#west augusta va
jasonbakercpi · 2 years
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weirdesplinder · 4 years
I romance che rileggo più spesso
Per prima cosa intendo chiarire che quelli che elenco in questo post non sono i miei romance preferiti in assoluto (alcuni sì, ma non tutti), ma bensì quelli che amo rileggere spesso. E per me, le caratteristiche che rendono un libro rileggibile a poca distanza di tempo dall’ultima volta che l’ho letto sono la leggerezza, brevità, e l’ironia che lo permeano.
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Un amore inaspettato
TItolo originale: The famouse heroine
Mary Balogh
Link: https://amzn.to/2XTLoXn
L'aver salvato la vita al figlioletto di un duca cambia il destino della bella Cora Downes. La giovane viene infatti introdotta in quegli ambienti aristocratici di cui, come figlia di un semplice mercante, avrebbe solo potuto sognare. Il problema è che dove va lei i guai la seguono e anche se il suo altruismo e sprezzo del pericolo la rendono una beniamina del Ton, un passo falso e una risata di troppo la metteranno in una situazione compromettente con l’ultima persona al mondo a cui avrebbe voluto creare problemi.
La mia opinione: semplice, carino e divertente. Una lettura non impegnativa e veloce in grado di risollvarti la giornata se sei giù di corda, con un poco di romanticismo
Il segreto di Miranda
Titolo originale: The Secret Diaries of Miss Miranda Cheever
Julia Quinn
Link: https://amzn.to/3nYYygv
Londra, epoca vittoriana. Miranda Cheever si è innamorata del fratello maggiore della sua migliore amica a nove anni e non ha mai smesso di amarlo. Lui non l’ha mai notata, e un matrimonio sbagliato lo ha reso freddo e cinico. Eppure solo ora si accorge di lei
La mia opinione:  romanzo veramente dolcissimo e struggente, che con il suo amore non corrisposto mi spezza il cuore ogni volta  e poi lo ricostruisce con il lieto fine, fortunatamente. Quando rileggo questo libro di solito dopo rileggo anche il suo seguito intitolato Quella volta a Londra che vede protagonista la migliore amica di Miranda, e che è molto meno struggende, ma molto carino e ironico.
A Sir Philip con amore
Titolo originale: To Sir Philip with love
Julia Quinn
Trama: Eloise Bridgerton ha ormai ventotto anni compiuti ed è ancora senza marito. A spezzare il grigiore delle sue giornate arrivano le lettere di sir Phillip Crane, un botanico rimasto vedovo con due gemelli da crescere.
Dopo un anno di corrispondenza lui le chiede di sposarlo, ma quando finalmente si incontrano, Eloise scopre che Phillip, più che una compagna, cerca una madre per i suoi figli. Riuscirà il suo amore a fare breccia nel cuore apparentemente insensibile di Phillip?
La mia opinione: mi piace rileggere molti dei romanzi della serie Bridgerton, in particolare il secondo, il quarto, il settimo, ma probabilmente quello che rileggo più spesso è il quinto, questo. Eloise a volte come personaggio è troppo, lo ammetto, ma mi fa sempre ridere tanto.
Courting Miss Hattie
Pamela Morsi
Inedito in italiano
Link: https://amzn.to/2LDXku1
Trama: 1800. America. Hattie ha ormai più di trenta anni, e non ha mai avuto un corteggiatore. Non è bella ma ha della terra sua e finalmente uno spasimante si fa avanti. Non è bello, è vedovo e non è simpatico, ma è sempre meglio che rimanere zitella. Hattie accetta il corteggiamento e pensa proprio di sposarlo…..ma non sa che qualcuno è molto geloso delle sue attenzioni.
La mia opinione:  Un bellissimo libro. I due protagonisti, amici da anni, solo grazie ad un terzo incomodo scoprono di amarsi. Lei è bruttina, lui è bello e più giovane di lei, ma innamoratto cotto di lei. Tra scazzottate, raccolti, lavoro duro, equivoci e risate, il libro scorre via che è un piacere.Courting Miss Hettie Pamela Morsi
Titolo: The Brides of Praire gold
Maggie Osborne
Inedito in italiano
Trama: Cody Snow non sa cosa l’abbia spinto ad accettare l’incarico di guidare una carovana di dodici spose per corrispondenza dal Missouri fino a Clampet Falls, Oregon, ma già prima di partire si è pentito di averlo fatto. Non solo dovrà sorbirsi le loro innumerevoli lamentele e proteggerle dai pericoli del viaggio, ma dovrà anche combattere contro l’attrazione che prova verso una di loro, Perrin Waverly, poiché lei è promessa ad un altro, e lui ha giurato a se stesso dopo la morte della moglie, che non si sarebbe mai più sposato.
La mia opinione: Il mio libro preferito di questa autrice al momento. Non li ho ancora letti tutti, ma sarà sicuramente ai primi posti, poiché mi è piaciuto un sacco, nonostante sia piuttosto corale. Che dire. Mi è piaciuto talmente tanto che ora sto leggendo tutti i romance che riesco a trovare con protagoniste spose per corrispondenza. Nel vecchio west vista la mancanza di donne alla frontiera e nei nuovi territori appena colonizzati, era usanza che gli uomini mettessero annunci sui giornali cercando moglie, e le donne, spinte dalle più varie ragioni potevano rispondere all’annuncio via lettera. Ne conseguiva una corrispondenza che spesso si concludeva con l’uomo che pagava il viaggio alla donna che lo raggiungeva e i due, pur non essendosi mai visti, si sposavano.Ora, di solito, se una donna rispondeva ad un tale annuncio era perché aveva dei problemi a trovare marito in altro modo o non aveva altro modo di mantenersi.In questo libro le dodici donne della carovana hanno avuto diversi motivi per decidere di affrontare un viaggio così duro e pericoloso: Perrin è vedova, non può mantenersi da sola e non vuole rimanere nel suo paesino dove la sua reputazione è a pezzi a causa di un suo errore di giudizio dovuto però alle sue circostanze. Le pesa andare a sposarsi lontano, non per il viaggio, ma per il fatto che gli uomini l’hanno sempre sfruttata o delusa e non crede che la cosa sarà diversa stavolta. Mem invece è una donna troppo indipendente, troppo alta e schietta per trovare marito nel suo paesino, e ha sempre sognato di vivere un’avventura, desidera ardentemente questo viaggio, e le spiace un poco che sua sorella, che dipende un po’ troppo da lei, abbia deciso di seguirla perché è rimasta vedova da poco. Hilda è una maestra troppo brutta per trovare marito in altro modo e abbastanza piena di coraggio tedesco per tirarsi indietro davanti a questa sfida. Sarah, vedova di un ufficiale, ha viaggiato al suo fianco per il mondo e sa cosa aspettarsi da questo viaggio, troppo avanti con gli anni, ormai trentenne se vuole marito deve andarselo a trovare e non ha certo remore a farlo. Augusta dopo gli sbagliati investimenti del padre e il suo suicidio non possiede più nulla al mondo se non l'orgoglio di quella che una volta era la famiglia più ricca della città e odia l'idea di questo viaggio, ma non ha altra scelta. Jane, figlia di un pastore si unisca alla carovana per non viaggiare sola verso il suo promesso sposo che conosce già bene e che l'aspetta. Alice è in fuga sotto falso nome da un marito troppo manesco. Thea, una dotata disegnatrice, timida e riservata, spera in un nuovo inizio. Cora, una povera serva illetterata non ha altre prospettive. Winnie è assuefatta all'oppio e i genitori sperano che allontanarla dal paese potrà aiutarla, mentre Ona nasconde un segreto ancora più oscuro.Il viaggio viene descritto non con troppi tediosi particolari, ma con la giusta accuratezza. Le difficoltà grandi e piccole, i problemi su come e dove occuparsi dei propri bisogni, la polvere, la sporcizia, la stanchezza la malattia, eppure è tutto parte di uno sfondo pittoresco e verosimile a una storia romantica e avvincente. In particolare, oltre alla storia principale tra Perrin e Cody. Assistiamo al triangolo amoroso tra Webb, la guida indiana della carovana (che in realtà è solo per metà indiano ed è unico erede maschio di Lord Albany, Un ricco Duca inglese), Augusta bellissima, ma arrogante e razzista, e Mem, non bella, ma atletica, dolce coraggiosa e sopra ogni cosa amichevole, leale e curiosa. Webb all'inizio è attratto dall'incredibile bellezza di Augusta, ma quando lei lo respinge perché mezzo indiano, per fortuna si accorgerà di Mem…..Ora queste poche parole non vi rendono l'idea della loro storia che è davvero molto dolce ed è la parte del libro che ho amato di più, ma fidatevi se vi dico che vale veramente davvero la pena di leggere questo romanzo. Poiché oltre a tutto ciò che vi ho già detto contiene anche un mistero da risolvere……
The river knows
Amanda Quick
Inedito in italiano
Link: https://amzn.to/3iDzL0t
Trama: tre donne che si suicidano gettandosi nel fiume nella stessa settimana., non può trattarsi di una coincidenza, anche se sembra essere così.
Anthony Stalbridge , il promesso sposo di una della vittime però non crede alle coincidenze ed inizia ad indagare sull'accaduto, è convinto che qualcuno abbia ucciso la sua fidanzata e sospetta di una persona in particolare,Elwin Hastings, ciò che gli manca però è una prova. Così decide di introdursi nella sua casa per trovarla. Lì incontra un'atra persona che sta a sua volta perlustrando la camera da letto, una donna: Louisa Bryce, che cerca prove di altro tipo riguardanti i loschi traffici di Lord Hasting, per un articolo giornalistico.
I due uniscono le loro forse per indagare a fondo su Hastings, scoperchiando segreti molto più oscuri di quelli che cercavano e scoprendosi pericolosamente attratti l'uno dall'altra. Louisa ha molto da nascondere al suo nuovo collaboratore, eppure è proprio il suo passato che fornirà loro la chiave per risolvere il mistero. Infatti lei sa bene come un finto suicidio sia un ottimo metodo per scomparire, e dei tre corpi delle donne suicide, solo uno è stato ritrovato…..
La mia opinione: rileggo spesso i romanzi di Amanda Quick in generale, perchè io la doro, ma al momento uno dei mei èpreferiti è questo perchè presenta un impianto giallo molto ben fatto.
Titolo: Summer Breeze
Autore: Catherine Anderson
Inedito in italiano
Trama: 1889. Rachel Hollister non ha messo piede fuori di casa, un ranch in mezzo alle prateria, da ben 5 anni. Vive tra l'altro non nell'intera casa ma solo in una stanza e mezza e tiene barricato tutto il resto. Il terrore l'attanaglia al solo pensiero di uscire. Ma non è sempre stasta così, tutto ebbe inizio cinque anni prima quando tutti i suoi famigliari durante un pic nic furono uccisi a colpi di pistola da un misterioso omicida posto su un rilievo. Una ad uno caddero davanti ai suoi occhi ma la pallottola destinata a lei si limitò a sfiorarla e farla svenire. Il colpevole dovette crederla morta e Rachel sopravvisse, ma da allora non è più uscita di casa. Sopravvive grazie ad un anziano ranchero che lavorava con i suoi e che le porta cibo e vende i suoi dolci, tramite una fessura tra le assi che barrano le porte. Poi però un giorno lui non viene al loro solito appuntamente asettimanale. E’ stato ferito e al suo posto si presenta il giovane ranchero , un forestiero, che lo ha trovato e curato. Rachel dovrà superare le sue paure e fidarsi di lui se viole sopravvivere….. anche perchè chi ha ucciso la sua famiglia la tiene d'occhio e aspetta solo che lei esca per finire la partita.
La mia opinione: un romanzo interessante, diverso dal solito (l’agorafobia nei romance non è molto diffusa) ,romantico ma anche pieno d'azione e introspezione, molto intimo con i due nostri eroi chiusi in casa all'oscuro di chi voglia uccidere Rachel. Conntiene sia la tensione dei classici gialli in ambiente chiuso, e il romanticismo dei romanzi d'amore nonchè una delle più belle lettere d’amore che sia mai stata scritta. Provare per credere.
