#what “trust”? MENDING WHAT “TRUST”?
judebellswife · 22 hours
Shattered Trust, Mended Hearts
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— pairing • jude bellingham x soft!reader
— summary • Jude Bellingham, consumed by jealousy and fueled by rumors, believes his girlfriend is cheating on him. In a moment of anger, he refuses to let her explain, kicking her out of their shared apartment. Tragedy strikes when she gets into a life-threatening accident, leaving Jude overwhelmed by guilt and regret. With her in the hospital, he reflects on his mistakes and learns that love and trust are fragile but worth fighting for. Realizing that she never betrayed him, Jude is forced to confront his own insecurities. Together, they find a way to rebuild their broken relationship, restoring what was lost in a sea of misunderstanding and pain.
— warnings • Heavy angst, miscommunication, car accident, hospital scenes, mention of injuries, emotional turmoil.
"Jude, please, just listen to me—"
"I’ve already heard enough!" Jude's voice roared through the apartment, his anger palpable, bouncing off the walls like daggers. He stood in the kitchen, fists clenched, chest heaving, trying to contain the flood of emotions that threatened to overwhelm him. His dark eyes, usually so warm when they looked at you, were cold and distant, as if he couldn’t even recognize you.
You stood frozen near the door, the keys you had just placed on the entry table trembling under your fingers. You had no idea what you were walking into. Coming home after a long day at work, all you wanted was to relax with Jude, maybe watch a movie, talk about your day—but instead, you were met with fury.
"Jude," you whispered, your voice shaking, tears already welling in your eyes. "Please. Just tell me what’s going on."
He scoffed bitterly, turning away from you as he ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "Don’t act like you don’t know," he muttered, his back to you now as he stared out the window into the rainy night.
You blinked, confused. "I—I don’t know what you’re talking about."
Jude whipped around, his expression dark. "Oh, don’t play innocent, Y/N. I know about you and Ryan."
The mention of Ryan's name hit you like a punch to the gut. Ryan was a colleague from work—someone you'd had to collaborate with closely for the last few weeks due to a project, but it had never been anything more than that. He was friendly, sure, but you never saw him in that way. You never even thought Jude would be suspicious. "Ryan? Jude, he's just a co-worker, we—"
"A co-worker? That’s funny, because that’s not what everyone else seems to think!" Jude's voice was dripping with bitterness, a tone you had never heard from him before. "Do you think I’m stupid? You think I don’t see the way you’ve been acting? Coming home late, spending more time with him than with me—"
You shook your head frantically, trying to approach him, but he stepped back, his face twisted in hurt and disbelief. "Jude, no, it's not like that! I swear, it’s just work! There’s nothing going on between me and Ryan, you have to believe me!"
But Jude wasn’t listening. He wasn’t hearing you. All he could see, all he could feel, was the poison that had been festering in his mind for days, the doubts and insecurities that had been fueled by whispers and rumors. He was blinded by his pain.
"You think I’m an idiot? You think I haven’t heard the rumors? Everyone’s been talking about it, Y/N. About how you and him have been seen together, laughing, having lunch, all those 'late nights' at the office. I bet they weren’t all about work, were they?"
You were shaking now, tears streaming down your face as you tried to reach out to him. "Jude, please. I would never—"
"I don’t want to hear it!" His voice cracked, loud and raw, and it silenced you. His anger was too much, too overwhelming. You had never seen him like this before—this angry, this distant. And it broke your heart to see the doubt in his eyes, the mistrust.
"I thought I knew you," he said, his voice dropping to a whisper, almost more painful than his shouts. "I thought we had something real. But maybe I was wrong."
Your chest constricted painfully, your breath hitching as you reached for him one last time, desperate to hold on to something that was slipping away. "Jude, please," you whispered, your voice breaking. "Don’t do this. I love you."
But Jude’s gaze hardened. "If you loved me, you wouldn’t have lied to me."
The silence that followed was deafening, your heart shattering into a million pieces as he turned his back to you again, his next words sealing your fate.
"Get out."
You stood there, frozen, your mind racing as you tried to comprehend what he had just said. "What?"
