#what i **enjoy** is entertaining ppl & I used to **enjoy** making art
r0semultiverse · 1 year
Okay, just call me out I guess. 👀
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daftpatience · 5 months
Hi, I used to draw a lot but I've not drawn/created for a long time now, any tips to get back into it?
Or rather the whole thing about making art for yourself, I used to get a lot of attention for being good at art from other ppl and I'm not sure how to connect it back to myself again
I'm also contending with the Autism "It needs to be done in this way" and the ADHD "I can't focus for shit"
Also please don't worry if you don't know what to say, I'm just trying to get a variety of opinions to try and untangle my brain
Thank you in advance 💕
i think a good way to get back into creating *for yourself* whether its to come out of a dry spell or just to get back to creating things that you like, is what i call 'backtracking' (bearing in mind that my particular methods may only work for me! im lucky ive never struggled with focus when it comes to drawing things, but maybe some of these things will help as my main goal when drawing is to entertain myself!)
also before i move on this i think is valuable: you gotta draw things that you aren't gonna post sometimes. it's fun and fulfilling to make art for an audience, and wanting attention is not shameful (ITS HUMAN!) but also we live in panopticon times and i think its good to train your "i am alone doing something for myself and no one has to see it" muscles.
backtracking is a couple different things:
look back to when you were really young. what kinds of drawings were the most fun to do? what did you spend time on or get really into? for me, this was a few things! tracing cartoons, drawing up elaborate scenes of lots of little creatures doing a thing, and designing little characters as paper dolls and making their houses and little furniture and accessories and such to cut out and play with. also getting paint all over my hands (i still paint my whole hand whenever im done doing something with acrylics before i wash up! its stimming)! backtracking here is when you try to take those things and make use of them now. try to find that old joy and use it in a way that makes you happy today, even if it's something small or silly or embarrassing. it can really help you rediscover what parts of art make YOU happy!
if you're regularly drawing and in a slump, backtracking for me is stepping back and doing either more exercises and practising the things you feel like you already know how to draw (ie. studying angles of the face or pulling up imgs of rooms on pinterest to see how normal people arrange furniture etc.), or simplifying your drawings to a level that feels more relaxing and less stressful. (ie. chibis instead of more detailed characters etc.) i find i kind of fall back to chibis when i feel lost, and then sort of rebuild from there. its fun to let my style change as i grow!
ALSO! im telling your autism this for your adhd's sake (this is useful for anyone i think): if there is a part of art that you do not enjoy doing or find boring but you feel it is an important or necessary step in the process? the secret is it isnt! art is made up. if you hate lining, dont do it! if youre a digital artist and get caught up picking a brush every time because you feel like you need the perfect one? switch to mspaint for a bit to get the nerves out. it can be really freeing!
art is for having fun and fulfilling our need to create. the rules are all made up and not real. perfectionism is the little death that something something i forget. yeah
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5and3nevermind · 4 months
Hello! A few days ago I was thinking about yoonmin (as I often do hehehe) and I started thinking about jimin and his gender. Now, I'm not sure if he identifies as anything other than male, but it's safe to say that he has struggled with masculinity and toxic expectations when he was younger. There have been some instances in the last few years were there have been some non-bn references, the first ones that come to mind are the fotoshoot with the bigender symbol and taemin's words on suchwita (“jimin also has that gender-neutral charm and also delicate”).
What I wanted to ask you is how do you think gender has impacted yoonmin?
I don't know if you've ever received an anon about this topic but I was curious about your opinion 😅
Personally, I think Jimin struggled a lot in his early years since he felt the pressure to fullfil this assigned strong masculine roll within the group (when they made him lift his shirt and do things like that). From what he's said in interviews, he later learned to accept himself and I can only think about how reassuring it must have been to have someone as accepting and supportive as yoongi by his side. I feel like yoongi is the kind of person who would encourage him to freely explore his gender (his bestie Halsey uses she/they pronouns by the way) and especially through his art (when face came out some ppl interpreted as Jimin talking about his gender and I found it very interesting).
Anyways, I feel like I'm just rambling haha. To sum up we don't know if he's 100% non-bn, he may still identify as a cis man, but still it's safe to say that he has been exploring his gender in the past.
(We'll probably never get a confirmation if he's actually non-bn, unless things in Korea change A LOT.)
Hi anon! Your question about gender in terms of yoonmin is a good one and something I have wondered about too!
First of all, I agree with you regarding Jimin and his relationship with gender. We’ve gotten many clues (and what I would consider more than clues) about this.
In regards to yoonmin as a pair, one thing I’ve noticed are the types of words Yoongi uses to describe Jimin. Yes, he’s called him handsome. But he’s also used gender-neutral or even traditionally feminine adjectives to describe him: “sexy,” “pretty,” “small and cute.” I think he does this because he knows these are the type of words that Jimin enjoys. Typically, when someone gives a compliment, their words are tailored to fit the person they are complimenting.
Another example: when Yoongi quoted the k-drama line to Jimin backstage in Newark, he quoted the male character’s line thus placing Jimin in the female role in that scenario.
(Likewise, Yoongi seems to be perfectly fine with Jimin referring to him as “cute” and “baby,” which to me shows a level of open mindedness that, unfortunately, many men lack.)
They’re both smart people and they’ve been in the entertainment industry long enough to know how fans analyze things. So, even if the female lead in the Like Crazy choreo isn’t Jimin’s reflection (although I believe she is), he at least would have known that some people would interpret that way…and he was fine with that. Similarly, by now Yoongi knows what many fans think of his Cypher 3 verse. Yet years later, he included that verse, unchanged, in his D-Day set list.
I’m rambling now, but my point is they have both demonstrated an accepting/progressive attitude toward these issues and have not attempted to “set the record straight” when it comes to gender (or sexual orientation, for that matter).
Obviously, Yoongi and Jimin are individuals and each of them has their own unique feelings about gender. We can see differences in terms of how they present themselves. But I do see commonalities in terms of their way of thinking, their acceptance of themselves and their acceptance of others. I hope that makes sense!
Here’s Jimin playing with the idea of gender roles and putting himself in the feminine role: shocked that he’s been caught shirtless, while he places the viewer, who is likely to be female given Army’s demographics, in the role of the voyeur (typically thought of as the masculine role). He seems to love doing this, turning the tables and offering unexpected and non-traditional portrayals of gender roles.
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Here’s a video of Jimin talking about how he’s changed and grown over the years.
Here’s a video of Jimin showing (again) that he’s comfortable playing with the idea of traditional gender roles.
Here’s Yoongi saying in an interview that everyone is equal.
Here’s a photo of Yoongi wearing his pride Vans.
Here’s a really cute video of Yoongi with a male fan. (He is treating the male fan the same way he’d treat a female fan, giving the high-five and the cute pout. Like he said in the interview, “everyone is equal,” and he treats fans accordingly. I love this video!)
In Yoongi’s case, I understand that these are not examples related to gender specifically. I see these as clues to his world view and his inclusivity, and of course I’m sure he extends that way of thinking to Jimin.
I hope this made sense! Thanks for this ask, anon!
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ginsoakedgirl80 · 9 months
Costume Cdramas I watched in 2023
My 2nd year with Chinese dramas as my love for costume drama continues.
The title links to where you can watch it (tried to find free legal watches where available)
The Blood of Youth (40 x 45min, filming started in Oct 2021, released Dec 2022) fun action drama with a good dose of comedy, not for people who want lots of romance because they are too busy (and the canon couples don't have enough chemistry, there I said it) to be making out. Good for bromance, ghost ships and/or ace character head canons. Xiao Se's fur collar wins fur collar of the year, Tang Lian is my blorbo of early 2023.
