#what can I say I love some gay ghost boys
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wr0temyway0ut · 10 months ago
Do you ever watch something and feel your brain rewiring itself and just know this is all you’re going to be thinking about for several years to come
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anonymous-existences · 3 months ago
DCxDP Prompt 15 :
Danny/Wes idea, Demon Sibs Combined into it.
Short prompt and vague stuff. If I had to motivation I'll do some continuation to it but picture this.
DanyalDanny knows he's adopted, always had known especially since he was adopted as the Fenton's were out and about looking for ghosts back when he was merely 6, they found him all battered and bloodied up and immediately took him in as their own, Jazz was very pleased with a new little brother and she became her reason to stay and purpose to protect.
The Fentons aren't the best but they loved Danny, Danny could say the same as he was shocked to see their reactions when he first called them 'Mom' and 'Dad'. They burst into tears and pulled Danny into a love filled bear hug, Danny could say it was the most love he has ever felt.
But Danny, he would never talk about his past, no, no, he claimed amnesia. He felt subtle guilt when he lied about it but now it felt insignificant to worry about, after becoming a Halfa due to the portal accident, he found himself in the middle of simping A-listers and a conspiracy theorist who immediately clocked him upon sight(how did he do that??).
Wes Weston always had the affinity of finding out someone's identity behind a mask, he always voiced out these thoughts knowing no one would believe him but at times it can still get pretty annoying. Danny Fenton caught his eye, he never paid attention to the boy but he kept a secret tab on him, the way he walked felt stuff and subtly regal, the way he talked had a hidden southeast accent(?) that Wes couldn't pinpoint where came from.
Considering the Fact that Danny was adopted... Completely out of nowhere, the Fenton's picked up a boy from somewhere in the world and adopted him without question but Wes doesn't think that's suspicious since the Fentons ARE the Fentons after all.
What kept his tabs, and everything else come to life is when Phantom appeared, Kyle Weston, his brother refused to help and exempted himself from Wes's spiraling Theories piling up.
Wes immediately clocked Phantom as Danny, It's too obvious for Christ's sake, Fenton? PHANTOM? It was so original and unoriginal at the same time, Wes still forced his brother to listen and at some point Wes noticed Dash stopped bullying Danny after having Dash listen through Wes's Theoretical Rant.
Dash and Kyle want nothing to do with Danny, they don't have him, they just suspect Wes is secretly gay and his love language is comparing his crush to the awesome town vigilante ghost.
Everything is as normal as everyday until the GIW found out about Danny's identity, The Fenton Parents and Jazz weren't there when they took Danny away for 'Examination'. So Wes did what any normal person would do, pull out the exact blueprint and hidden passageway of The GIW Facility Base and Bust Danny out of there without getting the already wounded and partially open boy even more injured and in pain.
The Fenton parents did everything they could do to hide Danny as soon as they got home after Wes had contacted them somehow, they love their baby boy so much, He's their Danny, their Daniel, their Phantom.
Wes dragged Kyle into the mess, Not that Kyle had any options and thus. With the help of Jazz who was in Gotham for college, The Fenton Parents stayed behind to keep the GIW in Amity, And Wes along with his Begrudgingly Dragged Along Older Brother Kyle, Is heading to Gotham.
Did Danny anticipate that Wes and Kyle both have truth altering possibly also Reality Warping curse that they bend to their will, but then again sometimes they're too stupid and too human to use these curses to their advantage.
They arrived in Gotham and at first everything was Normal, Danny became the Handyman of their free and he'd fix anything for food and any of the sort. Especially candies for children who wanted their toys fixed, Wes was the weird quiet one who was deemed tough on the outside, soft on the inside because of how oddly kind he still was despite his first impressions.
Kyle was the chill one who was denser than rock in most occasions and jazz was the oldest one who was raising them(along with Kyle) as well as pursuing psychology.
Now here comes more of the DC part :
Wes starts to theorize about the bats, same old same old, Danny listens to them intently as Wes makes pretty good points about the identities(Except Bruce Wayne as Batman, cuz that guys a Total Himbo Billionare.)
Danny and Robin meet by pure coincidence. Danny recognizes him immediately, Damian impulsively taking off his mask and charging at Danny, Both knew they were not Clones of each other and Danny comes home with an unmasked Robin and not any of them feels that this is something out of place.
Going as far as serving Damian a plate of food and Danny introducing the Weston Siblings and Jazz. Jazz immediately mentally adopting Damian because he's her baby brother Twin thus he's just another little chick of hers.
For a while Robin takes time to have dinner on their house, Alfred obviously instantly notices but doesn't mention it Infront of others but merely tells Damian to stay safe and eat well.
The Batfam slowly notice the change of demeanor, Damian slowly getting less aggresive and acting softer and perhaps a tad bit too innocent like for their comfort, they finally follow him to the place he frequents and sneaks off to every night and they see him take off his mask and hug someone who's the exact replica of him, just blue eyes.
They see him drop his guard and become comfortable by their small dining table that fits 5 perfectly. If it weren't for his current costume at the time then he would have looked like a normal civilian boy.
Shenanigans Ensue. You guys can take it from here ✨
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specialagentartemis · 6 months ago
godddddd i have disliked becky chambers' work since long way to a small angry planet and I agree that that fish scene is SO much of what is wrong with contemporary SFF especially queer SFF. refreshing take, great review, thank you. would love to hear what authors or works you think of as the antidote to that sensibility.
The thing is, I enjoyed The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet when I first read it - it was a fun, light adventure, clearly a debut novel but I was excited to see where Chambers would go from there. And I actually really do think the sequel, A Closed and Common Orbit, was good! It did interesting things with AI personhood and identity.
... and then Chambers just kinda. Did not get better. She settled into a groove and has a set number of ideas that I feel like she hasn't broken out of, creatively. And they I M O kind of rest on an assumption that "human nature" = "how people act in suburban California."
As an antidote to that sensibility, I'd say... books where people have a real interrelationship with the land they inhabit, a sense of being present, and reciprocal obligations to that land; books that recognize that some things can never be taken back once done; books with well-drawn characters, where people have strong opinions deeply informed by their circumstances, that can't always be easily reconciled with others, and won't be brushed aside; books where these character choices matter, they impact each other, they cannot be easily gotten over, because people have obligations to each other and not-acting is a choice too.
And it's only fair that after all day of being a Hater I should rec some books I really did like.