"Get. Out," he repeated, his voice quiet but firm, as if he couldn’t even bear to look at you anymore. "I don’t want to see you right now."
Your world came crashing down in that moment, the weight of his words too much to bear. You opened your mouth to say something, to beg him to listen to you, but no words came out. You felt numb, completely broken.
With trembling hands, you grabbed your bag and stumbled toward the door, your vision blurry from the tears that wouldn’t stop falling. As you reached for the doorknob, you turned back one last time, hoping—praying—that Jude would stop you, that he would realize how wrong he was and call you back.
But he didn’t.
He stood there, rigid and unmoving, his eyes focused on the floor, his expression unreadable.
And so, you left.
The rain was relentless, soaking through your clothes as you stepped out onto the dark street. You wrapped your arms around yourself, shivering both from the cold and the overwhelming despair that consumed you. You couldn’t think straight. You couldn’t breathe. All you could do was walk, your feet moving without direction, aimlessly wandering the city streets, your mind still reeling from everything that had just happened.
How had things gone so wrong? How had the love you shared with Jude turned into this nightmare?
You pulled out your phone, trying to dial your friend’s number, but your hands were trembling too much to type properly. You managed to hit send, but as you crossed the street, you didn’t hear the roar of the car coming toward you until it was too late.
The blinding lights flashed before your eyes, and then— Nothing.
Jude sat on the couch, his hands covering his face as he let out a shaky breath. He had kicked you out. The realization sank in slowly, the weight of what he’d done pressing down on him like a heavy, suffocating blanket.
I kicked her out.
The anger that had burned so fiercely in him just moments ago was gone, replaced by a sickening sense of guilt and dread. The apartment felt too quiet, too empty without you there. And now, sitting there alone in the dark, he couldn’t shake the gnawing feeling that something was terribly wrong.
His phone buzzed in his lap, dragging him out of his thoughts. It wasn’t a number he recognized.
"Hello?" His voice was hoarse, tired.
"Is this Jude Bellingham?" a woman’s voice asked, calm but urgent.
"Yes," he answered slowly, his heart beginning to race. "Who is this?"
"This is St. Mary’s Hospital. I’m calling about your partner. She’s been in an accident."
Jude felt the floor drop out from beneath him. "An accident? What—how bad is it?"
"She’s in critical condition. We need you to come to the hospital as soon as possible."
Jude’s legs felt like lead as he sprinted through the hospital’s sterile halls, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he reached the emergency ward. His heart pounded violently in his chest, panic rising with each step.
A nurse led him to your room, where the sight of you lying in the hospital bed, hooked up to machines, left him frozen in place.
His world shattered in that moment.
You were so pale, so still, and the beeping of the heart monitor was the only sound in the room. Jude sank into the chair by your bedside, his hands shaking as he reached out to take yours.
"I’m so sorry," he whispered, his voice breaking as tears filled his eyes. "God, I’m so sorry, *Y/N*. I didn’t mean any of it. I should’ve believed you."
He squeezed your hand gently, bringing it to his lips as his tears fell freely now. "Please wake up," he begged. "Please. I need you. I—I love you. I was so stupid. I should have trusted you."
The guilt gnawed at him, tearing him apart as he watched your chest rise and fall weakly with each breath. How had he let things spiral this far? Why hadn’t he listened? Why hadn’t he let you explain?
For three days, Jude didn’t leave your side. He barely slept, barely ate. He couldn’t think of anything else but you and how wrong he had been.
When your fingers twitched on the fourth day, Jude’s heart leapt in his chest.
Your eyes fluttered open, groggy and disoriented, the bright lights of the hospital room making you wince. Everything felt heavy, your body aching, and it took you a moment to remember what had happened.
"Y/N?" Jude’s voice was soft, but urgent, pulling you back to reality. You turned your head slowly, finding him sitting beside you, his face pale, eyes red-rimmed and swollen from crying.
"Jude…" you whispered, your voice hoarse.
Jude reached for your hand, his fingers trembling as he held yours tightly. "I’m so sorry," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "I was so wrong, *Y/N*. I was so stupid. I—I didn’t trust you, and I should have. I should have believed you. None of this—none of this would’ve happened if I hadn’t been such an idiot."
