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goodmexicangirl · 7 years ago
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Trusting the journey.... Happy #moonmonday family Today was a sloooow start of the day. I'm grateful for the opportunities to share my work & products even with the craziness that sometimes shows up when folks come together. It's all part of the work & practice of holding space. @wearewildriot @laplazala @thevcnetworkinggroup @lajuntala @abnightmarketla thanks for creating spaces & events where folks can support local makers like @thotcreations & myself In trusting the journey for me has been about witnessing how effortlessly things work out when I get out of the way of wanting to control a particular outcome. I see it. I feel it. I'm learning to trust it. Then I get beautiful surprises in my in box that also affirm the path that's unfolding. Today I experienced some wonderful sessions with new clients during Monday happy hour session.... fyi: from 4-8pm I offer 30 minutes or full hour sessions at a discounted rate. See link in bio to book appointment. The invitation as we navigate through a few planets in retrograde: As you go with the flow make sure it comes from your heartspace. Meaning let your heart (true self) dictate your response and meet any resistance with loving kindness. Learn to trust & be more loving to yourself regardless of the outcome. Onwards my lovelies #healingqueen #mindfulnesswork practitioner in the #healingarts #alchemist creator of the #lovelimpias #wellnesslatina (at Kosha Wellness Center)
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goodmexicangirl · 7 years ago
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See you later @thevcnetworkinggroup Health & Wellness Expo We'll be offering mini sessions #cranialsacral #polarity modalities & #lovelimpias & #tarot readings by donation We'll also have available a selection of our #vegan cookies & #apothecaryproducts made with therapeutic grade essential oils #hustleandplay all summer long #GoodMexicanGirl #healingqueen it's all #mindfulnesswork practitioner in the #healingarts #alchemist #wellnesslatina #weallgrow #Shoplocal #supportthemakers (at Palazzio Events)
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goodmexicangirl · 7 years ago
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#fullmoonvibes Are you feeling a shift? A clarity about your goals? If not, it's ok. Tonight, it's an invitation to mindfulness about your dreamseeds If need support around this come get a session or #lovelimpia with me today. I have openings from 2-5pm. To book go to my site www.healingqueen.abmp.com Sessions happening at @fixestudio Or join me for yoga & meditation from 6:30-8pm also tonight at @fixestudio Sessions Sunday at @koshawellness In Pasadena are available after 1pm #brujitavibes #moonchild #healingqueen #mindfulnesswork practitioner in the #healingarts #alchemist creator of the #lovelimpias #cranialsacral #polarity modalities #creativeentrepreneur #wellnesslatina #weallgrow #supportlocal https://www.instagram.com/p/Bkhrd1Fg8Zv/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1jzkmyponygx4 (at Fixé Studio)
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goodmexicangirl · 7 years ago
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Call it trust Call it surrender Call it divine timing Whatever wording works best for you ultimately it's about tapping into your knowing and paying attention #healingqueen #mindfulnesswork practitioner in the #healingarts #alchemist creator of the #lovelimpias #wellnesslatina #supportlocal Regrann from @universalconsciousness.1111 - “The Words You Speak Become the House You Live In.” - Hafiz via @jordanflesher - . . . . . . ⚡️♻️ #SpiritualHealing #Balance #Meditation #Unity #UnconditionalLOVE #Consciousness #Limitless #CollectiveConsciousness #Synchronicity #NoFear #Bliss #LOVE #5thdimension #Enlightened #RaiseYourVibration #VibrateHigher #432Hz #1320Hz #Frequency #TuneIn #1111 #YouCreateYourOwnReality #HealingVibrations #Metaphysics #Numerology #AngelNumbers #1111Events - #regrann
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goodmexicangirl · 7 years ago
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I'll be back offering sessions #lovelimpias & tarot readings by donation this Saturday @communityhealing event at Elysian Park 10am-sundown. For location see previous posts that has address listed. Sunday I'll be doing tarot readings by donation @lajuntala If you have not bought tickets to Novalima's only L.A. appearance don't miss out. Go to La Junta now I also have openings for Monday happy hour special from 4-8pm Book via my site Link in bio I'll be offering sessions on Aug 18 during @babasvegancafe Vegan Affair at Kinetic Studios & Saturday Aug 25th alongside @humynplant during @latinafest happening @laplazala Come to our booth for Reiki, crystal healing, cranialsacral unwinding/polarity #lovelimpias or tarot readings We got you 💗 They have free tickets available. Go to LatinaFest Instagram for details It's a #newmoon Saturday with #solareclipse do what you need to do to ground yourself for your next blooming #healingqueen #mindfulnesswork practitioner in the #healingarts #alchemist creator of the #lovelimpias #wellnesslatina #tapintotrueself #reconnect #selfcare is #selflove (at Kosha Wellness Center)
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goodmexicangirl · 7 years ago
