kikohao · 4 months
hold on--
are u chinese??
(sorry i dont mean to be rude, i just noticed it says secret on the ask button)
yo wait ur good damn 😨😨
i'm half chinese, so i'm not really good at the language 😭
are you chinese too? <33
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gotrashh · 6 months
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holy shit howd that happen
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Elles 50 follower event
Tysm for 50 followers, idk how to say how grateful I am to have all my moots but you guys are soo amazing
(Pls ignore the fact i dont have excactly 50 anymore😭)
♡the event ends on march 13th♡
Scroll to the bottom of this post for intro post
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Elles sweets shop
Please put some of these in my ask box! If I don't reply within a day I either haven't seen it, or I'm busy(ill get around to every one unless the request is not appropriate)
Toffee🍬~ tell me a song/movie/TV show/book and I'll make a moodboard
Chocolate🍫~ ask me a question and I'll answer honestly(within reason)
Ie cream🍦~ give me a vibe/aesthetic and ill make a playlist based on it (request spotify or yt music )
Cake🍰~ give me a theme or just based off your blog and I'll make a pintrest board based off it
Cookie🍪~ I'll give you a nickname
Lollipop🍭~ give me a fandom I'm part off. And I'll say which charecters vibes you have
Donut🍩~ I'll make a moodboard based off your blog
Boba🧋~tell me a random fact about yourself / thing you like and I'll recommend a song
•Don't be creepy
•only followed and mutuals can ask
•like I said up top as long as your request is appropriate I'll get around to. It
•pls spam me I'll take as many requests as you want
If your not on here or don't want to be on here please ask <3
@kale-of-the-forbidden-cities @bebopbreakaleg @edaline--ruwen @castledmequeen @pixiedust347 @biomass07 @stop-ur-losing-me @skeelly @bookscorpion73 @depressedraven9 @mushroomcarrotstick @hijabi-desi-bookworm @bamboo1920 @iam1withthepeggy @landstedelesbian @fairytatality @nurture24 @reyna-obsessed @i-love-books-and-the-bible @midnightsmads @halfbloodliz @mxnkeydo @amateur-air-guitarist @nerdy-girl3791 @tam-song-the-shade @sokeefe4evalove @imthatweirdratinthecorner @swans-chirping-in-the-distance @chredded-cheese @lemon-girl-in-devil-town @olivedumdum @awful-amatuer @cheezbot @number1iwywstan @leaskisses444 @eddiethebanished @labaguetteisdabest @violet92959 @queenpiranhadon @essaytime @that-hijabigirl @lookshmichap42 @annotated-catastrophe @percabeths-blue-cookies @calypso-daughter-of-atlas @bookwxrmish @sassyglitterwhispers @pecygrimangry @sunflowerdasies @honestlyteenageruins @underablanketofstars @sassyglitterwhispers @froginthestars
Again please send multiple and enjoy!
Intro post:
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If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog!
Only if you want to :)
haha the last time i did this it got 100 notes in a few hours lol
hmmm but i need new facts...
all the beauty marks/birth marks on my body form actually constellations. the main ones are ursa major (big dipper) and the summer triangle.
2. im a fast learner and once i understand how something works i can almost perfect it after a few tries. its why im so good with hand to eye coordination when i draw so i dont need to trace a reference i can just draw it by eye.
3. im an indie music creator and i just ordered a mic to start professionally recording my work. im helpin an artist create and distribute their work now but then a lot of my originals are going to get cleaned up and recorded and im looking to start distributing to things like spotify, youtube, pandora, apple music, etc.
uhhh theyre random but ig theyre facts ^^!
@cozy-kitty-corner @goosehuman @butter-goat @ash-ish-to-ashes @autism-criminal @whaaaaaaaalllle6 @m3l0man14c
:3 enjoy
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puppibong · 4 months
i finally followed a bunch of ppl back so hi new mootss
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oconswrld · 3 months
I am actually booping my fav accounts or mootss!! :3
Watch out fr
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teyvatness · 2 years
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THE SEASON'S DIAMOND — ness ꓹ she / her ꓹ 19 ꓹ slow updates ꓹ kpop and genshin !
