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Black Erosion by Joseph Westrupp
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covid and mental health
By Rachel Shannon
Everyone can relate to the fact that covid was a stressful period in our human existence. Some people struggled more than others but no hardship should be weighed or compared to one another's. It was both a tribulation and a learning experience. Before covid, we lived in a very rushed Society. The work day was 9-5 Monday through Friday, we never thought to challenge it. Now post covid, some people don't work on Mondays or have half a day on Fridays, or some people work completely remote which never used to be an option. We now take more time for our emotional health and embrace therapy which for decades previously was considered taboo. To get to this point, Society had to face some tough adversities which include mental health decline in Victoria Australia, harsh discriminatory challenges for Asian Americans, and radical transitions for college students. These three scenarios are just a few examples of some of the many ways in which covid impacted our mental health. These situations brought awareness to the way we view and treat mental health.
Since covid, intentional self-harm rates skyrocketed in Victoria Australia due to lack of employment opportunities and social isolation. While young people are less susceptible to covid, the pandemic did disproportionately affect their psychosocial development, as social connectedness and social identity are important factors in youth. Suicide attempt hospitalization rates ranged from 77.4 to 97.9 events per 100,000 population between 2012-2013 and 2019-2020. Rates were higher outside of urban areas. It is estimated that the self-harm hospitalization rates in Greater Melbourne was 75.9 per 100,000 population compared to 112.0 per 100,000 population in the rest of Victoria. The Victorian mental health system was extensively evaluated by the Royal Commission on the advice of the Victorian government. The Royal Commission found that the state's mental health system was unable to respond to the needs of the people suffering from mental illness or psychological distress, unsuitable to meet current and future demands, and an urgent need for reform.
“Pre-existing individual factors, such as poorer physical health, a history of chronic illness, or pre-existing mental health problems, have been associated with higher rates of anxiety and depression during COVID-19. Other individual factors may be important too, for example introverted individuals are somewhat less likely to have high quality social support systems compared to extraverts. Consistent evidence shows that adults experiencing pre-existing socio-economic disadvantages face increased mental health problems related to COVID-19.” (Westrupp,”et al.”2023)
While Westrupp explains that pre-existing conditions occurred in parents and children in Victoria before covid, these conditions were made worse from government restrictions and shutdowns.
Since covid, the Asian-American population have faced intense racial discrimination which include verbal harassment and physical assault. This is mainly due to media outlets blaming China for the pandemic. A recent Pew Research Center report found that approximately 31% of Asian American adults reported being the subject of slurs or jokes because of their race or ethnicity, and about 58% of Asian American adults shared that it is more common for people to express racist or racially insensitive views about Asians than it was before the covid-19 outbreak. The increase in racial discrimination against Asian Americans during the covid-19 pandemic has also contributed to covid-19 discrimination fear, which exacerbated mental health problems such as depression and anxiety.
“Anti-Asian racism has always been present in the US society for over 150 years, though it has been encoded in different vocabulary and language in different periods of time.”(Adachi,2022).
Adachi explains that the “Yellow Peril” which is described as western fears of Asians, especially Chinese, would invade their land and disrupt western values, started as far back as the 1870s. Although these fears already existed, there has been an uptick in racial discriminatory acts since covid due to media outlets and politicians.
Covid took a strain particularly on college students. College is already a stressful time for young adults then covid added the pressure of social distancing, working remotely and in extreme cases leaving their dorm and finding residence elsewhere. Many may argue that stress among college students is unrelated to covid and that it’s been an ongoing issue for some time. McLafferty writes that a survey was conducted of students who attended college in Northern Ireland in the fall of 2019, then again a year later found that high levels of mental health problems were already present among students commencing college. Although college students were already struggling before the pandemic, it’s important to understand that covid exacerbated pre-existing mental health conditions.
“Students assessed post pandemic reported significantly more symptoms of anxiety and depression than students assessed pre pandemic, and these two cohorts are reporting more symptoms in many areas than a cohort of students assessed 25 years earlier.”(Nails,2023).
