#what can I say? I was supposed to gif this in july but you know what happened
einaudis · 13 days
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"I didn't know it was a gift. I wore it like a curse. I was selfish. I... I tried to make nights awful for you (...) I wanted you to suffer, because I was... I was suffering"
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muxshwriting · 3 months
you and i (pt. ii)
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Simon Basset x bridgerton!reader
summary: as Daphne's twin, you were always second to her. but then you meet someone who is only yours, completely devoted to you. nothing will come between the two of you, it is just you and him || warnings: pre-marital kissing (how scandalous), fuck old man Hastings || word count: 1072 || masterlist
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You rushed into your sister's room that evening, needing to talk with her. "Daphne!"
She was sat at her window, already in nightclothes. "What is it?"
"I know about you and the Duke." You confessed. "I know it was all a ruse and I know he doesn't love you."
Daphne smiled knowingly, pulling you to it beside her. "He told you everything? Even-"
"He loves me Daphne! He said he wants to marry me but needs to court me properly first." Your practically giddy with excitement. "Oh Daphne, I'm going to be a Duchess and you a Princess!"
Now it was Daphne's turn to blush as she thought of her beloved Prince.
"When do you think the Prince will propose?"
She thought for a moment. "Soon, I suppose. He is returning to Prussia at the end of the season and we shall have to be married by July. I am going be a Princess, can you imagine? Me, in a palace, raising children of my own. I will miss you all terribly though."
You smile at her happiness. "You'll be a perfect princess Daph, trust me. Besides, you can always come back and visit or we can come and visit you. I'm sure Colin can stop by Prussia on his tours." The two of your giggle, spending the waning evening discussing your futures together and what they might hold.
The Duke courts you perfectly, charming each and every time. The season has quietened slightly as proposals are accepted and honeymoons begin. Simon joins your family at the park for a promenade, conversation flowing easily between the two of you as you tour the park before making your way back to your family.
"What do you want for the future Simon?"
He sighs, realising what he must confess. "I do not know. But there is something I must tell you. It could change everything and I understand if afterwards, you do not wish to marry me-"
"Simon, what is it?"
"I can’t give you children." Simon says the half-truth.
"Children are not the end of the world." You quickly reply. "If we cannot have children of our own, I shall spoil all my nieces and nephews from my siblings." You pause, resting a hand on his. "It does not make me love you any less."
You want to say more but your youngest siblings are running over, begging you and Simon to entertain them. Simon watched on as you attempted to chase your youngest siblings around the grounds. They were much more agile than you and you soon fell behind, catching your breath. A look passed between Hyacinth and Gregory and they both leapt towards you, pushing you to the ground and climbing on top. They shrieked with laughter as you rolled them both over and began tickling them, squirming to get away from your hands.
You were a natural, bringing your siblings joy without much effort and sharing their joy on your face. In that moment, Simon was willing to cast aside all hatred he held for his father. To see you happy, surrounded by your family was magical. If Simon could give you your own family to raise, he would. He would be happy to spite his father, not live unhappily as his father wanted him to.
He makes his decision and takes the journey that very night, calling on the Bridgerton house in the early evening and heading straight to Anthony's office.
"Simon!" He calls, "What brings you here?"
"I am not here as a friend Anthony, there is something I must ask."
Anthony leans back in his chair, some idea of the question forming in his head. He nods for Simon to continue and watches as he wrings his hands together and stutters out a response.
"I love Y/N. I know our marriage is not your favourite idea but I willing to do anything for her. I'll do whatever I need to." He takes a deep breath. "Therefore, I am asking your permission for her hand in marriage. I intend to propose with my mother's ring and have no need for Y/N's dowry."
Anthony nodded slowly. "I am not blind, nor an idiot. Anyone can see that my sister would not be happier with anyone else. However, to reject her dowry is an insult to this family. I do not care if you have enough money to support her. Take the money, put it in a trust for your future children, let Y/N use it to buy whatever she pleases, but take it."
"I have you blessing?" Simon couldn't quite believe it was that easy.
"You have my blessing." Anthony pauses as he stands to shake Simon's hand. "But if you ever hurt her, you'll have me and my brothers coming for you."
"I'd never."
He appears in the Bridgerton House drawing room the very next morning, a bunch of flowers for you and Mama as he fiddled with the box in his pocket.
"There is a question I must ask you."
Your quietly hopeful as you stand to meet him. "Yes?"
"Marry me Miss Bridgerton." He begs. "It would do me no greater pleasure than to call you my wife."
"Yes." The brightest of smiles covers your face. "I would love to marry you."
Simon's smile matches yours as he slipped the ring onto your finger.
"This ring is beautiful."
Simon smiles wistfully. "It was my mothers. Lady Danbury kept it safe, hoping that I would find love of my own one day."
"Perhaps I should thank Lady Danbury then."
"Please do not, she will take it to her head and never let us forget it."
Your mother silently leaves the room, calling your sisters and servants out with her. Both of you are silent for a minute, revelling in your private moment and your recent engagement. "You know," You begin. "No one would know if I were to kiss you in this moment... That is why Mama called all the servants out."
Simon matches your smirk and steps even closer to you, feeling your breath on his face. You're breathing the same air, hearts beating in unison. His lips brush against yours as he speaks, "No one would know..."
You close the distance, threading your hands into the lapels of his jacket to pull his even closer as your lips melt together in perfect harmony.
All was perfect in the world, everything would be alright.
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hope you enjoyed! part two had me giggling and kicking my feet ngl
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janeyseymour · 7 months
A story where R is really self conscious about their mobility aid (a cane if possible). Maybe one of the middle schoolers says something rude. And mostly a lot of comfort from Mel
i hope this is good enough because i wrote it in between teaching a bunch of first graders and babysitting two little gremlins
Lean On Me
WC: ~2.5k
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You had finally decided to bite the bullet and get your knee replaced after months of agonizing pain with a little nudge from your wonderful wife. You had hoped it would be replaced and healed by the time the school year started up again, but unfortunately that was not the case. You weren’t able to get it replaced until the end of July, and with class being back in session at the end of August, you’re still using the cane and you’re under pretty strict restrictions.
“Maybe I should just take a month’s leave until I can walk without this damned thing,” you mutter to yourself as you’re sitting in Melissa’s classroom while she finishes prepping her room for this year’s upcoming little eagles. “I don’t want the kids to see me with this.” You lazily gesture to the cane that’s next to you.
“That’s up to you, my love,” Melissa tells you as she passes you by to hang a new Eagles sign. “But I do think that you’ll be incredibly bored while you’re recovering and no one is around.”
She’s right. You’ll be bored out of your mind if you decide to take off for a month- especially without her to keep you entertained. And you know that you hate having subs; if the principal would even be able to find a substitute for you this late into the game. So you decide that you’ll just have to tough it out despite the fact that you’re incredibly self-conscious of having to use the mobility aid at such a young age. You get stares while you’re just in the grocery store and hobbling around with your wife (she tries to insist that you stay home and rest, but you tell her that you like spending the time with her and that you need to stay at least somewhat active).
Development days come and go, most of your staff and team doing everything they can to make life easy for you- Ava even going as far as spray painting your parking spot in the front so that she knows not to rent out the space during the Eagles barbecue that she holds every year (both you and Melissa thank her for that). Janine and Jacob help you to set up your classroom while Gregory finds different workouts that are supposed to help it heal faster on top of the rigorous physical therapy that you’ve been attending. And Barbara is there to make sure that both you and your wife were well-rested and eating- offering moral support in any way she possible can.
And so, the first day of school is upon you. The redhead insists on carrying your things to your room, and she sets a chair outside of the door for you to be able to greet your students when they come in. As your old students run past you to get to their new teachers, they give you the biggest and warmest hugs, telling you that they hope you feel better. You see Melissa standing outside of her door, greeting her new students with the same gusto that she always does, and then she looks over to you. She gives you a questioning look, and you nod and smile in her direction- quietly raising your mug filled with coffee in a toast. She reciprocates your action and blows you a kiss subtly.
You hobble your way back into the classroom and take a seat at your desk while the kids settle in and do the morning work that is on their desk. After morning announcements, you have them all gather on the carpet and explain to them how this year is going to work. One of them raises a shy hand.
“What’s up, hun?” you ask one of the girls.
She asks you hesitantly, “Why do you have a cane? I thought only old people have a cane.”
You smile at her gently. “Thank you for asking, sweetheart. Mrs. Schemmenti had a knee surgery over the summer, and I’m still recovering. I’ll only need it for another month, maybe a little longer. But while I have it, everybody needs to be careful and gentle. I can’t walk around much either, so I’ll be teaching from my desk for the time being.”
Your class is overwhelmingly supportive of this, and they are so sweet about asking if you ever need anything or if they can help pass out papers for the entirety of the morning. This group is a bunch of love bugs who make you get well cards when you give them a bit of free time while you’re waiting to be called down to the gymnasium for the beginning of the year assembly.
You’re incredibly thankful that Ava calls your grade first so that you can make your way down slowly and find a seat before anybody else can swoop in- the last thing you need is to have to stand in the back because all of the chairs are taken. You’re pretty sure if that happened, your wife would riot for you, but that isn’t necessary.
You have your kids take a seat, Melissa slides in next to you and takes your cane to prop it up against the wall, and then you settle in for whatever ridiculous first day of school assembly will present itself this year.
Because you were the first ones in, you’re also the last ones out. It gives you time to get yourself and your kids ready to head back to the classroom for the small break they have before they head to lunch.
But when lunchtime comes, you get swept up in the sheer chaos of trying to get your students to the cafeteria in time so that you have your full lunch break. There are the little ones who are walking through the halls with their eyes wide and full of wonder, your kids who are walking at a fast pace that you’re having a hard time keeping up with, and then there are the older ones who couldn’t care less that you’re attempting to make your way through the halls without bumping into anyone. It doesn’t help that half of the middle schoolers now tower over you.
In a rush, one of them knocks the cane out of your hand with their lunch bag and snorts with laughter. “I thought canes were for old heads!”
Another one of them shouts that you’ve really let yourself go, and maybe it’s time for you to go into early retirement if you can’t walk around without the help of your mobility aid.
You stumble without the crutch there to lean on, and you nearly fall until Melissa has looped an arm around your waist and is helping to hold you up. You lean against her heavily as you try to steady yourself again. She turns to shout at the two who were making fun of you, but they’re already swept up in the sea of children that are all wearing the same uniform. She doesn’t know who to yell at, so she quickly turns back to you.
The student that is standing next to you looks absolutely appalled and picks up your cane immediately. She hands it to you gently. “Are you okay?”
You nod and gesture for her to continue walking. Your students do as they keep their eyes trained on you to make sure that you’re okay.
Once all of your kids are in the cafeteria and you see that they are all seated and eating or in line to get a school lunch, you turn. Melissa is still right at your side, her arm still looped around you.
“Go enjoy your lunch, babe,” you tell her gently as you take her hand away. “I’m just gonna sit in my room for lunch if you wouldn’t mind bringing my kids back down with you when the period is over?”
“You don’t want to have lunch with us?” the redhead asks you quietly.
“I don’t know if I can make it down to the staffroom, and then the lunchroom, and back today,” you admit softly. “My knee is really hurting from physical therapy yesterday.”
“I’ll be down with your lunch,” Melissa promises. She squeezes your hand gently before turning on her heel.
You settle at your desk, and despite yourself willing the tears not to spring to your eyes they do. You wipe at them furiously. The comments from the older kids really shouldn’t be affecting you the way that they are. And you really would rather not have your wife see you shedding tears over their idiotic comments- you know she’ll be roping Ava into a manhunt to see who it was anyway, and it’ll only be that much worse for the students if she catches you crying.
Your wife comes in with both of your lunches and an icepack for you- not that you requested one. You quickly wipe your tears as you hear her heels hitting the tile underneath of her, but she still sees it.
“Hun, does it hurt that bad?”
You turn to her with a sad smile. “No. I’m fine,” you lie through your teeth, but your voice betrays you and it cracks ever so slightly.
She sets your lunch in front of you and pulls up two chairs. She gestures for you to set your leg up on the second chair as she sits int he one next to you.
“Mel, you really can go enjoy lunch with he crew,” you tell her gently. “I’ll be okay by myself.”
“Ice,” is all she says as she takes a bite of lunch. She sets the pack on your knee, and you flinch slightly as the cool sensation ripples through your body, sending a shiver down your back.
You sit there, and she watches worriedly as you don’t make a move for your lunch at all. 
“Babe, you have to eat,” she says softly.
You shrug and wrap your arms around yourself. “I’m not that hungry.”
“My girl? Not hungry?” the redhead teases you. “C’mon.”
You don’t know what happens, but something within you snaps. “When I’m not burning nearly as many calories as I used to because of this fucking knee, I don’t get as hungry!” You burst into tears again. “God, I never should’ve gotten it done, and then I wouldn’t need this damn cane!” You throw it across the room in anger before curling in on yourself.
Your wife is up and retrieving it in seconds, only for you to throw it past her again.
“Babe,” she warns as she picks it up again.
“I don’t fucking want it! I’m sick of everyone staring at the young woman who has to depend on a god damn cane to walk!” you cry.
“Is this because of-” she starts to ask you, but you cut her off. 
“I’m sick of being stared at in the grocery store, or when we decided to go to Hershey and I had to use one of the wheelchairs! I don’t want the kids to go home and tell their parents that I’m some poor, crippled woman who can’t teach standing up!” you choke out. “I- I just want to be normal again!”
