#well to be fair he is slightly taller than one apple
caguaydreams · 2 months
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He’s like one apple tall y’all
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brynnterpretations · 1 month
Hi!! I’d love to request a ship for The Boys if you’re not sick of those!
my name is willa. i think it’s a little less common in the usa and people have trouble spelling it sometimes, so if someone gets it right the first try i will immediately love them lol.
im a bisexual girl with a preference for guys. i have curly blonde hair with blue streaks, blue eyes, pale skin + freckles, and i’m about 5’4. i’ve always wished i was taller but i would kinda love having a partner taller than me lol. i have two ear piercings and a nose stud, and i’m hoping to get more piercings soon like lip piercings or a septum ring. i’m also thinking of getting some tattoos, though nothing huge. i have an apple body type and am a little insecure so i would never date someone who would make me feel bad about myself.
^^also for someone i would not date! i don’t like people who yell a lot or people with severe anger issues. i totally do get having trouble with emotions but i don’t want to be around/be with someone who would take that out on me.
i love clingy people or people who love to talk, i’m a good listener. once you get to know me im very energetic and i love people who match my energy! i try to keep a positive outlook on everything. i have a lot of “nerdy” interests and i will not judge other people’s, so even if i have no idea what someone is talking about i will absolutely listen. my main love language is probably physical touch.
the career i’m currently pursuing is an elementary school teacher. and if that doesn’t work, i’d like to be a social media manager. two pretty different jobs lol.
my long term goals are to travel more, live by the ocean, and own some horses.
i love fashion!! i’m in the process of building a better wardrobe and i love dresses, skirts, bows, anything sanrio, and i wear a lot of pink or black lol.
my main hobbies are reading, swimming, baking, singing, walking. i love anyone with similar interests as me.
i also love people who will go out with me! i like fairs, theme parks, seasonal events especially, but beaches and shopping are also a yes. im very adhd so i’m not that big on museums but i would go if it’s important to my partner/friend. my favorite holiday is halloween.
i hope this was okay and not too much or too little!!! have a lovely day or night < 3
Thank you so much for the request! You have a beautiful name and seem like such a sweetheart.
I ship you with...
Hughie Campbell ♡
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GIF Source: @nellcrain ★ (link)
You and Hughie meet at a Halloween festival in the fall. Your placement is having you help organize events for the youngins, while Hughie is just a festive guy. Who can blame him? He loves himself some pumpkin pie.
However, doing so in NYC is pretty hard, especially because one of the kids you've been trying to keep in the petting zoo while his parents check out the candles decides to hop the small fence and, after disappearing from your line of sight, plop straight into Hughie.
Hughie likes kids, but he is not good with them — he tends to freeze up and worry about the "right thing to say", the "right way to play", etc. — so he would be slightly frightened, mostly frazzled, and would just be focused on getting the kid back to where she came from.
And, after some well-meaning interrogation, he would return her to your station, where he would meet you.
Just at first glance, he finds you extremely cute, especially with how you're not judgmental about how very visibly flustered he was, and exchanges in very sweet (but awkward) small talk with you before going off under the excuse of "getting cider".
He finds you very, very cute in both personality and appearance, so after pacing around the festival three times, he works up the courage to ask you out once bystanders (and children) are away with a signature Hughie ramble: "hey, so, I don't mean to make you feel weird at work or anything—so it's fine if not—but would I be able to get your number?"
And, once you say yes, expect a lot of sweetness. He would make up for not being able to get too much conversation in at the fair by texting you (as well as sending you cute good morning, and good night texts) and would take you to Long Beach for a bite to eat and sightseeing.
Expect the full gentleman package; Hughie picks you up, takes you home, and pays for everything.
As he continues taking you on dates (most notably Miniso on 42nd Street, a book café, and a scary movie marathon, which did end in you having to cuddle him because he got too freaked out), you two start really, really falling for each other.
Hughie definitely stresses and labors over the "right time" to officialize your relationship (and, as evident in the kid stuff, the "right way" to do anything) so he would wait 2 – 3 months before making it official (using the consensus from Reddit). When he would, he'd say he was dropping things off at your apartment, and show up with something you forgot, a bouquet, and a high-end arrangement of your favorite candy.
While the dude's a massive rambler, he would be well-worded and to-the-point when he confesses his feelings to you and says he wants to be your boyfriend, because he takes you extremely seriously and does not want to mess things up.
Once you make things official, y'all become the #1 cutest couple.
Also, since you're into people taller than you, Hughie's your guy. Dude is 6 feet and four inches of anxiety and rambles, and you only go up to his upper arm.
And, since you like rambles: bro will ramble to you about literally anything, whether it's computer software equipment or the anti-war movements during the Vietnam War period.
