#what a beautiful special person truly i love seeing him genuinely happy and content
bawltongue · 9 months
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Heavy breathing i keep getting stsg content + poetry content on my fyp i think they go hand in hand… and eurheuh i just NEED to share this with u I’m sorry I can’t resist I see the silly boys everywhere I go I simply cannot escape them ☹️
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“I’m willing to be whatever you want me to be, whether it’s friends, lovers, or both. I just know that I want to be in your life, exist in your orbit, as long as you’ll have me.” // “love is attainted by through embarrassing yourself by asking for it” GOJO CODED!!!!!! I SAW THOSE AND IMMEDIATELY THOUGHT OF MY OCEAN EYED PRINCESS SOBSSS… especially the second one hrrrrrrggggghhgg my pretty princess and his fear of vulnerability. His desperation and overwhelming need to be loved and to have a meaningful relationship with someone <//333 I know you’ve said it before but I think what he needs more than anything is a friend or a family or literally just anyone to keep him company. He’s soooo alone and while he might kind of just simmer in his own loneliness on occasion I don’t think it makes him crave someone to be close to any less :( I think he fears being alone in a way but also finds a sort of depressing comfort in it YKK??? Maybe that’s just my take on it though lol
“I'd cut my soul into a million different pieces just to form a constellation to light your way home. I'd write love poems to the parts of yourself you can't stand. I'd stand in the shadows of your heart and tell you I'm not afraid of your dark.”
^^^ Do I even have to explain how sugu this is. “I’d write love poems to the parts of yourself you can’t stand” THATS HIM!!! HE SAID THAT ONCE HE DID HE REALLY DID TRUST MEEEE. Poetry that really focuses on devotion and unwavering loyalty has such a special place in my heart because whenever I see it I think of my wife my lover my angel suguru geto…. Starts screaming through the tears.. but that specific line is so important to me because I think being close to suguru whether platonically or romantically means he genuinely adores you entirely. I feel like the “my partner can do no wrong 😇” mindset that’s more associated with cult leader!geto kind of blossoms from the fact he firmly believes even the “imperfect” parts of you are beautiful simply because they’re you. LIKE LOOK AT THE WAY HE LOOKS AT SATORU??? he’s got his eyes locked on him at all times and he just looks at him so fondly,.. with so much adoration!!! Satoru “my love language is physical touch” gojo and suguru “my love language is my eyes boring into your soul” geto 🙁
“Did I live with you in a past life? Was I your lifelong partner? Is that why the idea of losing you torments me so much? How long have I been without you?”
sighhhh I feel like not only is that one specifically very sugu but… also very satosugu. I KNOW YOU’VE TALKED ABOUT STSG REINCARNATION AU AND IT MADE ME SO HAPPY WHEN I SAW THAT PARTICULAR SLIDE BECAUSE I THOUGHT IT FIT SOO WELL :( THEY R THE SOULMATES EVER. “How long have I been without you?” me personally I dropped to my knees and started choking on my own sobs it’s SO THEM. Also… “You’ve always been like breathing.” <<< thiS. IS. SUGURU. That line very specifically makes me think of the ask I sent about the aroace/traumatised!reader where reader and suguru have a bond where they truly understand each other and how having a connection like that would do sugu so much good BECAUSEEEE suguru is such a caretaker. He’s so focused on protecting and loving the people around him so him having such an understanding friendship with reader that brings about a mutual sense of safety and security makes me think of that quote so much,.. the one person in the world that he knows wholly and truly understands him, the one person that’s his own little breath of fresh air to the world around him.. :33 does that make sense….. maybe it doesn’t and maybe it’s just how I interpret the quote + reader n sugus bond maybe I’m crazy…… 💔💔
ANYWAYS I HOPE UR DOING WELL N TAKING CARE OF URSELF <333 !!!! AHDHSHS APOLOGIES FOR WALTZING INTO UR INBOX BUT I SAW THE QUOTES AND JUST NEEDED TO SHARE THEM CAUSE IK YOU’LL UNDERSTAND HOW INSANE I AM ABOUT THE SILLIES 💔💔💔 shhh shhh don’t tell the doctors I escaped the ward,,, they’re gonna put me back in the crazy hospital where all I do is sit on the floor and mutter incoherent sentences about suguru…. quick they’re coming hide me hide me….
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ollie……………. you’re gonna fry my brain
THIS MADE ME LOSE IT????? HELLO?????? FREE MOODBOARD??????? THANK U MY LIEGE okay but this did actually make me insane these quotes are SO stsg 😭😭😭……… i sniffled.
I AGREE W ALL UR THOUGHTS BTW all the quotes you pointed out fit so well for them…. just know that i’m sitting here nodding and taking notes while u speak. everything u say is so real so true….. i don’t have many things to add bc i just Agree entirely tbh 😭😭 I DO HAVE THINGS TO SAY THOUGH THIS JUST KINDA FRIED MY BRAIN??? stsg makes me lose all sense of coherency wbk ….
I think he fears being alone in a way but also finds a sort of depressing comfort in it YKK??? Maybe that’s just my take on it though lol
NONONO I AGREE U GET IT I’M CHEERING WILDLY i think satoru finds comfort in how isolated he is. i think his loneliness is his best friend. he doesn’t like being alone but there’s definitely a sense of satisfaction that he gains from being alone, knowing that’s how it should be.. :((( i think he’s resigned to his isolation. even though deep down he wants companionship. and ofc i agree entirely w the quote u picked out, i really don’t see satoru as someone who cares about labelling his love — if he loves you then that’s all he needs to know, whether it’s platonic or romantic or whatever. he just wants a friend :(((
but that specific line is so important to me because I think being close to suguru whether platonically or romantically means he genuinely adores you entirely. I feel like the “my partner can do no wrong 😇” mindset that’s more associated with cult leader!geto kind of blossoms from the fact he firmly believes even the “imperfect” parts of you are beautiful simply because they’re you.
OLLIEEEEE OUR BRAINS ARE HOLDING HANDS THIS MADE ME GO FERAL……. i don’t think there are enough words in the english language to express how much i agree with this so we’re gonna have to settle for a good ol U GET IT!!!!!! aaaa i agree so much!!!!!! T—T he adores you entirely…… he just loves who you are as a person. even your flaws are a part of you and he loves them just the same. because they’re you!!! so true!!!! and gosh he’s for sure a “my partner can do no wrong 😇” bf……. it’s kind of ridiculous actually. he just loves you so wholeheartedly that there’s nothing you could do that would make me think badly of you…. absolutely nothing. “i’d stand in the shadows of your heart and tell you i’m not afraid of your dark”…….. he loves every single piece of you, even the ones that are broken T—T he’ll just do his best to mend them!!! sighhhh he’s so perfect it hurts..,..
AND THE REINCARNATION AU WAAHHHH SO TRUE THEY’RE THE SOULMATES EVER EVER EVER ❤️❤️❤️❤️ no but any kind of quote that mentions a past life makes me think of them tbh 😭😭 and that particular quote always makes me so emotional…. how long have i been without you…. i just feel like no matter the universe they’ll find each other. whether it’s as friends or lovers or enemies they’re Together. always.
inhale. exhale. you’ve always been like breathing.
ollie i need u to know that this ruined my life i’ve never seen this quote before and now i’m just?????? i’m being so serious there’s a hole in my chest . i’m struggling to find the words. it’s just so beautiful i’m genuinely speechless AND IT’S SOOOO SUGU YOU’RE SO RIGHT i think it’s very satoru too though….. i picture this for jjk 0 satoru specifically like…. the fact that geto assumed satoru stopped loving him…… but he never did. loving sugu always came easy to him. :(( BUT BACK TO SUGU u alr know i adore ur sugu/reader ideas….. and i agree wholeheartedly i think sugu finds so much comfort in that sense of understanding between u… a love that’s as easy as breathing bc u understand one another even without words!! even if he doesn’t make a sound you know that suguru loves you and even if you don’t make a sound suguru knows that you love him. it’s so easy. (they do in fact make me insane)…….
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banghwa · 2 years
''i dont really mind that no one really puts their weird invasive relationship microscope over them bcs what they have is truly so special and beautiful that i want them to get to keep it all to themselves'' you know what... you're SO right. i always get angry when i see how this fandom treats hoseok as the odd one out and seems to ignore his incredibly close friendships with the members (some of which i see as one the most wonderful bonds within the group). i thought that maybe there's a blessing in that - hoseok has more freedom to openly love his members without too many people making it weird or even uncomfortable for him. but what you said made me realise that it's also good because he gets to keep his beautiful friendships more private despite being in the view of millions, simply because so many of those millions don't care. i hope he breathes a bit easier because of this, i hope that despite how this fandom treats him, it results in good things for him as well. hahah suddenly i feel like spreading the ''hoseok is the seventh wheel'' agenda (despite it being obvious that the group is hobi's harem), let him love them in peace like he deserves. everybody stop perceiving hoseok's friendships! seriously tho, i hope he's so so happy.
HIIIII my love omg im so sorry you sent this practically a month ago and im just seeing it :(( if i remember right ur talking abt this post, and yes exactly! and yes definetly i do feel like hoseok is that kind of person too, where he values his personal relationships so closely that he would prefer they don't get overly tangled in the publicity of it all, and so maybe not having as much attention on his interactions is a little more comfortable for him. im sure friendships for someone as famous as he is must be such a delicate matter. and although i would wish hoseok to be loved as loudly as other members and that his very close relationship with them be seen as being as important as more popular friendships like between jungkook and jimin.....like on the other hand i see how jikookers and taekookers and yoonminers act and how entitled they are to interactions and content and if less attention is what it takes for jihopers to stay normal then so be it !!!!!! i think theres cons and pros to it, and if anything it means hoseok can be truly appreciated by fans who genuinely like him and his work. and SO fucking true maybe if we keep spreading the "hoseok seventh wheel" agenda we can implicitely keep gatekeeping him <33333
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possession1981 · 1 year
aleks!! it’s your borfday !!! happy happy happy birthday ♡〜٩( ᐢ⸝⸝› ‹⸝⸝ᐢ)۶〜♡ I hope your day has been wonderful and you got a little smth nice for yourself whatever it may be because you deserve it !! I also hope Jacob is taking you on a date or else it’s ass whopping time anyway ! I am here to present you with a couple things so ahem
to our one and only belovedest Aleks goes the 🏆 best cc on tumblr award 🏆 need I say more? I think a lot of ppl would agree with me here, you never cease to amaze with your creations, I remember when you followed me back it felt kinda crazy cause your stuff is on such a different level you can make anything and everything look so beautiful and nice and polished. truly insane. mind blowing. award deserving. I could spend hours looking at your work ♡
ofc the 🏆 best fashion mutual 🏆 also goes out to thee, I’ve already told you this but you have. The Vision. you Know. you Understand. I always love to hear your takes on ppl’s outfits srsly I live for your fashion reviews and insight, I mean you are after all a fashion icon in your own right so it only makes sense
I also have to bestow you Thee Official Taemin Mutual🏅title, I mean not that you weren’t already just personally I cannot listen to a Taemin song now without having a little thought for you, hoping that you are well wherever you are, the two of you are indivisible in my brain literally if I ever meet Taemin I feel like all I would wanna say to him would be like “my friend is your biggest fan !” yk
and finally the🏅coolest mutual award🎖️ I mean just. overall. idk how else to put it, you’re so cool and fun and nice and the best ? my tumblr experience wouldn’t be worth half of what it is if it wasn’t for you, it probably doesn’t seem like much being on tumblr but you have such a positive impact on this site I hope you know that, thank you for being here and being yourself ♡
sorry for the very long message x_x sending big love on your special day!^^ I’ll see you later when me and the guys bring you your cake in your room and sing you hbd, please try to act surprised :0 also don’t tell jongin i told you but the rover announcement was an early bday present for you shhh~ ily ❤️
first of all neo i am sorry for leaving this for like 4 hours i was trying to think of ways to adequately respond because actually i don't think u know this but like genuinely thoroughly forreal you are one of the most important people on this website to me and i'm still always like wow <3333333333 neo interacted with me <333333333 neo liked my gifs 👉🏻👈🏻 and so on and so forth.... but i have now returned from my date so u don't have to be beating anyone up babes altho i appreciate the sentiment <3 i will make sure to act surprised when u show up w the cake tho i promise
now to accept these awards that i do not feel like i am worthy of but i will accept anyways because i love u so much and value ur opinion so highly i would like to say that one of the greatest ccs on the entire platform awarding my content feels like a fever dream, and your judgment of my coolness means everything to me actually like. kissing u. <3333 and i hope u know that as much as u think of me when u listen to taemin i think of u when i listen to baekhyun (AND miss suzy!!!!!!) or probably even more in fact. now when it comes to the fashion awards i can only humbly accept and say that i think it's CRIMINAL that we don't have our own fashion evaluation show to rival johnny's yet. we deserve it we are the ones who get it.
i will be thinking of this message for ages to come btw hope u know this..... ily ily ily 💞💕🍒
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i-write-boop-spoops · 3 years
N Harmonia Fluff Alphabet
One anon asked for an N fluff alphabet and another asked for just any N content, so I hope this sates you both!
Not proof read so rip me
A = Activities (what do they like to do with their s/o? how do they spend their free time?)
Rather expectantly, N loves looking after Pokemon with you! Whether you’re playing with, feeding or tending to them, he really enjoys seeing you being so sweet and kind to cute little mons and giant scary monsters alike.
He also loves just snuggling up with you and playing with each other’s’ hair. He really cherishes that kind of gentle, intimate affection.
Other than that, he really enjoys doing mundane things with you, stuff like going grocery shopping, cleaning the house, gardening etc, even before you live together. There’s something very comforting about it.
Oh, and he loves dancing with you!
B = Beauty (what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?)
He admires your kindness obviously, but also your determination and resilience! He thinks you’re so strong, and in turn, it emboldens him too!
As for physical beauty? He loves your smile, even just a little quirk of your lips makes him so happy. It’s just so precious!
C = Comfort (how do they help their s/o when they feel down? what makes them feel better?)
N isn’t the best at this kind of stuff, but he definitely tries his best to offer you support. Usually he just sits with you and lets you vent, or cry into his shoulder, often bringing a cute pokemon with him to cheer you up. He also likes bringing you on walks, hoping it might clear your head.
His words of affirmation, though few, are quite powerful, so you know he means them.
When he’s sad, he’d like to be treated in a similar fashion, just quiet support and cute Pokemon
D = Dreams (how do they picture their future with their s/o and in general?)
N doesn’t really know how he wants his life to go, the only thing he’s certain of is that he wants to continue improving the relationships between humans and Pokemon, and that he wants to be with you for the rest of time.
E = Equal (are they the dominant one in the relationship or are they rather passive?)
Due to his lack of experience, he’s definitely more on the passive side, preferring to let you take the lead when it comes to dates and stuff. Though he has no problem asserting himself (gently) if he wants to do something else instead.
F = Fight (how quick are they to forgive their s/o? what are they like in an argument? who says sorry first?)
N hates fighting with you, absolutely despises it, so he tends to avoid it when he can. Inevitably, like in all relationships, you end up in a few spats. He’s never mean to you, but he does try talk over you and has a habit of just walking out instead of working out the issue right away. Really he just goes for a walk to calm him down, and he’s usually back in an hour or two, but you probably don’t solve your disagreement until the next day.
He finds it quite easy to admit fault and apologise, so you don’t have to weasel a ‘sorry’ out of him. And due to his earnest nature, you know he means it.
G = Gifts (what kind of things do they gift to their s/o? are they spontaneous or do they stick to special events like anniversaries?)
