#what i really would like is to move to [city we just visited this weekend]
dionysus-complex · 4 months
once again feeling like it's about time to move somewhere else but (a) that would require moving this summer and (b) anywhere we go would mean a longer commute and I'm ABD but will still be teaching for another 1-2 years
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gi4hao · 5 months
🗓️ ᡣ𐭩ྀི ˎˊ- anniversary dates with seventeenྀི
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hyung line version! (scoups -> woozi)
had a really sunny weekend so please enjoy these sunshine-fueled scenarios!
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— seungcheol
turns out your anniversary took place during a vacation together, a week-long holiday near the beach. on the d-day, he refuses to say anything about his plans, no matter how many times you ask, to the point where you end up blindfolded as he leads you to his surprise. when you take the blindfold off, the only thing you can see is a white boat awaiting on the shore. at first you’re scared he might have actually bought the boat, but he ‘only’ rented it for a private dinner. the sun has just started to set and you’re glad to have picked one of your cutest outfits because you just know he’s going to be taking as many pictures of you as he can. you might be admiring the sunset, but he'll be admiring you the whole time.
— jeonghan
he truly racked his brain to find the per-fect date idea. on the day, he keeps you guessing with more than vague hints (like “we talked about doing that one day” as if you didn’t talk about literally doing everything together). but he’s confident in his surprise and rightfully so: at first you think it’s just a regular picnic, which would have been fine on its own, but as more people start to gather around you, you realize that a lantern festival is actually taking place here tonight. together, you scribble your wishes and dreams for the future on your lantern. and you love how he’s not even trying to hide what he’s writing: one thing about jeonghan, he’ll never try to conceal anything about his feelings for you.
— joshua
this one has a proud smirk plastered on his face the entire morning, hinting at a surprise. you get in his car around 9am and drive for about twenty minutes until he stops in front of a fancy looking building. “you know how we always talk about moving to a bigger apartment yet never actually visit anything? well i figured today would be the day…”, he tells you excitedly. and it’s only when the realtor meets you on the street that you realize joshua has actually booked a visit. more than one, in fact: throughout the day, you visit four apartments, walking from one to the other hand in hand, already fantasizing about what life is going to look like for the two of you.
— jun
both having a busy schedule, you recently told jun you missed having a proper dinner together and it’s given him the best idea for your anniversary: a nice dinner together without the practical difficulties of going to a fancy restaurant. when you come back home that evening, you find your place tastefully decorated with various candles, flowers and fairy lights. as for jun, he’s done his hair the way you like it best, dressed in an outfit you love, wearing the same perfume from when you first started dating. with a sheepish smile, he guides you to the balcony where the table is set, revealing the stunning city view from your apartment.
— hoshi
his plan for today is to make you feel as loved as ever, and that requires day-long dedication, starting with mandatory prince.ss treatment all morning. around 11, he tells you it’s “time to go” although you still have no idea what he’s talking about. but a 45 minutes drive later, you can make out the blueish color of the sea in the horizon. with him by your side, you know it won’t be just any beach day: picnic on the sand, a long walk along the shore spent saying “look, it’s us!” when you see two relatively close rocks, and most of all, soaking up the sun together in the water, all while being that clingy couple who cannot stop swooning over each other.
— wonwoo
this morning, wonwoo wakes up particularly early to cook breakfast for the both of you. you’re already awake by the time he’s done, but he looks so adorable trying to balance the tray while opening the door with his foot that you pretend like you’re still asleep. later, he surprises you with a gift which looks… a bit odd. you didn’t really expect a QR code. but you scan it anyways, and then everything starts to make sense: the QR code brings you to a website, a shelter website more specifically. “are we…”, you start, a huge smile already on your lips. “going on a shelter date to get a cat? absolutely”, he replies, glad you’re enjoying his surprise as much as he hoped.
— woozi
to him, this is the perfect day to show how much your relationship means to him, because he fears you might not know it well enough (you do). so he’s got a little something prepared… the first part of his plan is to fake an apology: “i’m really sorry, i completely forgot…”. second part is to say he’ll take you to movies another day, which you accept, still half-upset. and finally, last part is to welcome you home on the d-day, takeout ready on the table but most importantly, with a homemade outdoor cinema right in your backyard. thick mattresses, fluffy pillows and a large white screen facing a brand-new projector, he went all out to make sure you feel as cherished as he always does.
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nadvs · 2 months
Started rewatching oth because of basketball rafe 😊 do you think they would ever have a Naley moment where their future together is uncertain and they’re both terrified and sad without one another but have no idea how to make it better or fix it?
aw omg i have been craving an oth rewatch!! naley are one of my fav tv couples ever 🥺
based on this fic
they have times of uncertainty. the roughest patch of their relationship is when he gets an nba contract. they’ve only been official for about five months on the night of the draft, haven’t even said their first i love you’s (the commitment-phobia sticks around for both of them for a while), but they don’t want to throw away what they have so they’re determined to stay together.
she still has a year left of college, so she stays put while he moves to a city that’s a three-hour flight away. he’s nervous about if they’ll make it long distance because he’s afraid of losing her, but she sees his nerves as him not having confidence in them. because they’re both so on edge, it turns into a nasty fight. they carry that fight for a while because at one point, she said if breaking up is inevitable, might as well do it now because she’s so pessimistic about relationships actually working out for her and he was crushed that she even brought the option up because he has rly bad abandonment issues so he said you were never really in this in the first place.
at one point, both of them think they’re just too alike to make it work because they both have short tempers and fight dirty.
when he leaves, they’re still dating but on really shaky ground, and because his schedule gets so full, he hardly has time for calls. she eventually starts to worry about him being unfaithful because he has all this fame now and that drives them apart even more.
it’s rough. he can’t afford to lose focus so he distances himself. she refuses to be clingy so she distances herself, too. they don’t talk for days and he’s so stressed out that they’re broken up but haven’t said the words to make it official. they take a break without even really deciding to.
and when they start talking again, because he calls her one night after a day off where he finally feels like himself, they’re both angry at each other for being able to go so long without talking. she asks why he didn’t invite her to visit, he says he wouldn’t even have time for her. another long, painful fight.
but like naley, they grow as individuals and as a couple. it’s a lengthy, tearful phone call and she eventually says “can we not jump to blame and to say things just to hurt each other? i think we needed that break.” and he’s hurt that they’d need time apart, but he agrees.
while they’re on the phone, he looks for flights. he can’t leave the city with his training schedule, but he tells her “even if it’s for five minutes, i need to see you. can you come?” and he books the flight for her that weekend. when he sees her at the airport, he actually starts to cry because of the pressure and the loneliness and missing her. it’s taken a toll on him.
he gets recognized by a fan at the airport and it shows her just how much his life has changed and it makes her nervous all over again. she knows it’s best to be direct about it because that’s how they always did things, so she tells him in the car that she knows she’s part of his old life but she hopes she can be in his new life too and it actually breaks his heart hearing her have any worries about that. he knows he fucked up by allowing her to feel that way, but still has issues with his pride because how could she doubt they’d make it work?
they get to his penthouse. he shows her his view and it’s even nicer than when she saw it on on their facetime call. and because it’s been so long, and even though they have so much to talk about, they rush into sleeping together and it’s clear how much they’ve missed each other from the way they kiss and hold each other.
after, they fall asleep. and over food, they have a difficult conversation. they discuss how they should have set expectations for calls or visits. how different their lives are now but it doesn’t mean it just won’t work. how this is just a tough time but they’ll make it.
“so that wasn’t goodbye sex?” he says in a moment of vulnerability. he hasn’t expressed fear of her leaving him in ages. she’s touched that he actually seems hurt by the prospect of a break-up. and she reassures him over and over until he believes her. they fall into an argument again. that’s when they share their first i love you’s. and then, finally, they’re good.
when she leaves, they’re at peace. they’re best friends again. the communication over long distance never gets perfect, but it gets better. every so often, they just have to remember that nine times out of ten, if they’re being grumpy with each other, it’s because they miss each other.
it’s a long, painful talk about if she should move in with him once she graduates, because she gets offered a great internship in her field at home. she still has lingering fears of commitment and she knows how hypocritical that is, considering how many times she’s gotten upset with him for acting like he’s not confident in their relationship.
he’s the one who tells her to just take the internship because he knows she’ll regret if she doesn’t. so, she completes a six month contract. it’s so much harder for her to visit with her new 9 to 5. they argue. they go through silent spells.
soon after, he has a horrible week and admits to her that he’s been off his game, playing like shit because he’s just so tired. she makes something up to tell her boss that she needs a week off for and surprises him and flies to him on her own dime.
he’s so relieved to see her that it’s like he’s breathing for the first time in months.
and they make it work. because they can’t imagine a world where they don’t. she moves in with him after her internship is up. she spends time looking for a job, being a ‘stay at home girlfriend’, and he keeps telling her he makes more than enough for the two of them, but she’s determined to still be independent in some way.
and they have some rough nights. some almost break-ups. but it never actually happens, because they love each other too much. eventually, they don’t have explosive fights anymore. they bicker, but it never gets as bad as it was, because they’re so sure of their relationship and because they grow to become healthier, better people for each other.
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cwritesforfun · 8 months
Regina George x Fem!Reader: NYC
I think we’re all obsessed with Renee Rapp as Regina George …
Y/N = Your Name (I will use this sparingly)
I am trying second-person pov for the first time, don't be mad if it sucks.
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Regina's POV
I think the only person I've ever loved is Y/N. I always thought I would know what real love was when it happened to me, but I realized it too late. I lost Y/N because we just experimented with each other, didn't want to commit to dating or coming out, moved to different schools, made new friends, and graduated high school. I texted her one time and it was to tell her congratulations on graduating and she texted me the same. She even moved houses, which I didn't know until I drove there today and there was a new family there and they had no idea where the previous owners lived. I tried calling her, but it gave me her voicemail and I don't even know what to say. Where is she?! And on top of all of this, Mom is taking me to New York City because I've been moping. I don't want to travel.
Your POV ... 1 week later...
You're working at a coffee shop and you smile. You have been so happy in New York. Dad had us move out to Brooklyn to take over his brother's coffee shop and he's been really great. He's grown so much in the role of manager and owner. You work as the assistant manager on weekends and you're in charge of events. You have fun.
It's Saturday and the day has been buzzing with orders. You have never seen so many lattes made or bagels ordered. Truly, this is insane. To promote the business, you had done a 2-hour 50% deal on lattes and your regular customers went CRAZY then they told their friends. Dad would be proud.
You are sitting on your phone eating your bagel during lunch reading your book when you hear a familiar voice order an iced oat milk latte and a bagel with strawberry cream cheese. That's so fetch. You exclaim, "Regina George, is that really you?" She whips her head around to face you and her jaw drops. You say, "You should join me if you're not busy." She nods, grabs her order, and sits in the seat across from me.
You exclaim, "I had no idea you were in New York City." She snaps, "I had no idea you moved. You never told me." You exclaim, "You could've asked one of those times you called me and didn't leave me a voicemail." She asks, "I never knew what to say. If you got those, why didn't you call me back?" You answer, "I didn't know what to say either. I could've told you about the sudden move and made you plan a visit, but I guess I never thought you would agree after we stopped talking... I always felt bad about that. I didn't want to stop being around you. It was just easier at the time than well doing what we were doing." She nods and says, "I missed you." You reply, "I missed you too. My lunch break is over in like 5 minutes, but would you want to hang out while you're in town? My dad made plans for him and me tonight, but maybe tomorrow we can hang out." She replies, "I will have to check with my mom, but I think tomorrow would work. Do you promise to answer if I call?" You nod and answer, "Yes." You both smile at each other and it's like times are like they were in high school. You were happy in high school when you were with Regina, but you never knew if what you did together would lead to something real. You felt like a second choice and it was alienating. Breaking off your fling with her was good for you because it let you be independent at your new school and it let you start to figure out who you were a little. You were bisexual and you were proud.
That night, as you finish getting ready for dinner, you finally ask your dad, "Who are we meeting for dinner? You've been very secretive about this whole night. You just said to dress nice. You have me scared." He hugs me and says, "You'll enjoy tonight. I have a 50/50 chance of being right about that. You look gorgeous tonight, let's head out. We don't want to be late." We leave our house and we make our way to this pizza place that we love that has this fancy upper floor overlooking the piano and more seating. Honestly, it just looks fancy. The food is not bad prices at all, haha. Dad just likes to romanticize our pizza dinners.
We take our normal seats and you watch the pianist play Mozart's Eine kleine Nachtmusik. You know this song on flute and you love it.
Dad exclaims, "Sweetie, our guests are here. Say hi." You turn around and you see Regina with her mom. You gasped and said, "Hi, I'm so confused. Why are you here? Dad, I saw her in our coffee shop today. Did you plan this?" Regina says, "I thought it was weird that we were meeting people in the city because we know no one. Well, except you two and even I just found that out today." Dad says, "Sit down and relax, ladies. Mrs. George and I talked a few weeks back about how it was weird you two hadn't seen each other in a while. We planned this trip when Mrs. George said that Regina had been moping around the house for months and her last happy memory was with dear Y/N." WTF?!? She hasn't been happy since I was hanging out with her?! Regina asks, "How long have you two been talking? Does dad know, mom?" Mrs. George says, "Honey, this is different than that time with John from down the street. This was just a friendly parent-to-parent talk about our kid's well-being. I don't romantically see Y/N's dad. We talk like once a month about finances because I don't get it and your dad hates talking to me about them." lol ... family drama ... Regina slouches and crosses her arms angrily. Shit, she is not happy about something. You used to be so good at reading her. You're out of practice.
Pizza arrives at the table and we all eat while making small talk. Regina refuses to look anyone in the eyes, she just keeps her head down and keeps quiet. You hate this. You want to talk to her, not our parents right now. You nudge her and ask, "Do you want to hang out with just me after this? I could try cheering you up if you'd let me." She answers, "Sure," before turning back to her pizza.
Once pizza winds down, you exclaim, "Hey Dad and Mrs. George, Regina and I are going to go out for a bit alone after this. We will be safe and we will let you know where we go and when we plan to go home." Mrs. George says, "Oh before you leave, I should say, Regina's suitcase is in your dad's car in case she wants to spend the night at your place." Regina snaps, "I'm right here, mom. You're talking about me like I'm not in the room." Mrs. George snaps, "I'm sorry Miss Didn't Say Anything During Dinner and Is Rude To People and Stares At Pizza." OH FUDGE ... You grab Regina's hand pulling her away from our parents and outside the restaurant.
Outside, we start walking and you realize you are still holding Regina's hand. She probably doesn't even want to be holding your hand. It's not like this is a date. You drop it and ask, "Are you in the mood for gelato?" She answers, "Sure." You reply, "Great, let's go. It's like 2 blocks from here."
We walk in comfortable silence until we get there. I open the door for Regina and she thanks me as she walks inside. My friend, Sam, is behind the counter and Sam exclaims "Y/N!!! It's good to see you again!!! Guess what?" You ask, "What's up, Sam?" Sam answers, "Josh asked me out!!" You smile and say, "OMG!!!! You'll have to tell me all about it. I'm so happy for you. This is Regina, by the way. And Regina, this is Sam." Sam waves and says, "Wow Regina, you're really pretty." Regina replies, "Thanks. Could I get a small raspberry gelato?" Sam nods and I say, "And could you get me a small dulce de leche gelato?" Sam nods and asks, "So Regina, are you in town visiting Y/N? She has been rather lonely without you. It's always about you, you know." Regina half-smiles and says "What kind of things did she say exactly?" Sam answers, "She said you were pretty and you are. She said you were her best friend for a long time and you both really liked spending time together. She was scared to commit and she wasn't ready to come out. She said you were her crush for a bit in high school. She said..." You quickly interrupt and say, "I think that is quite enough, Sam. How much is the gelato?" Sam answers, "$8.72." You pay for the gelato then sit in a booth away from Sam. You hear the door open and see two families walk in with little kids. At least Sam will be busy and won't pay attention to us for a bit.
You exclaim, "I know tonight's dinner was terrible, but I'm hoping I can still turn around your night and make it better." Regina asks, "Is it true?" You ask, "Is what true? You'll have to be more specific." Regina mumbles, "The crush on me." You say, "Yes, it is true. I liked you a lot when we were experimenting together and then we broke it all off. It was tough and I had to heal from that heartbreak, but I didn't realize it was heartbreak until I came to the realization that I romantically liked you. And then you were gone and then we graduated and I had to move and the timing was never right. But, I do know three things: I am bisexual and I like you a lot and the feelings never went away." She smiles widely and says, "God, if we weren't by your nosy friend and in a gelato shop, I'd kiss you." You ask, "So. the feeling is mutual then?" She answers, "Yes... I am lesbian though." You reply, "That's pretty cool." She laughs.
After gelato, we hold hands and walk to the Brooklyn Bridge. We were close to it anyway, so why not walk there?!? Haha! Besides, during the day there are tons of vendors, and at night, there are just lots of cars and busy people. You love living in the city. The city also looks beautiful all lit up at night.
As we stand at this pier looking out at the water, Regina asks, "Can we have that kiss now?" You turn to her and answer, "Yes." You kiss and it's like you're the city being lit up at night. You feel bright and you see your future.
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roosterforme · 2 years
Old Habits Die Hard Part 16 | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
Summary: After you visit Chicago, you understand just how hectic your life is about to become. And Bradley finally gets a very important piece of mail. There are things you want to say to him, but you don't know how. 
Warnings: Angst, swears, smut and fluff
Length: 3000 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader (fuckboy college student Bradley)
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Bradley helped you pack your bag and sat with you while you waited for your ride.
"I wish I could come with you. But I guess I'll have to wait to see Chicago when I visit you in the fall," he whispered, kissing your neck and holding you.
You were going to check out your new school for a long weekend since you'd be moving to Illinois next month. You were kind of terrified to go alone, but you needed to meet your advisor and look at your course of study. If you had the money, you'd take Bradley with you, but it really wasn't an option. 
"I'll scope out the city and see what looks fun," you told him, running your fingers through his soft hair. 
"Don't do the fun stuff without me though," he murmured. "Promise me, Sugar. Promise me you won't visit that big, silver bean. It looks dumb as hell, but I really want to see it."
You laughed against him and nodded your head in the crook of his neck. "I promise."
"And no deep dish pizza either."
You gasped and pulled away from him. "Now that's where I draw the line, Beer Boy."
Bradley laughed and pushed your hair away from your face. "I'll miss you." His face was so earnest, you had no doubt that he would. 
"I'll call you as soon as I land. Behave without me this weekend."
"I will," he whispered against your lips. "I'll be thinking about you the whole time." You dipped your tongue into his mouth and eased yourself further onto his lap, and just when you started to get cozy, your phone alerted you that your ride had arrived.
He walked you down to the street and kissed you one last time before you got in the car to leave. The urge to make some big proclamation about your feelings was filling you up inside, but you had to tamp it back down. Your feelings were honestly scaring you a bit since Tyson's birthday party. Nothing was making much sense to you now, and you needed to keep in mind that you wouldn't be seeing Bradley on a daily basis starting next month. The idea of it felt like too much weight to carry around with you as he stroked your neck with his fingers and told you he'd miss you so much.
You watched the Virginia countryside in the morning light, and when you landed in Chicago, the juxtaposition of continuous urban sprawl was alarming. You figured you would get used to it in time, but the sheer volume of traffic and city noise started to give you a headache almost immediately. 
You managed to get a taxi to your hotel, and you quickly changed to meet with your advisor. Sometimes you wished you had a closer relationship with your parents so you had someone to rely on. It made you want to put all of your trust in Bradley, and you wanted to be the person he could trust with anything. But you'd only known each other for a few months. 
But you texted him anyway. You snapped a picture as you rode past 'the bean' and promised him you weren't going without him. You texted him photos of the school campus as you walked along, searching for your advisor's office. 
When you found her spacious workspace, she jumped up and introduced herself to you. "I can't tell you how happy we are to have you joining us for the fall semester. Have a seat. And please call me Carmen."
"Thanks, Carmen. I just got lost walking through the campus, but it looks amazing here."
She just smiled at you and promised to take you on a tour tomorrow morning. "Now, I want to give you a brief overview of what will be expected, and then we can select your first semester classes later this weekend. However, I must say, I am so impressed with your undergraduate studies. I've spoken extensively about you with your advisor from UVA, and he assures me that we couldn't have picked a finer PhD candidate to add to our program. So welcome, once again."
You weren't used to hearing such high praise about yourself, and you felt a little uncomfortable in the leather seat. What if they had all actually made a huge mistake? What if you couldn't hack it? You'd be sleeping in the park under the bean, calling Bradley to come out to Chicago and rescue you. 
"Wow," you managed to say with a soft laugh. "I guess the pressure is on then."
When Carmen nodded with a very serious look on her face, all pretense of teasing on your part vanished. 
"It's going to be intense if you want to graduate in four years. And that's one of the things that will be required for you to keep your scholarship. You'll need to maintain a high GPA as well, so you'll be spending a lot of time in the labs and working closely with me."
You pressed your lips together. "It doesn't sound like I'll have much time for a personal life."
Carmen laughed and shrugged. "That's probably true. But when you finish your schooling in just an additional four years, you'll have your pick of careers. You told me in an email that you wanted to be a college professor someday? Well, after we're done with you, I can almost guarantee you'll be able to work anywhere you want to."
