#what I'm hearing is abbot's plan is working
beardedmrbean · 1 year
A member of the House of Representatives’ progressive "Squad" is calling out his own party and President Biden over how Democrats have handled the worsening migrant crisis.
Rep. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., called on Biden to show "leadership" in comments to reporters. He pointed out that the margins for Democrats to claw back the House are slim and warned that handling the influx of undocumented people in New York would likely be critical issue in the 2024 races.
"We need leadership from President Biden, period. We need that leadership right here in New York State, because you know, New York State is struggling," Bowman said, according to a video captured by NY1. "We're struggling to provide housing and all the support that the migrants need."
Republicans currently hold a 222-212 majority in the House, and there is one vacancy.
"Here's the thing, Democrats are looking bad right now in New York State, and that's unacceptable when we have to win at least four congressional seats to take back the House," Bowman said. "So hopefully the president is listening."
Fox News Digital reached out to the White House for a response but did not immediately hear back.
Illegal crossings at the southern border are down overall from when Title 42 was lifted in May. However, more than 93,000 migrants have arrived in New York City since last spring, straining city resources to a critical point, Mayor Eric Adams’ office said last week.
People have been sleeping on Manhattan sidewalks as locations that have been turned into migrant processing centers, like the Roosevelt Hotel, have quickly reached capacity.
Dozens of New York Democrats have pleaded with Biden to declare an emergency and authorize more federal funds to help deal with the crisis.
"We need help, and it's not going to get any better. From this moment on, it's downhill. There is no more room," Adams said last week.
Late last month, more than 50 New York Democrats urged Biden to direct federal aid to the city.
"Our City is experiencing an unprecedented migrant influx, with a surge of asylum seekers arriving here in numbers never seen before in history," they wrote in a letter. "We take pride in New York being a beacon of hope for immigrants, but the influx of migrants is so great that the City is running out of resources."
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lutawolf · 9 months
The Sign Commentary Review Ep 4
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We start off with a bang, staring at a woman's scared face. Ah, she's being interrogated by Phaya. Okay, so the whole investigation is a bit triggering for me, so I'm watching, but my only commentary is if he sexually assaulted someone and then is being victimized himself. Well, I'm okay with that.
Yai and Sand! Yai is such a drama king and I adore him for it.
Oh, someone is still playing hard to get. And apparently that is not limited to just Tharn, but also Thong. The way Phaya grabs Tharn and drags him is cute.
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This just looks yummy! Haha! The way Phaya is getting annoyed about Tharn talking about the case is hilarious considering how one tracked mind he used to be. Now he is just trying to go on a date with his baby and Tharn is drawing a line. Business only.
Who is this woman that Tharn has bumped into. She's wearing Naga jewelry.
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"Your life is short. You were supposed to be dead since when you were young. But your parents gave you to the Abbot... To extend your life and try to change your destiny. That’s why you’re still alive today. But young man, I warn you. You must look out for those whom you’ve wronged in the past life. They are very near. They are coming to take your life."
I love how Tharn's face says, tell me shit I don't already know, lady. She then turns to warn Phaya who had been doing an amazing job of looking like he wasn't there. He's like, I just want to eat. Why won't anyone let me eat!
Woman disappeared. Just poof. But then we see her and she is clearly Naga.
Phaya are you really concerned about Tharn or are you trying to get in his room? Him thinking over what the woman said and it's matching the Abbott. And to be honest, it matches with what he wants, soooo...
Oh, Tharn has a vision of Phaya getting stabbed right when we hear the doorbell, which we all know is Phaya. His excuse is his bike isn't working. You're a cop dude and that's the best you could come up with. I hope you at least let granny know.
I love the way Phaya pushes the envelope and always causes Tharn to back up. These two are hilarious. I really enjoy the clearly macho humor thrown in. I enjoy shows where one love interest isn't macho, but this girl likes variety and is enjoying the different nuances to this show.
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Poor confused Tharn. What wait, is this real? It has a dream like quality. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn, good dream Tharn. Go back to sleep! Go back to sleep and finish it!
Haha! The dream got you so rattle Tharn it has you covering up Phaya with a pillow!!! Damn, his picture cracked. Which means someone is secretly watching him. That's not creepy at all.
Yes, Tharn, let's go back over that dream. *Nods head in pleased mode.* Haha, the way Tharn jumped back when Phaya took off that towel. What I find hilarious is that Phaya wore the towel when he clearly had that on underneath. Tease much Phaya.