When N gives a gift, most of the time, he doesn’t even realise it. He just sees something he thinks you’d like and just gives it to you without a second thought. Usually it’s pretty flora or candy, occasionally it’s a plush. Sometimes you get gifts very often, sometimes it’s weeks, maybe months, between each present.
H = Heart Eyes (what are they like in love? is it obvious to others? how do they express their love? do they brag about their s/o to others?)
N can be described as blissfully confused when in love. So soft and blushy and not totally sure what he’s feeling, but he sure does love it, and you. His Pokemon friends pick up on it immediately and root for the two of you.
Unintentionally brags. He just thinks you’re swell and tends to bring that up often, but he’s not trying to gloat.
I = Impression (what first attracted them to their s/o? how accurate was their first impression to how their s/o actually is?)
You seemed to handle that little joltik so carefully as you returned it to its mother galvantula, without an ounce of fear or malice in your eyes, and truly only kindness in your heart. It made him feel so at ease, like he had found a kindred spirit.
Not only was he right, he also found his soulmate too,
J = Jealousy (do they get jealous easily? how do they deal with it?)
N doesn’t quite understand jealousy. Like, you love each other, what does he have to worry about? He likes your friends a lot, and he finds anybody who tries to flirt with you more annoying than anything else
K = Kiss (are they a good kisser? what was their first kiss like? where do they kiss the most?)
At the beginning, N’s kisses are sweet but awkward, he’s so new to it, so he’s a bit afraid he might make a mistake. As your relationships progresses though, he becomes more comfortable and confident with it, and kisses reflect that, so soft and caring and full of meaning
I did a whole thing about N and kissing here
L = Little Things (what are the little things they love about their s/o? are they attentive?)
Really what doesn’t he love? It’s not that he puts you on a pedestal, he just genuinely finds you amazing and he loves you so much
M = Marriage (do they want to get married? how do they propose? what would the wedding be like?)
N doesn’t feel the need to marry you, as long as you’re in love, that’s what matters to him, a piece of paper doesn’t make it any more valid than it is in his eyes.
That being said, if you want to get married, he’s down for it, but don’t expect anything sappy or traditional. No proposal, no huge event, just the two of you exchanging heartfelt vows at the courthouse, with matching rings.
N = Nicknames (what do they call their s/o? what do they get called?)
He doesn’t really use nicknames, just the occasionally “Love” or “Dear”
On the flipside, he loves your nicknames for him. Some of his favourites are “Cutie”, “Sweetie”, “Greenie” and “Nat”
O = Open (do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? is it easy for them to share?)
While I wouldn’t say N is an open book, he doesn’t really hide things from you. He tells you how he feels without much fanfare, and you’re made aware of his past quite early on, even before you started dating.
P = Pancakes (are they a good cook? how often do they cook for their s/o? breakfast in bed or fancy dinner dates?)
N’s actually pretty good at cooking, and tends to cook pretty often, especially when you’re on the road together. His meals are simple and comforting, sometimes spicy, lots of soups and curries and rice.
Since he’s vegetarian, he prefers to cook for the two of you instead of going out, since most restaurants don’t have great options for him. That being said, if you find a place with a good menu, he’s totally down to take you there.
Q = Quirk (a random quality/ability that is beneficial to their relationship.)
N does not understand the concept of BS, so you don’t have to worry about playing weird mind games to find out what he really wants. As a result, your relationship is quite chill
R = Romance (how romantic are they? are they cliché or creative?)
Again, he’s not traditionally romantic, but he does care about you quite a lot and loves making you smile. And while it doesn’t say “I love you” very often, he means it, and that is a lot more valuable than any serenade or flower bouquet
S = Sleep (who falls asleep first? do they need their s/o close to them? do they have any bad habits?)
If you play with his hair, he’s out like a light. While he’s cuddles are lax and loose when he’s awake, he hugs you like a teddy when he’s fast asleep.
His sleep routine is shit though.
T = Thrill (do they need to spice up their relationship with new things or do they stick to a routine? how often do they do new things?)
N loves the cosiness of domestic mundanity, so it’s safe to say he likes to play it, well, safe. It gives him a sense of comfort and stability that he really appreciates.
U = Unity (did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? what traits do they share?)
Through being with you, N learns to be more attentive and emotional (in a healthy way), and to appreciate humans even more. He also feels more human too.
While you already loved Pokemon, he makes you see how truly amazing and special they are, and treat them even better than you did before.
V = Value (how important is their relationship to them? what is it worth compared to other things in their life?)
Your relationship is very important to him, but deep down, you know his love for Pokemon trumps his love for you. Though it never causes an issue with you
W = Wild Card (a random fluff headcanon.)
Likes to make matching flower crowns for the two of you and whatever Pokemon you’’re with at the time!
X = XOXO (do they like to kiss and cuddle? are they upfront about their relationship or rather shy when in public?)
N loves fluttery kisses and really tender hugs and cuddles, ones when you’re loosely tanged together and gently stroking each other’s skin.
He is not a PDA person at all, besides holding your hand and the occasional kiss. Some of it is shyness, but it’s mostly because he doesn’t feel the need to prove your relationship to anyone. He doesn’t use affection lightly.
Y = Yearning (how do they cope when they spend time away from their s/o? do they miss their s/o?)
He’s pretty okay on his own, since he’s quite used to it, but he does still miss you a lot. He finds comfort in things that remind you of him, a certain scent, a flower, a sound, even a Pokemon, it makes him feel like you’re with him
Z = Zoo (do they have pets? do they want some in the future?)
N doesn’t have any pets, mainly because he thinks Pokemon are friends. How many Poke-friends does he have? Too many for even him to count. My man radiates serious Disney Princess energy with the way Pokemon seem to flock to him.
That being said, he’s not against good people having Pokemon as pets, so if you have pokemon, you know he’ll be the best dad to them ever.
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➳all the king's men ♡ ☾
in which all the king's men couldn't put the pieces of y/n l/n together. we all have the days where we're insecure and broken, this is one of hers.
fred weasley x fem!reader
word count: ±1.8k
tw: insecurity, bullying
please if you are having overly harmful thoughts about yourself, talk to a friend or a professional. you are perfect the way you are and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
drop a follow if you wanna see more of this content!!
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it's so sad that the best people tend to think the worst of themselves
all the king's men
y/n, for lack of a better description, was feeling like humpty dumpty. she had seen herself in the mirror last night, and felt positively traumatised. she had come back from a quidditch practice session, and the results were quite terrifying.
she didn't understand. quidditch made the guys more toned and even a few of her teammates had abs. what did it do to her? well, it made her shoulders broad, which she thought was highly unattractive to anyone, and not at all slim! sure, it was fun and kept her fit, but terribly horrible, in her opinion, in trying to fit in to the beautiful girls that went to hogwarts.
she admired angie johnson and cho chang and ginny. she really did. y/n knew how hard it was to be beautiful, and she liked when other people were so beautifully beautiful. it just made her feel terrible, because what was the chance of her keeping her boyfriend in fred weasley when fiercely pretty girls were dancing elegantly around her?
there wasn't any time to be mopey and sad, so she gathered all her books and immediately went to breakfast. she didn't even bother going over to fred and greeting him. she saw how happy he was laughing with george and lee. surely she wouldn't bother him. instead she plopped down next to alicia.
"you ok?" alicia spinnet asked her.
she nodded, "fine."
"you sure?"
"wanna talk about it?"
"do you think it's too early to get plastic surgery?" y/n joked in an attempt to lighten the mood.
"what the fuck, no. what's up?" alicia's eyes were lit with concern.
"i don't feel pretty," her voice was but a whisper.
alicia caught it.
"why? you're literally adorable."
"you're my best friend, you're supposed to tell me that."
"hmm, nah, i truly believe it."
"well i don't," y/n said miserably.
"oi, l/n, your hair down today?" adrian pucey snarled, "it's gonna give me aids."
a few students snorted.
"you can get aids then. shut your mouth," y/n retorted back.
the whole school look startled. was this the same, prefect, goody-two-shoes y/n l/n?
adrian pucey opened his mouth.
"i said shut. your. mouth."
fred weasley watched in a mixture of furiousness and pride. he knew that pucey had a crush on y/n too. he was just terrible in expressing it. fred didn't like the way y/n's eyes sadly flitted to alicia afterwards. and she hadn't come up to him and given him a kiss today. maybe she just wanted a bit of space??
"see?" y/n sighed, "not even my hair is pretty." she tied it up.
alicia laughed, "adrian just wants your attention."
that made y/n laugh. "why? why?" it was a rhetorical question. she got up, and smiled at adrian in the most menacing way that he shrunk.
"miss l/n, your outburst was quite rude-" snape began.
"my apologies professor, of course, i was in the wrong. adrian pucey brought the topic surrounding my hair up, called it ugly. now what would you do if a student called your hair ugly?" y/n said, eyes burning with fury but conscience too good to lose her temper.
"i-i would give them a scolding."
"likewise. good day, professor."
"fucking hell, he is such a sh-" alicia muttered as she got up and followed y/n out to class.
"ali, that's enough," their retreating voices could be heard.
fred kept his eye on y/n through the day, giving her the space he thought she needed.
she looked very like her normal self, until she encountered pucey again.
"l/n, nice squinty eyes," pucey laughed.
y/n's shoulders sagged. her eyes dimmed and she let her ponytail fall in front of her face.
"ponytail won't fix them," he laughed meanly, "can they fix your dumpling body?"
fred frowned deeply, "fuck off, adrian," he angrily said, "that's my girlfriend you're talking to."
"oh, you have someone like weasley to save you? i don't even think you deserve him as a boyfriend."
y/n didn't answer, fearing that tears would spill out of her eyes. she had just been feeling worse and worse about herself. instead, when the bell signalled the end of classes, she hurried quickly off to wherever, trying to pull herself together.
she felt like she was at the bottom of the earth. her eyes finally let go of the tears that needed to be spilt. she leant sobbing against a stout tree in the forbidden forest, head slumped gloomily against the trunk, eyes trying to find anything, anything, that could be remotely comforting and hands fiddling nervously with the flowers that bloomed happily around her. her whole body shook in anxiety. she wished she had her mum or dad here to help her. but they were back at home.
how did fred love her?
she wished she didn't have stupid hair or squinty eyes or a dumpling body. but she couldn't ignore the mean, yet so true, remarks about her body adrian made. they were morally wrong and he deserved to be stabbed, but they were factual. she used to just laugh and joke about him too, but now she realised that maybe she should pay more attention to the way she eats and works and the way she talks and looks and presents herself and put more makeup on and-
fred found her crying there, by the little pond, shrinking away from the mere sight of her own appearance. he didn't get it.
well, he did, but he didn't know why such a beautiful girl like his girlfriend was crying.
she flinched and stopped crying.
"sorry, i'll leave. i don't think you want a dumpling of a girlfriend sharing this nice space," she attempted to joke, but it fell short. she wasn't joking anymore. her tone was serious and genuine. the unexpected good nature pucey's remarks were received in usually was gone, and for good reason. it had broken her into the tiniest little pieces.
fred felt it. he felt his heart stop.
"is this about what pucey said to you, lovely?" he asked gently, cupping her cheek, and pulling her close to him.
she nodded, feeling immensely better already. the smell of him made her calm down insanely.
"so you don't want space?"
"n-no, i was just..." she trailed off uncertainly.
"mhm?" he looked at her and waited.
"it's silly."
"well, it's got you crying, i don't think so."
"the stuff a-adrian says is true," her voice was quiet and small.
fred frowned.
"i'm not cute or elegant or even hot," she continued, "i-i'm not as pretty as anyone here."
"well, my little love, if my opinion even matters, you are stunning. i think you're the prettiest person in the world, both on skin and in here," he patted his own heart, "do you know how long i pined after you?"
"i'm still pining after you, gorgeous."
"d-do you mean it when you say gorgeous?" her eyes were broken and teary.
"of course. it hurts me when you are upset. because you are gorgeous and much more because you are so nice and good to me and to everyone else too. pucey's a complete shithead and when i next see him i will bash his head in. i'm so sorry i didn't notice, love, i thought you were mad at me."
"no it's fine, i just don't understand. you're fred weasley. so many girl's want you and you-you choose...me?," a sad frown was etched on her face, her tone confused.
"y/n, you're my only choice. i don't want the other girls. i can see the appeal of you. i-i know i'm not the best with words like you, but i really care about you. i love you, i adore you, you're the bestest person i've ever met."
and he knows he's brought the happiness back in her. she giggled. he felt relieved, because he knew he wasn't good at all at comforting people and y/n was so special to him- why didn't he say that earlier to her?
"bestest isn't a word, freddie."
"well you get what i mean, right? you're really special to me," there it was.
she nodded slowly, a small smile forming on her lips as she kissed him on the lips, before snuggling closer to him.
"darling, wouldn't you rather go back to the castle to cuddle?"
hesitantly, she shook her head.
"'drian's there."
"adrian cannot hurt you, okay? whatever he tells you is wrong. he's wrong," he gently says, pulling her close to him, "besides, if he does, i'm here, and you're strong."
"i just cried about it, i can't be strong."
"crying doesn't mean you're weak, darling, sometimes we all cry and that's okay."
y/n nodded.
"here, i brought this for you, maybe it's a comfort??" he blushed as he handed her his quidditch hoodie.
she grinned and put it on.
he couldn't stop blushing at the sight of her, so he tilted his face away to save himself the embarrassment.
noticing and mistaking his turned away head for disgust, y/n took the hoodie off, downcastedly handing it back to him.
"sorry," she gave a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes as fred looked at her in confusion.
"y-you can have it back, yeah, there's no need to hide your shame, here, s-sorry," she stuttered out.
"shame?" he asked, looking worriedly down at her.
"mhm," she fiddled with the hem of her shirt, "sorry."
he finally understood.
"angel, look at me."
she reluctantly looked up at him.
"i wasn't feeling disgusted at all. i-i was actually embarrassed because i was blushing," his cheeks heated up again, "like i probably am right now. you're too beautiful. i was blushing too much."
"yeah. now put it back on," he demanded, as he cheekily tugged the jumper over her head, blushing again as he saw her standing there in his jumper.
"c'mon!" he said, carrying y/n's school bag as they made their way to the castle, his arm wrapped protectively around his waist and the bright gold letters on the back of his sweater shining for anyone and everyone to see.
they didn't see pucey, thank goodness and they ended up talking with george and katie bell and angie and alicia by the fire.
as y/n smiled and giggled with katie over something highly scandalous, fred had his eyes on her, not so much monitoring her, but he couldn't keep them off of her.
when he had noticed her words start to become short and slightly slurred by tiredness, he lead her back to her dormitory.
"feeling better princess?"
she nodded, "you're so good to me, freddie. i love you."
it made his heart swell with happiness.
"i'd go to the moon and back for you, y/n."
she smiled drowsily, "and i, you."
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hypnomicimagines · 3 years
Hi, who would be surprised when you accepted their confession/confessed to them or would have known from the start that you will accept/confess to them? Thank you so much
(this was probably meant to be a this or that but I have opinions)
Buster Bros
Yamada Ichiro: 
Ichiro felt something coming but he didn’t want to get his hopes up, wondering if the romance light novels he read were just too deeply embedded in his head. When you do confess he manages to keep the surprised look off his face as he returns you feelings, quite pleased that his romantic instinct remained on point.
Yamada Jiro: 
Jiro is completely blind-sided. He was stuck in his own little world thinking of how he might confess but he was quite ready to do so, he still felt like your relationship was on shaky ground. He considered you a friend that he didn’t want to live without, plus it would be embarrassing to be rejected, so he’s stunned into total silence when you actually confess to him. 