In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic made the Victorian government aware of the urgent need for better mental health care for their people, brought to light the racial injustice of Asian-Americans, and showed the massive strain covid had on college students. These three situations highlight the severity in which covid affected our mental health. After the pandemic, it was realized that mental health care was at the bottom of the list of priorities. This awareness led to changes such as flexible working conditions and more need for therapy. Therapy also became more available remotely. Not only should we spread awareness on the issue of mental health but we should also take combative steps to help such as make therapy more affordable and hire more mental health providers. Unfortunately it took this catastrophic event to make us open our eyes. With this better awareness and understanding, we as a society can tackle mental health issues head on.
Vacher, C., Ho, N., Skinner, A., Robinson, J., Freebairn, L., Lee, G. Y., Iorfino, F., Prodan, A., Song, Y. J. C., Jo-An Occhipinti, & Hickie, I. B. (2022). Optimizing Strategies for Improving Mental Health in Victoria, Australia during the COVID-19 Era: A System Dynamics Modelling Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(11), 6470. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19116470
Westrupp, Bennett, Berkowitz, Youssef, Toumbourou, Tucker, Andrews, Evans, Teague, Karantzas, Melvin, Olsson, Macdonald, Greenwood, Mikocka-Walus, Hutchinson, Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, Stokes, Olive, Wood, Feb2023, child, parent, and family mental health and functioning in Australia during COVID-19: comparison to pre-pandemic data
Huang, C. J., & Huang, C. Y. (2023, December 21). The Moderating Role of Emotion Regulation Strategies on Asian American Parents’ Discrimination Experiences and Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. Advance online publication. https://dx.doi.org/10.1037/ort0000714
Adachi, Nobuko, 2022, Yellow Peril Redux: Vitalizing Pre-Existing Racial Conditions with a New Symbol
Nails, Julianna. “A Crisis in College Student Mental Health? Self-Ratings of Psychopathology Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic.” American Psychological Association, American Psychological Association, 11 Nov. 2023, psycnet.apa.org/record/2023-78779-001
McLafferty, Ward, Walsh, O’Neill, Bjourson, McHugh, Brown, McBride, Brady, Murray, Nov 2023, College Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Prior to and during the COVID-19 Pandemic
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Ohr ("Ear") was an influential German electronic/experimental record label set up by Rolf-Ulrich Kaiser in 1970. Ohr released the debut albums of Tangerine Dream and Klaus Schulze. The first five Ohr releases featured sleeves by Reinhard Hippen, all with dismembered baby doll parts as a central aspect of the imagery. These were Tangerine Dream's Electronic Meditation, Bernt Witthüser's Lieder von Vampiren…, Embryo's Opal, Floh de Cologne's FliesbandbabysBeatShow, and Limbus 4's Mandalas. Other releases included Klaus Schulze, Ash Ra Tempel, Cosmic Jokers, Guru Guru, Popol Vuh, Sergius Golowin, Amon Düül, Birth Control, Witthüser & Westrupp, and numerous others. (wikipedia)
