#what a phenomenal show ohmygod
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from Niall's IG stories
my showwwwwwww
as of 9:58 am edt on Tuesday, June 11th, 2024
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pinazee · 3 months
Black and Tan: A Crime of Fashion
The MELANIE LYNSKY episode! (Or at least thats what i call it. upon seeing her on screen for 0.2 seconds i knew she was going to get pretty big. She’s such a phenomenal actress.) I honestly lowkey shipped her with shawn. She was so sweet and i feel like it brought out some of the sweet in shawn too. Shes also a character i wish would come back one day, like they do a murder mystery movie and they’re on her yacht or something idk shes really good friends with them all still, they could make it happen :)
Lassie has given up. He has resigned himself to his fate that Shawn will always be up in his shit for the rest of eternity.
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why am i surprised he knows the name of the model in downtown Santa Barbara and is a huge fan? Im starting to see why Gus is single. He gets way too obsessed, but also, Shawn wasn’t kidding when he told that one chick he was willing to change everything about himself. This also adds a nice layer to Gus’s character because we see part of him wants that exclusivity and prestige. He wants to feel like someone others admire, which is brilliantly contrasted with Shawns more down to earth not really caring what others think vibes.
And speaking of contrasts, i love this bit; not only because its funny, but because it feels like a great metaphor for how shawn and gus approach life. Gus is trying so hard to win and Shawn doesn’t care and the outcome is the same.
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And i think its so funny whenever Gus gets so obsessed with whatever world their exploring hes pretty much useless and Shawn has to be the rational one.
Every once in a while psych will do this POV shot in shawns perspective thats not being used to point out a clue and i think its really cool. I wish they would have done some more like it because its such a great way to show how shawns constantly aware of his surroundings even when he’s not on a case.
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And this was brilliant! It has to be one of the best psych-outs in all of of Psych! Fucking legendary!
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And this was brilliant too!
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I felt so bad for shawn, playing middle man between henry and karen (which is the most unprofessional thing shes done haha), but it gave henry and shawn one of their best scenes at the end when henry is practically begging shawn to understand, like you can almost sense that he wants to confess right there that it was maddie who abandoned the family not him (or maybe im seeing that because i know its the truth. 🤷‍♀️) and shawn just doesn’t want to deal with it. Its interesting that henry was dragging shawn into it though, like he was using it as a way to see if shawn was okay with it now, cause otherwise he could have asked his friends right? It didn’t have to be shawn.
Honestly it shouldn’t have been. He knew it made him uncomfortable and he kept telling him to stop asking, but like always henry pushed it.
(Oh and also this kind of adds to the mystery of how well karen and henry know each other because she seems keenly invested in it, plus, when her friend told her he left a message she said that sounded like henry. So she must know him well enough that she can say this casually. Sidenote: that moment karen opens the door and Shawn looks horrified was priceless!)
Lastly, its interesting that shawn is proud to have never been in therapy when his mom is a psychologist. I feel like she would have instilled in him a better understanding of what therapy does and that its not something to be ashamed of. Likely the writers just hadn’t figured out maddies profession yet, but still.
P.S Everyone look at his jaw!
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starsyearn · 4 months
favorite (hpdm) fics of 2024 'til may.
hi hey hello! this year was the year i truly plunged into drarry and took a deep dive and i love that for me. came on here to show my appreciation for some of the best fics that i’ve read so far this year. let the praise commence for these fics that have caused me immense brainrot!!!
Teeter by @shiftylinguini (E, 10k)
Draco wants to come, Harry has other ideas, and they both might be doing this whole 'casually sleeping together' thing a bit wrong. Excerpt: If he’d been thinking straight, Draco would have guessed that Harry didn’t do things by halves, and that hopping into bed with him would be as exhilarating and impossible to control as anything Draco’d ever felt about the stupid tosser ― but even Draco could admit that keeping a level-head around Harry wasn’t exactly his strong point.
my thoughts: spice with a side of emotional mess, i stan. (reread it like thrice within a week of finishing it the first time because it was so beautiful somehow even though it was pure filth.)
By Any Other Name by @dracognition (E, 8k)
Draco would like to say that when Potter barged into his office at nine-thirty in the morning, locked the door, and demanded, “Are you in love with me?”, he sneered back and said something quite clever and cutting along the lines of please, Potter, I know we’re not trying to kill each other anymore but I have the good sense and, more importantly, standards not to throw myself at you or maybe at least I see your ego hasn’t gotten any more tolerable since school. What he said in reality, though, was, “What? I—what?” He tried again. “Have you gone completely mental?”
A botched love potion makes it so that everyone in Harry's vicinity is madly in love with him—everyone except Draco, that is.
my thoughts: i’m in such a haze ohmygod this was delicious and so fucking good i physically cannot — *clenches fist* these two have my whole and entire heart. AND THE WRITING I AM UNWELL. it’s so pretty!! anyways. read if you want pining draco & oblivious harry dialed up to immense levels of cuteness.
break the bad luck in my life by seaworn (E, 12k)
“Let’s have dinner." “I - what?” “I know a decent Muggle pub that serves adequate food, and it’s very private," Potter said. “‘Decent’. ‘Adequate’. You really know how to sell it, don’t you?” “Phenomenal company,” he offered. ** Draco and Harry are both brooding on Christmas Eve.
my thoughts: oh. my. god. smut with a side of life-altering decisions + christmas vibes = me giggling & kicking my legs up. so lovely. i love powerful harry and snarky draco and how they come together (no pun intended).
No Harm by @tessacrowley (E, 47k)
After a long, bloody war, Draco Malfoy just wants to do something good with his life for a change, and resolves to become a healer. But magical society refuses to make it easy for him, and an increasingly dramatic series of events—all of them instigated by Harry Potter—get him kicked out of med school, force him to live in exile, and threaten to destroy the new life he’s trying so desperately to build. But Harry isn’t instigating anything—at least not on purpose. He’s just trying to work up the nerve to ask him out. His efforts don’t appear to be going great.
my thoughts: this was such a quiet love story that touched my heart and i just. i’m melting. this really showed me how some of the deepest love can be rooted with so much history and pain but also deeply seated with a strong foundation of affection and mutual desire. harry and draco were perfect in this. auror harry/healer draco will forever have my heart now, and i personally feel it fits them so well (i will hear no arguments). their characterizations were so on-point in my opinion because of course it fits them. of course harry’s impatient and rushes into things headfirst but knows his morals and knows who he loves and wants to protect and cherish for the rest of his life (draco). of course draco’s snarky and vulnerable and sassy and penitent about everything that happened, because he was only just a kid. i love how they’re so idiots in love coded, once they get past the initial misunderstandings about how harry was trying to “ruin” draco’s life lol (which was sad in its own way). but then!!! when harry finally starts to “woo” draco, it was just so hilarious and beautiful and lovely. absolutely recommend.
AITA for being “obsessed” with my childhood nemesis? by RainstormRadish (M, 4k)
Alrakis • I [24M] attended a small boarding school in the UK. There was a boy in my year, a couple of months younger than me, and he became my nemesis after we developed an intense rivalry. My friend [25F] told me recently that our dynamic was "weird back then" and that "it’s even weirder" that I still think about him today. She argued that I talk about him all the time, but I believe the amount I talk about him is reasonable. AITA? prongymcprongface • i completely get what you mean. i had a nemesis (like a school one, separate to my other nemesis) and we had a dynamic super similar to what you are describing. having a nemesis is a very cool and normal thing dw about it. NTA In which Draco asks the internet if he's being reasonable. Only one commenter is sympathetic. They start talking.
my thoughts: this was just so funny and cute and surprisingly portrayed a reddit comment section so realistically (i was laughing so hard IT WAS HILARIOUS). again, what draco & harry share is a rivalry ok it’s definitely not a crush. not at all.
Darling, You’re Wiggling by @softlystarstruck, @lou-isfake (T, 5k)
Draco has a secret. Harry doesn’t have a secret, until he does. Then he goes to Claire’s.
my thoughts: in a nutshell: domestic drarry. they had me beaming so hard my cheeks hurt.
Pocket Full Of Starlight (Never Let It Fade Away) by @noeeon, @femmequixotic (E, 46k)
When Scorpius Malfoy and Jamie Potter meet at Quidditch camp, they take an instant dislike to each other. Then they discover their lives are more connected than they could possibly imagine.
my thoughts: scorpius & james parent trap-ping harry & draco? what’s not to like there. the family moments were everything, and this was just genuinely so feel-good even when the angst was angsting that i couldn’t help loving everything about it. anyways drarry are rather stupid here (affectionate) but thank fuck the kids are there to knock some sense into them. also jamie having harry’s recklessness while scorpius has draco’s shyness and coldness is just so lovely i cannot.
something in the static by cloudings (E, 92k)
When Draco Malfoy is sent numerous threats warning of what exactly will happen to him if he returns to Hogwarts, he is assigned a young, handsome Auror as his bodyguard. Harry hates him. He hates how close he stands to Malfoy, how highly he thinks of himself, how he insists on holding Malfoy’s shoulder every time they walk into a room. Really, Harry thinks. He’s the one who defeated the evilest of the evil. He could do a far better job of protecting him than a self-absorbed, shiny-haired prick like that. And you know what? He just might.
my thoughts: probably my favorite eighth year fic by far! the jealousy and pining was so good, holy shit. the tension was off the roof. genuinely so much fun.
