Voltrid's Bloooog
15 posts
Welcome to mah bloog :3 feel free to follow me or what ever hehe ^^
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voltrid-blog · 6 years ago
Hi everyone! For those that dont know I have a twitter account. If you happen to have one and want to follow me your welcome to! Follow me at
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voltrid-blog · 7 years ago
I’m board so I type
Hey every one of you low life’s like me that are waisting their time reading blogs! 
Even though im sure you will skip this and just like it and go on with your life like a rich asshole (just kidding btw i really dont care)
I mostly type on tumblr because im board and there really isnt anything to do. Thats seroiusly why I’m not on here as much as all the other people on tumblr. Just not much of a tumblr guy to be honest. I dont even visit anyone else’s pages I just get on here and make a shitty blog and boom here we are. I will be making more things later (like actual blogs) instead of shit posting. So yeah
if you actually read all of this to this point. Please verify how low life you are (again just kidding dont be a liberal and over react like a cunt)
and just say 1340 so i know your not a fuckin bot that has Girl pics on there (even though im gay so fuck off)
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voltrid-blog · 7 years ago
One thing i have noticed about Tumblr is how dead it is.. I have this feeling its getting to how twitter is and its dying slowly i dont know why.. Who else thinks thats ture? I feel like 20% of the actual "people" are bots just like twitter is. Lol
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voltrid-blog · 7 years ago
Back at it again Woo Hoo!
Hey everyone! Considering the fact that no one reads my shit and doesnt give a damn about the world! X3 (just kidding by the way, i have confidence that at least one person is reading this and not just liking it and walking away >-> yeah im looking at you dave.
   Just wanted to say, that hey hows it going. And if i write a lot. You have to read it X3. There isnt really that much left to type. So yeh X3 I dont really have anything to talk about. And untill i get more followers (at least like 20) thats when i will talk more about me ^^
Thanks again
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voltrid-blog · 7 years ago
Tumblr media
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voltrid-blog · 7 years ago
Back for another blogo
So not to offend anyone. But im going to go ahead and say somethings, (mostly questions im asking you and i dont expect anyone to even answer because in all honesty who will actually read this -_-.  
   Whats the whole deal with flat earthers... I mean seriously!! i know this isnt that much of a popular thing anymore but its something that has occurred my mind for the pas few minutes over time. Why on earth (which is round) would anyone waist their time literally ..
If you beileve something so stupid that you have no full evidence that you would waist your time saying how computers are flat so that means if i pull up a 3D picture of earth that means its flat. How would our solar system work it this world was flully flat. Why is the sun some fricken Minecraft sh*t?? No its obviously round. And if your really stupid go stare at if for a few hours and maybe you can see the truth in yourself.. OH WAIT.. you wont be able to because you would be blind -_-
Thats why i hate flat earthers... sorta. XD
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voltrid-blog · 7 years ago
Cool news!
Eventually i am going to get back to art so i can show you guys my drawing skills. I have been wanting to draw with my mouse for a little while which i might end up doing. But OOF its seriously going to be hard.. >~< To be honest for a furry im actually really trashy at drawing. Im decend. I can do mostly 2D art. But doing 3D not so much. Maybe i can suprise you X3  Anyways!!
Thanks again for reading this!
Thanks again guys <3
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voltrid-blog · 7 years ago
My discord
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voltrid-blog · 7 years ago
(Please read the rules)
(We are not nazis not neo's dont get the wrong idea. We are a bunch of normies making friends. I am always trying to get more peps to join!!)
If you want to rank up!! INVITE MORE PEOPLE WITH THE LINK!!
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voltrid-blog · 7 years ago
Back Again
So eventually when i actually start getting more followers on tumblr and people actually start reading my posts more. Ill start using this a lot more. But for now its really not worth trying to post every single day considering.. don one reads it .3.
But if you dont mind! Click on that follow button.. or what ever. And yah! 
(sorry im so used to youtube)
Not to advertise but, In case you want to see my channel here you go
(12-??) im a pretty young youtuber. So just saying im 15 -_- so yeh dont expect Justin Beaver or some crap. X3 anyways feel free to check out my channel. I have done YouTube vids for 2 years now and going on 3 X3 Thanks for reading the post guys
The post (basically nothing going on)
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voltrid-blog · 7 years ago
On my Compooper!
Okay so, first of all typing on a phone is really hard. And i think that i can type a lot faster and better if I just type on my computer. Its just 100% easier.  *Things To Expect From Me*
Im very playful and I love to make new firends
I really dont care if people read my stuff. Im mostly doing it for the fun. And sake of making some new frans. Even though in all honesty i cant really call you a true friend unless i meet you myself. But you would be considered a cyber friend. And no im not going to come to your house and do weed or some sh*t and you turn out to be some mass rapist trying to get in kids pants so dont try me im not an 8 year old kid trying to get V-Bucks by going down take-off-your-pants street and get bribed to come back later. Thanks but no thanks,
Another thing you can expect from me is that dispite my playfulness i am really. REALLY mature for my age. I usually decide not to be but if its a serious situation i put on my big boi pants and i act like a young adult. Its just enjoyable to not be stressed and act as a young adult around my best pals. You have to live life at its fullest right?
I am great with computers. Seriously, If you have a computer problem i can fix it. Virus, Anything. Hacker? i can get it, Trojain? I can get it. Just email me if you have a problem    (My email [email protected]) thats my 2nd email. i dont really use it but. I do have notifications for it. So feel free to email me. (Msge me on tumbler and we can talk there if its easy. 
I do talk a lot.. as you can see.. i like to type as well. Clears my mind quiet a bit. Better go, BAI ^^
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voltrid-blog · 7 years ago
Hai again! Sorry im kinda bleh and jus wanted to say hai! Ill be posting more later on but. Just wanted to poke around ^^
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voltrid-blog · 7 years ago
Hello ^^ give me snuggles uwu
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voltrid-blog · 7 years ago
I am here ^3^
Hello my fluffy peeps ^3^ fluffy or naht your mah fran x3 its good to be back doing a bloogoe. I want to say that this week has been super boring. I usually dont say this but i want to go back to school xD its boring staying at the house. Doing nothing but games .3. Anyways i have to go to ama. Bai ^3^ (American Martial Arts) UwU
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voltrid-blog · 7 years ago
Hey everyone! Welcome to my blooog ^3^ its good to see new people! Feel free to follow me ^^ ill add more eventually bur for now welcome!
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