You blinked, trying to process everything, your heart aching at the sight of him so broken. "Jude…" you whispered again, trying to find the right words. "It’s okay."
"No, it’s not." He shook his head, tears spilling down his cheeks as he pressed your hand to his lips. "It’s not okay. I almost lost you because I was too caught up in my own insecurities to trust you. I should’ve known you would never… I should’ve known better."
You looked into his eyes, the raw pain and regret there clear as day, and despite everything—despite the accident, the pain, the heartache—you still loved him. You had always loved him. "Jude, I love you," you whispered, managing a small smile despite the tears in your own eyes. "I never wanted to hurt you. I would never cheat on you."
He let out a shuddering breath, leaning down to rest his forehead against your hand. "I know," he whispered. "I know now. And I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you, I swear. If you’ll have me."
You squeezed his hand weakly, your voice soft but filled with emotion. "Of course I will. I’m not going anywhere."
Jude let out a soft, broken laugh through his tears, leaning in to gently press his lips to your forehead. "I love you so much," he whispered against your skin. "And I’m never letting you go again."
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cryptfly · 3 days
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All I ever want to do is play dress up with my dollies. Here’s Rinsea, my ESO main, in some various ceremonial garbs she’s picked up during her adventures. More info under the cut.
Champion of Vivec
She would rather you think of her being the City’s champion than the God-King’s, but here we are. I obviously based it on the Buoyant Armiger’s glass armor. She’s not officially a Buoyant Armiger or anything, but she does get some fancy glass armor pieces for official occasions which she does not attend. This is also partially based on Bajoran liturgical wear because I like it very much.
Champion of Sotha Sil
Technically she’s the champion of the Clockwork City but that was very long to put on her picture lmao. I don’t think Seht would have gotten her any ceremonial wear honestly, but since it’s basically a standard Clockwork Apostle outfit, I like to think that one of that order got her this, something fine and suited to the environment as a thanks for saving their sadboi God. Drawing the armor pieces was really fun and satisfying and they turned out way better than I was expecting.
Champion of Almalexia
Once again I changed the actual title given to fit the picture. Almalexia actually named her a Hand! However as we all know, a Hand of Almalexia is a specific kind of Ordinator and Rin is not actually inducted into that order. She’s a Hand because Ayem says so but that doesn’t actually give her any rank or anything. Instead of giving her Ordinator armor, I gave her a fancy gown. I think Ayem did this with a touch of vanity-isn’t my Hero so beautiful, a true Daughter of Morrowind I am such a proud Mother. Also, I really wanted to draw a pretty dress and no one can stop me. I based some of the details off Kirkbride drawings of Almalexia herself.
Urshilaku Clanfriend
In my personal canon of the story, the Vvardenfell quest happened first for Rin and took around little over a year and in that time she became a Clanfriend among Ashlanders. Her father, Gares, had been an Ashlander until he was forced to flee with his infant daughter and when she returned on what seemed to be Temple business, they were wary of her. But she made herself useful and was unfailingly polite and she was folded into much of their life. I like that while the other outfits look designed and tailored to suit her, her Ashlander gear almost looks like hand me downs and mended pieces. She wasn’t given new and special clothes, she was trusted with clothes worn by the tribe, inviting her into the family itself. These clothes look nice but also like something she work in side by side with the Ashlanders.
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nori-the-cat · 2 days
Could you do RIIZE Sungchan Green and Red Flags? thank you!
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Remember, take tarot readings with a grain of salt!
Note: Btw if you want to know what it’s like inside Sungchan’s head listen to Wonder by Shawn Mendes. I believe he recommended the song too. I also get the impression that Sungchan is emotionally fragile, not in a baby or manchild way. But he’s emotionally fragile like he would easily cry.
☆ Green Flags:
He values ​​loyalty and trust in his relationships.
He can be relied on to follow through on his commitments.
He is loyal friend who is always there for the people he cares about.
He is willing to try new things or learn new skills, even if it's challenging.
He is loyal to his partner and committed to his relationships.
