#what a transparently racist thing to say
babsaros · 1 month
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wow this is fucking heinous
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virtue-boy · 10 months
I love blocking hysterical gen X Americans who clearly have never opened the Wikipedia for another country but have every congressperson memorized and post about how Biden is doing praxis and that leaders making their positions clear to the voting and tax paying public would be "performative posting". And like, shaming people who I guess embarrassed themselves by daring to openly express their demands and desperation instead of just sitting back and hallucinating that their outwardly hostile overlords were secretly doing everything they wanted behind the scenes while literally saying the exact opposite. Good lord just wear your target rainbow socks and watch your sitcoms and sit in your suburban house and pat yourself on the back for being actually the best citizen of all because you recognize that citizens actually have no place in political speech or culture and have no right to make any type of demand over our gracious benevolent philosopher statescraft kings.
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fairuzfan · 4 months
I think like there's such a transparent lack of sympathy for Palestinians that you start to care about October 7th and you don't even question what life was like for Gazans before October 7th like you guys are so racist you only cared about gaza and hamas when you got affected or you FEEL like you got affected in some cases. Like you never had the same level of outrage or anger towards 'israel' that you do hamas despite the siege lasting for 15+ years and Palestinians regularly lost their lives and jobs and futures and were imprisoned on literal terrorism charges for donating to Palestinians. Online isn't everything I didn't talk about Palestine on this blog much but I'm so so exhausted after more than 6 months of being online seeing news of massacres after massacre and then zionists on here and on Twitter and Instagram and threads (???? Why is threads even relevant????) talking about how BDS sucks and how they hate hamas and how they think Palestinians are overreacting and lying about their death tolls or trying to link antisemitism to Palestinians as an intrinsic value they hold or something the Free Palestine movement is about. I even feel guilty for saying this because what's that compared to experiencing those terrible things like being starved and killed firsthand but like idk. Some of you are just so cruel. None of you willing to see you have a direct impact to how Palestinians are being treated in Gaza. Idk it's just bugging me more than usual tonight.
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notaplaceofhonour · 4 months
Understanding Alex Jones’s place in the Bush-era anti-war scene would do the left a lot of good in understanding (and not repeating) similar mistakes that the current anti-war scene is making today.
For those who aren’t old enough to remember, there was actually a time when Alex Jones had a decent amount of goodwill on the far left. He was obviously always a lunatic conspiracy theorist, and most everyday people saw him as such, but there was a significant enough portion of the anti-war left that liked him, that actually promoted InfoWars, appeared on AJ’s show, and linked arms with him at anti-war protests.
Without the momentum that his Bush-era popularity gave him, Jones would not have become a recognizable or relevant media figure like he did. The model InfoWars pioneered, which helped pave the way for the entire far right griftosphere that sprang up around it—from Breitbart to OAN & the Epoch Times to the sea of smaller Q-fluencers—owes its success in part to this diagonal reach across political lines. The extreme right wing conspiracy theory platform that has all but consumed the GOP would not have been able to gain nearly as much of a foothold if it were not for the years of work InfoWars & outlets like it did to normalize it in the Bush years.
Obviously I am not going so far as to say “The Left Is Solely Responsible For Alex Jones™️”. But much of the anti-war/anti-government left absolutely participated in helping him rise to prominence. They were willing to jump in bed with Jones without paying attention to his work or else were willing to turn a blind eye to who Jones was, all because he was saying things that were convenient to their cause. It didn’t matter that he was a rightwing or grade-A bigot; he opposed the US government & the war.
And I’m fully aware that there’s a common refrain among a lot of that “I used to listen to InfoWars” section of the left that would push back against this and say, “well, yeah, Jones is obviously a fascist now, but back then he wasn’t like that; he was kooky back then, sure, but the pre-Sandy Hook, pre-Gay Frogs Jones wasn’t nearly as bigoted or rightwing as the ‘Hillary For Prison’ Trump-era Jones became”.