You let that sink in for a few minutes while Carmen told you more about the graduate dorms and your monetary compensation.
Bradley spent all day Friday in the study room, bored out of his mind and missing your body perched on his lap. He read his final novel for his English class, and he would have no problem finishing his final paper this weekend. His economics class was so easy, it was boring, and he'd already finished reading his political science textbook.
He'd started counting down the days until graduation. He was ready to move on, simply dying to hear back about flight training. Then he would be able to make some decisions, because at the moment, he was feeling so lost. He was happy for you though. You knew exactly what you wanted, and you were going to get it. He just hoped he would be that lucky this time. 
When his phone went off with texts from you, he scrolled through the photos you sent him, stopping on a selfie of you smiling in front of a fountain. He set it as his background. Then he texted you back.
Dev was sorting the mail when Bradley got back to the Beta house, and the rest of the guys were getting ready for the weekend parties. "Here," Dev told him, tossing a thick envelope to Bradley when he walked past.
"Thanks, man," Bradley replied, expecting it to be the annual information on his mom's life insurance policy. But when he turned it over in his hands and saw the US Navy emblem on the front, he nearly tripped on the stairs. He took the remaining steps two at a time and locked himself in his room. 
With shaky hands, Bradley tore into the envelope and sat down hard at his desk.
"Welcome to officer training and the Naval Aviation Academy," he read out loud to himself, and Bradley could see the tears clouding his vision before he could feel them. 
He set the letter down on his desk and cradled his face in his hands and just cried. This was the thing he had wanted for so long, and this time he wasn't going to let anyone take it away from him. 
Bradley wiped away his tears and let himself smile. His grades had improved so much, especially since he had a 4.0 so far for his senior year. In some sick, twisted way, he thought he had Chase to thank for this, because Bradley wasn't sure he would have been able to find the motivation to drink less and study more on his own. 
He wanted to text you right away. He also wanted to tell Hannah. But he would wait until you came back on Sunday night before he said anything. 
So he read through every bit of information twice and sent an email to the officer listed as his contact person for housing inquiries. As soon as he gave up his room here, he'd have absolutely nowhere to go otherwise. He also asked about guest accommodations, so he would have a good idea about what he should tell you for when you came to visit him.
His schedule looked absolutely wild. In his first year, he'd be in Rhode Island, Florida, Texas, and then California. And now he was hoping he'd have time to see you in Chicago.
So Bradley partied a bit all weekend, silently celebrating his acceptance letter. He avoided the hard liquor and the mob of girls asking him what happened to his girlfriend. You'd be back soon enough, and he couldn't wait to show you his letter.
Your campus tour and lunch with the head of the math department went smoothly. Then you picked out which dorm you'd be moving into, with the option of coming early in May to get a jumpstart on your classes. Then you sat down with Carmen again to select your schedule for the fall semester and see which textbooks you would need to acquire. 
You'd be learning about things you never even dreamed of at UVA. And you'd be working with some of the most intelligent and well studied people in the field. It was a lot for you to absorb.
When you flew back to Virginia on Sunday, you were so antsy, you couldn't sit still. When you landed you texted Bradley and told him you were going to get a ride directly to the Beta house, he said he'd be waiting for you.
And he was. You saw him sitting on the porch when your ride dropped you off, and he walked down to get your bag and pull you into a tight hug. 
"I missed you, Sugar." He scooped you into a hug as the car pulled away, and you let him hold you until you were sliding out of his arms. "How much did you love Chicago?"
You kissed him softly and then nodded. "It was kind of a shock to the system, but...yeah, I think it will be good."
You just inhaled his scent for a few moments while he rubbed your back and asked you for some details. Then it struck you; if you missed each other this much after just a few days apart, how were you going to date each other in two different time zones? You held onto him tighter and kissed the scars on his neck.
"Can I show you something? Up in my room?" he asked softly.
You huffed out a laugh. "I would certainly hope you'd wait until we got to your room for that, Beer Boy."
He rolled his eyes and picked up your bag. "That's not what I was talking about, and you know it. But...yeah, I can show you that, too."
You laughed as Bradley chased you up the stairs, and you opened his door, running your fingers along your phone number as you went inside.
"What do you want to show me?" you asked between kisses. Because now that you had him alone, you needed to touch all of him. His fingers dug into your hair, a little rough along your scalp as he pulled your body against his. 
"I want you to read something," he told you, guiding you backwards until you were sitting at his desk. He pointed to an envelope that looked like it had been opened very hastily, and he kissed your neck as you reached for it.
"Bradley," you gasped when you saw the return address. 
You spun around to face him, but he just nodded and said, "Go on, read it."
As quickly as you could manage, you pulled everything out of the envelope and started to read. You made it through two lines before you were out of your seat and climbing Bradley like he was a tree.
"Oh my god, Bradley! You did it!" You were kissing him all over his face while he held onto you. At first you thought he was crying, but then you realized your lips were met with your own salty tears. "I'm so proud of you!"
"Thanks, Sugar," he whispered against your lips. "I got the letter on Friday, and I've been dying to tell you in person. And now you're the first one I told."
"You could have told me during one of our dozen phone calls, Bradley!"
He just shook his head and climbed on top of you on his bed. "It's not the same."
"What are we going to do when phone calls are all we have?" you asked him softly. But Bradley just shook his head.
He didn't want to think about that yet. He didn't want to think about any of it at all. 
"We'll figure it out," he promised. Your hair was spread out across his pillow, and you were looking up at him like you trusted him with everything. Graduation was so close now, and both of you knew where you were headed next. But none of that mattered, because you'd still have each other.
"I trust you, too, Sugar," he told you, even though you hadn't said anything. "You're so smart. You always know what to do. I trust you."
Your hands were in his hair, pulling him impossibly closer to you. "I knew you'd get in," you told him. "I never doubted you for a moment."
Bradley smiled as you kissed him. "You're the only one who feels that way about me."
"Lucky me," you whispered, wiping a stray tear from your cheek before you started to pull his shirt off. Nothing you did felt rushed, and even though you were pinned underneath him, Bradley knew you were the one in control.
He basked in the feel of your hands on his bare skin and your soft body beneath him. You had changed him so much; or rather, he had changed because of you. He had known he wanted to be better, but he really did it for you as much as himself. 
"Sugar." Your lips were on his shoulder, gliding across his skin, leaving a trail of not quite kisses as you reached for the front of his jeans.
He wished he could make you cum a million times tonight. He wanted to watch every inch of you as you got off on him, because soon he would have to go long stretches without you.
He stripped your clothing off as well, and you were already wet and moaning when he dipped his fingers down along your pussy. 
"Beer Boy!" you whined. "I need you."
He needed you more. Once he had rolled a condom into place, he rolled onto his back and guided you on top of him. He was hard and ready for you, but he watched the look on your face as you straddled his abs and let your forehead rest against his. 
"I need you." You whispered it this time as his fingers gently memorized the curve of your hips. Then you eased yourself down his body and guided him inside you with a soft hiss.
Eyes slightly out of focus, you moved above him, the bump of your thighs against his body just perfect. Bradley was mesmerized, just like he always was when he was with you like this. He let his fingertips trail up along your ribs and across your tattoo and you gasped for him.
"So perfect," he said, and you kissed him hard while you rode him. You tasted his lips and his teeth and moved with a rhythm that had him close to the edge.
He guided his fingers to the space between his body and yours where you could rub yourself against him. And then you were crying out into his mouth as your pussy squeezed his cock, and he came too. 
"So perfect," he repeated into your hair as you buried your face against his neck.
You changed into Bradley's tie dye shirt and sat on his floor sharing a pizza with him. 
"What's your dormitory going to be like?" he asked, folding a slice in half and taking a huge bite. 
"It's in this ancient building with insanely intricate architecture. I picked it because it looked fun, which I'm sure wasn't the best decision," you said with a laugh as he finished the piece of pizza. "But the best part? It's all mine. No roommate!"
Bradley grinned. "That'll be nice for when I come to visit."
You smiled. "It's a long walk to the bean, but if the weather's good, it's doable. And there's literally deep dish pizza on every street. Jealous yet? Are you still sure you want to go to Rhode Island?"
Bradley leaned across the pizza box and placed the softest, sweetest kiss on your cheek. Your eyes fluttered closed and you smiled. "If there was any option for me to be closer to Chicago, I would have taken it, Sugar. Promise."
You just looked at him, longing for him to understand how you felt inside, but you were way too afraid to say anything to him. You were in love with him, and it was eating away at you. There was no way you could tell him. Not when you were graduating and leaving so soon. It would have to wait. Maybe there would be a better time later. But not now.
One. More. Chapter. Left. A million thanks to @mak-32 for helping me the whole time with this fic. This one is for you!
PART 17 (the final chapter)
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sex-storytime · 9 months
Her Desperate Love Letter
It is with many different and intense emotions that I write to you about what happened this past weekend. I'm not even sure where to start. I have always loved you and cared about you so much, and you should know that I always will. As you can imagine, it's love that you should never question or wonder about. What happened doesn't change that, and I want you to know that, too. It's just that what happened can't continue. Just because it doesn't continue has nothing to do with my love for you.
Since you went to college and after your graduation from college, I've watched you grow so very much into the smart and handsome young man you are today. I'm proud of how successful you've already become. And, I've liked how you've carried yourself. Strong and confident, but respectful and responsible. It's because of this appeal of your's that I had mentioned to you that you should be careful with women.
You looked at me strangely the times I mentioned this, and until this weekend, I'd always thought that it was because you weren't sure what I was talking about. Now, it's clear that you must have taken that as some kind of subtle tease. That I was commenting on your success with women or something. What I had really wanted you to think about was not hurting them. When you are handsome and successful, you are going to break some hearts, I meant. Now, I realize you must have taken this as flattery.
Surely, this last weekend was something I should take some responsibility for. It was the second time I had visited you there in the city without bringing Roy along. But really, it shouldn't have been something I needed to be careful about. I was just coming to visit you.
I want you to think about it and tell me if I gave you different signals somehow. I had no intention of doing so. Yet, you took me out to dinner like you would have a date or something, and then out dancing. With the wine, it must have turned things hazy for the both of us. You didn't make matters any easier by your compliments on my dancing. When you're older like I am, such compliments mean a lot. And yes, they especially mean alot coming from you. You already know that now, don't you?
Looking back, it's much clearer now. Dinner, drinks, dancing. You're flattering me, and me eating it up. I at least had the good sense to go on to bed when we got home. When I woke up in the middle of the night, my good sense must've left me, huh? When did you climb into bed with me? Your rubbing my shoulders helped me stay groggy and relaxed. Your hugging me to you was probably when I should've gotten up. When I didn't get up or move away, did you know I was too far along? You know I felt you there, and you were obviously aroused.
I didn't get up, and you kissed the nape of my neck. All I did was put my hand to your hair, as if it was alright. That was wrong. I should've gotten up, because it was all getting to me. Between my love for you, the drinks and good time out that night, and the fact that I hadn't been intimate in so very long, I didn't want to move, didn't want to leave.
You turned me toward you so that I was lying on my back, and I felt so vulnerable to you. I shouldn't tell you this, but I liked feeling that way. Very much. In the dark there, I said nothing as you reached under my top and cupped my breast in your hand. Your gentle squeeze and the finger rubbing my sensitive nipple sent shocks through me. Things blurred for me, as you lifted my shirt further up and put your lips to my bare skin and hard nipple.
I was beginning to move away, when you did what I didn't think you would actually do. You pulled yourself over me and got between my legs. I was disbelieving when you parted my legs further apart. I should've had on panties. My hands should've pressed more against your chest to move you from me, but I didn't even resist very well, did I?
I let my hands move to your shoulders at the same time that you lifted my legs, didn't I? Is that when you knew for sure you were going to have me or had you already known? I just wonder. You fumbled at yourself down there, and it gave me a moment to again resist, didn't it? I'm horrible for having let this happen. I remember feeling embarrassed, when I felt you lodge yourself at my lips, since then you must've felt how wet I was. All I could do was take a sharp breath.
I shouldn't tell you this. But, I think I started orgasming as soon as you got yourself fully into me. You were so hard, and it felt so thick, that rolls of pleasure swept over me. Your hips bucking at me, and my sex taking you in over and over felt so sensual and so intense that I had to cry out like I did. You going harder and faster made another orgasm start to well up inside, and I hated myself for reaching my legs higher up your back.
You were panting and pushing so intensely that I wanted you to feel the same pleasure that I had. It was just the moment, I hope you know, that made me say the things I did. I had never talked that way around you. Never had you heard me say the word "fuck." I never would have thought I'd have said for you to go ahead and fuck me. That was crazy.
Even though crazy, it must have done something for you, huh? I saw you flex and tense. Hear your grunting. You pushed as hard as you could into me, as you pulsed inside of me. Thinking back now, it's so raw and incredibly nasty that you came inside of me, that it's actually having an effect on me as I write this.
We held each other afterwards, and we felt so very close. The next morning you were so sweet and so gentle with such a weird situation. I'm glad you understood that I needed to hear how no one would ever ever know our secret. And although I didn't respond at the time, you should know that I did like what you had said that morning about how attractive I was and about how you didn't care whether it was right or not that we had done that. You couldn't see, but I smiled at how you said you would do the same thing again anytime and anywhere. That was a turn-on actually. It still is.
Unfortunately, the reality is that it will have to be that one time thing that happened. Something we will always know, and that no one else ever will. Something we can look at each other and smile about quietly. It is something that I'll remember from time to time and really savor. It just can't happen again, and I really do appreciate that you understand that.
It's good to get this to you so that you understand how I feel about what happened. I guess we can talk about it some more if you need to. I do trust you. On New Year's Eve, I will be home alone. You probably have plans, but just in case, I thought I'd mention it. It's a big house here, and it's very quiet when it's just me here, so let me know.
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peachhcs · 6 months
I feel like will and Sammy were one of those friends that like took naps while cuddling, or maybe at any free time they would be together, sometimes they said flirty comments to each other and still be like “we are best friends, we would never like each other”
no, no we’re just friends | the wonder years
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
1.5k words
takes place fall of will’s first dev program year (samy is a junior) this was genuinely so fun to write. i added some more plot to it, i hope that’s okay, but keep sending in requests for the wonder years i love writing their younger dynamic!
au masterlist
a weekend of no hockey games? not even traveling? those types of weekends were rare for the boys. 
they'd been on the move since the start of the season in august meaning two straight months of nonstop hockey every day, every week, every weekend. things were hectic–chaotic even—but they loved it. playing hockey everyday? it was the dream and so was finally getting to sleep in on saturday morning without worrying about waking up at ungodly hours for morning practice. 
the boys scattered themselves across the hughes family living room after a long night in ann arbor. what other way would they spend their free weekend besides driving an hour to samy's house where ellen welcomed them with open arms—secretly excited that her house was filled with people again. 
things were quiet now that the brothers were gone even though luke came back every weekend to do his laundry. 
samy excitedly showed them around the city she grew up in for most of her life with will chirping in every now and then with tidbits from the places he's visited. surprisingly, the boys were really into the museum of art by the university, especially ryan and drew. 
"no way someone painted that," ryan mumbled as their gazes stared up at the large 4 foot painting hanging off the wall. 
"i could do it better," aram shrugged earning a slap on the arm from jacob. 
"no you could not," the brunette muttered, shaking his head. 
the two began quietly bickering about who could paint better. will rolled his eyes before flicking over to briefly meet samy's gaze who lingered beside the blonde. she softly giggled at his friends' antics which resulted in a soft smile on the boy's lips. 
"i'd really like to see you guys try and paint," samy cut into their bickering as she led the way to the next painting. 
"you think we can't paint?" jacob raised his eyebrow at the girl. she only shrugged. 
"let's be real, you can't paint to save your life," ryan added with his own laughter. 
"uh, i can to. i took art classes my freshman year," jacob defensively crossed his arms. 
"ooh, so cool," ryan's mimicry voice made the group laugh. 
the banter didn't stop the entire time they were in the art museum. at least not until they made it to the natural history museum where the boys were really excited to look at dinosaurs. samy couldn't help but giggle as she watched the six boys hurry to see the t-rex up close. 
"how do you think they got it here?" gabe wondered. 
"a plane?" drew raised his eyebrow. the dark-haired boy smacked him on the arm, rolling his eyes. "smartass," gabe mumbled. 
"what's your favorite dinosaur?" will wondered over the commotion of the other guys. 
the girl's eyes slid to his, sparking some in the light while she thought about her answer. "good question. i really like rhinos. they don't have any in this museum though," she finally decided with a tiny smile. 
"didn't quinn buy you a rhino stuffed animal however many years ago?" the blonde asked. 
"he did! it was like my 7th birthday or something. i can't believe you remembered that," the youngest hughes chuckled. 
"only because i remember we sent you the nerf guns after being upset all summer that your brothers had them and you didn't," will informed making samy laugh again. 
"those were the best gift. i think we still have them in our basement somewhere, but i definitely lost all the..what do you call them? pellets?" the two shared another small laugh before the group headed to a different exhibit. 
after the museums, luke graciously met up with all of them and took them to dinner close to campus (but secretly ellen sent him money to pay for all eight of them because poor luke was a broke college student). the boys were definitely excited to see luke and they got him into a long conversation about hockey and what college was like. 
samy and will were at one at one end of the table where they immersed themselves in their own conversation again letting the others talk luke up because the two already saw him all the time. 
"happy there's no saturday practice tomorrow?" the brunette wondered, sipping on her lemonade. 
"mhm. i don't think i've really slept in since like..i moved here," will chuckled. 
"do you ever sleep in though? i'm pretty sure i always hear you awake at like eight in the morning with luke and jack at the lake house," samy raised her eyebrow which brought a flush to will's face. 
"you gotta get up early to hit the green," the boy argued referring to all the times they went golfing. 
"oh, right, right. how could i forget?" samy made a face. 
a small silence settled between them as their eyes drifted down the table where their friends excitedly talked with luke. something warmed in both of their chests seeing how well they everyone got along. samy really couldn't be more happier that will introduced her to these boys and seeing how much her brother loved them all too. will thought the exact same thing. 
the two years ahead were gonna be the best years. will knew it and so did samy. 
it was late when the group made it back to the hughes house. ellen and jim already had the air mattresses blown up meaning everyone immediately collapsed on sight after changing into pajamas. samy made herself comfortable beside will who briefly scrolled through his phone. the girl had a small cup of ice cream in her hand, quickly offering some to the blonde. 
"mm love rocky road," will hummed as he took the bite. 
"i know we have the same taste," the brunette giggled. she fished around for the remote before turning the tv on the lowest setting and flipping to some random movie playing. 
the girl stretched out, letting her eyes grow sleepy. her head dipped onto will's shoulder making the boy flush briefly before he hooked his arm around her own shoulders. this wasn't abnormal for the two, especially after the past summer. they'd become a lot more touchy with one another, always poking and prodding—so a head on the shoulder as samy fell asleep wasn't something the two thought twice about. 
not until the morning where they were in the same position except samy's head fell more onto will's chest with one of her arms spread out across his torso. the guys woke up before they did and ryan was the first one to notice the sleeping pair curled up on the couch together. 
"dude, look," the brunette nudged drew's shoulder who slowly sat himself up while rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 
"are we sure smitty doesn't like her?" drew mumbled with a tiny snicker. 
"he's gotta or something. i mean look at them!" ryan exclaimed. 
all of the guys were still in denial about will saying he didn't have feelings for samy and never has. they were literally staring at the two asleep together. gabe, aram, and jacob woke up a few minutes later hearing ryan and drew's voices. 
"why are you guys talking so damn loud?" aram grumbled. 
"look at smitty and hughesy," ryan urged his friends. the other three shifted their gazes towards the sleeping pair and they immediately understood what the fuss was about. 
"damn. if i didn't know any better.." jacob trailed off earning laughs across the group. 
"should we wake them up?" gabe asked as ryan took some pictures on his phone for later use whenever will wanted to try and deny his feelings. 
"i think your voices were loud enough.." samy's eyes fluttered open. the boys immediately quieted down, but the smirks didn't disappear on their faces. 
samy slowly sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. will shifted against the couch, his own eyes opening up too. 
"good morning love birds," ryan sang. 
"oh this again," samy playfully rolled her eyes. 
"what do you mean this again? you guys were literally cuddling," aram pointed out and all of the guys nodded in agreement. 
"and?" the girl raised her eyebrow, gazing over at will briefly who was now fully awake. 
"and? y'all are acting like a couple!" ryan exclaimed again. 
samy and will instantly bursted into laughter which left the boys silent and confused. 
"no, no we're just friends," the brunette got out through her laughter. 
"friends don't cuddle," drew cut in. 
"yes they do. i cuddle with my friends all the time. you guys are just afraid to," samy argued, pushing herself off the couch. she looked down at will for confirmation. he saw the guys' looks, knowing exactly what they were thinking. 
"come on, we're just friends. it's nothing," the boy agreed with samy. 
"exactly, thank you. can we stop making a big deal out of it and get breakfast?" the boys looked between the two for a few more seconds before deciding to drop the subject for now, but still not believing a word either of them said. 
