chrisbangs · 1 year
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circusinarun · 3 months
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This is... Gonna take a while... 😅😅😅
Please, have patience
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Also, this animatic has a bit of a lore of my f!au :3
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mintflavoredfemurs · 17 days
At this rate it's Error against either a less fucked up version of himself or the guy the fandom's been shipping him with for years
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winterswake · 7 days
blonde evil men with straightened hair summer...
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cinamun · 1 year
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Cousins | Next
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the-party-dude · 9 months
[How does everyone keep up with both, their RP and main account?]
[I have two phones so that makes it easier. But I also have four RP accounts. So I have seven accounts in total.]
[@animal-lover-forever, @im-a-turtle-with-anger-issues, @the-party-dude, @the-multiverse-jumper, @a-wise-rat, @leos-katanas and @turflytle-cult. Buzz buzz.]
[I've done this to myself really. I'm digging my own grave here... Pretty sure I've hit the 7ft mark in my grave. And I'm still going... Pretty sure the shovel is glued to my hands.]
[What's the saying? Oh, yeah. "If you want out of the hole, first you gotta put down the shovel."]
[How many Tumblr accounts do you guys have!?]
[I clearly have to many!]
[Why does Tumblr even allow me to have so many!?]
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infernal-feminae · 7 months
Sera has appeared! What to do?
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Play dead Woohoo Scare Violate
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theonetruegnome · 2 months
The Tag incident
Dandy was looking wildly around her, fearful yet defiant of what she might see. The field seemed empty though, so she allowed herself to bend double and catch her breath. her limbs were heavy and lungs empty. She looked up and saw one behind her, the guard with the electric truncheon running after her.
'Come on, can't a gal get a decent rest these days?!' She said with perfect Hollywood movie inflection. She couldn't wait up, he was getting closer all the while. She ran off, running for dear life, the guard yelling after for her to stop and return to the facility. Dandy didn't listen, she couldn't go back, couldn't stand another ten years in that concrete hell box. Her legs pumped furiously and the figure began to fall behind. She looked back and smirked.
'Not so tough now are ya?'
A purple chicken suddenly jumped from the trees and knocked the bun to the ground, simultaneously bringing her back to reality.
'Tag! Gotcha Dandy!'
Conk lifted himself off of Dandy's chest and adjusted his scarf. Dandy looked up at the chicken smiling down at her.
'Why'd you have to go and do that?! I was just getting into it!'
'Sorry, but it's your own *Yawn* Fuh-Fault for being so airheaded. I just took advantage of it' Conk took a moment to stretch and limber up. 'Well, I best be off. Oh, and Leah just got Mana, so don't bother going after her'
Before Dandy could reach up to tag him back, he was off and running. She slowly got to her feet and retraced her steps, eventually coming back to where the candy-pink dog had stopped. Munch was panting and clutching his stomach, moaning slightly.
'Woah, you ok dude?' Dandy was concerned for her friend, he looked really uncomfortable.
'No. My stomach *oof* really hurts.'
'Well, you shouldn't have had all those milkshakes on an empty stomach then, it probably messed up your insides. The running also probably didn't help.'
'But it made me happy! Oww... You're probably right though. I'll catch up, just gotta *URP* let it die down.'
Dandy nodded at Munch then ran off and scoped out the scene.
Now that she had stopped imagining herself as a cool convict Significantly Less cool version of herself, she could see the others running around properly. Eli had a laughing Leah on his shoulders with SunnyShoat following along. Callum was being chased by Mana and looked frankly terrified, while Conk appeared to have crashed in a patch of Dahlias about ten feet from where he tagged Dandy. She had to carefully choose her prey. Conk was a no-go. He wouldn't realise he was tagged and it would confuse everyone. Callum was being dealt with by Mana, so that's a no-go. Eli was protecting Leah, and he could outrun any of them. The only choice was sunny, she'd have to just outlast her.
'Heeeere comes Dandy!!'
The rabbit sprang out and began to sprint towards Sunny, who had already turned tail and began to run. The wind whipping her ears back, the sweet grass beneath her feet, her friends all running around and having fun... Nothing could be better than this. 'FZZNZZT
Hoppy was already catching up to picky, she could see the pig beginning to slow down and get tired. Wait, who was that ahead of her? She didn't know a Picky! She looked down. 'Green? But I'm... Why am I green?! Guys why am I green?!!' Hoppy stared at her hands in horror, her beautiful golden fur now a sickly peppermint green. Picky looked back at her friend and Gasped at the stranger in her place. GZZZRRZZ
Dandy dropped to the ground. 'No. No no no no no!' she whispered, still staring at those hands, those awful, green... hands... Her head cocked to the side in confusion as she turned them over and over. Though the tears pooling in the corners of her eyes, she saw them, coloured sunny like wheat, not peppermint. 'But... just now... they were...' She felt a presence and looked up. Her friends had all run over, even Conk-out and Munchypup. Leah jumped down from Eli's shoulders and moved slowly closer.
'Dandy? Are you ok? What were you crying about?' Leah was worried, what if she had hurt herself?
I... I can't remember. *Sniffle* Never mind Leah. If I can't remember it, it mustn't matter, right?'
'I guess so. Just look after yourself alright? You and Eli are always injuring yourselves!'
'Ha! No chance!' She quickly looked over to munch and Mana and winked. The two smiled but quickly reshaped their faces into expressions of concern. 'Oh! One last thing Leah.'
