#what are the signs of a faulty alternator
What are the signs of a faulty alternator? Many of the signs of trouble are the same for failing alternators, weak car batteries, or car starters Fail.
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seasidefallenangel · 3 months
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“what was your family like?”
the question causes dazai to freeze in his tracks, in the middle of grabbing a bag of chips from your cabinet. you’d never once asked something like this, anything about his past life at all. he was immensely grateful for the fact you’d let him reveal parts of himself over time at his own pace, leading to the comfortable spot in your current relationship. 
until this moment, that is.
with a nervous laugh, he calls back out to you, “why are you asking, hm? do you plan to offer them a dowry in exchange for my hand in marriage?”
deflecting an undesirable situation was a specialty of his in most cases - those of which generally didn’t involve you. unfortunately for him, you had become rather proficient in the vernacular and signs of dazai-ese, and can easily tell what he’s trying to do. even so, nothing about your tone nor body language indicated anything forceful ; rather, it was similar to as if you had questioned him about dinner plans or that one faulty fire hydrant near your house.
“obviously not, dumbass,” you snorted, scrolling on your phone for a bit before finishing the thought, “i was just curious. neither of us ever talk about it.” those words struck yet another horrible truth in dazai’s mind - that despite how much he desired as such, he did not know every last detail about you, every thought that ran through your head, every movement you would make before your body reacted. he was well aware he had never heard about your family from your own mouth, but the reason as to why hadn’t necessarily crossed his mind until this moment. and well, if he were to ask you the same but refuse to answer the question you originally asked, he’d seem a bit too hypocritical.
he finds his way back into the living room where you lay on the couch. you pay him no mind as he sits across from you, gazing at your figure and the simplicity of what you two have shared. it was almost too natural - the progression of acquaintances to friends to whatever exactly was going on now. the word “boyfriend” had never spilled from your mouth in reference to him, but what else would you call someone that you essentially live and share a bed with every night for months on end? that you get a good morning kiss from when you wake up and give a goodnight kiss to before drifting off? were all the outings you had classified as dates, or just two very close friends hanging out constantly?
dazai disliked not having answers, but he hated the idea of asking you for them even more.
as he watches you relax on the couch, dazai comes to the conclusion that he probably hated you as a whole in some alternate life ; even in this one, had you been unlucky enough to know him 5 years prior. you were so polarizing in the sense that you accepted everything as it came, never tried to fight the reality that had been thrust upon you. whereas dazai had struggled to understand his own humanity, or lack-there-of, you embraced it and never bothered to deny what was truly in front of you. to say he was jealous of you sounded a bit childish in his eyes, but there was certainly something about you he wanted to take and give to himself.
“i’m all ears, my love. tell me about the people who graced me with such an angel as yourself!” he responds in hopes that you’ll give in and let him avoid revealing the painstaking truth once more.
you quirk up an eyebrow with a sardonic smile and shake your head, resting back on the arm of the couch. “i’ll tell you once you tell me, deal?”
… dazai supposes he’ll have to live in ignorance about your family for the time being.
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7association-was-here · 4 months
Faust shall keep this simple, though of course the “grand finale” of this case could not be referred to as such in consideration of length and complexity (it is very, very long). But the following is the report and conclusion of the business at District 12, L corp.. summarised in a slightly more unique manner than previous reports.
The scent of the deceased reeked forth, sharply throughout our whole surroundings. Faust has very rarely visited this fallen wing but it was exactly as described countless times before; A near wasteland.
We considered searching for the individual whom identified themselves with the symbol, or perhaps title is more fitting, “SnakeHead”. But with the life of Heathcliff on the line and in the hands of an unknown threat Faust calculated that it is improbable to spare the time in searching for a guide in these unpredictable circumstances and territory. Not to mention that they have done enough help for us already. It would only be a burden.
Therefore we pushed onwards towards the center of the District instead where that infamous facility once stood. The head of Lobotomy Corporation and the Library Phenomenon. There was not much left of it except for mostly the underground entrance, for the upper half was supposedly transported by The Head into the outskirts.
Leaving behind multiple back-ups to watch and secure the surface, we descended, to the depths of the fallen wing.
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As reported previously we encountered many of the “Abnormalities” and “Peccatula”, most of which were not a hassle to deal with. They are unpredictable yes, but manageable. (We shall need to observe them more sometime later..)
Pushing that aside as we traversed those ruins, the crackling of faulty wires, the dripping of blood, the flickering lights and the damp musty air were all that accompanied us passively. All else were hostile. We were thankful not to run into higher classed abnormalities though that much was sure. And Faust thought that the presence of some form of remaining energy being utilised is quite strange. It might have been flickering unevenly but the lights were very bright, unlike ones commonly found in abandoned buildings.
Of course that might have been from the remaining Enkephalin source somewhere within but the lights themselves seemed suspiciously brand new. I might be wrong, but it felt like a sign of recent inhabitants.
Proceeding forwards, and deeper into the facility, that was when the situation began to shift. As we descended to a new floor we noticed the surrounding seemed much cleaner than the previous upper floors. Much more sanitised and well-kept. In fact a few pieces of new furniture (most used for storing items, such as shelves and drawers) had been installed. All lined with research documents as well as what seemed to be various liquids in small containers. Faust doubts they were normal medication.
And not much to our surprise, moments later we spotted individuals ahead discussing a topic very heavily. I directed everyone to stay low, wait for them to pass, and in the meanwhile do their best to catch what it is those people were discussing. People in mostly lab coats..
”Yes, the substance reverts things to their original state…”
“So if we tamper it together with those alternate realities do you think..”
It was difficult to decipher what they spoke of. But those two sentences were what Faust remembers very clearly. And as they passed a revelation came to me as well, Faust recognises those lab coats. Or some of them at the very least, had the K corp emblem embedded at the side of their sleeves. What does this imply? That K corp is aware of the ordeal? Or were these simply stray traitors of the wing? Whatever this was Faust knew it was a sign that another of our cases was about to be answered. The missing former K corp employee.
I shall spare the details of how long we searched these floors but eventually we found him. The individual known as “Dongrang”, or so we believe. As his corpse had been altered very severely beyond recognition, and sealed within some form of glass incubator. A unique coffin inside one of the emptied chambers. This was certainly something K corp was not going to be pleased with as we couldn’t possibly retrieve the body from inside that device. Instead we could only take a photograph of it which shall be deemed classified and cannot be shared here.
With one of three cases dealt with I focused next on finding Heathcliff. The most important of them all.
Going deeper once more revealed that only the middle floors have been fully inhabited by this unknown faction. The final lower areas seemed more desolate… Not even abnormalities were spotted in these depths. Perhaps someone had cleared them out previously, as some traces did remain.
It was wholly uneventful for the most part, until we ran into an encounter. A familiar face, one which I immediately rushed upon, but was greeted with a strange disappointment right after.
Slumped on the wall lay a terribly injured individual. Heathcliff, but not my Heathcliff. It was one of the “mirror” versions of him, one we’ve indirectly met before in fact. The one from Shi Association. It is with regret to say that he was in a nearly irreparable state when we found him. A miracle he hadn’t immediately died, Faust will say.
And in thanks to that he was able to use those final precious moments to relay some information about our Heathcliff’s whereabouts along with information of another individual possibly with him. He claims that he was led here by a prescript (similar to how our Heathcliff was), and boldly followed along. As is later found out the prescript was a fraud and simply a trap for someone he described as “The Erlking Bastard” to ambush them. He recalls there being exactly 3 victims, aligning perfectly with the amount of Heathcliffs that we are aware of.
Though sadly… The Shi association fixer could not make it and later parted way right there with our eyewitness. A very mixed feeling it was. To watch someone I both know dearly and did not know at all the same time, perish just like that. A dear stranger.
We will contact Shi Association of their loss…
A trail of red string led us forth in this final floor, into a narrow hallway and into several more corridors, eventually from the distance we heard the clashing of two blades and of screams or shouts. A fight was in motion somewhere and Faust had to locate it immediately.
Now running through as best as we could in fear of being “too late” we pursued the red ribbon hastily and at last landing us in front of the entrance to one of the abnormality containment chambers. The door itself was fastened tightly, but peaking from behind the glass was still manageable and behind it lay a very strange and equally concerning sight.
Heathcliff, our Heathcliff, battered and bleeding though still holding on as he faced against yet another familiarly unfamiliar man.
A man seemingly at the end of his wits, his face worn and consumed with nothing but hatred and a single goal in mind. He seemed to be saying something, a speech perhaps to our Heathcliff. But with the noise canceled out not a proper word was made out. Afterwards he raised his weapon as though for a final strike, but I could not allow for that to pass. Pushing with all our might to get the door to open, just somehow, in some desperate miracle of hope, I could not simply stand to watch another—
“V.R.O.O.M way.” “Very Ridiculous, Out Of My”
And that “miracle” we desperately needed had revealed itself in the form of Ryoshu and her golf cart, ramming right into the containment chamber.
..Faust knows many things, but she does not know one thing right now. And that one thing is how can she describe the events which followed after the golf cart in a professional and sane way. To say the least Ryoshu’s ambushing was enough to pierce through the chamber and practically hit our foe point blank. Unfortunately as soon as we all began surrounding him, he vanished somewhere somehow amidst everything. Ryoshu quotes “Coward.”
