#werewolf!leon kennedy
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tempting fate (werewolf! leon kennedy x ada wong)
reference used here! + background is unsplash
tag list @aeonloves @a-phantoms-shadow @fleurdelily @kittenslady
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Feel So Numb: Werewolf!Leon S. Kennedy x Reader
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Ask and you shall receive
Contains: Hella blood and gore, werewolf attack, gunshot wounds
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It wasn’t like him to be radio silent, especially for this long. After he had reported over the intercom to Hunnigan about the villagers all being hostile while searching for the president’s daughter, the line went dead from Leon’s end. All Hunnigan reported to you over your own earpiece was that Ashley Graham was possibly taken to some sort of church and now it was your job to find both her and Leon and to report to Hunnigan your findings immediately.
You arrived at the last place your fiance was pin-pointed; On some rural stretch of long-forgotten road. The cobblestone had been neglected, some dug up by winding roots while the rest had been caked in mud and dead leaves. You pulled up behind what used to be a police car. The driver side door had been ripped off its hinges and not a soul was left behind, only a splatter of blood on the inside and a dropped police badge from the local station. 
You eyed the obvious break in the foliage and narrowed your sight before you followed the beaten path knowing that you were walking right into danger. You drew your gun from its holster that had been strapped to your thigh and carefully watched your step. It was starting to grow dark out, the sun finally starting to set beyond the horizon.
You followed along the path until you came to a very run-down cabin where Leon had reported his first hostile villager. You saw his corpse laying across the floor and you couldn’t help but scrunch your nose at the smell the entire cabin gave off. You wanted to vomit. You swallowed the saliva that had pooled under your tongue and continued on, making your way out of the cabin and down the small flight of stairs littered with bloodied bones. You rounded the corner and stopped in your tracks at the sight of one of the police officers bloodied before you, his corpse had started to rot away.
Leon wasn’t kidding when he said something was horribly wrong.
Following the winding path out of the cabin and back into the woods, you had to step over and avoid more dead bodies until you finally came up to an animal corpse this time. It had been so decayed that no flesh remained, only bones and a little bit of muscle left. It looked to be a wolf and one of its legs had been snared in a rusted bear trap.
Now you had to worry about hidden bear traps and hostile villagers?
You don’t know how long you kept walking in the darkening woods, but you followed right on Leon’s trail until you made it to the village Leon must have been talking about. From what you last heard on the call log between Leon and Hunnigan, she mentioned something about a large windmill and a lake. You peeked around the village, bringing up your flashlight as you looked around. The looming stone church before you towered over everything around, cutting off the light of the drifting sun and casting you in near darkness. As you looked around, you nearly jumped at the sight of a burnt body tied up on a pole. The poor person was charred to a blackened crisp, no identifying features could be made out. Was this the second officer that was supposed to help Leon?
A shrill, faint noise sounded off in the distance, echoing through the woods. It rattled your bones, freezing your blood, making the hair across your body stand up on their ends. You raised your gun in the direction that the noise came from with your eyes wide and flashlight beaming into the dark. It sounded like some sort of fucked up scream; From an animal or a man, you couldn’t make out.
It took you a minute to finally uncurl from your position, quietly cursing to yourself before you trekked on.
“Gotta get the fuck out of here,” you whispered to yourself.
You kept following Leon’s distinct path. What locked doors had been opened, what path was made the most clear, what gate he had to force open with probably a good kick. You walked under a risen metal gate, eyeing it in case it slipped before you spotted an oddly placed crate to your right. There was an out-of-place torch post right next to it, barely any smoke furled out from the top. It had been extinguished recently, maybe an hour or so ago. Peeking up at the torch, you noticed that the embers were an odd purple color.
Where was Leon?
If connection had been cut out maybe less than an hour into his trek inside this fucked up rabbit hole, how far could he have gone? It had only been two days, really, he could be on the opposite side of Europe by now if he wanted to.