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke - A man lives alone in an infinite House, over an equally infinite ocean. Captures the feeling that I think Monk & Robot was aiming for. Breathtaking beauty, wonder at the world, philosophy of truth, all that good stuff, and actually sticks the landing. The main character's love, attention, and care to his fantasy environment shows through in every page. (Fantasy, short novel)
Imperial Radch by Ann Leckie - An AI, the one fragment remaining of a destroyed imperial spaceship, is on a quest for revenge. Leckie gets cultural differences and multiculturalism, and conversely, what the imposition of a homogeneous culture in the name of unity means. (Space sci-fi, novel trilogy)
Machineries of Empire by Yoon Ha Lee - An army captain's insubordination is punished by giving her a near-impossible mission: to take down a rebelling, heretical sect holing up in a space fortress and defying imperial power. She gets a long dead brain-ghost of a notorious criminal downloaded into her head to help. Very, very good at making you feel like every doomed soldier was a person with a past, with a family, with feelings, with hopes and dreams and frustrations and favorites and preferences and reasons to live, right before they brutally die in a space war. Also very much about the imposition of homogeneity of culture as a force of imperialism. (Space sci-fi, novel trilogy)
The Fortunate Fall by Cameron Reed - Maya Andreyevna is a VR journalist in high-tech dystopian future Russia, and she decides to investigate the truth that the government doesn't want her to. She might die trying. It's fine. Also has digital brain-sharing, this time in a gay way. It's bleak. It's sad. It feels real. Not making a choice is a choice. Backing out is a choice. And choices have consequences. Choices reverberate through history. About responsibility. (Cyberpunk, novel)
The Vanished Birds by Simon Jimenez - Nia Imani is a spaceship captain, a woman out of time, a woman running from her past, and accidentally adopts a boy who has a strange power that could change the galaxy. Spaceship crew-as-found-family in the most heartbreaking of ways. Also about choices, how the choices you make and refuse to make shape you and shape the world around you. How the world is always changing around you, how the world does not stay still when you're gone, and when you come back you're the same but the world has moved on around you. About how relationships aren't always forever, and that doesn't mean they weren't important. About responsibility to others. It's a slow, sad book and does not let anyone rest on their laurels, ever. There is no end of history here. Everything is always changing, on large scales and small, and leaving you behind. (Space sci-fi, novel)
Dungeon Meshi / Delicious in Dungeon by Ryoko Kui - A D&D style fantasy dungeon crawl that stops to think deeply about why there are so many dungeons full of monsters and treasure just hanging around. Here because it's an example of an author thinking through her worldbuilding a lot, and it mattering. Also because of the characters' respect for the animals they are are killing and eating, their lives and their place in the ecosystem, and the ways that humans both fuck up ecosystems with extraction and tourism, but also the ways that you can have reciprocal relationships of responsibility and care with the ecosystem you live in, even if it's considered a dangerous one. (Fantasy, manga series)
Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang and How Long 'Til Black Future Month by N. K. Jemisin and Everyone on the Moon is Essential Personnel by Julian K. Jarboe - Short story anthologies that were SO good and SO weird and rewired the way I think. If you want the kind of stuff that is like, the opposite of easy-to-digest feel-good pap, these short stories will get into your brain and make you consider stuff and look at the world from new angles. Most of them aren't particularly upbeat, but there's a lot of variety in the moods.
"Homecoming is Just Another Word for the Sublimation of the Self," "Calf Cleaving in the Benthic Black," and "Termination Stories for the Cyberpunk Dystopia Protagonist" by Isabel J. Kim - Short stories, sci-fi mostly, that twist around in my head and make me think. Kim is very good at that. Also about choices and not-making-choices, about going and staying, about taking the easy route or the hard one, about controlling the narrative.
The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells - Security robot with guns in its arms hacks itself free from its oppressive company, mostly wants to half-ass its job but gets sucked into drama, intrigue, and caring against its better judgement. This is on here because 1) I love it 2) I feel like it does for me what cozy sff so frequently fails to do - it makes me feel seen and comforted. It's hopeful and compassionate and about personal growth and finding community and finding one's place in the world, without brushing aside all problems or acting like "everybody effortlessly just gets along" is a meaningful proposal. also 3) because it is one of the few times I have yet seen characters from a hippie, pacifistic, eco-friendly, welcoming, utopian society actually act like people. The humans from Preservation are friendly, helpful, and motivated by truth and justice and compassion, because they come from a friendly, just, compassionate society, and they still actually act like real human beings with different personalities and conflicting opinions and poor reactions to stress and anger and frustration and fear and the whole range of human emotions rather than bland niceness. Also 4) I love it (space sci-fi, novella series mostly)
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thesesoldierboysarebi · 5 months ago
TF141 Types of Men they like Most (all of them are bi)
Ghost: looks-wise, he likes two types: a man who can keep up with him athletically— in other words, a fellow soldier— or a twink. He can’t resist a skinny academic type. I hc that this is because his first boy crush in secondary school was this adorable nerdy kid with big oversized glasses who tutored him in English and history. You never forget your first crush. As for personality, Ghost likes a man who’s gonna be a bit of a shit to him. Annoy him. Call him on his bluff! It’s good for him. But he also likes a sweet man, sweet and nerdy like his first crush. Maybe he’s just a nerd lover, who knows.
Soap: Johnny, like the rest of his squad, is never ever going to beat the allegations of blue collar/soldier men being attracted to alt/punk/goth types. So he tends to fiend over quiet, sultry type of men. He’s fine with them being bigger or smaller, but Emo and goth guys can Get It. Tragically, however, Soap’s only so far been able to successfully take home fellow gym rats. But he has hope! As for personality, well. He likes the more quiet and introverted type of guys to contrast with his loud, boisterous personality. But he won’t say no to a fellow sunshine boy.
Price: he realized quite late in his life that he was bisexual, so he’s had quite an exploratory period to try and determine what kind of men he likes. Generally speaking, he tends to veer towards fellow bears and older gentlemen, because he’s a little concerned about just how many twenty-something twinks and femboys he attracts, like a fucking porch light attracting moths. It’s ridiculous to watch when he steps into the gay bars. He’s flattered, boys! But he doesn’t want to date anyone more than eight years under his age. However, he has dated a young artist and goth or two. Physically wise, he likes someone shorter than him because he likes being the Strong One in a relationship. Personality? Same as with women, someone emotionally mature and kind who knows what he wants. And maybe mouths off to him to he can do some brat taming.
Gaz: oh, Gaz loves a himbo. He watched the Disney Hercules at a tender age and that Wonder Boy has lived in his brain rent-free ever since. He also likes nerdy types, like Ghost, and their taste in men often aligns without realizing it. He just likes a sweet, kinda dumb guy. In fact, for a while, I hc that Gaz harbored a small crush on Soap for similar reasons— before it became clear that Johnny MacTavish was just a little too rambunctious for him to handle. But yes, Gaz likes a well-built guy, likes fellow soldiers, likes another guy he can geek out about favorite movies and shows together. For Gaz, it’s a little more comfortable for him to develop a friendship with a man before pursuing a relationship. However, on occasion, Gaz can and will fiend for a dilf the way he fiends for milfs.
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beautifulhigh · 1 year ago
The smallest of looks is the loudest moment in the room
Just a little one from me to save me from going insane and to sate my followers...
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ZAHRA: How long has this been going on?
Alex is focused on Zahra, Henry is staring off into the middle distance until Alex answers her.
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ALEX: Since New Year's.
And it's that Henry reacts to. Have a close up.
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Henry's gaze flicks to Alex. In this exact moment (1 hour, 5 minutes, and 41 seconds), he looks at Alex for a few seconds.
This is the moment Alex has put a start date on this thing between them.
It's a little more certain here than it is in the book:
"How long has this been happening?" "Since, um, New Year's." (page 233)
The placement of that "um" holds meaning for me - in the book Alex is hesitating before he pins a start date on him and Henry. He's trying to figure it out and that's what he goes for. Because how long has it been going on? Since they started sharing intimate thoughts and fears? Since they increased the benefits they had added to their friendship? Since the Red Room?
Nope. Alex goes for the moment when the possibility between them changed and he completely ignores the weeks of silence that happened straight after. The period of time in which Henry was full of fear over what he'd done, what Alex might do. In the book we know he runs scared, going on a public date and being photographed.
If there was a prince, and he was gay, and he kissed someone, and maybe it mattered, that prince might have to run a little bit of interference. (page 125)
We don't have anything like that in the movie but we do have the silence. We see Henry's fear when he comes into the Red Room. Not just because of the line he crossed with Alex but because he has exposed himself and his most closely guarded secret, a glimpse of his true self.
He will know that Alex isn't going to out him - they've spent long enough talking and getting to know each other for that to not be Henry's fear. And if he was then it would have happened long before the State Dinner. Henry's fear is about losing Alex, losing the friendship, losing that connection with the boy he's wanted since the Olympics/Climate Conference.
I'd put money on Henry promising himself, once upon a time, that he would never do anything to risk losing what small pieces of Alex he could have in his life. And when they start up this thing he goes in thinking that this is all he can have, all he will get.