# ( the lady's speech .. ) ╱ for announcements!ㅤㅤㅤㅤ# ( small chatters .. ) ╱ㅤ rambles!ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ# ( love letters .. ) ╱ㅤ asks!ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ# ( her beloved guests .. [name] ) ╱ mootss!!!!!
masterlist.ㅤㅤㅤ alt account (spam) ㅤㅤ carrd.
hello!! so im gonna get this one thing straight. i will NOT write nsfw. this blog is completely sfw. i also do not have a posting schedule, so please bear with me and my slow updates<3 . also, ask may be sent in filipino, so id you don't understand please tell so i can translate it to you!
@ teyvatness — please do not steal, repost in any platforms, translations will be allowed with my permission.
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wonwooridul · 3 years
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Specials 💎
I know that I ask a lot of you guys how you do your contents, I feel bad and feel like I’m taking your secrets. mianhae. Also, almost everyone of you is older to me so y’all are my senpais🥰also, what the fuck everyone of you are so talented.
@art-hao​: not @ us bonding over weird combos like art history (which we both are not a fan of), exams and animes but who cares cause we became friends and you’re amazing . your work gives me tons of inspo Istg! 🥺✨
@boosbin​: isaaa! You’re the person with literally all the same interests as me in almost everything and I love that. thankyou for being the softest boo stan with me cause i know I’m not the only one crying over him 25/8. 🤧Your work gives me serotonin boost.
@defgyus​: val, hiiii🥺 I know we haven’t talked much but you’re very sweet and we can related on a lot of stuff and that’s dear to me. I love your work and how you tag me in stuff which are always so fun to do!
@delicatecy​: Celia!! You’re such a sweet and easy going person and honestly, your work is just 🔥😌. I hope we get to know each other more! I love seeing you on my dash so much cause it makes me go wow all the time.
@haniehae​: heyy anna!! First, I love your haircut hehe. Second, even though you’re an introvert you’re easy to talk to and I love that! I love seeing you on my dash. Let’s catch up soon?
@haoranghae​: did we really bond over aliens? and cartwheel when neither of us can do it? Yeah, weirdos. Your taste is music is 😌 and thankyou so much introducing me to Lucy. Your content gives me feels 🥰
@jinims : zayy you’re such a sweet person and I love your work. Also thankyou for starting svtsource network and coming up with those tons of ideas. Big brain energy. I hope we can interact more!💕
@jonghan: my lovely friend. I’m so glad I met you cause talking you always makes me super hyped and happy about myself. You have taught me so much and your works keeps getting more beautiful everytime I see it. I’m only willing to wait for your message even if it’s 2-10 business days later.😌
@kwonthefire: my desi buddy , my homie. I think that speaks levels lmao. I love how we can always talk about randomest shit and bitch about our schools. You’re my personal hype woman. I absolutely treasure how we go to each other for daily life advices like buying waffles makers and stuff 😂 ab rona mat.
@myunqho: I love how we freak out over members out of nowhere. thankyou for always listening to me and spamming me w boo pictures cause 🥺. Haha you’re officially a gyuldaengi, welcome to the club of your never ending doom, cause mingyu is 🥰👀😳
@smallkore: dasha, my first ever mutual but we didn’t interact until months later but it’s okayy. you’re amazing and one of the cc I look up the most cause hello?? Your brain when you make the content?? The quality? Ideas? Top notch.😤
@softhyungkyun​: fellow cult member, you’re amazing. You’re so easy to talk to and I love how we get along over the weirdest things. #mositymenclub member forever. Again, that sounds so wrong 👀. You’re also funny omg. And your work??? Hellooo??? WOW
@soonhoonsol: my first precious friend I ever interacted with and I love u. You always give me a calming vibe and I love talking with you. Thankyou for checking in on me whenever I posted a questionable text post. Also, thankyou for teaching me tons. You always have something new to show us and i find that amazing.🤧💕
@vanillajoshh​: best friend? Yes.❤️ I love how we talk everyday even after a -13:30 hour time difference and you’re the sweetest and the most fun person who I can just vibe with. Thanks for always listening me rant, giving me confidence when I’m not sure about a content and just being yourself w me. Ily
@wonwvoo​: my best frenemy😌 you truly derive pleasure from my suffering and I love that. I love our dynamic and I hope it’s the same for a long time. Cant believe we bonded over jujutsu kaisen and true crime. I can’t wait to comeback and do all those traumatic asks you have given me.