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brandyradio-blog · 4 years
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#BABYMAMA RADIO REQUEST: We listed all the URBAN and URBAN AC radios, so you can find yours favorite GOOGLE their phone and REQUEST at least ONCE a day. We also added RHYTMIC formats, every airplay is good airplay
RHYTHMIC (103 stations) 000. The Heat (Satellite) 001. Hot 97 (New York, NY 10001) 001. 103.5 KTU (New York, 10001) 002. Power 106 (Los Angeles, CA 90009) 003. B96 (Chicago, IL 60606) 004. 106 KMEL (San Francisco, CA 94111) 004. WiLD 94.9 (San Francisco, CA 94111) 005. 97.9 The Beat (Dallas, TX 75252) 006. 97.9 The Box (Houston, TX 77077) 008. Wired 96.5 (Philadelphia, PA 19119) 009. 95.5 PGC (Washington, DC 20002) 010. Jam’n 94.5 (Boston, MA 02120) 012. Power 96 (Miami, FL 33133) 013. KUBE 93 (Seattle, WA 98198) 015. 101.5 Jamz (Phoenix, AZ 85085) 015. Power 98.3 (Phoenix, AZ 85085) 016. 107.5 The Eagle (Minneapolis, MN 55455) 017. Z90 (San Diego, CA 92129) 018. Party FM (Long Island, NY 11551) 019. WiLD 94.1 (Tampa, FL 33633) 020. KS107.5 (Denver, CO 80208) 022. Z104.3 (Baltimore, MD 21212) 023. Z100 (Portland, OR 97272) 024. KISS 95.1 (Charlotte, NC 28282) 024. 96.1 The Beat (Charlotte, NC 28282) 026. 99.1 KGGI (Riverside, CA 92522) 027. Hot 103.5 (Sacramento, CA 94249) 027. 102.5 KSFM (Sacramento, CA 94249) 029. 96.5 KISS FM (Cleveland, OH 44144) 030. U92 (Salt Lake City, UT 84148) 031. 98.5 The Beat (San Antonio, TX 78287) 033. Hot 97.5 (Las Vegas, NV 89193) 033. 98.5 KLUC (Las Vegas, NV 89193) 034. 102 Jamz (Orlando, FL 32828) 034. Power 95.3 (Orlando, FL 32828) 036. Power 107.5 (Columbus, OH 43234) 038. 102.3 The Beat (Austin, TX 78778) 039. Hot 96.3 (Indianapolis, IN 46202) 041. Hot 106 (Providence, RI 02902) 043. Z104 (Norfolk, VA 23523) 044. 102.5 The Party (Nashville, TN 37237) 045. 102 Jamz (Greensboro, NC 27427) 047. X102.3 (West Palm Beach, FL 33422) 048. WiLD 104.9 (Oklahoma City, OK 73137) 049. Hot 107.1 (Memphis, TN 38138) 050. Hot 93.7 (Hartford, CT 06160) 052. Power 102.9 (New Orleans, LA 70123) 057. 95.7 Jamz (Birmingham, AL 35253) 058. Hot 98.1 (Greenville, SC 29698) 059. WiLD 104 (McAllen, TX 78505) 060. Hot 98.3 (Tucson, AZ 85757) 061. Hot 102.9 (Dayton, OH 45454) 062. 105.5 The Beat (Ft. Myers, FL 33911) 063. Jamz 96.3 (Albany, NY 12222) 064. Hot 93.9 (Honolulu, HI 96834) 064. 102.7 Da Bomb (Honolulu, HI 96834) 064. Power 104.3 (Honolulu, HI 96834) 065. 92.1 The Beat (Tulsa, OK 74147) 066. B95 (Fresno, CA 93737) 066. Q97 (Fresno, CA 93737) 068. Power 106 (Albuquerque, NM 87187) 068. KISS 97.3 (Albuquerque, NM 87187) 071. Hot 104.5 (Knoxville, TN 37997) 072. Power 106.9 (Omaha, NE 68181) 074. Power 102 (El Paso, TX 79997) 074. 104.3 Hit FM (El Paso, TX 79997) 075. Hot 94.1 (Bakersfield, CA 93383) 080. 102.5 K-Don (Monterey, CA 93944) 081. Magic 101.3 (Gainesville, FL 32627) 082. 97.7 K-WIN (Stockton, CA 95201) 098. Power 93.9 (Wichita, KS 67276) 099. 93.1 Jamz (Madison, WI 53777) 100. WiLD 101.1 (Boise, ID 83733) 102. Jammin’ 92.3 (Johnson City, TN 37615) 103. Hot 102 (Lexington, KY 40504) 105. Hot 107.9 (Lafayette, LA 70507) 107. Hot 103.5 (Huntsville, AL 38595) 108. WiLD 96.3 (Ft. Wayne, IN 46825) 108. Hot 107.9 (Ft. Wayne, IN 46825) 111. Hot 104.7 (Modesto, CA 95353) 113. Jammin’ JJS (Roanoke, VA 24042) 118. Q104.7 (Ventura, CA 93003) 118. 103.3 The Vibe (Ventura, CA 93003) 128. Club 93.7 (Flint, MI 90057) 129. U92.7 (Palm Springs, CA 92292) 137. Hot Z95 (Corpus Christi, TX 78478) 141. 99.3 Kiss FM (Atlantic City, NJ 08404) 142. OC104 (Salisbury, MD 21802) 145. The Blaze 102.7 (Tyler, TX 75707) 150. Power 92.3 (Peoria, IL 61616) 165. 96.1 Kiss FM (Poughkeepsie, NY 12602) 166. WiLD 96.7 (Hagerstown, MD 21747) 170. WiLD 106.1 (San Luis Obispo, CA 93412) 173. K-Fat 92.9 (Anchorage, AK 99599) 175. 102.7 The Vibe (Ft. Smith, AR 72919) 177. Jammin’ 107.7 (New London, CT 06320) 180. 104.9 The Beat (Lubbock, TX 79493) 182. B93 (Odessa, TX 79769) 185. 98.7 The Beat (Charleston, WV 25325) 187. Fly 92.1 (Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32549) 192. 93.1 The Beat (Amarillo, TX 79119) 193. Power 99.1 (Kennewick, WA 99336) 204. Hot 99.7 (Yakima, WA 98909) 206. Hot 106.1 (Laredo, TX 78040) 209. 95.7 The Beat (Santa Maria, CA 93456) 217. Hot 105.5 (Champaign, IL 61822) 232. Hot 97.9 (Lake Charles, LA 70607) 245. Q106.1 (Columbia, MO 65202)
URBAN 126. Jamz 101.9 (Youngstown, OH 44599) 127. Foxy 99 (Fayetteville, NC 28303) 127. Soul 104.5 (Fayetteville, NC 28303) 133. 103.7 The Beat (Shreveport, LA 71166) 133. 99.7 KMJJ (Shreveport, LA 71166) 137. 102.9 Da Bomb (Corpus Christi, TX 78478) 138. Magic 102.5 (Beaumont, TX 77707) 151. Z92.3 (Killeen, TX 76543) 154. 97.9 Jamz (Montgomery, AL 36116) 154. Hot 105.7 (Montgomery, AL 36116) 155. JZ94.5 (Biloxi, MS 39535) 156. Blazin’ 92.3 (Macon, GA 31213) 156. Power 107.1 (Macon, GA 31213) 156. 97.9 WIBB (Macon, GA 31213) 158. 94.1 The Beat (Savannah, GA 31414) 158. E93 (Savannah, GA 31414) 161. Blazin’ 102.3 (Tallahassee, FL 32303) 162. Coast 97.3 (Wilmington, NC 28404) 189. Foxie 105 (Columbus, GA 31999) 189. 98.3 The Beat (Columbus, GA 31999) 190. Power 92 Jamz (Tupelo, MS 38803) 191. Blazin’ 92.1 (Dothan, AL 36303) 218. WYNN 106.3 (Florence, SC 29505) 223. WiLD 106.3 (Laurel, MS 39443) 225. 98.7 Kiss FM (Alexandria, LA 71303) 225. B102 Jamz (Alexandria, LA 71303) 230. 92.7 Kiss FM (Charlottesville, VA 22911) 232. 107 Jamz (Lake Charles, LA 70607) 255. 100.1 KRVV (Monroe, LA 71212) 262. Star 105.3 (Valdosta, GA 31606) 262. Lyx 96 (Valdosta, GA 31606) 263. 96.3 WJIZ (Albany, GA 31707) 268. Power 92.1 Jamz (Columbus, MS 39703) 279. K98 Jamz (Lawton, OK 73505) 289. 105.7 The Beat (Meridian, MS 39303)
URBAN AC (75 stations) 000. Heart & Soul (Satellite) 001. 107.5 WBLS (New York, NY 10001) 001. 98.7 Kiss FM (New York, NY 10001) 002. 102.3 KJLH (Los Angeles, CA 90009) 003. Soul 106.3 (Chicago, IL 60606) 003. V103 (Chicago, IL 60606) 004. 102.9 KBLX (San Francisco, CA 94111) 005. Smooth R&B 105.7 (Dallas, TX 75252) 005. 94.5 K-Soul (Dallas, TX 75252) 006. Magic 102.1 (Houston, TX 77077) 007. Majic 107.5 (Atlanta, GA 30303) 008. WDAS 105.3 FM (Philadelphia, PA 19119) 009. 96.3 WHUR (Washington, DC 20002) 009. My Majic 102.3 (Washington, DC 20002) 011. 105.9 Kiss FM (Detroit, MI 48260) 011. 107.5 WGPR (Detroit, MI 48260) 011. Mix 92.3 (Detroit, MI 48260) 012. Hot 105FM (Miami, FL 33133) 021. Majic 104.9 (St. Louis, MO 63136) 021. Foxy 95.5 (St. Louis, MO 63136) 022. Magic 95.9 (Baltimore, MD 21212) 024. V101.9 (Charlotte, NC 28282) 024. My 92.7 (Charlotte, NC 28282) 029. 93.1 WZAK (Cleveland, OH 44144) 032. Majic 107.3 (Kansas City, MO 64146) 034. Star 94.5 (Orlando, FL 32828) 036. Magic 98.9 (Columbus, OH 43234) 037. Jammin’ 98.3 (Milwaukee, MN 53235) 039. 106.7 WTLC (Indianapolis, IN 46202) 042. Foxy 107 (Raleigh, NC 27676) 043. 105.3 Kiss FM (Norfolk, VA 23523) 043. 95.7 RNB (Norfolk, VA 23523) 044. 92Q (Nashville, TN 37237) 045. 97.1 WQMG (Greensboro, NC 27427) 046. V101.5 (Jacksonville, FL 32223) 047. B106.3 (West Palm Beach, FL 33422) 049. V101.1 (Memphis, TN 38138) 052. Power 102.9 (New Orleans, LA 70123) 052. WYLD FM 98 (New Orleans, LA 70123) 054. Magic 101.3 (Louisville, KY 40204) 055. 105.7 Kiss FM (Richmond, VA 23232) 057. 98.7 Kiss FM (Birmingham, AL 35253) 057. Hot 107.7 (Birmingham, AL 35253) 058. 107.3 Jamz (Greenville, SC 29698) 061. 92.1 WROU (Dayton, OH 45454) 079. Q106.5 (Baton Rouge, LA 70807) 083. Magic 107.3 (Charleston, SC 29492) 083. Star 99.7 (Charleston, SC 29492) 084. Power 106.9 (Syracuse, NY 13252) 085. KOKY 102.1 FM (Little Rock, AR 72227) 086. 92.3 The Touch (Greenville, NC 27858) 089. 103.1 Kiss FM (Columbia, SC 29292) 089. 101.3 The Big DM (Columbia, SC 29292) 092. Mix 95.7 (Toledo, OH 43656) 095. 98.3 WDLT (Mobile, AL 36663) 096. 104.7 The Flame (Ft. Pierce, FL 34949) 105. Magic 104.7 (Lafayette, LA 70507) 106. Groove 93 (Chattanooga, TN 37424) 107. 94.1 WHRP (Huntsville, AL 38595) 109. Magic 100.9 (Augusta, GA 30903) 109. 96.3 Kiss FM (Augusta, GA 30903) 113. Vibe 100 (Roanoke, VA 24042) 122. Kixie 107 FM (Jackson, MS 39232) 124. Magic 106 (Pensacola, FL 32523) 127. Kiss 107.7 (Fayetteville, NC 28303) 128. Z92.7 (Flint, MI 90057) 133. Hot 102 Jams (Shreveport, LA 71166) 133. Magic 102.9 (Shreveport, LA 71166) 134. Kiss 107.1 (Saginaw, MI 48606) 142. Magic 98.9 (Salisbury, MD 21802) 145. Hot 107.3 Jamz (Tyler, TX 75707) 154. Magic 97 (Montgomery, AL 36116) 156. V101.7 (Macon, GA 31213) 158. Love 101.1 (Savannah, GA 31414) 158. Magic 103.9 (Savannah, GA 31414)
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greenbagjosh · 4 years
10th anniversary visit to New Hampshire and Vermont, Thursday 24 June 2010
Hi everyone,
Sorry not to have written for some time.  I have two stories for today.  The first one I will publish now, and the second one I will publish in about an hour or so.