"I thought I could have some part of you, and just never say [I love you], and you'd never have to know, and one day you'd get tired of me and leave, because I'm--" (Page 272)
Henry didn't think he would have all of Alex, at least not anything of import, that Alex wouldn't be as far in as Henry is. And yet here he is in this hotel room, declaring they have been this thing since that kiss. Since before they properly made out in the Red Room, went down on each other in Alex's bedroom, talked about "keeping things casual" before embarking on the most insanely devoted shag fest known to mankind.
Alex has been in since New Year's and he tells Zahra just that.
In the movie he is more decisive. (Just like the instant "No" when Zahra asks if it would make a difference if she asked them to stop.)
Since New Year's. Since the moment Henry kissed me and I became unable to think about anything else except doing it again. And doing other stuff.
And even though Henry ghosted him right after, even though the next thing Henry said to Alex after his apology and disappearance into the night was another apology for his behaviour, Alex has labelled that moment, that kiss, as their start.
The moment when Henry was brave.
And in the movie we get to see Henry's reaction to that. They've been discovered, things are about to blow up in a way they can't control, and Alex says that as far as he's concerned this thing between them has been going on all year.
Before the emails. Before Paris. Before the State Dinner. Alex has been Henry's since New Year's and this is the moment he finds that out.
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laswells-ashtray · 2 months ago
It’s 9 AM where I am now and I have work at 10 (no car). I’m pretty certain I have some type of chest cold/phenomena, but I’m not 100% sure. And I’m on my period.
Can you info dump about all of the little COD ideas you have in your head so I can read about it on my break or when I get off? If that makes sense? It doesn’t have to be full stories, just the Autism Thoughts.
Damn, and to think I just had dinner. To be fair it was an early dinner but it was homemade spaghetti and it was fucking banging. Don't die of illness and such, also if you've cursed me I swear to God because whenever anyone tells me about their period I end up synced with them and that's happened seven separate times. It's like fucked up Bluetooth. And to the one person who reads this and thinks I'm oversharing, what are you gonna do about it?
Ghost has, and will again smack Soap across the back of the head for referring to food as "orgasmic" in public.
Nikolai has a penchant for hazelnut Happy Hippos. He has sworn John to secrecy but God forbid that man smoke a joint and get near a box of those fuckers.
Alejandro and Rudy once got into an argument because Rudy admitted that out of all of Alejandro's nieces and nephews, Rudy has a favourite. The argument only ended because after Rudy named his favourite, Alejandro realised that it was his favourite niece too.
Once while drunk, a baby gay let Kate hit her vape in a bar and Kate considers it the lowest she's ever gotten while drinking, this is nowhere near true. She threw up in a man's mouth when he tried to kiss her while she was drunk in her early twenties, she does not regret it. Nor should she.
On more than one occasion, Farah has woken up to find Alex's face smashed against her shoulder with him drooling on her shirt. She'll never say a word because it's endearing, it's adorable and if she told him he'd never sleep next to her again.
Speaking of, Alex is a wrestling guy. He's always liked The Undertaker bit, especially the entrance music but he doesn't like the man behind the costume. Follows Stone Cold on an Instagram account that he has mainly for watching reals, he likes photos of Stone Cold with his chickens or his cats. Loved the Punkintyre feud, and sided with Punk because he's a good ol American boy but Drew McIntyre awakens something deeply bisexual inside of him. Likes watching Cena and Bautista in any movies they're in, loved them back in the day. Fucking loves Toni Storm's transatlantic, old-timey actress bit.
Valeria is a reader, likes a good murder mystery with a glass of wine and some takeout. Will sit down to read a chapter or two and finish the book. She has a shelf full of her favourites, she'll read them online first but the ones she loves, she buys a copy of. The only non-murder mystery books she owns a physical copy of are the Jurassic Park novels but she bought ones with sophisticated covers so no one would be able to tell unless they open up to the inside page.
He isn't scared of them but Simon is deeply mistrusting of swans. He refuses to explain why to anyone, he just calls them cunts and moves on with his life.
John's go-to move when Nikolai is irritated with him is to drop to his knees and unzip Nik's zipper with his teeth. The Russian goes for it every time even when he knows it's just John's way of playing with him.
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deathclassic · 2 months ago
shameless fic recs from 2024
some of my favourite fics that were posted and/or updated in 2024!
part two part three
aka i went through all my shameless bookmarks of 2024 bc this fandom is fucking talented
All I Wanna Do by @ms-moonlight-inn @notherenewjersey
The Brat Tamer, Shameless Spanktember by @rayrayor
Out of Nowhere by @suzy-queued
Bareback by thereyoflight
soft and sharp (deep breaths, baby) by GrandSelfMythology @darlingian
Proud (Outro). by @twinklyylights
Breedin’ You  by @callivich @gallawitchxx
climbing light by @catgrassplantdad
they never showed you love by @sam-loves-seb
Double Bullseye by @whatthebodygraspsnot
Footprints In The Snow by ShootingStars17
i'll find a new place to be from by @mmmichyyy
span the distance (bridge the border) by @sam-loves-seb
A Lot by @mybrainismelted
7 Minutes in Heaven by @crossmydna
Lipstick by leinthalexandra
here in the future the present still aches by KittyPhoenix12_xx
The Reason to Exist by @lingy910y
Among My Stillness Was a Pounding Heart by @ifallonblackdays
sticks and stones by holymurdock
Mickey The Unfriendly Ghost by TRaena
Mystery of Artist Mickey Milkovich by @em-harlsnow
Scary Sweet by @suzy-queued @francesrose3
Where the Gay Wieners Go by @spacerockwriting
Weed Dreams are made of this by @jrooc @mybrainismelted
A Mother's Love: A Magical Secret by @sweetbee78
Save a Horse, Ride a Gallagher by @bawlbrayker
Last Night at the Verona Grand Hotel by @the-rat-wins
C.O.C.O.N.U.T  by @bawlbrayker
Suncatcher by @wehangout
Once Upon a Tire Iron by @arrowflier
if you hold my hand (and take me where you go). by @creepkinginc
Headphones Encouraged by @whatthebodygraspsnot
Re-boyfriending by @ms-moonlight-inn
Breathing Underwater by @blue-disco-lights
Tonight Belongs to Me by @solitarycreaturestheyrycreaturesthey
Heat of the moment by whatyouandihave 
Learning to Fly by Miss_SnowWhitePink
Swimmin' in my mind (Siena dream) by @energievie
Getting to Know You by princess_sarah
Both Sides Now by @sgtmickeyslaughter
Anger Management by @transmurderbug
Floor 34 by @roryonic
first times by sluttygallavich (ms_gallavich)
In My Veins Like Lightning by @jrooc
something so wretched about this by @onthepyre
The Cleaner by @notherenewjersey
you're all talk by @em-harlsnow
motherhood and what comes of it by @em-harlsnow
If You Can Find a Reason (a Reason to Stay) by Mak0_o
you should get a best friend too by biblionerd07
say don’t go by @thepupperino
fruit by @darlingian
Tired Boys by marie_right
a sun kissed love  by buddiexgallavich
dial drunk by @thepupperino
i'm nineteen and i'm on fire by @m4ndysk4nkovich
he’s not the one by flcwerchild
you got me hooked up on the feeling. by sunsetsomewhere
just can't take that bitch nowhere by biblionerd07
Father Of the Groom by @roryonic
Hey, How's it Goin'?  by @wehangout
Ian Fucking Gallagher (or How Mickey Got His Groove Back)  by nozenfordaddy (fenna_girl)
The Prison Chick by @wehangout
Glitter Hearts by Its_Levioooosaa
The Last Straw by TomarryIsLifeee
Quickie. by tsuukit
Fucking condoms, man by Lfleio
you could absolutely break my heart. (that's how i know that we're in love.) by @darlingian
The Cabin Across The Lake by @catgrassplantdad @whatthebodygraspsnot @gallawitchxx @heymrspatel
Low & Slow by @nymacron
Touch/Starved by @crossmydna
i'm not the way i was by @sam-loves-seb
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ch0k3herwithaseaview · 9 months ago
@jegulus-microfic | june 1 pride | words: 896
“Have you heard that Amelia ran into Regulus Black and Dorcas Meadows on the Astronomy Tower last night?”
