#wendy and kevin
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emayuku · 3 months ago
Peace On Earth (Silent Night)
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🎄🎅🏻🎶Peace On Earth (Silent Night)🎶🎅🏻🎄
🇨🇽Derick Snow in Wendy and Kevin🇨🇽
❤️🎼Soundtrack Version🎼❤️
🎵Silent as the snowflake in the night Holy is the spirit of this night All the world is calm and peaceful All the world is bright and joyful 🎵
🎵Spirit of love and child of peace Love unending that shall not cease Peace, my children of goodwill Peace, my children, peace, be still 🎵
🎵Silent night Holy night 🎵
🎵All is calm All is bright 🎵
🎵Round yon virgin mother and child Holy infant so tender and mild Sleep in heavenly peace Sleep in heavenly peace 🎵
🎵(Silent night) (Holy night) (All is calm) (All is bright) Round yon virgin mother and child Holy infant so tender and mild Sleep in heavenly peace Sleep in heavenly peace 🎵
💕🎼Movie Version🎼💕
🎵Silent as a snowflake in the night
Holy is the spirit of this night
All the world is calm and peaceful
All the world is bright and joyful
Spirit of love
And child of peace
Love unending
That shall not cease
Peace, my children
Of good will
Peace, my children
Peace be still 🎵
❤️🧑‍🎄~CLICK HERE ~🧑‍🎄❤️
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enidtendo64 · 3 months ago
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Old concept I had of Pacifica entering some sort of Lumberjack clan competition as a favor to Archibald and him possessing her in order to compete and win
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shruvski · 10 months ago
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Doodles and drawings before I take the worst exam of my life.
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sesiondemadrugada · 1 year ago
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The Holdovers (Alexander Payne, 2023).
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applestitches · 5 months ago
I’m out of ideas so here is an obligatory South Park genderbend of the kids (gunna do the adults next maybe)
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Would’ve drawn more but I don’t want to draw anymore ugly (BRITISH) fish
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car-o-line · 11 days ago
I absolutely love your work!! Keep it up!! :D
May I request Doey(trios!!) with a reader that’s seriously injured and is a teenager doing Poppy’s work?
Have a nice day/afternoon/night!! <33
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Sincerely, a person named Aiden!
AAHH IM ADDING THAT PICTURE TO MY CAMARA ROLL HE’S A CUTIE!!! everyone say thank you to Aiden for gracing us with this request and if you don’t Kevin WILL come for you(NOT CLICKBAIT 3:00AM CHALLENGE)
Doey’s spirits dealing with a teenager that’s injured(as player)
Warning: Blood, injury😱😱😱
editing me anyway poppy and Kev are the same color but I’m pretty sure you can tell who’s who
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Matthew Hallard:
Okay so first of all-
He was reluctant to let you continue doing tasks for Poppy because you’re still erm A TEEN. And the last thing he wants is another child being brought up into this mess, especially when you’re probably so tired and worn out.
But with some whining to him on your end and Poppy’s nagging he finally gave in. He did say that if you couldn’t come back that this was Poppy’s fault(you can do no wrong in his eyes <3)
Before you left Safe Haven, Matthew had to push Jack or Kevin out of Doeys control just so he could make sure you have everything you need.
“Do you have a snack?”
“Water for the snack?”
“Bandages in case you get hurts? A plushy so you won’t be alone?”
“I’m not five Doey-”
Not even 10 minutes later after you left Safe Haven, Kissy swore to everything pink she heard a scream, that sounded just like you. She didn’t say it verbally but Poppy understood what she meant and quickly told Doey to go find you.
Long story short, it was Yarnaby. You were trying to collect the Omi-hand and you ran into the fuzzy lion.
The creature tried to bite your arm off but thankfully your Grab-pack pulled you up towards a vent. Sadly, he did manage to bite your arm, just not completely off.
Matthew immediately panicked and went searching for you right away, he was upset at Poppy for letting you go but he could speak with her another time, right now his focus was on you not dying.
Once he got to you, your whole arm was covered blood. He was even more panicked at the sight and quickly picked you up with his gentle arms and hurriedly brought you back to Safe Haven.
On the way back if your arm like uhm, wasn’t bleeding everywhere you would’ve hear him mumbling, “Back to Safe Haven, back to Safe Haven.”
Once you both were back he didn’t waste any time getting you to and bed and calling the medic, all the other toys were horrified. The blood from your arm splashing onto the ground from how quickly Doey was going.
