#what even is this show why am i watching it
qualifiedmunch · 2 days
Relationship headcannons 😶‍🌫️ (some sad 😢 some random 🤪)
Incl :- gojo, Geto, Nanami, sukuna, choso
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Gojo saturo
- he’s always bringing you snacks that you mentioned liking at one point, even ones that aren’t available in the country, or are just very rare to find, what kind of boyfriend would he be if he didn’t make his partner’s wishes his command ??
- He gets MESMERISED whenever you get dressed up to go out, whatever outfit you put on makes him want to keep you all to himself
He’d whine as he his hands find your hips, his back bent forward as he placed his head in the crook of your neck, sticking his bottom lip out as he whines like a kicked puppy “babyyyy, why do you have to goooo”
“I already told you, turo, I’m meeting up with some friends, I’ll be back soon” you’d reply, already getting tired of his shit
“Am I not your friend ?? Huh I guess I’m not calling you my best friend in our wedding vows then” he’d cross his arms and walk off
- speaking of weddings, oh he’s such a sap, after a year into the relationship he’s already asking you your ring size, taking you out shopping and then ‘accidentally’ walk by a shop that made some of the most beautiful weddings gowns
“Awwh baby; look it’s us!” Gojo points at the display mannequins at the front of the store, you side eye him and see he’s already pulling his phone out to take photos of the display
“I’m adding that to my Pinterest board” he’d giggle to himself as you two walk off, you think he’s just doing a bit so you just wave his random comments off, not thinking much of them
- He’d wake you up at like 2:38 am and ask you if you’d like some cookies
- He loved baking, he can’t cook for shit, but he loves baking, he learnt how to make a cake once bc he was bored, and now he’s obsessed with making little treats
- “How would you react if I gave you a lock of my hair ?” His face is merely a centimetre away from yours as he asks you
“I’d give you a lock of my hair back” you replied with a small smirk, not thinking twice, until you see his face all red and puffy “yOU WOUlD?!”
- BEGS you to watch sappy romantic films
- Cries at each one of them
- Secretly has problems with sleeping, despite his cheerful and fun personality, satoru finds it so peaceful at night when everyone’s gone, when everyone’s eyes are off of him, where he can start to think and reflect, and with you curled up by his side, he can’t help but stay up a little longer just to look at his little sleeping beauty
- He gives you kisses when you’re asleep, mostly on the cheek and nose, sometimes on the forehead when he’s waking you up
- Yes he takes photos of you sleeping and posts them before you can wake up
- Actually loses his shit when you ignore him bc of work, it’s the only reason why you two ever fight, he understands you need your space, especially with work, but you can’t ignore him and your mental and physical health just because of some stupid job
- Always tell you he can pay you just to sit and do whatever you want
- You thought he’s joking and never got too deep into the conversation before one night, it’s been a very very long week, you two have barely talked, both so busy, and finally, Saturday night you show up at his house, eyes puffy as you jump to hug him “I’ve missed you so so much, toru” you’d cry into his chest, he only closes the door and lifts you up, taking you both to his bedroom, laying you on the bed ever so gently, cuddling and kissing your tears away, whispering into your ear how he’s going to tell your boss you’re done, no amount of money is enough for his partner to be crying and tired like this
- Lowkey a paypig 🤗 sorry but you can’t convince me otherwise, loves it when you act all confident and tell him to swipe his card for whatever purchase you want
- Low-key gets a boner whenever you two go shopping and make him hold all your bags as you walk to your next destination
- HUGE switch, but he’s so easily dominated, oh just hold his face with one hand and call him a good boy and he’s absolutely whipped
- Loves seeing you in a suit, a button up with a tie and some dress pants that hug your ass perfectly, like he’s ready for you to take him on the nearest desk
- Sometimes he likes to lay his head on your chest as you play with his hair, you both just sitting there in silence, he loves being in your presence, just being able to relax without the judgement he’s been subjected his whole life
- If you ever mentioned pegging him, he’d be WAYYYY too excited about the idea
Geto suguru
- asks you to do his hair for him, loves it when you want to try out new styles on him, he’s lets you have fun, even if it turns out weird he doesn’t mind, he loves how excited you get when you show him your Pinterest board
- The minute you’re stressed about a subject he immediately comes to help you, he hates seeing you in any sort of distress, it’s almost like a sixth sense, he’d come up behind you, hugging you, asking you if you’d like to go out
- Loves loves loves spoiling you and the girls, feels a sort of fluttery feeling in his chest when he sees you and the girls bonding, either when out or at home watching a movie or cooking together
- He loves a domestic partner, he loves providing for you and the girls, making sure you’re all comfortable and safe
- Gets a bit jealous whenever you get a celebrity or fictional crush, refuses to talk to you, you have to show him extra attention to get him to budge
- His love language is the both of you doing your own skin/hair care at the same time in silence
- Holds your hands whenever he can
- Loves it when nanako takes photos of you two cuddled up together, fast asleep, he always asks her to send them to him so he can make them his weekly Lock Screen
- (Yes he has a full album of just the two of you sleeping)
- Loves a partner that cooks, he can cook but he knows how annoying cooking can get, so when he sees you cooking him breakfast he gets a bit emotional
- He absolutely slow dances with you, he’d put some old jazz on and gently drags you into any open space, your head resting on his shoulder as you two sway together
- Whenever he gets a random wave of depression, you always know how to take care of him, you know when to give him space and when to step in, he’s always too worried about asking for your help with such things but you’re by his side the moment his pretty smile starts disappearing
- The moment he saw you bonding and giggling with the girls, he knew he wanted to marry you, he wanted to have you and the girls in that mood all the time
- Loves having picnics with you and the girls, and he doesn’t know if it was the hot weather, or maybe it was that sundress he bought you days ago that fit you perfectly, or maybe it was how close you’ve gotten with the girls, but all he could think about was giving the girls a younger sibling
- His lips would find your exposed shoulder, peppering it with kisses, and making his was all the way up to your ear as he whispers to you how he’ll be treating you until you’re all filled with his kids
- His teeth grazing your earlobe before kissing your temple and acting like nothing just happened
- And you’d bet the moment you two were in your room he was ready pounce on you
- His lips refusing to let go of your skin as his hips slammed into yours, nothing but soft moans leaving his mouth
- “You’re taking me so well, my love, oh you’ve been wanting this huh? Been wanting me to absolutely ruin you like this ? Oh I can’t wait to see your swollen belly, ah~ please~ please have a baby with me, ngh~ you’ll be such a beautiful mother”
- Oh his favourite juice or candy flavour is grapes
Nanami kento
- oh my….. as we all know by now, Kento is a family man, he’s always wanted someone he can start a family with, someone that’s mature, he’s never looked for a hookup or some one night stand
- He’s secretly a hopeless romantic, like his guilty pleasure is romcoms and Victorian romance novels
- I’d mostly see him meeting his partner at some sort of work setting, either his or yours, if you work at the same company, if you’re both sorcerers, even if you’re the barista at the coffee shop by his work that actually serves good coffee
- And while he loves an emotionally mature person to be with, he also loves a partner that likes to tease him, hes not actually serious all the time, he’s just more of an awkward and quiet guy
- He’s a collecter…. He collects vintage cameras and watches
- Wakes you up on a Sunday morning to go to a car boot sale with him
- Old people love him, like he’s basically a celebrity in your neighbourhood with the grammas and peepaws
- He sits with the old ladies who like to knit, he also loves a good cup of tea while discussing political and economic state of the world 💔
- Actually a fucking nerd
- He’s not vocal about it but, when you two have nothing going on for the day or this man is not leaving your side, he’s like a cat, he’d open the door to the bathroom as you’re sat down trying to piss and he’d just make conversation with you
- After dating for a year everything becomes normal with the both of you, even the gross stuff is basically just normal everyday things now
- Either of you being woken up by the other snoring loud as fuck ? There’s ear muffs on the nightstand, laughing so hard that you let out a little toot, that just makes everything funnier, walking around in boxers and some stained shirt that you’ve owned since you were 17
- “I wanna poop so bad”
- “Why are you texting me that”
- “? Bc I wanna poop so bad ?”
- Oh one of his hobbies is solving puzzles, any type, he loves jigsaw puzzles, especially when you join him, frames the ones you both work on
- Loves being the big spoon, loves holding you close to him, his body engulfing yours as you sleep
- If you give him a massage, this man is on his knees ready to have some kitty cat for dinner
- I know everyone sees kento as like a big dom daddy whos filthy rich and humble but…. You had to ask him out
- He doesn’t take the hint, you’d introduce yourself, then talk to him whenever you’d see him, one day you asked for his number so maybe you two can go out sometime to that new bakery that opened not too far from here
- And he’d just act like it’s a normal thing, he genuinely didnt understand why you liked spending so much time with him, and why you were so touchy, not that he minded at all, but surely you had a partner, they can’t allow this to happen, right?
- Ino would look at his boss, dumbfounded
- “N-nanami, I think they’re into YOU”
- “No that doesn’t seem the case”
- “HOW???”
- “If they liked me they would ask me out on a date”
- “They did??? Multiple times??”
- “Hmm…”
- The beginning of the relation was just like
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- but once he knew you actually was interested in a relationship with him, he was actually ecstatic
- He’d then ask you to go out (with the intention of getting romantical)
- He’s such a lover ugh
- Hides little love letters for you to randomly find
- Cooks you lunch and put it in your bag without you noticing as you rush to get to work
- He does the laundry since you hate doing it so much
- Restocks your period products
- Is so used to you slapping his butt and running away that he can sense if someone is ever near his butt, like his buttcheeks have developed consciousness
- Will propose to you mid-sex, he gets so unbelievably overstimulated when he’s finally inside you that all the thoughts in his head are gone, he’s always in control when his dick isn’t inside you, but the minute it is, this man is melting, stuttering over his words, if you tease and ride him at the same time, there’s a high chance he will cry
His hips slammed onto yours, his pace quick and ruthless, both of your slutty moans filled the whole empty apartment, you’d wrap your arms around his neck to bring him closer, wanting a kiss, just something from him to take your mind off of your abused pussy, kento would pepper your face with sloppy kisses, and once your mouths meet, that’s when the true slop job comes in, this man will lick, suck and tug at your tongue as he’s ruining you, and he has the audacity to rest his forehead on yours, begging you to have his kids, to be a mother for his babies, blabbering about how he’s going to a jewellers next morning to pick out a wedding ring, how beautiful your hands would look with a big shiny rock on your ring finger.
Ryomen sukuna
- listen now, I love this freaky ass mf but o can’t STAND TRADITIONAL ASS MEN
- So in this headcannon thingy, he’s yuji’s uncle, he’s still a curse with four arms, he’s just kinda chill(er) now 👍🏼
- Definitely makes uraume secure him a job where he can boss mfs around
- Like, yuji would just tell him “oh so you wanna be like a CEO?”
