#wendy likes to pretend it's a pet name
sicklyeel · 11 months
cutely drops my Koopalings headcanons/au/whatever
- Larry, Lemmy, and Iggy are triplets and are 13; Wendy is 15; Roy and Morton are twins and are 17; and Ludwig is 19
- the names of their adventures of super mario bros 3 and super mario world cartoons counterparts are nicknames given to them by Bowser Jr
- Larry's a bit clumsy and frail but that doesn't stop him from training to be stronger with help from his older brothers Roy and Morton
- Lemmy uses his giant magic ball as if it were a skateboard
- sometimes Iggy gets asked if he's the oldest when he's just.... really tall
- Wendy would never admit it but she does like babysitting Bowser Jr
- Roy likes to pretend he's a himbo to mess with people even though he's actually really smart
- Morton hates the texture of ice cream, he likes the flavor but every time he wants ice cream he waits for it to melt
- Ludwig LOVES hanging out with the triplets (especially since they genuinely find everything he does really cool)
- the triplets all deal with migraines fairly often; Larry and Iggy especially deal with some that get so bad they can barely think, and Lemmy usually just pretends that his migraines don't bother him that much even though they really do bother him. Ludwig also gets migraines on occasion and usually tries to sleep them off.
- the triplets all have some sort of visual impairment: Lemmy has a lazy eye and Larry and Iggy are nearsighted
- Ludwig can, will, and HAS swore in German. Usually when he doesn't want anyone else to know what he's angry about and what he's saying
- Morton is constantly confused about everything but he's trying his best
- Roy has given Larry a baby bird just to see his reaction (Larry felt bad for the bird and set it free)
- Wendy finds the triplets' humor annoying
- The triplets all have extremely sarcastic and occasionally concerning humor with each other, even getting to the point that Kamek was fucking terrified of them at one point
- The triplets and Ludwig are all insomniacs
- Since the triplets and Bowser Jr are all the same age, they hang out a lot when Jr has the time for it
- Larry has trouble understanding his emotions to the point he sends himself spiraling and has to distract himself by playing video games with Iggy and Lemmy (and sometimes Ludwig if he has the time)
- Even at 13, Iggy's already a highly skilled inventor and can repair any malfunctioning machinery around the castle or in any of their Airships.
- Lemmy likes to prank his siblings when he's bored; one time he replaced Iggy's wrench with one of his (Iggy's) pet Chain Chomp's toys. Iggy just found it too funny to get mad at.
- Morton forgets his own strength a lot of the time. He's really strong, just... forgets it. Which leads to the numerous times he's accidentally made one of his siblings cough when he just wanted to hug them.
- The triplets' room is very chaotic. Stuff relating to their individual interests is piled on their respective desks, the beds are never made, and there's a pet bed beside Iggy's bed where his Chain Chomp sleeps. It's a mess in there.
- The triplets heard Bowser say "fuck" ONCE and now they say it whenever they get the chance
- Larry likes to steal Iggy's glasses whenever they have an argument; and in return, Iggy hides Larry's portable gaming consoles. Lemmy always finds it funny when this happens.
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d2kvirus · 2 years
Dickheads of the Month: November 2022
As it seems that there are people who say or do things that are remarkably dickheaded yet somehow people try to make excuses for them or pretend it never happened, here is a collection of some of the dickheaded actions we saw in the month of November 2022 to make sure that they are never forgotten.    
The optics of Suella Braverman arriving at a migrant centre in an army chinook helicopter was clearly planned, given her ranting about an “invasion” which definitely hasn't led to people petrol bombing migrant centres after she used that terminology - but when called out on the taxpayer forking out £50k for a photo op the best defence she could come up with was she choose an army helicopter because she wanted to get a good look at the coastline as if maps don't exist, and definitely not because she wanted the most fashy imagery to go with the fashy things which come out of her mouth
So it turns out that Gavin Williamson isn't just a snivelling little creep, but also a bullying little shit who when serving as Defence Secretary (before being sacked for leaking the minutes from a COBRA meeting to a mate at the Telegraph, yet somehow isn't in jail) once told somebody to slit their own throat and jump out the window, and on another occasion threatened to unleash his pet tarantula onto somebody.  In other words, once again Rishi Sunak has shown superb judgment in his cabinet appointments - especially when Williamson resigned, as opposed to being sacked
...only for Wes Streeting to make it impossible for Labour to make any comment about bullying after he called Jeremy Corbyn “senile” in Commons less than 24 hours after Williamson was out the door
...and then Rishi Sunak responded to reports of Dominic Raab habitually bullying Justice Department staff by doing the square root of fuck all, even after it emerged that the MoJ made sure to have a senior civil servant in the room with Raab at all times to stop him bullying his subordinates
...and then along came Lee Anderson at PMQs to whine that the Labour MPs criticising Suella Braverman was clearly them bullying her, because if anybody knows bullying it would be the Tory MP who assaulted a member of the public at the Tory conference
In which way does Twitter owner Elon Musk tweeting from the account of the current owner of Twitter that people should vote Republican in the US midterms demonstrate the sort of “impartiality” that billionaire manchild Elon Musk said that Twitter should demonstrate?
Snivelling little creep Gavin Williamson having a meltdown and threatening then-Chief Whip Wendy Morton because he couldn't get into the Queen’s funeral should have ended his aspirations of being a minister ever again - if not for the fact that Rishi Sunak decided to make him Minister Without Portfolio for reasons beyond comprehension, and once those threatening text messages came to light that meant Sunka was now having to make excuses for two people he should not have added to his cabinet in the first place
Billionaire manchild Elon Musk appears to not be taking it well that his suggestion of tiered freeze peach is getting laughed off the platform he paid $44bn for all because Hard Drive Mag dunked on him like his name was Nagasaki, tweeting one cringy meme after another about how people are big meanies to not pay $8 a month for something which they didn't have to pay for until Musk decided to monetise it - and then reduced the cost from $20 because he failed to comprehend what Stephen King’s criticism wasn’t that he didn't want to pay $20 a month for a blue tick, but he shouldn't have to
...and then very clever businessman Elon Musk had to humiliatingly roll back his mass layoffs as it dawned on him that maybe, just maybe, there was a reason why Twitter had so many people employed as moderators and factcheckers 
...and because billionaire manchild Elon Musk has the thinnest skin on record, when the inevitability of his approach to verification saw numerous Twitter users pay the $8, change their username to “Elon Musk” and tweet out some particularly harsh truths about the tax-dodging, union-avoiding, Blood Diamond-backed cretin, Musk responded by permabanning them while whining that the accounts should make it clear they were parodies...and permabanned those making it clear they were parodies
...and then billionaire manchild Elon Musk had to very quickly remove the paid verification option from Twitter after the share prices of companies including Eli Lilly and Lockheed Martin nosedived as a result of creative shitposting - although it was coincidentally removed as soon as somebody creatively shitposted masquerading as Tesla, almost as if Musk wasn't that interested in other companies’ share price tumbling, but as soon as his own started to nosedive even harder he stepped right in to stop that happening
...and then billionaire manchild Elon Musk was diagnosed with a terminal case of small man syndrome as his response to a Twitter engineer replying to one of Musk’s tweets that was full of technically incoherent gibberish that demonstrated that he doesn’t even know how the platform he paid $44bn for even works by telling him how it works and how his tweet was downright incorrect - so, of course, the God King of Twitter fired the engineer via tweet.  And then several more engineers for similar reasons.  And then posted a tweet slagging off the engineers he fired for exposing his gross ignorance
...shortly before billionaire manchild Elon Musk thought it would be a brilliant idea to pitch an ultimatum to Twitter’s engineers: agree to work significantly longer hours (in no small part due to the mass layoffs) by 5pm the following day or accept three months severance.  Soon afterwards, Twitter’s HQ was shut down for the weekend, which definitely had nothing to do with the engineers shrugging their shoulders and deciding to take the severance instead of continue having to deal with the clueless billionaire’s bullshit
...and then billionaire manchild Elon Musk had a long, drawn-out meltdown on his Twitter feed because Apple was no longer advertising Twitter on the App Store while screeching about the c-o-n-spiracy of Apple’s hidden 30% tax on all app purchases which has been front and centre of the App Store’s ToS for well over a decade, all while looking uncannily like he was whipping up his followers to attack Apple’s Tim Cook while howling that Cook wasn't replying to his tweets immediately as if CEOs are supposed to be on Twitter all day - only to suddenly do a 180 and say there was never any risk of Twitter being dropped from the App Store, which is utterly unhinged behaviour
Remember the days when Tim Pool claimed they weren't a member of the alt-right, in spite regularly being seen hanging out with the alt-right?  Well he seems to have forgotten that, based on him responding to the Club Q shooting by falsely (if that even has to be explained at this point) calling the victims paedophiles who groomed kids to amplify the alt-right dogwhistling about drag shows that's been getting increasingly nastier for months
...as demonstrated by mug salesman Steven Crowder quote tweeting Pool with what looks uncannily like the fourteen words, which goes to show just how much of a dumpster fire Twitter rapidly became under its new, clueless leadership
Unifying force Keir Starmer once again demonstrated what an alternative he is to the Tories when harrumphing on Sophie Ridge that there are too many overseas workers recruited to work in the NHS, somehow forgetting that the NHS is literally supported by overseas workers due to how prohibitively expensive studying for a medical degree is and, of course, also stopping short of suggesting existing NHS staff get a pay raise
Nobody was expecting Kari Lake to take losing the Arizona gubernatorial election well considering how badly she would take non-American journalists questioning the version of reality she lives in by saying that foreigners aren't allowed to comment about American politics (which she did to both British and Australian journalists), but bloody hell we haven’t seen a meltdown like hers since...well, the end of 2020
I’m sure that it's a coincidence that the ultra-relatable Rishi Sunak happened to be selling poppies at Westminster tube station at the exact same time that a gaggle of client journalists happened to be passing through to photograph and film him doing so out of the goodness of his heart
...and then unifying force Keir Starmer was papped a day later doing the exact same thing outside St Pancras, once again by complete coincidence when press photographers were passing by with their equipment in hand, which definitely didn't look staged either
It turns out that, when Agnes Callard isn't crossing a University of Chicago picket line and justifying it with some guff about a “philosophical emergency”, she's taking to Twitter to pretend that her children are grateful to her for throwing away their Halloween candy when they go to bed, so is either cruel to her children or somebody who types out bizarre fantasies on Twitter about how she wishes she was cruel to their children 
The ultra-relatable Rishi Sunak claimed that the reason he did not wear a World AIDS Day ribbon is because he does not believe in wearing things on his lapel.  Except for when he wore a poppy on his lapel for several days the previous month.  Or at least two different badges to show solidarity with Ukraine.  Those were on his lapel and photographed many, many times
Pure bastardtrade from Mercedes-Benz when they looked at BMW locking their top speeds behind a paywall and, instead of thinking of not doing that to steal a march on their most direct competitors by not demanding their customers pay a subscription so they could floor it, but instead copied the idea wholeheartedly 
Unifying force Keir Starmer said he could not attend the first MPs surgery for his constituency due to urgent business, only for that “urgent business” to be him attending The Spectator’s annual award ceremony - where he was awarded Politician of the Year, a real good look for a Labour leader...
Did you know that Lady Susan Hussey is 83?  Because a lot of people are bringing that up as if it's some kind of defence at her assuming that Ngozi Fulani must be a migrant because of her skin colour
In the latest bid of Matt Hancock to gain relevance outside of true crime podcasts, he joined the cast of I’m A Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here - which immediately saw him suspended as an MP for prioritising eating kangaroo testicles over knowing where his constituency might be, apparently forgetting that Nadine Dorries had the whip suspended when she appeared on the same show a decade earlier
...and then it emerged that Matt Hancock had hired a PR firm to try and help him cheat his way to victory by encouraging TikTok users to use all five of their allotted votes to keep him in the jungle and showed them how to do it, which technically isn't a breach of the voting rules - until you look at the stats of the account gaming the system and find yourself asking why it has almost twenty times the followers of any other contestant
Balan Wonderworld is no longer the worst thing Yuji Naka has done since joining Square Enix, as Naka along with fellow executives Taisuke Sazaki and Fumiaki Suzuki were arrested after it was found that they had sneakily invested heavily in Aiming shares shortly before Square Enix announced that Aiming would be making Dragon Quest Tact, seemingly unaware that they’d get found out sooner or later
Nice job by the Qatari World Cup organisers when they decided, just two days before the tournament kicks off, that fans can't drink in the stands of the stadiums after all but they can drink in the executive boxes.  Luckily we didn't hear much kvetching from The FA about this, given their archaic rule about the lower orders not being allowed to drink in view of the pitch, a rule which doesn't apply to rugby or cricket
...and then FIFA turned around and told captains they were no longer allowed to wear OneLove armbands and would be booked if they took to the pitch wearing one, which definitely doesn't open the door to the captains for the final doing so because it's not like being booked in the final would affect them much
Once again England fans went on the charm offensive during a major tournament, be it mocking USA fans about 9/11 in the stadium for England’s match with the USA, while the fans who didn't get any further than Tenerife having a mass punch-up with Wales fans.  Charming bunch as usual...
Perhaps it would be for the best if Martin Daubney went back to school, considering he went on GB News to tell all three of their viewers that a Twitter poll proved that the public still supports Jonestown - in spite the small inconvenience of 55% of the vote on GB News’ Twitter feed being against Jonestown, which Daubney couldn’t bring himself to admit.  But he called people who disagree “Remaniacs”, so that makes it better...
There is no dick energy smaller than Nick Adams having “Alpha Male” in his Twitter username before routinely tweeting about what is and isn't “Alpha male” behaviour, which is apparently eating wings and drinking beer at Hooters. Just a thought, Nick: throw in a Brazzers subscription and you’re living the fantasy of a 14-yar old boy
It’s safe to assume that Babylon Bee really didn't like Stephen King putting Elon Musk in his place, that place being on his scrawny backside, based on their “satirical” headline about King reading an awful lot like a 13-year old ranting because somebody on an internet forum exposed them as a clueless oaf.  But remember, right wing comedy is good...
...and then Babylon Bee quote tweeted the exact same “joke” to explain the “joke”, which was just them typing out the “joke” in full a second time, because comedy is definitely repeating a joke which failed to land the first time in the hope it lands a second
As promotions go, the one by KFC where they suggested their German customers celebrate the anniversary of Kristallnacht with some cheesy chicken is one that surely won't see the light of day ever again...right?
Just as Braun Strowman had somewhat rehabilitated his image after his WWE return, he only goes and takes to Twitter to mouth off about smaller wrestlers - which promptly got him dunked on by those same smaller wrestlers both within WWE and signed to other companies, which really made it look like Strowman could not control his narrative very well...
Smooth moves by Streatham Rovers FC when they posted a tweet commemorating the 21st anniversary of 9/11.  On the 9th of November.  Yeah...
0 notes
sabineelectricheart · 2 years
Placeholder Sally
Summary: Sally understands her position. She feels humiliated by it. She is going to make Sam recognize it, too.
Rating: T - Suitable for teens, 13 years and older, with some violence, minor coarse language, and minor suggestive adult themes.
Words: 2200
Notes: I’m mean, I’m cruel, give me a cookie.
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“Flick, can you help me with this English Lit essay? I think I'm on thinner ice than usual and the coach said he would not bail me out this semester.”
Flick. The way Sam utters that blasted nickname, so sweet, so devotional, sickened her.
Sally practically shivered at her boyfriend’s words from across the study hall. He never made up a cute version of her name, not even the occasional “Sal”. Always the full thing. Sure, she had the occasional generic pet name, but that was only in the privacy dark corners and bedrooms at night, as the school heartthrob obviously had to keep his relationship a secret.
God forbid people knew about them after six months of dating.
A quiet chuckle came from Nathan, who was sat beside her on the large table, obviously following her gaze over to the pair of popular blond kids. She tried to ignore it, because he had already made abundantly clear how he felt about her relationship.
He knew of Sally and the school quarterback. In fact, all of her unpopular friends knew of it. He did not mind what the rabble says or thinks, after all, and has even managed to pretend to be civil with them when she insists on it. Things are different when it comes to Flick, Alicia and Jack. To his friends.
“That boy loves digging himself into a hole.” The raven-haired boy spoke up.
Nathan shakes his head in bitter derision as he relaxed further into the chair that he was sat in, almost spectating Sam to turn around and see if he would notice an audience.
“That he does.” Wendy quipped without missing a beat or looking up from the trade publication she was all too consumed in.
Her friends noticed and one of them is not even remotely paying attention to their direction. Was it really that bad?
Felicity walked over to the bookcase at the other side of the study hall to pick up something to help Sam with his essay, rolling her eyes at the football player. Sally is not bothered about her, though. The cheerleader and her relationship with him are not even remotely the problem in this situation.
The problem is her boyfriend. Head resting on his hand, ogling Felicity Browers as if she was the most glorious thing to grace the planet, an action he quickly halted once he felt the burning stare from Nathan, as if he was a child that had just been reprimanded by his parent after causing mischief. This is what hurts her.
She went back to her own homework before feeling something hit her. She places a hand to her forehead where it lands, looking down to see a small rolled up ball of notebook paper scrap.
Like what you see?
Sam x
The flare of rage that surged on her heart at his pathetic attempt to placation, his desire to worm his way out of her annoyance at him with his charm, almost made her blood boil. However, she would be lying if she said a blush did not creep onto her face at him noticing her staring at him. Even if it was due to him acting like a bastard.
Grabbing a loose bit of paper, Sally decides to send him a note back. As she is the more delicate and patient out of the two of them, she is able to fold the paper into a nice heart shape to which she will discreetly deliver to him as she walks over to the teacher’s desk. It is a much better approach at flirting than what he had done.
That was, until she saw his eyes were once again glued to the girl opposite him.
Sam's longing gazes at Felicity are not anything new, he had an embarrassingly obvious crush on her before they started dating but she had mostly a monopoly on his attention up until a certain party a few weeks ago that she was not able to attend. Now, it was like she does not exist to him when the blonde bombshell was around. Any conversation with him about it also fell onto deaf ears, he would give her reassurance that his days of liking her were long behind him or if she caught him on a particularly bad day, it would end in a row over her not trusting him to have female friends.
Deep down, he knew that is not the truth. He had plenty of female friends, platonic or otherwise, but he has never gazed upon Alicia in the same way. It is clear as day, and yet he refuses to simply admit and let Sally go.
The realisation that his crush on Felicity was blossoming once again came from when he began asking her for tutoring in English Lit. The lesson in which she, his girlfriend, is top of the class in.
Sally did not notice that she had been staring at them almost as intensely as Nathan until she heard a loud snap of someone's fingers against her ear. She had not even realized that Wendy had moved from her position at all until that point.
"Darling, you can't just stare at them all day. You need to speak to him." The make-up artist said, with a rather kind sympathy that does not come easy to her.
Wendy is always the one she went to for advice on anything, since she is always so unfailingly honest. It only made sense that she is the first one to be informed about her Gordon troubles, and she was always a great help at that, but she hated burdening her friends. They all have their problems, and her teen angst
Sally sighs. "I have spoken to him, Wendy. I've actually spoken to him about this very topic more times than I've talked to my parents about college this school year and I know that because I counted it up when he left me to go study with Felicity."
She is practically breathless from how quick the sentence came out, causing her friend to rub circles against her back as she gestured for her to swap seats, so that she would not be facing them.
"I'd say you have a much better view now." Nathan said with a wink and smiled warmly. "Why don't you let us have a chat with him? If anything, it might appeal to his sense of pride, since reason and decency haven’t yielded any results for you."
The teen’s proposition made sense on a logical dimension. Sam is sensitive towards his image, and if it is clear that he is being watched and judged, he might amend his behaviour. However, this is not the argument she is making to herself, but rather that, if her friends state clearly, directly and publicly their observations, then it will be proof. She will know that she is not insane or paranoid or jealous, it is something real.
"You’re done with the assignment, right?” The long-haired boy asks.
Sally nodded. “Yeah.”
“Well, then, why don’t you go on ahead to the cafeteria while we steal Sam for a little bit?" He offers.
She nodded at his idea, thanking them both for the help before making her way up to the teacher’s desk, full of hope that Nathan and Wendy's plan would work.
An hour or so had passed since Sally had reached the cafeteria and lunch is about to be over. Her meal went by on a flash, since her mind went far, far away while she ate her pre-packaged meal, in the highest hopes about how the conversation between Sam, Wendy, and Nathan was going.
Now, she stands in front of her locker, organising the books she would need for the classes on the following period when she heard steps behind her. A subtle white hand crossed her field of vision, promptly closing the metal lock shut.
Sally looks over and sees it is her boyfriend standing there. Her first instinct was to welcome him in a warm embrace but she is met with a half arm slung around her back, tapping her lightly before pulling away to close the door.
"I'm not going to beat around the bush here.” Sam said, coldly. “I find it quite insulting that you involved your loser friends in your issue with Felicity and I."
Felicity and I.
She almost could not muster up a response. She is not sure where exactly she should start. Does she address him deriding her friends or does she address the comment that made him and Felicity sound like a couple?
"Sam, I didn't involve them, they involved themselves. This is what friendship is about.” The girl responded, calm. “They saw you both at study hall earlier and spoke up. I can't help what they concluded and what they did after that. They were helping because they wanted to."
Sally knows that it is useless, but she tried to reason him all the same. He was in one of his stubborn moods because nobody speaks badly about Felicity, implicitly or otherwise. His girlfriend, in turn, can feel as dreadful as she like because, to the eyes of the public, she is not his problem.
He pinched the bridge of his nose before pacing slightly. The scene before her is pathetic and she wants to scream. It is as if she is the root of this problem, as if she should have just let him continue to humiliate her in the way he did. Nobody but her friends knew about them, but even them seeing her pine after him whilst he pined after Felicity is bad enough.