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My Uncanny Destiny (24 x 30min, filmed in autumn 2021, released Jan 2023) My favorite comedy of the year. Don't get turned off by the toilet jokes, it's a gem that spoofs drama tropes, gives you a coherent plot, silliness, fun side characters, a ML that is not afraid of being silly and a FL that plays capable and silly well. This might be a low budget production but they put that money to work. Politics, cross-dressing, found family, sisterhood, enemies to lovers, third wheel bisexual who reminds me of Wen Kexing, over the top villain, himbo villain who works out shirtless all the time, it got it all.
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Wulin Heroes (22 x 45min, filming started Nov 2020, released Jan 2023) I watched this for Li Hongyi and he is incredibly beautiful in this so props to his stylist and cinematographer. BUT it is a badly written and edited low budget romp. If you are not watching for any actor then do not bother. FL is bearable once you realize she is very much of a lets see where this goes kind of character. 2nd ML is a suffering captive prince turned whiny regent played by Zhu Zanjin. So if you want to see Jin GuangYao suffer, you might like his scenes?? It can totally be read as a throuple especially with the New Tales of Wulin Heroes mini series add on. The choppiness might also be a result of the dangai ban??
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No Doubt in us (24 x 14min, 2021, donghua) saw this on netflix and it roped me in with the body switch trope. It's sufficiently entertaining. Though I didn't enjoy the animation style apart from the chibi scenes.)
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Heaven Official's Blessing (season 1, 11 x 26min, 2020, Donghua) It's THAT story and the art style is so pretty. I haven't read the books yet but still got what was going on most of the time. Liked it a lot. Haven't watched the 2nd season yet)
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The Journey of Chong Zi (40 x 45min, filming started in June 2021, released Feb 2023) This xianxia is a mess! But it gave Scorpion King Li Daikun another memorable role with being the FL's protector. Watching Wang Zhoucheng having a ball with his role was fun. Immortal turned demon Wan Jie is so handsome and tragic. It did draw me in but the main couple is just ick so every time they were apart it immediately got better. ML's refusal to take the antidote to ease his obsession was lmao, FL is naive but charming and her demon styling rocks (do not get the hate on the actress, she is selfmade and there are many bad pretty face actresses around but I guess antis attract antis). Oh and there is a bromance between two of Chong Zi's harem members
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Till the End of the Moon (40 x 55min, started filming in Nov 2021, released April 2023) aka my brain rot drama of the year. Drawn in from episode 1 on. Bai Li and Luo Yunxi <3 Pian Ran, Ye Qingyu, Nian Baiyu and Si Ying. <3 I was spamming tumblr with my screenshots, it was a jolly good time to watch this epic tale of love and suffering and saving the world dilemma with a great cast, characters, costumes, sets and soundtrack with the cdrama ppl of tumblr. If this weren't too complicated for cdrama newbies I'd recommend it to all my friends. Do not skip the dream arc (I ended up liking it) or later stuff will make less sense. I'm still annoyed that we didn't get a good extra episode that wraps up some lose ends for the main side characters and that reunion of the main characters but Youku really went nah we better play it safe with censors not liking happy ends for morally grey characters.
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My Queen (24 x 45min, filmed in 2020, released Jul 2021) An FL enters a romance adventure VR game drama that I watched because I needed some fluff between TtEotM episodes. Why pick this among any other sufficiently entertaining dramas that are probably better written and not as forgetable? Because I wanted to watch Hu Wei (rich nepo baby in The Blood of Youth) in another comedy role >_> and ridiculous overacting he did deliver
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The Trust (30 x 45min, filmed early 2021, released Apr 2023) The life action adaptation of the manhua No doubt in us is based on. I dunno why I finished this, I guess I'm not a quitter and needed silly stuff to balance TtEotM angst. For some reason the director thought it would be a good idea to film this like a donghua and it is causing 2nd hand embarrassment. The ML cannot pull off being a woman in a man's body, not even a martial arts nerd like Xu Yu. Like Wulin Heroes it was filmed before the dangai ban but that didn't stop them from having at least two bromances.
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Wanru's Journey (24 x 35min, filming started in Jun 2021, released May 2023) A mess. So IQIYI released this simply to ride on the wave of Ao Ruipeng's The Blood of Youth popularity. Because this got so chopped down because of the dangai ban and it probably wasn't good to begin with. Basically an actress transmigrates into a dangai screenplay and gets between the leads while also making money by writing fic about them (ok this is my reading but she DID release fic and drawings of them). Of course it takes an unnecessarily dramatic turn, instead of staying on the comedy side, cannot remember more of the plot, oops.
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King is not Easy (20ep x 30min, released Aug 2017) I watched this for the body switch trope and Bai Lu. Nice to see her actual face before the fair skin filter got her, entertaining enough, badly written silly comedy with mind mindbogglingly contrived final 4 episodes. It's Bai Lu's drama debut so it's nice to see how far she got
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Destined (40ep x 45min, filming started in Jun 2022, released June 2023) Highly enjoyable. Fell in love with Bai Jingting. What's not to love about a playboy getting put on his path by his wife and them becoming friends, sworn siblings and then lovers in the process? No this is actually about FL finding her thing (trade) and being wildly successful at it, then it's also political, revenge and more. The leads are extremely charming and have great chemistry (the drama suffers every time they are apart lbr) and the writing is good, though people are too perfect and I wasn't into the whole palace stuff.
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My Journey to You (24 ep x 60min, filming started Dec 2022, released Sep 2023) Had me from episode 1 on. Made me buy IQIYI VIP so I can watch it in good quality. Fell in love with Zhang Linghe. Yu Shuxin needs to do all the wuxia while she is still fit. Why waste being able to do the splits on some modern drama? The director sent her mud wrestling and she went for it. Everyone knows she is pretty no need for her to be beautifully put together on screen 24/7. Love the style, the character introductions, the characters, the cast, the chemistry, the story, the way you expect something and something else is going on. While it started out gloomy and remained so for the most part, it surprised me with throwing in more comedy than I expected. The good old idle manchild gets thrown into a position of power story but it's a murderous martial arts clan against another murderous martial arts clan. It's giving you some information but often just enough for getting what's going on just to play with your expectations later, FUN! And I didn't even mention all the other characters because surprise! this is actually an ensemble drama with several intriguing characters. Do not expect for the two leads to be on screen all the time.
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Hilarious Family (24ep x 45min, started filming in June 2022 (?), released Sept 2023) A fun ensemble comedy I watched for Jackie Li. A widow moves to another city to marry off her 4 daughters (a silly man-crazy one, a homely one, a scholar one and a tomboy one). No it's not Pride and Prejudice but yes of course this is a romcom and all women have a love interest. It kind of drops off later on tbh, but still good for the characters and side characters. The success of this in China hopefully means that Jackie Li will get to be getting more comedies to work in after the Queen Lau disaster and people having a problem with her artist alias in 2022.
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Hello There (20ep x 30min, released Jan 2023) I stumbled on this on IQIYI while looking for a light fast watch that will let my brain relax. The ML's best acting moment is when he plays a wooden robot. FL is fun. There are some questionable scenes, standard low budget action comedy fare.
