#what an amazing chapter
clickabletale · 2 days
[spoilers for ans: chapter 136!]
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Me, utterly emotional and impressed at how gentle Zen and Obi’s body language with Shirayuki is:
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dazaistabletop · 5 months
I feel like we should've known this was going to happen considering Fyodor looks like he was just meant to be wearing those clothes
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demaparbat-hp · 4 days
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Zuko looked up and locked eyes with his cousin, who was struck speechless. Then, ever so slowly, Lu Ten's lips twitched upwards. And then he smiled. And then he beamed. And then he nodded proudly once, just once, and vanished.
Lu Ten comes back in For the Spirits Chapter VII: Take Me South, only to leave Zuko with more questions than answers. Just how much is he truly aware of? When will he return? What is Zuko going to do now?
(What will the South bring?)
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opbackgrounds · 1 month
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It's wild to me that Shakky is in no way exaggerating here. Despite the Straw Hats getting knocked around by Kuma, we're still in a part of the story where the crew is riding high after a series of major victories against the Government and its system. It would be easy to think that what she's saying here is hyperbole, but no. Luffy and the rest are still nobodies, and they're about to realize how small they really are.
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anriflosdraws · 22 days
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me when im in a being a xander defender competition and my opponent is david
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kenm4vhs · 5 months
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saturnpanther · 1 year
I think everyone is doing Austria a disservice when they write him as a prudish blushing flower, and not as a manipulative bitch who has mastered weaponized sexuality. YES he's an uptight snob, but when you look at the history of Austria's military alliances there is a lot of calculated moves based around arranged unions instead of (or to subdue) all out wars. It's much more fun imo to see Roderich as someone who can seduce you into a strategic marriage for the sake of saving his own ass.
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xshinina · 1 year
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Oumota week: Constellations
A liar's eyes shine brighter than any star
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demonslayedher · 1 month
Something I love about being a KnY fangirl in Japan: I can be out running errands and then the most recent opening theme song will play on the loudspeakers and give me energy.
I today I passed by somebody else lip syncing "Mugen."
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vikingpoteto · 3 months
Just started rereading Captive Prince and god, Damen, you're such a mess. He hates Laurent, he does, but his simp ass cannot help but describing Laurent's cold blue eyes every time he shows up. baby girl, you're quite literally captive by your enemy, you can't afford to be this horny.
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kuppikahvia · 4 months
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someone at Remedy has my dream job
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Ochako: Hi, I'm Ochako! And you are?
Toga: not as straight as i thought i was, apparently
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frobby · 10 months
Nothing is stronger than the bond between a girl and a piece of media they brushed off 10 years ago that they now realized is the greatest thing ever made
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leuxcrows · 10 months
actual book 7 chapter 6 spoilers i do not recomend opening unless you have read it because your experience WILL be ruined
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have i ever told yall that to me twst is peak comedy game of the moment
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ywpd-translations · 7 months
Ride 763: The third year's start!!
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Pag 2
1: Ten seconds until the start
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Pag 3 /4
1: Let's run with everything we have!!
The last Inter High of the third year Sakamichi, start!!
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Pag 5
1: Yeah!!
2: Let's go!!
3: Let's pour our whole guts into it!!
4: Yes!!
5: Let's go!!
6: Teh!!
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Pag 6
1: The first day of the boy's Inter High competition in Fukuoka, starts now!!
It's here!!
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Pag 7
1: All the cyclists are beginning to run, with the big bridge connecting Kyushu and Honshu through the Kanmon Straits in the back!!
Waa, splendid!!
Do your best!!
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Pag 8
1: The entrance of Kyushu, here from Moji city in Kitakyushu, going south, they'll fight for three days
It's Sohoku!
2: Waaaaa
The wind is so strong!
The cyclists are so close!
So fast!
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Pag 9
1: Kumadai you can do it!
Their fight will unfold on the stage of Kyushu's nature!!
2: There are so many cyclists
Which team will win?
3: The one you need to pay attention to in the first place, is the one in the front with yellow jerseys
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Pag 10
1: Chiba's representative, the two times in a row champion, Sohoku
The third year they call “Mountain King” took the top goal two years in a row!!
Huh... then it's decided already!!
2: Another one is the one with the blue jersey, Kanagawa's Hakone Academy
They were the team that kept winning before, and they're so strong they say that in that team “everyone is an ace”
Huuh... that's amazing too
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Pag 11
1: Then there's Kyoto representative, with the purple jerseys, Kyoto Fushimi, who make the race unpredictable every time!!You can already feel their peculiar tenacity!!
They look scary
2: So those three!?
Well, yeah, but rumor has it that this year the mountain bike champion is participating, too
4: MTB!? The off-road one!?
That's right!!
5: And I guess the local Kyushu team won't keep quiet, and Hiroshima is strong too
There's a strong element of uncertainty in road racing
There are a lot of people, and the distance to cover and the time are long too
6: It's not the stronger one who always win
It's always been said that....
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Pag 12
1: Until the finish line is crossed and the race is over, you never know what can happen during a road race!!
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Pag 13
1: Hyoo... there's so many people, teh
2: They're all waving their hands, teh!!
Ahhh.... so many people, the scale is so different from the prefectural qualification, teh
3: What's wrong, newbie!! Hahaha
4: It started
5: Finally, the Inter High!!
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Pag 14
1: I'll show everyone here what I can do!! Take a look, newbie!!
