#werewolf theo nott
lady-rhaesnow · 27 days
Always mine
Story update!
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📒 Fandom: Harry Potter
📓Title: Always Mine
📗Author: Lady_RhaeSnow18
📘Pairings: Hermione Granger/ Theodore Nott
📕Category: F/M
📔Trigger warnings: language, smut, violence
📙Rating: (E) Explicit: only suitable for adults
📔Chapter2: Condemned Men
She had known from the start that it was not true love. Yet, she had married him anyway. Perhaps this was the fates punishing her - a lesson learned, wisdom gained and all that shit... so maybe that accounts for the cheating spouse (soon to be ex), the meddling in-laws, and a new magical bond to content with. But that new fluttering craziness with her heart every time she sees him? It’s not wholly new but in a way it is, now that everything is changing. Either way, her life is a little (a lot) of a mess right now. She can’t help but think the fates are enjoying this a little too much.
Ron and Hermione’s marriage comes to a startling and shattering end but her sassy, snarky lovely Slytherin’s don’t dare let her wallow in misery. They gently (and not so gently) help her heal and put back together her life, as a new bond is fighting to make itself known.
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deadghosy · 3 months
Mattheo, Theodore, Lorenzo x male reader (Group/poly)
Where they’re werewolves? — super protective & scenting their mate all the time
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You didn’t know how this happened. All you did was be yourself around your housemates in Slytherin. Not knowing 3 of them were werewolves, and now. You’re their mate. Their scent all over you, always are around you. They look like bodyguards as mattheo and Theodore are by your side while as Lorenzo is behind you when walking to class or anywhere.
Some might say you are very protected, which is true. Your boys love you well to the point they get kinda aggressive when they deem someone as a threat to the relationship the four of you have. Mattheo almost got a boy into a coma, all because the student didn’t “back off”. Theodore goes with verbal abuse and confrontation. He knows how to scare people away. And then there’s Lorenzo who’s a devil in disguise. Doing small little curses at the person. Making them go crazy.
Sometimes you can’t even catch your own breath around those 3. When relaxing in the common room, mattheo is on your left, Theodore is on your right, and Lorenzo is just sitting in front of your legs and in between them. His head leaning back so you could scratch his scalp. The boys are always begging for you to scratch their scalp. The way you do it just makes them wanna claim you all over again.
When you scratch mattheo, his head is all in your neck. Pressing soft kisses, he’ll even do small nips at it as he rubs your hips. For when you scratch Theodore, his tall body is leaning down on you. Making you having to lay on something as Theodore is literally rubbing his face in your neck. Masking his scent again on you over, and over. Lorenzo is slightly tamed as he just smile while giving your wrist soft kisses. Your boys love you very well.
Sometimes you play little jokes on them. Mattheo would try to find you when you had sprayed your fragrance you use a lot on a hoodie so you can trick the riddle werewolf that you were in your room. When really you were outside in the yard. Mattheo found you an hour later and was absolutely touch starved. Immediately hugging you and kissing your face with those beautiful eyes of his tracking your whole body to make sure you were okay.
Lorenzo is practically the most softest of them all. He’s the one who follows you the most. Rubbing your stomach when lying down together, holding your hands.
And when the full moon hits. They can’t help but transform into their wolves and lick your hands and face. Their licks to your face is basically kisses as they try to speak only to growl in admiration at how you aren’t scared of them. Mattheo is a dark wolf, Theodore is a mixture of light brown and brown fur, and Lorenzo is just a bright brown color. So you’re lucky to know which one is which.
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Right as of now, you are in what muggles call a dog pile. Lorenzo is on your stomach, mattheo is on your right, and Theodore is on your left. Cuddling you with their body heat as the slight broken heater in your room was heating it up against the cold night. Lorenzo was half asleep as he just cuddled deeper against your belly. Sometimes Lorenzo had “urges” deeper than the other boys surprisingly. Mattheo was playing with your fingers as Theodore was playing with your hair. “Darling..when is the next moon?” Lorenzo asks, his voice a little husky from drowsiness. You took a deep breath in and look over at the calendar.
“Oh my…it’s tonight…” you say, sitting up a little as your boys groaned annoyed. They hated turning into wolves. More or so reasons because they can’t hold you properly or ki ss you properly. They find it mostly annoying how you baby them when they pamper you so much in their regular form.
“I hate it..” Lorenzo said. Nuzzling his messy bed hair against your stomach before pouting up at you. “I know dear.” You said with a soft voice. You started to scratch his scalp, making him let out a sigh of relief. Your two boys only relaxed in your presence. Minutes passed and they could feel themselves wanting to transform.
“Can I kiss you before we transform?”
“Could I still lay on you??”
“Can I hug you right now?”
Questions were just thrown out in the air. You weren’t overwhelmed of course, just thrown off at how quick your boys wanted you before they transformed. You kissed mattheo gently, you let Theodore hug you. His dark wood scent clinging into you. And you nodded yes to Lorenzo who smiled still. Just happy to stay lay on you. Again, a few minutes pass and mattheo is the first one to transform. His dark black fur covering your eyes of Theodore and Lorenzo following suit. Now you felt a wolf’s nose on your stomach. Whimpering as Theodore and mattheo just snuggle into your arms.
“Awww Lorenzo..it’s just for tonight love.” You say that but the poor werewolf has his ears pushed back. It seems mattheo is laughing at the other werewolf. Because Theodore then smacks the dark wolf with his paw. Making mattheo growl a little. “Hey! No fighting on my bed you gits.” You give them a pointed look. Making your three boys nuzzle against you.
They licked your face, making you giggle. Your giggle made it even more known at how sweet and apiece you were and are to them.
They are your boys.
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hp-hcs · 2 months
yk what’s crazy to me is that like, the same people who complain about mattheo riddle and enzo berkshire (and ig theo nott, who’s only mentioned in the books) being fan-made characters who aren’t actually canon will go and verbally harass a 16yo on TikTok who just made a silly goofy edit of benjamin wadsworth, and then keep scrolling through their fyp of all marauders fandom stuff like that’s not literally the same thing
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soft-stxrlight · 4 months
the calling of wolves and vipers, chapter 3
wizengamot meetings and tense admissions
ao3 link: the calling of wolves and vipers
tumblr masterlist: the calling of wolves and vipers
pairing: Draco Malfoy x Theodore Nott x Hermione Granger
description: draco, theo, and hermione navigate growing affections as they fight for werewolf rights. there are forces, however, which will stop at nothing to ensure their efforts are for naught.
word count: 5013
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The Wizengamot was not something one would call efficient, more like bewilderingly circuitous. Every minute motion had to be discussed, dissected and then deliberated upon. Despite the straightforwardness of the bill being proposed for aurors to receive paid time off for traumatic missions, the members were bullheaded in their need to advocate for whatever devils filled their pockets. 
Hermione could feel the frustration itching beneath her tight-clad knee, where it bounced with such rapidity that Theo finally reached over and steadied it, giving her a long look and a gentle nod. 
Maybe it wasn’t so much that the Wizengamot was incapable of conducting business–though that was certainly a factor–she knew her nerves were getting the better of her. Theo and Hermione had an iron-clad proposal and many contingencies for any potential roadblocks the Wizengamot constructed. However, she couldn’t shake the feeling that regardless of their extensive research, the concept of werewolf equality was going to be too contentious to pass. 
They couldn’t fail. They simply couldn’t. The Shift-House Act would provide safe harbor for werewolves across Wizarding Europe at least. They’d hammered out the fewest requests they could make with the greatest yield. All they wanted was for the Ministry to approve the construction and maintenance of secure apartment-type buildings for people with the werewolf gene to undergo the shift somewhere safe. 
The Wizengamot seemed to have reached a decision on the request from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement on paid leave after traumatic missions. Hermione silently chastised herself for not listening more carefully on the outcome of that one, as Harry had been an advocate for it. 
He’d tell her later, anyway, she mused.
“Can the representatives of the Shift-House Act please come forward from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, a Miss Hermione Granger,” there were some stifled groans from the back of the auditorium. Hermione smiled to herself, if being a thorn in the side of the Wizengamot was a badge of honor, she wore it proudly.
“And a Mister Theodore Nott.” The moderator of the session was a stately woman Hermione had met with before, Erin Whittock. She was a high ranking member of the Department of International Magical Cooperation and she seemed to have a complementary moral compass with Hermione. She received a modest incline of the head from Erin, which she returned. 
Hermione and Theo stood with painstakingly rehearsed poise and professionalism and approached the podium with their notes. She smoothed her blazer, oblivious to the way his eyes trailed along the path of her fingers. As they came to the small set of steps that led up Hermione realized she was in heels and there wasn’t a railing, before she had even lifted her foot she felt his hand gently slip into hers and raise it up to stabilize her. She tilted her head up at him, steeling herself with a deep look square in his supportive eyes and inclined her head in thanks. 
The warmth that burst through her hand hummed up her arm as though it were his hand itself that tipped her chin high and relaxed her shoulder muscles. Hermione nearly groaned when he released her, but the intense blaze of his eyes as her own skittered around the room replaced his physical touch. With his gaze warming the back of her neck, Hermione began.
Theo’s chest swelled with pride at the way his witch stared down the Wizengamot and drew her shoulders back confidently. 
He hurried to shove his baser side down. Hermione was his work partner at the moment, not the woman he’d been slowly falling into orbit of. Getting pulled closer until an inevitable collision. He looked desperately forward to it. 
But her draw was undeniable. As she gathered her notes at the podium he assumed the position behind her to the left, more bodyguard than colleague. He was more than happy to allow her to do all the talking. Although Theo considered himself charismatic–Draco called it dreadfully loquacious–he knew Hermione’s genuine intelligence and knowledge would get them further than his schmoozing.
“We are here to discuss the proposal of Ministry Sanctioned Werewolf Shifting Houses,” a distant scoff became a rushed clearing of a throat, “I will be presenting the logistics of the proposal and Theodore will be discussing the funding.” 
One member of the Wizengamot was shifting in his seat and Hermione’s eyes sliced straight to his as his mouth opened, “We ask that you leave all questions until our proposal is complete, to preserve time and reduce redundancy.” 
Theo had to stifle a snicker at her directness. Hermione was nothing if not a straight shooter. One of many qualities he admired in her. His deliciously courageous witch. His.
The reaction from the member was certainly less welcome, the slightly older man shifted uncomfortably. His eyes though, they roamed Hermione appraisingly. The man seemed to like a challenge, he was intrigued. Theo found himself imagining gripping the man’s throat and forcing him down to his knees, to apologize and grovel at Hermione’s feet. Daydream Hermione would be shocked but would softly tell Theo, ‘enough’. And like the good pet he was, he’d release the man and take up his vigil beside her once more. 
What in Merlin’s name had gotten into him? Focus, Theo, now is decidedly NOT the time. 
“First and foremost, this endeavor has already secured funding by anonymous donors who learned of our efforts. No monetary assistance will be required of the ministry.” Hermione paused to eye the stout financial advisor of the ministry, his beady eyes squinted at her over wire-rimmed glasses. Her direct challenge stirred something low in Theo’s stomach, as well as something lower, baser, within him. Theo chided himself, manage it, you relentless school-boy. 
“We will require assistance in finding a construction company who specializes in werewolves, likely from overseas, considering Wizarding Britain’s-” Hermione cleared her throat pointedly and raised a brow, “-rudimentary efforts to include werewolves in society. We lack the technology and innovators that our contemporary countries have due to our prejudices.”
“We intend to provide accommodations that will not only keep the werewolves safe and contained during transition, but provide comfort and minimize stress. These considerations will be taken into account during construction and are non-negotiable. Theodore and I will manage all staffing of these shifting-houses, though we hope to partner with the Department of Magical Law Enforcement to provide aurors on a rotating shift to protect those in shift, as we have seen a rise in attacks on werewolves during the vulnerability of the shift.”
“Should we secure a partnership between our efforts and the DMLE, we would look into compensating the aurors who participate in the rotation with an additional stipend and a training course that we are constructing similar to those in Albania to train aurors on non-lethal de-escalation with shifted werewolves.”
“We are proposing 3 shifting houses to start, a modest offering considering the skyrocketing numbers of afflicted individuals post-the Battle of Hogwarts. Each shifting house will accommodate roughly twenty individuals and we hope to expand our efforts with further locations should they be successful. A board will be assembled to oversee the operations of the shifting houses and ensure that they continue to serve our proposed population of werewolves. At this time Theodore will explain the minutia of funding allocations.”
Hermione stepped back and allowed Theo to replace her in front of the podium. Finally able to rest and relax the tension in her shoulders, she observed Theo as he outlined the financial plans. 
Theo held himself with an air of confidence, as though he were hosting an intimate dinner party in his home, speaking with intimate friends, at all times. It was one of the things that had burrowed deep in her mind and planted seeds, sprouting the idea he could be something more to her than a mere friend or business partner. Competence was paramount to sexuality.
There was a soft humming in the auditorium, as Wizengamot members jotted scattered notes on parchment, some huffed in annoyance, but ultimately the request to withhold questions until the end of the presentation was upheld. 
Theo drew his presentation to a close and glanced back over his shoulder. He caught Hermione’s whiskey honeyed eyes already on him. His searched her for just a moment before a lazy smile spread his pillowy lips. He gestured for her to come join him at the podium once more. He felt her warmth return to his side and the sensation nearly drew a throaty moan from him, but he swallowed it down.  
“That will conclude our presentation on the Shift House Act and we will accept questions at this time. Thank you for your patience and consideration.” Theo announced and to Hermione’s dismay about fifteen wands illuminated, indicating questions to be answered. 
The questions ranged from all manner of concerns. Valid queries about timelines and research to inane complaints that the act was unneeded in itself. Hermione chewed her bottom lip until warm iron filled her mouth. This act could positively impact so many lives. It would be a step toward inclusion and protection, therefore it needed to pass. 
Her heart panged in her chest wildly as she glanced at the handsome werewolf beside her. If you asked Theo about whether the transition had been difficult he would easily laugh and supply a goofy anecdote. But Hermione had seen him return from shifting leave. She’d seen the bruised chasms beneath his eyes, and his hollow unseeing gaze. The shift was hard on the mind and body, and she would be damned if she allowed people like Theo to suffer any more than they had. 
Erin Whittock had excused them once all questions had been answered and announced it was time for deliberation and voting. Theo, for all his nonchalance, was practically vibrating with apprehension. Hermione stretched her pinky beside her until it wrapped around his, the best reassurance she could provide while still appearing professional.
Theo’s breath sighed out at the touch, deflating his shoulders and tightened his pinkie solidly around hers. 
“Witches and wizards of the Wizengamot, have you come to a decision on the proposed Shift House Act?” Erin’s alto tone rang through the room, amplified by her wand poised gently at her neck. 