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An Ancient Love Song (14ep x 30 min, released June 2023) A wonderfully written and executed grown up time traveling story, that shows once again that you don't need a big budget to tell a story that draws you in. Ended my palace politics blockade. All this time traveling and no reincarnation in sight. ;_;
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Story of Kunning Palace (38ep x 45min, filming started in May 2022, released Nov 2023) Tieing 2nd with My Journey to You for brainrot drama of the year. The cinematography is questionable, the story is not for teaching perfect courting behavior but those two are just such a good cp in their awkward messy way. Their friends/sidekicks are fun too and bring some comedy to that story though crazy in love ML is serving some comedy too. Props to ZLH for actually trying to grasp the basics of playing qin and not just waving over the strings like other dramas deem it sufficient. Bai Lu is Bai Lu-ing, gathering her harem. Coming into this right after An Ancient Love Song the idea to defeat destiny this time around seemed hopeless to me but this is one of those they are good at making plans and they turn out mostly alright dramas. I hope those two's material for the next years is as good as the two dramas with them I watched in 2023, fingers crossed!
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Currently watching: A Journey to Love and Taoism Grandmaster as well as 2/3 through a LbFaD rewatch that I started in summer.
I also watched a handful of modern dramas (made in Korea and Japan) and some mini-dramas, but that is for another post.
And yes my most watched actors are probably those uncles stuck in Hengdian, might look that up another day.
If I got the time to blog about a drama I usually do it with screenshots so my tag for those posts is excuse my bad quality screenshots. In other cases I just reblog and put my thoughts in the tags.
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jabberwockprince · 7 months
🛝 and/or 🎉 for the cast of Spina Venatores, if you're willing?
HELL YEAAA SPINA SWEEEEEEP! ty for the ask (and for making the OC questions post!! <3) I made some quick lil silly doodles so ppl can remember who is who
also putting the rest of the post under a cut to avoid clogging ppl's dashes!
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🛝: What do they do in their free time, if they have any?
A general rule of thumb is that the elite members of Spina Venatores often choose to spend their free time with each other, due to their obsessive codependency and need for companionship. Venison is the most extreme example of this!
They have no problem inserting themself into the routines of others, following them along and just lingering, or engaging in some parallel play. Venison is also entitled and confident enough to drag whoever into any shenanigans or to slack off, just for the sake of being entertained.
Ironically, despite Venison's role as the leader of Spina Venatores, they're given a lot of free time - Forget Me Not considers their clingy personality a great way to monitor others and prevent people from deserting, as well as to help Spina's members grow closer together and become much more susceptible to manipulation. It's two birds in one stone.
And even if we were to talk about their hobbies, they're also heavily influenced by either their desire for companionship or their work, because Venison is a character whose existence is defined by their relationships with others, a parasite that cannot stand on their own or be left alone. So, when it comes to their hobbies or what they would do if there's no one around to indulge them, then...
People watching and stalking - they absolutely love observing and studying others, taking note of every single reaction no matter how subtle, which helps them read others like an open book to absolute FILTH when needed. They love to know what their favorite people do when no one is looking.
They enjoy writing letters, and some arts and crafts, but even THOSE end up focusing heavily on their role within Manus/Spina lmfao. This mf has a talent for making every aspect of their life revolve around a SINGLE thing
🎉: What thing(s) in the 21st century would they really like or enjoy?
Social media, especially how easy it becomes to keep tabs on others and how difficult it is for people to get rid of their digital footprint.
This mf would be OUT THERE with the perfect daily routine to check on absolutely everyone they cherish or are obsessed with, managing a couple dozen accounts just in case. They're not a tech genius or anything, but for the sake of seeing what everyone is up to, they would definitely learn whatever is necessary to continue stalking others.
On a less intense note, I think Venison would also enjoy fandom spaces and online culture overall, given how it can both be precious moments of community and a cesspool of toxicity. I can absolutely see them building a little community for dead dove fics and being That One Guy people go to for advice when writing gore because they just happen to know a lot about how the human body works in specific conditions
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🛝: What do they do in their free time, if they have any?
Mutton is a tricky one, because she insists that she has no free time at all - working on logistics and keeping everything in check takes up all of her time. But she's a desperate workaholic, using work to keep herself busy and avoid thinking too much about things she'd rather forget.
Whenever there's nothing to do, Mutton fusses over everyone else within Spina, taking on their workload and putting even more stress on herself. THAT's what she does in her free time. WORK. HARDER. Part of her does it out of genuine care, but overtime that's become just a surface justification of her controlling mindset. She's too used to filling the role of matriarch, a strong and reliable figure for those who look up to her, and instantly assumes that everyone will do a poor job, that she's the only one capable.
Despite being the complete opposite to Venison, the two get along extremely well because they follow the same pattern of behaviour - both of them need to make their entire lives revolve around something or someone that isn't themselves for whatever reason.
So her hobbies are also related to her people: Mutton is into fashion, she's a master seamstress and tailor. All these extravagant uniforms that all members of Spina Venatores wear? She made them herself by hand, even the ones that Disciples wear. Every single one. She loves to cook, and always overindulges everyone in Spinas with their favorite meals in excessive amounts. Mf is really the world's most fucked up, cynical, divorced housewife and mother of a couple dozen cultists <3
🎉: What thing(s) in the 21st century would they really like or enjoy?
The revival or renaissance era of old trends. Like, people going "we should bring back bell bottom jeans/we should start dressing again like we're in the 20's/we should go back to this and that". I think Mutton would find that endearing, silly and nostalgic, especially if they're given a modern twist - that's something she can definitely appreciate.
There's just something about people constantly yearning for things that already passed by and trying desperately to bring them back, but it's impossible to truly relive the past so what they end up getting is something brand new instead. Like electro swing <3! Yes there's a metaphor somewhere in there about being unable to let go, anyway. moving on.
Other than that, Mutton would also enjoy telenovelas and soap operas in general, or movies and shows full of drama focused on relationships - especially the ones that get EXTREMELY convoluted like Why Women Kill or The Handmaiden (2016). She'd get SO heated up about them, projecting so hard onto every character that mildly resembles her LMFAO
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🛝: What do they do in their free time, if they have any?
Chevon is a rare case within Spina Venatores, because unlike the others, he actually has fucking normal hobbies that he indulges in during his free time that don't necessarily carry copious amounts of emotional baggage.
He likes to garden and flower arrangement, specifically. Not that he's any good at it, everything he touches tends to die pretty quickly, but he still likes to do it anyway!
More than often, Chevon will be accompanied by Poultry, the only one with actual knowledge when it comes to plants and flowers, and who keeps him from destroying the whole garden where she grows her materials.
Chevon is very interested in the process of decay when it comes to flora and fauna, so while his natural lack of skill in caring for something as easy as a cactus can come in handy for that sweet, sweet plausible deniability, everyone knows better than to fall for that that. This mf is out there trying to find the perfect point between life and death, growth and decay to preserve a living body forever, similar to how Druvis III can preserve plants in a frozen state but applied to actual people
But he also likes to read, Chevon will read literally anything, just because he's so very curious about other perspectives, even if he does consider each and every one of them useless and waaaay beneath his own. Complaining and criticizing others is also one of his hobbies, so be careful when it comes to him reading your work lmfao.
Whereas Venison is the guy you go to for undying support and blind love bombing, Chevon is the guy you go to if you need to be humbled to fucking shreds because of how direct and brutally honest he is with his opinions. It SUCKS because despite him being such a little hater, he does give extremely good criticisms and observations in that soft spoken and entirely aloof demeanor of his.
🎉: What thing(s) in the 21st century would they really like or enjoy?