Hi everyone Today is the tenth anniversary in which I started my road trip of New England.  I was planning also to go to Maine and New Brunswick, to visit family.  I had not been to New England since April 1993 when I went with both my parents and paternal grandparents to Boston and Newport, Rhode Island.  
For the time I would be in New England, I would make a sort of counterclockwise circle between Boston Logan, Concord NH, rural Vermont on I-91, eastern Connecticut, Cape Cod and back to Boston Logan, and then a round trip from Boston North Station / TD Center, to St. Martins NB via Bangor, Maine.  The entire journey took about thirteen days.
First I flew from DFW Airport on United Airlines to Charlotte, NC.  For lunch, I stopped by the Brookwood Farms Carolina Pit.  I remember in April 2005 when I first ate there, that they served a pulled pork sandwich with Carolina barbecue sauce, which is vinegar-based as opposed to tomato-based as is the case with Texas barbecue sauce.  I ordered a sandwich with a side of steak fries and a fried pickle.  At the time, the Chick Fil A that is currently next door, may have been located at a different part of the food court.  Both enjoy about an equal amount of patronage.
After I ate my sandwich, I boarded the connecting flight to Boston Logan.  It was a three hour flight.  I collected my rolling bag and boarded the shuttle bus to the pre-renovated rental car area.  Today it looks much different than it did in 2010, as it is multilevel.  At the car rental place, I was presented with a choice of three cars, one of which was a 2010 Volkswagen Jetta and another was a Prius.  I went with the Prius.  It had a battery for city driving and a gas engine for highway driving.  The speedometer was a digital number display, similar to the one I had in my 2007 Citroen C3 rental from when I visited Portugal.
Once I packed the Prius up, I headed south on I-90 after paying a toll of $2.50 (it may have been more), went under the Boston Main Channel on the Ted Williams Tunnel, changed to the I-93 which was also in tunnel until just north of North Station and Bunker Hill / Charlestown and then headed in spite of the poor traffic conditions, and with a thunderstorm with heavy rain, further north past Reading, Lawrence and Methuen, into Salem, New Hampshire.  I took a short break at the welcome center.  The New Hampshire state flag was flying.  That was the first time I had entered New Hampshire.  
One thing I do not recommend doing in New Hampshire, is to drive without a seat belt.  Although for those 18 years or older, it is not obligatory to wear a seat belt, I personally do not feel it is safe.  And the Prius would constantly complain that my seat belt was not on, so I decided to abandon driving without a seat belt as a result.  If you saw the video of me in Concord, the state capital, you would hear the fasten seat belt chime and know how annoying it is.
After obtaining some free maps and information from the Salem NH welcome center, I went to Londonderry, and in particular Harold Square pizzeria, 226 Rockingham Road, NH route 28, for a snack.  Driving on I-93, the exit signs did not in 2010, correspond necessarily to the distance from the state line to the Canadian border.  The drive from the welcome center to exit 5 took about fifteen minutes.  To Harold Square it took another five minutes.  The place had very good pizza.  I heard that Harold Square had closed down in the last ten years or so, and has since become a Gabi's Smoke Shack, serving barbecue like St. Louis pork ribs, brisket, chicken, catfish, tacos, many more, so I thought it should at least get a mention.  I think it was 6:30 PM when I left for Concord.  It was about a half half hour drive on I-93 even with the toll at Hooksett which was just $1.00 in 2010.  Notable was also the liquor store at a rest stop.  It's not just a liquor store, but it's one that is run by the New Hampshire state government.
In Concord, downtown is just west of I-93.  It's not a particularly large capital city.  The state capitol building is a modest size, maybe half the size of the State Houses in Austin, Texas, Hartford, Connecticut, Providence, Rhode Island, Boston, Massachusetts and Augusta, Maine.  I did not go to Montpelier VT that time, but Google Maps shows the Vermont State House as about the same size as that in Concord.  At the New Hampshire State House, there is a statue of Daniel Webster standing out front, as he was a politician who represented New Hampshire.  Nearby was the local office of then-US Senator Judd Gregg, R-NH.  It was on the second floor atop a medical supplies store.  Senator Gregg did not run for the US Senator office for New Hampshire that year, so he retired in January 2011 when his term ended.  I walked around downtown until about 8:30 PM when the street lights turned on.  It was then time to take I-89 west to Vermont.  It was an hour drive westward and in really nice countryside but it was getting too dark to really appreciate it.  New Hampshire is regarded as the Granite State, and there was plenty of granite to see.      
I arrived in White River Junction, and the hotel was in the northwest corner of I-91 and I-89, next to the VA medical center.  My original room had a running toilet and the staff found another similar room down the hall.  I went to bed and woke up the next morning to head south to New Haven, Connecticut.  As far as the Prius went, it used only one tenth of its tank.
That makes two states in the USA that I had not yet visited, off my list.  The 25th would include another state.  And Yale University.  Hope you will join me for that.
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mariedemedicis · 6 years
places with different names aka places named after 1669:
prince edward island
the state of georgia
albany and dutchess county, ny
maybe orange county, ny?
richmond county, ny
maybe dukes county, ma?
annapolis, md
annapolis royal, nova scotia (annapolis county, nova scotia, annapolis river, and the annapolis valley take their names from the town of annapolis royal)
fort ann, ny
fort anne, nova scotia
princess anne county, va (now defunct)
queen anne, md
queen anne, prince george's county, md
fluvanna county, va named after the fluvanna river
adelaide, south australia
amelia county, va
augusta county, va
caroline county, va
charlotte county, va
king and queen county, va
louisa county, va
mecklenburg county, nc
mecklenburg county, va
augusta, western australia
brunswick, australia
williamstown, australia
george town, bahamas
nassau, bahamas
victoria peak, belize
alberta, canada
charlottetown, prince edward island
fredericton, new brunswick
patricia, alberta
prince albert, saskatchewan
prince george, british columbia
prince rupert, british columbia
regina, saskatchewan
victoria, british columbia
victoriaville, quebec
victoria, grenada
anna regina, guyana
georgetown, guyana
victoria, guyana
victoria city, hong kong
port victoria, kenya
victoria, malta
victoria, malaysia
albert town, new zealand
alexandra, new zealand
georgetown, ascension island
edinburgh of the seven seas, tristan da cunha
charlotte, sierra leone
alexandra, singapore
george, south africa
prince albert, south africa
prince alfred hamlet, south africa
adelaide, south africa
alice, south africa
king william’s town, south africa
port alfred, south africa
queenstown, south africa
victoria west, south africa
port edward, south africa
king edward point, sandwich islands
charlotteville, trinidad and tobago
princes town, trinidad and tobago
alexandria, scotland
bognor regis, england
fort augustus, scotland
fort william, scotland
queen adelaide, england
queen’s park, london
victoria, cornwall
victoria, london
victoria, newport
victoria bridge, northern ireland
charlotte, nc
charlotte amalie, us virgin islands
victoria falls, zambia
victoria falls, zimbabwe
victoria, ks
victoria, va
tl;dr: there are way too many things named for the british royals
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Jan. 15, 2020: Obituaries
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     Ellen Lankford at 16
Ellen Kay Lankford, age 57
Miss Ellen Kay Lankford, age 57 of North Wilkesboro, passed away Monday, January 13, 2020 at her home.
A Celebration of Life Service will be held 2:00 PM, Saturday, January 18, 2020, at Arbor Grove United Methodist Church on Arbor Grove Church Road in Purlear, with Rev. Dr. Susan Pillsbury Taylor officiating. Speakers will be Mr. Ken Welborn, Mr. Larry Griffin and Mrs. Janet Lael Wood. The family will receive friends immediately following the service in the fellowship hall of the church.
Miss Lankford was born August 1, 1962, in Wilkes County to Samuel Hayden and Willa Mae McNeil Lankford. She was a laboratory scientist with Guilford County Health Department and was a member of Arbor Grove United Methodist Church.
Ellen always excelled in school. She attended Millers Creek Elementary and West Wilkes High schools. During her senior year, she transferred to Wilkes Central High  School to take advanced classes, which allowed her to enter college as a sophomore. She went to Appalachian State University in Boone where she earned her bachelors degree in biology. She continued her education at Wake Forest Baptist Medical School and Appalachian State University, going on to earn her masters degree in biology.
During high school she worked for Winn-Dixie grocery store in North Wilkesboro and later for Blue Ridge Opportunity Commission under the late Betty Baker. After completing her college education, she worked at Davie County Memorial Hospital in Mocksville. Later, she went to work for the Guilford County Health Department as a laboratory scientist. She also worked part-time at Moses Cone Hospital in Greensboro in the same capacity.
She lived in Greensboro during most of her working career. She retired from the Guilford County Health Department. Ellen moved back home to Wilkes in August 2015.
Ellen had no children, but rather looked at her brothers, Mike and Jerry’s, children as her own. Later, when Jerry’s grandchildren arrived, she acted as a grandmother to those children as well. In return, they all loved her dearly.
Although she had many hobbies and interests – mostly dealing with more intellectual endeavors – her main passion and love was for her family, whom she treated wonderfully.
Ellen was also an accomplished pianist and vocalist. She could also play the dulcimer.
She was preceded in death by her parents and two brothers; Gary Steven Lankford and Michael Grayden Lankford.
Ellen is survived by a brother; Jerry Alfred Lankford of Millers Creek, five nieces; Eva May Lankford and fiancé Robert Carlton of Millers Creek, Heather Renee Greene and husband Joven of Wilkesboro, Jennifer Osborne and husband Edwin of Millers Creek, Anna Lankford and husband Josh Church of Millers Creek and Gabriella Lankford of Hamptonville and two great nephews; Sammie Osborne and Charlie Church. Ellen is also survived by her two dearest friends: Janet Lael Wood of Wilkesboro, and Lisa Church of Millers Creek.
There are also four special people Ellen claimed as family. They are Destiny, Cassidy and Samantha Toliver - whom she considered nieces - and their father, Ken Toliver, all of Wilkes. They are the children and husband of Ellen’s dear friend, the late Carmel Toliver.
Special music will be provided by Gabriella Lankford, Destiny Toliver, Larry Griffin and Rev. Dr. Susan Pillsbury Taylor.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Window World Cares St. Judes Children’s Research Hospital 118 Shaver Street North Wilkesboro NC 28659.
Online condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
Deborah Parsons, 67
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Mrs. Deborah Annette Walker Parsons, age 67 of North Wilkesboro, passed away Sunday, January 12, 2020, at Wake Forest Baptist-Wilkes Medical Center.
     Funeral services will be held at 2:00 Thursday, January 16, 2020, at Reins Sturdivant Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Casey Walker and Rev. Tyra Eugene Martin officiating. The family will receive friends from 6:00 until 8:00 Wednesday, January 15, 2020, at Reins Sturdivant Funeral Home. Burial will be in Scenic Memorial Gardens.
     Mrs. Parsons was born March 6, 1952, in Surry County to Bradshaw James Walker Sr. and Rebel Augusta Mitchell Walker. She was a member of St. John Missionary Baptist Church in Taylorsville. She was employed by Tyson Foods for over 25 years. She was also employed as a CNA for several years to follow.  
     In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband; Robert Parsons, a grandchild; Joshua Preston Fraser and a sister Margo Adams.
     She is survived by a daughter; Deva Waugh Fraser and her husband Shiles of Winston Salem, a sister; Jettie Walker of Roaring River and a brother; Bradshaw James Walker Jr. of Alton, VA. She is survived by nieces and nephews; Tianna Adams, Brian Adams, Meanna Adams, Bradley Walker, Greta Ferguson, and Erica Harper.
     She was loved by many and always greeted people with a smile and an infectious laugh. She was passionate about her gardening and had a remarkable green thumb. She never met a stranger and showed concern for all.
     Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Wilkes Senior Resources PO Box 2695 North Wilkesboro, NC 28659.
 Leatrice  Clonch, 44
Leatrice Ann Clonch, of Millers Creek, passed away on Saturday January 11, 2020.
     Leatrice was born on Sunday April 13, 1975 in Wayne County to Roger Lane Laws and Barbara Cecilia Clonch.
     Leatrice is preceded in death by her father; brother Daniel "Shane" Clonch and step father Roy Bare.
     Leatrice is survived by her mother, Barbara C. Clonch of Millers Creek, brother, Cecil Gordon Bare and wife, Amanda of Purlear and many nieces and nephews.
     The Family will conduct a celebration of life Thursday, January 16, 2020 at Church of God of the Union Assemble in Wilkesboro form 6-8 p.m.