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A previsão de tempo estável e com temperaturas altas deve levar os joinvilenses às ruas neste fim de semana. A dica é aproveitar os dias de folga e passear nas feiras que ocorrem no sábado e domingo (16 e 17/12) na cidade. Além de lazer, esses eventos oferecem também produtos autorais e artesanais para quem procura um presente especial neste fim de ano. No sábado (16/12), às 20h, a Rua do Príncipe recebe o último Desfile de Natal, entre as ruas Princesa Isabel e Abdon Batista. Confira a agenda completa: Feira Natal Feito à Mão Até 17/12 Segunda a sexta-feira, das 16h às 22h Sábados e domingos, das 14h às 22h Centreventos Cau Hansen Av. José Vieira, 315 – América Entrada Gratuita Feira Cool Messe – Edição Natalina 14/12 Quinta-feira, 15h às 21h 16/12 – Sábado, 10h às 20h Casa Otto Rua Otto Boehm, 590 – Atiradores Entrada Gratuita Coral Infanto Juvenil Prelúdio Academia de Artes 14/12 – Quinta-feira, 19h Sociedade Cultural Lírica Rua Max Colin, 1.483 – América Entrada Gratuita Ciclos – 40 anos de Aaplaj 14/12 – Quinta-feira, 19h30 Galpão da AAPLAJ Rua XV de Novembro, 1.383 – América Entrada Gratuita 5ª Mostra Caos – Comunicação e Artes 14 e 15/12 – Quinta-feira e Sexta-feira, 19h Auditório Campus Unisociesc Anita Garibaldi Rua Gothard Kaesemodel, 833 – Anita Garibald Entrada Gratuita Roda de Conversa: “Maracatu e a transformação da Periferia”, com Deivson Santana 15/12 – Sexta-feira, 19h30 Teatro do Sesc Rua Itaiópolis, 470 – América Entrada Gratuita Espetáculo Amantes por Divalhaças 15/12 – Sexta-feira, 20h Galpão de teatro AJOTE Rua XV de Novembro, 1383 – América Ingresso R$ 30 Desfile de Natal 16/12 – sábado, 20h Rua do Príncipe, entre as ruas Princesa Isabel e Abdon Batista Entrada Gratuita Exposição: Schwanke no MAJ – Poéticas em Preservação 16/12 – Sábado, 10h MAJ – Museu de Arte de Joinville Rua XV de Novembro, 1400 – América Entrada Gratuita Sábado Cultural na Biblioteca Pública (contação de história) 16/12 – Sábado, 10h Biblioteca Pública Municipal Prefeito Rolf Colin Rua Cmte. Eugênio Lepper, 60 – Centro Entrada Gratuita Todas as Vozes com Maria Mond (apresentação musical) 16/12 – Sábado, 17h Giostri Livraria e Café Rua Lages, 979 – América Ingresso R$ 15 Feira No Quintal 16 e 17/12 – Sábado e Domingo, 10h às 20h No Quintal Joinville Rua Dona Francisca, 2.590 – Saguaçu Entrada Gratuita FeiraVille no Jardim Visconde 16/12 – Sábado, 10h às 19h Jardim Visconde Rua Visconde de Mauá, 940 – América Entrada Gratuita Intervenção Artística “Derra-mar” 16/12 – Sábado, 11h MAJ – Museu de Arte de Joinville Rua XV de Novembro, 1400 – América Entrada Gratuita Exposição Arte da Terra 16/12 – Sábado, 14h Estação da Cidadania e Cultura CEU Aventureiro R. Theonesto Westrupp, 627 – Aventureiro Entrada Gratuita Feira da Praça Tiradentes 17/12 – Domingo, 14h às 20h Praça Tiradentes Rua Santa Catarina – Floresta Entrada Gratuita Feira Jardim Criativo no MAJ 17/12 – Domingo, 10h às 18h Jardins do Museu de Arte de Joinville (MAJ) Rua XV de Novembro, 1.400 – América Entrada Gratuita Especial de Natal Vera Sincera e Convidados 17/12 – Domingo, 19h Galpão de teatro AJOTE Rua XV de Novembro, 1383 América Ingresso R$ 25 Santiago Mello em Joinville/SC – Stand Up Comedy 17/12 – Domingo, 21h Palicone Steak House, Joinville – SC Rua Dr João Colin, 1567 – Santo Antônio Ingresso a partir de R$ 20 Classificação: 16 anosFonte: Prefeitura de Joinville SC
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Wann wird etwas zu einer Legende? Eine moderne Antwort auf diese Frage wäre: In dem Moment wo es nicht im Netz auftaucht. Nach dem Motto: „Was nicht gegoogelt werden kann, hat es nie gegeben“. Wer die Wörter „Teehaus Wiesbaden“ eingibt, landet in mehreren Teegeschäften aber nicht an einem Ort, der vor mehr als 50 Jahren für manche das Tor zur fernöstlichen Welt begann.
Ich will den werten Leser heute wieder zu einer Zeitreise einladen und zu einem Ort führen, den eigentlich jeder kannte, der in den frühen 70ziger Jahren durch das „Bermudadreieck“, also vom Bumerang bis zum Jazzhaus schlenderte, in der Szene verkehrte, hin und wieder mal ein wenig Gras schnupperte oder sich in der Wartburg, den heißen Krautrock von XHOL, Guru-Guru und Sixty-Nine reinzog. Das TEEHAUS.