It's returned, though. Whenever you want to talk about your interests, Hughie listens enthusiastically and always makes notes in your head of date or gift ideas based on them.
For this reason, you two have a PowerPoint night every weekend.
He's not a huge PDA person since he gets flustered easily, but he will always hold your hand in the street, kiss you, and put his arm around you while sitting down.
In private, though? Hughie clings to you like a monkey. He loves to big-spoon you and always stays in bed with you as long as he possibly can. Also, a plus when it's cold in either of your apartments/homes: he is an absolute furnace.
Also really likes your body (I looked up real images of apple body types and think they're super cute as well, but this ain't about me) and always compliments, even if/before you tell him you're insecure about it.
Plus, he loves, loves, loves your fashion style, and particularly loves getting photos of your outfit of the day (he'd ask for them politely, of course).
If you have a Pinterest or anywhere else you log fashion inspiration, he would stalk it and get gifts for you based on it.
So... bad news: Hughie is terrified of horses, because they're big, they're powerful, and they get this look in their eyes when he goes near them.
But, good news: our dude will never be a dream-crusher and would love to pal around on a ranch with you, so he starts getting over his fear of them for you, taking you to ranches where you two can volunteer and interact with horses.
He would avoid telling you his work because of his want to protect you. You are, no joke, the purest person he's ever met, and while he knows you're a strong individual, he doesn't want you to have more things added to your plate.
However, when he realizes that not telling you is only putting you in more danger and is damaging to your relationship, he'd tell you and introduce you to them.
And that brings us to...
The Boys
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GIF Source: @screwsupes ★ (link)
You don't get much interaction with the boys because of Hughie wanting to keep you out of harm's way, but you do make your bonds with them, and they you.
M.M. is 100% your closest acquaintance in the group. He loves to read, and he loves kids, so you two bond very quickly, even though he's one of the more quiet members of the coup.
After Hughie and the rest had to run to another location, you had to awkwardly sit with M.M., which turned into a long, pleasant conversation, and it turned out you two had some of the same favorite books.
Do you have Goodreads? M.M. has Goodreads. Friend him on Goodreads.
I also imagine he has a lot of clout on there, so if you make one or don't have many followers, he would 100% boost it and get you 1K more.
If Hughie gives a heads-up you're coming by, he always perks up and will order in something for you depending on the time, like coffee or Insomnia Cookies.
Butcher thinks you're a sweetheart, but definitely was put off by your fashion taste at first — when he first met you and wasn't expecting any visitors, bro point-blank said "what's this lollipop-lookin' cunt doing in here?", which... yeah.
He doesn't think it's bad, he's just used to Hawaiian shirts and shirtdresses.
He wouldn't talk to you very much, just because he's not really focused on making friends as of late, but Butcher would always welcome you when you come in, and, if he happens to see you afterward, give you the bro-nod. It looks as funny as it sounds.
Annie adores you. She and Hughie amicably split before you came in, but she's not a jealous person, and, too, wants Hughie to be happy: something he always iswhen he's with you.
She would be wary of hanging out with you in case that made things "weird", instead complimenting tattoos of yours she likes and making sure you're always comfortable when you visit the coup.
Kimiko loves your fashion style. She tends to wear dark, plain clothes not for aesthetic reasons, but for a need to "hide", and she loves how yours is colorful and out-there in a good way.
Also wants to dress like you, even if she only does it in the comfort of her room, so she'd ask for advice on different clothes, trinkets, and ask how you have the confidence to do it (which sounds bad, but trust me, for her, it's not — she's tried living her life invisible, and admires people who don't do the same).
She'd teach you some basic sign language, too! She really likes talking to you, and wants to more.
Lastly, Frenchie: he thinks you're so cool. Bro thinks you are so freaking cool. He digs the tattoos, fashion style, everything, and takes book recommendations from you once he figures out you read, since he tends to stick to very specific genres (poetry à la Neruda for the most part).
And, once he figures out you bake, he shares recipes for you.
Also, uh... made you some weed brownies once, so do what you want with that.
All in all, for someone who's only acquaintances with the boys, they all think you're great. You've got some very, very good people by your side, Willa.
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mutxnts · 2 years
for the autumn writing requests, perhaps klapollo corn maze? 👀
“We are so lost.”
Apollo looked around for what felt like the millionth time, exhaling heavily as he did so. As he expected, nothing had changed in their surroundings—it was still all corn and dirt paths as far as the eye could see. He could faintly hear other people in the corn maze talking, but they seemed to be far away. Somehow, they’d ended up in some isolated corner of the maze.
“And whose fault is that?” Klavier asked with a raised eyebrow.