An elderly witch with plum covered velvety robes rose from her seat and amplified her voice, “We have. The Shift House Act will pass with the condition that a member of the Wizengamot, chosen by Miss Granger and Mister Nott be provided a seat on the board, are you content with these conditions?” She asked as she turned toward Theo and Hermione where they stood frozen on the spot.
Hermione’s heart leapt in her chest, “We gladly accept those conditions. Thank you all for your time and consideration.” Her voice was sure and complimentary but Hermione swore she could’ve cast a forty foot otter patronus on the spot in utter joy. 
The meeting ended shortly thereafter with Theo offered Hermione his arm as he led her out of the auditorium. 
Wide eyes turned on Hermione, “We did it! You did it.” Theo paused once they’d turned the corner and stood off to the side in the hallway. He gripped her hands in his and leaned forward until his forehead softly touched hers, “Thank you for caring about us,” he whispered, warm breath slipping against her lips. Hermione leaned forward and was about to chase his lips but stopped herself before they connected, blushing furiously, remembering their setting. 
“Let’s celebrate,” Theo’s eyes glinted mischievously and Hermione’s stomach clenched in anticipation. 
“What do you have in mind?” Hermione easily slid her hand into his and intertwined their fingers.
“Not sure yet, let’s go find out.” 
They descended upon Diagon Alley with a wicked sense of joy and a lightness of heart neither could recall feeling since early childhood. Threads of contentment and comfort wove between them, palpable in the bright night air. 
Though blind to it themselves, those who took in the budding couple that evening would be able to observe the way a shimmering glow encased them. An elderly couple would observe them as they rushed into a shop buzzing with private laughter. The kind of private that wasn’t to keep others out, but because they were within a world of their own making. 
“Hermione, I hate to be the bearer of bad news,” Ginny dipped her head and looked at her with big doe eyes before stooping over and putting her hand on her hip dramatically, “the baby is insisting upon Fortescue’s Ice Cream, and if it doesn’t get it, I fear my body may succumb.” 
Before, Hermione would’ve playfully punched Ginny in the shoulder and rolled her eyes, but ever since she got pregnant, Hermione found it near-painful to deny things from her. 
“I would never withhold something from my darling little niece or nephew,” Hermione’s voice rose an octave as she grinned and fussed at Ginny’s still flat stomach. Ginny stormed through the doors and forged ahead, ordering a black raspberry chunk ice cream. Hermione barely had her order of dulce de leche out of her mouth before a blunt obsidian bob caught her eye shimmering in the sun.
“Pansy?” Hermione called out, eyes widening as she considered the possibility she was shouting at a stranger. The bob swished, causing a miniature galaxy to dance on her tresses, and Hermione saw a signature plum colored smirk turn toward her. 
“Lioness? How good to see you’ve ventured beyond the pride.” Hermione may have taken umbrage with the way emerald eyes appraised her from head to toe, but a demure grin brightened Pansy’s face as she was tugged into a hug. Pansy and Ginny pretended to have a heated stare-off before finally chuckling and planting kisses on each other’s cheeks. 
“Parks, it’s been much too long. Harry is raring to defend his title. Tell Blaise to schedule the next scrimmage,” Ginny angled an elbow playfully into Pansy’s ribs. Pansy adeptly slid back, it was notoriously hard to catch the woman off guard. It was as though behaving in an undignified way was impossible for her. 
“Tell him yourself,” Pansy gestured her chin behind her and Hermione glanced around Ginny to see Blaise dodging the midday crowd and waving as he caught up to them. 
“Bloody shoppers. This is why I prefer to order things via owl.” Blaise whined, a non-threatening growl escaping his throat. Pansy rolled her eyes and examined her nails. He leaned in and hugged Hermione and Ginny warmly. Blaise and Pansy were turned as well during Greyback’s rampage. They had the poor fortune of inhabiting the Malfoy manor right before the final battle. 
“Potter wants another showdown,” she informed him, before looping her arm through his own. This information did nothing to improve her paramour’s mood.
“Pompous Chosen One. He’s on. This time I’ll convince Draco to come. Then you lions are nothing but an oversized meal.” His words were confident but his expensive black shoes continued to tap the pavement in annoyance. 
Hermione enjoyed this exchange greatly. None of them were plagued by house prejudices besides some light-hearted joking. It bothered her, in hindsight, how Hogwarts employed the house system. Though more innocuous than blood purity prejudice, it sought to further denote and divide students based on perceived “differences”. 
“Why don’t the two of you join us?” Hermione suggested to the couple, Ginny nodded enthusiastically around a mouthful of ice cream. Blaise didn’t bother responding, only headed straight to the counter to order his own. He was a simple man driven by the pleasures in life, Hermione had learned over their budding friendship. Always the first to gather a drink, a sweet, or indulge in his woman.
“We just ate, but you know Blaise,” Pansy faux-complained as she glanced toward the cashier with a contented sigh. She pulled up a seat beside Ginny. “I heard a rumor that Ms. Hermione and our Theodore had a magical date.” Pansy arched a manicured brow and fixed her determined gaze on Hermione who squirmed. 
Ginny grinned conspiratorially, “Oh, she was like a school girl in the days after. ‘Ginny he was so handsome,’ ‘He made the whole picnic himself,’ ‘Even the faeries seemed to agree’.”
Hermione scoffed at Ginny, feeling the warm rush of blood to her cheeks, but did nothing to deny the claims. Pansy laughed with her, but gently placed a hand over Hermione’s own, “Don’t worry. He was quite the same. Though, I’ve been sworn to secrecy. Draco seemed positively strained when he congratulated Theo.”
Hermione straightened and Pansy’s eyes narrowed. Ginny was blissfully unaware, thank Merlin, but Blaise’s lips quirked in a knowing smile as he settled in beside them. 
“I’m not sure why he would have been bothered,” Hermione muttered, prodding her ice cream with her spoon. Blaise’s answering scoff earned him a hard stare from Pansy, who softened as her eyes flicked back to Hermione. 
“Not sure bothered is quite the word I’d use.” Pansy emphasized the word rather breathily. Hermione suddenly felt positively scorching. Surely her face would sustain second degree burns the way they had her blushing. 
Pansy and Blaise had a tendency for poking and prodding at sensitive subjects, though they knew when to pull back. Feeling her uncertainty, they dove into a conversation with Ginny about all the baby preparations since she’d made the announcement while Hermione withdrew into her mind. 
Theo admitted he had been courting Hermione for months, using dated pureblood traditions that flew directly over Hermione’s head. They had agreed they both wanted more than dates, a relationship, but she was worried she was probably already in love. She was well and truly fucked.
“I’ll be right back,” Hermione excused herself. She sought her way to the bathroom and promptly shut herself in. After using the bathroom and taking some deep stabilizing breaths, she felt ready to return to the table. Hopefully nonchalant enough to convince her companions the comments about her partner and his best friend didn’t cause a full meltdown in her mind. 
It could never be that easy though, as when she stepped out, she walked directly into Cormac McLaggen who was leaning just beyond the door frame. 
“Hermione Granger,” he steadied her and then ran a hand up her arm in a move much more familiar than they were. His grin was predatory as he leaned down to whisper in her ear, “How good to see you.”
“Step back McLaggen. She’s not interested,” Pansy’s signature hiss was accentuated by a low growl rattling deep in her chest. Cormac had the good sense to jump a few steps back from Hermione. Not far enough, the moon wouldn’t be far enough.
“I was only steadying her Parkinson. No need to white knight,” his response was sour as Pansy shifted around him until she was between the werewolf and Hermione. 
Straightening her back Pansy said, “Scamper along, now. Play time is over.” It was not a request from the woman, but a command. 
Turning on his heel, he stormed by them. Once Cormac was past the threshold of Fortescue’s, Pansy turned to Hermione, all her malice replaced with her pleasant smile. “Ginny was talking about the auror time off bill, apparently it passed. I thought you may want to hear the details?” 
Hermione was grateful for Pansy’s graceful tact in this moment. Pansy slid her arm through Hermione’s and guided her back through the shop to their little table nestled in the corner. She couldn’t help the nagging feeling that Pansy’s intervention wasn’t purely accidental. It reminded her of the day in her office when Draco and Theo were nearly feral at the smell of her mild fear. 
“Thank you,” Hermione said discreetly. She saw Pansy return a small nod.
Draco leaned back against the chaise that Theo lounged sideways on. Draco allowed his vision to blur along the artful beams in the oak ceiling. 
“I can’t do this anymore,” Theo groaned. Draco cocked his head back to see his beta more clearly. He didn’t bother asking what he meant, only lifted one brow questioningly.
“I can’t even think straight! My instincts are constantly focused on her. Every thought is consumed by her. Every time I hold back on marking her, it’s physically painful.” Theo’s voice was softer than usual. Draco huffed a sigh as he rose, and paced to the bar for another firewhisky. He walked to the matching chair in the study, sinking into it and wrangling his many conflicting thoughts. 
He knew what Theo meant better than his friend believed. Ever since the change, any time he was in the vicinity of Hermione Granger, it was as though she flooded his every sense. He’d become intoxicated at a whiff of her perfume, causing him to freeze in his tracks just to consume every trace of her greedily. She could be in the crowded ministry atrium, but Draco’s ears would catch any shuffle of her feet, or the subtle rustling as she rooted for paperwork in her beaded purse. A muted grin spread his lips at the thought of her illegal bag with its extension charm, his clever little witch. She never did much care for rules that didn’t suit her. 
“Remind your wolf, she’s yours. I can’t imagine the swot would take well to being marked without an exhaustive analysis of the pros and cons of such an action.” Draco’s words were hardly past his lips before a deafening growl ripped up through Theo’s throat. Draco turned a bored look on him until Theo’s upper lip stopped curling over bared teeth. 
“I would never force her into a bond,” Theo passionately asserted. There was no room to argue his resolute tone, as his hands gripped the chaise so tightly his knuckles strained white over bone. His eyes were a stormy rainforest. Draco’s alpha was deeply satisfied with his beta’s response to his provocative words.
“I know. Besides, I’d have to kill you if you had,” Draco casually shrugged, but the words held a dark edge he instantly regretted. He needed to get a handle on this possessive urge that followed any mention of Granger. Theo didn’t deserve to be postured at. He respected and supported Draco, not only as an alpha, but as his closest friend. 
“You’d better,” Theo whispered as a shadow of horror drew over his face. Theo was hyper-sensitive to Hermione. The mere thought of anyone, even himself, taking away her autonomy and acting without consent was enough to send him into a full emotional tailspin. 
He barely registered Draco’s concerned expression across from him. He was too wrapped up in imagined horrific scenes of Granger’s warm olive skin with blood mixing among her light smattering of freckles. A look of horror widening her mahogany eyes as tears gathered and fell. Merlin, fuck. 
Theo shuddered and leaned forward, bracing his elbows on his thighs and dropping his head into his hands. 
A sudden whine strangled its way out of Draco’s throat that shook Theo out of his macabre daydream, whipping his head to glance at Draco.. They stared at each other for a moment in surprise before Draco cleared his throat and apprised Theo, eyes searching.
“I could sense your distress… my alpha, he’s very protective of his beta,” Draco softly explained. 
The excuse was thin and they both knew it. They could never quite could define their relationship ever since they’d been changed. The wolves within brought heightened emotions, but also perplexing behaviors out of them. Each of them had despised any woman the other had taken out on dates, or to their beds. 
There was a tension now whenever they spoke about romantic partners that caused the other to become agitated. They’d nearly fought over it enough times already. Their chests heaving with rumbling breaths and fists balled at their sides. Seething with anger for reasons they couldn’t acknowledge. They never lashed out physically, neither had that urge. It was something else. Something more. Though, neither was willing to evaluate this yet.
Strangely, though, with Hermione Granger, that was not the issue that arose. Each was desperate for her, but it didn’t divide them. 
No, it was common ground. Ground they both wanted to explore. Expand. 
A shared devotion, their goddess to protect and exalt. Though Draco felt a tinge of jealousy that Theo actually got to worship her. It wasn’t truly envy, just the wish that he too could hold and protect her. Seek her out when the world was too dark and bask in her glowing light. 
Hermione helped Harry clean up the plates from dinner in comfortable silence, only the clinking of the plates and Ginny’s occasional overfull groan from the couch cutting through. Hermione had been in her head since Fortescue’s Ice Cream. The way Hermione retreated into her mind didn’t escape Ginny’s notice. 
Her comfort zone was deep within her own psyche, dissecting and unfurling her thoughts and emotions until she could intellectualize every moment of feeling. Break things down into baser parts and analyze them at all angles. Run each moment repeatedly through her mind’s eye until she was sure she interpreted everything thoroughly.
It wasn’t productive to do such a thing, she knew this deep down. But the comfort of receding into her intelligence was familiar and safe. It protected her from the reminder that control is just an illusion.
Post-war, Hermione realized she may have a bit of a control problem. It wasn’t like it cropped up out of nowhere, however. A decade of life-threatening events and battles during her formative teenage years left damage that couldn’t be healed with a simple charm and some dittany. Panic attacks gripped her at night, while nightmares kept her from resting peacefully, and eventually she began seeing a mind healer. 
The road to recovery was long, and Hermione was only just beginning. A necessary journey.
Theo threw a wrench in everything. She was working on herself, and she was improving, day after grueling day. And so, she began living her life again, instead of walking through memories and nightmares in a barely conscious haze. And of course, this handsome, curly haired, gentle, newly-turned werewolf just had to treat her like a goddess of old. He made her feel more than just present, he made her feel alive!
But that brought its own cauldron of issues. 
Her neatly tucked away and examined feelings were suddenly vibrant and teeming. Hermione wasn’t sure she knew how to do this part. Without a potentially world-changing war and villains bent on her extermination, how did one date without a sense of impending doom?
“I can hear the cogs grinding even under your mass of wild hair,” Harry complained jokingly. His eyes, however, betrayed his concern. He pulled out one of the kitchen chairs and ignored the rest of the cleanup. Hermione sighed and joined him. 
“I’m… confused,” she admitted. Harry nodded solemnly, attention fully on her. He may not understand the way her complex brain worked, but out of everyone on this planet, Harry Potter knew Hermione Granger best, and she him. 
“Are you confused? Or afraid? I’ve never known you not to understand what is going on in your own mind.” His statement was matter of fact, but not unkind. Hermione scrubbed a hand over her face and felt her shoulders droop. He was right, she was afraid. If she was honest with herself, she felt feelings were deeper than she had ever had for Theo, and some nagging feeling in her gut told her that this was a tragedy. It was only a matter of time until it was all brutally taken from her. 
“Harry, I think I’m falling in love,” Hermione’s admission was less lovestruck and more in line with someone in a zombie apocalypse, who has to admit they were bit in their last scuffle with the undead. 