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red-jaebyrd · 5 months
A New Bird in the Nest
Summary: What if Jason survived Ethiopia and Bruce adopted Tim early? Jason has many insecurities about the new addition to Wayne Manor and it doesn’t help that Bruce has been avoiding Jason since he came back from the hospital. The fear of being replaced and pushed out looms over Jason and it all starts when a kid named Tim Drake moves in. This fic was inspired by this beautiful piece of art by @ky-landfill
It had been almost three months since Ethiopia and Jason was still walking on eggshells around Bruce. Lately Bruce was all clipped tones and clenched jawed whenever Jason attempted to start a conversation with him.  After a while Jason gave up trying to talk to Bruce altogether. With a heavy heart Jason came to the harsh realization that Bruce was obviously still mad at him about Ethiopia.
Bruce was always busy now that Jason was home from the hospital. And while Jason was no longer confined to a bed and could now get around with the help of crutches, Bruce was hardly home. When he was home, Bruce was either holed up in the Cave or his study at all hours. At mealtimes he was constantly hiding behind a newspaper or hyper-focused on a tablet to avoid talking to Jason. Whenever his eyes would wander and meet Jason’s, it was always met with worry lines and a furrowed brow. It got on Jason’s nerves. He didn’t want Bruce’s pity. He just wanted Bruce to talk to him without snapping.
The only time they had talked was in the car on the way to Jason’s PT or to various doctor’s appointments. The conversations always mainly focused on the progress and recovery of Jason’s leg and nothing else. Jason figured it was probably easier for Bruce to talk to him if he didn’t have to actually look at him.
Since Jason had come home from the hospital Bruce had restricted Jason’s access to the Cave. He had told Jason that he didn’t want him to be in the Cave using numerous excuses like the flooring was unstable and would interfere with his crutches. There were also no handrails or any feasible way to install them.
Bruce’s cutoff of Robin spoke volumes to Jason without Bruce ever having to say much to him.
Continue on A03
Dick was visiting at the Manor today. Jason always looked forward to Dick’s visits, but he would never admit that to his older brother. When Jason had arrived home from the hospital, Dick had temporarily moved back into the Manor to help with Jason’s care.
At first Jason resented the gesture, mostly because he thought Dick was doing it out of guilt, but after a while it didn’t matter why Dick decided to stay at the Manor, Jason liked having him around. Not to mention Dick was a great buffer between him and Bruce.
Last week Dick had moved back to his apartment in Bludhaven. It was time for Dick to go back to his city and as much as Jason didn’t want him to go, he knew Dick had responsibilities he needed to get back to. Jason missed hanging out with his older brother every day, but Dick had promised to stop by and visit at least every other weekend.
This weekend Dick came, and they were hanging out the kitchen munching on Alfred’s delicious chicken salad sandwiches when Dick surprised Jason with a question.
“Have you and Bruce talked at all about what happened in Ethiopia?” Dick broached, taking a bite out of his sandwich.
“No,” Jason swallowed, putting his sandwich down and grabbing some chips. “We haven’t talked about that day. He doesn’t really talk to me anymore. Not that he ever talked a lot before, you know, but this is different. He snaps at me sometimes and stops mid-sentence. It’s like he wants to say something to me, but then he doesn’t.” Jason’s shoulders were inching toward his ears. “I think – I think he’s still mad at me.”
“He’s not mad at you,” Dick sighed, rubbing his forehead in frustration and muttering a ‘Dammit Bruce’ under his breath. “Believe me. He’s – he’s just overwhelmed with what could have happened and he’s bad at communicating that fear to you.” Dick rubbed his hands together over his plate to discard the crumbs. He put his hand on Jason’s shoulder and squeezed. “You almost died, Jay and for him it wasn’t the first time he’d almost lost his kid to a rogue. He’s not upset with you. Give him time.”
Jason scowled at Dick. How much more time did Jason need to give Bruce? It had been at almost three months. Jason pushed his plate away from him and rubbed the crumbs from his hands onto his jeans. The sandwich now felt like stone in his stomach.
“He won’t let me back in the Cave. Do you think – do you think he’ll take Robin away?” Jason inquired, picking at his sandwich just to give his hands something to do.
“The truth?” Dick asked, leveling a look at Jason.
Jason nodded.
“He should. At least for –,“
“But I didn’t mean to –,“ Jason interrupted, his eyes wide at Dick’s answer.
Dick held up his hands in a placating manner “Let me finish. He should take it away at least for now. Maybe allowing a kid at 13 to fight dangerous criminals wasn’t the brightest idea on his part.”
“You did it at 9 years old,” Jason argued, clenching his fists at the table.
He couldn’t believe the hypocrite Dick was being when it came to Robin. He thought Dick would understand.
“Our situations were different,” Dick countered, raising his voice a little. “I didn’t give Bruce a choice in the matter. I was going to find my parents’ killer with or without his help. Robin was a way for me to be out there making a difference and seeking justice for my parents.”
“I don’t know why I even asked you,” Jason snapped, crossing his arms. “You never liked me being Robin in the first place.”
“No, I didn’t,” Dick retorted, his jaw clenching. Jason recoiled at the quick response. “Robin was mine. It was my mantle to hand over to a successor, not Bruce. I was replaced before I even got a say in the matter.”
Jason lips parted to say something but all he could do was glare at Dick. Dick had never let him forget that he had been replaced.
Dick got up from the table and placed his plate and glass in the sink.
Jason chanced a look at Dick who had his back turned to him with his arms braced at the sink edge. His shoulders tense. After a while Dick turned on the faucet and began to wash his dishes.
Now Dick was going to give him the silent treatment just like Bruce. Jason sighed and rubbed his forehead. He really did have a knack for messing things up and pissing people off. He couldn’t afford right now to have yet another person in his life not speaking to him; especially Dick. They just started getting to know each other again.
He never should’ve said anything to Dick about Robin.
“I never liked that he made you Robin, but…” Dick admitted, breaking the silence and turning off the water.
Here we go, Jason thought, bracing himself for Dick to lay into him.
“I quickly saw in you what Bruce did, that you were the right choice for the mantle,” Dick continued, his voice gentle and even. Jason blinked and looked up at Dick. The older man was now facing Jason drying his hands on a dishtowel. All signs of anger gone as the brightness returned to Dick’s eyes.
Jason gave him a small smile. Dick didn’t have to say that last part to him. Jason picked up his plate and limped to a drawer next to the sink for a Ziploc bag. He placed the reminder of his sandwich in it and hobbled to put it in the fridge. Dick took his plate, turned on the water, and began to wash it. Jason headed back to his chair at the table.
“Do –,” Jason hesitated, steeling himself for his next question. He padded his finger against a scratch on the wood. “-do you think he’ll replace me too?”
It was a question he hated asking out loud, especially to Dick, he didn’t even know why he asked it. Maybe he was hoping for some support, a counter argument in his favor, a lie, or a platitude. However, Jason knew deep down Dick wouldn’t sugar coat his words.
“Not unless he decides to adopt another kid,” Dick snorted, turning off the water and drying his hands. “And I don’t see that happening anytime soon.”
“Thanks for the reassurance, Dick,” Jason retorted, rolling his eyes.  
“Jay, I’m kidding,” Dick teased, throwing a dish towel at Jason. “He’s not adopting another kid, okay?”
Jason nodded. He wanted to believe Dick, but Dick had now planted a seed of doubt. Considering Bruce’s track record there was always the possibility of Robin being replaced looming over Jason.
Two weeks later Jason was blindsided by the introduction to Tim Drake. A boy he had met briefly at a gala that Jason had attended with Bruce last year. He remembered trying to make conversation with the kid, but the interaction was awkward. The kid hadn’t been very talkative. While he had an overly friendly smile and gave Jason his full attention, the kid only nodded and gave Jason one word answers. Jason wasn’t sure if the kid was just shy or stuck up. Jason had concluded that the kid likely didn’t want to be seen talking to a street rat from Park Row and was just humoring him.
Bruce informed Alfred and Jason that Tim’s stay was a temporary emergency foster placement until a relative could be contacted.
Jason could deal with having a stranger in his house for a week or two, it didn’t mean he had to like him or spend time with him.  
For the next several days, Jason avoided the new kid at all costs except at meal times, which were unavoidable. Alfred and Bruce wouldn’t allow him to take meals up to his room. Bruce even stopped hiding behind newspapers and tablets at the table futilely trying to engage the kid in conversation. The kid hardly talked but answered questions when asked. Bruce still sometimes stayed in his study, but he now started opening the door again. It was something he hadn’t done since Jason had come home from the hospital.
The changes in the house were obvious, and it stung that the kid was getting Bruce’s undivided attention.
The kid had exceptional table manners, which was expected considering where he came from, but it still rubbed Jason the wrong way. What was this kid trying to prove anyway, that he was better than Jason? No shit, Sherlock, that much was obvious.  But it didn’t matter, the kid was soon moving out of Jason’s house and in with relatives. Jason would soon be rid of him.
It didn’t help matters that Dick and the new kid got along perfectly. Dick came over to the Manor right away to meet the new kid. The kid was completely enamored with Dick soaking up the frequent hair tousles and side hugs that Dick had always reserved for Jason.
First, the kid had stolen Bruce’s attention away from Jason, now he was stealing all of the time Jason would normally have with Dick.
About a week and half into the new kid’s stay, Bruce dropped the bomb that plans had changed, and the kid would now be staying with them at the Manor permanently. The kid was soon moved from a bedroom in the guest wing to a bedroom in the family wing next to Jason.
Jason’s stomach dropped. He couldn’t believe what he had just heard. Bruce had actually done the very thing Dick had teased him about almost two weeks ago, ‘not unless he adopts another kid’. It was actually happening.
Jason was being replaced! It was only a matter of time before Jason was completely out of the picture and the new kid became the new Robin.
He phoned Dick right away yelling at him that Bruce was replacing him with this new kid.
“This is all your fault,” Jason barked on the phone, slowly pacing his room.
“What’s my fault?” Dick asked.
“’Not unless he adopts another kid’ bullshit. Well it’s happening, because you’re the one who said it out loud,” Jason argued, clenching his jaw in frustration. It was a weak argument, but it was all Jason had at the moment. He had to blame someone.
“Jay, you can’t speak something into existence,” Dick snorted.
“I – I know that, dumbass,” Jason growled, irritated that Dick wasn’t taking him seriously. “I just didn’t think he’d –.”
The lump in his throat cut off his words and made his breath hitch. This was all happening too fast for Jason. Bruce wasn’t supposed to get another kid this fast or at all. The kid was supposed to move in with relatives. Jason knew he wouldn’t be Robin forever, but he thought he’d have enough time to get used to not being Robin before Bruce went and replaced him.
“Jay, are you still there? Talk to me, bud,” Dick said, breaking the silence, all teasing gone from his voice. “Bruce isn’t replacing you, Little Wing. He’s simply giving a kid something he needs right now, a home and a family. Nothing more. Besides, Tim is harmless and a great kid. I hope you’re being nice to him.”
“Why does he need my home and my family?” Jason whined, sagging onto his bed. His leg throbbing in time with his heartbeat.
Jason knew he was being unreasonable. This kid had done nothing wrong except existing, yet Jason couldn’t bring himself to be nice because this kid was getting the one thing Jason had been wanting for the last two months – Bruce’s undivided attention; and now stealing the only thing he had left - his brother’s devotion.
“Because his family failed him, Jay,” Dick replied, his tone matter of fact yet gentle. “You know what that’s like. Just talk to him and try to get to know him. He’s a great kid.”
Jason couldn’t bring himself to start a conversation with the kid, not yet anyway, but he no longer glared at the kid at meals or slammed his door in the kid’s face. He’d nod whenever the kid said, ‘Good morning’ and no longer avoided the library when he saw the kid sitting in his favorite chair. He even kept his mouth shut when he saw the kid sitting in Bruce’s study just feet away from the Grandfather clock entrance to the Cave.
The more Jason paid quiet attention to the kid, the more he saw things that reminded him of his own upbringing with Willis and he didn’t like it. The kid knew how to stay out of the way. When he was not occupied elsewhere with Bruce or Alfred, the kid spent most of his time in his room. The kid never really ventured within the Manor by himself beyond the library or kitchen, even though he was given permission and encouraged to explore his surroundings.
At first, Jason actually liked it. It meant he didn’t have to run into the kid or spend any time with him. But soon Jason realized that the kid’s avoidance of everyone was a definite problem.
The kid was quiet and never brought any kind of attention to himself. He never complained about the food given to him, ever; and ate everything on his plate, even the gross under-seasoned brussel sprouts and cauliflower. Bruce didn’t even eat the brussel sprouts on his plate. Jason knew the kid hated them because he noticed the kid struggling to swallow every single one, but he never said anything to Alfred or Bruce. Bruce eventually told the kid that he didn’t have to eat anything he didn’t like, but it was like the kid didn’t hear him. The kid also never asked for seconds but would say yes when they were offered to him.
The weirdest thing of all, the kid never initiated any conversation with Bruce or Alfred unless they spoke to him first. The kid was literally the poster child for that saying, ‘children should be seen and not heard’.
He didn’t even speak up one particular evening when he started breaking out in hives at dinner.
Jason was the first one to notice something was wrong with the kid. It was only for a split second and the kid must have realized something wasn’t right either because he instantly put his head down. But it was too late, Jason had seen the red raised splotches on the kid’s neck and face. The kid was white-knuckling his cutlery, a piece of Alfred’s Pesto Penne was still dangling off his fork.
If Jason had the height and the strength, he would have kicked the kid under the table.
Say something, kid!
Jason wasn’t sure why he was getting so mad, but it was pissing him off that this kid was going through what looked like some sort of anaphylaxis episode and staying quiet. Jason still might not know how to talk to the kid, and maybe he was still a little angry at him for stealing Bruce and Dick, but he didn’t want him to die.
Could it be that the kid was genuinely afraid to disrespect adults that he’d put his health in danger and eat whatever was put in front of him?
Didn’t the kid know by now that Bruce wasn’t going to be mad at him for speaking up about an allergy? Hadn’t the kid spent enough time with Bruce to know that he’d never be shamed for something he couldn’t control.
“Bruce!” Jason yelled, finally getting the man’s attention. Bruce gave him a puzzled look. “Your new kid needs you.”
Just then the kid cleared his throat and made a weird and alarming wheezing sound. Bruce’s fork clattered on his plate the moment he laid eyes on the kid.
“Tim, are you okay?”
The kid’s eyes went wide. His eyes scanned frantically at Jason, Bruce and then Alfred, but he didn’t say a word.
“Tim, I need you to answer me, okay,” Bruce asked, keeping his voice low and calm. “Are you allergic to pine nuts?”
“No, I…I don’t know,” The kid swallowed, tears pooling in his eyes. “I’m…I’m allergic to almonds, but I’m…I’m okay.”
It was obvious to Jason and everyone else in the room that the kid was anything but okay.
“Alfred, get two epi-pens and call Leslie,” Bruce ordered, making his way to a chair closer to Tim to examine his face and neck.
“Right away, sir.”
“I’m okay,” The kid wheezed, moving his face away from Bruce. “Really, it’s f-fine.”
Jason couldn’t take it anymore. The kid was obviously not okay. Nothing about this was fine. The sooner he realized that the better.
“You’re not okay, you dummy! You don’t fuck around with food allergies!” Jason bellowed, banging his fists on the table to emphasize his point. “If you’re not feeling good because the food is making you sick, you fucking say something.”
“Jason,” Bruce warned, keeping his voice even while also leveling Jason with a glare.
He could see Bruce clenching his jaw as he went back to examining the kid. Jason ignored him. He didn’t care that he was making Bruce mad. Jason needed to finish telling the kid what he needed to hear.
“If you’re still hungry, ask for more food,” Jason continued, his voice getting louder. “If you don’t like the food, don’t eat it. Either way Bruce and Alfred won’t get mad!”
“Jason, you’re yelling,” Bruce stated, his voice low and gravely. “Lower your voice or you’ll need to leave the table.
Jason didn’t even know why he was yelling at the kid, but it felt good to get it out. A part of him was frustrated that the kid still didn’t see what he had here with Bruce – safety. Another part of him was irritated at himself for acting like a complete asshole hating this kid for no reason other than existing and taking up space. Realizing too late that this kid was just like him when he first came to live here, scared and mistrustful of adults.
Jason wasn’t done yet. There was one last thing Jason needed the kid to hear and understand about the way things worked with Bruce and Alfred. Something Dick actually told him when Jason first came to the Manor.
“No one here is going to make you do what you don’t want to do,” Jason emphasized, grabbing his crutch, and getting up from his chair. “But they won’t know what you want if you don’t fucking say something.”
He added that last bit.
“Jason, that is enough,” Bruce scolded, his voice loud enough to make the crying kid next to him jump and Jason flinch.
Before Bruce could tell him to go to his room, Jason was already making his way to out of the dining room.
“I’m sorry, Bruce,” the kid sobbed, his breaths hitching, while Bruce continued to examine the hives on his face and neck. “I’m so sorry for making a scene. Please…please don’t be mad. I’ll…I’ll do better. I promise.”
The last sentence was said in a whisper, but Jason heard it loud and clear. It felt like a punch to the gut. He couldn’t get out of the dining room fast enough. If only his stupid leg would let him run. He made his way out of the dining room and into the hallway. He leaned against the wall taking deep breaths.
What kind of parents did this kid have that he was scared of adults and knew nothing about his own food allergies?
Jason saw the signs once he had started to pay more attention. The obvious signs of abuse. They were right there at every meal, every encounter, plain as day, but Jason was too preoccupied with his own paranoia of being replaced, and blinded by Tim’s rich kid status and upbringing to think that someone of his background was being mistreated by his own parents.
Jason was an asshole.
He was snapped out of his thoughts as Alfred walked briskly passed him into the dining room with the two epi-pens for Tim. Jason proceeded to head for the stairs.
Jason made it as far as the bottom of the stairs. He sat down on the steps and closed his eyes, leaning his head against the banister. The familiar throbbing of a migraine radiated from his left temple to the back of his head. After a while he heard familiar footsteps approaching him. It was Bruce.
“How’s the kid?” Jason asked, squinting at the harsh light of the chandelier above him.
“The epi-pens helped. Alfred is monitoring him in one of the downstairs bedrooms,” Bruce answered, sitting down on the step next to Jason. “Leslie is on her way to check on him.”
“Good,” Jason replied, nodding his head. “That’s…that’s good.”
They sat there on the steps in companionable silence. Jason could feel a lecture coming from Bruce. The migraine made it hard for Jason to care. Right now, all the fight in him had left.
“You can’t yell at him like that again, Jay,” Bruce warned, breaking the silence. “He didn’t deserve that from you at all.”
“I know,” Jason groaned, leaning his head against the banister again. “And I didn’t mean to yell, but the k-,“ Jason stopped himself, the kid had a name and he should probably start using it. “Tim needed to hear it. I’m not sorry for what I said.”
“You need to be nicer to your brother, Jay,” Bruce sighed, his shoulders sagging in exhaustion. “We need to make him feel welcome here.
Jason let the word wash over him. He hadn’t really allowed himself to think of Tim in that way even though it was obvious that he’d be staying at the Manor permanently. It was all too much for Jason to think about at the moment.  
“Bruce,” Jason breathed, closing his eyes and rubbing his forehead. “I don’t want to talk about him right now. My head is killing me.”
He knew he needed to talk to Bruce about Tim, but he couldn’t do it tonight. Right now his throbbing head wouldn’t let him think straight.
“Okay get some rest,” Bruce suggested, brushing Jason’s bangs from his forehead. “We definitely need to have a conversation. We’ll do that in the morning when you’re up for it.”
The next morning Jason took his time making it to Bruce’s study.
He had most of the morning to think about what he was going to say to Tim and Bruce. Jason wasn’t sure if he’d actually have the guts to admit out loud certain thoughts that had been rummaging around in his brain the last few weeks. Especially the big one concerning Robin.
Would Bruce take Robin from him and give it to Tim?
Before Jason realized it, he was in front of Bruce’s study. The door was opened. Bruce had always told Jason to feel free to come inside if the door wasn’t closed. His door hadn’t been opened in the months before Tim came to the Manor. Jason peeked inside from the doorway.
Bruce looked deep in thought as he perused over various papers from different file folders stacked on his desk. Jason was starting to have second thoughts. 
“Hey Jason, what can I do for you?” Bruce asked, not looking up from what he was reading.
It always weirded Jason out when Bruce knew it was him without even looking at him. It was likely the squeaking sound from his crutch that gave him away.           
“You look busy,” Jason observed, giving Bruce an out and hoping that he’d take it. He turned to leave. “I’ll come back.”
“I’m not busy, have a seat,” Bruce acknowledged, motioning to the sofa. He took his glasses off and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He closed the file folder he was reading, stood up from his desk chair, and stretched. He soon followed Jason to the sofa. “How’s your head, kiddo?”
“Better. I think I just needed to sleep it off,” Jason answered, sitting down and leaning his crutch against the arm of the sofa. Once he got a closer look at Bruce he could see dark circles under the man’s eyes. “Have you been here all night?” Jason gestured to Bruce’s desk.
“Pretty much. Though I did spend some of the night looking in on Tim,” Bruce sighed, sitting down on the sofa with Jason and rubbing his tired eyes.
“How’s he doing?”
“He’s much better, just tired. He’s back in his room if you wanted to go see him later and talk.”