“What? Is he cheating on Pandora then?”
“He’s with Pandora? I swear I saw him snogging Lily Evans in the library the other day.”
“Bullshit, she’s muggleborn; his parents would kill him if they found out!”
“Yeah, but he’s still Sirius’ brother, so he’s probably just as rebellious as him.”
Such conversations were everything Regulus could hear lately, as if his dating life were any of other people's business. He knew it was all made up, and he ignored them, even if they became louder and louder every day.
It wouldn’t bother him that much if he was a casanova who craved such rumours about himself. But he was not a casanova; he didn’t even care about women in that way; he much rather preferred men.
And that was the problem, wasn’t it? If he said it to anyone besides his friends, he would be eaten alive—first by his classmates, then by his family. Even if the wizarding world didn’t care about who was sleeping with whom, Regulus was still one of the heirs to The Most Ancient and Noble House of Black—of course, his coming out as gay would become the biggest scandal of the century.
All of this to say, he kept his mouth shut and let people talk shit about his love life so his everyday life was safe.
“You know,” James said one night, when they laid on Regulus’ bed cuddling. “If they’re bothering you, we could start some nasty rumour, like that you have chlamydia.” The younger boy chuckled at that.
“I think I’ll pass; I prefer them talking about me like I’m some kind of slag,” he replied softly, brushing hair from James’ forehead.
Regulus felt good and safe while with James. He wished he could feel like that all the time, but only the thought of holding his boyfriend’s hand in the corridor full of people made his guts turn.
So, he made peace with people talking about him. It might’ve been irritating, stupid, and untrue, but he preferred it over whatever would come after those people found out about his actual relationship.
It went on for most of his fifth year—in the daylight he would be presumed fuck boy who had every girl at Hogwarts in his bed; at night he became a little twink in love with the Gryffindor’s Golden Boy.
One day in June, during dinner, some older Slytherin girl waved at him to come to her.
“Go on, Reggie! I wonder what she would want from you,” Barty snickered, pushing Regulus in the girl’s direction. The funniest thing was that Barty knew about Regulus and James' relationship, but he still liked to put the younger boy in situations like this that only fueled the rumours.
He strode off, stopping when he reached her.
“Hello,” he said coldly, “can I help you with anything?”
“Hi, yes, actually,” she answered excitedly. “So, we were wondering which of Meadows, Rosier, and Evans you’re dating. Would you be a darling and clarify it for us?” She finished her question, obnoxiously batting her eyelashes. He didn’t even know her; why would he even want to clarify anything to her?
His eyes went to the other side of the room, spotting that lovely smile of his boyfriend’s. He wished he could point at James and say, ‘That one, I’m dating that one’. Oh, how he wished he could just—
A quiet voice in his head whispered, ‘The only one stopping you is yourself; just go’. He considered it for a second.
Ah, fuck it.
Regulus cleared his throat and looked at the girl with a mean smile. “Yes, actually, I could clarify it for you,” and with that, he turned on his heel and walked away in the direction of the Gryffindor’s tabel.
He could hear his heart pounding, feel his hand shaking a little, and his face turning red more and more with every step, but he wasn’t a coward; he wasn’t backing down now. When James turned his head in Regulus’ direction, his face went pale, like he was seeing a ghost. But Regulus still wasn’t backing down.
In no time, he reached the older boy and, without thinking, pulled him by the neck to kiss him thoroughly. And when their lips collided, it was like nothing else mattered. Even when James needed a second to register what was happening and relax, it was the best thing Regulus had ever felt. And when his boyfriend’s hand touched his cheek and the other one grabbed his thigh, the world around them collapsed, and there were only the two of them.
After another minute (or hour, who knows), they pulled away to get some air, and that’s when Regulus noticed it—James eyes were sparkling with so much love and pride that Regulus could only giggle like a lovesick eleven-year-old. In return, James chuckled softly, caressing the other’s cheek gently.
And then it got to Regulus what he just did. At first, he felt like he might be sick, but a second later, that quiet voice from earlier said, ‘Fuck it, you’re free now’.
And on that note, he looked up at the girl on the other side of the room and shouted, “Is it clear enough now?”
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muzsmocsing · 10 months ago
Reviewing tgcf characters because I have thoughts
I finished S2 recently and I need somewhere to put my not exactly hot but like warm (?) takes because it's taking up too much storage space in my brain.
🤍 Xie Lian 🤍
It's a good thing I'm not into guys because if I was I would be on my knees for this man in every sense of that expression and his pet menace to society would mince me up like garlic.
So I'll try to be brief about my overflowing feelings about him. Xie Lian is the best main character I have come across in a WHILE. He's the embodiment of compassion and kindness. And also a cold blooded murderer. A babygirl. A father figure. A terrifying martial god. A silly little guy. A pathological liar. The most genuine man you'll ever meet. He's everything, and Hua Cheng is 100% valid in his obsession. I'm right there with him.
Rating: 10/10
❤️ Hua Cheng ❤️
Idk if we ever figured out who wrote My Immortal but I'm pretty sure we have our culprit.
"Hi my name is Hua Cheng Crimson Rain Sought Flower Red-Robed Ghost King and this is my evil weapon of death E-ming. I've killed soooo many gods with it!! My dark power is I can summon storms of BLOOD and SUFFERING. I have my own scary city of DEMONS and they all love me and think I'm HOT but I only want my BOYFRIEND who's the only REAL GOD so STOP FLAMING HIM YOU POSERS-"
Needless to say I love him. Being the 8 time winner of the Loverboy of the Century Awards with unbeatable records in the yearning olympics is truly a remarkable feat.
Rating: 9/10
(Bonus: E-ming. Cute little guy. Likes his stepdad more than his real dad. Not afraid to show it's feelings even if it makes it look like a muppet, 10/10)
🧡 Feng Xin & Mu Qing 🧡
Tweedle dee and tweedle dum gets a shared rating because they would hate to be grouped together like that and that's funny to me. Their dynamic is great, they're good characters, I wasn't sure which one was which until midway through the second season. But then also I have a pair of 7yo twin cousins who I still can't tell apart despite them not looking even a slight bit similar so that might just be a character flaw on my end. Oops.
Rating: 7/10
🩵Shi Qingxuan🩵
I'm doubling the rating because she is best boy and best girl at the same time. I love that I can use any and all pronouns for him because he's literally a pride parade personified and therefore all of them are correct. You don't get that type of chaotic fun just anywhere.
He is truly living my dream, presenting as whatever gender they want depending on what's more convenient and/or funnier in the moment. Super useful, for things like gathering intel and terrorizing Feng Xin by being a woman.
And I personally think we should crown her the new emperor. She'd look significantly better on that throne, with her Barbie-like radiance and flourishing Kenergy.
Rating: 20/10
🖤 Ming Yi 🖤
Listen, I hate to say it because I like a sunshine x grump moment as much as the next gay but he's just... not giving what he thinks he's giving. Everyone is whispering ominously about him having some dark devastating secret but MY point is no matter how big his boobs are in his female form, Shi Qingxuan could do better. I'm sorry. She really could.