Harry cocked his head in confusion as his brows knit together, “This is a bad thing?” 
A deranged giggle bubbled out of Hermione’s chest, “I guess not, but I think… I’m in love with Theo and I’m so frustrated, Harry. After everything we’ve been through, all this normalcy is terrifying! How am I supposed to tell him ‘oh I’m falling for you, but it’s sending me into a tailspin because I don’t know how to just be happy?’” The words tumbled out of her like lightning seeking the ground. 
“Mione,” Ginny called softly from the doorway. Hermione whipped her head around as she realized that not only had she spilled her teeming thoughts, but Ginny had heard as well. “You’re allowed to be happy, and to feel at peace. It’s going to be extremely uncomfortable sometimes because you’ll have to be open and vulnerable, but no one is braver than you.” Ginny slowly came up to her and placed a firm hand on her shoulder. 
“We’re always here for you,” Ginny sighed before kissing the top of her head and then caressing her cheek. She moved to her husband who stood, kissing her sweetly, “I for one, am going to take a bath and then knock out, this mini Potter is sucking all my energy dry.” She caressed her stomach lovingly and made her exit with a wave over her shoulder. 
Hermione turned back to Harry who was gazing longingly at the space his wife had just left, “What if it all just goes wrong?”
“I don’t think love can be wrong,” he answered honestly, “besides, if anyone deserves an excess of affection, I can’t imagine anyone more deserving than you.” He reached over to grasp her hand. 
Harry had a proclivity for making profoundly meaningful statements seem clear as day and matter-of-fact. It was one of the things that made them so compatible. He had the ability to extinguish her overthinking, while she made sure his wild schemes didn’t get them killed. 
She launched herself at him and was caught with a chuckle as she hugged him tightly.
“Besides, you always have me,” Harry muttered into her wild curls. 
hope y'all are enjoying, things are heating up heheh
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filthy-mudeoki · 1 month
Always mine
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She had known from the start that it was not true love. Yet, she had married him anyway. Perhaps this was the fates punishing her - a lesson learned, wisdom gained and all that shit... so maybe that accounts for the cheating spouse (soon to be ex), the meddling in-laws, and a new magical bond to content with. But that new fluttering craziness with her heart every time she sees him? It’s not wholly new but in a way it is now that everything is changing.
Either way, her life is a little (a lot) of a mess right now. She can’t help but think the fates are enjoying this a little too much.
Ron and Hermione’s marriage comes to a startling and shattering end but her sassy, snarky lovely Slytherin’s don’t dare let her wallow in misery. They gently (and not so gently) help her heal and put back together her life, as a new bond is fighting to make itself known.
Read in AO3
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fieldofdaisiies · 11 months
Halloween Party
ship: Theodore Nott x Reader type: fluff/suggestive word count: 1,8k words warnings: underage (they are 17) smoking, drinking, sneaking out summary: Y/N and Theo attend a Halloween party hosted by the Slytherins and later on decide to sneak away
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Your heart is pounding vividly. Music is sounding all around you, and in your ears.
You stand at the entrance to the Slytherin Common Room, excitement coursing through your veins as you take in the scene before you.
The Halloween party is in full swing, the room in front of you a wicked wonderland full of students dressed up as monsters, spiderwebs decorating every corner, and ghosts adorning the dark emerald walls.
The sconces' soft glow casts eerie shadows across the room. Jack-o'-lanterns flicker all over the room. 
In the centre of the room, is burning brightly, its flames casting a warm, inviting light upon the room. On the table in front of it there is a a lavish spread of Halloween treats like chocolate frogs, liquorice wands, and pumpkin pasties.The scents of these sweet and baked goods mingles with the with the musky aroma of fire whiskey (someone must have snuck it in) and the earthy notes of pumpkin juice.
You look around and spot your friends, all in their Halloween finery. Draco is dressed in an casual attire, not costume though. Pansy is a mysterious witch (more than usual, now dressed up and styled). Enzo, with a wicked grin on his lips, has decided to put on a werewolf costume, his body adorned with realistic fur and fangs.
And then there is Theo. The object of all your desires and your heart. Your boyfriend. And he looks absolutely dashing, with a mischievous smile playing on his lips. He decided to dress up as a vampire, his fangs visible, his hair neatly combed back. He looks stunning, you think and pull your lower lip between your teeth. 
His dark eyes lock onto yours, and a small smile tugs at the corners of his lips. He flicks away his cigarette, of course making sure it is no longer burning and approaches you.
"Baby, you look stunning," Theo says, his voice low and smooth. "I can't wait to…let my teeth sink into your soft skin." He leans in a little, kisses your cheek and then your neck. He draws in a deep inhale, your scent and leans back with a smirk on his lips. 
You blush, feeling a rush of warmth at his compliment. You, just like Pansy dressed up as a witch, still wearing your robes, but the skirt is a little shorter, the blouse unbuttoned, the tie hanging loosly around your neck. 'All the other days you are a good witch, on Halloween you are a sexy witch,' is what Pansy had told you when you had gotten ready. You had laughed at her, but you have to admit you absolutely love the outfit and how it fits you. And how Theo looks at you — like he would truly love to devour you. 
"Well, you Mr Nott, look very dashing yourself." You bounce onto your toes and peck his lips. He tastes like Fire Whiskey — musky and sweet. 
He grins and offers you his arm, and you accept it with a smile. Together, you make your way over to a cozy corner of the room where a small group has gathered. Blaise Zabini is talking about their last Quidditch game (one they obviously won), his smooth, deep voice captivating the the people gathered there. He uses his hands, gesturing, to make his point even more clear. 
"Fuck Gryffindor," Draco chimes in when Blaise finishes, pouring a shot of fire whiskey for himself. His housemates are cheering, and so is Blaise. You watch them with amusement and think to yourself, men…
Draco offers Theo another two glasses, one for your boyfriend, one for you. Theo takes the drinks and hands one to you, his fingers brushing yours. The contact sends a pleasant shiver down your spine and makes warmth erupt in your hands. "A toast to Halloween, and to the most beautiful witch at Hogwarts," he says, raising his glass.
You clink your glass with Theo's, the fiery liquid warming your throat as you take a sip and then lean in to kiss him, this time a little deeper, tasting the whiskey on both your lips. 
When you lean back, the room seems to blur, and you find yourself lost in Theo's eyes. He leans closer, his breath soft against your ear. "Dance with me, Y/N?"
Obviously you say yes and follow him into the middle of the room, next to the table with the lavish goods and soon you are joined by your friends. A bewitched gramophone is playing a beautiful music and you sway together, lost in each other's company, his hands on your hips, yours on his strong shoulders. 
Laughter and happy fills the room as you all dance, big smiles gracing your faces. Everyone swirls everyone around but soon your return to your boyfriend. After a few dances, you and Theo make your way back to your cozy corner, and he pulls you onto his lap, your back perfectly fitting against his chest. You hum in delight, feeling his hard chest press against your back. 
His hands sneak around your waist, over your belly and he pulls you closer, his lips brushing from your collar bone up to your ear. You shiver at the sensation and jerk a little in his lap. "Theo," you whisper, voice tinged with reprimand. 
But your boyfriend does not care. He loves showing everyone that you are his. Normally, he is not so keen on the public display of affection, but it always changes when he drinks something. Then everyone has to see you are his, and only his. 
Theo leans in closer, his voice a sultry whisper that only you can hear when he says, "Lets sneak out to the Black Lake." 
You bite down on your lip and turn to look at him. His eyes have darkened, yet the promise of what would expect you shines brightly in them.
The idea sends shivers of excitement down your spine. And so you nod. It is exciting and thrilling, sneaking out with him in the middle of the night. It is not like you haven't met at night in either the common room or a broom closet before, but this is different. You are leaving the castle!
Out of the sight of the others, you slip away with Theo, your hand in his. A wave of thrill and ecstasy washes over you as you tiptoe through the hallways, the large corridors of the castle, hoping to go unnoticed. You really hope no painting will give you away, revealing you to the headmaster or some teachers. But you always stay close to the walls and the ground and truly manage to sneak out of the castle. But you stay calm until your far enough that no one inside the castle could spot or hear you. 
The Black Lake already awaits you as the chilly night air greets you. The moonlight casts a silvery path across the ground and leads you towards the lake. 
Theo removes his cloak and spreads it out on the ground for you to sit down. Once seated he immediately pulls you into his arms and kisses you. And when your lips part, his face stays within inches of yours and he looks at you. Just looks at you and it is all he does for a very long moment. 
Until he brings his thumb up and brushes it over your lower lip. "You are so fucking beautiful, Y/N. I am the luckiest man alive." His voice is breathless, a whispered promise to love you until the very last day of your life. 
Your breath mingles with Theo's when you lean in closer, lips nearly on his. "And I am the luckiest woman alive." Your lips curl when his press against them.  
His fingers brush against yours, and then move lower. Without much effort, Theo pulls you onto his lap, your bodies melding. A gasp parts your lips, but he does not let you escape, his hand buried in the hair at the back of your head, moving your head even closer, his tongue simultaneously parting your lips. He groans when you allow him entrance, his other hand sliding down to grab your butt. "The sexiest little witch I have ever seen," he rasps against your lips and kisses you again. 
Time seems to stand still as you lose yourself in the kiss, the world around you fading into the background. Everything turns into insignificance as you give yourself to him, your bodies becoming one near the lake. 
"Theo," you whisper, a hint of mischief in your voice. 
He nips at your lower lip and then lifts his darkened gaze to you. "Hm?"
"Didn't you say something about wanting to sink your teeth into my—"
He does not even let you finish, flipping you over, but of course making sure you land softly on the ground and his coat. His finds his place on top of you, your hips falling open, his hands braced on either side of you, lips and teeth attached to your neck. At first his kisses you, softly, gently, then he graces his teeth over your skin until he starts to bite down softly, nibbling. 
You know only magic will be able to conceal the terrible love bight he is giving you, but it is so worth it. Your back arches a little, pressing against him, against the hard ridge of his hardening length and a moan parts your lips. He groans in approval, both at the sounds leaving you and the feel of your body against his. 
He devours you, worships you. Praises you. Tells you how beautiful you are, over and over again. Your bodies come together under the moonlight, accompanied by the soft sounds of the water of the lake and the some owls howling in the nearby forest. 
Only a long time after, you return to the party, hand in hand, with secret smiles that only the two of you share on your lips. You know your hair is ruffled, cheeks flushed, costumes no longer looking as they did before you snuck out. Your lipstick is smudged and Pansy flashes you a knowing grin when she spots the two of you re-entering the party. 
You only roll your eyes at her, but eventually have to grin. 
"I love you," you tell Theo, kiss his cheek and then let go off his hand to walk over to your friends — Pansy and Astoria. You also want to spend the party with them, or part of it. Since you've started going out with Theo you've been spending less them with them and you miss them. Greatly. So, some time this evening has to be reserved for them. And you know that they are sitting on hot coals, waiting for you to tell them everything. 
Later on your once again joined by the boys and the night continues, filled with laughter, chatter and a few more drinks. 
It is a wonderful night to remember, full of love and happiness. Theo wraps his arm around you once again, bringing you in close. "But I am sure I love you more, my stunning witch." He kisses your cheek and intertwines your hands. 
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sheeple · 10 months
Miracles don't exist | 30: Battle of the Astronomy Tower
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Genre(s): Riddle!reader / Slytherin!reader / kinda slowburn / little happy moments Fandom(s): Harry Potter Pairing(s): Theodore Nott x Reader / Harry Potter x Riddle!reader Summary: Being the Dark Lord's daughter and raised under the strict supervision of the Malfoy's is no easy life. Especially if you start crushing on your father's arch-nemesis, Harry Potter. And that while being engaged to one of his follower’s sons. Warning(s): Dumbledore's death A/n: Another year complete. I'll be taking a break as usual from posting to finish the story. 24th of December will chapter 31 be posted. But before that time I've got a little extra content for y'all :)) [Masterlist] [Mini masterlist] [Playlist]
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Theodore is quick to send a spell flying towards the Death Eaters. But it's easily deflected by Bellatrix Lestrange. You try to get out of bed, grabbing your wand that lies on the bedside table. But your legs give out under you and you land painfully on your knees.
You crawl towards the closest wall and hoist yourself up, raising a shaking arm and ready to defend yourself and Theo. "What," huff, "do you", huff, "want?", you ask, out of breath.
You already know the how, but now the why. Why here with you? And not hunting down Dumbledore.
With a flick of the wrist, Fenrir Greyback comes stalking toward you, a sinister smirk on his face. You yelp and fire a disarming spell, but it bounces off of him.
Theo's quick to jump over the bed and stand in the way between you and the werewolf. He puts an arm in front of you, which you hold on for support.
"Isn't that just the cutest?" Bellatrix laughs cruelly, the other Death Eaters joining her. "The little fiancé is protecting her."
You wish you had more strength, you wish that you weren't so exhausted so you could stand up to her. But instead, your legs shake and the hold on your wand is weak. Even if you wanted to protect yourself and Theo, your spells would be weak.
"I won't ask again. What do you want?" You raise your chin.
She grins, walking towards you. She throws Theodore away with a flick of the wand against the wall and grabs your face, digging her filthy nails into your skin. The two of you stare in silence, daring the other one to look away. 
From the corner of your eyes, you see Theo clambering up. You give in and look at him worried. 
Bellatrix takes this as a victory and rips her hand away from your face. "Take them", she orders to Greyback.
The werewolf picks you up and throws you over his shoulder. You trash against his hold, but it's useless as your feet dangle off the ground and Greyback just marches on. A Death Eater holds Theodore at wand point and makes him drag his body off the floor.
You're disorientated as the group moves through the castle, upstairs and through doors. Until you finally feel the cold breeze of the night air and you're being put down.
Draco stands in front of Dumbledore at the top of the Astronomy Tower, his wand pointed towards the elder man. 
"Well... look what we have here." Bellatrix halts the group, her eyes trained on the pair. She moves towards your cousin, whispering, "well done, Draco."
"Good evening, Bellatrix." Dumbledore seems unbothered like he has been expecting it. "I think introductions are in order, don't you?"
"Love to, Albus. But I'm afraid we're a bit on a tight schedule. Do it!", she hisses towards Draco, the boy's hand shaking.
You try to move forward, but Fenrir's hand wraps around your throat and holds you in place. You move your hand to the side, reaching out to see if you can grab Theo's hand. But he's too far away from you.
"He doesn't have the stomach, just like his father. Let me finish him in my own way", remarks someone to your right.
"No! The Dark Lord was clear, the boy must do it."
There is some creaking from down below you, and you glance at it. Your breath stops as you spot a reflection in a pair of glasses. Harry. The two of you make eye contact and you slowly shake your head, scared of what will happen.
Bellatrix storms towards Draco, leaning close to him. "This is your moment. Do it. Go on, Draco! Now!", she bellows, clearly getting impatient.