Evitative by Vichan (T, 222k)
In the summer before his fifth year at Hogwarts, Harry is drawn to a room in Grimmauld Place. Like the Gryffindor he is, he enters the room without fear. The room is a library, and Harry is surprised to find that he’s eager to learn. Then he gets the bad news: he’s been accidentally expelled from Hogwarts, and he needs to be sorted again. Everyone is confident that he’ll go straight back to Gryffindor, but with what he's been learning, Harry’s not so sure.
my thoughts: this was amazing, addictive, and honestly fucking awesome. from the beginning i got so hooked and literally went “alriiiiight i think we have a winner on our hands folks” cause it really seemed like it would hit. and oh did it. i have no idea how i’m gonna hold out from reading Redivider (the sequel) since it’s a WIP (i think 76k words are done at the moment) and i generally avoid those because i cannot bear the waiting time (+ unfortunately the author doesn’t seem to have updated since may 2022) but like. i miss this world already and i love the way the world-building was done in this AU of Order of the Phoenix. the whole concept of dark arts introduced so many nuances to the original book and i loved this take on it. i also liked how despite characters having ingrained prejudices, they worked to meet in the middle and found common ground. and isn’t that what this fic was all about? insane and crazy plot twists, yes, but also character development in the most spectacular way. the romance is very light but i’m looking forward to seeing it develop more in the sequel!
Lily’s Boy by SomewheresSword (E, 746k)
Before his third year of Hogwarts has even begun, Harry faces three whole weeks of unsupervised time in Diagon Alley. In that time he takes a trip to Gringotts - and that changes everything. Burdened with the knowledge that Dumbledore has been blocking his family magic, and manipulating far more than he ever thought possible, Harry doesn't know who he can trust; but he knows he can't keep going that way. There's a whole world of lore and politics and history to catch up on, and the more he learns, the more Harry realises his true place in the world, and how much is being kept hidden from him. All the while, Dumbledore's twinkling eyes are constantly watching, and Harry can't let on how much he knows. With help from unexpected places, Harry starts on a journey to end the war, and reshape the wizarding world. With how much he looks like James Potter, people have forgotten one important thing about him - he is Lily Evans' son, and she was one hell of a witch.
my thoughts: i have no words to express what this means to me, so i’m just gonna leave it at that. but this was a whole-ass experience, and it’s just so comforting to me.
Turn by Saras_Girl (E, 307k)
One good turn always deserves another. Apparently.
my thoughts: did i ever mention i loved soft, slow stories when i’m in the mood for it (which is pretty much always)? well, i do. and this was exactly that. something so adorable, sweet, softly angsty and character-driven, not even an ounce of conflict from the “world”. it’s more about figuring yourself out, your place in the world, who you are. and fics like these teach me so much about how people try to mold themselves to fit a standard they think they should be upholding instead of saying “fuck the world, i’m gonna do as i damn well please and no one can stop me.” that’s what happened to harry. harry woke up one day and realized the way he was living wasn’t truly him living, he was merely surviving for the sake of it. just existing. the way people thought he was just having a mid-life crisis is just so incredibly sad and funny because those sort of thoughts can creep in at any point in life when you realize you’re dissatisfied with life. it doesn’t have to be necessarily only when you’re young, or at a certain age. i loved seeing these men falling in love, letting down their guard and finally righting the “mistakes” they made in the past. harry was just doing his best™️ as we all are, and i feel like he’s representing all of us in a way. i love that for us and for him.
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twisted-tales-told · 8 months
🔥 ??
This ask game
On a completely unrelated note
Anyone on marauders TikTok at this point I simply do not trust. I don’t like your vibe. Your existence irritates me and I can’t wait for life to knock u off your high horse a bit. Not like a lot, but enough to make you bearable to share the planet with.
People have taken the marauders fandom way too far and way too seriously and I think it should all just burn down.
Erase it all. Give it 5 years to cool off.
Also snape is not that bad?? Yall are fucking CRAZY in your hating him but hyping up Barty. Crazy. Insane. “He bullied children” well your guy tortured Frank and Alice longbottom and fucking killed people for the sake of blood purity. Therefore I challenge you to come up with a legitimate excuse and not some random fictional morale code?? Like why is that the line. Why is that your reason. “He bullied children” for gods sake do you hear yourself??
At least be creative jfc.
I think there’s a lot of nuance to Snapes story, especially with aspects of class, privilege, gender (being a white male vulnerable to extremist ideology due to upbringing and life experiences)
It’s fucking fiction. I say where the story is interesting because it’s MY blog.
Anyways this will probably be my last ever marauders post so I’m going out with a bang.
The reason there’s so many male fics is because creating characters from just a name is hard and not really in the nature of fanfiction and the only marauders era fleshed out characters are Sirius black and Remus Lupin because they’re the only ones in the Harry Potter books.
Like what yall have done creating depth in all these side characters is truly phenomenal but ohmygod the way you attack people so quickly for just writing m/m ships in this space where the only canon fleshed out characters are the men is INSANE. Thats literally what brought them here. You’re the weird one. And be weirder!’ Be weirder enough to write the W/W fanfiction with those little one fact character skeletons. I support you this is the place for that!! Stop being mean to other people and show some initiative or I will fucking fire you. With actual flames.
ALSO let people make fan films, don’t let people make fan films. Maybe it’s a scam, maybe it’s being written by criminals from their prison cells. Maybe it’s just people out here trying to do a group project like this is school. Stop. Caring. It’s none of your business.
I have never cared for cosplay, you do you boo but it’s not my thing. I do think it’s fucked up when you treat them like the character though and mess with their lives as human beings. Maybe try being normal, or pursuing a career in becoming a shitty therapist because you seem to care a whole lot about other peoples business.
Read fics because you like the summery or because you found it at 2 am in a comment section or ao3s page. Dont read fics because it’s “the it fic” right now. That’s bordering way too close to fast fashion trends and that is not allowed here. You are breaking the non-capitalist rules of our weird nerd hub.
You are not going to like the hyped up TikTok book.
Let that philosophy apply here.
Also This is not a book. It is a fanfic. Treat it like someone brought home made cookies to your doorstep. If you bite it and spit it in their face because you forgot to tell them you had a nut allergy or you wanted brownies instead it is your bad. You should have asked about the nuts, and you should say THANK YOU YOU MADE ME COOKIES.
Anyways goodbye forever marauders fandom it was fun I love all you silly little characters. I made lifelong friends, I laughed I cried I puked in my mouth a little (—meg from supernatural) but mostly you made me realize how fucking stupid it all is and fear for our future as a civilization.
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inventedfangirling · 1 year
ofts episode 7 thoughts in short : 🥺🥺🤌🤌😤😤🤔🤔🤬🤬🤬💯💯😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
in detail :
ohmygod that boston nick confrontation scene was sooooo good...both mark with his hurt and neo with his anger...and all the other underlying emotions all coming to a head...gosh they killed it...i was on the edge of my seat through out!!!
ohemgee and right after that we get that top and mew scene!!! its just the 1st part of the episode but the acting has been phenomenal. force in this portion especially...SO DAMN EMOTIVE just with his eyes. i LOVE IT
okay as much as i LOVE khao and i know its not a huge thing but i cant accept his free movement of his injured hand like that...is is just for show within the show's universe itself so he isnt really hurt cos how could he make such an acting choice otherwise
ray is being such a baby...ohmygod WHAT SMELL ME??? that escalated fast!??!
that few seconds sand took to just ogle at ray's upper body like lmao calm yourself baby there's more to come...pls he even licked his lips...im ded but also i geddit😭😂😭
pls ray in the bathtub and sand next to him had so much potential for cuteness but they chose to make a very valid point about addiction and healing abd what family means and ykw i respect that
boston is such a sick person who treats people like shit but he is so straightforward about it and i cant hate that at all...like pls the way he just coolly walked to the house after the reveal...i wish i had even half his confidence
omg cheum finding and using her voice to yell and curse at boston YES YOU GO GIRL
gawd the one on one scenes in this episode just too damn good??? nick and sand scene just a minute or two but soooo impactful!???
man top really liked mew huh
omg mew on revenge rampage i cant believe nick just gave that info away does he think boston who will lose everything if that video comes out will come crawling back to him!???
um drake is so hot wtf why is this just striking me??? men really shouldnt allow their hair to cover their forehead like puhlissss why you so hell bent on hiding that youre attractive!?!??
okay gap attractive but gap also dumb whatdoyou mean you just left your computer with all this risque videos unattended in front of a random hook up stranger!??
ohemgee mew went straight to ton's house and is now oozing nonchalance as he responds to ton im dyingggg
"for the sake of our friendship" he said🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
ohh they decide to work together and BAM top shows up
ohnoo ray mew im not liking this my raysand feels are getting hurt🤧
wtf wtf wtf was that ending pls tell me it was a bad dream i legit screamed into my pillow no wtaf this isnt whats supposed to happen...messy gays the show messing with me and im shocked for what😭
and the preview for episode 8!?!?!?? ray you seriously treating sand like that??? why am i surprised and not surprised at the same time....the show is playing me and my boy sand so well it actually is homophobic😭
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madegeeky · 2 years
Music: U-NAY-COOOOOOORN! This is what I would call a good doing-stuff song. As in, it's not great but I'd enjoy it if it came up on my playlist while cleaning or baking or the like. Really enjoy the "phenomen-phenomen-phenomenal" bit; it's fun but totally had no clue that's what she was saying until I read the lyrics. XD The way she pronounces unicorn, though.