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I think this smile says it all. He did not stick his finger in the yoke! That's it, throw him out! Yeah, stick it in your mouth like you're a sexy bitch, but Tharn and I are on the same page. Phaya's face clearly saying that this did not go according to his plan.
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🤣🤣🤣 Poor Phaya was trying to hard to bring sexy back and gets this instead. 🤣🤣🤣 He probably woke to those pillows covering his crotch and came to the sensible conclusion that with a little push he could have Tharn. He's just not as smooth as our baby is, klutzy.
Phaya, just take the enjoyment out of it that you can. Tharn cleaning up the ketchup for you. Tharn's solution to this whole mess. "Just go to work naked!" I can absolutely get behind this. Like literally... hahaha. These two coconuts are hilarious.
This dumbass, oh look, the bike is fixed. Magic! 🤣🤣🤣 Yai, God, I love Yai. He's just asking some innocent questions that Tharn is trying to cover up. Which Phaya is not having. He has been walking perfectly fine, but when he hears Yai, he starts yanking at the pants and acting dramatic. Then, when Yai ask HIM an innocent question, he tells him the pants are Tharn's.
Which leads to this beautiful interaction.
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OMG... Apparently the pants were really too small. Hahaha!
Wait, doesn't that girl look familiar. Isn't that the Naga lady?
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Maybe not, maybe just similar looking. Either way, Phaya catches the significance of the conversation and goes to ask them abut the influencer. They've got a clue now!
Woot! I love all the strong females. Mayris is a hoot. Here comes Phaya sparing no feelings. I suspect Singh. With absolutely nothing to go by as yet.
He sees the future, though, not the past. Hmm. Tharn only had a seconds warning, now they are stuck and Phaya is running after the fire starter.
Tharn picks up Phaya getting stabbed. Gets them unstuck somehow with a chair. And is now going after Phaya.
Phaya, you are once again saved by Tharn. Why is Tharn playing doctor to Phaya instead of medical staff? I mean, he got hit in the head. I know he is hard-headed, but I'm just saying. Phaya being short-tempered and so confused about Tharn acting like he cares when he usually doesn't. Then Mayris reading the room and having fun with it. 🤣🤣🤣
Sneaky Phaya listening to the convo.
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Tharn's face says it all.
Who is Dao... I'm sure this won't cause misunderstandings at all. Oh, I called it. Tharn is jelly! So jelly! Yai don't look happy either. You fucked up, Phaya. Hahaha! Of course, Yai is also going to take the opportunity to poke the sore spot.
Revenge has shown up in the face of Dr. Chalothon. OMG, that was so classic and yet still Beautiful. Chalothon asks Tharn if he is hungry and if he wants to eat before going home. Tharn looks right at Phaya as he says yes. Phaya has his priorities in order though and chases after them. But not smart enough to clear up the misunderstanding. Oh goody, when we incorrectly diagnose Schizophrenia without any data. Schizophrenia exists on a scale, the more extreme cases that refuse medication can be a danger whether to themselves or others depend on environmental factors. Also, Schizophrenia isn't as common as people think. On a global scale, it's 1 out of 300 people. 1 out 3 Schizophrenics can successfully get treated and recover enough to live independently. Ahh, there we go, he is using it to point fingers at Phaya.
Nobody told the good doctor this. You fell for that Phaya???
Aww, Tharn was so happy to see Phaya, but Phaya is not happy.
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So much excitement about finding genitals. Oh, they might have found him. I'm not holding my breath yet.
Phaya looking at Cap while everyone else is looking at Tharn...
Ahhh, please let the scene in the preview not be a dream! Woot! Can't wait!
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pens-in-a-jam-jar · 11 months
Castlevania Nocturne's Colors Aren't Just More Colorful
I watched Castlevania Nocturne and y'all are gonna hear my Specific Ass Takes. [full video transcript under cut]
[ The whole video plays over a background of a multicolor evening sky with a shooting star, and starts with a light blue silhouette of bunnies and a lantern. When the speaker begins reading, a cartoon bunny head appears ]
I'm working on a bigger video that I thought I'd have out, like, Last Week. Unfortunately, the scriptwriting stage is giving me disproportionate difficulty. So this week, to get something out, I'm gonna be making a small dissertation on the color work in Castlevania Nocturne to all y'all 'cause I watched it on Friday the 13th this fine spooky month.