Yamada Saburo: 
Saburo had absolutely no idea you had those types of feelings for him. He simply thought this was a friendship, and since he didn’t have much experience with crushes and the like... He didn’t really know how to react at first. You’re met with a total brick wall, no emotion as he tells you he needs time to think, confiding in his brothers before he finally makes the right move. 
Mad Trigger Crew
Aohitsugi Samatoki: 
He had an inkling of your feelings but he had been in deep denial that they existed because it would mean having to confront his own feelings for you. Part of him almost wishes he could deny his draw to you but he’d never been one to not go all in, and this applied to you, dedicating himself to your happiness once your feelings are exchanged. 
Iruma Jyuto: 
Jyuto felt stupid for never realizing, especially when he looks back on how you acted around him, knowing he probably could’ve figured it out before your confession if he had paid closer attention. He’s flattered by it but he needs time to think on it, knowing how big a commitment it would be and not wanting to waste your time if he wasn’t in a good enough place to offer said commitment to you. 
Rio Mason Busujima: 
Rio didn’t quite understand the extent of your feelings but he had known they were mutual; he was quite fond of you and he found your company to be more enjoyable than most. He was content with allowing things to unfold between you naturally meaning your confession was a pleasant surprise, confirming that he felt the same (and that he admired your bravery for confessing first). 
Fling Posse
Amemura Ramuda: 
Ramuda would act like he saw your confession coming from a mile away, he was very well loved so why would you be any different? But behind this unnecessarily haughty response is a man who very much wants to be truly loved by someone. It’s almost embarrassing to receive a confession so full of genuine feelings that he initially reacted with his fake, peppy persona. When he looked frustrated is when you realized the truth of your feelings was sinking in for him, Ramuda having never suspected that he’d be on the receiving end of this.
Yumeno Gentaro: 
Gentaro would have to be purposely ignorant to say he didn’t notice a few signs that suggested you were harboring feelings for him, but he liked to blame things he noticed like that on his imagination. He’s not at all surprised about your confession but to say he doesn’t appreciate you coming to him first would be a lie; he’s quite pleased to hear your words, it makes the feelings seem a little more solid. He beats around the bush at returning these feelings but they are there, just buried deep beneath a pile of denial and fear. 
Arisugawa Dice: 
Dice is completely blind-sided. He was busy being so hopelessly in love with you that he didn’t notice those feelings were returned at all. You think he must be some type of fool to not realize as it was hard to hide your care for him but Dice admitted it was because he didn’t care if you returned his feelings, because he’d still love you either way. Not to say he isn’t thrilled to hear that you love him too but his love for you was unconditional and it would remain that way no matter what happened.
Jinguji Jakurai: 
Jakurai was well-aware of your feelings, so painfully aware that it hurt to have to continuously deny them to himself as he felt unworthy of receiving them. The happiness it would bring him to have you by his side would be immeasurable but does he truly deserve it after all he had done? Would he truly make a good partner for you? It’s easier to ignore his feelings than act on them but when you confront him with your own, he gives in instantly. 
Izanami Hifumi: 
Hifumi was adept at detecting real love from infatuation, at knowing when someone actually felt a certain way about him or if they were blinded by his beauty. It still made him nervous because having a genuine love was a heavy burden to have but he welcomed the challenge if it was you who loved him. He knew that your heart was good and that your confession was delivered directly from it, hoping he can do it justice when he returned your feelings. 
Kannonzaka Doppo: 
Doppo is in complete shock that you accepted his confession let alone confessed right back to him. He doesn’t know what to do with his swimming thoughts or sweaty hands, wringing his tie between his hands as he waits for you to take it back and say it was all just a prank. When you instead take his nervous hands in your own, managing to calm him with just a touch, he feels his heart suddenly overwhelmed and he could practically cry at how lucky he felt.
Bad Ass Temple
Harai Kuko: 
Kuko had made his feelings for you apparent from the very start, his crush on you quite open as he unabashedly flirted with you when he had the chance. Whether you felt the same or not hadn’t mattered because Kuko would care deeply for you either way meaning he didn’t look too deeply into how you acted around him, taking each day as it came until he felt he could truly be a good partner for you. 
Aimono Jyushi: 
Jyushi is completely caught off-guard, his own feelings having completely blinded him to yours; he had assumed all the returned affection was him simply seeing what he wanted to. He had planned on confessing to you himself, thinking about it over and over, stopping you mid-confession so he could go first (that’s how it had been rehearsed after all). 
Amaguni Hitoya: 
Hitoya knew. He would have to know, it was his job to carefully observe, to pick up on the tiny little details, but it didn’t mean he realized just how far those feelings went. He didn’t think he was worthy of them, thinking he would be a disappointment of a boyfriend but having to admit to himself that he’d regret it if he didn’t at least try to give himself a chance at happiness with you. 
Dotsuitare Hompo 
Nurude Sasara:
Sasara is in an odd in-between world where he’s both aware of your feelings and in complete denial that they actually exist. He thinks you might be trying to strike up a comedy bit with him when you confess, taking on the role of the dramatic dame who felt the romance was too tragic to ever work out. Fortunately for him, you were not attempting to recruit him for some comedy duo and that your confession was genuine, Sasara scrambling to gather the rest of his pride before you left him in the dust for the stupid joke he tried to make out of your confession.
Tsutsujimori Rosho:  
Rosho can’t fathom where your feelings for him came from. Being surrounded by interesting personalities like Sasara and Rei left him feeling uninteresting, not that he held any bitterness towards them about it as he was who he was. But to hear that you wanted him, to hear that you were so fond of him you were willing to put yourself out there for potential heartbreak just to get your feelings across to him. He had no idea this was coming and is thus unprepared to respond, losing his composure entirely as he fumbled to find the words to show he returned your feelings tenfold.
Amayado Rei: 
Rei is well-aware of your feelings, so strikingly aware that it almost feels like he’s purposely stringing you along by indulging you in him. He’s always had this way of making you feel special and while you’re sure he’s working this magic on other women, you do your best to accept your place in his life. You are, at least, in some way very important to Rei and he tells you that while he hears your feelings, there’s a few more things he must do before he can accept them. He hoped that you were ready to rule at the top beside him, promising your patience would be rewarded in some way.
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serendipitystyles · 3 years
fic recs january 2021
hi guys!! okay so i got to thinking and i’ve seen a lot of these posts around so i made my own!! i think that fic rec masterposts are such a great way to support writers and get more people to have the chance of seeing fics!!! plus i’m leaving a bit of feedback too :))
if you know of any fics that you’d like to share a little love on / you’d like me to read so that i can reblog and give it a little love, send me an ask with the title and the author’s url!!! 
so here it is, all the fics that i read in january 2021 (and the very end of december but i’m including them anyway)
total number of fics listed: 92 (series counted as a single piece)
aster / tattoo artist harry aster | daffodil | sweet pea | gardenia | poppy
i read this entire series at like 8 am after not sleeping the night before and oh my god i was literally so soft!! like this is so fucking cute i literally felt like i was going to throw up the entire time (in the best way yk) like omg the butterflies i got from this series? unmatched. also, i feel that it’s necessary to add the part of this that made my heart absolutely explode: Harry’s thumb stroked her jawline, a smile molding his features. “Y’not a baby love, unless you want to be my baby. And I like you a lot, too. And stuff. like okay kill me <3
citrine / witch harry citrine | opal | lepidolite | sodalite | carnelian | angelite
alright so h is literally so sweet in this one!! he’s so gentle and lovely and i truly fell in love with him in the very first few paragraphs. and he’s so out of tune with everything but he’s trying his best to understand and just... sigh. “I’d look forever for you, if I had to.” love love love this line so much it’s literally the perfect way to tie everything together
chiaroscuro / vampire harry chiaroscuro | sfumato | craquelore | non finito | fresco | renaissance 
this is very creepy during the first chapter but in such a good way!!! i literally found myself gasping and i barely ever vocally react to a fic unless i am squealing at the fluff or crying but i vocally react to lindsee’s fics literally they are so good pleaseee. and omg the growth throughout this fic truly is impeccable i swear.
adore you
okay this is so cute!!! loved every single word of it!!! there was a bit of angst at the very beginning that had my heart hurting but it was all mended by the end!!! the dad!harry content was absolutely immaculate omg i literally loved reading about atticus!!!!! i absolutely love long pieces and i think that this piece was the perfect length!! there were so many things that were packed in there but it didn’t seem rushed or jumbled or anything like that!!!!
watashi no sakura
okay first things first, i love japanrry in any form so i knew just by looking at the description that i was going to love this regardless of what was in it. to be honest i didn’t expect him to have a penny board that he used to get everywhere but there’s something so cute about that to me. throughout this entire fic, i was so amazed at the way that their relationship moved along so naturally and at such a good pace. i feel like there’s an art to making things move along at the right pace, and you definitely have that down!! i truly loved this fic so much and will probably be coming back at times to reread!
i am very in love with this!!! boxer!h is so freaking yummy plus it’s so well written that i can feel everything, which is so amazing. i love that i’m able to feel all the emotions and picture everything while reading!! my heart broke a bit for harry while he was sad and just looking for love in any way he could find it. like mega sigh. also, i love the way that the characters are introduced. like, y/n doesn’t come at the very beginning but it’s so natural when she’s finally introduced. and omg the interactions that they had??? the reassurances??? *chef’s kiss*
baby, it’s cold outside
before i even started reading this, i knew i would love it!!! teacher!h has a special place in my heart for some reason i truly love him so much!! oh my god the yearning in this piece is so heartbreaking!!!! i literally read through the entire thing thinking that i was going to cry because of how much i could feel y/n and harry yearning for each other. sigh this is so cute i will definitely be rereading (most likely multiple times)
bright & blooming
ahhh this is literally so cute i live for the long distance friendships + only seeing each other over the summer!!! that is literally so amazing to me that you love someone that much to wait all year to only see them for a month!!! and this was such a good representation of the love and yearning that come with that!!! and i absolutely adore the way that you described each of them and their nicknames for each other!!!! love love love!!!
where the world takes you
this is my study abroad dream!!!!! the loveliness of them meeting and drunk!harry is just so sweet i love it so much!!! and the way that the flashback is in the middle and explains everything is so genius!!! and the full circle of it all makes me so happy!!! also the way that i cried at the end of the four months!! like that was heartbreaking but everything was pieced back together as it went along!!!
extra credit
this is prof!h so you know it’s great!!! i am such a sucker for this au i swear. this was so cute!! the way that everything progressed and the confession and the tension!!!! and then the “Yours.” at that one part had me screaming!!! and the way that he literally had a plan oh my god that’s so cute!!!! i love their dynamic so much!!!
deep sleep
this is so :) :( :) :( if that makes sense!! like i love love love dad!harry but there are just a few things that make me want to sob <3 i absolutely adore it though!!!!! it’s very sweet how mr. styles comes out here comforting as he should!!!!
beautiful inside & out
this is so sweet oh my god it’s beautifully written and i really felt everything that was going on!! personally, i’m not a person of color, but i think that this piece truly was written so wonderfully and it’s very lovely!!!! the insecurities made me literally want to cry, but the way that h was there to comfort was very nice, it made me so soft!!
this is so sweet!! the background snippet in there is so well done i love getting to know exactly how they met!!! and the way that harry’s being admired is just!!! so good!!!! like i love the descriptions and the feelings connected to that!!!! the entire thing is just so cute!!
for your eyes only
i shed tears reading this!! like it is so sad but also so happy!! i know that makes no sense but there was just a sense of my heart breaking and then it being put back together again and i love that!!! definitely a fantastic use of ‘if i could fly’ which is one of my fav one direction songs so that’s just a plus honestly!!!
to feel good
miss ava!!!! coming out strong with your first harry fic!!!! it’s so lovely, so pure, so sweet!!!! the memories that are included make everything that much better!!! the flashback really fills out everything nicely!!! the interaction that the two of them had at the end was so comforting to read like... that’s literally one of the most wonderful endings i’ve ever experienced on a fic like this!!!
demon!harry  angel!y/n -  a total of 51 blurbs, drabbles, and one-shots demon!y/n - a total of 8 blurbs, drabbles, and one-shots
yeah okay so there are...... a lot of things here so i’ll do a demon!harry + angel!y/n feedback thingy and a different one for demon!harry + demon!y/n demon!harry + angel!y/n: he’s such an asshole but he’s... already kinda turning soft like... he’s already got the little simp showing through!!  “ When it comes to love, if it doesn’t hurt, it isn’t fun.” i’ll cry right here right now what the fuck is this?? sigh. “Tell me…” He gulps thickly, licking his burning lips in anticipation, “tell me you want me. Tell me this— whatever this is— tell me it’s real.” yeah that made me almost scream literally shut up andrea. also not me reading this and literally sobbing at some of the pieces like... no <3 “I promise on my soul— as damned as it may be— that I will not let anything bad happen to you. I swear.” i literally want to set myself on fire what the hell the things your brain comes up with literally what the fuck. i literally read all 51 pieces in a day and cried a million times but they were just because i’m soft for simprry. demon!harry + demon!y/n: okay so i am writing this after i’ve read the first two pieces and.... that escalated quite quickly i would say!!! if you like smut, you’ll like this!!!!!! if you like smut just go to andrea she’s got you!!!!! and we see some more simprry but not full swing because he doesn’t want to admit that he’s wrapped around her finger!!! and the way they’re not exclusive but they’re each other’s? *chef’s kiss* 
harry is the bad boy cliché of y/n’s dreams, she just doesn’t know it yet
this is so very sweet, so very soft!! all the pet names have me crying omg it’s literally one of the cutest things!!!! the way harry is so soft for her and he’s just so sweet and so obvious about his feelings even though she doesn’t completely see it is so sweet!!!!
harry’s a porn star and y/n is new
i love their dynamic here!! they automatically click and everything between them is so genuine and lovely!!! the way that they care about each other so immensely even though they haven’t known each other that long is so beautiful!!
harry is y/n’s dominant 
okay obviously this is like... smut but it’s so much more than that!!! their relationship is so sweet and lowkey domestic even from the very beginning and i love the trust that they have in each other!!! very cute!! and the ending was so so perfect!!!
y/n works in a roller rink and harry goes there to read
literally so sweet!!! the shy, kinda introverted h is to ide for!!!! and the way that they’re so cute together ahhh!!!!!! and i absolutely love the way that they support each other and are falling for each other before they even admit that they are!!!!
harry’s a vampire and y/n never dresses for the weather 
i love how when they met it wasn’t on great terms and he couldn’t get her off his mind so he was like “no, stay away!” but he was already so whipped for her and then!!!! when he asked how to be warm for her??? that made me so soft i literally thought i was going to cry.
harry and y/n are best friends and y/n isn’t his “type” (or so she’s heard)
this is so absolutely soft!!! they’re so whipped for each other and don’t even know it!!! and miss y/n hearing things made my heart break but all was well at the end!!! love love love!!! the entire dynamic that they have is so fun plus there were peeks of jealous h so that’s always a win!!!
y/n and harry don’t really mesh well, until they do
we love a bit of an enemies to lovers moment!! and the whole “y/n’s being a good friend to jeff, that’s it” and the tension and the drunk cuteness and literally all of it, it’s so wonderful!! harry being a softie is one of my weaknesses and although he’s a bit mean at first, he redeems himself!!
