#what about the hold products? what about the fact that curls need hydrating? what about the fact your supposed to only style when wet?
nerdie-faerie · 1 year
Can't believe my parents have 8 kids together, the majority of whom have textured hair and they still haven't learnt how to look after it
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itsdanii · 4 years
hii i just read all of your masterlist and i loved it kdjzjsj. Could i request a scenario where Asahi has been working long hours and never gets to see his wife. And his wife is secretly pregnant :o so they get into a scrabble and all is revealed but happy ending coz i cant do sad ending ny heart might shatter
Baby Daddy
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hey, bub. thank you so much for requesting! here's an asahi angst to fluff with a pregnant wife. i hope you like it ❤️ stay healthy and hydrated!
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genre: angst to fluff
warnings: mentions of nausea, mentions of monthly period, suggestive content
ft. asahi azumane
reminder 1: lashing out on your wife is not a good practice, especially if you're unaware that the said wife is carrying your child inside her womb
reminder 2: never slam the door shut on your wife
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With shaky hands, you stared at the pregnancy test you were holding. Tears of happiness were streaming down your cheeks as you took in the two lines signifying that you are indeed pregnant.
You've been feeling nauseous these past few weeks and the moment you noticed that you skipped your monthly period, you immediately bought a pregnancy test to confirm your suspicions.
And so, there you are, now holding the positive test as you let the feeling of hope and happiness embrace your being. You smiled and reached down to place your free hand on your nonprominent baby bump. Sure, it was too small to be noticeable yet but the fact that you knew that there's a life forming inside you made you happier than you could've ever expected.
"Hi, baby. I know you can't hear mommy yet, but I want you to know that she already loves you very much," you whispered while rubbing small circles on your skin.
Once you finally calmed yourself down from the exciting news, you took a shower and put on some presentable clothes, the red silk of the dress you're wearing shaping your body perfectly.
You stared at yourself on the mirror and smiled in satisfaction. Despite how the dress accentuated your curves, it wasn't too tight to suffocate your lower belly. You put on some light make up and kissed your wedding ring as you finished.
The next thing you did was proceed to the kitchen to prepare some fancy dinner for both you and your husband, giving the table a finishing touch with a bottle of wine for Asahi.
You glanced at the clock and noticed that it was already 9 in the evening yet your husband was still out. You decided to send him a message but only frowned when you received no reply. Sighing, you instinctively placed your hand on your lower belly as you felt a sudden distress.
What if he didn't want the baby?
What if he leaves you?
What if he realizes that he no longer loves you?
What if-
The sound of door opening interrupted you from your thoughts and you immediately stood up to welcome your husband.
Lately, Asahi had been coming home late, always overworking himself to the point of exhaustion. To be honest, you were seriously starting to get worried but everytime you tried to confront him, he would only grunt at you and head to sleep.
You made your way to Asahi and helped him with the stuff that he was carrying, making sure that you only took the light stuff in your arms. "Welcome home, love," you said affectionately and pressed a lingering kiss on his lips.
Unlike the usual, Asahi didn't wrap his arm around your waist nor buried his face on the crook of your neck. You frowned at the lack of affection but decided to let it pass.
"What's the occasion?" he asked, finally taking notice of the food you prepared. The smell of steak was still lingering in the air and despite how it slightly made you feel lightheaded, you held it in knowing how much Asahi loved it everytime you cook steak.
"Nothing," you said as you placed some of his stuff down. "I just wanted to make you some nice dinner since we haven't been spending that much time lately."
Instead of answering, he only sighed and flashed you an apologetic smile. He made his way to his seat and waited for you before eating.
Silence enveloped the two of you and you can't help but feel your palms starting to get sweaty. The way he seemed to rush his food made you feel as if he was only eating as to not offend you. As you were about to speak, he downed his glass of wine in one go before standing up.
"I'm finished. I'll go ahead to bed, okay?" your husband said as he placed a kiss on top of your head, the sweet gesture doing nothing to soothe the negative feeling bubbling inside you.
You stood up and wrapped your arms around him from the back, hands gripping each other to lock him to your embrace. "Love, I missed you," you murmured against his back.
"Y/n, I don't have time for this. I'm tired, okay?" Asahi tried to uncoil your arms around him and groaned when you won't let him.
"Don't want to let go yet. I know that if I do, you'll go to bed again and when I wake up, you'll be gone. Can't I have even just a little bit of your time?" Your voice almost cracked at the end as the toll of his absences finally made its way to you.
He applied a little force to remove your arms before turning around to face you, a deep scowl now present on his face as he stared down at you. "Time? You want time? I'm sorry if I don't give you enough. Unlike you who just stay at home and do nothing, I have work. I have priorities so I'm sorry if you think that I'm not giving you enough attention. Geez, y/n. I'm your husband, not your damn babysitter."
"You call yourself a husband when you can't even prioritize your own wife?" you spat angrily at him.
You knew that you offended him by the way his jaw clenched yet you stood your ground because you knew that the problem wouldn't be resolved unless you confronted it head on.
"I wasn't aware that it's a wife's job to nag at her husband nonstop," he spat back. "Stop being childish and maybe then you'll do something productive and not just spending your time sitting pretty."
Asahi didn't let you speak and opted on turning his back on you. Within a few seconds, you were left alone as the door of your bedroom slammed shut.
You felt your blood run cold as you stared at the door in front of you. "I'm sorry," you whispered, not to yourself nor to your husband but to your baby.
Quietly, you began to clean up the table and wash the dishes. You groaned as you felt an upcoming headache starting to form, no doubt due to the stress you're currently experiencing.
You dried your hands and turned off the lights before making your way to the guest room. Your husband basically slammed the door on you which means that he didn't want you to disturb him, right? So if it's space that he wants, it's space that he'll get.
You curled yourself against the bed, the empty space beside you making you feel lonely. You were used to sleeping beside Asahi. Despite him always coming home late, you never missed the feel of him pressing apologetic kisses on your skin.
It wasn't long until a sob escaped your lips. Your fingers gripped the pillow beside you tightly as you burried your face against the soft cotton, silently wishing that it was your husband you're embracing instead of the white material.
Unbeknownst to you, Asahi was just as distressed as you were.
He couldn't stop himself from tossing and turning as he anxiously waited for you to open the door and fit yourself in his arms. He didn't mean to slam the door at you. He only applied a bit of force not knowing that the impact would be that much.
God, he didn't even want to fight you.
But the feeling of stress and exhaustion from his work along with the expectations of people made him irritable which then resulted to him snapping at you.
Not being able to resist you anymore, Asahi swallowed his pride and made his way to the bathroom to splash his face with cold water to wake himself up before he talks to you.
But he guessed that the cold water was no longer needed.
Because there sitting on top of the toilet seat are two pregnancy tests with both positive results. He carefully picked up one of the tests and stared at it with shock evident on his face.
You're pregnant.
You're carrying his unborn child and he just shouted at you, called you childish and disregarded your feelings.
Instant regret made its way to him and he felt his heart rate picking up. "Shit," Asahi whispered to himself as he paced left and right inside the bathroom, hands gripping the pregnancy tests tightly.
Asahi quickly made his way to the living room, eyes widening in fear upon seeing you nowhere. He surveryed the whole house while calling out for your name and only stopped when he saw your curled up form inside one of the guest rooms.
He sighed in relief and made his way to you, gently scooping you in his arms to carry you back to your shared bedroom. He removed the few stray hair from your face and placed a small kiss on your forehead and both of your swollen eyes, obviously the result of crying.
"I'm sorry..." he whispered as he showered your skin with kisses.
"Azumane," you called out with a raspy voice as you woke up from the light feeling of lips trailing on your skin.
Your husband stopped what he was doing and looked at you. "You're pregnant." It wasn't a question, no. It was a statement, one that was enough to bring tears into your eyes.
"I am," you said with a nod and took his hand, placing it on the spot where your bump will soon make its appearance.
Despite being cover by the dress you're wearing, he leaned down and kissed your lower belly lovingly. Pulling away, Asahi shifted himself to lay beside you, his hand reaching for yours to bring it to his lips.
"Im so sorry for what happened earlier," he whispered. He took your lack of response as a signal to continue speaking, one hand sliding around your waist to pull you closer to him.
"Im sorry for shouting at you and for neglecting my job as a husband. I was too focused on proving myself to my co-workers that I forgot the person waiting for me at home." He let go of your hand and wiped your tears with his thumb, his hand cupping your face as you leaned to his touch. "Please don't cry, my love. You know I hate seeing you cry."
"It's your fault," you mumbled with a shaky voice. "It's just... It's so unfair that I'm your wife but I still have to ask for your time and attention when in reality, you should be the one to give those to me without me asking."
"I know. I know, love." Guilt and regret were evident in his voice and the more Asahi watch you let everything out, the more he hated himself for being a bad husband. "But I promise you it won't happen again. I'll be a better husband and the best father to our child. So please..."
You nodded and buried your face to his chest, his scent helping you calm down as you cried everything out. Your hand gripped the back of his shirt tightly as you sobbed in his arms, warmth enveloping you as he rubbed your back soothingly.
"You're okay, we're okay," Asahi whispered, pressing a kiss on top of your head as he held you without any intent of letting you go. "We're okay, right?"
You looked up at him with tear stained cheeks. "We're okay," you said reassuringly.
After a few minutes of enjoying each other's embrace, Asahi slowly pulled away. A whine escaped your lips making him chuckle slightly.
"You dressed up for me?" he asked as he raked his eyes down your figure.
"I wanted to look good for you," you said shyly. "I haven't got the chance to change since you basically slammed the door on me."
"I already apologized with words." Asahi gave your lips a peck before settling himself between your legs, eyes looking up at you as he slowly hiked your dress up, a gasp escaping your lips as his fingertips grazed your thighs.
"Now let me apologize with my actions."
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question: do you prefer the plain divider or this pink one?
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ober-affen-geil · 4 years
My brain is presenting me with very few entertainment options tonight so I decided to put together a reference post for writing characters with naturally curly hair. Enjoy! Please feel free to ask me questions if needed.
First things first, I am writing this from the perspective of someone who does have naturally curly hair but I’m fully aware that my hair/my experience with it is CERTAINLY NOT universal. If other people would like to add onto this with points that come from their own experience, by all means please do so!.
Speaking of my experience, I clock in at about a 3B according to this chart. That’s a “curly” curl type as opposed to “wavy” (straighter) or “coily” (more curly/kinky). My best guess is that I get mine from the random Scottish genes somewhere in my lineage, suffice it to say I am Super Fucking White and all of this discussion is from that perspective.
Anyways. I’m going to try to cover Curly Hair Care and The Many Faces Of Curly Hair but before I get into that I need you, the author with the curly-haired character, to ask yourself 3 questions:
1) Does your character know how to care for their hair 2) Can your character afford it 3) Do they care enough to do so/do they have the time or energy
To expand further.
1. Fun fact! Hair texture can change with your body’s hormones. It is not uncommon for hair to (permanently!) alter texture because of puberty, pregnancy, or menopause. I got my curly hair when I hit puberty, which was a complete surprise and profoundly unexpected. No one in my immediate (or extended actually) family has curly hair and I had never had to deal with it before. And no, I did not have an innate knowledge of how to care for my new curly hair. Still figuring it out but I’m a lot better now than I was. In any case, there are many reasons why your character may not know how to properly care for their hair.
2. This is pretty self-explanatory tbh but products for curly hair can get expensive and your character may not be able to buy what they need to keep their hair perfectly healthy.