Spoilers. Obviously. But like specifically I am Not arranging my thoughts linearly, you will get no incremental building to the bigger late game spoilers, they can come at any moment.
[ The video transitions to a speedpaint of a coloring page ]
Colors are by far some of my favorite things to see being used well and played around with, and even if the colors weren't expertly planned and were used for nothing except as a way to differentiate the characters, I'd still love just how much More Colorful Nocturne is compared to Castlevania The First. Something that especially made my brain go absolutely brrRR is the weird interesting thing they did with the color pink. How Anette says Eduoard called her soul pink but her favorite color was always green (the opposite) and it zooms in on him in his fancy green opera coat, which you cannot help but relate back to the tiny jewels Olrox's earrings have in them, and how they alternate between pink and green.
All three of them have the new world in common. All three of them come from horribly damaged communities, and while the girl who refuses to submit and discovers her command over magic as a result carries the color pink in her soul, the boy who uses smooth deception and a calm demeanor as his main tool in the liberation of his community is commonly wreathed in greens, but the creature older and more weathered than them both with no soul and no mission and no community left enshrines both colors in gold jewelry and dresses in deep saturated purples. As if he understands both those things to be important, so important, but he only has his pride and his history left of all that he used to have and hold dear.
But the pink doesn’t stop here because Drolta's primary color is this neon hot pink that only poisonous things are while Maria's primary color is a light soft pastel pink; Drolta willingly gave herself over to Erzsebet centuries ago while Maria was unknowingly primed as an ideal sacrifice for her, and is only saved by her mother, who wears black from the first moment of the series because she was always marked for death. And the Abbot, too, is defined by black because faith without works is dead! This is also why even though Mizrak wears the same black uniform as the other soldiers, the symbol of his faith emblazoned across his chest is white, for it is alive! And then still so many of his shots focus on the rich maroon of his absolutely gorgeous eyes. You are regularly drawn away from the black he chooses to put on by the harmonious colors his true body is made of, and hammered home by the fact he is one of the only characters we ever see in a state of undress! And who- who could it be who we see with him in that scene, where he's covering up all his pretty colors, and what- what could they be wearing still? What could they have chosen not to take off? What jewelry might they be wearing? Hm! Hm. Curious. You don't say!
It's almost like without his faith and his mission and his devotion to a living god through a dead man, Mizrak is alone, but without his ostentatious persona and vampiric menace and regality, Olrox still has the vestiges of that which he has lost forever. Interesting!!
Drolta and Maria aren’t the only ones for whom saturation matters. Not only can Edouard no longer be green after he is transformed because he can never be of that same service to his old community; as if to add insult to injury, his previously pastel sky blue eyes are now this unnatural electric blue. Which lines up really well with how the neon saturation that defines the pinks on Drolta's color palette also defines the greens on Olrox's color palate!! Unnatural creatures do not get to have natural colors. Yes, even if you really like them. Yes, even Alucard!
Alucard is a balance of stark white and colorless black with two amber eyes to anchor him to the world around him. This same golden-ness is present in the magic Maria and Anette use and the markings on Edouard. His two small graces in his new existence are to take the form of an angel and to be marked with the same colors that mark the magic and the faith which stands opposed to all that binds him. Maria sees nothing of value in the church, because her faith lies in herself and her cause and those who support her, and the church as an institution upholds oppression. Anette adorns herself in gold, and glows amber as she calls on her canonically divine magic. A magic of her ancestors and her community's religious practices, which go against the white man's God. Edouard even in the form of a hell beast touches other people's souls with his voice, which is why the vampires (soulless evil creatures) all hate to hear it so.
Then Alucard appears as a deus ex machina in the final moments of the season framed by an eclipse halo and devoid of color but for his piercing golden eyes. He is such a different Thing than anything else we have seen in this season that the established color language *must* bend to him. God only needed to say 'I AM', and Alucard only needed to appear. He himself is all white, he has been alive for so long that the living on in the face of this relentless world defines him; the sword he uses to kill Drolta, save the main characters' lives, and repel the vampire cronies is white and silver. He is life and he protects others’ lives. Yet his coat is black and he promises immediate death to his foes. Where has he been this entire plot: we don’t know When all this dying was happening: where was he? Where was this power beneath the black? Then finally, he says with his soft voice, “I hope I’m not too late.” And he turns to properly face us and we see for certain that his eyes are the color of devotion and magic and sunlight. Sunlight!!!