To that I say, no, that’s bullshit. If you actually go back and listen to his show from back then… holy shit. He was homophobic as fuck. He was racist as fuck. The entire NWO/Globalist framework that he hangs all his other conspiracy theories on is built around antisemitic tropes from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion he regularly hosted & promoted explicit antisemites like his pastor Texe Marrs, who openly espoused that Jews (often named as such) controlled the world politically, financially, and religiously through Zionism, a global banking cartel, and Communism. In some ways, Jones was even more transparent then than he is now.
“Okay, but what does this have to do with the current anti-war movement?” I hear you say. “I never fell for Alex Jones; I’ve always hated that guy.”
To begin with, you should be on the lookout for the internal biases and lack of vetting that lead the left to tolerate Jones in the first place, whether you think you’re liable to or not (arguably, it is all that much more important when you think you aren’t, because you are never more susceptible than when you think you aren’t). But unfortunately much of the anti-war left of today has been making the same mistake, just with different people and organizations.
Take for instance Jackson Hinkle, a tradcath & self-described “MAGA Communist”, who has gotten a lot of traction with the leftwing anti-Zionist crowd (and I would be remiss not to mention, has also been a guest on InfoWars). Or take another AJ, the media outlet Al Jazeera, which says a lot of things that are attractive to the left out one side of its mouth while spewing a bunch of rightwing theocratic garbage out the other, much like Bush-era InfoWars did. Take PSL/ANSWER (Pro-Putin Pro-Assad Pro-Xi atrocity denialists & conspiracy theorists) are one of the most common fixtures of the current protest movement, regularly advertised as organizers by other prominent organizations like JVP & SJP. A lot of people on the left have been embracing figures and organizations that espouse Khazar Theory, Deicide, Media Control, and Blood Libels not at all dissimilar to the accusations you could hear from Jones and his pastor friend Texe Marrs, with the same figleaf of “anti-Zionism” that Marrs frequently used himself.
Whether by sheer ignorance or willfully turning a blind eye, the left keeps making the same mistake of tolerating & even embracing figures & organizations with similarly noxious politics & conspiracy thinking now that was made with Bush-era InfoWars. We need to do better. We need to learn from the past so we can stop repeating its mistakes.
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laikabu · 5 months
I think what fundamentally tips me off abt the shuro discourses is that there's this common sentiment of "marcille should get pissed and chew shuro out for "chasing" falin/being mean to laios, give shuro what he deserves" which is just hilariously transparent on how self-righteous and projecting the ppl saying these things are bc it is so clearly not actually abt what falin and laios want. Yknow, a big theme in dunmeshi! I'd forgive ppl for not knowing abt the extra, but falin outright says she needs to make decisions and take stands for HERSELF and she amicably turns shuro's proposal down, which he accepts. She's not being preyed on or being taken advantage of and so she doesn't need some defense against what is very much an imaginary offense to make shuro look bad. And laios does the same! Laios beats shuro up and they come out with their grievances on the table and all honesty there, and they are explicitly on good terms by the end! The siblings clearly like him and see value in their relationships with him despite any conflict they had. That literally should be the end of it.
(Also, not a fan abt the way white fans want to write off the micro aggressions and "forgive" laios for something they have no room saying anything abt! Acting like it's impossible for him to be racist when there's a bonus comic of him (and falin) outright talking abt "savage" people on his hometown's mountains that were "barbarians" they killed onsight! Given this manga's emphasis on cultural disconnect you'd think we'd be smarter abt this!)
exactly LOL throughout the whole manga the touden siblings treated shuro with kindness and respect even after the big fight, so i'm really confused about the hostility towards him?💀
i noticed that in the anime, kabru doesn't actually give his name out at all, and all instances of laios saying kabru's name correctly were scrubbed, so i'm curious if this has anything to do with changing the "kapru" joke somehow since they did consult kui in changing small scenes. i guess we'll find out tomorrow.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 6 months
by Brendan O’Neill
And yet there is something off, even something nauseating, in all the Western finger-wagging. It isn’t only Cameron. US president Joe Biden has also weighed in, saying he is ‘outraged’ by the killing of the aid workers. You can’t help but wonder whether he directed similar outrage at his own nation’s military when 37 Afghanis at a wedding party, mostly women and children, were killed by mistake in a US airstrike.
