK! I WROTE ANOTHER CHAPTER! I FEEL AMAZING! I ACTUALLY DON’T HATE IT! (I should be studying because my exams are this week but honestly college is a scam and I’d rather do this)
Warnings: drinking, suggestive talk, fighting, slight gore
Chapter Twenty Six
“Alright boys,” you said, slipping your lightsaber back into your belt, “looks like we’re done here. Everyone regroup and start heading back to the gunships.” You let out a sigh, looking around at your men as you wiped your brow. This was the third mission the battalion had been sent on since you’d returned from Dohbar, and you could tell the men were in need of more than a couple days off to rest. Thankfully, all the missions had been successful, but they had also been long, especially this one. It was wearing everyone down, and falters were beginning to be made.
“When I said I wanted to go off planet for a couple weeks, this isn’t exactly what I had meant,” Steele said as he, Hex, and Sans approached. “I was thinking more of a vacation.”
“What, you didn’t enjoy the soothing sounds of enemy cannons through the night? Or the beautiful sight of explosions on the horizon in the mornings?” Sans joked, and Steele let out a huff.
“Are you kidding? My favorite was obviously watching the smoke curl into the clouds to make strange shapes.”
“I’m sure we’ll get our break when we get back to Coruscant,” Hex said, interrupting the other two. “They’ve worked us pretty hard lately, so it would only make sense.”
“Well, the Council isn’t exactly focusing on how tired you guys are,” you said, joining in on the conversation. “They’re more worried about keeping ahead in the war, but I’ll make sure we get some time off the battlefield.”
“Yeah, and we’ve got a little girl to go see as well,” Sans said, giving you a grin. “Favorite uncle still needs to be decided.”
“As if you’d ever get that title,” Hex commented with a roll of his eyes.
“We’ve had this fight TWENTY THREE TIMES! I AM WORTHY!”
“Just keep telling yourself that,” Aid said, walking by and clapping a hand on his commander’s shoulder.
“WHY ARE YOU STILL YELLING?” Steele shouted, causing Sans to whip his head around and look at him.
“IF YOU DON’T SHUT UP, I’M GOING TO GLUE YOUR HELMETS TO YOUR HEADS AND SILENCE YOUR MODULATORS!” Hex yelled, causing both of his brothers to clamp their mouths shut. “Thank you.”
“Y’know, y’can’t be yellin’ ‘round lil’ babies,” Tie snickered, earning glares from his brothers.
“You know, I don’t think y/n would appreciate it if you taught her daughter to speak in shortened words. Since, you know, she’s a princess and will probably be giving formal speeches at some point.”
“I have no idea what you are talking about, Commander Sans,” Tie replied, straightening up to stand taller. “I speak in complete words and sentences, using the best grammar any clone trooper could wish for.”
“Right, Tie speaking like that is as consistent as Palpatine’s non-suspicious behavior,” Steele mumbled to Hex.
“Even that’s a bit too generous,” Hex replied. 
“Alright, when you boys are done bickering, feel free to board the gunship so we can leave,” you said as you climbed into your starfighter. “Be up in the next five minutes or we’re leaving you.” Sans and Steele both gasped at your words, the latter clutching a hand to his chest.
“You would never,” Sans accused, and you smirked while quirking an eyebrow at him.
“Oh really? Would you like to find out if that’s true?”
“As a matter of fact, I would,” he replied sassily. You just let out a laugh before starting up your engine.
“Alright, well, times-a-ticking, better decide if you boys want to come home with the rest of us or spend your flight back all alone in your gunship.” With that, you closed the top of your starfighter and took off, giggling to yourself as you looked down and saw Hex beginning to argue with them.
“What are you di’kuts doing? Do you really want to get left here?”
“Y/n would never leave us. Watch, we’ll wait six minutes and they’ll still be there waiting for us,” Steele said dismissively. 
“What is taking so long?” Aid said, sticking his head out from inside the gunship. “Y/n just left, so what are you guys still doing out there?”
“She threatened to leave us if we don’t get up there in the next…probably four minutes by now,” Sans explained.
“And you thought it would be a good idea to test that?” Tie joined in, the top of the pilot’s seat open for him to speak. “Hex, you of all people should be smarter than that.”
“I’m trying to get them on the gunship, but they’re determined to prove her right.”