“You could’ve told them that you didn’t need their help.” He argued. “Because you don’t. There is nothing wrong between us, why can’t you see that?”
The way his voice was shaking she could tell he was either mad, extremely upset or both but one thing Sam never did was yell even in a fight he was better than that.
Sally turned around to face him, as to look at him straight into his eyes, offering her hand to cup his cheek to push him into the same curtesy, before giving her words. He pulled away from her touch, however, the same way he pulled away from her love.
“Sam, you don’t understand. I try to speak to you about it, I tried many times, but you always tell me that there’s nothing is going on.” She sighed lightly at the teen’s actions. It was to no use at this point but, she could not just give up on him. “You know that you can’t say nothing is going on. I see the way you look at her and so do the entire student body, even the so-called losers. It’s like you’re falling in love with her all over again and leaving me behind.”
He glared at her. “I can’t help if I’m still in love with her, Sally.”
That is when he realised what he had been doing all along, what she knows and what Wendy and Nathan knew but nobody wanted to openly say it. It was something she did not want to deem as true, but with the way he looked at the cheerleader, she knew the feelings had not truly died.
All it took was a newfound energy in Felicity’s life, a new sheen of excitement to take over the usual dour temperament, for his mind to wander back to her, as if he was waiting for something to pique his interest back in her direction.
Whilst Sally knew this fact was as more than likely true, it still did not stop her world from crashing around her. The boy who she thought she could trust with her heart had just broken it in a split second. Days and weeks had led up to this moment, but nothing compared to living through it.
She could barely even bring herself to free any tears from her eyes. It is not new knowledge but it is raw all the same.
“I think it’s best if you go, Sam.” She mumbled quietly.
On those last moments, the last looks they would exchange in their lives, she watched the wave of ‘what did I just do’ rush across his face like a tsunami hitting against the shoreline. He could not say anything to dig himself out of that hole, not this time.
The bell rings. Sam left the hallway with the mass of students transiting up and down, while Sally is left within the pieces of the time they spent together, memories that he had shattered around her in the name of the girl he always wanted.
It might have ended in the worst possible manner, but she still has a kind enough heart to wish that foolish boy happiness. If he could not be happy with her, that was the fact that needed to be accepted. He was going to stay with she miserably or leave freely, and if he did, she wishes him all the best.
Sally kept her principles like a solemn oath placed upon him, and now she had to do the same for herself.
Growing Up Masterlist
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toastedqueso · 3 years
Hit Rewind
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Pairing: Doyoung x Reader (F), Jungwoo x Reader (F)
Other Characters: Haechan, Johnny, Wendy
Summary: She only planned to do it once, but after the success of her casting couch porn, Y/N goes back to film again. This time, her co-stars are Doyoung and Jungwoo, or rather, Professor Kim and his Teaching Assistant Jungwoo. What happens when she fails her exam and they find out her little secret? Y/N has to pay for being such a bad student.
Genre: PWP, Smut, Porn AU, College AU
Warnings: profanity, alcohol consumption (not related to sex), pornography, teacher/student relationship (note: adult student), unprotected sex, oral sex (f+m receiving), nipple play, nipple licking, whipping, rimming, vaginal sex, rough sex, vaginal fingering, pet names, use of belt/leash, slight choking, sexual degradation, slut shaming, sex toy (vibrator), cum eating, aftercare, bdsm, multiple orgasms
Word Count: 5.6k
A/N: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT! This fic (and the whole series) is not intended to glorify and/or glamorize the porn industry. Please don’t read this fic (or any other fics in the series) if you’re uncomfortable with the themes or warnings. This is a work of fiction. Please let me know if I'm missing any warnings.
As a reminder, Y/N is 21 in the fic. Doyoung and Jungwoo are mean to Y/N. Do your homework and study!
Thank you for giving the whole series so much love! 😘
Hit Series Masterlist 01. Hit Record | 02. Hit Pause | 03. Hit Rewind | 04. Hit Fast Forward
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It’s a low key Thursday night after Midterms have finished. It’s the first time in two weeks that Y/N and Haechan have been able to hang out together. They decide to celebrate the end of their Midterms by binge watching the Final Destination movies and finishing all the box wine they keep around for moments they want to pretend they’re classy drunks.
Although the movies highlight every single one of Y/N’s worst fears, she has a hard time staying focused. It could be the post-Midterms fatigue or the wine or both, but she feels her eyes drooping. She closes her eyes to rest them for a second, but ends up passing out. Moments later, a loud ringing makes her jump up.
“What the fuck!” Haechan drops his glass of red wine on his light gray sweats. “You know the rules! We turn our phones on silent when we watch scary movies!”
Y/N squints at her phone and makes out blurry letters that look like “Wendy” and immediately wakes up. She has been waiting almost a month for Wendy’s call, though a part of her had given up that Wendy would actually call.
“Oh shit. I have to take this.” Y/N gets up, ignoring Haechan’s complaints and the very unfortunate red stain on his crotch, and runs into her room. She clears her throat and composes herself before picking up the call.
“Hi Wendy!” Y/N grimaces from how overly excited she probably sounds.
“Hi Y/N! How are you doing?” Wendy replies.
“Good! Midterms just finished so I finally have some time to relax.” Y/N closes her eyes and rubs her forehead. She knows Wendy thinks she’s stupid.
“Ah yeah, I don’t miss those days,” Wendy jokes. “Listen, I’m really sorry I didn’t reach out sooner. I’m not sure if you saw, but your video has more than a million views! Congratulations!”
Y/N does a silent cheer to celebrate. She’s glad no one is around to witness this. “Oh, thank you! I’m honestly shocked!”
“I’m not!” Wendy chuckles. “You did really well. You’re a natural.”
Y/N blushes at the compliment. It’s oddly more flattering to hear a woman compliment her sexual performance.
“I wanted to let you know that we’ll send you additional earnings from the video,” Wendy adds.
“Oh wow, thank you!” Y/N feels the adrenaline rushing through her from the news. She lies down on her bed to calm down.
“You’re welcome! But there’s another reason why I wanted to speak with you,” Wendy starts, sounding a little nervous.
“Sure, what’s up?” Y/N feels the anxiety building up within her from the tone of Wendy’s voice. She hopes the news isn’t too unpleasant.
“Well, your video was so well received that we want you to be in more videos. That is, if you want to, of course! No pressure!”
“Oh.” Y/N squeezes her eyes shut, realizing how unenthusiastic she must sound to Wendy. “I mean, sure if it’s a couple of videos, it should be fine. I don’t think I can commit long term, being in college and all.”
Y/N hopes Wendy gets it. Porn wasn’t exactly a career she was planning to go into. She hears Wendy sigh on the line.
“Yeah I definitely understand. We can work with that. Maybe two or three more videos?”
“Yeah that should be okay,” Y/N agrees. “Will I work with the same actors?”
“Probably not. We’ll have you film different kinks and scenarios in each video so you’ll work with different actors. Once the details are finalized, we’ll confirm via email,” Wendy explains. “You’ll meet them earlier on filming day so you can discuss what you’re comfortable with.”
“Sounds like a plan. Thank you!” Y/N looks at her calendar to look at her schedule. Finals aren’t for another month, so filming shouldn’t conflict with her exams.
“Great! We’re looking forward to working with you again!”
They bid their farewells and Y/N rejoins Haechan in the living room. He raises his eyebrow at her, but shifts his focus back to the movie. Y/N is thankful he finds the movie interesting enough not to pry. She figures he’ll find out the hard way, she’s continuing to do porn. Besides, he doesn’t need to know every detail about her life. They end up finishing only a third of the 3 liter box of wine and end up passing out on the couch towards the end of the 2nd film.
The next day, they both spend the day nursing their hangovers. In the afternoon, Y/N receives a direct deposit notice and sees $2,000 sent to her account. Wendy promptly sends her an email to confirm the direct deposit and details for her next porn. She’s set to work with Jungwoo and Doyoung. Y/N spends the rest of her day doing her research on them. They’re both cute, but their videos are anything, but cute. She figures their duality is what draws viewers into watching them.
Filming day is set for a week after her call with Wendy and comes much faster than Y/N expects. She has gone through the script enough times and watched enough porn to know how to prepare for the day. She drives to the same studio location as last time. Before she presses the doorbell, Y/N adjusts her outfit to make sure nothing looks out of place. This time, she’s wearing a lilac sweater with a black tennis skirt, black thigh highs and black shoes.
Y/N takes a deep breath and presses the doorbell. After a couple of seconds, the door opens and she’s greeted by Wendy.
“Welcome back, Y/N!” Wendy looks as welcoming as she remembers.
“Thanks for the opportunity.” Y/N steps in and Wendy shuts the door.
Wendy gives her a warm smile and leads her into the waiting room where Doyoung and Jungwoo are both waiting. They’re both dressed in business casual attire and seem to be absorbed in a deep conversation. They look up when they notice Y/N and Wendy enter and wave at them.
“Hi Y/N, I’m Doyoung. Nice to meet you.” The man is dressed in dark blue slacks, a cream colored sweater and dark gray blazer. He pushes up his silver wire framed glasses and reaches his hand out for Y/N to shake. He’s handsome, Y/N notices, and well fit for the “hot professor you’re daydreaming about” role.
“I’m Jungwoo.” The taller man is dressed less formally than Doyoung. He has on gray slacks and a maroon sweater. When he stands up, he towers over Y/N. Despite his imposing stature, he has a delicate beauty. Jungwoo reaches his hand out for Y/N to shake and pulls her hand up to his lips to kiss the back of her hand, making Y/N blush. Jungwoo gives Y/N a wink before letting her hand go. Doyoung and Wendy roll their eyes at his flirtatious actions.
“Don’t mind him. He likes to flirt to make people feel comfortable, but I’m sure he makes people feel worse.” Doyoung says, playfully whacking Jungwoo’s shoulder.
“People never feel worse! I’m charming!” Jungwoo huffs.
“It’s fine!” Y/N laughs, feeling at ease with both of them already. “I’m looking forward to working with both of you.”
While they wait to get called in to film, they get to know each other better. She finds out they both enjoy singing and make vague plans to show off their singing talent at karaoke in the future. Later, they dive into the script and double check if there’s anything in the scene that needs to be changed. They work out that Y/N will tap them 3 times or say “full sun” if she needs them to stop at any time.
They are interrupted by a knock and they look towards the entrance to see Johnny walk in.
“Hey Y/N! Great to see you again!” Johnny waves at Y/N.
“Hi Johnny.” Y/N blushes remember the last time they saw each other he was significantly less clothed and coming inside her. “Great to see you too!”
Johnny chuckles at her slightly nervous enthusiasm. “I’m going to be filming you guys today. The room is ready so I can take you guys there if you’re done.”
Y/N lets out a sigh of relief. At least someone she has worked with already will be filming them.
“Yep, we’re all done here, so lead the way,” Doyoung confirms for the trio.
Johnny takes them back into a different room than Y/N’s casting couch video. The room is set up like a college professor’s office. The desk has a laptop, a pen holder full of pens, a small stack of graded exams and a Biology textbook. There’s a bookshelf filled with books against the wall behind the desk and an assortment of indoor plants around the room.
Johnny walks through how he’s going to film with them. Then, they go through their roles - Doyoung is going to be the Professor, Jungwoo is his Teaching Assistant and Y/N is the student, to do a final check of their roles and what they’ll do. Once they’re satisfied with the run through, Johnny tells Y/N to leave the room and knock on the door when she’s ready for the cameras to roll. Y/N nods and walks over to the door. When she opens the door, Johnny calls her to get her attention.
“Remember, don’t look at the camera unless it’s in your face,” Johnny reminds her. Y/N nods to convey she understands. She steps outside and takes a few moments to relax and get into the mindset for filming. A minute later, she knocks on the door and hears Doyoung shout “come in!”
Y/N slowly opens the door and steps in.
“Hi Professor Kim,” Y/N greets. “You wanted to see me?”
“Yes, have a seat, Y/N.” Doyoung points to the empty seat in front of him next to Jungwoo.
“Hi Y/N. It’s a pleasure to see you,” Jungwoo smiles. “But I wish it was on better terms.”
“I-I’m sorry? What’s wrong?” Y/N stammers.
Y/N sits at the edge of her seat, causing the hem of her miniskirt to ride up and expose more of her thighs. Doyoung pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose and glares at her, while Jungwoo frowns. She looks back and forth between Jungwoo and Doyoung, searching for answers. Doyoung sighs and tosses her graded exam at her. There’s a big fat “F” circled in red on the exam. Y/N’s eyes widen seeing the failed exam.
“I expected better from you,” Doyoung reprimands.
“I’m sorry! I don’t know what happened!” Y/N sputters. Her fingers grab the hem of her skirt to distract herself from his disappointed reaction. “I can’t fail! Please let me make up for the exam.”
“You know I can’t let you do that. Especially when I know when you’re so…” Doyoung looks down at her fingers on the hem of her skirt and smirks. “Preoccupied.”
“I’m sorry, Professor. I don’t know what you mean.” Y/N’s eyes widen with confusion.
Jungwoo puts his hand on Y/N’s shoulder and gives her an encouraging smile. He leans in closer and whispers, “We know your dirty little secret.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Y/N moves back into her chair to create some distance with Jungwoo.
“It’s cute how innocent you’re acting.” Jungwoo giggles.
Jungwoo gets up and stands behind Y/N’s chair. He crouches down and rests his chin on her shoulder. “We all know about your other…talents.”
Jungwoo smiles at Doyoung to convey a secret message between the two of them. Jungwoo pulls out his phone and plays a video. The video of her getting fucked by Johnny and Yuta plays with the volume on high. Y/N’s face heats up from the video and the lewd sounds of the moans and slapping skin. Although she’s “acting” right now, watching herself makes her face naturally heat up.
“So that’s what you’re up to instead of studying for my class.” Doyoung sneers. “Letting all these men come inside you like a slut.”
“I…I’m sorry. It was just once!” Y/N stutters, gripping the arms of her chair. “Please don’t tell anyone!”
Y/N’s lip trembles. She gives them a pleading look. Professor Kim gets up from his chair and stands in front of her.
“You look like you were having a great time and now you’re all nervous about the consequences.” Doyoung clicks his tongue in disapproval.
“Please, Professor Kim! No one can know!”
Doyoung cups his hand on her cheek and cooes, “Aww sweetheart, I won’t tell anyone. That would ruin the fun.”
“But what are you going to do about your grade?” Jungwoo drops her test in her lap, bringing their attention back to the matter at hand. Y/N lowers her head, glaring at the failed exam. She releases her hold on the arms of the chair and grabs the exam.
“Please, let me do extra credit. I’ll do anything! I’ll lose my scholarship if I fail your class,” Y/N begs. Doyoung and Jungwoo both laugh at her distress.
“So fucking desperate.” Doyoung scoffs and crosses his arms.
Jungwoo stands next to Doyoung and whispers in ear. Y/N bites her lower lip in anticipation. Doyoung looks over at Y/N and his grin widens. He turns back to Jungwoo and nods to accept whatever he may have suggested. Doyoung adjusts his wire rimmed glasses and turns to Y/N.
“We’ll let you do extra credit,” Doyoung announces.
Y/N lets out a sigh of relief. “Thank you! Thank you so much! I’ll do better this time!”
“Oh you’ll thank us alright.” Doyoung smirks, placing his hands on his hips. He looks at Jungwoo and tilts his head towards Y/N. “Jungwoo, why don’t you do the honors of telling Y/N what her extra credit work is.”
Jungwoo obediently nods. He places his hand back on her shoulder and massages her tense muscles. He rests his chin on her shoulder again and places a soft kiss on her ear lobe.
“We’ll give you extra credit and bump your grade up to a B if you let us fuck you.”
“What!” Y/N pushes away from Jungwoo. “But we’ll get in trouble!”
“That’ll only happen if someone tells the school.” Doyoung crosses his arms. “And that someone wouldn’t be Jungwoo or me.”
“I-” Y/N starts.
Doyoung gives her a pointed look before continuing. “So you fuck us or I flunk you. Your choice.”
Y/N looks back at the taunting big fat “F” on her exam then moves her gaze to Doyoung and Jungwoo. She gives a heavy sigh and nods. “Fine. I’ll let you both fuck me.”
“I knew you would.” Jungwoo kisses her temple and stands next to Doyoung.
“Now strip,” Doyoung commands.
Y/N remains in character and gives him a shy nod. She remains in character by showing a nervous disposition for the camera. Y/N stands up and hesitantly takes her sweater off and tosses it onto the chair. She slides her miniskirt off, letting it drop to the floor. She goes to unhook her bra, but is stopped by a hand.
“Let me help you,” Jungwoo says. He grabs her breasts and gives them a rough squeeze. Y/N gasps from the pressure and drops her hands to her sides. Jungwoo unhooks her bra and drops it to the floor. His hands immediately return to her breasts and pinch her nipples, making Y/N let out an audible whimper. He rests his chin on her shoulder and gives her ear lobe a lick.
“You don’t know how much I fucking love your tits.”
Jungwoo moves his fingers off her hardened nipples to give her boobs a rough squeeze. Y/N leans forward into Jungwoo’s touch, wanting to feel more.
“You think I didn’t notice how you always shove your tits in my face during my TA sessions?” Jungwoo whispers into her ear.
Jungwoo licks down her neck to her left nipple. He circles his tongue on her hardened nipple. The waves of pleasure run through Y/N’s body. He places his mouth around her nipple and starts sucking. Y/N tangles her fingers on his hair and gives an encouraging tug. Jungwoo moves to her right breast to give the same treatment. Y/N starts feeling weak in her knees and pulls him off her. He grabs the back of her head and meets her lips in a rough kiss. He bites down on her lower lip hard enough to leave teeth marks. Y/N whimpers from the pain. Jungwoo breaks the kiss and laughs.
“Aww did that hurt you, sweetheart?” Jungwoo teases. He licks her swollen lower lip to soothe it. “Don’t worry I’ll make it better.”
Jungwoo steps back and hastily takes off his clothes. Underneath all the clothes, he has a muscular build with a well defined six pack. Y/N can’t help but lick her lips in anticipation of what he’ll do to her.
“Like what you see, sweetheart?” Jungwoo smirks, catching her admiring his body. Y/N’s face heats up from being caught staring. “Don’t worry, this is all yours to enjoy.”
Jungwoo takes her with him to the other side of the desk and sits down in Doyoung’s chair. He spreads his legs and reclines back into the chair. He starts stroking his cock while watching Y/N stand naked in front of him. She feels the wetness building and squeezes her thighs together to feel some friction.
“Get on your knees and suck. I know you’re good at this,” Jungwoo demands.
Y/N kneels in front of Jungwoo. She places a hand on each thigh and massages. She lowers her face and slowly licks up his right inner. Jungwoo’s muscles tighten and he squirms under her. She digs her nails into his thighs to steady him before continuing to lick up his thigh. Once she reaches his crotch, she licks up his length to his tip. She tastes the saltiness of his precum on her tongue. She takes his tip in her mouth and swirls her tongue around. Jungwoo lets out a moan and pats her head in appreciation. She hollows out her cheeks and takes more of his length in. She’s about to move off his cock when she feels a hard slap on her ass. The sudden impact makes her choke on Jungwoo’s length, causing Jungwoo’s body to twitch.
“Hurry up, you don’t want someone walking in on us do you?” Doyoung presses. He’s standing naked behind Y/N with a leather belt in his hand.
Y/N moves off of Jungwoo’s dick and licks down his length again. She swirls her tongue around his balls before licking down to his rim.
“Oh fuck!” Jungwoo screams.
Y/N smiles at his reaction. She circles her tongue around his rim and presses the tip of her tongue against his hole. She hears him swear and takes it as an indication to continue. She points the tip of her tongue and begins darting into his rim. Jungwoo grabs his cock and pumps. Y/N continues licking his rim and pushes her tongue deeper into his hole. She feels him shaking, sensing he’s close.
“Fuck! I’m going to come like this,” Jungwoo confesses. He grabs her by the hair and pulls her off his rim. “I need to be inside you before I come.”
He pulls her up by the hair and drags her closer. Jungwoo scoots up to make it easier for Y/N to sit on top of him. She rests her shins on Jungwoo’s thighs and once she finds a comfortable position, she moves up to line his cock to her entrance. Jungwoo tightly grips her hips and pushes her down the length of his cock. Y/N cries out from the unexpected stretch of his full length. Jungwoo pounds into her, rougher and faster each time. Y/N hears Doyoung’s belt whip before she feels the impact of it on her ass. Her body betrays her and she starts clenching around Jungwoo’s length from pain of the whip. Jungwoo and Doyoung both go quicker and rougher with their actions. Y/N feels the heat pool in her lower belly and digs her nails into Jungwoo’s shoulders to steady her balance.
“Fuck!” Jungwoo pulls her off his cock and pushes her away. Y/N stumbles back and winces when the edge of the desk hits her. She grabs onto the desk to steady her balance.
“You thought I’d let you come around my dick like that?” Jungwoo questioned. “You don’t deserve that.”
“Please,” Y/N begs. “I need to come. Let me come.”
Jungwoo shoves the papers and pens off the desk to make space. He lifts Y/N up by her hips and drops her onto the desk. Y/N hisses from the impact. Y/N doesn’t have much time to focus on the pain, when Jungwoo’s tongue is licking her clit. He easily shoves three fingers in her pussy.
“Fuck!” Y/N moans.
Jungwoo curls his fingers and thrusts in and out at a brutal pace. Y/N arches her back when she feels her orgasm building up. She wraps her fingers around his hair and pushes him closer to her clit. Without warning, Y/N clenches around his fingers and comes with a soft moan. Jungwoo licks her clit faster to help her ride out her orgasm. She can feel Jungwoo slipping his fingers out, but her walls are pulsing around them, not ready to let him go.
“Can’t get enough?” Jungwoo laughs. He finally manages to pull his fingers out and licks her wetness off his fingers. He gives her a wink, but she’s still enjoying her high to feel any embarrassment.