3. What I mean by this is, I, personally, do care for my hair the best that I know how, but I don’t use after-shower holding product because I don’t like the way it feels in my hair and I don’t care enough about what it looks like to tough it out. This means my hair is at the whims of my environment (see below) and has a major effect on what it looks like and feels like. Does your character feel similarly? Are they in a rush? Are they at someone else’s place and don’t have access to their normal supplies?
Once you have answered those, you can dive into Curly Hair Care. 
The number one thing to keep in mind is that curly hair needs to be hydrated. It’s a thirsty bitch. Frequent washing and/or shampoo will dry out curly hair and make it frizzy, natural oils and conditioner are better for it. (Also never ever brush out your curly hair, that will lead to INSTANT frizz city plus it’s frankly a bitch to do and will tangle almost as soon as the brush leaves your hand.)
To give you an idea of what I mean, my current routine is to wash my hair every other day. Every time I wash my hair I use conditioner (comb in while wet). Every OTHER time I wash my hair I ALSO use a 2-in-1 shampoo/conditioner, because my hair is fine enough and my skin is oily enough I really do need at least a little shampoo to prevent myself from turning into a complete greaseball. On the days I wash my hair with shampoo, I use an after-shower conditioner as well.
That’s what it takes to keep my hair happy and healthy, but every person’s needs are going to be a little different. AND even if your ROUTINE is the same, there is NO GUARENTEE your hair will look the same every time. Which leads me to The Many Faces Of Curly Hair.
Plain, untreated, natural curly hair, even hair that’s healthy, is extremely susceptible to fluctuations in the environment. The more humid the air, the tighter the curl will be. The drier the air, the looser the curl will be.  Rain, humidity, air conditioning, a hot bath, a sauna, all of these will effect curly hair. I live in a fairly damp environment and while I usually get out of bed in the morning pretty springy, my hair wilts after spending all day in air conditioning. Conversely, my mom loves to tell the story of the time we got off a climate controlled plane onto an extremely humid ramp and she delighted in watching my hair curl up in the new environment in a matter of minutes. 
I’ve also found the greasier my hair is, the lankier it is which is to say more likely to be a mixed bag of tight/loose curls. The longer I go between washes, the looser my curls/the more straight my hair will be. And remember curly hair will appear shorter than it actually is because the length is affected by how tight the curl is. Also, curly hair dried naturally without product will tend to have parts that just...don’t curl. For whatever reason. Usually its just a lock or two but the longer between washes or the drier the environment, the more prominent it will become. Alternatively I’ve found that there is a lock that hangs in the center of my forehead that is always the last to lose its curl, and insists on staying directly in my face at all times.  
A final note, straighteners work about as well on curly hair as curling irons work on straight hair. Which is to say, for a little while but it won’t hold. If you want your character to have straight hair that lasts, chemicals need to get involved.
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dolgelo · 5 years
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Expensive cologne for important occasions she must attend, but she prefers more delicate and subtle scents, especially flowery ones. Her favourite scents are rose and jasmine. She can often smell of treated leather due to some pieces of clothes, like her motorcycle jacket or part of her Shadow Ops uniform, made of that very material, but she doesn’t like it. 
Daily, she just loves feeling perfectly clean at all times and places; plus, considering her training sessions, fencing one included, and the recurring battles against Shadows, it’s also more than comprehensible. And so, especially after said battles (and it matters not if she had bathed/showered before already), she just feels the urge to get under a long, relaxing and hot shower again once home, before sleep. Most of her shower beauty products, body creams, lotions and oils are made of biological components and often smell like roses too - making the air of the bathroom often assume that very pleasant scent after she has used it. While at the dorm, showers were more practical, Mitsuru still prefers taking baths - she finds them more peaceful. After her bath/shower, the next hours or so are strictly dedicated to the care, conditioning and curling of her long hair, making her end her routing pretty late at night when she has to go out for Tartarus explorations. Her sponge is usually pink, as well as her towels. That’s a cute detail. 
No, nothing at all. Yet, as a very young child, many family members insisted in vain she got her earlobes pierced to wear jewellery and earrings, but she refused to let anything prick her, arriving at the brink of tears at times due to her phobia of needles and of literally anything that could even remotely look like one. To the present days, her ears are still untouched.
Embracing or touching her own waist/hips, slightly, when crossing her arms, but she often doesn’t even realize that. When nervous, she often wiggles her legs when sitting and is known for tapping either her index finger to a surface or heel to the ground when worried about something or someone. Another yet cuter quirk is her flipping her long hair when they get too in the way of her visage of chest.  
During her dormitory stay, she had to wear PJs, and actually has many of them to choose from each night after her routine shower. Those are mostly very informal, and not something she would usually wear at home, though, but they were necessary for the sake of peaceful and normal cohabitation. In fact, she collects pieces of night lingerie she probably rarely uses to sleep - but for her own pleasure first and foremost, naturally once a tad older and out of Iwatodai dormitory. Cuter and more revealing nightdresses amaze her terribly ever since Yukari gifted her one as a joke but no one knows it but her and her maids, probably, so she often opts for soft, frilly and less crazy mini nightdresses and slips... or directly her underwear if comfortable enough. 
Blouses! She wears them since she was but a child, but growing up she got into them head over heels. Of course, not simple ones, but coming from the most expensive and exclusive stylists and fashion brands. You name it, she probably commissioned one frilly, blinding white blouse from them. She finds them comfortable and reminds her of her school uniform too. Plus, she thinks white suits her. The softer and more decorated the blouses are, the happier Mitsuru is!
Fetal position but she moves a bit in her sleep, and often finds herself sleeping on her stomach, her arms hugging, or under, the pillow.
Her hands are quite delicate, her fingers pale and long. On normal circumstances, if you were to hold it, you’d see how her palm is much warmer than her fingers, which present usually a colder temperature. Despite not wearing rings or jewels on her fingers, she puts great care in her hands, on their looks and on how they feel to the touch. She always carries a scented cream to hydrate and moisturize them, if she needs to. Her fingernails are never too short, nor too long, and always painted of either red or pale pink, manicured with extreme precision and care by either Mitsuru herself or her staff of beauticians. She has a small callus or two on her right hand due to her grip on her sword or her pen. 
A weird mix between peppermint and cherry, which are components of her favorite chopstick as well. Unless she ate chocolate. Then she just tastes like the best chocolate cake you will ever get, whipped cream and all. It’s in contrast with her usual flower scents, because her taste would definitely lean more on the fruity side of things though. Sweet nonetheless. She’d taste like you have just been granted access through the gates of heaven.
TAGGED BY: i saw  @lucenumbra ‘s and i feel in love so i HAD TO TAGGING: take this if you waaant
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thlayli-rah · 6 years
Hello, hope you're having a good day, if I may have a minute of your time, I would like some advice. My GF has curly hair, she straightens it regularly but this damages it. She confessed that she feels really ugly in curly hair but making it straight is causing problems. I wanted to ask if you have any resources for dealing with Curly hair, I see that you have similar hair and I want her to be happy and feel good about the hair on her head, any advice would help. Thank you very much.
Oh my gosh I would love to give you some advice on that!
So here’s a starter: Curly hair is a bit of a blessing disguised as a curse! I’ve had tight, corkscrew curls my entire life, but they didn’t look like that until up until about (oh my god, I just aged myself) eight years ago, when I started vehemently googling for ways to wear my hair so that it wasn’t just a big fuzzy mess.
I have never had the patience to straighten my hair regularly (and yes, you’re right, heat does damage it), and so I was simply forced to figure out how to deal with my curls. But luckily, a few years back, I started working for Lush!
Now, the weird occultism of that job aside (that’s a whole other wild tale to recount), it taught me a lot about my hair, because the founder of the company, Mark Constantine, is a trichologist (hair doctor-- no, seriously, he has a PhD in hair). Curly hair can be complicated, but with a few regular tools & products, you can go from this:
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to this:
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So let’s go.
You can see the progression of my curls, how they’re tighter (and shinier!) in the bottom two pictures-- particularly when you consider the fact that the top one just sort of looks like a mound of hair, as opposed to a mane of curls.
#1 priority is a good cut; you want to go with layers, as opposed to a straight cut, because if you don’t get layers, you wind up with “pyramid head” which is where the curls at the bottom of your hair dry curly, but the hair doesn’t curl close to the root (it’s because the hair is too heavy). You can see the layers pretty well in my most recent pictures (and this is also a cut that is a bit grown-out). If you can, try to find a salon in your area that specializes in curly hair. If you can’t find a salon, then try to find a stylist who has curly hair. Seriously, it makes a massive difference (and even still, every time I get my hair cut, I know that I won’t really know how it’s going to look until I go home and shampoo/condition for myself, because nobody knows my hair better than me).
#2 thing you should do is understand that you don’t shampoo curly hair every day it’s so bad for it oh my god please don’t. Curly hair has a harder time holding onto moisture and natural oil than straight hair, just because of the way the follicle is shaped (blah blah hair science blah), and so you need to try to preserve as much natural oil as you can. I frequently go about 4-5 days without shampooing-- but I condition my hair every day. My curls are particularly fine, and so I find that after a night of tossing and turning on my pillow, my hair has usually turned into some semblance of one of the first two photos. I wet it (at the very least) and I condition it. Once I start feeling like my hair is kinda chunky or greasy, I’ll wash it-- I typically aim for a low-poo or no-poo, but this is a big adjustment for some people, so to start, just try to find a shampoo that is aimed at hydrating your hair.
#3 to keep in mind is that there are a lot of products out there that are supposed to be “for curly hair” and a lot of people who will tell you what you “can” or “can’t” do with your curls. Curly hair gatekeeping bullshit. Right now I am using DevaCurl products and, sure, they work pretty great, and my hair looks nice, but goddamn are they expensive, and I wouldn’t say that my hair looks any better now than when I used Lush products (also expensive) or when I used Herbal Essences’ Hello Hydration shampoo & conditioner. My hair gets tired of certain products very quickly, so I always had about two different conditioners on the go at one time, and usually the same amount of shampoos. I haven’t had to do that with DevaCurl, but as mentioned, it can get pretty pricey. 
#4 is that I know for some fuckin’ reason people think that curly hair isn’t pretty, and I know a lot of girls who straightened their curls. And lemme tell you, I have always worn my hair naturally, and I cannot tell you how often I hear “I love your hair” or “you have beautiful hair” or something of the sort, because you are most beautiful when you are being authentic, and not merely trying to disguise a part of yourself that you dislike. My current boyfriend (shoutout to Everywhere Bryan) told me once that the reason he loves my hair is because it’s just very Me™. It’s bold and it’s big and it’s kinda wild. And it’s my favourite feature. I can wander around with no makeup on and feel gorgeous, so long as my hair looks nice. Honestly babe? Embrace your curls, trust me. People would kill for them, so love what you got. You will feel so much better about your hair once you start wearing it the way it naturally flows, I promise. Just take care of it, keep it as healthy as you can, and find a cut that matches who you are! My re-vamp of my curls started with this major cut:
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And I’ve never looked back. You’ll figure it out, babe, I know you will.