He sighed once more, having to brush his hair back when the two strands fell in his face. “…I guess it’s mine, technically.”
“Ja, since you are the one who insisted we follow the right wall. And look where we ended up?” he gestured at all the corn around them. “We are in a dead end.”
Apollo pressed his finger to his forehead, tapping it as he tried to think of a solution. “Well, we could… we could follow the left wall this time, since the right wall didn’t work.”
Klavier stood up on the toes of his boots as he tried to peer over the top of the corn stalks. They were almost at eye level for him, only a few inches taller than him. “Hm, that would just take us back to the entrance. I suppose that could work, but it would be technically cheating, isn’t it? We would not have found the exit.”
“Honestly, at this point I don’t really care if we find it or not. I just want to get out of here so we can go do some of the other stuff at the fair.” They were on a date, after all, and he didn’t want this stupid corn maze to completely ruin it. What fun would that be if all they’d done on their date was get lost in the maze? There was still so much for them to do at the fair, like ride the ferris wheel, play the carnival games, and eat some fall food, such as a caramel apple or two.
He let his hand fall back to his side as he turned to look at the other man, who was still trying to see over the top of everything. “What are you doing?”
“What does it look like I am doing, Herr Forehead? I’m trying to find a way out. I can just about see over the top of all this corn, but it’s still slightly too tall for me…”
At that, Apollo burst out laughing. “You? Finally too short for something? Welcome to the club, Klav.” Not once had he ever heard his boyfriend admit that he was too short for something. In fact, he made it known fairly often how tall he was in comparison to Apollo, usually by leaning over to talk to him or reaching up and grabbing something for him when he couldn’t reach it. It was infuriating sometimes, so Apollo was damn well going to savor this moment—perhaps the only good thing to come out of this stupid corn maze.
Klavier scoffed as he abandoned his attempt to see over the top of everything and find the exit. “If you climb on my shoulders, I think you’ll be able to see the way out from that high up,” he suggested.
Apollo stared at him. “What? I’m not climbing on your shoulders.”
“Come on, you said you wanted to get out of here. It’s either that or we try your method, and I am not entirely convinced it will work after it did not work the first time.”
They really didn’t have many options, so it didn’t take Apollo long to cave. Klavier kneeled down so he could hoist him up on his shoulders (making sure to warn him about being careful with his hair), and the shorter man awkwardly clambered on top. He hadn’t done something like this since he was a kid so it felt a bit strange to be doing it now, but when Klavier straightened up, he could immediately see all the paths in the maze.
“I can see the exit!” he declared after a minute of looking around. Tracing the path up toward where they were, he thought he could see a clear way out of the maze. “We need to go left, and then take the path on the right when it splits up again.”
Together, the two of them started working their way through the maze. Begrudgingly, Apollo had to admit that it was actually kind of—fun to be the tall one between them for once. And once they made it to the exit, Apollo let out a relieved whoop before hopping down from his boyfriend’s shoulders. He must have gotten a taste of what being tall was like for once, because no sooner had he climbed down, he was dragging Klavier off toward the ferris wheel, making the taller man laugh affectionately.
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julandran · 1 year
Hi, tenor.
So, I recently binged my way through VoicePlay’s music videos on YouTube. (Hello, latest hyperfixation.) And I couldn’t help but notice that there was a period of a year or so when they were being particularly deliberate about some of their staging to ensure that their incredible tenor / short king, Eli, was boosted up to be closer to the other guys' heights. Specifically, during the era when both Earl and J.None were full-time members of the band, so everyone else was a fair bit taller than him.
(Side note: As someone of about the same height and prone to perching myself, I can totally understand if being up higher was at least partly his own preference. Shout out to my fellow kitchen counter and furniture arm sitters.)
Do I think it's necessary to hide the group's height differences? Absolutely not. And clearly neither do they, because there are plenty of videos where they don't do it. (Or just pop him on an apple box for closer-framed shots.) Which is part of why it caught my eye when it did happen. But it's interesting to look at their methods and degrees of adjusting as additional aspects of their creativity.
From a production standpoint, it makes a lot of sense to have everyone’s heads at roughly the same level in the visual frame. It can make camera and lighting setups simpler. Especially since they’re singing together, so we want to see their faces. But the deliberateness in some of the blocking is more successful than in others.
In my opinion, it seems most natural when the guys are in more varied positions that feel motivated by the set dressing. For example, in their videos for Tennessee Whiskey and Sh-Boom, they have someone standing / leaning and the rest seated on slightly staggered levels to create a line that arcs a bit, both vertically as well as away from the camera at the center. They also all have at least one foot off the floor. So Eli being on the highest seat with both feet up stands out less. It seems more like casual happenstance.