“So help those kids who pushed past you,” she grumbles before taking her seat back and wrapping her arms around you. She kisses you gently. “It’s all part of the healing process. You’ll be back to running around in no time, and you aren’t going to be in as much pain.”
“It’s going to be at least another month before I can walk without the cane,” you yell, frustrated tears falling down your cheeks.
“And you know I’ll always be here to lean on, your kids will clearly do everything they can to help you, and you know the staff here has your back,” she tries to comfort you.
“I couldn’t even properly take my kids to lunch,” you sigh, and you hate how whiny you sound.
“So I’ll take them and bring them back for you with my kids,” your wife tells you. “That way all you have to worry about is getting to and from the staffroom.”
You close your eyes and take a deep breath. “You already do so much for me.”
“And I will continue to do everything I can for you for the rest of my life,” she tells you with confidence. “When I said for better or for worse, I was serious.”
“I love you,” you whisper as the first genuine smile appears on your lips since the lunch incident.
“I love you too,” she mumbles as she leans in to kiss you. Then she pulls away and pushes your lunch towards you. “Now eat. I know you’re hungry.”
You pick up the fork and shovel some food in your mouth. So maybe you lied to Melissa when you said you weren’t hungry.
Come the end of the day, your wonderful wife picks up your kids and takes them out for dismissal while you ice your knee again. You see the kids off with a wave and a smile as they tell you that they hope you feel better soon. You’re given quite a few hugs, and a few drawings of you with the students are mixed in.
When you expect her to come back in once the kids are gone though, she doesn’t. And you can’t really leave without her because you can’t carry everything and navigate the halls with your cane just yet. You shoot her a text.
Did you forget about your crippled wife?
I’ll be down in a few, she responds quickly. Just chatting with Ava.
She’s telling the truth because the next thing you know, she’s in your room and grabbing your bags along with all of hers, and you’re heading out for the night.
“Why were you chatting with Ava?”
“Just had a few questions for her about this school year,” is all the redhead says. “Now let’s get going- you have physical therapy at 4:30, and then it’s an early night for the Schemmentis. I am wiped.”
The next morning, you and your wife are sitting and standing outside your classrooms getting ready to greet your students when two of the older kids come up to you. They hand you apology notes and hazard a glance at Melissa- they look terrified of her. She just folds her arms over her chest and smirks.
“Mel,” you sigh once they walk away. “I appreciate you defending my honor, but do not make two middle school boys look about ready to sh… their pants on the second day of school.”
“Nobody makes fun of my wife,” she shrugs. “Especially when it’s about something she’s already insecure about.”
“Is that why you were with Ava? You were looking at the security footage?”
Again, she shrugs. “Let’s just say, we’re having a school wide assembly next week about how we shouldn’t make fun of people who have mobility issues or any other sort of disabilities.”
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absolutebl · 2 months
This Week in BL - THERE IS SO MUCH ON RIGHT NOW, it's crazy-making!
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
July 2024 Week 1
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Wandee Goodday (Sat YT) ep 10 of 12 - I am with Dee, noodles do solve everything. The brothers were SO GOOD together. I’m getting to really love a back drop in BL, it’s like the mic drop of gay boys smooching. This is such a good show. I had a big grin on my face while also crying a bit. Everything I want from a BL is happening right here, in front of my eyes.
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Did they gloss over the trauma a bit? Yes. Do I care? No. I don't like dwelling in trauma in general, mine, friends, online, or in my BL.
The Rebound (Weds Gaga) ep 2 of 12 - All Thai mafia is gay… again. Yes, it’s still great. No, I have no idea why they’re dropping so many eps at once. That’s not normal for a Thai drama. But I’m not gonna complain except there’s a lot on right now. I like the side couple too. I also like Frank’s poor little rich kid side dish action. I mean, Meen is an ult for me, but Frank is giving excellent second lead syndrome. Suspiciously aggressive and a touch stalker, but I don’t mind a boy that sus if he that cute. And of course, with the mafia involved there is kidnapping.
Look, is this the best show currently airing? No. Which is why it slid a little in the standings. But that's only because Wandee hit it out of the park this week. Frankly, this may not be the best BL airing right now, but it’s the best BL for me.
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Sunset X Vibes (Sat iQIYI) ep 4 of 12 - That oppa bit was fucking genius. (You get it right? If you don't, I can explain.) And I immediately adore the secretary character as a result (I typed that as "reslut" and that works too.) Pleased to have such a "rich man and his spoiled boy" dynamic it going already. A dynamic I am personally IRL familiar with from the 90s. Also, kiddies stop filming adults at play! Sheesh.
I pretty much love all the couples in this show. It’s lots of fun. SamYo’s cat and mouse thing is delightful. Meanwhile, the mains are so sweetly hesitant about kisses and everything (hilarious coming from this pair). I love them and their awkward first time, or whatever is going on.
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Do you know what? After that "oppa" comment this lead pair makes me feel a little bit like I’m watching a gay K-drama, similar style of personalities and everything, even the random martial arts ability. And the outing. I'm getting Business Proposal vibes. Nothing wrong with that, I was weaned on K-dramas.
All in all, great episode.
My Stand-In (Fri iQIYI) ep 11 of 12 - Yet again I spent the entire episode saying "poor Joe" over and over again. This time I didn’t cry though.
The pat way to end this is to have Joe walk through that door and then wake up back when he was about to get into the motorcycle accident. So that none of it ever happened. I suppose we’ll see what they do next week but I hope it isn’t that.
We Are Cute (Weds iQIYI) ep 14 of 16 - Do you know what this friendship group reminds me of the most? The old Love Sick music club boys. This is just the college version... 10 years later. (Love Sick was one of the few shows where I mostly didn’t yell “no singing” at the screen (also Ingredients). In my defense, I didn’t know any better back then.)
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As boyfriends, PhumPeem are even more puppy/cat paring. And I am even more delighted by it. And them. In fact, this show is ALL puppy/cat pairings. I’m not mad about it.
"I’m hugging you so you won’t feel hungry" is the weirdest pick up ever. But Phum is weird. 
This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans (Fri iQIYI) ep 1 of 8 - The PittBabe team behind a new restaurant set BL full of hidden agendas and starring my new favorites SailubPon. I’m reminded so much right off the bat of PokeTongue’s side dish couple in What’s Zabb Man. Interesting, considering that came from Pon’s former studio. Love the call out of obnoxious content creators (not to mention corporate property developers). I like the chef character, he’s nicely complex. In fact, so far I like most of the characters, it’s a good range of different personality types. The plot is a little contrived and complicated but I don’t mind because the characters are such fun.
The Trainee (Sun YouTube) ep 1 of 12 - Reported on this last week already but here's what I said:
Gun still looks like he’s just out of high school. Madness.
The set for the print shop reminds me of Mork’s dad’s place in ‘Cause He’s My Boy? I swear GMMTV has only 3 sets.
I wasn't looking forward to this show at all. Maybe I just needed more of a break from OffGun? Cooking Crush happened yesterday.
Whatever, because I was absolutely riveted by this first episode.
I’m enjoying The Trainee a lot. Like, a lot a lot. It's not higher up just because there is so much good content from Thailand airing right now.
My Love Mix-Up Th (Fri YT) ep 5 of 12 - Still a chaos muffin no matter which country. So earnest. So cute. Talking stage commence!!!
Love Sea (Sun iQIYI) ep 4 of 10 - I got so bored I started looking up ways to organize my sunglasses. Trash watch here.
Knock Knock Boys (Thurs Gaga) ep 6-7 of 12 - The exes are odd. I like that Latte finally got some backstory.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
I Hear the Sunspot AKA Hidamari ga Kikoeru (Japan Weds Gaga) Ep 2 of 10 - I’m still enjoying this quite a bit. It’s paralleling the manga quite closely, which is nice. But it’s not gonna be a particularly exciting drama if this continues. The manga is rather quiet (pun intended to amuse not insult).
Takara's Treasure AKA Takara No Vidro (Japan Mon Gaga) ep 1 of 10 - Look, if some kid followed me to college and changed the whole course of his life because I was nice about his dead bird? I'd be skeeved as fuck too. It's odd and uncomfortable, in that way Japan loves. Visuals are on point but can't say I'm enjoying it as yet. Still, it is JBL, and so I am intrigued and open to all possibilities.
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It's airing but...
The Last Time (Thai Fri YT?) - Convoluted story of loss and possible reincarnation or something. Can't find it.
OMG Vampire (Thai Sun ???) 10 eps - I've put the search on hold for and y'all can let me know if it's worth tracking down once it ends?
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In case you missed it
Blue Boys finished it run. I like it quite a bit. This felt a lot like a Strongberry short series. It’s very curtailed and could’ve used some legs but I've been trained into ignoring that for Korean BL. Short has always been their thing. Essentially, two boys who were acquaintances in high school are reunited and it turns out always had crushes on each other. It’s definitely an extrovert meets introvert scenario, and this being Korea, they can’t resist a tiny love triangle in the eleventh hour. But it all came out fine in the end. It has great kisses and higher heat than is normal from Korea. All in all, a surprisingly charming offering. Recommended with some reservations around the brevity of plot and character development. 8/10 
The Time of Fever AKA Unintentional Love Story 2 (Korea movie) trailer released to Korean theaters 5/25. HoTae & DongHee, side couple from Unintentional Love Story are back! Same actors, same character names. I love them. Devastated this hasn't had international distribution. I demand you tell me the moment you find it!
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
July Releases to Come
7/10 Century of Love (Thai Gaga) 10 eps - trailer here, DaouOffroad are back, this time as fated mates in a quasi historical paranormal moment. San has spent many lifetimes waiting for his lost beloved, to reincarnate from her death a century ago. But if he fails to find her within this century's time window, he will succumb to a tragic death. And this time she's a boy. Very much Director Who Buys Me Dinner meets First Love Again, hopefully better than both. I love this pair and think they can handle the premise, it's whether the storytelling is up to the challenge. I'm curious to see but I have reservations.
7/24 I Saw You in My Dream (Thai Weds WeTV) - Dee Hup is behind this one so I have high hopes. Younger boy chronically teased his whole life by the older boy next door suddenly starts having horrific prophetic dreams about his bully and must save hime.
7/26 4 Minutes (Thai Netflix or iQIYI?) - Great is a university student from Faculty of Business and the son of a wealthy business owner. Out of the blue, he gains the supernatural power to see four minutes into the future.
7/29 Battle of the Writers (Thai ????) - trailer here, TutorYim return and while I adore them, I really hope this is better than Middleman's Love. Won't be hard. However: that premise! Ugh. Something something authors fighting - save me. Why don't writers understand that nothing is more boring than writers?
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Product placement du jour! Also the only product placed in a BL that I regularly enjoy myself.
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Yes I cried. I'm a sap.
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The faens in the wive's positions! So cute.
All Wandee
(Last week)
Streaming services are listed by how I (usually) watch, which is with a USA based IP, and often offset by a day because time zones are a pain.
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @sunflower-positiiivity @rocketturtle4 @blglplus @anythinggoesintheshire @everlightly @renafire @mestizashinrin @bl-bam-beyond @small-dark-and-delicious @saezurumurmurs
Sigh, Tumblr in it's infinite wisdom doesn't like too many tags.
There's these tricks, remember.
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margareth-lv · 3 months
⛓️ When art and life become one ⛓️
I believe fairy tales have a great deal of therapeutic power. And there's nothing quite like a good story.
As I’ve written here a few times before, I first started watching Outlander in 2020 – a challenging year for us all. At that time, we all needed a good story to take our minds off reality. And to move into the catharsis that art offers. You can imagine my excitement when I realised that two actors (who were so obviously in love) playing the characters in the story were born around the same time as the characters they were playing.
James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser, born on 1 May. Sam Roland Heughan, born on 30 April. Both Taurus, just like me. Claire Beauchamp Randall Fraser, born on 20 October. Caitríona Mary Balfe, born on 4 October. Both Libra.
And, as you might expect, in both the play and real life, she is older than he is. Isn't it wonderful how things just fall into place sometimes? There’s always something to ponder, think about and enjoy.
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But it's been a while since we've seen joy in "enjoy." The Taylor Swift concert is the exception that proves the rule, here.
I'm getting tired of the low-level storytelling we've been presented with for a while now. This story is the worst of the worst. It’s a pretty poor selection of C, D, and E cinema.
And it's pretty sad how two people, who literally built their relative public recognisability on being the 'hottest couple on the screen', are now pathetically role-playing their supposed 'real love lives'. And neither of them succeeds. They're also pretty weak actors in their roles of romantic lovers (I'm thinking mainly of Sam here). Let me just say that they're not pathetic only when they're together. *** *** *** When I saw the blurry, embarrassing footage from this weekend's Giorgio Armani Tennis Classic (tagged #ad on Sam's Instagram), my first thought was that it was a spectacle for us, our Tumblr fandom. There's no one else who would be interested in something you have to look for with a magnifying glass, zooming in, spending long minutes stopping frames of film. Then I got reminded about the Wimbledon Tennis Championships back in July 2019 and another poor performances by 'bride' and her 'groom' a month before their 'wedding'.
Do you remember those pictures?
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First wife, second wife, Claire Beauchamp Randall Fraser and Laoghaire MacKenzie, I mean, Evie Greenwood, a primary teacher.
You know, realism and art all blend together.
We first saw this kind of kissing being reduced to sucking on the partner's upper lip in what we were forced to think was Sam’s ‘real life’, and then we saw the same thing on screen.
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And what about Sam's somewhat embarrassing performance in The Couple Next Door? Which other actor in that film has exposed themselves so much (and so pointlessly), in a literal sense?