Rating: 4/10
💙 Lang Qianqiu 💙
Just an honest man with good intentions and a sickass fucking sword. He did NOT hesitate to attack the infamous Crimson Rain Sought Flower on SIGHT and I respect a quick decisionmaker, even if it shows some himbo tendencies. He also has the same distinct energy as Fred from Scooby Doo.
Rating: 6/10
💚 Qi Rong 💚
He's got some odd dietary and moral choices going on. Definitely. But he's just such a fun villain!!! Being Xie Lian's nr 1 source of migraines SHOULD make me like him less but I'm sorry, every time he was on screen I was LIVING. He would do numbers on reality TV. Someone put this guy on Kitchen Nightmares, I need to see him 1v1 Gordon Ramsay.
Rating: 7/10
🌚 Jun Wu 🌚
He has his emperor status & DILF card going for him but something about this man just ain't right. If he came to a party I was attending I would cover my drink is all I'm saying.
Rating: 2/10
🔥Pei Ming🔥
I don't know much about him besides he had that one shady empolyee or whatever (could not hear the plot over the deafening sound of Hua Cheng's yearning) but I'm partial to a good manwhore character. The thought of people praying to him like "Hugh Mungus, who art in heaven-" really tickles me.
I know he's probably straight but I headcanon him as at the very least bi-curious because you can't be that hot with that much game and not use it for evil. (That evil being causing large scale gay awakenings among his soldiers.)
Rating: 7/10
❓Pei Xiu❓
Unreliable, unimportant, unattractive, unemployed.
I remember not a singular thing about him besides fucking up Xie Lian's daughter's life and also being on my last nerve from the jump. If you're going to be evil at like least be memorable about it, you know? You can't be a bad person and a bad character at the same time. Pick a struggle.
Rating: 1/10
📚 Ling Wen 📚
I heard she committed some war crimes but honestly if I had to do an entire realm's tax returns by myself AND teach Pei Ming how to read (I refuse to believe that man is literate, just look at him) I would want to rage on occasion too. I hope she has a hot wife waiting for her at home to give her massages after carrying the whole system on her back all day. It's what she deserves.
Rating: 8/10
Thank you for reading!! Opinions might change once I read the books but as of now this is it. Remembering everyone's names has been a journey and a half so this post is sponsored by @kirstenly 's character cheat sheet go look at it! and everything else too!!!
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 4, Wave 1, Poll 4
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and round here.
Ambrosius Goldenloin-Nimona (Novel)
He’s gay and has facial scarring
Addition by @yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt First I'd like to clear up that he does NOT just have facial scarring!! He has a visible walking disability, requiring assistance to stand and using a crutch. He appears mostly unable to bear weight on the left leg, and additionally the facial scarring visibly obstructs his eye adding possible partial vision loss to the list so. Just gonna leave this here not to let my boy be sabotaged with misinfo lol
He’s such an asshole it's great. Still very gay though, he gets injured at the end, and also has facial scarring. He’s very different from the movie, much more of an ass, but still interesting.
Valerie Day-Paranatural
She is Blind and a Lesbian.
she's blind and sapphic
Agent Day is a Spectral (a humans who can interact with spectral entities like ghosts and spirits, and possess spectral energy, in her case Pink spectral energy) working for the Paranatural Activity Consortium. Her "Tool" (an object possesses by a weakened spirits that Spectrals can use to host spirits an directly use some form of the spirit's powers) is her cane. Due to the influence of the cane being possessed by her spirit partner, "Venus Guytrap" (a giant talking Venus flytrap that emotes through various marble statues wrapped in its vines), it appears as a green cane with a bouquet of roses at the top. As a manifestation of Venus Guytrap's powers, the cane can fire pink arrows that cause whatever they hit to fall in love with the first thing they see until the arrow is removed. As a Spectral, Agent Day can enter a "Heightened State of Perception" to converse & interact with her spirit in a mental state wherein time seems to move at a slower rate, to the extent that it almost seems to stand still for everything except her and her spirit partner (a phenomenon also known as a "Spirit Trance"). Spirit Trances also create an illusory alteration of the world surrounding the Spectral theme around the Spirit's aesthetics, and cause the Spectral's eyes to glow white, but neither of these aspects really affect Agent Day given that she a) can't see the illusory alteration to the world & b) often has her eyes closed anyways, making it so that no one else would be able to tell if she was in a trance in public so long as she stays still and does not talk while being sped-up relative to everyone else. Thanks to this, she utilizes Spirit Trance to occasionally have Venus Guytrap act as a "seeing-eye spirit" to performing certain actions, like reading off of a menu so that she can order lunch during her date with Dr. Mina Zarei.
i'm no good at propaganda so i don't have a lot to say but i think she's very good and also she made a train kiss someone once. what more could you want
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alltimefail · 6 months ago
This song, "For Forever" was on George's Edwin playlist (he said so in a Cameo) and holy fuck it's perfect for Edwin and Charles.
Knowing the current fate of our beloved show it stings a little extra hard to talk about, but not in a bad way and I want to talk about why that is. Warning that I'm going to wax poetic here, maybe definitely cry a little along the way, but please stick with me. 🖤
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These boys have a bond that is special; it defies hell, rejects heaven, scoffs at the classic tragedies with a molotov cocktail in hand, rewrites the expected "bury your gays" trope (surprise, the gays came back as ghosts!), and says fuck a soulmate - I willed this, I chose this, I chose you, fate may have brought us together but I stayed with you and I'd do it again. No one can change that they are together for forever, two friends having a perfect day every day because the other one is there. They'll always have each other in every universe, they'll be together until the end of time and not even death herself can (or would) split them up. For Charles and Edwin it's just sky for forever, inside jokes, silly dance sessions, late night games of cluedo, reminiscing and confiding, puzzling cases, paperwork, infinite backpacks to organize, spells to master, books to read aloud (Edwin doing the reading of course while Charles enjoys), and long walks to wherever, whenever, because they've got nothing but time.
These two silly ghost boys will have the promise of endless possibility, content with the life they've made in their death, just letting the world pass them by for forever and it's everything, better than a life either of them could have ever imagined. Charles and Edwin have known so much tragedy and injustice in their respective lifetimes, they know loss intimately and are constatly fighting tooth and nail against the many forces that try to separate them along the way, but they still choose to do good, to help others, and they are happy because the reward is enough: the ability to bask in the light they've found in eachother is more than enough. Regardless of how you interpret that love, it is truly eternal and pure... so much so that it honestly makes some of the greatest love stories and epics pale in comparison.
All that to say, every time we talk about these two and tell their stories (through another television adaptation, through rewatching season 1 and analyzing every little detail, through fanart, through the comics, through their appearance in doom patrol, and so on) we only add to that cosmic universe that they'll exist in forever. Their story doesn't end with the Netflix adaptation, just like it didn't really start there either.
"You say 'There's nowhere else I'd rather be, and I say me too... we just talk and take in the view."
That line ⬆️ is the essence of the boys whole dynamic, and you know what? That is really fucking beautiful. The whole drive in this song - its steady, epic build and sensational crescendos that convey excitement, awe, a little bit of uncertainty, and an abundance of unbriddled emotion - is exactly how Charles and Edwin's dynamic feels and it's a goddamn treasure, a fucking whirlwind, a blessing to witness. Frankly the love they share is worth celebrating, it's worth honoring and creating for because it's breathtaking, pure joy, warmth, and unyielding devotion. It's a one of a kind story with two boys who will always come to each other's rescue, who will do everything in their power to make sure the other is okay, who will accept each other and pick each other up every time and love each other enough in death to make up for all the people who dared to not see the brilliant light they shined in life.