@xuboowoo​: ahhh my oldest eonnie🥺🥺you’re so amazing and easy going , I genuinely forget the age gap sometimes. Best adult I know 😌🤞🏻talking to you really makes me feel like talking to an older sister and your work is beautiful.
@xuseokgyu: belle, beautiful belle! you’re one of the people im closest to and can go for advise and just being random . Thankyou for always sending me random photos of members, it always cheers me up. You’re such a happy presence on my dash.🥺
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xuxihyun05 · 3 years
YES , I DO 🥺🥺💍💍
What do you mean tag
So this was not a marriage proposal !? 😭🤧🤧
Haha jk (or am I) but yess and I LOVE that emoji, it's so cool that you thought of that ash stuff dangg
Ahh I'm glad you think I'm cool hehe
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nxtsnw · 3 years
hey luv<3
for the question, I completely agree withh uu I absolutely love when others match my energy??? cuz I think im awkward so when they don't i feel like they r annoyed ahjsnsks
and I hate when those "friends" only approaches u when there's benefit for them,,, like when they start buttering u up to ask for hw or sum later on
-andd yeahhh I agree with ur choise too, I can't imagine not talking with u anymore</33 (maybe we should move together, yeah? I mean,,,who's stopping us?🙄)
alsooo feel free to give me any tag u want??? you are too cute for ur own good</33 I just know I'd love wtv u give me😌
gmorningg loml <33
YEZYEYZSS the embarrassed when they don't match ur vibes 😭
also let's fight these type of friends,, the friendship become so toxic :/
- let's go to moving together 😌💅
lysm bby 😩✋
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thesexypanda-boo · 3 years
Plan a wedding between two of your mootss
so @genken64 @thatrandomfangirlll do you guys want it to be platonic or ......? <3
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katsumox · 3 years
mootss?? i really love your theme 😋
waaah ur theme is so cute yes omg <3
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nxtsnw · 3 years
Yeah sure, I've used the 🌻 emoji and by reading you'll pretty much recognise me😅 and thanks, take care of yourself 💖💖
hihii star!! ugh I haven't found any that signed with the sunflower:((,,, but I think I recognized you, you put that you "prefer night time cause u love how it’s so quiet and u like stargazing! (?) <333 (if it's okay for you, I can also text you in dm <3)
mwah take care too<3 hope u have a great day!!
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nxtsnw · 3 years
hi love🥰ty for the ship, i love it and it rly made my day :) I have been quite busy these days since midterms are coming up so have this small quote instead! I also got my hair done today and it feels kinda nice, how are you doing? Hope you have a lovely day ahead☺️💓💞
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hihii sweetheart<333
uhh ofcc!! i'm glad you liked itt:) GOODLUCKK with all or ur exams, know that they will be good.
UGH I love the feeling after you have your hair done-- I'm sure you look rlly great MWAH
also, I'm pretty good, just tired and stressed out for school:/ I hope you have a great day / night !! and for me it's night now, so gnightt hun <3
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wonwooridul · 3 years
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✧ aesthetic challenge : i was tagged by @softhyungkyun 💖💖 (thanks vic!!!)
♡     to make your own moodboard go to pinterest and search:  
1. favourite colour + aesthetic
2. favourite colour + outfit + aesthetic
3. favourite colour + shoes (choose one that goes with your style)
4. favourite colour + an accessory you like
5. type a word that identifies you + quote (choose one that goes with you)
6. favourite celebrity + favourite colour (if you don’t find anything then search favourite cartoon)
7. type your favourite hobby
8. favourite colour + aesthetic again
9. favourite colour + favourite word + aesthetic
i tag: @heartgyus @scoupsy @scoups @art-hao​ @kwonthefire @minghaosbitch​ (only if you wanna! 🥺)
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nxtsnw · 3 years
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