Here’s some additional resources!! xo
DevaCurl websiteNaturally Curly websitePost on the “Curly Girl Method”
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salmontee-shop · 2 years
Oh Look Another Glorious Morning – Hocus Pocus Halloween Shirt
Oh Look Another Glorious Morning – Hocus Pocus Halloween Shirt
Though there’s room for improvement, the Oh Look Another Glorious Morning – Hocus Pocus Halloween Shirt but in fact I love this basic curl types system can be a helpful roadmap on your curl journey nonetheless. Here, a guide to what you need to know about the intricacies of texture and the different types of curls. “There are many things that make your hair uniquely yours, including how quickly it absorbs and loses moisture, which is called porosity,” says François. A strong indicator of your porosity level is the health of your cuticles, which is the outermost layer of the hair strand. When the cuticle is healthy, it lays smooth, closed, and retains moisture. If the cuticle is compromised by damage due to factors such as heat, over-processing, and natural weather, it lifts away from the hair shaft.
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Buy this shirt:  Click here to buy this Oh Look Another Glorious Morning – Hocus Pocus Halloween Shirt
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Official Oh Look Another Glorious Morning – Hocus Pocus Halloween Shirt
Because curly hair is naturally dryer, it’s more vulnerable to this damage. “The way the Oh Look Another Glorious Morning – Hocus Pocus Halloween Shirt but in fact I love this cuticle presents is the texture you should be thinking of when choosing products for your hair,” says Roberts. “The smoother the texture, the less hydration and hold you need. The more raised the cuticle, giving a natural amount of healthy frizz, the more hydration and stronger-hold styling products will be needed.” A general rule of thumb? “The more porous and brittle the hair is, the more damaged it might be from coloring or heat styling,” says François. “Porosity is hereditary or caused by damage,” adds Jennie Roberts, celebrity hairstylist, textured hair educator, and a global senior hairstylist for Curlsmith. “Low porosity is when the hair appears waterproof, so more hydrating products are probably needed. If the hair is high porosity, it gets wet very easily and can be very limp with overhydration.”
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Buy this shirt:  https://salmontee.com/fashion-news/oh-look-another-glorious-morning-hocus-pocus-halloween-shirt/
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Top Oh Look Another Glorious Morning – Hocus Pocus Halloween Shirt
Though there’s room for improvement, the Oh Look Another Glorious Morning – Hocus Pocus Halloween Shirt but in fact I love this basic curl types system can be a helpful roadmap on your curl journey nonetheless. Here, a guide to what you need to know about the intricacies of texture and the different types of curls. “There are many things that make your hair uniquely yours, including how quickly it absorbs and loses moisture, which is called porosity,” says François. A strong indicator of your porosity level is the health of your cuticles, which is the outermost layer of the hair strand. When the cuticle is healthy, it lays smooth, closed, and retains moisture. If the cuticle is compromised by damage due to factors such as heat, over-processing, and natural weather, it lifts away from the hair shaft.
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Because curly hair is naturally dryer, it’s more vulnerable to this damage. “The way the Oh Look Another Glorious Morning – Hocus Pocus Halloween Shirt but in fact I love this cuticle presents is the texture you should be thinking of when choosing products for your hair,” says Roberts. “The smoother the texture, the less hydration and hold you need. The more raised the cuticle, giving a natural amount of healthy frizz, the more hydration and stronger-hold styling products will be needed.” A general rule of thumb? “The more porous and brittle the hair is, the more damaged it might be from coloring or heat styling,” says François. “Porosity is hereditary or caused by damage,” adds Jennie Roberts, celebrity hairstylist, textured hair educator, and a global senior hairstylist for Curlsmith. “Low porosity is when the hair appears waterproof, so more hydrating products are probably needed. If the hair is high porosity, it gets wet very easily and can be very limp with overhydration.”
Buy this shirt:  Click Here to buy this Oh Look Another Glorious Morning – Hocus Pocus Halloween Shirt
Home:  https://salmontee.com/
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Shed That Tummy With These Fantastic Physical fitness Guidelines
Whether or not your aim is to continue to be suit and wholesome or you are trying to get back again into condition for the very first time in a long time, it is crucial to have a very good comprehending of the essential aspects of physical health. This write-up will assist give you this kind of a grounding so you can get the most from your workout routines. When deciding on a health schedule, do not fall for gimmicks that say you can lose weight or create muscle without having needing to work tough. The complete stage of a physical fitness software is to work tough. Choose a exercise routine that fits with your schedule and is hard enough to problem you without resulting in injuries. One particular way to make sure a risk-free physical fitness schedule is to make positive that you have entirely recovered from the previous working day, prior to making an attempt your new workout. This can be completed by measuring your early morning resting heart fee and evaluating it to your typical resting coronary heart rate. If it is noticeably increased than standard, you need to have more rest. A fantastic way to get suit, is to carry out your cardio 1st thing in the early morning, ahead of breakfast. Doing cardio this way, taps right into your unwanted fat merchants due to the fact you haven't experienced anything at all to eat. This is one particular of the most efficient ways to get rid of unwanted fat by way of cardio. A excellent way to get suit is to select up a handful of workout DVDs and pop them into your DVD player. The great thing about these is that you can go at your personal pace. You can pause the DVD if you're feeling exhausted, as opposed to in a class location. A genuinely good way to assist you get fit is to begin drinking environmentally friendly tea. Eco-friendly tea can be a wonderful, normal option to coffee if you might be not significantly of a supporter of coffee. http://weselewstolicy.pl/profile/?u=10564 -friendly tea has been established to give the metabolism a boost and it also gives vitality. Buy many sets of workout outfits creating sure one particular product matches all of the relaxation. Why devote time browsing by way of your closet and drawers for anything that matches when you could be utilizing that time to physical exercise? No one genuinely cares what you are wearing so base your exercise apparel alternatives on convenience fairly than vanity. Schedule your time to work out the identical way you routine your important appointments. Your wellness and physical fitness are just as critical to your lifestyle as your following doctor's appointment, so treat it the very same way. Setting your routines in your calendar will make you more most likely to just take the time and do them. It requires the human body about a thirty day period to adapt to way of life adjustments. Which is why it's advisable to quit or start anything for 30 days to split or find out a new habit. So if you hold up your function outs for at the very least a month, you may be on your way to creating a fantastic way of life modify. When pursuing your fitness goals, a wonderful idea is to in no way coddle a weak region. If you dislike carrying out a specific workout, you require to commence doing it. If you have weak places in your human body, they can very likely guide to injury down the street if you do not start off working on them. 1 great way to boost your health and fitness is to periodically do an workout session, or a series of periods, in which you purposefully work to exceed your normal limits or capability by undertaking a substantial intensity or volume of exercise. If this period of exercise is adopted by a period of rest, it can end result in wonderful health and fitness gains. A great suggestion to help you get physically in shape is to attempt your hand at kayaking. Kayaking is fantastic simply because you can melt away a lot of calories in a beautiful location. You can get your kayak on the lake, river, or even on the ocean if you are very good ample. If you are going for walks on a treadmill for physical exercise, attempt not to keep onto the rails. You can contact them for balance but you should not have to maintain on when strolling or running. If you do have to keep on, you may want to think about decreasing the intensity degree as it may be also considerably. Form is essential in several of the workout routines that you will be performing. A lot of folks do not have the right kind when they perform a squat. To do this, but a bench underneath you ahead of you squat. Then bend your knees till your butt touches the bench. Run with fully inflated lungs to support with stamina and pace. Your legs, as properly as the rest of your entire body, need to have the optimum volume of oxygen they can get, specially when you are doing exercises. Make positive that you are pulling enough air into your lungs to make your belly drive out. One particular of the factors that you can do to improve your general degree of physical fitness is to discover a activity that raises your selection of movement. Invite your shut buddies to exercise with you. A fantastic way to make your health routine much more exciting, and rewarding, is to have your pals join you in it. http://www.megatest.pl/profil,Polektrupson3 will shortly discover that doing work out in a team is an easy way to hold every other motivated and moving. Whilst functioning on physical fitness working straight with your biceps, there are several workouts that will exclusively help this area. Concentrated bicep curls, hammer curls, and the preacher curl all perform really properly in doing work out your biceps. These are wonderful exercises to get you on the route of much better workout. Keep in mind, biceps are the very first muscle mass individuals look at to decide your strength. When you work out, h2o is the ideal consume. It really is essential to keep hydrated, and water is conveniently accessible, economical, and calorie-free. Until you might be a skilled athlete or investing several hours drenched in sweat, sports drinks are not value it! Even with their other advantages, sports activities drinks can be large in energy, cancelling out all your hard perform. No issue what level of fitness you are currently at or what your fitness goals are, you can still gain from the suggestions that you've got discovered from this write-up. By putting these established methods to operate, you are going to quickly be receiving much better outcomes when you exercising. Ahead of lengthy, you may be in fantastic shape!
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herbspro123 · 3 years
Is Hair Mousse Bad For Hair?
Mousse is a difficult beauty product to categorize. Some people claim it gives them lift and volume but isn't that what a volumizing spray does? Others swear by it for style protection and longer hold. So, instead of using hairspray, why not use hairspray? What is it about mousse that makes it so wonderful, you ponder as you raise your fists at the sky?
The solution is surprisingly straightforward. Mousse is unique in that it combines several style benefits in a one, frothy solution. Hair mousse can be beneficial to a variety of hair types, from curly to thin, depending on the hair mousse you choose. Hair mousse, like shampoo, conditioner, and deep treatments, can provide a variety of results depending on the formula.
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What is Hair Mousse and What Does It Do?
Hair mousse is a foam-based styling treatment that can be used to protect, stiffen, or style your hair. It adds volume to your hair while also moisturizing and holding it in place without clumping. It's one of the simplest styling tools to apply, and hair professionals love it since it's so versatile.
Hair mousse is a light product that is applied to damp hair before styling. Is mousse required for your hair? Hair mousse is an excellent styling tool. You can definitely use it to make your hair look fuller and more bouncy. Hair mousse is suitable for all hair kinds and textures, which is the nicest part.
Curl creams are all about moisturizing, whereas mousse is all about adding, holding, and texture. You may wish to use a curl cream if your hair is particularly dry and curly. It hydrates and fights frizz using meadowfoam seed, olive oil, and soybean oil, as well as humectants.
Whether your hair is wavy, straight, or anywhere in the between, mousse can help. Even individuals with fine hair shouldn't be afraid of mousse; in fact, it may lend a lot of volume to strands that aren't inherently voluminous. The most important thing to figure out is whether your hair needs extra moisture from its styling products, which can differ based on the style or day. Overall, very dry hair types may not use the mousse as frequently as other hair types.
A mousse will give your hair three times the volume of a regular volumizer. It makes your hair smoother and more lustrous. The best thing about using a hair mousse is that it doesn't leave your hair feeling sticky. It also helps to control curls and frizz, as well as add volume to thin or fine hair.
Ways to Use Hair Mousse Properly
Here are the top three methods for applying and shaping moussed hair with great precision.
The Quick Way
Wet (or don't!) your hair. Even if you don't want to spend time grooming your hair, you may use mousse to give it a more colorful look fast and simply. Then, into your palm, dispense some mousse. Apply the mousse to your hair and work it in. Use both hands to spread the mousse. Then, from front to back, brush your hands through your hair. Keep a close eye on your roots (the part of your hair near the base). Finally, dry your hair with a low blower.
Mousse For More Volume
To begin, wet your hair. It should be somewhat damp to the touch all the way down to the root, but not dripping. Wet your hair lightly in the sink or shower. Apply the mousse in portions to your roots. To agitate the mousse, shake the can and hold it vertically while spraying. Starting at the nape of the neck and moving up to the top of the head, section your hair and apply mousse to the roots of each region.
Apply the mousse to your hair in an equal layer. Work the mousse into your hair with your hands until it's evenly dispersed all the way to the ends. Dry your hair with a blow dryer. The mousse stiffens somewhat when it dries, giving your hair extra lift and strength. Finally, style your hair according to how you want it.