Netflix may not want to tell their story any more, but we can. We can keep making art, writing fics, supporting Jayden and George who brought our boys to life - and Kassius and Yuyu who gave us their sensational living counterparts as well. I know I love these dead boys and their alive girl companions and that their story will always mean the world to me. I love their love, the found family they've created, and all the residual joy and inspiration it causes; but most of all I love that they've brought us all together in our own little found family. No one can take that from us, nor can they take that from the writers, cast, and crew who put everything into starting this legacy.
So let's do what we do best and get back to our work...for forever, yeah? Maybe another streaming service saves our show (and that would he fucking mint, aces, BRILLS!!!!) but at the end of the day, fandom can immortalize this story.
There's still cases to solve, rights to wrong, jobs to job! No reason to stop just because Netflix mucked this up royally. 🔎💀
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jessconsumesmedia · 3 months ago
Finally have the time and energy to have a long rambly spiel about new ghosts episode (might go back and just talk about my thoughts on the rest of season four but for right now y’all are getting thoughts on 4x06!
Spoilers and a lot of rambling below the cut :)
OKAY this episode genuinely got me. I am a huge Trevor softie and an even bigger H-money enjoyer. So when I get crumbs let me tell you I will run with them. I also just enjoyed all of this episode. The A plot with Issac being a slut for sandwiches. (Which he technically said he didn’t like them but who writes that much about something they hate?) The B plot with darling Trevor being a little wet puppy. (also me too) And the secret C plot which was just the minuscule h$ moments. (delusion)
The two real plots were genuinely silly and lovely and heartbreaking and heartwarming all at the same time.
I will actually talk about them for real now
A Plot - Issac’s Journal
I do genuinely like the bit that it was literally just his sandwich journal and then the whole vampire thing. It’s just funny plain and simple. That being said I do get why some people were kinda iffy on the idea of Issac’s biography being turned into a vampire novel. Depending on how the season continues it could turn into a dumb joke. But l really like the whole vampirism is the counterpart to him being very gay. Like not only is it a 21 minute long episode there is only so much you can do on network television but it actually leaves a lot open possibility wise. It being just another biography may not have been a huge selling point. (I do not know the actual logistics but I don’t know a lot of people who just pick up books on founding fathers so) Vampire books however, that is a selling point, and then you bring in that it is Issac’s story, that is interesting! (Even to me and I am not a fan of vampire stuff) Plus I saw something that said that it could say inspired by his real story and people love a little digging when it doesn’t feel like a history lesson. But Idk how I feel about this whole plot lands on the fact that I think it was really silly and also it opens good doors.
B Plot - Escarghost/Shelly
I endlessly love this story. Like genuinely it tugs in my heartstrings wayyy too hard. Like you’re telling me this darling little morally ambiguous snail shows up (no telling how long he’s been slowly putting around) and becomes a pet for our beloved ghosts. And Trevor acts like he hates pets until poor Thor gets berated and he feels the need to confess that he actually loves pets and then he gets attached and he tells Alberta and Hetty that he feels guilty that he never came home to his dog (i will cry just thinking about it) and then they comfort him and then the snail gets sucked off because all he needed was for someone to call him a good boy like I will go be sad about my pets now thanks. Like that is just a summary basically but it is all I can say about the little guys.
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Hetty side-eying Flower for being Flower
And finally
H- Money
I am firmly in the boat that says they are learning the whole friend thing before they can get back into the actual relationship thing. Like they both don’t actually know how relationships work so they need a bit to like actually get a grip. Plus they are both still kinda full of themselves in their own respective ways. Trevor is much quicker on the uptake but it would stand to reason that he would fall first and then somehow manage to get a hold of his feelings and Hetty just be like way over there sitting on a washing machine. They could be slow going. BUTTT Those two are consistently doing things that is like Domestic but only in a Trevor and Hetty way. And what I mean but that is like they have that comfort around each other that they seemed to have at the very beginning of the series but now it is heightened or at least played into (we all know Rebecca and Asher are the biggest h$ supporters) and it is very specific and well done. I saw something not to long ago that I thought was cool and it was like they are kinda like the Monica and Chandler but ghosts. And that spoke to me because not only is Friends my forever love it also is just pretty similar. Like in Friends Monica and Chandler are so domestic immediately in the show like first season they say they’ll get married if they don’t meet anyone else and they are both a bit emotionally stilted much like h$ so idk but I like that dynamic they have. I so digress but they mean so much to me those silly guys who don’t understand how feelings work.
(I reference multiple other posts and random tweets I am so sorry I have literally no clue who said what)
And I’ll end with yes Jay is a wife guy I’ve been saying that for months and now Pete is speaking Jay’s truth and his former? truth (boo carol with love and contempt)
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the-froschamethyst4 · 1 year ago
When your child comes out to him
COD Men Headcanons
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Your daughter was nervous, scared even
She spent too much time of TikTok and watched how coming out videos turned for the worse
She just didn’t want that to happen
Her mom already knew, she figured it out but her father König, clueless he didn’t know
“Heidi, your father is home!” Y/n calls from the bottom of the stairs
It was a plan to do it when he gets home and today was that time
Heidi comes downstairs and sees him hugging her mom and kissing her temple, she plays with her fingers to she was acknowledged by him
“Hey, Heidi, how was school?”
“I have something to tell you.”
“Okay, what is it?” She looks at her mom and she nods to her daughter to give her and her husband some time together
“Umm~ I…I…” she didn’t know how to start this. “Dad I like someone.”
“Oh really? Is he nice?”
“No dad umm~ I…I like a girl…her name is Stella…dad, I’m….I’m a lesbian…I like girls dad.”
König was a little shocked by what his daughter said but the shock wore off and it turned into happy tears
“DAD?!” She yells
“I’m so happy,” he says, walking to his daughter and holding her in an embrace
Y/n comes around the corner and saw her husband holding her daughter in a warm hug
“Did you know?” He asked Y/n
“I did…she was just nervous to tell you.”
“Heidi you are my daughter, my blood, you can love who you want to love, that is your decision.”
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Oh come on, he knew
He figured it out
He pays great attention to minor details
He figured it out when he saw his son look at his best friend
And Ghost put the pieces together
His son Silas was nervous to tell his father not knowing he already knew
“Yeah?” He says.
“I want to tell you something.”
“I already know, bud.”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“I know…you’re gay…”
“H-How did you?”
“When we went on that family holiday to the beach and you took your friend Mark with you…I saw how you two acted…I know bud and it’s okay…”
“It’s okay bud. You are allowed to love who you wanna love. I’m not allowed to judge, it’s all about you, bud.”
“So you’re not…”
“What disappointed? Fuck no bud. Thats ridiculous to get upset about.”
“Thanks dad.”
“Of course bud.”
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Like König he was clueless, his wife knew but he didn’t
Your son Beau was bisexual but was too afraid to say anything to Price
He was scared if his dad will accept him or not
Price came home from the gym, setting his bag on the ground and saw a little note by his wife letting him know she was at the store
Beau was sitting on the couch with his best friend Emmett
They didn’t know Price was home they looked at each other and without thinking they kissed
Which of course caught Price off guard
“Beau?” He says, both boys pulled away from each other jumping from the couch. Beau was stunned along with his best friend
“Dad, it’s not what it looks like.”
“I think it’s exactly what it looks like, and bud…it’s okay, but what about Charlotte?”
“We broke up.”
“Oh…I see, well, have fun, I’ll be in my office, tell if you need anything.”
“Is he okay?” Emmett asked.
“I think he’s just in shock,” Beau says.
And he was, but he was proud of his son
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Soap’s daughter was transitioning
He was changing his look, how he spoke and Soap didn’t notice his daughter changing before his eyes
He didn’t go by Kiara anymore but Kyle
Kyle was so scared to talk about him transitioning to his father and how Soap may not understand, Kyle broke when Soap kept calling him Kiara and using she and her
“Kiara, can you come unload the dishwasher please?” Soap calls.