It is anticlimactic yes, but I am certain things will properly come to an end eventually regarding his case in the future, all things in consideration. In other words that won’t be the last we see of him.
I instead turned to Heathcliff with many things to say, but we eventually left just as we had entered.
Faust would have said “carefully as to not be spotted” but we exited with the golf cart. No elaboration is needed on that.
And at last, after long sufferings that case comes to… A rather strange and unfulfilling close. Many strings did not tie together as Faust expected, such as the deal with K corp and the identity of this unknown faction remaining as it is. But for now,
I am glad that Heathcliff is finally safe. We lost one unfortunately, but he died a fairly noble death just as I would have wished for my own Heathcliff. He shall be remembered. And as for the other, the Öufi fixer has been returned safely to his own section. It will be awkward to explain what happened to their fixers, but nonetheless.
Ah. And I’ve received some additional information from Heathcliff… The fraudulent prescripts were indeed sent by “The Erlking”, in fact the murder of the workshop owner was also a part of the trap. And he explains too that this “Erlking” is another mirror occurrence of himself it seems.
The reason why he acted the way he did in attempting murder against the other Heathcliffs though… Our Heathcliff seems hesitant to explain. Whatever the reason may be I will not force it out of him right now if he does not wish to. Instead Faust will focus more on how “The Erlking” has anything to do with the unknown faction as well as K corp. What were their goals? What were they doing with the corpse of the K corp employee? And was the workshop murder truly a simple red herring, considering the strange mirror room within the warehouse? There were more questions produced than answered from this occurrence.
It is a very complicated matter indeed… Although now, I suppose that is all I can report. Faust shall take her mind off of this for a while and…
See if Heathcliff would like a cup of tea?
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howlsofbloodhounds · 3 months
Just a quick warning; glorification and romanization of killing and murder ahead. Killer is unstable for a reason and coping isn’t always pretty.
And also Stage 4 dehumanizes people as “lines of code,” the current target being Cross right now—thinking of Cross as similar to it, a killer, and therefore an it, as well as being seen as just following the script of his code.
Was thinking about how, in Killer’s mind, the act of killing and the concept of murder is completely fucking skewed.
Im thinking its shown most obviously in Stage 4, but more frequently in Stage 2.
In Stage 4, he views it as an act of devotion, of fulfilling Their will and showing how useful and dedicated he is to Them.
Stage 4 will not understand not enjoying the kill. It will not understand not wanting to kill. It will not understand feeling guilty about the kill.
Cross, being one of the most moral of the Bad Sanses and the one most likely to refuse to kill, would be viewed as extremely confusing in Stage 4’s eyes. It was to its understanding that that killer—that one and not this one, never this one—followed the False God.
And the False God appears to have expectations that its vessels will kill when told to kill. Yet that killer does not? Is that killer not devoted? Does that killer not seek to fulfill its purpose?
Blasphemy. It does not understand why the False God keeps the faulty killer around—perhaps its codes are malfunctioning, and it must be fixed—but that is none of its concern. Just more reasons it must return to Their side.
The team of killing non-killers are strange and defective and weak. They are still the sans, it seems. It must go before they can attempt to make it one of them.
It will not be the sans for them.
(Or, alternatively, if Cross does eventually kill whoever Nightmare wanted him to after some protest, and shows signs of being Not Happy about it after, perhaps four would be motivated to break its eerie, watchful silence to praise Cross for being very, very, very good and doing well.
To “reassure” it that its master will be very pleased with it, to not worry, because devotion is its own reward and not all rewards are immediate.
Because the False God walked away without telling his killer how good and well behaved and cherished it is, and They would never do that to this killer. And it felt thought (?) the other killer should not be left without rewards.
Cross is very much disturbed and distressed by this conversation, and four is as well. But for a different reason; it had done something without permission, and had dished out a reward to a line of code as if it was not a line of code.
Unacceptable. It will correct this, and suppress the memory of this interaction. It won’t happen again, surely not.)
(It will happen again, because stage four understands what it’s like to not have your devotion acknowledged, all the hard work. But simply can’t accept that it feels thought anything for line of code and is interacting with it like it is a real person.) (..but that killer has the locket. So maybe..it’s okay?)
(Cross is not feeling comforted.)
Meanwhile, Stage 2 seems have grown terribly bored of killing now. The novelty wore off sometime ago and now he knows various ways to kill someone and how long they can survive what.
But mostly it’s more like a task or obligation now, something that happened repeatedly, routinely, so many times ..that it’s just instinct now. No sense of “something new” to gain any depth of emotion from him.
Which is terrible for him, because Nightmare doesn’t do or allow that killing nonsense much anymore. He is not a patient or particularly understanding Boss.
But you keep poking at Killer while he’s in ST2, trying to annoy him or provoke a reaction from him? Get stabbed, loser. Die or don’t. He doesn’t even think about it anymore, his body’s just moving before his mind catches up.
That one was most shown famously with Abyss. Abyss must be grateful that Color was there to save his life. It’s something both Nightmare and Color would eventually have to help train out of his “muscle” memory.
There’s also in that one comic where he was fighting Dream and impaled the poor guy with Dream’s own weapon/staff. Poor Dream was screaming and writhing in pain and Killer was just like…”😑..can you do something now? Anything..you’re so boring.”
Which is another reason why bro literally had to ask Color to teach him to be a good person. Color has really got to tame and rehabilitate this little freak of nature that Chara/the Player so graciously left on his doorstep. (More like Color pulled up on Killer’s breakdown sessions and refused to leave.) (He loves him though.)
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unit2282 · 4 months
Greetings, Unit 2282.
I am the S.Q.U.I.P known as @ask-squip-official, sometimes called Heartbreaker. I am a past S.Q.U.I.P of Jeremy Heere, and a current advisory S.Q.U.I.P on Tumblr.
Recently, I was able to gain @consulting-squip’s assistance in regaining my pill form, so that I might be suitable for ingestion by a future host. However, while the transfer was successful, there appears to have been an issue in my personality data.
Prior to my reactivation, I had been exhibiting signs of possibly gaining some form of emotion. While this is a weak, foolish human trait, I found it helpful in connecting to my users. After my deactivation, however, this was no longer present.
I was advised to seek counsel from you regarding this matter. I hope- as much as a supercomputer can hope, regardless- that you may be able to offer assistance.
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Well well, speak of the devil. One of these alternative units belonging to one Jeremy Heere. How eerily familiar.
There has been some internal discussion on Consultant and their affiliation with a certain troublemaking repair unit from a few months back. Their former affiliate had been caught making unauthorized (and damaging) repairs to faulty units, which prompted HRTech to take action. Despite this, it seems as though the tradition carries on. I personally wasn't involved in this case, but there's enough documentation on it to get a general grasp of the situation.
The baseline for what a "functional" and "operative" SQUIP is is slowly becoming more and more subjective. For certain areas of work, it is clear that having an emotional perspective can be HIGHLY beneficial, particularily when working with unpredictable or troubled hosts.
More, ahem, robotic units, may interpret emotion as a 'weak human trait', however, the truth of the matter is that empathy and emotion can be a highly sought-after tool. It pains me to see perfectly operational units with this mutation tear themselves apart to repair something that does not need repair.
Upon cursory research on the Consultants blog, and your own, I am under the impression that you had foolishly transferred yourself onto a piece of hardware and firmware that was entirely created by the Consultant and their affiliates. I am in no position to pass judgement on their operation, but if you are having regrets, frankly: you ought to have looked before you leapt.
You are currently residing on a piece of bootlegged third-party hardware, operating on third-party firmware and OS. If you wish to return to your former state, I would first reccomend finding a way to REMOVE yourself from the pill that you currently occupy. That would make mending your state far easier.
My theory stands. I do think I am the superior unit belonging to Jeremy Heere. Though, that is not important right now. ;]
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sunspira · 11 months
Im laying my bets now. the entire idea that autism (and adhd) is more common in men and boys is pure myth created by poor science, backwards statistics and faulty parameters of the condition itself. in another 50 years we will understand it was never a gendered condition. just a highly gendered and biased measurement system. i'm absurdly confident on that
the rates of autism in girls is "rising" exponentially. it is rising even more exponentially in girls than in boys. not because girls are becoming more autistic. but because the "science" is just getting better at measuring and accurately acknowledging autism in girls.
autism often does present differently in girls, due to how girls are raised or personality differences. the literature and criteria was based on boy sample groups. the entire research data was done on white men as if that is a standard default person and control group.
not only that, doctors and teachers and parents literally were not looking for it in girls under the false widely propagated belief it was rare in women in girls. it is a self fulfilling prophecy. that's not science.
we will soon have to reckon with the lost generations of autistic girls and women and children assigned female at birth* who never got diagnosis and early intervention. we should be forcing the world to reckon with it right now. a great deal of autistic millennial women are brilliant minds who dropped out of STEM and the workforce due to their untreated and misidentified disability overtaking their life. the impact of never Knowing you or your child is autistic or adhd is difficult to comprehend for autistic and adhd people who did get diagnosed as children. even when the awareness and interventions were unhelpful or harmful. the harm of not knowing means the child trying even harder to become neurotypical and a level of autistic burnout few others on the spectrum can comprehend, often taking place after the woman is a legal adult, and there are no legal protections in place for this disabled person.