     Rev. Ronnie Bumgarner and Rev. Chris Slane officiated
     Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Clonch Family.
 Martha Shaw, 77
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Mrs. Martha Jean Corley Shaw, age 77 of Wilkesboro, formally of Carrollton, Mississippi, passed at her home on Friday, January 10, 2020.
     Memorial services were January 13,  at Wilkesboro Baptist Church with Rev. Tad Craig officiating.  
     Mrs. Shaw was born December 13, 1942 in Pascagoula, Mississippi to Robert R. and Jimmie Lois Eubanks Corley. She grew up in Thebes, IL and considered her hometown as Chicago, IL. After moving to Itta Bena, Mississippi, she met and married Jimmie Bryant Shaw, Sr. while he worked as the Town Manager for her father, Robert R. Corley, the Mayor of Itta Bena. They married on March 12, 1977 and were married for 40 years prior to his death on September 10, 2016.  During her career as an Office Manager she was employed by The Greenwood Commonwealth, Scientific Telecom and Johnson Implements, all located in Greenwood Mississippi. She retired from Johnson Implements. Martha Shaw was an accomplished business woman, loving and doting wife, mother, grandmother and friend. She loved her family, loved to craft, sew and scrapbook. Her legacy is the love she gave to her husband, children and grandchildren as well as her extended family and friends.
     In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Jimmie Bryant Shaw, Sr.; a son in law, Wesley W. Gregory; a sister, Bobbie Johnson; and a brother, Robert Hal Corley, who died in Vietnam.
     She is survived by three daughters, Gia Amato Gregory of Wilkesboro, Michelle Amato Livingston and husband, Matt of Greenwood, MS, Stephanie Amato Morris; a son, Dr. Francis X. Amato, III and wife Gena Amason Amato of Blowing Rock; a step daughter, Loretta Shaw Langdon and husband Dirk of Smithfield, NC; ten grandchildren, Chase Alexander Wylie, Justin Brady Morris, DJ Langdon and wife Jodee Boswell Langdon, Gray Robert Brower, Madelaine Claire Amato, Lillian Nicole Amato, Abigail Leigh Amato, Shelby Layne Browning Warren and husband Caleb Warren, Sarah Landreth "Laila" Browning and Nathan Lewis; a great grandson, Finley Shaw Langdon; three sisters, Peggy Green Palmer and husband Alex of Red Banks, MS, JoAnne Williams of Cape Girardeau, Missouri and Mitzi Pittman Workman of Collierville, TN; a brother, Jack Corley and wife Doreena of Valparaiso, IN; and several nieces and nephews.
     In lieu of flowers, the family would like for memorials be made to the American Cancer Society PO Box 9 North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 or to Aiden's Army c/o Sharron Amason, 322 Clawson Street  Apt. 108 Boone, NC 28607 to help Aiden Amason fight a rare childhood cancer.
 Clyde Brown, Jr., 87
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Mr. Clyde R. Brown, Jr, age 87 of North Wilkesboro passed away Friday, January 10, 2020 at his home.
     Funeral services were January 12,   at Lutheran Church of the Atonement with Rev. Roger Hull officiating.  Burial was in Mountlawn Memorial Park.          
     Mr. Brown was born August 1, 1932 in Rowan County to Clyde Roscoe Brown, Sr, and Mary Eliza Overman Brown.
     He was a member of Lutheran Church of the Atonement.
     He graduated from Catawba College and later served on the Board of Trustees for Catawba College.
      He was a long term member of the Elks Club, served on the Board of Social Services and Wilkes Cares.
     He also served as the Chairman of the Wilkes County March of Dimes, Vice President of the N.C. Lutheran men and served many years on the Atonement Lutheran Church's Church Council.  Mr. Brown made his career at Lowe's Companies where he retired.
     In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by two sisters and brothers-in-law; Madge Russell and husband Gilbert, Mildred Brown and husband Leo and brother-in-law Milton Crowther.
     He is survived by his wife; Anna Hughes Brown of the home, three sons; David Lewis Brown and wife Janice of Efland, Martin Andrew Brown and wife Leisa of Gastonia and Douglas Warren Brown and wife Melony of Lewisville, seven grandchildren; Matthew Brown and wife Jessie, Genavee Brown, Kristine Brown, Lee Brown, Marinn McKelvey and husband David, Jessica Brown and Noah Brown and one sister; Louise Crowther.
     Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Wake Forest Care At-Home Hospice, 126 Executive Drive, Suite 110, Wilkesboro, NC 28697.
 Mark Anderson, 30
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Mr. Mark Alan Anderson, age 30 of North Wilkesboro, passed away Thursday, January 9, 2020 at his home.
     Funeral services were January 13th,   at Flint Hill Baptist Church with Pastor Kent Wood and Pastor Kevin Souther officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery.  
     Mr. Anderson was born April 28, 1989 in Wilkes County to Danny Talmadge Anderson and Deborah Gail Eller Anderson. He loved video games and most of all he loved his family.
     He was preceded in death by his Father; Danny Talmadge Anderson and Grandparents; Troy and Twila Eller and Talmadge Anderson.
     He is survived by his mother; Gail Minton and step dad Roy Minton, Jr. of Hays, brother; Phillip Daniel Anderson, grandmother; Ruth Anderson of North Wilkesboro, Aunt and Uncle Frances Cleary and husband Brent of North Wilkesboro and two cousins; Matthew (Larrisa) and Martin (Patricia).
     Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to the Donor's Choice.
  Melissa Norman, 74
Mrs. Melissa Mae Joyner Norman, age 74 of Ronda, passed away Wednesday, January 8, 2020 at Rose Glen Manor in North Wilkesboro.
     Funeral services were January 11,   at Temple Hill United Methodist Church with Pastor Matthew A. Nichols and Rev. Clyde Holeman officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery.  
     Mrs. Norman was born January 23, 1945 in Davie County to Wilson Joyner and Mamie Welborn Joyner. Melissa was a graduate of Appalachian State University where she obtained a Master's Degree.  She was retired from the Iredell County School System as a School Teacher and was a member of Temple Hill United Methodist Church.
     She was preceded in death by her parents.
     Mrs. Norman is survived by her husband; Benjamin (Benny) H. Norman of the home, a sister; Magdalene Pinnix of Booneville, a sister in law; Faye Cornog of Springfield,  Il, a brother; Woodrow Joyner of Ronda, a brother in law; Paul Norman and wife; Jean of Mint Hill and several nieces and nephews.
     Flowers will be accepted.
   Charles Miller, 70
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Mr. Charles Danny Miller, age 70 of Millers Creek, passed Thursday, January 9th, 2020 at his home.
     Funeral services were January 13,    at Union Baptist Church in the Wilbar community with Rev. Steve Faw and Rev. Julius Blevins officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery with Military Honors by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1142 Honor Guard.  
     Mr. Miller was born February 13, 1949 in Wilkes County to Charlie Miller and Bernie South Miller. Mr. Miller served in the Army during the Vietnam War. He was retired from AEV and was a member and deacon of Union Baptist Church.
     In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his infant granddaughter; Jessica Miller.
     Mr. Miller is survived by his wife; Bobbye Griffin Miller of the home, a son; Guy Miller and wife Jamie of Millers Creek and two grandchildren; Jake Miller and Kaylee Miller.
     In lieu of flowers, the family wishes for memorials to be made to Gideons North Camp PO Box 1791 North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 or Union Baptist Church Cemetery Fund c/o Lanny South 165 Kingcross Lane Millers Creek, NC 28651.
  Helene Napoli, 69
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Ms. Helene Clara Napoli, age 69 of Moravian Falls passed away Thursday, January 9, 2020 at her home.
     A memorial service will be held at a later date.
     Ms. Napoli was born November 16, 1950 in Nassau, NY to Louis John and Evelyn Jane Callegari Napoli.  She was a member of Mt. Carmel Baptist Church and a Licensed Practical Nurse at John J. Foley Nursing Home.  She also volunteered at BROC and Boomer Community  Center.
     She was preceded in death by her parents.
     She is survived by three daughters; Maria Coles, Patrina Brown both of Wilkesboro, Lisa Conroy of Cary, two sons; Anthony Coles and wife Bonnie of Mastic Beach, NY and Jason Coles and wife Cheryl of Moravian Falls, five  grandchildren; Tiffany Marie, Marc Anthony, Ebony Rianne, Logan Joseph, Mickenzie Lorraine and one great grandchild; Daniel Michael, two sisters; Joanne and Maria and four brothers; Louis, John, Peter and Paul and an aunt; Anne Easton of Mesa, AZ.
  Ted Nelson, 87
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Ted Carlisle Nelson, age 87, of Hays, passed away Thursday, January 9, 2020 at his home. Ted was born August 10, 1932 in Buncombe County to William Terry and Pansy Robinson Nelson. He was a member of Round Mtn. Baptist Church and a US Navy Veteran. Ted loved to garden and fish. Mr. Nelson was preceded in death by his parents; his loving wife of 58 years, Jessie B. Nelson; and brothers, Boyd and Bill Nelson.
     Surviving are his children, Thomas Nelson and spouse Delilah of Haleyville, Alabama, Alice Childress and spouse Paul, Susan Teague and spouse William, Terry Nelson and spouse Lisa, Ronald Nelson, Ellen Teague and spouse Larry all of Hays; sisters, Dorothy Hall of Castle Rock, Washington, Elizabeth Nelson of Asheville; eight grandchildren; ten great grandchildren; and two great great grandchildren.
     Graveside service with military honors by Veterans of Foreign Wars Honor Guard Post 1142 was  January 12,  at Round Mtn. Baptist Church Cemetery with Rev. Roger Jennings, Elder Anion Cole and Rev. Larry Teague officiating. Flowers were accepted or memorials may be made to Round Mtn. Baptist Church Cemetery Fund, Airport Road, Hays, NC 28635. Miller Funeral Service was in charge of the arrangements.
  Bruce Blackburn, 94
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Bruce Blackburn, age 94, of Purlear, passed away Tuesday, January 7, 2020 at his home. Mr. Blackburn was born September 4, 1925 in Wilkes County to Levi Gentry and Celia Jane Holman Blackburn.
     Bruce was a veteran of WWII and was stationed in the South Pacific as a U.S. Navy Radioman. He was awarded the American Theater Medal, Asiatic Pacific Medal, Philippine Liberation Ribbon and the Victory Medal. Before retiring, Bruce worked as a full-time mechanic. He was an avid farmer, raising cattle for many years and then continued to find great joy in helping his son with cattle in his later years. He loved spending time with his grandsons. He was a member of Lewis Fork Baptist Church and also enjoyed attending church with his son and wife at Fishing Creek Arbor.
     Mr. Blackburn was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Helen McNeil Blackburn; brothers, Ray Blackburn, LG Blackburn, James Blackburn, Worth Blackburn; two brothers that died in infancy (David and Joseph); sisters, Arlie Blackburn Dyer, Vetra Blackburn Watson; half-brothers, George White Blackburn, Wintford Blackburn, Sherman Blackburn, Edgar Blackburn; and half-sister, Blanch Blackburn Elledge.
Surviving are his son, Benny Bruce Blackburn and spouse Anita of Purlear; daughter, Karen Blackburn of Peachland, N.C.; grandchildren, Daniel Bruce Blackburn, Esq. of Charlotte, Joshua Kirk Blackburn of Raleigh, Kristopher Ray Stanley of Asheville; and one great grandchild.
     Funeral service was January 11,  at Lewis Fork Baptist Church with Pastor Dwayne Andrews and Pastor David Wellborn officiating. Eulogy will be provided by grandsons, Daniel Bruce Blackburn, Esq. and Joshua Kirk Blackburn. Burial with military honors by Veterans of Foreign Wars Honor Guard Post 1142 will follow in the Church Cemetery.  
     Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Lewis Fork Baptist Church Cemetery Fund, 395 Lewis Fork Baptist  Church Road, Purlear, NC 28665. The family has requested no food. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
     Pallbearers were Daniel Bruce Blackburn, Esq., Joshua Kirk Blackburn, Kristopher Ray Stanley, John Dyer, Shelmer Blackburn, Jr. and Robert Blackburn.
   Carol Weaver, 76
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Carol Rebecca Weaver, age 76, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Tuesday, January 7, 2020 at her home. Mrs. Weaver was born October 27, 1943 in Tazwell County, Virginia to Charlie and Thena Sparks Waddell. She was a member of Northside Baptist Church. Carol was preceded in death by her parents; and brothers, Jim Waddell and Bob Waddell.