‘Stop killing Afghan civilians’, the then president of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, said to the newly elected US president, Barack Obama. And who was Obama’s vice-president? Biden, of course. You would think a man whose own military has killed huge numbers of people in error would understand that these things happen, even if every decent person would rather they didn’t.
Vast numbers of civilians have been killed by accident by the US in recent years. At another wedding party in 2004, this time in Iraq, 11 women and 14 children were killed by American fire. Was there a ‘full, transparent explanation’ for that calamity?
Terrible accidents happen in war. That’s because war is hell. If you hate the war in Gaza, as you should, then you should aim your ire at Hamas, the virulently anti-Semitic terror group that started this war with its pogrom against the people of southern Israel on 7 October. The seven decent souls of World Central Kitchen would be alive today had Hamas not taken the decision to visit its racist barbarism on the Jewish State.
For once war starts, error becomes unavoidable. There are few wars in history – none, perhaps – in which innocents have not perished in the violent maelstrom. What is striking about Israel’s mistake is that it is not being treated as ‘friendly fire’ at all. Instead it is held up as proof of Israel’s evil, evidence of its malevolence.
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gatofresaaa · 8 months
look, guys, i know that farleigh isn't the main character in saltburn and is supporting cast at best, but truth is—i’d loved if they’d explored the queer and racial aspects of his character because there’s a lot of material there that they could’ve worked with. god, how i would’ve loved if they’d just given him five more minutes of screen time for that. but just like in the plot, no one really cares about farleigh, do they? because it’s not his story and it’s not his house.
but like- theres just so much to say about a queer and colored character in 2006-2007, y’know? at that point in time, being queer and colored was still seen as horrible and something to make fun of. and, like, farleigh is so extra, somewhat effeminate and just downright scandalously fashionable for an era where men were severely toxically masculine and wore double popped collars and relatively simple clothes. i’m sorry but… you’re telling me that nobody ever said anything about this man?
not only that, but he’s a black/mixed man in a predominately white university/space. i mean, huh? people were massively racist in 2006-2007, especially in places like britain (and you can’t tell me otherwise because we all know it’s true).
but, sure, let’s entertain the possibility that he might be in the closet, okay? yeah, whatever, i don’t care. but the doors are glass!! not even opaque glass or something like that, they’re plain see-through, transparent glass doors.
no one, NO ONE said anything? and he’s still popular as fuck just because he was felix’s cousin? people still talked shit about oliver at oxford even when he was felix’s friend but we never heard a single thing about farleigh. and that may be because he wasn’t given enough screen time for that, but it doesn’t matter.
what i’m trying to say is that they had so much material and they wasted it by not making the movie about him.
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aces-and-angels · 5 months
i love the self-reflection going on in regards to checking yourselves for your own internal biases and in the spirit of that- i want to address one last thing.
the FIRST step in taking accountability is admitting what you've done is wrong. fully and transparently. apologies are a commitment made to those who have been wronged that you'll do better. they need to explicitly showcase what was wrong and who needs to own up to their wrongdoings (if you know anyone who needs to, ofc). otherwise it's only an apology made to save face so you can feel better and move on. not for the people affected.
so as someone done wrong, hear me when i say this:
whitewashing any canonically poc character is racist. supporting content that whitewashes poc characters is racist. and if you genuinely want to take accountability, you'll need to admit this out loud. fully and transparently for everyone to see:
bryce lahela from open heart was whitewashed. bryce lahela is an indigenous hawaiian person. [insert your name here] endorsed/supported fanart that whitewashed bryce lahela by [insert what you did here].
and before y'all start with the "i want to protect people's privacy" or "allow people the opportunity to acknowledge it themselves"--
being vague in your apology does no one any favors. it gives people an out. a reason to believe that whatever it is you're saying sorry for doesn't involve them. if they genuinely are unaware, you saying it out loud point blank period will go a long way.