He shows respect for older people and values ​​their wisdom.
He is always seeking new knowledge and experiences.
He is able to understand and manage his own emotions, as well as the emotions of others.
He has healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with stress and adversity.
He would be open-minded and understanding of different cultures and traditions.
cards drawn: the lovers rx, 5 of swords, the hierophant, 6 of swords rx, and 5 of cups rx
☆ Red Flags:
He would be overly critical of others or may struggle to assert himself.
He could cling to the past and have difficulty moving on from past experiences.
He might prioritize his career over spending time with friends and family, leading to feelings of loneliness or isolation.
He has unrealistic expectations in his relationships or may be disappointed when things don't go according to plan.
He is overly competitive and may be willing to sacrifice his relationships or well-being to achieve success.
He would become defensive when criticized or challenged.
He may try to control others or dictate their behavior.
He would spend money impulsively without considering the consequences.
He could have a gambling addiction that leads to financial problems.
He might get into debt due to impulsive online shopping.
cards drawn: 2 of pentacles rx, 3 of pentacles, king of swords rx, 10 of cups, and 6 of cups
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Aahh! Finally, Bunshun released the short story about Yukiya’s two mothers, Fuyuki, and Azusa. Plus, the prologue of the fourth book, “The Empty Coffin,” where Yukiya embarks to study in Keisoin Academy and there he meets his classmates.
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The short story, however, includes the incident where Yukiya and Yukichi got lost in the woods and a mysterious large bird saved them. It is here! (This is roughly Google-translated, but it is a start!)
Fuyuki was a cold-hearted, bitter, mean, but, above all, a loving woman.
She loved her son and trusted Azusa.
“If it were Azusa, she wouldn't do anything bad to my child, would she?”
It took a long time. Still, Azusa felt that Fuyuki’s real voice finally reached her.
Please take care of my child.
"Yes, that's right, Fuyuki-sama. Yukiya is our son.” Azusa said out loud as she walked.
"So please, Fuyuki-sama. Please protect Yukiya and Yukichi. Please let them go home safely.”
The moment she said that, she felt like the trees were swaying even though there was no wind.
One could see that the moon on the top of the tree was distorted in a strange way.
After a moment, the outline of the moon, which was pale and hazy, became clear and began to emit a sparkling light. With the big full moon on its back, a black silhouette was floating.
Azusa gasped as she fixed her eyes for a while.
It was an incredibly large shadow of a bird.
Even in the main residence of the North Family, where famous horses were gathered from all over the world, she had never seen anything with such a huge body. Azusa couldn't decide whether it was the same kind of species, it slowly approached her.
It landed leisurely in front of Azusa, who was standing up.
The moment it descended, Azusa's hair flew up under the wings.
When she saw it up close, it was still a ridiculously large crow.
She thought it was three times more than an ordinary Yatagarasu.
The black iron-like beak was sharp, and it should be scary, but strangely, it didn't feel like that.
The eyes directed at Azusa sparkled like crystals, and its feathers, even in the faint moonlight, gleamed with a hard, purplish-blue luster. Even without considering its size, there was something otherworldly about it, as if the very air around it was different.
Azusa, who was staring in astonishment, noticed that the crow was holding something in its beak.
What could it be? It looked like a basket.
Then, the large crow, having caught Azusa's gaze, gently placed it at her feet.
"Is this child your son?"
Unexpectedly, a high, clear voice like that of a young boy echoed.
Looking closer, she saw that her sons were sleeping inside a basket woven from wisteria vines adorned with flowers.
"Yukiya! Yukichi!”
She rushed over and clung to the basket as if to devour it.
Yukiya, who was covered in mud, was hugging his brother. Yukichi's eyelids were red and swollen, but neither of them seemed to be injured anywhere in sight.
“Don't worry. They're just sleeping for a bit, but they'll wake up soon. I'm sorry,” the large crow said clearly, tilting its head. “Because I hastily mended the barrier, they got caught in the gaps.”
Azusa was stunned because she didn't understand what the Yatagarasu meant, so he repeated it.
“It means that these children were stuck in a place where they couldn't get out on their own. It's my fault, so please don't scold them.”