Jungwoo’s hand immediately moves to stroke his cock. “Shit, look at you. I could just come watching you like this.”
Jungwoo grabs Y/N by the hair and pulls her closer. Y/N watches him through hooded eyes. She knows Jungwoo is close from the way all his muscles are tensing. A few strokes later, ribbons of his cum land on her boobs. He keeps stroking to cover her boobs with more of his cum. Once he’s almost done, he taps his tip on her left nipple to release the last drops of his cum on her left boob.
Jungwoo pants to catch his breath. He examines his cum on her and laughs. “Not bad, Y/N. We’ll see if Professor Kim thinks that’s good enough to let you pass.”
Jungwoo kisses Y/N’s forehead and moves away. Y/N lays still on the desk waiting for what’s next.
Doyoung steps in where Jungwoo was standing moments ago. Y/N finally gets the chance to focus her attention on his body. He has a different build from Jungwoo’s body - he has wider shoulders, but a thinner waist. His abs aren’t as defined as Jungwoo’s, but lines and dips indicate he works out.
“You certainly know how to put on a show, Y/N.” Doyoung compliments. “But you’re not done earning your extra credit. Remember, you’re failing my class.”
“Turn around.” Doyoung slaps her left thigh to grab her attention.
Y/N lays on her stomach and pushes her hips up. She hears a whipping sound behind her and turns her head back. Doyoung has his belt folded in half and smirks at her. He bends over on top of her body and grabs her jaw hard enough to bruise.
“You didn’t think you wouldn’t be punished, did you?” Doyoung scoffs. “Jungwoo, how many questions did she get wrong on the exam?”
Jungwoo picks up her exam and takes a moment to count off the questions. He gives a low whistle before answering. “10 questions, Professor Kim.”
“I’m sorry, I’ll do better.” Y/N pleads and squirms under Doyoung. She lips quiver in feigned fear for the camera. Doyoung glides his soft hands down her spine and onto her ass. He softly massages and spreads her ass cheeks. Y/N’s body begins to relax into his touch.
“I’m sure you will.” Doyoung kisses each ass cheek before letting go.
He stands behind her, holding his belt up in the air and brings it down onto her ass. Y/N jerks forward from the impact and screams.
“One for every question you got wrong.” Doyoung brings the belt down on her ass again. This time he’s quicker with his actions and her skin blooms a darker shade of red. With each whip of the belt, Y/N squeezes her eyes shut tighter and she feels tears welling up. The impact makes her skin feel as though it’s being set on fire. Sensing she may be getting closer to a level of discomfort, Doyoung eases on the pressure for the last couple of whips. Y/N appreciates the gesture from him.
Once he’s done whipping Y/N, Doyoung grabs her bruised ass cheeks and squeezes.
“Oh fuck!” Y/N shouts out. She shivers from the pleasure of the bruising pain that shoots through her body.
Doyoung takes off his glasses and tosses them onto the desk. He kneels behind Y/N and licks her folds, savoring her wetness.
“So fucking wet like a slut,” Doyoung taunts.
Doyoung slips his tongue inside her pussy to feel her wetness then moves back to licking her folds. Y/N lets out a whimper with each lick. The mixture of pain and pleasure in Y/N builds up the tightness in her lower belly. Doyoung gives her folds a kiss and moves away.
He roughly grabs Y/N by her hair and pulls her off the desk. Y/N groans from the unexpected tug backwards.
“Good, at least you passed that.” Doyoung moves her onto his chair. Y/N gasps from the sudden impact of the leather chair on her bruised ass. “But we’re not done.”
Doyoung grabs his belt from the chair and wraps it around Y/N’s neck. He threads the end through the buckle and gives it a light tug to test it out. Y/N gags slightly from the unexpected pull forward.
“You like that?” Doyoung checks in. Y/N nods in reassurance. “Good girl. Tap me three times if it’s too much.”
“Yes, Professor Kim,” Y/N responds.
“Don’t let me down this time,” Doyoung orders.
He gives the makeshift leash a tug, causing Y/N to yelp. Doyoung takes this chance to shove his hard length into Y/N’s mouth. Y/N gags when his cock hits the back of her mouth. Doyoung wraps the extra belt strap around the back of her head. He grabs hold of the belt strap on each side of Y/N’s face to hold her head steady.
“Don’t act like you don’t know how to do this,” Doyoung mocks.
Doyoung pulls the belt strap towards him to push her head further down his cock. Y/N relaxes her jaw and takes him in easier. Once he feels her at ease, he starts thrusting into her mouth. Y/N shuts her eyes when she feels tears beginning to well up in her eyes. Saliva builds up in her mouth and drips down with each of Doyoung’s thrusts.
“You’re a fucking mess,” Doyoung mocks. “I love seeing you like this.”
He roughly thrusts into her mouth once more before tugging her off his length and letting go of the belt. Y/N coughs with the sudden rush of air.
“I need to fuck your pussy.”
Doyoung slaps her thighs, indicating to Y/N to spread her thighs. Y/N puts her hands on the back of her thighs and pushes them up and spreads. Doyoung takes his hard cock in his hand and rubs the tip along her wet folds. He teases her by pushing his tip a little in her pussy then pulling it out to rub back up to her clit. Y/N whines at his teasing.
“Please, Professor Kim. I need you inside me,” Y/N begs. A tear rolls down her cheek from the way he’s teasing.
Doyoung wipes away the tear. He presses a soft kiss on her cheek to console her.
“Since you’re being a good girl.” Doyoung kisses her lips and grabs hold of the makeshift leash again. Drags his tip down to her entrance and pushes his full length in without warning.
“FUCK!” Y/N screams from his unexpected thrust.
“Look at the way you take my dick,” Doyoung grunts. He pounds into her desperately. Y/N feels herself tremble from the way he pushes deep inside her.
Doyoung leans forward to place rough kisses down her inner thigh. He finds a sensitive spot that makes her quiver and begins sucking and biting on the spot.
“Oh God, Professor Kim! Fuck!” Y/N screams.
Doyoung moves off her thigh and tugs the leash to move her closer to his body. He kisses her lips and slips his tongue in her mouth. He shoves Y/N away before she can deepen the kiss.
They’re interrupted by a loud cough. Doyoung stops his thrusts and they look over at the interruption to see Jungwoo with an evil glint in his eye. He’s holding up a pink vibrator.
“Look what I found in her bag.” Jungwoo waves the vibrator in front of Y/N’s face.
“Of course this slut needs to get off everywhere,” Doyoung scoffs.
“Why don’t we have a little fun?” Jungwoo suggests.
He presses the button and the vibrator begins to buzz. Y/N clenches around Doyoung’s length in anticipation.
“Of course she wants that,” Doyoung laughs.
Doyoung starts pounding into Y/N again while Jungwoo puts the tip of the vibrator on her clit. Y/N’s body shudders and she hisses from the feeling of both. She knows she doesn’t have long until she’s going to reach her climax.
“I’m going to come,” Y/N cries out.
She feels the telling heat spread through her body and cries out.
“Fuck! I’m coming!” Her walls pulse around Doyoung’s length and he thrusts erratically to help her ride out her orgasm.
“Oh God! Please come inside me!” Y/N begs Doyoung as she comes down from her high. Her hands move up to her breasts, massaging and smearing Jungwoo’s cum further.
Doyoung slows down the pace of his thrusts. He starts pulling out and Y/N clenches around his cock to try to keep him inside her.
Doyoung scoffs. “You think you deserve my cum when you’re failing my class? Pathetic.”
He grabs the collar of her makeshift leash with his left hand and positions her face in front of his hard cock. His right hand strokes his cock at an erratic pace. He lets out a low grunt, before ropes of his cum shoot onto Y/N’s face. Y/N sticks her tongue out to catch his remaining cum, but Doyoung taps her cheek with his cock. He continues stroking and the rest of his cum lands on her cheek.
Once he’s done, Doyoung pushes Y/N back into the chair. Johnny steps in to zoom in on her fucked out state and it’s the first time during the filming that she’s conscious of where the camera is.
Jungwoo chuckles as he watches her lounging back in the chair to show off their work.
“Professor Kim, was that enough to pass?” Y/N takes her index finger and wipes a bit of cum off her cheek. She looks directly into the camera and licks the cum off her finger.
“You’re so bad,” Doyoung scoffs.
“Maybe she needs to attend another private Office Hours session with us,” Jungwoo suggests.
“You’re right, Jungwoo,” Doyoung agrees. “She hasn’t gotten enough extra credit points yet.”
“And cut!” Johnny shouts. He puts the camera down on the desk and claps.
“Wow you did great! You didn’t even notice the camera. It felt very natural.” Y/N blushes at Johnny’s compliment.
Y/N sits properly on the chair and grimaces from the pain on her ass. She frowns thinking about how difficult it will be to sit for the next week.
“Are you okay? I’m sorry I was so rough!” Doyoung holds her head up delicately and grabs a wet wipe from the box Jungwoo is holding. He wipes his cum off her face, while Jungwoo does his best to wipe his dried cum off her boobs. Y/N feels touched by the way they carefully help clean her up.
“Doyoung, always the gentleman off camera. People would never know from the way you just fucked!” Johnny jokes.
“Fuck you!” Doyoung elbows Johnny on his way to toss the soiled wipes in the trash can.
“Here you go, Y/N.” Jungwoo holds out a bathrobe for Y/N. YN graciously takes the robe and puts it on, tying a tight knot. Even if she’s had sex with all three men, she still feels a little awkward lounging around naked and cum-stained in front of them.
“Here are your clothes.” Doyoung hands Y/N her clothes, with her underwear and bra discreetly placed in between her skirt and sweater. She appreciates his thoughtfulness.
After they’ve all grabbed their clothes, Johnny bids them farewell and the trio leave to wash up in their designated bathrooms. Y/N turns on the steaming hot shower and feels the water soothe her sore body. She’s thankful she has nothing else to do the rest of the day. When she gets home, she passes out and has the best sleep she’s had in a long time.
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Intro to Criminal Minds: Why They Did It
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Criminal Minds x MINDHUNTER AU
Spencer Reid x Margaret Carr (OC)
Part 1: Ed Kemper.
Summary: Spencer is teaching a 7-week seminar on the most interesting criminal cases, explaining their actions to understand why they took place. Only, not everyone in the audience is a student.
warnings: graphic details of a real rape and murder case, like every trigger in the book, applies to this fic so read with caution (if you watch either show you're used to it, however), it's all real and did actually happen and I don't support any of it. strangers to lovers, mutual pining, flirting, fluff, eventual smut, idiots in love, OC is Wendy Carr's daughter, her bio father is Jason Gideon
word count: 3.9K
He'd be lying if he said he wasn't having fun teaching.
He started with guest speaking, moving to special seminars a few times a year. But he wanted something more, settling for a 7-week criminal justice elective of his choosing.
Intro to Criminal Minds: why they did it. Giving Spencer an excuse to share the most intimate facts about serial offenders in a setting where no one could tell him to shut up.
14 students total signed up for the two-hour Seminar, taking place every Thursday at 11 am from September until Halloween. Over the 7 weeks, he would explain the fascinating insights of the most successful killers in the United States. Only asking that his students write about a prolific crime they find interesting by the end of term, for their full grade.
All he wanted was to read about obscure killers from around the world, from the perspective of aspiring profilers.
The first Thursday, he came prepared with his coffee a half hour before the class. He wanted to write the main points on the whiteboard in advance, nice and neatly.
To his surprise, a student was already there waiting for him. "Oh, hello,” he smiled softly.
She was sitting with a book in her hands, she pushed her glasses up her nose to look at him as he walked in. She was older than his typical student, around 35. Probably finishing up a degree or adding something to what she already had.
"Hi," she smiled at him. “Sorry, I’m early, I was visiting my mom at Quantico earlier.” She explained. "I'm not a teacher's pet or anything. Promise, I’m not even a student.”
It made him laugh slightly, correcting him like she read his mind. "It's okay, I'm Doctor Reid," he introduced himself softly.
“Margaret Carr, Peggy is also fine.”
"Pleasure to meet you," he said quickly before focusing his attention on the whiteboard.
He could feel her eyes on him the whole time he wrote, not wanting to turn around and catch her. "That's so interesting," he heard her mumble under her breath.
"Hmm?" He turned around.
"It's just that, everyday occurrences that never phase the regular person somehow cause psychopaths to kill," she read the board back to him.
"I was reading a study a while back about how psycho killers medulla oblongata is approximately 19% smaller than the average human’s. Based on the way they're nurtured as children affects if they grow up to kill. The ones that don't often end up in law enforcement and other positions of power where their psychopathic tendencies can come to play."
He was taken aback for a moment. He had never experienced a student who was like him before. Someone who just pulled facts into conversations like it was nothing.
"I read that as well," he smiled. "It is fascinating. The smallest amount of bullying and abuse from a mother or disappearance of a father figure can set them off."
"Or, on the other hand, there are people like Ted Bundy," she added. "He was well-loved and taken care of, but it went to his head. His god complex and affinity for lying led him to be incredibly charismatic and enabled his killing."
"You're very educated on this already; are you just interested in hearing me speak today?" He asked, not wanting her to leave, finding it interesting that she was there.
"Oh," she blushed. "I was going to talk to you more about it after the seminar actually."
“Okay, I’ll be waiting for you,” he felt a little giddy at the prospect.
"Thanks," she laughed. "Seriously though, I'm a big fan of your teaching style, I saw a few of your classes when my dad was teaching at the academy in 2005. It's a lot easier to remember facts if the lecturer genuinely loves what they're talking about."
"You're going to like this Seminar then. It’s basically just a way for me to get paid while unloading all the random facts I have,” he warned her with a smile.
"I know." She smiled back at him.
The rest of his students filed in slowly. By 11 am, 14 faces were staring back at him.
"Hello," he waved awkwardly. "I'm dr. Spencer Reid. For the last 12 years, I've worked with the FBI's Behavioural Analysis Unit. Catching serial offenders across the country."
He took a deep breath, letting the nerves find their way out of him. "I've been asked time and time again who my favourite serial killer is, which is a peculiar way to phrase the question. It feels morally wrong to have a favourite in the way people do with baseball players.
"I am, however, fascinated with several serial offenders' reasoning and explanation for why they did what they did. Every single killer is different, but it all comes back to 1 thing. Do you know what that is?"
They all shook their heads. “What is your relationship with your parents like?" He asked. 
Everyone in the room reacted; some students sighed, some rolled their eyes as they recalled their parents and childhoods to memory.
"When a person decides to kill, it's often never in the moment. It's in childhood. The majority of serial offender's stories start the same; their mother didn't love them, their father left. Someone at home abused them or put them down repeatedly."
"Thus, causing a hatred so primal to bubble. No matter how hard they try and fight it, the bubble always bursts. They go from fantasizing to killing in retaliation for their abuse, taking the anger out in stages."
He referred to the board. "Every killer has a stressor and a trigger—something that causes the urge to bubble and the event that causes the bubble to rupture.”
"Edmund Kemper is a fascinating example of this. He grew up with a family for the first few years of his life before his father fully abandoned them. His mother handled the situation by turning her anger onto her son; it was his fault his father left, he looked just like him, Ed was just another useless man who would never amount to anything," he emphasized the words. Hoping the class sees the effects words have on children.
"He started by cutting up dolls, stealing his sister's barbies and cutting their heads off. In his mind, he was getting out his anger and hatred for how his mother saw him. She hated men, causing him to mature with a warped idea of what women are truly like."
"His attraction to killing worsened his mother's hatred; she could tell something was wrong with him, that he didn't react to everyday situations the way he should. By the time he was ten, she was locking him in the basement for days on end, telling him he was a monster and her biggest regret."
"The change in her rage amplified his own. He hated hearing her speak. He hated the way she walked around, thinking she was better than him. That just because she was a mother and a working woman, she deserved respect and submissive’s. All he could see was a woman with a big head who needed to be humbled. This is the moment when the psychotic side of his brain blended his hatred of his mother with how good it felt to kill."
"Is that why he, you know?" Peggy cut in, running her finger along her neck as she pretended to cut her head off.
He pressed his lips together in an awkward smile, nodding. "His signature, as it's called, was decapitation. But more specifically necrophiling the severed head of his victims."
The whole class let out a disgusted noise, Peggy and Spencer making eye contact while they shrugged, it wasn't news to them.
"At age ten, he moved from barbies to cats and dogs, never leaving them around for his mother to see. While he hated her, he was also absolutely terrified of her. Breading a special type of killer. When you think of school shooters or preferential predators, what do they have in common?" He asked.
He pointed at a student in the back. "They have a specific type of victim they’re after?"
"Exactly. Most serial offenders want to go after the cause of their pain or attraction. However, Ed wasn't able to kill the source of his rage for a long time. His mother mentally abused him so intensely that he believed she was in control of him and that her opinion of him mattered. He saw her as his God, he loved her, but he also knew that he disappointed her.
"He ran away soon after to find his father. Travelling to California, only to be told he was unwanted there as well. It wasn't just his mother that his father was escaping; it was the fundamental aspect of family that he didn't want. Ed defiantly didn't want to go back to his mother after that, so he moved in with his paternal grandparents."
He kept catching the looks on Peggy's face. She knew the story already, waiting patiently to hear the words he chose to make the horrific acts seem a little more conversational.
"His grandmother was exactly like his mother. If I had to guess, his father most likely had a distaste for his own mother and thus divorced Ed's mom. Only he never grew up to be a killer, just an absent father—his absence doing to Ed what never happened to him."
"Ed killed his grandparents when he was 15. Telling the police and his therapists that they had beaten him constantly, they refused to feed him and called him names. He said he snapped from the trauma; it was self-defence."
Peggy laughed to herself, making him smile softly. "Sending him to a mental hospital instead of a juvenile facility was the worst thing they could've done for him," Spencer added.
"Why?" A student asked.
"Ed is a psychopath." He reminded them. "He doesn't feel empathy the way we do. You can admit that you feel bad for him, yes? If you understand why he killed people, it doesn't make you sick, like him, it makes you human. You see a hurt person hurting others; Ed Kemper sees himself as a new sort of God, choosing who dies, how and when."
"He was brilliant, having the exact IQ as I do," just a humblebrag, "the staff trusted him. He looked like an innocent boy, smart enough to take matters into his own hands for the betterment of his life. They gave him computer privileges, they let him work the front desk and file patient information. Giving him all the resources to learn about who he was inside and how to get away with it perfectly."
"Damn," another kid added. "When did he get out?"
"At 21.” He answered the student quickly. “Ed was interviewed by my mentor Jason Gideon, in the 70s. Where he explained that being locked up during his sexual prime, as well as the access to information, is what truly set him off more than his mother.
"He moved back in with her and his sister when he came out of the institution, immediately returning to the constant ridicule. He went from being told all the time that he was a smart and charming young man, capable of rehabilitation to a useless, no-good son, who would have been better off collecting in a condom or running down her leg."
The whole class laughed, shocked at his repetition of Ed's mother's words.
"He got his licence when he was released. And remember, this was prime time for hitchhiking in California; everyone and their mother walked the roads with a thumb in the air. It was the birth of free love and recreational marijuana usage. It was also the best hunting ground for a learning serial killer."
"He was able to pick women up, but like I said, missing his sexual prime while in an institution made him almost impotent. He didn't know how to speak to women; he had to create a fantasy in his mind every time, one that involved killing, before he could look at a woman."
"How did he get them in his car then?" A voice asked from the back.
"He was 6'9, 300lbs; he looked like a big teddy bear. And his mother was the local college administrative assistant, so the whole town knew him anyway. If Ed offered to give them a ride, it wouldn't be that bad, right?" Peggy turned around to face the class as she explained for Spencer, who just shook his head.
"He only wanted to rape the victims, originally," Spencer added. "But he couldn't. There was no release of the tension. The bubble that had been growing inside him was at its breaking point; he needed to just do it. Get it over with and move on."
"He killed 6 women in succession after that. Gaining the name "The Co-Ed Killer," well before anyone even suspected Ed Kemper," Spencer took a sip of coffee, feeling his throat start to dry as they reached the insane part.
"He was overly friendly with the cops; he wanted to get his record expunged and join the force.” Spencer finally continued. “Being told, "don't worry about your record, worry about your weight.""
"Most killers enjoy wearing a uniform for the power and talking to the police about their cases, in the hopes of gauging how smart they really are—taking pride in the fact that they are getting away with it for so long."
"He watched all the cop shows, and he read all the books. He knew that in order to get away with it, he had to do it where no one could trace it back to him. He knew he had to keep his cool and avoid looking obsessed with the case, but just curious enough to gain insight into how they thought he was doing it. It went on for years, and they had absolutely zero leads, finding headless bodies every few months before they finally received a call." He left them hanging, walking over to his sheet of paper and pretending to read it while they anticipated the catch.
"Ed always knew that he wanted to kill his mother. He just never knew when,” Spencer teased the story along. Noticing as the students fidgeted in their seats as they wondered what happened next.
“In his interview with Gideon, Ed said that he knew she would die 7 days before he killed her. He walked into her room that night to find her reading, with the audacity to ask if he wanted to come in and chat all night. Teasing him for the way he rambled to her. It was the last time she ever did that."
"It's hard to imagine his signature with the fact his second last victim was his mother," Peggy added, cringing at the thought.
"Wait," another student interjected. "Who was his last kill then if he only really wanted to kill her?"
"Remember how I said he lacked empathy?" Spencer asked. "He loved his mother in the same way a prisoner can end up loving their captor."
Peggy nods at the comparison, looking like she's never thought of it that way before, then smiling at him.
"You grow a bond through the trauma and when the only thing you've ever known is violence and hate, you don't know what to do when that's gone, it's hard to cope."
"He said he killed his mother so that she never had to know what he did. She'd never have to sit at his court hearings or be able to tell the media that she always knew he was a killer."
