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godssong · 2 years ago
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Repost from @wellwateredwomen • Yesterday I collapsed on my bed and picked up my phone to scroll. Deep down, I knew I was trying to escape my weariness, weakness, and worn-out reality. But as I opened the Instagram app, this reminder reoriented my heart:⁠ ⁠ True rest is not found in scrolling social media; it’s found in surrendering in the embrace of my Savior (Matt. 11:28).⁠ ⁠ I needed true rest, something my phone can't provide. The kind of rest that only comes from finding my identity in Christ, not fixating on the identity of others online. Scrolling is an escape, but surrender is an entrance into restorative, gospel rest.⁠ ⁠ Though it may feel uncomfortable to lay aside my phone to draw near to Jesus through prayer when I want to zone out, I never regret coming to Christ in surrender. As Elisabeth Elliot once said, “One does not surrender a life in an instant. That which is lifelong can only be surrendered in a lifetime.”⁠ ⁠ Scrolling can't save us from exhaustion or restore us from weariness, but drawing near to our God, who sits enthroned and has all strength and grace for every moment of the day, can (Heb. 4:16). ⁠ ⁠ Rest in him, friend. Even when it’s uncomfortable and hard, your soul will learn the delight of being still and knowing that he is God, and this far outweighs the temporary escape of a transitory flick of the screen. –Gretchen (@gretchensaffles), Founder #wellwateredwomen #growinginGRACE #webecomewhatwebehold https://www.instagram.com/p/CoIYc85PAkSmkrj6jwt2FxshOkzq9qCCsGzYn00/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fightinglikeaman · 3 years ago
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golden-gospel-poet · 3 years ago
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lawofattractionwithsecret · 4 years ago
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Your life matters, your feelings matter, your experiences matter. God loves you. You are loved. - - - #Biblestudy #Biblejournaling #womenoftheword #coffeeandJesus #powerofprayer #intheword #Biblestudymoments #devotional #seekHimfirst #shereadstruth #morningprayer #wellwateredwomen #womensbiblestudy #goodmorninggirls #readthroughtheBible #butfirstJesus #intheword #womenintheword #lampandlight #God #verseoftheday (at New York, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG7BOaZHPMx/?igshid=1k54zf0wsqa51
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lawofattractiontips · 4 years ago
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To manifesting MORE money during quarantine than in the last 2 years! PLUS, see how 33,437 people are using "money prayers" to: Lift financial curses (and remove evil spirits) ​Receive unexpected gifts and checks in the mail Enjoy total financial relief with no more money worries ​Attract lucrative job offers - even without special skills! Manifest UNLIMITED financial blessings And while this may sound astonishing... ...it’s only a glimpse of what "Money Prayers" can do for you. . Click link BIO now @success_vibration1111 . . #Biblestudy #Biblejournaling #womenoftheword #coffeeandJesus #powerofprayer #intheword #Biblestudymoments #devotional #seekHimfirst #shereadstruth #morningprayer #wellwateredwomen #womensbiblestudy #goodmorninggirls #readthroughtheBible #butfirstJesus #intheword #womenintheword #lampandlight #God #verseoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/CGMlP8vnfTr/?igshid=9ijdjudbz519
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realakwatsera · 5 years ago
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#biblestudy #biblejournaling #womenoftheword #coffeeandjesus #powerofprayer #intheword #biblestudymoments #devotional #seekhimfirst #shereadstruth #morningprayer #wellwateredwomen #womensbiblestudy #goodmorninggirls #readthroughthebible #butfirstjesus #womenintheword #lampandlight #womenlivingwell #verseoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/CAYzSPgnBUi/?igshid=2paj9d91lp9i
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itwondersme · 5 years ago