Azusa nodded in a daze.
"Are you … Yamagami-sama's servant?"
"...Well, something like that."
"Thank you for helping my sons."
“It was originally my fault. When these children grow up, there may come a time when we meet again. They are good children. Raise them with care.”
After saying that, the big karasu rolled his wings and flew away. Once again, the moon distorted. In the blink of an eye, as if it were an illusion, the great crow melted into the sky and disappeared.
It is up to us to patch everything. I am crying. The story of Fuyuki, Azusa and Yukimasa is heartbreaking. Fuyuki, like Yukiya, hated her side of the family and the nobles. Oryo, her mother, was a former courtesan at the pleasure district it took long enough for her to be accepted in the family until she produced three children with Lord Genya. Every motivation here is politics.
Yukimasa, like we all know, was an opportunist, who took advantage of Fuyuki’s feelings. What Yukiya feels toward his father is justified and yet he has grown up rational enough to see how his stepmother and brothers treat him and love him as if he is their own full flesh and blood.
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pocima · 7 months
I have plenty of foul things to say about every single one of the disgusting pigs that made Karina feel even slightly remorseful because of her romantic relationship and dating life. May all of the “fans” that felt like she owed them to stay single to fulfill their fantasies with her and the boundary-crossing demented shipper “fans” that forced a completely imaginary personality on her live miserable lives with not a single moment of happiness or coping through their so-called favorite people. May SM face their downfall in the near future and may the humanoids of Dispatch fall off the face of earth.
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lunaprincipessa · 2 months
"They're not shy, they're protecting themselves.
They're not dumb, they were manipulated.
They're not weak, they were trusting.
They're not crazy, they were abused.
They're not cold, they're guarding themselves.
They're not silent, they're choosing their moments.
They're not bitter, they're speaking up.
They're not distant, they're finding themselves.
They're not delusional, they're survivors.
They're not hopeless, they're searching.
They're not dwelling, they've been hurt.
They're not afraid, they're learning.
They're not broken, they're mending.
They aren't too much, they know what they want.
They're not lost, they're discovering their path.
They're not giving up, they're healing.
They're not defeated, they're rising."
More thoughts later.
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bohemian-nights · 10 months
Writing update?
Chapter 5 of What May We Mend will come out sometime this werk(all I know is it will come out before Brazilian Comic Con).
I planned on more chapters(and to have this one out weeks ago), but I’m honestly sick of the HOTD/ASOIAF fandom so Chapter 6 will probably be were I wrap things up with this story. That will come out around Christmas/New Years Eve.
It’s TBD on everything else. Although if the teaser drops for s2 this weekend and I see Nettles in it, or if they announce her actress a Dettles one-shot will be out shortly after that.
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butcharyastark · 11 months
also help max just had to betray the only person she still loved in exchanged for ensured community safety, fully pitting herself against the main characters rn i think and im so. literally the only main character she has fully developed a proper and semi healthy relationship with. and shes just been told to her face she should never try to make any more. bc its better this way. i cant do this.
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littlemisstrashcan · 1 year
(genshin inazuma and honkai star rail xianzhou luofu spoilers!!!)
i don't mean to compare but it's kinda obvious how honkai star rail has better writing than genshin specifically about battles and war.
inazumans were literally having civil war against their god and when it all ends everyone is like, "that's great!!!" kazuha is one of the few characters visibly affected by the war. you can't tell me sara, who was so anguished when she found out she was fighting for nothing because her FATHER was the one ordering for the war which she herself had to lead, wasn't affected by having to watch her comrades die and practically opress the people. her faith in raiden shogun was literally the only thing helping her power through the whole thing. also kokomi, the one who had to strategize their countermoves and send people to their death, wasn't more affected by it?? all we got for her was that she's smart, she's a priestess and that she's overworked. now personally, that might be an oversight on my part but i would've loved to hear more about the aftermath of the war on both sides.
now, the first thing we see when we got in was literal soldiers on the verge of dying. not just that, when we arrived at the safe zone, their army was overpowered by the sanctus medic something that most soldiers was losing hope. there's one young cloud knight who was panicking because he's so too young to die and that's he's only a rookie. we see a soldier in shock from seeing their friends dying. we met a knight swearing he would avenge his comrades.