Speaking of sunlight, if I might detour from colors, when Erzsebeth has transformed into a thundercat, she says she despises the sunlight because it is worshiped and beloved by these inferior humans, and restricts the power of vampires, the superior beings. Now. We know that vampires are only stunned by crosses because the geometry messes with their eyes and befuddles their predator brains, so you would think The Christian God has almost nothing to do with the repelling of vampires. However, if something is properly holy and consecrated, neither demons nor vampires can touch it without consequence. The Belmont Whip is consecrated, and has been for hundreds of years. That holy water Sypha freezes does uniquely damage the night creatures. However, vampires can enter the church in Nocturne, and hell beasts could enter the church in that town that killed Dracula’s wife that I don’t care to remember the name of. The hell beast says it can do this because that church is not a house of God, and the things the priest does makes God puke. The Abbot welcomes Erzsebeth and her ilk in as messiahs and desecrates his own church with a machine from hell. These are sacreligious places run by people who do not truly follow the faith either willfully or in blind cognitive dissonance.
Now, it is shown in Nocturne that Vaublanc is very anti-spells on the plantation despite these protective spells and spiritual songs having nothing to do with The Christian God which he so fears. He cannot escape the cage of crosses that Anette makes for him, but Anette definitively does not follow The Christian God. Yet he is burned by these crosses when he tries to touch them. Because Anette is descended from a god, and this is that god’s material. Because this is a divine act. Because Anette and her magic through devotion to her religion are holy and consecrated.
Therefore: Is sunlight only corrosive to vampires because the very concept of sunlight and the sun is sacred to all humans to some degree??? Did humanity’s collective unconscious consecrate sunlight thousands of years ago and continues to this day to do that, and that is why vampires cannot walk in it??? ‘Cause I think that makes The Most Sense Actually.
And lastly for colors, we have my boy, my beloved, my darling, my second favorite, Richter Belmont in his most distinctive deep blues like the ocean we start the show beneath, like the water he stares into and walks through. Like the tears he cries. The way once his magic returns to him, his fire and his ice match his eyes and the colors he wears because of course they match: This blue *is* Richter Belmont. His magic is a direct extension of his self. It is his soul and he dons that pure white headband he previously tucked away and didn’t wish to look at when he makes the decision to go on living and to choose love and choose these people and make them his mission. He chooses to fight against evil instead of hiding from it, he chooses to extend his love and his soul out to these people and whatever cause they support, and because he chooses that, He Is More. The screen and the vampires are consumed by blue because He Has Become More Than He Was with this choice. His soul burns blue, the second hottest color for fire to burn after white.
Of course his is the only color palette that comes close to being as restrained as Alucard's, because Alucard holds magic and devotion and sunlight in his soul (because as we all know the eyes are the windows to the soul) and simply lives and lives and lives on and on to carry those things forward to the people with whom he wishes to share magic and devotion and life and death, and he makes this choice again and again and again every new day, every new year, every new century he lives. He has lived too long to be anything else but this being of magic and devotion and sunlight and life.
So too Richter Belmont carries his love and the love others give to him forward and forward and forward wherever it will take him, because yes water travels the path of least resistance, and yes it takes the shape of its container, but that is why his choice of who he aligns himself with is so important! He finds people he believes in and he allows them to shape him, to direct him, to have his whole soul. Other characters in Castlevania Nocturne believe in messiahs and gods and power structures and ideologies, but Richter Belmont believes in the people he loves and in the love in his soul. Blue is the color of love! Richter Belmont is made from love and not fear, and he must dispossess his fear of its power if he is ever to truly live!
That scene was by far my favorite scene in the entire show. Just unequivocally. I think in part because that was the part where I expected Alucard to show up, ‘cause when looking up the voice actors I accidentally saw ‘James Callis as Alucard’ and I went ‘Oh my gosh! He really does show up! I was hoping he would show up but he really does show up! He’s obviously gonna make a big entrance!’ and so my anticipation of dear beloved Alucard meant I was very pleasantly surprised by Richter pulling a real Magical Girl Protagonist move and unlocking his magic through the power of love and overcoming your trauma.