- And he’d be dead set on being one (doesn’t know what it is)
- You two for SURE met when gojo invited (forced) everyone to come to his barbecue party
- Omg he’s so clingy, and makes YOU seem like you’re the clingy one when you point it out
- Actually a huge softie, his body runs cold so you’ll wake up with him glued to your body like a koala
- Is actually a princess, he’s all tough and shit but when he gets home, he’s doing both of your skin care routines, actually finds it calming when you offer to do it
- He loves grabbing you and throwing you over his shoulders, he would literally wait outside the club you’re partying at with your friends just so he can barge in when your friend calls him and tells him you’re hammered
- Low-key a male wife- WHO SAID THAT
- Takes your heels off after a night out, loves it when you wear heels, not only because of how amazing you look with them on, but he loves it when you start complaining about the pain, free pass to pick you up and have cuddling into him as he carries you around
- Hates onesies, absolutely can not stand them
- Can’t cook, but can bake
- Only has social media to look at your posts and the ‘meems?’ You send him
- Into some gross shit, like, this man wants you sweaty, breathing heavily and giving him a foot job at the same time
- He loves cotton candy, hates chocolate, and loves lemon cakes
- Loves loves loves overstimulating you with all his arms, oh boy, one hand inside your weeping mouth, one fingering your hungry hole, and two groping around your body and spanking you, he loves having you absolutely tethered underneath him, all hopeless and shaking
- Will sub ONCE (1) ☝️ time
- (Ended up being a couple more times…)
- Doesn’t sub because if you learn how sensitive his body is, it’s jover
- Little things turn him on, tying your hair up mid conversation with eye contact the whole time, he literally grabbed you and ran to the bedroom idk what to tell you
- When you been on the counter as you text your friend, wearing an apron, wearing his boxers, when his clothes are basically yours, when you bring him a cookie because you thought he’d like it
- Doesn’t know how to show his love, so he just grumbles quietly in the corner
- Whenever he sees you asleep, he gets cuteness aggression, will pinch your cheeks and pretend to eat them as you lay there sleeping soundly
- He eats the kitty even when she’s bloody, literally doesn’t care, this man eats people
- Biter, bites you, lets you bite him, loves leaving marks
- Extremely possessive shocker! Yes it does get a bit toxic, but he just can’t fathom the idea of you being perceived by someone unworthy
- Answers all hypothetical questions in the most annoying way possible
“A worm!? Why would you be a worm?!”
“No, its hypothetical, babe, what would you do”
“Make the fucker turn you back, and then kill em”
“Aww baby..”
“I don’t want to fuck a worm, that’s gross, plus your pussy barely takes my fingers, how will your work pussy handle it”
“… okay, kill yourself”
- plays valorant, actually cracked at it, yes he mains reyna, I mean I’m just stating the obvious here
- LOVES drama shows, oh my god, this man is a DIVA, he lives for the drama
- When you first started dating, he would order uraume to clean up his place every time you come over
- Speaking of uraume, you two actually get along really well! Which you’d think is good, but not to your extremely jealous boyfriend, who thinks his friend(?) is trying to steal his partner with their cleaning and cooking tips
- (Yeah he knows exactly what’s going on)
- If you also like to play games with him, and you end up raging… oh boy this man’s gonna have a raging BONER
- Whenever you get heated up about anything he gets really hard, sometimes he likes to annoy you so you can yell at him or punch him, he’s a PERVERT
- Needs reading glasses, you called him a grandpa ONCE now he won’t stop calling you a saggy granny
- I think that’s your name on his phone
- Is very weirdly considerate? Like a cat that brings you dead animals, so if you like random rocks that are cool looking or some random trinket he finds when he’s on a walk
- he’ll never admit it tho, he’ll just put it somewhere in your place and never mention it
Choso kamo
- oh my god, you thought Nanami was bad? Jesus Christ
- You have to sit this mf DEOWN and talk to him, step by step about your interest in him
“I’m in love with you”
“You’re in love with you…ji? My brother? He’s a bit young for you, I don’t think that’s appropriate”
“No I don’t like yuuji!”
“Why? He’s such an amazing brother and person! If it wasn’t for the age difference I would have been fine with it”
“Choso, I, me, likes you, choso kamo, in a romantic way”
“Are you sure you don’t have me mistaken with one of my other brothers ?”
“No I want you, I want to go on a romantic date with you, and i want to have sex with you, and you only”
“O-oh… so you’re not in love with yuuji”
- huge personal problems with himself, doesn’t understand how such a beautiful person wants him
- You have to be a bit of a patient person, since he’s new to being… a person
- Hates social media, always asks yuuji to check your new story, then yuuji ends up teaching him how to actually get social media. He doesn’t follow anyone but you and yuuji. He got his priorities straight 🙂‍↕️
- Comments on all of your posts like a fan
^itsa_yuuji “bro im begging you to talk like a person I almost reported you as a bot”
^bf_chocho “WHAT, WHY 😯😢”
“What beautiful dress 🥰🤩🤩 be careful it’s. A bit cold out today 🥶🥶”
^ da_stwongest “this is who I lost to”
^ bf_chocho “I don’t like you ! Block”
- at least he’s being supportive, he’s got the spirit
- I feel like at first, he only likes bland foods 😭😭 his favourite drink is warm water
- Cling master ck 47
- He can and WILL find a way to be touching you, needs your touch, even if it’s just your pinkies intertwined
- The type to send you these gifs first thing in the morning
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- If you play with his hair, he might as you to impregnate him, in his own way
- Doesn’t sweat!? You don’t know if it’s because he’s half curse or what, but no matter how hot the weather is, he’s probably sitting in oversized ass clothes in the sun
- Doesn’t understand what a credit or debit card
- He likes sounding- WHO SAID THAT
- play with his nipples and he’s a go(o)ner
- Loooooves light slapping and hair pulling
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jweekgoji · 3 days
can a Resquest of TFO Sentinel prime with Cybertronian femme reader, that the reader is pregnant and that is her conjux
TFO!Sentinel/Femme!Reader [hcs]
tw: accidental pregnancy, established relationships, Sentinel is a jerk (as usual), yandere!Sentinel, possessive behavior, very brief mention of abortion, narcissistic!Sentinel, OOC (?). terms used: sire - a father, sparkling - a child. word count: 840 words. a/n: the tw sounds scary but it was funny to write.
Oooh no, poor thing, how did you manage to get pregnant by this guy out of everyone? During one of your shared moments of intimacy, you both found out that none of you have any protection! And you two can't get your servos off each other because everything just feels too good, too right? Don't worry, Sentinel is fast enough not to finish inside you, trust him (never trust him with this).
Jokes aside, in my opinion - Sentinel is not a family person at all. Firstly, he's too busy for something insignificant as a family, and secondly, that would mean you are going to pay less attention to him. A whiney, loud, crying mess of a cybertronian is just not something he would dream of.
So if you do end up being pregnant, it was probably an accident.
I imagine Sentinel being a total dumbass about it. Not because he's uneducated about pregnancy, of course not. He's just used to getting laid with one bot and another without any consequences. Usually they don't call back, and even if they do, who the hell would believe them? Sentinel Prime accidentally knocked you up? Sure, we all trust you, hun.
However, he can't just dismiss his own conjunx. That's the moment where he needs a good amount of time to process everything. Sentinel hates the idea that he would not be able to bring you to every fancy meeting, showing you around for everyone to see like you're his luxury item, something everyone can watch but can't touch. Then, he would have to sacrifice his moments of intimacy with you, since you would be too tired, not in the mood, and dangerous for the sparkling.
His possessiveness over his conjunx is incredibly high and even ridiculous. Sentinel probably keeps you in your shared berthroom more than usual, which at first might sound sparkwarming and very caring of him. Like aww, he wants you to rest and not bother about a thing! He's such a good conjunx. In reality, Sentinel is searching through various doctors on Iacon, the ones he can bribe, so not a single word comes out of the room. He doesn't want his people to talk about his personal life behind his back.
Sentinel, obviously, also makes sure no one but him knows about it. Maybe Airachnid gets to know too, but it's not like you can keep something from her, the spider lady most likely knows about your early signs of pregnancy faster than everyone. Faster than Sentinel, lol.
During the early stages of your pregnancy, Sentinel is pretty stressed out himself, even though he doesn't show it at all. Because, what do you mean, he is going to be a sire? When you actually tell him this, he would loudly laugh in your face. You're totally joking, are you? Wait, why aren't you laughing? ...Oh.
When he realizes it's not a joke, that's where he gets serious. I am not going to sugarcoat it, since he might think about getting rid of it. Quietly and painlessly, it is early enough for the process to go smoothly. No one gets to know about it, and by the end of it, you will go back «to normal», and that's perfect for him.
But the more he thinks about it, the more he gets conflicted. What if someone finds out? Sentinel Prime, the great leader of Iacon, got rid of his own sparkling? He can already taste the bitterness on his glossa, when he reads the articles, various comments, his ratings and support from the parties are getting lower and lower. What a nightmare.
But when Sentinel sees you, sleepily wrapping your servos around his arm, nuzzling against his shoulder, so close to him that he can almost hear the faint beat of a spark inside you, he decides to keep it.
He grows prideful through some amount of time. His conjunx, carrying his sparkling. Sentinel sees his sparkling as something of his own too, just like you are his.
It is too early to think about his sparkling being the next ruler of Iacon, his heir, since, well, Sentinel doesn't plan on leaving anytime soon, but he does like the idea of making a tiny some-sort-of-royal-family of his.
For everyone else, Sentinel Prime is the best sire anyone dreams to get. Why wouldn't he, if he's their protective, hardworking leader? In public, this tiny, soon to be growing family is a role model of how every family on Cybertron should be. Inside the closed doors, what you have is not what someone would call «perfect». Sentinel might claim that he loves you, he genuinely loves you and his sparkling, but you would never tell if he's pretending or not. You might just believe him with this one.
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jadeluz-official · 2 days
I know a lot of theories around BJ2 have revolved around dreams, but I want to throw out my own theory: 
Doctor Glickman is the real antagonist of BJ2. 
In the beginning we see Lydia take pills. Those are benzodiazepines but they're more commonly known as benzos. They are depressants that produce feelings of sedation and hypnosis. These medications are tightly regulated and can only be prescribed by a doctor. They have dangerous effects when misused such as amnesia, irritability, and vivid or disturbing dreams:
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<Note: In real life, only a psychiatrist can prescribe those medications. Benzodiazepines is a schedule IV drug of the Controlled Substances Act. However, since no psychiatrist was mentioned - I am presuming the film intends it to be Glickman who prescribed these pills. >
The dosage on this substance is kept to an absolute minimum for its adverse effects. We see Lydia cool down after digesting the substance until Rory tosses them in the waste bin. However, we see Lydia take 2 during the bathroom scene when her bottle is labeled "Take 1 tablet per day." She's reliant on the sedative properties and we can't trust from there if what we're seeing is reality or not. Rory as well, who takes the pills with her despite not needing it.
Further along the story, there's three lines related to Glickman and how he behaved as Lydia's therapist. We know Astrid encountered Glickman at least once and wasn't fond of him. Not once do we see Rory mention any reflective homework like Glickman assigned to Lydia, but we see Rory constantly lying and refusing to acknowledge Lydia's concerns and desires (such as a small wedding, warning about Beetlejuice, you get the idea.)
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At least... not until Beetlejuice shows up. He's mocking Doctor Glickman during his therapy scene, but this time he directly attacks Rory. He takes his time to torture Rory in this scene to the point of Rory passing out. Since Beetlejuice doesn't need to be on screen to be aware of the events of the film, he was watching it all, Rory's manipulation, the therapist directly telling Lydia she needed to better herself, Lydia slowly driving herself to madness with her pills and so forth. And in this scene Beetlejuice mentions he was willing to do work and better himself for Lydia, which is something Rory has never done:
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Lydia's response to this:
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Well then, where am I going with this?
Lydia starts to realize the effects of her medication are causing "hallucinations" of Beetlejuice. Unaware of everything around her plausibly being her imagination or dream, and the film gets more psychoactive as it progresses, it's not until Lydia wakes up at the end with Beetlejuice until the effects of these pills wear off.
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After being injected with the truth serum, Rory admits he was only in it for the money. Therapy and certain medications have been known to be incredibly expensive in the United States. As long as Lydia was sedated and her hallucinations allieviated, Rory took advantage of how vulnerable Lydia was on the medication, even if it foiled episodes of Ghost House at times.
And to give him a taste of his own medicine, Beetlejuice injects Rory with the truth serum knowing Lydia was being taken advantage of when she consumed her pills. It's his idea of sweet revenge. Also mentioning how Rory still refuses to work on himself, unlike how Glickman did: 
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If Rory had successfully gotten away with their marriage, he could have more access to benzodiazepines and other prescription drugs from Doctor Glickman to keep Lydia under surveillance and exploit her for money. He admitted exploiting weak and vulnerable women, and Lydia being a depressed and anxiety-ridden mess meant she was the jackpot for Rory. And one could presume, Glickman would get a nice paycheck each time he provided those drugs to Rory.