thank you for listening 🖤
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fiercynn · 1 year
you know what’s fucking wild? when @end-otw-racism’s first action started in may, they were incredibly clear that they had narrow and specific demands for the otw, and that their demands were commitments the otw had already made. if you need a refresher, here are their demands:
Harassment policies that can be regularly updated to address both on-site harassment and off-site coordinated harassment of AO3 users, with updated protocols for the Policy & Abuse Team to ensure consistent and informed resolutions of abuse claims
A content policy on abusive (extremely racist and extremely bigoted) content; by abusive, we are talking about fanworks that are intentionally used to spread hate and harassment, not those that accidentally invoke racist or other bigoted stereotypes
Hiring a Diversity Consultant within the next 3-6 months
Committing to a policy of transparency on this topic, with quarterly updates on the progress of these projects including challenges and their plan for overcoming those challenges. These quarterly updates should be published on OTW News page and newsletters, not solely discussed in Board meetings
and despite the fact that these were taken specifically from the otw’s own commitments, a lot of people immediately decided that this was an overreach on the campaign’s part. they fabricated supposed secret agendas that the campaign must have; they invoked slippery slope fallacies to say that this would lead to mass content removal for anything on ao3 that even skimmed the line of racism; they claimed to know who was leading the campaign and tried to discredit the campaign based on that, because they claimed that those people had larger agendas.
despite all of that, otw themselves came out reaffirming their commitment to these priorities. which is great, but that was not the end of the work, because those commitments were made by the existing board, which is about to turn over in the upcoming board elections. it's essential to hold the incoming board accountable to the previous board's commitments.
but when @end-otw-racism’s second action around otw board elections has continued to keep those specific, clear demands in their focus, they’re getting hounded for it from the other side: by people claiming that this analysis they did of the otw board candidates – in which eotwr made it clear that they were looking at whether the candidates talked about any of the eotwr demands or not – was racist for not counting the work asian candidates raised around reaching out to non-western and non-english speaking fans as fulfilling eotwr’s demands.
(which, let’s be clear, they don’t! issues around access for non-western and non-anglophone fans, around the way chinese and chinese diaspora volunteers have been mistreated by otw, around translation, are all worthy issues to be pushing on. eotwr has even uplifted some of them. but they are separate from eotwr's core demands.)
so first eotwr is overreaching and trying to bring down every fanwork that could be even slightly misconstrued as racist, even though they’ve always been clear about their narrow and specific goals…and now they’re racist for not addressing every form of racism, even though they’ve always been clear about their narrow and specific goals?
it is completely valid for eotwr to look at the board candidates’ platforms and say “they did not mention these things that we are looking for”, because the things that eotwr is looking for are commitments otw has already made. it is not eotwr picking out certain “keywords” that they’d like to see – they are looking at whether potential incoming board members are prioritizing those specific commitments and will uphold them. and otw has had those commitments for three years! this is not new stuff!
also, if you read that analysis again, eotwr is not even criticizing the candidates for not mentioning their demands! they are simply pointing out what we can glean about the candidates from their platforms and bios, because the platforms are the main information we have about the board candidates right now. eotwr has been incredibly clear that they want to talk to candidates and learn more about their priorities. they've also been clear in urging other people to come up with their own analyses of the board candidates, and they have in fact reblogged and uplifted other people’s perspectives on the candidates.
i cannot stress enough that we need more folks in this space to be pushing on anti-racism, and eotwr having a narrow scope is not a bad thing. there is endless work to be done, and others who disagree with eotwr’s tactics should start their own campaigns! eotwr literally only started like two months ago with a call to action. it’s very possible to emulate them and push for parallel priorities.
advocacy work also needs groups with different tactics and approaches. my day job is in climate change advocacy, and we do our most effect work when multiple organizations are representing different perspectives and pushing in different ways. i'd love to see that kind of advocacy ecosystem built up in fandom.
but right now, eotwr is the only campaign i know of trying to do large-scale anti-racism work around otw at all. and to actively push against the campaign because you think it’s racist to focus on specific goals and gently critique board candidates based only on those specific goals? is, i'm sorry, fucking ridiculous.