Jason nodded. It was Bruce’s way of telling Jason that he needed to apologize to Tim. He had planned on visiting Tim after this, though he’d understand if Tim wasn’t up for it considering the way Jason yelled at him last night.
“Anyway, I’m just trying to see if I had missed something in any of Tim’s records,” Bruce continued, leaning back on the sofa. “They’re all pretty vague and don’t go back that far. There aren’t any details about any known allergies or yearly well checks, no documentation about any allergy testing except the most recent one that revealed an allergy to almonds. His immunization record stops at 5 years old.”
“But his parents have money, right? If they live in this neighborhood,” Jason snapped, folding his arms. “How could they just not take him to the doctor?”
“You’d be surprised by the priorities some people have in this town,” Bruce criticized. “Sadly, their children are not on the top of that list.”
Jason shook his head. It didn’t make any sense to him. Tim’s parents had money. Maybe not as much money as Bruce, but they could afford to take Tim to the best doctors for yearly check-ups and specialists to help him with his allergies. Instead, they chose to prioritize their jobs and lifestyle instead of their kid.
“Is that the reason he’s living here with us now? Because his parents didn’t take good care of him?”
“Among other things, yes,” Bruce answered. “Tim’s home life wasn’t great. From what little he told me his parents left him home alone for extended amounts of time at a fairly young age. For his safety and wellbeing, it was necessary for him to be removed from his parents. He needed a home with stability and most of all a family. I felt that we could be all of that for him.”
Jason’s shoulders dropped hearing all of this from Bruce. Tim was a lonely and abused kid, just like Jason had been. Bruce opened his heart and his home again to a boy in need. It now all made sense why Bruce had been spending so much time with Tim. He wasn’t trying to replace Jason. He was trying to make Tim feel at home; just as Jason should have been doing instead of slamming doors in the poor kid’s face.
“I realize now that the timing of his arrival was awful, and I’m sorry,” Bruce continued, interrupting Jason’s thoughts. He placed a hand on Jason’s shoulder and squeezed it. “I know this type of major change was the last thing you needed while you are still recovering.”
Jason nodded. He leaned his head back on the pillows to process everything Bruce had just said. Bruce wasn’t wrong, the timing of Tim’s arrival did suck as it played on Jason’s already frayed emotions. But after last night it made it easier to understand Tim’s sudden placement with Bruce.
Bruce saw a kid in trouble and did what came naturally to him. He did the same for Jason four years ago, of course he would do the same thing for Tim. Jason rubbed his face harshly. He felt like an idiot for not making this connection much sooner. Bruce had reached out to be Tim’s family, just like he had done for Jason, because Tim needed a family. Bruce didn’t need another kid.  It was all about helping a kid in need.
So, he’s not here to replace me.
“What? No, Jason, I would never do that– what made you think I would –,” Bruce stammered, his wide eyes searching Jason.
Oh shit.
Jason didn’t mean to say that out loud.
But before he could think of something else to say, all the thoughts that had been festering in his brain since Tim had arrived came pouring out of his mouth.
“– because you weren’t talking to me. I thought you were still pissed at me for running away. And when Tim came you were spending all your time with him that you used to spend with me,” Jason blurted out in quick succession. His vision started to blur with tears. He really didn’t want to cry, but the tears were already flowing down his cheeks. “and – and maybe I thought that you liked him better because – because he’s a good kid with perfect manners who never talked back or complained, and he’s not – not a mouthy screw up like me who messed everything up.”
Jason’s eyes widened as his brain caught up to the words that had just come out of his mouth. Every thought and fear that he had been dwelling on these past several weeks came out faster than he could contain them. There was no taking it back now.
“Jason, you’re not a screw up and you didn’t mess up anything.” Bruce affirmed, gently pulling Jason into a hug. Jason held on to Bruce like a lifeline, his tears continuing to fall. “Son, you didn’t mess up anything.”
Jason shook his head, but who was he kidding. He made a pretty big fucking mistake that almost got him and Bruce killed. How is Bruce not furious with him?
“It’s true that choices were made by both of us, good and bad and things took a serious turn, and – and for a second I thought I’d lost you,” Bruce sniffed, breaking the embrace to look at Jason. “But I didn’t. You survived and I’m so grateful every single day that you are here with me.
Bruce moved his hands to cup Jason’s face. He gently wiped away the tears from Jason’s cheeks with his thumbs. Jason kept trying to calm his breaths but they were still hitching with every sob. Why couldn’t Bruce have said all this to him sooner?
“I’m so thankful I get to watch you grow and see the person you will become,” Bruce continued, embracing Jason again and rubbing soothing circles on Jason’s back. “I’m so proud that you’re my son, and I love you just the way you are so please, don’t think for one second that I would ever want to replace you with someone else.”
There was still something that Jason needed to know from Bruce. A question he needed answered because he was tired of the subject being avoided and ignored. He was ready to take responsibly for his actions. He just needed Bruce to be straight-forward with him.
“Are you still mad at me?” Jason stammered, his bottom lip trembling. “About Ethiopia? It’s my fault –,”
“Oh, Jay, lad, no,” Bruce interrupted, his shoulders sinking. He hugged Jason tighter resting his cheek on the top of Jason’s curls. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I made you think that I was ever mad at you.”
Jason straightened in surprise at the words ‘I’m sorry’ coming from Bruce. Not that Bruce wasn’t capable of apologizing, but did Jason deserve it? It felt misplaced. He was the one that ran away and got himself in trouble. He was the one that nearly got himself killed and needed rescuing.
“I don’t blame you for what happened,” Bruce continued, interrupting Jason’s thoughts. “I blame the people who hurt and betrayed you. I’m mad at myself for not giving you the answers you needed at the time that you were seeking them. I feel responsible for making you think that you had to go halfway across the world in search of those answers. I’m angry that the one person who should have cherished you for the gift that you are betrayed you to a madman.
“I allowed my anger toward them to fester and instead of talking about what had happened in Ethiopia with you, I internalized it. I’m sorry, Jason,” Bruce apologized. “I am so sorry for pushing you away at a crucial time when you needed me; that will never happen again. Understood.”
Jason blew out a breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding. He wasn’t expecting Bruce to say all of that to him, but it was a relief to hear that Bruce’s anger wasn’t because of him. It felt like an invisible weight had been lifted from Jason’s shoulders. Bruce wasn’t mad at him, and he didn’t blame Jason for what had happened in Ethiopia.
“I’m so grateful that you’re alive and here with me,” Bruce repeated, pulling Jason in for another hug.  
They still hadn’t discussed Robin, but right now Jason felt that Robin could wait.
“I love you so much, Jason.”
“I love you too, Dad.”
Later that afternoon Jason headed to Tim’s room. Jason still wasn’t sure what he was going to say to Tim. The kid was likely scared of him now from all the yelling that had happened last night. He couldn’t blame the kid if he now hated him. Jason kind of deserved whatever attitude the kid gave him.
Jason took a deep breath before knocking on Tim’s door.
“Who is it,” a faint voice answered from inside the room.
“It’s Jason. Can I come in?”
“Yes,” Tim answered almost immediately.
Jason wondered if Tim had ever said no to anyone. He felt it was best to give this kid a way out just in case he’d rather be alone.
“It’s okay if you don’t feel up for visitors,” Jason added, still not opening the door. “I can come back whenever you’re up for it.”
“I’m okay, you can come in.”
Jason opened the door and hoped the smile on his face looked genuine and didn’t scare Tim. It appeared that just him being in the room was enough to have the kid sitting up, hiding behind his knees and blankets.
“You’re not going to yell at me again, are you?” Tim asked, hugging his knees.
“No, Tim,” Jason laughed, making his way closer to Tim’s bed. “Not unless you give me a reason too.”
Tim’s eyes went wide.
“That was a joke,” Jason interjected quickly, before Tim burst into tears. He rubbed the back of his neck. “Let’s try this again, how are you feeling?”
“Better, just tired. I’m not itching anymore, so that’s a relief. This one hit me harder than the almond reaction.”
Bruce had told Jason that it was only a few weeks ago that Tim had experienced anaphylaxis while home alone. This incident had prompted Tim’s removal from his parents and placed with Bruce.
“I’m glad you’re feeling better,” Jason said, shifting his weight off his bad leg. It started throbbing in its standing prone position. “Allergic reactions suck.”
Just then the pain in his leg radiated from his hip to his knee. Jason couldn’t hide the hiss of pain that escaped between his clenched teeth. He looked up to see Tim looking at the long scar on his face and then his leg. Jason hated it when people stared.
“I think you need to sit down. You look like you’re in pain,” Tim suggested, gesturing to the armchair next to his bed. “This chair is really comfortable. I like sitting in it while I’m reading.”
“Thanks,” Jason breathed, trying to ignore the throbbing in his leg while making his way over to the chair. He noticed a familiar copy of ‘The Lightning Thief’ on Tim’s nightstand and picked it up.
“Bruce bought me the entire series. I just started it when I came here,” Tim explained. “I really like the story. I wasn’t allowed to read it before – before I came here.”
“Let me guess, your parents think gods and goddesses are evil?” Jason smirked.
“No, mother said ‘fantasy books are frivolous nonsense and not becoming of a future businessman.’”
Jason scowled. He was deeply insulted that the adults in Tim’s life had disparaged Jason’s first favorite genre of books. How dare they. It appeared that Jason had some work to do.
“I can recommend other fantasy books if you like the genre,” Jason offered, setting the book back on the nightstand. “When you’re feeling better we can go to the library. I’ll show you the fantasy section. It’s huge.”
“Thanks, but you don’t have to do that,” Tim shrugged. “I know you don’t like me.”
Hearing Tim say it like that, so matter of fact and accepting, wiped the smile off Jason’s face.  It sucked to know that he had left such a horrible impression on Tim and that Tim was giving him a way out. It was a pre-emptive strike to avoid the disappointment of rejection.
Jason was all too familiar with this tactic – he used to do it all the time to Bruce and Dick when he first came to live at the Manor.
He wondered how many times Tim had been hurt by the people closest to him to easily brush off simple offers and attention from others. It didn’t help that Jason’s actions over the past few weeks solidified Tim’s assumption that Jason really didn’t want to spend time with him.
Jason needed to fix this fast.
“I know I don’t have to show you the library, but I want to,” Jason cleared his throat, stretching his sore leg. “We can make up for lost time, okay?”
Tim nodded.
“Is there anything you want to ask me?” Jason offered, sitting back in the chair. Tim wasn’t lying, this chair was comfortable.
Jason’s brain was screaming at him for daring to open himself up like this to Tim, a kid he hardly even knew. But deep down in his heart, Jason knew this was the right thing to do. It was a fair exchange. He couldn’t expect Tim to open up to him, if he didn’t budge himself.
“Um,” Tim hesitated, wringing his hands and looking anywhere but at Jason. He took a deep breath and returned his gaze to Jason. “What happened to your leg and –,“ Tim gestured to the left side of his own face which was the same place as Jason’s noticeably long scar.
Jason took a deep breath to steel himself. He knew this was going to be a question Tim would ask. He was hoping he wouldn’t ask this question right out of the gate, but he did open himself up to be asked any question. Jason wasn’t stupid enough to give Tim details but since this kid was his new ‘little brother’ Jason should probably be somewhat honest with him.
“It’s a long story, but the short version is I went and did something I shouldn’t have, and this happened,” Jason explained, gesturing to his face and his leg. “Can I ask you a question?”
Jason wasn’t sure the kid was going to answer his question once he heard it, but he had to give it a shot.
“Sure, what do you want to know?”
“I want to know why you didn’t say anything to anyone at dinner when you were having a serious allergic reaction?” Jason asked, maintaining eye contact and using his best Robin voice.
Tim stayed quiet and Jason realized that maybe he had pushed too far with his first question. Part of him definitely wanted to give Tim an out, but the other part of him felt it was important for Tim to answer the question. Jason strongly believed that Tim needed to know from him that Tim would never be shamed or scolded by Bruce for speaking up when something was wrong.
“Mother says,” Tim swallowed, fisting his blankets and then hugging his knees again. “That making a scene at the dinner table in front of guests is rude; under no circumstances should I bring any kind of attention to myself.”
Jason had to take a few deep breaths to calm his rage and quiet a few choice words he wanted to voice out loud about these absurd rules and Tim’s parents.
“Tim, you were going into anaphylactic shock,” Jason explained, keeping his voice level like he does when talking to victims as Robin. “Saying something is always okay. Especially if you are in danger, or you just don’t feel good. You wouldn’t have been making a scene. Bruce doesn’t care about decorum all that much just as long as you don’t say ‘fuck’.”
The last sentence made Tim giggle. It was nice to know he could make the kid laugh.
“You’re safe here, Tim. I know firsthand that concept will take some getting used to but believe me. This place is safe. Bruce and Alfred like having you here and so do I,” Jason confessed. “It’s true. I know I didn’t show it in the beginning, and I’m very sorry about that. So, if you want, we can start over.”
Jason held his breath, pleading internally that Tim would forgive him for how Jason had treated him. He truly wanted to start over with Tim. Jason was looking forward to having a little brother.
 “I’d like that”, Tim smiled. It was a smile that reached his eyes and brought out the dimples in his cheeks. “I just have one more question.” Tim hesitated, biting his lip. “It’s sort of a favor. It’s no big deal. You can say no if –,“
“Tim, I’m not going to say no unless you want me to move furniture,” Jason joked, trying to make Tim laugh. “What do you need?”
Tim looked longingly at the book sitting on his nightstand and then back at Jason.
“Can you read a bit of the book to me?” Tim begged. “I’m still dizzy from last night and every time I try to read, I get a headache.”
Jason blew out a breath and smiled. This request he had no problem saying yes to. He was just glad Tim didn’t ask him to leave.
“Of course,” Jason accepted, taking the book and thumbing to the page that had the bookmark. “How are you liking this book so far?
“I like it. I already liked Greek mythology, but this makes me like it even more. I don’t trust Luke,” Tim voiced off handedly. He looked at Jason nervously like he was waiting to be shut down for his opinion. “I know I probably should, but I don’t. I don’t care how much he’s helping Percy. There’s something not right about him.”
“I’m liking you more and more, Timmy,” Jason praised, giving him an easy smile. Tim definitely had a future in this family with those deduction skills. “Maintain that energy and sit tight. We’re gonna be here a while.”
Jason and Tim hung out more and more dividing their time together in the library, playing video games in the den, or hanging out in the kitchen baking cookies with Alfred. Jason helped Tim slowly come out of his shell around Bruce and Alfred. A red-faced Tim eventually confessed to Alfred that he hated fish, couldn’t tolerate the texture of carrots or brussel sprouts but loved broccoli, chicken, steak and pasta.
Having Tim around became the very thing Jason had needed all along. Hanging out with Tim kept him more active, which in turn helped the mobility in Jason’s leg. Even his physical therapist was impressed with the progress Jason had made over the past couple of weeks.
Jason liked being a little brother, but he liked being a big brother even more.
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heartilywrites · 2 months
hi! I wanna say I really love your works!!!
I have a korra x reader childhood friends to lovers idea where korra and reader are really really really close friends and they're constantly very touchy with each other where they're kinda in a 'what are we?' relationship
،، 𝓛ove me back ; Korra
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request guide | masterlist
resume: just a couple of really close best friends, right?
content warning: fluff ; if you squint, theres angst ; Korra x fem!reader ; r is from the Southern Water Tribe, but no bending status mentioned ; eye color description ; open ending,,, i think- ; no use of y/n
wc: 2.3k
a/n: oh youre going to hate me so much, but listen: i wanted to establish the relationship in this part, but suddenly good luck babe started to play and my brain went ~funky~ if we have luck i can make a part 2— THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING AND FOR LIKING MY WORK, DARLING, ENJOY :D
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“ You can say that we are nothing, but you know the truth.
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Warm hands were felt looking for rest on your waist before they started to guide you to seat. “That's better!” Korra's voice sounded at your back, leaving a small kiss on your shoulder and now hugging you completely while resting her chin on your shoulder.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “What were we talking about, again?” you asked, your back started to rest against her chest and both hands on top of the avatar's arms.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “We were talking about what should we do this weekend.” she reminded again, you nodded.
Under the light given by the full moon that night, Korra and you were together once more letting time pass.
She had been your best friend almost since you could remember, your parents had always been close with Korra's even before you two were born and after the two family's addition, they made you hang out together to carry on with the friendship. Playing outside, learning about the tribe together, seeing Korra practice her three bending ways after discovering she was the avatar; in everything she had lived, you were there, she could find you by her side in any memory.
A year before she arrived to Republic City, you had moved there from the southern water tribe in looks of more opportunities, but not even the distance between you two could make the friendship weak. You wrote to Korra weekly telling her about how your life at the city was going and how you couldn't wait for her to come to Republic City finally.
What you didn’t expect on a random weekday getting ready to go to work was a telegram from the Air Temple Island asking your presence there as it had been requested by Korra, you called in to your job telling that you would be absent due to illness and quickly made your way to the island. When the avatar saw you step out the boat she was fast to run and pick you in her arms, both giggles combined while your legs trapped her torso.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I'm so happy you're here!” she exclaimed hugging your waist tight and allowing her head rest on your chest.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “That's what I should tell you!” you said back, tiny kisses were left on her crown by your lips. “Dear spirits, I thought I wasn't going to see you again in this lifetime.” clearly exaggerated.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I'm so glad to finally meet you,” a male voice called your name and both of you turned to look at said direction, being met by the airbender master with his three kids.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Oh! Master Tenzin!” you untangled your legs from Korra as she put you down, but never got away. A small bow was made as a greeting and once you straightened, Korra pulled you closer by the shoulder as if you weren't already next to each other. You didn’t push her either, both arms went to hug her by the waist. “Thank you so much for allowing me to visit the island.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “No need, Korra was just impatient to see you and we didn’t know where you live.” he answered, the girl cleared her throat.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Alright, if you excuse us I would like to show my best friend around and then we'll go to the city.” Korra changed the subject, the older man opened his mouth to talk. “I'll be safe and back before night time! I got the most responsable citizen with me.”
Safe to say after that, you two became even more inseparable than before. Korra got used to the city faster thanks to your tours and how you were always taking her out to hang out.
When the girl met her new friends, she made sure you were also included in the plans with them as she wanted you by her side in her avatar journey. It was only a matter of time for the whole group to be comfortable with each other and act as best friends within the other.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “How long have you been with Korra?” the engineer asked you one day while eating lunch, you looked at the named and then to Asami.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Oh, pretty much since I can remember.” you nodded and Korra mirrored your action by your side.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ ���That's so sweet... You two look so cute together.” the comment was followed by coughs coming from the avatar and you after choke on food and water at being caught off guard, everyone panicked and helped the two of you.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “N–No!” the exclamation came hoarsely. “We are just best friends!” Korra made the clarification while you took deep breaths in.
A part of you felt wrong the way she answered. Of course you two were best friends, but... why did your chest felt a pressure at that title?
'we are almost like sisters, we deserve a better title.' your logic thought, 'suppressed feelings just dilate themselves until you can't hide them anymore, that's when they explode.' your subconscious argued back.
You only were able to nod again, agreeing to what was said by the girl. The confusion didn’t make things weird after, thankfully, as it had happened before when you were beginning your teenage years and some people had began to question if you two were really just friends. Back then it was all laughs when you got that question, Korra would say no and you two would have brush it off.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I need to go,” you announced, Korra's hand stopped playing with your hair and her lips made a pout, you smiled at her sight. “I'm sorry, darling, I need to sleep early, we have this big project presentation tomorrow.”
A very exaggerated sigh left her mouth and she nodded. “Fine, let's go then...”
Walking by the hand, Korra and you arrived to your apartment not even thirty minutes after. Even at your door, the both of you stood there for a moment, talking about anything, trying to delay your farewell knowing you would see each other the next day.
That was the night you stayed up almost the whole time wondering, what made people believe you two were dating? It was true, you were inseparable and always next to each other, but all best friends do that, don't they? Why did it bother you so much when she said no? Your mind flooded with unanswered questions that only made your mind think a bunch of possibilities.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Wait... What? You want me to what?” furrowed eyebrows met Korra's gaze, she giggled, blushed.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Teach me how to kiss...” she repeated, her teeth bitting the inner part of her cheek. “I know you know how to, you have this face of I already had my first kiss and I didn’t tell my best friend about it.”
Your face felt hot from one moment to the other, you shook your head. “This isn't about me, why you want me to teach you how to kiss?”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Because I haven't had my first kiss since I've been locked up all my childhood and part of my teenage years, you're literally the only person my age I knew for most of my life!” she started to present her case, your hands stopped making the dinner and your whole body turned to her. “And you're my best friend which means I trust you with my whole life. If there's someone I want for a first kiss it has to be you.”
You wouldn't lie, your heart was threatening with leaving your chest. Those sky colored eyes you adored to look at were having this adventurous gleam while her mouth was pouting, like trying to convince you into it; but you didn’t need convincing, it was Korra who we are talking about, you would lay your life for her.
Now on the couch, your hands were trembling in an almost imperceptible way while Korra felt excited to try a new experience.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Okay, let's... Uhm, first, let's try you coming at me.” you say, making yourself closer to the southerner, she nodded. “Don't do teeth, just... kiss me like you think you should.”