[ The coloring page pans across the screen and the video transitions into the end screen ]
But did you know that I make these videos through the power of positive reinforcement and fits of passion? Did you also know I have a Ko-Fi page for those of you who wish not only to give me compliments in comment sections about my pretty voice and how my analysis has contributed positively to your experience on this mortal coil, but who wish to be like Raptorous77 and Random NPC Tartaglia Simp Extraordinaire who hath contributed moneys to me and my continued financial stability? I also have little incentives over there like the Kill Your Darlings Graveyard for scripts where I have waaaayyy too much to say and I have to cut stuff from for flow. I also am prepping a thing where you can chuck money at me to make screenshot edits of things like this Rolling With Difficulty/Paranatural thing I did for fun or the cover art I make for the Broadway Nepeta blog because I run that. If you wanna catch me announcing when my image edit endeavour goes up you can subscriiibe~ If I make it to a thousand subscribers by my birthday (I will give you one hint, I am a Scorpio) then I’ll, like… uhh… Make a community post where I will take requests because I don’t do requests otherwise. It’ll be fun, it’ll be a celebration~
Okay, that’s all from me, also I am definitely gonna be making a Castlevania Nocturne AMV to one of the Pretty Cure openings, mark my words. Take care~
[ There is a stretch of silence and the end screen faces out before a blooper snippet plays ]
Not only can Edouard no longer be green after he is transitioned-- … pff, after he has transitioned… He’s trans everybody! [laughs] Trans Rights!!
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otome--fantasy · 5 years
Of Demons and Dragons
Ikemen Sengoku Imagine: Being able to turn into a dragon
Warnings: MC isn't physically in this one - just mentioned, slightly short
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The following day a council was held at the crack of dawn, but Nobunaga was sure to not extend and invitation towards you, and instead of holding it in Azuchi's council room, it was held in the council room of Ieyasu's estate. You remained asleep while the warlords gathered to discuss the events that transpired at the hot springs.
Everyone hadn't even been seated yet when Mitsuhide noticed your lack of attendance, and he allowed a sly smile to creep on to his lips, "My Lord, are we not missing a person?"
"No," Nobunaga didn't want to raise any suspicion till he had all his bases covered, "The princess needs rest."
At that, the white haird kitsune raised a brow before turning his head to face forward with a straight face. Dear little Ryū, what did you do now?
"Right," Hideyoshi cleared his throat before he began to go over the report he composed the previous night after returning, "After Lord Nobunaga and the Princess departed castle town, Mitsunari and I headed out some time after them and kept hidden. We arrived in time to intervene in the enemy's attempts to engage with our Lord, but unfortunately the princess was caught in the crossfire and was injured anyways. However, we were able to apprehend all three of them for interrogation."
"Well? Don't keep us waiting. Did the villans confess?" Mitsuhide straightened his posture in his seat, eager to hear what the others were able to pull out of them.
"Yes," Hideyoshi confirmed, "As we suspected, they're with the group who planned the assasination attempt at Honno-ji."
"And they gave us the name of their leader," Mitsunari cut in.
"Don't be dramatic," Ieyasu sneered, "Spit it out."
"It's Kennyo, former abbot of Hongan-ji."
"Hongan-ji?" Masamune echoed, "That's the temple fortress of those Ikko-ikki warrior monks, right?" He tried and failed to hold back a laugh, "They picked a fight with Nobunaga in the first place! Now they're holding a grudge because they lost?"
"I heard he went missing after their surrender, when his temple was taken down," the blonde's brows furrowed ever so slightly. Of course, that could have just been a rumor spread to allow Kennyo time to rally more troopes.
"Yes," Mitsunari nodded in confirmation, "He appears to have spent all that time plotting his revenge."
"He's gathering the fallen monks of Ikko-ikki who feel the same," Hideyoshi cut in, "They number a little under 5,000. Not a sizable force but-"
"But when they're fueled by anger, who knows what they're capable of, right?" A smile lit up Masamune's face, "I'm impressed he can command that many men while in hiding. His talents are wasted in a monastery."
"Indeed," Mitsuhide nodded thoughtfully, "I would welcome a man of his skill working for me."
"Mitsuhide, watch your tongue," Hideyoshi interjected angrily.
"The assassins," Ieyasu attempted to real everyone back into the topic at hand, "Where are they now?"
"Yes, speaking of the assassins," Masamune raised a hand, "Earlier you said the Princess was caught in their crossfire, is she okay?"