Draco quivers, his face morphed in anguish. The grip on his wand tightens and you swear he's going to do it. He's going to kill Dumbledore.
"No." Professor Snape appears from nowhere, making everybody turn towards him.
There is a moment of silence and shock until the headmaster breaks it. "Severus... please", he begs.
The former Potions Master raises his wand and fires off the killing curse. Avada Kedavra rings in your ears as a flash of green light hits Dumbledore. He flies off the railing and you scream. You launch out of the hold of the werewolf and rush towards the railing, watching how the man drops from high until his body hits the stones below.
You clutch a shaking hand over your mouth. Bile rises in your throat. A pair of hands snatches your shoulder and you get pulled towards the stairs. You watch how Bellatrix fires the Dark mark into the sky with a celebratory yell.
The Death Eaters move swiftly towards the exit of the castle, destroying everything in their path. Everything is a blur until you're outside and Hagrit's hut is in flames.
"Snape! He trusted you!" Harry comes barreling down the hill, wand in hand and fury in his eyes. He fires spells at the man, getting angrier every time Snape deflects them. Until he yells, "Sectumsempra!"
You let out a shriek, clutching your hands over your ears and crouching down. You brace for the impact, the pain. But it doesn't come. Instead, you're pulled to your feet and dragged towards somewhere.
You disappear in a flurry of dark robes and black smoke. Hands grip you and you get pulled in all different kinds of directions. It's hard to breathe. And even when you have stopped moving and you collapse on the ground, you're still out of breath.
The grass under you feels coarse. You know where they took you to. Malfoy Manor. To Voldemort.
A hand grips your bicep harshly before you get yanked off the ground and dragged into the house. You look up and study Snape. He has his never-breaking hard glare on his face, his eyes focussed on where is supposed to go and nothing else. They don't wander, don't linger. 
He brings up stairs, and down endless hallways until he stops in front of familiar wooden doors. He knocks two times and waits a moment before opening one of the doors and pushing you inside.
You stumble, your legs still weak. You find your footing as you hold the back of a chair for support.
The Dark Lord stands in front of the fireplace, his back facing towards you. Nagini slithers around him, her head resting in his hands as he pets the snake. 
You wait with bated breath for what will come. 
Nagini slithers from the Dark Lord's hold towards you. She makes her way up your leg and restricts herself around your middle. "Hello, pretty", she hisses. If a snake had eyelids, she would have fluttered them at you.
You swallow with an uncomfortable smile on your lips, you reach out and run a hand over her scaly body. "Hello, Nagini", you answer back.
She lets out happy hisses. Nagini nestles herself against your body with no intention of letting go.
The Dark Lord is still facing the fire, his wand in his hands. "I assume the mission went successful?"
"Yes, Draco fulfilled his assignment. Dumbledore is dead." It feels weird to say it out loud. Everything happened so fast that you didn't even have a moment to realise what happened. Dumbledore is dead and Snape killed him. All the while Draco was supposed to do it. 
The Dark Lord turns around, his snake-like eyes trained on you. You straighten your back, chest rising anxiously.
He reaches out and takes hold of your chin in an ice-cold hand, his long nails digging into your skin. He studies something on your face. "What did this?"
Confused, you frown. He pushes your face to the side so you're facing a mirror fastened on the wall next to the door. You take a step towards it and Nagini unfurls from you. A large and angry scar creeps from under your jaw towards the inner corner of your right eye. You trace it and hiss as it still hurts.
"I was... I was hit with the Sect- Sectumsempra curse... by Harry Potter", you admit, hanging your head low. Flashes of pain travel through your mind and you squeeze your eyes shut. 
A presence behind you turns you around and you do not dare to look at him. "My Heir, I expect you from now on to attend every meeting and follow my every order. If you do so, I'll grant you your revenge."
You snap your head up, brows knitted together. "My revenge, Father?"
An unnerving smile grows on Voldemort's face. "On Harry Potter."
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Taglist (bold means I couldn’t tag you): @the0doreslover @lqndkxlmqma @st4rrry  @choppedpartymuffinwinner @ledtassoo @literallyobessed @lestat-whore​ @vanishingcherry @harrysnovia @pietrobae @ireallywannasleep127 @yeolsbubbles @fruityfrog505 @fluffybunnyu @theroyalmanatee @shinrjj @hegdus @kermits-bitch @m1kasawps @noah-uhhh-what @mypolicemanharryyy @fals3-g0d @decapitated-coffee @thatgirljas13 @slytherinambitious @raineisms @mastermindmiko @timmytime17 @regsg18 @supernatural-lover @bubybubsters @lafrone @hermionelove @the-sander-fander @akengii @aliciacat20 @unstablereader @burns-in-the-sun @rachelnicolee @damagelove @daintylittlerose
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luvsfics · 7 months
my request was for Mattheo, Enzo and Blaise separately, cause those three are my faves, but you can do whoever you want!! :) just your thoughts on what they would be in a supernatural au, so like what creature or similar! and how they would treat reader that's a human👀🫶🏻
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Different supernatural creatures I think fit with the slytherin boys and how I they would treat human!reader.
Disclaimer: photos used are to describe the aesthetic, not attributes about reader!
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Angel!Draco shuts you out whenever he transforms into his angel form, due to the pain he has to endure whenever his wings practically rip out of his back.
You do anything in your power to help him.
The first time you witnessed him transforming, you were shocked. You hated to see the pain your boyfriend had to go through. You ran over to him immediately after his wings fully emerged from his back and you held him in your arms as he cried due to the pain, that was the only time he let you see him like that.
He comes to you as soon as he’s finished with his transformation for comfort(he transforms once a month.)
It’s more of a curse than a blessing, ironically.
He loves nothing more than your touch after those rough nights, you help him with the scars on his back from the wings and bandage him up.
He appreciates you so much, and he’s so happy you didn’t leave him after finding out what he is.
He calls you his angel.
One time, after many days of begging, he let you come along to the astronomy tower to help him with his transformation. You held him and comforted him during the process and he took you out for a flight, it was pretty scary but he held you tight to his chest, process style.
After that, he makes it his routine to take you to the best view nearby, which is also the highest.
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Werewolf!Mattheo is so cuddly and clingy, especially before full moons.
You help him get to safe places and prepare him before full moons as well.
After full moons, you help him clean up any wounds or bruises he obtained from the night before.
He definitely loves head scratches as much as you love giving them.
Just like Draco, he comes to you for comfort after his transformations.
He loves those early mornings in your dorm when he’s laid up on his bed and your sat on his lap, bandaging up his cuts and kissing his bruises.
Nap dates!!
He’s definitely the type to surprise you with some wildflowers he found in a field.
He never lets you witness his transform because it’s too much of a risk for your safety
He only wants to meet you safe :(
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Merman!Theo is so playful and he loves to mess with you.
Whenever you guys are swimming at the black lake, he would flick his tail and drench you with water.
He also goes under the water and pulls you under when you least except it to scare you.
At night, you both hang out by the dock while he’s in the water and you’re laying by the edge just chatting away in the moonlight. Your head is laying on your hands just before the edge of the dock while he’s gazing up at you in the water (kisses definitely occur in this position).
He collects shells and cool rocks from the bottom of the lake to gift to you, as well as he makes jewelry with the shells for you.
Swimming dates 24/7!!
You both stay in his dorm whenever it’s raining and cuddle up under the blankets, the coziest thing ever.
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Vampire!Blaise is extremely careful around you, since your human, he has the so much self control because he doesn’t want to hurt you.
He’s so polite and sweet with you.
He goes into London at night to feed off of the muggles, since they’re useless in his eyes anyway.
He definitely steals the money off of them and buys you gifts with the stolen cash.
He spoils you so much!!!
He adores placing small kisses on your neck and shoulders.
You’ve definitely asked him to turn you a few times, to which he denies because he doesn’t want you to turn into a monster like him.
“You’re too sweet, my love. I do not want you to feel the way I do.”
Since he doesn’t sleep, he wakes you up in the morning with tea or coffee.
He loves to just stare and admire you from up close or afar, he just loves you so much!
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Ghost!enzo is literally the sweetest most precious man to ever exist.
He goes ghost when he’s shy or whenever he’s flustered, it’s adorable.
“You’re so handsome, Enzo.” And poof, he’s gone.
Unlike all the other boys, his transformations are more random, but he can force it as well.
He mostly only uses his powers to sneak out of class to see you or leave earlier to walk you to your next class.
Also, he loves to sneak up on you and scare you. it’s so annoying.
Since he’s a ghost and can literally go through walls, he can sneak in the girl’s dormitory, which means he always gets to wake you up by pressing a thousand kisses all over your face.
He sneaks over to hogsmead late at night and buys you so much candy from honeydukes every week, so you’re always stocked up.
Even though he’s a ghost, his love language is physical touch!!
He gives the best hugs.
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dovesdreaming · 14 days
Loose schedule for this week since it helped me keep on top of stuff last time!->
-Rodrick with reader like him
-Theo nott fluff/angst
-chase Davenport x girly/ bratty reader
-Boone x opposite reader
-Harry hook green light
-Peter pan x werewolf
-Alex karev x attendee
-wolverine injures reader while play fighting
-Cassandra nova reads a woman’s mind
-pre relationship Ben Florian headcanons
-javi Rivera jealous of Tyler owens flirting with reader
-Loki x reader who is always warm
-Remus x lactose intolerant reader
Possibilities: wolfstar x reader fighting for attention
+any others I get motivation for
Thank you!!
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There She Is
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I wrote this little one shot for my a03 and ff.net but I'll post it here for those who want to enjoy it! 💚
Through a crowded hall on return to Hogwarts castle, Draco Malfoy caught the scent of the most bedazzling, luscious smell of lavender and honey as it flowed through the air. It was unlike any smell he’d ever sensed. His heart started to race at the mere touch of it as his nostrils.
The dining hall held the entire castle. It was filled with such sparking energy. Another summer holiday done, the start of a new term at their feet.
Voices of the hundreds of students and their teachers all melded into one. A single tone lost on the wave of many.
            “What is that?” Draco said. He searched around the room for something that was different, yet nothing was. It was all the same Great Hall that they had the years before.
Blaise stopped his conversation with Goyle. “What’s that now, Draco?”
            “That smell. Don’t you smell it?”
            “No,” he said curtly. “All I can smell is Theo’s breath, Goyle’s sweaty pits under those robes, and that Merlin awful smell of rain that is everywhere.” His nose wrinkled as he sniffed it again.
Draco looked to his other friends. They all shook their heads.
No one smelled what he did. The sweetness of lavender on the subtle wings of honey, sun ripened and vibrant with color. It was a summer’s day, mid-summer, with a gushing breeze. That’s what it was.
The Slytherin fifth year boys moved together through the room. It was stupid mental near the doors. The further in, the less crowded it was.
It made a difference, one summer. Draco stood overtop of most every year below him, and some above him, too. He’d grown into his limbs. They matched his overall length, rather than too long and spider-like. His body thickened. The edge of his jaw became pointed. A drop in his tone came occasionally split with a high-pitched screech when he spoke excitedly.
The puberty stick had hit Theo Nott, as well. They were the two tallest boys in their year. Nott was still a gangly creature with a pair of hunched shoulders. His fingers were too long, nails chewed to the cuticle. Red splotches of blemishes filled the entirety of his cheeks like a jinx.
Draco was grateful that he only dealt with a couple near his nose. Easily concealed with a charm his mother taught him.
A rambunctious group of second years started howling. Their hands turned to werewolf claws as they raked at the air.
Blaise rolled his eyes. “We weren’t ever like that, were we? Salazar, I hope not. I’ll have to Obliviate the memory from my own head if we were.”
The Slytherin wizards leaned against the table farthest from the entrance. It gave a wide view of the entire room and their choice not to be apart of the mindless socialization.
            “Hate to ruin your fun, but you were.” A long-legged brunette stood in their path. Her robes brushed the floor against silver kitten heels. She wore a cropped bob just at her chin. The curves she’d grown the previous summer were more defined. A waist taken in from the gentle rounding of hips. “A lot worse, too. You thought ogres were cool.”
            “It wasn’t ogres. It was trolls,” Goyle countered.
            “Yeah. And trolls are cool. Have you seen their clubs? They make those themselves as children. Children!”
Pansy rolled her eyes. Her one hip popped out to the side.
            “Whatever.” She trolled passed Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise. Theo was glad to be ignored altogether. Witches made him choke up with nerves.
She took a spot near Draco. Her two palms gripped the edge of the table she leaned against. “Why are all the Slytherins such dorks?” She said with a sigh.
He smiled and said nothing. He was still in raptures of a smell he was certain that was all in his head.
            “How was dear old granny in France?” She asked.
            “About as good as visiting your sister was,” he replied flatly. “I couldn’t see one Quidditch match because of the endless events she planned during my visit.”
            “Like a lord, you went through them with a smile and never said a thing to the opposite.”
They fell into silence as the crowd dispersed to smaller, intimate groupings. The excitement of being reunited under one roof was short lived. Soon, their feast would start and all would crash down around them when the deadline and assignments started the next day.
Fifth year was the turn in their academic career. More assignments, more exams, lots of studying.
A few other fifth years appeared through the crowd. They were other players of Quidditch. One was Harry Potter, another seeker like himself. He was the best in the league. Not that Draco enjoyed admitting it. Draco was Slytherin seeker. It was an intense position to play. Every game rested in their ability to find a ball the size of a clementine all while flying and avoiding the other balls.
The other players were Weasley twins. Beaters for Gryffindor.
Pansy’s attention went to the two redheads in the homemade shirts. Her tongue ran along the inside of her upper lip.
            “Still smelling that smell, Draco?” Crabbe leaned forward from his forgotten space near them.
            “What smell?” Pansy perked at attention, pulled from whatever devious thoughts swirled in her mind when she caught sight of those twins.
He wished he didn’t notice her interest. It gave him chills to consider why she liked them so.
            “He said he smelled a smell,” Crabbe explained.
A blinding frustration raised to the witch’s eye. “Really, Crabbe? You riddle all that out by yourself, did you?”
            “Now all I smell is that ungodly stench of vanilla and cherry,” Blaise snipped. He knew very well who that scent belonged to. Pansy wore it every year. It was her favorite perfume. “Like unicorn vomit.”
Draco uncrossed his arms. The pair of them glared at each other from across his chest. It put a rather awkward tension at the back of his throat.
The scent was lesser now. It muddled in with the rest of the room. Yet somehow, he knew the source was in the room. Somewhere within.
He found himself searching for it. There were no words to explain it. A part of him knew that if he found the source of the scent, he’d know it.
            “Come on, Draco.” Pansy’s fingers tugged at his sleeve. “We’ve got better friends to talk to than these wankers.”
