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power-chords · 8 months ago
"It's, 'You've gotta go on, man! Otherwise, all those kids, they'll be finished! They'll have nothing to live for!' That's rock 'n' roll."
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pissfaggit · 1 year ago
Going through it this weekend and something compelled me to watch won't get fooled again 3 times in the last 24 hours; idk that episode is like crack to me fr what's that post about guys having something called the Ultimate Treat- that's what wgfa is for me. I don't even know what to say that could possibly accurately summarize all my feelings about it but yea episode of television that changed my brain chemistry of all time in the tv show that changed my brain chemistry of all time- the best of the best ig idk
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dreadwedge · 26 days ago
WGFA (White Girl Frustum Apologia)
Users added context: the phrase "white girl frustum apologia" refers to no extant phenomenon and signifies nothing.
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amyisback · 1 year ago
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My doctor (aka my sister) prescribed me sometimes for my binged (by alcohol binges not the good ones but wgfa anymore?) And I have not been hungry??? And I've been nauseous all the time??? And it's sooooooo easy to just v0m!t.
And I have hit my gw2 which is still OW but that's HUGE for me because I've been ob3s3 for literally MOST OF MY LIFE.
I could fucking cry.
Why do I still feel like my body looks exactly the same though? 😭
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leolaroot · 2 years ago
sorry seeing that wgfa screencap set something off in me. I love wgfa I love momma ward I love doctor Fairchild I LOVE. GARY RAGEL.
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dangermousie · 4 years ago
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A Human Reaction is one of my all time fave episodes and not just because of this, but this helps! I love this scene so much. John is so tense, so bitter with the way his dream is a nightmare. And he snaps at Aeryn but then apologizes. And they are drinking beer and sitting side to side, their shoulders touching and then...OMG...OMG. I love the way he leans his face on her shoulder, the way he leans in to kiss her and he is so heart-breakingly gentle and tentative and weary. As if she is fragile, as if he is too. As if he is resting on her, through her. That scene kills me (and the future mirror of it in both LGM1 and The Choice, kills me all over again). I love Farscape for going there, for not stringing it out just for the heck of it. It makes so much sense. They are best friends at this point even if she won't acknowledge it. And they are crazy attracted and that is such a logical extension of The Flax: they might die and be captured tomorrow. I also adore the morning after where John is 'the girl' and wants to talk and Aeryn doesn't. That whole ep is beautiful on JA front. I love when he asks her to go with him to Earth at the beginning and she won't though you can tell how much she knows she will miss him and she feels it already.
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Made me think of BT and how she flew with him even though she knew there was a good chance she'll be stuck on Earth forever. And he is hesitant to go but does and we know later he will not ever leave Aeryn.
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And then we have The Ancients. And Crichton gets fucked with again. His imagination can be quite grim, can't it? I wonder how influenced it is by the tough stuff he saw in UT. Crichton of e.g. I, E.T. would he be as paranoid? And the wormholes, though he doesn't know it yet. They see it as  little gift to him but of course it will screw him up forever, won't it? I wonder how much his reaction to real Earth in TF is not just because of his PTSD but also because of it being tainted by the horror fake-Earths of AHR and WGFA? And I love his outraged decency at how his friends are treated. He mentions he gave his word and that never changes, ever. When he gives his word, he keeps it.
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Let's see. Other things. I love how he figures it out. He is gooood. I love that we see him lose it, first with Wilson and then with the made-up world. Gosh, he is good at crazed. And his helplessness and his horror and his outrage? We see him pistol-whip Cobb and that is the first time we see him hurt someone who isn't actively trying to hurt him physically at the moment. And you can feel he is so tempted to shoot him. He is sliding, sliding, sliding. They are lucky they got s1 Crichton. S4 would have just shot them all. And I love Jack, even though he is fake Jack. This is Jack through the eyes of John and I love that through it all, despite the issues, John has faith in his father, as this person that will have his back, will try to save him. He loves his father. And his horror when he thinks Jack doesn't believe he is his son, when he has to prove it...is heart-breaking.