"I let them go," Nobunaga answered Ieyasu's question first, "With a message."
"A message?"
"Yes. 'A reckoning is coming'." Nobunaga allowed a wicked smirk to cross his features for a brief moment before turning to look at Masamune, "As for the princess. She seems fine for now- once again taking her injuries in great stride. Better than a majority of our soldiers would be, in fact." He turned his attention to Ieyasu, "But that has yet to be officially determined. Ieyasu was tasked with finding out if the blade was poisoned and if it is killing her slowly."
"Yes," Ieyasu pulled out a now clean dagger - the very same one that the assassin had used to attack you, "There wasn't much left on the blade, but I was able to find trace amounts of the toxin. The herbs that were used to make it aren't anything special in that it isn't hard to find the ingredients. The toxin was supposed to incapacitate the victim, make their body numb and then paralyze them - rendering them incapable of defending themselves. And that's just if it was the right dose- assuming they were intending to harm or do worse to Lord Nobunaga, anymore than the right amount and it could cause her organs to fail.
"But the princess was able to defend herself just fine," Mitsunari seemed confused, "Or at least from what we saw."
"She didn't even stumble," Hideyoshi threw his two cents in, "She got stabbed and was able to walk and talk just fine after."
"Even lifted and threw a man across the room," now Mitsunari and the others sounded like they were debating something, trying to piece together a puzzle. Masamune burst out laughing, "Reminds me of when the lass threw me and Ieyasu across the room after the first time she was injured."
"My Lord," Hideyoshi looked to Nobunaga, "I still stand by what I said when she first arrived- she is hiding something."
The others remained silent and Nobunaga rubbed his chin in thought, "Yes," he chuckled slightly, "Here I thought she mentioned you had said you trusted her at one point," he cocked his head to the side as if to taunt his vassal, "I didn't know you were one for playing tricks, Hideyoshi. Here I thought Mitsuhide was the only one here ever so willing and capable to do such a thing." His tone was joking, he was only picking on his right hand for fun, but Hideyoshi broke eye contact with his lord at those words - looking at the wood floors as if he were ashamed of his actions.
"I told her I didn't think she was sent her to kill you, but that doesn't mean she isn't hiding anything," Hideyoshi's voice was low, like he was talking more to himself than to the others in an attempt to justify his words.
"Yes, after tonight it's clear," the raven haired warlord leaned back in his seat slightly, "She wasn't sent here to kill me -or not yet at the very least- but I do agree, she is hiding something."
Ieyasu scoffed in disbelief, "That troublesome waif," before shaking his head, "What could she possibly be capable of other than getting in the way?"
"Have you forgotten, even after I just mentioned it?" Masamune snickered, "She tossed the both of us aside like rag dolls, at the same time." The One-eyed Dragon turned his attention to Nobunaga, "Personally I think we should test her strengths, she could be useful."
"What are you suggesting, Masamune," Hideyoshi practically growled, "We send her into battle?! You saw what happened last time."
"Yes, but last time she was untrained, we should see what all she can do-"
"Enough," Nobunaga's deep voice carried through the room and silenced everyone, calling their attention to him. There was a beat of silence before Mitsuhide cleared his throat, "If I may, my Lord."
Nobunaga looked to the white haired fox and raised a brow, signaling him to go on, "I agree with Ieyasu," all heads in the room turned their attention to him, "She just some random stray, we've picked up off the road. There's nothing special about her."
"But she threw us," Masamune attempted to argue.
"Yes but was she under great stress?"
Masamune shut his mouth in order to give himself a chance to recall that day three months ago, and it occured to him, "She seemed terrified."
Mitsuhide nodded and motioned for him to go on, "Can you tell us about what lead up to it?"
Masamune swallowed, eye widening slightly as he only realized now that perhaps you had been traumatized. They had found you, beaten, bloody, dying, and naked in the woods. What if he and Ieyasu trying to force you to the ground triggered something in you from that night?
"Masamune," Mitsuhide's voice snapped the warlord out of his thoughts, "Continue."
"When I came into the room, Ieyasu was trying to get the princess to lay down, because she needed her rest, but she refused and she was fighting back," he swallowed a lump in his throat as his imagination went wild with what the experience may have caused you to remember, "So I tried to help him and... She screamed for us to get off of her before she threw us both in opposite directions."