He heard Blaise repeat, “Wankers?” over his shoulder as they tread closer to the ranks of Hogwarts.
            “Salazar, how can you stand them?” She huffed.
Blaise Zabini managed to be under Pansy’s skin 24/7. It was curious. Upon sight, the two were at each other’s throat without provocation.
The two were instant enemies. First year. It was four years of their incessant bickering.
            “They’re not so bad,” Draco countered.
            “Nott is a freak with those legs of his. Crabbe’s head is filled with sawdust. Goyle can only talk about that weird game those boys all play. D&D or whatever. And Zabini. He’s a total wanker. Can’t keep his mouth shut for anything. I bet a Lockjaw jinx wouldn’t contain it.”
A subtle blonde brow lifted. He kept his eyes scanning through the crowd.
            “He’s only like that around you,” he explained.
Her dark colored eyes rolled away from his stare.
            “Lucky me,” she grumbled.
Draco and Pansy were friends from childhood. Neither had any siblings. Well, real siblings. Pansy had an older half-sister from her father’s first marriage. The witch was twelve years Pansy’s senior, and never bonded with the impetuous girl that Pansy was in her younger years. It left an empty void in Pansy’s life. A playmate, all her own.
The two saw each other most every week when their mothers – two high-class women without careers of their own – would have their tea parties with the other ladies of their society. Draco was more adopted by Pansy, than he took to her.
She dragged him along on her adventures, eventually making them an inseparable pair.
It was a relief when they were both sorted into Slytherin first year. The task of friend making was not an easy one. Draco struggled to express himself in a way that was absorbed positively by his peers. It was “the way he said it” that left other kids his age feeling taunted or mortified. Pansy diluted that.
Now, she steered him toward a group of Gryffindor boys that she had her eye on. Well, two. One for each eye, Draco guessed.
Something about twins fascinated Pansy, and the Weasley twins were an obsession. It started years before when they were young kids totally in love with their new school. She talked about those two nonstop. Over the years, she weaseled her way somewhat of a friendship with the pair of them.
It was confusing and beyond Draco’s interest. He merely stood at her side as a wingman when there needed some conversational support.
If he offered any such thing. Mainly, it was the awkward silent companion bit that he fulfilled.
As they stepped nearer, the scent gained in its strength. He felt the growing power of it.
            “There it is again,” he mumbled. His eyes looked frantically for explanation. Whatever was behind this scent was something. Something important. He felt it in his bones. “Where’s it coming from?”
            “What?” It pulled away from her daydreams.
            “You can’t smell that? It’s everywhere. It’s all over those Gryffindors.”
She shrugged. “What’s it smell like? Because those Weasley’s smell like an arse-load of cinnamon. I think they soak their jumpers in it or something. It’s delicious, isn’t it? I could make myself sick from smelling it.”
He scowled. That did not sound pleasant, or anything like the smell he held in his nostrils like a fox hound.
            “Like lavender and honey,” he said softly. “It’s so sweet and seductive. I can’t get it out of my mind. I smelled it at first when we got to Hogwarts, but it lessened when I stood back by the boys. But. It was still there. Just lighter. Now, it’s like we’re getting closer to whatever it is.”
Pansy thought a moment. Her mind worked in strange ways.
She tapped at her chin. “Is it a good smell?”
He swallowed thickly. “Yes. Very.”
            “We should follow it. See where it goes.”
            “Where it goes?” He touched her arm. “What do you mean, where it goes? It can’t go anywhere. It’s a smell.”
Her mouth opened in response, but words were stolen from her lips as a group of side smirked Gryffindors whistled in her direction.
            “Oi. Pansy.” That was George. The big G on his chest made that obvious. “Get over here. Settle a bet for us.”
Her shoulders clicked back in height as she strode forward, Draco’s sleeve still twisted in her grasp as a leash to follow, toward the Gryffindor Weasley bunch. There was Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, both their own year. Fred and George, the twins. Another red head Gryffindor with a homemade jumper with a bit more bounce of their step. She was the youngest, by far the best Quidditch player the house team had. Harry Potter was a fantastic seeker, one of the best, but it paled in the light of one Ginerva Weasley.
            “What’s that, boys?” Pansy smiled.
The Slytherin witch made a point to befriend many Quidditch players as to ease Draco’s friendships with others like him. She, however, preferred the company of those Gryffindors to any other team.
Her feet practically bounced off the floor as they met with the wave of red.
A final step into their confidence, and into the air around them, lavender hit Draco’s nostrils like a bludger. These Gryffindors were laced with it. Every ounce of them was blended into the scent.
Something like a dragon awoke to the closeness of the scent. It clawed and growled suddenly. Draco enraged at the fact they were not the source yet were covered in the scent of it.
His teeth grinded together, the only effort he had in restraining his anger.
            “Doofus and Dumbo here think their old switching places prank should be a favorite this year,” Ginny Weasley said with an eye roll.
            “It’s a classic,” Ron retorted. “No professor will believe it because they’ve moved onto more elaborate stuff.”
            “That’s what makes it so genius,” Fred, the other twin, said.
George bobbed his head in agreement.
            “No way. It’s so obvious,” Ginny countered. “Overused.”
            “We barely used it,” George retorted.
            “Right. Our entire childhood is just a smidge.” The redheaded witch crossed her arms.
An idea popped into Pansy’s mind. Her breath caught as she lost herself in thought, all too pleased that she had an opportunity to use their openness to make it benefit her. She casually leaned against Draco. He ruffled. He was not her piece of personal furniture to use.
A brightness came to her eyes. She tried to blink back her thrill. It didn’t work.
            “So what is it that you need from me?” She feigned indifference despite the shiver of excitement down her spine. “I’m very busy, you know.”
            “What say you about our plan?” Fred questioned.
George nodded. “If anyone knows a good prank, it is you.”
He could have dropped to his knees and kissed her shoes, saved them some time, if he wanted to kiss arse.
Draco shifted. He begged for an interruption. Anything. A troll. Ogres sieging the castle. A surprise visit from his parents would be welcome over the disturbing plots of Pansy and those twins.
            “You know I think there’s an old classic you two haven’t ever done.” Her hands raised. She stretched her fingers tall and appraised the manicure. “I’ve seen other twins do it, but maybe it’s out of your wheelhouse.”
It hit to their Gryffindor pride. Their faces contorted at the insult.
            “Nonsense,” George said.
Fred frowned. “We’ve done everything.”
The glittering dark eyes of the Slytherin witch stayed focused on her nails. “So, you’ve both had the same girlfriend?”
She finally raised her eyes. A brow quirked in challenge.
Draco himself felt his eyes widen in surprise at the suggestion.
            “Those Velarius twins at Beauxbatons dated that one dude for like two years,” she elaborated. “And they weren’t even pranksters. It was just to piss off their dad.” Her hands went to her hips. “But I’m sure everyone will get a good laugh out of your little switching prank. It’ll be like a reminder of first year. Childhood innocence, you know?”
Harry snickered. A slippery smile curled the Weasley sister.
            “That. I like that.” Ginny chuckled.
Fred and George watched the reaction of the idea spread throughout the group. It got their interest piqued. The deviant side of them stirred with their younger brother’s total disregard.
            “No witch would do it.” Ron scoffed.
Fred rubbed his chin in thought. “Oh, don’t be so sure, little tyke.”
Ron scowled.
            “There’s a fair number in these walls that are interested in us.”
It went all too Pansy’s plan. She primed for the lasting strike of her own plot.
She shrugged. “Hell, I’d do it just to see what it’d look like. Can you imagine Snape’s face? Or McGonagall’s?” A smile of cunning, confused with the love of chaos, emerged. “Salazar, I’d bet they’d have to have meetings to know if they would punish us or allow it to happen.”
Draco watched the words sink in through the Weasley’s twins. They exchanged looks. A knowing gaze between themselves, the only language spoken, as they finished their own plotting. One more than one occasion, Draco noticed their gaze on Pansy as she walked away. It was clear that something was felt for the witch. Whether it was lust or adoration, it was anyone’s guess.
He found other pursuits more interesting: Potions, Quidditch, Reading, Dueling.
But it seemed like the fiasco would be connected in his life thanks to her meddling.
            “What say you, Malfoy?” Harry Potter asked. “Think you could share the witch?”
He snorted. “I’d be glad to have a bit of quiet.”
Her elbow connectedly gently with his ribs. “Stuff it,” she murmured softly.
The group all shared a smile.
Fred stepped forward. “Not a bad idea, Pans. You got true potential.”
            “Potential we’d like to collaborate with,” George continued.
            “Interested?” They asked in unison.
Ginny chuckled. Her arms crossed in interest as she beheld the witch in her sights.
All manner of time and space stopped.
Draco’s eyes trickled through a passing crowd, their faces all a blur to him, until he landed upon the one. The one. That feeling surged up through his bones. His body knew that face. It knew it as a source of a smell that only compared to the heights of untamed ecstasy that had yet to be discovered.
He allowed that sense to seep into his soul. The instant their eyes met, it hardened. A spot reserved for only one.
            “Hermione. There you are.” Ronald moved aside to allow the new entrant into their conversation.
Hermione Granger. The witch in his sights.
Draco stiffened. Her presence set him on edge and confused his emotions all together.
A line of light circled her outline, gentle and soft, but the strength of the scent turned to a delusional cloud around his mind.
            “There she is,” he murmured.
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omgkatsudonplease · 4 months
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The Whispers of Lady Polixenes: Hogwarts, January 1996
“Your parents expecting you to get straight-Os?” asked Harry. “It would be preferable.” Draco shrugged. “Being provably competent at magic is the bare minimum.”  Harry shook his head. “You’re definitely more than just competent. If it weren’t for Hermione and Theo Nott and, like, a third of Ravenclaw, I think you’d be top of the class.” Draco snorted. “You certainly know how to compliment a boy, Potter.” “I can’t help that you’re not a swot,” protested Harry.  “I’m literally assisting Professor Babbling with her research.”  “You’re like half a swot,” insisted Harry. “You only get swotty in certain situations. Like a werewolf, but instead of trying to bite people you go to the library.” Draco laughed at that, and for a brief, burning moment, all Harry could think about was waking up to such a sound every morning. Opening his eyes to Draco’s smile, finding ways to make Draco laugh while he pulverised the butter on his toast, walking through a home filled with happy memories of the two of them—all of that, somehow, now felt like the bare minimum, like proving himself reasonably competent at magic. 
Read HERE on AO3!
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lady-rhaesnow · 1 month
Always mine
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She had known from the start that it was not true love. Yet, she had married him anyway. Perhaps this was the fates punishing her - a lesson learned, wisdom gained and all that shit... so maybe that accounts for the cheating spouse (soon to be ex), the meddling in-laws, and a new magical bond to content with. But that new fluttering craziness with her heart every time she sees him? It’s not wholly new but in a way it is now that everything is changing.
Either way, her life is a little (a lot) of a mess right now. She can’t help but think the fates are enjoying this a little too much.
Ron and Hermione’s marriage comes to a startling and shattering end but her sassy, snarky lovely Slytherin’s don’t dare let her wallow in misery. They gently (and not so gently) help her heal and put back together her life, as a new bond is fighting to make itself known.
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deadghosy · 3 months
(Ordered by post date/hogwarts legacy is included)
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🐍 If you missed the hoop while playing basketball
🐍 Platonic Slytherin boys with a keeper friend
🐍“I’m allergic to bullshit”
🐍 Reacting to you saying “you’re gonna pass out”
🐍 React to you saying “someone is staring”
🐍 Taking an ugly picture of them
🐍 Reacting to you clogging up their toilet
🐍 React to you being outside despite being allergic to mosquitoes
🐍 React to you passing out
🐍 Reacting to you oversleeping
🐍 Curly hair! Reader (poc friendly)
🐍 React to you giggling at your phone
🐍 Platonic Slytherin boys with adhd friend
🐍 The type of drivers they are as memes
🐍 Texting them “I think someone is following me”
🐍 When someone tries to bully you
🐍 How they react to you saying “I’m hungry”
🐍 React to you driving crazy
🐍 React to you saying “I hate you” to them
🐍 Reacting to you saying “ima kill myself”
🐍 Mattheo with a male roommate pt.1
🐍 Mattheo with a male roommate pt.2
🐍 Coquette! reader
🐍 Reacting to you being a telepathic/having telekinesis
🐍 Best friend! Mattheo headcannons pt.1//pt.2//pt.3
🐍 Modern Slytherin boys with a male figure skater
🐍 Chaos magic user! Reader
🐍 Platonic modern Slytherin boys with an insomniac male roommate
🐍 Reacting to you dancing alone
🐍 Reacting to you falling asleep during a movie
🐍 Percy Jackson! Reader w/mattheo
🐍 Reacting to m! Reader shaving
🐍 Platonic high! mattheo
🐍 High Theo x reader
🐍 You being scared awake by thunder
🐍 Slytherin boys when they miss you
🐍 Werewolf M.R, T.N, & L.B
🐍 How they would pick you up
🐍 Crybaby! Mattheo
🐍 Teddy-T.N
🐍 Vlogger! Mattheo pt.1//pt.2
🐍 Slytherin boys w/ blind!reader
🐍 July 4th with the Slytherin boys
🐍 Reacting to you falling face first
🐍 Reacting to you falling asleep to them talking
🐍 Reacting to you doing a back flip
🐍 Fanboy! Slytherins with a singer!reader
🐍 Owl!reader
🐍 French!reader getting hurt
🐍 Slytherin boys with witch beauty gf
🐍 Vampire mattheo
🐍 Vampire Tom
🐍 Reacting to their boyfriend having scars
🐍 Ghostface! Mattheo
🐍 Being mattheo’s childhood friend to lover: male version//female version
🐍 Mattheo (fem!reader) during your birthday
🐍 Slytherin boys with a black fem!reader who tall like Megan thee stallion
🐍 Reacting to you crying
🐍 Reacting to m!reader picking them up
🐍 Stalker!Mattheo
🐍“A love that burns.” Poet!mattheo
🐍 Summertime with mattheo riddle
🐍 Being best friends with Lorenzo
🐍 Beach days with Theodore Nott
🐍 Theodore Nott being your yandere best friend
🐍 Sugar daddy!Tom headcannons
🐍“All men are shit..except for you” SB reacting to you saying this
🐍 Old money!Theodore Nott headcannons + moodboard
🐍 Reacting to reader being a manipulator
🐍 Hoodie stealer-Mattheo
🐍 Toxic!theodore nott banners
🐍 Platonic Ominis headcannons
🐍 Platonic Sebastian headcannons
🐍 Werewolf Sebastian & Ominis x reader
🐍 Sebastian & Ominis with a merfolk! Reader
🐍 Loverboy! Modern Sebastian headcannons and imagines
🐍 Platonic sliver trio headcannons
🐍 Ominis with a hufflepuff lover
🐍 Platonic brotherly headcannons with Sebastian and m!mc
🐍 Chaotic modern Sebastian headcannons
🐍 Ominis x blind!reader headcannons
🐍 Modern platonic Sebastian headcanons with m!mc
🐍 Chaotic modern sliver trio headcanons & imagines
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🐍 React to sister! Reader dating
🐍 React to their little sibling falling in their dorm
🐍 Sister!reader on her first period
🐍 Riddle brothers with a sister having a Mandy personality
🐍 Baby! Reader taking their first steps
🐍 Modern au riddle brothers with a little sibling
🐍 Reacting to eating their food
🐍 Baby sibling falling asleep on them
🐍 Reacting to sibling reader crying/bullied
🐍 Reacting to sibling reader ignore them
🐍 Draco with a twin gryffindor sister
🐍 Reacting to little sibling cling to them after holiday
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dramioneasks · 2 years
HP FESTS: Truly Madly Deeply Fest
Truly Madly Deeply Fest 2023: 
Eyes Locked to the Tide by Abraxas52 - M, WIP -  Being the apprentice of an evil Sea Enchantress is nothing like the stories you read within the pages of your dry and dusty books. There are dark creatures to hunt and lowly merfolk to terrorize and Hermione is all too eager to please her Master. That is until she makes a bold request: “You said we could continue my training on mind control.” “Very well.” Serefina moved away from her student, her expression pensive. “You are to swim to the surface. Humans are easily influenced. Find yourself a sailor and persuade him to swim to his death.” Will the eager Hermione be able to complete her task, or will her Jolly Sailor Bold  prove to be just as formidable an opponent? Dive into the depths of the Aegean Sea to find out if her ambition will outweigh an entirely new feeling– love.