Chevon wouldn't be as terminally online as Venison nor Poultry, but I like to think he would be SUPER into those fucking weird ass nonsensical things that are impossible to describe to ppl who haven't experienced them online - such as Goncharov, long furby plushies that you can actually buy, whatever the fuck Garten of Banban is, Redditor Island, Alexandria's Genesis with the purple eyes
Like, he would ACTUALLY have one of those centipede furbies with spider legs. He would eat EVERY single deep dive video on the most fucked up outlandish events to ever happen online. THIS MF'S SMALL TALK WOULD CONSIST OF SHIT LIKE "hey did you hear that they can run Doom on a stomach bacteria now? yeah its 1 frame each 70 hours"
Chevon is just mesmerized by the fact that God gave everyone free will and the ability to live beyond the year 1999 and THIS is the type of shit people chose to do with their time
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🛝: What do they do in their free time, if they have any?
Poultry's hobby and passion, the one thing that consumes her entire life (as well as the entire reason she's the only fully conscious human within Manus and Spina) is to study and research arcanum through human methods, and see if it can be utilized and manipulated in ways no one has yet figured out. So her free time is spend borrowing a page from Mutton's work and studying/working even more!
She's constantly asking questions to any arcanist who passes by, following others like a lost duck, using Disciples like guinea pigs and potentially doing experiments that would put the Foundation to shame
I like to think that she was ruthless in her research, that she would often go days without sleeping or eating and push her body beyond its limits - that's how she managed to get results worthy of Manus Vindictae's recognition prior to being recruited, after all - but that, after joining Spina Venatores, she considerably calmed down!
...which is both good and bad because sure! she's getting healthier habits just by being so easily influenced by her seniors (Venison, Mutton and Chevon) and their weird habits that rub off on her all at once, but also her entire fucking life hinges on being useful to Arcana and Manus so it's a bit of a tough spot for her
🎉: What thing(s) in the 21st century would they really like or enjoy?
She would really love every single advancement in every single branch of science. Every single discovery, no matter how small, even if it's something in a field that she has absolutely no fucking clue about. There's just something so exciting in knowing that there's still so much to find out about the world and the universe, though it does tend to lean towards the excitement of being the first one to make those discoveries.
But I think that's it for now? Poultry and Veal are characters that I'm still working on, so I don't have as much to say about them as the first three! I'm still trying to figure out what she even likes about her current time and situation, lmfao
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🛝: What do they do in their free time, if they have any?
Veal is a mystery to everyone, including some members of Spina and ALSO INCLUDING ME. What does this little guy do in their free time? Who knows! I don't!
Given how they're a shapeshifter and their whole lack of identity, I assume Veal spends their free time stealing someone's identity and just trying to mimic them to the best of their ability. So it's not too rare to see Chevon somewhere in his room and then find a second Chevon somewhere in the gardens.
This would also work as training and as a show of affection, since Veal believes that imitation is the highest form of adoration.
Other than that, I would say that Veal would spend their free time trying to find out ... something to do with themself, to start forming an identity beyond the whole fucking mess that is their existence as a doppelganger, but that's something that they'd do after Spina Venatores dissolves and Vertin takes them in!
🎉: What thing(s) in the 21st century would they really like or enjoy?
Same as the previous answer, I can only theorize about what my OWN OC MIGHT LIKE OR THINK ... Hmm ...
With how little info I have about Veal right now, all I can think of is that they would unconsciously gravitate towards things that remind them of their friends and family, both within and outside of Spina Venatores. Something something, you are made up of small parts from all the people you love, etc etc.
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ghostputty · 1 year
hm.... i kinda like that simblr is a gaming And art (creative) community like ... me personally, i can't do gameplay for shit but there's a lot of blogs i follow that spend so much time making sure they have incredibly entertaining/enjoyable gameplay and stories. and then on the flip side of that there's blogs that absolutely put in the work to make killer edits. (and some ppl even combine those skills !!) but what makes it enjoyable to consume is the fact that u can tell the ppl making them had fun !!!
also i remember back in like 2017-2018 when we were all over saturating our pics and using the brightest blushes imaginable- just like every community, we have trends and tags and ask games !! imo this is what brings together the community and ties us into a neat lil bow. people use their favorite sims and tell a story, whether it's with an edit or with gameplay or something else entirely.
not to mention, everyone has a different aesthetic they enjoy !! find the style you like, share that, follow that, explore and learn !!
i guess the point i'm trying to make is don't force urself into something you don't like doing, share what you wanna share, you'll find other blogs who will enjoy what ur posting !! i've been here since like ... 2016, and it took me years to find what i enjoyed doing. just spend time expanding ur personal interests and curating ur blog to how you want it to be !!! i promise u will have sm more fun that way
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itsjaywalkers · 7 months
honestly i used to find the hate anons soo funny bc like 'aww did my silly little au abt two characters i like upset you?? :(( so sad 😞😥 what will i ever do now that you don't like the ship i write for my pleasure' but nowadays they just piss me off. bc like how entitled do you have to be to go into someone else's ask box. and just like send them hate for not doing something you want. like the hating actually requires them to go out of their way???? WHAT is their problem like. i actually want to know the thought process behind sending anonymous hate to someone for having fun and sharing their amazing content in the first place
im not in many fandoms but even in the ones im in i've NEVER seen fandom writers and artists get treated so horribly. genuinely pisses me off bc like. you guys are actually so sweet?? im not that into marauders fandom rn but i've read many of your works (especially your pandalily btw. im in love with them) and they're all so lovely!! and so are you!! i hope you have a wonderful day and that any ppl that think sending hate is okay slip on a banana peel or something idk
i totally get what you mean nonnie and honestly . kinda same . i mean i'm mostly indifferent to them, they don't affect me much, but i fucking hate seeing my friends (or any authors/artists really) get hate for their work. makes me feel downright murderous. bc you're right, i've been in so many fandoms, and ofc there's always assholes, but never in my life i've seen this amount of . awfulness directed at ppl for simply making art of the ships and characters they like??? it's so baffling to me. and i genuinely don't get it. there's also a lot of . couples and hcs or portrayals of certain characters i despise and yet i never get the urge to send the ppl who do enjoy them hate?? i mute or i block, maybe complain about it to my friends IN PRIVATE and i curate my own experience. like almost everyone i know does. i don't understand these ppl's problem i really don't
but well, i guess i've reached my limit + grown bored of these trolls bc i've been deleting and blocking the stupid asks they keep sending me. i'm not entertaining them anymore. they can continue being as hateful as they want, but not in my space thank u <33
anyways I'M SO HAPPY U ENJOY MY PANDALILY SO MUCH god they're my girls, i've been thinking about them a lot more lately, i need to continue with all the violence sequel bc i'm going through serious withdrawals.. you're soooo sweet, i hope your day is/was the fucking best and i'm kissing u so soundly on the forehead MWAH
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romaevelizz · 2 years
My Aphmau Re-write/Headcannons PDH-Mystreet
Im doing this out of pure entertainment for myself
Character of the day: Aaron Jaxon Lycan
Art by me
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Hes Black. He has locs
Though during high school his hair was buzzed due to him bring sent to military school.
werewolf ovi
He had a close nitted friend group Zhuri(oc), Logan, Elijah(oc), Niyleah(oc), Ryan(oc), and my self instert (Crystal)
he’s dating Lily(hes like so in love with her it makes me sick)
His love language is acts of service
He loves caned peaches
When he finds out Aphmau is Sue hes nice to her and all around a mentor to her. Theyer age gap isnt gross nore wierd they are about 3 years apart but 4 grades apart idk if i want them to end up together really tbh like when it come to mystreet.