The avatar looked puzzled for a second, her left hand cupped your face and blue orbs looked at yours asking if she was doing good so far. You couldn't help but smile with calm, Korra felt more relaxed at your expression.
The first time your lips touched you could feel your heart jump with such devotion, even if it was a bit unsynchronized and you could feel how the girl was nervous by the way her lips felt on yours and how her free hand was shaking a little bit. Just when your lungs were asking for air did you pull away from the girl and she already had this impatient look on her.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “So?” she asked timidly, one of you hands took her free one and smiled.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “It's good, you're nervous, but it's good.” you answered, nodding, her eyes just got more demanding, you sighed. “Want me to guide you?”
Her head was so quick to nod that you got surprised at how you didn't have to finish the question to get an answer. You let go of her hand and guided yours to her waist to make her come closer, she did as told. Mentally you were praying to everything and everyone for calm, how would you see her to the face after all this? Was totally a problem for tomorrow.
You took the hand on your face and let it rest on your shoulder so now you could cup her face in your palm. Taking a deep breath in, your lips met hers again. Soft, fluffy, sweet, better than your imagination ever could present you.
At first, the kiss was still unsynchronized, but your hand on her face and your own lips took control softly over her. The action quickly turned to a sweet kiss, one Korra would remember and have her awake at night thinking about how good your lips tasted to her, asking why she wanted to try them again after.
At some point, the kiss turned the other way when the girl outlined your bottom lip making you sigh and her tongue took advantage, wanting to taste more of you. The avatar was moving to be on top of you, making her throat vibrate with short sounds and a second later, the two of you distanced yourselves. Big pupils met each other for a silent moment, both breathing irregularly.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “That...” you began, blinking yourself into clear thoughts. “Okay, I have no experience on that type of kisses, I don’t know what to tell you.”
Even if you two laugh it off, the impulse of taking again the foreign lips into yours was strong that you both decided to stop and do another activity to block the loud thoughts that clearly weren't so friend friendly.
Another night of no sleep was met by you and Korra joined to it all the way at the air temple island, how were you going to act like nothing happened after that? Denial, definitely, that was how the two of you were acting like the next days. Still close, as if you couldn’t live without the other, but burying deep down the feelings such actions brought upon you two.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Okay,” Korra closed her doors behind her after making sure there wasn't any airbender kid roaming around to hear you talk. “Are we... We're good, right?”
You frowned at the question, confused. “What are you talking about? Of course we are.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Oh, good.” she sighed, taking a seat beside you in the bed, her hand intertwined with yours. “I thought maybe the whole kiss situation may had make this awkward or something.”
With your heart racing miles per second, you managed to smile with calm and nod.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Oh, yeah, so awkward I can't look at you to your face.” you said jokingly, she laughed. Your head looked to rest on her lap, making yourself comfortable in the mattress, Korra felt her heart skip a beat.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I mean, I'm sure I don't kiss that bad.” she followed, giggling. Letting go of your hand so she could leave caresses on your head by playing with your hair.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Do you want me to tell you the truth or to say what you want to hear?” now an offended sound came from her, a big laugh burst from your mouth. “I would need to try again to have a verdict.”
Your mouth was faster than your brain that by the time you finished the sentece, your eyes shot open to your own words. Korra, on her side, blinked surprised before smirking.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “You wish,” she murmured, feeling anxious about the situation. “You don't deserve anything since apparently someone doesn't trust me enough to tell me about her first kiss.”
And the topic died right there, starting a new one telling the girl about your experience on kissing. Maybe it was for the best to not think about the kiss, there was a line neither of you wanted to cross out of fear of losing the friendship you two had. It was all you knew, Korra and you against anything and anyone, both knew if you talked about such feelings there would be a chance of it being the beginning of the end. Neither could bear letting the other go over anything, even if that meant burying deep down the feelings for the other just to keep the closeness you already were used to have.
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Prompt: “I really want to kiss you right now”/���Then do it.”
Warnings: none! All fluff baby!
A/N: I’m an idiot and accidentally deleted this post cause I’ve got these big dumb thumbs. Sorry for the repost! I hope you like this and I would love you forever if you wanted to interact with this again 😊
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You had a bright smile on your face as you walked down the halls of your alma mater, Hawkins High. You had barely managed to graduate two years ago and had moved to a bigger city a few towns over to get a better job but now you were visiting your hometown for a long weekend.
You knew tonight was Hellfire night, at least you still hoped it was, and you wanted to see Eddie Munson. You hadn’t seen him since the summer after his first senior year, when you were supposed to graduate together, and you missed him more than you wanted to admit.
You and Eddie had been close in high school, best friends, but you had always had stronger feelings for him. You fell for him, hard, during those years with him. Growing from awkward friends in freshman year, to attached at the hip in senior year. But you never got any sign from Eddie that he wanted more, and you didn’t think someone as amazing as him could fall for you. So nothing ever came of your feelings and you slowly grew apart from the distance.
You arrived at the door to the drama room and stopped to listen outside for a moment, your smile grew as you heard his voice for the first time in a year. “So what do you plan to do, young adventurers?” Eddie asked, you could hear the chatter of his party as they discussed their next move. You took this time to open the door, it’s hinges letting out their signature squeak as you walked through.
All heads shot to you, but you had eyes for only one. Eddie looked at you, a look of genuine surprise on his handsome features that morphed into an excited smile. You felt your heart skip a beat as you saw it, not knowing his was doing the same. “Good to see my favorite Dungeon Master is still adventuring.” You said as you walked further into the room towards the group.
“I better be your only Dungeon Master, sweetheart.” He joked, standing from his throne to quickly close the distance to you. He hugged you tightly and spun you around, relishing in the giggle you let out as he did.
He pulled away after a few moments, taking you in, almost like he couldn’t believe you were standing in front of him now. You guess he probably couldn’t, you felt a pang of guilt in your chest at the thought. You felt like a bad friend.
“Do you want to sit in while we finish this up? We can catch up after?” Eddie asked, a hopeful look on his face as his hands drifted down to lock with yours, squeezing them gently.
“Of course, that’s why I came.” You said, squeezing his hands in return. You shared a soft look before he turned and introduced you to the group, the teens greeting you warmly as Eddie pulled up a chair for you right next to him.
You now found yourself helping Eddie pack up the table after the party cleared out from the room, a comfortable silence hanging between you as you shared shy smiles as you worked.
“So what brings you back to lil old Hawkins?” Eddie asked as he put his guidebooks into his DMing bag.
“I had a long weekend at work, decided to visit the old stomping ground.” You said, handing him some of his mini figures. “See an old friend.” You smiled at him, loving the happy look that appeared on his features from being a reason for your visit.
“It’s good to see you, real good.” He said, placing the bag on the table before turning to you completely and grabbing your hand. “I missed you so much, sweetheart. Thought about you all the time.”
“I did too, Eds. I’m- Im sorry I let us grow apart.” You said, averting your gaze from those beautiful brown eyes of his as you felt shame wash over you.
“It wasn’t just you. It was my fault too, Y/N.” He told you, moving his head in your line of sight so you would look at him again. He felt bold, finally, with you. “I had a hard time talking with you being so far away.” He said softly, taking in your confused expression. “Not because of anything you did!” He added quickly, “My feelings got in the way I guess.” He confessed, rubbing his thumb into your skin, seemingly to comfort himself more than you.
“What do you mean, Eddie?” You asked, your heart was hammering in your chest erratically. This couldn’t be happening.
“I know I’m just your friend. And I was always fine with that. But, I wanted so much more with you, sweetheart. I fucked up and fell in love with you I guess.” He chuckled in self deprecation, his free hand rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
You stood there shell shocked for a moment. Eddie Munson just told you he loved you. You remembered being 16 and having this dream over and over, hell, you had this dream last night. This was everything you had ever wanted and now you were standing like a deer in headlights.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything.” Eddie said quickly as he went to pull his hand away, looking down when you held onto it tighter.
“Wait, Eddie.” You said breathlessly, smiling up at him, “I’m sorry. That just surprised me. I don’t think you know how long I’ve wanted to hear you say that.” You said, your smile turning almost bashful as you spoke. You wanted to laugh at the look of surprise on Eddie’s face. “I remember when I fell for you, actually. It was the summer before junior year, you took me to see Grease 2 that day. I couldn’t believe that metalhead Eddie Munson was letting me drag him to a musical.” You chuckled, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks. “I was singing that ‘We’ll be Together’ song on the way home and you sang it with me, and that’s when I knew. Knew that I loved you.”
Eddie beamed at you as he tentatively placed his free hand on your waist, pulling you into him to close the distance between you. “I wish I had known, I had already liked you for a year at that point.” He said, squeezing your hand in his. You stared up at him, practically nose to nose with how close you were, he even bumped his lightly against yours playfully, “I really want to kiss you right now.” He whispered, his eyes full of adoration as they gazed into yours.
“Then do it.” You whispered back. The two of sharing a smile before his lips crashed onto yours.
Taglist: @srapalestina @yvonneeeee @cityofidek @anaisweird @mrslovesmayahawke @harrys-tittie @becca-alexa
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lucy90712 · 2 months
hey can u write angst with fermin?
I moved to Barcelona a few months ago but I've been so busy that I've barely explored the city my days have consisted of going to classes then going to my internship with a big law firm and then on the weekends I'm also at my internship as I truly want to learn as much as possible about what it's like to be a lawyer. Today however I actually have a day off so I'm going to explore all the tourist attractions in Barcelona and take in the city I now live in. My friends and coworkers have given me recommendations so my schedule is packed today but that's how I like things to be I love being busy. 
The first places I was told to visit was camp nou and the Barcelona training ground so that's where I went. I'm not hugely into football because my ex from a few years ago used to play and we broke up because he wanted to focus on his playing career so I’ve avoided football as not to be reminded of that time. As much as he has put me off football I feel like being here is as good a reason as any to get back into it seeing as the football team is so important to the city. My plan was to just look around as much as I was allowed to but when I arrived at the stadium they were doing tours so I took the opportunity to have a guided tour. The whole place was so cool and they had so many trophies and pictures from history and they had pictures of all the players now most of which I didn't recognise but there was a few that my friends had mentioned to me. 
After the tour I was really hungry as the tour took longer than expected so I found a little cafe nearby to stop at. Luckily it wasn't too busy there was only a few people in there and then one guy came in after me. Once I ordered I looked at the guy who walked in behind me and if I had my drink I would've spit it out because I recognised him straight away as one of the Barcelona players on the wall. I couldn't remember which one he was so I frantically searched Instagram then found out his name was Gavi which is one of the players my friends have mentioned as they think he's hot. I can't lie he's definitely attractive but he's a famous footballer so I'll just admire him from a distance. I was minding my own business until Gavi moved closer to me and started talking to me. 
"Hi I'm Pablo sorry to disturb you it's just you're so beautiful but I don't recognise you have you recently moved here?" He asked 
"Hey I'm y/n I moved here a few months ago but this is my first free day to explore" I said trying not to freak out 
"Well I'm glad you chose to come here can I get your number or your Instagram or something and maybe I can show you around at some point" he said 
I gave him my number and my Instagram and then we both went on our way. 
Fermin's POV 
Gavi came into the locker room with the coffee he always gets us both before training but this time he had a big smile on his face bigger than usual. Something had definitely happened before he got here and if I had to guess I think he met a girl that he likes because he has the same smile as the one other time this happened but sadly things didn't work out with his ex. 
"What happened at the coffee shop did you meet a girl" I teased him 
"I did her name is y/n and god she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen" he said 
That name brought back memories as my ex was named y/n. We dated a few years ago now and I broke up with her because I wanted to focus on football but I can't lie I have missed her a lot over the last few years. One of my biggest regrets is breaking things off with her as she was a lovely girl, smart and beautiful but I imagine she has probably almost forgotten about my existence in the three years we've been broke up. 
"Here's her Instagram isn't she just so beautiful I want to ask her on a date I just need to figure out what she would like" he said showing me his phone 
Instantly I recognised the girl as my y/n. From her posts it's clear that she's moved here for law school and has been working with the biggest law firm in the city which doesn't surprise me at all because she's the smartest person I know. She's also had a major glow up she was gorgeous before but now she might be perfect. I wanted to tell Gavi to back off because she was my ex and I still love her but I can't do that to him or her I can't stop them being happy just because I made a stupid decision. Still I think he should know that we used to date so that I'm not hiding things from him especially if she tells him at some point. 
"Oh I know her from back home we dated for a few months but I broke up with her to focus on football" I admitted 
"Oh I didn't know you had an ex from back home" he said 
"Yeah but it was three years ago so don't worry about it she will have had other boyfriends in the mean time don't let me stop you if you like her" I said trying to sound genuine but it hurt to say 
"Thanks man I'm just hoping she doesn't have a boyfriend right now" he joked 
3 weeks later 
I've been sat in my car for the last few minutes waiting for Gavi as we are spending the afternoon at my place playing fifa. I saw him approach the car and he had a big smile on his face which he often does but his smile seemed bigger than usual. He sat in the passenger seat still grinning ear to ear which means that something has happened that he's excited about. 
"What's going on with you you never smile that much" I said 
"I went on my first date with y/n last night and it was amazing and she just text me asking if I'm free tomorrow to go on another date" he said 
"That's great man I'm happy for you" I lied 
Secretly I was hoping things wouldn't work out between them and they wouldn't get past the talking stage but that was foolish of me. Y/n is a great girl and impossible not to love and Gavi is a good guy too deep down I knew that they would get along really well but part of me hoped it wouldn't be the case. I want to see Gavi happy but it hurts that it's with the girl I'm still in love with. Don't get me wrong I knew y/n would move on but I thought it would be with someone back home not my teammate and best friend but that's probably what I deserve for breaking up with her for purely selfish reasons knowing it would hurt her. 
For the rest of the day Gavi didn't stop talking about y/n and how well they get on. He showed me pictures from their date and told me all about the messages they sent to each other. All I was listening to was the stories she told him about her life since I last spoke to her. Just like I thought she would she's turned out to be incredibly successful she always wanted to be a lawyer and now she's here studying law with a full scholarship and an internship with the best law firm in the city who have already got a contract ready for her once she passes the exam to be able to practice law. When we were together she was always focused on studying and being the best she could be and she always wanted to do the things she's doing now and I promised I'd be right there with her when she did but instead I'm hearing about it from my best friend instead. 
1 year later 
It has been a long season but a successful one ending with winning the league which feels amazing. To celebrate we are all having a team party at Robert's house all the team and their partners are invited as they've been through the stress of the season with us all. The party started an hour ago which is when everyone was supposed to arrive by but Gavi is yet to turn up. A few of us have text him but got no answer so naturally we started to worry but just as Pedri was about to call someone to see if they knew where he was he arrived with y/n. They have been together officially for 10 months now but she never comes to team events as she's often too busy and Gavi says she doesn't like being around loads of new people which I knew already so it doesn't surprise me. She was clearly nervous as she was hiding behind Gavi and I could tell he was squeezing her hand even from a distance. 
"I'm so sorry we're late guys y/n had her graduation this morning and I insisted we go out to lunch with her family to celebrate so it's my fault" gavi explained 
"Congrats y/n" Robert said 
"I thought you had another year left" Pedri said 
"I did but I managed to graduate early as I've done all of my required classes" she explained 
"Thats amazing well done" Pedri said 
The two of them joined the party not leaving each other's side for a while until y/n came to sit down in the only empty seat which happened to be next to me. We've seen each other a few times in the time she's been dating Gavi but not exchanged anything other than a few words. She never seems bothered by me being around its clear that she doesn't have any feelings towards me anymore like I do for her. I wish I could get over her the way she got over me but I can't because I know it's all my fault. 
"Hey congrats on your graduation I always knew you'd be super successful" I said talking to her for the for time since we broke up
"Thank you it's been hard work but completely worth it" she said
"How have you been by the way?" She asked 
"I've been good things have been good with the team I'm enjoying playing at Barcelona" I said avoiding the topic of my love life 
"How about you?" I asked 
"I've been great life has been treating me well I've got a good job lined up and Pablo has been helping me through everything thank you for not being weird about us being together I know you guys are friends and I promise it wasn't my intention to date one of your friends because I'd hate to get between you two" she said 
"It's ok I wouldn't want to get between anything if you guys like each other it's not my place to get in the way of that it's been long enough since we were together it doesn't matter anymore" I said 
"Still I appreciate how cool you've been with it all" she said getting back up to go and find Gavi
I thought talking to her would make me feel better and I could move on and let her and Gavi be happy while I find someone else but that didn't happen. It just made me wish I could be the one to celebrate all of these things with her I would've loved to have been there at her graduation or be one of the people she called about getting the job she wanted but I'm not that person to her anymore. She used call me first when she got grades back on any exam she took and now I don’t even make the list of people to tell at all and that hurts even if it is because of my actions. 
A few years later 
The venue was filled with amazing decorations and people there to celebrate the special day the day that should be a happy one for everyone attending but not for me. Today is the day y/n and Gavi get married this date has been planned for months and I've been trying to ignore it hoping it would go away but here we are. Over the last few years their relationship has blossomed I secretly hoped that they wouldn't last but deep down I knew they were meant for each other. They've done everything together and if I wasn't still in love with y/n I'd admire their relationship and how perfect it is but I can't get over my feelings. 
I still remember the day Gavi announced that they were engaged, over our summer break they went away together and he proposed to her on a private beach during the sunrise with a beautiful ring and a bouquet of her favourite flowers. Everyone else was so happy for them but I just sat in the corner of the locker room thinking about how that could've been me and how I let her go. The wedding quickly became the talk of the locker room especially once a date was decided and invites were sent out it was supposed to be a perfect day and so far it has been. 
Soon enough everyone was seated and music began to play as everyone entered the venue at the end of the train y/n walked down the aisle with her dad. She looked like an angel her dress was pretty much moulded to her body and her makeup was just perfect. You could've told me she was a model and I would've beloved you she looked that amazing. She had a big smile on her face as she saw Gavi at the other end of the aisle with tears in his eyes which reminded me that I'm just here as a guest and she's not smiling at me. As the ceremony went on their smiles only got bigger and then it got to the part where they say their vows and there I wasn't a dry eye in the room. Most were crying because of how beautiful the words were but I was crying because I was thinking about what I would've said to her or what she would've said to me if it were us in this situation. 
Once the ceremony was over I had to find somewhere else to go to get myself together I thought I'd be ok and I would be over my feelings by now but I guess I'm not. If only I'd been brave enough to stay with her when I wanted to focus on football this could've been us. She could've moved to Barcelona with me and then she wouldn't have met Gavi that day in the cafe and who knows where we would've been. It doesn't matter what could've been because it's not going to happen it's time to accept that she will never be mine again and be happy for her and Gavi as they start a life together. 
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hockeyandhrsepwr · 2 years
Je t'aime series
F1 driver reader x hockey player bf
When the Montreal GP & Eastern Conference finals fall on the same weekend, certain worlds collide….
The insta edit
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Notes: Takes place in 2024 so everyone is a year older - reader is an 01 baby so 23 & all the hockey guys are playing for their respective NHL teams. (For plot purposes, Montreal is the second last race before the summer break - still takes place in mid-June though) Danny, Mick & Seb are still on the grid because I say so & I’m trying not to have a breakdown over Seb being gone gone. 
For Formula 1 driver y/n l/n, this weekend marks her return home as we head to Montreal for the Canadian Grand Prix. We sat down with the championship leader to talk about what that means for her.
Thanks so much for talking to us today Y/n. How excited are you to be back home in Montreal? 
I’m pretty pumped. It’s always nice to be back and have so much of my family be able to come. The track is always a special one to race on & I’ve had a few good races here before, so hopefully this weekend will add to that. The little break after means I can spend a few days here before heading into Silverstone so that’s nice. 
Any exciting plans for those few days?
Definitely catch a hockey game! It’s hard to watch games live with the travelling & living in Monaco, so while I’m here I’m definitely going to get to the Bell Centre. It worked out really well that the Habs are playing on Sunday night & it’s such an exciting game, with it being Game 7 in the conference finals. Montreal fans are absolutely incredible so hopefully the boys can bring this one home! The city’s going to be pretty wild on Sunday, and hopefully I can add to the excitement with a win here too!
I never would have known there was a game this weekend. It’s not like there’s stuff all over the city. Hopefully they can win it at home! Actually, speaking of hockey, your dad played, correct?
Yeah, so he played pro in the US and then Switzerland and Germany. So, I spent about 8 years over there before moving back here permanently, and then when I was about 14, moved back over for racing. but Montreal is definitely home. 
Did you ever consider hockey or were you always set on the formula, single seater series? And how did you settle on motorsport?
So, I played hockey growing up but once I hit 12ish I had to choose since both were getting more competitive and there wasn’t enough time. I would’ve loved to go pro in either, but F1 is where my heart is. I still play whenever I can though. Lance & I like to try finding rinks when we travel and have a little battle. I’m currently 4 wins up, just fyi. Or whenever I visit my best friend, we go out & have some fun, even though that’s not often. I’m not beating him unfortunately but it’s pretty hard to beat a pro when he’s working on his skills constantly and I’m playing maybe 20 times a year. As kids though I could whoop him. The decision for karting/single seater over hockey was hard, but I’d been hooked since I sat in my first kart. I think part of it was being able to travel all over racing & just experience so many cool things. And with Formula 1, there’s 20 spots, right? So, if you make it as a driver, you’re one of the top in the world. With hockey there are so many incredible female players already, and as we know not many in motorsport. I wanted to be able to inspire young girls in sports as well. I think I made the right decision for me. 