“Wrong. Prove her wrong, because she would never leave us,” Steele countered.
“Why did I have to get stuck with such a di’kut for a twin,” Hex mumbled, running a hand down his face as he began to head over to the gunship.
“Wanna just leave these two here?” Aid offered as Hex joined him, and Hex paused, thinking for a second while looking back at the other two.
“No,” he sighed, the sound being full of defeat, “might as well all get left behind as a squad. Besides, it could be dangerous, and we’d have a better chance as a squad than just the two of them here alone.”
“Alright, better get comfy then, ‘cause it’s gonna be a long trip back,” Tie said into the comms.
“They won’t leave us, they’ll wait,” Sans said, and at that, Hex and Aid gave each other a look before both blocking off his comm channel.
“You boys really not coming?” Your voice came through the comms, and Hex gave a glance to Sans and Steele outside of the gunship.
“They’re really determined to prove that you won’t leave us,” Hex sighed.
“Well, your five minutes are up. You can watch us leave if you’d like.”
“Wait, you’re actually moving,” Steele said as he looked up.
“Yeah? I told you, if you weren’t here in five minutes, we’d leave you to fly home in the gunship.”
“WE DIDN’T THINK YOU WERE SERIOUS!” Sans shouted, sprinting with Steele towards the gunship. “TIE, GET THE ENGINES ON AND FLY AS FAST AS YOU CAN! WE CAN CATCH THEM!”
“No, we can’t, but I’ll still start the trip back,” Tie responded blandly.
“Told’ya so,” Hex stated, earning a glare from Sans.
“ToLd’Ya So,” Steele mocked, and Hex gave him a raised brow before lunging at him. Aid rolled his eyes at his brothers before looking out the doors to see the venator as it jumped to hyperspace.
“Well, we’re officially alone now. They just jumped. So, thanks again, Steele and Sans.”
“Hey! We didn’t actually think she was serious!” Steele argued before refocusing on grappling with Hex. 
“She’s got a little one that she wants to see, of course she was serious,” Tie jumped in, joining the argument through the comms.
“Well, yeah, but she had us first!” Sans countered.
“Cyar’ika is her blood, her child, we are her brothers, her friends. She’s going to love her baby more than us,” Hex said, slipping Steele into a full nelson hold.
“Huh. I guess you’re right,” Sans muttered back.
“Are you jealous of a baby?” Aid asked, giving his commander a questioning look.
“What? No, I just don’t think she should leave us behind just to see her baby. I mean, she can’t even talk yet, so she’s just going to be looking at her as she slobbers all over her tiny face,” Sans replied, before an embarrassed look came over his face. “Wow, I sound like an ass.”
“Yeah, you do,” Aid agreed.
“I guess maybe I am a bit jealous,” he sighed, sitting down and leaning his head back against the wall. “But I just miss y/n, before she had this responsibility. When she’d be able to spend as much time as she wanted with us, not worrying about having to go back and forth to Dohbar all the time, being able to be irresponsible once in a while. Even when she’d drag us out with the Bad Batch, at least we were still with her.”
“We could always ask to go to Dohbar with her, you know,” Tie said.
“Yes, but I don’t want to get in the way of her bonding with her daughter.”
“Well, either way, it’s not going to be what you want,” Hex said. “But at least if we go with her, we get a chance to bond with our little niece as well.”
“That’s true. And the competition for best uncle is pretty serious,” Sans added.
“That you’ll never win,” Aid mumbled.
“Oh, don’t you start with me right now,” Sans said, pointing a warning finger at his brother.
“Or what? You going to wrestle me like Hex and Steele are?” Aid taunted, and Sans narrowed his eyes at his brother before lunging at him. Aid’s eyes went wide and he let out a shriek as he tried to scramble away. 
“Bomber, did you really have to leave me with these di’kuts?” Tie mumbled, looking up to the stars as he flew out of the atmosphere. His eyes got big then, and a smile grew over his lips. A chuckle escaped him as he saw the venator come out of hyperspace in front of him.
“I knew you wouldn’t let your favorite vod suffer,” he chuckled, shaking his head at their luck. He flew the ship into the docking bay and once he landed, he opened the doors of the ship, watching the others tumble out. They fumbled around, trying to get back on their feet as you approached.