Kyle was doing homework and needed to get it done, so he accidentally snapped at Soap.
“Not now I have schoolwork to do, I won’t have time and it’s Kyle!” He rolls his eyes at Soap.
“Kyle? Who the hell is Kyle?” He asked, Kyle paused and realized what he just did
“Shit,” he mumbles under his breath
“Dad,” before he snapped again, he took a deep breath and tried to compose himself. “Dad…I’m transgender…I’m not Kiara anymore, I’m Kyle…I’m not a girl anymore, I’m a boy.”
“Does your mother know?”
“Yes…I was just scared to tell you.”
“Oh, baby, it’s okay…I’m sorry I’ve been calling you the wrong name. You are my child…I understand, I have a few co-worker who are trans. I will try my hardest to call you by the right name and right pronouns. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay dad,” Kyle smiles at him.
“So, can you unload now?”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
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You daughter wasn’t too nervous
Like König’s daughter she saw videos gone wrong but knowing her father, he will be just fine with it
Maria gets the strength and goes downstairs to where Alejandro sits on the couch
Maria was coming out as aromatic something that was light and something Alejandro may not understand that much
“I have something to tell you.”
“Okay? What is it-wait is it something bad?”
“I don’t think so?”
“You don’t think so?”
“Okay, okay, go on.”
“You know how I talked about not possibly being attracted to some people?”
“And you know how I said, that some people could also not feel love towards others?”
“Yes? Maria where’s this going?”
“Papa! I’m aromatic, I don’t have romantic feelings towards anyone, I don’t love anyone, I don’t know if could love anyone. I thought maybe something was wrong with me because I see how you and mami are and I don’t feel that way with anyone.”
Maria was talking fast, Alejandro could barely keep up with her words
“Amor, please, I think I understand.”
“Poco (little).”
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Your son Kai was changing his look
Kai was becoming non-binary
Using They Them pronouns
Their mother accepts them
But what about their dad?
They were always worried about their dad. Their dad was a Sergeant and was nervous
Gaz has been picking up on his son’s appearance and how sometimes his wife will use they them pronouns when talking about his son
It does catch him off guard a bit and wants to know what’s going on
“Hey K, could I come in?”
“Yeah dad.”
“What’s going on?”
“What do you mean?” Kai asked a bit concerned
“Your mom…she keeps saying they a lot when she is talking about you…is everything okay?”
Your son swallowed a lump in his throat
Gaz looks around the bedroom seeing how it changed from the last time he’s seen. Sure they live in the same house together but he never came into Kai’s room because he never needed anything from Kai
“What’s that?” Gaz notices a flag on his son’s wall
Kai turns seeing he was asking about the non-binary flag.
“Dad…I’m non-binary.”
“What does that mean?”
“I use they, them pronouns, I haven’t changed that much, I’m still Kai. I just don’t believe I have a certain gender.”
“But you’re a-“
“A boy? Sometimes I don’t feel like one and I don’t feel feminine either…so I don’t identify with anything or anyone. So I don’t have a gender. I know it may be a bit confusing.”
“No, I think I get it. You just don’t identify as a boy or girl. You use they them pronouns. I get it, I’ll try my best to respect everything.”
“Thanks dad.”
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fireplaceisanyplace · 6 months ago
I've seen a few fics and posts about Charles learning about Edwardian courting customs and courting Edwin. I've read one or two fics about Edwin learning Urdu or Hindi. What about Edwin learning about Indian culture as something that's connected to Charles' mother's side of the family that, presumably, his father tried to supress, and his peers killed him for, but is something Charles can freely connect with and reclaim without that threat?
This is all to say I want to see Edwin explaining his suitability as a husband friend to a bunch of Charles' old relatives that can see ghosts and them being confused because it seems like the dead boys already got gay ghost married 30+ years ago and Charles saying that he can't say for certain that he's in love with Edwin and all his relatives rolling their eyes and asking what that has to do with marriage and obviously some form of love has grown and they're doing fine, no grandchildren or reincarnation, but they're accepting the gay thing, so they can accept those oddities too.
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isagrimorie · 4 months ago
What do you think about the people saying that it's a disservice to Agatha, a female gay character, being killed on her own show to prop up a man and set up his show
I can see how the optics looks but also I guess my point of view is different.
A thing that helps me is that I knew before hand that in the comics, Agatha was a ghost. It didn’t slow comics!Agatha one bit becoming a ghost. Eventually she was able to get her own body back.
Before that there was several dances of Agatha dying and then reviving but it’s almost never explained how she lived.
Honestly, I feel like I should have known this was coming since being a ghost was a big part of Agatha’s arc.
This just has the added bonus of pissing Rio off.
She loves Rio but when Agatha said she would hate Rio if she took Nicky… Agatha is a woman of her word.
And for near immortals, Agatha can both love and hate for a long, long time.
Also, honestly, if Agatha really wanted Rio to leave her alone, Agatha would have sincerely honored her bargain with Rio. Instead, by becoming a ghost Agatha ensured that some part of Rio will be searching and chasing after Agatha.
But also— I just… can’t reduce that whole thing to just sacrificing for a boy when episode 9 took a long time establishing why Agatha felt such a bond with Billy.
This is all tied up with her love for Nicky.
Agatha’s other wound that never healed. I get the whole thing about propping a boy (not a man since Billy is a teenager) but also, after the whole backstory— its clear now that Agatha All Along was about the creation of a long con, about Agatha’s tumultuous relationship with Death (big and little ‘d’). And, parenthood.
Lorna Wu and Alice Wu Gulliver and the world wide protection spell. She was able to do what Agatha couldn’t do for Nicky.
And then Agatha took Alice’s life.
Billy is the Kaplans’ son, but also at this point, for Agatha Billy is who she wanted Nicky to become.
I do understand why it’s disappointing but personally, I don’t find it disappointing because I don’t see Agatha as a prop to Billy’s story.
I see Billy as a stepping stone for Agatha to finally move forward and heal.
Nicky was a stop gap, Rio is… unable to say ‘no’ to Agatha’s whimsical requests.
After Nicky died Agatha became a walking, talking gaping wound. A blackhole of want. She is trying to fill that up with her insatiable need for power.
She cut herself off from Rio when she acquired the Darkhold.
Billy seems to be a step for Agatha to stem the tide and move on from being the Three of Swords.
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dragoncityinteriordesign · 3 months ago
Hey, Guardian fans! Got something here you might like!
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And that something would be Kaleidoscope of Death (the 2018 gay webnovel) and the Spirealm (the 2024 drama based on it). You can read the more detailed rec posts for both Kaleidoscope of Death and the Spirealm (as well as for some other media, all of which you can read here), but I wanted to come in and do a specific post about why I think fans of Guardian would really have a good time with these two.
This isn't just my observation -- other people who are fans of both have commented on how they scratch the same itch. They're just similar enough to one another to feel familiar, which still different enough that nothing feels repetitive/derivative. It's also funny to me how much the relationship of Guardian the book to Guardian the show is like the relationship of Kaleidoscope of Death to the Spirealm. They're both spooky gay stories that lose a lot in the adaptation to television, but also gain a lot in the process, until it's hard to say which one is the superior telling of the story.
So I'm coming in here with an extremely quick, spoiler-free-as-I-can-make-them five reasons why fans of Guardian in particular might be inclined to enjoy this book/show combo.
1. These boys are not normal about one another
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I know you love it when the boys are not normal about one another. Ruan Nanzhu (cunty, well-dressed, on the left) and Lin Qiushi (sporty, cat dad, on the right) are extremely not normal about one another.