that's it. that's the post. i just want more depth on the outcome of war. is that too much to ask for
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doppelnatur · 1 year
to a certain degree i don't think there is such a thing as purely internalized and internally directed bias. i don't think directing bias at yourself is morally much better than directing it at others it's just a lot harder to stop. that said, as soon as your self cruelty begins to affect anyone else it's just cruelty. a gay man being homophobic is not any more justifiable than a heterosexual man. then again, maybe this entire way of thinking shows a lack of compassion for myself and is a form of bias.
#Idk I'm being mean to myself about capacity and ability stuff.#I'm. Very aware I still hold a lot of ableism. I really really try treating others with kindness and like noticing when something is an#Ableist impulse and seeing it looking at it and letting it go. And I think I usually do a good job. I do. But it's so much harder when it's#It's me and there's no other expert on my experience and my normality than me and I just don't trust me to. Actually know what's going on#Idk I think ableism is the most active unlearning I'm having to do. With both racism and queerphobia it was very gradual#Fatphobia I feel like i never really like. Took in. Idk why and obviously there's some just straight up misinformation that I'm correcting#But that's all so different#Learning about ableism was such a huge thing for me and it helped me let go of so much self loathing and all that all at once#And to also just be kinder to the people in my life. Like significantly. I think I'd be an absolute pos if not for the autistic community#But like. I feel like I've hit a plateau and there's just. Part of this belief system that's just. My character at this point and I don't#I don't know that I'll ever be able to get over it and I think it makes me a bad person or at least a worse person like. In an unfixable wa#Maybe I need to think of myself like the world. Where I don't think an ideal utopia can be built but that just means we have to keep trying#And get as close as possible and watch all the lik e easy fail points carefully and mend and repair.#Like part of the reason I could let go of self hate is just that I genuinely became a significantly better person#Not just the internalized ableism part but the external butt they're the same kind of anyways right#Idek it's 1am
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orcelito · 2 years
minor illusion is honestly the best cantrip for someone who enjoys flavor-text (aka me). spicing up this side rp with some minor illusion work to portray what im talking about more visually. honestly it's a godsend for Fang, who's not the best at words. he can just create some lil illusions to help illustrate what he's saying. and of COURSE im gonna use this plenty. of Course.
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magnoliamyrrh · 2 years
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cuppa-ale · 1 month
I feel like I don't have as many repetitive thoughts lately, and for the most part have felt very.... calm. That worries me sometimes bc it feels like a calm before a storm, like that bit of stability and serenity is eventually going to give way, like the other day when I broke down crying bc of a combo of different factors.
The repetitive thoughts and feelings still come back in waves, too. But I feel like the tide is growing more distant and I feel..... normal. Or at least able to reason with myself and not spiral as much.
I keep getting this feeling that... I want to prove that I'm okay and not a neurotic bitch. (that sounds really derogatory but i have no idea how else to put it.) Like it's not enough that I feel okay, but I want to prove it too. I just want to be normal and not paranoid or neurotic or have so many mood swings, even if most of it is happening internally.
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fakeoutbf · 4 months
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navree · 1 year
i want everyone to know that this latest issue of gotham war legit has me mad enough that i'm like a heartbeat away from deciding to make one of my class papers (meant to be about the myths of our modern culture) entirely about the myth of the superhero and the idea of comics being "good" solely so i can waste a good chunk of the word limit fucking raging about batman
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foggysilverfeathers · 3 months
Fake HC 10 dashboard mayhaps??
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☀️ pearlescent-post Follow
Reminder to love yourself! Smell the trees! Everything will be okay in the end 😊 ☀️
☀️ pearlescent-post Follow
nvm gem ran out of pickles im depressed again
🐟 gemstone Follow
☀️ pearlescent-post Follow
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1,930 notes
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🎣 mending-book-fanatic Follow
day 126 without a mending book
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🚂 scars-axasqottles Follow
uM hey @.hpo-official could i ask why you havent' received my messages?/? Every calsl Ive made just puts me on holdd
⬜️ hpo-official-948204deactivated
Sorry about that, sir. Admin error. I'll speak to my manager.
