#wendy garrick
thatpunkmaximoff · 7 months
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Story: 5 out of 5 Smut: 0 out of 5
You know how sequels are usually dreaded because they never live up to the first? Well let me just say that this book did! Hell, it might even be better than the first!
I love how you get the story told from Millie’s POV in part one, and then in part two you get to hear from the housewife she’s trying to help before going back to Millie.
This book is wonderfully written and these twists are amazing. I didn’t think I would be surprised after book one, but I’m happy to say that I was!
I don’t know how I’m gonna wait half a year for the next installment. I need to see how Millie handles helping out the wives after what Wendy put her through.
Now here are my ramblings thoughts…
* “Tonight, I will be murdered.” // “It all started with a simple cleaning job. And now it might end with my blood being mopped off the cabin floor.”
* Amber is such a bitch. I’m glad her baby called Millie ‘mama’ lmao. She’s totally fired tho 😂
* Who tf is stalking Millie?
* Aww. Her and Enzo actually had a relationship before her move to New York! I’m so sad it didn’t work out.
* So Xavier is the creepy neighbor who knows Millie’s name even though she never told him.. 🤔 Suspicious. Very suspicious.
* Okay, I’m officially annoyed as fuck by Millie. Girl, it’s none of your damn business what goes on between a man and wife. Get in, do your job, and get out. Don’t ask questions.
* Knew Xavier was a creep.
* How convenient that the cops found a shit load of drugs in Xavier’s apartment. I have a feeling whoever is driving this black car with a cracked headlight did Millie a favor. IS IT ENZO?!
* Oh shit. Did Douglas beat the shit out of his wife..?
* How the fuck did Douglas even know about Millie if her housekeeping ad never went live…?!
* A friend gave WENDY her number?! Wendy totally knows Millie can help. Or not, if this mysterious friend didn’t tell her exactly how Millie can help.
* Ahh. Okay. So it was a previous client that helped her get away from her abusive husband. So that’s why Wendy had her called in.
* Okay, so… Wendy have Millie a very expensive bracelet to pawn because she hates it. And Millie dumbly took it, and kept it. Now Wendy SUDDENLY has this grand plan to escape her abusive husband. This feels icky. I’m starting to think the situation is not as it seems 🤔
* I do not like Brock and his urgency to settle down. I really miss Enzo lol.
* IT’S ENZO! I FUCKING KNEW IT! Oh my god, I’m so happy 😭
* You’re so fucking stupid! Why would you tell Enzo to stop watching out for you!? Oh my god 🤦🏻‍♀️ Now I want Douglas to kick your ass.
* Wendy’s back? She was a little too quickly, no? 🤔
* Did you seriously just shoot him?! Now your fingerprints are all over that gun. You’re so stupid, Millie!
* What the fuck!!!! Lmao. I knew that Wendy bitch couldn’t be trusted. Wtf!!!
* The man Millie shot isn’t Douglas?? I’m so fucking confused. And I knew Brock was a pussy! She needs to call Enzo asap.
* Soooo, Wendy’s a cunt. I don’t even wanna hear her side of the story lol. How dare she set up Millie like that.
* Douglas was a hopeless nerd? And a shit ton of money at his disposal?! And Wendy hated that!? Wtf. That’s the perfect man 🤦🏻‍♀️
* Wow. Wendy. You’re such a hoe.
* Holy shit. Douglas knew about the affair 😂
* Fuck! That wasn’t Douglas choking Wendy out, it was her affair partner Russell! And Millie shot him with blanks!!! Holy fuck.
* That really murdered her husband. What a cunt.
* He cut her out of the will!!!! Lmfao. She murdered him for nothing 😂
* Marybeth?! Russell’s wife!!! Lol. Oh I love this.
* Goddamn. It was Millie all along 😨
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fennecfiree · 3 months
dude, i love Stan, BUT WHY DO I SEE SO MANY PPL DEFENDING HIM FOR WHAT HE DID IN DEEP LEARNING like DUDE he was a fucking asshole there 😭 and Rick.. i love you.. but how dare you use AI to talk to my baby gurl
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milkydraws8 · 1 year
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ramblins on speedy folks
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loser-clown666 · 10 months
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Alien Tweek, demon Kenny, dragon Craig, snake Stan, ghost Kyle, angle Butters, succubus Wendy, witch Cartman, siren Bebe.
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championofnyx · 2 years
Incorrect Quotes But Instead Of Memes It's Quotes From My Family PT II
Khaldur: *Walks into the party with a massive ass diamond ring on their finger* 
Artemis: Oh my god, Khaldur! You're engaged! Wynn finally got the nerve 
Khaldur: Nah, it's just costume jewelry
Artemis: Well, I would have said no if I was given a fake ring too
Wynn: I didn't propose, Artemis. 
Artemis: Oh, a cheapskate and a coward
Ed: *Showing Wendy, who just joined up, around a crowded league & co gathering of some sort* Now, the one side effect of having a large family, is that you don't really have to remember who anyone is. Only their age. And from there, they're either an auntie, an uncle, or nothing. You understand. 
Wendy: What do you mean by nothing? 
Ed: You only get clout in this family when you're over thirty without ending up in jail, disowned, or dead. Otherwise, you're just a nameless cousin with the rest of us
Wendy: How many are there?" 
Ed: My last count was getting close to fifty. But whenever I think I'm done, someone gets pregnant or shows up with more food calling my mom auntie. There could be hundreds at this point. 
Artemis: Violet, sweetheart, I don't care if you marry a woman. I care that you marry a rich woman. Sugar Daddy, Sugar Mommy. As long as there's sugar. 
*Little Kid Garfield from season one sitting in front of the television watching some little kid show with a kid being mean on the playground or something* 
Dick: *Squatting down next to Gar and pointing to the television* Hey, you see that one kid is being mean to the rest of the kids. What do we call people like that? 
Gar: *without looking away from the screen* Fascists
Jay: *Trying his best to convince some of the outsiders that protests shouldn't happen online and that he is more than willing to teach them to make good signs, Molotov cocktails, and how to get away with burning a cop car* 
Don't worry, my adopted cousin from the second one survived the party. 
Also, I feel like Artemis radiates wine aunt vibes and I will not apologize for that accurate character assessment.