So yeah, Rory was poisoning Lydia slowly. Glickman was providing her these drugs with intensive sedative and delirium effects. No wonder why BJ intervened. He stopped Lydia from making his same mistake.
Say what you want about Beetlebabes, but all I can say after watching this movie 5 times already is that Beetlejuice really does love Lydia. Every single time I rewatch it, I find more reasons about how he loves her so much:
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cassiebones · 1 day
Please Chill
Please, I am begging you all to chill out. I'm speaking specifically to my wlw Agatha fans right now. Even more specifically to the ones who are angry that the last episode revolved around Teen/Billy.
He is a main fucking character. His backstory is important to the plot. We only get nine episodes in this series and the plot needs to move forward. We cannot do that without revealing who he is and what his motivations are, from a storytelling standpoint.
I studied creative writing in college. I worked really fucking hard to get into my program, too. I took classes on novel writing, mainly, but also in screenwriting and playwriting. I took classes on TV writing in the mid 2010's at a time where the trend was shifting to streaming services putting out entire fucking seasons at a time.
But I remember having to wait a week for an episode of a show I loved. I remember what happened to my favorite wlw characters. I remember being absolutely devastated by Lexa's death in The 100. I know you're scared of it happening again, but there is so much evidence on the contrary to prove that it's not going to happen here.
Firstly, I don't think for a second that some of the actresses who signed up for this would have done so if they thought they were going to pull the same shit. I don't think Jac or Kathryn or fucking Aubrey, who legit said that she signed up because it's a queer show, would do that.
But i don't know. Because the show isn't over. We have three episodes left over the next two weeks. I, like you all, am praying that they're not about to pull some bullshit, especially considering the majority of their current fanbase is comprised of queer people.
But you can't just call them lesbophobic because they focused on a canonically gay character rather than your favorite lesbian ship for one(1) episode. They have confirmed that Rio and Agatha are estranged exes. They showed us so much flirting and yearning and longing. From a storytelling standpoint, they are building that tension for a great payoff. Its's gonna happen. Please, just be patient.
I was upset, too. I did not want them to shift focus to Billy. When I saw that that was going to be the majority of the episode, I was upset. I made a couple posts about it. But I still watched and it was honestly a pretty good, important episode. And fucking funny as all hell. We truly saw the aftermath of Wanda's actions. Wanda, who wasn't trying to be malicious or harmful, but she still caused so much harm.
As much as I would have loved to see Rio, I understand why she wasn't in this episode just yet, but she'll likely be in the next one. It was probably only like 2 minutes after he threw them into the mud that Agatha crawled out. Also we see Lilia and Jen in future promos, so they'll be fine.
I predict that the next three episodes are going to be longer and more plot heavy moving forward. I really hope we see more of Agatha's delusions from the POV of Rio, because Kathryn Hahn and Aubrey are fucking hilarious and I know it's going to be just as funny as last night's Teen POV.
I want to see people theorizing about the next three episodes and what's going to happen and how they're going to rectify anything, but I'm seeing so many negative posts about why your favorite lesbians didn't kiss or fuck yet on this Disney show. Please, just be fucking patient. It's coming.
That being said, if I am wrong, I will be the first to admit it and be super salty about it. I hope I'm not, but who knows? I'm not going to make a snap decision either way. You shouldn't either.
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nymph. [2/2] l General Marcus Acacius
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Summary:  you have been with him for a long time, but he has never seen you
Warnings:  +18, smut, fluff, oral sex (f!receiver), unprotected sex (don't do it), mythological figures treated in a simple way
A/N: I hope you will be gentle with me. your feedback is very important to me and I thank you for all the reblogs, comments and likes. 🖤 sorry for all the mistakes
>> PART 1
You gasped for air. Brown gentle eyes were staring at you as if you were an incredible miracle that suddenly found itself in his arms. 
Marcus wanted to say something and the words were already forming in his mouth when he saw the fear in your face. With a quick movement you slid off him, sitting on the edge of the bed, just like a wild animal that was ready to run away.
"Wait. Don't be afraid." he whispered, sitting up and slightly raising his hand, "You're in no danger from me."
There was no answer, but you didn't run away either. You watched him carefully, though. The glow of the candle flames danced on his bare chest, and his face showed curiosity, delight, but also fear.
When General Acacius woke up, the most beautiful creature he had ever seen was sitting on his hips, with a face that had haunted his dreams for so long. He wanted to get to know you, but at the same time he had the impression that he knew you so well.
"I've seen you before." he said finally. He tried to choose his words carefully, he didn't want to scare you. Your eyes twitched at the sound of his voice. "After the battle. You were standing there, in the middle of all those corpses... So beautiful and so intimidating at the same time."
"It was a terrible battle." you replied quietly, and Marcus was delighted to finally be able to hear the sound of your voice too. "Many lost their lives... Many tears were shed by the mothers of the fallen..."
He heard the pain in your voice as if you had also physically suffered during that event.
"Why did I see you?" the question he had been carrying around in himself for so long finally came out "Who or what are you, sweet bird?"
You looked away as if you were trying to find the answer to Marcus' question yourself. It wasn't easy or obvious. However, you knew that you had to be honest with him, because that was the only way both of you could enter a common path.
"I am... I was a servant of the goddess Minerva. One of many." you answered.
You nodded. "Yes, that's what you call us and that's the name we took." You took a deep breath. "You saw me, Marcus, because I lost my guard for a moment. It shouldn't have happened..."
"Why?" he was surprised.
He carried this memory of you like his most precious treasure, and the knowledge that he had acquired it unfairly, almost stealing it, hurt him a little.
"I didn't want you to know about me..." you replied quietly "I was supposed to be like the wind enveloping you, I was only supposed to watch and accompany you... I guess I got too involved."
The General moved a little closer. You quivered uneasily when his warm fingers brushed your bare shoulder, your eyes looked at him in fright.
"I've felt you by my side for so long..." he said, tracing his fingers that were roaming over your soft skin, so different from the roughness of war "You drilled under my skin so deeply that even a red-hot iron couldn't get you out. You were like a grace from the Gods, like a blessing... Don't take away my hope that you were meant for me."
"Only the Gods know what is meant for us." his fingers moved to your shoulder, and a strange shiver ran down your spine.
"So why do you say that what happened to us was just an accident? A mistake? I think that's what they wanted for us."
You sucked in a breath through your parted lips, and your chest rose sharply.
Maybe there was a grain of truth in what he was saying, maybe the Gods really had been planning this for you for years. 
Was it really an accident that you found yourself near this man? Could it be an accident that his eyes finally saw you then? You didn't know the answer to these questions. All you could do was flow with Marcus as it was planned for you...
His closeness stunned your senses, just like incense did in temples. Unconsciously, your hand found his cheek. Marcus closed his eyes as if your touch was a pleasure he had never experienced before.
"The Gods bless you, Marcus." you said, stroking his face, running your fingertips over the small wrinkles around his eyes, over the scar on his cheek. "All your successes and victories, the glory you brought to the Empire, all of this is the sum of your strength and their love."
"It's all just dust if I can't have your love, sweet bird." he lifted his eyelids and in his brown eyes you saw that these weren't empty words "May the earth swallow me, may the Gods curse me if I can't know the taste of your lips... That's all I've been dreaming about for so long..."
Not a single word left your mouth. When your lips brushed his, you already knew that you'd never forget that taste. 
The next touches were as gentle as the touch of a butterfly's wings, but Marcus wanted more with every moment. His strong arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you onto his lap, then he kissed you with all his might. You had never experienced a kiss like this before, deep and full of lust, almost stealing your breath and soul. 
You clung to his strong body, your hands sliding into his curly hair as you kissed him back as if that was the only thing that could keep you alive. His tongue deep in your throat drew sweet moans from you. But then you felt something else beneath you, his hard manhood twitching lustfully.
You finally pulled your lips away from his, rested your forehead against his, feeling his hands caressing your back hidden under the soft robe.
"My dreams were full of you." Marcus whispered, he looked at you, but you had the impression that he didn't see you at all, as if all his senses were playing tricks on him. "But reality is even more beautiful, more perfect..."
"Forgive me, please. It was the only way I could pretend that I was one of you, mortals. It was the only way I could accompany you, even for a moment." You slid your hands to his chest, you felt the strong beating of his heart under his skin.
"Since you are like me now, you can experience it yourself. For real."
He saw a flash of fear in your eyes, but also suppressed hope. "Do you want me, Marcus?"
"More than all the gold in the world we know. More than glory and immortality. If being with you was the last thing I would do before I died, I wouldn't hesitate for a moment."
There was no lie in his gaze. There was no empty desire that you sometimes saw in other people's eyes. This man wanted you, all of you, just as you were. He loved you before he was even able to lay a finger on you.
"So take me as I am. Give me this moment so I can love you..."
"I'll give you my whole life for this, little bird..."
You kissed again, and his hands carefully slid the robe you were wearing from your shoulders. The curves of your breasts revealed themselves before his eyes, your nipples hardened from the change in temperature and fear. But you weren't afraid of Marcus, nor were you afraid of what was about to happen. 
But you realized that every time he looked at you was the first real one. It wasn't a dream, it wasn't a stolen moment on a battlefield. You were there with him. Alive, with a beating heart, with blood flowing through your veins. The same as him, mortal.
Marcus' lips kissed your jaw and slowly went down your neck, all the way to your collarbone. He took your breasts in his hands, kneading them gently, feeling their softness, his fingers caressing your nipples as his lips showered your shoulders with kisses.
"Marcus..." you sighed, closing your eyes, desire flared in your lower abdomen, and his caresses only strengthened it.
"I've never wanted anyone like I want you." he whispered, one of his hands slid lower, right between your spread thighs, "I want to lose myself in your body..."
He felt how wet you were under his fingers, proof that you wanted him too. He ran his fingers over your folds, and then found the place where your body tensed in a pleasant sensation. 
In one swift movement he laid you on your back on the bed, his lips finding yours again as his hands greedily removed your robes. Finally, you were naked beneath him, the glow of the candles dancing on your skin. Perfect.
A trail of kisses stretched between your breasts, across your stomach, and to the inside of your thighs. You gasped loudly as his hot tongue licked your core. Marcus threw your legs over his shoulders so you couldn't escape his mouth, which sucked and licked your most sensitive spots.
Moans and spasms escaped your throat, fingers tightening in his hair as he, hidden between your thighs, shamelessly brought you to the edge of pleasure.
He sucked and kissed, long licks through your folds, drinking your juices sweeter to him than the best wine. And when a loud moan escaped your throat carrying his name, he knew he had paid you the proper homage. 
He raised himself on his shoulders and looked at you from between your trembling thighs. His beard and lips were shining, his hair, thanks to you, was a total mess. But it was his eyes, darker than before, that drew you to him.
You quickly sat up and took his face in your hands, moved to kiss his lips that tasted of you. 
His whole body was tense, wanting your closeness, the relief that only you could give him. One of your hands shamelessly reached for his strained cock, stroking it. Marcus' lips parted in your kiss at this sweet pleasure.
"I beg you..." he panted "I want to feel you."
So you pulled him behind you, and he fenced you with his broad arms. The tip of his cock, guided by Marcus' hand, brushed against your entrance and slowly slid into you. A pleasant feeling of stretching and filling spread through your body, but it was only when Marcus slid in completely and hid his face by your neck, inhaling your sweet scent, that you felt that he was fully inside you.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, stunned by how complete you felt in the arms of this man. You didn't notice when he lifted his head to watch your face with the first thrust of his hips. 
At first it was slow, just enough for you to get used to his size and how you felt him inside you. But when your legs closed around his waist, it was a signal for him that he could allow himself more.
Marcus raised himself on his shoulders, curls falling over his forehead, dark eyes shining with excitement as he stared into your face. To him, you were equal to the Gods. Your parted lips, slightly closed eyes, the quiet moans escaping from your core as he moved faster and harder inside you - it was worthy of worship in temples.