Es lag nur wenige Meter von Jazzhaus entfernt in der unteren Geisbergstraße und war für kurze Zeit der Wiesbadener Szene-Treff schlechthin. Vor allem junge Musiker gaben sich hier die Klinke in die Hand. Auch die Bandmitglieder von XHOL traf man hier öfters an. Alkohol gabs keinen, dafür original indischen Tee aus Schalen und dazu Halfa, ein klebriges Zuckerzeug aus Honig, Öl und anderen Ingredienzien, das ungemein satt machte. Hin und wieder wurde auch ein Glimmstängel herumgereicht. Das führte hin und wieder zu Problemen und einmal sogar zu einem größeren Polizeieinsatz…
Wäre das jetzt ein Wikipedia-Artikel würde wahrscheinlich ein Warnhinweis drüberstehen, dass keines meiner Sätze durch eine „gesicherte Quelle“ gedeckt ist. Der werte Leser muss sich also ganz auf meine grauen Zellen verlassen, die hoffentlich nicht genau so altersgemäß ausgedünnt sind wie meine inzwischen schütteren grauen Haare. Wann das Teehaus eröffnet wurde, kann ich nur abschätzen. Vielleicht im Winter 1970 oder im Frühjahr 1971. Man kann es kaum glauben, aber ich war in dieser Zeit als „Lehrling“ in einer Wiesbadener Druckerei beschäftigt, die mich tatsächlich dazu zwingen wollte, kurze Haare zu tragen, obwohl der drei Jahre ältere Gehilfe die Haare Hintern lang trug. Ich wechselte begleitet von massiven Protesten meines „Durchhalte-Vaters“ gegen Ende1970 die Lehrstelle, so dass ich im Frühsommer 1972 mit schulterlanger Mähne und bis zum Kinn reichenden Backenbart erfolgreich meine Gehilfenprüfung ablegen konnte. Mein Arbeitsplatzwechsel Ende 1970 dürfte sich mit der Eröffnung des Teehauses in etwa überschneiden.
Das Teehaus fällt somit genau in die Zeit der Post68ziger Aufbruchstimmung, die nicht nur politisch gesehen eine Zeit der Umwälzung war. Im Gegensatz zu den Apo-Kadern und Partei-Apparat-Schicks, die eine gesellschaftspolitische Veränderung anstrebten, war die Hippie-Scene mehr auf der Suche nach „Bewusstseinsveränderungen“ und auf der „Sinnsuche“. Die Liedermache“ Witthüser und Westrupp haben diese aufregende Zeit mit folgenden Worten festgehalten: „Lasst uns auf die Reise gehen, anderes Land zu suchen.“
Genau, dies haben die Betreiber des Teehauses gemacht. Der Sehnsuchtsort der 70ziger hieß INDIEN. Dort wo bereits 1968 die Beatles – allen voran George Harrison - ihre Weihen empfangen hatten. Als die deutschen Indienfahrer aus dem Rhein-Main-Gebiet wieder heimatlichen Boden unter den Füßen hatten war nicht nur Tee im Handgepäck …, sondern auch die Idee ein Teehaus zu eröffnen. Eine Idee, die sich meines Wissens in Deutschland kaum durchgesetzt hat. Außer in Wiesbaden gab es nur noch in Gießen und Heidelberg ein ähnliches Lokal. Im Gießener Teehaus konnte man sogar seinen Schlafsack ausrollen. Gleiches war – so erinnere ich mich wage – auch in Wiesbaden möglich.
An der Tür wurde man von Herby begrüßt, der mit seiner langen schwarzen dichten Locken-Haarpracht und kurzem Vollbart, gekleidet mit einem Art weiten Kaftan selbst wie ein Orientale oder Inder aussah aber breites Rheinhessisch sprach. Mutmaßlich von früher Kindheit an. An die anderen Mitbewohner und Betreiber des Teehauses habe ich nur schemenhafte Erinnerungen. Eine Frau, die dort wohnte, war wohl mit dem früh verstorbenen Keyboarder der XHOL liiert gewesen. Auch erinnere ich mich vage an ein kleines Kind, dass hin und wieder zwischen den Gästen herumlief. Er oder Sie muss wohl heute Mitte 50 sein. Ich frage mich als alter „APO-Opa“ manchmal: Was müssen diese Kinder in WGs, Kommunen, Kinderläden usw. in dieser wilden Zeit so alles erlebt haben? Wie haben sie diese Eindrücke verarbeitet?