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soapsbaby · 11 months
Hi! Can I request silly horny autocorrect texting headcanons with 141 and whoever you wish to add? I couldn't stop laughing at Soap's "baby gorilla" so I hope my request is okay. Thank you! 🧡
Love your request! I couldn't really come up with enough autocorrect headcanons so I made more general texting ones! Hope you enjoy anyway mwah!
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Summary: 141 + König silly texting headcanons Characters: Simon "Ghost" Riley, Johnny "Soap" Mactavish, John Price, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, König all in relation to the reader (some romantic, some friendly) Rating: slightest bit nsfw Word Count: 500ish
Simon texts you like he hates you all the time. One word answers, no emojis, no anything and then gets confused when you wonder whether he is mad at you. 
“Hey love, do you want me to get you something from the store while I’m there? love you!!” “no” “Simon, are you mad at me?” “no” “Promise?” “yes” 
He understands your point but he would rather be caught dead than use emojis
You have him saved in your phone with the ghost emoji as his name, he has you saved as your full legal name even though you’ve been dating for years now, just isn’t a big phone guy. 
He types like he just slams his hand onto the keyboard and hopes for the best and there are more words with typos in his texts than there are ones without. Even autocorrect can’t save this man. 
He once, to your horror, told you about this “super cute rubber dick” he found at a store and how he’d bring it home to you so you’d have something to remember him by when he goes on missions. It took about an hour and him sending a picture until you realized he meant to say rubber duck. 
He’s been saved in your phone with the little duck emoji next to his name ever since.
Old man texting all of the time. Does not understand memes (but laughs about them to make you happy), does not understand emojis and their meanings or any abbreviations. 
Is obsessed with the ability to send you gifs. You ask him a yes or no question? He won’t type it out, he’ll send you a gif of someone giving a thumbs up or of someone shaking their head.
If he gets the chance he will always prefer calling you over just texting.
He makes typos all the damn time but god beware you ever mistype a single time because he will mock you for it until eternity. God beware the one time you told him you wanted to grab some food from “Windy’s” instead of “Wendy’s”. Now every time someone suggests to get takeout he’ll have this smug look on his face. “Oh, I think y/n would prefer Windy’s actually”.
Is the type to send you 6 minute voice memos about whatever he has been doing that day, get distracted halfway through and  then start the story over. 
Has like 7 hours of screen time on days that he isn’t at work. He’s the type to refuse to download tiktok and then scroll instagram reels for hours. 
He has German autocorrect on and it’s a mess. He can’t type to begin with but the autocorrect makes him borderline incoherent.
He is also a big user of emojis when it comes to texting you, he loves all of the smileys and hearts
“I am ging to the größere Story, do you nieder anything?” “Sorry what?” “Going to the Wal mart do you need any thing?” “No, thanks” “Ok Love you!!! 💕💞💖❤️”
Will send you pictures of everything that reminds him of you "Look at this flowers 😄💕"
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battleangel · 28 days
Jeff Goldblum warning us in Jurassic Park that cloning dinosaurs is raping mother nature was apparently an instruction manual and not a warning.
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"Colossal Biosciences, a biotechnology company founded in 2021, is working to genetically resurrect the woolly mammoth by combining its genes with Asian elephant DNA. The company's goal is to create a hybrid species, called a "mammophant", that will look and behave like a woolly mammoth. Colossal plans to use cloning techniques similar to those used to create Dolly the sheep in 1996, inserting genetically edited cells into an elephant egg that would then be gestated by a surrogate elephant. The company has said it intends to complete the project by 2027."
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Exploitative KKKapitalism = Eating like 💩 in the neighborhood! "Studies have shown that the prevalence of fast-food restaurants is positively correlated with the percentage of Black residents in urban neighborhoods in the U.S. Similar trends have been found for liquor stores."
$Anything for a Dollar$
"While dollar stores can fill a need in low-income neighborhoods, they are often regarded as predatory businesses that harm communities more than they benefit them, due to very low wages, displacing other grocery options while failing to sell fresh food, store design that increases the rate of armed robberies, and OSHA and FDA violations that put customers and employees at risk."
Who Needs Fresh Food?
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"There are no fresh vegetables, fruits, or meats in most dollar stores. And yet, as limited as their offerings are, dollar stores are now feeding more Americans than Whole Foods is, and they’re multiplying rapidly. Since 2011, the number of dollar stores nationwide has climbed from about 20,000 to nearly 30,000. There are now more dollar stores than Walmart and McDonalds locations combined."
Dollar Tree Customers = Permanent Underclass
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"In their latest annual reports, Dollar General and Dollar Tree say they have identified thousands of new locations for dollar stores. The two chains are planning to expand their combined empires to more 50,000 outlets."
“Essentially what the dollar stores are betting on in a large way is that we are going to have a permanent underclass in America,” Garrick Brown, a researcher with the commercial real estate firm Cushman & Wakefield, told Bloomberg last year.
“The economy is continuing to create more of our core customer,” Dollar General chief executive Todd Vasos told investors last year.
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"More than one-third of American adults, and 48 percent of African American adults, are obese."
13% of the US population is Black, and 48% of Black Americans are obese.
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"Look at the pharmaceutical companies. In my neighborhood, there is a fast-food restaurant on every block, from Wendy’s to Kentucky Fried Chicken to Popeye’s to Little Caesar’s Pizza. Now drugstores are popping up on every corner, too. So you have the fast-food restaurants that of course cause the diet-related diseases, and you have the pharmaceutical companies there to fix it."
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"If you give people access to really good food and a living-wage job, someone is going to lose money. As long as people are poor and as long as people are sick, there are jobs to be made. Follow the money."
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"I talk about power, and how power is a drug and power over people is a drug and it’s hard to give up."
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"A substantial body of evidence indicates that diet, toxic metals, food additives, insufficient nutrients, food allergy, lack of exercise can all contribute to criminal behavior. Evidence is mounting that a good diet makes a positive difference when working with some offenders."
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"Our estimates imply that the 42% drop in the natural gas price in the late 2000s, mostly driven by the shale gas boom, averted 12,500 deaths per year in the United States."
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"Participants (60.55%) experienced unexpected or increased medical expenses (17.69%), job loss (13.64%), pay reduction (11.85%), and death of a family member (9.09%). Pay reduction and increased debt were associated with moderate hunger; death of a family member, pay reduction, and increased debt were associated with severe hunger."
Lung Cancer to Avoid Severe Hunger
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"In unadjusted models, annual household income <$15,000, non-urban residence, lack of health insurance, unstable housing, heavier food pantry reliance, fair or poor adult health, adult anxiety, and adult smoking to reduce hunger pangs were all positively associated with VLFS-C."