“Welcome back to the battalion,” you said as Jawa Squad stood up. “Did you learn any lessons?”
“Yeah, that Aid is better at wrestling than any of us knew,” Sans said, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I’ve watched you, Hex, and Steele quite a bit, so I know a couple of moves,” Aid chuckled with a shrug. 
“I was thinking more along the lines of not believing I’ll go through with threats, but that’s a good lesson as well. Now you know not to mess with him,” you laughed.
“Oh no, I’m definitely getting a rematch,” Sans said, “just when my neck isn’t sore.”
“Well I am a medic, I might be able to help relieve that pain before I bring it back again,” Aid said.
“Ha, you’re funny. I’ll just let it go away by itself, thanks.”
“Just thought I’d offer,” Aid shrugged.
“Alright, boys,” you said, shaking your head at them with a smile, “settle in. We’ve got a long trip back.”
“I’m so glad I didn’t have to fly that gunship the whole way,” Tie said as they wandered off to their bunks.
“At least you were away from all the chaos,” Hex countered.
“Yeah, stuck in a tiny compartment and sitting the entire time. So much better.”
“I’m sure there’s an empty storage closet somewhere that we can lock you in, if you really feel that way.”
You smiled at their backs as they walked away, bickering with each other like they always did. Something in you released a jolt of sadness, though. Would Cyar’ika ever have a sibling to mess around with like this, or would she grow up without someone close to her age in the palace?
When you got back to Coruscant, you said goodbye to your men and took your starfighter out to land in the temple hangar. As you flew over to your normal spot, you recognized a certain ship that was usually not there. A smile grew on your lips as you landed next to it, and as the top of your starfighter lifted, the ramp of the other ship started to descend.
You quickly jumped out and ran over as Crosshair was the first to head down the ramp. He chuckled as he saw your eagerness to see him, and held his arms out for you as you ran into them. After you’d come back from Dohbar, you hadn’t gotten a chance to see the Batch, so this was your long awaited reunion, and a feeling of wholeness surrounded you as you hugged him.
“You miss me?” Crosshair said, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you further into him, lifting your chin up so you met his gaze. “How touching,” he said before closing the distance between your lips. His tone was joking, almost mocking, but you could feel in his kiss how much he had actually missed you. It had been too long for both of you without being in the presence of the other, and you already knew that neither of you would be wanting to leave the others’ side tonight.
“Good to see you again, y/n,” you heard Hunter say as he came down the ramp.
“Good to see you too, Hunter,” you said, pulling away from Crosshair to acknowledge his brothers. “You boys keep busy while I was gone?”
“Yes, we had plenty of missions, all of which were successful, of course,” Tech said, looking up from his datapad and pushing his goggles back into place. “And how did your project on Dohbar go?”
“Great! I still have to go back quite often to check in and help, but not so much that I’ll be away for that long again.”
“Good, I don’t want you away from me that long ever again,” Crosshair said, wrapping his arms around you from behind. 
“Let go of her, Crossy,” Wrecker said, running over and pulling you from his arms, “it’s my turn to hug her now.” You giggled as he picked you up, turning away and running from Crosshair with you in his arms. Crosshair just huffed and folded his arms, chewing silently on his toothpick as he glared at his brother.
“So, did you miss me, big guy?” you joked, and Wrecker squeezed you tighter as he responded.
“Oh yeah, I missed you a lot!” he said. “Especially your hugs!”
“I missed your hugs too,” you giggled. After a minute he set you down, and you wandered back to Crosshair’s side. 
“So, how long are you guys here for?” you asked, slipping your hand into Crosshair’s as you followed them back inside their ship. 
“Well, so far we don’t have another mission yet, but the likelihood of us receiving one within the next twenty four hours is 85.8473% likely,” Tech stated.
“Ah, so that means for tonight,” you responded, and he looked at you for a second before nodding.
“Yes, we are here for tonight.”
“Well then, we might as well make it a fun one,” you said with a grin. “I haven’t gone out to a bar in a while, you guys feeling up to that tonight?”
“I could grab a drink or two,” Hunter said.
“Oh yeah, Tech still owes me a karaoke rematch,” Wrecker said, giving his brother a grin.
“As long as we do not get too inebriated, I will go,” Tech agreed.
“Just stick to my side, I don’t want to have to fight off any unwanted admirers,” Crosshair said, placing a quick kiss on the top of your head.