The “Expert” Way
Find out what sort of hair you have. Hair is available in a wide range of textures and thicknesses. Thick, thin, straight, wavy, kinky, curly, dry, greasy, or any combination of these characteristics can be found in hair. Mousse should be good for almost all hair types, but coarser, thicker hairs may find it difficult to style with it due to its light "hold."
The next step is to understand your mousse alternatives. Mousses aren't all created equal. Though an all-purpose mousse should work for nearly all hairstyles, many particularly made mousses have benefits for a variety of hairstyles.
You may make your own mousse at home. It's really simple to make an excellent mousse in your own kitchen if you're daring! Break two eggs into a bowl, separating the whites. With a whisk, beat the egg whites. Air is forced into the egg as you beat it, giving it a light, fluffy texture. Whip the egg whites until frothy and stiff peaks form. It's now simply a matter of styling your hair with the egg as you would with regular mousse.
Can You Use Hair Mousse for Short Hair?
The short and simple answer is, yes, you can. In fact, you should.
To appear attractive, a short haircut requires a considerable volume. Hair mousse, spray, or powder can be used to add volume and bounce to the hair without weighing it down. Make sure the volumizing styling product is applied towards the roots, where it's needed to add bounce. Over-processed, color-treated, regular, or oily hair can benefit from a variety of styling mousses, sprays, or powders.
Select the appropriate product for your hair's structure and conditioning requirements. For short hair, a dollop half the size of a tennis ball is usually plenty. As you may have noticed, styling mousse can also be used to rejuvenate your hairstyle in between shampooings.
Is Mousee Bad For Your Hair?
Mousse can damage your hair by causing drying of the hair ends due to differing amounts of alcohol in the formulae (a vital ingredient of the mousse's formula that assists speedy drying). Overuse of mousse can damage fine, colored, or permed hair, depending on how much is used or abused.
Hair mousse is no exception. Too much of anything is harmful to your hair. Most hair mousses contain alcohol or sulfates, which, if used excessively, can cause your hair to become brittle and dry. The easiest method to avoid this is to pay close attention to the components in the hair mousse you use and pick one that works best for your hair texture. It's also worth noting that a mousse with too many moisturizing chemicals can break.
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theantibridezilla · 6 years
The DIY Silk Press
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Today’s post is definitely skewed more towards a smaller segment of my audience. On the whole, I tend to focus on product reviews that would work for a broad audience, but I’m also a proud member of #teamnatural. And this is also why I usually don’t cover hair care products, unless it’s something so amazing that I think it would work for more than silky straight hair textures. But, I also don’t venture into hair care that often either because the natural hair niche within the blogger/influencer/guru space is quite saturated. With that being said though, today’s post covers products that can actually work for a wide range of textures from silky straight to kinky curly. And, they can do double duty to help naturalistas achieve a DIY silk press. As background for this post, I’m a 4a/4b texture and my hair is just below BSL (bra strap length).
Now, if you’re not familiar, a silk press is basically what a press & curl was back in the day—only it uses lighter products so your hair isn’t weighed down. Or, IMO, it’s more like a Dominican blowout. If you don’t want to DIY this (which is totally understandable), there are plenty of salons you can go to. The main takeaways you need to remember if you do want to DIY a silk press is this:
1. Your hair must be very clean. Do NOT attempt to do this on dirty hair because the results will be less than ideal. 
2. Do NOT use natural oils during the actual heat steps of the silk press. While natural oils are normally our best friends when wearing our hair curly, when you’re trying to flatiron or blowout your hair for a silk press, the high heat will actually make the oils “cook” your hair. That equals damage and can permanently alter your curl pattern.
So with that in mind, today’s review on these products will be focused from the perspective of a silk press. All but the Ion Silk Drops were gifted to me by the brand. For clarity, I’m reviewing these products as part of the silk press process which includes: Shampoo, condition, deep condition (optional) blow dry, flat iron.
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Shampoo: Many Ethnicities Invigorating Shampoo & Palmer’s Natural Fusions Micellar Rose Water Cleanser
Normally I don’t do a double wash, but it’s recommended for silk presses if you’re concerned about product or dirt buildup of any kind, that you use a clarifying shampoo. Now Many Ethnicities Invigorating Shampoo is a new to me hair care brand that was created by a mom who’s children all ended up having different hair types because they are multi-ethnic. She got tired of littering her bathroom with tons of different shampoos to tackle the unique needs of each of her children’s different textures, so she made her own! I like that this is definitely a nourishing shampoo which is ideal for kinkier textures as it won’t strip hair of vital moisture. My hair still felt soft after using this shampoo.
However, I knew that my hair and scalp were VERY dirty since I had just taken out the braids I’d been sporting for the last two months. So, that’s why I also used the Palmer’s Natural Fusions Micellar Rose Water Cleanser. It’s actually billed as a clarifying shampoo and leverages the concept of traditional micellar water to attract dirt and literally leave your hair squeaky clean. Normally, I would not want my hair to squeak. But in this instance, it was a good thing. I’ve used this shampoo in the past just for a regular wash day and it’s pretty hydrating and will not give you a squeaky clean result. The only reason it did this time is because I did a double wash.
Condition: Many Ethnicities Moisturizing Conditioner
Now, since a silk press meant I couldn’t use the moisturizers I normally would like Argan or Coconut oil, that meant I needed to find other ways to infuse moisture into my hair. This time I opted for the Many Ethnicities Moisturizing Conditioner. This conditioner emphasizes moisture because kinkier textures tend to be naturally drier and need the added moisture. And although it does have oils in it, it’s balanced in a way that doesn’t leave residue or weigh your hair down like a traditional pure oil would do. I definitely want to try this conditioner again when I’m not trying to do a silk press because it would be the type that I wouldn’t fully rinse out. Note: the emphasis on clean means you cannot leave any residual product in your hair leading up to the heat tools steps.
Deep Condition: Steel Mclean Fortify Mask
If you’re concerned at all about the risk of heat damage or feel like your hair might need some added protection, a deep condition is in order. But again, you can’t use natural oils like you might normally want to do. So, I opted for the Steel Mclean Fortify Mask because it also includes Keratin as a primary ingredient. And when you’re talking about using the amount of heat that a silk press requires, you want to give your hair as much added protection as possible. I definitely liked that my hair still felt soft after I rinsed this out. But I most definitely want to try this product again when I’m wearing my hair normally rather than straightened.
Blow Dry & Flat Iron: Ion Silk Drops
The real key to a silk press is to blow dry your hair thoroughly before you flat iron it. Although people may have personal preferences for products to use, pretty much every stylist I’ve talked to—including the lady I consulted with at the Sally’s Beauty Supply—have said that you can use any kind of heat protectant serum during the heat tools steps. It’s more about technique in these stages.
And this is where the silk press diverges from my normal flat iron routine. Normally, I wash my hair on one day, set it on small two-strand twists, and then flat iron my hair the next day. I mainly do this because heat damage is real and I’m lazy and hate blow drying my hair. But the goal is still the same—my hair is being stretched through a no-heat low manipulation style versus using a blow dryer.
Now, if you don’t use a good heat protectant, you can really damage your hair if you use a high heat for blow drying and then follow up with a high heat for flat ironing. And usually for naturals, heat damage means a jacked up patches of hair that no longer naturally curl when you wet it and can only be corrected but cutting the damaged hair. To be honest, the rest of this section is more about technique than the Silk Drops. However, I do think the Silk Drops were great but it’s pretty comparable to Biosilk or IC Fantasia Heat Protector Straightening Serum.
The Blow Dry:
So, like I said, I hate blow drying my hair because my hair in it’s most natural state is super curly, and holds on to water forever. But this time, I divided my hair in 4 big sections. Then I divided each quarter into 3 to 6 smaller sections before then dividing those sections into small thirds. It was time consuming but it definitely stretched my hair, which made the flat ironing step easier. Just keep in mind, you’re blow drying much smaller individual sections so:
1. It’s not necessary to use the highest heat. In fact stylists recommend you don’t because in the next and final stage, you will be using a very high heat. If you use too much heat at this stage,  it’ll encourage heat damage. I used a medium heat on medium speed throughout my entire hair.
2. For best results use the chase method. Use a paddle brush to maintain tension and keep hair stretched as you dry.
3. Focus on straightening the roots. However, (of course) do dry the entire length of hair in each section.
Flat Ironing:
There’s an optional step that some people do between the blow dry and flat iron step which is to trim your hair if it needs to be. I found that my ends still weren’t super straight so I waited until after I flat ironed my hair to trim it.
Anywho, like I mentioned before, this is the high heat stage. Now most stylists will recommend that you use heat between 400-450F. I opted for 419F using my Conair Infiniti PRO 1″ Tourmaline Ceramic Straightener. I’ve had this thing forever and I love it because I can curl and straighten with it, plus it comes with a heat cover. Much like with the blow drying stage, you need to work with small thin sections to ensure that you get as close to your roots as possible and are evenly heating each section. And again, you’re encouraged to use the chase method. A lot of stylists recommend using a fine tooth comb but I found I had horrible control so I swapped it for my paddle brush.
After finishing, my hair was definitely straight, but compared to a lot of the videos that I saw where people had that “I just got my hair relaxed” level straightness, I didn’t have those results. However, the main reason I straightened my hair was because I needed to trim it—so mission accomplished.
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My Thoughts:
So, these pics are from the day after I attempted a silk press. I set my hair on bantus.
1. As much as I hate blow drying, I do have to agree that it made a difference in my ability to get my roots straight and to make the whole flat ironing process a bit quicker.
2. Seeing as how I didn’t get that super straight relaxed look, I’m not sure if it’s because I opted not to set my flat iron to the hottest setting (455F) or if it’s where I needed something like a Marcel iron. However, like I mentioned earlier, I’m not a fan of heat damage because once you ruin your curl pattern, there’s no remedy besides a pair of scissors.
3. The fact that it took me almost 2 hours to blow dry my hair means I would never do my own silk press again. Although it would be a huge markup (I spent a total of $15 on the Ion Silk Drops and the IC Fantasia Heat Protector Straightening Serum vs a salon visit that can be upwards of $125), I’m still sore from the process.
So, I would definitely attempt a silk press again, but I would want a pro to do it. My wash day this time was out of control. What normally takes me 2 - 3 hours with a max of 5 over two days if I choose to straighten, took me all day to do. I know part of that was because I had to take down my Poetic Justice braids and detangle, but that blow dry step is out of control for me!
For more info on the brands I listed visit:
www.manyethnicities.com or follow on IG: @manyethnicities www.palmers.com or follow on IG: @palmers www.steelmclean.com or follow on IG: @steelmclean www.sallybeauty.com
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The Differences Between Human Hair & Synthetic Hair
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Which is right for you? Maybe both. Human Hair and Synthetic Hair have advantages and limitations which make them the right choice at different times. Both are great choices for you depending on your budget, time, and needs. Optimally, you will choose to have both on hand as they each have their pluses! Here are the facts so you can know what circumstance is most beneficial for each.
Human Hair
Human Hair offers the most natural look and feel. It is remarkably soft with a shine and movement that is not easily duplicated in synthetic hair. It is also extremely versatile. Human Hair can be cut and styled to suit your personal tastes. And while it can be a more expensive pick, with the proper care, it is also more durable and can last over a year.