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Seek & you shall receive. I've been wanting to do events where I can offer sessions at popups. Find me here alongside @humynplant where we'll be offering sessions at our booth. Our offerings include Reiki, crystal healing, cranialsacral unwinding, polarity #lovelimpias & #tarot readings Be sure to get your free tickets @latinafest Check out their IG link Mark your calendar to join us Saturday August 25 @laplazala #healingqueen #mindfulnesswork practitioner the #healingarts #alchemist creator of the #lovelimpias #sobadora #creativeentrepreneur #wellnesslatina #weallgrow
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goodmexicangirl · 7 years ago
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Amazing practitioner @jenabird38 of @koshawellness will lead a beautiful #soundbath at @tonallistudio this Sunday Go to @koshawellness Instagram and click on link for tickets. You won't want to miss this. #chicanxs #meditations #lakshmi #wellnesslatina collaborations (at TONALLI STUDIO)
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goodmexicangirl · 7 years ago
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Save the date @latinafest event happening at @laplazala by #olverastreet I'll be here as #healingqueen offering our services #lovelimpias #cranialsacral #polarity modalities & #tarot readings too Happy to share space alongside @humynplant who'll be offering #reiki & #crystalhealing too Stop by our booth Aug 25 Go to @latinafest to get your free tickets #latinafest #wellnesslatina #weallgrow #shoplatinxbiz #healingqueen #mindfulnesswork practitioner in the #healingarts #polarity #cranialsacral #alchemist creator of the #lovelimpias #leocartas #crystalkweens (at LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes)
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goodmexicangirl · 7 years ago
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#happyhour with #healingqueen Get #energetictuneups for $40 It's a 30 minute session using #cranialsacral #polarity modalities #crystals or #lovelimpia Discounts do not apply Book via my site www.healingqueen.abmp.com Click on book now button & you'll be directed to my scheduling app #wellnesslatina #selflove is #selfcare (at Kosha Wellness Center)
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goodmexicangirl · 7 years ago
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I heard this in a lecture by #mariannewilliamson this week. It resonated so deeply that I had to share. In meditation, I reflected how shifting my thinking allowed for the miracle to happen. How being in my happiness made available the space for me to grow my practice. I had been manifesting something like this. I made the ask thinking, oh it'll be until next year. Universe said well here it is if you want it. There were 101 excuses as to why this wouldn't work. My heart sang when I thought of the possibilities. Here I am settling into new studio ready to bloom. I also affirmed that yesterday I was living my happiness. I started by meeting with potential client and business partnership. Ran errands that led me to my favorite places and seeing folks who have become dear friends. Met kindred spirits and light workers. Ended the day with my #brujitabestie who came to bless my space and we broke bread together.... really a flourless matcha cake that was yummy. We're going to take advantage of the Tuesdays we can meet for our manifesting sessions. So the invitation today is to be in your happiness so that you too can generate the power of Yes for what you seek. As we prepare for the new moon, today is a perfect day to release or unwind limiting beliefs that make it challenging for you to inhabit your power of yes. For this #newmoon ask for support to tap into your yes, to tap into your happiness. If need support around this come get a #lovelimpia or #cranialsacral #polarity session. Openings available Thursday from 10am - 2pm. This weekend at @reggaeonthemountain find our booth on #healersrow Go to link in bio to book appointments Wishing you continued blessings. Any challenge that arises, may you be able to meet it grace, love & light #healingqueen #mindfulnesswork practitioner in the #healingarts #alchemist creator of the #lovelimpias #cranialsacral #polarity modalities member of APTA #courseinmiracles #happiness #powerofyes #wellnesslatina #weallgrow (at Kosha Wellness Center)
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goodmexicangirl · 7 years ago
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Why is she on top of the table? Sometimes you need to unwind the thoracic (mid-chest) area from above. See how the client is smiling. They felt the shift & release. Sharing an action foto to update you that I'll be expanding hours this summer. Stay tuned. I'll be offering more services and packages too. To book sessions go to my site. Link in bio In the meantime, if you're heading to @reggaeonthemountain in a few weeks find us at healing row alongside @thotcreations & @mehnditation_henna I'll be offering sessions all weekend. I'll be back @fixestudio on Wednesday July 25 from 3-5pm offering sessions following yoga & meditation from 6:30-8pm. Bring your gear. #healingqueen #mindfulnesswork practitioner in the #healingarts #alchemist creator of the #lovelimpia #wellnesslatina #habloespañol #spanglish y #pocho too Discount given to #Caltech community when book sessions with me at Kosha Wellness Center in Pasadena.