“Okay, Crossy,” you teased, earning a huff from him before he playfully bit your ear. “I’m going to go back to my room to freshen up and rest a little bit. I’ll meet you guys back down here later, alright?”
“Sounds good,” Hunter said with a nod.
“I assume I’m coming with you?” Crosshair asked, and you smirked at him before pretending to think.
“Hmm, I mean, I said I needed to rest, and I don’t think what you have in mind would allow me to do that.”
“Whoever said that was on my mind? It’s clearly on yours because you brought it up,” he teased. 
“Oh hush, let’s just go. You can wait on the couch for me to finish showering and redressing.”
“Not even a little peek? You’ve been gone for months,” Crosshair whined.
“Don’t worry, you’ll get what you want later tonight, but you need to learn some patience first,” you giggled.
“I’m a sniper,” Crosshair huffed, “I’m the most patient type of person in the galaxy.”
“Well you’re not acting like it,” you said, and he gave you a mischievous look before he broke into a sprint. You didn’t even have time to ask where he was going before he reached the elevator and jumped inside. He turned and gave you a taunting wave as the door closed, and it finally kicked in that you should chase after him.
“Don’t have too much fun, you need energy for tonight!” Wrecker called after you. 
“And you stink, so you need to take a shower!” Hunter called in a teasing tone, earning a rude finger from you as you ran towards the other elevator.
All you could do was assume Crosshair had gone up to your floor and planned on running to your room, but perhaps you had gotten lucky and his elevator had stopped on the way up. Either way, when you stepped out of your elevator, the hall was empty in front of you. There was no way he would have been able to run all the way down and enter your room already, so you had a good feeling that he wasn’t inside waiting for you. But while celebrating your evasion of him, you’d forgotten to tap into the force and reach out for his signature. That’s how he was able to hide around the corner and sneak up behind you as you ran to your door.
You let out a loud yelp as his hands closed around your waist, and let out another shriek as he lifted you up and tossed you over his shoulder. He ran the rest of the way to your room with you like this, entered in your code, and ran in before dropping you on the couch. Before you could gather your bearings, Crosshair jumped onto the couch and leaned over you, attacking you with tickles. 
“C-Crosshair!” you managed through gasps and giggles, “h-how many times are y-you going to d-do this to me-e?”
“”Until I get bored of how funny you look while you squirm around and giggle,” he laughed. You managed to turn your body slightly to get the more ticklish spots hidden, but your relief didn’t last long before he reached around you and found those spots again.
“En-nough!” you tried to get out, but his smirk only grew when you tried to speak.
“I’ll stop if you promise me that we will get to spend more time together than just while you rest today.”
“O-of course we will,” you managed to get out, and the tickles immediately stopped, but you were only given a brief second to regain your breath before it was knocked right back out of you. “Ow, Mr. Toothpick. If you wanted cuddles, you could just ask for them instead of dropping your body onto mine.”
“But this is more fun,” he responded, burying his face into your neck. “Plus, you smell nice.”
“Yeah, Hunter was right about you needing a shower.”
“That’s what made you fall for me.”
Crosshair just chuckled in response before pushing off of you and letting you stand up. “I’ll be waiting here when you’re done and dressed. I expect to have cuddles before we leave.”
“Yes, sir,” you said jokingly, giving a mock salute which made something flash in Crosshair's eyes. You let out a small shriek as you turned and ran to the refresher, closing the door before he could attack you with tickles again.
You ended up taking a longer shower than planned because the feeling of warm, clean water soaking into your skin felt amazing after so long without it. You scrubbed yourself clean four full times, enjoying the bubbles that covered your skin and the smell that came from them. Steam filled the room to the point where when you finally left, it flooded out like a fog, obscuring you completely. You heard Crosshair huff in amusement at you, and you stuck your tongue out at him when you could finally see him. 
You decide to put on some loose shorts and a sleeveless shirt that would be comfortable to take a nap in. After pulling your comforter off your bed, you walk out into the livingroom and plop down on the couch, engulfing you and Crosshair in the comforter. He let out a chuckle as he wrapped his arms around you, and you sighed in contentment as you began to slip into some much needed slumber.
Unfortunately, that slumber didn’t last nearly as long as you wanted it to. All too soon, it was time to meet up with the rest of the Bad Batch, so you changed into better clothes before heading out with Cross. 