harry’s on the football team and y/n steals a dog
this is absolutely so cute!!! y/n has such a beautiful little personality and harry feeling things with her even though his “reputation” is different than hanging out with people like her is so great!! and the way that he takes up for her and the way that she comforts him is so lovely!!
harry is y/n’s grumpy neighbor and he has a secret part 2
this is actually the second time that i’ve read this fic tbh!! it’s just so good!! the dynamic of him trying to stay away from her because it’s dangerous for her to be too close to him and then him trying even harder to stay away from her and hide his feelings only for her to make a move is golden.
y/n pretends to be harry’s girlfriend
okay this one hurt a bit at first. i wanted to flick h in the forehead at first for trying to make someone else jealous with y/n but he redeemed himself as he does so i shall let him off the hook this time haha. i think that the way that they progress is so sweet plus!!! everyone loves a good fake dating au!!!
werewolves exist... pt. 2
this is the first werewolf au i’ve read in a while and it’s actually really good!! i love how everything progressed and the way that harry was like.... this isn’t supposed to happen like this!!!! it’s all very cute and it’s very enemies to lovers-esque even though they aren’t enemies lmao
y/n delivers sweets and harry lives on the side of a mountain
this made me so sad tbh like... the fact that they treated harry so bad just because they judged him before they know him makes me so sad and i really wanted to punch some people but it’s a fictional universe so i can’t actually do that lol. but the way that y/n was with him made me so soft i really love this piece
y/n is on harry’s tour crew and harry just think’s she’s lovely
y/n is so sweet in this piece!!! it makes my heart hurt when harry gets overwhelmed and snaps but thankfully everything is well in the end and he gets his act together so that he can realize what is truly important!!!
harry is y/n’s criminology instructor part 2
this dynamic is an automatic yes and that’s on my love for this au. anyway, the way that he was like “it’s just a kiss” made me absolutely want to scream but i didn’t and thankfully i didn’t write him off as a prick because he’s actually so sweet and he takes care of her and loves her and just... he’s everything.
harry used y/n as a model for his art final
i wanted to smack harry upside the head so hard when he kept talking about his crush when y/n just wanted a good partner. thankfully he finally saw the light and realized that the only thing he wants is y/n by his side because y/n is there for him and cares about him and loves him
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gohyuck · 3 years
my someone
Tumblr media
pairing: jeong yunho x reader
genre: angst to fluff, f2l
warnings: n/a
word count: 1.5k
“you’ve been out here all night.”
you startle, not expecting yunho to come up beside you. he’s smiling at you when you turn to the side, one of his hands wrapped around the balcony railing in front of him. the fairy lights strung up overhead bathe him in light, reflecting off of his all-white suit. your best friend looks almost angelic, and the soft, inquiring gaze he has completes the picture.
“for someone so big, you have, like, crazy light footsteps,” you respond, a corner of your lips pulling up as you turn to face him. “didn’t hear you at all.”
“you’re dodging the question.” yunho slides the hand on the railing towards you slightly, and you can’t help but let your breath hitch once you feel the knuckle of his thumb against the thin cloth of your formalwear. you know he’s just being kind, being genuine as he gets closer to you. perhaps he thinks it’s his duty as your date. maybe he counts it as his duty as your best friend.
“you haven’t even asked a question.” you’re still grinning as you meet his eyes, though you’re sure the ache in your chest is easily seen in your expression, no matter how hard you try to hide it. you don’t even know why you’re indulging yunho right now: he’s always read you so easily. it’s doubly bad now, considering that he’s the reason you’ve spent half your prom night out at the balcony of the hotel floor the school had rented.
he’d seemed so happy, so content talking and laughing with the rest of your friends. yunho’d helped one girl with her hair, pulled another guy closer by the waist as they’d both lost it over a joke mingi’d made about jongho and beating the ever-loving shit out of a watermelon in the name of sport. sure, he’d asked you to be his date (“best friend privileges, am i right?” “whatever. you’re buying me a corsage.”), but he could’ve asked anyone and they would’ve said yes in a heartbeat.
you aren’t special.
“figured the question was implied,” he’s smirking now, though his eyes remain ever-so-slightly concerned. once you don’t respond, only continue to smile detachedly at him, he sighs before wrapping his arms around you entirely and pulling your body into his.
“what’s wrong, moonshine?” yunho murmurs his nickname into your hair, and you can’t help but let a quiet, airy laugh out at it. he’d taken to calling you ‘sunshine’ back in sixth grade until you’d had your emo/alt not-a-phase phase in seventh and told him the name made you feel too nice, and that you weren’t nice, you were edgy, among other things. he’d laughed directly in your face before switching to ‘moonshine’, asking you if that was an edgy enough name.
it’d stuck ever since. he’s stuck ever since. his hand rubs up and down your back now as if to soothe you, and you know he’s aware of how tight your muscles are pulled.
your heart aches. you can’t do this anymore: it’s been years upon years of having yunho as your best friend and nothing more, and you think it’s finally, finally taken a toll on you. the ache is intensified by how sure you are of the fact that he doesn’t love you back: you’ve never had another person to call your own, and yunho’s had plenty. He’s cycled through boyfriend, girlfriend, partner after partner since high school had started, never keeping someone for more than a few months. you’d always watched his relationships fall apart like movie scenes you couldn’t tear your eyes away from. you’d always held him in the aftermath, ever the epitome of a good friend.
“i’ll never find love, will i?” you voice the thought aloud, meeting yunho’s gaze with a strength you’d previously been unaware of. it’s as if your question is a challenge, one he can either meet or deny. maybe you still have a bit of hope left in you.
yunho stares back, albeit more confused - and a little saddened - than he had been seconds prior. he says nothing, and the ray of hope piercing your heart breaks in half, like an arrow being pulled unceremoniously out of a dead warrior.
you’ve had enough. you look away. your head hangs.
it’s only when you can’t see him, can only see the white of his suit that you let all of your thoughts fall out, finally convinced that it - whatever it is - is done.
“i just - i… i’ve never had someone of my own. i mean i know that it’s only senior year, and that i have my life ahead of me, but sometimes it feels like i - it feels like the one person i’ve always loved will never love me back.” you pause in your rambling to take a breath, and yunho mistakes you for finished. he opens his mouth to speak, but you raise a hand to silence him, narrowly missing hitting his nose. you don’t care. you forge on. “he’s always with someone or the other - i mean i guess he isn’t with someone now, or whatever, but - god you won’t get it, because you’re like that, you always have someone. he’s always with everyone but me and it sucks because i love you so fucking much that it physically hurts.”
there’s silence, only your muted breathing, and then, as you register what you’ve said - i love you, instead of i love him - there are tears. he knows. all these years, and now he knows.
you turn away to look over the balcony, suddenly having to work hard to keep yourself from gasping for breath. the ache has not dulled, not in the slightest, but at least the pressure is off your chest. at least its made way for a new kind of weight.
before you can mull over - re: cry over - what’s just happened, a warm hand comes up to cup the side of your face closest to it, a thumb swipes one of your tears away. you can’t help but glance at yunho, expecting to see him crestfallen at the ruination of your friendship.
he’s smiling the biggest smile you’ve ever seen.
“i’ve always had someone, yeah, but that someone’s always been you,” he says, words rushed because he doesn’t want you to cry any harder. “it’s always been you. nobody else has ever stayed because none of them have ever compared to you. i thought - i thought you didn’t want me, so i never even tried.”
his other hand rests gingerly against your waist for a moment before he deems it too awkward, instead sliding his arm around your middle fully before pulling you into him again. yunho’s words are still taking root in your heart, still being processed in your mind, and it’s a moment before you’re crying twice as hard in realization. it’s you for him just as it’s him for you?
“i love you, moonshine, always have.” he cements it before you can ask him too many questions, the words mumbled against your hair as he holds you close. yunho is all around you, enveloping you, and your whirlwind of emotions ends in you feeling very, very safe.
you pull away to take a good look at his smiling face, and he brushes all of your tears away before they can stain your face. his mouth is quirked into a smirk, though it’s softened by how kind his eyes and actions are. you can’t help but give him a watery smile of your own, though you can hardly believe what’s happening.
“i think,” you say, words wavering. his gaze is soft, encouraging, and he waits for you to continue. “i think we should talk it over properly in the car.”
“sure,” your best friend (soon to be boyfriend) replies, leaning in to rest his forehead against yours. it feels right. “we can talk all night long. hell, we might have to talk all night long. for now, though, you owe me a dance, yeah?”
as if the universe is listening, the dance pop song in the background fades out just as yunho finishes his question, transitioning to a slower r&b song. you watch as people filter off the dance floor, only a number of couples remaining as they start slow dancing. yunho steps away from you and holds a hand out, and you don’t hesitate in taking it, eyes dried and smile big as your love pulls you from the balcony and leads you to the dance floor.
you have your first kiss with yunho at prom, colored lights illuminating your faces and smooth rhythms backing crooning vocals as a soundtrack, his arms looped around your waist and your own thrown over his shoulders, his mouths slotting perfectly against yours, and it’s magical. it’s as if everything you’ve never said is behind that kiss, every moment the two of you’ve missed before. it’s beautiful, and wonderful, and, more than anything, it’s truly, truly magical.
it’s magical enough for him to mention it in his wedding vows to you, years upon years later.
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ramblingguy54 · 3 years
True Colors: An Emotionally Fantastic Serious Game Changer.
If we’re to look back at Reunion as Season 1′s dramatic pay off for Amphibia’s message of toxic friendships, as Anne & Sasha’s conflicting dynamic showed us, then True Colors is a colossal expansive note on this big theme of the series. True Colors makes Season 1′s finale look like a walk in the park for what angst goes down between our three main heroins in Season 2′s climatic resolution. Everything that can go wrong does go oh so painfully wrong for these three kids. Anne, to no one’s surprise, gets double crossed by Sasha leaving things between them a Hell of a lot more bitter than they were previously, as if that couldn’t already be topped when Sasha tried to kill the Plantars before. Anne has had enough of her lies and manipulation not being afraid to tell Sasha straight up how awful of a friend she’s been in general, even hitting her where it hurts most of all saying, “No, I’m done listening to you! I’m done trusting you! You’re a horrible person and I am done being FRIENDS with you!”, going so far as to get a shaken reaction out of Sasha dropping her brave face act, making this girl try to wipe away the frog family.
Right off the bat, True Colors makes it highly evident this isn’t just another story of stopping a bigger threat, but one hitting much closer to home, overall. Yes, King Andrias is certainly a dangerous villain, who makes his presence and intimidating nature known to the others by True Color’s final act, which despite this Amphibia isn’t entirely putting him at the forefront, rather focusing on a more intimate study of Anne, Sasha, and Marcy’s big emotional conflict. This finale knows exactly where to put its focus of importance on, so I love that instead of it being action packed we’re getting the spotlight shined on just how screwed up these three of a friendship have, in spite of Marcy claiming in The Dinner episode, “We’re supposed to be friends for life. We don’t split up!’ . Very ironic stuff right there, indeed.
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True Colors’ most powerful strength it adds to Amphibia’s ongoing profound story about healthy friendships is the thorough deconstruction of these girls defined “ideal relationship” as people. Before Anne came to the world of Amphibia this kid was afraid to stand up for what she believed in, even knowing especially well that stealing the calamity box was morally questionable, but did it anyway. Sasha was super manipulative, abusive, and used her power to control people, like she did a lot of toward Anne in their lives. Marcy, while very smart, wasn’t the most competent physically, who soon grew into being more independent without needing to rely on Anne always having to be there for her. These three were changed immensely by the events of being thrust into this world of sentient amphibian creatures. Anne benefited morally most out out of all three in taking up the mantle of responsibility and ironing out her own issues. She’s become a much stronger person all around. 
This episode asks us an important question though in nutshell with, “Have Sasha & Marcy truly changed for the better?”, since Anne has reached a point in her arc feeling genuinely content with who she’s become and the bonds that have been made with the Plantar family shown most notably with Sprig Plantar. Hence the whole purpose behind the song, It’s No Big Deal, with Anne feeling proud for who she is, yet not noticing a bigger issue right underneath her nose. That previous episode was meant to bring Anne’s happiness up only to bring it all crashing down in a devastating display of new revelations in True Colors. Every dramatic emotional beat isn’t just earned. Each significant moment is completely knocked out of the park by terrific voice acting, beautiful animation, and music composition that gave me serious emotional goosebumps. True Colors did exactly as Not What He Seems accomplished for Gravity Falls in shaking up its own respective dramatic stakes just when you thought it couldn’t get any higher for these protagonists. Shit seriously hits the fan here.
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Did it ever occur to you, Anne? Sasha? That one of you knew more, than she was letting on? That ONE of you might’ve gotten you stranded in Amphibia on purpose...?
The big bombshell twist of Marcy playing a part too in getting them into this whole debacle completely flips everything upside down. Sasha pushed Anne into taking the Calamity Box, yes, but if Marcy never sent that photo because of her desire to stay with them together forever, then they wouldn’t have been stranded in basically a world full of dangerous creatures and who knows what else. Easily my favorite part of the episode, considering it adds more nuance to a situation that defined Amphibia’s story. It wasn’t just one person’s fault at the end of the day. Sasha bullied Anne into taking the box, Anne didn’t put her foot down to make a stand for something morally questionable, and Marcy took advantage of them both to benefit her own selfish desires for supposedly a “happy ending” not involving them staying apart, due to her parents moving away for a new job. All three girls played an important part on why they got landed into Amphiba. It’s why Anne’s statement to King Andrias, “The three of us may have made some mistake, but you...You’re evil and I’m gonna stop you!”, holds such a real weight to it, as this story continues to solidify how genuinely fleshed out their dynamic is.
Marcy’s super desperate plea to be understood by Anne & Sasha when Andrias revealed her getting them thrown into Amphibia purposefully was hard to watch. On one hand, I felt for Marcy because she didn’t want real life circumstances to tear apart that close connection she had to Sasha & Anne. Sure, she could’ve just kept in touch with them over the phone or chatting online, too. However, Marcy had known them since very early childhood. When you’ve been so attached to someone it can be a devastating thing, depending on just how vulnerable you are emotionally, to start drifting apart. Marcy represents that embodiment of toxic need for togetherness and couldn’t bear to let a possibility, like moving away, throw a wrench into her happiness and friendship, as well.
Never mind Marcy wanting to stay permanently in a different reality, rather than face her’s, but it made this person feel like something more. It gave her a chance to feel truly special in being able to live out a fantasy dream of having such power and freedom that a kid, like herself, couldn’t have had. The freedom to know she is plenty capable of making it out there on her own without Anne having to watch this kid like a hawk. So, to have someone, or something, try taking it away from her terrified Marcy of facing a terrible truth. That she isn’t strong enough after all to live a life without Anne & Sasha by her side completely, where Marcy will never feel truly worthy enough to blossom into her own person. It’s why that line, “I just...didn’t want to be alone...”, carries such a deep pain to it all. Marcy just crumbles into pieces accepting her greatest weakness. As much as Marcy fumbled the ball big time, it’s so easy to empathize with her on the idea of feeling competent enough. Marcy never meant to hurt Anne or Sasha, but the sad crushing punchline is she very much did.
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Speaking of which, Anne had every right to be upset and mad, obviously. Anne has been missing so many things from her life before everything went off the wall. Hopping Mall especially highlighted Anne’s emotional desire to give anything just to hear her mother’s singing again. This teenager has been really dealing with a lot of grief in general quite honestly. Anne got into a high stakes battle against Sasha to save new friends, who’d practically became like an adopted family, which left the poor girl traumatized and heartbroken over the end result. She thought finding Marcy would help compensate for it and eventually be able to mend those complications with Sasha to boot. It’s simply painful to see it all blow up in Anne’s face to know not only Sasha betrayed her trust yet again, but realizing Marcy also played a part of responsibility in getting them thrown here. Matt Braly really just decided to slap future trust issues onto Anne finding out Hop Pop, Sasha, and Marcy were all super dishonest in their intentions at one point or another. Damn, I feel so bad for her.