There are generally four basic types of human hair used in wigs: Chinese, Indonesian, Indian and European/Caucasian. The majority of wigs are made from Asian hair. Chinese hair has a thicker denier (unit of fineness) which results in the hair being extremely straight. It is a bit more resistant to curl and can therefore be harder to style. Indonesian hair is found in greater supply and is less costly -- it can often be found in ethnic style wigs. Indian hair has thinner denier close to that of European hair but with a bit more texture. European hair is the most sought after for its fine denier but due to its increasingly limited supply in the marketplace, it is more expensive. The origin of the hair is not the only factor, however. Processing technique is directly related to the strength and quality of the end-product. The chemicals needed, to sanitize and strip away the original color to produce different curl patterns and colors, are very strong and can affect the integrity of the hair depending on method used. When a higher quality of chemicals and a more artful approach to processing is used, the results are higher quality product and thus higher price. Remy human hair is considered a premium option. Hair follicles are kept running in the same direction when collecting and crafting the wig or hairpiece. With cuticles all running in the same direction, tangling is greatly reduced and hair looks and feels silkier. Beware imposters with suspiciously low-priced product – on Wigs.com you’ll only find high-grade Remy hair. It is extremely important to use care products specifically formulated for highly processed human hair. Also keep in mind that wearable hair does not benefit from naturally occurring oils from the scalp. It is important to hydrate and condition hair daily. Human hair is by far the superior choice if quality is the only factor. Other than price, the main drawback to human hair is required maintenance -- as with natural hair, it requires effort. For many, daily styling is actually preferable as it allows for more control over the appearance as well as a sense of normalcy that can come with the daily hair styling ritual.Keep in mind that human hair does not come out of the box ready to wear. You may choose to have it customized by a professional stylist to get exactly the look you like. It does take a bit of extra effort… but is worth it!
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Synthetic Hair
With technological advances, synthetic hair has come a long way in recent years. In some cases it is difficult to tell the difference -- the denier and texture are such that they feel almost like human hair. As a matter of fact, with some of the higher quality synthetic pieces, you would never know they were not natural human hair if you didn’t have the human hair right next to it to compare! The most appealing aspect to synthetic hair is it can often be worn right out of the box with little or no styling. The fiber used has "memory" for wave, curl and volume which lets hair bounce back into place with minimal effort -- the curl pattern is permanently set. It can even hold up in bad weather and can guarantee no drooping or frizzing. However, what synthetic hair offers in ease, it lacks in versatility. It cannot be styled to look many different ways like its human hair counterparts. Only special Heat Friendly synthetic hair is heat styleable to change the curl pattern. Keep in mind, even the heat friendly fiber can be difficult to style as synthetic fiber is more resistant to change. Synthetic hair is also less durable than human hair. With proper care you can expect synthetic hair wigs and hairpieces to last about 4-6 months – heat friendly synthetic hair 2- 3 months. It is important to follow our care recommendations in order to get the optimal life span from your hair! The limited versatility of synthetic hair becomes less of a consideration when you factor in the affordability. You may choose to have a wide variety of styles on hand and ready to wear!
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glammnaturallyoil · 3 years
12 Must Have Tools to Grow/Style Natural Hair
Keeping and caring for natural hair is no small task. You have to make sure to have the right tools so that your healthy hair will grow to the maximum.
It’s very common to want to just buy everything you come across when shopping for your hair tools: “Oh this looks nice, I’ll have it.” “Oh what’s that? I’ll add it to my tab.” But that’s not how things work, you should be buying tools which you’ll actually use that your hair actually needs.
I’ll be showing you some tools that you must have if you rock your hair naturally; whether it’s for styling or just for your hair’s general upkeep. So whether you’re new to the natural hair life or you’ve been at it for a while, here are some items you need to have to ensure your natural hair game is on point:
Spray Bottle; This one is a necessity, your hair needs as much hydration it can get and the answer to that is a spray bottle because you don’t want to stress yourself out sprinkling water manually on your hair (what if you end up drowning it by mistake? Tragic!)
A spray bottle will not only quench the thirst of your thirsty strands, making them look brand new; you can also use it to apply different natural ingredients or mixtures to your hair evenly. So yes, one spray bottle please! (Or maybe two, four or five😂)
[GlammedNaturally Spray Bottle]
Wide toothed combs; Natural hair can get so tangled up you’ll just lose hope when you’re trying to comb it out and this is why you need a wide toothed comb. Using a small comb can do damage to your hair while detangling, a wide toothed comb on the other hand makes detangling so much easier and is gentler on your hair.
Wide toothed combs allow your hair to glide through without obstruction which makes detangling easier. However, make sure to use a plastic comb (or wooden) and not metal for less friction.
You can also use a Denman brush as they perform the same function.
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Plastic caps; For those days when you apply natural treatment (hair masks) or deep conditioning treatment to your hair, you’ll need a plastic cap to help keep the moisture in and increase maximum retention.
They’re great for covering your hair and locking in moisture. They also prevent moisture from dripping into your clothes or skin.
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Satin bonnet; Another one for the moisture? Yes please! Like I said before (and like I always say), your hair needs all the moisture it can get and night time is not excluded; your hair needs protection even while you sleep. Your cotton pillowcase sucks up moisture out of your hair when you sleep and that’s detrimental to healthy hair - you’ll also wake up with your hair as dry as a desert.[click here to read on some other activities which you do that’s detrimental to your hair growth ]
Silk or satin on the other hand do not snag at your hair or create frizz. If you can’t find a satin or silk bonnet, you can use a silk or satin pillowcase as well.
An old toothbrush; Getting those edges laid is a must to give you that clean look after styling your hair. If you can’t get the edge brush, an old toothbrush works just fine to give you those sleek edges.
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Edge Control; A good edge control or gel product will give you that chic look especially when you’re rocking laid back styles like a high puff or ponytails. They also work to help you keep your baby hairs in check and protected while adding to the beauty of your hairdo.
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Perm rods or flexi rods; The best decision you can make for your natural hair is to decide to keep heat away from it. So how do you achieve those curls? Perm or flexi rods are the way to go to get those curls and they come in different sizes so you can achieve any pattern of styles you want.
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Stretching plates; Now you don’t have to only rock curly hair, stretching your hair opens up a whole new world of styles you can rock. Luckily, with stretching plates, you don’t need to use heat to straighten or blow dry your curls to stretch those curls. Stretching plates are a safer alternative for your hair, as opposed to using heat.
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Hair steamer; This home gadget is essential if you find it hard to get your hair hydrated and you need more than a spray bottle. Moist heat from a steamer helps whatever you apply on your hair get absorbed better by your hair.
It’s easy to use and is a fast way to revive your lifeless and moisture-less hair.
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Microfiber towel; With this towel, you don’t have to worry about your hair getting frizz as this type of towel is way more absorbent than the usual cotton towel. In fact, all you have to do is wrap the microfiber towel around your hair and let it soak the water out - you don’t have to rub your hair.
An alternative to this is a cotton shirt (not towel), use it the same way as a microfiber towel.
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Hair grips/clips or clamps; These are needed when you’re doing any activity that involves sectioning your hair, whether it’s washing and conditioning or you’re just trying to style your hair. It prevents hair that you’re not working on from getting in the way as it’s easier to work on your hair in sections, it also saves you a lot of time.
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Bobby pins; You can never go wrong with a Bobby pin. They’re good for getting your hairstyles in shape or just holding your hair in place.
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Hair pick; If you’re a lover of the ‘fro then this is for you! All you have to do is fluff and puff to your heart’s content and voila!
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There are more tools you should have as a naturalista but these ones above are the essentials. I have also compiled a list of must-have natural products for every naturalista here. Do you think we missed anyone? Tell us below!
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How To Tighten Loose Skin On Arms Naturally
New Post has been published on https://skin-care-routine.com/skin-care-routine/how-to-tighten-loose-skin-on-arms-naturally/
How To Tighten Loose Skin On Arms Naturally
A. How To Tighten Loose, Sagging Skin On Arms
The term “bingo wings” is often used as a joke, but it hides the fact that many men and women worry about loose or flabby skin on their arms. The flabby skin in this area can affect a person’s life – they may be reluctant to raise their arms or wave in public. Loose skin can also determine how comfortable it is – some prefer to overheat in a long-sleeved top rather than exposing their arms.
There are several reasons why you may have sagging skin under your arms. Even those who are thin can suffer from a lack of muscle tone in the upper arm, while others suffer from sagging skin under the arms due to hormonal imbalance as they age, with testosterone deficiency often being cited as the culprit. .
It is also very common for sagging skin to be caused by rapid weight loss, which usually leaves excess skin behind. We often see inspiring stories in the media of people who lost weight with changes in diet and exercise, or through a gastric band, but covering up the excess skin that remains after losing the pounds. Whatever the reason, loose skin on the arms can lead to a lack of self-confidence and low self-esteem for many people. So, what can you do to tighten the loose skin on your arms?
1. Swim regularly
When swimming, always move your arms and do a great low-impact exercise to work out under your arm.
Swimming is recommended for many people because it is very gentle – even for people with arthritis or diabetes.
When swimming, focus on moving your body more with your arms than your legs to increase the toning benefits.
2. Subscribe for pilates or yoga
Both Pilates and Yoga are very gentle, yet effective methods for strengthening your muscles. You can ask the teacher to show you certain movements that would tension your arms and then practice them in the comfort of your home. As a bonus, you will also improve your posture and strengthen your core muscles.
3. Programming in some daily press-ups
Push-ups are of high intensity and test the arm muscles to the limit, which helps to develop more arm muscles along the arm.
Many people avoid push-ups because they simply assume that they cannot. Fortunately, there are several gradations of push-ups that will allow you to perform this exercise without necessarily having significant upper body strength.
If you feel that you cannot do traditional push-ups, try to keep your knees on the floor. If it is too difficult, you can do push-ups against the wall.
4. Add some daily chair dips
Chair diving is something you can easily do at home. Stand with your back to a chair and place your hands behind your back on the front edge of the chair with your fingers. Then lower your body until there is a 90 degree angle between your ankles and your thighs. Keeping your back straight, inhale while your lower body flexes your elbows and exhale while extending your elbows to raise your body.
Safety should come first – there are many videos on YouTube that properly demonstrate this exercise. You also need to make sure that the chair you are using is stable and does not tip over. Ideally, place it against a wall for extra support.
5. Keeping hydrated
If you don’t drink enough water, you will find it difficult to lose fat deposits in your arms. Try to drink at least eight glasses of water (2 liters) a day. In addition, drinking cups of dandelion tea with a pinch of ginger helps to naturally decrease fluid retention.
6. Endermology research
Endermologie is a popular non-surgical treatment and procedure for cellulite that uses mechanical rollers to massage the skin and improve skin tone. It is a very safe procedure with no downtime, but if the skin is loose, the results are likely to be very small and you will need several treatments.
7. Observe the radio frequency
Radio frequency (RF) stimulates the production of collagen and elastin to tighten, lift and tighten the skin. This treatment is best used when the loose skin on the arms is light. You would also need repeated treatments, but the procedure is extremely safe, with no downtime.
8. Watch the coolsculpting
Without anesthesia and without downtime, CoolSculpting is the ideal treatment to tone your arms and target the fat cells under your skin without harming your own skin. The treated fat cells are crystallized (frozen) and then die. Over time, your body naturally processes fat, getting rid of dead cells, making your arms look molded. A consultation will determine if CoolSculpting is the right treatment for you. In addition to firming the loose skin of the arms, it is perfect for toning the thighs, stomach and even the chin.