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graysparrowao3 · 1 month
Ramazith's Tower Post-Game Head Canon, Part 2
As before, reposted from Twitter/X fun discussion, this time regarding the legality and possibility of the trio keeping the tower after moving in. CW: Discussion of anti-tiefling racism in the context of BG3/D&D lore.
I feel like there may be wider lore I'm missing that could say otherwise… but my intuition is that taking over the tower "just like that" doesn't seem to be that much of a problem, at least, Lorroakan managed to get away with it pretty easily and he’s a transparent idiot.
I wonder if the problem long term for the trio is less about taking over the tower per se, and more about bigotry over who they are as people. They’re tieflings and refugees – some Baldurians couldn’t handle them getting food, never mind inclusion and opportunity.
Using wealth in the tower and rebuilt shop and making any plans regarding ownership, taxes, etc., Rolan would be shrewd enough to make it all work – though perhaps drowning in red tape and paperwork is one of those things that has him working exhausting late nights.
I can see the interaction of the two: Rolan finding out that Lorroakan managed to weasel his way around any bureaucracy, and having to both deal with the consequences of that as well as never being given the leniency and breaks that were afforded to the human.
Lorroakan wasn’t well liked and, yes, the Heroes of Baldur’s Gate helped in his demise, but I imagine there’s going to be some racist Aradin types harassing the front of the store for a bit, especially in the immediate aftermath as things rebuild and people look for scapegoats.
You’ve got the local populace who just lost loved ones and homes, and Rolan appears with suddenly more resources than he knows what to do with and one of the fanciest homes and businesses around. They aren’t going to care about him, his story, or anything else, they’re just going to be pissed at him getting "a handout".
Assuming Hero and Co are around, maybe that’s something they could help with, leveraging their power as a more central role in saving the city to publically endorse the new owner of the tower or do a “quest”, so to speak, to help him out regarding city politics & procedure.
I don’t think it would be easy, but I think the three would keep the properties and be successful in it. If nothing else, it’s a massive fuck you to Lorroakan and everyone that wanted them to fail, though of course it’s more than that also.
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transmutationisms · 11 months
I feel as though the issue w/ white supremacy is that even though it’s quite transparent on the internet a lot of the time it’s so deeply embedded in academia that it becomes impossible to progress or publish in certain disciplines if you’re not in contact with the right people who often espouse those beliefs :( I went to a prestigious institution and the classics department (and the history, and philosophy, etc.) was full of racist right-wingers! And the only way to progress was to get along with them. And then their research/ideas is what makes it into the mainstream so normal people who aren’t familiar with the discipline end up espousing these beliefs without realizing that they’re used to underpin racist rhetoric :( whole thing’s quite saddening
yeah this is one consequence of the patronage structure of academia. even if the faculty in your department were communists, the institution is not. the peer reviewers at journals and university publishers are not. the currents in the field are still going to be tilted toward respected, established names, who climbed the ladder in network with one another, promoting one another's work and ideas. academic publishing rewards novelty, but only within the accepted epistemological paradigm. if you want to say something that actually challenges the fundamental premises of the field / discipline / institution, you're fighting your mentors and superiors and employers every step of the way. and this affects every single field to be clear, from 'hard' sciences to humanities. this is how academic 'consensus' is produced. ofc there are many different factors that can determine which positions are accepted by those in power and established as the root of a discipline, but yea white supremacy and the defence of ruling class interests are pretty fucking major ones.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Thank you for calling what the Heartstopper author said racist. People need to understand that their morally superior stances are often based in being xenophobic. It IS racist to say queer content made by specific cultures are an erotic fetish. Not sure how or why so many “anti racist” zoomers think it’s okay to be racist against Asian people specifically. Our cultures are “backwards” to you them huh? It’s so transparent what they think of us but are dressing their disgust with what they don’t even understand to reassure themselves.