     Surviving are her husband, Sam Weaver; son, Steve Weaver of Elkin; daughter, Treva Prevette of North Wilkesboro; grandchildren, Noah Weaver of New York, Ronald Rhodes and spouse Sarah of Ronda, Harley Weaver of Elkin; great grandchildren, Haylee Rhodes, Aaron Weaver, Abigail Weaver, Emma Weaver; brother, Ted Waddell of Virginia; sisters, Joyce Crawford, Joan Alley, Mary Wood all of Virginia; several nieces and nephews.
     Funeral service was January 11,  at Miller Funeral Chapel with Brother Jason Whitley officiating. Burial was in North Wilkesboro City Cemetery.  Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to the donor's choice. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.
 Jonathan Parish, 30
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Mr. Jonathan Lee Andrew Parish, age 30 passed away Sunday, January 5, 2020 unexpectedly in Raleigh.
     A Celebration of Life Service was January 11, at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Rev. Daron Brown officiating.   A private burial was be held.  
     Mr. Parish was born August 1, 1989 in Catawba County to Frank Tony Parish and Melissa Dawn Sheets Parish. He was employed by DoneRight Merchandising. He served in the United States Army National Guard Bravo 3-47 1st Platoon.
     He was preceded in death by his grandfather; Frank Parish.
     He is survived by his parents, his wife; Amanda Colene Pearson Parish, his children; Jameson LeeAndrew Parish, Trever Long, Jayceelee Diane Anderson, Isaiah Patrick and Jonah Glenn Parish, one sister; Anthea Dawn Parish, grandparents; Rick and Barbara Poteat, Barbara Parish, Tom and Shelba Sheets and Jeanie Francis-Hayes.
     Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to a trust fund for his children at any State Employees Credit Union Branch.
 Raymond Schwind, 75
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Mr. Raymond Edgar Schwind, 75, of Wilkesboro, passed away Saturday, January 4, 2020 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center.
     Raymond was born Saturday, May 27, 1944 in Oxford, New Jersey, the son of the late Gerardt Paul Schwind and Edna Wildrick Schwind Haper.
     He had served in the United States Army Armed Forces.
     Those left to cherish his memory include: his wife, Nancyann Mary Schwind; children, Tonyalee of Pennsylvania, Nancylynn of Jew Jersey, George of North Carolina, Chad of Pennsylvania; twelve grandchildren; sister; Dorothy of New Jersey; brothers, Alfred of Pennsylvania, Paul of Arkansas, Richard of Texas, Larry and Joseph, both of New Jersey, and John of Pennsylvania.
No formal services to be held.
     Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes and cremation services is honored to be serving the Schwind Family.
  Hubert Dancy, 91
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Mr. Hubert Everette Dancy, age 91 of Mocksville, passed away peacefully, Wednesday January 1st 2020 at Kate B Reynolds Hospice Home in Winston Salem.  
     Mr. Dancy was born December 28th 1928 in Wilkes County to James and Lala Dancy.  He was an avid wrestler in high school and college.  He lettered in the 9th grade and was a state champion.  He continued wrestling at Appalachian State University where he was on the Mountaineer wrestling team contributing to a national team scoring record in 1950.    He left college to serve in the Air Force during the Korean War later to return and graduate with a physical education degree. He retired after 30 years with Boeing as a production manager.  He was a member of Wilkes United Methodist Church where he enjoyed cooking with the Methodist Men during church functions. After marrying Mary Ann, he was blessed to become a father, grandfather and great grandfather.  He loved his family.  
     A skilled craftsman, Hugh spent lots of his retirement days in his workshop where he could create just about anything anyone asked for; but his passion was making knives.  His love for model trains was shared with his friends and fellow members of the Black Cat Station in North Wilkesboro. He also loved to cook, work the puzzles in the paper and watch sports especially Appalachian State Football.  He loved his kitty Ellie and Addie a small dog he kept during the day.  
He was preceded in death by his parents, two wives Rachel Anderson Dancy and Mary Ann Pennell Dancy and two brothers Harold and Willard Dancy.  
He is survived by his stepdaughter Michelle Rundle of Mocksville, step sons Michael Cooper and wife Margaret of N. Wilkesboro, and Jeffery Mark Cooper of San  Diego, California. Three step grandchildren Megan Fiedler and husband Jim of Pennsylvania, Michael Cooper Jr of Raleigh, North Carolina and Sierra Cooper of California.  Two step greatgrandchildren Mason and Madeline Fiedler of Pennsylvania.  
Memorials may be made to Wilkesboro United Methodist Church PO Box 197, Wilkesboro NC 28697 or Kate B Reynolds Hospice Home (Trellis Supportive Care Attention: Finance, 101 Hospice Lane, Winston Salem, NC 27103).  
Per his wishes, after cremation a private ceremony will be held at Scenic Memorial Gardens.  
  James Curry, 82
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Mr. James "Sonny" Albert Curry passed away at Curis Nursing Home in Wilkesboro on December 27, 2019, his 82nd birthday.
Sonny was a good hearted man and devoted father who was loved and well respected by friends and family.  Sonny graduated from East Mecklenburg High School and was in the United States Army. He graduated from Ringling School of Art in Sarasota, FL.  Sonny worked for Lowe's for 28 years as a commercial artist. He liked bowling and golf and was a fan of the Carolina Panthers and Duke University Football.  
He is survived by two daughters; Emily Moran and Brooke Curry, a granddaughter; Hailee Curry, a brother; Jerry Curry and a nephew; Jonathan Curry.
In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to Sharon Presbyterian Church, 5201  Sharon Road, Charlotte, NC 28210.
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stephaniemarlowftw · 5 years
Isolation Ritual is out this Friday. See HarborLights on tour in September + October in support.
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Just days away from the release of their Deathwish debut album Isolation Ritual, Massachusetts natives HarborLights have unleashed a new video to accompany their ambling, post-rock masterpiece “Skinwalker.” The track is the third to be revealed from the album, which will be released on Friday, September 13.
Watch (+ share) the video for HarborLights’ latest single “Skinwalker” via New Noise Magazine.
Since forming nearly a decade ago, HarborLights have released two split EPs and a rousing debut LP Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree (2017). After garnering the support of Deathwish staffers in their native New England, HarborLights joined the label’s esteemed roster.
Recruiting an esteemed rolodex of outside partners, Isolation Ritual was recorded by Mike Moschetto at The Record Co. and Zach Weeks at God City Studios (who also handled mastering duties on the album). The 10-song LP perfectly balances delicate melodies with dirge and discordance; their dynamic repertoire impressively shines on this sophomore full-length.  
In celebration of the album’s release, HarborLights will be embarking on a two-week jaunt throughout North America. A full tour itinerary can be found below.
Pre-order HarborLights’ Isolation Ritual LP here. East Coast fans will be able to hear the album a day early at Notch Brewery in Salem, MA. More updates to come.
Isolation Ritual — Track Listing: 
1.  Hold the Dark
2.  Eternal Return
3.  Skinwalker
4.  From Virtue (Sacrament)
5.  A Stable Mind
6.  Year Without a Summer
7.  Ego Ideal
8.  …And Hell Followed
9.  Sigh from the Depths
10.  The Unbearable Lightness of Being
HarborLights — On Tour: 
September 12 Salem, MA @ Notch Brewery **listening party**
September 13  Cambridge, MA @ Newbury Comics **in-store appearance**
September 21  Revere, MA @ Sammy’s Patio **record release show**
September 27  Lancaster, PA @ Station One Center for the Arts
September 28  Falls Church, VA @ VFW Post 9274
September 29  Charlotte, NC @ The Milestone
September 30  Valdosta, GA @ Valdosta DIY
October 1  Augusta, GA @ Soul Bar
October 2  West Columbia, SC @ New Brookland Tavern
October 3  Raleigh, NC @ Slim’s
October 4  Baltimore, MD @ The Sidebar
October 5  Philadelphia, PA @ The Pharmacy
October 12  Allston, MA @ Great Scott
October 19  Portland, ME @ Apohadian Theater
October 20  Albany, NY @ Pauly’s Hotel
October 27  Salem, MA @ Opus 
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Artist Photo: Caleb Gowett
0 notes
Here's my empowerment for women in abusive situations, it's not okay to not plan on leaving. You deserve to get out of a shitty situation and you CAN do it. There is help out there. It's hard work, but you deserve to get out. Seek help. This isn't even close to all the organizations out there just do a search and use as many as you need and can to get yourself and your children in to a safe environment. -Dolly
STATE COALITIONS Alabama Coalition Against Domestic Violence P. O. Box 4762 Montgomery, AL 36101 Hotline: 1 (800) 650-6522 Office: (334) 832-4842 Fax: (334) 832-4803 Website: www.acadv.org Email: [email protected]
Alaska Network on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault 130 Seward Street, Suite 214 Juneau, AK 99801 Office: (907) 586-3650 Website: www.andvsa.org Email: [email protected]
Arizona Coalition Against Domestic Violence 2800 N. Central Ave., Suite 1570 Phoenix, AZ 85004 Hotline: 1 (800) 782-6400 Office: (602) 279-2900 Fax: (602) 279-2980 Website: www.azcadv.org Email: [email protected]
Arkansas Coalition Against Domestic Violence 1401 W. Capitol Avenue, Suite 170 Little Rock, AR 72201 Hotline: 1 (800) 269-4668 Office: (501) 907-5612 Fax: (501) 907-5618 Website: www.domesticpeace.com
California Partnership to End Domestic Violence P. O. Box 1798 Sacramento, CA 95812 Hotline: 1 (800) 524-4765 Office: (916) 444-7163 Fax: (916) 444-7165 Website: www.cpedv.org Email: [email protected]
Colorado Coalition Against Domestic Violence 1120 Lincoln St, #900 Denver, CO 80203 Office: (303) 831-9632 Website: www.ccadv.org
Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence 912 Silas Deane Highway, Lower Level Wethersfield, CT 06109 Hotline: (888) 774-2900 Office: (860) 282-7899 Fax: (860) 282-7892 Website: www.ctcadv.org
Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence 100 W. 10th Street, Suite 903 Wilmington, DE 19801 Northern Delaware: (302) 762-6110 Southern Delaware: (302) 422-8058 Bilingual: (302) 745-9874 Office: (302) 658-2958 Website: www.dcadv.org
DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence 5 Thomas Circle, NW Washington, DC 20005 Office: (202) 299-1181 Fax: (202) 299-1193 Website: www.dccadv.org Email: [email protected]
Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence 425 Office Plaza Tallahassee, FL 32301 Hotline: (800) 500-1119 TDD: (850) 621-4202 Office: (850) 425-2749 Fax: (850) 425-3091 Website: www.fcadv.org
Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence 114 New Street, Suite B Decatur, GA 30030 Hotline: 1 (800) 334-2836 Office: (404) 209-0280 Fax: (404) 766-3800 Website: www.gcadv.org
Guam Coalition Against Sexual Assault & Family Violence P.O. Box 1093 Hagatna, GU 96932 Office: (671) 479-2277 Fax: (671) 479-7233 Website: www.guamcoalition.org Email: [email protected]
Hawaii State Coalition Against Domestic Violence 810 Richards Street, Suite 960 Honolulu, HI 96813 Office: (808) 832-9316 Fax: (808) 841-6028 Website: www.hscadv.org
Idaho Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence 300 E. Mallard Drive, Suite 130 Boise, ID 83706 Office: (208) 384-0419 Website: www.idvsa.org Email: [email protected]
Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence Hotline: (877) 863-6338 Office: (217) 789-2830 Website: www.ilcadv.org
Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence 1915 W. 18th Street, Suite B Indianapolis, IN 46202 Hotline: 1 (800) 332-7385 Office: (317) 917-3685 Fax: (317) 917-3695 Website: www.icadvinc.org
Iowa Coalition against Domestic Violence 3030 Merle Hay Road Des Moines, IA 50310 Hotline: 1 (800) 942-0333 Office: (515) 244-8028 Fax: (515) 244-7417 Website: www.icadv.org Email: [email protected]
Kansas Coalition against Sexual & Domestic Violence 634 SW Harrison Street Topeka, KS 66603 Hotline: 1 (888) 363-2287 Office: (785) 232-9784 Fax: (785) 266-1874 Website: www.kcsdv.org
Kentucky Domestic Violence Association 111 Darby Shire Circle Frankfort, KY 40601 Office: (502) 209-5382 Fax: (502) 226-5382 Website: www.kdva.org Email: [email protected]
Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence P.O. Box 77308 Baton Rouge, LA 70879 Hotline: 1 (888) 411-1333 Office: (225) 752-1296 Website: www.lcadv.org
Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence One Weston Court, Box#2 Augusta, ME 04330 Hotline: 1 (866) 834-4357 Office: (207) 430-8334 Fax: (207) 430-8348 Website: www.mcedv.org Email: [email protected]
Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence 4601 Presidents Dr., Ste. 370 Lanham, MD 20706 Hotline: 1 (800) 634-3577 Office: (301) 429-3601 Fax: (301) 429-3605 Website: www.mnadv.org Email: [email protected]
Massachusetts Coalition Against Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence/Jane Doe, Inc. 14 Beacon Street, Suite 507 Boston, MA 02108 Hotline: 1 (877) 785-2020 TTY/TTD: 1 (877) 521-2601 Office: (617) 248-0922 Fax: (617) 248-0902 Website: www.janedoe.org Email: [email protected]
Michigan Coalition To End Domestic & Sexual Violence 3893 Okemos Road, Suite B2 Okemos, MI 48864 Office: (517) 347-7000 Fax: (517) 347-1377 TTY: (517) 381-8470 Website: www.mcedsv.org
Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women 60 Plato Blvd. E, Suite 130 Saint Paul, MN 55107 Hotline: 1 (866) 223-1111 Office: (651) 646-6177 Fax: (651) 646-1527 Website: www.mcbw.org