Video: If I were going on a date to a nice restaurant and spent time getting dressed up and doing my makeup and my date showed up wearing a fucking sweater like that, I would have to climb the walls to sit on the ceiling because it would be that or murdering him. Ohmygod and then she becomes a centaur. Honestly, I think this is the first video that I'd recommend someone watch even if they're not a fan of the song because it's just weird and fun.
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holdinbacksecrets · 2 years
so *plops herself down on the bed* yoongi
it was 2016, I , a naive child of 15 got persuaded to watch fire, and i was mmmm inch resting, this sounds kinda fire (pun intended) but i thought nothing much of it, except that his drunk ass rapping did smth to me. I decided to be wise and set bts aside, i was deep into exo at the time.
Come October 2016, and fucking bs&t drops, and so did my jaw. i got into them, ALL THEIR CONTENT, ALL THEIR DISCOGRAPHY, i ate that shit up like it was candy. And he caught my eye, like his attitude, mindset, persona, it felt similar to me. He's the chill guy at the back of the room with strong opinions (me) and also someone who likes quiet and peace (also me), got a knack for being hella poetic (me?) And is so fucking done with the world and it's bullshit (ME) and still has a goofy side he's not afraid to show to his true friends (me)
So I'm like: YOU.
then i got into the "Agust D" part, the songs, the lyrics, THE LAST. My respect for him just grows honestly, he's someone who i want to be friends with on a deep level. If anything he's an inspiration for me too, there's so many things he just GETS and i can feel that. I know if it's min yoongi then it's about to be a fucking masterpiece. And to me he's still my number one rapper especially as someone's interested in it (and was a dumb aspiring rapper in my teens, we don't talk about her)
he's someone who's been there, done that, yk, a relatable person to me but more of an artist i like deciphering.
I picked him and never looked twice. honestly he's been my no1 since day 1, never mind the bias wrecking the rest of them are doing (*cough* taehyung *cough*) he's just IT.
There are so many parallels between us and it feels like he's someone close to me even if it's parasocial.
so yeah, it's just min yoongi, the ult of all ults, what can i say?
“so i’m like: YOU.” fuck yes. exactly.
“he’s been there, don’t that…relatable…an artist i like deciphering” i love this.
ahhhh reading this was such a joy 🥹 i will always love hearing about fan journeys
since 2016 😭😭😭 god i wish i’ve been with them since then. how wonderful. i love this for you. and bs&t AHHHHHH MAWJDUWJAKQKQ
yoongi is one of those untouchable artists for me. i’m in awe of his talent and artistry, but there’s also such comfort that he radiates. his whole personhood is phenomenal, truly. when you said he’s your bias, i immediately thought ‘that makes so much sense.’ and i love that. i feel like coming to know one’s bias unlocks another part of their soul because oftentimes, the reasons behind biasing someone are so clarifying and deep.
the last is a song i’ll always hold dearly because of how the lyrics struck me when i first read the translations, especially the line about OCD. i was like ‘ohmygod, i’m not so alone in this.’ god, i can see the moment in my head right now.
everything you highlighted about his personality… yes yes yes. i’ll echo your words infinitely because they’re what tied me to him too. everyone i bias is someone i would love to just talk with, and i can’t imagine how enriching a conversation with yoongi would be. his words always shift my perspective, and that’s priceless to me
sometimes, when i want to disappear, i shuffle my yoongi playlist, and it’s like i sink into another world for a while. i’m swallowed by the music, and it’s unbeatable. (i need my people tattoo asap lol)
yeah so i’m never moving past aspiring rapper. this is fantastic. i want to know more now.
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m0on-boys · 2 years
My texts to my friend whilst watching ep 5:
- I'm watching the 5th moon knight
- It's so good so far
- I love Steven and Marc's interactions sm
- Ohmygod there's a child
- The acting is phenomenal
- Nothing bads even happened yet and I'm still abt to cry
- Nooooooo that's horrible
- Ohmygod Marc trying to protect steven
- Aw now stevens trying to comfort Marc he's so sweet
- Tawaret is a queen
- No she's dead no
- This show is shattering my heart into thousands of pieces
- Steven you angel
- What's happening
- I need you to tell me its all OK and that Steven is actually fine at home with gus and a cup of tea
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impala-dreamer · 3 years
lemme tell you something- I LOVED IT OMG IT WAS AMAZING. 
from the JUMP I was like “EVERYONE SHUT UP!!!” staring at the screen. Which... is hard to make me do lately bc I’m very easily distracted. Loved every moment. I literally cried... more than once. BLOWNAWAY by Jeff and Hilarie. OHMYGOD SHE”S AMAZING! I had no idea! And I’ve been so jaded by...ahem...someone else’s not-so-amazing-acting-on-a-certain-show-just-to-get-her-on-the-show-before-it-ended-what?... that I really had no expectations but she’s ... damn- girl can act. 
Next question... lol
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beatlevmania · 4 years
OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD I am sitting here listening to Beatles demos and takes, its 3am, I feel like I’m in a parallel universe or something. I’m so tired but i can’t sleep so I’m going to write about these because they’re wild. Also I highly recommend you listen to these and hopefully this list will give you some guidance because there are 155 tracks on the album which is s bit overwhelming in my opinion. These are the BEST of th best trust me
By the way these are on the Beatles Anthology album so listen to it on Spotify or Apple Music or whatever, there are also tons of unreleased songs, interviews, etc
Octopus’s Garden (Takes 2 & 8) sounds similar enough to the real version that at the parts where it’s different, it makes me very very very uncomfortable. I don’t even know to describe that feeling. It’s pretty cool still though
AND I LOVE HER JUST HAD A MAJOR PERSONALITY CHANGE like like the real song is a soft slow ballad with Spanish guitar but the take is an actual rock/pop song? Confused but also love it and might like it more than the real version !?
STRAWBERRY FIELDS FOREVER (TAKE 7 and Edit Piece) for real made me tear up. There is something about how clear John’s voice is and just how beautiful the song is that rlly fucked me up. Also it wasn’t heavily produced and you could clearly hear the guitar, all the instruments, plus John’s voice which just sounded absolutely angelic. I listened to it multiple multiple times
It’s Only Love (Takes 3 & 2) was pretty similar to the real song except for some reason I liked it more which is confusing to me
Your Mother Should Know (Take 27) was actually INCREDIBLE it was kind of weird since it was so different from the real version but I absolutely vibes with it and all in all it was phenomenal. Highly highly recommend. And Paul sounds absolutely amazing per usual
And Your Bird Can Sing (Take 2) is not only such a bop, John also has a massive laugh attack right during the beginning of the song which makes me CRACK UP. But it gets even better because in the background if you listen closely you can sort of hear (I thinks it’s Paul) scolding, “John,” like an exasperated mother and um basically I’m living for this entire Take.
Because (acapella). Thank me later.
I Will (Take 2) just shows HOW FREAKING BEESUTIFUL PAUL’S VOICE IS. The amount of talent this boy has- unreal. Also the Honey pie demo was also pretty cool because he does all sorts of cool runs and stuff that aren’t on the real song, and his voice just sounds amazing and gorgeous and ughhhh could that man sing
Old Brown Shoe (Demo) I loved because first of all, its actually one of my favorite Beatles songs and on the demo, AND LITTLE DID WE KNOW, GEO COULD HAVE SUNG SO MUCH MORE ON THAT SONG. he did a ton of cool little tricks that not only sounded amazing but I’m not sure if even John could have pulled them off. It’s a shame that George’s voice is kind of hidden in all the instruments and production in the real song because good lord that man could sing
Sexy Sadie (Take 6). I didn’t hate it, it honestly just reminded me of simpler times back like a couple months ago when I was obsessed with the song. It’s pretty exciting since its relatively different from the real song. John also sounds good which is a plus
Do not listen to Why Don’t We Do It In The Road (Take 4). Consider yourselves warned.
Come together (Take 1) Damn John went hard on this one. I DEFINITELY recommend listening if you’re horny for John scream singing.
I’m Looking Through You (Take 1) is super duper good because you can hear Paul super clearly when he’s singing the loud bit. I really liked it but it’s weird because there’s no loud guitar so it feels like it’s missing something but I mean, it’s still a bop no matter what
IF YOU WANT TO LISTEN TO JOHN SOUNDING HOT AGAIN, LISTEN TO Mister Moonlight (Takes 1 & 4). I’m just leaving that there
Maxwells silver hammer (Take 5) Is really cool because it’s pretty different from the real version. Paul also does a lot of random weird noises and funny stuff that made me laugh
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atlantablack · 4 years
Summoning Circle Tag Meme
Question: If one could put five fanfics/books in a pentagram to summon you, what would they be?