When you started crying from the pain he tried his best to relax himself so he can relax you. Like distracting you from the Medic who was putting pressure on your wound, maybe reading a book to you or speaking about the random thoughts he has.
After you recovered he knows one thing for sure, you are not to leave Safe Haven for a while until your arm has fully healed and even then when you do leave he or Kissy Missy will accompany you during that time.
Kevin Barnes:
Okay so he actually didn’t care that much when he found out “Poppy’s Angel” was just a young teen. He believed that you were just another troubled kid like the rest of them except you just weren’t an experiment.
But he did slightly care, you’re still a kid at the end of the day. Not a toy, experiment, just a human.
Anyway, Poppy told you to collect food for yourself and the other toys, unlike Matt, Kevin actually encouraged it as well. Everyone was starving and who could be the best candidate for collecting food other than someone who killed Mommy Longlegs and Catnap?
Poppy wished you well as you left Safe Haven.
“Hey Kev..”
“Don’t you think it’s worrying Y/n isn’t back yet, it’s been a long time.”
“Hm..Jacks right, we should go check on them.”
And so that’s what Kevin did, he didn’t tell anyone, just leaving(Much to Matthew’s dismay)
When he was going around the outsides of Safe Haven he spotted a figure in the distance, crawling on the ground from what he could tell. He thought it was a humanoid toy until he heard your voice, calling his name.
That’s when Kevin started to act and ran towards you, stopping near you and staring at you bloodied body.
What happened was, the doctor kinda cooked ur ass up<3
You were going to get food but the mf had like a villain entrance and went after you. You were so close to killing him, but you got distracted by a smiling critter and didn’t see one of the doctor’s clones after you. It was then too late when the doctor stabbed your leg with his sharp fingers. Running off by adrenaline you ran as fast as you could but eventually passed out and when you woke up, no one was there to help you causing you to crawl your way back to Safe Haven.
Kevin was embarrassingly(in his words) freaking out and surprised by how you lasted this long.
So he did, but unlike Matt(I’m so tired of saying Matthew istg), he was a bittttttt rough. So Matt had to yell at him to be more gentle.
Once he got back he dropped you off on a bed and started yelling at the Medic to do their job.
Once both you and him calmed down he told you that you’re never leaving Safe Haven ever again.
He also told you that you had to publicly apologize to all the other toys for worrying them so much(you didn’t because Jack told him to stop yelling at you and then he forgot about it)
After that he’d be a little nicer, he knows what you went was painful physically and emotionally so there’s no real reason to be that mad at you for messing it up.
“I told you not to go.”
“You encouraged me actually!”
“You encouraged me actually🤓☝️”
Jack Ayers:
Him being the stupid little ############# that he is he was actually happy that you were young!
In his mind that meant you would play with him and the other toys more than if you were an adult.
But when Matt told him everything you’ve been through he felt sad, buttttttttt he felt happy again when he realized that you’re in Safe Haven now and nothing could hurt you anymore.
But then,
“Hey Y/n..”
“Poppy go away I’m making something.”
“You know this is serious right?”
“…What are you making?”
“Hopscotch mat!”
“Oh! That should be fun..hm. Anyway, like I was about to say you need to get use some extra batteries.”
That made you frown instantly, but! Since you’re such a good person you went anyway.
Jack, who was in charge at the time, asked you where you were going when you were just about to leave. You told him the truth and he wished you luck.
It had been about 7 hours since you’ve left and Jack was worried sick, he kept insisting that he should go look for you but Poppy said that you were probably just taking your time.
That was until a loud crash was heard outside of Safe Haven, a loud, loud, one.
Jack didn’t even wait a second before making Doey sprint out that door, even if Kevin was yelling and him not to.
Finally after about 25 minutes he found your body next to a battery, unconscious and under a large machine, what happened was that when you used your grab pack to collect the battery from the machine. You pulled too hard and the whole machine collapsed onto you.
Jack was rightly horrified and started sobbing on the spot, so much that Matthew had to take over and lifted the heavy machinery off you just to pick up your body.
Running as quickly as he could he finally made it to Safe Haven and called the Medic over frantically.
Jack soon convinced Matthew to let him in charge so he could watch over you, he didn’t sleep at all that night, just making sure he was awake so you wouldn’t be alone in the tent when you woke up.
When you did wake up Jack was thrilled and almost started crying again, he gently held your hand in his and promised you that he wouldn’t let you get hurt anymore.