Mississippi Coalition Against Domestic Violence P.O. Box 4703 Jackson, MS 39296 Hotline: 1 (800) 898-3234 Office: (601) 981-9196 Fax: (601) 981-2501 Website: www.mcadv.org Email: [email protected]
Missouri Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence 217 Oscar Dr., Suite A Jefferson City, MO 65101 Office: (573) 634-4161 Website: www.mocadsv.org
Montana Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence 32 S Ewing St Helena, MT 59601 Office: (406) 443-7794 Website: www.mcadsv.com Email: [email protected]
Nebraska Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Coalition 245 South 84th St, Suite 200 Lincoln, NE 68510 Office: (402) 476-6256 Fax: (402) 476-6806 Spanish Hotline: (877) 215-0167 Website: www.ndvsac.org
Nevada Network Against Domestic Violence 250 South Rock Bldvd., Suite 116 Reno, NV 89502 (775) 828-1115 Fax: (775) 828-9911 Website: www.nnadv.org
New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence P.O. Box 353 Concord, NH 03302 Hotline: 1 (866) 644-3574 Office: (603) 224-8893 Fax: (603) 228-6096 Website: www.nhcadsv.org
New Jersey Coalition for Battered Women 1670 Whitehorse Hamilton Square Trenton, NJ 08690 Hotline: 1 (800) 572-7233 TTY: (800) 787-3224 Office: (609) 584-8107 Fax: (609) 584-9750 Website: www.njcbw.org
New Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence 1210 Luisa Street, Suite 7 Santa Fe, NM 87505 Office: (505) 246-9240 Fax: (505) 246-9240 Website: www.nmcadv.org Email: [email protected]
New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence 119 Washington Avenue, 3rd Floor Albany, NY 12210 Hotline NYS: 1 (800) 942-6906 Hotline NYC: 1 (800) 621-4673 Office: (518) 482-5465 Fax: (518) 482-3807 Website: www.nyscadv.org
North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence 3710 University Drive, Suite 140 Durham, NC 27707 Office: (919) 956-9124 Fax: (919) 682-1449 Website: www.nccadv.org
North Dakota Council on Abused Women’s Services 525 N. 4th St. Bismark, ND 58501 Office: (701) 255-6240 Fax: (701) 255-1904 Website: www.ndcaws.org
Ohio Domestic Violence Network Hotline: (800) 934-9840 Website: www.odvn.org
Oklahoma Coalition Against Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault 3815 N. Santa Fe Ave., Suite 124 Oklahoma City, OK 73118 Hotline: 1 (800) 522-7233 Office: (405) 524-0700 TTY: (405) 512-5577 Website: www.ocadvsa.org Email: [email protected]
Oregon Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence 9570 SW Barbur Blvd., Suite 214 Portland, OR 97219 Hotline: 1 (888) 235-5333 Office: (503) 230-1951 Fax: (503) 230-1973 Website: www.ocadsv.org
Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence 3605 Vartan Way, Suite 101 Harrisburg PA 17110 Office (717) 545-6400 TTY (800) 553-2508 Website: www.pcadv.org
Coordinadora Paz para la Mujer Apartado 193008 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00919-3008 Office: (787) 281-7579 Website: ww.pazparalamujer.org Email: [email protected]
Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence 422 Post Road, Suite 201 Warwick, RI 02888 Hotline: 1 (800) 494-8100 Office: (401) 467-9940 Fax: (401) 467-9943 Website: www.ricadv.org Email: [email protected]
South Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault P.O. Box 7776 Columbia, SC 29202 Office: (803) 256-2900 Website: www.sccadvasa.org
South Dakota Coalition Ending Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault P.O. Box 141 Pierre, SD 57501 Office: (605) 945-0869 Website: www.sdcedsv.org
Tennessee Coalition To End Domestic & Sexual Violence 2 International Plaza Dr. Suite 425 Nashville, TN 37217 Hotline: 1 (800) 356-6767 Office: (615) 386-9406 Website: tncoalition.org
Texas Council on Family Violence P.O. Box 163865 Austin, TX 78716 Office: (512) 794-1133 Fax: (512) 685.6397 Website: www.tcfv.org
Women’s Coalition of St. Croix P.O. Box 222734 Christiansted, VI 00822-2734 Hotline: (340) 773-9272 Fax: (340) 773-9062 Website: www.wcstx.com Email: [email protected]
Utah Domestic Violence Coalition 205 North 400 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84103 Hotline: 1 (800) 897-5465 Office: (801) 521-5544 Website: www.udvc.org
Vermont Network Against Domestic & Sexual Violence P.O. Box 405 Montpelier, VT 05601 Hotline: 1 (800) 228-7395 Office: (802) 223-1302 Fax: (802) 223-6943 Website: www.vtnetwork.org Email: [email protected]
Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Action Alliance 5008 Monument Avenue, Suite A Richmond, VA 23230 Office: (804) 377-0335 Website: www.vsdvalliance.org Email: [email protected]
Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence 711 Capitol Way, Suite 702 Olympia, WA 98501 Hotline: 1 (800) 562-6025 Office: (360) 586-1022 Fax: (360) 586-1024 Website: www.wscadv2.org Email: [email protected]
West Virginia Coalition Against Domestic Violence 5004 Elk River Road, South Elkview, WV 25071 Office: (304) 965-3552 Fax: (304) 965-3572 Website: www.wvcadv.org
Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence 1245 E. Washington Ave, Suite 150 Madison, WI 53703 Office: (608) 255-0539 Fax: (608) 255-3560 Website: endabusewi.org Email: [email protected]
Wyoming Coalition Against Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault P.O. Box 236 710 Garfield Street, Suite 218 Laramie, WY 82073 Office: (307) 755-5481 Fax: (307) 755-5482 Website: www.wyomingdvsa.org
International support UK hotline: 0808 2000 247 http://www.nationaldomesticviolencehelpline.org.uk/ Australia hotline: 1800 RESPECT or 1800 737 732 https://au.reachout.com/ Other links/resources(including legal resources) I found to possible be helpful https://www.domesticshelters.org/domestic-violence-reports-and-rankings/best-domestic-violence-programs#.WaDZzYUpC Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence 450 Sutter Street, Suite 600 San Francisco, CA 94108 Phone: 415-568-3315 Fax: 415-954-9999 www.apiidv.org A national resource center on gender violence in Asian & Pacific Islander communities. Battered Women’s Justice Project 1801 Nicollet Ave South, Suite 102 Minneapolis, MN 55403 Phone: 1-800-903-0111, ext. 1 Fax: 612-824-8965 www.bwjp.org Offers domestic violence related training, technical assistance, and consultation to those working in the criminal and civil justice system. Analyzes and advocates for effective policing, prosecuting, sentencing, and monitoring of domestic violence perpetrators. Child Welfare League of America 1726 M. St. NW, Suite 500 Washington DC, 20036 Phone: 202-688-4200 Fax: 202-833-1689 www.cwla.org A coalition of hundreds of private and public agencies serving at-risk children and families. Works to advance policies and strategies that promote safe, stable families and assist children and adults whose families aren’t yet safe and stable. National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges P.O. Box 89507 Reno, NV 89507 USA Phone: 1-800-527-3223 [email protected] www.ncjfcj.org/our-work/domestic-violence Advances social change in courts nationwide by providing training, technical assistance, and policy development on issues related to the effects of abuse across a lifespan. Works on projects to enhance the safety, well-being, and stability of domestic violence survivors and their children by improving the response of criminal, civil, and social justice systems. Futures Without Violence 100 Montgomery Street San Francisco, CA 94129 Phone: 415-678-5500 Fax: 415-529-2930 www.futureswithoutviolence.org Aims to advance the health, stability, education, and security of women, men, girls, and boys worldwide. Helped get the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) passed in 1994 and continues to work with policy makers and train professionals to improve responses to domestic violence and teaches people the importance of healthy relationships. Jewish Women International 1129 20th Street NW, Suite 801 Washington, DC 20036 Phone: 1-800-343-2823 Fax: 202-857-1380 Provides programs, advocacy, and philanthropy to protect the fundamental rights of all girls and women to live in safe homes, thrive in healthy relationships, and realize their potential. Legal Momentum’s Immigrant Women Program 1522 K St., NW Washington, DC 20005 USA Phone: 202-326-0004 www.legalmomentum.org/immigrant-women-program Raises public awareness of challenges facing immigrant women and works with federal agencies and Congress to develop better policies. Trains advocates, service providers, and law enforcement on the rights of immigrant survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. National Coalition Against Domestic Violence 1532 16th St., NW Washington, DC 20036 Phone: 202-745-1211 Fax: 202-745-0088 http://www.ncadv.org Advocates for major societal changes that will eliminate both personal and social violence for all people by building coalitions, supporting shelter programs, providing public education, and developing policies and legislation. National Domestic Violence Hotline P.O. Box 161810 Austin, TX 78716 USA Phone: 1-800-799-SAFE or 1-800-787-3224 http://www.ndvh.org/www.apiidv.org A national resource center on gender violence in Asian & Pacific Islander communities. Battered Women’s Justice Project 1801 Nicollet Ave South, Suite 102 Minneapolis, MN 55403 Phone: 1-800-903-0111, ext. 1 Fax: 612-824-8965 www.bwjp.org Offers domestic violence related training, technical assistance, and consultation to those working in the criminal and civil justice system. Analyzes and advocates for effective policing, prosecuting, sentencing, and monitoring of domestic violence perpetrators. Child Welfare League of America 1726 M. St. NW, Suite 500 Washington DC, 20036 Phone: 202-688-4200 Fax: 202-833-1689 www.cwla.org A coalition of hundreds of private and public agencies serving at-risk children and families. Works to advance policies and strategies that promote safe, stable families and assist children and adults whose families aren’t yet safe and stable. National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges P.O. Box 89507 Reno, NV 89507 USA Phone: 1-800-527-3223 [email protected] www.ncjfcj.org/our-work/domestic-violence Advances social change in courts nationwide by providing training, technical assistance, and policy development on issues related to the effects of abuse across a lifespan. Works on projects to enhance the safety, well-being, and stability of domestic violence survivors and their children by improving the response of criminal, civil, and social justice systems. Futures Without Violence 100 Montgomery Street San Francisco, CA 94129 Phone: 415-678-5500 Fax: 415-529-2930 www.futureswithoutviolence.org Aims to advance the health, stability, education, and security of women, men, girls, and boys worldwide. Helped get the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) passed in 1994 and continues to work with policy makers and train professionals to improve responses to domestic violence and teaches people the importance of healthy relationships. Jewish Women International 1129 20th Street NW, Suite 801 Washington, DC 20036 Phone: 1-800-343-2823 Fax: 202-857-1380 Provides programs, advocacy, and philanthropy to protect the fundamental rights of all girls and women to live in safe homes, thrive in healthy relationships, and realize their potential. Legal Momentum’s Immigrant Women Program 1522 K St., NW Washington, DC 20005 USA Phone: 202-326-0004 www.legalmomentum.org/immigrant-women-program Raises public awareness of challenges facing immigrant women and works with federal agencies and Congress to develop better policies. Trains advocates, service providers, and law enforcement on the rights of immigrant survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. National Coalition Against Domestic Violence 1532 16th St., NW Washington, DC 20036 Phone: 202-745-1211 Fax: 202-745-0088 http://www.ncadv.org Advocates for major societal changes that will eliminate both personal and social violence for all people by building coalitions, supporting shelter programs, providing public education, and developing policies and legislation. National Domestic Violence Hotline P.O. Box 161810 Austin, TX 78716 USA Phone: 1-800-799-SAFE or 1-800-787-3224 http://www.ndvh.org/ Provides 24-hour support and crisis intervention to survivors of domestic violence through safety planning, advocacy, resources, and a supportive ear. National Latino Alliance for the Elimination of Domestic Violence (Alianza) P.O. Box 2787 Española, NM 87532 Phone: 505-753-3334 Fax: 505.753.3347 [email protected] A network of organizations that addresses the needs of Latino families and communities by promoting understanding and solutions aimed at eliminating domestic violence in Latino communities. Northwest Network of Bisexual, Trans, Lesbian and Gay Survivors of Abuse P.O. Box 18436 Seattle, WA 98118 Phone: 206-568-7777 TTY: 206-517-9670 Fax: 206-325-2601 [email protected] FOR IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE National Domestic Violence Hotline (800-799-7233): Open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, this line is a resource for safety information and can connect any caller with shelters and protection advocates in her area. VINE (VineLink.com): Active in 47 states, VineLink.com allows women to search for an offender in custody by name or identification number, then register to be alerted if the offender has been released or transferred, or has escaped. Women’s Law (WomensLaw.org): This site has state-by-state legal information and resources for victims, as well as advice on how to leave an abusive situation, gather evidence of abuse, and prepare for court. FINANCIAL AND MEDICAL RESOURCES Education and Job Training Assistance Fund (nnedv.org/projects): Grants from the Allstate Foundation help domestic violence victims enter and stay in the workforce. The money (up to $1,000) can be used for classes, clothes, computers, and other resources. Face to Face (800-842-4546): This program provides free plastic and reconstructive surgery to victims who’ve sustained injuries to the face, head, or neck. Give Back a Smile (800-773-4227): Front teeth damaged by a violent partner or spouse are repaired pro bono.