'Yeah?' Dandy clapped her on the shoulder and leant down to whisper in her ear.
'You're it.'
Like lighting, Mana tapped Callum and Munch smacked Eli on the head, yelling 'YOU'RE IT!' and the three fiends sped off in different directions.
Leah and Callum went after Mana and Dandy, while Eli charged after Munch.
Sunny was still confused. She could have sworn she saw something, but what? It was like somebody had scooped the last five minutes of her memory out with a spoon.
'Hey, Conk, did you see-'
'No miss, my dad ate my homework... ZZZzzzz... Munch wasn't hungry enough...'
Sunny was about to wake up the Cockerel when she heard a 'Woah!' an enormous crash echoed around, and a high scream went up;
Sunny ran over to Munch to see Eli laying on top of him, dazed. One of his tusks was jammed into Munch's chest.
'Oh god man, I'm so sorry! I just tripped and-'
'What's going on?!'
'Oh God, Munchy!!'
'Ok, ok! Everyone back up! Come on Eli up you get. Come on, up, you're crushing him! Ok Munch, we're going to go home and your Mom or Dad'll take you to a doctor ok? Ok. We're going to have to walk but we'll support you. You guys keep playing, we'll be back soon! Eli? Help?'
'Yeah, got it cap.'
As the two carried the crying pupper back home, sunny's mind was distracted by Munch being in pain, leaving her subconscious to fill in the cracks until it all seemed like a weird nightmare.
Did you enjoy? If there is anything I can improve upon, please tell me! I N E E D T O K N O W
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diamonds-a-lapdog · 5 months
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Just pulled (;ω;)
My luck Is gone for the rest of the year (and I was saving it for nucarni)
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yearnstarved · 1 month
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written in the stars (VAELRE)
it had to end this way. we all know it. only you were unaware. you had hope. hope, of course, only makes it hurt all the more. we all knew you would look back, oh love, there’s no other version of the story. and yet, alongside you, we still had hope. we believed in you, even though we knew you couldn’t win. and you believed in yourself till the last moment. it isn’t fair, is it? you didn’t know you were doomed.
TAGGED BY: @ruindgod luv u TAGGING: @darehearts @danversiism @dosminius
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mothinabottle · 6 months
my idea did, in fact, not work...
Back to the old boop style
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zelphin124 · 8 months
Affectionately defenestrating Spring ^^
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Oh dear.
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jabbajacks · 24 days
Writing response in replies
Leave for a few minutes
Come back and it refreshed so it's fucking gone
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blueshykitsune-blog · 10 months
I like randomly choosing to post about FNAF opinions.
I might one day find that one post in my drafts about my headcannons... I'm sorry it's taken a while to get to it... I kind of lost it to the sea of drafts.
But I do have one thing I will say right now.
Michael Afton seemed like well... an ordinary teenager/preteen (depending on how old someone says Michael is.)
I mean I look at my own brother and see plenty of similarities.
Picking on the younger sibling? Check.
Being really attached to their father yet somehow seeming so distant? Check.
Liked short sleeves even ripping off the normal sleeves even in the winter most likely? Check.
Um... I dunno what else at this moment... but it's three things at least!
So Michael seems like a regular teenager who just happened to have had caused a tragic accident.
Michael, Elizabeth, and "Evan" (FNAF 4 crying child for those who didn't know, just the most common name I see used for them.) I bet had a pretty regular family relationship until the bad things happened. I mean they seemed pretty regular, just add in a father who owns a business dealing with animatronics and that's basically them.
However my headcanon on Mrs. Afton I just... I dunno, I never keep the idea the same. Sometimes it's she is there and she's just like not visibly their, she's already out the family, or many different possibilities.
William is similar. In sime cases he may have been the absolute worse father, others he tried his best, some he was an average father, and there is at least one time I thought about how he could've been an excellent father.
Get that into your head about being an excellent father and poof you could go insane treating your family by neglecting even sometimes. There is also the fact he loses his kids, that in itself can intensify or create mental problems.
Elizabeth is relatively easier to say. She's likely maybe a bit spoiled or even really loved. Their is also a possible neglection. Many things are shown to be true for that. She dies by that. Without her father forgetting to keep an eye on her she wouldn't of found Circus Baby and have died (likely.) And in the books even tho I believe the girl in the trilogies is named differently she still was neglected and found circus baby who kills her.
(Fyi Neglection is a form of abuse which actually is one thing that provides my headcanon of William not being the best of the best fathers in reality but maybe he thought he was and others did too?)
Then Evan, crying child, fnaf 4 child, many names for them. I honestly do wonder... why do we say they are male? I mean I believe Evan was cause of similarities to a character named that in a book or something but like... what if CC was actually female?
Older brothers would indeed pick on their sisters in similar ways. So seeing as that it's possible... maybe Crying child was female. I dunno. I could be completely incorrect. Their could be something that indicates the child as male other than things outside of the games.
Some headcanon stuff, but headcanons can change! Especially while looking at others headcanons or rando theories.
Okay... I will post this now...
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da-riya · 5 months
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a-musing-mixologist · 3 months
From @chopchopclown ♡ for kid and killer? and better put everything at 5 :)
Thoughts || Accepting
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"You know what? I was gonna rank The Other Redhead this low but then you showed up and I realized he's not the bottom of the barrel."
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"Ya must have something goin' fer ya t' trip that far upwards, fwaha. But I ain't gonna waste time tryin' t' figure it out."
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