Fast Food = Fast Death
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"Survey respondents had 8 ± 7 fast-food outlets within 2 miles of their home. Individuals living in close proximity to fast-food restaurants had higher BMIs, and lower fruit and vegetable consumption."
Happy Meal = Psychiatric Distress & Violence
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"Consumption of fast food has been linked to psychiatric distress, violent behaviors, and impulsivity in adolescents."
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"The analysis found that liquor stores are disproportionately located in predominantly black neighborhoods, even after controlling for census tract socioeconomic status."
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"At equal levels of poverty, Black neighborhoods had the fewest supermarkets."
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pr-olvdr · 8 months
tell me about ur oc 😂😭
My oc's name is is Wendy Ollivander! She is born to unknown parents and is raised by her grandfather Garrick Ollivander, and the two of them live in a room above Ollivanders wand shop on Diagon Allley. There wasn't any other children in Diagon Alley for her to play with growing up, so most of her childhood was spent learning magic/learning to craft wands.
Mr. Ollivander was able to obtain a permit for Wendy from the Improper use of Magic Office allowing her to practice magic before/outside of school with the reasoning that she was involved in the crafting/testing/sale of wands. This allowed her to own a wand and learn spells before 11 years old. (which explains how she's able to perform magic without a wand/incantation at 18) She learned a number of spells from Mr. Ollivander (both taught from him and by observing him when he performs magic) and by spending a great deal of her youth sitting on the floorboards of Florish and Blotts, thumbing through spell books.
My fic follows Wendy's final year at Hogwarts in the year 1978 and is mostly centered around the relationship between her and Severus Snape. I hope to finish writing this fic, and then maybe start another one afterwards about her experiences during the second wizarding war. I have her whole life timeline roughly planned out already, but I intend to tell that through the fic 😂
other general info about Wendy:
• her birthday is Nov 1st 1959
• her patronus is a falcon
• as a child her boggart was Mr. Ollivander dying, but when she got older her boggart became herself with the dark mark
• if she were to look in the mirror of erised she would see herself surrounded by friends and family
• her wand is 12.5 in, hornbeam wood, phoenix feather core
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ufonaut · 1 year
Might be a weird ask, but after that convo about the JSAer's ages, what about their partners and kids (especially the kids)? Because of the sliding time scale, characters like Jennifer-Lynn, Todd, Rick, Jesse and Jack Knight are presumed to have been born sometime in the late 80s or 90s (as of 2023)? So that leaves a situation in which most JSAers kind of avoided having kids until they were in their 60-70s? That or maybe DC will one day say that these kids also are time-displaced.
see my best friend katie (@slaapkat) and i have spent ages trying to figure this one out, and i know the folks over on the cbr forums (which is basically the last bastion of old time fandom, not that that's necessarily a good thing) have been recently discussing this exact thing post-lost children finale... and, well, there's no easy answer!
there's cases like rex tyler, where even by wendi's first appearance in showcase 1956 #56 it's pretty obvious she's significantly younger than rex (she's introduced as a 'girl' and rex already has grey temples by that cover date of '65) and that's made even more clear in hourman 1999 #24 when their age difference actually leads to some arguments about rex not getting the hip music wendi listens to but. that's just one case of many and it's one that'd have to be updated with the timeline, too.
i think the solution is either time displacement or what i'm personally leaning towards is having the jsa's time in ragnarok come sooner and last longer, have them come back at a decent age (having effectively been frozen during their time there) and then settle down and have families. with that particular avenue, i think we'd reach around the same ages roy thomas had in mind during infinity inc. i've gotta say this is one of the main reasons i love judy garrick's introduction so much, having her born in 1949 is absolutely a stroke of genius and jay & joan having the first of the jsa kids is perfect considering they're the only ones of the 'default' couples to have ever discussed marriage & kids in their actual golden age comics (as per flash comics 1940 #35 and #45)!
that being said, even keeping canon as it is, i don't think it's actually as big of a concern as it seems at first glance! out of the original team mcnider, kent, al, wes, corrigan, johnny t and terry never had kids -- with the caveat that grant emerson isn't really al's son and the closest thing wes has to a kid, sandy, is kept ageless in sand monster form for as long as necessary. similarly, johnny t's peachy pet can keep her original timeline as she doesn't inherit any legacy, and the hawks can have hector at any point because it's his return from the dead as fate that needs to be in line with the current timeline instead of his actual birth. as stated above, rick also requires no real update because rex could've simply met wendi much later and dating a twenty-something year old actress as a status symbol doesn't make him more of a creep than he already was if it happened in the 60s or in the 90s.
and here's where it gets problematic. david & jack knight... well, let's say ted's in the same boat as rex, he's not a family man type to begin with. jennie & todd? i can see alan holding onto his confirmed bachelor status for as long as he's able until societal pressure wears him down, and mr gbc ceo getting with young secretary alyx rose thorn makes him a believable straight cliche that would raise no suspicions (and it would also account for the blind anger of the 90s sentinel era, he hates what he's had to do... plus, you know, other real world events of the 90s that might influence for the worse the way alan feels about being gay)*. the one that's really giving me trouble is jesse quick but i suppose we can either move up johnny and libby's wedding and allow johnny the normal course of his original canon (he was still a bachelor living with tubby watts by adventure comics #174 in '52) or jesse's older than she looks and the speed force lets her age real slow.
as for their partners, in the case of those who aren't simply with significantly younger women, it's canon that they were all bathed in that weird ian karkull shadowland radiation that makes the jsaers themselves eternally sorta young as per all-star squadron annual #3.
WHEW THIS GOT LONG, I'M SORRY!! what do you think?
*as a side-note to the alan situation -- considering his marriage with alyx rose thorn lasted precisely a day and a night, molly's timeline doesn't need to be moved up for longer than a couple years when alan eventually gives in to that too and we can have their divorce somewhere around 2011 as a fun reference to the life-changing events of new 52.
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Hayley Mills🌟
Flying High that exactly what Hayley Mills will be doing shortly - across the stage the New Victoria Theatre, where she opens on the 19th of December as the 39th 'Peter Pan', Today at the Garrick Theatre Hayley met her co stars Louise Rush (20) who plays 'Wendy' and Bill Travers who plays her villainous enemy 'Captain Hook'. Harley Mills (left) and Louise Rush - get their feet off the ground. London. November 1969🍀🌿🌱
Via @isabelfutre on Instagram🌟🍀
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giannawritesxoxo · 1 year
The Housemaid's secret
okay yall I read the sequel ahhhhh!