It makes their embracing hug back in Marcy At The Gates so much harder to watch. Anne was super glad to see her again. Anne had wondered what became of Marcy or even possibly started to think she could even be alive at all. Then come to find out later on Marcy having intentionally ripped her away from a normal life must’ve felt worse then what happened with Sasha. Anne, already done with all of Sasha’s bullshit, thought she could at least expect better from Marcy not letting her down, but that too wasn’t the case. Marcy is very much as flawed as Sasha in what she has done. To think, Anne wanted so badly to get back home, yet she’s staring the very person dead in the eye, who ripped her away from it to begin with. Marcy knew Sasha would talk Anne into taking the box from that thrift shop, even if she wasn’t completely certain it would successfully teleport them away. Regardless of whatever good intentions someone can have in why they did what they did, it still doesn’t absolve them of said mistake. Fact of the matter is, Marcy tragically made her own bed, by choosing to mess with forces she couldn’t begin to comprehend and now has to face consequences, in spite of her not deserving them.
What really got to me was when Marcy tried to spin around Anne’s personal growth and close friendship with the Plantars as all entirely thanks to her. When she said, “I gave you this! I gave you everything!”, I was like, “Nope, that couldn’t be any further from the truth.”, seeing everything that has culminated in Anne’s journey of bettering herself. Marcy didn’t give Anne anything, but a one way ticket to cutting the kid off from her family, presuming she’d be fine with this idea. It’s all kinds of messed up, however what it boils down to is Marcy undermining Anne’s independence and agency. Anne’s moral judgement in decision making was what allowed her to create this new life she made for herself in Amphibia. Anne’s honesty as a whole led her down a path of togetherness, while Marcy’s lying landed her in a result of not wanting to be alone, costing her so much.
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“I don’t believe this. We were so focused on each other we couldn’t see what was right in front of us!”
True Colors excels at earning each of its emotional beats because they line up with character motivations down to the last letter. Anne doesn’t want to trust Sasha anymore because of their already rocky past, which leads to her helping King Andrias regain control of his kingdom. Sasha not keeping a lid on her temper, wanting to rule over Amphibia, and trying to reinforce that power dynamic with Anne & Marcy only made things worse for her image of a changed good friend. There wasn’t a chance in Hell Anne would hear Sasha’s reasoning after she flat out tried to take away her frog family, by attempting to use the Calamity Box a bit ago in the episode. Marcy wanted to believe there was a happily ever after in seeing this world traveling idea as their only chance for salvation as friends for life, but it turned out to be something much more sinister, when learning of Andrias’ backstory and his true scumbag nature. All three of their motivations come clashing together, blinding them from a much bigger danger. Something that effectively puts everyone at stake.
Amphibia’s Season 2 finale works so excellently, given it covers important dramatic elements it’s been stirring around since Season 1′s early rumblings. Amphibia is a story centered around people’s need for emotional connections. True Colors builds miraculously off what Reunion already did quite well in showing friendships can become rough and they are never easy to deal with. When you have to make a stand it can be a tough pill to swallow on the reality check of maybe this “good friend” of your’s isn’t as nice as you previously thought them to be. Anne having been hurt one too many times now by her former friend sends that message close to home, so much so even Sasha begins to question her morality as a human being. It poignantly encapsulates how this trio’s complex friendship is a serious growing issue needing to be reexamined, overall.
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What if Anne’s right..? What if I am a horrible person...?
Something I absolutely love to pieces about True Colors, also a testament to Season 2′s darn good writing, is how much introspective we get from each character on what they’re feeling. We’ve seen plenty of Sasha’s vulnerability before in other episodes centered on her issues, but now we’re getting to the root of it. Sasha is really taking everything more to heart, little by little. Sasha’s understanding what kind of an effect she has on people, seeing the damage it has caused made evident by Percy and Braddock in Barrel’s Warhammer. Grime once told her, “Some dreams have a price and not everyone is willing to pay it.”, where she’s questioning that idealism every passing minute the invasion plan proceeds further into reaching success. Sasha isn’t sure what to do with herself anymore feeling aimless. Those previous episodes had a real impact on her priorities more than she cared to let on with Sasha’s typical tough girl act. This kid has let her guard down more, which scares and confuses Sasha. She’s always used to playing the role of protector it contradicts everything Sasha stands for when the roles are totally reversed because now Anne has made her feel the tremendous change in their growth as individuals.
Sasha’s lifestyle has been all about control that after somewhat learning to be more considerate to Anne & Marcy’s feelings she feels beyond conflicted about what truly matters to her. The most screwed up part of it all is Sasha didn’t want to fight anymore, taking up a pacifist approach after seeing what King Andrias had been hiding from everyone. It’s a fitting punishment for Sasha to try bringing Anne over to work together once more, but getting her pleas for companionship outright ignored. Anne was correct that Sasha had wasted all the chances to be reasonable. Boonchuy tried to hear out Sasha before at The Third Temple. One wanted to start things over again to iron out their serious issues, but the other was driven by bitterness, while only remorseful to a degree at best, of seeing their once weak friend become so independent, mature, and stronger that it drove her up wall. Sasha wanted to take away that “problem” being the Plantars, since in her eyes they’re the source of Anne’s strength, driving a wedge further between the two girls in their heated Reunion 2.0 battle.
True Colors demonstrates the horrific price of no trust, communication, nor teamwork from the three main girls that Andrias smoothly took advantage of, as if they were fiddles. 
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“That’s the thing about friends isn’t it? The more you love them, the more it hurts when they go.”
King Andrias is quite literally what I wanted Lunaris to be, where DuckTales’ Season 2 finale didn’t impress me on doing. He’s a serious big baddie to the main cast, who follows through on his threats of violence to demonstrate his wide array of arsenal and power. Andrias doesn’t just emotionally manipulate characters, like poor Marcy, but utterly crush them without an ounce of remorse for his actions. When he dropped Sprig out that window after Anne willingly let him have the Calamity Box back I thought they were legit gonna kill this boy off. The way Anne’s flashback montage of her good times with Sprig were eerily shot really didn’t help either on that note. Anne’s Calamity power finally activating is easily up there among stuff, like Dewey risking his life for Della’s disappearance in Last Crash, where the cinematography is shot and animated brilliantly. You feel Anne’s blind raging sadness in every hit she landed on those robots and Andrias. If anyone didn’t believe Sprig was like a little brother to Anne, then I dunno how anyone couldn’t view their bond anymore as such after this hugely defining scene. Anne went bloodthirsty when she believed Sprig to be dead further evidenced when she hugged him in relief afterwards exclaiming, “Sprig!? You’re alive!? Oh, thank goodness...”, which cuts deep so damn much.
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Anne was ready to fight every one of Andrias’ troops in that castle to the death, if need be. Before Sprig came back from falling, thanks to Marcy’s quick acting, to comfort Anne, her only goal was to slaughter every opponent in that throne room, along with making Andrias pay dearly for even daring to lay a single finger on anyone of the Plantars. I’m not gonna lie, this pivotal power up reminded me so much Gohan turning Super Saiyan 2 after Cell curb stomped Android 16 into pieces with a smirk on his face. Anne Boonchuy’s maddening outburst is a classic testament to the idea of, “Piss off the nicest person and they’ll make it their mission to instill the biggest kind of fear/terror into you.”. showing this kid at her most vulnerable mental state, yet. Sprig & Anne’s cathartic embrace really messed me up in reinforcing just how these two respect, love, and would go above any of their limitations to help the other out. Sprig’s “death” scene was a masterful bait by the writers into making us think someone was gonna die and it was gonna be a poor kid, no less.  
However, it was actually all just a bait and switch for the real, “Oh, shit. They really just did that”, moment with Marcy unexpectedly getting run through with Andrias’ gigantic sword. In a last ditch effort, Marcy wanted to atone for what she had a hand in getting them all into. Marcy was ironclad determined in making her own stand for what was right trying to save the people she endangered. Akin to what Sasha did in Reunion for saving Anne’s life, Marcy does the exact same here. Although, unfortunately this time, no one is here to protect Marcy from escaping death, like Grime catching Sasha from plummeting at Toad Tower. Marcy couldn’t react in time because she was so focused on helping her dear friends out. She wanted to prove to herself at least one time, “I’ve screwed up so much stuff with my friends. Maybe, just maybe. If I get my friends back home, it’ll prove I’m not an entirely crappy person for setting these events into motion.”. Marcy’s own deep seeded remorse is what saved Anne & the Plantars, while being the cause of her own untimely demise at Andrias’ hands.
This scene is what no doubt encouraged the warning sign for younger viewers Disney decided to make for them. It’s impressive how far Matt and his crew are willing to go for intense dramatic content. Andrias trying to crush Polly with his fist after destroying Frobo with casual ease, dropping Sprig out of the window from up sky high, and stabbing Marcy with his powerful sword displays his cold blooded brutality. Doesn’t matter who you are. If you get in the way of Andrias’ plans for multiverse domination, then he’ll throw anyone into their own grave, be it man, woman, or child. That’s the mark of a truly terrifying antagonist.
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Andrias didn’t care who had to be hurt or manipulated to get back the box, so he could invade other worlds with Earth being his next prime target for invasion. Marcy’s fate is a horrifyingly poetic statement, since Sasha stated to Anne in a flashback from Marcy At The Gates, “One of these days, she’s gonna get herself killed.”, with True Colors tying back to this line in a disturbing manner. Something that sends chills down my spine is we get to see the full extent of how far Andrias shoved the sword through her body. We don’t just see the entry point of where it hit her, but it even zooms out to show the whole thing. Real talk, I got serious Avatar The Last Airbender vibes from this scene. Reminded me so much of Aang getting suddenly zapped with lightning by Azula when he tried to enter the Avatar state. Marcy didn’t want to be alone so badly she ended up inevitably dying alone trying to send Anne back home to their reality. One Hell of a way to close off Marcy’s last moments in Season 2, until her inevitable resurrection happens in Season 3 now that King Andrias has her in a tube tank that looks tied to his master.
True Colors ends on a deeply bittersweet cliffhanger leaving the fates of Sasha & Grime totally unknown if they’ll get away by the skin of their teeth, or get captured by Andrias’ soldiers and robots. Anne finally returned home with the Plantars, but at a deadly cost of leaving her other close friends behind in Amphibia. After all the isolation, heartbreak, and endurance she went through with her frog family Anne finds herself at a total loss for words. Once again, Anne is in a state of solitude of not knowing if her friends are really okay or not, mirroring the start of Season 1 when she landed into Amphibia’s world. It’s safe to say to say that, “Finally me and it’s no big deal.”, lyrics have aged terribly for Anne’s realization of finding her own identity came at the expense of getting separated from friends she’s known since kindergarten. Definitely see Anne becoming a lot more protective of the Plantars now more than ever after watching Marcy drop to the ground from being stabbed in front of her eyes.
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Amphibia’s Season 2 finale is exactly how you capitalize on a winning story telling formula of dramatic writing, lovable characters with layered depth, and increasing the stakes of your story in an organic manner. True Colors is a finale that should be talked about for a long time to come, as it not only showed how worth the wait it was, but reinforces why Amphibia is a truly great series. It’s unafraid to take its characters to dark places in a way that feels totally earned.
Amphibia Season 2 is everything a sequel to a first film should be.
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axebenefits · 4 years
Why Kokomi Teruhashi Deserves Better
let me start off with stating that teruhashi is not pursuing this life of perfection for herself. and you may think “but she seems to enjoy it so much” or “but no ones forcing her to be perfect”. however, there’s a lot more to her goals than just self satisfaction.
teruhashi is a beautiful woman who, seemingly from an early age, was fawned after and sexualized by everyone. even her own brother. though we’ve seen nothing of her family outside of her sibling, we can assume it’s not as perfect as she’d lead everyone to believe.
even if teruhashi’s parents didn’t add to any of the pressure or stress she’s under, they most certainly seemed to have enabled makoto. or at least been negligent in their parenting. how could anyone get to such a state of obsession? especially over a sibling, nonetheless. even saiki points out in the episode makoto is introduced (season 1, episode 9) that the teruhashi parents should not have let makoto get this far in his possessiveness. which leads me to believe that they either are very distant or they’re very careless.
then kokomi attends pk academy. here she has a variety of people her own age. and what happens? they worship her blindly. her gorgeous looks garner her constant empty praise because of this facade she displays. there’s even a fan club dedicated to her, one that has been said to have ADULTS in it. how creepy is that? and she just has to live with it.
but you have to think, would teruhashi even be able to live a life in which she’s not treated as a goddess? she’s exceptionally beautiful, very intelligent, and quite talented. there would never be a world in which she wouldn’t get the attention that people force onto her.
and, as sad as it is, i think she’d prefer attention that she’s asking for instead of something unwanted and unexpected.
this may lead you to deduce that she enjoys the praise and affection. that as long as her ego is being inflated, she’s happy. however, let’s think back to the valentine’s day episode in season 1 (episode 8). it’s rumored that teruhashi has brought chocolate for a special someone, and all the boys flock to her in order to earn her chocolates.
remember how annoyed she was, how frustrated she got when they were tripping over themselves to do whatever she asked of them. and why do they do this? do they care for her? unfortunately, no. she’s an accessory to them, a beautiful gem they can wear out and show off. these people hold no genuine love for her.
she was agitated, despising the crowd that followed her relentlessly. however, this is teruhashi we’re talking about. she gets followed by a crowd of strangers constantly. she gets swarmed by people at café’s. she is so used to such treatment, why was that time so different? it must’ve been a one time thing, right?
wrong! she never enjoys the attention she gets from people. she doesn’t put up this persona of the “perfect pretty girl” for herself. she doesn’t particularly like it, but she feels as though it is necessary. she constantly puts herself through uncomfortable and even downright upsetting situations to continue to show people that she is perfect.
what’s worse is that she’s so accustomed to people treating her more like a reality tv show star than a person. in the last episode of season 2, episode 24, we witness the newspaper club once more trying to tarnish her image. how do they try and get dirt on her? THEY FOLLOW HER AROUND.
and the saddest part is she notices IMMEDIATELY, and is able to take extremely detailed notes on what the perpetrators are like. she outright states this isn’t her first time being stalked. of course we know this, but can we register how upsetting that is? this young girl who doesn’t even have a genuinely caring and healthy family gets stalked constantly.
let’s not forget kokomi has clearly never had friends before she befriended chiyo and the rest. nobody treated her like her own person. they’ve all put her on this incredible pedastol, too far from the top to ever even think about befriending her. so she had no one to confide in, no one to make her feel safe.
but that all started changing when she became friends with saiki’s group. do you know why? because they showed her genuine respect and kindness. not empty validation and unwanted worship. the genuinely do care for HER, not like how the other pk students tend to only care for how she the image she portrays herself as.
no one ever cared to get to know her, until saiki and his friends. saiki’s group brings out the best in people. i could go on an entire tangent on why saiki’s friend group is so wonderful, but we can save that for another time. what i’m saying is that they treated her as equal. of course they do occasionally shower her in praise, but they have no ulterior motive. they don’t want to get with her, they just want to make her happy.