2: This is the genius Kaburagi Issa's!! Super Special Strong-
3: Start Dash!!
Listen up, Rokudai
Yessir, teh
The red on the referee car means we can't surpass it
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Pag 15
1: As long as that racket-like thing is red, this is a parade run
2: Until it gets turned round and becomes green, the race is in a neutral situation
It means we have to run slowly and safely
3: There's no point in jumping ahead here
And if someone did that, he's just an idiot
Are you watching me, Aoyagi-san!! Haha
Teh... Aoyagi... san..
I'll surpass the care ahead of us!!
4: Once it becomes green, the speed will increase
Don't fall behind
5: Ye... yessir, teh!!
6: Hahaha I guess I left them behind of quite a lot
Waaa!? They're still right behind me!? Imaizumi-san, you're so fast!!
Choose a senpai to refer to
Ah.. huh... yessir, teh...
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Pag 16
3: We've pretty much passed the residential area, teh
The parade will go on for a few more kilometers
4: Once we get on a wider road and can confirm it's safe, then there's the real start
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Pag 17
1: My first Inter High....
What on earth is it... the Inter High....
2: Ahh... my heart is pounding, teh...
Yeah, enjoy the scenery and the heart pounding while you still can
3: Teh!?
4: Once the race starts you won't have time to look at the scenery or take a breath
6: You- you have enough time to take a breath
Ro- Rokudai-kun
Don't bully the first year, Hotshot
7: Onoda-san!!
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Pag 18
1: Only a little
3: Almost... none... the Inter High!!
I see... teh
Onoda-kun... you were even worst than Hotshot now..
The Inter H...igh sounds harsh
4: No, uhm
Uhm, it is
5: It's incredibly hard
It's so hard you could collapse
6: Your whole body falls apart and you can't even take a breath!!
Fall apart...!!
He's really putting the boot in...
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Pag 19
1: But we run with all our strength
2: with everyone supporting each other
3: If we connect
4: and we run until the end with all our might
7: When everything is over and we look back at it
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Pag 20
1: We'll feel like it a really irreplaceable time
2: That difficult moment
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Pag 21
1: When we were angry, frustrated, or when we smiled
We'll remember everything
2: Then, we'll think that we're happy we didn't give up
3: “Think”....
4: That's....
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Pag 22
1: That's the Inter High!!
3: If there are people who have “power” in their words
4: For me, it's this person
I've been thinking it since I've met him
5: Are you... in trouble?
Follow me
6: He usually seems unreliable when he talks, and there are times when he's awkward, but
… yes
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Pag 23
1: His words always strike my core!!
Yessir!! Teh!!
That's right, Onoda-kun
You're right, Onoda
You can bet on it..!!
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Pag 24
1: Thank you so much, teh
For bringing me, who didn't know anything, in such a brilliant and heart shaking world!!
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Pag 25
1: Huh!? Everyone else too!! You were listening!?
Ah... uhm.. I was talking to Rokudai-kun...
2: Hahaha, we heard
3: And thanks to it, I'm all fired up!!
Don't get fired up more than this or you'll turn into ashes quickly
4: I-I'll run with everything I have, teh!!
5: So that you can fulfill
6: your dearest wish you told us about when we were coming here on the ship!!
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Pag 26
1: “Dearest wish”
5: Yokosuka-Kokura ferry, off the coast of Kochi Prefecture
7: Well, the schedule after we arrive is roughly like this
Remember it yourself
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Pag 27
1: Now if you get too excited you'll only get tired, and now it's okay to relax
Get a good night's sleep today, when you wake up tomorrow we'll go ashore
2: Onoda, you want to say anything?
5: Let's... let's do our best
6: Yessir!!
7: Good night
Good night!!
8: Can I ask one last thing?
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Pag 28
1: Earlier, Naruko-san said that our objective for this Inter High is to get our “third consecutive victory”
To be on par with Hakogaku, who is the only team to ever win three times in a row in the history of the Inter High
4: I agree, I also think we have to do it
But I there's one thing I'm curious about, and I don't think it's been asked yet
5: Onoda-san, what's your objective this year?
What are you running in the Inter High for?
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everykabuto · 6 months
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#see the issue is i feel like that isnt the main problem with kabuto here lmao#I've been gone for so long but ahem. as a kabuto scholar-#i feel like kabuto's main issue is that he was forced into this position by literally every outside force around him#the leaf village tried to kill him. he had no choice but to stay with orochimaru. after orochimaru died he had -nowhere to go-#but at this point in the story kishimoto doesn't want to acknowledge the problems with ninja society that led kabuto here#and that's why this explanation falls so flat to me#the most kabuto gets is itachi saying ''well it wasn't all his fault'' but not elaborating on why#and itachi is the one that is seen as in the right for making the decision to kill his entire clan in the name of upholding the status quo#so kishimoto can't outright blame kabuto's problems on the leaf village. so instead some reasons are thrown out here#that genuinely make no sense to me#and itachi claiming kabuto reminds him of himself also doesn't make much sense to me#because itachi always came across to me as incredibly sure of himself. always knew who he was and what he needed to do#which is... the opposite of kabuto#and itachi's explanation doesn't make it make sense to me.#kabuto had an amazing arc and this little summary from itachi here just ignores all of it to make up something entirely different#just in my own opinion at least.#naruto#kabuto#kabuto yakushi#mangacap#everykabuto#fourth shinobi world war: climax#chapter 587
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