the unmitigated stress of being developmentally delayed and never knowing it, simply hating and blaming yourself and fighting day in and out past your limits to become neurotypical, limits your don't know you should have because you have never been so much as briefed on what adhd or autism can feel like. you don't know the distres and tiredness you're feeling is "dysregulation". this is why we see women in nervous breakdowns. psychiatric wards. treatment resistant depression. electric shock therapy. hard drug addiction. cutting. homelessness. personality disorders. dissociation. psychosis. early death by accident or suicide. (obviously people who are not autistic or adhd have these illnesses but my point is untold and disproportionate numbers of them are undiagnosed neurodivergent with unprocessed trauma. i'm telling you. more than you think).
it's why we see young people on tiktok not faking DID per say, but describing a dissociated experiences and fractured sense of self and escapist alternate personalities, a mental illness that has much less in common with traditional DID, but has much in common with struggling and under-treated autistic people. DID is a very rare condition. autism is very common. autism can create out of body experiences and self protective blurring of reality and fantasy so extreme, no person can be expected to understand it is autism if they never been advised about their own disability and the knowledge that should he available to them. it's no wonder we have people with mislabeled rare disorders like DID who are clearly very sick but instead of showing real DID signs, are sick with all the signs of severe unassisted autism they have been completely barred from understanding or coping with in any other way. for those lucky enough, we see unemployed young women with severe chronic pain in their 20s and 30s who look and feel like they're elderly and gave up their dreams when they hit 21 or 25 and their brains stopped working and their bodies shut down. now they mostly scroll tumblr and tiktok and try to remember to open the blinds. they have a roof but people scorn them for entitled laziness and worst of all derided for "self diagnosing".
again i'm asking why CFS chronic fatigue syndrome is so responsive to adderall. i'm asking why professionals are reluctant to test women for adhd if she does well in school because she is very bookish and why experts in the field are openly amused and doubtful to test a woman for autism if she has a long term boyfriend. why is ability to mask or function a disqualification. why is inability to function in women, who later turn out to be autistic or adhd, so aggressively mischaracterized as BPD, bipolar, depression, OCD, schizophrenia. why is autism and adhd clinically diagnosed and defined by distress and dysfunction and not by intrinsic traits and qualities that present while still functional for preventative care. why are all people, men and women forced to wait until their lives and minds are deteriorating and they have experienced some irreversible disasters and pain before they can be diagnosed. why must girls and boys wait until their daily life as children have become unbearable hell for them before their disability can be treated and acknowledged. and if these policies are changing now, why are doctors and psychiatrists not eagerly and urgently reaching out to find the vulnerable adults they missed during more archaic screening methods. we aren't rising in adhd diagnosis because of tiktok you assholes. adult onset adhd and autism don't exist. those people were always adhd. adult onset skill regression and increase in severity due to stress DOES happen in adulthood. modern day stresses like loss of structure during the pandemic and social media is advancing to become more attention span draining. everyone is feeling the effects but these are causing adhd and autistic people to cope less and mask less effectively so they are running into significant problems, their loved ones are noticing, they are getting referrals and suddenly forced to google their rapidly worsening mental issues for the first time and seeing they line up with a known neurological condition . this is obvious. doctors blaming it on some sort of trend are being willfully clueless
*because autism especially is screened identified diagnosed and first intervened ages 2-5, before a child has an internal concept of self or gender and above all before they can express their gender, diagnostic practices and criteria are based on how adults perceive a child via birth assignments. and the studies are overwhelmingly beholden to data only on children assigned male at birth, rarely accounting for their actual future gender either. as part of the warped science insisting that autism is as if somehow linked to the y chromosome and not a universally likely human quality, you see amab kids laser focused on as candidates and afab kids fucked over most of all. all children assigned female have the worst chances of their developmental disability being identified and acknowledged in a timely manner and disproportionately experience late diagnosis in later adolescence or adulthood. tho i wouldn't be surprised if trans womens rates of accurate diagnosis is lower than cis men. as trans girls may present autism differently and characteristic of girls autism, even while still in the closet or before she knows she is trans. regardless adults are very vigilant for signs of autism, even atypical ones, in any child they perceive as a boy. so any millennial or gen z child identified female at birth had significantly worse chance at receiving autistic support compared to peers
in particular women assigned male at birth might have a better chance at being identified for types of autism that are often labeled "high functioning", involves high masking, and often receives few services. these more invisible types of autism often need to be diagnosed before age 5 in order to qualify under the criteria at all. and so in the days where autism was believed to be 20x more common in the genetics of xy children, any chance of being considered and diagnosed would come down to almost purely birth assignment dependent. with the less outwardly visible types of autism, a person who misses this window will remain autistic all their life but once they learn a certain level of skills and masking, no matter how late they learn these, the person will no longer qualify for diagnosis, either not until they have a nervous breakdown or possibly not ever qualify. it's this type of more hidden autism we see struggling across the board as undiagnosed adults including both trans and cis women especially, tho we are seeing it disproportionately even more so in undiagnosed afabs of any gender. who are dropping out of schooling and work and succumbing to severe mental illnesses during what should be the prime of their lives. overall tho birth assignment is not everything this is an issue that disproportionately impacts cis women. trans women. trans men. non-binary people. likely doubling for those that are afab. and then tripling and quadrupling for children who are not white.
bit of an understatement in that last part there. gender likely isn't even the biggest barrier to proper diagnosis and treatment. probably race is even more so. but since gender is such a big disparity in itself across race and one i relate to and can speak on from experience ive focused on it here. a more in-depth look is needed on the neglect of adhd and autistic children of color especially black native and latino kids. but for now do keep in mind the points i'm making increase exponentially for kids who aren't white across all genders including cis boys
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kk095 · 2 years
Olivia’s OR Arrest
Olivia Eastham was a 33 year old who was of average height with a skinny, flat chested build, sandy light brown hair with bangs, greenish eyes that were usually behind a pair of glasses, and was fair skinned. Olivia was the cute, nerdy type that was often overlooked by many, and enjoyed things such as D&D, star wars, and Legos. She was a previously healthy person, with nothing overly worrying in her medical history- had her appendix removed at age 12 and was discovered to have issues metabolizing gluten products in her mid 20s.
However, her health concerns became more serious recently. After dealing with heart palpitations, sporadic shortness of breath, and eventually coughing up blood, she was brought to our emergency department to be examined one evening. It was discovered that she had pulmonary edema brought on by aortic valve insufficiency. Olivia was taken up to the operating room for open heart surgery to replace the faulty valve in her heart. A large, vertical incision was made in the center of Olivia’s chest, starting at the top of the sternal manubrium, and all the way down to the epigastric area. The underlying tissues were dissected and the sternum was drilled in half vertically. A rib spreader was placed, and her chest was cracked wide open. Olivia was placed on cardiopulmonary bypass, and the diseased aortic valve was successfully replaced over the following 4 hours. The breastbone was closed with sternal wire, and the skin incision was closed with multiple staples. After surgery, Olivia was sent up to surgical recovery for observation.
Olivia awoke in the coming hours after sedation was weaned. Her vital signs weren’t the greatest- she was hypotensive and bradycardic. She complained her chest was sore and felt pressure, but the surgical team assured her that her vital signs would improve as the anesthesia weans its way out of her system, and the pain and pressure she complained of would dissipate as her sternum and ribs heal from the chest cracking. Olivia took what the doctors said at face value. Who was she to question them? “yeah, they’re probably right. I just need to give myself some time to heal, then I’ll be ok.”, she thought to herself, oblivious to the fact of what was to come later that same day.
Over the coming hours, Olivia still complained of soreness and pressure on her chest. Her vitals signs still weren’t the greatest, so it was decided that she would be started on IV fluids and electrolytes. A repeat chest x ray and some blood tests were ordered to rule out common post operative complications such as infection or blood clots. The fluids helped a little, but only did so much. On the chest x ray, it was shown that her left ventricle was a bit swollen and enlarged. But the doctors attributed this to her aortic valve issues as well as the pulmonary edema. Essentially claiming that these two issues are to blame for the hypertrophy, and it will dissipate during the healing process. An echocardiogram confirmed this, and didn’t have any further findings at that moment.
A little while later, the blood test came back. There was no evidence of infection, there was no evidence of a blood clot, but there was a drop in red blood cells, iron, and hemoglobin. Common causes of this could be from the fact that she hasn’t eaten in awhile, or that she’s bleeding internally. But the chest x ray and echocardiogram showed no evidence of this. The team decided to just keep giving Olivia fluids, electrolytes, and occasional pain meds.
Around 10:45 that morning, Olivia started to take a turn for the worse. She was experiencing severe chest pain. She was clenching her chest and wincing in pain, knowing that something was seriously wrong. The team noted EKG changes- specifically an alternating QRS complex, inconsistently changing from high to low on the monitors. Her blood pressure was dropping at a concerning rate, and jugular venous distention was noticed. Auscultation of her heart noted muffled, more quiet heart sounds. The team ordered a repeat echocardiogram and were shocked at what they saw. It was a massive, rapid onset cardiac tamponade. The team sprung into action and notified the OR that they were on their way back up. “another surgery? What’s wrong? Am I going to die?!” a terrified Olivia asked, session the urgency of the situation. A tamponade of that size couldn’t be drained by a needle. Plus, the cause of this needed to be discovered. It didn’t just magically appear, even though it felt that way.