9. Observe the arm lift surgery (bracioplasty)
If you have tried to reduce and tighten the flabby or flabby skin of your arms through exercise and diet, but have not achieved the desired results, brachioplasty surgery can help tighten the flabby skin on your arm. There are also cases where surgery is the only way to completely remove excess skin – especially if someone has lost a significant amount of weight.
If you are nervous about the idea of ​​surgery, rest assured that this type of plastic surgery will not be considered particularly painful. With proper painkillers and recovery time, discomfort is minimal, so you’ll feel confident to reveal your arms in no time.
  B. 5 exercises to tighten and tone your arms for summer
Add this 10-minute torso routine to your regular workout to exercise your limp arms for the summer. We all have these problem areas that we know about and want to improve. Maybe it’s your belly or your buttocks. For many, arms are at the top of the list, and this is the time of year when that insecurity comes to the fore. The good news is that by adding the right exercises to your exercise routine, you can build your arm muscles very quickly. One of my clients added a 5-minute arm routine to his typical exercise routine and noticed a change after just three sessions. Within a week, she was already feeling more confident in her tops and sleeveless dresses.
If strengthening and toning your arm is on your list of summer goals, add these exercises to your exercise routine three times a week. I recommend doing this with 3-5 pound dumbbells. Remember that some exercises may be easier than others. So there is no problem in switching between weights, depending on what is suitable for your body. My favorite way to put these exercises together is to do a series of 10 repetitions at a time and then repeat the entire circuit three times. At the end, complete a total of 30 repetitions of each exercise.
1. Bicep curls
The biceps curl is the arm exercise par excellence. It strengthens and strengthens the front of the arms, which many people associate with the ability to “flex a muscle”.
To perform this exercise, hold your dumbbells and start with your arms at your sides. Embrace your elbows at your sides, then roll the weights toward your shoulders. Be careful not to swing your arms. (If you need to swing your arms and use momentum to increase weight, you are probably using a very heavy weight). Repeat 10 times, doing 3 sets in total during training.
2. Triceps kickback
Triceps are what people refer to when they say their arms are limp. This is the part of the arm that sways when you wave. (During one of my training sessions for the “Today Show”, Kathie Lee called them bat wings!) To tone this area and reduce “wobble” you need to strengthen the back of your arms. The most basic dumbbell exercise to achieve this is a setback in the triceps. Hold the weights with both hands and lean forward with your back straight. Hug your elbows towards your body and pull them towards the ceiling. Keeping your elbows steady, kick the weight to the back of the room by moving the lower half of your arm back and up towards the ceiling. Hold for a second, feel your arm tighten and then release it back to the starting position. Repeat 10 times and complete a total of 3 sets during training.
3. Hug a tree
This exercise works the biceps from a different angle while working the sides of the chest (and the uncomfortable area under the armpits) and sculpting the shoulders. Keep the weights parallel to the floor at shoulder level. Relax your shoulders and hug your arms towards your body as if you were hugging a tree. Keep your elbows level with your shoulders – don’t let them fall – and make sure your shoulders are raised towards your ears, which means that the weight is too heavy or you are too tired. Repeat 10 times and complete a total of 3 sets during training.
4. Serve the dish
This movement is a three in one movement that works the biceps, shoulder and chest. Start with your arms at your sides and bend your elbows 90 degrees. Extend your arms forward as if you were serving a plate, then extend it to the side in the “T” position, back to the center and pull it towards you again. Keep your palms facing up at all times. Repeat 10 times and complete a total of 3 sets during training.
5. Exercises V
The best toner for the front of the shoulder is exercise V. For this exercise, keep the dumbbells pressed against your hips. Then, extend the weights in an forward and upward angle, draw a V and drop them back down toward your hips. Keep your arms straight throughout the exercise. Repeat 10 times and complete a total of 3 sets during training.
  C. Tips for How to Tighten Loose Skin
We offer products that we believe are useful to our readers. If you buy through the links on this page, we can earn a small commission. Here is our process. Flabby skin can be frustrating and affect self-esteem. While there are many ways to develop loose skin, once you have it, it can be difficult to reverse it.
The causes of loose skin can be:
Weight loss
The effects of aging
Common places where people have loose skin are:
Although cosmetic surgery can help improve flabby skin, there are many options for people who prefer to avoid medical procedures.
These options include:
Firming products
Non-surgical procedures
Weight loss
Here are six ways to stretch loose skin.
1. Firming creams
A good choice for a firming cream is one that contains retinoids, says Dr. Alyson Wells, owner and medical director of Valley Plastic Surgery and Medi-Spa.
Retinoids are chemical derivatives of vitamin A and include:
Retinoic acid
They increase the proliferation, maturation and renewal of skin cells, says Wells.
She also suggests using creams that contain hyaluronic acid, which attracts and retains water molecules. Hyaluronic helps:
Reduce the depth of wrinkles
Increases skin firmness
Reduction of skin roughness
Wells recommends avoiding skin products containing lanolin because the rate of contact dermatitis (skin allergic reaction) associated with it is steadily increasing.
2. Supplements
Although there is no magic pill to repair loose skin, certain supplements can help.
3. Exercise
Increasing muscle mass through strength training exercises can help to reduce the appearance of loose skin, especially if loose skin is caused by weight loss. When excess fat stretches the skin for long periods of time, the skin may lose some of its ability to shrink with weight loss. Replacing this lost fat with muscle mass can reduce the appearance of loose skin.
If you have flabby skin after a recent pregnancy, consult a doctor before exercising, as certain movements may occur that you should avoid. One form of exercise that has not been effective on flabby skin is the facial. Although facial exercises have been popular since the 1960s, little research has shown that these exercises actually help to tighten loose skin.
4. Lose weight
Stubborn oiliness under the skin can make the skin look loose. This type of fat is known as subcutaneous fat. If you pinch the problem area and there is more than a few millimeters of skin, subcutaneous fat will be present. The loss of this oil can tighten the skin.
5. Massage the area
Massaging loose skin can increase blood flow and create an anti-aging response. A Trusted Source study looked at the effects of a skin massage in conjunction with an anti-aging skin cream. The study showed that regular massage with an oscillating massager operated by hand increased the positive effects of the cream. In addition to the massage, you can also use a salt or sugar scrub to increase blood circulation.
6. Cosmetic procedures
Many non-surgical procedures can help with loose skin.
These procedures include:
Chemical peels. Removing the outer layer of old skin can reduce the appearance of loose, flabby or wrinkled skin on the face and neck. After the old skin loosens, the skin underneath is usually less wrinkled and smoother.
Ablative laser treatment. This procedure is also known as “laser peeling”. It is similar to a chemical peel in that it removes the outermost layer of old skin. The laser also heats the layers under the top layer. This heat promotes the production of collagen.
Hardening of the skin by ultrasound. This procedure uses heat to stimulate collagen production. The concentrated ultrasound energy is transmitted through the skin’s surface to heat the deeper layers.
High frequency treatments. This is another form of safe energy transfer that heats the skin to induce collagen production. This method focuses on the outer layer of the skin.
Combined IPL / RF treatments. These treatments combine intense pulsed light (IPL) and radio frequency (RF). The process heats the outer and deep layers of the skin to facilitate collagen production.
Neuromodulators. This treatment is often known as botox. Botulinum toxin, known to relax wrinkles, is injected into the skin. Although not the most holistic procedure, it requires minimal recovery time and reduces the appearance of loose skin when injected into specific areas where the muscles are working in opposition.
All of these are examples of minimally invasive and non-surgical techniques for reducing loose skin. Surgery is also available to remove loose skin. These are called body contouring operations. Body contouring can also be referred to as a folding or lifting operation. They involve making an incision and removing excess fat and skin. These surgeries usually require hospitalization followed by a rest period at home. If other loose skin tightening techniques are not producing the desired results, consult a doctor to determine if body contouring is the right choice for you.
7. Summary
Flabby skin can be problematic, but there are several ways to minimize or reduce it. Collagen is an important factor in skin elasticity. Increasing the body’s collagen production is a way to reduce loose skin. You can also take steps to prevent the development of loose skin, such as:
Use of skin products with aggressive chemicals
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jjthejukebox · 4 years
ilia beauty, the brand that’s beautiful inside and out
HOW WE MET As someone who suffers with rosacea, sensitive skin, and has dealt with raging hormonal breakouts, I’ve become more conscious of what products I use on my face. Post-college, I’ve also started to become more interested in sustainability and learning more about cruelty-free, clean products, and brands.
As the Pandemic went into full swing and I started working from home, I obviously saw no use to wear the heavier foundation and strenuous makeup routine I had been doing for months after dealing with EXTREME hormonal acne. My skin was mostly recovered, only stubborn dark spots remaining.
Once Spring finally arrived, I became pretty secure in not wearing the heavier foundation I had, and wanted to find something lighter, but not triggering for my skin. Believe it or not, I learned about Ilia through my mother, who quickly became a big fan of the Priming Serum and Skin Tint. She let me try one of her samples and just like her, my newfound loyalty to this brand began.
In 2011, Sasha Plavsic started the clean skin-centric beauty brand, along with her younger brother and business partner, Zac Ilia. The duo grew up with their mother who was very keen on health and wellness and very interested in learning more about homeopathic remedies, as her brother suffered from acute asthma and allergies as a child. Although they were told by doctors he would most likely not be able to participate in sports, through a healthy and organic diet, Zac was healed of these issues and was able to go on to compete!
With this background, along with studying design, typography, and working in the beauty industry, Sasha saw there was a need for more products that included safe, effective, and natural ingredients. And that’s how the brand began.
They’re also passionate about becoming more sustainable with their packaging:
“We strive towards more sustainable packaging through the use of recycled aluminum, glass components, and responsibly sourced paper. But it isn’t enough - that’s only the beginning of the product’s life cycle. We believe end-of-life is far more important, to ensure products don’t end up in a landfill”.
- Via their website, https://iliabeauty.com/pages/recycling
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True Skin Radiant Priming Serum (Firming, Smoothing Aloe Infused)
PRICE: $52
DESCRIPTION: Base for makeup application, highlighted ingredients: hibiscus extract, aloe and beta-glucan, silicone-free primer. “Helps to firm, moisturize and soothe skin, while protecting it from harmful environmental factors that cause aging”. “Diminishes the look of pores and fine lines, while improving skin texture on dry down for a silky and soft-to-the-touch feel”.
THOUGHTS: All you have to do is put a couple drops and gently rub it on your face and your face will instantly feel smoothed. It holds Skin Tint well and doesn’t irritate my face. I usually don’t even put moisturizer before or after this! After applying, my skin feels super supple and hydrated. 8/10
Super Serum Skin Tint SPF 40 (Niacinamide, Squalane, Hyaluronic Acid) in ST11
PRICE: $46
DESCRIPTION: 18 different shades, “Boasts SPF 40 coverage with non-nano zinc oxide, safely shielding skin from UVA, UVB, UVC, blue light and infrared rays”. The highlighted ingredients are added specifically to “even tone, soften fine lines and imperfections and dries down to a natural, dewy finish”. Free of Silicone, Fragrance, Chemical Screen, and oil, is non-comedogenic, and safe for sensitive skin.