🚂 scars-axasqottles Follow
🌸 joel-beans Follow
lmao they deactivated what a loser
🎣 mending-book-fanatic Follow
Remember there's a person behind every poor worker! I see you bullies in the notes
🐟 gemstone Follow
@/mending-book-fanatic is a hermit permit office spy confirmed??
2,441 notes
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🌸 joel-beans Follow
Guys everyone agrees that purpur is cheap and beautiful and godlike and everyone should go buy it right now this second *sweats*
🌲 supreme-judge-bd Follow
I feel like I'm missing something...
🌸 joel-beans Follow
☀️ pearlescent-post Follow
🌸 joel-beans Follow
If I don’t respond within the hour assume she got me
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🎩 symmetrical-minister Follow
anyone know a good shop for ethically-sourced wood?? i normally shop at big wood but ive heard things about a mafia :/
🪓 big-salmon Follow
That is absolutely NOT true!! If anything you should be targeting the crypto scheme at Big Wood,,
⌛️ d0ctorm77 Follow
aaaand this is why you should never trust businessmen in red suits
🪓 big-salmon Follow
says the one compensating with a massive HOURGLASS of all things
🐍 puppet-master Follow
Actually @.big-salmon Xisuma_voyd made a really well-explained video here going into detail about all of the shady elements of Big Wood, it's worth a watch.
🐟 gemstone Follow
To answer the original question OP here are some safer (privately owned!) shops :)
Gem's Moss Shop (azaleas for sale which can be bonemealed)
Bdub's Bamboo Shop (bamboo wood is a good eco-friendly alternative to your typical spruce or oak)
The Purr-purr bus (if you're okay with having slightly more exotic trees, from the End)
Hope this helped! <3
⌛️ d0ctorm77 Follow
Why would you pay diamonds for less when you could just pay a few grains of sand for the best quality wood in the shopping district? You people confuse me
🌲 supreme-judge-bd Follow
actually the Purr-purr bus isn't ethical at all!! ive heard they blackmail people into giving them sails!!!
🐟 gemstone Follow
🌲 supreme-judge-bd Follow
☀️ pearlescent-post Follow
2,750 notes
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🎣 mending-book-fanatic Follow
day 131 without a mending book
34 notes
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🎣 mending-book-fanatic Follow
day 164 without a mending book
🐍 puppet-master Follow
Grian you know you can get free mending books at the cat cafe right
🎣 mending-book-fanatic Follow
it's not the same
🎣 mending-book-fanatic Follow
I need to be able to smell the breath of the sea between its sodden pages
🎣 mending-book-fanatic Follow
continue along the same path and you'll soon be facing villager unions
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🔥 tongo-tak Follow
Friendly reminder that not everyone wakes up at 2am, so please tag your Pearldle spoilers for at least a few hours!!
☀️ pearlescent-post Follow
skill issue tbh
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🇸🇪 death2diorite85 Follow
hallo how flirt with pretty girl time sensitive question
🌺 git-gorgeous Follow
sell them something
🔥 tongo-tak Follow
bribe diamonds
🐍 puppet-master Follow
kill them
🇸🇪 death2diorite85 Follow
okay will do!!!!
🇸🇪 death2diorite85 Follow
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🐍 puppet-master Follow
Happy pride month to lgbtqia+ people of all ages, genders and sexualities, you're all so valid and so loved <3 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ ❤🧡💛💚💙💜
🐟 gemstone Follow
⌛️ d0ctorm77 Follow
I'm making a rainbow beacon for pride, come look for it! i'll be with it by my husband @ renthedog's hole all week
⌛️ d0ctorm77 Follow
⌛️ d0ctorm77 Follow
⌛️ d0ctorm77 Follow
🐾 renthedog Follow
2,655 notes
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🌸 joel-beans Follow
etho is just kakashi on maple syrup send post
🌸 joel-beans Follow
almost forgot to add important additional difference! etho is also obsessed with me
1,113 notes
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