Iris by AuroraNyx - E, WIP - "And I don't want the world to see me 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand. When everything's made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am."Draco Malfoy finally has the girl he's dreamed of being with as long as he can remember. Hermione Granger is his. But he never anticipated having to share her with Theo Nott and he absolutely hates it.He doesn't want to share her. He CAN'T lose her. What's the youngest Death Eater in history going to do to make sure the girl he loves is his and his alone? [Draco x Hermione x Theo]
Saltwater Lilies by Elishadoesdramione - E, 10 chapters - *** A small, barred window was set into the wall just above the ground. She was here. The girl jumped back as he approached. She was scared of him, he realised. He did not approach her again. Her fear smelled bad. It made him feel sick and drowned out the scent of lilies and sea water. Perhaps we’ll take her to the seashore. She smells like she’d like that. The wolf began to pace. He would not leave her. ***when Draco Malfoy is turned into a werewolf as punishment for his families failure to capture Potter the last thing he expects is to find his Mate, he definitely does not expect that Mate to be Hermione Granger. As Hermione and Draco attempt to survive the Dark Lords regime they find themselves changing, not necessarily for the better. Lord Voldemort's influence cannot be escaped within the confines of the Manor. [READ ALL WARNINGS]
The Lynchpin by Silver_26 - E, WIP - He had plenty of time on his hands. That, coupled with the boredom that came from the isolation left him itching to do something. Weasley’s bumbling nature with his too-big feet and gangly limbs…Potter’s ability to get away with anything, and Granger’s piercing laugh… That was aggravating enough and he wasn’t sure how much more of it he could put up with. Now though…a new idea was forming in his mind, and one he hadn’t given much merit until now.He did owe the trio one for taking his peace of mind, for ruining his chance of happiness and freedom. He had that particular favour to return to them.Draco Malfoy did not like owing anyone anything, after all. No true Slytherin ever did.And as for him?Well.He was a Slytherin through and through.
The Balance Of A Soul by Astrangefan, LiloLilyAnn - E, WIP - For Truly, Madly, Deeply Fest Prompt (song): Author's Choice: Creep by Radiohead******Five years after the war, Draco still finds himself struggling to keep the darkness at bay, a darkness he's certain comes from his association with Voldemort and the vile things he did in his service. He's dedicated all of his efforts in trying to rid himself of this evil lurking inside him...That's the only way he can ever be worthy of Hermione Granger.******A Jekyll and Hyde Dramione
Love is Like a Shadow by LadyMorphia - M, WIP - Once upon a time there was light in her life, but now there’s only love in the dark. “I’ve caught you…Granger,” he snarled, pulling her closer still. It wasn’t until she was flush against him that the Death Eater lifted his mask.A small voice, somewhere lost in the recesses of her mind screamed at her in warning, pleaded with her to cast a spell or to utilize what little physical strength she had left to fight back.But it was no use; she was trapped, falling into the icy, cruel grey eyes of Draco Malfoy.
A Fate Worse by MyPrivateInsanity - E, one-shot - He could sense her now. Could smell her, find her, even in a city as large as London.He enjoyed the chase.
Hello There, Angel From my Nightmares by Wanderingxfae - M, one-shot - Draco Malfoy deals with his own mortal dilemma as an angel appears to him in his time of need.
Prometheus by aCanadianMuggle - M, one-shot - Hermione thinks she's found a way to remove Draco's Dark Mark.Based on Song Lyrics - Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper
The Tie That Binds by EvergreenTuesdays - E, WIP - Narcissa Malfoy struck a bargain with Albus Dumbledore before he died—that at an unspecified pivotal moment, she would turn the tide of the war, ensuring Voldemort’s downfall. In exchange, her son Draco would be married to the Golden Girl immediately following the war, guaranteeing her family’s return to grace. [READ ALL WARNINGS]
Yellow Diamonds by KatsiPerennial - M, one-shot - "I hope that when the world comes to an end I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to." - Donnie Darkoor Hermione searches for grace among hellfire
Belladonna by thisisanomdeplume - M, WIP - “Did you know when you married her? About the blood curse?”“Yes,” Draco said, a bitter clip to his voice.This surprised Hermione in more ways than one. Sure, Astoria Greengrass was a pureblooded witch, but Hermione thought something like a blood curse would have made her a less attractive choice for the Malfoy heir.She couldn’t stop herself from asking the next part, politeness be damned. He’d come to investigate them for wrongdoing, perhaps he could do with a little interrogating as well.“Did that make it easier, knowing it was coming?”He hadn’t looked away from the garden all this time, but she saw his throat work slightly before he answered.“No.”
'Til Death Do Us Part by bienfaeng - E, one-shot - She’d been feeding the boy poison for weeks. Angel’s hair, silver-grey and grown from seed in church soil, crushed in holy water with baby’s breath plucked under a new moon. A benign brew, and by all accounts the most innocent thing she’d concocted in over seven-hundred years. But for once, Hermione wasn’t doing the devil’s bidding. She was going to reverse it.Hermione and Draco have a marital spat on the night of their anniversary.
Crazy in Love by riddikulus_puff - E, one-shot - Hermione Granger had slowly been destroyed by the destruction that was the Second Wizarding War. Every single member fighting for the good side had been so incredibly optimistic that the War would end on the 2nd of May 1998 but that wasn't what happened, it didn't end. The Wizarding War had continued going. Voldemort had won. Hermione had to watch as death tore its way through bodies and ended them in an instant. Hermione wasn't so lucky. Death was never going to arrive on her doorstep. While distracted in the Battle of Hogwarts, looking for Harry, Hermione had been captured by a masked Death Eater. Everything had been taken from Hermione. Her mother. Dead. Her father. Dead. Her best friends. Tortured then murdered. Her dignity. Ruined. Her virginity. Nonexistent. Everything had been ripped away from Hermione. She had become a shadow as she was forced to become a plaything. The number one Mudblood. She was passed to every single Death Eater, used before being pushed towards the next one. She was crazy. Crazy in love.A one-shot for the 2023 Truly Madly Deeply FestInspired by the song 'Crazy in Love' by Beyoncé
I Won’t Let Them Take You (Alive) by DracoIsForLovers, LiloLilyAnn - E, one-shot - She was beautiful, and strong, and the smartest person he had ever known. Which is why it was no surprise to Draco that she had gotten away with her plan.Hermione and Draco fell in love on the cusp of a war. In a misguided attempt to keep him safe, a worn down version of Hermione locks him away. She won’t let the Dark Lord take him, or anyone else for that matter. [READ ALL WARNINGS]
because you're mine by nyquilsquirrel - E, one-shot - Danger was an illusion, easily avoidable in reality if one was a methodical planner, methodically accounting for any potential degrees of deviance– quick on their feet, able to adapt at a moment’s notice– recalculating and recalibrating accordingly.Draco’s life– his heavenly, wonderful life– could have been rife with danger. But it was not.Nothing stood in his way. Not where Hermione was concerned.Nothing motivated a man more than his family– more than his wife.Nothing motivated Draco more than Hermione. [READ ALL WARNINGS]
Wicked Games by CatastrophicallyFaz - M, WIP - The world was on fire, and no one could save me. But you.Draco Malfoy had such a crush on Hermione Granger - the war heroine, someone way out of his league, someone who was infinitely better than him.But for some unknown reason, she liked him back.But can their love survive?
Twisted Reflections by Bitsandpieces12 - E, WIP - Hermione Granger, New defense against the dark arts professer, has been cursed. Cursed to live out the rest of her life without her sight.Draco Malfoy, New Potions Professor, is also cursed. Cursed to spend his days guilty, because he knows his family can cure his new college, and budding crush, but they refuse to help her.Astoria Greengrass, finishing up her eigth year is also cursed. Cursed to watch her ex boyfriend fall in love with his colleague. She's willing to do anything to stop them. [READ ALL WARNINGS]
Love the Way You Lie by GardenAtTwilight - E, one-shot - Hermione and Draco are in a toxic relationship, repeating the same patterns over and over. She always swears she’ll stop. Always swears she’ll change. He knows that love is pain. Maybe that’s why he stays.
Life Grows Colder by ohthedrarry - M, one-shot - Description: Draco Malfoy remembers a lot of things. He remembers the way that Hermione’s hair curled around his finger and the way that his name sounded coming from her lips. He remembers desperately trying to save her, as she desperately tried to save him, both of them meeting in the middle with a promise of forever at the end of so much pain. And he remembers having a second chance. A second chance he’s still waiting for.Or: The year is 2003, but Draco is still in 1998.
Darling by emdash73 - E, one-shot - Draco has tried to stay away from her. Really, he has. But the worst part of him can't leave her alone for good.
Truly Madly Deeply Fest 2024:
Dark Horse by anna_h_ofeliya - E, WIP - "We're working on discovering the origins of magic.""Yes, right," he huffed.He stared at the parchment more, looking at the variations of ancient spells for Diffindo and Reducto. He expected Granger to continue, or refute her statement but nothing came off it."What are we working on, Granger?"She smirked."I’m looking to discover the source of magic in our blood, Malfoy." [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
Heart-Shaped Box by madameindemnity - E, WIP - What is love if not an all-consuming addiction?After 11 years in Azkaban prison, Draco Malfoy unexpectedly finds himself a free man at last. What does he decide to do with this freedom? Develop a soul-crushing obsession with Hermione Granger-Weasley, of course.Upon reentering the world, determined to lock himself away for the rest of his days, he is forced immediately into joining a long-standing ritual of Friday night drinks. He sees that the life he imagined for Hermione is not at all the one she is living, she seems to be miserable - exhausted, overworked, and trapped in a loveless marriage.For Draco, this simply will not do. He will use any means necessary to have her for his own, including but not limited to: stalking, lying, shapeshifting, gaslighting, violence, and murder. [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
Pretty Girls, Dressed in Blue by GimletSour - E, WIP - Hermione gets abducted by a serial killer that lives in a house haunted by the ghosts of his previous victims.He's just looking for love, Hermione just wants to survive, and the girls, well... all the girls want is revenge. [READ ALL WARNINGS]
I Love You Always Forever by EvergreenTuesdays - E, 3 chapters - One drunken mistake has Hermione facing a lifetime of consequences she’d never prepared for.This is a DARK story written for a dark fest.  [READ ALL WARNINGS]
Strength Blooms in the Break by LadyUrsa - E, WIP - Draco has seen it all as a representative of the Wizengamot on panels for auror disciplinary actions. But when Granger is the one facing repercussions, he's not prepared for how deep her trauma goes. – All Hermione wants is for someone to sign her fucking form and let her get back to work. Harry is overreacting. She’s not going to kill anyone else. She doesn’t need to live with someone. She doesn’t need to learn occlumency. She doesn’t need to have her wand taken away.She’s not broken.She’s fine. [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
Derangement by SarahFraser - E, WIP - After 15 years of marriage, Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy have accepted that they'll never have children. It is something they've learned to live with and accept. In the fall of 2017, shortly after Hermione's 38th birthday, she begins to experience lapses in her memory of small things. Misplacing her wand, remembering an appointment, and other small things.Not wanting to concern her husband, she decides against telling him. One night, however, during one of Hermione's sleepwalking episodes, Draco finds her believing that Hermione had gone to bed feeling ill. When Draco approaches her, Hermione doesn't recognize him and attacks, fearful of her safety. After this, Draco insists they meet with a renowned mind healer, Theodore Nott. At this time, they discover, against all odds, that Hermione has become pregnant. The only problem? Draco's Aunt Bellatrix carved a curse in Hermione's arm to cause her to slowly lose her mind if she ever tried to continue her dirty bloodline. In the depths of their despair, the married couple lean on Theo for comfort, and Theo finds himself slowly falling for them both. [Draco x Hermione x Theo] [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
The Girl With the Most Cake by AuroraNyx - E, WIP - Hermione Granger had always been attracted to Draco Malfoy. She had shrugged it off, being self-aware enough to recognize it as a teenage "bad boy fantasy" phase.After he defected to the Order of the Phoenix and played a critical role in the defeat of Voldemort and the Victory of the Light in the Second Wizarding War, he became Wizarding England's hottest bachelor and Hermione was once again smitten.She was determined to figure out exactly how to be the girl that won Draco Malfoy's heart. Research had always been her forte and how better to learn how to make Draco fall in love with her than to study the witches that had come before her. [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
Ouroboros by WillowingScribe - E, WIP - In a world in which muggle-borns have to fight ever-changing horrors in weekly trials to amuse bored Death Eaters, Hermione's only hope for survival and comfort is the goodwill of her mentor, Draco Malfoy. [READ ALL WARNINGS]
Every Breath You Take by acapulcogold - E, one-shot - From the outside looking in, Draco Malfoy had a perfect life: wealth beyond his wildest dreams, superior genes, and a loving, pregnant, pureblood wife. He had never intended to find out that he liked filth, that he liked his women as dirty and tainted as his sense of morality.He knew not to fly too close to the sun; he was a cautious man. But there was no harm in watching, just from afar. [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
Let’s Spend the Night Together, From Now Until Forever by Ceilidhchaos - E, WIP - Theo has disappeared. Draco's search has been fruitless until it wasn't. The results of finding Theo are beyond anything Draco could have imagined and even his own memories won't be safe afterwards.~~~~A Dark Hermione story of obsession, possession and forgetting. [READ ALL WARNINGS]
Only Murders in the Ministry by charingfae - E, WIP - As the top two Aurors at the Ministry, Draco Malfoy and Tom Riddle are in a constant (unspoken) war. The task? Solve as many damn murder cases as possible to impress their boss. The prize? Hermione Granger's affections.Tensions rise as the two men battle it out, each of them willing to do whatever it takes to win....Including a little murdering. [READ ALL WARNINGS]
Get in the Water by thisisanomdeplume - M, WIP - Epic tales of war and love condensed into pages and pages of written words, they were Hermione’s safe place— until she found herself in the setting of a saga the likes of which could impact generations. Can she rise to the occasion like the heroes she had always read about?An AU with Arthurian Legend themes: Merlin, King Arthur, and the Lady of the Lake.Canon divergence after the Battle at the Department of Mysteries. [Draco x Hermione x Tom Riddle] [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