Es gab in dem neuen Szene-Treff keine hochbeinigen Tische und Stühle. Mann und Frau saßen auf dem Boden. Auf Sitzkissen, wie man sie auch heute noch in sogenannten 3. Weltläden angeboten bekommt. Vorher hat jeder wahrscheinlich die Schuhe ausgezogen. Der Tee wurde meiner Erinnerung nach auf einfachen niedrigen Holzkisten serviert. Einige Szeneleute mit entsprechenden transzendentalen Weihen saßen natürlich im Yoga-Schneidersitz auf dem Teppichboden. Dazu im Hintergrund dezent die Sitar-Musik von Ravi Shankar.
Kein Alkohol, ein cooler wortkarger in sich gekehrter Wirt. Kommt da nicht Langeweile auf? Der Zeitreisende wird überrascht sein: Es waren die Gäste, die Stimmung in den Teehaus-Aschram brachten. Überall standen in allen Größen Bongos und Trommeln herum. Auch eine Gitarre lehnte an der Wand oder wurde mitgebracht. Einige der Gäste gingen auf das Konservatorium oder bereiteten sich darauf vor. In Null Komma nix war die schönste Session in Gang. Auch der Wirt trommelte mit. Manche trommelten sich regelrecht in Trance, andere griffen munter in die Seiten. Ich erinnere mich lebhaft daran, wie eine junge Frau Georges Harrison gerade erschienenes Lied ��My sweet Lord“ zum Besten gab. Auch ein später in der Wiesbadener Musikszene erfolgreicher Gitarrist fand hier im Teehaus seine ersten Zuhörer. Ein anderer regelmäßiger Teehausgast betreibt heute eine Musikschule in den neuen Bundesländern. Auch bei ihm wird fleißig getrommelt.
Dass nicht nur die Musik „anturnte“ war ein offenes Geheimnis. Offen waren auch die Einblicke in das unorthodoxe Lokal. Mann saß wie auf einem Präsentierteller. Die Geisbergstraße führt in eine noble Wohngegend und so mancher, der von der Straße aus einen Blick in die Runde der bärtigen, langhaarigen Gestalten warf, konnte sich so seinen Reim machen. Obwohl mir die Zeit des Teehauses stets lang vorkam, kann sie nicht lang gewesen sein. Das Teehaus in der unteren Geisbergstraße hat möglicherweise nur ein dreiviertel Jahr existiert. Dann musste es schließen. Die Gründe für die erste Schließung sind mir nicht bekannt. Es machte 100 Meter entfernt, in der oberen Geisbergstraße, in einer alten Villa wieder auf. Diskret verborgen, möglicherweise als „Club“ – man musste klingeln - idyllisch umgeben von einem Garten. Geradezu paradiesisch. Doch wie jeder weiß, endet ein Aufenthalt im Paradies regelmäßig mit Vertreibung. Auch dieses Teehaus II war nicht von langer Dauer. Im Dichterviertel. Entweder Kleiststraße oder Hebbelstraße war die Odyssee dann beendet. Endgültig. Teehaus III, dass in dieser Zeit vor allen von Schülern besucht wurde – Gutenberggymnasium lag um die Ecke – hat wahrscheinlich Anfang 1973 endgültig seine Türen geschlossen…
Hiermit ist meine Zeitreise mal wieder beendet. Die Errichtung des Teehaus in der Landeshauptstadt war eine Pioniertat und Pioniere müssen sich nicht mit späteren erfolgreichen Projekten, Trends und Geschäftsmodellen messen. Als die Bhagwan in der Schwalbacher Straße im Wartburg-Gebäude ihren großen Aschram eröffneten und woke Jurastudenten der Transzendentalen Meditation huldigten, die ersten Teeläden eröffneten und zu deutschlandweiten Ketten mit Millionenumsatz wuchsen, war das Wiesbadener Teehaus längst vergessen, nicht einmal Geschichte. Es wurde Zeit, dass sie endlich mal einer erzählt, diese Geschichte, auch wenn sie heute, wie eine Legende oder ein Märchen klingt. Ich schwöre bei meinem grauen Rauschebart: Sie ist hundert Prozent wahr.