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americanbuildings · 5 years
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PERSPECTIVE VIEW LOOKING WEST BY 270 DEGREES - National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Eastern Branch, Single Quarters, 1 VA Center, Augusta, Kennebec County, ME
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ljgolden · 7 years
The State Fairs are Coming!
State fair season is upon us. 
The size of states in the Northeast still thrills me — drive four hours in the right direction and you’ll probably pass through as many states. Drive four hours north from Houston and you’ll be in Dallas. The proximity of other states, of course, means there should be a number of state fairs in the area. Last year, I put together a spreadsheet of state fairs within a five-hour drive of D.C.  If I’m going to get to all 50 states’ fairs, it will require planning. As a side note, I haven’t figured out what to do with the states that don't have an official state fair, like Pennsylvania. 
Anyway, in 2016, I checked Maryland and D.C’s fairs off my list on the same weekend. I'm updating my spreadsheet to make my attack plan. Here's a run down, in chronological order: 
Delaware State Fair: July 20-29, from 8 am - 11 pm, except on opening day, when gates open at noon. The Delaware State Fairgrounds are at 18500 S Dupont Hwy, Harrington, DE 19952, approximately 2 hrs from D.C. Tickets are $9 at the gate for adults and $4 for children. This list of 98 things to do at the 98th Delaware State Fair really sells their fair. Free samples of Cheerwine? Yes please, I just heard about this soda (not wine) and have never seen or had it. Walk among butterflies and learn to repair a butterfly wing? Hold a baby chick? Sheep and Wool Ambassador Contest? I want to do all these things. I’m sure some of the other state fairs offer similar activities, but kudos to Delaware for the list.
New Jersey State Fair: Aug. 4 - 13 at 37 Plains Road, Augusta, NJ 07822, about 4.5 hrs away. They're open from 10 am - 10 pm, except on the last day, August 13, when the gates close at 5. Tickets purchased before August 4 are $9 for adults and $5 for children. 
State Fair of West Virginia: Aug. 10-19 at 947 Maplewood Ave, Lewisburg, WV 24901. This fair is four hours and 40 minutes from D.C. Gates open at 2 p.m. on August 10th; otherwise, they're open from 9 am - 11 pm. Adults pay $11, or $9 in advance; children 12 and under get in for free. 
Maryland State Fair: Aug. 24 - Sep. 4 at 2200 York Road, Lutherville-Timonium, MD 21093. This is about an hour and 15 minutes from the city. They have yet to post their hours and ticket prices, but last year, my ticket cost $8. 
DC State Fair:  September 24th from 11 am - 8 pm at Waterfront Station, 375 and 425 M St. SW. It's free. 
State Fair of Virginia: Sept 29 - Oct. 8. Hours are 10-10 Friday and Saturday, 10 - 9, Sunday - Thurs. It's at 13111 Dawn Blvd, Doswell, VA, 23047, an hour and 45 minutes from D.C. Tickets for adults are $15, or $12 in advance. Kids are $11, or $8 in advance. They advertise "sliding ducks," so Virginia tops my list this year. 
Have you been to any of these state fairs? If you're from one of those state fair-free states, is there another fair or event you recommend? What are you most looking forward to at your state's fair? I'm looking forward to all your state fair pictures, especially any of duckling slides, impressive quilts, elaborate cakes (especially if they're moldy), and weird art submissions.  
Happy state fair season! 
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rainbowinkmag · 7 years
Happy Pride Month, guys!!! 
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Have a Pride calendar. (Sorted by City)
Albuquerque, NM
June 9-10 Albuquerque Pride
Albany, NY
June 11 Albany Capital Pride
June Albany Black & Latino Pride
Alexandria, LA
June CenLa Pride
Anchorage, AK
June 17-24 Alaska Pride Festival
Asbury Park, NJ
June 4 Jersey Pride
Augusta, GA
June 22-25 Augusta Pride
Baton Rouge, LA
June 17 Baton Rouge Pride
Bend, OR
June 24 Central Oregon Pride
Birmingham, AL
June 2-11 Central Alabama Pride
Bisbee, AZ
June 16-18 Bisbee Pride
Boise, ID
June 16-17 Boise Pride
Boqueron, Puer. Rico
June 9-11 Boqueron Pride
Boston, MA
June 10 Boston Pride
Brooklyn, NY
June 10 Brooklyn Pride
Buffalo, NY
June 4 Buffalo Pride Fest
Cheyenne, WY
June 10 Wyoming Equality
Chicago, IL
June 17-18 Chicago Pride Fest
June 25 Chicago Pride Parade
Cincinnati, OH
June 24 Cincinnati Pride
Cleveland, OH
June 24 Cleveland Pride
Columbus, OH
June 17-19 Stonewall Columbus Pride
Conway, AK
June 4 Conway Pride
Dallas, TX
June 2 Dallas: MetroBall
Denver, CO
June 17-18 Denver Pridefest
Des Moines, IA
June Des Moines: Capital Pride
Detroit, MI
June 10-11 Detroit: Motor City Pride
Edmonton, Canada
June 9-18 Edmonton Pride
El Paso, TX
June El Paso Pride Texas
Fayetteville, AK
June 24 NWA Pride
Ferndale, MI
June 3 Ferndale Pride
Flagstaff, AZ
June 23-25 Flagstaff: N. Arizona Pride
Houston, TX
June 21-24 Gay Pride Houston
Huntington, NY
June 9-11 Long Island Pride
Huntsville, AL
June Huntsville: Rocket City Pride
Indianapolis, IN
June 10 Indy Pridefest
Kalamazoo, MI
June 10-11 Kalamazoo Pride
Kansas City, KS
June 2-4 Kansas Diversity Coalition
Key West, FL
June 7-11 Key West Pride
Kingston, NY
June 4 Hudson Valley Pride
Lexington, KY 
June 24 Lexington Pride
Long Island, NY
June 9-11 Long Island Pride
Los Angeles, CA
June 10-11 Los Angeles Pride - WeHo
Louisville, KY
June 16-17 Kentuckiana Pride Louisville
Mexico City, Mexico
June 22-27 Mexico City Pride
Milwaukee, WI
June 9-11 Milwaukee Pride
Minneapolis, MN
June 24-25 Twin Cities Pride
Nashville, TN
June 24-25 Nashville Pride
New Orleans, LA
June New Orleans Pride
New York City, NY
June 23-25 New York City Pride
Norfolk, VA
June 16-17 Hampton Roads Pride
Oklahoma City, OK
June 23-25 Oklahoma City Pride
Olympia, WA
June 11, 16-17 Olympia Capital Pride
Omaha, NE
June 16-24 Heartland Pride
Ontario, Canada
June Thunder Bay Pride
Orange County, CA
June 24 OC Pride
Orlando, FL
June 1-4 Orlando: Disney Gay Days
June 2-4 Orlando: Magical Weekend
Philadelphia, PA
June 18 Philly Pride
Pine City, MN
June East Central Minnesota Pride
Pittsburgh, PA
June 2-11 Pittsburgh Pride
Portland, OR
June 17-18 Pride Northwest
Portsmouth, NH
June 9-16 Women Singing OUT
Providence, RI
June 17 Rhode Island Pride
Queens, NY
June 5 Queens LGBT Pride
Regina, Canada
June 17 Regina: Queen City Pride
Sacramento, CA
6/3/2017 Sacramento Pride
St. Louis, MO
June 23-25 Pride St. Louis
St. Petersburg, FL
June 23-25 St. Pete Pride
Salisbury, NC
6/24/2017 Salisbury Pride
Salt Lake City, UT
May 31-June 4 Utah Pride
San Francisco, CA
June 24-25 San Francisco Pride
San Juan, Puerto Rico
June Puerto Rico Pride
San Mateo, CA
June SMC Pride
Santa Ana, CA
June 24 OC Pride
Santa Cruz, CA
June 4 Santa Cruz Pride
Santa Fe, NM
June 25 Santa Fe Pride
Scottsdale, AZ
June AZ Gay Days
Seattle, WA
June 25 Seattle Pride
Spokane, WA
June 10 Spokane Pride: Outspokane
Surrey, Canada
June 25 Surrey Pride
Syracuse, NY
June Central New York Pride
Toronto, Canada
June 1-25 Pride Toronto
Warwick, NY
June Warwick: OC Pride
Washington, D.C.