How many of us thought Sam's performance in the erotic scenes in TCND was not sexy at all, but disgusting?
I did.
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Wasn't that display of Sam's rhythmically moving buttocks as distasteful as his other performance a few weeks ago?
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Seriously, I would never want my husband/partner/father of my children to behave like this. There's no money worth it. But maybe there is.
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Sometimes I feel sorry for them, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I remind myself of how jealous Cait can be.
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How on earth do they manage to live like that?
[3 July, 2024]
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margotw10bis · 7 months
Crashing On Crush.JJK 7 [m]
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crush!Jungkook x reader
Genre: smut; series; romance; angst
Words: 4.6k
Synopsis: What happens when your first encounter with your crush is Jungkook seeing your ass?
Warnings: sexual tension; broken heart; Calvin Klein JK (yeah, it's a warning)
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As much as you hate it, you do find Jungkook handsome and your heart has been pounding as soon as you noticed him. And you hate that you missed him - the last time you saw him was two weeks ago in the club. You are surprised to see him but also to see he has cut his hair. You can't help but missing his puffy shoulder-length hair and you want to slap you in the face for that thought. His black locks are now shorter in a mullet-style hair cut with a bang and are lightly curled. But gosh, he looks good. A little too good for your heart's sake.
You forget to how to breath when Jungkook stops a few meters from you. You feel your cheeks burning as well as your whole body and it's not because of the hot and suffocating July of Seoul because the A/C is on inside the art gallery. It's definitely because of Jeon Jungkook, the devil manifesting in a handsome man figure.
"Hi, uhm, I have an appointment with Aecha" He says after clearing his throat
"Follow me"
Even if you invite him to walk with you, it looks like you want to run away from him. Fortunately, you quickly arrive to Aecha's office. You knock and enter, Jungkook by your side. Your colleague offers him a way better smile than you.
"Jungkook, hi! Nice to meet you in person! We are so happy to work with you" Aecha's voice is warm and magically relaxes Jungkook
"Same here"
He tries to sound cheerful. He is really happy and proud that the gallery has approached him for the project, it will surely help him for his career but he does feel tensed to see you. He can't deny he hesitated to accept the job but then he saw it as an opportunity to set the record straight with you. He has been so grumpy that even Mina has stopped asking for his attention and let him work in his office at home. Jungkook has imagined hundred of scenarios of what happened between you and the guy after you left and every single one of them ended with you in his arms. By anger and frustration, he even broke his Apple Pencil and had to buy a new one.
"I am so sorry but I don't have time to talk details with you personally" Aecha continues, genuinely annoyed "But don't worry, Y/N is very professional and I'm sure you'll get along"
Your eyes widen and you throw distraught gazes at Aecha. 'Please, don't make me do that!' You silently beg her. But she doesn't get it or chooses to ignore it as she hands you the file. You do know the artists and the theme of the exhibition, as well as other details about the events related but you don't want to work with Jungkook. You know he is supposed to provide different visuals and supports, which means that you are going to deal with him for days. You're not sure your heart can handle it and you fear your determination to hate him will fail you - to be true, it has already began when he first appeared in the lobby.
Yet, you have no choice but to take the damn file with shaky hands and ask Jungkook to follow you in the meeting room.
A feeling of pain and jealousy fills you when you realize that his girlfriend has got to see him everyday and you have no doubt that he has looked damn hot every single day of these two weeks. Even now, in front of you, he is ridiculously handsome in his matching Calvin Klein denim jacket and pants, a white t-shirt finishing his perfect look. You can't help but wondering if his underwear is also signed CK, which makes you blush. Jungkook is fucking hot like that - would you dare to say that you are aroused by the absence of his usual all-black style?
You shake your head to erase those filthy thoughts and you sit down. You open and read the file, which gives you a good excuse to not look at Jungkook.
"Did you sleep with him?"
Jungkook's voice is neutral despite his pounding heart. He couldn't help but ask you. Even if it breaks his already broken heart, he has to know. His look-the-other-way part argues that if he knows, it'll get easier to let you go.
You immediately look up and open your mouth but no sound escapes it. Just by seeing you blushing hard, Jungkook knows. His fists clench and he is angry. Not at you, but at himself. You left with another man, you slept with another man because he pushed you away. He tries to convince himself that the pinch in his heart is due to his bruised man pride but deep down he knows that it's his feelings for you that have been rattled.
"It's none of your business" You eventually decide to answer "Let's not get personal and stick to a professional behavior"
Jungkook doesn't say anything but nods, poking on his inner cheek with his tongue.
Weirdly enough, you both concentrate on work and are able to have a peaceful conversation. Some details are discussed and Jungkook notes some ideas that get through his mind while you give him more informations.
"Can I see the art pieces? It'll help to get fully in the right mood" Jungkook asks at some point
You both walk through the art gallery and you can see that Jungkook truly appreciates the architecture of the building. You see his doe eyes sparkle with inspiration and you can practically see all the ideas that are currently filling his brain. Witnessing his passion melts your heart.
You enter the code of the storage room and motion Jungkook to step in. You explain that you haven't receive yet all the pieces but you add that he can look at them of the website of the gallery. His back facing you, a sketchbook and a pen in his hands, he is already quickly sketching a few visuals. You are quite intrigued by how fast his brain works and you move forward gingerly. You stand on your tiptoe to look upon his large shoulder and sneak on his sophisticate drawings.
"Wow" You whisper, almost in his ear, unintentionally
Jungkook was so focus on his work that he didn't notice you, but when you opened your mouth he startles and turns his head to your face suddenly. You are so close that your breathes are mixing. His eyes look right into yours but can't help going down to yours pretty lips. He gulps, a vivid memory of your several passionate kisses coming to his mind. He knows how you taste and he is dying to feel it again on his tongue. He wets his pierced lips with his tongue and the move attracts your glance too. A spontaneous wave of arousal goes straight to your lower belly.
Thankfully - or not -, staying this long on your tiptoe causes a cramp in your left calf. You immediately step back and wince, holding on the painful leg.
"What's going on?" Jungkook asks you, alarmed
"Cramp" You hiss
It doesn't take long to Jungkook to kneel down and massage your lower leg. You blush hard but convince yourself that it's due to the pain and not to Jungkook's warm palms on your skin. But why do you mentally praise you for wearing a yellow wrap dress and not your usual slacks?
"It's okay, you don't have to-" You speak up, weakly trying to push his hands away
"Let me do that for you"
His eye is so intense that you only manage to gulp and nod, letting Jungkook rubbing your calf to relax the muscles. You hiss as his fingers palp your aching leg, instinctively grabbing on his large shoulders to not fall. Feeling your hands on him, even through the thick fabric of his denim jacket and under this circumstances, Jungkook feels good. So fucking good. His whole body, that has been tensed for weeks now, softens under your touch. It's like he was physically missing something that your hands give him back. Someway, it's the first time you wish your cramp was lasting longer.
"It's gone" You say unsurely and, with regret from both sides, Jungkook stands up
"I'm sorry-"
"Don't. Please don't" You close your eyes in pain, not willing to remember once again what he did because you surely didn't forget
You hate him for breaking your heart but you don't hate him. Quite the opposite actually. You still love him, so fucking much. You can't change the past and you surely can't be best friend with him but you can make this professional relationship work. You want it for the gallery but also for Jungkook because you still think he is very talented and deserves the contract. That's why you take a deep breathe and start talking:
"Look, I know things have been... weird between us. Let's just put that aside and concentrate on work. I really want to feel good here so let's not make things more awkward. I think it would be nice if we could be colleagues"
Jungkook looks at you for a moment, surprised. He doesn't really know what to say when there are so many things that he wants to say - if that makes any sense. He runs a hand through his fresh cut hair.
"I'll work hard then, for you"
He doesn't specify if 'you' refers to the gallery and all your colleagues and artists involved or just you. But your heart doesn't care about the difference and skips a beat. You try to put a - weird - smile on your face to look relax.
"Welcome onboard then, Mr. Jeon"
Day 2 of working with Jungkook and you have to say that you are surprised how things go smoothly. You and Jungkook really get along - on a professional level - and your two brains seem to share the same ideas and vision of the project.
When he went home, Jungkook went straight to his home office and started sketching some visuals. On the one hand, he wants to work slowly only to get the chance to spend more time with you. But on the other hand, he has so many ideas for the different supports. The project clearly excites him and he hasn't been this motivated for a long time. Moreover, your cute yellow dress of the day seemed to be another reminder that you are like sunshine is his life and that everything looks better when you are around.
This morning, he has joined you in the same meeting room and gave you a cup of latte - he knows it's your favorite beverage - that he has bought on its way to the gallery. The sweet gesture didn't go unnoticed by your weak heart and your cheeks did redden. As soon as you two have sat down, Jungkook put his sketchbook and graphic tablet on the desk and explained the different concepts. You were so impressed by his work and how much he has done in just one evening. You couldn't help but being worried that he had not slept well and the dark circles under his beautiful eyes proved you no wrong.
You don't even notice it was lunch time until you hear a knock on the door. You look up and meet a sweet and cute familiar face.
"I didn't want to bother you but I've been waiting for fifteen minutes so I thought that you might have forgotten me"
Jongseob seems embarrassed and is blushing hardly. Your heart immediately melts and your smile widens. This doesn't go unnoticed by Jungkook who wonders how many men have stolen your heart. He can't help but feeling jealous. When will his possessiveness stop? Especially when you're not his.
"It's okay. Actually, I lost track of time. Please come in, Seobi"
You get up and give a big hug to Jongseob. The young man is quite impressed by Jungkook. His black outfit has returned and his tattoos are showing up under his oversize t-shirt. He does look intimidating and Jongseob feels a wave of protectiveness towards you, hoping that the stranger didn't give you a hard time.
You have no idea of what is going on in Jongseob's brain and you turn back to Jungkook.
"Let's meet up in two days so you have time to make the changes we've talked about. Then, we will show everything to Aecha" You say with a smile and Jungkook simply nods.
You notice the way he is staring at your young friend and realize that they don't know each other.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't introduce you-" You are cut off by Jongseob
"I'm Kim Jongseob"
You are surprised by his confident and quite cold tone. It's so not like him. You even feel his arm easily wrapping around your shoulders. When did he get this tall? You look at him, asking him with your eyes what the hell he is doing. But Jongseob is completely focus on the black-hair man.
"Jeon Jungkook"
Jongseob's eyes widen and immediately turn to you. Your face expression confirms what he thinks: it's the man who broke your heart. If you didn't say a word on your Graduation Day, you couldn't lie when a few days later Jongseob has asked you about how it went when you confessed your feelings to your crush. Even if you tried really hard to not cry in front of him, you couldn't stop a few tears. Jongseob was so heartbroken for you and has spent the day with you at your place, eating ice-creams and watching Disney movies.
The body of your usual so cute friend tenses immediately and he leaves your shoulders to step in front of you, protectively. His eyes narrow when he gazes at Jungkook.
"I hope he hasn't done anything to you" He says with his jaw clenched, talking to you but looking at Jungkook
A scoff escapes Jungkook's lips. Who the hell is this kid? He doesn't know anything about him and yet, he is judging him. Only if he knew that at his age, Jungkook was... No, it's better if he doesn't know, otherwise you would know too. And he surely doesn't want you to know.
"Jongseob" You say softly, a hand on his shoulder "Jungkook is working with me, everything is fine"
"Can't someone else deal with him? Why it has to be you?" His voice is more gentle now and he is looking at you, finally
"No, and it's okay. I promise"
"What are you going to do about it, uh?"
Your eyes widen in surprise while Jungkook smirks and then pokes his tongue in his inner cheek in a provocative way. He doesn't even know why he opened his mouth in the first place. Maybe he was just tired of everyone treating him like shit or maybe he wanted you to know that your little guy couldn't compete with him. 'Stupid fucking ego' he thinks.
"What did you say?" Jongseob responds aggressively, taking a step further and Jungkook does the same
"I said, what are you fucking going to do about it?" Jungkook articulates each single word, his jaws clenched
You start to panic and take place between the two men.
"Stop it now, the both of you" You try to be firm but your voice is a little shaky
"You were right, he's a fucking asshole" Jongseob goads
"What did you say?" Jungkook barks this time, ready to throw punches in this little fucker's face
"Jongseob!" You shout "Go wait outside, now"
You are so tensed that your whole body is shaking with adrenaline. What are you going to do if they start fighting? But you release the air of your lungs when Jongseob does as you say. You look at Jungkook to try to know what he is thinking but his features are too neutral, except for his gritted teeth.
"Jungkook, I-I never said that" You try after a moment of silence
"It's okay" He sighs, trying to relax the tension in his body "Even if you said it, you had every reason"
You stand in front of him, not knowing what to do. You are unsettled when a little sneer escapes Jungkook's mouth. You look at him, questioning him with your eyes.
"At least you have people to protect you"
"No, it's okay. I see you on Friday with the finished visuals and support designs"
Jungkook grabs his stuff and goes away, leaving you breathless and heart pounding.
"Noona, I'm sorry"
Jongseob has spent the whole lunch apologizing but you haven't said a word. You are so disappointed in his behavior but you are also destabilized by the way you feel angry at your friend for attacking Jungkook. You shouldn't feel that way, it's true that Jungkook broke your heart but why do you still want your friends to have a good impression of him? It doesn't make any fucking sense and you sigh in frustration.
"Stop apologizing. What you did was wrong Jongseob"
"I know but he... he was just there and he broke your heart! Are you really okay working with him?!"
