Pettymoms is officially done and no more asks will be posted. Thanks to anyone who has ever submitted or shared on our blog. We’ll leave the blog up so past drama can be referenced in the future. We’ll still be around on our personals and our inboxes are always open. ☺️
🍑- @she-isthe-slaughter
🌹- @wishing-for-baby-bean
👵🏻- @kalumsmommy
☘️- @fullmetallizard
🎃- @munster-mama
Later bitches stay petty 💁‍♀️💕
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Smells like a self submit
How so? You have smell-o-vision over there or something?
Peach 🍑
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Peach I'm dying with that self submit. Bitch you sent that so tgm would pitty your buck tooth ass and take you in.
I don’t think peach is self submitting just to get attention from tgm, or at all for that matter.
She’s to busy being fabulous❤️
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Is this blog really dying out?
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Because I'D want sperm from a guy that gets random girls knocked up... and oh, no no he would NEVER come to us for child support/come after us... sure thing. Sounds solid. And you don't even have any court docu in place. Good luck! I suggest you get some things to cover you, wofes and kiddos butts.
I’m assuming this is about Quinn?
They seem to have a solid relationship with JJ, and if they trust him then that’s great. I think it’s really nice they have someone willing to donate to them.
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Peach you're the only active admin and this blog is dying. Can we petition to have you jump ship to tgm??
Hahah I have no words 🙊😅
Peach 🍑
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What ever happened to shelby?
She’s still kind of around. She’s been at the same job for a while and seems to be doing okay ish. 🤷‍♀️
Peach 🍑
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Did Katrina delete again?
I mean doesn’t she always🤷🏼‍♀️
Anyone have her url?
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We have begun to work on a mumblr community guide, and here’s the link to what we have so far!
Because the tumblr app is shit and you can’t access it from our main page, please give this post notes so that it can be bumped to our “top posts” and it can be easily accessed by all!
The page is an obvious work in progress and will need to be updated frequently, so if you see something that needs changed or added, please message us!
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With Quinn; didn't JJ's gf just have a baby not too long ago too?? :( Thats super shitty. shes due for some good karma. :(
I’m confused. I think that baby is like 6 ish months old by now if not older unless I’m totally off. Either way I agree and I’m sending all the good vibes her way as always. ✨💗✨
Peach 🍑
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Thank you babes❤️
Congratulations to our very own Pumpkin 🎃 for the birth of her beautiful daughter Violet! We couldn’t be happier for your little family. 💗💗💗
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Congratulations to our very own Pumpkin 🎃 for the birth of her beautiful daughter Violet! We couldn’t be happier for your little family. 💗💗💗
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🎃 didnt deny it lol.
Rose is living her life and she’s happy. Her new guy seems great so I’m happy for her
Peach 🍑
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Maybe this blog is dead because rose is busy playing house with a new fuckboy trying to replace her deadbeat baby daddy
🖕🏻 Maybe it’s because we’re all busy parents just trying to do our best. You can take your shitty opinion and shove it.🎃
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Holding up your phone to the radio to record a song
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Having to flip the cassette in your portable cassette player.
Peach 🍑
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My grandma obsessively buying beanie babies we weren’t allowed to play with because they’d be worth a lot one day 🙄😂 -Clover ☘️
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Having to flip the cassette in your portable cassette player.
Peach 🍑
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Having to flip the cassette in your portable cassette player.
Peach 🍑
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