we see how she changes alongside this friend group. for instance, when saiko is introduced in episode 23 of season 1, she even states herself that the “old her” would’ve dropped everything for saiko. but now, she cares too much for her friends to ever let ANYONE insult them like that. and that feeling is reciprocated.
you can argue that every situation ends in kokomi’s favor, and therefore gets everything she wants. and i agree to an extent. she is most definitely adored by the gods. however, positive outcomes do not erase uncomfortable and even traumatic experiences. you can put a bandaid on a wound, but only time and care will truly heal it.
alongside that, i understand some people still view teruhashi as conceited and selfish. in episode 11 of season 2, after kusuke insults teruhashi, she cries in order to form a mob to sworm around him. and yes, this was wrong of her and i will not be making excuses. however, someone as worshipped as her is bound to have an inflated ego, is bound to develop such defense mechanisms. though it was wrong of her, there was reason behind why she acted in such a way.
she still has her flaws, she still gets easily annoyed with people. but let me remind you that, after garnering so much unwanted attention, anyone would get easily agitated by people trying to force themselves into their personal bubble.
building off on that, teruhashi is also extremely defensive of her perfect pretty girl facade. why? because it’s all she had for so long. she may have never had good connections or genuine love, but she had her image. and that kept her at ease.
but you can only fool your mind so much. there will always be a little light shining through the rose colored glasses, giving you a glimpse of what’s actually happening. and sometimes, the reality of it all gets to her.
but now, she has saiki’s group. and as much as i wish things would be different for her, for people to let her live her own life and treat her with actual respect instead of a rare doll to admire, i’m glad she has her friends. i mean, one of the reasons she even likes saiki so much is because he isn’t like the rest. he wasn’t falling to his knees to praise her. he wasn’t following her around like a lost puppy. he did none of that! and she felt comfort in his stoic exterior.
the fact that she likes saiki of all people simply proves that she genuinely doesn’t care for the validation people thrust upon her. all she wants is to feel safe and content, and saiki provides that for her.
but she still deserves better. she deserves to be able to set aside her reputation and be her own person. to say no to uncomfortable situations. she deserves so much more than what she gets. and while her friends are wonderful, i do wish the general population treated her with that same respect.
teruhashi is a strong-willed woman who sadly fell victim to internalized misogyny, to strive to be the perfect woman. and, in her eyes, the perfect woman aligns directly with society’s view of what a good woman is like. pretty, submissive, passive, nice; that’s not who she is though. we see that she has quite a bit of an attitude and is very easily annoyed. she’s also extremely clever and, while deceitful, does have a lot of passion.
and nothings wrong with that! it’s okay to be bitter sometimes. teruhashi still treats others with respect and she does yearn to be better, even if not presented consciously. she works hard to be who she is, and i admire that. but she deserves to be work hard to be who SHE wants to be, not what others expect of her.
in conclusion, while teruhashi is not a perfect person, she’s an extremely well-written character. the development she’s made has been astronomical, and i’m so proud of how far she’s come.
thank you for reading! ♥
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jalapeno-princess · 3 years
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10:34 A.M.
The sunlight was warm against your cheeks as it shone in through the windows; yet, it wasn’t the harsh rays that woke you from your comfortable slumber.
You could feel a tender gaze directed right at you along with a pair of strong arms, your favorite pair of arms to be exact—wrapped protectively around your waist.
Gentle fingers glided softly along your face; almost featherlight to the point where you wouldn’t have even noticed that he was touching you if it weren’t for the callousness of his digits connecting the dots of your scattered freckles and the cool metal on his fourth finger.
You had yet to open your eyes, but you were confident in the idea that your husband was staring at you and you didn’t want to make it known that you were awake just yet.
Honestly, it felt as though you were still in dreamland—everything was just too good to be true. Memories of the most perfect day of your entire life soon came rushing back to your mind and you couldn’t help the small smirk that was now encompassing your face—giving away the fact that you were no longer asleep.
“Good morning Mrs.Tuan.”
Hearing the excitement yet raspiness in his voice along with his last name that was also yours now sent so many emotions to your chest. You were over the moon to say the least. He let out a giggle when you hid your face against his bare chest and placed a sweet kiss on your forehead.
“Good morning Mr.Tuan.”
“Ah, I’m never going to get tired of calling you Mrs.Tuan. I still can’t believe you’re my wife. God, it’s like a dream come true—“
“Took you long enough. I’ve been waiting for over five years for you to propose to me—“
Mark let out a guttural groan at the sound of your playful complaint; dropping his head in between the valley of your breasts and earning himself a shove to his shoulder. A blush was now adorning your cheeks; only then as you felt his warm breath against your nipples did you come to the realization that you were naked. It didn’t bother you though, not like it did when you and Mark first became intimate back in the third week of your relationship.
He was your husband now and the two of you made love to each other numerous times in the duration of your five year relationship that you were no longer shy whenever you’d find yourself naked around him. Actually, Mark was very vocal about how insanely beautiful you were—and devastatingly sexy which led you to lose your timidity and gain a newfound confidence. One that you never knew existed and you owed entirely to your husband.
“Hey, we went over this on multiple occasions baby. I wanted to propose to you only months after we started dating—I knew I was in love with you after only the third date. Trust me, it was extremely difficult for me having to introduce you as my girlfriend and not my wife for these last few years. I don’t know why—I mean sure, getting to call you my girlfriend and getting to be called your boyfriend was all that mattered to me. You’re my soulmate y/n. My person—but something about the titles “wife” and “husband” is more permanent. It solidifies a relationship. But I wanted us to be finished with school and settled in to our actual careers before taking things any further. It worked out though didn’t it? Look at us. We’re both redeemingly successful with our positions at the companies we work at and we share a two story house in our mid twenties. Not that it matters, but we can live comfortably as a married couple unlike a lot of people our age. We’re a whole now. You’re stuck with me and my penis for the rest of your life—“
“Oh God. Just when it was getting so romantic, you just had to throw your dick in there. Well, you’re stuck with me and my pussy—“
“I don’t consider myself stuck at all. Your pussy is so magical—fuck, we’ve had sex at least three hundred times, maybe even more than that and every single time, you never failed to blow my mind—and my dick. But shit, last night had to be the best night of my entire life. Yesterday, was the most incredible day in my twenty-seven years of existence. You are the most beautiful person in the entire world and I’m not just saying that because you’re my wife, it’s true. Not only on the outside; which, honestly, you are a sight for sore eyes. I can never take my eyes off of you and I never want to. I’d stare at you in awe of your beauty all day if time permitted me to. But you have the most kindest and generous hearts and you are just the sweetest soul. I can’t wait to remind you every single day for the rest of our lives just how perfect you are to me.”
He brought his thumb up to the brim of your eyelids and wiped away a tear that you didn’t even know fell. God, this man was really the love of your life. You’d never be able to comprehend exactly what you did to deserve being the lucky girl who loved Mark and got to be loved by him, but you would never take your position in his life as his bride for granted.
Before you could continue to let any more tears fall at his endearing words, he was quick to continue his not so innocent speech about the many naughty thoughts taking up all the space his mind.
“I don’t know if it’s because we’re newlyweds or because you never cease to amaze me each and every time we stumble in to bed together but the sex we had just hours ago in my opinion was the best sex we’ve ever had. I know I complimented you almost the entire day yesterday on how gorgeous you looked in that wedding dress and I’m sure my never ending tears that flowed down my cheeks as you walked down the aisle and my wedding vows that were almost twenty minutes long are enough to prove my undying love for you. But God, seeing you in that dress—that dress was made for you. You looked so fucking ethereal and damn, it looked so much better on the floor once I got you alone. You know, my mind is still a little hazy from sleeping—maybe you could remind me just how amazing it was—if I knew you were this abusive, I would have made you work harder for that ring you’re wearing.”
Both his and your laughter filled the room and you couldn’t stop yourself from rolling your eyes and pinching his cute little butt. Your wedding day was everything you could have ever dreamt of and more. There were countless times in your relationship where you would day dream about what your wedding would be like. It didn’t take you too long to realize that Mark was the person you wanted to settle down and start a family with. Everything within you; your heart, your mind, your body and your soul was his. You were set on Mark Tuan; for life. Since he took his time with asking you to marry him, you developed some insecurities about whether or not he saw himself marrying you. Sure, he may have talked about your future together every now and then, but not once did he ever bring up marriage so you just assumed he had no plans on getting married at all.
It made your engagement all the more special when he did finally get around to proposing to you less than a year ago while the two of you were in vacation in Hawaii. You tried to convince yourself that you would be happy even if Mark were to confess he had no plans on tying the knot. As long as Mark was in your life, you were content with whatever title you held in his. But on that magical night when he got down on one knee and went in to detail about his undying love for you as the two of you watched the sunset go down, you felt wholeheartedly that his proposal was one dreams were made of.
“What are you thinking about?” You looked at him in curiosity and it was in that moment; looking at his blank stare did you realize you were probably mirroring his exact facial expression.
“Nothing. Just that I’m really happy. Really, really happy. You mean everything to me Mark. I don’t know what I would do without you and I dont even want to think about my life before you were in it. It was colorless and dull. Now all I see is so many beautiful colors. Just the mere thought of you along pulls on my heartstrings in such a miraculous way. I love the way you make me feel and I love the effect you’ve had on me. I’m so in love with you and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for us.”
Your husband gave you his signature gummy smile before smashing his mouth roughly against yours. He licked on your bottom lip and took it in between his sharp teeth, nibbling all but gently while dragging his cold fingertips along your smooth skin.
“You’re my happily ever after y/n. I kind of regret not getting around to marrying you sooner. I just really wanted to give you the ring and the wedding that you’ve always wanted. You deserved the entire universe and more y/n. Truly, there’s so much I want to give you. You are genuinely out of this world; you’re practically a goddess—an otherworldly being and honestly, you deserve so much more than what this world has to offer you. I’m not stupid my love, I’ve picked up on the many wedding magazines you’d scatter throughout the house, I’ve noticed you’ve been watching a couple of episodes from that one Disney weddings show and I overheard you talking to your mom about not knowing how I felt about marriage. I’m sorry that you had to question my feelings for you, but I thought that my constant love confessions and the way I could never stop holding you, kissing you and needing to be around you was enough to prove the fact that you are my home. You own my heart y/n. You always have and you always will forever. The feeling is mutual baby. I don’t care what ends up happening to me. I don’t care where we end up living—if we ever decide to move houses, cities, states or even countries. I don’t care what my job title is, how much money I’ll end up making or what anyone other than you has to think or say about me. Life—life can be rough and there are days that I just want to scream, cry and run away. But then I look at you and I see my purpose—I look at you and see the reason for my existence. You’re the reason why I breathe. You’re the reason why my heartbeat increases—the reason why I wake up with the biggest grin on my face. You are my reason to be happy and I could never thank you enough for all you’ve done for me in the last five years. Now, I can’t wait to continue to relish in our love for many more decades to come.”
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petri808 · 3 years
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Inukag Royalty Au
A few months passed by comfortably and Kagome felt settled into her new role. She felt so much happier than she’d been in a long time, enough to rarely think about what brought her there in first place. Being a Lady in Waiting came with responsibilities, but Rin never felt like work. If anything, Kagome treated her like her own daughter or thought of her as the little sister she never had. Maybe even a bit too comfortable... If she wasn’t with Rin, she was with Inuyasha. They talked a lot and a crush had developed. She could tell he liked her too, but they both knew it wouldn’t work because he believed she was just a servant, and he was already spoken for. So, Kagome did her best to push away those sadder feelings and focus on the positives. She was in a safe environment, happy, and living freer than ever. It wasn’t worth stressing over.
“Where’s Rin?” Inuyasha asked Kagome when he found her sitting in the garden alone at mid-morning.
“Oh, hello Inuyasha.” Kagome looked up from her book. “This morning Rin decided to go with her mother to the neighboring city for shopping. They told me I didn’t need to accompany them, kind of like a mother, daughter fun day, I assume.”
“So that means you’re free right now?”
“I guess you could say that,” she chuckled. “They’ll probably be back around dinner time.”
“In that case, would you like to join me for a horseback ride? You haven’t had a lot of chances to see the surrounding areas, right?”
“No, I haven’t. But I guess Buyo wouldn’t mind getting out of the stable either. He hasn’t been worked much lately since I’d arrived.”
“Then it’s settled.” Inuyasha held out a hand to help her to her feet. “We can grab some lunch from the market before heading out.”
Within the hour, the pair were on horseback trotting along the road that led away from the castle city. There were a few areas close by that Inuyasha thought Kagome would enjoy seeing. For him it was days like this when he could forget that he was a Prince and just enjoy life. The woman had truly brought out a new side of him and it wasn’t going unnoticed, but so far, the palaces gossip mill didn’t dare to make it publicly known. It had steadily grown harder and harder to remember life before Kagome’s arrival and Inuyasha didn’t want to think about the day he’d have to leave her behind for some Princess he didn’t even know. Ugh! Before Kagome, he’d accepted his fate subserviently to his fathers will, but now, the frustration grew like a weed in his heart. He’d rather die alone at home, in the castle with Kagome around then be married in an unfamiliar kingdom on a loveless throne.
“Where’s Miroku?” Kagome asked after some time. “Isn’t he supposed to be with you when you leave the castle?”
“Yeah…” Inuyasha smirked with a glint in his eye. “But I ditched him. He’s probably still looking for me,” he laughed. “Wouldn’t want a third wheel when I’m with you.”
The comment brought a blush to Kagome’s cheeks as the man’s tone hinted more than an innocent rambling. “Oh…” she ducked her head in embarrassment. “It is nicer without anyone else around. So, um, where are we going?”
“There’s a pond,” Inuyasha pointed in a general direction. “It’s not much farther, with a small waterfall where we can relax and eat our lunch.”
“That does sound really nice! I’ve never seen a waterfall before,” she sheepishly admitted.
“Wow… you really haven’t seen much, have you?”
“Let’s just say I was… sheltered for most of my life.”
“Because you’re a girl?”
“Yeah, they wouldn’t let me go anywhere by myself.”
“I see. So, after they passed away you decided to do the opposite?”
“I know it’s odd for a woman to travel alone, but I didn’t have anyone to turn to and I just… needed to get away.”
Inuyasha leaned back a little in his saddle using his legs to steady himself. “I can completely understand that. Everyone wondered why I used to be so irritable before Rin came along. She gave me a reason to stick around, but I really don’t enjoy being a prince.”
“You don’t?” Kagome spoke slowly to hide the tremble in her tone. It was nice to hear someone else unhappy with that kind of life.
He shook his head. “So many rules and traditions to follow. Everyone thinks our life is easy but the pressures… and being told what to do, being watched constantly— I hate it and then the whole arrangement—… never mind.” His ears folded back as he glanced skyward. “What I wouldn’t give to be free from all of it.” He turned to look at her. “Like you— oi, did I say something wrong?” Inuyasha questioned when he saw the moisture filling Kagome eyes.
“No, no,” she shook her head and smiled. “I get it. Freedom to choose how we’ll live our lives is just, such a wonderful thing.”
Ever have a sense of connection while time stood still? Just for moment as the pair trotted side by side, their eyes holding a gaze like the world could fall away at any moment, but it wouldn’t be noticed. Inuyasha didn’t know how, and despite coming from such different worlds this woman… he knew she spoke the truth. She was feeling the same longing emotions as he was, the same which had driven her to leave home. What a strength to possess in standing up to traditions! Inuyasha let out a held breath. Kagome truly was one of those once in a lifetime meeting, he’ll never find again. If only…
Inuyasha snapped out of the daydream when he realized they’d reached their destination. “F-follow me, it’s right through this tree line.”