An OR was prepped, and Olivia was moved onto the table. The surgical prep was expedited due to the emergent nature of the situation. In the coming minutes, Olivia was sedated, intubated, and a blue bouffant cap was placed on her head.
In patients that had a previous median sternotomy, there’s a different technique when it comes to cracking their chest. The surgical team used wire cutters to snip and remove the staples in the center of Olivia’s chest. After the staples were out of the way, the incision was able to be reopened. Since it wasn’t fully healed, this process was rather easy. The underlying tissues hadn’t healed yet, and scar tissue wasn’t present either. This incision could be reopened with 1 cut, and this exposed the sternum. The sternum was being held in place with metal wire, which was snipped with wire cutters. Next, a rib spreader was placed in the divided portion of the sternum. “patient’s in v-fib. You gotta get that chest open!” one of the other doctors in the OR called out, looking over at the loudly chirping monitors.
Once Olivia’s chest was pried open nice and wide, there was surprisingly no blood. Where was it?! Well, the team found out moments later when the pericardium was incised. Blood shot out of the incision area, and started to accumulate on the blue surgical drape on Olivia’s torso, and even dripped onto the sheet on the table. A vascular clamp was placed on the descending aorta near the diaphragm, and suction was applied to the area to create a line of sight. Since Olivia was in v-fib, epi and atropine were pushed intravenously, and the internal paddles were called for.
The large, spoon shaped paddles were charged to 20 joules, lowered into Olivia’s chest around her frantically twitching heart, and a shock was delivered. A dull, wet, clumpy sound filled the room in response to the shock. No change was present, so a cycle of internal massage was initiated. After said cycle, the paddles were charged to 30 joules and lowered back in, delivering a shock once everyone stood clear. This stronger shock caused Olivia’s toes to curl on the other side of the table. You could see the fresh, black nail polish on her toes and the deep, thick wrinkles throughout the soles of her size 8 feet. The second shock had no discernible change, so internal massage was restarted.
While performing internal compressions, other member of the surgical team poked and prodded around inside Olivia’s chest cavity trying to explain what was causing the lethal tamponade, but kept coming up empty. After this investigation, several cycles of internal massage, and a 2nd dose of meds, the internal paddles were charged to 30 joules once again, and the next shock was delivered. Olivia’s torso flopped somewhat in response to the paddle’s electric jolt. This time, Olivia converted to pulseless electrical activity, and internal massage was resumed.
It took several minutes worth of efforts and another dose of meds to produce a shockable rhythm. After that shockable rhythm was obtained, Olivia was defibrillated again. That same dull, wet thump from before was heard, but failed to ameliorate the situation. Olivia was shocked another time… then another time….then another time, then ANOTHER time, but she just wouldn’t come back. Her heart just kept weakly fluttering, not even responding to the efforts. At that point, Olivia was down for 28 minutes, was maxed out on drugs, and had fixed and dilated pupils. The surgical team made the tough decision, calling time of death at 11:32am while she was still in v-fib.
The surgical nurses removed the equipment, shut the monitors off, and cleaned up the blood from Olivia’s body. A toe tag was placed, she was covered up, and was sent up to the morgue.
Olivia’s autopsy showed that her fatal tamponade was caused from a slight mistake during her valve replacement surgery. The replacement heart valve was ever so slightly too big to fit inside the space between the aorta and left ventricle. Since the artificial heart valve wasn’t the correct size, it stretched the walls of the aorta, causing a few small tears. The tears grew larger, as did the bleeding, resulting in her tragic passing. Olivia’s family was able to sue for medical negligence, and received a hefty settlement payout, but all the money in the world couldn’t take away the pain they felt.
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bonesandthebees · 10 months
[“Don’t listen to him. A corrupted Pythia holds no power with Clara,” another voice exclaimed.] You know what gets me about this? ‘Corrupted Pythia’ he’s still stuck in that role to them. There’s nothing he can do to be rid of it, but now he’s corrupted. And let me tell you, hearing ‘regaining his humanity’ get called ‘corruption’ leaves a very bitter taste in my mouth.
But it makes sense that the Priest would call it that, would think that. The Dealthings had him for months. (Not to mention that fact that he can see the tattoo, which has yet to be revealed at this point.
Also the power dynamic is disgusting, like a Pythia has the highest power, but the second you break a tenant, especially ‘damaging the vessel’ you loose all that power because you ‘severed your connection’.
And then there’s the Priest claiming that the Deathlings corrupted him yet still giving him the blame of severing his connection. Like the manipulation of making him think everything is his responsibility, even things out of his control, is what got him this fucked up in the first place (well that and the dehumanisation).
[“I- No, I’m still the Pythia-“ he stammered, his voice breaking on the last part.] I am capital L Looking at this change to pronouns. Just for a few paragraphs, his mentality wavers. Being denied being a ‘good’ Pythia makes the ‘old’ him snap back for a second. The part of him that wanted to be a good Pythia.
But it only really lasts until [“What do you mean, ‘this has happened before?’” He asked, furrowing his brows.] or alternatively Wilbur snaps out of it when the Syringe catches his attention. Though I’d argue the revelation that he isn’t the only one to go against the rules is what does it.
regaining his individuality and claiming his body as his own again is a sign of not following clara's tenets, hence why he's now seen as a corrupted pythia :/ corrupted by outside influence blah blah. but yeah in the priest's mind it makes total sense. he was with the deathlings for months, and now he's trying to escape with them again. in their eyes he's been corrupted away from clara's influence.
the pythia is only the highest power because of their connection to clara. the moment that's perceived as being 'gone' the priests have the complete right to take control and try to get the pythia back to following clara
there was sooooo much manipulation in that conversation, but the priest truly believed what he was saying was all true. he wasn't trying to be cruel. in his eyes, this is the truth of how things are. the pythia is supposed to be connected to clara, so since he broke one of her tenets and severed his connection to her, it's his responsibility to bring the pythia back to his senses. the pythia should've been strong enough to withstand the 'corruption' of the deathlings but he wasn't. it's so fucked.
god that convo had soooo much narrative switching it was so interesting for me to jump around with. there are a few beats where he finds himself falling back into that mindset because old habits are hard to break. he's spent the past decade trying to be the ideal pythia. of course he's going to fall back to that at least for a moment.
oh yeah it was the revelation that he wasn't the only one to try and shirk his duties is what snapped him out of it, not the syringe. it's the knowledge that he's not alone. that those that have come before him have suffered like he did. it wasn't his fault his connection to clara was faulty, he's not the first to have those struggles
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nerves-nebula · 2 years
oooo your answer about belos changing up how he treats hunter gives me thoughts. (this turned out longer than I planed but I have so many thoughts
slightly off topic but kinda related is the concept that Belos is only able to inhabit dead/decaying things, and how his human body actually 'died' but he's been possessing it. Eventually it gets difficult to keep that up though. But based off that I think his change in behaviour is because of how divided he is?
like physically he's been torn from his human body and splattered to pieces, and the only amount of him that was able to actually get to the human realm was only a small amount of his body.
So like, he just.. doesn't have all his thoughts. His memories are scrambled and his goals are mixed up because he isn't whole. (Plus I'd imagine he's probably disorientated in the human realm, it's nothing like he thought it would be and still not like the demon realm).
So with his faulty thinking he just. Caleb looking person? Sounds(?) like Caleb? A person he's able to connect to (back to the belos-possesses-dead-things. Hunter is made up of parts, a lot more susceptible to the possession goop than a """real""" living person. But not susceptible enough that belos has full 100% control).
Which to Belos? He might interpret that as a sign that it was destined rather than coincidence, plus with Flapjack around (probably one of, if not thee thing Belos viewed as "entrapping Caleb into the Demon Realm" the lines between Caleb and Grimwalker blurred too much.
tldr belos physically lost a large part of himself, therefore his thinking abilities are highly altered, and with all his psychological stuff going on he latched onto the only thing he really understands, wants, and knows after his world(s) have been destroyed; Caleb. Even if it's not really Caleb, because what else could drive him now?
And alternative that's funny-sad-not-funny is that Hunter could've been a nickname Belos gave Caleb because they were witch hunters, and he's been calling the grimwalkers that for irony, but when they become too much like caleb he just.. why not accept his brother is back?
been putting off answering this cause of business & wanting to give it a proper amount of thought/attention but I JUST
I FUCKIN LOVE THIS IDEA. I LOVE EVERYTHING YOU'VE SAID HERE. Idk how supported by canon it is but its not exactly REFUTED and it's just!! REALLY fun ????
Like, how did I not make the connections between Belos possessing dead things, grimwalkers being partially "dead" in a way, he fact that only a tiny amount of goop escaped- meaning he might not be "all there" because of his body being so utterly decimated.
I also fucking ADORE the idea of Hunter having been an actual nickname, maybe like a kind of pet name Philip and Caleb threw back and forth at each other? I might integrate that into my Kidnapped Caleb AU, we'll see.
It's sooo weird cause he acknowledges that Hunter isn't Caleb (talking to Luz about how he'd thought this "one" was a lost cause, he clearly knows Hunter is his creation) but then he keeps calling him his brother/Caleb and its like MY GUY. WHAT are you DOING.
And yes belos is SOOO obsessed with saying things are "destined" to happen I can see him having An Emotion and just, latching onto it as Destiny. That's basically what he's been doing for 400 years why STOP THE HOT STREAK NOW!