Aarons record is pretty clean hes not some angsty bad boy who gets in fights
He thought Gene was kinda hot before he started acting like a douche to him
He plays lacrosse and hockey those are the only times he gets pretty violent. (He literally had to beg and used the excuse it will make me seem normal isn’t that what you want? For his parents to let him play)
Malissa is the only one family wise that knows about Lily.
He’s actually really good with kids.
Hes really quite on his feet so he accidentally scares people a lot
He has some acne scars bc he pick at it sick fuck.
He had piercings bc most of the time has them out due to sports he has snake bites and an eyebrow his ears are double pierced as well.
6’4 hes a pretty beefy guy
Niyleah loves designing clothes so she uses Aaron as a mannequin for masculine and feminine clothing Aaron actually enjoys it
Lily loves doing his make up when hes over at her house. He loves it
He has a major side eye problem.
Always has a judgemental face like for no reason at all so the friend group is like “boy whats your problem like do you wanna fight or sum?!”
He gets major heartburn for no reason.
He pierced lilys belly button for her bc he mom wouldn’t let her go do it professionally done and she asked aaron to do it he was like okay🤷🏽‍♀️
“Nigga what..🤨” says when he’s confused asf
He randomly will catch someone in a ‘bofa deez nuts joke’ and has a stupid grin after telling them alway get lily in them
and her face goes 😄..😀..😐 “stfu aaron.”
He likes to crochet.
Likes teaching little kids to say shit they’re not supposed to
Always has weird socks
He wears rings
Silver jewelry
hates algae/slime it makes him want to throw up.
Lily asked him if he was more interested in aphmau bc she was hitting on him after they found out they where close friends and he was like “oh girl no..” with 😟 face.
He loves princess Disney movies like oh lord wanna watch everyone with him then sit your ass down and you better know the words to the songs.
He’s actually so unorganized to normal ppl bit to him hes like “ITS RIGHT THERE OMG” like its bad
Hes a reader(romance and horror)
He has a studder sometimes like when hes talking about something he enjoys and stutters bc of how fast he talking.
Has scars on his arms from being pushed into a black berry bush in middle school by Logan.
Hes deathly allergic to blueberrys.
He knows morse code
He has very long eyelashes
He has a big birth mark on his stomach thats really light compared to his skin.
He bites his nails
If he sees someone’s elbow on the table hell flip just bc his mom made it a habit not to put elbows on the table.
I have more but ill keep it just with this!
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blnk338 · 1 year
oooh i heard smut talk and i have to take that opportunity to put my pp in that pie.
this doesnt really have anything to do with any take of any anon on smut in rwys, but i saw my chance and ima take it hehe
idk if i’m too old or lame or smth, i think i might just be too desensitized atp, but … like… i love fics without or with minimal smut. maybe i’ve filled the gap of needing that as entertainment, bcs i started consuming sin when i was far too young. but it doesnt tickle me in the slightest anymore.
i love sexual tension and yearning and characters falling hardcore for eachother, but im really over too much sexy time ngl. ive never read a fic bcs the tags said it will be smutty. i actually started to skip a lotta fics that are porn w/o plot, it just isnt interesting to me. maybe i’ve seen it all and its not feeding any part of my brain anymore or whatever idk.
personally i do not understand the obsession with sexy time in fics and books, i do get why others like it tho and to each their own! but it will never be a reason for me to not read a fic bcs it doesnt have lots of sexy nsfw content.
i will take slow burn, enemies to lovers with super intricate and complex relationship dynamics that built over 300k words any time. make them touch hands for the first time after 4 months of me reading the fic and waiting for updates! they fall into each others arms all desperate in chapter 134? I will devour it. Hell, if the damn fic ends with them kissing for the first time… really as long as i can feel the love and want and all the feelings, i could not give less of a fuck, if the characters end up in bed together.
Some of the best fics ive read had relationships that ended with the characters completely devoted to eachother, both in love, massive tension between them and there was not a single drop of nswf in the entire story. There wasnt even a damn kiss.
Like i said, i understand that ppl like the entertainment of smut and i see that a lotta ppl enjoy writing it. super cool, super great. what i found out for myself is that i value mostly everything else in a story. espesh when a story can make me feel stuff, without it being shown through physical things the characters do. i think creating smth that pulls readers in like that, is an art in itself.
that was my unwarranted smut talk, thanks for coming 🦐
thank you so much for the input prawny!! always great to hear from u :)
im grateful for the conversation because i also prefer fics without smut-- i used to read them a lot when i was younger, but i agree on the fact that its just not really what I'm looking for now. I'm over the moon that people like my fic for how it is, and i never want to create any sort of turbulence with its contents.
i appreciate the constructive add-ons and i think this was really well said!
thank u again prawny!!
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whatiwillsay · 13 days
Cam one of the main reasons I like you and your content is because you know how to stay objective and call Taylor out on her bullshit so I don’t understand why you’re fighting so hard to defend this. Do I think Taylor is a republican? No. I think she’s a white liberal feminist and her beliefs begin and end where it concerns her. I don’t expect her to do anything but to be an entertainer but it’s so irritating when fans always have to bend over backwards to justify shit. Taylor does what she wants. She wants to be seen with Brittany, she wanted to be seen with Patrick’s rapist brother, she wanted to publicly date Matty Healy every time she’s done some bullshit the past 18 months people will jump to make the dumbest excuses . She couldn’t call out Trump because she was on tour scared and she can’t speak up for Palestine for some other reason and she can’t ignore Jackson because it will make Travis sad and bla bla bla. Even if she endorses Kamala that doesn’t erase everything else and it seems like a section of her fans want her to be this responsible person that uses her platform for good sometimes so no one is allowed to call out her bullshit every other day of the year because we may or may not get an endorsement last minute when once again she has nothing to lose. We’ve seen her be litigious to a fucking teenager if she wanted Trump to publicly apologize for using her picture she would’ve gotten him to do it. She has used Tree to shut down rumors without putting her name on it directly. Once again that’s a route she could’ve taken but she simply doesn’t want to. She doesn’t mirror the people around her, she mirrors the MEN around her. She was quiet about politics when her father told her to be quiet, she became a liberal feminist with Joe and now she sees both sides of the argument because of that piece of shit she’s dating. And nobody would care if yall would stop gaslighting ppl everytime she gets called out 
idk what else you want from me other than to say it SUCKS she's hanging out with Brittany, I HOPE TO GOD she drops her once travis retires (I wish she'd drop her now but that's obviously not gonna happen), and she'd BETTER endorse kamala. i can't make her do anything! I'm not defending anything! i just know why she does the shit she does!
what's weird to me is you guys are more mad ab her hanging out with a dumb bitch like Brittany mahomes than her working with and supporting that director who literally molested his niece.
taylor swift is not some perfect person! you guys just have to accept that (I did ages ago) and then move through the world with that knowledge and let that inform how you enjoy gossip content ab her and her art. if it ruins it for you that's valid! it doesn't ruin it for me. at least not yet. that isn't gaslighting anyone that's just where I'm at in my journey with being her fan.
fuck brittany mahomes, fuck EVERY trump supporter, and fuck taylor for softening brittany's image and not standing by good values. i can't change what she does I can only comment on it! that isn't gaslighting anyone!
oh but she did have her team shut down trump's usage of her picture. he deleted it shortly after he posted it. the only reason he did that was because she sent him a cease and desist. so she did shut that shit right down.
babe i can't tell you what to do but if you don't like taylor or if you've just reached maximum frustration with her I encourage you to just take a break from her. that is 100% allowed! go support the artists who do the things that make you feel good!