June 8-11 Capital Pride
West Hollywood, CA
June 10-11 Los Angeles Pride
Wilton Manors, FL
June 17 Wilton Manors Pride
Winnipeg, Canada
May 26-June 4 Pride Winnipeg
Wichita, KS
June 16-18 Wichita Pride
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marlaluster · 7 years
emptying clipboard w items numbered
1. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/dominion-energy-crews-restoring-power-as-high-winds-continue-to-cause-outages-300607443.html 2. Crews Restoring Power as High Winds Continue to Cause Outages NEWS PROVIDED BY Dominion Energy  10:40 ET RICHMOND, Va., March 2, 2018/PRNewswire/ -- Dominion Energy (NYSE: D) crews are fully engaged in restoring service to customers impacted by extremely high winds that entered our Virginia service area late Thursday night and will continue to cause outages throughout the day Friday. Since 11 p.m. Thursday, 335,000 customers have been impacted and 111,000 have been restored. Currently more than 224,000 customers are without power mainly in the northern part of the state where wind gusts nearing 70 mph have been reported.  Additional line crews have been brought in and we will continue to assess impact and redeploy crews as needed to the more severely affected locations. Outages are expected to continue throughout the day as the weather system continues to move through our system – and we are prepared to work around-the-clock to restore all customers as quickly and safely as possible. Early damage assessments have been consistent with a wind storm with wire down and broken crossarms. We have also seen small pockets with significant damages with trees down and some broken poles. Customers are advised that very high winds and rain can cause trees and branches to fall, which may bring down power lines. Beware of any lines that may have fallen or come into contact with trees, debris, or water. Stay at least 30' feet away and make sure your family, pets, and neighbors also avoid the downed wire. Call Dominion Energy right away at 1-866-DOM-HELP (1-866-366-4357) to speak with an agent to report the downed wire. If your power goes out, please report it at DominionEnergy.com or call us at 1-866-DOM-HELP. The fastest way to report or track an outage is online at DominonEnergy.com using your phone or other mobile device. Customers relying on portable  3. http://www.whsv.com/content/news/High-winds-down-trees-knock-out-power-across-Virginia-475661983.html 4. High winds down trees, knock out power across Virginia Setup Timeout Error: Setup took longer than 30 seconds to complete. By WHSV newsroom |  Posted: Fri 10:42 AM, Mar 02, 2018  |  Updated: Fri 6:52 PM, Mar 02, 2018       MOUNT CRAWFORD, Va. (WHSV) — High winds are causing power outages, school and work closures and traffic problems across Virginia. On the morning of March 2, high winds knocked a utility pole in Mount Crawford sideways onto a parked school bus | Photo submitted by Caleb Tucker The winds are part of a major nor'easter that was pounding the East Coast on Friday, also packing heavy rain and intermittent snow further north and to the west. Sustained winds between 20-45 mph are expected in the Valley, with wind gusts as strong as 60 mph. WHSV's First Alert Storm Team advises that anything loose outside will be easily lost in the wind if not properly secured. Snow showers and flurries will continue into the afternoon, with the Alleghenies seeing between two to four inches of snow. In the eastern part of the state, the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel was closed to all traffic Friday morning. Some roads were blocked by downed trees. Some localities in central and northwestern parts of the state have reported fires associated with downed power lines and storm damage. Statewide, the Virginia Department of Emergency Management reports more than 494,000 households without power as of 3 p.m. The numbers are highest in northern Virginia, but here are the current numbers for the Shenandoah Valley as of 3 p.m.: For those with electricity provided by the Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative, 1,038 households are without power in Augusta County, 1,336 in Rockingham, 1,287 in Shenandoah, 41 in Highland, 563 in Page, 3,094 in Frederick, and 40 in Warren counties, as well as 134 in Winchester. For those with Dominion Energy, Albemarle County is seeing the worst impact, with 14,645 households without power. In Augusta County, there are 67 outages, as well as 2,193 in Charlottesville, 14 in Nelson County, 11 in Page County, 420 in Rockbridge County, 2,150 in Rockingham County, 192 in Shenandoah County, 16 in Staunton, and 96 in Waynesboro. In central Virginia's Hanover County, the Richmond Times-Dispatch reports fire-EMS crews were dispatched to a home around 2:45 a.m. for a tree that had fallen into a two-story house. Four children were trapped inside. Along Route 33 through Ruckersville, WHSV's sister station Newsplex reports a woman driving a car was hit by a falling tree, knocking her vehicle 40 feet down an embankment on Lydia Mountain. A six-year-old child in Chester died after a tree fell onto a family's mobile home. Farther east, in James City County, a man died after a falling tree landed on a truck. In some areas, including Hardy, Nelson, Page, Pendleton, Rockingham, and Shenandoah counties, schools were canceled because of either outages or the impact high winds can have on tall vehicles like buses. The Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative says crews will be out working diligently throughout the day to restore electric service as quickly and safely as possible. However, the high winds prevent crews from safely using bucket trucks needed to work on many electric lines, meaning restoration time may be delayed for many areas. They also advise that the "blinking" of lights is normal in conditions like these. If you see a tree down or debris on top of a power line — Do NOT attempt to remove it. Note the location and information about the surroundings and contact your power company. 5. No Such Thing Song by John Mayer "Welcome to the real world", she said to me Condescendingly Take a seat Take your life Plot it out in black and white Well I never lived the dreams of the prom kings And the drama queens I'd like to think the best of me Is still hiding Up my sleeve They love to tell you Stay inside the lines But something's better On the other side I want to run through the halls of my high school I want to scream at the Top of my lungs I just found out there's no such thing as the real world Just a lie you've got to rise above So the good boys and girls take the so called right track Faded white hats Grabbing credits and Maybe transfers They read all the books but they can't find the answers And all of our parents They're getting older I wonder if they've wished for anything better While in their memories Tiny tragedies They love to tell you Stay inside the lines But something's better On the other side I want to run through the halls of my high school I want to scream at the Top of my lungs I just found out there's no such thing as the real world Just a lie you've got to rise above I am invincible I am invincible I am invincible As long as I'm alive I want to run through the halls of my high school I want to scream at the Top of my lungs I just found out there's no such thing as the real world Just a lie you've got to rise above I just can't wait til my ten year reunion I'm gonna bust down the double doors And when I stand on these tables before you You will know what all this time was for Songwriters: JOHN CLAYTON MAYER, DOUGLAS CLAY COOK © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Warner/Chappell Music, Inc., REACH MUSIC PUBLISHING Data From: LyricFind 6. http://www.patriots.com/team/players/roster/tom-brady 7. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=HVX1laRd&id=48B3107E7C2284DFE305EF55A8CCCBF9B6A53E08&thid=OIP.HVX1laRdIzNxu9S_eONzjAHaIj&q=tom+brady&simid=608047047711067289&selectedIndex=177&ajaxhist=0 8. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=ZXwqBIOh&id=E4345E65F93307690680CD1D40AEB0F68662D891&thid=OIP.ZXwqBIOhBQf0QXsaPWJKwwHaFj&q=tom+brady&simid=607999691436525443&selectedindex=180&mode=overlay&first=1 9. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=5p%2FYLFHl&id=00B3361CB6557AB86D617F8F0003CE78FA833294&thid=OIP.5p_YLFHlKM9ifAcVGtuDTQEsDI&q=tom+brady&simid=607993755786674430&selectedindex=218&mode=overlay&first=1 10. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=AdmGFGZY&id=296881B7797D56EB28E588B20641B8BE62DEFBC5&thid=OIP.AdmGFGZYsXSvfQY72j56cgHaHa&q=tom+brady&simid=608044341904345814&selectedindex=231&mode=overlay&first=1 11. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=jjzJHoXM&id=B3FF5C77126D8BAB5773D489B71F9405238D396B&thid=OIP.jjzJHoXM0SEBQNvCTyaVkQHaJ4&q=tom+brady&simid=608052343415507300&selectedindex=242&mode=overlay&first=1 12. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=mu%2B4Vq5b&id=BF6E712038B5BA226E260DFB8FB24853CD09C21B&thid=OIP.mu-4Vq5b4aoIN4Pq2tFqSAHaEK&q=tom+brady&simid=608034210087501988&selectedindex=245&mode=overlay&first=1 13. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=H1W2UddURXI 14. http://www.metrolyrics.com/vultures-lyrics-john-mayer.html 15. Vultures Lyrics New! Tap highlighted lyrics to add Meanings, Special Memories, and Misheard Lyrics... Listen to John Mayer On Amazon Music Unlimited. Some of us, We're hardly ever here The rest of us, we're born to disappear How do I stop myself from Being just a number How will I hold my head To keep from going under Down to the wire I wanted water but I'll walk through the fire If this is what it takes To take me even higher Then I'll come through Like I do Lyrics continue below FEATURED VIDEO 8 Things You Didn't Know About Drake FEATURED VIDEO 8 More Hilarious Misheard Lyrics About Food FEATURED VIDEO What's That Line? FEATURED VIDEO Jared Leto Compares Writing A Song To Having A Kid When the world keeps Testing me, testing me, testing me How did they find me here What do they want from me All of these vultures hiding Right outside my door I hear them whisperin They're tryin' to ride it out They've never gone this long Without a kill before Down to the wire I wanted water but I'll walk through the fire If this is what it takes To take me even higher Then I'll come through Like I do When the world keeps Testing me, testing me, testing me (solo) Wheels up I got to leave this evening Can't seem to shake these vultures Off of my trail Powers is made, by power being taken I keep on running To protect my situation Down to the wire I wanted water but I'll walk through the fire If this is what it takes To take me even higher Then I'll come through Like I do When the world keeps Testing me, testing me, testing Oooooooooooo Oooooooooooo Oooooooooooo Oooooooooooo Whatcha gonna do about it Whatcha gonna do about it Whatcha gonna do 'bout it Don't give up, give up Don't give up, give up, give up Don't give up, give up Don't give up, give up, give up Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending. COPYRIGHT: Writer(s): John Mayer, Pino Palladino, Stephen Jordan Listen to John Mayer On Amazon Music Unlimited. Sponsored Links  AROUND THE WEB Read more: John Mayer - Vultures Lyrics | MetroLyrics  16. Gisele Bundchen Threatened Tom Brady With Divorce https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/gisele-bundchen... Mobile · Sep 02, 2015 · Fed up with husbandTom Brady's nasty temper, Gisele Bundchen consulted a divorce lawyer, a source reveals in the new Us Weekly Author: Sarah GrossbartLocation: New York, NYPhone: (212) 545-4800 17. https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/gisele-bundchen-threatened-tom-brady-with-divorce-201529/ 18. Tom Brady’s six-year marriage toGisele Bundchen is in dangerous territory. A source close to the world’s highest-paid model, 35, and the $13 million-plus-a-year NFL pro, 38, reveals in the latest issue of Us Weekly they’ve been having intense fights since he was hit with a four-game suspension in May. (Recap: A report concluded that the New England Patriots quarterback was “at least generally aware” of the team’s decision to deflate footballs to help nab a January playoff victory.) PHOTOS: Tom and Gisele's most romantic moments 19. Their spats have become so heated that Bundchen recently consulted with a divorce lawyer, says a Brady insider. “Tom thinks it’s only a threat,” says the insider. “But this is definitely a rough patch.” The parents to Benjamin, 5, and Vivian, 2, aren’t ready to admit defeat just yet. The Brady insider notes that they’re still sharing their Boston apartment and have made it a point to spend time together one-on-one. The Brazilian beauty also traveled to New York to be with Brady (who shares son John, 8, with exBridget Moynahan) for an Aug. 31 Deflategate hearing. PHOTOS: Hollywood's biggest football fans Still, says the first source, “Things are very tense right now. This could be the end of them.” Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen together in New York City on Aug. 31.INFphoto.com But whatever the status of their marriage, it appears the supermodel is standing by her husband during his Deflategate woes. Bundchen was spotted with Brady in New York on Monday, Aug. 31, after his latest hearing in the scandal. For more details on the duo’s arguments — and the one issue that Bundchen just can’t let go — pick up the latest issue of Us Weekly, on stands now! PHOTOS: Stars at court Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! Want stories like these delivered straight to your phone?Download the Us Weekly iPhone app now! More News Donald Trump Jokes About Melania Being Next to Leave the White House ‘Teen Mom OG’ Reunion: Who Showed Up, Who Didn’t! Celebrity Deaths in 2018: Stars We’ve Lost More News Partner News Silver Medalist Kelli Stack Gives An Update On Her Adopted Dog From Sochi BRANDED CONTENT Silver Medalist Kelli Stack Gives An Update On Her Adopted Dog From Sochi Brought to you by Nutrish AROUND THE WEB This Is What's at the Center of Bristol Palin's DivorcePagesix.com Jenelle Evan's 'TM2' Replacement RevealedRadaronline.com Carrie Underwood Shares New Selfie After Scary FallEtonline.com POWERED BY ZERGNET OSCARS #MeToo Founder: E! ‘Shouldn’t Send’ Ryan Seacrest to Oscars OMG Donald Trump Jokes About Melania Being Next to Leave the White House EXCLUSIVE ‘Teen Mom OG’ Reunion: Who Showed Up, Who Didn’t! AROUND THE WEB Faith Hill's Daughter Is Basically Her TwinNickiSwift.com Ben Higgins Reveals Why Lauren Bushnell Split 'Broke' HimEtonline.com Jonathan Cheban 'Flipped Out' at Kardashian 'Family Feud' TapingPagesix.com 'RHOC' Alum Charged For Possessing Heroin-Covered ParaphernaliaPagesix.com POWERED BY ZERGNET RIP Celebrity Deaths in 2018: Stars We’ve Lost LOVE LIVES Emily Ratajkowski Shows Off Wedding Ring at Independent Spirit Awards BABY LOVE Ronnie Ortiz-Magro, Pregnant Girlfriend Jen Harley Celebrate Baby Shower AROUND THE WEB Miranda Lambert and Anderson East Have Officially SplitWonderwall.com Kyle Richards Traded Her Super Long Hair for a BobBravotv.com Stormi's Birth Certificate Reveals Unusual ChoiceAol.com Jamie Luner from 'Melrose Place' Accused of Sexual MisconductTMZ.com POWERED BY ZERGNET OSCARS Oscars 2018: Complete Nominees and Winners List OMG Jenna Fischer Runs Into the Kardashians in Tokyo: Pic  TV RECAP ‘SNL’ Recap: Alec Baldwin Returns After Trump Twitter Feud AROUND THE WEB Strange Things Everyone Ignores About Adam Levine's MarriageNickiSwift.com Adam & Behati Share First Photo of Newborn DaughterBillboard.com This Figure-Skating Move Was Too Provocative for the OlympicsNypost.com Inside The Duggar Family's Big MoveRadaronline.com POWERED BY ZERGNET JUST MARRIED Chanel Iman and Sterling Shepard Are Married EXCLUSIVE DJ Steve Aoki Shares His Top Tracks: See His Playlist! 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