Millie works for this girl named Amber who has an 8-month-old baby but she soon gets fired because her baby calls Millie Mama when the actual mother is rarely there lmfao?! SOOO after that, she began searching for a job then soon gets accepted to clean the Garrick family- It turns out she dated Enzo the hot gardener from book 1 I was so excited but then they broke up because he had to go back to Italy because his mother was dying :( Someone has been stalking her she believes it was Douglas Garrick, She has been distant with her current boyfriend Brock because he doesn't know her secret. Wendy is terrified of her husband and she tells Millie how he is a dangerous man & once wendy opens the door and comes face to face with millie all millie wanted to do was protect/ save Wendy from her husband because he's been "abusing " wendy, Millie reassures her how she beat other more dangerous & powerful man so she isn't afraid of douglas- Wendy wanted to leave the abuse so she asked millie to help her- Turns out enzo was the one following millie because he knew she was in dnager and was watching over her ( AW) When douglas was choking wendy millie ran upstairs and got the gun threatening him to stop trying to kill her and he didn't listen and it looked like wendy was about to die and she pulled the trigger then wendy said " just go ill say I did it" ( oh little does she know) Then millie got questions and supposedly wendy told the cops that millie and douglas were having an affair and when wendy got home she found douglas on the floor "shot". The person millie thought she killed wasn't really douglas it was wendys affair she had named Russell. The brusies on wendys face were fake it was just makeup- Millie didn't kill russell he was breathing when she shot him and after she left they ran to their cabin - Then wendy shot the real douglas, wendy decided to kill douglas for his money since the day they met- when they went to the cabin the lawyer called and said how she wont have any of douglas money because before he died he gave his will to charity and all his estates are being sold- Lastly, marybeth/ russells wife/ douglas secretary kills both russell and wendy after finding out wendy killed douglas but their death was a suicide
// NGL i loved the first book way more but I still loved the sequel!!//
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readingforsanity · 1 year
The Housemaid’s Secret | Freida McFadden | Published 2023 | *SPOILERS*
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“Don’t go in the guest bedroom.” A shadow falls on Douglas Garrick’s face as he touches the door with his fingertips. “My wife...she’s very illl.” As he continues showing me their incredible penthouse apartment, I have a terrible feeling about the woman behind closed doors. But I can’t risk losing this job - not if I want to keep my darkest secret safe...
It’s hard to find an employer who doesn’t ask too many questions about my past. So I thank my lucky stars that the Garrick’s miracoulsly give me a job, cleaning their stunning penthouse with views across the city and preparing fancy meals in their shiny kitchen. I can work here for a while, stay quiet until I get what I want. 
It’s almost perfect. But I still haven’t met Mrs. Garrick, or seen inside the guest bedroom. I’m sure I hear her crying. I notice spots of blood around the neck of her white nightgowns when I’m doing laundry. And one day I can’t help but knock on the door. When it gently swings open, what I see inside changes everything...
That’s when I make a promise. After alll, I’ve done this before. I can protect Mrs. Garrick while keeping my own secrets locked up safety. 
Douglas Garrick has done wrong. He is going to pay. It’s simply a question of how far I’m willing to go. 
Mille is back and better than ever. 
Several years since the events of the last book concluded, Secrets takes place in New York City, where Millie resides in a small apartment in the South Bronx. Two years ago, she was in a happy relationship with Enzo, the Italian landscaper from the first novel. However, after a stroke leaves his mother destitute, he returns to Italy to be with her, leaving Millie behind. 
Now, Millie is in a relationship with Brock, a young successful patent lawyer. He’s looking for commitment and a long-term thing but Millie is still hesitant to take anything further. Especially as Brock is in the dark about her own past. 
For years after helping Nina in the last book, Millie has helped several more young women get out of seriously abusive situations in a more legitimate way, with the help of Enzo as well. The resources they had were limited, but their efforts went a long way in helping to save many women. 
But now, Millie is attempting to get her life on track in it’s own legitimate way. She is taking social work classes at a community college, while also working part-time for the Garrick family. They live in an upscale penthouse apartment on the Upper West Side. Douglas Garrick is a seemingly very successful man, handsome in his own way and his wife, Wendy, is ill, oftentimes staying inside the guest bedroom during the duration of Millie being inside the apartment. 
However, Millie makes contact with Wendy despite being told by Douglas to leave her alone. What Millie sees terrifies her. When Wendy appears in the doorway, her face is bruised and battered. Wendy assures her that she cannot get away from her husband, as he is very powerful and will do whatever it takes to find her should she attempt to take off. Millie leaves it be for a while, but explains that she could help. 
The next day, Wendy, who had hired Millie because of her reputation for helping abused women, makes the plan to get out. Millie rents a car, and drives Wendy to Albany, where she is to stay in an unassuming motel and await the arrival of a friend from college the next morning to take her back to her farm upstate. However, Millie receives a call from Wendy a day or two later, stating that Douglas had found her, and brought her home. 
Millie rushes over, and Wendy seems resigned that she cannot be helped. But quickly changes her mind and Millie believes that she is going to kill her husband after she shows Millie a hidden gun inside a hollowed out dictionary. On what is supposed to be Millie’s last day working for the Garrick’s, she hears what sounds like a struggle inside the guest bedroom, and when she opens the door, finds Douglas Garrick attempting to choke his wife. Millie knows she won’t be able to stop him herself without something, so she runs to find the gun, brings it back and ends up shooting him point blank in the chest after he refused to let her go. 
Wendy is shocked, but thankful that Millie happened to be there. She tells Millie to go, that she will take care of everything. Millie does as she’s told, and returns to her apartment. She thinks she’s in the clear, until the NYPD shows up at her door asking her to come down to the station. 
Having spent the last several weeks avoiding telling Brock anything about her past, Millie has to confess in detail when she is being questioned by the police. Brock is shocked, but still attempts to represent her as her lawyer, but it becomes too much for him and he leaves after Millie is accused of not only murdering Douglas Garrick, but also being accused of having an affair with him...something told to the police detectives by his wife Wendy. 