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goodmexicangirl · 7 years ago
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Today for #transformationThursdays & post #fullmoonvibes consider how can you bring more peace in your life? It often begins with perception. Our ego works masterfully in the arena of perception. It let's us believe we're alone in our struggles, when there are others able to offer support. It let's us believe we don't have enough or are not enough so we stress & focus on lack versus areas were we are in abundance. It fuels our rencor, resentment so we cannot be in a place of forgiveness and be at greater peace. Peace may feel like a lightness in your being. Peace may sound like an ease in your breathing. Peace may be you coming into greater alignment with your true divine self. We are masterful storytellers, retelling the same novela, or plot line in our life. Phrases such as "It always happens to me" or "It should be.." or "They did..." "I am not enough" become too familiar not allowing peace to enter our energy body. As we come to the end of another month and begin another in a few days; how can you have more mindfulness about your health and allow peace be at the center of your life? If need support around this come get a session with me. I have openings this Sunday after 1pm. You can book directly from my site. #healingqueen #mindfulnesswork practitioner in the #healingarts #alchemist creator of the #lovelimpias #cranialsacral #polarity modalities #wellnesslatina #selfcare is #selflove
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goodmexicangirl · 7 years ago
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#iamgrateful for an incredible week with our workshop, pop-ups & sessions. I am grateful for @thotcreations for supporting & being a cool team player Thank you to @mostlyangelsla for opening up space for introduction to #findingself #findinglove & to all the participants who joined To @fixestudio & @defecreative For inspiring #espíritu during #wellnesswednesday To @instituteforteachersofcolor Annual conference #itoc18 for having us back with our pop-up & lead #yoga & #meditation to #teachers To @nativesol for having us for #lastfridays on 4th & #adornme To @lajuntala family for having us back to share our products & offerings We're back again at @fixestudio this Wednesday offering sessions from 2-5pm & yoga-meditation from 6:30-8pm Go to my site to book appointment. Friday #DoñasyComadres Yoga Club meets at 10am at @tonallistudio Weekend Workshop of Finding Self Finding Love happens this Friday & Saturday. You must register to join. Link in bio to register. Stay tuned where we'll set up our #popupshop this weekend Sunday I'll have sessions at @koshawellness in Pasadena after 1pm, morning appointments are booked. #GoodMexicanGirl #healingqueen it's all #mindfulnesswork practitioner in the #healingarts #alchemist creator of the #lovelimpias #creativeentrepreneur #wellnesslatina #mindbodysoul work
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goodmexicangirl · 7 years ago
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This pretty much sums up my July, really the remainder of 2018 This solstice & mercury in retrograde has been an opportunity for me to go within and tap into what's in alignment with my true self. This can be big changes or smaller shifts in one's way of thinking & perceiving the world. #imready If need support around this come experience a session or #lovelimpia with me. Book online at my site Link in bio #healingqueen #mindfulnesswork practitioner in the #healingarts #alchemist # wellnesslatina creator of the #lovelimpias #happyjuly #timeforchange #embracechange #growthandexpansion Repost @sacredrootsholistichealing @morganharpernichols (at Kosha Wellness Center)
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goodmexicangirl · 7 years ago
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@brujatip gives me life Thank you for your notitas 💖 What are you brewing for yourself? How are you brewing it is just as precious as the what. I appreciate this reminder for #sundays to help align our week with our higher self. 💙 My latest recording on soundcloud speaks to this in terms of what I called #divinesynchronicity Search soundcloud for #healingqueen to check out past recordings or my website. 💛 If need support around this come experience a session with me @koshawellnesscenter in Pasadena. Monday happy hour special is 30 minutes for $40 & 60 minutes for $80. 💚 I'll also be at @fixestudio Wednesday offering sessions from 3-5pm followed by yoga & meditation from 6:30-8pm. Happy Sunday family 💜 #healingqueen #mindfulnesswork practitioner of #cranialsacral #polarity modalities member of APTA creator of the #lovelimpias #alchemist #wellnesslatina #holisticofferings (at Kosha Wellness Center)
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goodmexicangirl · 7 years ago
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You can book directly from my site your appointment. The new studio is ready to go. I'm still @koshawellnesscenter in Pasadena. I'll be offering sessions off-site this weekend @reggaeonthemountain Find us at #healersrow again alongside @thotcreations @mehnditation_henna @i_of_the_liger (Picture on the right taken at #rotm17) On Wednesday July 25 I'm back at @fixestudio from 3-5pm offering #lovelimpia #cranialsacral #polarity modalities too Invest in yourself some time to collect yourself & fortify your well being. #newmoon Thursday with a partial eclipse all sorts of planets going into retrograde I'm here to support you #healingqueen #mindfulnesswork practitioner in the #healingarts #alchemist creator of the #lovelimpias #cranialsacral #polarity modalities #wellnesslatina #weallgrow #supportsmallbusinesses (at Kosha Wellness Center)
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