He led them through a thicket of trees with the sounds of moving water guiding him towards the source. This hidden gem was easy to miss from the road, but it made for a perfect hideaway. Inuyasha would sometimes slip away from the castle and go there whenever he was upset. Not even Miroku knew about it and the prince wanted to keep it that way for as long as possible. They tethered the horses near the water on a patch of grass, before finding a flat rock outcropping to sit down. Inuyasha then laid out a blanket he’d brought, and Kagome unpacked a travel basket of food.
“This really is a beautiful place,” Kagome commented. “Thank you for showing it to me.”
“You’re welcome. I’m just glad you like it.”
Kagome stretched out her legs and held herself up with her arms behind her relaxing and listening to the sounds around her. The pond was maybe four or five horse lengths from one side to the other, with a short waterfall that fed the pond, but it had no visible outlet. Perhaps it was connected to an underground stream that came out elsewhere. Not that she cared about such details. What mattered was the serenity of the area, so calming, soothing, the gentle rumbles of the waterfall, the birds in the trees, even the frogs croaking, or water bugs buzzing around in a strangely harmonious cacophony. As they ate their lunch amidst this entertainment, she couldn’t help but think about coming back here again.
“I bet Rin would love this place,” Kagome sighed in contentment.
“She probably would, if I was willing to share it with anyone else.”
She turned her head and was about to respond when she realized what Inuyasha was insinuating. “Oh… so no one else knows about this place?”
Inuyasha shook his head no. “Just me and you. Only special people allowed,” he smiled.
As she adjusted her body to sit up, Kagome’s voice quieted with hopeful undertones. “You think… I’m special?”
“Kagome, look at the effect you’ve had on my entire family. Rin loves you. My parents think you’re great, even Kagura likes you and that says a lot. It’s pretty clear that you’re a very special person.”
“Ah, I see,” Kagome breathed out a sigh mixed with relief as well as disappointment. “Everyone has been very nice to me, and I’m blessed to have been so accepted.”
Inuyasha didn’t respond immediately and when Kagome glanced up to look at him, she noticed he was staring at the water with a serious, almost pained expression. His brows were slightly furrowed, and jaw tightened. Should she say something? Maybe he was thinking and wouldn’t want to be interrupted. Minutes ticked by, but the prince kept his eyes trained on the water. So, Kagome pulled her knees up and rested her arms on them to wait, letting the scenery pull her back into a daydream.
It frustrated Inuyasha that he kept having to reign in his emotions like this. He wanted to just tell her the truth, not cover it up with truthful lies. His family did love her, just not in the way he was beginning to. She was special to him, but it would be wrong to lead her on when there was no hope of developing anything more. He’d do anything to make her happy and feel special every single day for the rest of her life. Finally, after several awkward minutes, he spoke up. “Someone like you deserves the world Kagome, and if I could give it to you, I would.”
The comment made Kagome’s heart melt, for she knew those words were coming from his own. Now she understood the turmoil lying just below the surface but appreciated Inuyasha trying to keep things platonic for both their sakes. She smiled softly as she fidgeted with her fingers. “I know you would, Inuyasha, and I’d do the same for you if I could. These past few months have made me happier than any other time in my life, but even if this is all I get, I’ll still cherish the memories.”
Inuyasha let out a drawn-out exhale, his head hung, and ears drooped. “And I still wish things could be different. Fate sucks sometimes.”
Kagome surprised him by reaching over and placing her hand over his. “Let’s focus on the good stuff while we can.” She genuinely smiled although behind it there was a hint of sadness to it. “At least we got to meet each other, and we get to enjoy moments like this one. That’s something no one can ever take away from us.”
He flipped his hand over and took hold of hers, giving it a small squeeze. “I don’t know how you do it,” Inuyasha chuckled quietly. “But I know you’re right. For you, I’ll hold out hope that things will work out the way they’re supposed to.” And he meant it. Anything to keep a smile on Kagome’s face.
Once Inuyasha noticed the sun had moved halfway towards the horizon, they decided it was time to head back to the palace. The pair trotted out of the tree line but pushed the horses into a light gallop after making it back to the main road. It was fun, albeit disruptive to Kagome’s hair as it came undone and flowed behind her. Inuyasha had to hold back his admiration because she simply looked breathtaking like that. They slowed down as they neared the castle gate and he instantly saw a very annoyed Miroku standing next to his horse waiting for them.
“Where the hell have you been!” Miroku flailed his hands at the prince. “Are you trying to get me in trouble?!”
Refusing to acknowledge the man’s tirade, Inuyasha just rolled his eyes. “What’s the big deal. Did my dad come looking for me or something?”
Inuyasha cut him off. “Then where’s the fire? What’s got you so damn riled up?”
“Because it was only a matter of time. And what are you doing with Ms. Tanaka?” Miroku questioned with an accusatory tone.
“Look, she hasn’t seen much more than the castle, so I took her out riding. Nothing wrong with that, so don’t be projecting your sick perverted mind on me,” Inuyasha growled back. “Now are you done grilling me cause we’d like to be on our way.”
“One more thing.” Miroku moved closer so he could keep his voice low. “A visiting King from a small kingdom will be here by dinner time, so your father may call on you to greet the guest.”
“What king?”
“Naraku, from the Komorigumo kingdom.”
“The creepy one?”
“Yeah, that one. He’s supposedly just passing through for the night on his way to the coastal port city and stopped out of respect.”
“I never did trust that guy.”
“Neither does your father, so that’s why he’ll probably ask you to greet him and keep an eye on him.”
“Alright… thanks,” Inuyasha mumbled. “Now if you don’t mind?”
“Not at all.” Miroku then winked at Kagome. “Ma’am.”
“Mr. Hoshii,” she nodded her head.
“Okay, okay, that’s enough,” Inuyasha grumped and drove his horse forward. “We should get inside.”
“Okay,” Kagome responded and followed along.
After putting away their horses, the pair parted ways. Kagome went straight to her room to freshen up before Rin arrived home and Inuyasha went looking for his father. He wanted to find out if there was more to this visit than Miroku had known about, because King Naraku had a sullen and untrustworthy reputation. It was customary for visiting guests to stay in the palace, but Inuyasha wondered if they should increase the guards or put them on alert for mischief. He found the Inutaisho in his war room, but after several questions, Naraku’s visit appeared to be for a benign reason, just like Miroku stated. But he still didn’t trust the man.
“Fine,” Inutaisho acquiesced. “I’m not increasing the guards but have them instructed to watch for anything suspicious or unusual and to notify you immediately if they come across something.”
“Thanks, I’ll make sure it’s done. Oh, will Naraku be at dinner?”
“Make sure he’s on the opposite side of the table from Ms. Tanaka. Wouldn’t want him making her uncomfortable.”
“Inuyasha, I still think you’re being paranoid.”
“Better paranoid and be wrong, then miss something and bad things happen.”
Inutaisho laughed. “I guess I can’t fault that logic too much. See you at dinner son.”
With Miroku’s help, the palace guards and staff were put on notice under the guise of simply being on the alert with such a high-profile guest at the palace. When King Naraku arrived shortly before dinner, Inuyasha merely watched from the dining room doorway as his father and brother greeted the fellow king. His concern was intercepting Rin and Kagome as they arrived for dinner to make sure they avoided contact.
“Uncle Inu!” Rin bounced up and hugged him.
He picked her up, holding her with one arm. “Did you have fun shopping?”
“Yeah! I got some pretty new dresses!”
“That’s awesome,” Inuyasha smiled. “And good evening Ms. Tanaka.”
“Good evening, your highness.”
“Due to a guest, the normal seating has been slightly rearranged,” he gestured for her to follow him. “I’ll show you both to your seats.”
“That’s kind of you,” Kagome smiled and did as she was told.
As the trio walked through the dining room. Inuyasha kept his side gaze trained on Naraku to see how he would react to an unfamiliar face. The man was already seated next to his father and brother chatting, but clearly aware of their entrance. For just a brief second Inuyasha swore Naraku was staring hard at Kagome but caught himself quickly once he saw Inuyasha looking in his direction and pretended not to notice Kagome at all. ‘Weird,’ Inuyasha thought to himself. With human curiosity it’s normal to react to a new face, but not to ignore, especially a pretty one like Naraku had just done. He knew he couldn’t say anything out loud about it, so he just stayed observant.
The rest of dinner went without incident until the Inutaisho invited Naraku to join he and Sesshomaru in another room for more official business. Inuyasha watched carefully as the three men left the room, but just outside of the door and his hearing, he saw Naraku stop his personal guard and whisper something in the man’s ear. The guard then glanced back at the dining table where the rest of them were still seated, and yet again he could have sworn the men were looking at Kagome!
Inuyasha leaned over and whispered to Kagome. “Once you put Rin to bed, stay in your room and keep the door locked.”
“Is something wrong?” She whispered back. “Is it because of who you and Miroku was talking about earlier?”
“Yeah. I’m probably just being paranoid, but he just gives me really bad vibes.”
“O-Okay. Sure, I’ll just stay in my room reading.”
The following morning, Inuyasha woke up early to watch Naraku and his entourage leave. According to Miroku, no incidents were noticed, so he could breathe a sigh of relief. Perhaps he had been a little paranoid… that is until his father mentioned something. Naraku had asked the Inutaisho about Kagome before leaving. Inuyasha’s father assured his son that it was just an innocent question since Rin had a different attendant the last time the foreign king had visited. Innocent or not, why would Naraku care about a servant? Inuyasha chalked it up to the fact Kagome was a beautiful woman, so it must have just gained that kings attention. But since nothing more came from it, he filed it away in the back of his mind for future reference.
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ahopelessromantic · 4 years
Diamonds ➳ S. Reid
Pairing: Spencer x female Reader
Word count: 2,4k
Warnings: Nothing, Reader and Spencer are absolutely clueless about everything
Five years with Spencer Reid. A fifth anniversary dinner would be the perfect time to propose... right? (Based on this post)
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“Look at you! Do you have a date or something?” Emily cooed with a bright grin. You just deadpanned at her, checking yourself out in the reflection of your phone screen. She knew exactly why you were dressed up; your anniversary with Spencer was all you had been able to talk about during the last few days. “Do I look okay?” Now it was her who sent you a look. “Honey, you look absolutely amazing. But why are you two going out to this fancy restaurant anyway? You never go on fancy dates like that.” You hummed and nervously fumbled with your earrings. “I know… that’s why I can’t help but feel nervous. Normally we just go to our favourite Italian restaurant and take a long walk through the city. I don’t know what’s so different this year.” Emily lifted an eyebrow, a smile spreading across her lips. “Do you think Reid might be going to-“ You interrupted her before she could finish her sentence. “Don’t get my hopes up, please. Where is he, anyway?”
“You look good, Reid.” Morgan hummed, patting his best friend’s shoulder. Spencer looked at himself in the mirror and nodded. He did look… decent. Definitely different from what he usually wore to work. This was the first time in ages he was wearing a full-on three-piece suit. “(Y/N) is going to love it. And maybe the whole fancy restaurant setting will give her the opportunity to…” Spencer interrupted him with a hopeful look. “Wait, do you know anything?” Morgan chuckled. “I wish I did, pretty boy. But no, all I know is that your girlfriend has been even more nervous than you these past few days.” Spencer took a deep breath. “Okay, we should both relax, right? It’s just us. We both know we’re stuck with each other for good.” “That’s the spirit. But come on now, don’t want to keep your lady waiting, do you?” On his way back to the bullpen Spencer was able to spot you through the glass doors and almost stopped in his tracks. You looked beautiful, but not even that word did the way you looked justice. You were wearing a little black dress he had never seen before, heels that you usually never took out of their box because of their steep angle and a pair of earrings he had gotten you for your very first Christmas together. If it hadn’t been for Morgan pushing him on, he would have absolutely stayed there and looked at you for the rest of the evening. “Hi.” He lamely breathed out once he arrived in front of you. You turned around, and the look of awe on your face upon seeing him assured him once more that he had chosen the right person to love. “Spence, baby, you look amazing.” You beamed at him, feeling your cheeks heat up. He chuckled awkwardly and you could tell he was forcing himself to maintain eye contact. “You look even better. I think my brain stopped working for a moment there.” Emily grinned, exchanging a look with Morgan. “I can confirm that.” You giggled, and more out of sheer habit than anything you reached up to straighten his tie. Today, probably for the first time since you met Spencer, his tie hadn’t been crooked. “Are you ready to go?” He asked and you nodded eagerly, taking his arm. “Bye you guys, have a good night. It’s my turn to drive tonight, right?” Your colleagues waved you goodbye, and so immersed in slowly warming up to your own boyfriend again, you didn’t even notice the way their gazes followed you two to the elevator. “Gosh, they’re so cute.” Emily sighed and crossed her arms. Morgan followed suit, watching Reid disappear through the elevator doors after you. “And so clueless.”
The evening began alright. You were sitting across from each other, a plate of oysters in front of you and a glass of champagne in each of your hand. Spencer had counted down some facts about oysters and their alleged function as aphrodisiacs and had teasingly asked you whether you were trying to seduce him. With a gleam in your eyes you had responded that with him in that suit, you weren’t taking any chances. But above all the usual banter and conversation hovered an air of nervousness and anticipation neither of you could really shake off. When nothing happened during dinner, you felt your mood involuntarily deflate. The evening was beautiful and your boyfriend even more, why were you so fixated on hopefully getting that stupid piece of jewellery? Spencer was yours for the rest of your life, you already knew that. Still, you couldn’t help the fear of him one day deciding he wanted something else and leaving gnawing away at the back of your head. You knew that you couldn’t ever truly stop him from doing that, and you also didn’t want to toxically pin him down in any way, you just wanted the security of legally being bound to him so if things ever went downhill at least half your shit was going to be each other’s. Sometimes you were cynic like that. After dinner, Spencer looked at you with a warmth in his eyes that reminded you of just how impossible it would be for you to ever love anyone else again. “Are you up for a walk, Miss (Y/L/N)?” You laughed and took his arm. “Oh, what good ideas you have, Doctor Reid.” Long walks through the city at night were a tradition of yours. Whenever a case had been incredibly stressful or mentally draining the two of you made a thermos of tea and aimlessly wandered through the streets of Quantico or Washington. It was your little piece of normalcy and stability. You had mentally scolded yourself to keep it together, but when even after your walk no proposal had happened you couldn’t help but slowly just long for your bed.