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popgrotto · 8 years ago
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#thewho #caesarspalace #band #icjuk #loveit #backstage #greenroom #popkulchr #england #wgfa #legends #music #belucky #petetownshend #rogerdaltrey
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here's the less exciting part of roger's little tantrum when his mic cut out during wgfa (detroit 10/2/22)
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mollyrosemusic · 7 years ago
Hey guys! I'm on the RADIO!! 📻🔊😱 So excited for the tallest, sweetest guy I know, Tall Paul, whose newest song "What Do I Know" - for which I was asked to channel my inner #beachbum to crank out some tropical guitar solos☀��🌴🌊🎸- is already on the airwaves in Florida and will be airing in Illinois on WGFA 94.1 FM Monday, April 16th sometime 1–2pm. Also - please VOTE for the song on radioa1a.com by going to their "Weekly Trop 40" page and writing in "Tall Paul What Do I Know". ✔️ #troprock #radio #radioplay #guitarsolo #leadguitar #epiphonejoepass #puremichigan #beach #ombreeffect
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power-chords · 2 years ago
“Won’t Get Fooled Again” may be #1 on the list of radio-abused iconic Who songs but I never tire of hearing it, ever. It excites me as much as it did the day it found me. “Baba O’Riley” is more beautiful; it is my single favorite piece of recorded music and possibly their greatest composition as a band. But it is a deeply spiritual, contemplative song that projects its kinetic energy into the realm of the transcendent. It elevates itself to this unfathomable height. I am humbled by it as much as I am intoxicated. I listen to it and I am in a state of sensory communion with god. Baba is a prayer, a supplication that ascends toward a generative frenzy. WGFA’s trajectory is downward. It’s obliterative. A bomb dropping.
WGFA possesses a similar intoxicating quality, but it is pure Dionysian physicality that is doing the hypnotism. It delights in the idea that you would be so easily fooled (ha) by simple energetic conversion; that the experience of bodily rapture could indeed lead you astray, and you would enjoy every moment of your most destructive impulses, mistakenly believing them to be acts of creation, in service of or devotion to a higher ideal. What you perceive as the spirit entering you is just brute animal bliss: to fight, fuck, consume, conquer. It taunts you with this and you love it! (“DO YA?”) You rejoice in your own abasement and you encourage your own delusions; you are their fiercest cheerleader. And it’s great. It’s the best thing ever! I watch the Shepperton performance regularly to remind myself that it just doesn’t get any better.
This is also why its continued use in film, television, and advertising is so poetic and hilarious and inevitable and appropriate, even when its meaning is being flagrantly misconstrued or just willfully disregarded. (It may be second only to “Born in the U.S.A.” in this category of politically appropriated AOR.) It is Townshend’s most openly joyous anthem to nihilism. Irony and cynicism have never been so god damned FUN! Bring on the annihilation, the sitcoms, the car commercials, Top Gun: Maverick. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
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I think Crackers Don't Matter and WGFA are obvious. But I also put What Was Lost up there, too, bc John gets literally raped by Grayza and it's a tough episode(s) to watch from his POV. Eat Me is like a horror movie.
Please reblog for bigger sample size!
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satodaynews · 5 years ago
Trouble for Kelly Khumalo as SA top Sangoma & Prophet team up to expose Senzo Meyiwa's real killers - https://youtu.be/lrsAIn-WgfA
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stmogul-blog · 7 years ago
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New Product on https://clothing.storemogul.com/products/yuqindong-dress-shirt-new-fashion-non-iron-long-sleeve-slim-high-quality-business-formal-shirt-evening-dress-shirt-xxl-wgfa/
YUQINDONG Dress Shirt New Fashion Non Iron Long Sleeve slim High Quality Business formal Shirt Evening costume shirt XXL WGFA
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power-chords · 3 years ago
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power-chords · 3 years ago
Being a "Behind Blue Eyes" hater in Who class to try and ruffle some feathers, but it appears that I am not the only person who would be fine with not hearing the studio recording of that song ever again lol.
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I'm still in the middle of my Farscape re-watch and I watched "Won't Get Fooled Again" tonight and when it started, I was like, "goodie. this episode was so crazy I loved it." But NOPE. NO. I was so disturbed by this episode I have no idea how I ever liked it before. I mean it was 15 years ago when I watched it so I guess I've changed a lot since then? But wow, I won't be watching that episode again.
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