"Marcus... Please..."
You didn't ask for anything specific. Maybe just for him to end this, because you weren't sure if the next fulfillment that was building in your lower abdomen wasn't meant to be your end. 
Could ordinary people survive feeling so much? It was almost too much, and all you just had was your first sip, your first bite, your first breath with him by your side.
His hand grabbed yours and pressed it to the pillow just above your head, your fingers intertwined almost painfully, but you didn't care. You opened your eyes to look into Marcus’s focused face. Furrowed brows, quickened breathing and his hips perfectly slapping and grinding between your legs.
"Can you feel it? Can you feel how perfectly you fit me?" his voice was low, hitting you with a vibrating sound, as if you were a copper bowl in his hands. "They made you for me. Just for me... They couldn't be wrong. Ugh! I want to fill you with my seed, my love..."
"Do it... Mark me as yours..."
His. You were his. You were no longer just a fleeting being between worlds, doomed to live forever. You could feel, love, desire, but also suffer, cry and lose. But you wanted all of that if you could have it with Marcus.
His movements became stronger, his hand tightening on your thigh as he slammed into you. Then you reached your peak, tears pricking your eyelids, your body arching from the fulfillment that went through you like a bolt of lightning.
Marcus was right behind you. When your velvet walls squeezed his cock, he knew that he would only want to feel you for the rest of his life. A few more, strong thrusts, a low and deep moan escaped his throat as he tilted his head, showing you his beautiful neck. His seed filled you up, to the brims, and his cock twitched in the remnants of an orgasm.
If one of your sisters had been with you in that tent at that time, she would have had a truly amazing view. Your tangled and sweaty bodies, your deep breaths, the sweet and suffocating scent filling this place.
"Marcus..." you whispered, brushing his wet hair away from his face.
He mumbled something incomprehensible, and you laughed quietly. He seemed completely dazed. However, he raised his head and looked at you, his eyes sparkling like stars in the night sky.
"Tell me I'm not dreaming. Tell me you're really here. With me."
These words were like a pleading prayer addressed only to you. Even though he had you in his arms, even though his cock was still buried inside you, he still feared that you were just a dream.
"I am. I am with you, Marcus. And if you only let me, I will stay until the last beat of my heart."
"The Gods are truly kind to me."
He stole a kiss from you, still hungry for more. A strange feeling of emptiness came as he pulled out of you and lay down next to you, pulling you so that you were as close to him as possible. His seed lazily dripped down your thigh.
"Tomorrow we go back to Rome." he said, but he sounded like he didn't want to think about it. "I will take care of your safety. You will be able to find shelter in my home" his fingers drew unknown signs on your arm "I don’t want you to find yourself in the Emperor's court right away. You are too good for this..."
"The Gods have their own plans for him." Marcus kissed the tips of your fingers that brushed his lips.
"Do not say that in front of other people. Betrayal is severely punished." he said and you nodded "In Rome we can only trust ourselves, little bird. And I will do everything to make you happy and safe."
"You are enough for me."
He kissed your forehead, hugging you even tighter. Marcus was still afraid that despite everything you would dissolve like morning mist. He was afraid that he would wake up in an empty bed, that he would return to Rome alone, and the memory of you would fade with each passing day. He couldn’t bear it.
However, when he opened his eyes, after a few hours of deep and soothing sleep, you were still next to him. You were curled up at his side, sleeping, beautiful as every time he saw you. 
He didn't think he could ever get used to the sight. You were the grace of the Gods, their gift to him. A prize more precious than anything the Emperor could give him. 
"You are safe, little bird..." he said softly, kissing your temple. "I will never stop loving you. For the rest of our lives, for eternity."
Thank you for your time.
taglist: @ashleyfilm @gothcsz @littlenicpascal @missladym1981 @axshadows @psychoenergy @sabsunflowergirl @pedrofan @heckzprince @hard-candy-writing
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well. @bunnivievve this one goes out to you, cheers to glasses leon art that inspired this.... + @uhlillie, i am not immune to rookie dog leon fever you've spread around.. coughs. nsfw mention ahead <3
those glasses. you've watched him since he got here, the way they never quite stay on his nose, always tilting downwards in some way, with the eager bob of his head on his second day when he gets assigned a t.o.
you. it takes him a second to scan the seated officers, searching for you, squinting through thin glass frames at your nametags, before finally spotting yours.
he drags his eyes back up, catching your eyes, immediately looking away at your irritated glance. the last thing you need is a little nerd going around telling you what to do, all the codes you're breaking.
so you go with your intimidation factor. although he has a few inches on you, you do your best to initially instill a sense of dominance, a sense of fear so that he respects you.
and it works! god bless, he doesn't question anything you say after that, and although you notice the dips between his brows when you know you're doing something questioning the law, he bats an eye and looks the other way. an obedient dog, that's what the other boots call him.
you brush it off as jokes between the rookies, so you completely miss what should be an imaginary tail wagging at your scarce words of praise, rare to his ears yet still musical.
you've got him wrapped around your finger, yet you don't even realize it. he's down bad, and the further he gets with you, the lack of improvement, he realizes that he doesn't want your praise.
embarrassingly enough, he likes what you say to him, the way your fingers curl around his shirt collar when you threaten him in low whispers, breath fanning the shell of his ear.
he doesn't tell anybody about it, of course not. that would be blasphemous, the fact he's attracted to you itself would be frowned upon, to think that he likes what you say? horrible. you'd find him disgusting, and not seeing you would be unbearable.
so he does the next best thing; drinks his worries away. he comes to terms with the fact that no matter what you do, you'll always be the hottest in the station.
leon tries his best to keep his eyes respectful the next day, keep the relationship purely business, you're just coworkers. not even partners in the sense, you command him.
which is why he can't explain the flutter of gratitude he feels when he's about to turn the corner and catches a snippet of your conversation with the sergeant.
"i just think that you would do well with a few days off," he attempts, trying to reason, something leon gave up well in the few hours he got to know you. "you're tense all of a sudden, and i'm inclined to think it's because of that rookie."
"my wellbeing has nothing to do with my boot." hearing you say that sends unexplainable sparks jolting through him.
"until you can figure out what's wrong with you, i'll have to assign him to another unit. hopefully it's temporary."
he hears you let out a huff of compliance; you both know that arguing with your superiors gets you nowhere. but leon's sigh is dreamy, he slumps down the wall a little, letting himself relax. the files clutched in his arms only straighten when you turn the corner and run straight into him.
"get to work, boot," you bark, back to your old self, showing no hints of the compassion you had displayed in the office. you glare up at him and shove him out of the way, and a paper flutters from his arms.
when he gets back up after picking it, you're gone.
the next day, you're in for a shock. not a big one, never that. but it's still a surprise to see leon without the glasses you so easily identified him with. when leon came to mind, you couldn't imagine him without them resting on his face.
a pleasant smile greets you when you lean on one arm, slamming your palm onto his desk, and he keeps his face irritatingly neutral.
"oh, those old things?" he shrugs nonchalantly, like it wasn't a key feature of his that was now missing, throwing you for a loophole. "thought i'd get rid of them while i could, y'know?"
"no, i don't," you hiss. "don't you need them to see?"
"used to need them, ma'am," he says in that clipped tone of his. "now there's no need."
oh, you'll show him a need. you've made that decision long past when you're furiously knocking on his door, trying to file all your thoughts into orderly lines, wondering what you'll say in the off chance he'll actually answer-
"ma'am?" his unclear voice breaks you out of your trance. you cast him a questioning, harsh look, wiping your gaze over his wobbly lean to the right, onto the doorframe.
"officer kennedy, have you been drinking?" your hands fly to their marked positions on your hip, resting your thumbs on your belt.
"what if i have?" he asks, voice timid.
"that's an offense of our state's penal code-"
"and how many times have you offended that code, ma'am?" he manages to stay respectful and criticizing at the same time, an ability you've envied whenever he tells off one of the other officers.
"listen here, boot. what i do is none of your concern."
"it is when i'm yours."
there's a heavy silence hanging between you two as his eyelids droop, obviously he doesn't realize the power of what he's said.
"when you're... mine?"
"i heard you," he slurs, startling you with a boyish giggle that precludes hiccups that punctuate his speech. "with the- hic!- watch commander, what you said about me- hic!- i'm yours, 'm right."
you push him inside, if only under the guise of putting distance between you both, when you surprise yourself with wanting the exact opposite.
"when i get my hands on you..." you say, meaning to sound intimidating.
his eyes are glazed, hazy when he looks down at you, stepping just a little bit closer, and your hand flicks the door closed easily, challenging him up the upward tilt of your eyes.
"why don't you try me, ma'am?"
his hair is a mess from how much you've messed it up, unsatisfied with yourself yet satisfied with how every position, every spike of his straw colored hair, manages to frame his face perfectly.
his mouth hangs open, breath coming in short, wispy pants, head thrown back with every roll of your hips, even though neither of you have abandoned even a singular article of clothing.
his lips are red and swollen, the color of cherries and glossy with your shared saliva, glistening in rivers down his chin with every lurch of his body, every arch of his back.
you catch his glasses sliding from his nose, teetering off the sharp edge, so you press a quick kiss back to his lips and center them, admiring how cute he looks quivering underneath you, so vulnerable except for his eyes.
"you like that, hm?"
"y-yes, ma'am."
god, that gets you every time. now you'll never be able to escape this image of him whenever he calls you that at work.
those eyes that look up at you, pleading, whining, begging underneath you, and you realize that you've liked having him as a rookie, perhaps for this selfish reason, one of many to come.
you don't know if he's only letting you do this to him because he's drunk, under an influence that might lead him to forget this. but you are sure if that's the case, you'll have no problem reminding him where his loyalties lie.
"you think this is an offense of the penal code?" you ask teasingly when you're done, running your fingers along his bare chest while he skims a few documents.
the corner of his mouth turns upward and he turns to face you, kissing your temple before humming his assent.
"i'll be sure to check that for you tomorrow, ma'am."
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dropthedemiurge · 10 hours
Let Free The Curse of Taekwondo: Things you didn't notice #1
Isn't this another K-BL where I'm internally squealing because of every single detail? You bet it is. You can read my other meta/cultural detail/Korean language posts for Love for Love's Sake, Time of Fever, Grey Shelter and Boys be Brave on my pinned post or hashtags^^ (I really need to organize it under one singly hashtag tho...)
I already talked about how impressed I am with the fact that this series has done their preparation job well, with props, settings, language, history etc.
It is about a countryside/small town in Southern province of Korea - because a lot of characters use satoori (southern dialect), almost all of them except for the main two guys. There is also a distinct contrast/conflict between 'fancy Seoul rich guys' looking down on 'Southern town'. Juyoung even was surprised Dohoi doesn't use satoori.
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To which, he responded with 'You'll be uncomfortable if I use it". And Juyoung said there are plenty other uncomfortable things around here, beside understanding/listening to everyone using other accent xD Confusing Gaga translation errors, we meet again!
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Actually, it's interesting because Dohoi's name is written 이도회 in Korean, which typically would be written as 'Dohoi' but pronounced as 'Dohwe' (think of surname Choi that is actually pronounced as Chwe), yet in the first episode I clearly heard them actually say 'Dohoi', letter by letter. Now I wonder if it's also related to satoori... I wish I could speak it, it sounds so cool tbh.
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He actually said 'I'm not in a good condition', meaning his physical form. What do you mean, mood, when was that ever an excuse in sports..?xD
By the way, what is it with boys trying to get closer to other boys by buying them unusual ice cream?:') Okay, garlic sounds more weird than red bean one :D
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Also, I tried to find the Hasong town they talked about but failed - maybe because of incorrect transcription or maybe they made up this town based on Uiseong - a small town close to Daegu which is famous for being the most famous garlic town, they produce a lot of it and garlic fame would be seen everywhere - so who knows, I bet they allude to this when Juyoung said 'why can't there be a vanilla garlic ice cream? It's like a collaboration!'