I was tagged by @wynnefic and @being-luminous <3 
My original thought was to do all fics and then I was hit over the head by two of my favorite books. It would have been a crime to not list them honestly. Also, this was super difficult to come up with and not at all what I originally thought I was going to put down but here we are!
Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
It’s one of three books I’ve read this year and it was one of the best books I’ve read. It’s an emotional roller coaster that left me sobbing (literally) in my chair and I haven’t shut up about it since. 
Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen
My absolute favorite classic and the only one I have ever bothered to re-read. I loved this book when I was 15 and had low standards and I loved it just as much when I re-read it this year. Dare I say, I actually loved it more. A lot of it went over my head at 15 but at 24 (ohmygod nearly 10 years) it hit a lot harder and was just as lovely. 
Providence by Nocturnememory
really, if you just mention nocturnememory at all I will come running, immediately summoned by what is hands down my favorite fem!harry author. Their writing had a profound impact on mine own back when the bible didn’t mention us was still posted. This one though, is one of their old tumblr posts that they’ve re-posted and it never fails to leave me with far too many emotions. 
To Serve and Protect by Ultrageekatlarge
As much as i love merthur, this is absolutely hands down one of my top five Merlin fics and it’s not merthur at all the same way that the show isn’t merthur ya know. I think my favorite thing about it, apart from all of it, is how well it captures Gwen’s character. 
“There is breath in him yet,” Gwen said, her voice small but steely. She continued to cling to the front of Merlin’s shirt. Both of their clothes were singed and blackened, Gwen’s curls floating in the breeze and Merlin’s face covered in ash. She glanced upwards at the sorcerer, “And you cannot have him.”
I just, i have no words really to describe how much I love this story. It’s one of those ones that’s stuck with me ever since i first read it and I will instantly appear to rec it at all times. 
In Which Tony Stark Builds Himself Some Friends (But His Family Was Assigned by Nick Fury) by scifigrl47
This is hands down one of the best found family fics i’ve ever read, not just in the Avengers fandom but in general. It hits all the sweet spots and also really digs its fingers into the trauma that they all have and carry. I was reading this back when Hollow Your Bones Like a Bird's first started posting and it’s so heavy and emotionally taxing but so good and the writing is just phenomenal. there’s two companion series that I’ve been meaning to catch up on for ages but I’m so far behind at this point that it’s a horribly daunting task... 
Tagging: @kitastrophea @queenofthedagger @caty-314 @lycxrisabsinthe @jadejabberwock and anyone else who wants to do it that I haven’t thought to tag! 
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fratboykate · 5 years
Tumblr media
Scandinavian television is truly the only thing I will always trust because it has never in my life let me down. Like..............I just smashed the first season of this today and oh my fucking god.
Explain to me how you can be talented enough to write a show that hits dead on on pretty much every predictable cliche you have ever seen in a murder mystery/drama/thriller narrative from the moment it starts AND YET STILL END UP WITH SOMETHING FUCKING OUTSTANDING? Like.......fucking color me confused and slack jaw level amazed at the same time.
I've seen two young Scandinavian women CARRY THE FUCK out of two incredible shows the past two days and I'm still reeling from the level of performances I've seen on my screen. The next time anyone tells me you have to have "name" talent in order to get people to watch something I'm going to hit them over the head and clarify that what you actually need is TALENT to get people to watch something because both Hanna Ardehn from "Quicksand" and Alba August from "The Rain" had me five minutes in. And while I'm praising Scandinavian actresses don't think I've forgotten about the fucking phenomenal job Clara Rugaard-Larsen did on "I Am Mother". Like.......can we just agree to stop casting from anywhere else in the world and just go to that little cluster of the planet because clearly that is where the new pool of raw talent is being stashed away.
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A Fancy Party WIth Chairman Rose And Kanto Champ, And Lèon meets his childhood hero.
Juno was standing in front of the mirror looking at the dark blue strapless dress she wearing. Her long light brown hair in long braid, and wearing black heels. The 27 Old retired Kanto champion, lets out a sigh and looks at her partner Pikachu, Riply who was glaring up her, a black little bow around his neck.
Juno: I know, bud, you’re not happy. But we gotta look nice for tonight’s party. Just wear the bow tie for one night, okay?
Riply: Pika! Pikachu! (crosse his arms)
Juno: (kneels down) Riply, c’mon. It’s one night. It’s not going to kill ya. C’mon. For me~. (gives a sad face)
Riply looks at her, for a few and sighs, nodding in agreement. Juno smiles, and picks him and hugs.
Juno: Thank you. Now, let’s rub elbows with the fancy people and eat until we go into a coma.
Riply eyes light up at the mention of food, and hops onto Juno should and the two walk out the hotel room.
Meanwhile in the ball room, people and Pokémon were all dressed up and mingling and laughing, Juno and Riply walk into the ballroom and their eyes light up, classical music was playing softly in the background, and everyone was laughing and talking.
As this was going Chairman Rose a wearing a black tuxedo and red tie and as standing with Oleana who was wearing a short dress with Black high heels.
She didn’t say much, but looks over Rose who stood there looking at himself in the mirror fixing his tie and was looking at his hair.
Rose: Do-Do I look good? ... Is my tux wrinkled?
Oleana: (looks at him) ... Do you think I would let you walk in public with a wrinkled tux?
Rose: (chuckles and smiles) No. I would not. (looks around)
Oleana: May I ask why you are so  anxious for Champion Juno to show up?
Rose: Well, you know. She’s a ... very famous Pokémon master, and she’s a lovely woman. I-I was rather in enchanted by speaking with her, and well... I... ...  I did not say that.
Oleana: I will not repeat that.
Rose: Thank god.
The two walked over to the table where some the food was just Juno and Riply came walking into the ball room, the two walked as looks around in wonderment.
Juno: (thinking) Okay,Juno, just... relax. You’ve been to parties before, and this one is no different... Riply has my back.
As Juno was walking around, Riply looks around and spots the table with was laid out with food. Ripely eyes light and jumps off of Juno’s shoulder and heads to the table, running through people and Pokémon’s feet.
Arin: N-No...! Riply. Damn it...
Juno began to rushed pass the The crowd of people in Pokémon.
Meanwhile, Olena was about to grab some a piece of cake, she flet something run under her leg, and jumps back, rather spooked. Rose looks her.
Rose: Are... Are you alright, Oleana?
Before she could ask, Rose saw a Riply jump onto the table began eye all the cakes and sweets began helping himself to all the sweet goodness with wide eyes
As the two began to wonder where this random Pokémon came from was Juno was pushing through the crowd saying sorry and excusing me annoying both people and Pokémon. Rose and Olestra watched as Juno nearly knocking over a waiter.
Juno: Oh... Um, sorry. I... I was not watching where I was going. Hehe... S-Sorry.
She smiles sheepishly at him, who gives her annoyed look, and looks and sees Oleana staning in front her glaring.
Juno: ... Um... Hi there. Y-You... look you very nice... and kinda pissed...
Rose tries to his laugh as Oleana was towering over Juno, who stood there trying understand why she was mad.
Oleana lets out sigh.
Oleana: ... Is that your Pikachu? (ponits to the table)
Juno truns her to the side and Riply eating a huge thing of cake, pink and white frosting his face covering face and fur.
She just looks at Riply and back at Oleana, and Rose who watching with amusement.
Juno: ... Y-Yeah, he’s mine. (clear her throat) Riply.
Riley looks her, his cheeks puff with the cake her hand his mouth.
The three people eyeing, and Riply gulps and looks at Juno, who fave him annoyed look.
Riply: ... Pika... (picks up a cupcake and holds it up to her) Pika, pika!
Juno: Oh, my god... (facepalms) No... Riply... come here. (walks over and picks him up)
She picks up a thing of napkins and began to cleaning him, and looks at Orleana and Rose.
Juno: I am so sorry. He’s not  usually a this, and I’m a little bit more in control of my Pokémon. I’m not a complete slob. No! I mean... well, ya know what I mean...
Oleana didn’t say a word, while Rose tries to hold back laughter.
Oleana: Right, but for someone your age and reputation I thought you have a better control over your Pokémon. (looks at Riply) Your Pikachu as rather gasly manners.
Juno: ...Hehe. I’m sorry. I’ll keep a better eye on him. I-I’ll just deal with him. Haha. Mr. Rose. (nods and smiles)
Oleana rolls eyes and as Juno truns her back and was now glaring at Riply.
Juno: ... Why didn’t you wait a few more minutes!? Now they think majors slobs and crazy. That do have to say for yourself?
Riply looks at her and takes one bite of the cupcake, and Juno groans, and picks few napkins to clean him up.
After a few Rose got away from Oleana, and stood a few feet away from her, watching a bit.
Rose could help but look at her, again. She looks so different with they t-gray shirt and Black and red flannel jacket, and jeans and boots, but wearing a lovely dress. She looked, well, beautiful. Stunning to be honest, the man felt his heart beat a bit faster, when he shacks his head walks over.
Rose: Champion Juno.
She and Riply looks as the good chairman smiling at them.
Rose: Welcome. I do hope you and your Pikachu are enjoying yourselves. (reaches out and gently pats Riply)
Riply: Chhhaa~. (smiles, has the Rose was gently scratching his right ear)
Juno: Oh, yeah... Um, sorry about... (looks at Riply)
Rose: It’s fine. He’s a lively little Pikachu. (smiles at Riply)
Riply: Pika, pika!