#meinungsfreiheit#teehaus#70ziger Jahre#zeitreise#Klampfen#Kiffer#Bongos Wiesbadener Szene#Indien#Wiesbaden
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Após sucesso e recorde em 2023, evento em Tucuruí (PA) chega com força como um dos maiores do circuito mundial na categoria BT 400 entre os dias 6 e 9 de junho Depois de fazer sucesso com o evento inaugural em 2023, o Amazônia Open foi confirmado para a nova temporada, entre os dias 6 e 9 de junho e pela primeira vez a Região Norte do Brasil terá uma competição com a chancela da Federação Internacional de Tênis - que rege o circuito mundial de Beach Tennis. O evento volta a ser realizado em Tucuruí (PA) e dá como um dos mais importantes da turnê, da categoria BT 400. "Estamos muito felizes com essa concessão da data pela ITF. É uma vitória para toda a Região Norte. Em 2023 fizemos história batendo o recorde de audiência com mais de 13 mil pessoas acompanhando simultaneamente pelo canal PlayBT. Tivemos os melhores do mundo aqui e agora em junho não será diferente, vamos buscar fazer ainda melhor", declarou Luan Constantini, um dos organizadores. "É motivo de muita felicidade estar recebendo um evento de tamanha importância. Já recebemos outros eventos como o Amazônia Open de 2023 que foi sucesso total com atletas do mundo inteiro, repetindo as finais do Campeonato Mundial em Cesenatico na Itália. Tucuruí ser escolhida como a sede de um evento tão importante para 2024 vai fomentar o turismo na região e colocar a cidade dentro dos centros turísticos do Brasil. Queria agradecer a Deus, ao Luan Constantini, e a todos que fazem possível um momento desse", disse o Prefeito Municipal de Tucuruí, Alexandre Siqueira. "É um prêmio para o esporte no Pará e toda Região. Agradecemos o apoio de Rafael Westrupp, presidente da CBT, que entendeu a importância da competição não só localmente, mas para todo o Brasil e também de todas as federações da Região Norte que se uniram conosco para trazer a chance internacional para o Amazônia Open", declarou Roberto Kataoka, presidente da Federação Paraense de Tênis. O evento terá não só a categoria profissional, mas também categorias amadoras. As inscrições para ambas serão abertas em breve, dos profissionais pelo site da ITF e dos amadores pelo Tênis Integrado. O Amazônia Open tem a parceria com a Prefeitura Municipal de Tucuruí e conta com os apoios da Federação Paraense de Tênis e conta com as chancelas da Confederação Brasileira de Tênis e da Federação Internacional de Tênis,
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Posto de saúde estende horário para atender homens que trabalham durante o dia em Araquari
É um trabalho convencer um homem a ir em uma consulta médica, o medo aliado a carga horária de trabalho afasta eles dos consultórios. Para conscientizar esse público a realizar exames preventivos de câncer de próstata, as Unidades Básicas de Saúde de Araquari apostam em uma programação especial no mês de Novembro. A UBS Geny Westrupp (Itinga) vai abrir as portas das 17h às 20h para atendimento…
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Joseph Westrupp -- Black Erosion
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makorokoto ... rugare ... wapenga nayo bonus ... ndakatadzeiko ... sara tasangana - the four brothers (makorokoto)
the transit of venus across the sun ... wassail ... winkie - big big train (folklore)
illusion I ... karlchen ... englischer walzer ... nimm doch einen joint mein freund - witthuser & westrupp (trips & traume)