 My dad was a big F1 fan, so I’d been watching races basically since birth. We were living in Germany during the Schumacher era, so everyone was really into it and that definitely helped ha-ha. It’s kind of crazy that I ended up going through all the feeder series with Mick in the end & we obviously became good friends when his dad was one of the main reasons I started racing. And having him show up to watch races was insane! But yeah, once I sat in my first kart I was hooked! If three year old me who had that Schumacher Ferrari merch could see me now ha-ha. 
Ah the Schumacher era, that’s how so many people got interested. And your best friend is a hockey player? I don’t know if that’s ever come up, so can I ask about that? 
Ah so actually, our dads played together in Switzerland & bonded over being from Montreal, so once my parents moved to Germany, about two years after I was born, they still visited each other. The two of us spent a lot of time together as kids during those visits, especially playing hockey. We moved back a few years before his family, but they were always around in the summer & we stayed pretty close. We’re apart a lot but were both living our dreams so its pretty special when we can get together. he’s one of my favourite people so shoutout to Thomas. You’ll probably see him in the paddock this weekend since he’s around here somewhere. 
That’s such a great story! What team does he play for, and for anyone who’s maybe looking at which team to support, who would you recommend?
So he plays for San Jose, the Sharks, but I’m a Canadiens girl all the way. You can’t grow up in Montreal and not get support them. We’re having a great season, so fingers crossed for Sunday! But I do support the Sharks, definitely my favourite Western team, no bias here ha-ha. I’ve met a lot of great guys through Thom too who play, so I do try and keep up with their teams, but Habs all the way baby!
Alright, there you have it folks. Y/N thanks for sitting down with us, good luck this weekend! I’m sure we’ll see you soon!
You shake Natalie’s hand & thank her for having you. Exiting the media pen, you start making your way back towards the Ferrari garage, waving at Lewis when an arm’s thrown around you shoulder.
“Ready for Sunday’s game?” Lance says, “Time to kick some Devil ass and then get the cup.” 
“Yeah, I just have a race to win first” you stick your tongue out at him as he punches you in the arm. 
“Your boy toy coming today?” You roll your eyes “yes he has a pass, so he’ll be around somewhere. There’s a bunch of them coming. Not sure when though…”
“YO MCQUEEN!” you hear from down the lane. “There it is” you shrug off Lance & speed up as Thomas comes running at you. Damn he’s quick. You meet in the middle and grab him in a hug. “tu m’as manque” (I’ve missed you) he whispers in your ear, squeezing the life out of you. It’s been a while since you’ve seen each other, mid-January at least. When you were still on break and made it to a game of his where you hung out for a week before heading back across to Italy for training. You talk almost every day though
“Missed you too Bords. It’s been too long. Congrats on your run though. You guys played really well.” It sucked that the Sharks got knocked out in round 2, but they had a good team. Next year they’ll have it. His phone starts ringing and he pulls it out.
“Ah shit, the idiots are lost.’ He rolls his eyes as you laugh.
“They’re at the Ferrari garage. We should probably go before they end up breaking stuff” We start off towards Ferrari, when Lance catches up to us. “Hey man, how’s it going?” The two have met before, when you were all kids in Montreal. They catch up as you walk over, when you notice a bit of a crowd. You nudge Thomas
“Those yours?” and point towards the commotion. You get there & see a few familiar faces. You run over to give Thomas’s sister a hug before turning to the hockey players gathered. You count five, but there may be more floating around. Thomas had 10 passes altogether. 
“Sup boys” you give Brendan, Matty & Owen a hug, then do your handshake with Truss. You visited Michigan a few times when Bordy was there, so you got close with his roommates & friends. You managed to stay pretty off the radar since F1 isn’t as popular in the US, so you got some of that college experience that you missed out on. Plus, he’s brought you to the Hughes Lake house a couple of times so you got to know a bunch of the other idiots there. 
“Y/n you traitor!” Lance calls from somewhere behind me. “What did I do?” You yell in indignation as someone spins you around to see Jack Hughes making his way towards you. “Ah Fuck off Lance, we all know he has no chance!” Cheers from people around tells you that there’s quite a few Canadiens fans in the paddock right now.
“Hell yeah they don’t” You see Cole behind him along with Luke Hughes & Phil. 
“Is this everyone?” They nod “okay, come with me. Lance, I’ll see you later.” You lead the crew of hockey players into the Ferrari garage, taking them up to the hospitality area. “As nice as it is to see you all, why are all of you here?”
“Osheaga (Music festival – it usually happens in August but for the plot it’s happening in June) was last weekend, so we all just stayed, especially once Bordy told us he could get tickets. And we’re going to the game on Sunday” Briss pipes up. 
“Yeah, I know nothing about F1 But it looks pretty cool so I’m excited” Luke says. You gasp, the blasphemy.
“How much time have we spent together Hughesy, and you still know nothing? I’m wounded” Dramatically you hold your hand to your chest. Your phone starts going off, your timer that your trainer set going off as Charles approaches you. He beckons you since he has the same reminder.
“Alright boys, I’ll see you later, but I’ve got practice. Ask any of the lovely workers here if you need a hand with anything. Peace out” You walk off with Charles, making your way further into the motorhome. Once you get to your driver room you start your usual routine. About 20 minutes in, as soft knock on the door interrupts you “babe? You free?” 
You open the door & pull your boyfriend in. ‘“God, I missed you.” You press your lips to his, savouring the kiss. “ the minute I can I’m taking you out properly. I don’t care where, but we’re going out. Hopefully with something to celebrate” You wrap your arms around him and nod “sounds good. When are you leaving?” “Monday early afternoon” he pouts and he’s so cute you just have to kiss him again.
“Two more weeks then I’m all yours for the summer.”
“Deal. Now get back to it.” He slaps your ass and you continue your usual routine with the occasional commentary from him. He slips out a few minutes before you leave, heading down to the garage for practice. 
Two successful practice sessions later, you’re done for the day. You’re chatting with Charles when Thom finds you. You introduce him around since he hasn’t met many of the boys, just Lance & Mick. The other hockey boys have left but you make your way back to the hotel. As much as you’d love to stay at home, it’s a little further out so you stay at the hotel with the rest of the crew. Once you enter, you spot a crowd exiting the restaurant. Ah, apparently the Devils are staying here.
You whistle, “damn, who let some losers in?” As others laugh. Jack flips you off, but someone else comes running over
“y/n/n!!” Nico hugs you. You knew each other as kids, his dad being involved for the team yours had played for. Whenever your family would visit the Bordeleau’s, you’d see him. You & T would bug him lots since there weren’t many kids to hang around with. “Can you introduce me to Sebastian Vettel?” He whispers in your ear. “Get out of here” you push him away. 
The rest of the team us standing there, mouths open. “Sup McQueen” Luke waves. You’re going to kill Thomas for that nickname, but you wave back before dragging Thomas towards the elevator. You’ve got catching up to do & he knows that tomorrow you’ll be in race mode & not want any distractions.
“Where are the rest of the boys staying?” You ask him. Obviously, Jack & Luke with the team here, but he tells you that the rest of them managed to get 2 rooms in this hotel, so they’re close by. “My parents offered to let us stay with them, but we’ve been pretty rowdy so I thought this would be better.” 
A few hours later you need to get ready & go to bed so you’re in top form for quali tomorrow, so Thomas heads to the room he’s sharing, wishing you luck beforehand. He knows that tomorrow you won’t want to see anyone until after qualifiers. You’re almost done your routine when Ring. A soft smile takes over you face. He always calls before he goes to bed, just to say good night. You do same & most of the time you miss each other so you have lots of cute voicemails saved on your phone. 
“Hey superstar. This whole being in the same time zone thing makes it a little bit easier hey?” He chuckles “yeah babe, it definitely does. Hang on” you hear some shuffling on his end and then a door open. “Roommates kick you out?” you laugh as he huffs, “I don’t want to disturb them so I’m going to the conference room so I can facetime. How are you feeling for tomorrow?” The request pops up & you see him sitting in one of the rooms. 
“Pretty confident. It’s a good car & it’s nice that everyone was able to come so I’d love to get a win for them. Think you’ll be able to sneak out tomorrow night?”
“Are you sure? I know how much you need your routine. I don’t want to mess anything up for you.”
“No, I want cuddles” you pout “and you know I sleep better when I’m next to you” you can hear the smile in his voice as he says “I’ll see what I can do. Now you’ve gotta go to bed so you can kick butt tomorrow. I love you & I’ll be watching.” He blows a kiss. “Love you too. Tomorrow night, okay?”
“Yep, I’m all yours. Ill text you before you go out tomorrow since I know I’m not going to see you. But you’re gonna kill it.” You lay down on the bed and just look at him.
“God you’re cute. I still can’t believe you’re mine.” He blushes, like he always does when you complement him.
“You better believe it. nearly four years in and I’m never letting you go.” Damn it now you’re blushing. “Okay Casanova, I really should go. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Love you” you blow a kiss & hang up because you know from experience that you’ll just go back and forth for the next hour otherwise. 
You wake up fired up & ready to go. Moving quickly, you and Charles meet up & drive to the circuit. There’s a lot more people here today which you love. You go through practice & then it’s time for qualifiers. Q1 & 2 go smoothly, with you landing in the top five, but you want that pole position. It’s so much sweeter especially with this being your home race. As Q3 gets underway, that’s what you’re aiming for. Unfortunately, it’s only P2, but at least its only Charles in front. You know you can get ahead of him with the right strategy.
Meeting up with Thom & the crew at the hotel, you grab a quick dinner in the restaurant. You stop by the front desk & grab an extra key, slipping it onto your boyfriend’s pocket when you’re giving all the guys hugs. After about an hour you have to excuse yourself for a team meeting, and 2 hours later you finally make it back to your room.
You’ve just closed the door & are turning around when “BOO!” & you jump a foot in the air. 
“Putain! Jesus Christ you fucker.” Your heart is racing a million miles as you take in the sight before you. Jack has half his body still in the bathroom but has fully on the floor, just about crying from laughter. “That’s not why I gave you the key, connard.” You say as you help him up. “I ha-ha couldn’t ha help myself.” He dissolves into another fit of giggles. You move towards the bed as he comes up behind you. Arms around your waist as he buries his head in your neck. 
“This is harder than I thought” “I know, let’s just get through this weekend. A couple weeks then well be back at the lake with everyone who knows & we can do this every night.” He places a kiss at the junction of your neck.
“Promise?” you turn your head and give him a kiss. “Promise. Well talk about next season too. I’m sick of not seeing you for months.” He nods.
“you’re coming to the game tomorrow, right?” “Do you even have to ask?”
“Okay smartass, but will you root for me?” He sounds a bit sad as I turn in his arms. “I want you to win, I really do.”
“Oh yeah, not your precious Habs?”
“Wow. The sarcasm is strong with this one. I want both of you to win, but since that’s not possible, I’d say I have a slight interest in Jersey winning the cup.” “Only slight, eh?” he tickles my sides.
“I know how hard you’ve worked so yeah. As much as it pains me to say, and if you tell anyone else, I’ll kill you, but I do hope you win. If only so we both get one this weekend.” 
You kiss him again before pulling him into the bathroom & running the bath. It’s your regular night before race routine, made much sweeter by him being there. “I don’t know if I ever told you, but Thomas was my favourite person that summer.” He mumbles into your hair as you sit in the tub. 
“The one we met?” “Yeah, when he brought you to the lake house for a few weeks.”
Now your confused. You tilt your head back & raise an eyebrow “when you barely said four sentences to me?” he grins sheepishly.
“I was intimidated. You were the prettiest girl I’d ever seen & you drove fast cars for a living. It took me a whole year to gain the confidence to ask you out the next summer. And then you didn’t even show up with him! I was this close to asking for your number when you turned up a week later.”
“Aw, well I’m glad you manned up.” He sticks his tongue out. “I can’t believe that was five years ago. We were babies”
“Yep and now you’re stuck with me.”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way”. 
(They meet when they’re 18, but he doesn’t ask her out till 19 & now they’re 23) 
You both get out & go about your night routine with some additional commentary from Jack. When you finally settle into bed, he wraps his arms around you from behind, pulling you to his chest.
“je t’aime” He whispers and a smile creeps onto your face like it does every time he uses his limited French. “je t’aime aussi.” You whisper back as you snuggle back into him.  
Sunday Morning. 
You wake to a kiss pressed on your cheek. “I’ve got to get back to my room before the team meeting. I won’t see you before the game but go kick some ass. I love you & we’ll be celebrating tonight” Jack whispers in your ear before pressing a kiss to your lips and leaving. About a half hour later your alarm goes off & you start your pre-race routine.  Thomas stops by to wish you luck before you head to the track with Charles & your trainer. Ten minutes before you need to head to the garage your phone pings. It’s a picture of Jack & Luke with the caption ‘good luck!!!’ 
You smile before heading out to get into your gear. Soon it’s time to line up on the grid & you hop in. 
You settle in, ready to go as the countdown starts & the lights go. 
“It’s lights out & away we go here in beautiful Montreal!”
59 laps in you sneak past Charles, an early stop strategy paying off in your favour as ten laps later you take the win. After pulling your car in behind the first-place stand, you jump out & soak in the noise. Cheers from fans and your team ring out, as you spot one person in particular.
Hopping off the car, you run over to the barriers and grab Thomas in a hug. It’s the first F1 race you’ve won with him there, so you know he’s excited. After letting him go you hug your engineers & team before being pulled into a quick interview with Natalie. 
“Y/n, that was a beauty of a win, how are you feeling? What’s it like to win it at home?”
“Oh my god, amazing! Winning any day is an incredible feeling but to do it here, in front of my city, friends & family is so much sweeter!” 
“Anything to say to the fans here today? Or for anyone watching?”
“Mom, I did it!! You told me I’d win here one day & here we are. To my team at Ferrari, Merci! Superstar, merci d’etre ici ce weekend. Votre soutien signifie la monde et je t’aime. Montreal, ca c’est pour vous, et ALLEZ LES CANADIENS!” 
Cheers go up from all around as you just take it in. 
After the podium ceremony, you make your way back to the hotel to change since you’re soaked in champagne. Opening the door to you room, you spot a box at the end of the bed & a bouquet of lilies on the bedside table. You smile as you make your way over & see a note on the box 
Knew you could do it babe! Here’s a little something that I hope you wear tonight. See you on the ice ;)  xxx J
“I swear, if he put a Devils jersey in here..” you trail off as you see just that, but also a gorgeous lingerie set in the same bright red underneath. “that cheeky shit”, there’s a pair of new red converse in there too.
Putting the set on, you take a picture before finishing getting dressed & send it off to Jack, making a face. ‘Good Luck babe'. Then you finish getting ready & head down. 
You meet the boys in the lobby & make your way to the Bell Centre. Outside, you meet your mum, who’s brought you one of your old Canadiens jerseys since you didn’t have one on you. You pull it on over the hoodie & make you way in. Someone on the marketing team meets you inside. After your interview aired yesterday when you mentioned going to the game, they contacted your team to ask if you’d like to do the ceremonial puck drop, which duh you would. You split up with the rest of them and follow the guy. You’ll meet up with Bordy & his sister at your seats, but you won’t see the rest of the guys until later. You wait, chatting to various workers as warmups happen and finally its time for you to go out.
Making your way to the tunnel, you hear PK, who’s on the ice
“We have a special guest for you all tonight! She’s back in town, she goes fast and she won today, it’s your favourite race car driver Y/N L/N!!! 
You walk out on the carpet, waving at the crowd. “Well y/n, were glad to have you here to get us going here at the Bell Centre. But first, we have a little present for you. Your very own Canadiens jersey!” He holds up a jersey with my last name & racing number on the back.
“Oh my god that’s so cool. Suck it Lance, you’re not so special anymore!” you know he’s laughing from wherever he is in the arena. You take it & the puck he’s holding out. 
“Let’s get the captains please.” Pk says as Nico & Nick skate towards you and get in position for the photo.
“Nick, kick their ass.” You say to the Canadiens captain before posing and then walking off the ice. Someone shows you to your seat, where you find Thomas & Jade. The energy in the arena is absolutely electric as the anthem singing comes to an end and the crowd cheers. Thomas passes you a beer, as someone taps you on the shoulder. 
“Sorry, but would I be able to get a picture?” a young girl sitting behind you. You oblige & tell her you’ll get a better one during the intermission before sitting back down as the game starts. 
The Canadiens take an early lead with a beauty of a goal scored halfway through the period. The games intense with lots of back and forth between the goals. The Devils manage to knock one in with just a minute to go and then its intermission. You send Thomas off for snacks while you take a few photos & sign some stuff and before you know it it’s time for period two. No one scores for a while, but there’s quite a few penalties being called as the game gets a little rougher.
The second period ends still tied 1 all. You & Thomas chat about summer while you wait for the third. You’re planning on going to the lake house and you know he’ll be there at some point, but he’s staying here in Montreal for a bit first. You grab a couple more beers before the buzzer sounds and were off for the final period. Canadiens score a minute in, then Jersey gets one.
Back and forth again, shot after shot on each net with no more success. The whole crowds on their feet, cheering & screaming for Montreal as the minutes count down.
“Mon dieux its going to be OT” you whisper as the final minute hits. The crowds are practically silent as the seconds tick. Ten seconds left and all of a sudden Jack gets the puck, making a breakaway to the Canadiens net.
Go, Go, Go!!! you’re screaming internally as the defense rush after him, but not fast enough. He shoots and it flies past the goalie’s shoulder. The crowd explodes with boos & angry yells, but you’re smiling.
Thomas nudges you “he’ll be happy about that"
“Yeah, he will” you say back, a soft smile on your face as the final buzzer sounds and the Devils all celebrate on the ice. The fans are none too happy but there’s nothing you can do. You take out your phone & text jack.
That was amazing superstar!! I’m so so proud of you. I’m going out with the boys, but I’ll see you later<3 text me whenever you guys are done if I’m not back. 
“let’s get out of here” you turn to Thomas, knowing that Jack’ll be caught up for a few hours with team celebrations & media stuff. “Mick texted a while ago, a couple of them are downtown so let’s go celebrate your win” he says.
A pit stop back at the hotel to drop off jerseys & make sure you have all the boys then you’re making your way downtown to one of your favourite clubs. The drinks are flowing, drivers & hockey players are all around and lots of dancing means that a few hours pass in the blink of an eye.
About 3 hours in, you check your phone and see a message from Jack.
Got about 20 minutes left then I’m heading back. I’ll be in your room. See you in a bit xx
Looking around, you spot Thomas & Charles and make your way towards them. They’re chattering in French, but you butt in.
“Hey boys, I’m heading out in 10” Turns out most people are pretty done for the night, & you end up having a big group heading back. You all grab a couple of cabs back, and as you make your way through the lobby, you spot a piano in the corner.
“Ooh!!” say, making your way over to it & sitting down. “Is it okay if I play?” you ask one of the workers who nods. The boys follow you and stand next to the piano, staring at you. Except for Thomas. He knows that you can’t play for shit, all those lessons you took as a child being absolutely useless, so he’s laughing.
You crack your fingers and start playing la vie en rose absolutely terribly. The boys laugh as you stand up & bow. “Merci, merci! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a sexy man waiting for me” you wink before heading to the elevator & making your way to the room. He’s not there you, so you get undressed so he can see the gift he left for you. 
The door opens a few minutes later. “Hey champ” you drawl as he comes into view.
“oh, fuck me” “I plan to” you respond jokingly. He pulls off his shoes & shirt before jumping into the bed next to you. 
“You did it,” the smile on his face is absolutely massive “I did it. We’re going to the finals. Holy fuck” 
The two of you lay there, lazily making out & cuddling until you fall asleep, too worn out for more. The next morning brings sad goodbyes with promises of more in a few weeks time. 
Alright folks, we all know that Y/n L/n has been romantically linked to former F2 teammate Mick, who she sort of grew up with, and Charles Leclerc, her current teammate, for a while now. The Mick theory is more likely, as we’ve seen. I’ll show the evidence that has been collected here. But this weekend, a new player entered. Thomas Bordeleau, another childhood friend of Y/n & a pro hockey player, was in and around the paddock. Now we didn’t really know about this connection until an interview that y/n herself did on Friday, where she called him ‘one of her favourite people’. Apparently, we weren’t looking hard enough. Obviously, we had to do some digging, and the team here are starting to think that he may be the real deal when it comes to y/n’s heart. Let’s break it down.
Childhood friends – we found some photos from y/n’s early karting days, both in Europe and Canada. Know who makes an appearance in a few of them? Thomas. Now there aren’t too many pictures of them as teenagers, as it appears he lived in the US & obviously y/n had moved back to Europe for racing. However, we were able to find this picture, of Y/n at a hockey game with one of his jerseys on. 