THOUGHTS: You have no idea how surprised I was by how this skin tint really does TINT well. I figured with most products claiming to be a tint, there would be really minimal coverage, but I was wrong! It completely tones my face and makes my face look one color in a real natural way. I really like the idea of it leaving a dewy finish, but my skin is naturally oily, so I personally like to add a powder to matte it a little. I’ve heard from a makeup specialist that products with SPF tend to be a little oiler, but Ilia does it well! Still a big fan and hope to keep using even as the seasons change. I love how easy it is to figure out my shade too! We gotta love inclusivity!!! 8/10
Liquid Light (Serum Highlighter) in Nova
PRICE: $42
DESCRIPTION: “a unique gel based formula that illuminates, and gives a natural dewy finish to the skin. Vegan and cleanly formulated with a blend of organic and natural botanicals the serum-like consistency melts into skin and provides a boost of freshness on contact with a soft wash of metallic glow. marine actives help protect against UV light and pollution.”
THOUGHTS: Um, hellooooo I had no idea that the highlighter protected from UV light and pollution? Incredible. On top of that really cool fact, it also is incredibly smooth and leaves a really pretty, natural, and glowy finish. We love a highlighter that can truly do it all, my goodness. 8/10
Multi-Stick in Lady Bird
PRICE: $34
DESCRIPTION: “Seamlessly blends into lips and cheeks thanks to a soft, buttery texture that instantly melts upon contact”. Designed for lip and cheek.
THOUGHTS: I really love the idea of multi-sticks. I can be really lazy and simple when it comes to color, so this is product was really ideal to try. The shade Lady Bird seems universally complimentary - a nice little muted pink color, but there’s other shade options too! It’s super easy to use, has a pretty color, but definitely requires a little bit more product if you want it to really pop. Again, like most of Ilia’s products, it is a subtle, natural way to add some color to your cheeks or lips. 7/10
Limitless Lash Mascara
PRICE: $28
DESCRIPTION: “Buildable and flake free — lifts, curls, and strengthens and adds just the right amount of volume for fuller, healthy looking-lashes. This lightweight and nourishing formula is made with a blend of organic bee and carnauba waxes to weightlessly condition each lash, while still keeping them lifted throughout the day”. Has a “dual-sided brush that easily builds in volume and separates with precision”. “Gentle enough for sensitive eyes, includes organic shea butter and fortifying arginine (keratin) to help boost and enhance lash condition in a classic black finish.” Easy to remove.
THOUGHTS: Let me just start off by saying me and mascara have a very interesting history and relationship. I’ve been curling my painfully straight eyelashes since the seventh grade and what I’ve encountered is that most mascaras don’t embrace my curling efforts. I’ll curl my little eyelashes and then once I apply, they tend to fall flat and straight again… I find it super annoying. SO the mascara could be good for other reasons, but if it doesn’t keep my fake curl charade… I will most likely refrain from buying again in the future. This mascara does fall into the category of making my curled lashes flatten out, BUT it has a nice strong color, great for my sensitive eyes, and is super easy to remove! 5/10
Balmy Gloss (Tinted Lip Oil) in Tahiti 
PRICE: $26
DESCRIPTION: “A cushiony, tinted lip oil packed with plumping hyaluronic acid and major moisturizing properties that leaves lips soft, smooth, and anything but sticky, containing Salicornia Herbaceous Extract which is derived from a sea succulent that grows along the shores and marshes of densely salted water”. When used at an active level (theirs is .25%), this ingredient has the ability to boost moisture up to 6000%.
THOUGHTS: Just gonna be honest here, I don’t usually love lip gloss. Actually, I loathe lip gloss, lol. I’m not a big fan of the usual stickiness and how it ends up drying out my lips. Also combined with my oily skin, it just makes me feel like a human oil slick. BUT, this lip gloss is so smooth, has great subtle color, and leaves my lips feeling moisturized and alive. That is always ideal. 7/10 
Not only is the branding truly beautiful, but the products really do live up to the hype! I love that each product includes ingredients that are intentionally added and that they are both clean-focused and effective like they aim to be. This write-up is not sponsored by the brand and none of the products mentioned above were gifted. If you’re looking for clean, simple, and unproblematic makeup products that work, Ilia is the brand to try!
“The time for clean beauty is now. And you can have the best of both worlds. Skincare was first and now it’s colors turn. We are so excited to be on the forefront and we cannot wait to see where this goes”.
Via Forbes Interview with Sasha, Click Here
Website: https://iliabeauty.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iliabeauty/
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gothify1 · 5 years
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The ultimate lash lineup.We could probably curl, comb, and mascara-swipe our lashes in our sleep. We try countless formulas weekly and have pretty high standards as far as what we need from a sleek tube of inky black (or maroon or blue!) magic. Whether it's curl, volume, length, or a majestic mixture of all three, we strive for lashes that look like their best, most-fluttery selves 24/7—or at least when we're wearing makeup. We're not sure how many buzzy formulas we've tried in 2019 alone, but between new to us and new new mascaras, there have been a lot—some of which have made our lash goals soar and some that have fallen flat. So, we're dishing up the dish and sharing our favorites right here and right now. Ahead, I'm sharing the mascara formulas I found and fell in love with this year in addition to the standout formulas that impressed the hell out of some of my fellow co-workers at WWW HQ. Looking for your next mascara PIC? You've come to the right place. Keep scrolling for the best mascaras money can buy right now sorted strategically by goal: length, volume, or curl. This is one of the buzziest new mascaras on the market, and after finally trying it in 2019, I completely understand why. Never has a mascara application been faster or more efficient. With just a few strategic strokes, my lashes looked infinitely longer (like extensions!) with zero smudging, clumping, or flakes. Plus, the formula features the brand's signature Flake-Free Tubing Technology in addition to its special Orchid Stem Cell Complex, which together, do a dang good job of keeping lashes defined, hydrated, and epically curled all day long. I first saw this mascara when my ultimate beauty hero and makeup muse, French makeup artist Violette, began using it regularly during her tutorials. Her lashes looked impossible fanned, long, and defined, and I wanted in on the magic. Folks, this mascara did not disappoint, and I've been carrying it with me everywhere I go—even during this crazy season of travel! I always think the phrase "bedroom eyes" is kind of cringe-y and cliché, but this mascara really delivers just that. Associate Beauty Editor Courtney Higgs and I both agree that Glossier's Lash Slick mascara should honestly surpass Boy Brow as the brand's best product of all time. If you love natural, curled, fluttery, long lashes that are perfectly defined, there honestly is not a better option on the market right now. Plus, it's only $16, so there's that. Oh, and although it's not waterproof, it IS water-resistant so you don't have to worry about smudging or wear-off. Courtney and I were both intrigued about trying this mascara since we love Lorac, and the formula came highly recommended from one of our favorite celebrity makeup artists, Kelsey Deenihan. And, drumroll, we're obsessed. It's virtually impossible to create even the smallest of clumps thanks to the size and shape of the brush, and it instantly makes lashes look about twice the length with expert separation to boot. I'll be the first to admit that prior to trying this mascara from W3ll People, I had a track record of giving all-natural formulas the side-eye. That said, this is one of the best volumizing mascaras I've ever tried, and not just within the natural and non-toxic genre. It has the prettiest inky black color that makes your lashes look lush, full, long, and all-around dreamy. In major beauty news this year, Too Faced dropped its first-ever mascara following the brand's icon status formula, Better Than Sex. My personal opinion? Damn Girl! is even better. The packaging is hot as heck, the finish lasts up to 24 hours, and the formula is chock-full of amazing technology, Whipped Melting Waxes for ultimate layering capability, Lash Suspension Polymers for lift and curl, and Hydrophilic Black for ridiculously inky, fluttery black lashes. I kept seeing makeup artists use this cult-loved volumizing mascara from Chanel, so I finally gave it a go and tried it earlier this year. Since my lashes are long and straight, I typically run into issues with volumizing formulas making my lashes look droopy and clumpy. However, this one from Chanel is one of the few exceptions. I do suggest using an eyelash curler pre-mascara swipe, but despite making lashes look believable fuller, they also stayed lifted and perfectly curled. This is one of those holy-grail makeup items everyone needs to try in their life—the results don't disappoint! A fellow beauty editor and dear friend of mine, Kaitlyn McLintock, is ultra picky about the mascara formulas she uses. When I asked her what mascaras she tried this year that she would deem "absolutely life-changing," she named this buzzy formula from Grande Cosmetics "the best mascara for volume ever." Oh, and not only that, but it also encourages your actual lashes to live their best, longest life thanks to a luxe blend of peptides, panthenols, and natural waxes to nurture each and every hair. If you seek, plump, lush, soft lashes, Laura Mercier's Caviar tube is a game changer. It offers a really flattering glossy finish that keeps lashes soft and butterfly-kiss friendly (no icky stiffness here!) while also creating high-impact, length, and density. There are lots of naughtily named mascaras out there (Better Than Sex, Climax, I could go on and on), yet it's this super-cheeky tube from Stila (one of my all-time favorite makeup brands ever) that got—and held—my attention this year. The name doesn't lie—this formula is surprisingly lightweight and non-clumping while delivering major curl and lash hold. Another fun fact? It contains one-percent diamond power for a true jet-black color payoff and long-term lash-conditioning benefits. One of our beauty-loving copywriters here at WWW HQ says this budget-friendly mascara from Maybelline is one of the best she's ever tried and was a major standout this year in terms of her top makeup pick. "I know I'm late, but because it's wax-based, this mascara ACTUALLY holds the curl all day and makes your lashes look super long and extension-like." My new roomie (and fellow WWW social media editor) Stephanie Limiti recently turned me onto her favorite mascara, which just so happens to be one of the best curling and lifting mascaras of all time—no seriously, I don't know how it took me so long to try it! Inspired by hair rollers, it features a patent-pending Hook ‘n’ Roll brush with teeny tiny custom-designed hooks to catch, lift, and curl every single lash. The application will also last for 12 hours and features lash-living ingredients like provitamin B5 to keep everything in fighting shape. Kevyn Aucoin is one of the rare makeup brands that literally does not make one produt (not one!) that I don't love and recommend. (But really, I should buy stock in the brand.) Thus, even though I was expecting to love its curling mascara, I didn't expect to love it THIS much. It stays put all day and night—sans smudges and flakes—and boasts a protein-based formula that the brand says virtually "shrink-wraps" onto each and every lash as it dries for a separated, thick and curled finish. Truly, it's amazing. Sure, the brush might look a tad scary on this curling mascara from YSL, but it does the job and it does the job well. It has amazing ingredients like coconut, walnut leaf, and bamboo oils to keep lashes conditioned, long, and glossy while also giving crazy curl and definition.  Up next, 3 Holiday Hair Looks You Can Do in Fewer Than 5 Steps
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6 Simple Exercises to Get Bigger Arms In No Time