"His last kill was his mother's best friend," He finally answered the question.
"He didn't want his mother to be even more disappointed in him, but he also didn't want his mother's best friend to find her like that and be upset. So the obvious answer to him was to kill her too."
"What the fuck?" He heard a couple of kids say under their breath.
"Yeah," he agreed with an almost chuckle. "This is what I mean by their answers are fascinating. It makes so much sense to them; clearly, if I kill my mother, her friend will be upset, so the best answer would be to put her out of her misery as well. He sees them as objects, like a matching set. One would lose value without the other."
Everyone was silent then. The students took in all the information they had just received, staring up at him with a look of disgust mixed with wonder.
"Any questions?"
Peggy raised her hand for a change; he pointed towards her in approval. "You missed the part where he specifically took the heads from the three women before his mother and brought them back home with him. He buried them in the yard outside her bedroom window, making sure they were always looking up to her."
Spencer was amazed that she knew the details. "Yes, I guess I did."
"I always found that part particularly interesting in this case," Peggy added. "Her opinion mattered so much to him. He knew how much she loved her co-ed's and how they looked up to her so much. They'd be exactly like her. He felt trapped in a town of women who were exactly like his nightmare, and his response was to make them physically look up to her for the rest of her life."
"Exactly." Spencer smiled. "understanding how he sees the situation and how the events played out in his mind is the key in figuring out who he is."
"If you were on the case in '72 when the first victims were discovered, how would you have handled it, Dr. Reid?" A male student in the back asked in the silence between answers, taking his shot before Peggy and Spencer went any further in their discussion.
“That's a hard thing to answer, connecting evidence back then was a lot harder than it is today, if it wasn’t for men like Ed there wouldn’t really be this many answers,” Spencer said honestly.
Another student put her hand up, “what’s the worst thing he did in your opinion?”
That racked his brain, there was a handful of horrific things he did that were particularly horrific, “probably his mother's entire murder.”
“What did he do?”
Before Spencer could answer he saw Peggy open her mouth and start explaining. “He not only cut off her head and fucked her neck, but he also took her vocal cords out and shoved them down the garbage disposal. And before he called the cops, he cleaned everything up and made her look presentable because he said his mother wouldn’t want guests to see the mess.”
The class all cringed, sinking into their seats with disgust. But that didn’t stop Peggy from explaining it all further.
“He used to go to a bar all the cops went to and he would talk about his case. They would always one-up themselves and say they were close which gave him this false idea that they were on his tail and they’d find his mother soon. But when they didn’t, he called it in from a payphone and said he’d come over and explain it all. And boy did he ever, the cops said he wouldn’t shut up. And then when they put him in the cop car finally, a woman walked past him and he threw up.”
Spencer watched her with awe, the way she could call information to memory like that was beautiful. He listened to her like he’s never heard a fact before, she was so intriguing.
“Thank you for the detail,” he teased her lightly. “Sometimes I get so caught up that the really gross parts get swept aside.”
The class smiled at him, he had gained their trust and attention within only 1 hour of class.
“I know you said you don’t have a favourite,” another student asked from the back. “I agree it’s weird, but who is the one you gravitate towards the most?”
“I’ve met hundreds of serial killers, I’ve read about thousands,” he explained. “I think Ed Kemper is the one I gravitate the most around because he was so willing and open to explaining why he is the way he is. Going as far as to say that the only way they could keep women safe is to give him a lobotomy. He didn’t believe there was any correcting to be done, only removal of the evil within him.”
He heard slight mumbles as everyone took in what he said. “Does anyone here have a killer or a case that interested them in learning more, or just introduced you to the chase of justice?”
Peggy put her hand up, “I personally think BTK is the scariest, most tactical, and just downright evil man to ever exist. He scares me to no end but he’s so interesting to learn about.”
“Ahh,” Spencer agreed. “Too bad you won't be here for week 3. But with that I think I’ll end the class, next week we’ll be discussing the difference between Ted Bundy and Richard Speck.” He nodded lightly, watching the majority of them close their books and had on out.
“I really enjoyed the class,” she said softly. Holding her purse in one hand, a collection of files in the other.
Spencer turned to look at her then, smiling right back. “It was a pleasure to teach alongside you.”
“What do you mean?” She teased, “it’s not like my mom and dad were the ones who did all the interviews."
“Carr,” he repeats her last name. The gears turning in his mind as he brings all the information forth.
“Your mother is Wendy Carr, she was recruited after the BTK case with Bill Tench, she’s who was behind that study you mentioned.”
“I know,” she smiled.
“Who’s your father?”
“Guess,” she looked at him with an unimpressed look on her face, pushing her glasses up slightly.
“You’re kidding? Gideon never said he had a daughter let alone a,” he stops himself before he can embarrass himself any further.
She smiled at the implication of his words, “but he’s told me all about you Dr. Reid, that’s why I'm here.”
“You need help with a case and I’m the only agent in Virginia currently,” he pressed his lips together awkwardly. Knowing it was too good to be true that she would have any interest in him in the slightest.
“No actually, I have a case I’ve been working on privately and I need some help. I asked my dad but he said you’d be able to help me the best. I agree,” she corrected him softly. “I wasn’t kidding when I said I was a big fan of yours. When I would sit in and watch his lectures, before he knew I was his kid, you would always step in at the best parts, adding the smallest details to the story that the average person would forget. It’s magnificent.”
He laughed slightly, tugging at his collar as she complimented him. “Thank you, you’re quite magnificent as well,” he replied with a blush and a smile
She didn’t look like Gideon, probably because she smiled so much. Like sunshine on legs, she beamed, all but blinding him with her smile as she stared at him, “do you want to get lunch and go over this case with me?”
“I’d love to.”
taglist: (message me if you want to be added or removed)
@shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria @spookyspence @reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @samuel-de-champagne-problems @jswessie187 @k-k0129 @calm-and-doctor @blanchardsbk
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thatoneao3writer · 4 years
I live for Skephalo content (the tag always be lookin bare lmao) but don't wanna undermine your writing skills by asking for just one pairing.
Do you have any fun skephalo, dnf, niffy (is that the name???), karlnapity, awesomeponk (is that the name??) headcanons for the teen titans au?
N also jus fun interactions/relationships (platonic or romantic) headcanons too. This au is fantastic and I'm living for it!
Jus use this opportunity to dump any fun ideas you have!! I'm gunning to hear all your ideas :D
Anon be prepared to be dumped on cuz wooohh boy do I have some headcanons-
Skeppy is terrible at being subtle when it comes to flirting, but it doesn’t even matter because Bad is sooo dense.
Bad is Adrien 2.0, he is Mr. Just-A-Friend
If anyone dares to fight Bad, Skeppy would punt them. No one gets to fight Bad, only he can fight Bad.
Skeppy has tried and failed multiple times to make heart shaped diamond spikes, that come from the ground, in an attempt to woo Bad. The shape always comes out wonky and awkward. He’s not the most creative ><
Bad has a slight crush on Skeppy’s human persona, Zak. Since Skeppy doesn’t want to ruin their relationship, he doesn’t tell BBH who he is. Skeppy is very jealous of his human persona and wishes he never visited BBH in the pet shelter as Zak that one time XD
Bad often delivers muffins to the Hive’s base, because he’s nice like that. Everyone loves the muffins, but they would be damned if they let Skeppy get a hold of the box, because they won’t get a piece if he gets to it first.
Skeppy mooches up to Sapnap. Asking him to tell BBH how great of a person he is and asking him what BBH’s favorite things are. Little did he know, Sapnap is already trying to get them together.
Dream has a major crush on George, but pretends that he doesn’t. Everyone knows he does, even George himself.
Mr. Dream “Work is more important than anything” Wastaken tries to hide his feelings because he thinks love would interfere with his work. Little did he know, it already was.
He’s such a freaking shrimp for George that he almost destroyed every single Wendy’s in the world after George was ‘disrespected by the franchise’. (He only managed to destroy every Wendy’s in the city before the Titans managed to stop him)
George is a little shit that enjoys watching Dream go in denial everytime the Hive teases them.
He does have feelings for Dream, but if the villain doesn’t want to do anything about it, then why tell him? 
George got kidnapped one time... we don’t talk about the crater that was once a huge factory... we just don’t. *cough*
Since Puffy and Niki are in different hero teams, they don’t usually interact with each other. But when they do, expect some adorable wholesomeness.
Captain Puffy weekly delivers anonymous bouquets to the Justice League HQ for Niki. She thinks she doesn’t deserve to be with Niki, so she never signs it.
Niki appreciates the flowers, but she feels sad for whoever sends them in because her heart already belongs to one Captain Puffy. (She doesn’t know who the flowers are from)
Whenever they run with each other during rounds or missions, they would momentarily stop whatever they were doing just to chat for a bit. They would then combust in sheer happiness whenever they part ways. (They don’t get to talk to each other that much)
Captain Puffy runs a flower shop whenever she’s not doing hero work and Niki frequents there without her knowledge because Niki always wears a disguise.
The Titans and the League desperately wants them to get together, but they always say they don’t deserve the other, making everyone frustrated.
Sapnap fell in love with Quackity without even knowing what his real face is. King shit.
Karl often goes back in time or goes into the future just for pranks, but he would never hesitate to do those things if it meant preventing his boyfriends from getting hurt or getting in too much trouble. (he is not a hero, villain, nor a vigilante. He just has powers for some reason)
Quackity really hate not knowing what his real face is, but he’s starting to get fond of Alex’s face (his school persona) because it was the face Karl fell in love with. (It wasn’t. Karl fell in love with his personality)
Sapnap and Quackity are very PDA in the Hive HQ. Like, they have their own rooms, why make out on the couch??
Karl knows his boyfriends are villains, but he doesn’t really care. It’s not like they’ve killed people... right? But yeah, they don’t know he has powers so it’s only fair if he doesn’t tell them he knows their secret.
They had a love triangle phase. Sapnap was already crushing on Q before he met Karl, but Q was crushing on Karl (and Sapnap) and Karl immediately had a crush upon seeing Sapnap and Sap started crushing on Karl when they met. Yeah... it was a mess till they realized they all love each other very much.
Has a weird on and off relationship. You’d be surprised when you hear how much they’ve broken up. (don’t ask XD)
Sam is weak against Ponk, so when Ponk asks for upgrades, then he’ll get them. No matter how ridiculous they could be. You want a microwave leg? Sure! Oh, you want a robot cat arm? You got it! You want to have longer legs? Okay!
As long as Ponk doesn’t request something that could hurt him, then Sam would do it ><
Ponk has to pull Sam away from work more than he wants. His boyfriend is so workaholic that it’s ridiculous.
Sam is very charming flirty, even when doesn’t mean to. He has the most admirers out of all of the Titans. The amount of love letters and chocolates he gets from fans everyday is just outrageous. It makes Ponk very jealous and angry. He burns every single one of them without even showing them to Sam.
Their relationship isn’t out to the public because Ponk is too shy. He also knows how much admirers Sam has, he doesn’t want to get backlash because of it. Even when then team says they’d protect and defend him, he really doesn’t want to risk it.
Sam loves kids, heck, he’s so fond of kids that he’s the only one out of all of them that actually really likes Tommyinnit (Kid Flash). Don’t get them wrong, they don’t hate Tommy, it’s just that he gets a little too much sometimes. Ponk doesn’t get it, and he can’t even try because him and Tommy really don’t get along. (They try, for Sam)
Tubbo, Tommy and Ranboo (platonic):
Ranboo is the only friend Tubbo has that would actually let him help with missions. (He’s the Ned to Ranboo’s Spiderman)
Whenever Ranboo gets to distraught to remember his abilities other than webs, Tubbo will not help him and just watch in amusement.
Tubbo is too smart for his own good, Ranboo had to stop him from hacking into the government’s private files once.
Tubbo flirts with Ranboo for the laughs. Ranboo didn’t appreciate it at first, but he eventually got used to it and even sometimes flirts back.
Tommy is Tubbo’s best friend, they are classmates. Tommy doesn’t like the fact that Tubbo is friends with Ranboo of all people. That guy helps the villains! Sometimes...
Ranboo and Tommy had to fight each other one time, when Tommy thought Ranboo was kidnapping Tubbo. Tubbo didn’t even stop the fight, he just watched while eating popcorn that came out of nowhere.
The only reason they stopped was because Ranboo said him and Tubbo were friends and Tubbo nodded (mouth full of popcorn). Adn Tommy believed it easily because Tubbo would never lie to him.
Tommy gets jealous that Tubbo makes Ranboo cool gadgets, so Tubbo decided to make him some as well.
Don’t give Tubbo coffee. Tommy learned that the hard way. If you do, he’ll make the most ridiculous inventions he could think of. He’s convinced that Tubbo is actually Sam’s kid.
Sam and Quackity (familial):
Sam ran into Quakity’s Alex form once. He treated the kid some coffee because he was sitting in the rain all alone.
Quackity didn’t recognize him as a hero because Awesamdude wears a creeper mask. He grew fond of Sam. Not because he treated him to coffee, but because he was nice company,
He was sitting in the rain because he was having another identity crisis (he gets those often). He was lost and confused and decided to sit alone in the park, not noticing that it started to rain.
Sam got him out of the rain and took his mind off of his insecurities. It was nice to have someone to talk to.
Quackity opened up to Sam (about his crisis, not his job) unintentionally and that got the older man to offer more talks like this in the future. Quackity agreed without missing a beat.
Sam seriously contemplated on adopting Alex when he found out about the kid not having parents... actually, he’s still contemplating, he just has to convince the others now.
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waitimcomingtoo · 5 years
Hi! I love your stories! Can I req a story where Paddy has the biggest celebrity crush on you, and when Tom introduced you to his family, Paddy tried to get your attention all the time. It was cute at first but Tom later on gets jealous. Thank you!
Thank you! I love this idea. I made it way too long so I separated it into two posts.
My Girl
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Synopsis: everyone finds Paddys crush on your adorable. Everyone but Tom.
Part Two
Part three
Part four
Requests are CLOSED
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The Holland boys had always been quite fond of you.
You were a child actor, and they grew up watching you on screen. The quickest way to stop them from screaming, crying, and running around was to put on a movie of yours. Like bugs to a light, the boys would circle around the TV and watch you with wide eyes and total silence. You were their Wendy, and they were your Lost Boys. Dom and Nikki would almost tear up with laughter when they saw their boys stare at you with awestruck expressions. It was like they were in a trance, watching your every move without blinking until you were off screen. Of course, a group of boys doesn’t stay quiet for long. There would be fights over who liked you more, who’d you like more, and who would be the one to marry you. Marriage, of course, being the ultimate goal for young boys in love. These fights always ended in tears, and Sam and Harry backing down. Paddy, a little too young to talk but plenty old enough to scream, would throw a tantrum until Tom gave up and let him win.
“I’m gonna marry Y/n.” Tom declare.
“No, me.” Paddy would yell and slam his little fists on the couch.
“She won’t marry you! You’re just a baby.” Tom stuck out his tongue.
“No.” Paddy would scream.
“Tom, don’t upset your brother.” Nikki’d call from the other room.
“But I want to marry Y/n.” Tom would whine. “Paddy is just a baby!”
“Thomas.” Nikki’d say sternly. “I’m going to count to three. Just tell him he can marry her so he won’t cry.”
“But-“ Tom would protest.
“No buts.” Nikki interrupted. “Tell him.”
“You can marry Y/n.” Tom grumbled.
“Good job. Now hug it out.”
As the boys got older, their feelings for you changed. You had gotten older too, and they took notice. Sam and Harry had lost their puppy love for you, claiming to be too mature to fawn over some girl. They stopped thinking you were the prettiest girl in the world, and started making comments that you were hot, as boys do. But that didn’t mean they didn’t see each and every one of your new movies, no matter how “lame” they said it looked. Tom, being the oldest of the bunch and your age, grew up with you. He noticed the baby face he fell in love with changing into the face of a beautiful teen, then young adult. He was a kid when you were a kid, a teen when you were a teen, and in his early twenties when you were. This left a special place in his heart for you. He didn’t have the puppy love anymore either, but a more mature, adult love. He admired your work, but differently now. He was an established actor himself, and was able to recognize the hard work you put into your job, and appreciate how you’d been doing it from such a young age. He prayed for the day you and him were cast as love interests in a movie. He hoped to see you at every award show, audition, and party, but your paths never crossed.
And then there was Paddy. Paddy was significantly younger than his brothers. They grew up, and you became more of a celebrity crush to them. But Paddy was a young boy with a big imagination. The age difference didn’t occur to him. The fact that you’d never met didn’t matter. He was wholly convinced you’d be married one day. He adored you. He’d watch your movies, even the girly ones, with the same awestruck expression as when he was little. He was enchanted by you. The way you moved, the way you spoke, everything. He had your picture as his background, your name as his password, and every fact about you engraved in his brain. In his mind, he was in love with you, what his 15 year old self knew love to be.
“Aww, look what’s on.” Nikki said nostalgically when she flipped through the channels of the television and found an old movie of yours. It was around a holiday, and a rare time when all her boys were home. “You boys used to watch this all the time when you were little.”
“Whatever.” Sam grumbled into his cereal, but managed to sneak a few glances at you when his mom wasn’t looking.
“We only watched it because Sam fancied her.” Harry snorted.
“You fancied her too.” Sam elbowed his brother, not realizing he just admitted to his secret love for you.
“Did not!” Harry protested.
“Did too!” Sam retorted.
“Did not.” Harry said again. “And who cares anyway? Tom still fancies her. He thinks they’re gonna play Romeo and Juliet one day and fall in love.”
“You’re just jealous because she said in an interview that she liked my movies.” Tom replied, too above the fighting to care.
“She said she liked Infinity War.” Paddy cut in. “She didn’t specifically say she liked you.”
“At least she knows I exist, and I’m not just some 11 year old kid in love with her.” Tom shot back, losing his cool. There was still a bigger resentment between the the oldest and the youngest boy over you.
“I’m 12!” Paddy slammed his hands on the table.
“Boys!” Nikki gasped. “Are you seriously still fighting over Y/n at your ages?”
“He started it!” They all yelled in unison.
“I’m tired of this. From now on, no one mentions Y/n, okay? No more fighting over that girl.” Nikki’d held up her hands, meaning she meant business.
So from then on, you weren’t mentioned.
Until one fateful, fateful day.
“Spider-Man!” Tom heard a sweet voice behind him as he made his way back to his seat at the Emmys two years later. He turned around and looked around for who the voice belonged to, until his eyes landed on you.
“Y/n?” He asked in disbelief. There you were. In person, not on a screen. After so many years of watching you and admiring you, Tom was at a loss for words. You picked up the train of your dress and hurried over to him.
“Hi.” You laughed in excitement as you pulled Tom into a friendly hug. He froze before wrapping his arms around you, careful of your gown. He couldn’t believe he wasn’t only speaking to you, but holding you. You’d been a fantasy, a mere dream, his whole life. You let out a happy sigh and brushed a curl away from your perfectly done up face. “I can’t believe we’re actually meeting. I’m such a big fan.”
“You’re a fan of me?” Tom sputtered. He looked around, expecting to see Ellen DeGeneres somewhere with a camera in an attempt to prank him. He didn’t see anyone, and realized this was actually happening. You actually came up to him. “I’ve been watching your movies my entire life. Your first movie was the first move I ever saw.” Tom admitted with a bashful smile.
“Really?” You smiled as if he’d just given you a compliment, which unknown to him, he had. “Because we’re the same age right?”
“Yeah, we are.” Tom said, shocked you knew his age.
“That’s so cute.” You giggled, making Tom laugh as well. “I’m so glad we’re getting a chance to meet. I love you in the Marvel movies. And you were so cute in In the Heart of the Sea. I wish you’d wear your curls more.”
“You’ve seen my non marvel movies?” Tom practically gasped, suddenly very aware of his straightened hair.
“Well duh.” You laughed. “You’re like my favorite actor.”
“You’re my favorite actor too.” Tom said sincerely. “I-I think you’re incredible.” You gave Tom a warm smile.
“Do you want to exchange numbers maybe?” You asked shyly. “The cameras are gonna start recording soon and I’d rather not having dating rumors flying when we’re just getting to know each other. Because I want to get to know you, Tom. As more than just my favorite actor.”
“I’d love that.” Tom said. He nervously took his phone out of his pocket and handed it to you. You took it and entered your number into it.
“There. Text me during the speeches. They’re so boring.” You let out a breathy laugh. You laughed a lot, Tom noticed. And he liked it. He really liked it.
“Where are you sitting?” Tom asked, making a bold decision.
“Over by Hugh Jackman.” You pointed your thumb and then rubbed your nails on your shoulder and pretended to yawn. “No biggie.”
“Did you-would you, maybe…” Tom stuttered.
“Want to sit together?” You finished for him.
“I was gonna get there.” Tom defended with a smile, making your scrunch your nose. “But yes, would you like to sit with me?”
“I actually have a better idea.” You quipped.
You didn’t sit together that night.
You left the Emmys all together, and ended up talking all night in a dinner. Tom was still in his suit, and you were still in your gown, but it was perfect. You shared a plate of French fries, and later, a kiss.
The rest is history.
“Tommy?” You asked as you laced your fingers through his, your head resting against his heart. “Can I ask you something?”
“Anything, darling.” Tom said, nuzzling his nose into your hair.
“Are you ashamed of me?” You asked, much to his surprise.
“What?” Tom sputtered shocked at your accusation. “No. Never. Why would you ask that?”
“It’s just, we’ve been dating for almost a year and you haven’t introduced me to your brothers. Yeah, I’ve met your parents a bunch, but not once have I met any of your brothers. I think I saw Sam getting into his car once, and that’s it. Do they even know about me?” You asked sadly. You’d met Dom and Nikki about three months in, when things got serious between you and Tom. Nikki was absolutely thrilled to see the two of you together. You didn’t know the full extent of Toms life long love for you, and Nikki was all too quick to spill it. She beamed every time you two held hands or used a pet name. Dom was just happy to see his son end up with such a great girl. Since then, you went on weekly shopping dates with Nikki and attended Dom’s stand up shows whenever you could. You were close with them, very close. But still had not once met a brother.