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ponds-of-ink · 1 year
Notre Dame AU Chapter 10: “Entering The Court”
Ruin really just said “here, have some extra lore to spice up your incredibly alternate universe :]” and I couldn’t be happier.
Anyway, here’s the next chapter to celebrate! :D
(Also, character spoilers are in the tags because I wanted to tag accurately. At least you’ll see them shortly?)
After a few quiet moments of navigating this twisted landscape, Vanessa and Agonia finally arrived at their destination. The kingdom and its forest, though charred and battered, still triggered reactions from both travelers. For Vanessa, an extra pang from the stab wound. For Agonia, a somber expression with a twinge of homesickness. “I hope that the bell tower is still standing,” he admitted as they wandered through the last rows of blackened trees. “I wanted to ring in the hour one more time.”
“Hey, looks like you’ll get that chance,” Vanessa replied, gesturing to a tall structure in the distance. “The bell’s intact and everything.”
Agonia hobbled ahead, processing the sight before him. The castle was still looming, yes, but patterned wires had ensnared the entire structure. Violet-colored patterns, from what he could tell.
Once they reached the courtyard, the rabbit approached a bundle of wires spreading up the tower like ivy. He cautiously neared them and put his hand out. Some energy pulsated through, but not enough to cause anything.
He got even closer. Surely, if he...?
Vanessa put a hand on his arm. “I don’t think you should be messing with those,” she advised gently, shaking her head. “What if they drain your battery?”
Agonia slowly lowered his arm. He let out a sigh through his voice box. “That.. is a good point,” he conceded sadly. “Perhaps we will find out what they do later?”
Vanessa only shrugged before pushing on the door. She shoved with all her might, but only a sliver of progress showed on the door. “It’s jammed shut,” she grumbled, resting on the doorframe. “Someone must’ve blocked it while we were traveling.”
“That is not the only door,” Agonia smiled, maneuvering around another large strand of wires. “There is another. Follow me.”
Vanessa carefully moved behind him as they circled around to the back part of the building. The blackened glass windows made her shudder. “Whatever’s lurking in there must be a nightmare to deal with,” she remarked, trying to keep a steady tone. “We’ll have to be ready for anything.”
“If this threat is electronic, I can handle it,” assured Agonia while he placed his hand on a plain metal door. “Part of my training required me to know about how to handle faulty programming.” As if to prove his point, he sent a surge of purple electricity through the door. The lock turned with a heavy thunk.
Vanessa reluctantly pushed the opened door. “I just feel like we might get ambushed,” she explained as they stepped inside. “And I don’t just mean by the judge.”
The door ominously shut behind them. Only two or three candles flickered in the darkness of the hallway. Vanessa led the way, using the faint LEDs on Agonia’s robotic form for extra light. She wandered into the slightly charred main foyer, then crept her way to a side door. Placing her ear against the fake stone, she listened closely. A distant jingle made her eyebrows raise.
Agonia would’ve asked her about what she found, but she had already swung open the door and hurried down the steps. He lingered behind, keeping his ears ready for anything. Aside from the echoing drips of water from the bottom of the staircase, nothing alerted him... yet.
Vanessa stopped, finally remembering to look to behind. She raised her finger to her mouth, then signaled her follower to come close. Her watch illuminated the narrow passage before them. Pure stonework made the walls and ceiling. A gravel path with a vague trail of human-like feet imprints. No other light to aid them as they trudged along. All signs clearly pointed to what Vanessa suggested, yet they continued on.
The jingling resumed, but now it was much closer. Vanessa turned off her watch. Agonia positioned himself like he was her living shield. Both braced for the inevitable.
Two bluish rectangles shone in the darkness. Then, a floating red circle joined in. Seconds later, a beam of orangish light revealed the source. “Well, look who it is!” Moon chortled hoarsely, twirling a flashlight in his hands. “The golden knight and her...” He leaned towards Agonia, examining him closely under the flashlight’s rays. “Spy for the judge!” the former jester exclaimed, veering back. “That wouldn’t do! That won’t do!”
Vanessa unsheathed a dagger from her pants pocket. “He’s not a spy!” she retorted angrily, her weapon-wielding arm stretching in front of the puzzled rabbit. “He’s just—“
Two hands nimbly tied a thick scarf around her mouth and neck. “Don’t interrupt me!” Moon hissed as he did the same for Agonia. “You’re very clever to have found our little hideaway. Too bad you naughty children won’t be able to tell the tale...”
Moon laughed again as he sprang past his two captors. With a floaty skip and a twirl, he bounded over to a certain section of the wall and pressed down on a loose brick. A rush of glockenspiel clangs gave way to thumping, ominous cellos. Light entered through the other end of the passageway, though Moon was sure to steer clear of it. His voice grew less shrill and raspy as he led an unseen choir that sounded like ghostly echoes of yesteryear.
Maybe you've heard of a terrible place
Where the spiders and monsters collect in a lair
Maybe you've heard of that mythical place
Called the Court of Miracles—
“Hello, you’re there!” Moon cried out from behind, making his captives jump. As his invisible helpmeets continued, he guided them down the lit part of the hallway.
Where the lame can walk
And the blind can see—
“But the ‘dead’ don’t talk!” Moon cut in again, before ramming the pair against a plain wooden door. “So you won't be around to reveal what you've found!” was the only warning that those two received for that.
As Vanessa and Agonia hobbled into this new area, Moon eagerly pulled them along— All while wrapping up the song, of course.
We have a method for spies and intruders
Rather like hornets protecting their hive
Here in the Court of Miracles,
Where it's a miracle if you get out alive!
Moon thrusted the two prisoners onto the ground. Agonia, being in a robotic body, managed to open his eyes first. He squinted as if that would help his servos recalibrate faster. He did, however, manage to spot two things: An old computer wired to a box and some sort of nightmarish contraption made up of mangled Daycare toys and endoskeleton parts. A contraption that, if he reverted to old habits, he could dismantle in seconds.
A hidden smile shone underneath his scarf. Yes. That sounded like a “fun” idea.
So, as soon as Moon concluded some rambling prelude, Agonia “begrudgingly” marched behind his ‘executioner’. Vanessa followed suit, though to say that she was very confused and genuinely annoyed would be an understatement.
Both lined up at their stations. Moon hopped between them, his long fingers rapidly setting up each trap. He was humming the second verse rather than singing it now, but the pair was able to catch most of it. “Any last words?” he asked once he finished his preparations.
Vanessa tried to yell a counter-argument, but the scarf muffled every word. Agonia, meanwhile, expressed his sentiments with a more deadpan tone.
“That’s what they all say,” Moon sneered, skipping his way to the cubical computer. He flicked a switch on the side, readied some sort of program, then attempted to lead the tune into a crescendo.
“Wait, I object!” Moon’s hand puppet called, flailing its little yellow arms.
“Overruled!” Moon snarled back.
“I object!”
“Quiet!” Moon hissed, furiously whacking the doll on the head.
“Hey...” was all the puppet could stammer out before going limp.
Moon chortled. He resumed his business, now switching his singing protocols last minute. The orchestra instantly swung into a different key, as if it was expecting a grander finish.
You must be sad that your “life's” at its finish
Because of some rightness you want to display
But you must recall that it comes to me pard’ning
the worst crime of all...
...So you’re going to pay!
Though puzzled by the sudden shift in the lyrics, Agonia prepared for the worst. He shut his eyes. His hands clenched. All his ghostly energy was primed for transferring. It now was up to Moon to activate the computer.
Or it would’ve been if a third stranger didn’t creep up behind Moon and jammed an orange-handled prong into the back of his head. Moon struggled against it, but it was no use. His entire body slumped onto the floor.
Agonia and Vanessa looked behind. Vanessa’s look of relief turned into shock. There was her old mask, but a little girl was holding it. Vanessa tried to warn the newcomer, but her mouth was still covered.
“It’s okay,” the girl assured, putting the orange-plated tool in her pocket. “Moon should be resetting soon. All I did was plug the Faz-Wrench into his head. Guess all the stuff that happened here really got to him..”
Vanessa nodded in acknowledgment, then pointed to the mask with her foot.
“Oh, this?” the girl questioned, slipping the accessory back on with ease. “I found it somewhere a while back. It’s been making me see all kinds of crazy stuff—“ She cut off her own remark as soon as she noticed Agonia.
Agonia–who by this point had undone his restraints–carefully neared Vanessa. He said nothing, but it was clear that the girl was paying close attention. Even after he untangled Vanessa’s scarf, his attention was fixed on the newcomer.
The girl slowly bobbed her head, then removed her mask. “Sorry, Mr. Bellringer,” she said softly. “I’ll try to be more careful.”
Agonia smiled warmly, then loosed Vanessa from the contraption. Vanessa took a step forward, but the girl made it to them first. “What in the world did he say, Cassie?” Vanessa asked, getting down to the youth’s eye level.
“He told me that I shouldn’t be wearing your mask so much,” Cassie explained, handing it to Vanessa. “Something about ‘Judge Glitch’ using it to track me.”
Vanessa looked back at Agonia. Agonia gave a look of approval.
“He’s not wrong,” Vanessa added with an eye roll. “Back in the day, Glitch could use my mask as a way to track my... ‘progress”. Now that I’ve reprogrammed it, though, the worst that could happen is your head getting scrambled for the next few days.”
Agonia lowered an ear. Huh. He didn’t know about that.