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onmymasa22 · 2 months
So this is the time in this apartment. Its been a ride. Year one of waking up to go to sculture class in my pajamas, changing to go to work, then 1am car rides with people till like 4am all to wake up at 8am the next day. Breaking my face on the door in apartment 3. Hanging out in the "lobby", doing schoolwork there. Moving to apartment 5 and spending most of my time on that balcony. apartment 4 which i wasnt supposed to be but we all became a family. Then back to apartment 5, most of us stayed together. Sleeping in the lobby, sleeping everywhere, dealing with crazy ppl, enjoying the year, food runs, shared dinners, coffee dates, going to restaurants. We were really a family at this apartment. Helping eachother through dates, lying on the carpet. Watching tv, ice cream in our coffee. When theres no light or hotwatwr in the bathroom so u put spamusic on ur phone and pretend ur in a cold water spa bath. This building, although it sucks and the people who run it suck, it made the last three years of college entertaining, and it brought me to live with people i really love.
Last night in the building I've lived in for the past three years... started here not knowing if I was meant to be in art school.
This is it. My last noght in the building ive lived in for the past three years of college life/art school. It's been a ride. From apartment 3 where i was working 6 shifts a week and going to school,
So i think i had a magical date with zev.
We took the train and had dinner and wine, then went out fir drinks, then watched a movie ahd cuddled. So jm thinking a out him alot lately. And hes texting me so its not just me. So i love everything abd my feet r pretty
So i went to yaakovs to see him before i leave. But i fekt weird. Chz im w him but fir some reason im thinking aboht zev. How i dont wanna kiss anyone else since we kissed. Like im interested in him, so i dont want to do the sane things with anyone else.
Im ok. All this stuff is replacable. I can 100% buy stuff before i need to be back
Someone asked me what i feel about finding someone. So i said my grandmother has told me since i was five ur pretty, ull never have to worry about boys liking u, u just work on ur insides. And so thats what ive been doing. Ill find the right person when im supposed to. Until then, im just trying to b a goood person, a decent human.
Is it weird that im not upset that druze kids were killed. Like let their nation mourn for them. I have too many jews in hospitals and dying to care about that. Anyone who isnt a jew, i just dont care if they die in this war.
I want a home where everything in the fridge belongs to everyone. If something runs out, let them just make more. I might tell my kids who want something to leave some for me, or that its their responsibility to make more that night. Which is fine. But they should live in a house where its not my food versus not my food. Its everyones food, everyone can take anything. If im home, whatever is in the kitchen i can use. Im supposed to clean it and im supposed to make it, but im not gonna get yelled at for taking something. Its all everyones.
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lilsnowpea93 · 7 months
Essay time: I can pinpoint exactly why I’m frustrated w capitalism and this current system of how we work in the US. I’ve figured out my place in the world right, I figured out what my “work I should be doing” is (if that’s even necessary morally). But I’ve found the closest things to a typical capital earning career, things that I’m uniquely good at and have “something to offer society” (again just appeasing capitalists w this speak, I’m explaining how the system doesn’t work for some ppl who should be included in society actively doing their thing.) Ok so my shit is like, I do graphic design for friends, we make things. I also make affordable sliding scale art. I make music and encourage ppl to stream/download it for free. I make content online sometimes (way more of a hobby), and I also sell miniature skateboard decks for very affordable prices, or bartering. To summarize, I’m a creative person making stuff that handfuls of people enjoy. That is enough for me, I don’t care about popularity (now that I have other income thank you) and I just want to make neat things and be mentally and physically healthy. Not too much to ask you’d think. NOW, to make this all fit into the capitalist system we are in.. We can spitball, I would have to have so many design projects, from multiple wealthy clients. Or I would also have to somehow get lucky enough to become a somewhat recognized musician and/or artist. Maybe I would become a real content creator. Or I would make my hand crafted items full time. Probably a layering of constant monetary successes in these fields would have to happen for a livable income.
So let’s investigate my specific case. 1. my design caters to liiike, skaters, small brands, etc. You can’t invalidate those niches, they have influence on overall design and are where cool shit sometimes happens. So small doesnt equal bad, most of the time. But small DOES equal not having much money to spread around. 2. Getting famous from art or music is so bad. Trying to do it looks cringey, actually doing it probably sucks so much. Not caring about return is so much fuckinnnggg better !!! I cannot express this enough. U make better stuff. Maybe if u want to be creative, just making it and being proud of it should be the baseline, at least for me. And if a few friends like it, even better. There’s nothing wrong with aiming big I guess but, s2g if there was a way to know the likelihood of that shit, it’d be like wild disproportional. Fuck outta here with that “temporarily embarrassed millionaire” bs. And for me my art/music is kind of specifically me on purpose like I’m gonna do my thing and no one has to like it because I didn’t make it to be like other things or be palatable in a way we contemporarily think of as normal. 3. The content I make online is organic. It’s mainly centered around filmed skateboard tricks. I hope it’s entertaining, I try my best to come up with ones that I feel like doing and that not many people have seen before. I want to add to peoples inspiration when they’re choosing what tricks they want to try. Thinking up rare tricks isn’t something you can just “content” pump out, that would be so weird lol. Like ew being a content creator at shit ruins everything. It wouldn’t even be feasible to make money at that nuh uh. I did try YouTube art vlogs for a year or two but nahhh 4. Bruh do u know how many mini skateboards I’d have to make to equal even half a “normal” jobs pay? They take like an hour or two each no that’s not feasible. Especially the way I make them, more organic and less templates/fancy power tools. I prefer the result that way, it’s harder to get right and takes more time but it’s a skill I have and there’s an art to it so frick offff.
Ok having explained all that- I do believe what I do is a positive force in the communities I’m part of irl and online. I know for a fact that people interact with what I make and are happier because of it. That is very fulfilling. I make things to make them, typically, but that is a huge added bonus, and reason for living frankly.
U may also recognize the thread of affordability or free-ness that runs through everything I like to do. People don’t have random money for buying stuff that’s not for basic survival needs rn. Especially my friends. This is just realistic, like no one’s gonna buy my art if it’s over $50. They can’t afford it, hell I wouldn’t be able to afford it. I used to stress over this, now that I have a steady job I could care less. I’ll give things away for free idc. Cuz good creativity is worth so much and nothing simultaneously I guess lol.
Now, viewing all this from the American capitalist workforce etc perspective: all of these activities are difficult. I put a so much time and effort into each one. I’m kind of a perfectionist and I have very specific tastes. Not to say all my work is good or perfect, but just saying that typically I super care. So I’m passionate about my hard work that I do. A small but not insignificant number of people enjoy the work I put out. However, it does not make barely any income (not my motivation to do my life’s purpose lmao I just do the things I’m good at and like). SO, does that insignificant income part then mean that, I shouldn’t do this stuff? To certain people who understand creative careers they would say that my current path can be a stepping stone to a more real career. To that I say, I’ve been at this step permanently for 10 years, this is it. And also, how are people who are legit at the stepping stone thing supposed to survive?