“Well-I…no. No, I haven’t.” Tom admitted, disappointing even himself.
“Why not?” You pried, a little hurt that they didn’t even know you were in Toms life. “Is there something wrong with me? Do you not them to know about me? About us?”
“Love.” Tom sat up and looked you in the eyes. You looked upset, but like you were keeping your emotions inside. Tom felt guilt seep into his heart. “I’m not ashamed of you. It’s the opposite actually. My brothers, they love you. Especially Paddy. And I really love you too. I don’t want to bring you home and have them get all weird about it.”
“Why would they get weird?” You asked.
“I know my brothers, okay? Harry and Sam would act like they’re too cool to care, but then probably invite all their friends over to brag about you. You don’t want a bunch of twenty year old guys vying for you attention. Hell, I don’t want a bunch of twenty year old guys vying for you attention. And Paddy,” Tom sighed. “Paddy would probably spontaneously combust. He’s been in love with you since he was in diapers. He’d kill me if he found out we were dating.”
“Tommy, I don’t think your 15 year old brother is going to kill you over a girl.” You chuckled lightly.
“Then darling, you don’t know my 15 year old brother.” Tom laughed. “I mean it. He’d freak out. He’d try to steal you from me.”
“Well I think it’s safe to say that he wouldn’t succeed.” You smiled as you rolled on top of Tom. He pressed a kiss to your lips and flopped his head onto the pillow. “Please let me meet them? I want to know your family. I want to know where you came from and who you grew up with. I promise it won’t be as weird as you think it’ll be.”
“And I promise you that it will be.” Tom said through his teeth.
“Please?” You asked, looking at him through your eyelashes. He held out as long as he could before a dopey smile lit up his face. He had caved.
“How can I say no to you?” Tom smiled.
And so, you found yourself hiding behind a wall in Toms childhood home as he broke the news to his brothers.
“As some of you may know, I’ve been seeing someone. We’ve been together for ten months, and I love her very dearly.” Tom began.
“Mate, no one cares.” Harry said, trying to see past Tom to the TV.
“Bug off.” Sam muttered, also attempting to see around Tom.
“As I was saying, I have a girlfriend.” Tom said, slightly annoyed that his brothers weren’t paying attention. They’d be pay attention when they saw who it was, that’s for sure. “A serious one. She’s met mum and dad, and now she wants to meet you, though I have no idea why.”
“I’m gonna be really mugged off if you’ve interrupted our game to talk about some girl.” Harry said, moving the headset away from his mouth so his friends wouldn’t hear.
“She’s not some girl.” Tom said through gritted teeth. “You actually know her. Just, don’t freak out, okay? Act normal? I love this girl and I don’t want you buttwads messing it up.”
“Whatever mate.” Sam waved his hand. “Let’s just get this over with.”
“Okay.” Tom sighed and looked at the wall you were hiding behind. “Y/n? Come on out.”
“Huh?” Paddy said and whipped his head around. You came out from behind the wall with a shysmile and a friendly wave. Sam and Harry looked shocked, then burst out laughing when they saw Paddy’s reaction. Paddy was frozen, jaw dropped and eyes wide, like the bug to the light. Harry couldn’t stop himself from applauding.
“Oh Tom.” He laughed. “You’ve really outdone yourself. This was well worth my time.”
“I can’t believe you got Y/n all the way out here to prank Paddy.” Sam laughed and gave Paddy a gentle shove. Paddy snapped back to reality and looked at you in amazement.
“Actually, it’s not a prank.” You laughed, a little awkwardly and interlaced your fingers with Toms hand. Paddy’s eyes fell to your hands, and felt his body fill with pure teenage rage. His life long idol was standing in his living room, holding hands with his brother.
“You…” Paddy lifted a weak finger and pointed it at your hands. You and Tom nodded, only making Harry and Sam laugh harder.
“It’s nice to finally meet you guys.” You spoke up. “I had to beg Tom to let me. He thought it’d be weird but I think this is going great.”
“You wanted to meet me?” Paddy asked in disbelief, disregarding the rest of your statement. Tom gave him a strange look.
“Oh is absolutely brilliant.” Sam declared. “Greatest day of my life.”
“Paddy is having a stroke.” Harry said between laughs.
“Am not.” Paddy defended, harshly. “Just surprised, is all.”
“Are you two actually together? Like a proper couple?” Sam turned back to you.
“We are.” You confirmed. Harry and Sam looked impressed. Paddy looked furious.
“Why him?” Paddy blurted, making everyone look at him. You were surprise, Tom was annoyed, and Sam and Harry were having a ball. “I mean, you’re the most beautiful girl in the entire world. You could do a lot better than Tom. You could have anyone.”
Harry and Sam doubled over on the couch at his words.
“Thanks Paddy.” Tom said sarcastically. “I love you too.”
“He’s so cute.” You gushed to Tom, who rolled his eyes. You turned to Paddy and gave him a smile. “Thank you for saying that, sweetheart, but I love Tom. I don’t want anyone else.”
“He brings up a good point though.” Sam pointed out. “Y/n, you can tell us if you’re being held hostage. You don’t have to be in this relationship anymore.”
“I’m not being held hostage.” You smiled as Tom shot daggers at his brother. “I’m actually the one who kissed him.”
“Gross!” Paddy exclaimed, the rage returning at full speed.
“Where did you two lovebirds meet?” Hardy pressed, learning his head on his hands.
“The Emmys.” You answered. “I went up to Tom and told him how much I admired him.”
“You what?” Paddy sputtered. “Him?”
“This just keeps getting better and better.” Sam said, giving Harry a high five.
“And how long did you say you were together?” Harry continued.
“Ten months.” Tom answered proudly, pressing a kiss to your temple.
“Ten months?!” Paddy almost shouted.
“God, I wish I had this on camera.” Sam cried.
“I think we’ve had enough for today.” Tom said when he saw the situation getting out of hand. “Y/n and I are going out now. See you all later.”
“It was nice meeting you!” You called as Tom ushered you out the door.
“Did that just happen?” Paddy asked is disbelief. He couldn’t wrap his head around it, chalking the situation up to be nothing but a nightmare.
“You mean is Tom dating your dream girl? Yep.” Harry confirmed with a devilish smile.
“What does she see in him?” Paddy said with disgust.
“Maybe there’s something wrong with her.” Sam shrugged.
“There’s nothing wrong with her.” Paddy was quick to your defense. “She’s perfect.”
“Yeah. She is.” Harry agreed. “She’s also dating Tom.”
“Bleh.” Paddy grimaced. He shrunk down in his seat and folded his arms. All he could do was wait to see you again.
“I’m home.” Tom called as he entered his childhood home. Paddy came bounding into the room with an ecstatic smile.
“Oh.” Paddy said when he only saw Tom in the doorway. “It’s just you.”
“Sorry to disappoint.” Tom said sarcastically as he stripped off his jacket.
“Where’s Y/n?” Paddy practically whined.
“I just dropped her off at home.” Tom told him, a little glad you weren’t there for Paddy to gawk at.
“You mean she didn’t want to eat dinner with us?” Harry called sarcastically from the other room.
“I can only imagine why.” Sam echoed.
“Why didn’t she come back here?” Paddy asked in disappointment.
“Maybe because I live with a bunch of HOOLIGANS,” Tom shouted the last word, “who don’t know how to behave.”
“I behaved.” Paddy folded his arms again.
“You just stared at her and asked why she was with me.” Tom pointed out.
“That’s a valid reaction.” Paddy held up his hands in defense.
“No it’s not.” Toms voice came out as a squeak. It was just as he suspected. They were getting weird.
“Come on Tom!” Paddy whined. “You just randomly dropped the bomb on us that you’ve been dating my idol for ten months. How was I supposed to react? You know I’ve loved her all my life.”
Before Tom could respond, Nikki called from the kitchen that dinner was ready. After dinner, and a few too many jaffa cakes, Paddy was bouncing up and down on the sofa in excitement.
“She called me cute!” He said through his ragged breathing. “Did you hear that Tom? She said I was cute. Did you hear it?”
“Yes.” Tom grumbled, not paying his little brother any attention.
“And you see when she called me sweetheart?” Paddy continued.
“Yes.” Tom said in the same tone.
“And how she said she was begging to meet me?” Paddy reminisced.
“Yes.” Tom said, a little louder.
“How hard did she beg? Did she want to meet all of us or just me? What did she say?” Paddy was begging to get on Toms nerves.
“Don’t get too excited.” Tom shot his brother down. “She wanted to meet everyone.”
“Did you hear that mum? She wanted to meet me.” Paddy exclaimed.
“That’s not what I said.” Tom grouched. He knew Paddy would react this way.
“Well, I think you did the right thing, baby.” Nikki smiled as she rubbed her thumb on Toms cheek. “I’m glad she finally met your brothers and got along with them so well.”
“If she got along with Harry, then she’s a keeper.” Dom remarked, glancing up from his newspaper.
“Why don’t you invite her over for dinner tomorrow?” Nikki suggested. “It can be our first meal as a family.”
“We’re not married, mum.” Tom laughed. “Not yet, anyway.”
“You guys won’t get married.” Paddy said, climbing off the couch and taking his seat at the table.
“Yeah, buddy, we will.” Tom told his little brother in the calmest way possible. “We’ve talked about getting married. I’ve even looked at rings. I’m just waiting for the right time to get one.”
“There’s no way you’re gonna marry Y/n. She’s-shes too good for you.” Paddy was getting visible upset. “She’s perfect. She can’t marry you.”
“Paddy, yes she can.” Tom said sternly, annoyed with his brothers reaction. “She loves me.”
“Boys.” Nikki interrupted. “I won’t have anymore fighting over this girl. Tom, don’t antagonize your brother. Paddy, Y/n is Toms girlfriend. I know she’s your favorite actress, but you have to respect them.”
“Whatever.” Paddy grumbled, having no intention of listening to his mother. “When can we see her next?”
Tom was about to respond with “never” when Nikki’s phone buzzed.
“I just texted her. She’ll be eating with us tomorrow.” Nikki informed the family. “Should I bake a cake? Does she like cake?”
“Can I sit next to her when she gets here?” Paddy asked.
“Only if you promise not to drool on her all night.” Harry teased.
“She’s my girlfriend. She’s sitting next to me.” Tom said firmly, attempting to set a boundary.
“Maybe I should make cupcakes instead.” Nikki whispered to herself.
“She can sit in the middle of us.” Paddy bartered. “Please? She’s my favorite person in the world, Tom.”
“Fine.” Tom gave in. “But don’t be weird.”
The dinner went perfectly, much to Toms surprise. It wasn’t until desert when the trouble began.
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rvmmm21 · 4 years
. playing dead .
summary : puppy is teething, and in big trouble. so... nothing new, then.
note : have some biscuits while rvmmm21 struggles with a few prompts and non-prompts. some fluff i wrote a while ago but i guess it can’t hurt to put em up here, ay. hybrid stuff is always fun. and this is like a sub-series of hybrid wendy and vampire irene from come here, little puppy.
[wenrene - vampire!irene x jindo!wendy]
The day began with Joohyun discovering a small, frayed hole in Seungwan’s pillowcase. And then in hers, and then in just about every fabric she had laying around. Swiftly stripping the pillow, the exasperated vampiress strode out to track down the little criminal, gently kicking away chew toys and raw hide, untouched as the day they’d been bought.
“Seung – Wan.”
She didn’t raise her voice. She didn’t have to. Those two syllables alone were enough to get her point across.
Seungwan was to come to her name, and she was to do it, now.
Little squeaks were coming from behind the sofa.
Oh gosh, Seungwan cringed at that double emphasis of doom. If only those paws could dig through concrete, she’d be tunnelling her way to Seulgi’s house by now. Seulgi wouldn’t mind holes in her sofa… she’d love them, probably!
Unlike mummy… so fussy.
She had to think fast, she could already hear Joohyun pretending not to know where she was.
Okay, options? Dash, or play dead. Hm, the first one, however tempting, she knew from her own bible of failed attempts that Joohyun was just going to add another goddamned page to it. The latter, far more suitable, Seungwan thought. She was a little actress and although Joohyun was somehow able to see right through that insane talent every time, she took it as constructive criticism. Joohyun became her sort of Ebert, and she just took it upon herself to do better for next time. Perhaps she’d put on such a good show that Joohyun, completely mind blown, would forget to be mad at her altogether.
Plus… ‘dead’ puppies don’t get time-outs, do they? Puppies trying to outrun their mummies wrath for their annoying teething habits very much do, however.
And Seungwan’d be damned if she let that happen the fifth time this week.
So all in all, dash? Get caught. Play dead? Most probably get caught.
She’d take whatever chance she could get, please and thank you.
So when a very suspecting Joohyun, only having to follow the trail of mildly destroyed surfaces, rounded the noticeably frayed corner of the sofa, she had to swallow a laugh. From screwed shut eyes, to tongue pointedly sticking out the corner of her mouth… and of course limbs splayed out haphazardly, Joohyun was looking at the dictionary definition of dead. Save for the nervous, laboured panting, Seungwan was dead, and only a monster could still be angry after that.
A resigned sigh and head shake later, the vampiress was crouched down beside her poor, unfortunate puppy.
“Oh no, Wannie-ahhhh…” she drew out the pet name, sounding extra teary, “mummy’s too upset to be mad anymore… if only there was a way to bring you back, I’d never punish you again.”
She rolled her eyes when Seungwan’s lip curled upwards in an almost unnoticeable smile. She’d taken the bait and Joohyun was prodding on.
“Mhm, no more time-outs for Seungwannie and extra treats before bedtime.”
Joohyun’s attention snapped down to the slightest friction on her foot, caused by a quivering little tail, clearly excited at the whole ‘extra treats before bed’ proposal. Gosh, Seungwan really did have the sorriest sense of self-control. It was adorable. As adorable as she was gullible.
“Oh?” she exclaimed, already snaking a hand up under Seungwan’s fleecy jumper, “what’s this? Dead puppies can’t wag their tails!”
Fingers began lightly spidering all over Seungwan’s tummy, tickling her back to life. Tiny, broken whimpers escaped her and her leg involuntarily started twitching at the increasingly overwhelming sensation, but she still worked hard as ever to keep up the façade.
“Oh my gosh, Wannie! Is it working? Are you alive?”
Light tickles turned into gentle, albeit relentless belly scritches, Joohyun knowing exactly which spots to hit.
And there it happened; Seungwan, the ever brilliant actress, broke character, eyes shooting open and desperately trying to pry Joohyun’s hands away from her, giggling the entire time. But Joohyun was having none of that. She wouldn’t stop until she was sure her pup was alive and kicking, literally; it was the least she could do. This was a lot more fun than time-out, even Joohyun had to admit.
She had Seungwan fully relaxed in no time, leg twitching helplessly under her as she gave in, fingers now curled around Joohyun’s wrist in attempt to keep it there while she simmered in the delightful feeling.
But she wasn’t out of the woods just yet, and Joohyun pulled away softly, causing an uncomfortable shift as Seungwan recognised all too well what was being dangled in front of her.
Her tone was firm, scolding.
Realising there was nowhere left to go from here, Seungwan gingerly peered forward, taking sorry little sniffs at her handiwork, before glancing back up at Joohyun, eyes watery and full of remorse.
Joohyun had an eyebrow cocked, waiting for the appropriate response.
Seungwan meekly ducked her head, chocolate ears deflating.
“Wah… Wannie sowi mummy… woh-won’t do gain…”
Joohyun’s gaze softened. How could she stay mad at that? She pursed her lips and looked at the material bunched in her fist, then at the little girl staring hard at the floor.
“Come, Wannie,” she sat cross-legged, patting her lap, “it’s okay.”
An ear perked up at the affection in that voice.
Seungwan nuzzled up into Joohyun’s font, nose pressed against her collarbone as she breathed in her scent. Her eyes fluttered closed when she felt the pad of a thumb stroke soft lines down her ear, feeling tingly and warm again. As ‘angry’ as Joohyun had been, she knew it wasn’t Seungwan’s fault (to a certain extent). She was fully responsible when it came to Joohyun having to cover the cost of all the damage, but the little puppy was teething and all she wanted to do was relieve the constant burn in her gums. Joohyun quite frankly couldn’t wait for the time when she wouldn’t be nipped at during random hours of the day, as tolerant as she was.
But when she tried to adjust her grip on Seungwan, she lifted an arm up, only to see a very familiar set of gnashers come with, buried into the hem of her sleeve, a pair of happy, utterly blameless eyes looking up at into her own.
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Survey #395
“suicide? i’ve already died  /  it’s just the funeral i’ve been waiting for”
Have you ever met a famous political figure? No. Have you slept for longer than usual today? Ugh, no. I officially have my APAP mask for my sleep apnea, and I chose the one that covers my nose and mouth considering it varies which I breathe from when I sleep depending on congestion. It is very hard to get used to. When is the last time that you experienced rejection–literal or imagined? Hm. Is there an artist or celebrity whom you admire for their craft but take issue with their personality or politics? Yeah, such as Marilyn Manson. He's a pretty gross person but by god do I love his music. What’s the last thing you made out of clay? An anatomically correct heart. Do you like bacon bits on your salad? Yes. What do you do to celebrate Earth Day? Nothing. :/ I wish I could think of something to do for it. Have you ever had someone try to intentionally bully you to suicide? Bro what the actual fuck. No. Who are your favorite kids that you’ve babysat? My nephew Ryder. Would you feel funny if you kissed somebody of the same sex? I've kissed a girl and it felt pretty great, so. Name three things in your room that others probably don’t have in theirs: 1.) a snake; 2.) a huge meerkat collection; and 3.) an APAP machine. Besides furniture, what’s the biggest thing in your bedroom? My snake, I think. Describe your feet: Ugh, the worst. My feet are horribly callused from when I used to walk all the time. I have small toes. What’s a pretty bird? Peacocks. Besides sleeping, what do you do in bed? Just about everything. .-. How do you like your hoodies? Loose/oversized. Can grills be sexy on a guy? They're hideous, if you want my honest opinion. Have you ever been in a Catholic confessional? Yes. How fucked up are those, honestly... I really hate the concept of teaching children that they have to tell some random guy things they feel bad about and let him ask God to forgive you or else you're going to Hell. What color was the hair of the last person you kissed? Brown. Can you do a backflip? No. Where are the last three places you went? The TMS office, a gas station, and my sister's house. Do you consider yourself a flirt? No. How old is the oldest person you’ve dated? I actually don't know, but at least close to 30 now for sure. I just know we were both in high school, but he failed I think two years. What’s something that makes you feel more creative? Music. Who has the best personality on YouTube? Guess who, lmao. Which YouTuber seems uber-confident? Mark is a very confident person. I envy 'im for that. What is the funniest YouTube video you have ever seen? I watch YouTube like... constantly, so I've seen thousands upon thousands by now. I really don't know. Have you ever been inside a Victorian mansion? No, but that's like a dream marriage venue for me. What was the most boring field trip you ever want on? I don't think I ever had a boring one. Man, I miss those. Do you enjoy watching videos of babies being born? NO FUCKING THANK YOU. Does ANYBODY? Are you a hoarder? No. If you were rich, what things would you get done cosmetically? I would say liposuction, but I honestly want to lose the weight myself. If/when I lose the weight I want to, I am 110% getting loose skin removal at LEAST on my stomach because I feel hideous with it. Also if I achieve my weight loss goals, I want to get a breast lift. Weight loss-related things aside, I'm pretty serious about getting laser hair removal on my legs because I HATE shaving and my legs are VERY hairy, and the hair is dark, so I'm extremely self-conscious about it. Are you the type of person who asks a lot of questions? It depends on who I'm asking. With some people, I'm afraid to look stupid if I ask too many. How many states have you visited in your lifetime? If you're excluding the ones I've merely driven through as well as lived in (which is only one), I've visited Ohio, New York, Florida, Virginia, Tennessee, and Illinois, so six. I MAY have been to Michigan as a baby, but I don't remember. What is your biggest fear for the future? Ending up homeless after Mom passes. I'm scared my family will give up on me, which is completely unrealistic, but I'm terrified of living on the streets. Do you like seafood, or not so much? I only like shrimp. Have you ever cried from being so nervous? Oh, certainly. What is your favorite book series, if you have one? Hm... of all series I've ever read, probably the Shiloh trilogy. I adored the books and the movies. Have you ever had a parasite before? NO NO NO NO NO, DON'T MAKE ME IMAGINE THIS. I am PETRIFIED of parasites. Do you have a big heart when it comes to animals? Absolutely! Have you ever put your pets in a kennel for a while? I actually don't remember? It's possible when we've gone on an extended vacation, but I'm unsure. Whenever we've gone somewhere, friends have normally taken care of our animals. Where is your favorite place to buy clothing? Hot Topic or Rebel's Market. Do you enjoy listening to older music? I love classic rock and metal. What do you think is the most stupid song out there right now? "WAP" for fucking sure. I haven't even heard the whole thing, and I don't EVER want to. As a child, did you ever want to become a mermaid? Nah. Ariel was my favorite princess, but I wasn't obsessed with mermaids or anything. Can you compose sentences in any other language than your own? Some German, yes. Mainly just the basics. Have you ever met someone who was really racist before? Yes, many. -_- Do you have any celebrity autographs? No. If you could be a Disney character for a day, who would you be? Maybe Kiara from TLK. What is your favorite color of clothing to wear? Black. Did you ever build furniture forts as a child? Oh yeah, lots of times! I sometimes even pretended they were burrows and I was a meerkat, ha ha. What kind of dog is your favorite? I have a beagle bias. Do you prefer water or land? Land. Have you ever had a seizure? No. Do you plan on losing weight any time soon? Hunny, I've been trying to since 2016. -_- I lost like 70-ish pounds through 2017-2018, but recently I've gained almost like... all the weight back and it is upsetting beyond words. Have you ever been in a heated pool? Uh, a hot tub? Yes. Are you looking forward to anything? Getting Venus' terrarium, finishing TMS so I can maybe get a job, visiting Sara again... What was your GPA in high school? Over 4.0. Do you require a lot of private time? OH yes. What do you plan on doing with the rest of your life? I hope achieving a sense of accomplishment and becoming content with my hopeful career, marrying a fantastic partner, and having a family of lovely pets. If you have a favorite television show, who’s your favorite character? I'll go through the very few I deeply enjoy: 1.) Mozart in Meerkat Manor; 2.) probably Hyde from That '70s Show; 3.) perhaps Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist; 4.) Jerome from Ginga Densetsu Weed; and 5.) Shiro from Deadman Wonderland. Did you use to watch Blue's Clues? OH yes. I loved that show as a kid. Do you stutter when you get nervous? BADLY. Your lunch consisted of...? What DID I have... uhhh OH leftover pizza. What is your favorite kind of chips? Hot, crunchy Cheetos. What is the best way to tell someone that they stink? I wouldn't. Do you have any embarrassing usernames? Some from the past, yeah. Do you have a backpack in a shape of an animal? No. I found a meerkat one once, but it was way too small for me to use in school. :( I was so disappointed. Have you ever waxed your legs? No. I've waxed my upper lip and eyebrows, but especially with how long and thick my leg hair is, I think waxing there would be excruciating, so no thanks. Do you own any shirts with a peace symbol on it? No, but I would if it had a cool design. Have you ever taught a little kid to flick people off? No, and I wouldn't. Children generally don't have a strong enough grasp on when profanity is appropriate and not. Have you ever itched yourself until your skin was raw? This is VERY common. Like right now, my right arm is the Sahara with how dry and raw it is. Do you always clear your history after using the computer? Nah, got no reason to. Have you ever eaten a Big Mac? No, because I know I wouldn't like it; I don't like lettuce on my burgers. Do you feel like you’re judged for your looks? For my weight, yes. Name one world issue that upsets you. Just one? Poverty is high on the list. Just... no one should have to live like that. Do you like Wendy’s frosties? After they thaw a little bit, oh yeah. It's physically impossible to drink them for a good few minutes because they're so damn thick.