The scream echoed once again. It sounded closer this time. Your eyes bore into the wilderness that separated you from whatever the fuck was making that noise. It sounded like a monster crying out in pain.
Your feet carried you forward despite your brain wanting to sit tight and radio in help. A part of you was terrified to take another step into this twisted village while the rest wanted to barge through guns blazing to rescue your fiance and Ashley.
You quickly came upon the lake Hunnigan must have talking about. The water was choppy, the dock creaked eerily, there was no boat at the end of it. To your left was some sort of cobbled house, it had been worn for at least a decade by the looks of it. The door was broken open, the top half having been smashed into, the rotting wood now missing. You stepped inside of the place, gun in front of you with your finger on the trigger as you swept through the entire room, your eyes landing on Leon’s jacket and gun thrown to the ground in front of you.
You holstered your gun and bent down, picking up his jacket only showed that it was tattered. It looked like an animal had tore into it. The seams around the arms were split open, stitches were popped, there were odd lines scratched down the back of his jacket before you looked back down at the gun. Leon’s SG-09R laid splattered in mud, barely visible. You were only able to see in from the faint light of the full moon overhead. You couldn’t help but pick it up, the weight foreign yet familiar. It was empty, bullets absent. What was even more of a shock was that it almost looked like it had been crushed, especially at the wooden embedded handle. The metal was all bent out of shape and the wood was splintered. Whatever got ahold of it has to have been something big and nasty.
You swallowed thickly. Before you could press a finger to your earpiece to radio Hunnigan, you heard a chilling snap of iron close to you followed by a snarl that cut through the night.
You dropped the gun and Leon’s jacket and snatched up your own, barging outside with your finger on the trigger. You followed the sound the noise came from, flashlight clicked on only to see a bear trap ripped in half in front of you. It had been snapped at the hinges. Blood covered the rusted teeth, the pressure plate had been smashed, the chain had been yanked up from the soggy earth.
Whatever was making those horrible noises had just gotten out.
You swallowed thickly, raising your flashlight to follow the trail whatever it was made for you. There were odd marks in the mud and leaves, almost like a giant wolf had tore through the woods.
You heard someone shouting not too far away, gargled Spanish bellowing out before he was horribly cut off with a vicious snarl. You ran towards the noise before you stopped dead in your tracks at what your flashlight illuminated.
It was a monster. A real fucking monster. Not a zombie or some B.O.W. you’ve seen from the B.S.A.A.’s reports. It looked like something straight out of a nightmare. Your heart dropped to your chest as you stumbled back, your gun trembling in your hand. It was big, way bigger than any human you’ve ever seen. It was bulky and hairy and horrible. It was hunched over, tearing into the villager with clawed hands and a maw full of sharp teeth. It was wearing clothes, or whatever remained clinging to its lanky body. They almost looked… familiar?
Black cargo pants torn up way past the knees, a leg holster that was barely hanging on from the strap around its hip, and a shredded black t-shirt just like Leon-
It felt like someone had just pushed you off a cliff and let you plummet into an icy river below. You went into shock, shoulders dropping as the beast before you suddenly locked eyes with you. They were big, furious, slitted pupils drowning in a sea of sapphire blue as he looked at you with a feral hunger that could only be sated by killing.
“Leon?” you called out in disbelief.
No, it couldn’t be! He couldn’t be a werewolf. This was some sick ploy. It had to be.
He dropped the villager and stalked towards you, wolfen ears flattened against his skull, his lips curled back to reveal his bloodied canines, his clawed fingers flexing. He snapped his jaws, saliva and blood flying out as a horrid snarl clicked out from his throat.
You couldn’t let him kill you, but could you put him down?
You hesitated for a moment before you cocked your gun and pulled the trigger.
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He woke up to his skull throbbing.
He winced and hissed, a groan emitting from his chest as he brought his hands up to his face. The light burned his eyes wherever it was coming from, the sound of his heart beating in his ears made his temples pound even harder. He felt like he had been ran over, thrown off a building, maybe even getting the shit beat out of him by that freak years ago in Raccoon City.