“Heading out so soon?” a voice asked, and you smiled as you turned to see your former master.
“Sorry, Codo. I wanted to make sure I got time with the batch before they’re deployed again.”
“That’s quite alright, my little one,” Codo said, returning the smile, “would I be able to get a hug first? I haven’t seen you since the last time you were on Coruscant.”
“Of course you can,” you giggled, letting him wrap his arms around you.
“Take care of her tonight,” he said to Crosshair, “this one can get a little wild.”
“Oh I know,” Crosshair replied with a smirk. “I’ll keep her reigned in tonight, though.”
“Ha, you think you will,” you teased.
“Oh I have my ways,” Crosshair replied, sending you a wink. Your face heated at that but you just stuck your tongue out at him, and gave Codo one last squeeze before letting go.
“I’ll have lunch with you tomorrow,” you told him.
“Alright, my child. Have fun tonight, and be safe.”
“Don’t worry,” you said, waving a hand dismissively, “we’re always safe.”
“Right, and I’m the prince of Mon Cala,” Codo responded, shaking his head with a small smile as he watched you and Crosshair rush off to the elevator. 
“About time you got here,” Wrecker said when he saw you. He ran up and grabbed your arm, pulling you along to the ship.
“I told you guys that I needed to freshen up,” you giggled, looking back to see Crosshair frowning at his brother for stealing you again. “Why are we going to the ship?”
“Well, the others aren’t quite ready yet, and I didn’t think you’d want to stand outside and wait,” he replied. When you were inside, Wrecker lifted you up and tossed you into the cockpit, earning more giggles from you. “Look! We got this cool nexu quill on our last mission! It actually got stuck in between Tech’s undersuit and his uh…rear armor plate.” You clapped a hand to your mouth, stifling your laughter as Wrecker let out a loud bellow.
“Do I even want to know the story of how that happened?” you asked, causing Wrecker to laugh again.
“Oh yeah, it’s hilarious! I think Crossy even got it on record!”
“Yes, I have it safely secured in my memory stick, locked away with a passcode that not even Tech himself can hack,” Crosshair said, walking in and joining the two of you.
“If I remember correctly,” Tech said as he followed him in, “I asked you, no, I told you to delete that. And you said you did.”
“Well, I guess you shouldn’t always trust my word,” Crosshair said, shooting his brother an evil grin. “Besides, I was saving it for y/n’s entertainment. The fact that it also was sent to Commander Cody is completely irrelevant.”
“No way, you sent it to Cody?” Hunter asked as he joined everyone, “oh, Crosshair, you’re pure evil.” He clapped his hand on his brother's shoulder as they both chuckled, and you watched as Tech's face heated with embarrassment.
“You know, right now you may think you’re funny, but Tech’s going to get you back,” you said, “and he’ll do it better.”
“Oh, Cyar’ika,” Crosshair said, brushing his finger down your cheek to your chin, “I only let my guard down to embarrassing moments when I’m around you.”
“Bold of you to assume I won’t help him,” you replied, smirking at him before stepping back and running to the door. You let out a laugh as you heard them all running after you. Well, more like Crosshair running after you, Tech running after him, and Hunter and Wrecker just running to keep up.  
You ran out of the hangar and down the stairs of the temple, laughing the whole way. It had been forever since you’d gotten to run around for fun and enjoy yourself, and getting to spend time with the batch was another activity you missed. The world of Coruscant filled your eyes as you looked around, taking in the place you loved and loathed. Sounds of speeders flying all around and people shouting across the streets met your ears. The noise was drastically different from what you’d been hearing lately. Part of you felt at home here, and another part knew that home was on Dohbar with your little girl.
The thought of Cyar’ika made you slow down. You missed her little coos and smiles, and you suddenly wished you could be there instead, cradling her against you with Crosshair watching over your shoulder. A pang of regret shot through you as you thought about how you’d kept her secret from him. It wasn’t fair, even if you had good intentions with wanting to keep him safe. Crosshair deserved the chance to be a father, and now he might not get that chance.
“Princess?” you heard, and looked behind you to see Crosshair had caught up. The others ran past, heading towards the bar. “What’s on your mind?”