She is released, and returns to her apartment where all over the news is the reports of Douglas Garrick’s murder. But the man on the screen is not the man that she reportedly shot the night before. While they do bare some resemblence to each other, the man on the screen is about 30 pounds heavier, and Millie has never seen him a day in her life. 
At this point, we come to Wendy’s point of view. She married Douglas Garrick, a man who is a bit on the larger side dealing with a heart problem, as he had invented a type of technology used by the majority of the banks around the world. He has more money than he knows what to do with, and Wendy feels she is the right woman to take him on, and turn him into the perfect man. 
Despite marrying, they end up living completely separate lives. Wendy often stays in their penthouse apartment that Douglas hates, and he stays in the home on Long Island. Wendy is all about spending money and keeping up appearanes, while Douglas is the complete opposite. Prior to marrying, she signed a pre-nup stating at the time of divorce, she would be entitled to 10 million dollars, but if he happened to pass during the duration of their marriage, she would get everything. 
During this time, Wendy meets a man named Russell Simonds, who owns and works for a furniture store in the city, and is also the husband of Marybeth, Douglas Garrick’s secretary. Wendy seduces him, and for the last several months, they have embarked on a secret love affair. Wanting to get out of her marriage to Douglas, who also learned of the affair, they hatch the plan: Russell would pose as Douglas, hire Millie and Wendy would play the role of the battered wife. The events that happened would then unfold, and when Wendy invites the real Douglas over after Millie had left, Russell is meant to enter and shoot him point blank in the chest, but he cowards out. Wendy then takes over the role, shooting her husband to death. 
They then pin this on Millie and the two of them rush off to the cabin owned by Russell’s wife Marybeth a few hours outside of the city. Millie and Enzo, who returned from Italy and is now back helping her get out of this, try to find out what they can about the real man inside the apartment that Millie had shot. They do learn the truth, and Millie wants to confront them at the cabin. 
However, when we come back to Wendy’s perspective, the two of them are living cozily in the apartment when she receives a call from Douglas lawyer and best friend to discuss what will now happen with his estate. He tells her that just a month prior to his demise, he had changed his will and left everything to charity instead of her. This greatly upsets her, and then she hears a commotion in the bathroom. 
She finds Russell dead in the bathtub where they’d been relaxing prior to the phone call coming through. Wendy believes this to be Millie, who she realizes that she has greatly underestimated. However, it is not Millie who has come to the cabin, but Marybeth. She had slit her husband’s throat, and tells Wendy that she will write a confession, explaining that she had had an affair with her husband, and plotted to kill her husband. Now, she is sure they did wrong, and she will not be taking her life along with Russell’s. Wendy does as she is told, and Marybeth explains that she has ingested a drug that will cause a deadly heart arrthymia. 
The next morning, Millie returns to her apartment after fleeing Enzo’s. She expects a bunch of police waiting for her, but it is only one officer who explains they’d like her to return to the station but she is not under arrest and she has no obligation to. Millie does go, looking to hear what happened when she learns that Wendy Garrick has died. 
When she arrives at the police station, the detective on the case explains to her that Wendy had confessed everything, and she is now a free woman. He apologizes for the way the department acted with her, though Millie does understand seeing as she has a police record. The detective also gives her his card, saying she now has a friend in the department should she ever run across a woman in need again, and they would do everything to help. 
Millie finds Enzo waiting outside in the lobby, and the two of them embark on their love affair as if it had never ended. Three months later, the two of them are moving back in together. Brock appears, looking for items that he had left behind. He asks her about his heart medication he left in her medicine cabinet, and she tells him that she must have thrown it away. But, we come to see that Millie had spoken with Marybeth, and given her the medication and that the events in the cabin unfurled after that. Millie declares herself dangerous, but not in the way people think. 
I really hope McFadden comes up with more of these stories. They’re too good. I finished this one in less than 24 hours, and that was with 8 hours of sleep in between. Such easy reads, page-turning, and entertaining. I hope Millie and Enzo are around for years to come! 
0 notes
dccomicrants · 3 years
The JSA and Masks
Comic Issues Involved: The Flash vol 2 161, Pat McGreal, Paul Pelletier
Content Warnings: Drug and Substance Addiction Mentions
Summary: An analysis of a conversation that happened at Jay Garrick's Honeymoon which is talked about here.
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Transcript of Dialogue that is analyzed:
Alan Scott (Green Lantern): ... So Jay, I know there aren't supposed to be any secrets between a man and his wife, but... Al Pratt (Atom): Joan's known who the Flash really is for some time now, hasn't she? Jay Garrick (Flash): Well, yeah. sure. Ted Grant (Wildcat): I dunno, it seems like a... a violation of the who secret identity concept. Jay Garrick (Flash): Are you telling me that none of you have ever considered letting your girlfriends in on the game? Alan Scott (GL): Uh... no... Ted Grant (WC): [guilty facial expression] Al Pratt (Atom): I guess I thought about telling Mary once. Rex Tyler (Hourman): Of course not. Charles McNider (Dr. Mid-Nite): Not me. Jay Garrick (Flash): Sheesh. Sometimes I think guys in our line of work suffer from arrested development. Alan Scott (GL): Hmm. Jay Garrick (Flash): Oh Heck. You've probably got the right idea. Anyway, all I wear is a helmet and Joan's no dummy. She figured it out long before I ever told her
Let's break this down systematically now- Charles McNider never married his sweetheart (fans thought he was gay but no he just really wanted to protect her from his nightlife and she ended up murdered anyways so how'd that work for him?). Alan has had 2 divorces generally. With DC Pride, his lover Jimmy died in the same train crash that led to him making his lantern and that's a whole separate thing. Alan has 2 kids he didn't know about until they were adults since they were given up for adoption by his ex-wife who was also a supervillain (what is it with Gotham Heroes and marrying villains?). Ted Grant never canonically married, he had a son with a girlfriend, and after his identity was discovered his son was kidnapped and was killed in experimentation by his nemesis. He has another son that he didn't know about until Tom was an adult. Rex stayed married to Wendi but they had a very strained marriage due to the fact that miraclo was addictive and he was very much addicted to the drug. Rex's son eventually would go on to be the second Hourman. Al Pratt married his girlfriend but she was murdered when she was pregnant with their son because his identity was compromised.
At this point in time, none of that has happened. They're all in the prime of their crime-fighting careers. Nothing too major has rocked the boat.