"And in the hot springs?" Mitsuhide turned to look towards Mitsunari and Hideyoshi, "One would think being stabbed might be a pretty distressing situation."
Hideyoshi's jaw clenched, suddenly having the feeling that the kitsune was covering for you, "I suppose it would be, yes."
"Well then," the white haired warlord shrugged slightly, "It's no secret that people can do remarkable things under great stress - including exhibiting great shows of strength, speed, and endurance. Perhaps it was the adrenaline coursing through her veins that allowed her to preform these unbelievable acts."
Mitsunari looked to the floor and brought a hand to his chin, "I suppose it wouldn't be the first time we've heard of such a thing. Some of our soldiers have ridden into camp, half dead and clinging to life, determined to deliver a message to us."
The others remained silent before Nobunaga spoke up with a rather disappointed sigh, "And I suppose I have once heard a rumor when I was young, of a man lifting a cart to save a boy," he waved off the conversation, "You've made your point Mitsuhide."
The white haired warlord smiled in satisfaction, "Thank you, my lord."
"I still think the lass should at least learn to defend herself," Masamune spoke up from his seat after a brief pause of silence, "Mitsunari said the princess had been able to defend herself, but obviously not very well if she still got injured," he raised both his hands in the air as if to surrender when he saw the look Hideyoshi shot him, "I'm not saying we send a woman into battle, all I'm saying is we teach her some self defense and how to get out of a few tricky situations should the need arise."
"Very well," Nobunaga's responce came quickly, "If you're so adamant about her learning, then you shall be the one to teach her."
Masamune's eyes seemed to light up at the prospect of sparing with you, "But," and that light was quickly smothered by Nobunaga continuing, "Only after she's been cleared by Ieyasu."
Ieyasu nodded, having expected as much. However, his eyes widened slightly when Nobunaga spoke again, "And she is to stay with Ieyasu for close supervision, till he can be sure that the toxin isn't killing her, and that the threat has passed."
The blond immediately seemed to detach himself for the situation. He wasn't a babysitter, and the idea of him having to watch you, though for good reason, didn't exactly sit well with him. But with a sigh and silent nod, it was clear he accepted his fate, "And in that time I will concoct an antidote to be sure there are no ill effects."
As soon as the meeting was adjourned, the warlords dispersed, and while most of them returned to their manors, Mitsuhide made a beeline for Azuchi castle. Vassals, maids, and other servants moved out of his way as he stormed through the halls and to your room. However, when he slammed your sliding doors open, you were no where to be found.
Troublesome Ryū.
On his way out of your room he almost ran into a maid carrying a stack of folded towels, "Oh Pardom me, my Lord!" She fumbled and stuttered, hands scurrying to catch her stack before it toppled over. Mitsuhide helped her catch them in time before looking her dead in the eyes with his sharp gaze, "Do you know where the princess is?"
The maid shrunk back, not entirely sure she should answer his question. Everyone knew of the rumors running rampent about Mitsuhide- how he was biding his time and plotting against Nobunaga, so what did he want with his lords beloved Princess?
"Answer the question," his voice was calm, but it only served to strike more fear within her.
"I-I don't know," she stepped back in an attempt to put room between her and Mitsuhide, but when he stepped forward in time with her steps back, she panicked - closing her eyes as she flinched away from the man, "She's in the garden with Kinu!"
When the maid opened her eyes again, she was alone in the hall, with no trace of Mitsuhide having been there other than her racing heart. She looked both ways but he was no where in sight. With a shakey sigh, the maid went back to what she was doing before she was interrupted.
You were so going to owe him big time after this.
When Mitsuhide reached the guarden, he was met with the sight of you sitting in the center of a large flower bed, with a more petite woman with jet black hair right beside you.
"So what does your kind often eat, Milady?"
Your kind?
You chuckled, your shoulders shaking with your light laughter, "A lot more than this."
Mitsuhide craned his head up from where he stood to peer over both your shoulders. There was a small blanket spread infront of the both of you with food laid out on top. It was a basic breakfast, typical, and well balanced - steamed rice, with miso soup, a cut of fish, and some eggs. He had never thought about what a creature such as yourself would require for sustenance, but hearing just a small cut of your conversation made him wonder briefly if you were constantly on the verge of starvation.
"Well if you ever feel the need to grab a midnight snack, keep an eye out for our castles resident mother hen."
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