Not after that.
Idk why this took me so long, it was really fun to do this tho!🤪
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maginersp · 2 months ago
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ultimateanna · 4 months ago
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Final Destination 3 - characters's picture with the clues to show how they die.
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anon55mystery · 7 months ago
Ideas for a GF Lost Legends sequel or well midquel.
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1). We get a story that features Ford working together with Dipper and Multi-Bear!
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We learn more of their friendship and their interests.
Multi-Bear meets Ford! Him, Multi-Bear, and Dipper become an unlikely trio!
They all work together to find something or someone in The Crawlspace about Ford's past. Maybe also some information of The Oracle!
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Also maybe some more flashbacks of Ford's childhood and maybe Multi-Bear shares some of his childhood memories too.
Also their love of the group BABBA and their hit song Disco Girl!
2). The second story can be about Pacifica working at Greasy's Diner.
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After her parents lost their mansion for pledging their alliance to Bill. Pacifica has to find work to pay off her parents new house.
While at the start, she's her usually bratty and spoiled self. She slowly learns how to be nice and compassionate to others. Also because her, and her parents aren't wealthy anymore, no one is cowering before her.
Even when Pacifica is mean to her at first, Lazy Susan is is still cheerful and polite towards her, she even lets her stay at her place when her parents are "busy" wallowing in pity.
We also learn a little bit of Lazy Susan's past and why she's nice. Also her becoming Pacifica's grandmother figure.
3). A reconcile story of Old Man McGucket and his son.
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We get flashbacks of what's his childhood like and what type of people his family were.
His friendship with Stanford, him giving an axolotl, and more of their friendship during college.
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Some flashbacks of him when he was healthier, and his relationship with his son Tate McGucket, along with is ex wife Emma-May.
Maybe even some tension between Ford and Tate for understandable reasons.
4). A story of Wendy during high school, and still having adventures after The Pines Family left Gravity Falls.
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She's still the awesome laid-back, rebellious teenager, we know and love, but this time we learn a bit more about her childhood and who her mom was.
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We see the relationship between her dad, her younger brothers, and her mom before her disappearance (I like to think she disappeared when Wendy was twelve. Also I believe in this theory)
In the flashbacks, we get to see her dad training her and her brothers for an apocalypse, and her awesome fighting skills!
The origin on how she met Tambry, despite being complete opposites. Also her eventual friendships with Nate, Lee, Robbie, and Thompson.
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We also see she still goes on adventures without Soos and The Pines Family. Sometimes she goes on adventures with her friends or brothers.
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Maybe even while she's ditching school during a boring trip at the museum, she finds a something about her missing mom.
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lovely-lettuce · 9 months ago
One million little south parkies :3
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sweetnekoheart · 10 months ago
Tag Yourself, I'm Damien, Sorry I Did Not Add Terrance Because There's No Room Left (All Hellpark Characters Sleeping)
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emayuku · 3 months ago
Wendy and Kevin
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This Funimation animated classic follows the beginning of a lonely 8-year-old Chinese girl named Wendy Wu (Myriam Sirois) whose family moved from China to suburban Chicago where they own the five-star hotel until her mother dies. When, after some tense school days and doing chores, Wendy finds herself being kidnapped by the two bumbling robbing gangsters and their leader Yan-Lo (James Hong), the evil scientist who captive all the creatures called Digimon, whom she makes friends with, she is befriended and protected by the clever and mischievous boy of her age Kevin McCallister (Kathleen Barr), the rival concierge's youngest son who rescues her with the help of their new-found friends SooLingmon (Stephanie Sheh) and Dracomon (Johnny Yong Bosch) and the rest of the other Digimon. A romance begins to blossom between the two chosen children and their partners as they have adventures in the street and at school, but their many differences after the deaths of Kevin's father and two cousins and the McCallister family's hotel was destroyed, along with more drama at their feuding families, threaten to keep them apart during the game show. 
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felicitykings · 5 months ago
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MARY ELIZABETH WINSTEAD as Wendy Christensen & RYAN MERRIMAN as Kevin Fischer
FINAL DESTINATION 3 (2006) dir. james wong
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tsukat2011 · 3 months ago
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More gifs
Is it worth posting the rest?
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valentinedussaut · 5 months ago
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“I'm here, okay? I made a promise to J that I would take care of you.”
“On the ride. For three minutes. You weren't making the promise for a lifetime.”
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lizzy0310 · 5 months ago
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