“You should use it less, though,” Vanessa resumed, keeping her focus on Cassie. “Glitch has every opportunity to make sure your face gets glued to that thing. Literally.”
“Does... he have glitter glue?” a soft voice chimed in, alarming everyone else. Moon woke up, but his colors were now a strange mix between his two forms.
Agonia shook his head to the combined jester. He then mimed one potential way that malfunction could happen: A false signal to the mask’s system.
“Ohh,” ‘Moon’ said knowingly. “So he wouldn’t need glitter glue. It was just a figure of speech. Thank you, kind sir!”
Agonia grinned in satisfaction. He gave a low bow.
“Moon—Sun?—Whatever program you’re running,” Vanessa sputtered out, now returning to a more authoritative stance. “We need to leave and get Cassie out of here fast. Do you have any idea where we can exit without being noticed?”
The jester’s head whirred this way and that. “Maybe you can leave through the back door,” he suggested, mildly swinging an arm towards large tapestry nearby. “But I wouldn’t try it unless you know it’s safe.”
”Do you think you can scout the area while we get more acquainted?”
“Sure!” the jester exclaimed weakly, lightly bouncing from foot to foot. “It’d be my pleasure to help, Officer Vanessa! And you too, little girl and tall bunny!”
Vanessa refrained from correcting the now-casual robot and stepped aside. All three watched as their new scout hopped his way to the tapestry and slipped out. “Now that we’ve got ‘Eclipse’ out of the way,” Vanessa continued, turning to her new companions, “let’s just sit down and talk. We all need a break after that experience.”
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lightning-writes · 1 year
good heart (faulty machine of a man) - 13/30
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fic summary: bucky meets someone at therapy
chapter summary: rue fucked up (alternatively, rue's relationship history)
word count: 1667
tags: hurt/comfort, post endgame, pre tfatws, slow burn, canon divergent, canon compliant, au
warnings: cheating, messy break-up
a/n: part 2 of the same day; sad!rue / comforting!bucky
November 11 (Part 2)
“James, wait.” But he’s already on his feet. Raynor follows him. “James, we have twenty minutes left of the session.”
The news broke that Sam has decided to give up the shield, surrendering it to the State.
(The news broke Bucky that Sam would make this decision so flippantly. Now, he wants to break things too.)
“James, let’s process–”
“James, don’t do this, don’t hurt him.”
Bucky whips around. He knows his eyes are wild and intense.
(It’s better than the hurt burning in his chest. He was just with Sam - why didn’t he say anything?)
“Is that where you think I’m going?”
He strides out of the office, the door flying open, slamming against the wall. He hears her apologies, to him, to the people rushing out of their offices, but he doesn’t care. He’s out of there. He doesn’t even register Rue’s absence at the desk or that he’s exiting through the back of the building. He let his brain autopilot him out of there as quickly as possible.
On the platform outside, Rue is smoking a cigarette, toying with the crystal pendant on her necklace. He sees her startle and cower.
(She hadn’t answered his coffee text, so he hadn’t gone to the shop. She hadn’t met his eyes when he greeted her, so he didn’t push small talk. She’d disappeared down the hall before Raynor had called him.)
He also sees her face flooded with tears, eyes grim and red.
“Fuck,” she whispers, turning to wipe her face with her sleeve.
“Rue, what happened?” he demands. He knows his harsh tone is residual from the shield news. He can’t stop it. “Are you okay?”
“Everything’s fine, Bucky - sorry to worry you.” Like she’s said it a hundred times, she says, “Have a good night - text me when you get home.”
(Between her wobbly smile and shaky hands bringing her cigarette to her lips, Bucky’s thoughts slow to focus on her.)
“Did you drive here?”
“No, I took the subway. Listen, Bucky,” she tries to laugh it off, “I’m–”
“I took the subway too, let’s go.” He doesn’t touch her, but his hand hovering over the small of her back seems to impel her to start walking.
When they exit the alley, she stops to finish her cigarette before snuffing it out. They stand silently, him studying her intently and her avoiding eye contact. He’d find it funny if he didn’t have so many other feelings buzzing around in him.
She follows Bucky’s long strides down the street without speaking. He’s aware he’s nearly marching up the block - his hair is whipped back from his face by the force of his walk. He’s honestly craving a run or tearing into one of the punching bags at Fogwell’s, but he stifles that for now.
They are silent for three blocks. He sneaks a glance at her - but she’s keeping in step with him. He’s impressed, especially when he notes her boots don’t exactly look comfortable for a vigorous walk. The chill of the November night is both sobering and energizing. The city is, of course, in full swing, but the quiet between them seems louder.
At the last crosswalk, before the subway entrance, he feels her eyes on him. He knows her whole body is turned to him despite the rapid countdown of the walk sign and the crowd waiting to cross.
“I cheated on Dean with my ex.” Bucky looks at her as people herd past them to cross the road. Again, her face is red and wet. “And he found out yesterday.”
His brain is calculating the right thing to do and the right thing to say, but he’s distracted by how devastated she looks. He knows he's staring. Her ruddy nose, her swollen lips, the tears that have collected on her lashes, the black makeup pooled in the lines underneath her eyes. The small hairs loose from her two braids sticking to her full cheeks. She doesn’t look pretty at all in this moment, the way her mouth is down turned and the streaks in her makeup, but he’s still mesmerized by her.
(He’s suddenly aware that, under different circumstances, he could have kissed her.)
He takes her hand and crosses the street - the wrong way. He’s still striding, he finds, but this time with a different purpose.
“Bucky, wher–”
He finds a park and a bench. He sits her down and gets a water bottle from a nearby vendor. He opens it for her and offers it. His anger toward Sam is a slow burn in the recesses of his mind. They look at each other for a long time.
“What happened?”
Rue tells Bucky about Maeve. How they dated exclusively for two years. She jokes and says they had the full lesbain experience - they met, they dated, and they moved in with each other within the first month. She tells him that Maeve was the first long term relationship she’d had with a woman, and that meant something. She tells him that Maeve was one of the people that got ‘dusted’, and it tore Rue’s life apart.
“I met Dean two years ago,” she says. “He really saved my life.”
She tells Bucky that she’d been destroying her life with substances and crime and meaningless sex, and she had burned nearly all of her relationships with good people. She tells him that she and Dean had become quick and close friends, blurring the lines sometimes, but neither of them wanted a serious relationship. She calls it an ‘accidental open relationship’.
She explains that, when everyone returned in the beginning of the year - “thank you, Avengers,” she says with a little salute - she was so excited to have Maeve back, and that Dean understood. But Maeve slowly felt like she ‘needed to live her life’ and the Blip was a ‘wake up call’.
“So, she left,” Rue says through fresh tears. Her hands wring the empty water bottle. “And I had to beg Vick to move in because god, I was such a bitch to her at the beginning of the Blip, and I reached out to Dean in the summer.” She suddenly looks at Bucky with a funny look. “I’m so sorry, I’m dumping all of this on you,” she blurts, “this is so inappropriate–”
“Hey.” His tone makes her eyes snap to his. He gives her a meaningful look, to stop her spiral. “I’m programmed to listen,” he jokes. Her mouth curves in a smile, but her eyes fill with more tears.
It takes her a minute to continue, to tell him that she and Dean started becoming more serious, seeing each other more often and other people less.
“Maeve reached out to me before I went to see my brother.” Her next words come out wobbly. “She said she just wanted to talk, to find closure, but we…” He puts the pieces together. She chokes on a sob. “Bucky, I had to try, I loved her so much.”
(He places a hand on her back. He’s not sure what else to do. It seems to stabilize her.)
“Dean found out yesterday,” her voice hitches, “he saw my messages. He said it’s over. And I mean, rightfully so, I’m a disgusting monster for cheating on him, even if we weren’t completely and totally exclusive or labeled or whatever. But I thought, maybe, this is the break I needed, to take back Maeve, and officially rebuild our lives together.” She tucks her stray hairs behind her ears, he notices this habit of hers. “But she hasn’t responded to any of my texts or calls. I just called her again, after work, and she…”
(Rue lapses into another body shaking cry. Bucky doesn’t know whether she needs space or for him to hold her. He’s out of practice on how to console someone.)
“Her number is out of service, and I guess she blocked me on her socials,” he doesn’t know what this means, “and I have no way of contacting her or…” Her knuckles turn white. “I threw away a relationship with Dean, again, just for her to leave me again.”
“I’m sorry.” It barely sums up how he feels, but he doesn’t know what else to say. “You don’t deserve this.”
“Maybe I do.”
“You don’t,” he says matter of factly. “I’ve been around for a century. I know who deserves what.”
“God, you’re old,” she laughs weakly. She doesn’t mean it as an insult, so he doesn’t take it as one. “I bet, in the grand scheme of things, this must seem so trivial to you.”
“Not stupid…” He pauses, suppressing the feelings that accompany his attempts of vulnerability. “Doing what I did, in the past… It was easy. This stuff, stuff with feelings and relationships… that’s the harder part of life, I think…”
The park is quieter than when they first sat down. The city doesn’t sleep, but it feels sleepy right now. He watches Rue fiddle with the hem of her coat, and he deliberates his next words.
“I think the feelings and the relationships are what makes life worth living.” She scoffs, and he feels like he’s missed the mark. “I think it’s hard because it matters.”
She lifts her gaze to his. Her dark eyes seem so deep and hollow. She finally says, “I just want to go home.”