You take the time to think. Are you okay with it? Honestly, yes. And more honestly, you are happy to work with him. You wish the reason of that was because Jungkook works well but it's not: the reason is that you want to be with him, in anyway possible.
"Yes, so please stop. Maybe you don't want to hear it or you don't understand but Jungkook is nice"
"How can you say that?!" Jongseob gasps
"He is, really. What he did to me was wrong but beside that, he has been really nice to me"
And it's true. Objectively, the cheating-on-his-girlfriend-with-you part put aside, Jungkook has been nice to you. The two days you have spent working with him showed you a new face of him: the passionate yet so considering of other's opinions side. He has carefully listened to you, has taken the time to explain to you technical things about designs and has worked hand-in-hand with you to provide the perfect visuals. Even beside that, the morning coffee and the way he has hold the chair for you to sit down or the way he has turn off the A/C when he noticed you were cold, proves he is a good person. Maybe a little selfishly too, you want to believe that you have fallen for a good guy and not a shit head so the whole story wasn't you being completely wrong about him.
"Look, I'm a big girl. I know you're worried but everything's fine, Seobi" You smile at Jongseob, trying to calm him down
"Okay..." He sighs "But if he tries anything, please tell me and I swear I'll punch him in the face, just for him to know he can't mess with you"
Your heart softens at his pouty face and you promise. You know Jongseob just wants to protect his Noona but deep down you know Jungkook won't try to hurt you again.
You haven't heard of Jungkook until he shows up on Friday for your expected meeting. You have sweaty hands, not knowing how will be things between the two of you. You give him an unsure smile when you welcome him and you feel released that Jungkook is back to his old and nice self. He shows you the final project and everything is perfect. You compliment his work and you may notice a slight blush on his cheeks.
You waste no time and you two head up to Aecha's office so she can approve, what she definitely does. Your colleague is really impressed and praises the both of you. Your chest is full of pride that you managed the situation. You are really excited to be more involved in one of the gallery's projects.
To celebrate your success, you invite Jungkook at a nearby coffee. It doesn't surprise you anymore that Jungkook orders you a latte but it's appealing to your weak and soft heart. Coffees in hands, you sit down at a table.
"I'm so happy that your visuals have been approved! I can't wait to see the posters in real life and on the big screens of the gallery!" You tell him excited, which makes him giggle.
"I'm glad too. Tell me if you need help with the printer guy, I know that sometimes they can be a little hard to handle and delay things until you lose your mind"
"I'll sure do"
You feel so good joking with Jungkook. It feels like before you discovered about Mina, back when everything was so natural and delightful between you two. A small wave of nostalgia washes over your body and a small part of you wishes you didn't know about the girlfriend. However, the bigger part of you feels better to know that he didn't cheat on his girlfriend with you more than that.
"I have to tell you something"
Jungkook's serious tone and face make you stressed. You wonder what other bomb he is going to throw at you and how you'll manage to survive. 'Please, tell me there is no other secret girlfriends!' You pray
"Mina" He starts and your heart sinks by hearing the name, you still feel so guilty towards her even if you didn't know "She is not my girlfriend"
What the hell?!
Your eyes almost roll of your sockets by surprise. You are speechless. Does he lie? But he is looking straight into your eyes and you don't see anything but pain. But if she is not his girlfriend, why did he lie about lying to you? It doesn't make sense!
"She is my best friend, well at least back in Busan"
"But, why?" Is all you manage to say, your brain is completely upside down
"It's just an old habit of us, saying to other people we're dating. When we were younger, we were so close that most people thought that we were actually a couple. At some point, it was kind of a joke to confirm it"
Jungkook's nostalgic smile is not happy but quite sad and your heart squeezes. You wonder what caused him such pain but you don't want to push him.
"Maybe, back then, there were more than friendly feelings between us but it's not the case anymore. I just want you to know that nothing happened between Mina and I"
"Why'd you tell me that?"
Jungkook's eyes grow big in surprise. He doesn't really know why he tells you the truth. Perhaps he just doesn't want you to hurt because of this, because of him.
"I don't know..." He sighs "I just wanted you to know"
You don't know what you feel. On the one hand, you are relived that he didn't cheat on his girlfriend with you, but on the other hand, you are still heartbroken because he has still rejected you - and the reason was not him having a girlfriend but just not wanting to be with you. And that hurts like hell.
Jungkook looks at you with his big doe eyes, biting on his bottom lip, while he waits for you to say something. But honestly, you don't know what to say. So he keeps going:
"I haven't seen her in years but she came up to me. She needed some help. Things are-were complicated. I'm sorry if I hurt you, I really didn't want that"
"I understand" You don't but what else could you say?
"Y/N" He says gently, grabbing your hand at the other side of the table "I am really, really sorry"
The warmth of his hand goes straight to your heart and cheeks. Why does he have to do that? It's so hard not to fall for him when he acts like that! You want to hug him and tell him you forget everything as long as he is with you. But you can't do that, so you smile instead.
"I wish I could go back and do things right with you. Maybe... maybe we could be friends or something?"
Jungkook winces at the way his thoughts have turned into words. It sounds so dumb and it's not really what he wanted to say. He wanted to ask you if you would accept to see him again, like before. Like when you were supposed to have a date at the Lotte aquarium.
"I guess we could be friends" You say in a small voice, almost a whisper
Jungkook's heart jumps in his chest and he knows he'll try everything to make it up to you. But first, he has to deal with Mina.
Since you have done a great job with the communication campaign with Jungkook, Aecha sends you over to meet the print firm. You are walking around in Seocho, a district of Seoul, but take the time to follow the Han River boardwalk. The heat and humidity is almost unbearable but the view is so beautiful. The sun is mirroring on the water. You close your eyes, feeling the D Vitamin entering your body. You hum in contentment.
Nevertheless, the universe couldn't let you in peace for five minutes. Your blood runs cold when a familiar but non welcoming face appears right in front of you. Mina. You don't really know how to act in front of her now that you know she isn't really Jungkook's girlfriend.
"Hi" You tell her with an unsure voice
"Hi, Y/N right?"
Mina's smile is bright but not really friendly. Something in her behavior makes you uncomfortable.
"I'm sorry, I can't stay long, Jungkook is waiting for me at home" She takes a dig at you
Her little scornful tone drives you crazy. Before you can even think properly, you open your mouth:
"Jungkook told me the truth. You are not really together"
For one second, Mina seems unsettled but she hides it quickly. You feel your heart beating faster and your hands freezing, just as if you were ready for a fight. It might not be a physical one but it will surely be punches with words.
"Did he?"
You stay silent, waiting for her to set the mood. You don't have hard feelings for her. You could be friends, if she wants to.
"Look, you seem like a nice girl" Although it doesn't sound like a compliment in her mouth "But I'm not sure you are the good person for Kookie"
"I think he's old enough to decide for himself"
"We might not be an official couple but we do share something special. We've been best friends for years, we have been through so many things, you won't ever be able to understand. I know him but I'm not sure you can say the same"
You are taken aback.
"I-I do know him" You sound less confident than you wanted
"Oh, really? Did he tell you about his past?" Mina smirks and you frown, confirming what she was thinking "I just don't want you to be hurt, Y/N. Jungkook and I are meant to be together. It might take some time but it will happen eventually. If you stay in between, you'll only get your heart broken"
Your watery eyes blur your vision. You don't know how Mina manages to do it but her words are so sharp that you could swear she is telling the truth. Maybe it's a result of her magnetic aura.
"I love him"
It's the final blow for you. An intense squeeze hits your cardiac muscle. You don't even know who you are anymore. You have read too many books, you have seen too many movies not to know. All along, you thought you were the main character of the story. But you're not. You're the second female lead in Jungkook's story: the one who only exists to make him realize that his true love has been in front of him since the beginning. There is no better destiny than two best friends finally aware of their true feelings. Fate, cruel as ever, put you on Jungkook's path for him to acknowledge that Mina is the right one for him.
And that fucking hurts.
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brnesblogposts · 7 months
movie night with the avengers
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pairing avengers x reader
warnings: none!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I turn around and to my surprise Peter has set the microwave on fire. Steve quickly grabs the extinguisher and puts it out.
"Peter, you know you're not supposed to use kitchen appliances unsupervised" I say jokingly and he gives me the finger in response.
"STEVE DID YOU SEE THAT?! SPIDERBOY JUST SWORE AT ME." Steve just gives me a stern look that screams annoyance and walks out with his salad
"how are you an avenger, you can't even make popcorn without burning the compound down" O I tease peter.
"July 27th last sum-"
"LA LA LA LA LA" I cover my ears with my hands. a horrible day that was. the guys haven't stopped talking about it since. "truce?" I say to Peter with pleading eyes and he nods
"truce, if you agree to tell Mr. Stark that this was pietro's fault.." I put my hand out and we shook on it.
As Peter and I go into the movie room with a fresh bowl of unburnt popcorn that we made using an old popcorn maker I found, everyone looks up
"What took you guys so long?!" Clint snickers as he takes a handful of popcorn
"Oh you know us, always losing track of time by talking, Y/n is such a blabber mouth" I hold my hand over my heart as if deeply hurt.
"Totally off topic but we need a new microwave." I say to tony
"What did you guys do." He spat out, rolling his eyes
"WE.." I say using my hands to gesture between Peter and I "..didn't do anything!" and Peter adds on, "Pietro set the microwave on fire, he sped away before I could confront him."
Peter is a horrible liar.
"I know you're lying parker, your voice goes all high and squeaky when you lie. luckily for you i'm a billionaire, I can buy a new microwave. it's coming out of your allowance though."
"Mr Stark I don't have an allowance-" Peter looks perplexed
"Exactly." Tony says back.
We both placed the popcorn bowls on the table and took our places in our seats, "what're we watching tonight?" Kate asks with a mouthful of popcorn
"13 going on 30!" Bucky says and everyone looks at him with a raised eyebrow
"REALLY?!" Sam says, "Buck if I have to watch one more romcom with you.." Bucky just shrugs.
"I like that movie, Matt is kinda cute" Natasha says
"..He looks so much like Bruce it's uncanny" I say while raising an eyebrow at her.
"He’s a handsome fella" Bruce shrugs and everyone laughs at his quip
"I think we should watch The Truman Show" Loki voices and everyone comes to an agreement.
“I've always felt like him you know, like i'm in some sort of movie" I didn't mean to say that out loud but I did and everyone looked at me all weird..
"You're funny" Scott laughed a little. I brushed it off and settled into my seat as the movie started
"If I ever had a movie made after me i'd want that RDJ guy to play me" Tony said as everyone was looking at the movie, we all burst out laughing, "you're all so mean to me." Tony said with a frown.
we all watched the movie and had a good time.
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“The freakin’ London premiere- we all know that that was not supposed to happen; that was not okay.. and he still did it.”
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I’m sorry, but what is this “bad behavior” that she’s alluding to? What exactly did Luke do that could’ve offended her and other people so much? Someone please enlighten me. I really want to know how Luke showcased “bad behavior” at the London premiere. I’m genuinely curious.. because, I personally haven’t seen anything- and I’m sure I’m not the only one who’ll say that.
This TikTok is 3 and a half minutes long. If you want to watch the video, go right ahead! But for those who don’t want to watch the full thing, I’m gonna give you my thoughts on just a few of the things she said in her video.
She talked about how Luke should post something on social media to show more appreciation to the fans. In multiple interviews throughout the press tour for season 3, Luke has talked about how he appreciates every ounce of support and love that has come from the fans and how he can’t wait for everyone to see Colin and Penelope finally get together. But apparently… to some (unfortunately), that’s not enough. Just because he hasn’t posted about how grateful he is for the fans, that doesn’t mean that he’s not grateful. To insinuate that he’s “inconsiderate” because he doesn’t post on social media is diabolical to me; it is not only unfair but it’s unacceptable. At the end of the day, Luke doesn’t owe us a damn thing.
The second thing I want to share my opinion on very much relates to the first thing. This girl talked about how he should post something for Nicola and publicly show his appreciation for all the times she stood up for him. To the people who have said this (and trust me, this girl is not the only one who thinks this) and believe that he’s ungrateful for her defending him.. let me ask you ask you something: did it ever cross your mind that he showed his appreciation for all the times she expressed her (platonic) love and respect for him privately? I’m sure they talk and text each other a lot. There are other ways to show someone appreciation- and it’s (to me) even more meaningful when it’s not on social media. Just because he doesn’t post about on social media.. it does NOT mean that he is unappreciative. Nicola has defended him publicly because she’s a good person and knows that he’s a good person too. There’s a reason that Luke’s cast mates (most of them he’s known for 5 years) only have good things to say about him. Yet, there are “fans” who want devote so much time and energy to talk shit about someone they don’t even know.
Lastly, and this is something I’ve addressed a few times before. She asked, and I quote, “What is the bullying that according to some of you he’s experiencing? Where is the bullying?” The way I see it; in my opinion, by asking that.. she has made it abundantly clear that she has NOT been paying attention.
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I shared these screenshots back in July- they have since been removed from Twitter (I’m not calling it ‘X’ because it sounds like the name of a p*rn site). If any of this doesn’t count as bullying, then what the Hell is it? They weren’t complimenting him to lift his spirits up. He even said in an interview that he was verbally harassed for TWO YEARS because of Colin’s “I would never dream of courting Penelope Featherington” comment at the end of season 2 (even though Colin is a fictional character and Luke is nothing like his character)- last time I checked… THAT’S bullying.