electronic news ... intergalactic radio guri broadcasting ... raumschiff galaxy gleitet im sonnenwind ... interstellar rock: kosmische musik .... raumschiff galaxy saust in die lichtbahnen ... der planet des sternenmadchens - the cosmic jokers (planeten sit-in)
#the four brothers#big big train#witthuser & westrupp#the cosmic jokers#Klaus Schulze#manuel gottsching
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"Trips + Traume" by Witthüser and Westrupp [1971]
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Merry Christmas ya filthy animals... ❤️The Westrupps... #christmas2017 #metoo #badsanta #micahkaiwestrupp #zellagracewestrupp #westrupp
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Walter Wegmüller – Tarot #DieKosmischenKuriere #Ohr 1973 🇩🇪 Germany Composed By – Harald Grosskopf, Hartmut Enke, Jerry Berkers (tracks: A1 to C3, C5 to D5), Jürgen Dollase, Klaus Quadro Schulze, Manuel Göttsching, Walter Westrupp Design [Designed By] – #PeterGeitner Guest [Guests] – #DieterDierks, #RosiMüller Lyrics By – Klaus Quadro Schulze (tracks: B4), Walter Wegmüller (tracks: A1 to B3, B5 to C3, C5 to D5), Walter Westrupp (tracks: C4) Lyrics By, Composed By – #BerndWitthüser (tracks: C4) Performer – #HaraldGrosskopf, #HartmutEnke, #JerryBerkers, #JürgenDollase, Klaus Quadro Schulze (#KlausSchulze), #ManuelGöttsching, #WalterWegmüller, #WalterWestrupp Photography By [Photo Walter Wegmüller By] – #AndreasHilty Photography By [Photographed By] – #MarcelFugère Producer [Production By] – Gille Lettmann, Rolf-Ulrich Kaiser Recorded By – Dieter Dierks https://www.instagram.com/p/CKzqjugMUK0/?igshid=10gn3h86pl1rr
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Araquari inicia a vacinação contra a Influenza
A Secretaria da Saúde da Prefeitura de Araquari iniciou hoje a distribuição das vacinas contra a Influenza, nas unidades de saúde do município. A vacinação ocorre nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde do Geny Westrupp, Nicanor Corrente, João Antônio Ignácio, Rosalina Modesta da Costa, Maria de Fátima Silvano e Joaquim Monteiro Cabral. “É uma vacina que protege contra três tipos de gripe. Quanto mais…
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Cuộc sống ở nơi khí hậu nguy cấp bậc nhất thế giới
Chủ Nhật, 05/07/2020 lúc 20:59
Nằm gần Bắc Cực, đảo quốc Greenland là điểm đến bạn có cơ hội chứng kiến những hiện tượng biến đổi khí hậu báo động như băng tan, nước biển ấm dần lên…
Thành phố Ilulissat nằm bên bờ biển phía tây Greenland, cách phía bắc vòng Bắc Cực hơn 350 km tính từ vịnh Disko. Nhà thờ Zion ở đây được xây dựng vào cuối thế kỷ 18. Đây là công trình nhân tạo lớn nhất nước này vào thời điểm đó.
Bến cảng Ilulissa là điểm đến nổi tiếng của những con tàu du lịch. Geraldine Westrupp, người sáng lập và tổ chức các hành trình du lịch quy mô nhỏ tại đây cho biết ông đang bỏ các chuyến tàu khởi hành mùa thu và chỉ chạy vào mùa đông (khi các tàu du lịch ngừng hoạt động) nhằm tìm kiếm sự yên tĩnh, tránh đám đông hành khách ghé qua thành phố.
Hai người phụ nữ trẻ địa phương vừa rời khỏi một thị trấn ở Ilulissat.
Người đàn ông đang sấy cá tuyết ở bến cảng Ilulissat. Cá muối và cá khô là 2 thực phẩm phổ biến khắp Greenland. Ilulissat là nơi sinh sống của 4.600 người và 3.500 con chó kéo xe. Vào năm 1741, thành phố mới đầu được xây dựng với vai trò như một khu vực giao thương, là vùng đất lớn thứ 3 ở Greenland sau thủ đô Nuuk và Sisimiut.
Người dân Greenland đang sống ở nơi có tình trạng khí hậu báo động hàng đầu thế giới với những tảng băng đang tan dần và nước biển ấm lên. Tới đây, bạn có thể bắt gặp những tảng băng trôi khổng lồ trong vịnh hẹp băng Ilulissat.