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A candle passed on.
My entry for @fuckyeahfraxus ‘s fraxusweek! Day one: He likes guys.
This also has some Chendy in it, old gays supporting young gays u know
Freed hadn't been wary when Wendy had approached him, but he had felt a certain type of nervousity that usually appears when someone who's seen you in less than graceful states approaches you. That is, until she stands right before him and he can pick up the little telltale signs that she's far more nervous than he is. Shuffling with her feet, bouncing toe to toe, yep the child's jumpy alright.
Deciding to give her time to speak her mind, he merely gives her a questioning glance and in return, is met with puffed up cheeks and little fists balled in determination. "Mister Freed!" she yells and he winces a bit at the volume, making the girl colour red. "Yes?", he politely answers and Wendy aggressively sits down on the chair in front of him. "I have come to bargain!" she continues, face still determined but voice definitely a bit softer.
Rest of the fic under the cut!
"Have you now?" He smiles in amusement, but tries his hardest to come across as non-judgemental. Most of the time coming across in such a manner is the least of his concerns, but he's got the feeling that Miss Marvell wouldn't like it very much. "I will give you this", she states and puts a pouch filled with tooth-rotting sweets in front of him, opened and well within reach. "And in return, you will accompany me and uhh... a certain partner in crime to the Festival of Fiore in Crocus."
Suppresing a smile and the urge to pat her head, he leans back, pretending to think it over. He hates overly sugared sweets and even if he didn't, there wasn't much stopping him from taking them and leaving. "I don't know Miss Marvell", he lazily drawls and she tenses up, "I don't know if I can agree to your terms. How 'bout this", he says, faking some type of accent and leaning forward conspiratorialy. She giggles, leans forward too and takes on the accent as well. "What's ya offuhr, Mister uhhh Freed?"
"My last name is Justine, if you were wondering", he interjects politely and she oohs softly, probably remembering it. "Here's the offer lil missy, you take this pouch right back", he says and slides it back to her, "Instead ya give me exactly one nice picture of that evening. Ya've got one of those polaroids dun'ya? Also, I'll be bringing a partner in crime of me own aswell."
"Oh okay", she says, already forgetting about the accent. "I can do that, thank you Mister Freed." He shakes his head. "No need to thank me and you can just call me Freed. Calling me Mister makes me feel old." Cocking her head, Wendy gives him a confused look. "Well aren't you? You're like, twenty or something. A whole adult."
Immediately, Freed is blessed with a flashback to yesterday, where he had stubbed his toe on the same table leg, three times in a row. Wendy, bless her heart, continues. "My other option was my team, but I'd like to enjoy the festival, not burn it down, you know?"
"Then I'll be leaving Ever and Bicks at home", he says, thinking about the things they've destroyed together. Contrary to team Natsu however, they've got a few good liars on their team and are consequently not known as an utter disaster of a team (though thanks to certain situations, they definitely qualify). Naturally he waves off Wendy's questioning gaze, unable to throw his team under the bus like that.
"Then me and my accomplice will meet up with you and Chelia at the station tomorrow?" Wendy nods before letting out a startled little gasp. "I didn't tell you that! Are you actually smart Mister Freed?"
"I'd like to think so", he frankly replies, brows furrowed and Wendy merely shrugs. "Our mission together", is all the context she gives and honestly, also the only context needed. "Ah", is the delightful answer he offers before they part ways. It's the most graceful one he's got for now.
The festival is fun, Wendy decides, swinging Chelia's hand about as the both of them skip from booth to booth. Even with their money combined, the amount they could comfortably spend is pretty low. This problem was solved by either Freed or Laxus chipping in when either of them has been staring too long or too wistful at a certain booth. Both of them had fervently tried to refuse, but Freed had merely shrugged. "Don't worry about it, we have the luck of being financially stable adults." Laxus had added his own two cents. "Just go and be happy go lucky little squirts, it suits you two better."
It's no wonder that Freed had brought Laxus along, Wendy realises, because the two are practically joined at the hip. By having the opportunity to watch them during the day, she comes to the conclusion that it's also no surprise that Laxus had agreed to come along, as the two of them are clearly close. Although they bully each other quite a bit and are ridiculously competitive (when she had see them 'playing' icehockey, she wondered if it had been a good idea to see them as responsible adults), they openly cherish each other.
The sound of violins catches her attention and hand in hand, she and Chelia go to investigate, the adults following in tow. The source of the upbeat music is a group of musicians and on the square they're gathered, there are also people dancing, waving intricate designs with their bodies. She really wants to join, but can't figure out what patterns the people are making and what the exact sequence of the steps is. Looking at Chelia, it quickly becomes clear that the other girl doesn't know either.
"Young Lady, may I have this dance?" a voice interrupts her then and it's Freed reaching out his hand. "As soon as you've got the steps down, I'll let the two of you dance together. Let's lay the foundation down first." He helps her with the steps, explaining them in a soft voice and helping her find the beat. It's fun. When glancing at Laxus, who's trying to teach an overenthusiastic Chelia the same steps, she finds herself giggling at the lack of progress.
"Are we laughing at people who are learning Miss Marvell?" he asks her, hidden grin obvious in his voice. "Then let's see how you yourself fare when the tempo picks up", he says and right at that moment it does. For a little while, Wendy holds her own, but then she has to give up. It's simply too much, she thinks and whines a bit theatrically about it at Chelia who also had had to tap out, as she lays her head on the other girl's lap. Together, they watch as the two older men dance, skipping from partner to partner until they finally meet each other right when the music ends.
"Boo", Chelia says softly, stroking Wendy's hair. "I wanted to see some competitive dancing. I think they would've turned it into an amical fistfight in seconds. That's just how boys and their friendships work", she says sagely and Wendy nods.
A new song starts, romantic and slow unlike the previous one and instead of meeting up with the girls, the men seem to melt into each other and forget the rest of the world exists. Their grip, previously somewhat clumsy and harsh from being thrown at each other in the last second of a song, softens considerably and becomes more intimate with hands upon hips and distances close. The sweet song is short, but the accompanying dance oh so telling. Their touches speak of familiarity and their expression of closeness, of a love that's built on a sturdy friendship and had bloomed into more.
"Oh", she whispers, "He likes guys." She isn't sure who exactly she's referring to, but the words tumble out of her mouth, clumsy and not really what she wanted to say. "People are staring at them", she continues, a bit uncomfortable by some of the glares and hyperaware of her own position. "But it doesn't change a thing, does it?" Chelia says absentmindedly. "They are in loves and they are dancing. Does the world even exist when you're so near your lover?" Sinking back into the comfort of Chelia petting her hair, Wendy comes to the conclusion that no, it doesn't.
They end the day by watching the fireworks together and from the corner of her eyes, Wendy catches Freed and Laxus exchancing a quick kiss. Turning her head away to give them privacy, she meets Chelia's eyes and the unspoken look of 'you saw that too right?' is present. With a little squeeze to Chelia's hand, she steps closer and puts her arms around the other girl as they watch the fireworks together. They aren't at the stage of admitting feelings or kissing yet, but looking at the adults who are doing alright, Wendy feels secure. They give her hope for her own future love, as  theirs (a love already burning longer than hers), hadn't been stomped out by the world yet. Things would be alright and she had all the time in the world to make them turn out that way.
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blewink · 4 years
Two Meant To Be //kth Chapter Two
previous chapter // next chapter 
warnings: fingering, dirty talk, college au, dom!taehyung, sub!reader, lil bit of exhibitionism, Ta’s a lowkey tease this who chapter, and some fluffy stuff near the end
word count: 4.9k
a/n: I accidently added in an extra character in the last chapter, i’m gonna fix that but i thought i’d address it. but this chapter is way longer than the last one but i had a lot of fun writing it! I hope ya’ll like it
-blue 💙
After hours and hours of walking around the mall and trying on dozens of dresses to find a few that actually flattered you well. Jennie had a few pictures from the night of Wendy’s party since you apparently looked really good then, you made sure the dresses you bought has a similar silhouette to the dress of that night. You also bought some jackets and tights since the weather had gone completely freezing over the past week and you hadn’t updated your wardrobe for winter yet. Your friends would say you were very committed to keeping style and overall vibe to “pastel child meets cottagecore whore with a little bit of some risque form fitting clothes.” Although you did like spicing things up sometimes and went for all black outfits too.
After finally meeting up Wendy and Mina, it didn’t take long for Jennie to spill the beans to them. As soon as the words left Jennies mouth, the two girls started squealing and jumping around like children. You weren’t gonna lie, this familiar rush of liking someone was a really good feeling, it made you excited for what was gonna happen next. Mina whisper shouts,”I knew you liked him, I really did.” You could feel your cheeks straining from smiling so hard. “Okay okay! The whole mall doesn’t need to know!” You tell them. The chaos then got interrupted by Jennie clapping her to make an announcement. “Alright girlies, in honor y/n having a crush,”  she draws out the last word and nudges your side, “I say we should have a nice dinner today. And not just some fancy restaurant, we should make it ourselves.” You all nod in agreement. Jennie continues, “Then it’s settled. I’ll call the boys and see if they can go to the grocery store to buy some stuff.” She pulls out her phone and calls Namjoon. “Hey Joon, so the girls and I want to have a nice dinner with the roomies.” You hear Namjoon’s muffled voice on the other side of the line. “No, no specific reason,” She giggles and looks at you, your cheeks surely turning red. “Alright, well take Jimin and Chan with you. Tae’s gonna help us when we get home. See you soon, bye.”
On the drive home you get a text message from Taehyung, you feel your stomach flutter and you open the messaging app.
Tae🐯: hey do you know why joon left me home all alone? he said jennie had something   for me to do.
You:  idk, jennie just wanted to do something fun and we can’t go against the birthday girl
Tae: yeah you’re probably right. anyways, how are you holding up? yknow with the breakup…
You: i’m doing a lot better, thanks for checking up on me tho :)
Tae: yeah ofc, i care abt you a lot and i just wanted to make sure you were okay
Wendy’s voice takes you out of your trance, you look up confused as you didn’t hear what she said “Sorry, what did you say?” Wendy and Mina laugh causing Jennie to ask what was happening, since she was driving and didn’t notice what happened. Mina answers, “I was calling her name but she’s been smiling at her phone like an idiot.” The car erupts in laughter and you try to hide your face in your hands. “Come on guys, don’t make fun of her. It’s kinda cute, it’s like a first crush.” You're relieved that you had Mina on your side at least. In an effort to stand up for yourself you say, “He just texted me to see how I’m holding up.” Mina lets out a small ‘awe’ then says “That’s so cute.”
      After about twenty minutes and more teasing from your friends, you arrive at home. Yes, you live with your friends in a giant house and no,  it’s actually not as bad as some might think. Everyone puts in their share for rent and you actually prefer living with other people as it makes you feel more safe. As you and the other girls pull out all your bags from shopping, you see Taehyung walking out of the house and towards the car. Seeing him now, your mind couldn’t get rid of Jennie’s words. The thought of him thinking of you in a romantic way makes you feel a little lightheaded. “Hey girls, any of you need help with your bags?” Mina, Wendy and Jennie in unison said no and left you with a few extra bags so you wouldn’t be able to hold all of them and you would need the help of Taehyung. “What was that about?” he asked while giggling a bit. Flustered, you don’t answer his question and try to grab all the bags. You don’t notice him making his war to your side of the car until you feel a hand on your waist. Immediately causing you to gasp and drop your bags.
   You’re beyond embarrassed at this point and you feel you could crawl in a hole and die. “Hey are you okay?” Taehyung's deep voice fills your ears causing your body to shiver. “Y-yeah I’m okay, could you help me carry some stuff though?” He nods, “Yeah, of course. But let’s get you up first.” He reaches his hand to you and you grab it, pulling yourself up. You pick up a few bags and Taehyung grabs the others. As you were walking to the front door, you noticed how cold it was outside already and it didn’t help that the wind was picking up too. Taehyung matches your pace and then he asks you, “Are you still gonna go to New York for Jennies birthday?” You respond, “Yeah I’m not gonna let Lucas ruin my best friends birthday and I love New York too much and I’m not missing out on that.” You let out a soft laugh before you finally reach the front door.
   Once you were finally inside, you made your way up the stairs to your room, Taehyung following close behind you. You reach your door and you set your bags down to open the door, and walk into your room. Walking over to your vanity you set your bags down and when you turn around Taehyung eyes move quickly to meet yours. Was he just looking at your ass? No. You’re just imagining things. He walked over and placed the bags next to the ones you had. “Thanks for helping me out” you say. He grabs the back of his neck and says,” Yeah no problem” A couple seconds pass without either of you saying a word. You’re staring into his eyes and he’s staring back. After about fifteen seconds of this he clears his throat. “So I’ll see you at dinner.” You say a quick yeah, feeling down that he hadn’t said anything. He closes the door making sure to look at you before the door blocked his view.
   He stood with his back to your door for a couple seconds and let out a sigh. He didn’t understand why he didn’t say anything, you looked amazing but you always did. He didn’t know how you felt and it was tearing him up inside. He decided it would be better to not do anything stupid and just walked to room. After Taehyung left, you decided to try on your dresses again and pick one to wear to dinner. You’re half naked with a dress half way up your legs when the door busts open. You scream and try to cover your body but it results in the dress falling down. It’s Tae. He starts apologizing profusely “Oh my god, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to barge in.” At this point you grabbed a towel and covered yourself. “It’s okay, just knock next time.” You nervously laugh. “Oh yeah right, well Jennie wants us to make desert. So you should come down to the kitchen when… you’re done changing.” His face getting mildly red near the end of the sentence. “Oh okay I’ll be there in a few.” He makes his way out but your heart is still pounding.  It takes you a couple minutes to compose yourself, but you change into a loose t-shirt, some small shorts and a pair of fluffy socks because it's still a little chilly.
  You hear Jennie's voice telling Taehyung about the desert and once you enter the kitchen they both stop talking and look your way. Confused, you say ”what?” Jennie quickly says, “What are you wearing?” “I thought we were baking so picked out clothes I don’t mind getting dirty.” She shakes her head and sighs, “God, what am I going to do with you?” You make a face to Taehyung, mocking Jennie, and he giggles back. Jennie interrupts your moment, “Anyways, you guys are in charge of making a pie. Can I trust you two to not burn the house down?” She cocks her eyebrow up. “Um yeah probably” says Taehyung. Jennie lets out another disappointed sigh and walks out of the kitchen. You make your way to the fridge to get the ingredients to make your pie filling and dough.
  While you're searching inside the fridge when Taehyung says, “Can I be honest? I have no clue on how to make a pie.” You can’t say you’re surprised, Tae was more of a cook than a baker. “That’s alright bub. Not to brag but I’ve made a few pies in my day.” You close the fridge and head to the cabinets to get a bowl. When you set the bowl and your other utensils, you look up to see why Taehyung was so quiet, you notice his gaze is again on you. You clear your throat, causing him to snap out of his trance, out of pure curiosity you say, “Liking what you see?” You regret saying those words as soon as they come out of your mouth. “Oh my god, pretend I didn’t say that! Let’s just ignore that.” You make your way to your bowl and start mixing your ingredients as an uncomfortable silence fills the room. You hear his footsteps come closer and you look up at him, his eyes seem darker than they were just a couple minutes ago, “What if I did?” Your jaw drops a bit, leaving your lips parted just a bit. How were you supposed to respond? Did he have feelings for you? Your emotions were all over the place. He lets out a little laugh as his face gets closer to yours to where you can almost feel his lips on yours, “I think you’re enjoying this a little too much baby” The pet name causing you to blush and his eyes look down at your lips and he continues, “And you’re drooling a bit.” He taps your bottom lip and walks to the other side of the kitchen, sitting back in his previous spot.
 Feeling flustered, your actions were a little jumpy while you finished the pie. Not to mention that you could practically feel his gaze burning on you. Finally you put the pie in the oven, when you look up you see Taehyung distracted by his phone. You place your hands on our hips and clear your throat, when his eyes meet yours, the familiar darkness is still there. “Gee thanks for being such a great help Taehyung.” You made sure your words were coated in sarcasm. “You said you had it covered, didn’t you?” His eyebrow cocks up at the end of the question. You graon in anger and storm out of the kitchen while shouting, “You’re going to be the death of me Kim Taehyung!”
 He always enjoyed teasing you like this, he liked seeing you get all flustered just from his words. He couldnt help but think of all the things he could do to you, fuck, now he’s hard. He didn’t understand why affected him this much but he needed to get ready for the dinner. You found yourself in your room with dresses all over the place, it was surprisingly hard to find the perfect dress to wear to something so casual yet so important. You ended up choosing a form fitting, simple black dress. It only took you thirty minutes to pick it but it was perfect. You quickly curled your hair a bit, did some soft glam makeup,  picked out a few gold accessories and finished with a few sprits of sweet smelling perfume. You were lowkey feeling yourself when you looked at  your complete look in the mirror and you even snapped a few pictures and posted your favorite two. As if on cue, your alarm went off, indicating your pie was ready. You made your way to the kitchen as fast as you could, which wasn’t that fast since you had your heels on.  
      Luckly, when you took it out it was perfectly golden and not burned. You sighed in relief and sat on the countertop. It was only a couple minutes when Jennie came rushing in, “Oh thank god you’re here, can you help me set up the table?” You nodded but were still confused by her urgency as your friends were never ones for punctuality. “Jennie, why are you so stressed? It’s just gonna be us and the roomies.” A loud, sarcastic laugh comes from Jennie, “I wish, my mom just called and she’s on her way. I ordered pick up from some restaurant because we’re not going to have time for cooking, the boys are picking that up.” You two were now in the dinning room, you were placing the plates on the long table. “Why don’t you ask the girls and Tae to help us? Wouldn’t it be more efficient for more of us to help out?” Jennie gives you a small smile after mentioning his name. “Yeah you would like that wouldn’t you?” Your face heats up for the hundredth time today, seems like you’re going to have to get used to this.
The boys had finally arrived and you were all in the living room sitting on the couch. It was funny seeing you all dressed up but cuddled up on couch. Jennie was telling the rest of the group about her mother’s surprise visit, you looked over to Taehyung to see his reaction but not so surprisingly, he was already looking at you. You continued moving your gaze, pretending you didn’t see him. Jennie’s lecture was interrupted by the doorbell, indicating her mother’s arrival. You all quickly stood up and fixed your apperances, you smoothed down your dress and walked to the door with the rest of your friends. You all stood in a small group as Jennie opened the door. “Hi Omma!” Jennie said in an overly cheerful voice, her mom gives her a hug. Her mom turns to look at the rest of you, “Hi Mrs. Kim!” You all say while bowing.
After all the greetings and catching up, you made your ways to the dinner room, which had already been set up by you and Jennie. While you were each picking a seat, Taehyung made his way next to you. Once Mrs. Kim sat down, the rest of you did too. The rest of the night was filled with laughter and new memories, the food was delicious too. But every now and then you would find yourself getting distracted by Taehyungs hands. The way his fingers gripped around the utensils making his veins prominent, made you feel a little hot. It also didn’t help that he was constantly sneaking his hand down to rub your inner thigh. This was tourture for you, it had been months since anyone had touched you like this. You were able to ignore it for most of the night, that was until Mrs. Kim was saying her goodbyes. You were all gathered at the entrance and you felt Taehyungs hand on your side, giving small squeezes causing you to stutter with your words when talking to Mrs. Kim. Once she left you all made your way to the living room again.