Another thing, I thought the time of this series was somewhere around 1990s-2000s (because I watched a movie in similar setting that was called 1997 year but they still used pagers, now that I think about it). It was also still the time where teachers could use physical punishment on their students, it's heavily highlighted but I don't actually know around what time they stopped... Probably in Seoul, they already were getting rid of it but in small towns it was old-school teaching, which is again why Dohoi tried to tell Joyoung out of it.
I'm not familiar when small laptops and phones appeared in Seoul but I think the series is actually somewhere around 2005-2010! Which would make sense, Juyoung got the 'cool' flip-phone and a laptop with Windows XP (released in 2001) but small town is still far from that, as they use landline house phones to make a call.
He also has mp3 player and as other tumblr folks figured out, he was listening and dancing to Jewelry song released in 2005 :)
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And another thing that convinced me about the time era... the final scene!
Do you want to know why at the end of Ep 1 Dohoi smiled and laughed and ran to Juyoung even after so many exhausting days and neverending small miseries and a new loud housemate?
Because Juyoung not only came to pick him up with an umbrella in the acid rain, he also reenacted the famous umbrella scene from the classic romantic K-drama called "Temptation of Wolves" (늑대의 유혹) which was released in 2004! To make Dohoi laugh.
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(Yes, when Juyoung intentionally put the umbrella down and the camera cut the shot to the framing when the umbrella slowly lifts up, showing smiling Juyoung, I was like 'you did nooooooot' xD)
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(last screenshots taken from @heretherebedork post, I'm sorry I am very lazy and cannot take a good screenshot for life :'))
So that was already our very first romantic teasing-implication!
Another cute thing: optimistic Joyoung wrote a diary entry into the fake old Korean "Facebook" (they had Cyworld instead) to share his first selfie with Dohoi:
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"[Excited Shin Jjuyoung]" (typing in a popular back then teenage style) "I miss you guys... But here it's nice too hehe ^___^ Come to play with me!! Together with my friend Dohoi too~~!"
Aren't they the cuteestttttt? I mean, this dynamic is not new but I love how unique the setting is. And I can't wait to watch the second episode, I'm waiting and savoring the first one for now but I'm going to make notes about other episodes as well so stay tuned! If you reply/comment in tags, I will put you in my tag list^^
Tag list: @benkaben @pickletrip @troubled-mind
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midnight-bay-if · 2 days
ros reaction to super sick mc who still insists on going on missions
(Sorry about the delay! Hope this is okay).
S: They take their role as leader very seriously. It’s not only your life they are watching over; it’s the others, too. So, even if you want to come on the mission, S will politely but assertively remind you of the danger you could place others in if you aren’t one hundred percent well.
“I’m sorry, darling, but your mission is to remain in bed, rest, stay hydrated and regain your strength. Do that, and I promise we will perform our own mission admirably and promptly.”
Rain: They debate for a long time in their head about what to do. They never want to undermine you, but they also don’t want to see you suffering, putting yourself in danger for the sake of a stupid mission. So, instead, they ensure your bedside is well supplied with recovery items and climb into bed beside you.
“It’s okay, MC. I’ve convinced S to let me stay with you at home. They’ll be fine. You need to concentrate on getting better.”
Taj: Taj glares at you as you hopelessly shuffle around the room, attempting to throw together gear for a mission. Eventually, their patience runs out, and they place their hands on your arms, firmly directing you back to bed.
“You are so damn stubborn, Koel,” they moan, guiding you back into bed. “No complaints. You are going to make S’s job ten times harder in that state. Just stay home. Get better.” They kneel beside your bed, holding your hand delicately as if afraid it might break. “Do it for me. Please.”
N: N spends some time watching you force yourself to behave normally with an amused glint in their eye. It’s adorable watching you muffle your coughs and dabbing at your eyes every time you hold back a sneeze. Eventually, the spectacle becomes too pitiable, even for them.
“That’s enough, my dear. As much as I am savouring your show of bravado, I think it is quite clear you are not up to the task. Instead, why don’t we lounge about in bed all day and revel in my attentive hands? Much more enjoyable, yes?”
Umbra: Umbra paces around you restlessly, twirling their fingers in their hands in an anxious habit. Every time you go to pack another item into your bag for the mission, it “magically” disappears from its usual spot before you can get to it. When it becomes clear Umbra’s hijacking of your packing isn’t deterring you, Umbra settles for sitting on your bag, blocking you from reaching it.
“Please stay home, MC. I-I’ll stay with you. We can play board games or watch television while I make you some tea with honey… You spend so much time taking care of others. It’s time to let someone take care of you for a change.”
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azelmawrites · 3 days
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“what the hell!”
looking over your shoulder from your spot on the dining table, you click on the pause button on the remote control, your show long forgotten as you watch Hange with concern. “What’s wrong?” you ask, a little worried, your spoon gently clinks on your bowl.
Hange is standing up, holding your phone with a frown and betrayal on their features. “Oh, did you check the girls groupchat? I promise you it was all said in good fun, you know I love your flannels—“
“what? no, but my feelings are hurt even more, I was just mad about this.” Hange says, stomping angrily and shoving your screen close to your face. You don’t know exactly what is out of the ordinary, or what even managed to hurt their feelings on your phone, It was just their contact’s name.
“Did you mean to show me something else? It’s just your contact name.” you say, a little confused before turning around and picking up your spoon and shoving a mouthful of warm apple crumble pie inside your mouth. Apple crumble should be enjoyed hot, directly out of the oven and you wouldn’t allow Hange to take that from you because of their usual dramatics.
“ ‘Hange from work’? why the hell is that my contact name?!” Hange protested, turning around the dinning table so they can face you.
Shrugging your shoulders as you asked, “and what about it?” Hange’s jaw slacks as they watch you with wide shocked eyes. “We’ve been together for almost six months now!”
You sigh then stand up, and pick up your now empty bowl and walk to the kitchen sink as Hange follows you. “Do you know what I have you saved in my phone? it’s ‘love of my life’ and you just saved me as Hange from work, without any emoji! and that is insane considering you love emojis.”
You’re scrubbing the bowl and spoon clean as Hange continues their complaints, “that is so cold of you, how could you do that to me? and what makes me rage is that it’s not just my name, did you have to add the ‘from work’ part? was that really necessary?” you turn on the faucet on and rinse the utensils, then you flick your hands dry as you turn around to meet a pouting Hange.
“Would it make you feel better to know that I have everybody saved like that on my phone?” you ask, wrapping your arms around Hange and tip-toeing to peck their lips fast and quick and you pull back fast before they could cage you— you had a show to finish watching. You walk back to the living room, snatch the remote from the dining table and slump onto the couch.
“But I am not ‘everybody’ am I now?” Hange continues pouting, you chuckle then pat on the spot next to you. “No, you are not. How do I make it up to you?”
Hange relents, scooting impossibly close to you and handing you your phone, “change it to something better, and I want chocolate chip cookies.”
“done and done.” you say, unlocking your phone and already proceeding to change Hange’s contact name to something else, something you would like. Hange lowers themselves down to rest their head on your shoulder, watching your screen as they wrap their arms around your waist.
“I want something else too…” Hange whispers. You hum in question, showing your screen to Hange to get their approval for their new contact name, ‘my love’ with a heart. They nod in approval, so you lock the phone and pick up the remote to resume the show.
“what else do you want, baby?” you ask, your hand scratching their scalp.
“sit on my face, please?”
you sighed before pushing Hange away from your body.
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awakenedevildays · 2 days
「missing out」 Stiles Stilinski x F!reader
a/n: the characters are aged up! (around 25/26 yo)
"Hey pretty! how did the night go?" he asks as he pauses the show he's currently watching to give you his whole attention from where he's sat on the couch, Duchess and Marie are already getting off his lap to pad towards you. 
You attempt a small smile and slip off your high heels, your feet are sore from the position they were forced for the whole night and you sigh in relief when your heels touch the ground. "Hey baby, it was... fine." You only say as you pick up Marie from the ground and look down to see if Duchess is following you too towards your fiancé.
Stiles' smile falters at your force smile and heavy footspets. He frowns as he pats the cushion next to him to invite you to sit with him, you comply. 
"Just fine? I thought you were exited to tell the girls the news." He says as his hand grabs your left hand, his thumb caress the new teardrop diamond that perfectly adorns your ring finger.
"I was! and they're really happy for us..." you trail off and squeeze his fingers while with the other you let Marie down on the ground. 
He raises an eyebrow, you're obviously leaving something unsaid. "But?" he prompts, turning so that he's facing you and resting the free hand behind you on the back of the couch.
"Do you... ever feel like you're missing out?" you ask, trying to keep eye contact with him but clearly failing, causing his head to tilt. 
"Missing out? On what, exactly?" He inquires, his face laced in confusion as he takes in you expression, your eyes looking at him almost afraid of what the answer might be.
"On... you know... the relationship field" you specify and Stiles lets go of your hand to sit on the edge of the couch with his elbows resting against his knees and fingers intertwined in anxiety 
"I think I'm about to have a heart attack." he says after exhaling a shaky breath. 
"Nonono I didn't mean- I'm not saying I do, I never did." you hurry to explain and he turns his face to squint his eyes at you, clearly confused about why you're having this conversation now, just days after he finally proposed to you.
"Then why are we even having this conversation, love?" He responds, his voice has gone from confused to mildly upset. His brain comes up with the wildest thoughts, which is not helping his already short, tired, patience.
"Because I need to know that I'm not making you miss out on some things you should have done already, and couldn't do because of me." 
He looks even more confused than before, his eyes are still squinted as he tries to understand what's going on in your head. "And what exactly am I missing out on?" His body turns to fully face you again.
"Like hooking up, one-night stands, other relationships... Normal things a guy should do at our age." you list and you're surprised by your own words, it's absurd: you've never felt insecure about these things with Stiles.
His eyes widen at your words and his lips part, speechless. It takes him a moment to get back from the shock to say anything. "You really want me to go around and have one night stands?" he asks, his voice a mixture of incredulity and irritation.
"NO! No, absolutely not." 
He nods, his shoulders relaxing a bit, "Good... then... you're asking me if I regret being with you?"
"not really, not being with me as a whole, but only if you ever felt the need to have more than just me, you know? to try out other things or... other girls before taking this step with me... we're gonna be together for a very, very long time and I don't want you to have regrets." 
He shakes his head in disbelief. "Baby, where is all of this coming from?" 
You inhale deeply, it makes sense that he's confused, you never expressed these type of feeling. "Tonight I told the girls that we got engaged and they were all so happy for us... but then Malia said she wonders how you're so sure I'm the one if I'm the only one you've had a relationship with and I realized she's right! I've had other boyfriends and I'm sure you're the one... but you? Haven't you ever felt the need to look around? To kiss someone else? to-" 
“No." He says softly. "No, I have never ever felt the need to kiss anyone besides you, or to be with anyone else. Because ever since I realized how I felt about you when I was 10 I haven't been able to look at any girl the way I look at you. Fuck, I was lucky enough to have all my first times with the girl I'm madly in love with, why would I have wanted some stupid one-night stand when I knew that sooner or later you would have noticed me? You're the start, the end, and everything in the middle, I don't need or want anyone else." You don't answer, you only look directly into his eyes, as to see if there's any sign of a lie or doubts, but you don't find any and Stiles takes it as a sign to keep going, he grabs your hand and brings it up to his lip and places a soft kiss on your knuckles. "And I'll get to be your last, too. Your last kiss, your last boyfriend, your last fiancé, your last everything. I'll be the last man you'll ever want or need and I'm the luckiest guy in the world for it. And I don't care about Malia's stupid comment, if anything it should be you questioning why my dumb ass is the only guy your pretty brain has ever considered marrying."
"Don't be stupid, you know you're perfect for me." you scold him with a disappointed shake of head and a peck on his lips, you're a hundred percent sure you're the lucky one between you two. "I love you." 