(Guardian lucked out in that when the drama was made, shows hadn't yet started doing the bullshit of changing the danmei boys' TV names. Zhao Yunlan and Shen Wei are Zhao Yunlan and Shen Wei no matter where they are -- but these two are Ruan Nanzhu and Lin Qiushi in the book, and Ruan Lanzhu and Ling Jiushi in the show. I'm going to be using their book names just because I've seen them written more often and they look more correct to me now.)
There's a Reason they're together. Maybe they don't go back as far as Ye Olde Haixing, but rest assured theirs is not a random encounter. Also, just like in Guardian, the Reasons in the book and the show have some surface similarities, but play out very differently.
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This is a slow-burn gay love story that's a freak4freak relationship featuring two completely different kinds of freak. Lin Qiushi is the only person Ruan Nanzhu's ever let get close to him. Ruan Nanzhu's the only person who's ever pierced Lin Qiushi's cat-loving veil of obliviousness. Theirs is the true love of being willing to burn down the world for the same person you love annoying the pants off of. They're hot-and-cold messes who can't live without one another.
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Obviously, as in Guardian's case, the boys-kissing parts are textual only in the book, not in the show. But keeping them from kissing actually ends up making them way less normal about one another. Yes, tell the guy who's technically your boss to platonically call you "daddy." What's not heterosexual about that?
2. Fun horror(-ish)
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Both books have fantastic worlds and weird metaphysical conflicts, where terrible and unsettling things happen. They have ghosts and ghost-like things that can scare you and even kill you. Both contain some really unsettling passages about gore, violence, and body horror, and both include at least a bit of background cannibalism from one of the party members.
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...And both shows have had those elements totally nerfed by censorship. Just as the ghosts of Diyu become the aliens of Dixing, the mysterious door worlds of Kaleidoscope of Death become the eeeeevil American video game of the Spirealm. It's exactly as silly and nonsensical as it sounds, and I know you can laugh your way through how stupid the adaptation choices are, because you already have.
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Does this destroy the horror of it? Eh, yes and no. No, because there are still fundamentally some horror-esque things going on. But also yes, because having all these killer doors be part of a video game is about as nonsensical as having a lot of aliens living in the center of the earth, and it all winds up being a bit ... well, silly. At least Guardian had the excuse of having to do a last-minute scramble; the Spirealm was committed to this from the start. (What the Spirealm also has that Guardian the show lacks is the occasional hilarious, perfunctory digression into how eeeeeeevil capitalism is, which is its own form of both cringe and comedy.)
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The book is legitimately creepy, though. There were a couple points I found myself reading it late at night, right before going to bed, and thinking, hm, maybe I should not be doing this. I love it so much that I actually read it the first time, got to the very important information in the first extra, turned right around, and read it a second time with that new context. It's not so horror that a casual reader couldn't enjoy it, but maybe leave the lights on while you do.
3. We're not co-workers, we're found family.
You know how the SIU/SID crew is the best and the most wonderful and you want to pick them up and hug them all and put them in your pocket and carry them around with you? Yeah, it's likely you're going to have a similar reaction to the Obsidian members and their associated friends.
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Both SIU/SID and Obsidian have similar qualities where they're organizations operating under the radar of normal society, doing jobs that do not respect 9-5 boundaries or lunch breaks, where things are dangerous enough that you have to trust your co-workers with your life on a very regular basis. But while only the Guardian ghosts live at headquarters, everyone in Obsidian shares the same house. They eat meals together, watch movies together, play board games together, hang out and read in the TV pit together, decorate the house for New Year's together, barge into one another's rooms together...
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Did you love it when Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan wound up living in apartments conveniently across the hall from one another? You're likely going to feel a similar kind of way when Ruan Nanzhu immediately moves Lin Qiushi (and his cat!) into the bedroom across the hall from his own.
As with Guardian, the book has more characters than the show does, but that's because it's cheaper to write a new character than it is to hire a new actor. And it's also easier to write off a new character than it is to get rid of a main cast member, so the book and the show have slightly different lists of who lives and who dies, and when. Take my "be careful who you get attached to" warning seriously.
4. A similarly batshit television aesthetic
Okay, okay, so nothing will ever be like Guardian's thrift-store maximalist approach to set dressing. The Spirealm is more intentional about its choices, and less like all it can afford to do is to keep reusing the same dozen objects repositioned slightly. The Spirealm is what it looks like when you actually have all the money you need and still choose to decorate like Guardian did.
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Because of the story's supernatural main conceit, a lot of the environments are bizarre, impossible worlds that do not rely much on petty little things like logic or accuracy or the laws of physics. They're basically dreamscapes, filled with things that don't make sense but also don't have to.
The whole thing is also beautifully shot. I know that a lot of the screenshots emphasize the extremely yellow Wong Kar-wai color grading that I honestly wish weren't there, but it's fine in context. Really, the framing, the motion of the camera, the composition of scenes -- it's just all lovely. I've been watching it with no sound or subtitles on to do screenshots, and I keep being astonished by how nice it is to just look at.
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Shen Wei's clothing choices seem tame compared to the high strangness Ruan Nanzhu considers fashion. He'll see your arm garters and raise you a coat that somehow has three lapels. No, I don't know how it works either. But if you like seeing a beautiful bitchy man in bizarre outfits (and I know you do), the Spirealm's got you covered.
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And are there inexplicable English-titled books, both generically fake and perplexingly real? Baby, you know there are.
The Spirealm's set design is ultimately not nearly as interesting as Guardian's is, but it's definitely more engaging than most. If you (like me!) enjoy pausing and squinting at the backgrounds of shots, this will bring you hours of scrutinizing entertainment.
5. Not not the same endings
By this I mean, the end of Guardian the book is to the end of Guardian the show as the end of Kaleidoscope of Death is to the end of the Spirealm. I don't mean the exact same things happen, and I can't tell you exactly what happens without spoiling some major things I don't think should be spoiled. What I do mean is that they feel very similar in the relationship between source and adaptation.
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Now that I've said this, you're going to be thinking, oh, I know how it ends! No, I promise, you really don't. But when you finally experience said endings, you're going to understand what I mean. Xi Zixu, writing Kaleidoscope of Death in 2018, could not have been responding to the ending of Guardian the show, which was airing at the same time the novel was being released. However, I'd be willing to put down a not-small amount of money that the production team on the Spirealm was at least passingly familiar with Guardian. I don't think it's accurate to say the Spirealm's ending is a direct response to Guardian the show's ending, but I do believe it understands that it's contributing to a conversation to which the endings of both Guardian versions already belong.
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And that's all I'm going to say about that! You'll get it when you get there.
bonus: kitty!
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This is Chestnut. Chestnut is perfect.
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I find it charming how much Xi Zixu, the author, loves cats. She talks about her cat in her author's notes. She waxes poetic about how great cats are in the prose. She has obviously chosen to make Lin Qiushi a cat dad for reasons of writing her own favorite personal traits onto her blorbos.
Of course Ruan Nanzhu is jealous of a cat. He's jealous of himself. He's a one-man jealousy machine when it comes to Lin Qiushi's affections. He's being so normal right now.
Have I convinced you?
Scroll down to the bottom of the rec posts I mentioned earlier to find all the information you need to read Kaleidoscope of Death and all the information you need to watch the Spirealm.
My final verdict is that Guardian the show is substantially better than the Spirealm, and Guardian the book is also better than Kaleidoscope of Death -- but by a much, much narrower margin. I don't even have strong feelings about which one of them you should experience first; I actually started the show, jumped to the book, read it while I was watching the middle episodes, and then finished the show, and even that broken-ass order was not a bad way to approach them. But be prepared to do both! You'll want to do both. Trust me.
Anyway, after you're done watching/reading, come find me at @thirteenthdoor, which is where I'm putting all my Kaleidoscope of Death/Spirealm analysis, reblogs, and shitposting. But only after, because I'm not being careful about spoilers at all over there.
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See you in the doors!
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