Alan Scott was a closeted gay man who ended up having two failed marriages while being a crime fighter and before he started his career, he lost his lover to a tragedy. To Alan, ever talking about who he really is would be a giant risk because it was the 40s and he was a newsman. He had to stay respectable and he was under scrutiny.
Ted Grant was the Heavy Weight Boxing champion, a known fighter. But he also had a scandal due to other managers paying boxers to throw fights which lead to an innocent man's death causing him to put the costume on in the first place. His name was cleared but he kept suiting up because Alan inspired him. He would already be in the spotlight but he would also be safer to share his identity because he's a known fighter that people knew better than to mess with.
Rex Tyler ran a company and developed miraclo- a drug that gave him super strength for an hour that he could only take once every twenty-four hours. He had an okay reason to not say anything about his identity to try to protect Wendi because he was just some chemist.
Charles McNider was a respected doctor who was blinded in an accident- he could have told his long-time love interest his secret identity because who would ever make the connection between a blind man and a crime fighter? She would have been the safest.
Al Pratt was a college student at the time, he's the youngest person in the room and he admitted to thinking about telling his secret identity to his girlfriend. He also for the longest time didn't have any powers.
This is all very important so hang in there.
Jay unintentionally strikes a nerve because Joan knows who he is. These are all men that Jay trusts with his life and to an extent, Joan's life. They all know his identity, he knows their identities. More importantly, they're friends, and he's genuinely surprised that he's the only one who trusts the person he loves enough with his secret identity. Alan is clearly uncomfortable (on several levels), as are Ted and Charles. Rex and Al handle it the best and drop it, but in the panels, you can see that Ted, Alan, and Charles are the most uncomfortable with what they've just discussed, with Alan actually voicing it with an uncomfortable Hmm. Jay salvages the night by admitting that Alan (and thus everyone else) may be right about keeping their identities secrets but he also admits that Joan figured it out, which likely leaves the others wondering if their girlfriends may have figured out their identities already as well.
Jay Garrick because of his honesty with Joan has the healthiest marriage out of all of the JSA, even when his identity becomes public knowledge, there's never an attempt on Joan's life because she's his wife. And everyone else for one reason or another due to the lack of honesty has either a strained relationship or loses the ones they loved because they didn't share their secret identities.
In other comics, the point is brought up that they wear the masks to protect their loved ones yet their loved ones end up endangered because of the secrets of the masks.
Their reactions to Jay not keeping any secrets from Joan when contrasted with the fact that his honesty meant the longest lasting and healthiest marriage whereas their secrets while wise in the short term ultimately ended in tragedy for all of the other men present is something I think about a lot.
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ao3feed-superbat · 4 years
Sensible madness
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/34NkxPp
by Anna12aot
What if Kate and Bruce were born around the same time? What if the tragedies that made them the heroes they become, also happened around the same time? What if the two of them ended up living together? What if the two of them ended up as huge theater nerds? What if they had some actual healthy coping mechanisms along side their totally not super unhealthy vigilante detective hobby that nearly kills them on a weekly basis? What if everything wasn't a shitty cheap ass drama show written by racist, misogynist, homophobic, all the bad ism's and phobia's and ist's?
(No disrespect to the individuals who try to give us good diverse content. Actually, all the respect because DC as whole is a weak dumb ass bitch and kudos to those people for tolerating that bastard.)
Here is my sad, pathetic attempt to fix the DC universe that I am very much under qualified and under prepared for. Enjoy. (And I'll get to finishing the relationship tags soon, it's just not on the agenda right about now. There is just so many fucking characters. The character tags are technically unfinished because that won't be all of the characters showing up. Do I really hate myself and DC that much?)
Words: 633, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Superman - All Media Types, Superman (Comics), Wonder Woman - All Media Types, Wonder Woman (Comics), Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), Under the Red Hood, Red Robin (Comics), Young Justice (Cartoon), Justice League - All Media Types, Justice League: War, Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Teen Titans (Animated Series), Teen Titans: The Judas Contract (2017), Teen Titans (Comics), Harley Quinn (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Kate Kane, Alfred Pennyworth, Lucius Fox, Jim Gordon, Helena Bertinelli, Harold Allnut, Hiro Okamura, Vic Sage, Renee Montoya, Patrick "Eel" O'Brian, Zatanna Zatara, Basil Karlo, Talia al Ghul, Selina Kyle, Holly Robinson, Kitrina Falcone, Dick Grayson, Slade Wilson, Rose Wilson, Grant Wilson (DCU), Joseph Wilson, Damian Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Gus Yale, Wendy Harris, Jacob Kane, Catherine Hamilton Kane, Diana (Wonder Woman), Jason Todd, Koriand'r (DCU), Roy Harper, Bette Kane, Duke Thomas, Tim Drake, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Stephanie Brown, Billy Batson, Harper Row, Cullen Row, Shawn Tsang, Natalia Knight, Sasha Bordeaux, Carrie Kelley, Jaina Hudson, Cassandra Cain, Cheyenne Freemont, Tiffany Fox, Luke Fox, Barry Allen, Wally West, Bart Allen, Jay Garrick, Iris West, Max Mercury, Clark Kent, Kara Zor-El, Kara Danvers, Lois Lane, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Jonathan "Pa" Kent, Martha Wayne, Martha Kent, Thomas Wayne, Sam Lane, Lucy Lane (DCU), Donna Troy, Cassie Sandsmark, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Akila of Bana-Mighdall, Queen Hippolyta, Atalanta, Antiope (Wonder Woman), Bana-Mighdall Amazons, The Amazons (Wonder Woman), Grace Choi, Anissa Pierce, Jefferson Pierce, Jennifer Pierce, Oliver Queen, Thea Queen, Emiko Queen, Dinah Lance, Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, Jessica Cruz, Simon Baz, Jon Stewart, Kyle