“I like this Asian art and story so I’m going to be influenced by it but my own perspective is morally superior so I can take what I want from these culture and “correct” them.
So you know. Colonialism. Of fucking queer art of all things. The irony tho.
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neechees · 18 days
CC: racism is alive and well here on tiktok, where random accounts will make up bullshit demographics for slides only to promote their shady link tree sales, but will also allow racism to run rampant and go unchecked in the comments because it gets their accounts more clicks, and then will also delete any comments that call them out for racism or their bullshit! I don't know why they deleted MY comments of me pointing out the misinformation they were spreading and that they were deleting my comments, but they didn't wanna delete the comments of people saying Native Americans are quote unquote, "basically Asians". So um, you know, fuck you, go fuck yourself.
I thought I'd bring this here, because tiktok literally removed my video not even an hour of it being up. For context, this was me calling out a tiktok account with thousands of followers @/eyeelixir on tiktok, where all their videos are just creating slides of people with various "phenotypes" (they even have a whole Playlist with this title) and then creating random, percentages claiming that's what those demographics were with no sources. For example, the first slide claimed that 0.8% of the world's population was mixed race with a "Native American/Asian" ethnic background, (and obviously this cant be true considering how low of a population Native Americans take up in general), and then showed a photo of an Alaskan Inuk woman (with no record showing she was mixed race or Asian), as well as actor Eddie Speads, who is not mixed race nor Asian, he is Lakota. While the account left my comment up that neither of these people were mixed or Asian, they deleted my comments elaborating on this as well as me pointing out that they deleted my comment & were likely using misinformation for clicks and to attract customers. However, they did not feel the need to take down multiple comments of tiktokers being racist & also spreading misinformation such as that Native Americans are "actually Asian" (& they're doing this because tiktok's algorithm is based on interaction, so more comments = more views = more people buying from them).
The tiktok account in general is VERY shady since literally ALL their videos tell viewers to go to their link tree to buy makeup products & are encouraging people to "collab" for modeling, but their linktree ONLY shows their social media accounts (a tiktok & a youtuve) & then where they are selling the products, but there is 0 transparency on their "company" (or what theyre trying to look like), who runs the account, any contact information, where the money goes or what they do, etcetera. Normally i wouldn't do this kind of thing since I'm such a tiny tiktoker, but I found it especially insidious since this whole tiktok account makes content off of people's ethnicities, fetishizing mixed race people, and lying, but they cant be bothered to get rid of racist comments because they want more viewers and more potential customers. If you see this tiktok account report it, and don't buy anything from them.
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selfshipbox · 3 months
welcome to selfship box!
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This is a blog dedicated to collecting everything for selfshippers that you could need. With it, I hope to share several types of blogs and posts for everyone, such as imagines blogs (especially ones with specific audiences), commissions geared towards selfshippers, ask games, and even more! I am always looking for more things to add to this, so please feel free to send me any blogs or posts my way! My askbox is open, and I will keep anon on as long as everyone is civil and respectful.
Please see all imagines blogs recommended here.
#ask memes
#post discussions
#ship templates
#mod talk
This blog’s BYF is under this cut. Please enjoy your stay here!
Before you follow:
Absolutely no proshippers, no matter what you call yourselves. Proship, comship, darkship, whatever, you are absolutely not welcome here. No “neutral” stance either. If you are any of these things and you interact, I will block you from this blog.
I will also block anyone who ships with characters that are outright horrible, such as canon abusers, rapists, and nazis.
I do not support the following and will block you if you do or ship with characters from them: HP, South Park, Vivziepop works, AOT
And, this goes without saying, if you show to be a racist, sexist, homophobe, transphobe, whatever it may be, I will block you. And absolutely no Zionists.