Now, why I mention all this stuff super hinges on this reality: Currently I work a 30-35 hr full time job at 17/hr and that has made my life a bajillion times easier (I can’t express), but I can barely do the shit I actually want to do, and barely still have good personal and space hygiene and mental health and do easy hobbies like MAYBE sometimes playing a game. If I wanted my life to be upgraded like, having a car, buying a small house, being able to buy the clothes I want, eating out instead of only always spending time making food personally, etc., I would have to work 8 hr 9-5 and find a job that pays even better, but I doubt I could do that because my “real” skills are cleaning the floor/toilet and sometimes fixing things, I could easily get paid less for less hours. Working that 8 hr 9-5 job that’s in a different field I probably don’t like very much would 100% kill all the other things I do. I know this because sometimes I have to work that schedule. Nothing else gets done, apartment doesn’t get cleaned, I barely take care of myself, let alone express the skills that feel like my “purpose”. Maybe that’s a me mental health issue, it seems like some people can do it. Imagine having kids added on to that, this is why I won’t have kids. My past Christian culture really wanted me to have kids. Ur trippin. I regularly fail at taking care of myself.
So what all this tells me, is that my actual skills, which I am pretty good at due to years of experience, have succeeded at so many times in terms of people effected, measurable good done.. I kinda probably shouldn’t have done it, I’m getting good at the wrong thing, it doesn’t make money as its first goal. Meritocracy my assss bro. There’s worth in what I do. The things people like me do are part of the culture. Absolutely not saying I make any waves in that department lol, but I’m part of it, I add my two cents. The culture is what makes shit interesting, it’s what makes people happy, ppls days better, it’s human connection thru shared interests and progression of an art form. Like idk what to tell u I think it’s cool. But to the normal viewpoint, all my stuff is just hobbies. But they’re kinda more than hobbies right? Like I’m just trying to check the capitalist boxes, I don’t think everyone should have to hold their things they do to wild standards of almost fitting into capitalism like mine do. But still, I can’t do it in the way they want, even with the help of having the internet.. and I’m not about to ruin and taint what I love to make not even enough dollars to live from. I don’t even know what I want bro but all I know is that shit doesn’t woooork. Like for some people it does! But not for ppl like I’m describing, who are definitely worth having in society and letting flourish etc. To me creative ppl are a bajillion times more interesting than someone who works in business. Like they can do that sure, that’s probably their thing I guess, buuut idk what are u adding bro, when u die what will u have done. Better been like donating to charities or something. The ppl this system wants u to be are so boring and inhuman. It literally wants to suppress creativity. I hope I’ve proven that here, I know I’m a unique case w my weird shit I do that goes beyond music or whatever’s popular rn. Like I add to society in these ways.. and my regular job does too, I’ve always worked for non profits I like. But still, objectively trying to do both is really gnarly. If only I could be randomly famous for one of those things I like doing to support the rest, I say jokingly because it is not feasible and will likely never happen. Let’s be real there, for most creative people it does not happen. But they still add to their communities and are positive facets of life and society at large. They should be able to do their thing! I also recognize that this experience is very very common. Like I’m granularly describing mine but there are definitely so many ppl with similar things happening all the time. We’re not free to do what we want. The system tells u the opposite but eh there’s a big twist. Sure I could be less free. Literally hate that argument so much tho because it’s always in regards to human made systems like, yes, AND humans COULD fix the terrible instances where the poor people are mega oppressed. We should all be on a better page. We have the resources to be but we’re not. The system and ppl who control it aren’t interested in that I guess. Like, clearly, that’s the reason. Our lives are all a little or massively worse for it. Humans can’t human as effectively, society is less colorful and interesting. As humanity we have less to offer and show for our time on earth.. We don’t even have a clear reason to explain why we’re here or why we’re conscious entities. If I know one fact about reality, we’re not here to solely make money. I refuse to get obsessed with that. But we’re all coerced to be, and the system is built to clearly influence that desire, at the risk of punishment. Like, no, fuck u and fuck money. It’s so awesome that this attitude seems so worthwhile and also so antithetical to living within our system. Fuck all that man that’s terrible. Again, I’m sure we could figure out a way to fix this, but we don’t. We also have bigger problems we refuse to fix. Humans are so cooool hahaha I love us awwee. Sorry for cynicism lulz but it is worrying! Hard not to think about it all the time ya know.
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tillywunderwing · 1 year
🎀 - Give yourself a compliment about your own writing!
💫 - What is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
💞 - What’s the most important part of a story for you?
🎀 - ooouu okay um. Generally I’m pretty happy with the way I do dialogue! It’s at least one of the most fun parts of the writing process, letting each character bounce off each other, trying to get the voices right. I’m also kind of proud of some of the prose sometimes, specifically the flow of it - I like my writing to sound a bit like a poem sometimes, when read aloud. (Fun Game: read a chapter of txtFile and try to tally up how many times I use alliteration. I feel like I do it a lot and tbh I really like the effect it gives)
💫 - My absolute FAAAVOURITE thing ever is when people leave their theories in the comments of longfics. Watching ppl guess at how each part of the narrative might string together is so, so satisfying from the creator’s standpoint. It’s so entertaining watching people get it wrong and thrice as much watching people get it right. There is NOTHING that gets me grinning harder re: fic comments than someone just absolutely nailing it on the head (absolute torture tho when you can’t TELL them that bc that’s SPOILERS lmao). Also, anything along the lines of “I’m scared.”
💞 - It’s the love. Not in the slashfic sense - it’s the love of the characters, and the medium, and it’s the love of the art of making. Speaking for the fanfic scene, there are few things more fulfilling than being able to pour your time and energy into responding to something that meant something to you - be that a book or video game or anything - and then being able to share that with others, and all enjoy that love together. It’s about putting your own self into the stories that matter to you, and showing the world what that looks like through your eyes - showing people how YOU read the book, or watched the show, or played the game, is just this really soulful and personal experience that not much else can replicate.
Ty for the ask! <3
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commajade · 3 years
Tbh seeing squid game get so popular in the US makes me kind of uncomfortable. I feel like people in the US find the criticism of capitalism in a lot of k-media ‘relatable’. But that veneer of relatability only results from ignorance of the role of the US in recent Korean history.
Although we all live and suffer under capitalism, capitalism has a different history in every country, and the history and actual material conditions of capitalism in Korea are not ‘relatable’ to those in the US beyond a superficial level.
It just makes me uncomfortable to think that so many white USAmericans, who likely politically endorse violence against Koreans through US military action, are watching a show for entertainment where Korean characters are brutally killed as a result of their financial destitution. And then daring to draw parallels between the characters and themselves as victims of capitalism, when their grandpa likely fought in, or supported, the Korean War.
And it’s not that white USAmericans can’t watch squid game or enjoy it. It’s really the ones who are ignorant of the US’s role in recent Korean history (and tbh that’s the majority of them) who piss me off.
It just angers me to think that their ignorance allows them to watch it without understanding their own current and generational culpability in the situation. And honestly, everything said here goes for all white people, regardless of nationality.
agree. i've watched 7 episodes and it was with other korean ppl so i've just been trying to keep it something i talk about with korean ppl cuz idk how i feel about it yet. it's such a korean show and the collective trauma of korean people is so present in it. the kind of poverty the characters are in is like a large portion of the south korean population and the loan sharks and labor strikes and police brutality that's all real and constant.
and just the visual of korean people being shot en masse for basically no reason reminds me so much of japanese colonialism era korean period films because that's what would happen to us just in life or in war. and of course the US slaughtered 20% of all korean people during the war and are continuing to kill korean people though military presence and sanctions. honestly tho i thought the show would be a lot more violent like how korean films are but it's very tame actually it's mostly just blood splatter.
the memes about squid game make me a little uncomfortable but they've been mostly funny, fan art and fiction existing makes me a lot uncomfortable.
in general the boundaries are thinning between western media and media from other countries and south korea is the quickest to rise because of how conveniently situated we are as a US neocolony and also a lot of our music movies and tv shows are genuinely very good. it's kind of an inevitable process that more and more white people are putting their predatory gaze on our people and the things we make and i am just bracing myself for more and more violence as a result. people don't know shit about korea, the cultural apparatus was made that way. most south koreans are proud that our stuff is getting so popular and bringing in so much money. i'm kind of resigned to it, that more and more people are gonna think they know shit about korea and the wider convo about korea is gonna get wider and become entrenched in new violent ways. it's tiresome.