Jumps out Juno’s arms on to Rose shoulder, the chairman was taken aback by this, but smiles more Riply began nuzzling his face.
Rose: Hahah. Hello, there, Riply, was it?
Riply: Pikachu~!. (nods)
Rose: Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Riply.
Juno: (smiles) He’s really taken a real shine to you, Mr. Chairman.
Rose: I can see that. (pets Riply) Do have the rest of team with you?
Juno: Yeah, but my Absol, Anthey, is resting right now. That battle with with Raihan was a tough one.
Rose: It was an stunning battle, and I have say you are very skilled with mega stone, truly. I haven’t seen anyone use a mega Evolution in years.
Juno: It’s a very power, but I think Dynamax is way more powerful. Never see anything like that.
Rose: Well, it is, but so is the Z ring and crystals. But they all have in common is how a trainer and and their Pokémon use them.
Juno: That’s true. (looks around) I’m really surprise you asked me to come in the first place, Mr. Chairman.
Rose: Why wouldn’t I invite you? It’s my honor to have you here. You are Kanto’s hero after all and champion.
Juno: Heh. I was a the Champion, but I’m retired.
Rose: Still you’re a hero. You and your Pokémon stopped horrid Team Rocket all those years ago.
Juno: I... I wouldn’t call myself that. I was doing ... what was right...
Rose: Well, weather I think you a hero. ...A lovely wonderful lady.
Leon smiles a bit at him, and Rose felt his heart beat a little faster. He turns pink, and looks behind and sees Lèon standing by, the young man was shaking a bit, and nervous look his face.
Rose: Ah, Leon, my boy. (waves)
Leon looks over, and spots him. Lèon felt his heart his leap into his chest.
Lèon: (thinking) Oh... My god. It’s her. She’s here! ... Leon is really here. Get a grip on yourself, mate. You get to finally talk to your childhood hero. ... My childhood hero...
Juno: You’re Lèon, right?
Lèon: (squeak) I am. (Thinking) Shite! I’m missing this up! (clears throat) Yes, I am. (thinking) Brilliant!
Juno puts Riply down and walks over to Leon, who now sweating bullets, and shaking.
Leon: (thinking) OHMYGOD! Oh, act normal. You and her a champions. Need to act like one. Not fanboying...
Juno: It’s an honor to meet you finally. (holds out her hand) I’ve seen your last with Steven Stone, absolutely phenomenal battling.
Leon: (squeals) REALLY?? (thinking) This... Is this a dream...?!
Juno: Yeah! I was honestly having a heart attack watching your battle.  One of the most intent matches I’ve even seen.
Leon stood there smiling widely, could not believe that he was shacking hands with his childhood hero.
Leon: I- I cannot believe you watched my battle... I-I can’t... You have no idea how much that means to me! You are... my hero. (eyes lighti g up more) You always inspired me to keep fighting. I’ve watched all your Pokémon battles, the ones that you won and lost, Champion Arin. You’re a ...  absolutely brilliant. (thinking) THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! YOU MESSING THIS UP, YA WANKER!
Juno: That’s... Wow. I can’t believe you’re my fan. I’m like your biggest fan.
Juno: ... REALLY?! (smiles)
Arin: Yeah, like, I’ve been following watching battles for a long time now... And... Well... C-Can Riply and I get an Picture and autograph?
Leon: ... HELL YEAH! (everyone stops and looks at him) I don’t care if people think I’m mad. Yes!
Juno pulls out her phone, Riply runs over, and hops on Leon’s  shoulder.
Leon felt Pride and excite has his childhood hero, snapped a picture of the three of them, and sighed her Photograph autograph.
Leon: C-Can you and Riply sigh  Charizard’s Poke’Ball? Please.
Juno: Yes, of course.
Riply: Pika~.
The sighed the Poke’Ball, and Leon began talking to Juno about Pokémon battling and Leon felt a lot  comfortable speaking with her.
They went to an large balcony that looked out a beautiful lake and  mountains. Leon let out his Pokéball Charizard.
The fire Pokémon roared and Juno walks to him.
Juno: Look at you. Nice to finally meet you, Charizard. (pets him) You really remind of my Chara.
Leon: Wow. It... kind of hard to believe that speaking to you, Champion Juno, the Kanto region, well, um, champs. Heh.
Juno: Call me Juno and I’m no longer the champion.
Leon: I know, but still, you were, but still a hero.
Juno: Heh. I’m not a hero, I’m ever another Pokémon trainer like you and everyone else. I’m not that special.
The two watched as Riply began talking to Charizard, and they seemed to be getting along well.
Juno: You have a beautiful Charizard, he’s well taken care of.
Leon: Thanks. He’s my best partner after.
Juno: Hehe. So...  Mr. unbeatable champ of the Galar region. How ya are you enjoying party? (stands next to him)
Leon: ... Can I be honest with you.
Juno: Sure.
Leon: I hate these kinda parties.
Juno: Tell. Me. About. It. (takes a sip of her wine) 
Lèon: Ya gotta dress up, put on a fake smile, talk to people who don’t know and will never meet again, while you’re bored to death.
Juno: I lived through it, and I  survive. I can’t tell ya how many times random people wanted to challenge me, had one asshole randomly challenged me in a grossry store, and I said no and stalked me though the whole store, demanding a Pokémon Battle.
Lèon: You’re kidding.
Juno: Nope, but he got kicked out for annoying the other customers. So, yeah.
Leon: That’s hasn’t happened to me yet.
Juno: It might, if have to stop to a thing of moo moo milk and the next thing ya know some jackass  challenges you in the frozen  section.
Leon burst into a fit of laughter, and Juno joined him, the kept talking telling stories about the crazy adventures they had when older fairy type trainer Opal came walking over.
Leon looks, and elbows gently elbows Juno’s up arm.
Leon: (whispers) Oy, mate, look alive.
Juno: Huh?
Leon: One our gym leader’s coming, it’s considered rude to ignore them.
Juno: Gotcha.
The two stood up, Leon fixing his tie, and Juno brushing her dress as the as the elderly Pokémon trainer walks over, Leon smiling sweetly at and bows.
Leon: Evening, ma’ma.
Opal: Hello, young Leon. Lovely to see you, love.
Leon: You as well. You looks lovely this evening.
Opal: Oh, such a gentleman. Thank you, dear.
Riply walks up to Opal and greats with a friendly ‘Pika’.
Opal: Oh, hello there. (smiles at him) Who’s the little Chap began too?
Arin: He’s my partner, Ma’am.
Opal: (looks at her) And you are, my dear?
Juno: (curtsies) I’m Juno  Andrews from Kanto.
Opal: Ah! The Kanto savior. (smiles brightly) What a lovely treat this. Isn’t it, Leon.
Leon: Indeed, Opal. (winks at Juno)
Juno blushes a bit, and Opel smiles happily.
Opel: My dear, I have heard so much heroic stories about stories about you. Fighting those dreadful Team Rocket. Giovanni was ann absolute scoundrel of a man, never did like him, always knew he was rotten trainer and man.
Juno, Leon, Riply and Charizard stood there awkwardly, the older trainer ranted on, just Rose came walking.
Rose: Um, My dear Miss. Opal, why... don’t you head inside.
Opal: (huff) Yes, that sounds like a wonderful idea. Come, Lady Juno, do tell me about your adventures.
Juno: Um, y-yes. C’mon, Riply.
Riply: Pikachu. (he jumps onto Arin’s shoulder)
The two ladies walk back into the party, Juno holding me her arm to Opal as the two began talking.
Leon: ... Okay, did... that just happened?? (looks at Charizard) Charizard, Mate! We just met our hero! WE MET CHARMIN ARIN! JUNO IS HUGE FAN OF US!!!
Charizard let out an Excited rawr, while Rose looks over and sees Juno happily talking to Opal about her past adventures.
Juno was smiling a sweetly at the elder trainer. She had beautiful smile.
Leon: She’s brilliant! Absolutely brilliant, right, Mr. Chairman!?
Rose: Huh?! Oh, yes. Champion Juno is, um, lovely. Truly. (gose a little pink)
He watches as Juno holds up an ultra ball, and Wanda the Sylveon come. The Fairy Pokémon smiles happily at her trainer.
Juno: And this Wanda.
Opal: Aww, what darling Sylveon, and also very pink. (kneels down to Wanda)
Wanda walks Opal letting the sweet old lady petting her head.
Juno: She’s very sweet, and one of my strongest Pokémon, right?
Wanda lets out a proud yelp and nods.
Opal: I can see that. (stands up, and looks at Juno, Riply and Wanda) What a lovely team you have, Lady Juno. I do hope you and I can have a lovely Pokémon Battle soon.
Rose: (smiles politely) I look forward it, ma’am.
Opal gives Juno and her sweet smile and walks away to join the rest of the party.
Juno smiles, and let Riply and Wanda to go over and play with the other Pokémon as Rose walks over.
Rose: (thinking) Okay, steady on, old boy, just talk to her... You can do that... (walks to Arin) Heh, so, lovely party?
