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gentlehousenicole · 3 days ago
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Does your center take anonymous referrals~?
I have a Kitsune Thiren friend with a cursed blade who could use an intervention...
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Concept: cursed blade rehabilitation center. Destroying a sentient weapon is expensive and highly unethical, so adventurers bring them to the center where highly trained staff can care for them and eventually find them forever homes. It turns out most cursed weapons are products of trauma and are not strictly evil themselves. Some blades turn out to be fiercely protective companions. Others don't even want to be weapons at all, finding joy in simple work like blacksmithing or farming. Most blades just need to be loved.
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wingherc · 1 month ago
@gaiaspoken it's your birthday!! boogie woogie woogie!!
「𓆄」 "You didn't honestly think I was going to let you get away with working on your big day, did you?!" He scolded her like he'd caught her doing something wrong, emphasizing his disappointment with a pout and leaning over the counter being sure to really exaggerate that pathetic look.
Realistically, she was probably just dropping by to check on everyone (given that Valentines' day was super close, after all!) or even more likely: she'd forgotten something. Regardless, he caught her!
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"ANYWAY!!!" He's over it! Even hopping over the counter to pull her into his hold. Awful, awful, awful!!! "I've got a few things planned out today, you're not gonna get tired: are you?"
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vierandancer · 6 months ago
@theazureblade - continuing from here
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"Aye, you can," Meiko grinned. She wasn't going to really drag Aymeric out of the office against his will. She knew when to take a hint when someone told her to plainly fuck off. But she also knew Aymeric would never leave his office if he wasn't encouraged to do something a wee bit irresponsible. "Feel free to blame me as much as you like."
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nursewashing · 2 months ago
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❛ life is so hard when you're a girl... ❜ anya sighs wistfully.
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gyokutoll · 24 days ago
I wish I lacked critical thinking skills sometimes. You all seem so happy.
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fortruechaos · 3 months ago
@familylightfox said: ❛ i don't look like a ghost, do i? see? warm. ❜ (From Volt since he's had a few changes since they last saw each other. ;p)
So Shadow had hit his head a little hard when Zone-warping this time. Whatever. He sat up from where he'd tumbled onto the ground and rubbed at his forehead, squinting at Volt when the other said that and reached his non-cybernetic hand out to help him up, which Shadow accepted after just a moment longer of staring at Volt. Warm, indeed.
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"No, you don't." When he was on his feet again he squinted at Volt once more, although not for doubting his existence this time, but rather because he simply looked changed from the last time Shadow had been here. "But you do look different. Have I been gone long again?"
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pavlovianpanic · 2 months ago
❝ i told you already, ❞ he says, taking a few test shots, ❝ you're fine. no one is going to see these but me, anyway. you're worrying way too much. ❞ nathan is oddly comfortable, but that must mean it's because he's in his element. he's relying a lot on natural lighting today, the clouds parting perfectly for just enough drab and just enough fab. you're leaning too much, he seems to say, gesturing to stand straighter. there we go. perfect. ❝ see? you're fine. hey, tilt your head a bit for me, huh? ❞ — open ( nathan p. )
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chounaifu · 3 months ago
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" By the age of six, EVERY child should know how to hot wire a car and steal from government buildings!!! I'm gonna personally give every impressionable six year old a pocket knife and a bag of candy full of red dye for the EXTRA POWERFUL BRAIN CHEMICALS. "
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uminonagare · 12 days ago
@dnangelic || starter call. (accepting.)
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ㅤㅤ" SORRY to make you help me like this, Niwa-kun. " He lifted his head up from his grading to greet his student with one of his usual gentle smiles; a stark contrast from the cold expression Daisuke had witnessed the other night. Although this role was nothing more than a front, there was no denying the genuine fondness he held for this particular student. Perhaps it was because he was a good kid that he ended up developing a soft spot.
ㅤㅤ" You can set the documents over there. " He pointed to the barely vacant corner of his desk, overlapped with a couple of stray papers from the other piles of paperwork littering his desk.
ㅤㅤBefore he could even return to his work, his eyes curiously caught a glimpse of Daisuke's distracted or rather, reluctant expression. " ... Is something on your mind ? You look a bit troubled. " He set his paperwork aside for a moment to give his full attention.
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antimonyq · 14 days ago
you seem to have a lot in common with tate
extremely mean thing to say
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weptfreedom · 29 days ago
“ He does not deserve a quick death. ” @theharellan
"You misunderstand." Easy to do, when it is still difficult to express himself in this side of a broken reality. Before, he'd been merely awkward. Now, it stymies him.
"I do not care for the fate of a single...templar." Nor the order as a whole. Might consider the same course of action, in Solas' position. But Emithas also expects he, too would be encouraged away from it. "I ask you to reconsider only how. For your sake."
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wingherc · 2 months ago
「𓆄」 Dropping by the flower shop was definitely a surprise. Hawks had wisened up to the girls this go around and managed to sneak around the back going undetected, even with his arms full. Fortunately, he's quiet as he entered the boss lady's office.
And it was finally starting to look like it was all her's now: finally! To make his presence known, he let out an impressed whistle at the decor and smiled.
"It's not stuffy in here, you really livened the place up."
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"I would've warned you I was dropping by. But. My phone kinda fell outta my pocket and got smashed to bits. So I'm getting a new one here soon." Hawks warned as he casually sauntered into the office, and pulled Aerith's long insulated winter coat over her.
"Can I steal you away for a little bit?"
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vierandancer · 9 months ago
After everything that had gone on with Garlean Empire, Meiko had felt her stomach sink at the rumors of another mysterious magitek machine accompanying an equally mysterious man in black.
"Not fuckin' the day," she muttered as she made her way out into Thanalan. Despite the potential danger of yet another Asican making trouble, however, she hadn't reached for her Linkpearl to alert the others. Not even her brother. She would, of course, if the rumors proved true...but people were sometimes blind. Or paranoid. Or stupid (herself included). And if it truly were a threat worth investigating, someone would've come running into town screaming already. So, hopefully...
It wasn't all that hard to spot the strange magitek vehicle from a distance, but she nearly missed the lad curled up in front of it looking like how she oft did after too many firewaters. Perhaps that was why she didn't draw her weapons as she approached, albeit cautiously.
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"Y...You all right, lad?"
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gravesung · 11 days ago
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she's trying to make rice balls. it's going terribly.
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gyokutoll · 28 days ago
My ideal man is one who is so normal. I’d marry an accountant if I could. A banker. A salary man. Pencil pushers welcome. I’m so tired. If you have an interesting life, stay away from me.
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