#wesper must always end up happy <3
sparrowmoth · 1 year
thinking intensely about torturing my new comfort characters like a pair of unfortunate barbie dolls (as one does), so theoretically, what would be an interesting whump scenario to subject wesper to.........
having just finished reading Crooked Kingdom, I'm itching to explore Jan Van Eck as an antagonist in the world of SAB, so the context I have in mind would be Van Eck pulling strings to get rid of Wylan...
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monrohakay · 3 years
Flickering Green: A Wesper Fic
I wrote an angsty Wesper soulmate au! It has a happy ending thou! The timeline is a little off and Nina’s abilities aren’t canon compliant cuz I needed it for the fic to flow. There will be more parts to come, this is just the intro. Enjoy!
Part 1 / 2 / 3
The day Wylan turned sixteen was the first time he went on a job for the Dregs. Inej’s voice had been fond when she wished him a happy birthday. Jesper’s had been teasing when he told Wylan he had a special present for him, complete with a wink that made Wylan blush a furious shade of crimson. 
He was currently trying not to dwell on those words, nervously waiting behind a stack of crates for his bomb to go off at exactly twelve bells. It would mark the end of their job, and the end of his birthday. The plan had gone off without a hitch, every detail perfectly executed. He should have been elated, running from an explosion he set off with Jesper at his side, decked out in one of his more subtle forest green suits. Yet Wylan couldn’t stop the disappointment that had settled in his heart when we looked around and nothing seemed different. 
Inej’s outfit was still a deep purple. His hair was flopping into his eyes and proving it was still a ruddy gold. He could see a fleck of red blood on Jesper’s temple from where some debris must have nicked him. Ketterdam had always been dark and dreary, but it had never looked more colourful to Wylan. 
On your sixteenth birthday, you lost a colour that represented your soulmate. You only got it back when you met them. His birthday was officially over now, and yet he still saw every colour he could think of. 
He was pulled to a halt when a hand grabbed his wrist, dragging him to the ground behind something. He crouched next to Jesper, trying to catch his breath before realizing what they were hiding behind. A flower cart. He scanned the plants, praying one would be a dull grey, devoid of its colour. They were all annoyingly still bright and beautiful. The light blue hydrangeas mocking him as they blocked them from view of the stadwatch thundering by. 
When the street cleared he heard a sigh of relief closer to his ear than he expected. He drew his gaze from the flowers, his eyes landing on Jesper’s stone grey one’s. He hasn’t realized Jesper had grey eyes before. Unless…
“Any chance your eyes used to be orange?” The question left his lips before he could stop them. 
Jesper reached over him, hand brushing Wylan’s arm as it passed. Wylan drew in a sharp breath, their chests almost brushing from the proximity. All too soon Jesper was pulling back, a teasing smirk gracing his lips. 
“Afraid not.” Jesper said, holding out a bright orange flower Wylan didn’t know the name of. 
Wylan took it from his fingers, glaring at it with a hatred it didn’t deserve. He let out a huff, throwing it back at the cart in annoyance. He could see every colour. Which meant he didn’t have a soulmate. 
He let his head drop, bangs falling over his eyes. Of course he didn’t have a soulmate. Why would Ghezen or the Saints or the Universe or whoever decided fate let him be happy for once? They hadn’t given him the ability to read or a loving father. They had taken his mother away from him. They had left him to rot in this godsforsaken town. And now they hadn’t given him a soulmate. 
“Are you alright?” 
Inej’s soft voice made him jump, not having expected her to be right behind him. He hadn’t seen where she hid from the stadwatch, or where she had just come from. He didn’t think he’d ever get used to her doing that. 
“You didn’t get hurt did you?” Inej’s concern was apparent in her eyes and she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. 
He shook his head, trying his best to smile reassuringly at her. “Just a little tired I guess.” 
She smiled back, nodding as she let her hand drop. “We should get back, report to Kaz.” 
Wylan trailed after her, trying to ignore the voice in the back of his head telling him he was destined to end up alone. The only person to ever love him had been mother, and she was gone. His life in the Barrel was an empty one. He had been hoping, at the very least, his soulmate would help fill that emptiness. 
An arm draped over his shoulders and he glanced up at Jesper. The older boy was staring ahead, a tight smile on his lips and an almost sorrowful look in his eyes. Wylan wanted to question him, wanted to know what had the usually cheerful sharpshooter look so down after a successful job. Instead he stayed silent, watching Inej disappear into the shadows, knowing she would stay close by. He let himself relax into Jesper’s embrace, taking comfort in the warmth he provided against the cold dampness of Ketterdam. Perhaps he wasn’t completely alone.
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