Juno: Huh? (looks at him) Oh, yes, it’s great.
Rose: So... How long are you planning on staying in the Galar  region?
Juno: Hm? I’m not sure, probably for a long time. I have a Pokémon Battle with Opal.
Rose: Heh. Is that right? (smiles) You better watch yourself, Champion Arin, she’s a tough one.
Juno: I heard, and I’m looking forward to it.
Rose: Heh. You...? Are you planning on staying Galar Region for long
Juno: Yeah, I differently. Wanna explore more of Galar. See what the sights and Pokémon. Already got a evolved my Corisquire into Corikight, so want learn more about this place as much as I can.
Rose: Sounds like a brilliant plan. And after that?
Juno: Well, I haven’t thought that far ahead, but... I not sure if I’m going back Kalos at all.
Rose: Oh. I didn’t know you were living in Kalos.
Juno: Yeah, I was traveling ... um, met someone and stayed about a few years.
Rose: Oh... So you are ... you are spoken for then.
Juno didn’t say anything at first as she was watching Wanda and Riply, lets out sigh.
Arin: Well, no... It’s a long story. I don’t want to get into it.
Rose nods, and takes a sip of his wind, trying to find the words but he opens his mouth.
Rose:: Well, then since you’re planning on staying for a while, maybe I... Well... (clears throat) I was wondering, Juno we you care to accompany me for lunch at, um, some point.
Juno blinks and looks him, he was smiling politely but was sweating bullets.
Juno: Are... you asking me on a date?
Rose: I... Um... (blushes more) Well... Yes... (thinking) Bloody hell, I missed up.
Juno: Yeah, I would really like that , Mr. Chairman.
Rose: (eyes lights up) R-Really?!
Arin nods and smiles, the Chairman’s face lights up, more smiles back.
Rose: Oh, well, fantastic. Hullbury city, there’s a lovely seafood restaurant. Dose. Thursday night at 6 o’clock?
Juno: Yeah, works for. But... (looks over at Oleana)
She was standing near by, watching the two off them closely.
Arin: Um, is she coming with us, right?
Juno: Don’t worry, I’m scheduling her to take the day off.
Juno: Oh, thank god. (sighs, and smiles) See you this Thursday.
Rose nods and watches as she walks away to Riply and Wanda.
Rose lets out sigh, walks away and mentally cheers to himself.
Rose: (thinking) SHE SAID YES!! WELL DONE ROSE! OKAY... Okay... just be professional, you’re at a party, plus Olestra will be on me about that.
He walked back into where few people greeted him
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moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
It's okay to not feel okay! It's okay to feel disappointed, frustrated, and other uncomfortable emotions. It's part of what makes us, us. And it's really hard some days to be kind to ourselves when we make a mistake, because we feel we 'should have known better' and we want to do our best. It's okay to feel that way, but it can hurt a lot too. If you can (I know it's hard!), please try and treat yourself with the same kind and gentle understanding that you show all of us. Sending hugs!
IRIDAE SWEETIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
Sorry again it took me so long to reply. I won’t put up any excuses, though I know you’ll understand, and for that I’m very, very grateful, Iridae. Thank you for your patience and for being so kind to me aksjdflj aaaah ;A;
Thank you so much for the reminder that it’s okay to feel upset. It’s one of those things that I preach everywhere, and apply to myself except when I really, really, really upset and just tend to…forget? So thank you lots, Flour. It was a kind and very warm reminder about how I just had to let the emotions flow and that it was okay to be that way for as long as I needed to feel upset. Thank you for acknowledging that, and for relieving me off the stress of “I know I shouldn’t feel this way so why am I feeling this waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay”.
It’s part of what makes us, us. YOU DAMN RIGHT. You damn right, Flour…and it was something else that I had somewhat forgotten back the days I was feeling upset. It takes sometimes a dear buddy or a big reminder that it’s okay to feel the way we do, and I’m touched, and very happy that you were there for me when it was my turn to require of someone to tell me this. Remind me that it’s fine to be upset. We’re often bombarded with “Don’t feel hatred!! Don’t feel jealousy!! Don’t feel sadness, be bright and optimistic and happy to be healthy!!!!!” that at the slightest negative feeling we experiment, we immediately feel regret, guilt, and this frustration, and this huge necessity to get rid of these feelings when it’s not that way…
Feelings are, as you say, what makes us what we are. Both the negative and the positive ones. And as I think, feelings come and go as they please; we don’t think “I’ll feel happy” to feel it; it gets here on its own, and the only thing we can do is experiment it and offer it ways to be free. Trying to cage away a feeling is like caging a beast that was just passing by; maybe it was scary or would have destroyed some things, but we have to let it walk past. Caging it not only keeps it there for longer than it would have stayed had we let it be, caging it also makes it angrier and stronger. And, unlike real beasts that we could kill (alkdjsflakdgja noooo!!! ;A;), feelings can’t be killed with anything, so sooner or later they’ll come out. So caging them and making them angrier really works for nothing.
That’s what I think, at least. And you gave me the reminder I needed for that; that it’s not about caging and erasing feelings, it’s about letting them be, and that that’s okay. I’m alive and I feel, and part of all that is being upset and experimenting negative things. Negative isn’t equal to unhealthy. It’s just unpleasant…and it’s not eternal. So it’s okay to feel it.
So everything you said is damn true. I’m in one of those cases when you say something in such concise (?) and true way, I feel like I want to aggressively agree, but it’s so well worded I can just say “Yeah, damn right!” and can’t add anything without sounding stupid or repetitive, hahahaha. But really, all that you said, it’s all true and it’s really touching that you gifted such pretty words to me. Thank you, Iridae. It IS sort of frustrating having to deal with these emotions, but it’s about working them.
Thank you for acknowleding all this. It sort of calmed me down and made it easier to work them. Thank you so much…wholeheartedly, buddy. I can’t say it enough :’)
The last bit about trying to treat myself with the same gentleness and understanding that I treat others was, and still is….sort of overwhelming, but in a soft way. It’s like…it felt like a revelation, you know? Hahaha, I don’t know how to describe it….but it felt like that. Like one of those things that make you go “*gentle gasp* ohmygod that’s so true…” and makes you go mute and sit there like a Stupid Thing needing hours to process the information, and through the days you have spontaneous moments where you sit there not blinking and staring into the void and with the head blank because your brain is still processing it alksjdlkadgjalkhjalhj
To treat myself the way I treat others. It sounds so simple and like something I already knew, but I needed a SLAP ON THE FACE WITH A SHOVEL to really understand it. I don’t…mean to sound pretentions or narcissistic, but I do am aware of the way I treat others, because it’s on purpose. The understanding and the kindness and the long answers and the carefully chosen things to say. Mostly the understanding. I’ve worked really, really hard for years since I was a teen to be as understanding as I can be…to be sincere, my reason to that or my “goal” to that is that I want to make others feel in a way that lets them know that, if they ever have anything they’re too shy to talk about, I’m there and won’t judge, I want to feel like…a safe place, you know. Like, not even intimate or personal, just a safe place. As in, someone could be there for one hour and never again say anything to me, that’ll be fine. 
I just feel like everyone needs a safe place, and I want others to know that I could be one if they so need. So I try to be as understanding as I can be, acknowledge/validate whatever they feel no matter how “petty” or “unimportant”.My brother says I’m justifying everyone, and that’s more or less what I do, hahaha…it’s not always good, but I’d rather not take the risk of being “malicious” for once and make someone feel bad.
Idk KLDJFGLKAHALKJGADLKGAJ aaaaahhhhhhhh sorry for the random unexpected rant, Iridae, and thank you so much for reading me ;A;
But yah. That felt like a revelation. I guess I took it for granted and assumed that I naturally and on automatic treat myself the way I treat others, but it’s not always like that. I’ll try to be more conscious about it, which I think is the problem of why we tend to not treat ourselves as we treat others; as I said, I’m usually like taht because it’s on purpose, I’m aware of the way I’m acting. But when it’s myself? Not so much. I just let it all naturally flow, and I don’t put the same consciousness and focus in how I treat myself as I focus in others. And it’s not my fault, either, because when we’re feeling something, it’s harder to have the mind clear enough to think about it, unlike when it’s happening to others that, because it’s not you, you have the head clear enough to think.
I think that’s the problem, and you’ve made me have another epiphany that I think I’ll need to sit through with a blank face gazing into nowhere again to process it....u. Damn. r i g h t....
Wow....Iridae, thank you. Thank you immensely, wholeheartedly, and every other sort of ly. Thank you so much, my dear friend. It was such...an eye opener aksdjdklgjafkgj omg I’m having this life revelation HOLY SHIT U DAMN RIGHT.
Flour, today you’ve made me wiser than I was yesterday (it’s a way to say it because I read this as soon as it arrived but you get my point), and that, my dear friend, knowledge of whatever form, is perhaps the biggest gift anyone can give or receive. Thank you so much, buddy. I’ve learned thanks to you, and I don’t know how to thakn you enough. Thank you for sharing these wonderful and kind words with me, and thank you for teaching me/helping me teach myself. 
You truly are a magnificent and wonderful creature, Iridae. I’m so happy you decided to write that first ask back in the days. Thank you...