She says that she’s “holding him accountable” when he hasn’t done anything wrong. Has Luke said or done something that TRULY IS problematic? If he has, I would gladly hold him accountable for it. However, I haven’t seen him do or say anything that is so awful that he has to be held accountable for it.
She also talked about how A would post something when Nicola posts something- she posts something; same with when the official Bridgerton account posts something and she would overshadow Luke. You can point all of that nonsense out all you want, but Luke has NO CONTROL over what she posts her posts on her own social media account and when she decides to posts it!! Regardless of how you feel about their age gap, she’s an adult who makes her own choices. She old enough to know to know right from wrong- just like the “fans” who have been harassing him for months.
One more thing, today.. she posted a TikTok about how Luke liked Nicola’s recent post and she was all giggly and excited.. with that being said, my mind is telling me one thing- that she is one of those people who only like Luke when he interacts with her on social media and/or is actually with her (whether it’s casual or in interviews). Now, I could be wrong; this is strictly my opinion- an observation, if we’re getting technical.
Overall thoughts: I know that Luke’s not a perfect human being and I never said that he was- no person living on this planet is perfect.. and I would 1000% hold him accountable if he did or said something that actually WAS problematic. But, from what I’ve seen.. he hasn’t done anything to deserve all of the negativity he’s been getting.
Now, if you’ll excuse me.. I’m gonna go take something for my migraine.
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drabbles-mc · 9 months
Nowhere To Be
Opie Winston x F!Reader
For one of my favorite people, @justreblogginfics with the prompt: The party was great but now it’s time to find their way home, in the middle of the night in the freezing cold in high heels and a party dress.
For @storiesofsvu Holiday Bingo 2023 prompt: New Years
Warnings: 18+, language, implied/referenced smut, pining
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: I have missed Opie so much, so thank you for giving me the inspo and the opportunity to write this fun little somethin' for him! Happy New Year! 🥰💖
SOA Taglist: @espieviolet99 @littlekittymeow @i-just-read-stuff @fuckyeahopie @withmyteeth @buckybarneshairpullingkink @paintballkid711 @jitterbugs927 @fanfic-n-tabulous @mijagif @frattsparty @choochoo284 @artemiseamoon @darqchilddaydreamz @nessamc @garbinge @winchestershiresauce (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
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“It is cold in California!” you said, exasperated.
Opie chuckled as he stood beside you. Part of him wanted to make a comment about the fact that you knew that, that you’d grown up in Charming just like him. Sure, you’d been on the East Coast for a few years but it wasn’t nearly long enough to wipe your memory clean of it. Plus, you’d been back in Cali long enough to have not made this mistake—you were just too tempted by the idea of a party and getting dressed up and going out.
He wanted to say all of that, could have, but instead he just said, “Yeah, it is.”
Turning to face him, you huffed out a sigh. “Why is it cold in California? I thought it was supposed to be all beaches and sunshine here.”
“You probably wouldn’t be so cold if you didn’t—”
“I look good,” you cut him off, knowing exactly where his sentence was going. “That’s not the issue here.”
“I mean,” he shifted so that he was pressed closer to you, his fingertips dragging up the side of your leg that was left exposed by the short dress that you’d worn to the party, “this feels like it might be part of the issue.”
You rolled your eyes, glad that you could say the goosebumps breaking out over your skin were because of the cold and not because of the feelings and thoughts that were coursing through you at just the slightest touch. Despite your initial impulse, you swatted his hand away.
“You didn’t seem to think it was much of an issue about an hour ago when we snuck off to the bathroom and—”
“Alright,” it was his turn to cut you off, chuckling as he did so.
He shrugged off his leather jacket, one of the million layers he always seemed to be wearing whether it was the first day of January or the last day of July. He held it out for you to take and for as much as you liked giving him a hard time, you weren’t quite committed enough to that endeavor to turn down the opportunity for some extra warmth. You snatched it out of his hand and slipped your arms into the sleeves, feeling relief not just because you immediately felt warmer, but also because the jacket smelled like him and there was comfort to be had in that too.
“Thank you,” you said, leaning into him, hands pressed against his chest.
He smiled. “Welcome.”
You tilted your head just a little farther back so that you could get a better look at him. He had one arm draped around your waist, hand resting on the small of your back. His other hand was placed on your hip, not holding you too tightly but it also would’ve taken some effort if you really wanted to pry yourself away. Not that you had any interest in that.
“Can I tell you something?” you asked.
He scanned your face for a moment, wishing that he had any idea at all where your next sentence was going to go. He knew what he wanted you to say next, but he also knew better than to hold his breath over it. Plus it was New Year’s Eve, or rather New Year’s Day by hardly an hour. And you were drunk not just off the alcohol you’d both had all night but also from the energy of the party. He knew better than to get his hopes up, and yet.
“Confessing crimes already? Year just started,” he joked.
You laughed and shook your head. “No, no crimes.” You leaned a little more onto him, taking the weight off one of your feet. “Ugh, these heels are killing me. I can’t even think.”
“Yeah, I don’t think that’s why you can’t think.”
You laughed, giving him a playful shove. “Shut up.”
“What’d you wanna—”
You cut him off, not meaning to, but you were already moving onto the next thing. “We gotta get back to the hotel. Because if I have to stay in these shoes any longer, I’m gonna,” you laughed, “then I’m gonna commit some crimes to confess to.”
He chuckled. “You remember how to get back?”
You turned and looked at him. You tried to hold in your laughter and failed. “No.”
He wanted to be annoyed but he had sort of seen it coming. It wasn’t surprising, to say the least. “This was your idea,” he teased as you pulled out your phone.
You waved him off. “Going out was so much easier before.”
“Yeah? Why’s that?”
You looked up from the GPS on your phone for a moment so that you could look him in the eye. Keeping your tone and facial expression as serious as ever, you said, “Because all the streets in New York are fuckin’ numbered, Ope.”
The statement hung in the air for a second between the two of you before you both started laughing. Opie shook his head at you, knowing that if it had been anyone else he would’ve left them to their own devices awhile ago. But it was you. He wasn’t going anywhere if it was you.
By the time you got yourself somewhat back under control, your GPS had loaded directions for how to walk back to your hotel. Lucky for you, it wasn’t as far away as you thought that it was going to be.
“I got it,” you said as you showed him your phone.
“Let me see that,” he replied, reaching to take the phone from your hand.
You swatted him away. “Hands off! You don’t think I know how to get us back?”
He raised his eyebrows slightly. “You want my real answer to that?”
You rolled your eyes. “I know how to follow a map.”
He shook his head, reaching for your phone again. “You don’t even look like you know how to follow a sidewalk right now.”
You gestured angrily at your heels. “That’s because of these shoes. Honestly, you might just have to carry me back.”
He chuckled, following behind you as you set off down the sidewalk in the direction your map was telling you to. “Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah.” You looked over your shoulder at him. “That, or you can just drag me behind you like a caveman.”
He fell into stride next to you. Draping his arm over your shoulders, he said, “That sounds more like me.”
“Yeah, goes with the caveman beard you’ve got going on now,” you joked, reaching and toying with the ends of his beard for a moment. It was so much longer than it had been the last time you were home. Jury was still out on how you really felt about it—it took away the last of his baby-face.
He shook his head, knowing that you were always going to come up with something to give him grief about. Of the many things that had changed over the years, that was something about you that had remained constant. Infuriating and amusing all at once. He let you have that.
“Stick around long enough and you’ll get used to it,” he finally said.
“I told you,” you leaned deeper into his side for emphasis, “I’m back for good.”
He liked the sound of that, but he knew better than to buy too heavily into it. He pressed a quick kiss to the side of your head. “We’ll see.”
“Where else am I gonna go?” you asked, your mock offense not landing the way it should’ve when you were nearly tripping on the gaps in the sidewalk concrete.
He steadied you without having to give it a second thought. “Don’t know.” He chuckled. “Right now I don’t even think you’re gonna get us back to the hotel.”
You gave him a shove, not enough to really make any difference. Even on your best day in much steadier shoes it would be difficult to get him to move if he didn’t want to. All the Winston’s were like that. Your half-attempt only served to make him pull you tighter into him, which worked better for you anyway.
His hand was still resting on your shoulder, fingers pressing into the leather of his jacket that was yours for the present moment. Like it was a reflex, you reached up with your free hand and threaded your fingers with his as the two of you walked. You gave his hand a light squeeze as the two of you reached the end of the block. You gave him no warning that the two of you were turning rather than continuing forward and using the crosswalk. You knew it, too, laughing as you made a sharp right turn and pulled him with you.
You were lucky enough to catch him mid-stride, knocking him just enough off-kilter to make him follow your lead. You hadn’t been expecting it to work, and you nearly stumbled and fell in the process. Laughing, you took another half-balanced step until you felt your back rest against the side of the brick building behind you. Opie had followed your steps, his palm bracing against the wall beside your head, one leg positioned between both of yours. Your shoulders shook as you tried to hold in your laughter, your face heating up so much you were certain that if Opie touched you, he’d be able to feel it.
You placed your palm against his chest. There were words caught in the back of your throat, things that you wanted to say, things you’d been wanting to say all night, but you couldn’t get them out. You opened your mouth, hoping that would force them out, but all that came out instead was laughter that faded into a hum as you tried to get yourself under control.
When you finally resigned yourself to not being able to say anything, you slid your hand up from his chest so that it was on the back of his neck. You pulled him down into a kiss, one that he gave into easily and eagerly, pinning you between him and the wall behind you, his hand that wasn’t bracing him against the wall gripping tightly onto your hip.
His hand slid down from your hip onto your thigh, and he was about to start sliding it right back up and underneath the thin fabric of your dress. You could feel it in his movements, the way that he had to convince himself to stop. You couldn’t help but to smile into your kiss, eventually letting the laughter bubble over when he pulled his lips off of yours.
Your body was still pinned, not that you had any desire to really be anywhere else in that moment. You let your hand stray from the back of his neck. Your fingertips ghosted along his cheek, brushing along the edge of his beard. Maybe it wasn’t so bad.
“Never gonna make it back at this rate,” Opie finally spoke up, not that he really seemed like he was in any great rush to go.
You laughed, head resting back against the wall behind you. “Got somewhere else you need to be?”
He smiled, shaking his head before snagging another kiss from you. “No. I got nowhere to be.”
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Drabble Roulette: Helmut Zemo + Mob AU
Hey hey! This weekend (July 6 -7) I’m going to be playing drabble roulette! I’ve curated a list of characters, tropes, AUs, and kinks and I’m spinning the wheel! Hopefully I can do this once a month as a little writing exercise.
Character: Helmut Zemo
Warnings: this drabble includes illegal activity and drunkeness. Please mind these warnings and take care.
Explicit, 18+. Please reblog and leave some feedback.
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A giggle bubbles up from your throat. You don’t know why it’s so funny. Maybe it’s the absurdity. Maybe you’re just tired of being the other one. Or you’re drunk. Very drunk. 
You glance over at Shantal. She’s making eyes at the guy who brought her a lime twist cocktail. He’s into her too. And Traci grinds on the dance floor with a buff guy you know spends more time in the gym than doing actual work. And you, well, you get the cream of the crop, don’t you? 
As the man approaches, you try to ignore him. Try not to see him. Maybe he’ll get the hint. You’re really not interested. 
He doesn’t. He sits beside you on the long bench behind the table and sets the second martini in front of you. You repress a cringe. You hate to be rude but you can’t help another giggle. 
He looks older up close. You could tell before he’s beyond your age range. Do you have one of those? Not like you have a vast field for selection. Next to the young studs your friends have reeled in, his seniority is even more stark. 
“You look lonely,” he slithers. 
You put on your best smile. It’s hard. You’re mortified. 
“Um, thanks, that’s nice but...” you look away and wet your lips, laughing again. “I’m sorry I’m not looking--” 
“Mm, you could’ve fooled me the way you keep peeking over at your friend. You are rather green.” 
You wince at the insult. You’re not jealous but you do wish you could find them as east as Shantal. You shrug. 
“I appreciate the gesture but I think I might be a bit... young for you,” you suggest. 
It’s his turn to laugh and he does. Heartily. He stirs the cocktail with the toothpick, three olives skewered upon it. He raises his chin and inhales through his nose, looking around the flashing club. Why is he even there? It can’t be much fun hanging out with coeds at that age. 
He looks at you smugly, “do you have any idea who you’re laughing at?” 
His expression turns dire and your stomach drops. Something in his dark eyes strangles you. You shake your head and look at the stemmed glass. 
“Sorry, I don’t think we’ve met,” you utter. 
“We’re meeting. Now.” 
“Right,” you hesitate. This is awkward. You don’t know what he wants you to say. “I am the designated driver so--” 
“Don’t lie to me,” he sneers. “I’ve watched you keep pace with these sluts you call friends. You’re slurring right now and I can smell the vodka on your breath,” he leans in, “I’d rather taste it.” 
“Excuse me?” You sputter. 
“You’ve got a pretty mouth,” his eyes flick down to your lips, “go on, have a sip.” 
“You’re gross.” 
“I bought you a drink so don’t be so impolite,” he retorts. “I’m sorry, did you have a line up?” 
He peers around again, even more smug than before. That hurts.  
“You know, you catch more bees with honey--” 
“I already own you,” he insists, “you’re in my club, you have my liquor in your stomach, and you are sat at my table. So, show some manners and drink what I give you.” 
You shake your head. This man is confounding. Is he flirting or demeaning you? 
“I recommend you weigh this very carefully. I don’t just own this snake’s pit. The landlord you pay for their basement, I know him. He pays me his dues. And the college campus, yes, well, several professors have a taste for gambling, and I suppose you would need to deal with the banks...” 