“Nothing,” you lied, and you knew he’d sensed it because he lifted his brow in question. You sighed, letting your head lean against him as he wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer. “Just the project, it’s on my mind. I’m worried about it…I feel like I should be there, helping, instead of going out and drinking.”
“I’m sure everything is going alright with it, Princess,” he replied, kissing the top of your head. When you smiled up at him, he poked your nose and you scrunched it in reaction. “Now, will you be able to have a good time tonight and relax with us?”
“Yes,” you said, kissing him on his nose, “I’ve missed you guys, anyway. I won’t let anything ruin this night.”
“Good,” Crosshair said, kissing you on the lips, “now let’s go catch up to the others.” You nodded, letting him take your hand in his before you jogged to meet up with the others, who were already at the bar. Wrecker was waving for you to hurry up while Hunter and Tech went in, assumingly to scope out an area for you all to gather. 
“Come on!” Wrecker called when you got closer, “Hunter and Tech already have shots waiting for us!”
“Oh boy,” you said, shooting Crosshair a glance, which he returned with the same expression you wore.
“At least the only trouble we can have is the others having a few too many,” Crosshair noted.
“You’re not planning on drinking much?”
“I want to be able to remember every second I get to spend with you, Cyar’ika,” he replied, looking down at you. “Being away from you for so long…it wasn’t hard to notice that I wasn’t myself. I found myself looking around every corner for you, hoping that you’d pop out and surprise me. Or that you’d be waiting in the hangar for when we got back from a mission. Kriff, I even imagined you sneaking off to Kamino to see me.”
“I’m sorry I had to be away for so long,” you said, looking down at your feet. “It’s just…”
“I know, the project. And I trust that you will tell me about it when the time is right.”
“I will, I promise, Crosshair,” you said, before letting a small smile creep to your lips. “You’re going to love her…”
“Her?” he asked, and you immediately felt your face drain.
“It, I meant it. I mean, well, you know how you call things her, like things that aren’t really gendered, like your ship?” The words came out hurried, and you felt like you were making the slip up worse.  
“Well, we referred to the project as her. Don’t ask me why, it wasn’t a choice I made, it’s just how it was.”
“Would you have wanted it to be a he if you were able to choose?” Crosshair asked curiously, and you felt like he was onto you. But his question made you pause. Would you have chosen a son instead of a daughter if you had the choice, or would you have chosen to have a little girl. You never really knew what gender you would want your child to be, you hadn’t even believed you’d get the chance to be a mother. It was all a surprise, a wonderful one, but still a surprise.
“No, no I wouldn’t have,” you said, another smile coming to your lips. “She’s the best thing I’ve ever created.”
“Well then I can’t wait to see her,” he said, kissing the top of your head. “I know I’ll be more proud of you then I’ll be able to express.” You hummed in response, wanting to say more but not able to. You finally reached Wrecker and he practically shoved you and Crosshair inside, and you’re immediately met with loud music and neon lights. You looked around until you spotted Hunter and Tech, with Hunter waving you over while Tech eyeballed the shots.
“Nice of you to join us,” Hunter said, snickering to himself as you sat down.
“Oh shush, Goldilocks,” you retort, earning a confused look from him. “It’s an old children’s story. I was only saying it because of your rats' nest hair.”
“And she’s already being snarky tonight, without any drinks,” he responded, clasping a hand to his chest as he spoke. You just stuck your tongue out playfully and reached for two shot glasses, handing him one while you took the other. You clinked them together before tossing your heads back, and the familiar cool burn slipped down your throat. 
“It’s been so long since I’ve had any alcohol,” you said, scrunching your face in disgust, “I almost don’t think I want anymore. I forgot how gross it was.”
“Or you could drink until the flavor goes away,” Wrecker said, downing three shots in a row.
“I’d rather not. I think I’m going to be with Crosshair tonight, staying sober.”
“Your loss,” Tech said, shrugging his shoulders before downing his own two shots. Hunter joined him as well, and you settled back in Crosshair's arms as he scanned the room. No doubt he was making sure that no one looked at you for too long. You giggled to yourself and turned his cheek so that you could plant a kiss on it. You saw the slightest color come to his face, but all he did was look down at you with a raised eyebrow. You knew what the look meant, but no one else did. However, it did make you want to misbehave. 