But it was always like this when he would turn.
His entire body was stiff, muscles screaming as he forced himself to move. He only managed to roll over onto his side before he had to stop. It felt like someone had just stabbed him right in the kidney, a choked shout cutting his breathing off. He braced his head against the dusty stone floor as he panted. He brought a trembling hand up to his hip where he could feel the tender skin as well as two divots in his trim waist. His skin flinched at his own touch, Leon grit his teeth and propped himself up on his other arm and finally opened his eyes.
He was in some kind of cellar, it didn’t look to be well taken care of. There were cobwebs caking the ceilings and the floor was covered in a blanket of dust and dirt. There were kegs in the cellar, some were leaking fortified wine from how long they had been aging.
Leon looked down at his hip to see he was healing. The gunpowder still sweetly caressed his nose from where he had been shot. Looking at his body, he noticed he had been shot in the shoulder he was propping himself up on and one in the calf right above his ankle. He was healing, at least, the skin closed up and slowly stitching itself back together.
“Shit,” he cursed to himself softly.
He quickly noticed that his uninjured leg had been shackled, a rusty iron chain was clamped around his shin, keeping him attached to the stone wall.
What the hell happened, anyway?
He could briefly hear the call of the wild ringing bells in the back of his mind. He could feel the beast inside of him clawing at his guts, baying to be let out again. His memory was fuzzy, no pun intended, as he tried to piece together what all had happened and why he suddenly lost control.
He rubbed at his pounding temples, brushing the sticky hair out of his face when he noticed it. Pulling his hand away, his eyes widened frantically at the sight of dried blood dusting his fingertips and crusting up under his nails. Bile suddenly bubbled wickedly in his stomach as he felt saliva pool in the back of his throat. Did he attack someone? All could remember were those fucking crazed villagers and-
Leon sat straight up, wincing at the pull in his back before he locked his hands around the chain and yanked, trying to release himself. His heart pounded so loudly in his ears that he almost didn’t hear the cocking of a gun behind him.
Leon whipped around, standing and then suddenly freezing. You were standing at the opposite of the small cellar, panting softly with your gun raised with both hands. His eyes zeroed in on the makeshift bandage on your bicep that was still bleeding from the looks of it. He felt dread clawing its icy way up his spine. 
“Shut up,” you grit your teeth, nudging your gun forward. “What the actual fuck was that, Leon?”
He attacked you. He lost control of himself and attacked you when you were sent here to save his sorry ass. Did he bite too? Did he turn you? There were other bandages around you, one particular one was wrapped around your thigh. The fabric was different than the rest, it almost looked like the scarf Ashley was wearing when Leon saw her last. He could smell her faint perfume.
“Where’s Ashley-?”
“Don’t change the fucking subject; She’s here with me.” You took a step forward and Leon raised his hands in surrender. “Now what the actual fuck was that you turned into?”
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kaychen666 · 20 days
Vampire and His Werewolf Roommate doodles
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more monster lethanfield....
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glacierclear · 1 year
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oh also heres my full werewolf Leon drawing. Bark bark!
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citrine-elephant · 3 months
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yeah im not gonna finish this lol
leon keeps stealing chris' egg collection and leaping onto high surfaces to devour them. or something, idk lmao
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polarspaz · 1 year
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Some Werewolf Leon and Luis!