Now, here’s where things get interesting. Thomas attended the University of Michigan and based on a video out of the paddock Friday, y/n knows a few of his college teammates. So, we did some more digging and found that y/n visited Michigan no less than six times over the 2 years he was there. And if that’s not convincing, take a look at these photos we dug up. Tell me that the way the two of them are looking at each other doesn’t scream in love (Photos of the two at various different parties looking cozy). Flirty comments left on posts, photos from friends that show the two cuddling or laying on top of each other, years of appearances in the back of each other’s photos, and a few references to a boyfriend in y/ns comments by close friends. All of these point towards the two of them being together, but the most damming evidence came out of Montreal. Lance Stroll was overheard asking y/n about her ‘boy toy coming’ mere seconds before Bordeleau made his appearance.
On Sunday, Y/n fought her way to a first place, and once she exited the car ran over to him at the barriers, practically flinging herself at him for a hug. Not two minutes later, when talking to a reporter she was saying thank you to the fans, and let this slip in French “superstar, thanks for being here this weekend. It means the world to me & I love you so much.” Now who speaks French & was there this weekend? Her best friend.
But that’s not all!! They made their way to the Montreal Canadiens game on Sunday night, where they lost in the final seconds. Several other players who appear to be friends of Bordeleaus & some of the guys who were playing in the game attended, however they watched from one of the boxes. y/n and Thomas, on the other hand, were smack dab in the centre of the action, accompanied only by his sister. Photos from the official sports accounts & fans were all over social media showing the two very close, joking around & cheering passionately for their home team. They were then seen out partying in the city with some of the other drivers and hockey players. I don’t know about all of you, but I’m pretty convinced. This isn’t what we were expecting, but it actually seems the most plausible. What are your thoughts?
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roosterforme · 2 years
I'll Take You There | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley's best friend is moving to San Diego, and she asks him for a little help.
Warnings: Fluff, smut, swearing, slight self doubt, piv intercourse without condom
Length: 4700 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This fic is based on a super hot request from an anonymous friend!
Check my masterlist for more fun
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Bradley couldn't stop smiling just thinking about you. "She's moving to San Diego for law school," he told Phoenix over a drink at the Hard Deck.
"That's awesome, Rooster! Remember how much fun we had last year when she visited for the weekend? We'll have to take her to that weird taco restaurant again where we got locked in the bathroom!" Phoenix said with a laugh. It turned out Bradley's two best friends got along great when they had met each other. 
"Yeah, well I can't wait to see her," he said as he took a sip of his drink. "It's been a long time."
Phoenix eyed him skeptically. "You think she picked San Diego State to be near you?"
"Nah. She got a scholarship." But Bradley wished you had picked the school based on him. He'd had a crush on you for over a fucking decade, since you were both at the University of Virginia. But you'd always had him firmly in the friend zone, and that was okay with him. You were beyond cool, liked to go to baseball games, could drink him under the table, and didn't put up with anyone's shit. Plus you were so gorgeous, he wasn't sure you had been talking to him the first time you met. He actually turned around to make sure there wasn't someone else behind him. 
The only time he hated being friends with you was when you were dating one of the fraternity fuckboys you always seemed to favor. He had told you so many times that you could do better, but you never listened to him. Maybe you'd meet someone better in law school. 
Phoenix shook her head. "I still think there's more going on between the two of you than what you've told me."
"No way, Nat. There's nothing between us. Never even a drunken kiss where you both go 'Eww, let's never do that again' and then avoid each other for a week."
She clicked her tongue. "Shame, that. I think she has a thing for you."
Bradley shook his head. "Nah. Definitely not."
You were a nervous wreck, moving from snowy Colorado to sunny San Diego to start law school. You had worked so hard for years as a paralegal, saving as much money as you could to pay for more schooling, and now it was finally happening.
And in the same city as Bradley Bradshaw, no less. What were the chances you'd end up in the same place as one of your best friends once again? You even really liked his friend Nat and couldn't wait to hang out at that fun bar again. What was it called? The Top Deck? 
You were supposed to be meeting them there as soon as you arrived tomorrow, and then Bradley promised he'd help you unpack into your new place this weekend. Just thinking about him gave you butterflies. He was so hot, and his voice could melt butter. But you'd known him for too long, and he'd seen you at your worst moments. There was no way he was even close to being interested in you. And that would just have to continue to be okay, because he really was a great friend and someone you could trust. 
"She should be here soon," Bradley mumbled as he peeled the label off of his beer bottle. "Should I text her again?"
Phoenix laughed and threw a dart, narrowly losing to Hangman. "Just give her a chance to get organized. It's only 7 and she's probably tired from her long drive."
"Who are you talking about?" Hangman drawled as he gathered the darts from the board.
"Rooster's friend from UVA. Remember meeting her last summer?" Phoenix asked. 
A sly smile crept along Jake's face, making him look extra punchable to Bradley. "Oh yeah, I remember. About this tall? Cute smile? Nice ass? Is she single?"
"She's not interested in you," Bradley said with an eye roll. There was no way in hell he'd let that happen in a million years. Sure, Jake was the king of all fuckboys, but you usually always went for brunettes. 
"Bradley Bradshaw!"
Bradley spun around and his entire face broke into a smile as soon as he saw you. "Hey!" he said as you launched yourself into his arms. "I've missed you."
You were pressing yourself against him and laughing next to his ear, and Bradley had to think long and hard about the most un-sexy things (his landlord, that one bathroom on base, the filthy interior of Phoenix's car) just to get through the hug without getting hard. 
"I missed you, too," you said, placing a kiss on his scarred cheek. "I was afraid you might have shaved off the mustache."
"Nope, it looks too good on me," he told you with a smirk as you eased yourself out of his arms and gave Nat a hug as well. 
"Remember me? I'm Jake," Hangman said with a charming smile. 
Bradley almost laughed out loud at your response of, "Sort of?" Then you turned back to him and demanded he get you a beer and a shot of tequila. 
"Anything you want, babe," Bradley told you.
He kept calling you babe just like he always did. Your heart and body were in dire straits at the moment, because every time he said it, you thought about kissing him. He had just excused himself to use the bathroom, and Nat was all over you. "Are you going to make a move on him, because he's definitely not going to go for it, even though he wants to."
You just blinked at her. "What are you talking about?"
She shook you gently. "Come on! It's obvious the two of you want to hook up with each other!"
"Did he say that to you?" you asked, suddenly very flustered.
Nat tossed her head back and groaned. "He doesn't need to say it! I know it's true regardless! Please, consider putting him out of his misery?"
And then Bradley was back, and you were still flustered. 
"What did I miss?" he asked, settling into the seat next to yours with a crooked grin. He should have looked like an idiot with the Hawaiian shirt and the mustache, but he somehow looked dashing. And now Nat had given you a glimmer of hope that maybe he'd kiss you back if you kissed him. 
"You didn't miss anything, but I'm ready for a second shot, and you're buying," you told him as you poked him in the side with your finger. "Holy shit, you're solid muscle," you muttered as Bradley caught your finger in his hand. 
"Yeah, well I kind of get paid to stay in tip top shape," he said with a chuckle before flagging down the bartender for another round. "So, you gonna tell me what's new with you? You dating a new fuckboy?"
"No," you said with an eye roll. "I'm done with fuckboys. I'm in law school now, Bradley. Gotta keep it classier. I'm going to find myself a fuckman to date."
You watched as he erupted into laughter before leaning closer to you, his brown eyes shining. "Don't let Jake hear you, or he'll be all over that."
"The blond one? No thanks," you said before taking your tequila shot. 
"Yeah, you never did go for the light hair."
"You've kept a catalog of the guys I was into?" you asked with a laugh. 
Bradley scratched the back of his neck and didn't meet your eyes. "Yeah, kinda. It always pissed me off a little bit that you never went for someone sweet."
"Oh. Well, I can't change what I like," you said with a shrug, mentally weighing the pros and cons of attempting to kiss your best friend.
"And what exactly do you like? Maybe I already know someone in San Diego that would be great for you."
You took a deep breath and went for it. "I like brown hair. And brown eyes. And stupid, cute puppy dog expressions. And sometimes mustaches and Hawaiian print shirts...." 
Bradley's mouth opened like he was going to say something, but no sounds came out. His eyes were darting between your eyes and your lips, and he was blushing a bit. Maybe Nat had been correct about him! 
"Sound like anyone you know?" you asked sweetly. 
"I..." he shook his head slightly. "Not gonna lie, babe, I think I just blacked out."
Now you were squirming a bit. "In a good way? Or a bad way....? Listen, pretend I never said that!"
"I don't wanna do that," Bradley whispered, leaning in close with intention. And then he kissed you. 
He kissed you right there at the bar, and it was so sweet and so perfect. His mustache tickled you a bit, and he rubbed his thumb across the back of your hand before releasing your lips. 
"Mmm...maybe just one more?" you asked, barely cracking your eyes open before his lips were on yours again. This time you let your fingers trace his cheek and jaw, and his hand was at the back of your head, messing up your hair. 
"You okay with this?" he asked when he paused to take a breath. 
You looked at him with wide eyes. "Is this what I've been missing out on for thirteen years?"
Bradley chuckled, cradling your chin in his large hand. "I'm kicking myself right now, babe."
You leaned in and pressed a harder kiss to his mouth before whispering, "Can we go outside or something?"
Bradley was immediately out of his seat and taking your hand in his. "Hey, Penny! I'll settle up later, okay?" 
Oh, shit. You were kissing his neck and sighing softly, and his dick was so hard. The cool, night air outside in the parking lot wasn't helping Bradley clear his mind at all. 
"Hmmm," you hummed as your lips landed on his chin again, and he knew there was no way he would ever recover from kissing you and then getting put back in the friend zone, but he couldn't stop. 
He roughly pushed his fingers through your hair and mashed his lips against yours until you moaned. You knew he was hard. He knew you knew he was hard. And you were rubbing your body against the front of him, making it even worse. 
"This is probably a bad idea," he grunted as you kind of wiggled yourself against him. 
"I think it's a great idea," you whispered. "Where's the Bronco?" 
Bradley tossed caution to the wind and guided you toward his truck, never taking his lips off of you the whole way there. Once you were inside, he took a few deep breaths before climbing into the driver's seat. 
"Want me to take you to my place? We can hang out for a bit," he said as he pulled out of the parking lot. 
You giggled. "Yeah, I don't have a bed yet."
"A bed?" he groaned. "You want me to take you to bed?"
"Yeah, Bradley. I really do. If you want to?"
He grunted and adjusted himself. "Yeah, I want to, babe. My dick has never been harder."
The two of you eventually stumbled into his apartment, all wandering hands and laughing smiles. 
"I really like this," Bradley said when you kissed his neck and ran your nails along his scalp. "I never thought this would be happening to me."
"I never thought you'd be into me at all," you whispered as he scooped you up into his arms. "You're so hot, Bradley. Remember when we went on that ski trip? I kept thinking about sneaking into your room at night."
"Fuck, you should have. I would have loved that," he groaned before claiming your mouth hard while he palmed your ass and carried you to the bedroom.
He was going to fuck you. He was going to fuck his best friend, and he couldn't wait. 
He set you down on his bedroom floor and froze as your hands went to his shirt buttons. He watched your fingers in the dim light from the hallway as they worked downward until his shirt was open and you were running your hands under his white tee shirt. 
You looked up at him and pulled both shirts off. 
"Holy shit," you said softly before running your hands up his torso. 
Bradley let you explore him for a moment before he reached for the hem of your shirt, and you let him take it off. He'd seen you in a bathing suit many times, but you were curvier now than you used to be. And he really liked the way you looked. All soft skin and rounded shapes. He kissed the tops of your breasts where your bra had them on display for him. 
You held his head in place as he licked down inside your bra and undid your jeans. But when he slipped his hand inside the front of your underwear, he could feel you tensing up. 
"What's wrong?" he asked you, already slightly out of breath. 
He watched your eyes dart back and forth between his as you swallowed hard. "Nothing. Keep going." 
So he hesitantly knelt in front of you and pulled your jeans down, kissing you just below your belly button. When he started to pull your underwear to the side to kiss you there, you took the tiniest step away from him, and he shot to his feet. 
"Shit, I'm sorry," he apologized as he watched you chewing on your lip, just out of his reach. "We can stop, babe." Panting, he reached for your jeans where they had come to rest at your knees and started to pull them back up. 
"Bradley," you whispered softly. 
"You don't need to feel bad about this, okay?" he promised you, gently grasping your chin and forcing you to meet his eyes. "The last thing I want to do is fuck up our friendship."
"No. I want you to keep going," you insisted, trying to force his hands to pull your jeans down again. 
He shook his head. "No way. If you're not a hundred percent sure about it, then let's stop."
You wanted to scream. You were so turned on by him. Even the way he was gently pulling your jeans up over your hips had you dripping wet. And the way he looked at you was almost too hot, because you knew he loved you, even if just as friends. 
If you were ever going to trust anyone, it should be him, right?
"Bradley, wait." You put your hands on his and forced him to touch your bare waist. He looked very conflicted, but you could see that he was still hard inside his pants. "It's not what you think. I really want you. It's just that... I've never been with a partner who could make me come, and sex never really feels that good for me. And I don't want you to regret sleeping with me if I don't seem into it or I don't orgasm." You winced as you shrugged.
You watched his brow scrunch up, and he wrapped his hands around you, almost possessively. "What do you mean? I'm confused."
You inched closer to him and pressed your lips together before saying, "Guys can't make me come. Like ever. I'm sure I'm the problem, since I'm clearly the common denominator here." You laughed sardonically. 
Bradley cocked his head slightly to one side, and rubbed his huge hands along your back. It felt very good.
"Can you get yourself off?" he asked, in that very low raspy voice. 
Without really meaning to, you felt yourself rubbing against the front of him again. "Yeah, I can make myself come. Just never with a partner."
Bradley shook his head slowly and grinned down at you. "Then you're not the problem, babe. And you should have listened to me when I told you to lay off those fuckboys."
You laughed and buried your face against his warm, muscled chest. He just held you for a minute before whispering, "If you'll let me, I'll try my best to make you come. And I won't get upset if you don't. But, you know, if you don't want to-"
You grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him down to kiss you. He was such a great kisser; you should have done this part a long time ago. When you started gently sucking on his tongue, he broke away. "I'm gonna need a verbal response to that one, babe."
You bit your lip. "As long as you won't be upset with me, I want you to try."
And as soon as the words were out of your mouth, Bradley had his hands at the back of your bra, unclasping it and tossing it across the room. You gasped as his hands and mouth found their way to your breasts, and he had you practically screaming as he circled your nipple with his tongue. 
"Jesus, you're so sexy," he whispered against your belly as he returned to kneeling in front of you. "You look fucking hotter than ever."
You looked down at him, taking in his messy hair and flushed cheeks, and you knew right then that he would do everything he could to take care of you tonight. He slid your jeans down your legs once more and helped you step out of them. Then he shook his head reverently before removing your underwear as well. He looked up at you and groaned before placing a soft kiss on your smooth pussy. He stroked his thumb along your ribs as he stood, making you shiver.
"First, you're gonna tell me what you like best about foreplay," he informed you as he licked his lips.
"Foreplay?" you asked with a chuckle. "Guys usually just start ramming their dick inside me, or beg me for a blowjob."
"Fuck, babe," Bradley said, running his fingers along your cheek. "While I'm sure that's been very disappointing for you, it is very good news for me. Because I like foreplay. A lot."
"Oh?" you asked, and your thighs clenched together. That was a positive sign. 
"Oh yeah, so how about I give you a sampling of all my best moves? Then if you decide you want to do this again, you'll know what you like the most for next time."
"God, you're kind of cocky, Bradley. I didn't expect you to be like this," you said a little breathlessly. "I like it. So much."
He scooped you up into his arms and sat on the edge of the bed with you straddling his denim covered legs. "I just want you to feel good," he said before trailing his lips and mustache softly across your collarbone before sucking gently on the side of your neck. It felt wonderful. Then his tongue peeked out and teased you behind your ear, and you gripped his shoulders. 
You were dripping wet and trying to rub yourself on his jeans, but he was holding your hips tight and wouldn't let you. When he returned his attention back to your breasts, you cried out softly. He pulled one nipple into his mouth and teased you, releasing you with a soft pop before focusing his attention on the other. And when he started rubbing that mustache along your nipples, you were actually whining. 
"You feeling good, babe? Because I am feeling great," he said, keeping eye contact while he licked the side of your breast. 
"So good! Are you going to fuck me soon?" you asked, wondering when he was going to try to get you off with his dick. You were kind of dying to see it. 
He shook his head slowly. "No, I'm not gonna fuck you for awhile, babe," he grunted, running his knuckles along the undersides of your breasts before kissing you. His lips were persistent but not overpowering as he tasted you. You could hardly believe this was Bradley, your friend of so many years, making you feel this good. 
As his fingers trailed along your sides, you squirmed a bit on his lap, dying for some friction. "Not yet," he scolded before picking you up and practically tossing you down onto your back in the middle of the bed. You squealed as he pressed his body weight on top of you. He leaned on one forearm, giving you a great view of his bicep and kept your hips still with his other hand. God he weighed a lot, and his weight smashing you into the bed was delicious. 
The smirk on his face as he leaned in to kiss your lips was ridiculously sexy, and you slid your fingers through his wavy hair. "I can't believe I get to touch you like this," he whispered, with a grin. He kissed you softly as he toyed with your nipples, pinching them into hard peaks and then soothing them with his palm. You could tell you were dripping wet, and you were making sounds you couldn't even identify. 
You'd never been this turned on before. 
"Usually the guy would have blown his load in me by now, but you've still got your jeans on," you moaned as he moved his lips back to your neck. 
Bradley chuckled against your skin. "I was raised by a woman, babe. She taught me it should always be ladies first."
You almost jumped off the bed when you felt Bradley's fingers rubbing the top of your thigh. He nibbled on your bottom lip as he inched his hand closer to where you wanted him. You were no longer nervous that he might not be able to make you come, because your entire brain was focused on how good he was making you feel.
When his fingertip blissfully connected with your wetness, you cried out his name.
"Oh, babe. You're soaking wet," he whispered, and you watched him bring his finger to his mouth and lick it clean. 
"Mmm," he moaned before kissing your mouth so you could taste yourself on him. "I'm going to love this."
Then he was shifting down your body and wrapping his massive hands around your thighs. You propped yourself on your elbows, dying to watch what he was doing. He pulled your legs apart and settled between them, looking up at you as he kissed you pussy once. You almost cried out, but he focused his lips on your legs instead. 
"You're practically dripping," he whispered between nips to your inner thigh. "Can't wait to get that all over my mustache."
"Please, Bradley! Please! Get me all over your mustache!" You weren't above begging at this point. 
"Soon," he managed to grunt before running his tongue lazily just above your clit. You were afraid you were going to start stroking yourself soon if he didn't hurry up. You loved him for his current endeavor of trying to get you off, but you had no issues with touching yourself in front of him if you needed to. You were beyond needy and your body was craving relief. 
And then his tongue was licking your slit, and you thought you might black out. "Bradley!"
But he didn't stop. He licked up and down, over and over, slowly separating your folds and exposing you to him. "So pretty," you heard him whisper right before his lips closed around your clit.
"Oh," you gasped. Sure, you'd had guys venture down there with their lips before, but this was already better than every other guy combined. And he still had his jeans on!
Bradley swirled his tongue slowly and softly around you. And then he made eye contact with you, so you encouraged him by saying, "That feels incredible."
He released you and said, "Great, but I'm just getting started," and then proceeded to kitten lick you instead until you were squirming. You watched him dip his tongue down repeatedly, occasionally grunting or groaning as he did so.
You were mesmerized, looking down the length of your body and watching him give you head. Occasionally the light from the hallway would catch his mustache, and you could see your wetness there. Which just made you even hotter for him. 
And then he dragged the length of his tongue slowly yet firmly along your clit, and you felt your hips jerk off of the bed with a gasp. His eyes met yours as he did it a second time, and once again your body jerked in response. You gasped, and shook your head back and forth on the pillow. You felt so good and so relaxed, and you could already tell what was about to happen. One more long pull of his tongue, and you were starting to see stars at the edge of your vision. You felt yourself starting to clench around nothing. 
No way. This had never happened before. 
Then he wrapped his lips around your clit, let that tongue work some magic, and you were crying out incoherently. Pleasure washed through your limbs and soaked through your torso. You couldn't process much, but you knew your legs were shaking as Bradley sucked on your swollen bud. 
"Oh Fuck!" you screeched. "Oh my God!" You were literally riding his face through your orgasm, but instead of stopping, you could feel Bradley slide one of his fingers inside you. "Oh! What are you doing?" you asked quietly, gasping for air. You were literally scandalized and shocked that Bradley had made you come, so you could barely think.
"Gonna try for number two," he said, and when your eyes met his, the cocky look you found on his face was incorrigible. You tried to talk, but your voice broke immediately, as he worked two beautiful fingers in and out of you. He kept those fingers moving in a rhythm that was really working for you as he eased his body on top of yours. He gently kissed your lips and you moaned. He tasted like you. His mustache was wet from you. You licked his face a few times until he was moaning too. 
"You keep doing sexy shit like that, and I'm not going to last long at all."
"Bradley, you made me come!" you said through your lust-filled, hazy brain. "You going to fuck me now?" you asked, really dying to see his penis.
"Not yet, babe. Soon though." He smiled as he kissed his way down you body.
He deftly worked his fingers inside you in tandem with his mouth on your clit, and you were so close again. You couldn't believe this was your body.