A Rose on the Grey by Dizzle00 - E, one-shot - Draco was already in so deep, Hermione had no idea. He was deeply in love with her, and he was also in deep, deep shit.And now he was livid.Rose had made Hermione break up with him. She’d snuck into his bedroom, seduced him, made him come. Made him betray his own son. She was ruining his life.OrWhen his daughter-in-law, Rose, threatens his relationship with her mother, Hermione, Draco does what he has to do. [READ ALL WARNINGS]
Water by mr_pibb - E, one-shot - She screamed on the floor of the ballroom; Draco’s cock twitched. Hermione’s voice had a way of making his knees weak and his breath catch in the back of his throat. Had Bellatrix not been in the room separating him from her, Draco would have had Hermione on her knees for him. His ejaculate would be the cool drink to soothe her raw throat. [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
Chasing Darkness by LadyMorphia - M, WIP - Draco Malfoy had always been an expert at self-preservation. Maybe that’s why he decided to trick Granger into drinking a love potion. After all, he needed her to testify on his behalf in front of the Wizengamot.“No,” he said, admonishing her, “you don’t have to do that.”It was too late. The bushy-haired swot was down on her knees, looking up at him with an odd expression he had never quite observed in anyone ever before.“You could have hurt me, but you didn’t. You’re a good man, Draco Malfoy. I know the voice inside tells you otherwise, but you deserve love. And I want to love you.” [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
(No doubt in my mind) Where You Belong by aCanadianMuggle - M, one-shot - Hermione Granger has spent her career at the Department of Mysteries, learning the depths of the Death Room. Now she's ready to put that learning into action and get back the boy Death snatched away too early. [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
a thousand years by riddikulus_puff - E, one-shot - The clocks stopped ticking all of a sudden. A spreading stench of rot and mould wafted through her senses as she crept through the corridor, her wand alight with a crackling Lumos as she kept her movements slow and cautious. The hallway light bulbs were flickering on and off. The atmosphere was thick with something not quite right, the scent of creepiness floating through the tight space, doors creaking as the floorboards joined in with the uneasy feeling that Hermione was already feeling.There was this sense that someone was watching her, obsessing over her, keeping a close eye on her like they were protecting her from danger. [READ ALL WARNINGS]
The Old Ball and Chain by LiloLilyAnn - M, one-shot - Reformed Death Eater and winner of Witch Weekly’s Most Eligible Bachelor for the last three years, Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger, war heroine, have officially announced their engagement.Is there love in the air... or something else? [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
Come Morning Light by iftreescouldspeak - M, one-shot - “Those who fight monsters are susceptible to becoming monsters themselves.” His hands were cold when he brought his fingers to her cheek. “I should know. Let me take care of them for you.” [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
Before I Met You by sundayviolet - E, one-shot - It’s an old pureblood tradition that young witches and wizards discover their soulmate before they even set foot at Hogwarts. When Draco's parents dismiss the oracle they hired, unsatisfied with the woman's answer, they make a decision that will cost Draco in ways they could never understand. Upon unearthing their secret, Draco knows he’ll stop at nothing to attain what’s his. [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
Every night, Every day by Goldenbucky - E, one-shot - Hermione has been on the run for two years. Only using muggle money. No wand. No friends. No family.And absolutely no magic.All to avoid him. She had been careful.But he always manages to find her. [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
When Dragons Drown by Wanderingxfae - M, one-shot -  When Hermione saves him from Azkaban and offers friendship and forgiveness, will Draco have a shot at happiness? Or will he get in his own way? [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
As You Wish by Sniper_Jade - E, WIP - After an encounter with the Room of Destinies, Unspeakable Hermione Granger finds a magic lamp in the depths of the ministry stacks. To add on top of that, a mysterious Black family artefact, an endlessly frustrating Draco Malfoy and a cryptic genie, Hermione’s life is about to be turned upside down. When the madness starts to spread and affect Malfoy’s life as well, will she be able to fix it or will she be left to regret her choices forever?Be careful what you wish for. [READ ALL WARNINGS]
Look at Me by allofthelights11 - M, one-shot - Draco still remembered the first time he saw her.He’d been walking through the streets, minding his own business. A flutter of movement had caught his eye from a second-story window just above the street. The wind had snagged the gauzy cream fabric of a drapery, and a girl had come to close the window. Her hair had been similarly caught in the breeze, and the rippling effect had entranced him.Had she looked at him? He thought she had, and for some reason, his feet carried him into her building and up the stairs.The knob had turned under his hand. [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
Learn to Let Go by ParksandFiction - E, 3 chapters - After discovering the extent of Draco Malfoy’s lies and manipulations, Hermione Granger sets out to expose him for who he truly is. The post-war reputation he curated is nearly untouchable, but Hermione wasn’t the only woman he wronged. In a world built and run by pureblood men, Hermione and Astoria will show Draco that there is no place left for him to hide, but that freedom comes when you learn to let go. [Draco x Hermione x Astoria] [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
I'm Here to Remind You by bookish_clf (clf1646) - E, one-shot - I gaze at the knife in my hands, crimson blood flowing down the blade and pooling at its tip, waiting for the slow drip, drip, drip onto the floor beneath me.He didn’t know it when he left me.That it would come to this.I stare at the lifeless form of his body on the bed, and when I turn to leave I store the memory of what it felt like to fuck him one last time.*****Or, Hermione and Draco happy in love, find out they have a stalker. [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
angel by forestknifefight - E, one-shot - Hermione is torn: he wants her to free him of this curse, but it would hurt him so badly that she could never bring herself to do it. That and she wants to be a little selfish.Draco is just so beautiful like this. [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
I Wanna Know by kcg07 - E, one-shot - Hermione's eighth year takes an unexpected turn when she finds Draco and Theo in the library and they invite her to sit with them, leading to a passionate relationship where the men are well-meaning but overpowering. It is a whirlwind for her, all too fast, but it is everything she wanted. Can she make peace with what her life has become, even if it is at the cost of her golden Gryffindor reputation? And better yet, can she make peace with who Draco and Theo really are?Note: This is written for a darkfest, there are tags and content that I know are not for everyone. Please use the tagging system to avoid stories like these if they are not your cup of tea. This is not in any way meant to depict a healthy relationship. [Draco x Hermione x Theo] [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
This fest is ongoing.
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soft-stxrlight · 5 months
the calling of wolves and vipers, chapter 2
unexpected guests of all varieties
ao3 link: the calling of wolves and vipers
tumblr masterlist: the calling of wolves and vipers
pairing: Draco Malfoy x Theodore Nott x Hermione Granger
description: draco, theo, and hermione navigate growing affections as they fight for werewolf rights. there are forces, however, which will stop at nothing to ensure their efforts are for naught.
word count: 4222
Tumblr media
Hermione sat at her cluttered desk clutching her pen tightly. Theo was out sick with some kind of flu and she had to catch up on work for their proposal. He took his work home, but she was pulling more weight because she hadn’t wanted him to stress while he was ill.
When lunch rolled around Hermione figured she’d just work through it and snack on the grapes and cheese she had brought with her. She would’ve gone to lunch with Ginny but the morning sickness was hitting her hard and she couldn’t leave the house much this week. 
Two strong raps came upon her office door. “Come in,” Hermione yelled, but didn’t look up from her work. 
“Oh, is Theo still out?” Draco’s deep rumble brought her out of her intense focus. When she met his gaze, she suddenly felt self-conscious of her curls knotted with her wand, askew atop her head and cardigan she wore that drooped down one shoulder. She promptly jerked the sleeve back up and smoothed back her hair only for a curl to spring right back into place in front of her eyes. Draco merely chuckled. 
“Yeah, um, he is,” she muttered, blushing furiously. Draco looked straight out of a magazine with his crisp black slacks and eggshell cashmere sweater. An expensive looking watch sparkled on his right wrist. Draco is a lefty, interesting, she thought. His white-blonde hair was the longest she’d seen it and he’d abandoned the slicked-back look of his childhood. It settled as though he’d just carded through it and stayed that way. With his slimmed features and sharp jawline, he was particularly dashing. 
“I guess I’ll leave you be then.” Draco’s eyes dropped toward the floor and he toyed with his watch. 
“You could stay?” Hermione chided herself for the way it sounded more like a pleading question than an offer. “I mean to say,” she cleared her throat, “we’re both close with Theo, it’s time we at least make an attempt at bonding.” Hermione knew her face was hopeful and vulnerable. Open. She felt drawn to him lately and itched to explore it. The flutter in her gut agreed.
“Hm, I suppose you’re right,” Draco drawled, pulling the door shut as he stepped inside. “Where should I sit?” Draco motioned to the paper covered desks, then to Theo’s chair with her personal items on it. 
“Does the floor work?” She asked, “When Theo and I eat together we do it on the floor for obvious lack of desk space.” She gestured at the surroundings and blushed again. Surely, Draco Malfoy could afford a big enough desk and office space. He was an auror afterall. They got better funding. 
“I’m well aware of that little quirk of your workspace. The floor will do fine,” Draco’s smile was teasing, but warm. Hermione returned it, and tossed in an eyeroll to boot, ignoring entirely that the very first thing he did was agree with her.
It was comical watching a large alpha werewolf fold in on himself and spread out his lunch on the floor of her office. His long muscular legs were crossed and his back hunched to reach his food on the floor. Everytime he leaned over Hermione could see how wide his shoulders were, making it look like his anatomy was more suited for wings and flying than suits and offices.
“How’s work going?” she asked him cautiously. It was the awkward small talk of acquaintances who are only just slightly familiar with one another, but don’t know anything specific enough to have a conversation of substance. 
“I like it. It’s fast paced, aside from the paperwork, obviously. I get to put away the wizards who want us to go back to how we used to be.” He tucked back into his sandwich, brushing a crumb off his lip with his knuckle.
“Oh, that’s really good,” she mumbled, a small piece of cheese flying out of her mouth directly onto her jumper. A sheepish grin and she slapped it off.  
“Has McLaggen bothered you anymore?” Draco asked nonchalantly, eyes fixed on some finite grain in the floor. She wouldn’t have thought much of it, save for the irritated tick in his jaw on the name.
“No, I haven’t even seen him recently.” 
Draco’s eyes darkened for a moment. He shook his head and looked to her as pleadingly as a Malfoy could–which is to say his composure remained while his eyes pierced her, “I’m not joking, Hermione,” a thrill ran through her at the sound of her name on his tongue. 
“If he so much as looks in your direction you come to me or Theo.” The thrill collapsed into cold discomfort as she thought about Cormac. Draco’s inhale was audible and he cocked his head. She saw his hands flex as though nails begged to rip through the skin of his fingertips.
“I’m okay, really,” she tried to comfort him.
He spoke through clenched teeth, “Please don’t humor me, I can smell your fear. The mere sensation grates on my baser side.”
“Alright, he unsettles me,” she admitted, “but I’m safe and I don’t really think he’d do anything,” She was fairly sure her words were true, but Draco’s eyes narrowed acutely. “Besides, I have an alpha and a beta ready at my beck and call, right?” Hermione raised her chin in a teasing flourish.
Her attempt to cut the tension was fruitless. Draco should’ve bristled at such a comment, to equate his alpha to no more than an attack dog. It should’ve been a playful insult. He was supposed to grumble under his breath about silly witches and she’d laugh him off. Instead, he nodded solemnly, gaze intent.
“You need only point,” his words were a blistering promise. Hermione was rendered breathless. Her mind scrambled for some inane small talk to diffuse such a proclamation. No, she didn’t want to ruin the tenuous verity that wound between them. 
A gulped fortifying breath, and then she asked, “Draco?” His head perked up, silver eyes boring into hers. His name was foreign in her mouth, always Malfoy, but he was a new man and deserved a new name. “Can I ask you some personal questions?” 
“Considering all you’ve done for wizarding kind, I’d say you’ve earned the right to bypass small talk. Ask away.” He gestured with a sweep of his large hand.
“I know you apologized to me and I know you’ve changed. I guess I’m just wondering why? There’s no doubt you were an indoctrinated child, but I’m still curious as to why you chose to go against what your parents so deeply believe?” The words rushed out before she could stop them.
Draco gently placed the remainder of his sandwich down and took a deep breath, before looking at her with such searing vulnerability that her stomach roiled. Her eyes begged the reprieve of looking away from his scouring gaze. Surely some ancestral magic had bestowed him with a sort of enchanted look that laid all one’s secrets bare to his discretion.
“I saw you brutally tortured. In my home. I never wanted to be a part of their cause, but my parents forced me. It became horribly real though when you writhed bloody on the drawing room floor. My aunt had a unique penchant for inflicting agony. When I didn’t–” he winced, “well, I chose never to freeze again.” He nodded to her. Like that was that. Then raised his forgone sandwich and resumed eating as though he hadn’t just dredged up both of their long-held trauma. 
The inner Draco, however, was far from composed. His baser side was clawing at his skull, his sternum. The discomfort was palpable and his instincts screamed at him that he’d failed her. Despite not having been turned at the time of her torture, his alpha instincts balefully whimpered that he’d failed his most important purpose. Her protection. The urge wasn’t purely chivalrous, it had a dark edge that wove through his muscles and settled like an unbreakable vow. 
She wouldn’t sustain such torture ever again. Not if he was still breathing. Draco would sooner gut himself and offer her his intestines wrapped in a bow for her to strangle him. Hermione Granger could not be harmed.
“I suppose that’s a,” she coughed subtly to clear the lump forming in her throat, “fairly terrific reason.” 
Draco gave her a warm look that stirred the floaty feeling low in her belly. One that brought the edges of his lips up in a subtle curve and accentuated the crinkles around his eyes that she’d not noticed before. His silver eyes seemed to soften even more as they held her own, and his blinks were slow and measured. Hermione felt caught up in his ethereal gaze, entranced by the, dare-she-say, tender moment. 