Thank you so much and immensely again. I won’t tire of saying it. And thanks for writing to me again, buddy!! It’s always a pleasure to answer to you :3 
I hope you’re having a MOST PHENOMENAL day or night, buddy! HUGS BACK YOUR WAY!!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
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Spartacus : Vengeance Rewatch - Episode 4: Empty Hands
Sex Scene: 2 (plus lots of slave entertainment sex)
“Cock”: 3
“Cunt”: 2
“Fucking Gaul”: none because Agron doesn’t have any lines.
Slow motion Face Punch: 1
Episode Name Dropped by: Ilithyia
Memorable Death:  Acer… obviously. He deserved so much better!
Favourite Line: “They shall learn a wounded animal may yet bear teeth.”
 - I was so damn worried they were gonna step on that frog.
- I love me some foggy forests.
- I don’t get why Mira keeps moving, like stay still woman, you are trying to hide.
- I remember when I first watched this I was so mad at Naevia for running and thought she was so freaking stupid, but like that girl was traumatized. It makes total sense that she ran, it’s classic PTSD (as someone with PTSD I totally understand this reaction). I think my main issues the first time was that I was getting used to this new actor and comparing her to the s1 actor.
-  IT WAS A HISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Seriously, the way that soldier took down Naevia is brutal, and I love it.
-  “I fucking hate running,”…….somehow this is the most Aussie thing they’ve ever said.
- Fuck I love Mira. She just full on jumps on the dude and knifes him. She’s like a jungle cat. Seriously, Mira, will you marry me?
-  I always feel so bad when the background rebels die, poor babies.
- I LOVE THAT THEY WANNA BURY HIM!!!!! That means so much, it’s respect and loyalty and honour. BUT SPARTY IS SUCH A DOUCHE (even though I understand that they don’t have time, but cmon)
- I get so bored with the Romans sometimes.
- I feel we were robbed of the religious aspects of the time. But maybe that’s just me, I love the whole wide world of Gods and Goddesses.
- Albinius is not subtle in his interest in Lucretia (to be fair, neither am I)
-  Glaber is SUCH A DICK TO HIS WIFE, OMG! .... And Ilithyia is so crushed.
-  I’m honestly a little surprised Nasir would say he needs a rest, because wouldn’t he want to be seen like a warrior. Especially in front of the Gladiators? But then again, he also completely diffused that tense situation, so maybe he’s a genius.
-  I am 1000% here for a Nasir, Mira, Naevia friendship. WHERE ARE THE FICS!?
-  I am so surprised Liscus is so quick to say Crixus is dead. I thought Gauls were super loyal and devoted.
-  Sparty don’t like people dissing his new bf.
- Holy shit, I cannot get over the utter disrespect of desecrating a corpse. I mean I know Sparty did it in the first ep of this season, and I think I was fine with that cos it was a Roman corpse. But this time, it’s a gladiator. I know, double standards, but I can’t help it.
-  Am I seeing things, or does Ashur also look offended/uncomfortable by the corpse defiling? Shit, am I agreeing with Ashur, noooooooo.
-   “Slave, true, but far from common”
-  I cringe every time Seppia speaks
- “The morning cock has better chance of crowing to such heights”
-  “Empty vessel, barren of life, and prophesy” – did Ilithyia really have to go the barren route.
-   I was so damn happy when Rhaskos was alive……. If only he’d stay that way forever.
-  It’s awkward how excited everyone is, but sucks to be them cos it aint Sparty.
- “I stand with you in this life, and the next” HOLY SHIT I DIDN’T KNOW ACER SAID THIS OMG! This is exactly what Naevia says to Crixus later on. WOW, these are such romantic words, makes me wonder if Acer had a thing for Crixus??? I’m here for it!!!
- Oenomaus and Crixus back together again!! Yay!
-   I really hate broken hearted Oenomaus. Let Crixus smile for a god damn minute would you!!
-  For a second I really though Liscus went mad and killed Naevia.
-  Every time there is a slow-mo fight, I get butterflies. I love this show, okay?!
-  Nasir being amazing. That is all.
-  You know what I find odd, even though Naevia is super traumatized I almost feel like all this fighting and death would be comforting in a way?? because she grew up in the ludus, she was around fighting every damn day, shouldn’t she not freak out and cry about a little battle?? Am I just being insensitive?
-   I am living for all this hissing!
-  Oh gods, seriously the slow-mo scream of Nasir is fucking awful. As in it’s tragically hilarious. He sounds so stupid, I hate it.
-  Mira and Nasir, I love them.
-   Omg, Nasir sounds like he’s saying goodbye. No baby.
- Seriously, the way Naevia walks up to Nasir all possessed like, I honestly thought she was going to kill him. It was freaky.
-   Ilithyia’s party dress is the most beautifully stunning thing I’ve ever seen.
- There is a LOT of boob sucking going on.
- Varinius is so waiting for the other shoe to drop.
-  Okay, I know Seppia and Seppius are brother and sister but when I first watched this I REALLY shipped them. And even now, I still kinda do. I know it’s all kinds of wrong, but the heart ships what the heart ships.
-  It seriously looked like one of those guards rushed up to make out with Acer….. I aint even mad about that.
-   “Cut the pig” … background actors are hilarious.
-   “Boy fought well”
-  I LOVE LISCUS SHOWING NASIR RESPECT!!! Even if it is kinda short lived.
-  I usually hate it when Sparty slaps his rebels (I will never be over how he slapped Agron) but in this case, I’m okay with it. Liscus talked about Varro, just …. You deserved it, man.
-  My little shipper heart wishes Sparty wanted Agron there was so Agron and Nasir could see each other again … my logical brain says Agron is the reinforcements they need. Sigh.
-  I love watching Fortis run, that man is so majestical.
-   All the other slaves look mad, Crixus looks confused.
-  A PENIS!! I always said I’d make a point to mention the penis’ because it’s so rare to see them, compared to the amount of boobs you get in EVERYTHING.
-  “We are politicians are we not”
-   I love how Albinius is just watching this dick measuring contest, giving no fucks at all.
-  Jackals, that’s a new insult. I love Jackals.
-  Okay I know I said Ilithyia’s dress was divine but so is Lucretia’s. wow damn.
-   I love Acer.
- Lucy Lawless acting is phenomenal. Every time she’s in eyesight of Crixus she holds her stomach. That is so beautifully done and makes the character all the more real.
-  Lucretia and Crixus scenes are so amazing.
- I really love the Ilithyia and Albinius scenes, they have good back and forth.
-   Gods, the amount of fun they are all having at Acer’s expense. I could go on another rant about slavery but I think we all get the gist.
-  “You carry his child”… hilarious.
- “Do not cry out”
-  Sparty actually looks upset at having to burn Nasir, but dude, it’s gonna save his life.
-  I don’t think anyone realises how strong Nasir is. He didn’t cry out when he was being burned. Have you been burnt? I have, it fucking hurts. Nasir wasn’t a gladiator, he wasn’t used to pain, he was a house slave, he was used to sex. He’s used to pleasure and discomfort, not brutal pain. And yet, he didn’t scream. That’s my baby!
-  I hate that Varinius is into Seppia, it’s kinda gross.
-  I do love that Seppia can’t cut Acer though, it really shows her youth and in that split second I actually like her as a character. She seems real for the very first time.
-   “Absent attempt to fuck your sister” HOLY SHIT I DIDN’T NOTICE THIS BEFORE, THIS IS FUCKING HILARIOUS.
- Hot damn, Ilithyia is so damn sexy. I mean sucks that Acer died and I liked him, but I NEED TO FAN MYSELF COS ILITHYIA IS HOT LIKE BURNING. Seriously, damn.
-  I kinda like a Lucretia and Albinius friendship, for a minute, then it all goes to hell.
- Wait, so Liscus never made it to Agron? But …. I’m confused now.
-  Seriously, these actors that play the entertainment slaves, like they are basically having sex, so do they hire pornstars??
-  Once again, still shipping the incest, but I can’t help it! gah!
-  Holy shit, Ilithyia and Varinius sex scene is hot as hell. Ilithyia makes the best faces when she has scenes like this.
-  All this talk of Crassus makes so much more sense now that I’ve seen s3
-  Poor Nasir being carted around like a sack of potatoes.
- “Fuck the Gods.”
-   I seriously hate the Romans, leave our poor gladiators alone and stop fucking up their corpses.
- How did Sparty hear them coming?
-  Wow damn, that pole, flipping over, thing, was amazing.
-  Sparty took on a Roman army, all on his own and he won.
-  I appreciate Marcus’ belief in his people, but he’s way too cocky.
-  “I am not a Roman. I will not fucking die this night”
-  I don’t get why Nasir was allowed to live, but Liscus wasn’t. I mean I know his wound was in the chest so it was serious ….. I’m just sick of all these Gladiators dying!
-  Sometimes Ilithyia needs to calm the fuck down
-  Ilithyia is so vicious. Who knew the ditz from the pilot would end up being one of the most amazing characters
-   Ilithyia/Lucretia kiss, how I have missed these.
-  “I long to see what dawn shall bring”
-  This show has the most beautiful scenery.
-  My warrior queen!
-    I love that Naevia has a tiny blade to protect herself and Nasir.