Rayner, Jade Nguyen, Jennifer-Lynn Hayden, Artemis Crock, Ra's al Ghul, Nyssa Raatko, Silver St. Cloud, Wildcat (DCU), Tatsu Yamashiro, Jason Blood, Jason Bard, Crispus Allen, Kate Spencer, Onyx Adams, Boston Brand, David Zavimbe, Calvin Rose, Jean-Paul Valley, Santiago Varga, Baber Shah, Percy Sheldrake, Cyril Sheldrake, Jiro Osamu, Lonnie Machin, Harriet Cooper, Agatha Wayne, Vicki Vale, Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley, Harleen Quinzel, Harvey Dent, Joker (DCU), Jonathan Crane, Waylon Jones, Bane (DCU), Roman Sionis, Floyd Lawton, Hugo Strange, Thomas Elliot, Drury Walker, Jervis Tetch, Victor Fries, Oswald Cobblepot, Edward Nygma, Cyrus Gold, Solomon Grundy (DCU), Shauna Belzer, Peyton Riley, Ulysses Hadrian Armstrong, Vandal Savage, Noah Kuttler, Julian Gregory Day (DCU), Thomas Blake (DCU), Arthur Brown, Count Vertigo, Garfield Lynns, Warren White, Charles "Chuck" Brown, Zeus (Wonder Woman), Onomatopoeia (DCU), Peter Merkel, Peter Merkel Jr., Deever Tweed, Dumfree Tweed, Victor Zsasz, Ben Turner, David Cain, Titus (DCU), Lady Shiva, Lazlo Valentin, Barton Mathis, Matilda Mathis, Mark Desmond, Mortimer Drake, Alfred the Cat (DCU), Ace the Bat-Hound, Bat-Cow (DCU)
Relationships: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan/Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan/Clark Kent, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Kate Kane & Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth & Bruce Wayne, Jim Gordon & Bruce Wayne, Diana (Wonder Woman)/Kate Kane, Kate Kane/Renee Montoya (past), Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne (past), Kate Kane & Jason Todd, Helena Bertinelli & Kate Kane & Jason Todd, Kate Kane & Clark Kent, Kate Kane & Alfred Pennyworth, Kate Kane & Oliver Queen, Kate Kane & Damian Wayne, Kate Kane & John Stewart, Bruce Wayne & Kara Zor-El, Barbara Gordon & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Zatanna Zatara, Hal Jordan & Bruce Wayne, Talia al Ghul & Bruce Wayne, Lucius Fox & Bruce Wayne, Lucius Fox & Luke Fox & Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Bruce Wayne, Cassandra Cain & Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Kate Kane, Cassandra Cain & Kate Kane, Luke Fox & Kate Kane
Additional Tags: No Smut, No Incest, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Past Rape/Non-con, Implied Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Not Canon Compliant, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, will try to remember to add them later, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Fix-It, Fix-It of Sorts, I am trying to fix the entire DCU while very much trying not to, This was supposed to be like just about the Batfam, But I started doing research, and it was really confusing, Then I got angry, and then hyped, and this happened, The Author Regrets Nothing, The Author Regrets Everything, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, How Do I Tag, Batfamily (DCU), Protective Batfamily (DCU), Batfamily (DCU) Feels, Domestic Batfamily (DCU), fuck you dc, It's Not Paranoia If They're Really Out To Get You, Please Kill Me, I Tried, I Don't Even Know, some people die, no one stays dead, but god, God is Dead, Cause I killed him for letting DC continue this shit show, Nothing makes any fucking sense, This doesn't make any sense, It's a fucking mari go round of bullshit, enjoy, Explicit Language, To Be Edited, Not Beta Read, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Young Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne Has Issues, Growing Up Together, Romani Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Kate Kane is a Good Parent, Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, Good Parent Alfred Pennyworth, Good Grandparent Alfred Pennyworth, Jim Gordon Knows, Everyone Needs A Hug, Everyone Has Issues, Everyone Is Gay, And they're all panicked gays, Fluff and Angst, Family Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Feels, Humor, Gallows Humor, Bruce Wayne's Sense of Humor, Jason Todd’s Morbid Humor, this is gonna get long, Like over a few hundred thousand, Or this will die after it's reached 3k, Don't Like Don't Read, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Trauma, Psychological Trauma, Childhood Trauma, Mental Health Issues, Mental Institutions, Because of arkham, Arkham Asylum, Eventual Romance, Eventual Relationships, read the tags, Tags May Change, Tags Are Hard, Body Image, Jewish Character, Canon Disabled Character, Canon Rewrite, Hispanic Character, Black Character(s), Native American Character(s), Arab Character, Arab Damian Wayne, We Die Like Men, Everyone is a minority in some way, This will have all the representation, Racism, Racist Language, They will suffer because of their racism, Don't worry, Don't Have to Know Canon, Hopefully you won't have to know canon, Because if I don't do this right, Than you will be so confused, Better Than Canon, I take most of my inspiration from the justice league cartoons, and from the harley quinn movie soundtrack, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, Trans Character, Gay Panic
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/34NkxPp
33 notes · View notes
avitha · 5 years
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Happy Halloween from my Tangled Family!!!!!!
Here's Rapunzel, Eugene, Luciana, and Garrick as Wendy, Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, and Captain Hook!!!!
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ao3feed-batlantern · 4 years
by Anna12aot
What if Kate and Bruce were born around the same time? What if the tragedies that made them the heroes they become, also happened around the same time? What if the two of them ended up living together? What if the two of them ended up as huge theater nerds? What if they had some actual healthy coping mechanisms along side their totally not super unhealthy vigilante detective hobby that nearly kills them on a weekly basis? What if everything wasn't a shitty cheap ass drama show written by racist, misogynist, homophobic, all the bad ism's and phobia's and ist's?
(No disrespect to the individuals who try to give us good diverse content. Actually, all the respect because DC as whole is a weak dumb ass bitch and kudos to those people for tolerating that bastard.)
Here is my sad, pathetic attempt to fix the DC universe that I am very much under qualified and under prepared for. Enjoy. (And I'll get to finishing the relationship tags soon, it's just not on the agenda right about now. There is just so many fucking characters. The character tags are technically unfinished because that won't be all of the characters showing up. Do I really hate myself and DC that much?)