It doesn’t take long for Wrecker, Tech, and Hunter to fully let loose. You and Crosshair sat in a booth while the others took over the dance floor. Wrecker managed to start a dance battle and was furiously showing off his best moves to a crowd surrounding him while his opponent looked on in defeat. The night was turning out more relaxing than you’d expected, but something in your gut told you not to let your guard down.
“I’m going to head to the refresher real fast, Princess,” Crosshair whispered in your ear. The act sent shivers down your spine and a rush of heat through your body. You hadn’t realized how much you’d missed being close to him, and everytime he brushed his leg against yours, breathed on your neck, or gripped your waist, you’re reminded of how long it had been since the last time you were together. 
“Alright, don’t leave me alone too long. Some of these men are looking extra handsome tonight,” you teased as he stood, and Crosshair stopped and looked back at you. You had seen his back straighten up at your words, and his muscles flexed beneath his undersuit as he turned and moved back towards you. You were sitting on the edge of the booth, and now you feel like it had been a mistake to sit there. You felt your breath catch in your throat and your face burn as he leaned over you, one hand on the table and one hand on the back of the booth. His expression was serious, but you could see the hunger in his eyes.
“Now, I don’t think you really meant that, Princess. No, I don’t think anyone has caught your eye the way I did ever since we met. So, how about you be a good girl and wait for me here, ignoring those other men, and I’ll make sure to worship you like a goddess tonight.” All you could do in response was swallow and nod, squeezing your legs together as he smirked and left. You finally breathed again after he walked away, and turned to catch the others looking at you and laughing. You flipped them a rude finger before taking another shot. You definitely needed it for confidence. For some reason, you felt insecure thinking about being intimate. You didn’t really think your body had changed much with having Cyar’ika, but it wasn’t just because of that. What if it had been too long, and he didn’t want you like that anymore? What if you couldn’t satisfy him, or what if he couldn’t satisfy you?
Before you could worry about it anymore, a strange feeling suddenly hit you, overwhelming your senses. You instantly knew something was wrong, and that something was going to happen. Quickly, you jumped up from your seat, but all you could do was look at the others before it began.
First, a flash of light exploded into the bar, blinding everyone in there. You heard screams of terror as you groaned in pain, squeezing your eyes shut to block the flash bomb out. Following the bomb came the sound of blasterfire, and more screams with a different kind of fear in them. When you finally were able to open your eyes, you could see people all over the ground, people trying to hide behind chairs and tables, and people running for cover. 
You looked over to see Wrecker, Tech, and Hunter helping to get people to safety, and saw Crosshair standing in the doorway to the refresher. His eyes met yours and a sense of understanding flowed between the two of you. In the next second, you were jumping up to the balcony on the second level, and igniting your lightsaber as you ran towards the sniper. They tried to shoot you, but you dodge, jumping and pushing off the wall while swinging your saber. You heard the sound of it cutting through something, and the sound of metal hitting the floor was followed by a heavier thud. You ignored the decapitated head and grabbed the rifle, tossing it down to Crosshair before then running to the other side of the balcony where another attacker was shooting at patrons. When he heard you approaching, he didn’t even have time to do anything more than look at you before your boot met his face. The crunch that came from the contact would have made anybody sick, but you’d been raised to face stuff like this with a blind eye.
You looked over the balcony again to see Tech and Wrecker tying one of the attackers up, and Hunter fighting with another. You grabbed the blaster from the man you’d just killed and shot Hunter’s opponent before throwing it at him. He caught it and instantly began shooting at others. He looked back up at you briefly to yell something, and though you didn’t quite hear his words, you knew what he meant with his hand gestures. The backroom.
Without hesitating, you broke into a sprint and headed to the stairs, shoving past everyone who was cowering inside until you reached the ground floor. You didn’t give yourself a chance to glance out into the chaos of the bar area, not wanting to know if anything was going bad. You found the door to the backroom and opened it, illuminating the dark with your lightsaber. Stepping in further, you noticed, to your surprise, that no one else was in here. Well, that was until you heard the door slam shut and lock behind you. You instantly spun and swung your saber out, illuminating the other presence in the room.
“Bane?” you sneered out, anger and confusion seeping into your voice. “What the karking hells are you doing?”
“I heard our Jedi queen was back in town, thought I’d pay her a little visit,” he replied, stepping to the side to avoid your saber. You looked at him suspiciously, but didn’t move to shield yourself from him as he began to walk circles around you.