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Yesterday, we talked about swapping our usual list of New Year’s resolutions for the simple, yet profound desire to be more like Jesus.⁣ ⁣ Of course, the big question is, “How do I do that?”⁣ ⁣ Because, let’s be honest, that’s a heck of a lofty goal. He’s way up there *gestures at sky* and we’re way down here *gestures at ground*.⁣ ⁣ But although he’s God, Jesus didn’t set an unattainable standard while he was on Earth. In fact, he was pretty practical in how he expressed his love for God and for other people.⁣ ⁣ Rather than stressing about how we’re not exactly like the Perfect Man, here are some everyday things we can do to better align ourselves with Jesus’ example.⁣ ⁣ ❤️ Get familiar with the Word by reading the Bible⁣ 🧡 Smile and say “hi” when you meet a stranger⁣ 💛 Keep snacks in your bag to give folks on the street⁣ 💚 Say “sorry” when you know you’re wrong⁣ 💙 Thank God for taking care of you before eating⁣ 💜 Add an extra 2% when you give (or start giving!)⁣ ⁣ See? Not scary or hard, right? We can do this.⁣ ⁣ 💬 What other things could you do to live, love, and look more like Jesus in 2020? ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #itwondersme#soulscripts#daughterofdelight#shereadstruth#womenintheword#propelwomen#gritandvirtue#christianblog#faithblog#christianwoman#christianliving#nothingisordinary#belovedlife#graceupongrace#chooselovely#dailydevotional#goodgod#gracemakers#wellwateredwomen#shewritestruth#scripture#gospel#newyearseve#resolutions#practical#jesusislord#infographic (at Hamilton, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6vY-R_lKe2/?igshid=ldi37c9rrpl7
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acreativeintrovert-blog · 6 years ago
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The things that make you truly "pretty"
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coffee-and-grace · 6 years ago
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Early mornings find me in the Word. It’s what sets my feet on a firm foundation for the day, readies my heart for whatever challenges I may face, and gives me a few sweet moments alone with my Lord before facing the world. I wouldn’t trade this time for anything. • • • • • #shereadstruth #designedsisterhood #christiancreative #christianliving #christianwomen #womenintheword #deeplyrooted #bedeeplyrooted #wellwateredwomen #biblestudy #faithblogger #christianblogger #faithjourney #gracemakers #shedelights #blessedisshe #coffeeandjesus #graceupongrace #faithoverfear #itiswell #livebygrace #captureyourstyle #flashesofdelight #cornersofmyworld #seeksimplicity #stillswithstories #nothingisordinary #flatlaynation #flatlayphotography #flatlayjournal https://www.instagram.com/p/B06B0jch6N-/?igshid=rdn7k69alxt5
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stephanielynnauthor · 6 years ago
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Verse of the Day
James 4:6 But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”
I just love this verse. If we humble ourselves before God, we receive even more grace. Can you imagine? More than we've already been given! He is so loving and giving. He is forgiving, yet righteous. Come to Him today and humble yourself before Him. Ask for forgiveness and feel His grace pour out over you. <3
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afterfivedaze · 6 years ago
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there’s only one reason why God who has already forgiven ALL our sins would ever want us to remember our sins: understanding the severity of our sins helps us grasp the depths of His amazing grace when He sent Jesus to die for us, to die in our place. to the extent that mankind is so hopelessly depraved, our God is so overwhelmingly magnanimous. i would like to think that this is an understatement. His grace is wider than the oceans, His love is unrivalled and simply incomparable. https://www.instagram.com/p/BypjccwFd-s/?igshid=14gv91z2fsi50
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fightinglikeaman · 4 years ago
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Love letter to us
By Well Watered Woman Co.
