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jenzie-in-the-city · 7 years ago
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Does Emily love pizza? Or does pizza love Emily? I had no idea what the incessant two hour waits were for at this restaurant and decided to sit at the bar for a faster experience. I️ was warned by a hostess that should I️ end up ordering food she may have to remove me from my stool mid-meal for other reservations. That was a first! Safe to say I’d definitely wait a good 30 minutes for this vodka pizza (not two hours)and that’s saying a lot! 💁🏻 . . . . . . #jenzieinthecity #emily #pizzalovesemily #emilylovespizza #pizza #westvillagepizza #westvillagenyc #westvillagelife #nycpizza #vodkapie #nycfoodie #foodbloggernyc #instagokd #instalike #instapizza #vodka #freshbasil #westvillagerestaurants #restaurantblogger (at Emily)
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jenzie-in-the-city · 8 years ago
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Always a reason to go to Buvette! (Especially for some Apple Tarte Tatin and Chocolate Mouse magic) 😍🍫🎉🎉🍷🍷🤗 #jenzieinthecity #instagood #nycbloggers #westvillagelife #westvillagebestvillage #westvillagerestaurants #Buvette #dessert #frenchrestaurantsnyc #nycfoodie #nycbloggers #nycrestaurants #lifestyleblog #foodblog #dessertblogger (at Buvette)
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jenzie-in-the-city · 6 years ago
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Late nights @buvettenyc never get old. #tartetatintimes 🤗🍎🎉❤️ . . . . . . . . . . #jenzieinthecity #jenzieinnyc #jenzieinwestvillage #jenzieinthewestvillage #westvillagebestvillage #tartetatin #westvillagerestaurants #westvillagenyc #nycrestaurants #nycfoodblogger #foodblogger #restaurantblogger #nycdessert #nycfoodie #westvillagefoodie #buvettenyc #buvette #thisplaceisspecial (at Buvette) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrGCIn_BuYJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19jjs4pjmkl27
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jenzie-in-the-city · 7 years ago
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This humidity is making me crave some light and refreshing cuisine @panca! Pisco sours ans ceviche please and thank you! 🙋🏻‍♀️🐟❤️🎉 . . . . . . . . . . #jenzieinthecity #jenzieinnyc #jenzieinthewestvillage #panca #ceviche #filetoffish #guacamole #westvillagelife #westvillagebestvillage #pisco #piscosour #westvillagerestaurants #westvillageeats #nycblogger #nycfoodie #foodblogger #instagood #instalike #instacocktail #meatwithoutfeet #healthytimes #iseafoodieatit (at Panca Restaurant) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnRpSBNntqa/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=iru0jod7gipv
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jenzie-in-the-city · 7 years ago
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Love mommy & daughter foodie dates with @flojo1964 @wallflowernyc! This quintessential West Village cozy cocktail bar can also turn out a mean meal. We savored every delicious bite! 🤗(Pictured Here: Deviled eggs with poppy seeds and black tahini sumac, Roasted sunchokes with tardivo and rosemary mayo, lobster salad, Radicchio & citrus salad and last but not least, their dainty little cheese plate.) Seriously how friggen cute is that??? It looks like something out of Peter Rabbit🧀🐇.😋 Nom* Nom* . . . . . . . . . . . #jenzieinthecity #jenzieinnyc #wallflowernyc #dinnernyc #dinnerwithmom #deviledeggs #sunchokes #radicchio #lobstersalad #cheeseplate #nyccheeseplate #wallflower #westvillagerestaurants #nycfoodie #nycrestaurants #Nyc blogger #westvillagebestvillage #westvillagenyc #westvillagelife #instagood #instalike #instanyc (at Wallflower NYC)
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jenzie-in-the-city · 8 years ago
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It's a perfect kind of day to lunch at Boucherie. Loved their tuna Niçoise! Hostess needs to get her act together though. Oops... 🙊 If this is the closest to France I get this year, so be it. #jenzieinthecity #Boucherie #westvillagerestaurants #westvillagebestvillage #westvillagelife #nycfoodie #foodphotography #salade #niçoise #saladeniçoise #Frenchfoodnyc #BoucherieNYC #roséallday #pinkwine #10dollarbelliniohhellyes (at Boucherie)
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jenzie-in-the-city · 8 years ago
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Tried the "CoCo Loco" tea today @teaandsympathynyc. Rooibos tea with hints of coconut and chocolate...It was lovely! ❤🍫☕️ #jenziesips #Jenzieinthecity #teaandsympathynyc #nycrestaurants #westvillagerestaurants #westvillagelife #westvillagebestvillage #nycblogger #lifestyleblog #nycfoodie (at Tea & Sympathy)
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jenzie-in-the-city · 8 years ago
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Welsh rarebit up in da NYC say whaaaa?! Could have done without that bacon tho. 😶 #Jenzieinthecity #Teasalonnyc #thatscheesyright #rarebit #instalike #instagood #dinner #westvillagebestvillage #westvillagelife #westvillagerestaurants #nycrestaurants #teaandsympathynyc (at Tea & Sympathy)
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jenzie-in-the-city · 8 years ago
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Impromptu cheese date! Just say cheeeeeeeeese! 🤗🔪🧀 #jenzieinthecity #cheesefordinner #MurraysCheeseBar #cheesebloggers #foodieblogger #westvillagelife #westvillagerestaurants #nycrestaurants #whostolemycheese #whocutthecheese #cheese #fromage #Murrays #Murrayscheesenyc (at Murray's Cheese Bar)
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jenzie-in-the-city · 8 years ago
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Dinner date @littleowlnyc ! ❤❤Pictured Here: Cod & Lobster with chive mashed potatoes and lemon crème fraîche 🤗Had to do some extra crunches after this one...Such a cozy date spot. My favorite highlight of the evening was perching with a cocktail before our table was ready. 😆🤗❤❤ #jenzieinthecity #datenight #datespot #westvillagelife #westvillagerestaurants #LittleOwlNYC #westvillagebestvillage #lovemyhood #cozyrestaurantsnyc #seafoodnyc #🐟 #foodie #foodblogger #foodies #nycrestaurants #datespotnyc #romantic #nycblogger #westvillageblogger #lifestyleblogger #foodphotography (at The Little Owl)
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jenzie-in-the-city · 8 years ago
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SHERRY BABY Bourbon, Lavender Sherry, Hazelnuts, Artichoke Liqueur, Walnut Bitters (the last cocktail I'll be having at The Beatrice Inn for a while). Started with a martini (wanted goose and wasn't asked) and got nail polish remover. Wish they'd change their house vodka to Tito's if they're going to charge nearly $20.00 for a drink. Le sigh* At least this was bearable. #jenzieinthecity #westvillagelife #westvillageproblems #TheBeatriceInn #lifestylebloggers #foodie #foodblogger #cocktailblogger #ny #nyc #vodkaburns #sherryinstead #westvillagebars #westvillagerestaurants #nycrestaurants (at Beatrice Inn)
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jenzie-in-the-city · 7 years ago
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@markettablenyc Are you guys really refurbishing/reopening? The people deserve to know. 🧐Without you I may have to walk further than a block from my residence for decent cocktails and “Basic-B” avo-toast. What is that life? 💁🏻‍♀️Hit me back yo. 🥑🍞#concerned . . . . . . . . . . #jenzieinthecity #jenzieinnyc #jenzieinthewestvillage #MarketTable #westvillagedining #westvillagerestaurants #westvillagebrunch #huevos #eggs #avocadotoastnyc #putaneggonit #nycfoodie #foodblogger #avocadotoast #avocado #instagood #instalike #instaavocadotoast (at Market Table)
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