The door swung open and Hermione’s eyes shot to the head of disheveled black hair that had popped in. Harry’s green eyes went wide and darted between Draco and Hermione, then repeated. Draco had schooled his expression into cool indifference a moment too late. Harry surely witnessed whatever just happened.
“Sorry,” he cleared his throat awkwardly, “I was looking to see if you wanted to come to lunch with me, but I see you’re already occupied.” Harry nodded once to Draco. 
“Yes, um-” Hermione started, brain still mush from his simmering molten gaze. 
“Right, well. Bye.” Harry closed the door as quickly as he’d opened it. He’d already managed to deconstruct the moment between them with his inept grace though. Hermione couldn’t bring herself to be mad at him. Her best friend could be thick sometimes, but even he couldn’t be blind to the downright visible tension radiating between them. She rather thought the surfaces in the room blurred and fizzed like concrete in the dead of summer.
“Do people normally burst into your office unannounced? Have I made a fool of myself by knocking?” Draco drawled, clearly mocking Harry’s poor manners. It was harmless in a way that pleasantly disarmed her. They were… joking.
“No, those are just Harry’s delicate manners at work. You’d know all about those right? I’m sure you had a lesson dedicated specifically to entering a room gracefully.” Hermione bowed her head at him in faux respect and tucked back into her grapes. 
“I certainly did, in fact, I’d say I’m an expert on entrances.”
His eyes burned into hers and a wicked grin split his lips. It took her a moment to recognize the innuendo for what it was. Was he flirting?! Hermione threw a grape at him and the motion made her miss the way his eyes flashed with a supernatural obsidian glow before settling back to his silver hue, he snatched it from the air and popped it in his mouth. His seeker reflexes had not dulled in his years since teenagehood.  
“You’re an expert on idiocy.”
Draco and Hermione settled into the rest of lunch that way. Eating between comfortable conversations, with the occasional joke or jab. She found that as she stood, stretched, and bid him goodbye, she truly didn’t want him to leave. 
Hermione stood in the doorway and watched as his broad shoulders disappeared into the crowded halls of the ministry, but not before he glanced back over his shoulder and shot her a wicked grin when he saw her watching. Her stomach fluttered traitorously. She leaned her forehead against the coolness of the door frame after he rounded the corner and sighed. Godric help her, since when was she a simpering school girl.
Hermione’s mom always made her pastina when she was unwell. 
So there Hermione stood, brow beading sweat over a pot of boiling chicken stock and pastina. She adeptly poured in the measured cheeses and sighed happily as she mixed them in. Warm memories bubbled to the surface of her mind with the steam. If she focused hard enough, she could feel her mother’s hand guiding her own in wide clockwise sweeps. Her throat caught with emotion but she diverted the thought back to Theo. 
She didn’t even know if Theo liked pastina. 
Ginny had insisted it was a great idea and a good way to show care for her friend, or maybe more. And if it succeeded in comforting him, then that was enough. Lunch with Draco had made Hermione even more confused, as she told Ginny, but she was still just as interested in Theo. Ginny then told Hermione that wizards were more progressive than muggles in the senses of sexuality and potential partners, insisting it was fairly common for triads or polyamorous couples to become bonded or even married. Hermione scoffed at Ginny’s implication.
Hermione had never been interested in two men in this way before. And it was far easier for her to look the other way and pretend the Draco factor was no more than a passing fluke than to acknowledge these potential budding affections for the mysterious man. Theo had quietly been on her mind for months now, snaking his way around her very heart and sinking his slow-acting venom in until she was paralyzed, prone for him.
The pastina was meant to be a gesture of her love. Hermione’s subtle way of saying, you’re always on my mind and I want you to be well. 
There were three main ingredients in pastina, warm chicken stock to bring a hearty taste, the pastina itself which swelled into sweet little stars, and pecorino romano cheese which melted and tied it all together decadently. Of course there was also some salt, pepper, olive oil and butter as well. Once the cheese was melted, she grabbed a container and began spooning it in. 
By the time she was en route to Theo’s flat–he’d long abandoned living in his family manor–she had three very full containers in her arms. Theo’s flat was further into wizarding London than hers, and she had to take the tube to get there. She couldn’t floo because they didn’t have an established connection and she couldn’t apparate because she didn’t know the area well enough to be sure she would arrive somewhere sans muggles.
Hermione hesitated briefly on Theo’s stoop, hand poised to knock, second guessing her gesture and worried it would be too overbearing. But she forced herself to gently thump at his door and plastered on a pleasant smile.
It took a moment for Theo to get to the door. She could hear his slow shuffles. As the door peeled open and Hermione got a good look at him, her heart melted at his puzzled head tilt. 
His usually bright forest eyes were dull with poor sleep, deep bruised pockets beneath them. His cheeks were pale and colorless, where they were normally flushed and full of life. Indulgently, Hermione thought of the stubble that crept along his jaw and considered how it would feel running along her skin. A pair of muggle pajama pants printed with cartoon panels of spider-man hung low on his hips. But, the vulnerable way he had one of Hermione’s crocheted blankets wrapped around his head and body so he looked like a tall sickly nesting doll had her cooing. 
“Oh, Theo,” Hermione adjusted the containers where she stacked them on her hip. His eyes widened innocently, relishing in her doting indulgence. Hermione knew at that moment Theo would milk this for all it was worth. And she’d let him. This sweet, kind, dramatic man she cared for so much. Because maybe she did? Maybe she’d cared for him for a while, and only now she could admit it.
“What are you doing here?” Theo rasped, his voice clearly overused from coughing. 
Hermione held up the containers and gushed, “I made you pastina. In my opinion, its healing benefits are better than chicken soup, but maybe you won’t like it? I mean you don’t have to eat it-” 
“Take a breath Mione, I’m sure I’ll love it.” He gave her a toothy grin, which was interrupted with a chest rattling cough. He ducked his head into his elbow and then smiled sheepishly at her this time.
“Aw Theo, that sounds awful. And is that the blanket I gave you for Christmas?” She tugged it a little tighter around his face, finally allowing her fingertips to trail his clammy cheek softly. Theo’s eyelids fluttered and he leaned into the warm touch.
“Mhmm,” he groaned, “it brings me comfort, reminds me of you.” His eyes snapped open, Hermione thought he might not have meant to say that last part out loud. 
“I’m glad then.” She grinned at him and passed him the pastina, “I don’t want you standing too long so you should go rest.” She began to turn away but Theo’s fingers caught on hers handing him the containers.
“Go on a date with me,” he said, seeming to startle himself with a jerk. He shook his head and color finally came to his cheeks, pale but there nonetheless. He straightened, “I mean, would you go on a date with me when I’m no longer sick?” His eyes were marginally brighter now, vulnerable even. Hermione’s stomach did somersaults and her brain became pure static. 
All she could do was nod.
Theo insisted Hermione allow him to walk her to their date. So, she sat in her living room and stared at the small clock on the bookshelf. If she didn’t know better, she’d say it was broken, moving as agonizingly slow as a sloth and holding her future time with Theo hostage. 
It was two minutes to five on a warm Sunday afternoon in October. Hermione had opted for a creme colored floral maxi skirt with a ruffled hem paired with a forest green silk front-tie, quarter sleeve top. She wouldn’t admit it, but she selected it for its similarity to his eyes. Her favorite brown double breasted jacket hung off her shoulders. Her favorite necklace from Ginny hung just below her cleavage. She’d chosen a loose braided coronet to tame her hair. She felt beautiful. 
Finally, a soft pattern tapped at the door and Hermione shot up, nervously smoothing a hand over her skirt before approaching the front door. As the door creaked open, it revealed Theo’s glowing smile. Hermione could’ve sworn his teeth sparkled like a cartoon prince. His curly dark brown hair fell haphazardly in handsome waves along his brow. 
“You look absolutely lovely Hermione,” His eyes twinkled as he seemed to savor her appearance. Hermione’s stomach turned inside out in the absolute best way. Theo always managed to make her feel like a young girl again, giddy and lovestruck.
“Theo, you look so handsome,” Hermione replied, breathless. 
“Thank you, love. Are you ready to go?” He offered her his elbow gallantly.
Hermione took it, eager to unravel their mystery date. Theo wouldn’t tell her a word about what would occur, only that she would be “dazzled and hopelessly in love” by the end. That had earned him a soft smack to the ribs in jest. 
He steered her toward the street at a slow stroll, “We have to take a portkey to the location of the date. Is that alright?” he asked gently, a flash of uncertainty crossed his face. How sweet, Hermione thought, he’s nervous too. 
She nodded immediately and he pulled out a pretty rose from the basket dangling from his elbow. “It’ll activate in a minute so grab on and then we’ll be there.”
They stood in serene silence, gripping the rose together in a side alley by Hermione’s flat. Theo snorted awkwardly when the silence went on too long, Hermione’s answering laugh was cut short by the whirling of the portkey travel tugging behind her navel. Their landing was smooth with Hermione never releasing Theo’s elbow. 
When the world stopped spinning, Hermione glanced around her to find the rolling green hills of Scotland, clearly not far from Hogwarts. There was rumored to be a fairy pack that lived in this region. Hermione had always wanted to see the fairies but the conditions had to be just right, they had to feel safe to show themselves. 
Theo brought her a few steps forward and then pulled his wand out of his pocket. He winked at her, “Revelio.” A shimmer of sparkles parted the air and revealed a beautiful picnic facing where the sun would eventually settle over the mountains in the distance. 
“Theo, this is brilliant,” Hermione exclaimed. She dropped to her knees on the picnic blanket and inspected the food. It was obviously being kept warm by a warming charm, as heat emanated from the containers. The scents wafting out smelled delicious and looked… “did you make the food?” 
Theo grinned, “With my own two hands. Nothing but the best for the Golden Girl,” nudging her shoulder with his thigh. He knew she hated being called the golden girl but could never seem to scold him for it. Maybe it had to do with the amount of reverie in his tone every time he said it?
“Sit down wolf-man, I want to try all this delicious smelling food.” Theo rolled his eyes as he dropped down and languidly spread himself out on the blanket. They started in on the food and some small talk. Mostly recounting their weekends and going over favorites. Hermione’s favorite color, lilac, Theo’s, sage. 
Going over childhoods, Theo’s mother died when he was young and his father died in the final battle, Hermione’s family was tight knit until she obliviated them. Now they don’t trust her. Touching briefly on work, Theo’s pursuit of the shifting houses and Hermione’s inquiries into rights laws. 
As they ate the little tea cakes Theo proudly proclaimed he had painstakingly prepared, Hermione laid down on her back and watched the sky as it blossomed lilac and tangerine. 
“Theo, what’s it like being in a pack?” She turned to face him and propped her head on her hand. Theo was on his back as well, arms crossed behind his head, the picture of utter relaxation.
“It’s a natural urge. The pull to those like you and a rank that suits your character. I trust Draco as a leader and he trusts me as a second. It’s kind of a duty hardwired into your blood.” His brow furrowed as he considered his words carefully.
“Maybe this is stupid,” Theo looked at her, as if to say nothing she could ever say would be stupid, “but do you ever like it? Being a werewolf I mean?” 
“Sometimes. It’s brought me things I wouldn’t otherwise have,” his eyes darted to Hermione where she’d resumed staring at the sunset, “my, uh, pack and stuff, and the power is exhilarating, when I’m not afraid I’m going to tear someone to shreds.” he chuckled. His eyes darkened and he threw an arm in the air as if to say c’est la vie. 
“Does it scare you?” His voice was quiet and he avoided her eyes.
“Never,” her reply was certain and swift, “I trust you implicitly. I know you’d never hurt me.” Theo’s eyes flashed a beautiful cyan. Betas have cyan colored eyes. Hermione noted and filed the piece of information away.
“I don’t think I physically could, Hermione, you’ve got me utterly bewitched.” He smirked, trying to mask the vulnerability of his statement. 
Hermione didn’t understand just how much he meant it. Theodore Nott had always been an easily distracted child. Hyperactive, some would say. But suddenly he understood singular focus. His had turned on her as his subject. She is mine, I have her now, I’m not letting go. The voice in his head took on that tone that it got when his baser side was influencing him. 
Theo was more wary of his instincts than Draco. He did not relish his newfound possessive urges toward Hermione. Though, when his inner wolf would urge him to lay himself at her feet and give in to her every whim, he was decidedly less reluctant. Hermione possessed him, body and soul, and he’d have it no other way. 
Hermione sat up then, eyes searching his for something she must have found, because the next moment her mouth was hovering just centimeters from his and with her eyes questioning. Theo answered by gently pressing his lips up against her soft, velvety ones. The kiss was sweet as butter melting into a muffin, all fluttering eyelids and subtle passes of tongues on lips. Comforting arms encircled waists and wandering hands found purchase on chins and tangled in hair.
The bliss of the moment was enhanced by Hermione’s gasp released upon opening her eyes and finding little glowing figures inspecting their basket and playing with the curls of their hair. Fairies. 
Hermione sat up and slowly held up a small piece of bread. Tiny, fluttering fingers snatched it from her, only to hum happily and then zip up to her cheek and give her a petite kiss. The fairy’s touch was like being tucked into your bed, pure and warm. Their beauty encapsulated the lovers like crisp air after a fresh rain. 
They spent the remainder of their evening observing their ethereal dinner guests, their soft pink light rivaling the newly risen stars in the sky, and pressing chaste, exuberant kisses to one another simply because they could. Content in their company and lovely evening.
hermione and theo are getting a headstart, maybe draco will get his shit together soon ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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dhr-ao3 · 2 months
My Lady Hermione
My Lady Hermione https://ift.tt/TWsH2Oh by darkgreenforest03 Hermione Granger and her ragtag team of fellow potion-brewers—Theo, Neville, and the ever-dour Draco Malfoy—find themselves catapulted through time by a potion gone awry. Their intended quest to cure the werewolf curse has landed them in a picturesque but puzzling field, where they’re mistaken for characters in an 16th-century drama. As Hermione grapples with her new role as "Miss Mary", she must navigate the perils of time travel, a nosy maid, and Malfoy’s disdainful elegance—all while trying to figure out how to return to their own time. Words: 2878, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Neville Longbottom Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Time Travel, Potions Accident, Tudor Era, Alternate Universe - Tudor Era, role play, Draco Malfoy is a Brat, Draco Malfoy is Pathetic, Draco Malfoy is Bad at Feelings, Draco Malfoy is a Tease, Draco Malfoy is Good at Sex, Hermione Granger saves the World, Good Theodore Nott, Theodore Nott is a sarcasting king, Neville loves fungi, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Explicit Sexual Content, Idiots in Love via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/u0W5VPC July 24, 2024 at 03:01AM
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