Jennie was the first one to throw her her body on the beanbag next to the couch. The rest of you doing the same soon after. Your feet were starting to feel sore so you were eager to get your heels off. “Well that went well.” You all laugh at Jimins remark. “For real though, the food was pretty good, Jennie where did you find that restaurant?” Chan questions as Jennie sits up to face the rest of you. “It’s my mom’s favorite,” Jennie says as she fixes her hair, “We used to eat there a lot when I was younger.” A comfortable silence falls between the group, but only a minute passed before Mina stands up. “I think we all need to de-stress, how about a movie night? We haven’t done one of those in a while.” A movie night was exactly what you needed right now, so you were very excited, and it appeared so were your roomates. A couple of minutes of bickering later, you all had decided on a movie that none of you had watched yet, which happened to be a scary movie. You weren’t fond of the movie selection but you figured it was bound to be fun. You were now in your room changing into pajamas you had worn earlier, you were too lazy to get a pair of panties so you remained commando. A buzz from your phone interrupted you removing your makeup. You walked over to check what it was, a text from Taehyung. Your stomach fluttered again, yet another sensation you would come to get used to.
Tae: hurry the fuck up, we’re all waiting for you.
You checked your phone to check the time, but only three minutes had passed since you made it to your bedroom. You hurried to remove the last of your makeup and brush out your hair. You picked up a few blankets and a stuffie, and made your way to the living room. To your surprise, you found yourself in an empty room. Where was everyone? “I didn’t think you would get down here so fast.” Taehyungs deep voice fills the room from behind you. You turn around to see him in a loose white t-shirt, hands in grey sweat pants and his hair a ruffled mess. “I thought you said you were all waiting for me?” Your eyes follow his body as he makes his way to the couch. He lets a small laugh out once he’s on the couch, “You really will believe anything I say, wont you?” He pats the side next to him, indicating you to come sit with him. You roll your eyes, you should have know he would something like this. “Why do you keep teasing me Tae?” You sit next to him, leaving enough space between yourselves. “I like seeing how flustered you get, it’s cute.” Before you could answer, Jimin and Chan walk in, Namjoon not too far behind them. It’s only a couple more minutes, when the girls come in too. What did he mean by ‘cute’?
The movie had already started but you didn’t know what was going on, your mind was too busy repeating the words Taehyung had said. You shook your racing mind and tried to focus on the movie. Some girl was hiding in her bedroom from the intruder, at least you think that what you think was happening. She’s on the floor behind the side of the bed when the door opens. She covers her mouth to prevent the intruder from hearing her breathing while the man in the background walks to the closet, the floor creaking underneath him. The music gradually getting louder and louder, suddenly the intruder does a jump scare, causing a few of you to scream. It caused you to jump and reach for the person beside you, who happened to be Taehyung. You gripped his arm and buried your face into his chest. Once you realized you were practically on his lap, you let go of his arm and whispered “sorry.” He placed his hand on your thigh and started rubbing small circles with his thumb. He brought his lips to your ear before whispering, “No need to appoligize sweetheart.” His voice caused you to shiver and you weren’t going to lie, you were a little turned on.  
He left his hand on your lower thigh for a couple minutes until he started moving upwards. Your thighs had always been sensitive and you wondered if he still remembered that, even over a year later. You almost panicked, thinking maybe one of your roomates might see you but you realize you have two blankets over you and Taehyung. His hand starts rubbing you over your clothed core, you let out a small whimper. “Don’t make any noise baby, you dont want our friends to hear what a little mess you are for me, do you?” You shake your head. He continues his movements, rubbing right over your clit, you feel your wetness already seeping onto your shorts. His actions stop as he reaches further up to the top of your shorts, his fingers playing with the waistband before they delve into your shorts. Your breath hitches as his hand is now touching your bare cunt, “No panties?” He tisks, “Were you expecting something like this to happen?” You don’t answer his questions and the sensation of his touch makes your skin feel as though it’s on fire. His other hand reaches your chin, forcing you to look into his eyes, “Answer me when I ask you questions, kitten.” The new pet name causes you to gush a little more, you could tell he felt it too because of the cocky smirk he has on. “Does kitten like being called names?” It takes everything to respond to him. “Yes,” you whisper. You’re still facing him when he plunges a finger into your needy cunt. You slap your hand over your mouth as moan threatens to come out. Taehyung smiles at your reaction, he always loved how reactive you were to him touch.
You two were now facing the TV again while his finger was sliding in and out of your pussy agonizingly slow. It was probably for the better, if he was going any faster, you were sure your roomates might hear your pussy squelching. His thumb circled around your clit causing your walls to tighten around his finger. Once he added another finger you felt yourself getting closer to your release. His pace picked up a bit causing you to bury your face into your blankets. “Are you close baby?” You nod, as you’re incapable of opening your mouth without a moan coming out. Only a few more trusts later and you open your mouth in a silent scream as your orgasm overtakes your body. His fingers ride you through your high and your body shakes as he pulls his fingers out. His fingers glisten in the light provided by the TV, he takes in index finger into his mouth, tasting your release. He then orders for you to open your mouth as he sticks his middle finger into your mouth. You suck on it, circling your tongue around his digit while tasting yourself. He pulls his finger out, “Good girl.” The praise makes you feel warm. He puts his arm around your waist for the rest of the movie, his hand rubbing your side until you stop shaking.
About an hour later, the movie finishes and you look around. Your roomates are all fast asleep leaving you and Taehyung as the only ones awake. “Should we wake them up or leave them here?” You ask worried as you all had class the next day. “Uh I say we be good friends and wake them up. You get up first, losing your balance and falling to the floor. Taehyung giggles, “Damn, I wonder how you’re gonna walk once I fuck you for real.” You ignore his comment, “Stop being a dick and help me up.” He walks over and picks you up, you stare into each others eyes before you say, “Are we gonna talk about what’s going on here?” You still weren’t sure what was going on between you two and you wanted to see how he felt about all this. He pats your side before saying, “We’ll talk about it in a bit but lets wake them up first.” Not exactly the answer you were expecting but you’ll take it. You walk over to Chan, who’s sprawled all over Namjoon, you snap a quick picture before shaking the two to wake them.
You walk each of your friends to their rooms, you make sure to set alarms on all their phones incase they forgot to. Once you close Wendy’s door, you turn to walk to your room, which was straight across from hers, Taehyung’s there leaning against your door. You walk up to him, “I assume we’re talking about this now?” He moves out of the way so you can open the door, “Of course.” You walk into your room, keeping the door open for him to walk in and closing it behind him. You switch a light on so it’s not too bright. You turn on your heel to face Taehyung “Um I need to change first, my shorts are… well, they’re ruined thanks to you.” “Oh it was my pleasure baby, no need to thank me.” He replies slyly. “Okay well turn around then.” He turns his back to you and you step out of your shorts. They’re practically drenched and you throw them in your hamper, making a mental note to wash before you leave for New York. You walk into your closet, opening a drawer and grab a pair of clean underwear and slip them on.
When you walk back out, Tae’s sitting on your bed so you make your way over and sit on your bed near him and cross your legs. “So, do you have any questions for me? Because I know I have a few for you.” You ask nervously. He licks his lips, “Just one I think,” you look at him curiously. “You’re sure you and Lucas are done? Like for real this time? Because this has happened before and you just went right back to him in less than a week.” This was true, Lucas always found the right things to say to make you take him back. But this time, he hadn’t reached out to you in days and you felt ready to move on. “I can assure you, I’m not getting back with Lucas. Not tomorrow, not next week or ever.” You give a small smile to really seal the deal. He smiles back, “Okay that’s good. One more thing,” He pauses, “When was last time someone touched like how I just did?” Your face heats up and you lift your pillow to hide your face. You feel the bed shift as he moves closer to you, his feet now up on the bed crossed just like yours. He grabs the pillow from your hands and makes you look at him, “There’s no need to get shy with me kitten. Answer my question.” You bite your lip nervously, “It’s been about three months.” Taehyung hums in response. “Well I’ll be making those months up to you from now on.” His hand nw on your cheek. “So what were your questions for me, kitten?” You almost forgot about them but your glad he brought them up. “Do you intend on having a serious relationship with me?” Your eyes tear up a bit at the thought of him saying no. A shocked expression crosses his face, “Of course I do. I don’t want to use you like that, I would never want to hurt you.” You nod your head slowly in response, “Okay I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page.” He nods back, “Yeah we are. One more thing,” He pauses again, “Let’s take this slow okay? I don’t want to make you do anything you regret.” You giggle at his sudden softness in words, “You say that as if you didn’t just make me cum all over your fingers.” He laughs a little too, “Oh baby, if you think that’s going slow, I’ve got a lot to show you.” You looked at him and the way he looked in the light that was barley there, he was nothing short of beautiful.
You snap out of your trance, “Alright alright, it’s time for us to go to bed.” You hop off your bed clapping your hands together. Taehyungs still on your bed looking at you confused, “I was wondering if I could stay here with you tonight. If that’s okay with you?” You were taken aback by the idea of having Taehyung sleep in the same bed as you. “Um yeah sure, that’s okay.” He giggles like child before pulling your blanket over himself, “Come on I can’t sleep without my kitten.” Your heart swells as you crawl back into bed. You settle yourself under the blankets facing him, his draps his arm around your waist and pulls you closer. You can feel his breath on your face, “Can I kiss you?” You nod and tilt your head up. Your lips connect and your eyes fluttered shut. You felt your stomach fluttering and you wondered if this was how a real kiss was supposed to feel. When you pulled away, you looked into his eyes and everything felt calm. He pulled you closer so you were now laying on his chest. The hours of shopping and baking finally catching up to you as you drifted into sleep.
tag list: @wangxian-nation @supersamzzz @jujujangona526 @togetherminmin @dreamsndrabbles @annietaeyong
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missbxll · 4 years
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NAME: Teresa Bell NICKNAMES: Tinker / Tink AGE: 20 GENDER: Cis Female PRONOUNS: She/her
PARENTS: Mary “Fairy Mary” Bell / Unknown father SIBLINGS: Peri Bell
FACE CLAIM: Olivia Holt HEIGHT: 5′ HAIR COLOR: Blonde EYE COLOR: Blue (shhh i know olivia has hazel but tink has blue so we’re PRETENDING) DOMINANT HAND: Left PHYSICAL DISABILITIES: None LEARNING DISABILITIES: None ALLERGIES: Allergic to Wendy Darling None DISORDERS: None FASHION: Sweaters, overalls, t-shirts. Lots of green. Very casual unless she has a reason to get dressed up. Hair is often up in a messy bun or topknot. 
HOME/APARTMENT/DORM/OTHER:  Apartment with Peri PLACE OF BIRTH: Corona METHOD OF TRAVEL: Flying / Walking PHONE: Iphone LAPTOP/COMPUTER: Laptop  PETS: None FURTHEST EDUCATION: Current university student studying engineering 
CAREER: Part-time employee at Pixie Hollow / Part-time Employee at Felix Fixes It
RELIGION/BELIEFS: Not religious  DRUGS/ALCOHOL USE: Drinks and smokes socially
PHOBIAS/FEAR: Abandonment and being replaced / spiders / failure  HOBBIES: Building & inventing shit / hanging out with friends / flying tricks / working on her flying car SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook / Instagram / Twitter 
LOCATION: Her apartment / the nerd labs / the repair shop MUSIC: Alt Rock ish - specifically The Lost Boys  SHOWS: Crime & mystery shows - she likes to try to solve them before the show does MOVIES: Action / Crime & Mystery  FOOD: Pizza COLOR: Green
HOGWARTS HOUSE: Slytherin  TV TROPES: Gadgeteer Genius / High-Pressure Emotion / Jerk with a Heart of Gold / I Just Want to be Special / Prim and Proper Bun
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(My gif)Requested by @ateliefloresdaprimavera
(D-Mickey and y/n are both in love with each other. Nearly everyone knows except for the both of them who have yet to confess.)
- When Mickey first moved to Florida you were one of the first persons to talk to him and really make him feel welcome. Ever since that day you’ve been close friends…but that wasn’t the whole truth. The whole truth was that since the day he met you Mickey had been absolutely in love with you.
- And boy was he close to confessing time after time but every attempt he made was somehow ruined one way or another. He had a grudge against peewee for a straight week after he messed up the boys perfect chance at asking you out. But in the end Mickey forgave him because he knew he probably didn’t have the guts to do it anyway.
- Now in no way is Mickey a shy guy but with you it’s just different. Maybe it’s because he doesn’t want to mess up your friendship? Because everyone knows that even though people promise it “wont change things” when they reject someone, things are never the same between them and Mickey would rather die than lose you.
- You’d always been there; through thick and thin, and he’d never met anyone like you before. A girl who could put him in his place, keep up with the guys when the insults started to fly, roughhouse and not worry about what others thought of you yet turn into a perfect angel before his eyes; all soft touches, sweet words and comforting gazes. You were really something.
- Anytime he got hurt he knew you’d be there for him no matter how many times you insisted that you’d leave his ass bleeding all alone if he didn’t stop starting trouble. He just gives you a weak, bloodied smile and squeezes whatever part of you he’s holding.
- Maybe part of the reason he isn’t scared to start trouble is because he knows you’ll take him in and clean him up. Say something nice and hug him when he looks down in the dumps. Getting a little hurt was worth getting close to you and having an excuse to have you show him you cared, wasn’t it?
- But he has no idea just how much you care even though nearly everyone else in town does. It’s honestly exasperating at times, watching the two of you tiptoe around your feelings.
- They get back at you by teasing you mercilessly especially when you’re alone or were with each other alone for whatever reason. Mickey always hits whoever made the comment and chuckles nervously hoping you don’t notice how flustered he is.
- Another side effect of everyone in town knowing he likes you is the fact that you aren’t asked out a lot. Mickeys got a temper and you’re invested in him with no interest in anyone else, why would they take a chance at getting their asses kicked by the blonde cowboy just to see if you’d maybe give them a shot?
- Hell the instant a guy comes near you Mickeys already glaring and puffing out his chest trying to “mark his territory” by sidling up to your side.
- The both of you make fun of, prank and tease each other a lot. You can never stay upset or even get upset with each other in the first place which is why it works out well. The instant you smile, hug him and jokingly say “oh you know I love you” any hard feelings just disappear and a smile forms on his face.
- He uses any excuse he has to touch you whether it be hugging, an arm around you or him gripping your hand. He has no idea that the reason you don’t mention his clinginess is because you actually enjoy it.
- Pet names, just so many pet names. You just have to try your best to not melt when he grins at you and calls you darlin.
- All your friends try to push you to confess but everytime they do the both of you just insist that you have no idea what they’re talking about or talk about an entirely different subject.
“Mickey! Y/n really wanted to talk to you about something.”
“Oh …yeah…I wanted to talk about …that new movie …at the theater.” You glare at Wendy, elbowing her side before you grab Mickeys arm and lead him away.
- His brother drops hints about his feelings everytime Mickey leaves the room. You never quite understand what he’s saying or just think he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
- He always wolf whistles and compliments you when you dress up or try something new with your “look”.
- Is he a perv and watches you shower? Yes. Does he threaten any other guy who tries it? Of course.
“Hey Mickey look y/n just got in.”
“You shut your mouth peewee and you keep your eyes off her else I’ll skin you alive.” He growls with a blush dusting his cheeks.
- He gets embarrassed when you ask why he was even at Porkys in the first place. He insists that he just went to be moral support for Peewee and hopes that you believe him. He’d just die if you knew he was actually a virgin, he thinks that makes him absolutely pathetic.
- The both of you have probably genuinely confessed once or twice but the other just thought that you were joking.
- Listen you’re probably friends for like a year and a half before he just can’t take it and decides he will die if he does not tell you how much he loves you. He spends a whole day attempting to tell you about his feelings and failing miserably.
- You can’t tell why he’s acting weird all of a sudden. He’s never been so quiet before, never rambled so much or fiddled with his book. You genuinely think he’s sick.
- Finally at the end of the day you’re waiting at his car for him to drive you home like he always does when he sees you and gathers up all his courage. He borderline runs over to you, drops his books straight onto the floor and pulls you into a kiss.
“Now listen, I love ya god dammit and I’ve loved ya since the minute I saw you. And if that makes me look like a wimp then so be it but I’m not gonna pretend no more. So what d’ya say about that?” He confesses as he pulls away.
- You stare into his eyes for a minute before you just pull him into another kiss while all your friends whoop and holler around you.
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chimchimsauce · 5 years
Seven (1)
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Jungkook is infamous. And yet, YN ignores every word of caution, unable to resist him.
I've heard so many sagas. He brings the drama, six baby mamas . . .
Tag List:  @cadet-lea-05 @flowerychim @lecsah
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Chapter One
"YN. Get your ass up,"
The girl in question ignores her disgruntled roommate, continuing to type away at the paper that's due next week. She has a good workflow going and won't be interrupted by Miran's antics.
"Are you listening to me?"
Miran's question is only answered by clicks from YN's keyboard. Not even a moment passes before a pillow crashes into YN's head.
"That's what you get for ignoring me. Rude,"
YN pauses her work, sitting up and glaring at her roommate.
"What do you need?"
"You're going to the club with me,"
"I absolutely am not,"
"You absolutely are. Today is Lady's Night. Drinks are half off if you bring a friend,"
"Can't Wendy go with you?"
"She's sick,"
"Out of town,"
"Maria?" YN is grasping for straws at this point.
"Hooking up with her new toy,"
"Look, Miran, I know we don't really get along all that great, but I'd really appreciate it if you understood that clubbing is not my thing. The music's too loud, people are too touchy, and I don't like dancing,"
"I'll owe you one. Please? This guy I'm trying to catch is going to be there tonight,"
Miran's usual blunt attitude softens a bit.
YN bites her lip.
"And I'll stop inviting people over without asking you first,"
Miran hits gold. Her roommate's constant flow of people in and out of their small apartment is YN's biggest pet peeve.
"How long do you want to be out?"
Miran punches the air in excitement.
"Just a few hours! It won't be all night, I promise,"
"Fine, "YN says, "But you better keep up your end of the deal,"
"Of course I will. Now come on, get dressed," Miran says, grabbing YN's hands and pulling her up, "Wear something sexy,"
YN looks entirely unamused.
"Do I look like I own a single 'sexy' thing?"
Miran opens her mouth but wisely shuts it before making a comment.
"I'll grab you something from my closet then. Wait here,"
Miran returns with some skimpy little thing that looks more like a somewhat long shirt than a dress.
“I’m not wearing that,”
“Oh, come on! It’s the longest dress I own,”
“You’re joking,”
“I’m not. Come on, put it on. We need to get going,” Miran says, tossing the fabric over to her and closing the door, “Don’t take forever,”
YN pouts but does as instructed, trying in vain to pull the hem lower to cover herself more. It doesn’t work, the girl’s bum nearly slipping out. She’s anything but comfortable, and the sight of her bed next to her is beyond tempting. But the promised absence of surprise visitors to their dorm has YN stepping out, glaring at Miran who claps excitedly.
“You look hot,” Miran says, circling her roommate and analyzing the way her dress fits.
“Whoopie,” YN says with all the enthusiasm of someone discovering their spare tire has gone flat.
Miran doesn’t acknowledge YN’s sass, tugging her into her own bedroom and covering her with a multitude of bracelets and big, heavy hoop earrings. She also sprays a zillion different products into YN’s hair, getting it to poof up in all the right places but still maintain some bounce. By the time she’s satisfied, YN looks more like a floozy than herself.
“They won’t be able to keep their eyes off of you, YN. You’re gonna get so many free drinks, ugh, I’m jealous,”
“I don’t drink,”
“Give them to me, then. I’ll drink enough for the both of us,”
YN frowns. It looks like she’ll end up being the DD. She hopes Miran isn’t a puker because if she so much as gags, YN’s gonna kick her drunk ass out of her car and leave her on the sidewalk, conscience be damned.
The two take YN’s car, a perfectly clean little honda, the most sensible car a girl can have. Miran obnoxiously turns the radio up so loudly YN can barely hear the directions to the club. She winces when Miran sings an incredibly shrieky high note, already feeling a headache coming on.
Of course, there’s no parking, so the girls have to walk two blocks to make it to the long line forming at the club entrance. The guy in front of them smells horribly of weed, causing YN’s nose to crumple up in disgust. She’s tempted to pull the collar of her dress up but she stops herself, knowing that she’d end up flashing the entire street.
And if she thought things couldn’t get any worse, some shiny Bently pulls up to the curb, tires skidding obnoxiously. YN doesn’t get a chance to see who the douchebag driver is, as some guy runs up to the car excitedly, binging a small crowd with him.
“I wonder who that is,” Miran says, standing on her tippy toes to try and get a better view.
It takes YN all of three seconds to decide that she doesn’t care. She shrugs off Miran’s comment, inching forward as more people are let in the pounding club.
Twenty minutes later, the bouncer lets them in after placing a red over twenty-one wristband on Miran’s wrist and a white under twenty-one band on YN’s, swinging open a large black door. The music’s volume triples instantly, some sleazy song thumping with bass. Miran pulls YN inside eagerly, heading straight to the bar. She leans over the countertop, her breasts nearly spilling out as she flirts with the bartender.
“Two shots of tequila, please,” she says, laughing lightly as the man blushes darkly and nearly drops one of the small glasses.
For a moment, YN feels jealous. Miran is hands down the most confident person YN has ever met. No matter what she’s doing or where she is, Miran holds herself with an air of power and confidence that YN can only dream about. While Miran always seeks the limelight, YN is perfectly comfortable in the shadows where no one can see her, where no one pays her any attention.
When the bartender serves the drink, Miran tosses the both of them back with a speed that’s nearly inhuman, grinning as she slams them back down on the wooden countertop.
“Dance with me,” Miran shouts over the music, attempting to pull YN onto the packed dance floor.
“I’m good!” YN shouts back, resisting.