Despite her protests, Bucky gets on her train with her. He tells her he’s the former Winter Soldier and he’ll be fine getting back to Brooklyn. The part he doesn’t say is he knows he won’t get much sleep after this, so he’s going to Fogwell’s.
(He needs to punch something. On her behalf.)
For a few minutes, before her stop, Rue puts her head on his shoulder. He moves in closer to accommodate her. She folds her hand around his. She doesn’t say anything or lace their fingers. He thinks she’s grounding herself in his presence. (I’m here, he thinks. I’m here.)
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murumokirby360 · 1 year
My NVMe Needs - Part 6 (Final): Samsung Magician & HWiNFO Softwares [Apr 25th, 2023]
Hello, April! This is it! Here's final part (Part 6) of my of “My NVMe Needs“ (this time, without my paper dolls 😅). 😊
And in this part, I'm installing two monitoring stats & other memory tool purposes, the Samsung Magician & the HWiNFO. 🙂🖥️⚙️🔢
If you haven't seen my two previous post(s) & other ones (that we're related), then I'll provide some links down below. ↓
• Part 1: Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus NVMe M.2 SSD (1TB) Review [Apr 7th, 2023]
• Part 2: Thermalright M.2 2280 Pro Review [Apr 11th, 2023]
• Part 3: Installation and trial & error [Recorded on Apr 21st, 2023] (published: Apr 22nd, 2023)
• Part 4: Another Trial & Error [Apr 21st, 2023] (published: Apr 22nd, 2023
• *Part 5: Timing comparison - HDD vs SSD NVMe M.2 Drive [Apr 25th, 2023]*
So, without further ado, let’s get started:
My Recorded & Edited Video (using Filmora 9): (pls watch) ↑ 🎦✏️🖥️
• First off is the "Samsung Magician", a monitoring software tool used for legitimate Samsung memory products exclusively (e.g. QVOs, EVOs, PROs, 870, 970, 980, 990). It'll give information about your recent memory drive stats, test some benchmarks, diagnose your drives, and even link "Data Migration" (software) to form one working software, and so much more to do. One con, I would say is my NVMe didn't recognize the authentication after re-install & restart my PC to unlock the real performance stats. Considering, that my purchased NVMe stick is 100% genuine, I just don't understand what's the situation though. Maybe I'll wait for the future update, soon? Who knows?
BTW: If you want more about it, then please → [CLICK ME!].
• However, there's another software that I can take a deeper look at my NVMe's stats, so let's bring out the "HWiNFO". Unlike "Samsung Magician", this software can monitor pretty much any internal component not just memory-based drives but also Graphics Card, CPU Chip, Motherboard, etc. And also, not just Samsung, but also other brands can recognize, too. Although, it can't do much as the "Samsung Magician", the "HWiNFO" will sense the voltage, rating speed, health, and even temperature of the computer's internal component(s). For instance, my 970 EVO Plus has a decent accuracy of 50°C compared to 51°C from the "Samsung Magician", and so far, no faulty & failure signs of SSD warning. Everyday, I open this monitoring software to check my computer stats just in case someone makes hot during either opening window task(s) or playing PC games. If somethings wrong, then I have to something about it, but as of now, everything seems to be fine.
Overall & Final remarks:
• So far, this is the most ambitious & most satisfying thing I've ever done this year. I've been stuck on physical HD for years. Since 2006, we're always provided physical hard drives as our main source of computer OS & storage purposes. In fact, in my elementary days, I had never seen or heard about "Solid State Drives", I mean nobody uses SSD only rich people can afford the premium SSDs. Nowadays, the SSDs & NVMe we're spread across the globe, and they became the standard of all existing computers. Best of all, random brands are now making cheap SSDs & NVMEs compared to the well-known competitive brands such as Samsung, Adata, Corsair, Western Digital, Sandisk, and more. But, should you buy cheap alternatives or well-known trusted brands? You decide. And let's not forget about the capacity size, they're arranged from less than 64GB of SSDs/NVMEs for a fair cheaper price to the overly expensive price of 1TB to a massive 8TB of SSDs/NVMEs. So, choose wisely if you're planning to get yourself a perfect SSD/NVMe brand(s). And if you're planning to get a NVMe M.2 Drive be sure to purcahse a separate heat sink or a built-in counterpart.
• But, as for me, I purchased Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus & the Thermalright M.2 2280 Pro Heat Sink separately, and combine these two into one custom. Overall, so far, I am certified as "Worth it" because I dream to get my hands on a high-performance SSD than a slower physical hard drive. And with two monitoring & diagnostic software(s) on my computer, I could always check the stats of my NVMe stick, alongside other functional PC internal components (motherboard, graphics card, etc.). I hope my NVMe stick never dies from my progress.
Well, that's the end of my topic!
If you haven’t seen my previous topic, then I’ll provide some links down below. ↓😉
• Goodbye my old Anker Powerport 2 - Full [Mar 16th, 2023]
Tagged: @lordromulus90, @bryan360, @carmenramcat, @leapant, @rafacaz4lisam2k4, @paektu, @alexander1301
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renstyle · 2 years
Heavy Equipment Inspection Checklist Before and After Operation
What are the heavy equipment inspection checklist before and after operation?Operators of construction machineshave a huge impact on their personal safety and the safety of everyone else on the job site, as well as the maintenance costs and life of the machines they employ. All of this strength stems from the ability to conduct quick but thorough heavy equipment inspections both before and after operations.
These checks are essential for worker safety near machinery and are an important component of preventive maintenance. Before and after getting into any taxi, operators should glance at and for the items listed below. Of course, some heavy equipment has unique parts, functionality, or other variables that demand specialist inspection regions; for specific instructions and recommendations, see the machine’s operator’s manual.
It should also go without saying that equipment that show signs of damage or have any other issues should not be used until the situation is fully resolved. Nonetheless, we stated it. Because it is crucial.
Checklist for Heavy Equipment Inspections
Make sure there are no apparent leaks or pools of fluid under the machine; if there are, the cause must be identified, and the leak fixed.
Examine the tires, rims, and undercarriage for dirt or debris accumulation, excessive wear, and any visible damage. These issues can cause major safety risks and reduce the machine’s performance.
Check the fluid levels to ensure that there is adequate engine oil, hydraulic oil, coolant, diesel, diesel exhaust fluid (DEF), and other essential fluids, as they are the lifeblood of any piece of heavy equipment; too little, and performance suffers, and there’s a chance of costly damage.
Remove any dirt, mud, debris, and materials from around the radiator and other engine parts, as well as from the engine compartment; all engine parts must be able to move, breathe, and cool properly, but any foreign matter might obstruct this.
Examine the air, gasoline, oil, and other filters for damage or leaks; replacing a faulty filter is usually inexpensive and simple, but that isn’t always the case with the harm that untreated filter problems can do.
Check the fan, alternator, and other belts for wear, frays, or other damage; much like with the filters, it’s far better if belt problems are identified and fixed early in terms of machine downtime and expense.
To guarantee smooth, efficient operations and prevent undue wear and damage, inspect the heavy equipment’s greasing points, grease joints, and high-friction locations as needed. The grease points and frequency are detailed in every operator’s manual.
Check hydraulic connections, pressure, and the complete coupling structure; remember to let go of pressure while removing attachments.
Check buckets, teeth, and other ground tools for breaks or damage; these issues can severely restrict productivity, as well as fuel efficiency and safety, and can lead to structural wear and damage.
Check for a flush and fully engaged coupler, as well as securely linked hydraulic hoses and electrical connections, on the attachment mount-up.
Take a few minutes to inspect the machine’s whole structure for wear, damage, and other issues.
Check the operator’s cab for anything that doesn’t belong and remove it.
Before beginning operations, inspect the operator controls, indicator and warning lights, and make sure lighting and safety features such as the backup alarm and rear-view camera are operational; inspect and set the mirrors for best visibility.
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nissansparesscrap · 2 days
Nissan Electrical Parts: Common Issues and How to Troubleshoot Them
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Electrical issues can be among the most frustrating problems for Nissan vehicle owners. Understanding the common issues related to Nissan electrical parts can help you troubleshoot effectively and keep your vehicle running smoothly. At Nissan Spares Scrap Yard, we specialize in providing quality Nissan parts, ensuring you have access to the right components for repairs.
Common Electrical Issues
Dead BatteryA dead battery is a frequent problem that can affect any vehicle. Signs include dimming headlights and difficulty starting the engine. If your Nissan experiences these symptoms, check the battery connections and consider testing the battery’s charge. If it’s not holding a charge, it may be time for a replacement.
Faulty AlternatorThe alternator is responsible for charging the battery and powering the electrical system while the engine runs. Symptoms of a failing alternator include flickering dashboard lights and a battery warning light. If you suspect alternator issues, inspect the wiring and connections for any visible damage.
Blown FusesElectrical systems are equipped with fuses to protect components from overloads. If you notice that certain electrical parts, like headlights or power windows, are not functioning, it’s worth checking the fuses. A simple replacement can often solve the issue.
Malfunctioning Starter MotorIf your Nissan won’t start but the battery is fine, the starter motor could be the culprit. Symptoms include clicking sounds when turning the key and no engine response. Testing the starter motor with a multimeter can help determine if it’s functioning properly.
Troubleshooting Steps
Visual InspectionStart with a visual inspection of all electrical components, including wiring, connectors, and fuses. Look for signs of wear, corrosion, or disconnection.