“Cut the banthashit.”
“Oh, you don’t believe me?” he asked, pausing when he was directly behind you. You sensed his confliction, the urge to shoot you with your back to him was strong, but he knew it would be a short lived victory.
“You need me alive to keep getting away with your crimes.”
“I don’t need anyone,” he countered, and when he went to hit your head with the butt of his gun, you spun around and hit his wrist with the pommel of your saber, making him let out a brief exclamation of pain as his weapon fell to the floor.
“Try that again,” you threatened, lowering your saber to your side so he had an opening to attack. Apparently Bane knew better than to attempt, though, as he just snarled at you in frustration. “Now, what are you doing here?”
“The bar owner is late on multiple payments to me, and I know kriffing well she’s been making plenty of money. She’s holding out, and I’m tired of waiting.”
“What’s the money for?”
“I just did my job, I took out a couple bounties for her and didn’t ask questions. I delivered the proof and she claimed she needed two weeks to get the money together. It’s been two months.”
“Wow, I’m surprised you’ve been that patient,” you said, and Bane just rolled his eyes at you.
“It’s not exactly been easy for bounty hunters on Coruscant lately.”
“I wish I could say I feel bad for you, but you are a criminal.”
“By trade, by will,” he replied, bending to pick up his blaster. “What had you away for so long, anyway? I’m sure it wasn’t a family reunion, seeing how all of your family, both adoptive and biological, are dead.”
“Don’t act like you don’t already know,” you said, watching him closely as he examined his blaster for scuffs and scratches.
“I thought I’d give you the opportunity to announce it, seeing as not many others are aware of her existence.”
“And it’s going to stay that way,” you growled, meeting his gaze. You held each other's eye contact for what felt like hours, but were mere seconds.
“I wouldn’t do anything to risk getting sent away to prison in the dirtiest, loneliest, and most rancid prison you could think of,” he finally said. You nodded, and moved to the window. You kicked it open and stepped back, signaling him to leave.
“Come get your money another night when I’m not here,” you said as he climbed into the window. “I’m already risking enough by letting you go, letting you have the money would be too much of a stretch to be believable.” 
“See you around, Jinn,” he said, tilting his hat slightly before jumping out the window, turning on his fancy jetpack boots, and flying off. You watched him until you heard rattling at the door, and then you went and unlocked it to let whoever was outside in. Instantly, Crosshair’s arms were around you, and you felt him sigh in relief at the weight of you in his arms.
“I would rather not have to worry about losing you right when I get you back,” he said, pulling away to look you in the eyes. You gave him a small smile, letting out your own sigh and you let your weight fall against him.
“I’m sorry, Cross. I’m alright, though.”
“Did you see who the person was? Did they get anything?”
“No, they didn’t get anything, just escaped,” you said.
“Well, all that really matters is that you’re safe. The Coruscant guard is here for the others, but they have reason to believe the leader isn’t among them.”
“I’m going to guess it was whoever was in here with me,” you responded, looking back out the window. In the night sky, you thought you could see the tiny outline of Cad Bane flying away, escaping once again while you risked taking the fall. “Can we go back to my quarters?” you asked, looking up at Crosshair. He smiled down at you and planted a kiss on your forehead.
“Of course, Princess Cyar’ika. I’ll draw you up a bath as well. Tomorrow you’ll get your actual first day of leave, today doesn’t count.”
“Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll ever have another day off duty until after the war is over,” you sighed, and Crosshair looked down before looking back up with a smug smile. You narrowed your eyes at him, raising a brow in question. “What are you thinking?” Instead of responding, Crosshair bent down and swept you off your feet, carrying you bridal style out of the backroom and into the main area. He walked past everyone there, including the rest of the batch, and strolled out the front doors. It wasn’t exactly comfortable, but you were close to him and warm. Soon enough, exhaustion hit you, and you curled as far as you could into him as the rhythm of his steps lulled you to sleep. 
You barely registered it when Crosshair set you down on your bed, and you tried to roll over before he could take your shoes off. You distantly heard him huff in amusement before he lifted up the covers and joined you on your bed. His warmth against you pushed you back into slumber, and for the first time in a while, you had a full night’s rest with the man you loved.
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