Words: 633, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Superman - All Media Types, Superman (Comics), Wonder Woman - All Media Types, Wonder Woman (Comics), Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), Under the Red Hood, Red Robin (Comics), Young Justice (Cartoon), Justice League - All Media Types, Justice League: War, Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Teen Titans (Animated Series), Teen Titans: The Judas Contract (2017), Teen Titans (Comics), Harley Quinn (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Kate Kane, Alfred Pennyworth, Lucius Fox, Jim Gordon, Helena Bertinelli, Harold Allnut, Hiro Okamura, Vic Sage, Renee Montoya, Patrick "Eel" O'Brian, Zatanna Zatara, Basil Karlo, Talia al Ghul, Selina Kyle, Holly Robinson, Kitrina Falcone, Dick Grayson, Slade Wilson, Rose Wilson, Grant Wilson (DCU), Joseph Wilson, Damian Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Gus Yale, Wendy Harris, Jacob Kane, Catherine Hamilton Kane, Diana (Wonder Woman), Jason Todd, Koriand'r (DCU), Roy Harper, Bette Kane, Duke Thomas, Tim Drake, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Stephanie Brown, Billy Batson, Harper Row, Cullen Row, Shawn Tsang, Natalia Knight, Sasha Bordeaux, Carrie Kelley, Jaina Hudson, Cassandra Cain, Cheyenne Freemont, Tiffany Fox, Luke Fox, Barry Allen, Wally West, Bart Allen, Jay Garrick, Iris West, Max Mercury, Clark Kent, Kara Zor-El, Kara Danvers, Lois Lane, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Jonathan "Pa" Kent, Martha Wayne, Martha Kent, Thomas Wayne, Sam Lane, Lucy Lane (DCU), Donna Troy, Cassie Sandsmark, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Akila of Bana-Mighdall, Queen Hippolyta, Atalanta, Antiope (Wonder Woman), Bana-Mighdall Amazons, The Amazons (Wonder Woman), Grace Choi, Anissa Pierce, Jefferson Pierce, Jennifer Pierce, Oliver Queen, Thea Queen, Emiko Queen, Dinah Lance, Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, Jessica Cruz, Simon Baz, Jon Stewart, Kyle Rayner, Jade Nguyen, Jennifer-Lynn Hayden, Artemis Crock, Ra's al Ghul, Nyssa Raatko, Silver St. Cloud, Wildcat (DCU), Tatsu Yamashiro, Jason Blood, Jason Bard, Crispus Allen, Kate Spencer, Onyx Adams, Boston Brand, David Zavimbe, Calvin Rose, Jean-Paul Valley, Santiago Varga, Baber Shah, Percy Sheldrake, Cyril Sheldrake, Jiro Osamu, Lonnie Machin, Harriet Cooper, Agatha Wayne, Vicki Vale, Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley, Harleen Quinzel, Harvey Dent, Joker (DCU), Jonathan Crane, Waylon Jones, Bane (DCU), Roman Sionis, Floyd Lawton, Hugo Strange, Thomas Elliot, Drury Walker, Jervis Tetch, Victor Fries, Oswald Cobblepot, Edward Nygma, Cyrus Gold, Solomon Grundy (DCU), Shauna Belzer, Peyton Riley, Ulysses Hadrian Armstrong, Vandal Savage, Noah Kuttler, Julian Gregory Day (DCU), Thomas Blake (DCU), Arthur Brown, Count Vertigo, Garfield Lynns, Warren White, Charles "Chuck" Brown, Zeus (Wonder Woman), Onomatopoeia (DCU), Peter Merkel, Peter Merkel Jr., Deever Tweed, Dumfree Tweed, Victor Zsasz, Ben Turner, David Cain, Titus (DCU), Lady Shiva, Lazlo Valentin, Barton Mathis, Matilda Mathis, Mark Desmond, Mortimer Drake, Alfred the Cat (DCU), Ace the Bat-Hound, Bat-Cow (DCU)
Relationships: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan/Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan/Clark Kent, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Kate Kane & Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth & Bruce Wayne, Jim Gordon & Bruce Wayne, Diana (Wonder Woman)/Kate Kane, Kate Kane/Renee Montoya (past), Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne (past), Kate Kane & Jason Todd, Helena Bertinelli & Kate Kane & Jason Todd, Kate Kane & Clark Kent, Kate Kane & Alfred Pennyworth, Kate Kane & Oliver Queen, Kate Kane & Damian Wayne, Kate Kane & John Stewart, Bruce Wayne & Kara Zor-El, Barbara Gordon & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Zatanna Zatara, Hal Jordan & Bruce Wayne, Talia al Ghul & Bruce Wayne, Lucius Fox & Bruce Wayne, Lucius Fox & Luke Fox & Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Bruce Wayne, Cassandra Cain & Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Kate Kane, Cassandra Cain & Kate Kane, Luke Fox & Kate Kane
Additional Tags: No Smut, No Incest, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Past Rape/Non-con, Implied Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Not Canon Compliant, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, will try to remember to add them later, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Fix-It, Fix-It of Sorts, I am trying to fix the entire DCU while very much trying not to, This was supposed to be like just about the Batfam, But I started doing research, and it was really confusing, Then I got angry, and then hyped, and this happened, The Author Regrets Nothing, The Author Regrets Everything, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, How Do I Tag, Batfamily (DCU), Protective Batfamily (DCU), Batfamily (DCU) Feels, Domestic Batfamily (DCU), fuck you dc, It's Not Paranoia If They're Really Out To Get You, Please Kill Me, I Tried, I Don't Even Know, some people die, no one stays dead, but god, God is Dead, Cause I killed him for letting DC continue this shit show, Nothing makes any fucking sense, This doesn't make any sense, It's a fucking mari go round of bullshit, enjoy, Explicit Language, To Be Edited, Not Beta Read, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Young Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne Has Issues, Growing Up Together, Romani Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Kate Kane is a Good Parent, Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, Good Parent Alfred Pennyworth, Good Grandparent Alfred Pennyworth, Jim Gordon Knows, Everyone Needs A Hug, Everyone Has Issues, Everyone Is Gay, And they're all panicked gays, Fluff and Angst, Family Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Feels, Humor, Gallows Humor, Bruce Wayne's Sense of Humor, Jason Todd’s Morbid Humor, this is gonna get long, Like over a few hundred thousand, Or this will die after it's reached 3k, Don't Like Don't Read, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Trauma, Psychological Trauma, Childhood Trauma, Mental Health Issues, Mental Institutions, Because of arkham, Arkham Asylum, Eventual Romance, Eventual Relationships, read the tags, Tags May Change, Tags Are Hard, Body Image, Jewish Character, Canon Disabled Character, Canon Rewrite, Hispanic Character, Black Character(s), Native American Character(s), Arab Character, Arab Damian Wayne, We Die Like Men, Everyone is a minority in some way, This will have all the representation, Racism, Racist Language, They will suffer because of their racism, Don't worry, Don't Have to Know Canon, Hopefully you won't have to know canon, Because if I don't do this right, Than you will be so confused, Better Than Canon, I take most of my inspiration from the justice league cartoons, and from the harley quinn movie soundtrack, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, Trans Character, Gay Panic
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