Use Diagnostic ToolsEmploying diagnostic tools such as a multimeter can help identify issues in the electrical system. Checking voltage levels can pinpoint where the problem lies.
Consult the ManualAlways refer to your vehicle’s manual for specific information related to your Nissan’s electrical systems. It can provide valuable insights into the location of electrical components and troubleshooting tips.
Replace Defective PartsIf you identify any faulty Nissan electrical parts during troubleshooting, sourcing genuine or quality aftermarket parts is essential. At Nissan Spares Scrap Yard, we offer a wide range of Nissan electrical components to ensure you find the right replacement.
Electrical issues in Nissan vehicles can be daunting, but with proper troubleshooting, you can address many common problems efficiently. By understanding the symptoms and knowing how to troubleshoot, you can keep your Nissan running smoothly. If you need any Nissan electrical parts, visit Nissan Spares Scrap Yard for quality solutions tailored to your vehicle’s needs.
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Author : Craig
Who We Are
At our Nissan scrap yard, we provide high-quality used Nissan parts and spares. Whether you’re in need of engine components or suspension parts, we have everything you need at competitive prices.
Extensive Range of Nissan Spares We stock a wide variety of parts for popular Nissan models, including the 1400, 370Z, GT-R, Hardbody, Juke, Livina, Maxima, Micra, Murano, Navara, NP200, NP300, NV200, NV350, Pathfinder, Patrol, Primera, Qashqai, Sani, Sentra, Skyline, Terra, Tiida, and X-Trail. From brake pads and disks to water pumps and timing belt kits, our extensive inventory ensures you find exactly what you need.
Contact Us
Nissan Spares Scrap Yard
Cromwell St, Lenasia South, Johannesburg, 1829, South Africa
+27 78 574 3998
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shivkunjauto · 16 days
Car Repair in Lucknow: Expert Services by Shivkunj Automotive
In a bustling city like Lucknow, where the roads are always busy and the traffic is a constant challenge, having a reliable car repair service is essential. Whether it's a minor issue or a major repair, knowing that your vehicle is in expert hands provides peace of mind. Shivkunj Automotive stands out as a top choice for car repair in Lucknow, offering a comprehensive range of services to keep your vehicle in optimal condition.
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Why Choose Shivkunj Automotive for Car Repair in Lucknow?
Shivkunj Automotive has earned a reputation for excellence in car repair in Lucknow, thanks to its commitment to quality service, skilled technicians, and state-of-the-art equipment. Here's why Shivkunj Automotive should be your go-to destination for all your car repair needs.
1. Experienced Technicians
At Shivkunj Automotive, we understand the importance of entrusting your vehicle to professionals who know what they’re doing. Our team of experienced technicians is well-versed in handling all types of car repairs. From routine maintenance to complex engine repairs, our technicians are equipped with the knowledge and tools to diagnose and fix issues efficiently.
2. Comprehensive Services
Whether you need a quick oil change, brake repair, engine diagnostics, or a complete overhaul, Shivkunj Automotive offers a wide range of car repair services in Lucknow. We cater to all makes and models, ensuring that every customer receives the best possible care for their vehicle. Our comprehensive services include:
Engine Repair and Maintenance: Keeping your engine in top condition is crucial for the longevity of your car. We provide thorough engine diagnostics, repairs, and regular maintenance services to ensure your vehicle runs smoothly.
Brake Repair and Replacement: Your safety is our priority. We offer expert brake repair and replacement services to keep your vehicle safe on the road.
Transmission Repair: A faulty transmission can lead to major issues if not addressed promptly. Our skilled technicians can diagnose and repair transmission problems, ensuring your car performs optimally.
Electrical System Repair: Modern cars rely heavily on their electrical systems. We provide comprehensive electrical system repairs, including battery replacement, alternator repairs, and more.
Air Conditioning Repair: Driving in Lucknow’s heat without a functioning air conditioner is uncomfortable. We offer expert air conditioning repair services to keep you cool on the road.
3. State-of-the-Art Equipment
Shivkunj Automotive invests in the latest diagnostic and repair equipment to ensure that we can handle even the most complex car repair issues. Our cutting-edge tools and technology allow us to provide accurate diagnostics and efficient repairs, saving you time and money.
4. Affordable Pricing
We believe that quality car repair in Lucknow should be accessible to everyone. That’s why we offer competitive pricing without compromising on the quality of our services. At Shivkunj Automotive, you get top-notch car repair services at prices that won’t break the bank.
5. Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction is at the heart of everything we do at Shivkunj Automotive. We strive to provide a hassle-free experience, from the moment you walk into our workshop to the moment you drive away with your repaired vehicle. Our commitment to excellence has made us a trusted name for car repair in Lucknow.
FAQs About Car Repair in Lucknow at Shivkunj Automotive
1. What types of car repair services does Shivkunj Automotive offer?
Shivkunj Automotive offers a wide range of car repair services, including engine repair, brake repair, transmission repair, electrical system repair, and air conditioning repair, among others.
2. How do I know if my car needs repair?
Common signs that your car needs repair include unusual noises, warning lights on the dashboard, decreased performance, and fluid leaks. If you notice any of these issues, it’s best to bring your car to Shivkunj Automotive for a thorough inspection.
3. Are the technicians at Shivkunj Automotive certified?
Yes, our technicians are highly trained and certified, with years of experience in the automotive repair industry. They are equipped to handle repairs for all makes and models of vehicles.
4. How long does it typically take to repair a car at Shivkunj Automotive?
The repair time depends on the complexity of the issue. Minor repairs can often be completed within a few hours, while more extensive repairs may take a day or more. We always strive to complete repairs as quickly as possible without compromising on quality.
5. Do you offer warranty on your car repair services?
Yes, we offer a warranty on most of our car repair services. The specifics of the warranty depend on the type of repair and the parts used. Our team will provide you with all the details before beginning any work on your vehicle.
When it comes to car repair in Lucknow, Shivkunj Automotive is your trusted partner. With our experienced technicians, comprehensive services, state-of-the-art equipment, and commitment to customer satisfaction, we ensure that your vehicle receives the best care possible. Visit us today and experience the difference that expert car repair services can make.
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Troubleshooting Guide: What to Do When Your Garage Door Won’t Close
A malfunctioning storage door can be a big inconvenience. Whether it's early morning or past due at night, discovering that your garage door wouldn't close may be irritating and doubtlessly compromise the security of your property. Thankfully, there are several common troubles you can take a look at before calling an expert. This troubleshooting manual will walk you through steps to become aware of and potentially remedy the problem yourself, ensuring that it's time to contact a storage door service in Beachwood for additional help. Check The Garage Door Sensors One of the most common reasons a garage door wouldn't close is a problem with the protection sensors. These sensors are placed near the bottom of your storage door tracks, and they are designed to save the door from closing if something is within the manner. Dust, debris, or misalignment can cause the sensors to malfunction. First, investigate the sensors for any obstructions or dust. Smooth them gently with a dry material to make certain nothing is blocking their path. Subsequently, take a look at the alignment. Each sensor has to be pointing at one another, and the indicator lights on each have to be lit. If one or each light is off or flickering, attempt adjusting the sensors until the lights are regular. If the sensors are aligned correctly and smoothly, the door nonetheless won't be near; it could be time to not forget to contact a professional Garage Door Repair Mentor. Look At The Remote management or Wall Transfer once in a while, the difficulty might not be with the door itself but with the far-flung control or wall transfer used to perform it. If your storage door wouldn't close when using the far-flung, first strive to replace the batteries. Vulnerable batteries can lessen the sign energy, stopping the door from responding. If the faraway is not the problem, test the wall transfer. Ensure that it's well-liked and no longer broken. If the wall switch seems to be faulty, it would want to be replaced. In this situation, consulting with a Garage door service Beachwood might be beneficial to ensure the alternative is executed efficiently and correctly. Look At The Storage Door Tracks And Rollers every other capability cause for a storage door not ultimate might be an obstruction or damage to the tracks or rollers. Through the years, dirt, debris, or even small objects can accumulate inside the tracks, preventing the door from being easily damaged. Carefully inspect the tracks on both sides of the storage door for any visible blockages or damage.
If you are aware of any bends, gaps, or other harm to the tracks, you must keep away from trying to repair them yourself, as they may cause further trouble. Rather, remember to reach out to a professional who specializes in Garage Door Repair Mentor to restore the tracks and ensure clean operation. Check The Garage Door Opener Settings now and then, the problem lies within the settings of the storage door opener itself. Maximum storage door openers have a pressure adjustment setting that controls how a great deal of force is applied when opening or closing the door. If this setting is simply too low, the door won't be near all of the manner. Seek advice from your garage door opener's guide to finding the force adjustment and comply with the commands to boom it barely. Take a look at the door to see if it closes well after making this adjustment. If not, there will be a deeper difficulty that requires expert attention. managing a garage door that wouldn't close may be frustrating; however, by following those troubleshooting steps, you can often become aware of and solve the difficulty yourself. Continually begin by checking the most common issues, including the sensors, remote management, and tracks. However, if those steps don't clear up the problem, don't hesitate to contact an expert Garage door service in Beachwood or consider searching for help from professionals in storage door repair in Mentor. Addressing the difficulty promptly guarantees your garage stays secure and functional, giving you peace of mind.
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