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mourninglamby · 2 years
"yeah idk I hate their normal content that doesn’t pertain to the dsmp story and I don’t like watching people for. The Person. Unless theyre making art I care about I don’t see why Id want to invest time into getting to know what some famous dude is all about. "
" I am completely apathetic at best and annoyed at worst towards all of them."
Ngl I think your valid as hell for not wanting to be interested in a content creator work outside of the dream smp but still make awesome work from it fam,✊
But I won't say that it didn't hurt my soul and heart to know that one of my favorite dream smp artist practically just doesn't like ANY of them,like oof- damn
I think this the first time I think I've met a fantastic of any fandom whatsoever just straight up just reduced the creators to being "just some famous people." And not anything else.
I just want to say, because you're probably already gotten hate for saying this,but I really do appreciate your work and love that you stay unapologetic in your statements you make on your blog! Keep up the good work!
ive just never. been into. idolizing people? i never had a band phase, i barely dipped into dan and phil bc i found them actually funny as a dumb middle schooler, and supermega is like the only other entertainment group of ppl i currently watch for their comedy. but even then im not super interested in knowing every little detail about them. once again, im simply apathetic. which isnt a bad thing?
i care about them as much as youd care about any stranger. i respect their writing for the earlier seasons and i see them as artists in that regard, but i seriously dont get why its such a crime to just. only enjoy the story? again, its not like i harbor ill will for the people. i actually do find wilbur and tommy pretty endearing but i recognize thats me projecting lol. but is it really so horrible to just like.... only enjoy one part of their content? i genuinely wanna know if thats bad. i never used to get so much backlash for that.
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this Christmas I wanted to address some dream smp blogs on this funny hell of a site who actually made me enjoy my dream smp/dnf brainrot so much and made my 2 months of staying here in this community very fun and inspiring and joyful! some of them I’m mutuals with, some of them don’t know I exist, but either way I hope you guys are cool with this post and don’t think it’s creepy or whatever :) I wanted to express my respect and gratitude for you and to wish you a Merry Christmas <3 this is about to get parasocial as hell so prepare to cringe a bit lol. I’m also going to confess to sending some of the anons aka to embarrass myself. but it’s fun so here we go (veryyy looong post under this pic)
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@kat-chan02 you were the first person in the fandom I started talking to! you're so friendly and nice and have such a bubbly personality :) I miss you! hope you're doing alright and have a good time during your christmas break!!
@comradedream kai my fellow russian moots haha :) we talked quite a bit and it's so nice talking to you, it seems like you know a lot about the fandom and lore and everything and you're so open to talk about it and share stories :) thank u for that! <3
@terra1ncognita elly I'm glad that we started talking! we have a huge time difference like, the other way from the american one, but I'm always happy to read your messages and wait for them :) we also have some bilingual ppl problems in common as well haha
@georgeanddreamfound hii chantelle you're running a huge dream smp tiktok and I always get caught up scrolling through it :) I respect your dedication and hard work, this app must be annoying sometimes but you're doing great! thank u for sharing my paper rings edit I'm still getting tears in my eyes when I see the amount of ppl that saw it on your acc!! and all the comments make me cry
@dteamblrsurvivingdecemberwt I am a big fan of your "dreamblr surviving november" series! not only it's hilarious and adorable but the amount of work seems to be huge! like collecting of screens, editing, I know how hard it is to work with video sometimes! so huge respect to u for entertaining us during that month and hope you're doing well :)
@dreamyygeorgenap @sheepwasfound @dreamquackity you guys were the first blogs I found here. at first I was really lost in the amount of content and reading your posts really helped me to sort it out. @sheepwasfound your tag list is magical!! it is so helpful with dnf moments! thank you for interesting takes on things when you answer asks and for clips :)
@dreamhot I love reading your blog! your answers are well-written and based, esp I liked reading your takes on latest dream's hoodie situation! I started following you around the time when you were "ollie manatreed" so I still call you "ollie" in my head haha sorry. you also make cool art :)
@stevebucky you have a very friendly and welcoming vibe in your blog! I was the anon asking you about aethetic blog recommendations and I really liked some of them and follow them now, thank u! :)
@nickelodeonhottub your blog actually blows my mind sometimes, like in a good way. I'm not too much into astrology (cause tbh I struggle with understanding it and there is just so much stuff to remember) but I enjoy reading your posts and sometimes I really can see what you're talking about, you know? you seem to be very knowledgable and serious with what you're doing. I was the anon who asked you to share some tips for ppl who wanted to get into astrology, as you really inspired me to know more!
@cryptodream our favourite morning newspaper of a blog :) the devil works hard but ciara works harder lol. no, reading your blog is so fun and it makes me laugh all the time. some of your anons are wild! I've heard about the recent news with this person psychoanalysing you and I hope you are doing okay! don't let ppl like that put you down, you're a cool person! I also sent you some anons but I'm not telling which ones even at gunpoint lmao
@falsettodrop @alsoalison you guys are my favorite writers out there! I don't read many fanfics but I'm a big fan of your works and I think you know it already :) I want to wish you lots and lots of inspiration in the upcoming year!!
@prettyboygeorgee I absolutely adore your bff quizz edit it is madly well done!! I love coming back and rewatching it from time to time :) I've seen you spent 12 hours of it and I hope you know it was worth it because so many ppl like your work!!
@milktea-grn your art is mad cool I love it so much! my fav art piece is this one because it combines two things I really like - your art style and tbwdasq!!
@messy-gguki another one of my favorite artists on this site!! I love your dnf art pieces so much, you portray them so well :) I can't even choose the favorite there are so many!
@donteatdoves your art is super adorable! one of your art pieces made me buy blue nail polish haha :))
@idiotaffectionate your art look like illustrations from some book or a cool magazine, your style is wonderfully unique! I love it sm:)
@dakotafoxart your style is mesmerising!! I love the colors and the little detail and the realism of it, truly captivating!
@clownie-brain I love your art so much and here's the secret I wanted to tell you - your fuck dream hoodie art is my favorite art of dream, like, EVER. I'm serious. it's my number 1 among all the dream arts on tumblr and on twitter
@notrllyastanacc Im in luv with your dnf drawings and you probs won't see this post cause you're not often on here but I told you already on twt that I love ur art so I hope you know :)
to all my fav fan artists out there - I wish you endless inspiration and dream fanart likes <33
I hope I didn't forget anyone!! if we're moots and I didn't mention your here that's probs because I don't really know what to say BUT if I follow you I enjoy your content and very happy to see your posts and reblogs on my dash! I don't really follow that many ppl on here tbh :))
I hope you'll have an amazing year and we'll enjoy the dteam irl content together and here is to many many memes and laughs and arts and fics and edits and discussions and everything!!
(quick note we don't really celebrate Christmas on 25th of December here where I'm from - we do celebrate of 7th of January - but with you guys on my dash it feels like I'm celebrating too <3)
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