-   AGRON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at that nerd smile. I love him so much.
- I love that Agron barely acknowledges Sparty and runs straight for Nasir.
- Donar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-  OMG this Nagron scene kills me. Nasir’s little smile, the way Agron’s whole face just melts and you can see the absolute LOVE in his eyes.
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edwinavde862-blog · 5 years
10 Apps to Help You Manage Your dating sites free
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I am the following was CEO and founder of magnet, the newest dating app that everybody else is talking about that you just have to purchase, and we're talking about. Everybody's favorite subject, not simply ours. Everybody else, which can be gender. Hey, let's talk about sex, baby.
I want the entire movie coming from 50 shades darker. Uh, this may be the entire thing that like has women running to the movie theaters and purchasing their books and. Investing their nights with their Kindle. And so we want to talk about sex and what it's really is about all this. It truly is driving girls crazy. Um, however I have a really interesting question to ask you.
U M, in the movie, the first person, um, this girl resembles, maybe not, she is, she's a Virgin. She has certainly not had sexual activity. And he opens this up whole new world of sexuality for her. So she moves from like this girl who's never ever had sexual intercourse to a exact sexual person. Just how is it, there's a whole lot of girls. We fight a great deal with body image.
Now we view Photoshop girls. That's interesting. Okay. Girls are smarter. They don't presume that's, uh, the physical aspect is equally as important as men think of females. Sure. So there is this stress on females to like have an ideal human anatomy.
So, once it comes to. Sex and we are buttoned naked and it's really like a man wants to access your entire body. Like there is all of this such as hidden resembles, ah, I really don't want to show him this. Turn off the lighting, and it just starts getting really awkward. How can a man make a woman feel comfortable with your own entire body? Was gender could return from .
So that it's a, honestly, a way at that point look at this man is really okay with her own body regardless supposing it is the standard she's looking for or it's really not. Uh, so of course, uh, revealing appreciation, showing up preachers like, wow, that's, uh, actually for the, uh, years tile down there. Much like, it is like the true luxury too.
But when you're naked, that purpose is like, Oh, that's so impressive. And revealing and with wards and we'd askwe enjoy exhibits. You're not, like, ah, it is not the thing. My more like at that point, if you should be each more than the name, therefore get to this pleasure. Honestly, if she wants to have the lights off or enjoy the light go foryou personally, do not ask.
Lights all the time. Yeah. That's the you want to ease the woman into a situation in which she's comfortable. So it is perhaps not, it can possibly be uh, it could take a little while to receive there. So all the seduction part until the date, make an effort never to eat too much, you knowit goes like an imbalance. So in the event you select a date, maybe reimbursement cheese, however not really going like a complete hour.
And Trey, we that the very first, next, third party . You can keep that for days 2 or later. The first period you'll not just drink sir icon. It's a great tool. Don't care too much at that point. Thus no, say, yeah, they're drunk or get yourself drunk. That's stupid glass of wine. Because the wine, it is interesting as a kind of article, you know, each I Will call these different ismagic and pressure.
I was reading articles about how precisely actually ladies, women are moaning into Hawaiian. It's, we're becoming in our sexual point at which you are much more like open talk about
The past out of a taste, obviously, and I'll visit a force, but that's usually a very good way to ask a lady out is like, Oh, so you're enjoy a wine or beer? I am more into one. Oh, flawless. I know. It is a. Wine barthat you understand, he's my company. Yeah. I discovered that with, um, me feeling more comfortable with my body. You will find just two items that a man could do to me.
One particular was verbalization, verbalizing such as, Oh my God, your skin is so soft. It's like lace. You look phenomenal. U M. I really love. I remember a guy, '' he was fact with my wrists of all things, and we were S we're sitting at a bar and he'd proceed, Ohmygod, here is definitely the most beautiful rest.
Did that appropriate? No explanations. Correct. Your self in a situation where by the, we were already seeing each other. Yeah. We were some reason, I am obviously that element of signature awakened me, however, it was a verbalization of just like. Paying attention for the details of the entire body and calling them out and speaking about these.
For me personally, that as a woman made me feel almost like proud of the physique. We cling to communication and also the story telling video, so it's important to describe her. Okay, I'd like to see. Ask her to coach she anyplace because you're really enjoyable way too. And people who treated her like as a sheet of meat, but like, Oh wow.
I mean that this masterpieces, thing of art that you simply have to uncover and see every element and it's important to be confident your self. Otherwise it is like, Oh, okay. He is. Like, perhaps not sure. Maybe it's me. So she is like a mirror. You need to project mild so as to get life back, you understand? So that's critical.
You'll ought to be comfortable in your kid by means of your human body again, even if it's maybe not to start our standard at this point. It truly is like, Hey, it is what it's. So like, yeah, that's me. And at this time, again, alcohol is really a useful. Especially, if that you do not have an excessive amount of experience. Which means that you have to fake, you have to fake, uh, feeling confident.
But again, in case you are not convinced, she isn't probably not likely to become because of you and vice versa. And as a woman, probably, you need to be, really feel convinced in sequence to have the man. Therefore that it's similar to a, it's a teamwork at that stage, you know? S O. You move ahead that there eventually. That's why dating is equally important is only find the work you want or you don't like.
It's probably planning to change over the years to last to really experienced amongst communication and, um, events and expertise for this person. You are not getting exactly what you are looking for.
Oh, we then code join as a result of an DL appetite and what we want there. Some times they are the same. Some times there are many different, but that's, it really is hard on another topic. Therefore that the other point I identified using them was also this, this also made me feel really comfortable in my physique. I notice a big difference from adult men have been merely like, such as, woo, it is exciting to a man who was just like very present and at the moment.
That was tremendous. That for me personally, because I wish I had the words to articulate it, but it made me really feel like this. Prize ownership that he was simply sohe just completely adored and like I can, as a woman, you can feel that people're very intuitive and that I can truly feel that the difference between a man who is very gift and what he is doing with me and together with my physique.
And if a man's like freaking out, I am merely like, be careful because placing a woman on a pedestal is important at the suitable moment. Correct? Therefore you put it goes into them, such as these guys like maintain me over. You understand? That's the reason you find yourself in a pal . But in case it's, there is a point where you're the two intimated.
Yes, that's perfect.
Great man. Thing resembles, Oh, so you are my queen. So. That's actually accomplishing precisely the alternative. Yeah. I haven't earned that right on your life. So that the fact that you are committing me it , '' I something feels weird about it particular. Yeah. Probably such as again, you would need that. And EO. Idon't, I really don't want to have to babysit someone.
I want some body to function as man. Idon't understand. Yeah. Pretending you're maybe not interests. It's part of this game of seduction, but proper you're at the bedroom, then you have to turn it like, okay, you are the only one that I care about today. You are my queen today, though she wants to become some times, actually, again, it's about communication.
Many girls, they want to take her, you understand the training to take charge and take control. Only ask maybe again in something you are not okay together with, and that means you're not the right match. I will back up some. You said act like you're not interested, that that's part of seduction. Idon't know if I agree with that.
I have never ever been with a man that gave me personally that game. When I felt that game, I would just, I would be like, I really don't have enough time because of it . Females are instinctive.
It is nothing like an ideal strategy. But again, instead of being neediness, no, the neediness. So it must really be something at the center show attention, however at exactly the same time, you convinced you're not desperate. Yeah. My estimation, it really is better to upbeat, blow off arise because the series is still utilized. Are you okay? I did. These additional men are similar to all within mepersonally, but these men can ignore him.
Do not you think there is a balance so that you do not have to, but you don't have to be more meaty. There is some thing in the center. More at the middle, in my own opinion, is similar. Choosing the correct time of utilizing your flirting Nez and will likely be treated and time is everything. It really is like a humor to know in the event the joke is not arriving at the right moment.
It's going to making you laugh regardless how good it is. Thus understand how busy that this man or woman is. I always into you and try to understand just like, okay, if I contact her? Tend not to play with the game. However, the exact same time gone. Don't resemble a slave. Right? So what exactly would, what can we wrap it up together in terms of whatexactly, what https://naughtyfriendgirl.com are the ultimate third, what will you say are the top three ultimate things that a man can perform to get a woman having making her feel comfortable with her entire body?
Thus be comfortable yourself. Yeah. Be receptive to show that you're in charge if she wants to, however at the same time, you are open up about your emotions. You know, reveal enjoy your, let us say weak unwanted side, they're more like, that's amazingly sexy. Yeah. So that's again, another matter in which, properly guys are said to be, you know, masculine in and show why they ought to be allowed to cry.
Movies, you knowto complete matters that are thought of a woman and vice versa. We have been talking about gender, any former video, for example. She'll be able to talk about sexuality and a man who should be able to talk about thoughts. I totally agree. 100 percent those are not my remark leads. Pints at which you shouldn't be taking care of.
In the event you want to get a place in which your partner is, he is open to comfortable carrying out a sexual act. Yeah. Brilliantly said. Remember, make that app. It really is called magnet. It's the new dating app that every one's talking about. I have gotten to see it. It really is absolutely brilliant.
You are definitely going to love this. It truly is totally different from every thing else out there. Um, and therefore we will carry another video right back to those guys. All suitable. Thank you men. Bye. Bye.
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