Từ Ilulissat, những chiếc thuyền đánh cá ra biển hoặc vào vịnh Disko lân cận để bắt cá tuyết, cá hồi biển và cá bơn.
Điểm đến này cũng có khách sạn phục vụ khách du lịch. Bạn có thể lựa chọn lưu trú tại nhà khách Nordlys, nơi được điều hành bởi cựu thị trưởng Ilulissat.
Để di chuyển trên dòng nước đóng băng, du khách có thể sử dụng máy phá băng hoặc một chiếc thuyền máy nhỏ.
Chiêm ngưỡng cực quang là một trong những trải nghiệm du khách không nên bỏ qua khi tới xứ băng đảo. Bầu trời tựa những tấm rèm màu xanh lá cây và đỏ rực di chuyển liên tục. Giữa nhiệt độ ban đêm âm 15 độ C, bạn dường như hoàn toàn quên đi cái lạnh để chiêm ngưỡng và ghi lại hiên tượng ngoạn mục này.
Cano, phương tiện dùng để câu cá vào mùa hè, sẽ được treo ngược để giữ khô ráo suốt mùa đông.
Trẻ em trượt tuyết trên các mảnh bìa cứng được tìm thấy ở phía sau của một cửa hàng tạp hóa.
Anh TúTheo Guardian
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Bài viết Cuộc sống ở nơi khí hậu nguy cấp bậc nhất thế giới đã xuất hiện đầu tiên vào ngày Zuyt.
from Zuyt https://zuyt.com/kham-pha/cuoc-song-o-noi-khi-hau-nguy-cap-bac-nhat-the-gioi/
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Thanks to DC3 crew Martin and Alex of Florida Air Cargo, Surrey Westrupp who saved this operation by borrowing a forklift, Kevin Godowski on driver duty, and the volunteers who helped PUSH 2106 lbs of water to the front of the plane, and get supplies on the tarmac.. 7009 lbs on the 6900 load. In addition to 2106 lbs of water, we got approx 2500 lbs of food, 500 lbs of baby and adult products, 1000lbs of personal hygiene and first aid, and misc items like trash bags, toilet paper, towels, buckets, batteries, hand trucks and a pallet jack. Thanks again to James Cameron and his guardian angel for making this mission happen. We are grateful. #bahamasrelief #CMSrelief #give5 (at Atlantic Aviation West Palm Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2l-MvRDAl6/?igshid=o747yp1ru391
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(The Audio Tourist)
The Audio Tourist 008 072117 – FEEBLE MIND BENDER
Afro Cat – Richard Sanders
Hello Good Morning ……
Riding High – Faze O
Part 01 – Mix – Feeble Mind Bender
Lasst Uns Auf Die Reise Gehen - Witthuser & Westrupp
Don’t Disguise the Way You Feel - Donnie and Joe Emerson
Mug Museum - Cate Le Bon
Charley’s Girl – Lou Reed
No I Won’t – Evans Pyramid
You Can be A Star – Luther Davis Group Sweetest Thing in the World – Turner Brothers Pig Foot – Patrick Cowley
Melo Dos Dois Biscudos – Azymuth Yama Yama – Yamasuki
En Melody – Serge Gainsbourg L’espace D’une Fille – Jacues Dutronc Nordeste Oriental - Lulu Cortes Fuga no. 11 - Os Mutantes I Remember – Scott Seskind Aquarium - Fabio Fabor Driving with Linda - Deep Throat Soundtrack Nothing - Pop Corn Makers Funky Monkey Instrumental – La Nouvelle Frontiere Cleanly and Plump - Galt MacDermot
The Slide - Tall Dwarfs
Just As You Are – Robert Wyatt and Alfreda Benge
Instrumentals Vol. 1 – Arthur Russell
Afraid – Nico
Part 02 – Interview with FMB
Part 03 – Grooves
All Over My Face – Loose Joints
Hey Man, what’s that record? The one from Boogie Nights?
Flying Objects – American Production Music
Note: Interview with my main man, Matt aka Feeble Mind Bender. We talk rare music gems. It’s deep. Listen, enjoy, research and learn. We finish off the episode with 2 big jams.
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