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Guys, look, if we’re not self-conscious about our abs (or lack thereof!), then it’s our puny little arms that have us looking in the mirror and sighing with disappointment. Ok, maybe I’m being a little dramatic, but seriously, if you’re looking to beef up your arms fast, then try these exercises out! Let’s start with the triceps. These are the muscles that run along the back of your arm from your shoulder to your elbow. A lot of people forget about them, and that’d be a big mistake! You see, your arms aren’t just about the biceps – you know, the one you flex for someone when they wanna feel your “arm muscles.” In fact, your biceps only make up 1/3 of your upper arms – the rest is all tricep! So, the rule of thumb is, if you want really big arms, you need to work on your triceps too, and here are the exercises that’ll help you do it: - Incline Dumbbell Skull Crushers Lie down on an inclined bench with a dumbbell in each hand. Carefully bring your arms up overhead and keep your hands shoulder-width apart. Now, slowly bend your elbows to bring the dumbbells down towards your temples. Your upper arms shouldn’t move, only your forearms. Straighten your arms back out, and that’s 1 rep. You need 3 sets of 12-15 reps each. It might seem like a lot, but the triceps are one of those muscle groups that are hard to work on. So you need more reps to start to feel it. Think of the first 2 sets as a sort of warm-up for your muscles. Just don’t overdo it with huge weights from the get-go. Building up your arms takes time, so be patient! And here’s a cool tip for ya: try to do this exercise at different angles and grips. This will help you target different parts of your triceps (there are 3 of them, hence the whole “tri” thing) so that they get massive in no time! - Reverse Grip Push-ups Here’s a fun spin on traditional push-ups. I’m sure you know how to do a push-up, but here’s a reminder: get on the floor with your arms straight, hands in line with your shoulders, and your feet straight back behind you. Pull your core in – your stomach shouldn’t be hanging down. Now, for the reverse style, you’ll turn your hands in the opposite direction so that they’re pointing more toward your toes. Yeah, it takes flexibility and strength, so this one isn’t for beginners! And if you can’t do it, just work your way up from regular push-ups. You’ll get there in time, don’t worry! Anyway, this style will make the outside part of your triceps really work. Try to do 4 sets of 12-15 reps (or work your way up to that goal). As for the last set, do as many reps as you can with some weights on your back. Again, if you’re new to the fitness game, then work your way up to the weighted version too. This one’s intense, but it helps grow your triceps dramatically! - Cable Tricep Pushdowns Here’s probably one of the most classic and standard moves to build up your triceps. Grab the cable with your hands close together and your palms facing down. Keep your elbows tucked at your sides and bent at a 90-degree angle. Now, straighten your elbows to bring the cable downward. Then, slowly return to the initial position. I’d recommend doing 3 sets of 15 reps for this one. There are also different styles you can do with the cable machine, like facing away from it and doing a similar move like you did in the Dumbbell Skull Crusher exercise. Just pick a style that you like best or do as many different kinds as you want in order to hit all the parts of the triceps. Ok, let’s move on to those biceps. If you want really big bulky biceps, you’ll need to use the progressive overload method. It basically means adding more weight and intensity to your exercises with each set you do. Starting with… - Preacher Curls Sit down on a preacher bench and place your upper arms on the support pad. Make sure your armpits are right up on that pad. (And clean it afterwards!) You can grab an EZ curl bar, dumbbells, or a barbell. Whatever you choose, pull it up towards your chin, hold it there for a second, and then slowly straighten your arms and bring it back down. Don’t straighten your elbows completely or you risk hurting yourself. They should stay slightly bent and parallel to each other – don’t let them point outward. Try to do 4 sets of 12-15 reps to really blast those biceps! - Barbell Curl Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, head up, shoulders back, elbows tucked into your sides, and your chest out. Now, bring the barbell up to your chin by bending your elbows and engaging your biceps. A great thing about barbell curls is that you can put your whole body into the last few reps when your arms are getting kinda tired. In all, it’s best to do 4 sets of 10-12 reps. And don’t forget about that progressive overload thing – add more weight to the bar with each set! - Zottman Curls For your final bicep exercise, you’ll need to grab some dumbbells and hold one in each hand with your arms down at your sides and your palms facing your body. Keeping your elbows locked at your sides, curl the weights up to your chin while turning your palms toward your face. From there, you’ll do a 180 with your hands so that your palms then face outward, and lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position. All this turning might sound complicated, but it’s what targets both the inner and outer parts of your biceps, making them big and bulky all around. You need 4 sets of 10-12 reps. Now, before you run to the nearest gym and overtrain yourself, there are some important things for you to know. All this stuff about big arms and muscles isn’t just connected to lifting weights. One of the essential things here is your diet. Yeah, yeah, sounds so cliché, but hear me out. You need to take in more calories than your body requires right now with your current weight. And the best way to do that is (any guesses?) protein. Hey, athletes don’t chug this stuff down for nothing! More specifically, you need lean protein, which can be found in eggs, nuts, fish, chicken, beef, pork, and low-fat dairy products, to name a few. If you wanna gain inches around your arms, try to consume 1 gram of protein per pound of your body weight. You also shouldn’t underestimate the importance of staying hydrated and well-rested. Water and sleep should be your best friends on your road to huge arms. I know, sounds kinda random, but it makes sense when you think about it. Since you’ll be losing hydration through sweat, you need to replace it by drinking at LEAST 6-8 glasses of water every day. As for sleep, I’m sure you know the drill: 7-8 hours each night. But it’s especially important for people who work out because your muscles need time to chill and repair Read the full article
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9 frizzy hair solutions we actually swear by — for as low as $4
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Got frizz? Then you'll want to get your hands on these hair care products to help smooth your strands. (Photos: Garnier, OGX, UNITE, Oribe; Art by Quinn Lemmers for Yahoo Lifestyle)
For many, frizz feels like an inevitable byproduct of warm and humid weather. In fact, it can sometimes feel like such an inevitability, that some people give up trying to find products and solutions. But you should know that it is OK to have frizzy hair, and you should never feel pressured to tame your flyaways.
“All hair is textured hair and it’s beautiful,” Vernon François, celebrity hairstylist and founder of Vernon François Collection, tells Yahoo Lifestyle. “We’ve been told for too long that it’s not. The idea of a clean, finished look is not everyone’s reality. I think having the power to recognize your versatility and identity is more of a goal that I feel is best suited for humans versus suppressing it to fit into an ideal of someone else’s validation.”
I used to believe that products that claim to treat frizz were gimmicks, especially for people with locs and kinkier hair textures. I remember when my locs first began budding (the beginning stage when your hair starts to swell before condensing), I was told that there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. Once I understood what causes frizz (the cuticle of your hair shaft raising up and trapping in moisture due to dryness), I realized that each of us can do something about it.
So, where do you start? “Less is more,” says François. “Your hair needs its natural oils to retain the best texture for you. Try shampooing every other wash day, or replace your shampoo for a light rinse with your conditioner.”
In addition, make sure you’re paying special attention to ingredients in your products, François says. “Lookout for ingredients geared to restore health and shine to dull strands. Check out treatment oils containing jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, argan oil and antioxidants. Vitamin E is amazing for locking moisture and deeply conditioning the scalp and tresses.”
Kiyah Wright, a two-time Emmy award-winning celebrity hairstylist, agrees that treatment oils can quickly do damage control. “Additionally, olive oil and coconut oil are great alternative ways to hydrate your hair,” she explains. “Coconut oil can be melted down in seconds, applied to the hair and then wrapped your hair with Saran wrap to lock in the moisture. You can do the same thing with olive oil: Saturate your hair with olive oil, wrap it and let it sit overnight. These are great quick fix remedies.” Of course, Wright warns there are also ingredients you should stray away from, such as products that contain silicones and heavy alcohol contents.
Ready to see some of our favorite frizzy hair solutions? Read on.
For intense hydration: TRESemmé Moisture Rich Conditioner
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TRESemmé Moisture Rich Conditioner (Photo: TRESemmé)
TRESemmé’s conditioner not only revives dry and damaged hair (it’s enriched in that blessed vitamin E), but it’s also a great solution for color-treated hair and a variety of hair textures. The formulation is lightweight and washes out quickly, ensuring that your strands are moisturized but not weighed down with product. This conditioner comes bottled up as 39 fl. oz. for less than six dollars, so you can go in liberally without breaking the bank.
Shop it: $6, walmart.com
For curly, coily or wavy hair textures: Cantu Shea Butter for Natural Hair Sulfate-Free Cleansing Cream Shampoo
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Cantu Shea Butter for Natural Hair Sulfate-Free Cleansing Cream Shampoo (Photo: Cantu)
Cantu’s cleansing shampoo is a dream come true for the girl looking to keep her hair hydrated and clean. Not only is it sulfate-free, which helps reduce breakage and overstripping of the hair cuticle, but ingredients like glycerin and pure shea butter actually hydrate your strands as you wash without leaving behind filmy residue.
Shop it: $5, walmart.com
For straight hair: Garnier Fructis Style Extreme Control Anti-Humidity Hairspray
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Garnier Fructis Style Extreme Control Anti-Humidity Hairspray (Photo: Garnier)
Even with straight hair, frizz can happen. Garnier’s anti-humidity hairspray provides an extra firm hold that can last up to 24 hours, thanks to its bamboo extract ingredients and added frizz protection. This hairspray is perfect for when you’re on the go and don’t have time for touch-ups throughout the day. For an additional hold, use this spray with a bristle brush to lay down pesky flyaways.
Shop it: $4, walgreens.com
For drying all hair types: Aquis Rapid Dry Lisse Hair Turban
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Aquis Rapid Dry Lisse Hair Turban (Photo: Aquis)
Whereas a cotton towel causes friction on the hair, this microfiber turban reduces drying time (and the need for a blow dryer) by absorbing as much moisture as possible when you get out of the shower. Because it helps dry hair quickly and without heat, the microfiber fabric blocks friction that can result in frizz.
Shop it: $30, aquis.com
For styling thick, coarse curls: Oribe Styling Butter Curl Enhancing Crème
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Oribe Styling Butter Curl Enhancing Crème (Photo: Oribe)
If you’re searching for a styling product to revive your parched curls, Yahoo Lifestyle beauty director Dana Oliver swears by this new curl crème from Oribe. Formulated with a hydrating combination of murumuru, mango and cocoa seed butters, as well as moisture-retaining wheat amino acids, a little bit of this goes a long way to help define coils and fight frizz.
Shop it: $46, nordstrom.com
For dry and coarse hair textures: OGX Renewing Argan Oil Of Morocco Extra Strength Penetrating Oil
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OGX Renewing Argan Oil Of Morocco Extra Strength Penetrating Oil (Photo: OGX)
This oil is ideal for applying post-shampooing and conditioning. Made with the intensely-hydrating Moroccan argan oil, the product deeply penetrates the shaft of hair to moisturize and seal the cuticle, making hair stronger and protected from future heat damage. Pro tip: Warm up in the microwave for a DIY hot oil treatment.
Shop it: $9, ulta.com
For relaxed or natural hair types: Head and Shoulders Royal Oils Deep Moisture Masque Conditioner
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Head and Shoulders Royal Oils Deep Moisture Masque Conditioner (Photo: Head & Shoulders)
This deep moisture hair mask is not only a favorite of Wright, but also a favorite of mine. The rich formulation works to restore moisture and provide long-lasting scalp relief without stripping away your natural oils. It’s also thick enough to deeply penetrate your hair no matter how thick your hair may be. I especially like using this treatment every few weeks to restore moisture in my color-treated locs.
Shop it: $9, walmart.com
For detangling: UNITE 7 Seconds Detangler Leave in Conditioner
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UNITE 7 Seconds Detangler Leave in Conditioner (Photo: UNITE)
Not only is this leave-in conditioner’s formula light, but it detangles all types of textures — from ultra-fine to thick — within a matter of seconds. With a variety of ingredients that condition, control frizz, conditions and adds volume, this detangling spray is literally a must-have for those humid, muggy days.
Shop it: $15, walmart.com
For hair prep before blow-drying: Alterna Haircare Caviar Anti-Aging Smoothing Anti-Frizz Blowout Butter
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Alterna Haircare Caviar Anti-Aging Smoothing Anti-Frizz Blowout Butter (Photo: Alterna Haircare)
This anti-frizz product is perfect for all hair types prior to using thermal tools. Not only does it melt from a cream to oil to penetrate the hair shaft, but it also protects your hair from heat styling and humidity thanks to pure caviar extra, omega 3 fatty acids and vitamins A, C and D.
Shop it: $27, ulta.com
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