He lets a huff of laugh escape his mouth, "come here," he whispers before pulling you over his lap, legs thrown over his thighs and head against his chest so close to his heart you can feel it beat under your ear. His arms tighten around your waist and his hand move to play with a strand of your hair gently. "I love you, you know how much I do." He whispers, his face so close to yours that his breath tickles your skin. "But you need to stop questioning the obvious, okay? It's not good for my heart." He smiles down at you before placing a kiss on your forehead. "And kindly tell Malia to fuck off," he murmurs playfully against your skin, his other hand coming up on your thigh to gently caress it.
You giggle at that and a kiss is soon placed on his chest, right over his heart as an apology for your own stupidity. "I don't think she meant harm, she's just... Malia." 
"Well, she should still keep those thoughts about our relationship inside her head. Just like everyone else." he replies with a grumble, his hand squeezes your thigh gently as to empathize what he's going to say. "It's just you and me from now on, okay?" you nod with a bright grin, it sound so beautiful.
Not proofread, I'll correct it in the next days.
Do not copy or repost.
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kayfabe-is-king · 1 day
I have thoughts from last night's Dynamite and this is all within kayfabe. It's disjointed and patchy but that's because my mind has been going a mile a minute for the past week. So once again, welcome to my Ted Talk!
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It was very fitting that Mox and Co. (are we still calling them the Blackpool Combat Club because that doesn't seem extreme enough at this point) attacked during the match between The Elite and The Conglomeration. That match showed in stark detail the very best and the very worst of what AEW has become. The Elite concerned more with glory and money (literal money raining down on Okada as he walks down to the ring) than about what is best for the company as a whole. And truthfully, they're coming off like a joke now in comparison to Moxley's Death Squad. Meanwhile, The Conglomeration was born of betrayal and people coming together because they a) love this sport and b) still believe in All Elite Wrestling. I lost track of the number of times Excalibur, Nigel or Tony alluded to Orange Cassidy being a leader.
“Why aren’t they coming to help?” Schiavone asked. 
Because The Elite now represent exactly what Moxley is railing against - egos and fat paychecks. This new era is a direct response to The Elite's frankly laughable "take over" of AEW. Moxley watched them, said "hold my (non-alcoholic) beer" and then showed how you really take over a wrestling promotion.
During that horror movie trailer masquerading as a wrestling promo, Moxley mentioned all the wrestlers in the back not being given a chance while overblown egos are sitting atop the AEW food chain. This, to him, is a purpose... a cause. And if he has to hurt people to achieve said goal?
"It's the cost of doing business."
Thing is - Moxley's done this song and dance before. Remember this:
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(credit to @softambrollins for the two gifs above)
Once again (much like with The Shield) in Moxley's mind, something he believed in has been corrupted. The difference is that now he has the power and the muscle behind him to do something about it. He feels like it's his moral obligation to stamp out the "corruption" that has infested AEW. Something he couldn't really do when The Shield fell apart. This is Moxley exorcising those ghosts... and you know, beating the shit out of people.
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If you look at the people coming to The Conglomeration's aide last night, you'll see they have something in common. These are people in the back that haven't really been used properly in a while. Private Party, who really should have had a title run by now. The Dark Order, consistently being tossed around creative with no real direction since the death of Brodie Lee. Top Flight hasn't found it's groove even though they put on consistently great matches time and again (I did laugh my ass off when Action Andretti did that springboard from the ropes and Moxley was like "nah, bro" and clocked him in the back of the head).
And while Daniel Garcia has been given pushes lately, I don't think he's been properly and consistently booked until this angle (and if they don't take the belt off of Jack and give it to Danny, there's no justice in this world). I believe these choices were intentional. A way to pull people into a long running storyline that were floundering.
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Even on the BCC's side, you have Marina Shafir - an excellent technical wrestler who AEW has batted around with no real direction. Moxley has said time and again how much he admires her, so of course he wanted her as a part of this angle. She is the perfect soldier - brutal, efficient and loyal. The look of devastation on her face when she was ejected from ringside at Wrestledream? That's the look of a dedicated soldier who has (in her mind) let down her commanding officer. She will go toe to toe against anyone who stands in Moxley's way. And am I the only one wondering about that key around her neck?
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Here's something else to think about. Tony Schiavone has seen the attempted hostile takeover of a wrestling promotion before. He was ringside as the New World Order was born and watched their path of destruction in WCW. Imagine seeing history repeating itself and not being able to do anything about it. Even worse, imagine seeing history repeat itself... but worse. This is the nWo dialed to 11 and unencumbered by silly little things like laws against attempted murder. 
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Someone at commentary also asked where the belt was. It was never about the belt and Moxley purposely handed it off to Claudio for that very reason. He doesn’t care about the glory. He genuinely believes what he’s doing is what is necessary. And there is nothing more frightening than someone so fine with committing acts of brutality because they truly believe that is the only way. 
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Now we come to our most conflicted Moxley disciple. And if you don't think he's still very much conflicted, you haven't been paying attention. Wheeler using the Busaiku Knee on Orange Cassidy while dressed like Bryan was intentional. Sure, he may have drunk the new BCC’s kool aid, but he still very much respects Bryan. He saw what he did to Bryan at Wrestldream as mercy (whether or not you agree, it's still how he saw his actions). To him, he finally put Bryan to "rest" and now feels it is his responsibility to continue Bryan’s legacy.
And that is where him and Daniel Garcia will clash in glorious battle. They are the ying and yang to each other - both love this sport and both see Bryan as their hero. One is just following the darker path that William Regal himself has laid for the likes of Moxley. While the other one believes in Bryan's way. They are the next generation of the power struggle between Bryan and Moxley - their proxies if you will. This is the most elaborate game of Risk come to life.
I have seen some people say this new storyline is "going too far". I get it - it's hardcore and some people didn't grow up watching ECW. They may not know that Terry Funk did the plastic bag spot long before they were even born. But I vividly remember those days (I was ringside for some of them - Terry Funk is hands down one of the nicest wrestlers I've ever met). And I for one, love where all of this is going. I watched the nWo from its rise to its demise and this new paradigm shift blows it out of the water. This is the evolution of that iconic angle and they picked the perfect people to do it. 
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Side note - shout out to Renee for consistently doing her job with a high level of professionalism. And also pretending like her husband isn't committing attempted murder every week. Imagine how awkward it's been for her around the water cooler lately.
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luvpookie02 · 2 days
He's into YOU || Sano Manjiro x Reader || SMUT || YANDERE || 18+
003: Tainted Reunion
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You wake up feeling light-headed, the pounding in your head making it difficult to focus. Slowly sitting up, you rub your temples in an attempt to clear the fog. But as your vision sharpens, you notice something alarming—there are different tiles beneath you, and scattered mugs litter the floor.
Your heart races as you realize, This is NOT my room.
Your eyes frantically scan your surroundings, taking in the plain black wallpaper, a small cabinet with two picture frames lying face down, and a modern black-and-white bed. The room has two doors—one likely leading to a bathroom, the other possibly an exit.
Panic rises as you attempt to stand, only to feel resistance around your ankles. Looking down, your eyes widen in horror—your feet are chained.
"What the fuck... why am I chained?" you mutter under your breath, fear starting to grip you.
The sudden sound of a door creaking open sends chills down your spine. Despite this not being your first time in a kidnapping situation, something about this feels off—there's a deep, unsettling dread gnawing at you, warning you that escape may not even be possible.
"Oh, the princess is awake."
That voice—it's unmistakable. A chill crawls down your spine as you look up, locking eyes with someone you never expected to see again. "Rindou?"
He lets out a sarcastic laugh, stepping closer, his hand roughly gripping your chin and forcing your face up to meet his. "I'm glad you still remember me, hime-sama."
Hime-sama? Confusion clouds your thoughts. "Wh-what? I... I don't even know you," you stammer, trying to deflect.
Rindou's grip tightens painfully, his dark eyes glaring into yours. There's a dangerous aura surrounding him, and you can sense the darkness that's consumed him since Izana's death. You knew about the drugs, the addiction—but seeing him like this, broken and twisted, stirs a strange pity in you.
"Don't play dumb. I heard you call my name, hime-sama." His voice is low, threatening.
"I... I'm sorry. I really don't know who you are." You lie, your voice trembling as you try to keep the panic at bay.
Rindou scoffs at your response, his gaze flickering away from you as he leans back onto the bed, still watching you. "Do you really think I wouldn't recognize you, Y/N?"
Your heart sinks as his smirk deepens. He grabs your chin again, pulling you closer. "Mikey will be pleased to see you. Make sure to take care of him, okay?"
A wave of terror crashes over you. Your entire body trembles uncontrollably. It's been five years since you last saw him—Mikey. You're not ready for this. Not for him. And you're certain he's going to kill you.
Rindou gets up, reaching into his pocket. He pulls out a small bottle—a vial of something, the kind hospitals use before administering injections. You watch in horror as he moves toward a drawer, pulling out a syringe.
Your worst fears are confirmed as he turns back toward you, showing you the bottle's label—Bremelanotide.
"N-No... Rindou, please..." you beg, shaking your head frantically as you try to scramble backward. But Rindou quickly grabs your ankle, yanking you toward him. He roughly hikes up your dress and plunges the needle into your thigh.
"Ahhhhh!" you scream, pain shooting through your leg. While you're reeling, Rindou forces you to swallow three pills, ignoring your gasps for breath.
"Sorry, Y/N, but Mikey's in a real bad mood right now. He can't deal with your attitude, or he'll kill you," Rindou says with mock sympathy. "This is the only way to make sure you both enjoy yourselves. Trust me, you'll thank me later." He laughs, stepping back to remove the chains from your ankles.
You try to stand, but your legs wobble. A violent headache crashes over you, followed by a wave of nausea. Desperate, you crawl toward the bathroom, your stomach churning. You barely make it to the toilet before you start gagging, but Rindou's voice cuts through your agony.
"Don't fucking throw up. Swallow that shit."
You ignore him, retching into the toilet. His footsteps approach, and you feel the fury radiating off him as he roughly grabs your hair, forcing you to face him.
"I said, don't fucking throw it up!" His eyes blaze with anger as he wipes the spit from his face. He grabs your throat, choking you, his fingers digging into your neck. "Mikey will be here in an hour, so you better fucking swallow it."
You gasp for air as he forces two more pills into your mouth, his hand covering your lips to ensure you swallow. There's no escaping it now.
When Rindou finally leaves the room, the effects of the medicine hit you full force. You collapse onto the bed, your body trembling uncontrollably as your hands involuntarily slide down to your core, trying to relieve the unbearable heat building inside you.
"Fuck... fuck..." you cry out as you climax for the fifth time, but the pleasure isn't enough. Your body craves more, something stronger, something only a man could provide. You're losing your mind as the hours pass, the drug's effects amplifying your need.
"I... I need to fight this..." you tell yourself, stumbling into the bathroom. You desperately try to focus on anything other than the overwhelming lust coursing through your veins. Your mind drifts to memories of your old friends—Baji, Sanzu, Mikey, Emma, Senju. You picture their faces, their voices, willing the memories to distract you.
Tears spill down your cheeks as you think back to those innocent days.
"You were Mikey's sun. Promise me you won't leave him, okay?"—Shin
"It's not even my fault... why does my older brother always side with Senju?"—Sanzu
"I didn't mean to lie about Mikey's toy... it was an accident... what should I do, Y/N? I'm scared..."—Senju
"Promise me that you won't leave me, Y/N, okay?"—Mikey
After thirty minutes in the bathroom, you feel slightly more in control. You step out, searching for clothes. Opening the closet, you see rows of black shirts. Does he only wear black? you think, pulling out a shirt and boxers. To your surprise, they fit perfectly.
Quietly, you make your way to the door. It's not locked, you realize, gasping at your sudden stroke of luck. But as you open it, hope drains from you. Mikey is standing right there.