For transparency’s sake my main is @/faulix, my name is Felix, I used he/it pronouns, and I am an adult (27)
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ca-suffit · 3 months
lestat came out of s1 looking like the “big bad” whereas for s2 it was armand. i have no doubt that this isn’t the long term vision for his character and you know that at minimum, daniel’s turning will be explored properly in flashbacks and i imagine that whole relationship/storyline will give a lot of depth to his character.
ya, I def think a lot is going to be explored for armand in S3. the relationship breakdown had to occur before anything could be examined more at a distance for anyone.
what I need the fandom to keep an eye out for is the ways that Nalyra and Virginia are using this to play victim and still say racist shit. there's no reason to not be able to talk about this all objectively between the characters and incorporate race into all of it as well. it's always been easy to do that. but the two of them fan the flames so much and I need ppl to stop falling for it.
they (and whoever else in their mindset) need to stop acting like anyone needed to overly defend lestat in the first place. the white guy is always gonna be fine bcuz nobody is aiming racist shit at the white guy. the white guy is always gonna be the fan fav in any fandom. armand is not gonna survive the same. the way they talk about lestat is as if his character was "assassinated," when the series has now admitted all of this (1x5) rly happened and was his fuck up. they're still playing his innocence up a lot tho. they have selective hearing, even when things come right from sam reid himself. and to talk about armand now it's always "well we told u he's bad, he's always been bad, we luv him cuz he's bad." ppl don't talk about white armand that way, his background of abuse is brought up more the way they do with lestat now too. it's not acting like the "badness" is just his personality, the way they do with brown armand. it's so transparent what's going on.
the characters are the characters but any analysis and any posts made to the fandom need to still acknowledge the character's races and the way the fandom comments on it. without doing all of that, it's just useless garbage. this stuff doesn't exist in a vacuum and ppl need to be calling it out more and shutting these ppl the fuck up.
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demonqueenart · 3 months
Hello, I been engaging with your posts/anons for about a week now and I just wanted to share my opinion/advice as a latam fan, I am so supportive of raising inclusivity in this space and the community education has already been so helpful, but in my opinion setting the precedent of guilty until proven innocent is not a healthy fandom environment. Their content is a form of escapism and entertainment for people and the community should be a source of joy and inclusion and in the face of racism we should speak out to support that inclusion but I do not want to be judge and executioner that’s not what I signed up for as a fan. If they mess up the healthy option should be for everyone to individually decide to disengage with their content or help them educate themselves/the fandom for the better. You seem to be conflicted between “they are malicious racists” “I don’t know who they are” and “this is a space not to cancel them but educate them” and I think it’s your pejorative to do what you want with your space but I am afraid I can’t in good faith engage or endorse where the conversation has been going. The recent anons seem to seek validation from you by thinking the worst possible scenario and the last discussions about Palestine made me feel very negative about this fandom, defending their every move blindly is wrong, but so is looking for mistakes in everything they do as potential proof they were evil all along. Thank you for your earlier discussions, I appreciated learning about so many fans in latam, Asia and Africa I can support.
I’m sorry. I guess I didn’t mean to paint them in bad light, but I guess that's what you do when you stop believing in them. When I realized that all these things are something that they’re aware of and could easily do, it broke something in me. I tried my hardest to educate them and every other out there so that some kind of action could be taken. But it’s very hard to believe that they weren’t maliciously doing this when I made it so safe for them to talk about it, yet they chose to ignore this. Of course, there is no confirmation whether or not they see it, and these things take time to come through anyway. But I keep asking myself, what if I do everything I can and yet they still ditch us like we’re nothing? What if this is just something they don’t stand for?
You are right, I should be more patient with this. It’s just so hard to believe that they couldn’t even get a single apology out for the 3rd world country comment when all they have to say is just, that it was taught in school. Or just show some kind of care for other parts of the world when they’re going on tour by keeping us updated or being more transparent about things. Why would they keep ignoring us when we’re hurt like this? All these things can be done with a single short apology, and yet..
So I don’t know what to believe anymore, is what I’m trying to say. Honestly, the only thing that still keeps me having faith in them is that Anon commented where they said it might take time for them to come through. I want to be proven wrong, I don’t want to see them in bad light. But right now, I can’t do it alone. So if any of you can help me still have faith in them, I would really appreciate it. Everything just hurts too much for me right now, I’m afraid to trust them again
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