“You’re lying--” 
“Perhaps, would you like to find out the hard way or the easy way,” he reaches over and taps the glass before you, “I do find gin does go down rather smoothly.” 
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daysofyellowroses · 2 months
training season
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kerry von erich x afab!reader | 3.4k | 18+ minors dni | honestly zero plot to be found, just smut because why not!
i don't think it's an overstatement to say this is incredibly overdue 🤦🏻‍♀️ i started writing it in..march i want to say, and then hit a bit of a mental health slump but here we are in july, surviving if not thriving ✨️ this story is based on this request from the most patient angel in the universe, love of my life, @thecapricunt1616 do yourself a favour and scoot on over to discover the best blog in existence 🫶🏻💗🌼 enjoy!
“He's here again.”
“Your not-so-secret admirer.”
You rolled your eyes with a smile, not looking across the room. It was the third or fourth time that week that some of your fellow team USA athletes just happened to be in the same gymnasium as you. Sure, their disciplines were based outdoors, but you were all happy to keep up the charade that they were there for moral support. Not to watch you and the other gymnasts walk around in flimsy practice leotards, absolutely not. Like you and the girls never went to watch the guys strut around in their flimsy vests, you were just there for moral support.  
When it was your turn on the mat, you took your time unzipping your hoodie, carefully folding it and setting it aside as you felt eyes on you. When you walked over to the corner of the mat, you gave a slight glance across the room, checking who was sitting in the stands. Of course Kerry was there, you would have been disappointed if he wasn't. 
You always pushed yourself to be the best, but knowing he was watching you always pushed you harder, made you add a little extra flair to your routine as you moved across the floor with ease, throwing yourself into your practice. 
After you'd finished and had rejoined the girls, you found Kerry still watching you when the next girl went to practice, looking away after giving him a smile and trying not to feel too smug to have his attention. 
It wasn't like he didn't have yours, you supposed. You just enjoyed keeping him on a hook. 
Of course, you and the girls just happened to be going for a walk around the training grounds later that afternoon when Kerry and his teammates were out for practice. It was a beautiful afternoon and you were just enjoying the weather while you had some free time.
While some of the girls stopped to properly watch the guys training, you linked arms with your bestie on the team and kept walking, giving the occasional glance over your shoulder before looking away and bursting into a fit of laughter about how teenage it all was. 
Still, teenage or not..it worked.
As you were rounding a lap of the training grounds, you spotted Kerry walking over to you and had your bestie giving you some excuse or the other before she went to join the other girls/spectators. You didn't mind having an audience, after all it was girls you'd known for along time and you'd been in the group watching on enough times.
“Hey,” Kerry grinned as he approached you, his hoodie draped over his shoulder. “what brings you out here?”
“This weather, obviously,” You grinned, unzipping your hoodie a little. “It felt criminal to be inside any longer.”
“Fair enough,” Kerry nodded, smirking a little as he glanced over to the girls, huddled together and giggling as they all pretended the grass was suddenly fascinating. 
“How are you feeling about next week?”
“Like the gold is already around my neck,” You shrugged with a smile, folding your arms as Kerry looked back at you. “what about you? Feeling confident?”
“Absolutely,” He grinned, gesturing to himself. “You saw me out there, I got this.”
“Who says I saw you?” You rolled your eyes with a grin. “I was taking a walk, I don't have time to watch you.”
“Right, that walk all around here..where I just happen to be,” Kerry raised a brow. “There's no shame checking me out, I'll take the support.”
You laughed and shook your head,adjusting your arms to sit tighter under your chest. “Can I borrow some of that confidence for my routine?”
“Like you need it,” Kerry rolled his eyes playfully. “You were great out there. Couldn't keep my eyes off you.”
“You're welcome,” You grinned, taking a step closer. “Happy to provide you with some free entertainment.”
“Oh yeah?” Kerry stepped closer too, the distance between you now minimal. “Maybe I can repay the favor.”
“How do you plan to do that?” You asked, looking up at Kerry under your lashes with a grin. “I'm not easily impressed.”
“Then let me try,” Kerry winked, taking a slight step back. “Come by tonight. We're having a party. You can show me some of those moves of yours up close.”
“I'll think about it,” You shrugged, unable to stop the smile on your face. 
“I know you will,” Kerry grinned. “Just try and think about the party too. Be great to see you.”
You did think about it, and you knew you and the girls would absolutely end up at the party but you weren't going to make that known. It was the same with all the Olympic village parties, you and the girls would show up fashionably late, looking drop dead gorgeous and have the best time. 
Kerry's party wouldn't be any exception. Music blasted while you and the girls got ready, drinks flowing as you all perfected yourselves. Technically the athletes weren't supposed to have parties, to drink or smoke or eat burgers or in some people's cases work their way through the countries of the world person by person. But once you all brought home medals, the coaches were willing to look the other way now and then.
You were feeling pretty buzzed when you got to the party, which had spilled out from the apartments onto the grounds. Music was blasting, drinks were flowing, a cup being handed to you as soon as you arrived. You took your besties hand and twirled her around before doing a lap of the party. You waved to some of your fellow team USA athletes, keeping an eye out for Kerry. When you spotted him, you and your bestie kept yourselves within his eyeline, dancing to the music.
It didn't take long until you felt a hand on your back, giving your bestie a grin as you rolled your eyes playfully. You turned around and smiled as you spotted Kerry, resting your hand on your hip.
“Found me then?”
“You're hard to miss when you're looking like this,” Kerry grinned, eyeing you up and down. “Got all eyes on you when you're looking so good.”
“Oh yeah?” You grinned, raising a brow before looking back to your bestie. She took your empty cup before telling you she'd get you another drink, giving you a wink before walking away.
“Seems weird,” You looked back at Kerry, touching the sleeve of his t-shirt. “Seeing you so covered up. I'm used to you in your vests.”
Kerry laughed before taking a sip of his drink, his eyes focused on you. You knew the black mini wrap dress you'd thrown in your suitcase at the last minute was a good idea. 
“Is that your way of saying you prefer me half naked?” Kerry teased.
“Absolutely not,” You raised a brow with a grin. “Why would I prefer half naked to the whole thing?”
Before he could respond, you held out your hand with a grin, tilting your head slightly.
“Come dance with me.”
“Yes ma'am.”
You turned once Kerry's hand was on yours, leading him further into the crowd before turning back and wrapping his arm around you as you swayed against him. He moved his free hand to grip your waist, holding you flush against him. The music felt louder, pounding in your ears as you moved your body to the rhythm. 
Kerry leaned down to kiss your neck, your head falling back against his shoulder as your hands moved over his, your heart racing as warmth flooded you. For all your teasing and flirtations, you'd never gotten so close to him before, felt all of him pressed against you. Really you cursed yourself for not doing it earlier.
 “Didn't know you knew how to dance,” You grinned, slowly stepping forward before turning in Kerry's arms and wrapping your arms around his neck. “You got any other hidden talents?”
“Plenty,” Kerry smirked, his arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you closer. “Though they ain't gotta stay hidden.”
You gently trailed your fingers through Kerry's hair, smirking slightly as you leaned in to whisper in his ear.
“I hope not. Show me what you got.”
As you felt Kerry's hands move down your body to grab your ass and pick you up, you let out a squeak of excitement as you wrapped your legs around his waist. 
“No time like the present hm?” Kerry smirked, taking a step forward as you held onto him, giving him directions as best as you could, distracted by the feel of him against your already soaked panties.
You were feeling desperate by the time you reached Kerry's bedroom, weaving through the heated crowd who in a few days wouldn't be smoking, drinking and dry humping on couches, the world watching respectable athletes at the peak of their prowess.
The feeling of a solid door behind your back snapped you from your thoughts, you met Kerry's eyes and moved your hands to touch his neck.
“Come on then,” You murmured with a grin. “whip out your talents.”
Kerry laughed before he leaned in to kiss you, to your unexpected surprise. You had often thought about how it might feel, knowing it was inevitable. It turned out to be better than you could have ever imagined. He tasted like beer and a hint of cigarettes, his lips soft against yours. His hands were still gripping your ass, and you didn't object to it when his fingers found the waistband of your panties. 
“Put me down, I'll take them off,” You groaned into the kiss, your hands moving to grip Kerry's curls. “ruined anyway.”
After a moment, Kerry slowly set you down, and you broke the kiss just long enough to reach under your dress before Kerry's arm touched yours.
“No,” He met your eyes before glancing down, his hand moving down your arm to slip under your dress and touch your wrist. “Let me.”
You managed a nod, watching Kerry sink to his knees before you. He slowly reached under your dress, fingers digging into the waistband of your panties. He tugged them down slowly, his eyes held on yours. 
“Fuck,” You murmured softly as you noticed the size of the wet spot on your panties, now pooled at your feet.
“Not a bad start,” Kerry grinned as he looked down and reached for the hem of your dress. “But you can do better. Get this off for me, will you?”
You took a breath as you reached for the hem of your dress, your fingers brushing against Kerry's. It took some serious self control to slowly peel your dress up over your head and not just rip it away. When you were left standing in just your bra, your heart raced as you met Kerry's eyes, a smirk on his face.
“Good girl,” He murmured softly, his hands moving along your thighs. “So obedient, ain't you?”
As much as you wanted to give a sassy little retort, you found yourself distracted by some primal part of your mind for a moment, lifting your leg up slowly and draping it over Kerry's shoulder. You smirked slightly as you noticed he was caught off guard, tilting your head slightly. 
“Waiting for someone to wave you in?” You teased, reaching for your bra strap and slowly tugging it down your shoulder.
“Don't be a brat,” Kerry grinned, hooking his arm around your leg as he leaned in and placed a soft kiss to your wet center. You closed your eyes as he slowly locked a stripe up to your clit, your heart racing. Your hand moved to grip his hair, a gasp escaping you as you felt Kerry's hand grip your thigh.
As he slowly licked along your wet folds, you tried to steady your breathing, opening your eyes and glancing down. The sight of Kerry buried between your legs had you weak, gripping his hair tighter as he moved his free hand between your legs. The pads of his fingers brushed over your entrance, the teasing getting to you. 
“Gotta be patient, darlin’” Kerry murmured against you, lapping at your clit as you let out a moan. You wished you hadn't waited so damn long to get him between your legs, but you were determined to make up for lost time.
Kerry's fingers sweeping over your entrance drew back your attention, your high feeling closer as he slowly pushed a digit into you.
“Fuck,” You groaned, closing your eyes and tilting your head back. You gripped Kerry's hair as he brought you closer and closer to the edge, your heart racing as you felt the high closing in on you. 
You weren't sure if you screamed or if the sound caught in your throat when you came, the feeling of it hit you harder than you expected and had you seeing stars. It took a moment to register Kerry standing up and holding your waist, your body slowly coming back down to earth.
You took a breath as you met his eyes, knowing he'd give you anything in the world in that moment if you asked.
“Kiss me,” You murmured softly, reaching for the collar of his shirt and pulling him closer until his lips were against yours. You could taste yourself on his lips, addicted to it immediately. You grabbed at the hem of his shirt, tugging it up and letting out a gasp when he pulled back. His shirt was on the floor in a flash, and you watched as he began removing the rest of his clothes. When he was down to his boxers, he reached for the waistband before pausing and looking at you with a smirk. 
“Not gonna be the only naked one,” He grinned, gesturing to your bra, just about still on you. “Fair is fair.”
“Then come even the playing field,” You teased, toying with the strap of your bra and letting out an excited shriek when Kerry was on you in a heartbeat. He kissed your neck as his arms weapon around you, his fingers making swift work of ridding you of your bra. You wrapped your arms around his neck, letting out a soft breath as he pulled back to look at you.
“Feeling okay?” He asked, eyes searching yours.
“Better than okay,” You grinned, leaning in to kiss him. His arms wrapped around your waist before he picked you up, your legs wrapping around his waist. “As long as you keep doing what you're doing.”
“Oh yeah?” Kerry murmured against your lips, smirking as he walked over to the neatly made bed and promptly tossed you down on it. “You mean something like that?”
“I suppose so,” You rolled your eyes with a grin as you propped yourself up on your elbows and glanced at the bed.
“Wow..I guess these things are a little sturdier than they wanted us to think.”
“I'm happy to test them out,” Kerry grinned, standing at the end of the bed and watching you keenly.
“See what they're made of.”
You sat up a little, eyeing Kerry with a smirk.
“We can do that..if you ever take off those damn shorts. Are they glued to you or something?”
“Not necessarily,” Kerry grinned, snapping  waistband. “Just like making you wait.”
“Kerry Von Erich,” You raised a brow, giving him a pseudo serious look. “you can either take those shorts off or get the hell out.”
“You gonna kick me outta my own bedroom?” Kerry teased, stepping closer to the bed. “doesn't seem fair to me.”
You laid back down on the bed, stretching your arms up for a moment. 
“Doesn't have to be fair. Your choice, I can always do this without you.”
“Well as much as I would love to see that,” Kerry grinned, his hands moving to his waistband. “It ain't gonna be necessary. Get on your knees for me like a good girl.”
“Yes sir,” You grinned, rolling onto your stomach and slowly drawing your knees up to expose yourself to Kerry. A thrill shot down your spine as you felt the mattress dip, taking a breath as you felt Kerry's hand gently stroke the back of your thigh.
“You gonna spread these for me?” 