His cold, dark eyes lock onto yours. Slowly, he steps forward. You retreat in fear until you trip and fall to the floor.
Without a word, Mikey pulls out a gun, aiming it at your face.
"Y/N," he says, his voice chillingly calm, "didn't I tell you I'd kill you if you ever showed yourself to me again?"
tagged: @itsruki @reiners-milkbiddies
(A/N) lmk if you want to get tagged!
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cassiebones · 3 days
We need to talk about Agatha and Wanda
I don't ship them, just to make that clear right off the bat. I think that Agatha finds her hot and stuff, but more than anything she just wants her power. Agatha's heart fully belongs to Rio, no matter how angry she is or how she tries to deny it. She belongs to Rio and Rio belongs to her.
That being said, it's clear that Agatha is super envious of Wanda.
But it's more than just "ooh she is so powerful the Darkhold has a chapter dedicated just to her". Or "I had to spend the last three hundred years studying and she can do shit just because she misses her boyfriend? The fuck?!?"
It's more than that.
Because Wanda can have the person she loved back. Not Pietro, but Vision. Even if it's in a limited space, she gets to spend time with the person she loved most in the world, after her own brother. She gets to build this life that she had only dreamt about as a child living in a war-torn Soviet country, poor and hungry.
She had parents that loved her. She created children whom she loves and got to watch grow up, however quickly.
And Agatha didn't get that.
Her mother actively planned her execution.
Her son died and she couldn't bring him back.
The love of her life is the one who ferried his soul, making it impossible to bring him back, even if she knew how to do it.
She lost so much that it made her hard. It made it hard for her to trust or love anybody ever again. She was so alone in WandaVIsion. The only thing she admitted to wanting then was power, but there were moments throughout the show that give us a clue as to who she really was.
After Sparky dies, the boys say, out loud, that Wanda can bring him back to life, and Agnes disappears for a second when Agatha asks, "You can do that?" It sounds like a super genuine question. You can kind of see her own confusion and desperation for a second (I'm not sure if that was the intent, but if it is, I need both the writer behind it and Kathryn Hahn to receive their flowers, because that was just incredible. Love them for that.)
Then, when they're going through Wanda's memories, Agatha seems genuinely empathetic. It's played off as an act and she deflects a lot with humor, but I am so certain that a lot of it is genuine.
I'm also sure she took some pleasure when it's all taken away from Wanda, too, but I know there must be some empathy there, too. Because she knows what it feels like to lose everybody she loved, even those that didn't love her back (such as her mother). Especially empathy for the ones that did love her back and she knew it (like Nicholas and Rio).
There's no way that Agatha, who we know now has so many layers to her and who is a master at hiding and deflecting her own feelings, felt absolutely nothing.
I mean, after Vision says that one line - "what is grief if not love, perservering?" - Agatha flicks a tear away a minute later, when the scene ends.
Again, it could be played off as an act, but I know Agatha felt that just as we all had. I feel it every time I watch this scene, when I think of my own loved ones who've passed. Why wouldn't Agatha, who has hid from Rio out of anger just for doing her job and ferrying his soul, feel it too?
Hell, immediately after, she blinks and watches quietly as Wanda steps further into the room from her memory, just contemplative as Wanda re-experiences her grief. The look on her face isn't cruel or manipulative at all.
Again, hats off to Kathryn Hahn for her acting and portraying this character so damn well. Hats off to the writers if this was part of the long game in Empathy for Agatha Harkness. It's so great.
And then, when Wanda traps her with the runes and takes her power, I know Agatha had to be absolutely seething.
Not just because Wanda made her powerless. But because Wanda made her powerless without killing her. Something that Agatha probably didn't even know was possible to do. And then, Wanda treated her with empathy and soft words, placating her. Yeah, she left her in a spell, but she didn't say any harsh words against Agatha, didn't taunt her or call her evil. She was nicer than any of Agatha's adversaries had ever been.
Which, again, probably infuriated Agatha. But then she became Agnes, so...
I just think there are so many layers to these two characters, to Agatha in general. She has lived a long-ass life full of pain. She spent three centuries learning and gathering power, killing other witches because she thought she had no other option (you know she was planning on killing Wanda when she took her power), and losing everyone she loved in her quest for it, and this 20-something "I'm-not-a-witch" witch just swoops in and does everything Agatha can't do.
I really love the writing of these characters, you guys. It's beautiful.
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firstkanaphans · 16 hours
This isn't really an ask but more so an observation. I've always wondered why I'm just so attached to FK the way I am despite there being numerous other pairs of bffs, some of them, like FB with over a decade of friendship under their belt. There's JD, PP, TayNew, OffGun, and all these folks post a lot of content of their interactions as well. But I just realised most of them feel like actual guys being friends in a bros-homies kinda way (I wish I phrased that better, but I hope you get the gist).
They're best friends- absolutely. And ig it's those interactions that provides a contrast to how FK are with each other while being best friends themselves. Like the queer platonicity just shines through when you put them against other pairs.
And then you can contrast them against EM as well, who, as much as I hate speculating, is probably actually a thing. FK is so distinct from them too. The difference is quite palpable.
And idk you can always tell when they're attempting fan service, mostly because First for the life of him can't pretend, and when they're actually just lost in the other person but in a 'OMG my bestie is speaking let me admire kind of way'.
If I had to guess, I would say you're probably attached to them for the same reason I am: they're both queer-coded. It's very rare for both members of a BL pair to be queer-coded. Usually you only get one—if that. In fact, it's a phenomenon so ubiquitous in the industry that Lovely Writer even made a joke about how half of a BL pair needs to be gay (but not too gay) to show that the production's not homophobic.
Regardless of what First and Khaotung's sexualities actually are, I feel a kinship with them because I see a lot of my own journey in theirs. We always joke about how the FK fandom is disproportionately comprised of lesbians and I think that's a huge reason why.
I also just don't know of any other pairs that are as co-dependent as they are, and the three that come close—MosBank, DaouOffroad, and EarthMix—are all almost certainly dating. FK are like the physical embodiment of that "More then friends, Less than lovers" shirt GMMTV loves so much. I don't know what in the world they're doing, but boy do I enjoy watching them do it.
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jenn-ieverse · 1 day
୨ৎ. 🎧 𝇃𝄄ㅤ ઈㅤֵㅤN I K I ‹ ENHYPEN › ๋ ࣭ ⭑
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PAIRING ʬʬ badboy¡niki + femalereader
TROUPE ʬʬ badboy x class president
LIST ʬʬ prologue, 01, 02
WARNINGS ʬʬ (for this chapter) just Niki being a subtle asshole, implied toxic friendship, toxic family (mentions of child endangerment and abuse).
A/N ʬʬ I am glad to see that there are people who are actually liking this fic that I started on a whim also this chapter might feel like a filler but it'll get better I swear ♡ If you want to be a part of the unofficial taglist, comment ♡ Do read the previous chapters before reading this!!
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“I heard they brought in new snacks in the cafeteria.” Areum has her arm slinged around yours as you involuntarily made your way through the hallways to get to the cafeteria on the ground floor. With your selective hearing technique at its finest, you were barely paying attention to what she was saying. And then you saw him, making his way through the students scattered chatting in the hallway. There were small things that you were starting to notice, how he had always parted a crowd every time he walked, the looks he would get, judgemental ones from the boys and affectionate ones from the girls.
As Niki walked past you, his stare went back and forth between you and Areum with a sign of discontentment. You turn around to watch his back as he walks away, a scene you had become used to seeing. “What's the deal with him?” Areum seemed to have noticed. “I don't know.” you shrugged it off. “You know the word that's been going around?” Areum leans in the whisper as you both climb down the stairs, occasionally waving at familiar faces. “Apparently Niki has submitted all his due assignments and it's because of you.” if you were drinking or eating something, you would've choked. “What? That's ridiculous.” you look around, your tone unstable.
“I know! A smart girl like you will never intentionally get involved with a guy like him. He is trouble.” you nod, not necessarily in agreement but more so to avoid further arguments. “You know why he was transferred from his school in Japan right?” Yes you knew, it was a stupid rumor that he chopped off the hands of a student who touched his school back, ridiculous. No student is capable of something like that, especially Niki.
The reality was that it's been a week since you've talked to each other, the last time was in the infirmary. Since then he treated you like you didn't exist, except times like just now when he'd pass by you, little too close than necessary, your shoulders brushing each time. On the other hand for you, Niki had somehow become highlighted, in a sense that you would always feel his presence, it was weird really. You'd spot him smoking by the school backyard with the other delinquents or walking into a cyber café with them. Sometimes even sitting by himself with a cigarette in hand outside the convenience store. 
Each time you didn't have it in yourself to approach him. “But really, don't you find it weird that Niki has started to actually show up in class instead of loitering around.” Areum speculates as both of you walk into the cafeteria. It was true that Niki was starting to be present in the classroom, even though he would sit in the corner most chair by the window, mostly sleeping the whole time. “Minjun oppa!” Areum lets go of your arm and runs to her boyfriend, you scoff. Both of them are literally in the same grade (different classrooms) but she calls him oppa because he is a few months older than her. Cringe. 
Do boys really like being called that? “Depends to be honest.” you turn around to see Heesung standing behind you. “Did I say that out loud?” you let out an awkward chuckle to which he smiles, “It's mostly because it gives them a sense of masculinity and superiority.” Heesung says as he buys two cream buns and hands you one. “Thanks.” you smile, peeling the wrapper off the bread as he escorts you back to class. On your way back, you wonder why you never considered Heesung a potential love interest. He's smart, good-looking, self aware (very rare for teenage school boys going through puberty). 
Lost in your thoughts you walk into the class, Heesung following closely behind you. “Damn, my bad.” you turn around to see Heesung looking at Niki who was standing by the class’ entrance door. It seems like Heesung had bumped into him, Niki looks at you staring at him and gets inside the class, walking right past you to get to his seat. The teacher enters the class and you take your place in the middle column of the front row. Mrs. Sung takes the podium, “Alright students, have you decided your partners for the project I discussed last week?” She scans the classroom and all the students nod.
The partners were to be selected for this project for this class which was Culture and Heritage. Every duo has to visit a popular tourist site in Seoul and research its impact on increasing international awareness of Korean culture. “Y/N, make a list of the duos and get it to me.” you nod. “Who are you pairing up with?”she asks, “Kang Areum.” you motion to her, “Here!” She raises her hand from the second row. “Areum? How's that possible?” the teacher frowns. “Choi Minjun from class B submitted your name as his partner.” she announces, making the whole class break into hoots, whistling and teasing a now blushing Areum. 
You should have seen this coming, knowing that the same project was given to class B, there's no way it wouldn't turn out this way. It's your fault this time, you were too naïve. You turn around to look at Areum who mouths ‘sorry’ with an apologetic pout. “It's alright, I'll do it by myself.” you said with a controlled smile earning a sympathetic look from the teacher, “Isn't there anyone who's left to be paired up?” Mrs. Sung looks at the students hopefully. “Ma'am! Niki. He was not present last week.” a goddamn traitor speaks up, you turn around to see the imposter. Choi fucking Yeonjun. You glare at him but catch the sight of Niki sleeping with his head down, you quickly turn infront to look at the now content teacher.
“Very well then!” she clasps her hands together, “Niki!” she calls out and he sits up, “You are paired with Y/N for the project.” she says before going back to teaching where she last left off. You just now Niki is looking at you right now but there is no way in hell you are going to look back right now. “Fuck my life.” you mumble to yourself. 
“I am so sorry Y/N, I had now idea!” As soon as the teacher had left, Areum had walked up to your desk. “A heads up would have been nice, you know.” you said with a sigh. “I swear! I told him I'd do the project with you. I don't know why he told the teacher without asking me first.” her tone had fake perplexity, how could she not know? “I'll buy you your favorite cream buns, you are not mad at me right?” Areum grabs your hands, pouting. You look away feeling awkward in the situation and unintentionally catch a sight of Niki looking at you then turning away scoffing. 