"Babe, you on birth control? Or do I need to get a condom?" Bradley asked you when he took a break from eating your pussy like a professional. 
"I'm on birth control. You're good," you managed as you felt your hips starting to jerk again. 
"Can I cum inside you?" he asked, and his words had you absolutely moaning at the prospect.
Bradley somehow got his jeans and boxer briefs down with just his left hand as he kept you jerking off the bed with his right. 
As soon as you got a glimpse of his dick, he was lining it up to your opening. "You're huge," you whispered and then groaned as his dick replaced his fingers. He thrust into you slowly a few times, filling you up as he tossed his head back and growled your name. Then he put his gorgeous fingers gently on your clit and kissed your mouth hard. Your hips bucked again and again as he moved his lips to your neck.
"I'm in heaven," he murmured next to your ear.
And you were coming. Again.
When your vision fully returned, you watched Bradley as he kissed your breasts while slamming into you, and soon enough, he was cumming inside you.
He collapsed against your chest, just a sweaty mess. He had worked so hard. Just for you. 
"How did I do?" Bradley asked between breaths as his heart rate finally started to calm down. He rubbed his nose against your tits and lifted his head to look at your face. He was pretty sure you had two orgasms before he got off, but he wanted to confirm, because he did not last long once he was inside you.
You raised a thumbs up into the air. "Good job, Bradley. Great effort. You were right, I'm not the problem."
"No more fuckboys?" he asked, placing a kiss on your collarbone.
"No more fuckboys," you confirmed as you ran your fingers gently through his hair. "In fact... you think we could do that again? Maybe like a regular thing since I'll be in San Diego now?"
"Babe, I'm taking you on a date tomorrow night. Kinda tired of being your friend, honestly. Thinking I want to make this something more. Sound good?"
You bit your lip and smiled at him. "Yeah, sounds good. I don't really want to be your friend anymore either."
Hope my anonymous friend enjoyed this one! Whew, this one really got away from me, clocking in at almost 5000 words! Thanks for reading!
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astralfms · 22 days
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[ … ] ❀ you’re not from around here , are you? i figured because you totally just missed { CELESTE JAMES } walking by. don’t tell me you don’t know who { SHE } is/are ? they kind of look like { NATASHA LIU BORDIZZO } and i could be wrong but i think that they might be { TWENTY EIGHT } years old right now. they’ve been living in palmview for the last { TWENTY YEARS }. and i don’t know if anyone has ever told them this before but they kind of remind me of { CARRIE BRADSHAW } from { SEX AND THE CITY }. if you stick around the town long enough you might catch them in action working at { SUNSET VILLA BEACH } as a { LIFESTYLE VLOGGER }. you see this town isn’t really that big of a place, some folks like to call them the { VIDEOPHILE } of palmview! they took a liking to the name too after a while, go figure. oh crap, they must have heard me yapping. they’re coming this way. i got to warn you though, rumor has it they can pretty { SELF ABSORBED } at times. i wouldn’t take it too seriously though, from the times i’ve spoken to them they seemed pretty { CHEERFUL } to me. we see each other all the time since they live in that { TWO BEDROOM } apartment beside me over in { MANGO BAY }. i better leave you to it. it was nice meeting you
full name: celeste james
nicknames: cel, cely, letty
birthday: may 12, 1995
hometown: cape cod, massachusetts
occupation: social media influencer, lifestyle vlogger
hobbies: vlogging, trying new food spots, serial dating, shopping
lives: mango bay lofts
enter: celeste, first born of the james family. her mother likes to tease that she was born to be an older sister. in fact, she'd rub her mom's pregnant belly and say, "my baby, my baby." it's safe to say that her childhood was largely focused on playing with her sister, doing any silly thing she could to make her laugh, and getting into as much trouble as you'd expect of two girls under five. when their family packed up and moved to palmview, celeste made it her personal mission to show charlotte that moving was no big deal. so what, they'd packed up their whole lives and moved across the country? that just meant they'd have new adventures to go on, and it wasn't like they wouldn't go back to visit. this mindset stuck with her throughout her life, choosing to see the cup half full even when logic told her otherwise.
her teen years were as chaotic as you'd expect, celeste taking full advantage of her short summers in cape cod. parties, boys, sneaking out, boys, nights on the beach, boys. rinse and repeat. during this time she swore she was just making the most of her teenage years, but her parents would say they let her watch way too much sex and the city. this would become exaggerated one summer when celeste got the bright idea to take her dads boat out at night, all in efforts to impress a boy. she'd been sailing with her dad since she was a kid, what could go wrong, right? wrong. she hadn't accounted for the coast guard, who luckily let her off with a warning, ( and a call to her parents. ) for the rest of the summer, they cut her off entirely, forcing her into her first summer job.
this is where she met her first true best friend, who was able to speak some knowledge into that delusional head of celeste's. instead of pouring all that energy into boys, she was encouraged to take her ambition and ideas and put them into making videos. her friend was convinced she had what it took to make it big. following this advice was the best thing for her, although, her bad habits hadn't left entirely. after graduation, and throughout college, celeste was known to party on the weekends and seen with a new beau in what seemed like every other new vlog. it's not her fault she's a lover girl, right? at least, that's what she tells herself.
tldr; celeste is a silly goofy girl that hasn't quite grown out of her boy obsessed phase. her friends encourage her to put that ambition into something creative, and she does, but that only keeps her delusion at bay for so long. will she overcome the boy fever? will she ever not be a sleazebag wrapped in a pretty package? stay tuned and find out!
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corporatefrog · 1 year
╰┈➤ Welcome Back to the Channel part 29; like and subscribe
✧.* featuring yn setting up for their newest youtube video when a few unexpected guests arrive : ̗̀➛ notes - this is the last chapter! thank you guys so much for joining me during the journey of this story. I haven't finished a fic in years so it feels so good to write that final line. I left it pretty open ended to be ready for extra chapters in the future!! I could say a bunch more about how thankful I am for people reading this story and how much it's help me work through the past month but i'll let the chapter do that :) tags - college au, superhero au, smau
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Okay. Let’s do this. 
“Hey guys! We’ve got a really special video today!” I greeted with a beaming grin, micking a high five with the camera. So far so good. “We’re going to be doing an interview I’ve been waiting to make for a long time…” I paused for effect before moving to the side, revealing today’s special guest. 
“Say hello to Mysterion!” I exclaimed with applause. I’d add some cheering effects while editing but without it, it sounded a bit empty. 
Looking back at Kenny, a laugh burst from my mouth at the expression on his face. He’d twisted his mouth into some semblance of a smirk but with the mask he looked cool and suave and more like he’d just smelled a three day old diaper. 
“Dude, what is that face? You look fucking stupid.” I said between laughs. Kenny frowned, giving me a side eye. 
“I’ve got a reputation to uphold!” He whined, gesturing to the dark hooded costume, “You don’t get it because you just started using your persona-”
“KENNY! Just say my social security number too why don’t you-” The frame shook as I lunged forward to stop the recording before any more secrets were shared on camera.
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It had been about a few months since I’d started working with Butters and the guys would not let me forget they had seniority in the hero/villain world. Every chance Clyde had, he reminded me that he was there when they fought Cthulhu. Of course, Kyle was close behind to say that Clyde had done absolutely nothing during that fight. But that was followed by Kyle reminding me that he was sent to hell and was there during the eldritch battle.
I’d been worried when they found out that they’d stop talking to me altogether. I wasn’t quite sure why. They’ve known about Butters being Professor Chaos since they were children and I see him and Kenny hang out more than he hangs out with Kyle and Stan sometimes. He even hangs out with Craig and his group on the weekends. 
The only thing that’s been hurt by my employment at Chaos LLC is my intel source. Wendy stopped giving me insider details about hero movements if they related to Professor Chaos so I haven’t been able to cover as much of his antics but she was still queuing me into other run-ins with minor villains and typical South Park oddities. 
Last week, fucking Slenderman showed up. Like a tall faceless dude in a suit and tie Slenderman. Just standing in the park. He did kidnap Butters which led to an interesting rescue mission. And the video coverage was insane. Marble Hornets could never. 
I didn’t want to trust it at first. I’d spent a month waiting for things to suddenly change. For everyone to turn on me for being a minor inconvenience at best but Craig still asked me to help him with his stats homework at Tweek Bros and Stan still invited me to whatever random board game shop he was visiting that week. The only thing that changed was sometimes we ran around the city in (if I’m being honest) ridiculous costumes and blew off some of the steam that comes with being a college student at Garrison University. 
The entire college almost shut down last month due to Dean Garrison being convicted of tax fraud and publicly attempting to assassinate the President in order to avoid charges. Without anyone to lead the college and the name now permanently connected to an elementary school teacher turned assassin, the only option seemed to be shutting the place down. That was a rough month. The university was literally on the verge of closure and I still had to write a 10 page research paper. What kind of bullshit is that?
Yeah but it was a paper about The Bachelor so was it really work?
Anything that involves citing in APA is work. 
The routine of my new normal set in pretty quickly. Well, as ‘normal’ as things can be when you’re friends with superheroes in South Park. I went to my classes, made videos for my channel, then I’d meet up with Butters and ruin a few people’s day a few times a week. It was scary how easily I fell into the routine. I’d wake up and say good morning to Stan as though he weren’t shooting tranquilizer darts from a nail gun at me a few hours earlier. Certainly not a sentence I ever thought I’d say. 
Looking back on the past two years, I see all the chances I had to end up somewhere else. If I’d gone to a different university and never set foot in South Park or if I’d chosen a different apartment and never ran into Clyde on my first day there I could have led a completely different life. Even in the moments which dragged on my mind, they all led me here. And the feeling of comfort that comes along with that thought makes every struggle worthwhile. 
There’s nowhere I’d rather be and here. Attending a university with an idiot dean, living in an apartment building with my closest friends, and now helping someone I care about get the revenge he’s due. Oh, and making youtube videos about all the stupid shit that happens along the way.
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I restarted the recording, giving Kenny a warning glare before saying the intro again. This time, he kept a normal face which made it much easier to not think about how just a few months ago, I was freaking out at the idea of talking to THE Mysterion. 
Granted, now we’ve seen THE Mysterion vomiting in a toilet at 2 am after eating his taco bell too fast so the shimmer has faded. 
“So, Mysterion,” I started, glancing at my list of questions I’d prepared for the interview, “You’ve been the longest running hero in South Park history! How does it feel to be coming up on 10 years as South Park’s Guardian Angel?”
Kenny hummed as he mulled over the question, “It’s not an easy job-” A knock on the door cut off his answer. I looked over at Kenny with a confused expression. He mirrored my confusion but couldn’t offer an idea on who was interrupting our interview for the second time. 
I paused the video before heading over to the door, looking through the peephole. Toolshed’s signature belt gave him away instantly. He shifted from foot to foot as he waited, tapping his hands against his thighs. 
What the fuck?
I opened the door, leaning against the frame while I deadpanned at my neighbor. 
“What’re you doing?” I asked, looking at him from under my eyebrows. 
Stan flashed a sheepish smile, “Well, I heard that you were interviewing Ken-” He paused, glancing down the hall both ways before correcting himself, “Mysterion today and I was thinking I could join? I haven’t gotten an interview yet after all.” 
“You haven’t gotten an interview because all you’ve done the past three fights is stand in the back with a power drill looking lost.” I pulled up my phone and held it up for Stan to see the footage from the past three hero conflicts. While Kenny and Craig dove into the fray, Stan could be seen in the background, searching through his utility belt for the right tool for the battle. By the time he held up his weapon of choice, Craig would be throwing the final punch.
“Okay those videos are rigged. You got those from the Craig fan accounts.” Stan protested. 
“You’re really reaching now bud-” 
“Is there still time for the interview?” A voice shouted from down the hall. Kyle’s door flew open with him rushing out soon after. The kite strapped to his back caught on the door frame, sending him tripping and falling into the wall across the hall from his door. I sighed, rubbing a hand over my face while the sound of Kyle cursing and tripping over his own stupid fucking costume filled the hallway. 
“Dude what are you doing?” Stan asked, crossing his arms as though he were the one being put upon by the appearance of the Human Kite. Kyle righted himself, brushing imaginary dust off his costume. 
“You said you were going to try and get in on the interview and after my last one-” He gave me a pointed look as though I were the one who chose his stupid name in the first place, “turned into me being berated for an hour and a half.” 
“Yeah but you already had one. It’s my turn now.” Stan whined. 
“Actually, it’s my turn right now.” Kenny said, suddenly appearing behind me at the door. I jumped to the side, holding a hand over my chest to keep my heart from jumping out at the shock. 
“Jesus fuck man. I need to put a bell on you.” I muttered to myself before addressing the slowly growing group of complaining superheroes, “None of you guys get to decide whose turn it is to be on my channel. I set up this interview with Kenny a month ago and we’re finally getting to filming so if you want to have ‘your turn’ you need to fill out the form and join the queue like everyone else. I’ve got Craig and Tweek lined up for next month then Tolkien-”
“How the fuck does Tolkien get to go before me-”
“Because he filled out the fucking form Stan? I literally just told you.” 
“Okay, well I just think it would be more interesting to have Toolshed on before Tupperware.” Stan looped his thumbs through his utility belt, kicking a foot at the ground with a frown tugging at his lips. He looked up at me with pouting eyes, blinking rapidly as he tried to change my mind.
No way this 20 year old is pouting in the hallway right now. 
I blew a breath out of the corner of my mouth, averting my eyes from the pouting college student. I better not regret this. 
“Okay, fine.” I started. Stan’s posture immediately improved as he straightened up and began to walk towards the door. Kyle followed suit with a borderline giddy smile of his own. I held up a hand to stop them, “But this is a one time thing, okay? Don’t go telling the others you can just bug me into doing a video with them because I know Clyde can and will be the most annoying motherfucker to ever exist until I do an entire series about him.” 
Kyle and Stan nodded rapidly, heads moving in sync as they agreed to whatever would get them in the video. I was about to move aside and let them in when Kenny sucked in a breath. 
“We weren’t supposed to tell other people about this?” He asked. When I turned to stare at him, he plastered an awkwardly large grin on his face. 
“Who did you tell?” I asked, holding my breath out of fear for what he’d say next. Kenny paused, eyes moving across the ceiling as he thought over the question. That’s never a good sign. Then he began counting on his fingers, mouth moving in silent words as he continued to tick off different unknown names. 
Letting his hands fall with a shrug, he looked back at me with the still incredibly awkward smile, “Only like a few of the guys-” 
“MUAHAHAHA, THIS IS WHERE YOU FALL MYSTERION!” Butters came barreling in through my balcony doors, fists raised to the sky as he posed in the living room. The four of us turned to look at the villain. 
“False alarm, Butters. Apparently this was a lowkey thing.” Kenny said, pointing to me with his thumb as though I were the buzzkill in the situation. My jaw dropped as I turned to Kenny, appalled that he had the audacity to claim I was ruining our private interview I’d spent a month planning. 
Butters’ arms fell back to his sides, tinfoil of his gauntlets scraping slightly against his belt, “Awe geez, and here I was ready for a scuffle.” He said, scuffing the toe of his boot against the floor in a similar pout to Stan’s from moments before. 
Why am I friends with a bunch of toddlers? 
Before I could address Butters’ appearance, my apartment was flooded with the rest of my friends all clad in their hero costumes. Tolkien waddled behind Tweek and Craig, turning sideways to get through the door with Clyde following close behind. Soon my apartment was filled with arguing superheroes and one very boisterous villain, all trying to figure out how to fit themselves into the frame. 
I squeezed myself onto the couch between Kenny and Clyde, feeling like I should at least have the original planned video guest in the middle of the frame. Voices overlapped as Stan tried to shove Kyle over, pushing Tweek and Craig further to the side. The cacophony of sound bounced off the walls and made the air buzz with the rambunctious energy. 
Normally the noise would send me spiraling, overstimulated by the different sounds all pulling me in different directions, but the noise around me calmed the normally racing thoughts in my mind. I’d spent so long sitting in front of this camera, reading off new stories of the people who now shouted my name to grab my attention from opposite ends of the couch I’d gotten off Facebook Marketplace. The once deafening silence which filled the moments between takes was replaced by shouts to move over and accusations of stepping on their kite string. 
It was the best noise I’d ever heard. 
“I’m starting now! Everyone shut up and follow me lead!” I announced, stabilizing the camera before returning to my spot with a smile.
I smiled for the camera. I smiled at the thought of the views a video with all of South Park’s heroes would get. But I also smiled from the overwhelming happiness that came from being surrounded by my closest friends. 
“Hey guys!” I greeted, raising a hand to mimic a high five with the lens,
“Welcome back to the channel!”
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taglist [reply to be added]: @sula0kin @lacuna-at-dawn @anglettecolours @cocolena@sukisprettyface @feverish-dove @sweetadonisbutbetter @hand-writxen@mishstuff@sophtophie @triphovia  @lacunaanonymoused @inkedintothepaper @toodeepintofandoms@mmmaackerel @sillybilly-123@n0tangeliccc@sophtophie@inkedintothepaper 
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slowestlap · 2 years
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Valtteri Bottas was part of a Finnish tv show called "Yökylässä" (sleepover) where the host goes to visit Finnish celebrities and spends two days and one night in their home. This episode aired on February 2nd, 2023 and was filmed at some point in 2022.
Below I give context to the screenshots and have also translated some interesting bits:
1st row: Just some cute random VB photos to start with
2nd row: He really loves gin, first two photos are from his main apartment and right photo is from his weekend house. It simply was too many bottles to fit into one shot (no pun)
3rd row: And here we have him making gin tonic using his own gin brand. The obligatory helmet wall (there was another one as well). He's had this Ferrari for a few months, says blue is his favorite color. He'd have wanted to drive the host around with it but the battery had run out so they went with his red Alfa Romeo SUV
4th row: That's his weekend house near the main apartment but outside the city center. An artist in Monaco offered to make art work (something funny) for him and this is what they received. The framed a$$ photo is in the guest bathroom of the weekend house. They sold 5400 pcs of prints of it in 24h and got 50k€ for charity
5th row: They face timed Mika. He (grinningly) says the only advise he can give to Valtteri is "to break later". Just some absolute mint slippers he was wearing when they brushed teeth. That's his boat which is called "Rehab" but "it's almost the opposite (when you go there)". They rent it for others too, a full day is ~5k€
Other stuff i decided to highlight:
There's 3 or 4 feral cats around the weekend house that they'll give food to
The most important trophies are in Finland, the one from his first win is the most special
"It's hard to find apartments that you like to stay in (in Monaco), the prices are crazy expensive and quality is quite bad and they're old"
He pays 9500 € rent per month for his apartment
He wouldn't say how much the weekend house cost
The main reason for moving to Monaco was the taxes. He's calculated that in Finland his net income would be ~20 % of all of his gross income. In Monaco it's 60-70% after his expenses (like managers etc.) At the beginning of his career when things were unsure he thought it's important to try to make as much money as possible, after all the hard work he had put into becoming an F1 driver
He doesn't enojy fame and would rather be unknown but he understands it's part of being in F1 and he'd do anything to be able to live his childhood dream
He drove a kart for the first time as 5yo, jumped out of it and told everyone he'll become an F1 driver
Mika Häkkinen was his idol as a kid. It was a wow moment when he got a call from an unkonwn number in 2007 and it was Mika who wanted to help him in his career
He handles his finances/contracts by himself because it's hard to give someone else control over those things. Also mentions he doesn't like to be a passenger in a car because he's not in control of it
He only goes to social media to post things he wants to share, he doesn't read any comments or dm's
Tiffany does read some comments and said there's now less hateful comments towards Valtteri compared to how much there was when he drove for Merc
He hasn't really been single, after his break ups he's fallen in love quickly again. "It's nice to have a life partner"
Weight mentions ahaed! He talks a bit about the same stuff he mentioned in his podcast last year; he trained himself sick (around 2014). He was having really unhealthy training and eating habits and hid things from his trainer. He thought at the time that was what he should do. "If your team tells you to weight a certain amount, you'll do it". He then talked to a psychologist who said at first he was behaving like a robot without emotions but after that he started to work on getting healthier habits back
Host: "Do you talk about mental health related issues with your colleagues?" - "Not really, it still isn't a common subject to talk about. Even though maybe we should, I'm not the only guy who sometimes struggles".
Host: "How was it when you were the second driver for years?" - "Quite tough. It was so hard to accept but now I've made peace with it that Lewis was a better driver than me. After last year (2021) I admitted to myself that that's just how it goes sometimes." "Did you use to be bitter and jealous?" - "Yes, especially the first couple of years. I didn't hate him, we had a good partnership but I always thought how can I beat him and be better than him and win the championship. But it was tough 5 years. I shouldn't have been as harsh to myself."
He pays the private jet company he uses extra amount of money, enough to compensate the environmental impact. They went to his boat and he said he will compensate the costs too
He mentions that sometimes in the places they travel to it's better to keep quiet and lay low than to speak up about the issues within the country. He does say that in Saudi (2022, after the missile) the drivers decided to not drive but they were guaranteed it's safe to do so and that there's heavy security around the track. "Show must go on" and they weren't really given an option other than to drive. Formula 1 goes to places that pay the most.
Host: "The only thing missing from your life is F1 championship, is that so?" - "Yes."
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