You were pretty sure your arousal was dripping onto the bed as you spread your legs wider, your heart racing. What you expected was to feel Kerry's hand grip your waist, feel his throbbing dick tease your entrance, what you didn't expect was to feel his tongue lapping at your wet folds once again. 
“Kerry,” You moaned, clutching at the tightly tucked sheets. “I..”
“What's the matter?” Kerry murmured behind you, his hand moving slowly across your thigh, fingers brushing against your hot core. “Cat got your tongue?”
“Very funny,” You scoffed, taking a breath as you felt Kerry's hand move between your legs, fingers replacing his tongue. “I'm just wondering if you're going to fuck me or if I need to do it myself.”
“Would you prefer that?” Kerry asked softly, placing a soft kiss to your back as his fingers slowly spread you open.
“I..I'll take what I can get,” You murmured in response, heat riding in your abdomen. “But I suppose you're the preferable option.”
“Lucky me,” Kerry chuckled, slowly easing his fingers from you and patting your raised ass.
“What are we waiting for?”
“You tell me,” You grinned, looking over your shoulder and moving your ass back towards Kerry. “I'm running out of patience here.”
Kerry shook his head with a grin, gently touching your hip as he met your eyes.
“Turn over then. I wanna see your face.”
You felt your heart race at the comment but tried not to let it show, instead giving Kerry a nod before you moved onto your back, taking a breath. 
“Is this okay?” Kerry asked, the sincerity in his eyes making you smile. 
“It could be even better,” You grinned, your arms moving around Kerry's neck. “But yes, it's okay.”
Kerry grinned at your answer, his lips capturing yours in a kiss that felt like it should have taken place on a beach at sunset and not on a flimsy cardboard bed in the Olympic village but you weren't going to complain.
For all your bravado and teasing, you felt like you and Kerry were teenagers again. You had known each other since you were teenagers, of course. Always had an eye on each other, thought about what it could be like.
And now that it was happening, you felt like it was just as exhilarating and passionate and fun as you imagined it would be. Your legs wrapped around Kerry's waist as he gently moved in you, his lips kissing a trail along your neck.
As much as you would never admit it, you were pleasantly surprised that Kerry took it a little slow at first, getting you used to the feeling. And when you let him know he could take it a little further he didn't hesitate, pushing your legs apart and burying himself deeper, but keeping a slow pace that had you melting into the bed.
When you felt like you were falling closer to the edge, you pushed Kerry onto his back, climbing on top of him and letting out a moan as you let yourself sink down onto him, taking a moment to enjoy the feeling, to feel his hands on your waist, his eyes burning onto you.
You weren't sure how you managed to go so long without giving in when it felt so good, your nails digging into Kerry's chest as you rode him towards your high, the sounds of his moans and cries of your name drawing you closer and closer, you leaned to down to kiss him as you felt the wave build, the most wonderful sensation taking over you before you let a shriek.
Not due to your (impending) orgasm, but rather due to the bed proving itself to be as unstable as intended. 
You clung to Kerry as the bed crumpled underneath you both, the blankets curling around you. There was silence for a moment before you both erupted into laughter.
“Guess they really are trying to stop us this year,” Kerry grinned, gently stroking your back. “too little too late though.”
“Oh we're not done yet,” You grinned, carefully getting up before walking over to the wardrobe and leaning against it, giving a light knock on the wood.
“Reckon we could break this too?”
“I think we could certainly try,” Kerry grinned, getting up and walking over to you, his arms pulling you close. “what have we got to lose?”
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rwrbmovie · 1 year
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BTS of #RWRBMovie: Stephen Fry as King James III
ML via Tatler:
The character was originally supposed to be a queen – ‘Queen Mary’ is the head of the family in McQuiston’s book – yet none of the grand dames were interested when casting calls went out. 'I think, at that stage of Her Majesty’s life, none of the Dame Judi Denches, Helen Mirrens and Julie Andrewses of the world wanted to do something like that,’ says López. Fry, however, jumped at the chance. 'He said yes right away,’ says López, pausing to laugh. 'Of course, he is friends with His Majesty. I never asked him what he thought the King might think of Stephen playing a fictional British king.’ Perhaps Fry’s friendship with the monarch is why he was so well-versed in decorum and royal protocol. 'He didn’t even have to be told,’ says López. 'He just rattled it off. He was like, “Can I say this instead, Matthew?” I was like, “Yes, fine, you’re Stephen Fry, you can do whatever you want.”
ML via What to Watch:
I think there’s a point at which, once a project starts to actually get some forward momentum, then it starts to become a lot easier to convince people to be in the movie, and by the time we got Uma, I was like ‘great, who else wants to join the fun wagon?!’ Stephen took no convincing whatsoever, that was such a happy thing for me, because I thought ‘well, there’s a very slim chance he’s going to say yes to this’, you know, I’m sure he’s busy, I’m sure he’s not going to want to do it, it’s too perfect, and then he said yes straight away, and I felt so happy.“ 
ML via OutSFL:
I’ve always been such a fan of his [Stephen Fry] and really admired him greatly. We had had some sort of communication through other people over the years because he had seen “The Inheritance” in London. He got word to me, through our producers, how much he loved it. I had been working at one point on another film that I thought I was going to make, and when he found out that I was working on it, he was like. “I’d really love to be a small part in it if you have anything.” But I never talked to him and never met him. When this role came around [laughs], we thought, “Let’s see if he really means what he says!” He jumped at it! It didn’t take long at all for him to say, “Yes.” That was fun. Just to watch him and work with him is just a great thrill and a pleasure. It was for everybody. Everybody was really excited the day that he came on set.
ML via TV Times:
'It was really important to create a lot of daylight between the fictional royal family in the movie and the actual royals - they aren’t the Windsors, ours are completely made up,’ says Matthew, 46. 'But when Stephen walked on set in that double-breasted suit, I think everyone in the cast and crew stood to attention!’
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openminded-freak · 1 year
Wally Darling x Feral!Reader Pt. 2
A lot of people seemed to like the last part so I made another, enjoy!
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"Bye bye, Neighbor! Let's do this again tomorrow!" Julie shouted from her front door. It was super dark by the time you left, but it was worth it. That woman can style hair like no one's business.
"Yeah, sure lol." You gave her a wave goodbye and began the trek home. You lived on the other side of the Neighborhood, almost next to Poppy's barn. You were a bit closer to the trees though.
After visiting you at your home, your neighbors realized how close you were to woods and warned against exploring them. You had assured them that you wouldn't and that you never had a interest in doing so anyway. What you didn't say was that you were almost certain there wasn't anything past them anyway. There was no where else to go.
But, honestly? You didn't mind being stuck here. The Neighborhood was pretty, your neighbors were friendly, and you got to appreciate Eddie and Julie as the eye candy that they are. Life was good.
Not to mention, most of your personal stuff came with you when you got sucked in to the Neighborhood. Your laptop, phone, and gaming consoles all operated normally here, somehow. You weren't sure if those were supposed to be there with you, but it didn't matter. Wally didn't know about it and it's not like he was welcomed in your home anyway. You'd throw his raggedy ass out the window if you ever saw him in your house.
As you were walking, you heard the sound of footsteps behind you. You stopped, but you heard nothing. There wasn't anyone there either when you turned around. You started walking again and, after a moment, heard the footsteps start again. You didn't know anyone that would be out this late at night who would follow you home like this. Well, except for one little guy..
You continued walking. You pretended that you didn't hear anything behind as you began nearing your home. They continued right up until you got to your front door. You went inside and shut it behind you. You stood there for a moment with your back pressed against it before walking to one of your windows and peeking out the blinds.
Yep, there he was, in all of his glory. Wally was standing in front of the door, looking as though he was debating something. You watched him for a moment before having a sudden, wonderful idea.
All of the lights in the house were off except for your bedroom light. You weren't in there though, you were waiting in living room with your handy-dandy baseball bat. Your plan was to wait until he came in before you went to town on him, because then you'd have an excuse. It was self-defense, officer!
It didn't take long for him to help himself in. He slowly opened the door and looked around. Not like he could see anything from where he was, the house was pitch-black. You could see him though :). You waited from your spot on the floor until he passed by you, then quietly crept up to him from behind.
You yanked him by the collar and lifted him off the floor. "GOT CHA, BITCH!" He started squealing in fright and wriggling around, trying to escape your hold.
"Wait! Please, let me explain!-" You cackled in response. "Oh no, you little shit. Absolutely not. Breaking and entering? On top of kidnapping? I think you've earned yourself an ass-whooping." You put your bat down to open your window and stood in front of it a little ways back.
"When will you learn, that your actions have consequences?!" You screeched in a high-pitched voice, scaring Wally further.
"N-Neighbor, we can talk about this-" You ignored his pleas as you grabbed the bat. You held him front of you as you got ready. You lightly tossed him in the air and swung with all your might. He went fucking flying out the window.
You dropped the bat and cheered, "HOME RUN BABYYYYY!" You ran up to the window and stuck your head out. "AND STAY OUT, FUCKER."
He didn't say anything, just looked at you fearfully and fucking booked it back Home.
"He needs some milk," you noted, shutting the window.
I didn't proof-read this so take it or leave it 💅
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laurasstufff1 · 1 year
Cramps and cinnamon soup
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In which your relationship with Daniel is crazy, chaotic and funny, even in the worse days
2k words
It was supposed to be fun. It was. But mother nature had other plans, and now you were crying in your room, a mixture of angriness, gilt, pain from the cramps, invading your whole body. 
Daniel was out training, he wanted to go to your house after and take you out for dinner, but you could barely get out of bed in the whole day, you even worked from there, something you never did. It wasn’t only physical pain, it was also emotional, and that was the hardest part to deal when it came to periods. 
You barely made it out of bed when the door opened and you heard Daniel talking with your neighbor “It’s always unpredictable” he dejectedly said with a sigh while he entered your house with the spare key you gave him only a week ago. Was he talking about you? He knew you started to feel bad the night before, when he called, and it was only a matter of hours until the bad cramps happened. But why would he talk about you with the neighbor, was he really so tired of you? That only made you cried more, sobbing so loud Daniel heard you and ran to your room.
“What’s wrong? Why are you still in bed” He worriedly asked kneeling on your side. You were just sobbing, he couldn’t understand what you were trying to say but you couldn’t pronounce a word either. “Hey, calm down, does it hurt?” He asked again placing his hand on your lower stomach “let’s go take a shower, alright?” But you denied with your head, not with him, not today. 
“I can go alone, thanks” you said getting up, but he got up faster and went to the bathroom to make sure the bathtub was fill with hot water once you got there, already knowing what was going on even though you were only dating for so little time.
While you were in the bath, he took care of the room, opening the window, making the bed, sorting the clothes. 
“Daniel?” You called him from the bathroom, a small grin forming in his face because he already knew what you needed.  He didn’t come or answer until a few minutes later, when he peek his hand put of the bathroom door.
“I got it, babe” he said holding a huge sweatshirt of his he left behind some other day with some shorts and granny underwear, the most comfortable yet ugly you owned.
“Thank you” you said without letting him see your red face.
When you got out he was sitting on the couch playing with his phone. It was your house, you didn’t live together, but since a couple months ago it seemed like that, you were always at his place or he was at yours all the time after work. “Have you eaten something today?” He asked watching you sit next to him and placing his hand on your knee. 
“Just a coffee for breakfast, I’m not hungry” you simply said making him look at you furiously, it was already 6pm and you only drank coffee.
“You stay here, I’ll cook dinner, you need to eat something before taking a pill for the pain” he got up and you sat with your knees to your chest trying to ease the pain that was slowly coming back after the warm shower.
“We had plans” you moaned annoyed.
“We’re not going out. Besides it’s raining anyways. This weather is so unpredictable” 
“Unpredictable? The… the weather?”
“Yes, it was sunny yesterday and now it’s raining” he said pointing at the window, and just then you realised it was indeed raining.
“Oh. I thought you meant me” you laughed.
“What?” “Nothing”
While you were laying on the couch, feeling so bad for being lazy although the truth was you could barely move from the pain, Daniel was in your kitchen trying to remember the right ingredients for a soup his mum always made. 
‘Mum, hi’ you heard him talk ‘hey how much cinnamon do I use for the soup you always made back home? - I know it’s July and hot outside, but YN is not feeling well - just cramps - Yeah, I know it’s not just cramps and they hurt, but mum—“ you laughed hearing him talk while his mum probably told him off, they were  indeed very painful “okay -  thanks mum - will do - love you too’.
“Hey” he said standing behind the couch making you jumo scared as you were concentrating in his voice and not the sound of his steps. “Okay, so I called mum, she sends love and-“ “All my love to your dear mother too” you said with crystal eyes. Were you really going to cry again? For the mother in law you haven’t even met yet? “Also she recommended this” he said holding a sock full of rice. “Careful it’s hot. I’ll bring dinner in a minute. You like cinnamon, right?”
“Thank you. And yes. I’ll go help” you said trying to stand up, but the sock unleashed and the floor filled with rice in a second. “F*ck!” You shouted, this time crying by real, feeling absolutely useless.
“Hey” he concernedly said coming to hug you “We’ll pick that up later, babe, I can bring another one. Stay here, rest” he sweetly said caressing your cheek. You couldn’t do nothing more than agreeing nodding your head.
When Daniel came back with another sock, he found you soundly asleep on the sofa, all curled up  holding a pillow to your chest. He placed the new sock between your knees and your stomach, carefully trying not to wake you up by lifting a bit the sweatshirt. Only then he notices a few grains of rice piled up in the border of the coffee table, surely picked up by you before falling asleep.