“It's fine really. You don't have to, I am not mad at you so don't worry about it.” you slowly pull your hand out of her grip. “Alright, I gotta go talk to Minjun.” the moment you nod, she's out of the door. You turn around to look at Niki who was again staring with the most displeased look on his face. You motion him towards the door and get up to walk out.
When you enter the rooftop, a soft breeze hits your face, you slowly walk towards the guardrails along the edge and lean over. “What?” you turn around to the very familiar voice. Niki stood with his hands pushed inside his pocket, this hair moving subtly with the soft monsoon breeze. “About the project…” he doesn't let you finish, “Cut me out.” he says, his tone leveled and uninterested. As he turns around to leave, you are face to face with him walking away, a very familiar scene indeed.
୨        ₊       ┈    ⪩⪨      ┈     ₊     ୧
With your school bag slumped over your shoulder you enter the basement unit that is supposed to be ‘home'. Before you shut the rusted door, you throw a glance at the dimly lit alley that you walked through to get to your home, the blinking street light about to be exhausted any minute. Monsoon is going to be difficult this year, you think to yourself closing the door. 
As soon as you enter the small unit, you notice the scattered glass bottles of soju on the floor. You put your bag down and start by picking up the bottles and collecting them in a corner. Most of the items in the unit were packed into boxes, the remaining place mostly empty due to lack of furniture. While you are cleaning the dishes in the rundown sink, the front door opens. You turn around to look, “Mother, you are back.” the woman in her late 40s stumbles into the floor, another bottle of soju in her hand.
You quickly turn off the water and turn to her, “Mother, we are out of groceries. I don't have anything to make dinner with.” You try to take the bottle from her hand. She jerks away and smashes the bottle into the wall, “All you do is ask for money! You ungrateful bitch!” she yells, her words jumbled due to her drunk state. “It's okay mother, I'll just boil some leftover rice for you.” you quickly move to clean up the shattered glass.
“You should have left with your father, god why didn't he take you away with him!” she wails to the ceiling. You let out a sarcastic laugh, “You think I wanna live here like this?” your mothers eyes widen at your response. “It's suffocating, your voice messes up with my head!” you yell back, heat rising to your face. “How long mother? How long are you going to dwell in the past? He left!” you grab the woman by her forearm, giving her a firm shake. 
“He left, and he isn't coming back!” as soon as those words leave your mouth you feel a sharp impact on your cheek. You look at your mother, tears pooling at your eyes, “I didn't have to carry you for nine months. God knows why I did.” her words hurted more than the slap. You search her eyes for some emotion, regret for what she said, shock for what she just did, instead there's just void. Hope feels difficult. You get up, grab your bag and walk out the door wishing to never come back but you know you will.
Hours pass by and you keep mindlessly walking until you are in front of the forest trail. You wonder if you should go back home now but there is not one motivating factor that would drive you to do so. The sun was about to set, an orangish hue spread over the sky reflecting a subtle cast over the tall trees of the forest. Perhaps it's the serenity that pulls you in, you walk into the forest. It's not the first time you've tried to find peace amidst nature so you make your way through the similar trail.
Lost in your thoughts, you didn't notice how deep you were into the forest or how the light of the day had dimmed away. You only notice when a drop of water falls on your head and you look up at the sky. The water droplets start falling faster as you look around frantically, in the haze of your sight you catch a dark wooden cabin and run towards it. “Is this the beginning of a thriller movie?” you whisper to yourself, hesitating to open the door. Shaking away your thoughts you pull the door open.
It all happens within minutes, you are pulled in and pinned against the door, a sharp object pushed against your neck. You don't even get the time to adjust to the darkness when the lights are switched on. “What the fuck?” Niki frowns, backing away. “What the fuck?” you mirror his words, wondering if your prolonged hunger is now leading to hallucinations. “What are you doing here?” he demanded, his face twisting in a displeasing scowl. “I could ask you the same.” you counter attack, “You are trespassing.” you accuse him, “Aren't you too?” he questions, “No- Not really.” you shrug with a fake nonchalance.
“I… I am just taking shelter from the rain.” you say as a matter of fact. Looking around you notice a part of the floor is elevated to make a loft which had a mattress enclosed with simple wooden railing. There was a short staircase adjacent to the wall through which the loft bed was accessible. The lower area has a kitchen with dark cabinets, a sink, and a stovetop, along with countertop space extending beneath the loft. It was clear that someone used to live here. “Leave after the rain stops.” Niki says with simple directness before climbing up to the loft and laying down on the mattress.
“This isn't your place, you can't ask me to leave.” you sit down at a chair that was kept against a small table just beside the entrance door. “Then you'll be just as much as trespassing as I am.” he says with his eyes closed. “Whatever.” you mumble with annoyance, “What were you doing with the lights off anyway?” you question, “Uh, sleeping?” he says in a sarcastic tone which makes you roll your eyes. “What are you doing in the woods at night in pouring rain?” he slightly sits up, his upper body pushed up on his elbows, if he were to sit up straight, he would hit his head, that's how close the ceiling was to the loft. 
“Witchcraft.” you replied with a shrug, pulling out your notebook from your bag and going through the assignments for today. You hear him scoff, followed by a rustling indicating that he went back to sleep and so you get to study. Hours go by and you occasionally turn around to look up at the loft to see Niki sleeping with his back facing you. For the first time in years you could study in peace, without the noise of glasses shattering or chain of drunken slurs instead the soft pouring of rain and Niki's occasional shuffles. 
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ʬʬ Taglist ʬʬ @d-dilemma @onementally-unstabel-kid @shi-toshi @xienoe @reiminder @starfallia @tya0 thank you lovelies, hope you like it!
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court-jobi · 1 day
i was just (re)reading your "reheat" oneshot and one part that stood out to me was izuku apparently "making a show" of him rolling up his shirt sleeves because reader finds it attractive. but my question is how did he find that out???????? did reader tell him that they find it to be alluring??? i need answers (just please dont do it nsfw, i'm not really into it lol) 👀👀
(btw i love your writing<3)
Ahhhh I'm SO glad someone caught this! I'm a sucker for the little details, and you found one of my favorites 🥰🥰 SFW it is~
And truly, it honestly shouldn't be such a saucy thought, Izuku rolling up his sleeves... It's a pure and simple fact that you love every bit of Izuku, whether he's dressed up or down. What's not to love? But here we are, and I'll tell ya exactly why.
How you came to enjoy this harmless little show was the sum of many 'harmless' moments, though they all have one thing in common:
Acts of Service.
Reheat shows it best, but here's how our darling Izuku reckoned it was a solid plan of distraction...
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Pairing: Midoriya x reader
Izuku is an extremely thoughtful person, as we all know and love. He'll be in your corner to listen, tell you just what you need to hear, and do it all with a smile on his face. He'll also be the first to step up and offer his best if it would help make your life easier.
The first time you watched him do it was a night he came around while you were in a self-imposed baking marathon-- and were quickly running out of surface space in the kitchen. Once setting down his workout bag down at the dining table and shucking off his coat, he'd immediately come in reporting for duty...
'How can I help' chirps off Izuku's lips without missing a beat, and before you could even make mention of washing the dishes as you go (to help expedite the process later), he was already rolling the cuffs of his hoodie to keep the ends from getting absolutely soaked. When he catches you staring from he oven range at what he's doing, he assumes it stems from feeling guilty about putting him to work, or refusing the idea that he'd tidy up for you. It's such a high pile that's filling both sides of the sink already, and it's threatening to topple over onto your tray of still-cooling macarons.
He sees it as a stellar trade off: you cook, he cleans. It's a no-brainer in his book!
The next time he does it, you're visiting him at UA while he's hosting some late afternoon office hours (in case some students wish to stop by for some pre-exam help). It's a slow afternoon, and when he complains about it over text, you surprise him with a little green tea boba pick-me-up. By the time you arrive, he's on the phone with some insurance company about a rate change that he's been meaning to call about.
He's a bit grumpy over it. Why they keep hiking prices like this, he'll never fully understand, but would kill for some transparency in billing, y'know?
"No- I'm not interested in upgrading the policy, it's covering everything I need it to -back at my starting rate. No, no dependents. No secondary vehicles either-- maam, I rent an apartment; I don't even own a home yet- why would I need a byline for acreage protection?!"
Poor Izuku's brows are tented as he navigates the skin sufferable conversation... But all the while, he's flexing -a flick of the wrist in each movement- as he cuffs his sleeves towards his elbows.
You don't realize you're staring until he stops moving. Looking up to his eyes again, they're more confused at you now, with a built shoulder precariously balancing his phone to his ear.
'What's wrong?' he mouths to you.
You immediately shake your head, and just motion for him to carry on. You rest your chin in your hand when he continues, but he doesn't say more on the topic when the woman returns from the other end of the line with more bad news.
"-b-boating protec-?? Ma'am, may I be perfectly real with you? I-I am on a teacher's salary! Can I please just revert back to what I was paying before so I don't have to auction off my AllMight limited editions??"
So firm, so capable... so stupidly attractive doing such a small thing... Izuku maybe a bit preoccupied at the moment, but he's starting to catch onto you, for there's gotta be something behind your interest in his forearms.
Finally, it all clicks into place. In Hatsume's Tech Lab, where you're picking up Izuku from after an off-site field trip of sorts for his support course students does Izuku finally get what's going on.
He's taken up some elective classes for their class route, in addition to his hero course homeroom. In the R&D department, he's trying on some gloves and explaining their features to you in excitement for its intended recipient, his good friend Shoto Todoroki, while his students all bound off elsewhere.
"He even came up with the design; pretty stylish, I'd say! Much better than his first costume, less bulky as well. Mei says we're the same size so I could try for fit before she ships them out to him- hhhnr... well- still kinda hard to- c'you hold this one, baby? here, lemme get them on for real.."
Setting the gloves to your waiting hands, your eyes double in interest. Tongue wets your lips slightly. And shockingly, your mouth moves before you can stop yourself.
"Oooo, my lucky day~ Roll 'em up, babe~"
"that's the problem with this tech. There's safety resistance in the cuffs: they're great for compression, but it's a bit tight for tryin' to get over-- w-wait. What?"
Izuku chances a look at you in that one, thirsty moment.
"Do you-- like this?"
".. just- rolling up my sleeves? Like this?"
Though you've solidly convinced Izuku that his scars are to be worshipped just as much as his heart, he can't believe your starry-eyed look while he does this.
Cheeky, Izuku thinks surely you're messing with him, "Goodness the way you're looking at me, you'd think I was showing you my six pack..."
"Eh, that's nothin'," you tease, "impressive, don't get me wrong, Mr. Midoriya- but anyone can work out. This.. takes finesse."
Izuku sprouted a warming blush over his ears, wrenching a calm exterior into place despite your loving teases.
"Finesse, huh?-"
"Slower, babe," you sink onto a palm again, batting your eyes again, "you look good like this."
"Y-You're a mess..."
"I'm your mess now, handsome."
Izuku peeks up and out towards the hall having just settling his right cuff into place. Then, he's looking back to you all mushy at what he finds there. Complete love. It's earned you a kiss -to affirm his feelings for you, of course!- but also to get you to stop fawning over him where anyone could see.
Your fingers will trail over the sensitive undersides of his wrists while he cups your cheeks into place. Any insecurity he may have once held about his scarring has been snuffed out by you a long time ago, but Izuku now realizes it's not just an accepted sight, but a welcome one.
"Good to know this is a sure method to get your attention, honey," he'll whisper between kisses.
It's the preemptive motive that gets you:
Izuku is so ready and willing to help anyone at a moment's notice, to take charge and get things done: to the point where watching him prep to get his weathered hands involved is an attractive sight. He's the first to go the extra mile for you, no ask too big or favor too small.
It might be a quick adjustment to his outfit for comfort, but the look suits him so well. So yes, even as he rolls up his shirt sleeves, you find him insanely, unfairly handsome.
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