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yoga--faith · 2 years ago
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Since the beginning of time, God has been working out his plan of redemption in ways the human eye couldn’t always see. Even creation testifies to his greatness and glory. Throughout Scripture, the dawn is used metaphorically as an arrow pointing to the hope that would come through Jesus Christ. ⁠ ⁠ Jesus is the dawn of grace, the true Light of the World. His birth—and every event leading up to it in history—is another reminder that every second matters in God’s plan of redemption. His grace is the redeeming thread that ties Genesis to Revelation together in one glorious book. ⁠ ⁠ Advent begins with anticipation and expectation and ends with celebration—a celebration that has no end and fills our hearts with exceeding joy. This Advent season, we celebrate the good news that the Light of the World has come. Hope has dawned on our hearts. And now we live in the everlasting light of God’s infinite grace. ⁠ ⁠ Pause for a heart check: How is your walk with Jesus? Knowing where you are in your walk with God and knowing the state of your heart will better prepare you to walk through the Christmas season with your eyes on Jesus. Take time today to pray honestly before the Lord, confessing where you're weary and asking for strength where you're struggling. Believe that he will be faithful to meet with you as you draw near to him this Advent season. -Gretchen (@gretchensaffles), Founder ⁠ ⁠ #wellwateredwomen #thedawnofgrace #wwwadvent #solagratia #bygracealone #fivesolas⁠ 📷 @wellwateredco #faith #yogafaith (at YOGA FAITH) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl9OR2yPsb_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mrsl-writingteacher · 3 years ago
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Misunderstood verses #7 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged” Matthew 7:1 This is another verse that gets thrown around as a way to not deal with personal sin. “You can’t judge me because Jesus said you can’t.” It falls into the “my truth” and “your truth” category of misleading statements used to deflect accountability for godly behavior. Consider the context. Jesus is well into the longest sermon we have on record, the Sermon on the Mount. He has already discussed the Beatitudes, the need to be salt in a decaying world, the correct interpretation of the Law, the importance of giving, the need for prayer, the treasure of heaven, and the problem of worry. Each subject is for the general population of his followers, not case studies of individuals. He is giving an overview of living a transformed life. Judgement in this context is about getting your own house in order before taking on the role of correcting others. The religious leaders of the time were corrupt, so much so that Jesus eventually compares them to whitewashed tombs: grand on the outside, but full of death within. His message here teaches the importance of being honest about dealing with personal sin. It is a message of humility versus hypocrisy. Later, in Matthew 18, Jesus teaches the right way to hold each other accountable. If repentance and restoration is impossible, Jesus says to treat that person like a pagan. Our culture would call that judging, but Jesus is concerned about the ways in which believers work out their faith, and accountability, done with grace and love, is part of the picture. #defaultingtograce #jesusfollower #wellwateredwomen #christianinstagram #theology #context #devotional #biblestudy #womensministry #dayspring @deep_river_books @trueandlovelyco @fellowshiproswell @kingdom.dominion.church @hopechurchlv @johnsonferry https://www.instagram.com/p/CerwPUxLB6G/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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brownsugarrush · 3 years ago
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Reposted from @wellwateredwomen I blame my deepening forehead wrinkles on my wild eyebrows.⁠ ⁠ I blame my softening chin on those extra pounds from the surgery I had last year.⁠ ⁠ I blame the dark circles under each eye on not taking five minutes to apply even an ounce of makeup this morning.⁠ ⁠ I blame my forgetful brain on the number of tasks I have at work.⁠ ⁠ I blame my eagerness to avoid all mention of my upcoming birthday on my spiritual maturity—I don't need anything this year, don't even mention it.⁠ ⁠ But my blame game is covering up the ache of my heart. Another year older, another year closer to the day when someone will look at me and say, "You can tell she was beautiful when she was young."⁠ ⁠ And while I am so much more than the sum of my physical appearance and abilities, I know too that I am an embodied soul. These wrinkles and sags and drying skin and forgotten memories are all some part of my identity. So I blame to hide the shame that I am not what I once was.⁠ ⁠ And I have few answers, only that the constant pain in my gut of losing who I once was reminds me of the words of the One who sacrificed his body on the cross for me: "whoever loses his life for my sake will find it" (Matt. 10:39b).⁠ ⁠ So I ask myself, can I lay down my beauty, my youth, my body as worship of the One who laid down his life for me? –Maggie (@maggie__combs), Content Director #wellwateredwomen #growinginGRACE #truthtrumpsfeelings #lampandlight https://www.instagram.com/p/CcobFuVvyDk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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golden-gospel-poet · 3 years ago
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