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snartles · 1 year
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More resident evil, this time werewolf Leon! Roughly based the back around the colmillos in RE4
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werewolf! leon kennedy x ada wong au
also ada inspired by her village concept art!
references used @gnvp2020
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error-dog · 1 year
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kaychen666 · 11 days
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Vampire and His Werewolf Roommate fanfic 😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏💖💖💖 Thank you so much thouarta😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏 if ever there were a lucky kind (it's you)
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aussiepineapple1st · 1 year
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Day 2 - Infected
🏷️: @sunhatllama @maehemthemisfit @growingupnrealizing @starcrossedreaders
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glacierclear · 1 year
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werewolf leon x vampire ada
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phoenixmetaphor · 4 months
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ranger!Leon (and Bingo) from @thebrandywine‘s d&d au [constitution saving throw]
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citrine-elephant · 11 months
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halloween awoo rawr hiss smooch
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lipglossanon · 1 year
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hello and welcome to my first ever promptober! 💜
as stated above, all of the stories feature Leon and a theme I’ve chosen. it’s a mix of SFW and NSFW; I’ll make sure to state the warnings clearly above each smut filled one 😉
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🎃 Oct 1st
Pumpkin Patch | | Stepbro!Leon x f!reader - SFW
🎃 Oct 2nd
Apple Picking | | Sweet Stepdad!Leon x f!reader - SFW
🎃 Oct 3rd
Pumpkin Carving | | Subby stepbro!Leon x f!reader - NSFW
🎃 Oct 4th
Baking Treats | | Sweet stepdad!Leon x f!reader - SFW
🎃 Oct 5th
Trick or Treating | | Dark stepdad!Leon x f!reader - NSFW
🎃 Oct 6th
Scary Movie Marathon | | Corrupt Cop!Leon x f!reader - NSFW
🎃 Oct 7th
Decorating for Halloween | | Stepbro!Leon x f!reader - SFW
🎃 Oct 8th
Corn Maze | | Dark Stepdad!Leon x f!reader- NSFW
🎃 Oct 9th
Sweater Sharing | | Sweet stepdad!Leon x f!reader - SFW
🎃 Oct 10th
Road Trip | | Puppy!Leon x f!reader - SFW
🎃 Oct 11th
Carnival/Fall Festival | | Dogman!Leon x f!reader - SFW
🎃 Oct 12th
Sleeping In/Cozy/Rainy Day | | Stepdad!Leon x f!reader - NSFW
🎃 Oct 13th
Haunted House | | Corrupt Cop!Leon x f!reader - NSFW
🎃 Oct 14th
Bonfire | | Stepbro!Leon x f!reader - NSFW
🎃 Oct 15th
Hot Chocolate | | Subby Stepbro!Leon x f!reader - NSFW
🎃 Oct 16th
Raking Leaves/Pile | | Puppy!Leon x f!reader - SFW
🎃 Oct 17th
Hay Ride | | Las Plagas!Leon x f!reader - NSFW
🎃 Oct 18th
Forest Walk | | Subby Stepbro!Leon x f!reader - SFW
🎃 Oct 19th
Walking Through A Graveyard | | Sweet Stepdad!Leon x f!reader - SFW
🎃 Oct 20th
Telling Ghost Stories | | Stepbro!Leon x f!reader - SFW
🎃 Oct 21st
Apple Cider | | Sweet Stepdad!Leon x f!reader - NSFW
🎃 Oct 22nd
Urban Legend | | Shape Shifter/Wendigo!Leon x f!reader - NSFW
🎃 Oct 23rd
Mythical/Supernatural Being | | Vampire!Leon x f!reader - NSFW
🎃 Oct 24th
The Full Moon | | Werewolf!Leon x f!reader - NSFW
🎃 Oct 25th
Making Candy Apples | | Dogman!Leon x f!reader - NSFW
🎃 Oct 26th
Handing Out Candy | | Stepdad!Leon x f!reader - SFW
🎃 Oct 27th
Halloween Pranks | | Corrupt Cop!Leon x f!reader x Chris - NSFW
🎃 Oct 28th
Antique Shopping | | Sweet Stepdad!Leon x f!reader - NSFW
🎃 Oct 29th
Power Outage/Candles | | Las Plagas!Leon x f!reader - NSFW
🎃 Oct 30th
Costumes! | | Dark Stepdad!Leon x f!reader - NSFW
🎃 Oct 31st
Halloween Sleepover | | Stepbro!Leon x f!reader x Krauser - NSFW
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Divider from @firefly-graphics
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