“The restaurant was beautiful; it was a good idea to try it out.” You spoke, watching your wine swirl around in its glass. The two of you had made yourselves comfortable on the carpet in front of your sofa, a glass of red wine in each of your hands to finish the night. You couldn’t see his face, but you knew Spencer had a small smile on his face. “I thought five years with you deserved a special celebration.” A light chuckle escaped your lips and you looked up to meet his gaze. “Five years, huh?” His eyes had a sincerity in them that made your spine tingle. “The best years of my life.” You laughed. “You’re cheesy.” He looked at you in feigned offence. “I’m telling the truth! It’s just… your love gave me more validation as a person than any degree I’ve gotten over the years could have. And by that I don’t just mean that I only love you for what you’ve done for me, I hope you know that. It’s not your job to fix me, or anything, in any way. But you have genuinely made me a better person, and up until I’ve met you I didn’t even know people could actually feel this kind of adoration for someone else. God, I’m rambling.", he chuckled awkwardly. "What I’m trying to say is that I love you, (Y/N). I hope we’ll get much more than another five years together.” You had watched him hold his little speech with the very feeling he had described: pure adoration. Spencer wasn’t perfect, but he was your perfect. His tie was perpetually crooked, he hated driving and he talked too much in the worst moments sometimes. But he was also loving, intelligent, always remembered your coffee order, and regularly told you about quotes in books that had made him think of you. There was no one better suited for you than him. And if it was going to take him another ten years to propose, hell, even if he was never going to propose, you would still love him to death. “I love you too, Spencer.” You breathed and kissed him deeply. “I love you so much and I am so happy the universe has put you in my life. It wouldn’t be the same without you.” He kissed you again and then pulled away with an impish grin. “Well, was it really the universe or Prentiss and Morgan?” You both laughed, thinking of their numerous attempts to set the two of you up with each other. After a moment of revelling in those moments, you felt your bright grin shrink back into a tender smile. Feeling wholly content you leaned against your boyfriend. Spencer broke the silence with a light sigh. “You seemed a bit deep in thought, earlier, after dinner.” You felt yourself stiffen for a moment. Of course, your genius profiler boyfriend had noticed your even just slightly different behaviour. Talking about everything together and being so in tune with each other were the very things that made your relationship so special, you had been foolish to think you could just sulk and get away with it unnoticed. You tried to play it off with a chuckle. “I was just… thinking for a moment.” Spencer deadpanned at you. “You know, especially after five years, that I know you better than that. What’s on your mind?” You sighed and took in his gorgeous features. This was the man you loved, your best friend. You told him everything else, so you might just tell him this as well. “I…” You trailed off and nervously played with your hands. “I honestly thought you might propose tonight.” His eyes bulged, and you almost feared they might pop out of their sockets. Spencer didn’t answer, just blinked at you in shock. “And it’s okay that you didn’t!” You hastily continued. “I don’t need a ring from you to know how much you love me. But I just thought the restaurant and the suit and everything…” “I was waiting for you to propose.” He interrupted you and now it was you whose eyes got too wide all of a sudden. “You what?!” “I thought you were going to propose! You told me about this woman proposing to her boyfriend and how sweet it was just last week and then when I suggested going somewhere fancier this year you got this gleam in your eyes and…” He stopped talking and just looked at you. And then the two of you started laughing. “We’re pretty clueless for two FBI Agents, aren’t we?” You giggled, wiping away the tears of laughter on your cheeks after finally calming down again. Spencer closed his eyes and shook his head, a smile still on his face. Then his face suddenly brightened. “Stay here, okay?” He suddenly said, and with a kiss pressed to your forehead he disappeared into your shared bedroom. He returned only a few moments later, one hand hidden behind his back. You felt your fingers beginning to tremble with nervousness. He sat back down next to you and then changed his position so he was on both of his knees in front of you. “(Y/N) (Y/L/N). Since we are both absolutely clueless and apparently too scared to do this the traditional way, will you accept this diamond and become my wife?” He revealed the palm of his hand to you, in which laid a beautiful, bright diamond. “Where the hell did you get that?” You whispered in awe. “I’ll tell you once you say yes.” He grinned cheekily. You chuckled, fighting the tears in your eyes. Then, completely breathless, you whispered a quiet ‘yes’ and pulled Spencer against you in the most passionate of kisses. “Yes.” You repeated and giggled, tangling your fingers in his hair. “I’ll so marry you.” There were tears in his eyes as well, and he looked at you with the most serene expression. “I love you so much, (Y/N).” You picked up the diamond that had fallen onto the carpet amidst the commotion of your proposal and held it against the light to really look at it. “Now, about this…” Spencer grinned. “It’s from a case from years ago. The Unsub left these synthetic diamonds at his crime scenes and the local police department didn’t really know what to do with all of them, so once they weren’t critical evidence anymore we got to keep them. JJ wears them as earrings.” You laughed in disbelief. “Wow. That’s somehow weirdly fitting for us.” Your boyfriend, or actually, now fiancé, pulled you close. “We can head to a goldsmith tomorrow and ask him if he can make a ring out of it. Or a necklace, whatever you want.” You smiled and snuggled into his side. Somehow, Spencer had exceeded your expectations once again. A beautiful proposal when you had expected it the least (after only a few misunderstandings), and way more than just a stupid piece of jewellery. It was a piece of Spencer’s history, a reminder that amongst all the craziness of your Job, there was still beauty. And this way, you even got the exact style of ring you had always wanted. The goldsmith had done an amazing job with it, and when you came to work with the dazzling stone on your ring finger and a smile to match it, your colleagues and best friends went wild. “You crazy son of a bitch, you took the diamond killer’s legacy and actually turned it into something romantic. Didn’t know you had it in you, kid.” Morgan chuckled after hearing the story of your proposal. Spencer just pulled you closer against him and shrugged, trying to play off how pleased with himself he was. He was always good for a surprise, and although most normal couples started to calm down in their married lives you just somehow knew that your life with Spencer was never going to get boring. Emily suddenly ripped you out of your thoughts by loudly popping a bottle of champagne she had been hiding away god knows where and pouring a glass for each member of the team. “To future Mr and Mrs Reid, the first married couple in the BAU!” You watched your whole team toast to the two of you and revelled in the warmth that was spreading through your chest. All of this? Normal? Definitely not. But still absolutely and perfectly wonderful? Definitely. Normal had always been too boring for you.
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madlymiho · 4 years
Hi! First of all, I wanted to say that I’m really glad you’re back! I was wondering if I could get some head cannons for Sanji, Law, and Kid with a S.o who’s “tamed” a dragon? The dragon and their S.o have known each other for years, so they’re more like good friends who respect one another, rather than pet and owner. (For reference, the dragon is a western dragon- y’know, the classic red fire-breathing ones?) Thank you! Keep up the good work!❤️
Hi there! I'm happy to hear that, thank you for your support! 🥰😍!
I find this one utterly cute, I hope it will suit you! ❤️
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• Even if Sanji might sometimes look like a knight with his partner, or every single lady around, he’s also utterly amazed and thrilled whenever he’s having someone strong by his side. He will never get tired to meet such an amazing person and will shower you under compliments  
• Of course, the first time he saw a dragon flied down to you, he thought that you were attacked, and that he needed to protect you! His diable jambe already on fire, but you have been able to reason him, since Sanji is someone who would always follow your orders, he’s good at listening the persons he loves 
• If Sanji was wary at first, and ready to help if that creature would ever harm you, he quickly understands that you too share a deep link and this relationship couldn’t be nothing but incredibly powerful, observing you with happy eyes, because it’s quite a sight for sure 
• He will quickly lose the “be careful” attitude, having that floating smile whenever the dragon appears in the sky, here to defend your honor, to share your adventure, a bit like another man in your life... even if he hides it, it pinches his heart in its jealousy, because Sanji somehow understands he couldn’t match such a fantastic creature
• Not that he will consider your lizard friend as a threat nor a rival, but he wonders what could be his place by your side, if you seem to found within someone, something else, your other half. He adores the way you two communicate, but feels slightly push aside sometimes, waiting patiently to conquer you, in a different way for sure
• Yet Sanji would never let those feelings ruin your relationship and he will make sure that you’re happy, safe and sound by his side, as much as you seem happy, safe and sound around this mystical friend! At least that’s the best he can do, and hopefully, you feel at ease with him 
• With time, and with his eternal love, Sanji will overcome those doubtful feelings and will slowly find his place by your side. He loves to see your content features whenever your flying friend would join you, cheering you up whenever you’re taking off... it’s another special something he’s delight to share with someone 
• Of course, Sanji will had your friend dragon to the list of the mouths he needs to feed, and while you’re announcing its visit, he has already prepared all sort of dishes it might enjoy, having the same eternal goal ; no one should ever starving when he’s cooking for his friends, and your dragon, for sure, is definitely considered as a member of the family 
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• Not that Law doesn’t care about your dragon friend, but he’s not the most impressed with the individual in your life. Somehow he has seen a lot, and there’s a lot to see on the seas, so he’s not exposing the fact that it’s actually quite thrilling and amazing! Not everyone is able to tame a dragon! 
• If his crewmates are always super excited whenever your dragon friend is appearing, Law just crosses his fingers and remains silent, piercing grey eyes watching the elegant flight of this mystical creature. He will be there for the first times, but soon enough, Law doesn’t even show up on the deck 
• Fact is... that dragon friend is definitely a threat, because it could reveal one of his deepest nature, the very fact that he’s a huge nerd, and that he’s utterly and deeply thrilled whenever he’s seeing that dragon in the sky, sharing a wonderful partnership with nothing else but his own companion 
• Even if he tries to hide himself, you definitely bust the fact that he has been sketching on his notebook the anatomy of your friend, somehow studying the way it moves his wings, the way he uses wind to increase its speed, and so on... because he feels like a little kid, fascinated, and wishing to know it better 
• For sure, he will deny the fact he’s actually interested to know this dragon better, and it will be a real pain in the ass to get to the point where he will admit that he finds it awesome, but you know Law, he’s utterly secretive regarding his hobbies and will tut if you interrogate him too much 
• Though, you observe that with time, he’s more present when your friend dragon shows up, sometimes even coming closer to observe its scales, its snout, his eyes gleaming with something you have seen before, some sort of memories from an ancient time and you’re happy to see him like this 
• With time, Law will slowly, very slowly, begin to even compliment your relationship with your dragon, sometimes just dropping that you’re doing a good job, or sometimes just having that smirk floating on his lips whenever you’re accomplishing another miracle. He doesn’t want to be too much intrusive, but for sure, the three of you will have some sort of balance at some point 
• One day, Law would even be the one asking you questions about your friend, letting lose his initial nature to share his feelings, revealing is more nerd side, and the fact that he finds truly amazing the fact you have been able to tame a dragon and create such a deep bond with it 
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• For Kid, honestly, the very fact that you’re owning (because he believes it’s a pet since it’s not human), a damn fucking dragon his neat! Really just super amazing, awesome, and he’s utterly excited by the very thought you were able to tame it! 
• Honestly Kid is also kinda jealous of your ability to control such a beast, he already imagines that you have been at the origins of huge massacre around the world, riding your dragon with the fiercest look on your face, a dangerous warrior for this world 
• He definitely has a wild imagination about the chaos and torments this dragon can cost, and he harasses you with dozen and dozen questions, all of them about violence, blood, raw meat and so on... until he might understand that it’s not always about that 
• He can’t hide his disappointment when he finally notices that you’re not always up to some mischief with your dragon “pet”, and that you share with it a very deep emotional bond, something he finds utterly childish, and unwelcome, since damn, it’s supposed to be one of the most impressive creature in the world! 
• He judges you loudly, rolls his eyes, and snorts each time you’re having a gesture of affection for your dragon, unable to understand that the two of you are friends more than anything else, and that you don’t need to kill people to actually enjoy spending some time with such a giant creature... something he has a hard time to believe for sure 
• He tries to lead you to have a more violent attitude with your dragon, yelling that you have the most powerful weapon in the universe to become everything you want! He believes it’s a waste of time, a waste of a good pet as well, and for a long time, Kid will religiously ignore the genuine emotions in your bond with your friend
• Though, the more he’s observing you, despite his insults and comments, and the more he begins to understand what kind of bond you have created with this creature. You understand it, you protect it, and it works the other way around, to the point that this beautiful animal will always be there for you, fierce and dangerous to anyone who would ever dare to harm you 
• Kid finally understands that this bond with your dragon is the same than the ones he’s sharing with his crew mates, and one day, after months of all sort of bad words towards you, Kid would simply wrap his arm around your waist, and tell you that you’re really such a badass person, and that your friend is really amazing...
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wonwooridul · 3 years
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Specials 💎
I know that I ask a lot of you guys how you do your contents, I feel bad and feel like I’m taking your secrets. mianhae. Also, almost everyone of you is older to me so y’all are my senpais🥰also, what the fuck everyone of you are so talented.
@art-hao​: not @ us bonding over weird combos like art history (which we both are not a fan of), exams and animes but who cares cause we became friends and you’re amazing . your work gives me tons of inspo Istg! 🥺✨
@boosbin​: isaaa! You’re the person with literally all the same interests as me in almost everything and I love that. thankyou for being the softest boo stan with me cause i know I’m not the only one crying over him 25/8. 🤧Your work gives me serotonin boost.
@defgyus​: val, hiiii🥺 I know we haven’t talked much but you’re very sweet and we can related on a lot of stuff and that’s dear to me. I love your work and how you tag me in stuff which are always so fun to do!
@delicatecy​: Celia!! You’re such a sweet and easy going person and honestly, your work is just 🔥😌. I hope we get to know each other more! I love seeing you on my dash so much cause it makes me go wow all the time.
@haniehae​: heyy anna!! First, I love your haircut hehe. Second, even though you’re an introvert you’re easy to talk to and I love that! I love seeing you on my dash. Let’s catch up soon?
@haoranghae​: did we really bond over aliens? and cartwheel when neither of us can do it? Yeah, weirdos. Your taste is music is 😌 and thankyou so much introducing me to Lucy. Your content gives me feels 🥰
@jinims : zayy you’re such a sweet person and I love your work. Also thankyou for starting svtsource network and coming up with those tons of ideas. Big brain energy. I hope we can interact more!💕
@jonghan: my lovely friend. I’m so glad I met you cause talking you always makes me super hyped and happy about myself. You have taught me so much and your works keeps getting more beautiful everytime I see it. I’m only willing to wait for your message even if it’s 2-10 business days later.😌
@kwonthefire: my desi buddy , my homie. I think that speaks levels lmao. I love how we can always talk about randomest shit and bitch about our schools. You’re my personal hype woman. I absolutely treasure how we go to each other for daily life advices like buying waffles makers and stuff 😂 ab rona mat.
@myunqho: I love how we freak out over members out of nowhere. thankyou for always listening to me and spamming me w boo pictures cause 🥺. Haha you’re officially a gyuldaengi, welcome to the club of your never ending doom, cause mingyu is 🥰👀😳
@smallkore: dasha, my first ever mutual but we didn’t interact until months later but it’s okayy. you’re amazing and one of the cc I look up the most cause hello?? Your brain when you make the content?? The quality? Ideas? Top notch.😤
@softhyungkyun​: fellow cult member, you’re amazing. You’re so easy to talk to and I love how we get along over the weirdest things. #mositymenclub member forever. Again, that sounds so wrong 👀. You’re also funny omg. And your work??? Hellooo??? WOW
@soonhoonsol: my first precious friend I ever interacted with and I love u. You always give me a calming vibe and I love talking with you. Thankyou for checking in on me whenever I posted a questionable text post. Also, thankyou for teaching me tons. You always have something new to show us and i find that amazing.🤧💕
@vanillajoshh​: best friend? Yes.❤️ I love how we talk everyday even after a -13:30 hour time difference and you’re the sweetest and the most fun person who I can just vibe with. Thanks for always listening me rant, giving me confidence when I’m not sure about a content and just being yourself w me. Ily
@wonwvoo​: my best frenemy😌 you truly derive pleasure from my suffering and I love that. I love our dynamic and I hope it’s the same for a long time. Cant believe we bonded over jujutsu kaisen and true crime. I can’t wait to comeback and do all those traumatic asks you have given me.
@xuboowoo​: ahhh my oldest eonnie🥺🥺you’re so amazing and easy going , I genuinely forget the age gap sometimes. Best adult I know 😌🤞🏻talking to you really makes me feel like talking to an older sister and your work is beautiful.
@xuseokgyu: belle, beautiful belle! you’re one of the people im closest to and can go for advise and just being random . Thankyou for always sending me random photos of members, it always cheers me up. You’re such a happy presence on my dash.🥺
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