He kneeled on the floor and started picking up the rest, looking at you from time to time when you moved curling a bit more probably because of the pain. He couldn’t help but stare at your face while kneeling next to the sofa looking for the little grains of rice that went everywhere, probably a vacuum was better but he didn’t want to wake you up.
Slowly but surely he touched the skin on your arm moving farther up to your shoulder and then to your neck, pulling back the little pieces of hair that rested there. Then he moved to your jaw and your face, but not for longer because you slapped his hand.
“Hey!” He shouted loosing balance and falling to the floor with his hand on his chest trying to calm himself from the scare.
“Sorry!” You shouted again trying unsuccessfully to hide your laugh “I thought it was a fly!” “A fly?” Daniel laughed making you laugh even harder.
“Ugh sorry, today’s not my day, you okay?” you said stretching in the sofa while Daniel nodded and hurried up to hold the new sock so it didn’t fall like the other. “Thank you” you said again, this time it was you caressing his face, which was a lot closer because he was still holding the sock.
“You’re very welcome” he smiled holding your waist and getting a bit more close “Can I?” He asked one last time before kissing you and you just nodded while he was already kissing you, feeling his hands too in your waist and your cheek. He was kissing your lips but then he went to your cheeks and your forehead so quickly you started laughing again.
“It smells delicious” you smiled still letting him kiss your face, but he rapidly got up and with one last kiss to your lips he left the room again and headed to the kitchen.
“Do you mind if we order pizza?” He asked a second later. You should have bet he was going to burn whatever he was cooking, you would always win.
You laughed and got up to the kitchen, this time holding sock of rice in place. The soup was completely solid and the cinnamon turned black. 
“Pizza it is” you laughed. “Let me clean it” you started holding the pan but Daniel took it off your hands “I’m alright! The hot rice is working, besides we’ll finish sooner if we do it together” that kinda convinced him, thought he only let you clean the countertop. “Daniel!” You shouted when he started lifting your sweatshirt from behind. 
“Just a minute” he said grabbing some tape to wrap around you the reheated sock full of rice.
“Hey! That’s going to hurt when I take it off!” You hit him with the cloth and he looked at you like if he just realised that it was indeed going to hurt, but at least your stomach won’t. A second later the bell rang.
“Pizza’s here!” He shouted changing the subject.
“Saved by the bell, quite literarily” you said leaving the cloth in the countertop hearing him laugh. 
“I have to say, I was exited for the cinnamon soup, but this is not bad either” you laughed watching him take a slice and immediately regret it as it was still hot.
“Will you be alright tonight?” He asked soon after the pizza was over, with a glass of water and a pill for you in his hand. You just nodded while swallowing it. “Are you sure?” He asked again “I can stay if you want” “You don’t have to” you rapidly said “I can call you if I need you”
“I’ll be up all night paying attention to my phone” he said already takin git off his pocket and making sure it wasn’t in silence. “You’re trying to convince me by making me feel bad about it” you said raising your eyebrows. “I’m just saying the truth” he shrugged.
“Well okay. But you take the couch” “Fair enough”
And so that’s what you did. But just as you were taking off your sweatshirt you realized you were taped to a sock full of rice. 
“Daniel can you come? Help me get out of this” you said and he immediately came laughing along the dark corridor. “Not funny”
“I think it’s better to wet it. Let’s go to the bathroom”. You took off the sweatshirt in a bust of confidence and he slowly peeled it off the skin while damping it with water. “Does it hurts?” He asked while doing it.
“No, but the water is cold” you pointed out while he rolled his eyes laughing as you were so whiny.
“All done” he said finally removing the last part and drying you carefully with a towel.
“Thanks” you said again looking up to him and pecking his lips. “Come to bed with me?” You asked taking him by surprise, you could rapidly feel the nerves in his face “I mean if you want, it’s not like-“ “No no, I want” he quickly said “I want” he repeated again surely “let’s go”. You took his hand and guided him to your room, already dark. You laid first on the bed, you were not willing to give up your spot on it. Daniel laid next to you, feeling you move your legs up to your chest. “You want another sock with warm rice?” “No” you rapidly said “I don’t want to break another one and make a mess in the bed” you laughed and he did too.
“Alright. Then I’ll move” he said while moving closer to you “is this alright?” He asked placing his hand in your abdomen, right where the pain was, not missing the chance to place a sweet kiss on your shoulder.
“Perfect” you whispered, although a second later you turned around to face him and started caressing him too, placing your hand behind his neck and pulling him for a good night kiss and a cuddle in his chest “thank you for the evening. I would’ve been laying in bed since this morning if it wasn’t for you. Although instead of laying in bed I laid in the sofa anyways” you said making him laugh.
“and waisted a whole package of rice” “And you burnt dinner”
“Yeah that’s worse isn’t it?” he laughed. “Good night YN, please remember I’m here and I’m not a fly so don’t hit me”.
“Night Dan” you laughed “it was a natural reflex anyways, you can’t blame me for it”
Thank you @headinthecloudssblogfor the request <3
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maximoff-pan · 6 months
ooh! how about a dick winter blurb where they talk about their future? just something short and sweet to get you dipping your toes into the BOB fandom...
this was so cute and fun to think about! and thank you; I’m dipping my toes in quite slowly but hopefully this is an okay (ish) start — if you’d like me to write a little more for the wonderful easy company boys, just let me know! feedback is always much appreciated 🥰
also I maybe have taken liberties making the reader canadian — sue me for indulging
pairing: dick winters x fem!(cwac)reader
word count: 500
note: this is a complete work of fiction and is based only on the fictional representation of the show band of brothers. No disrespect is meant towards any of the men of easy company or those who fought in ww2.
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July, 1945: Zell Am See, Austria 
“Have you thought about what you might do after all of this?” 
The question causes your lip to quirk slightly in thought. You never dreamed there’d be an after. “I dunno.” Is your truthful response. “I always figured this war would be it for me.”
Dick’s eyes lock with yours in understanding. He knows the feeling well. 
“Lew has offered me a job at Nixon Nitration.” His voice carries gently across the water, his leg grazing yours, dangling from the wooden dock below you. It’s so quiet you can almost hear the dew drops hitting the surface as the early morning sun catches Dick’s hair. It creates a wonderful glow, like embers dancing through a fire.
He looks beautiful like this, you think. At peace in the bask of the Austrian sunlight. 
“That’s perfect.” You tell him. “I think that’ll be great for you.”
He swallows before speaking, “He said you could come with us.”
“Did he now?” You chuckle. “The ever presumptuous Lewis Nixon. But the offer does sound intriguing.” 
He smiles. “I was hoping you might say that.”
Your eyes lock once again, playful grins gracing both your faces. Reaching for his hand, you grasp it in your own, rubbing your thumb lightly across the skin. It’s rough from battle, but warm and comforting nonetheless. 
You angle yourself forward to face the water better, now purposefully side by side with the man next to you. Leaning your head against his shoulder, you feel him relax, posture sinking in content. 
“I was thinking—” He pauses briefly, momentarily collecting his thoughts.
“That’s never a good sign.” You tease him.
Dick doesn’t react to your jibe, simply taking it in stride as he usually does. “Humour me.” He decides upon.
“Alright, I suppose I can do that.” You say.
“Come with me to New Jersey.”
Your brow furrows in confusion. “I feel like we just had this conversation.”
Dick chuckles finally at your obliviousness. “No, I mean live with me. Buy a house, settle down, spend our lives together.” 
Your head lifts from his body, shifting once again, you raise your legs to sit cross-legged on the dock. Dick turns to face you, much the same. He looks hopeful. 
The words tumble breathlessly from your lips, “You mean together, together? Like—”
“Marriage.” He confirms. “A couple kids, a white picket fence – the whole American dream. If that’s what you’d want, of course.” 
Dick is usually able to read your expressions like a book he’s read an unfathomable amount of times, but right now, the pages are blank. He can’t seem to get a read on you. 
A few beats of silence pass agonizingly slowly, one, two, three, then – a smile breaks out onto your face. “You do know I’m Canadian right?”
He grins in return, but not wanting to push his luck, he asks,“Is that an ‘I’ll think about it?’”
“It’s a yes you idiot.”
It would always be a yes.
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divineerdrick · 2 months
Homestuck: Beyond Canon Up8 for July 25 (?) 2024
Well that was fast!
I have to admit I started seeing spoilers to this alerting me it was up first, but I was one of the people that got bit by the bug where it wasn't updating. But I switched browsers and it seems to be working now.
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Though we don't have a time update, this is obviously wearing on Vriska. I wonder just how long she's been doing this for.
"i, wANT,,,, tO PLAY A GAME"
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We could argue Vriska was already doing that. In fact from the way the proceedings have been described that's exactly what she's been doing. But of course, we know what game Tavros wants to play.
Wait . . . does Vriska not even know that much about Tavros? Like, I knew given the chance he'd want to play fiduspawn. Does she really understand him that poorly? Wow.
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Huh! It looks like they actually FLARPed. I would have thought for sure Tavros would have wanted to play fiduspawn instead. Maybe he was worried Vriska would rag on him for it? He also could have chosen FLARP because he knows Vriska likes it.
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Oh wow! Is she going to realize it? Winning was never the point! Tavros had fun this time! It's obvious that she was so worried about beating him and the "session" making her do everything again, that she pulled her punches enough for him to enjoy himself. He got to actually enjoy the game he was so excited about!
And can I say, it's always nice to see Tavros happy.
By accident, Vriska ran the game in a way they could both enjoy. They could both have fun! Will she realize that's why things are going well though?
She's not grasping it. As Sally "thewertsearch" realized in her ongoing liveblog, winning is life or death to Vriska. It's impossible to be fine with losing, let alone happy about it. That's been beaten into her so badly, is she even capable of realizing there's another way?
"That is quite possi8ly the gayest thing I have ever heard someone say, Nitram." Wow! Is she using gay as a slur? Been hanging around Dave too long!
Yep! We can blame Dave for that one!
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Hah! You catch on fast, Nitram! And just like that, Tavros has turned it against her.
Yeah, she's not getting it. Yes, Alternia is stacked hard against Tavros. And he can't seem to do anything about it. And nothing Vriska did ever helped him. And if it weren't for SGRUB, he'd probably be dead. So what? He's just supposed to mope and be angry and miserable all the time? He's not allowed to find joy or pleasure in things? And as we saw, he does feel down and depressed a lot. But that doesn't mean he's always going to be that way, especially if he just did something he enjoys doing.
Wow! There's a deep cut. That was like all of one panel where it showed Tavros struggling with getting into his recuperacoon and mentioned how he always had trouble sleeping. I don't think it ever got brought up again before now.
Yeah, this Tavros may be pretty accurate, but he's apparently still a construct. Of what, I'm still not sure. But again, the machine holding The Plot Point was created by Caliope and Roxy. I mentioned how strong that could be previously. So Tavros can tell Vriska the point, and still be unaware of what any of it means.
"I think if a certain uppity human was here, she'd call it 'projecting.'"
She did spend a lot of time around Rose. Man. There's some real potential for verbal sparring that we missed with the Retcon's time skip.
The Rufioh comparison is actually pretty apt. The "Tavros" Vriska is expecting or demands doesn't exist. She's never thought of him as anything but another goal, another game to win.
Man, that probably would have helped Tavros quite a bit to know she's always been a mess. Vriska has never had the positive self image she projects. It would have likely been quite a relief for him to understand just how fake her bravado often was.
I think Vriska might be starting to realize Tavros is right. Not only is he right, but what he's suggesting might actually be what this "scenario" demands of her.
And now Tavros is ribbing her about playing a blue blood. I've always guessed that Vriska bought into the hemospectrum more than she let on. If only because so much of her world view was shaped by Alternia's demands.
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Vriska's turning this around again. Potentially quite viciously. But Tavros isn't rejecting it completely either.
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Bam! There it is! Now I'd note I still don't think she's fully listening to him, but she actually did try this time. And yeah, her realization is true. But then Alternia is a crazy place.
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Fucking Aradiabot jumpscare!
That legitimately threw me! I was not expecting that! Also, more God Tier art! Look how absolutely menacing and ominous she is!
Well Vriska should know this place well, but she's probably more surprised than I am.
"m0re accurately this is the b0ss fight t0 drive the p0int home"
And she's one hell of a boss!
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Vriska really did get everything she wanted when Aradia killed her, or at least what she thought she wanted.
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This feels familiar of some other, Homestuck adjacent media.
"y0ure n0t here t0 be redeemed vriska y0ure here to gr0w up"
That's a double slap to the face! Also appropriate and needed.
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Everything has to have a purpose, a justification. Every tool has a use and every person a role. Vriska cannot conceive of a world where anyone is enough. And because of that, she can't conceive of a world where she is enough. She has to be saving everyone's butts, even if they hate her for it, because that's why she's here. If she's not doing that, then there's no reason for anyone to care about her.
Somewhat reminiscent of a certain Narrator and his goals . . .
"light players define themselves by their direct acti0ns and understanding"
Yes! More information on aspects! Someone knows there's still a bunch of us lore and theory nerds around!
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Fucking. God. TIER!
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And now we're in the Quest Cocoon, sans a traumatized Tavros.
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We never really got much of seeing Team Charge together and happy. I absolutely love it.
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Hah! Look at that fucking echeladder! "DANTE 8ASCO'S INFERNO" XD
And that's the end of that part of the VN!
That was so fucking good! I'm so excited and spun up now! And I have to go to bed! Settlers of Kalguur starts tomorrow and I still haven't settled on a build!
But who cares! I'm loving this so much! I hope you're all enjoying this too!
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