Miran shrugs, letting go of YN’s hand and getting pulled into the writing mass. Strangers brush pass her, their sweat gliding against YN’s skin and causing her to shiver in disgust. Fighting through the blob of people, YN makes it to the corner of the club, sitting awkwardly on a bench as a couple makes out a foot away from her. The noises they make cause YN great discomfort but she tries to drown it out by focusing on her phone.
It’s way too loud for her to try and watch a drama, so YN pulls up Amazon, buying a book that sounds interesting and settling in as best she can. Thankfully, the story hooks her from the first page and YN forgets where she is entirely, well, until some drunken idiot trips and spills liquor all over her.
YN shrieks in surprise as the girl hiccups out an apology before stumbling away, not even trying to help clean YN off. The girl wants to scream from frustration, already tired of the night even though it’s only ten o’ clock.
She fights her way through the crowd again, locating the bathroom after some difficulty. She pushes the women’s door open, cringing as some girl vomits in the stall. The smell is horrendous, YN holding her breath with puffed cheeks as she rushes over to the sink, wetting a paper towel to try and cleanse herself.
After she gets as much of the drink out as he can, she breathes in shallowly, standing under an electric hand dryer until the wet spot is gone. For a moment, YN contemplates staying in the bathroom but the girl starts vomiting again, urging her to head back out into the club.
But just as she walks out, someone smacks her with the men’s bathroom door, sending her tumbling down to the sticky floor.
“Oh for fuck's sake!” she screams, finally at her wit's end.
All she wants to do is go home and take a shower and pretend this night never happened.
“I am so sorry,”
At the sound of a voice, YN looks up, momentarily forgetting her anger as the most handsome man she’s ever seen leans over her, offering up his hand.
He’s gorgeous. His hair falls into his eyes, nearly masking his chocolate brown eyes. His jawline is so sharp YN wonders briefly if anyone’s ever knicked themselves on it.
“Are you okay?” he asks.
YN’s eyes flicker down to his lips, noticing how soft they look.
“I - yeah,” YN says, finally shaking herself out of shock enough to grab his hand.
He smiles then, revealing a dimple in his left cheek and pulls her up. The sight of it causes YN’s heart to skip a beat.
“You sure you’re okay?” he asks, tilting his head cutely.
Even his voice is attractive, deep in the way that’s just right, not too low or high.
YN nods like a bobblehead, dying inside from how embarrassing she’s being.
“Why don’t I buy you a drink to make up for it?” he asks.
“I - uh, I don’t drink. And I’m underage so . . .”
She regrets the words as soon as she’s spoken them, noticing how lame they make her seem.
“Ah, okay,” he says, still not letting go of her hand, “What’s your name?”
“YN,” she says instantly, ignoring the voice in her head that says giving her name out to a stranger - no matter how attractive he is - is a terrible idea.
“That’s pretty,”
“Thanks,” YN says, her internal systems fried.
Two seconds near this man and she’s reduced to one-word answers.
“Want to sit in my booth with me? You still look a little out of it,”
“Okay,” YN says, letting the handsome stranger lead her upstairs to VIP area, watching as he nods to the bouncer briefly.
This section of the club is a lot quieter, though the music can still be heard. It’s a much-needed break. YN brushes her hair out of her face, looking at the stranger who looks very relaxed in the booth, his elbows on the table and his hands crossed, his head resting on them as he looks YN over thoroughly.
“Your friend dragged you here?” he asks suddenly.
“How’d you know?”
“You don’t look very comfortable,”
“I’m not,” YN admits honestly, “I’m only here because my roommate wanted half-priced drinks,”
Jungkook laughs then, a sound YN finds herself feeling proud to have caused.
“I like you,” he says suddenly, YN’s cheeks coloring, “Most people would have gotten defensive,”
YN shrugs.
“It’s the truth. I’d much rather be at home. Even cleaning is better than this,”
“What do you like to do then, YN?” the stranger asks, genuinely curious.
And thus conversation begins.
Something about her has caught his attention. She’s pretty, definitely, but so are a lot of girls here. He can tell that his presence is affecting her by the way she steals peeks at him when she thinks he isn’t looking instead of blatantly giving him the bedroom eyes as most girls do. It’s refreshing, to say the least.
And as the hours pass, YN finds out that she and the man across from her actually have a lot in common from the types of movies they enjoy to their field of study.
“You failed American history?!” YN asks, laughing at how embarrassed he looks, “That’s such an easy class!”
“I’ve always been bad at History. I can never remember what happened in the past. But to be honest, I don’t get why it’s such a big deal. The past is the past. What matters now is the present,”
“I’d have to disagree with you there,” YN says, drinking her water a waiter (she didn’t even know clubs had waiters) had brought her a while ago, “History is important. You have to learn from the mistakes of the past to make sure the same thing doesn’t happen in the present,”
The man is silent for a moment, some indescribable look on his face.
“Are there any subjects you’ve failed,” he asks, changing the subject.
It’s obvious that YN hit a sore spot so she takes the bait.
“No, never. Calculus was incredibly difficult though,”
“I aced Calc,” the says, smirking.
“No way,”
He nods, placing his glass flute to his lips, letting the red liquid slide through his lips in a way that causes YN’s breath to catch and her to shift on the seat.
“Something about math just clicks. There are rules to follow and I respect that, you know? There’s an order to things,”
“I take it you didn’t take many liberal arts classes then, huh?”
“You’d be correct,”
“I love the liberal arts. That’s why I’m going for a business major. I want to be able to have the tools to help people, start a nonprofit,”
“Hate to break it to you, sweetheart,” he says, face suddenly serious, “But good intentions don’t get you very far in life,”
“You’re not the first person to tell me that,” YN says, “And you probably won’t be the last. But it just makes me want to do it more,”
The fire in her eyes causes Jungkook to grin, leaning over the table.
“You’re incredibly fascinating, YN,” he says.
Before YN can respond, her phone rings, ruining the atmosphere.
“Sorry,” YN says, picking it up, “Hello?”
“YNNNNNNNNNN,” Miran says from over the phone, obviously drunk out of her mind, “I don - don’t feel so gud. I sleepy,” Miran giggles, “Some nice man is gonna take me home, okie,”
“No!” YN shouts, standing up quickly and rushing over to the balcony, peering over and spotting Miran’s head in the crowd, “I’m coming to get you, okay. Don’t go anywhere,”
YN smiles apoligetically at the handsome stranger.
“I’ve gotta go before my roommate gets kidnapped,”
Jungkook nods.
“Before you leave,” he begins, reaching into his inner breast pocket, pulling out a simple black card with white writing.
YN takes the card without looking at it, making her way downstairs to get Miran.
Thankfully Miran doesn’t puke on the way home but passes out instead. Leaving YN alone to her thoughts
It might be ridiculous, but YN felt a real connection to the man at the club. Everything he did, the way he moved, the way his voice floated through her ears, it all replays in YN’s head.
Once she rouses drunk Miran enough to get her into bed, YN stands in the shower, letting the water stream across her back, unaware of the man across town doing the same thing, both of their thoughts on the other.
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cas-kingdom · 4 years
i was extremely bored so found this 105-question questionnaire and filled it out. you guys can do it too if you want!
 1) Are you in a relationship with somebody? No.
2) Do you hate more than 3 people? Probably.
3) How many houses have you lived in? 4.
4) Favorite candy bar? Crunchie! (That’s honeycomb and chocolate heaven for those of you who don’t own the luxury of having them in your country).
5) Favorite shoes? Nike.
6) Have you ever tripped someone? Oh, yes.
7) Least favorite school subject? Science, unless it’s biology, which isn’t so bad.
9) Do you own a Britney Spears CD? No.
10) Have you ever thrown up in public? Yes. I was 8, in school, and threw up in front of my class. So fun. Really, it was my parents’ fault for sending me in despite me saying I felt sick; they thought I was trying to get a day off school because my sister was ill, too. Sucks to be wrong.
11) Name one thing that is always on your mind. A lot.
12) Favorite genre of music? Probably pop. Whatever Take That is.
13) What is your zodiac sign? Pisces.
14) What time were you born? 9:06 am.
15) Do you like beer? There’s a dark berry one I don’t mind, but I don’t drink much alcohol.
16) Ever made a prank phone call? Yep.
17) What is the most embarrassing CD you own? I don’t own any CDs tbh. 
18) Are you sarcastic? Of course not. (That was sarcasm).
19) What are your favorite colors? Blue and yellow! 
20) How many watches do you own? I have a few, though only one proper one which I wear most days, but it’s an expensive one.
21) Summer or winter? Winter. The sun gives me headaches.
23) Favorite color to wear? Black or white with blue denim. (I’m boring).
24) Pepsi or Sprite? Sprite.
25) What color is your cell phone? Silver and white.
26) Where is your second home? Ireland! 
27) Have you ever slapped someone? Not that I can remember. I’d like to, though. ;)
28) Have you ever had a cavity? Yes, but only recently, weirdly enough.
29) How many lamps are in your bedroom? 2. Are you supposed to have any more than that?
30) How many video games do you own? No clue. Apart from Sims 3 & 4, Minecraft which I bought when I was like 11 and haven’t played in years, and tons of old Nintendo games…. Yep. No idea!
31) What was your first pet? Poppy, my black and white cat. My parents adopted her before I was born and she was put down when I was 13. She lived to be over 20!
32) Ever had braces? Yep. Currently have them now which sucks because the treatment will probably be set back now that my next appointment has been delayed over 3 months due to the virus!
33) Do looks matter? Someone’s looks become a little less attractive to me if their personality isn’t just as beautiful. (How sappy?)
34) Do you use chapstick? After I brush my teeth because my lips get dry. ;(
35) Name 3 teachers from your High School. Mrs Drake, Mr Cherry (isn’t that an awesome name?) and Mr Romero.
36) American Eagle or Abercombie? I’m not American but I do visit and my Granma had an apartment in Florida so I have a few Abercrombie clothes.
37) Are you too forgiving? Probably, yes.
38) How many children do you want? 3. Twin boys and a little girl.
39) Do you own something from Hot Topic? Again, not American!
40) Favorite breakfast meal? Pain au chocolat!
41) Do you own a gun? There’s a water gun somewhere in my back garden.
42) Ever thought you were in love? Not with anybody who isn’t fictional.
43) When was the last time you cried? Uh, a few days ago?
44) What did you do 3 nights ago? I can’t even remember what I did last night.
45) Olive Garden? La Panera? Never been to either, though my sister and I will go to OG after lockdown’s over.
46) Have you ever called your teacher mommy? No, but I’ve called my science teacher Grandma (they have the same name). 
47) Have you ever been in a castle? I’ve been in loads!
48) Nicknames? A few. My best friend and I constantly call each other ‘Bitch’ and my Dad has called me ‘Monkey’ since I was born. I have it tattooed in his handwriting.
49) Do you know anyone named Bertha? Who knows someone called Bertha? (No offense if your name is Bertha).
50) Ever been to Kentucky? The only US states I’ve been to are Florida and NYC.
51) Do you own something from Banana Republic? No. Had to look up what it was. Thought it was a crazy Government party.
52) Are you thinking about somebody right now? Alexander Skarsgard. Why? Who knows. (We all know).
53) Have you ever called someone Boo? No, but I’ve been called it.
55) Do you own a diamond ring? No, but my mum and sister own a few (passed down from my Granma).
56) Are you happy with your life right now? I wish.
57) Do you dye your hair? A little. It’s a bit blonder that it is naturally.
58) Does anyone like you? Who knows?
59) What year were you born? 2000 and something....... maybe.
60) What were you doing in May of 1994? Rooting for my parents to meet and have me.
61) Do you own a Backstreet Boys CD? No.
62) McDonalds or Wendy's? Wendy’s. I hate McDonalds.
63) Do you like yourself? Sometimes.
64) Are you closer to your mother or father? Probably my mum, but that’s only because my dad and I are so alike we often find it difficult to speak about what I speak about with my mum. 
65) Favorite physical feature of the preferred sex? Oh, where do I start? Give me a guy with long-ish hair and we’re good to go.
66) Are you afraid of the dark? Sometimes.
67) Have you ever eaten paste? Like toothpaste? Probably accidentally.
68) Do you own a webcam? No.
69) Have you ever stripped? Not in front of anyone…
70) Ever broke a bone? 2. My shoulder and my tailbone. Both by falling off my horse. I know, I know.
72) Do you chat on AIM often? I don’t even know what that is.
73) Pringles or Lays? Never had Lays. My favourite crisp (or chip to you Americans) is paprika Pringles.
74) Have you ever broken someone's heart? I don’t think so.
75) Rugrats or Doug? Who what where?
76) Full House or The Brady Bunch? FULL HOUSE. Even if I’d watched The Brady Bunch, my go-to will always be Full House.
77) Did you like your high school guidance counselor? We don’t have those over here.
78) Has anyone ever called you fat? Don’t think so. I’m underweight so if they did they’d be an asshole or blind.
79) Do you have a birth mark? One on my thigh.
80) Do you own a car? I will after I learn to drive.
81) Can you cook? I can try.
82) 3 things that annoy you: Background noise when I’m trying to concentrate, people who think they know something when they don’t, those who think they can dictate my life for me... (among maaaany other things).
83) Do you text message often? Not really. I speak to my friends on social media.
84) Money or love? Love, but money is important, too.
85) Do you have any scars? A few. The most prominent one is on my forehead from when I ran into the corner of the oven door and tore a hole in my head. I was at my Granma’s at the time and she almost had a mini heart attack.
86) What do you want more than anything right now? To leave my house.
87) Do you enjoy scary movies? It’s my best friend and I’s go-to genre of movies when we’re together. Never alone, though.
88) Relationships or one night stands? Relationship. Please.
89) Big Red or Juicy Fruit? What on earth does this mean?
90) Do you enjoy greasy food? Not really.
91) Have you seen all the Rocky movies? Nope. None.
92) Do you own a box of crayons? Probably somewhere in my house.
94) Who was the last person that said they loved you? My dad.
95) Who was the last person that made you mad? My mum. Not ‘mad’ mad. Just upset and a little angry.
96) Who was the last person that made you cry? Refer to previous question.
97) Who was the last person that made you laugh? My parents when my dad almost had a heart attack when my mum pretended to throw the spider she’d caught at him.
98) Who was the last person that you fell for? My dog.
99) Who was the last person that instant messaged you? My best friend.
100) Who was the last person that called you? A woman about a job interview.
101) Name one thing you want to stop. Right now? The Coronavirus.
102) What's your dream holiday destination? New Zealand and Iceland.
103) Who's your celebrity crush? I have too many to be considered healthy. But Hugh Jackman... I love you…
104) What's your favorite video game? Sims.
105) What's your favorite song right now? Probably Snowman by Isak Danielson. Forever my fave.
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dylinski · 5 years
do 1-100, coward
anyone who actually reads through all this, god bless you. you can blame leigh @thessaia, i give you full authority.
1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?
of those three, pandora. although, i prefer apple music.
2. is your room messy or clean?
3. what color are your eyes?
brown, but they’re lighter than that in the right light. almost a caramel with a dark chocolate ring on the outside.
4. do you like your name? why?
yeah, i don’t mind it. its always been there. lol i mean i used to have different nicknames or pretend to be other people. idk i told my parents when i was like five i was going to change my name to Felicia Franchesca Sarahmichelle Lynn. don’t ask. in fifth grade (before dylan o’brien was even famous) i begged my parents to call me dylan and refused to respond to any other name for like a year. also, don’t ask.
5. what is your relationship status?
single as dingle
6. describe your personality in 3 words or less
7. what color hair do you have?
8. what kind of car do you drive? color?
kia forte, although my dad calls it an orte since the “f” is missing. funny story, i  got pulled over and gave the dude my license and registration and shit but apparently, he didn’t look at it cause he put on the warning “orte” which i promptly laughed my ass off to. if he had given me a ticket i could have absolutely fought that bitch in court in won. SIR I DO NOT DRIVE AN ORTE. IS THAT ITALIAN? DO I LOOK LIKE I CAN AFFORD AN ITALIAN CAR? I DRIVE A FORTE SIR.
9. where do you shop?
10. how would you describe your style?
very idgaf
11. favorite social media account
12. what size bed do you have?
full, it takes up my entire room so i couldn’t go bigger if i wanted to
13. any siblings?
14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
uk, always wanted to live there idk
15. favorite snapchat filter?
idk what its called but it has this higher temperature tone to it and gives me cute little freckles
16. favorite makeup brand(s)
i don’t wear make up, i used to use stilla (i think that’s how its spelled)
17. how many times a week do you shower?
i usually shower like every other day unless its hotter than a pair of saggy tits
18. favorite tv show?
that changes with the weather tbh. i can’t say i really have one. for a really long time it was supernatural though.
19. shoe size?
womans 11.5 (us) i think its a men’s 9?
20. how tall are you?
5′ 3″ or 160cm
21. sandals or sneakers?
sneakers. god i hate sandals.
22. do you go to the gym?
uh, no.
23. describe your dream date
24. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?
thats funny cause normally i don’t carry cash but i actually have $20 atm
25. what color socks are you wearing?
im not wearing any atm
26. how many pillows do you sleep with?
answered x2
27. do you have a job? what do you do?
not technically? i’m an hourly temp but i hardly get any hours since i cover for the full-time employee.
28. how many friends do you have?
irl: 0    online: too many to count
29. whats the worst thing you have ever done?
oh god, i honest to god have no fucking clue. i don’t think about this stuff. i’ve done some stupid ass shit but my short term and long term memory are both shot to tits.
30. whats your favorite candle scent?
i think i answered this one for a different ask game. i hate most fragrances and artificial smells, even non-artifical ones. i got a sensitive sniffer. im chill with like vanilla though if its not too intense.
31. 3 favorite boy names
Dylan (not even cause dylan i’ve just always liked the name idk why), Jeremy, Jacob (the other two are random)
32. 3 favorite girl names
i know these are random as fuck, but i’ve always liked them so shoot me.
Andromeda, Persephone, Franchesca
33. favorite actor?
i like a lot of actors, way too many to fucking name and remember off the top of my noggin. for sanity’s sake, we’ll say dylan.
34. favorite actress?
god, again way too many to count. i can’t even think of any right now even though i know i have some. lets say Emily Hampshire
35. who is your celebrity crush?
answered36. favorite movie?
answered37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?
i would love to read but my adhd makes it really hard to concentrate. i’ll have periods of time where i’ll read a bunch its insane and then i’ll just kind of stop for a while idk. i always loved because of win-dixie or a wrinkle in time, bridge to terabithia, and american assassin.
38. money or brains?
brains, then you can work for the money and you know shit
39. do you have a nickname? what is it?
sawahbwear, sassafras, whiskey, sar
40. how many times have you been to the hospital?
good lord, i don’t even know. way too many. definitely more than ten.
41. top 10 favorite songs
answered42. do you take any medications daily?
not anymore, i kept forgetting to take them so it fucked me up not being on a regular dosage so i just stopped taking all of them.
43. what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)
see, im weird af. cause like my skin is oily af, but also fucking dry and i have shitty eczema 44. what is your biggest fear?
answered45. how many kids do you want?
idfk. i mean for as long as i can remember i always wanted them, but tbh idk if im the type of person to have any…
46. whats your go to hair style?
messy bun
47. what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)
small, row house
48. who is your role model?
dont have one.
49. what was the last compliment you received?
probably from michelle i think, or alaina. idk i don’t keep track. unless you consider kiana calling me insane a compliment. 🤷‍♀️
50. what was the last text you sent?
51. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?
tbh, i don’t think i ever thought he was real…pretty sure i could put in time out in preschool for making a kid cry cause i told them leprechauns weren’t real either.
52. what is your dream car?
mustang or challenger
53. opinion on smoking?
54. do you go to college?
55. what is your dream job?
no clue
56. would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?
rural, but still close enough to shit it doesn’t take me an hour to go places.
57. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
haven't been to a hotel in a long ass time. i do but i never use them.. FREE SHIT
58. do you have freckles?
yeah, but you can’t see them unless i’ve been outside in the sun all day for hours.
59. do you smile for pictures?
60. how many pictures do you have on your phone?
61. have you ever peed in the woods?
yup, and in a parking lot, and in public.🤙
62. do you still watch cartoons?
i hardly watch tv anymore, but if i did, fuCK YEAH
63. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?
64. Favorite dipping sauce?
ew, no.
65. what do you wear to bed?
66. have you ever won a spelling bee?
67. what are your hobbies?
writing, coding, listening to music??, reading
68. can you draw?
69. do you play an instrument?
also no
70. what was the last concert you saw?
like two years ago, circa survive with thrice and a third band idr
71. tea or coffee?
72. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?
73. do you want to get married?
74. what is your crush’s first and last initial?
75. are you going to change your last name when you get married?
idk, part of me wants to but most of me doesnt want to
76. what color looks best on you?
i look good in all colors except white.
77. do you miss anyone right now?
78. do you sleep with your door open or closed?
closed cause i still live at home 😖 but if i didnt probably open so my cat could come and go as he pleased
79. do you believe in ghosts?
ghosts, no. spirits, yes.
80. what is your biggest pet peeve?
81. last person you called
my dad
82. favorite ice cream flavor?
mint choco chip
83. regular oreos or golden oreos?
damn, regular.
84. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?
85. what shirt are you wearing?
supernatural. dean and sam with baby
86. what is your phone background?
mitch rapp
87. are you outgoing or shy?
im an ambivert
88. do you like it when people play with your hair?
89. do you like your neighbors?
the ones on the right are bearable and the ones on the left can fuck off with their insane semen demons
90. do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?
neither, but i should.
91. have you ever been high?
92. have you ever been drunk?
93. last thing you ate?
hot dog
94. favorite lyrics right now
95. summer or winter?
96. day or night?
97. dark, milk, or white chocolate?
98. favorite month?
umm, august? idk
99. what is your zodiac sign
100. who was the last person you cried in front of?
i don’t remember, it’s been a really long time since i cried in front of someone.
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