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screencap from VoicePlay’s video for Tennessee Whiskey
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promo image from VoicePlay’s video for Sh-Boom (Life Could Be a Dream)
Honorable mention to the Candy Girl section of their Boy Bands in 5 Minutes medley, which gives Eli a brief respite from being towered over, and gives all the guys a break from the dance choreography. It's a cluster rather than a line, but it has a similar effect as the other two examples.
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screencap from VoicePlay’s video for their Boy Bands in 5 Minutes medley
It’s a bit more obvious when Eli’s the only one on a different level. I think they made it work fairly well in their video for Bridge Over Troubled Water, because he’s at the end of the row on a piano bench. So it feels like there’s a plausible meta-narrative reason for him to be there, maybe playing notes on the piano for pitch adjustments or warm-ups. But everyone else gets comfy armchairs, which feels a bit unfair.
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promo image from VoicePlay’s video for Bridge Over Troubled Water
I also noticed it in their Thinkin Bout You video. Because the other four are in (different) upholstered armchairs, but Eli’s tucked between Geoff and J on a plain, armless wooden chair. To their credit, they did their best to adjust the spacing and camera angles to make it look like maybe there just wasn’t enough room in the three-walled set for a fifth wide seat. Honestly, I might have spotted this one only because I was looking for it by the time I watched that video, but now I can’t unsee it.
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promo image from VoicePlay’s video for Thinkin Bout You
“Do you have a point in all of this?” I hear you asking. Well, kind of. It’s this:
Once I noticed that it was happening, every additional instance caught my eye. And then came Hide and Seek. It also has static staging, but it's much more spread out — partly to accommodate the green-screening of Lauren and Cesar, and partly in keeping with the Haunted Mansion theme. Eli is quite visibly elevated on a barrel top like the character from the theme park ride that is also in the portrait behind him.
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screencap from VoicePlay’s video for Hide and Seek (Ding Dong), feat. Lauren Paley
But that brought to mind the darn bit from That 70s Show that’s now become a meme.
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And now I guess you get to be reminded of it, as well. I take no pride in this. I just had to get it out of my weird brain.
My sincerest apologies to Eli for that last part if he somehow sees this. I mean no disrespect. We see you, and we definitely hear you. You’re an amazing singer and artist, somehow getting even better with each project. I hope that your recent, more comparably sized collaborators have been a nice change of pace.
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quindolyn · 4 years
hi love! I’m in love w ur blog, Could u do a marauders smut w an obedient sub james and a bratty sun reader and like punishment w dom remus and james? (sorry if that was confusing)
She’ll Never Learn || Poly!Marauders
Word Count: 3612
A/N: I kinda like this piece, we’ll see. In the course of writing this piece I was delayed a good hour because my laptop died on me and I broke my charging cable earlier today so that’s a whole shit show and I had to finish this on my school computer. That’s how much I love you guys. And a special thank you to everyone who bullied me, I still procrastinated for another 1-2 hours after that.
Warnings: face slapping, words like stupid and slut used, male penetration, exhibitionist kink, dom/sub, degradation, poly obviously, i’m tired please tell me if there’s any that I missed
Part 2
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The fact you couldn’t do it was half the fun. For you anyways, the whole thing seemed to make James nervous, he’d broken a few rules here and there before but never had he been so conscious of the disobedience he was about to take part in.
“Our Daddies are gonna be mad if they catch us,” James grumbled as you pulled him up the staircase to the boy’s dorm, dragging him by the sleeve of his school issued button-up. 
Had he put up any resistance he would’ve easily been able to cease your assent up the staircase, his body strong and toned from Quidditch but he didn’t, he allowed himself to be pulled up the stairs to the dorm room he shared with Sirius and Remus.
“Well neither of them have to know, now do they?” You asked him as you opened the door to their dorm which they kept tidy for you, knowing that you couldn’t stand mess.
As you kicked the door closed behind you and toed off your shoes you caught a glimpse of the boy’s face as he studied your form unabashedly as you started expertly undoing the buttons on your top before shrugging it off your shoulders and letting it pool at your feet.
“Come on Jamie,” You cooed mockingly as you strode towards him, his eyes glued to your breasts, “If they don’t know about this then we can have fun, it’s so hard with them sometimes isn’t it, with them getting in the way?” You watched his Adam’s apple bob as you played with the scarlet material of his tie, teasingly tugging on it. 
“But if they find out-”
You cut him off by pulling him down by his tie, melding your lips with his, though he was considerably taller than you he bent all the way down to kiss you, becoming pliable in your hands as you ran your fingers through his raven tresses.
Lacing your hands together at the back of his head, interweaving your fingers with his fluffy curls you pulled slightly, resulting in the man’s mouth to open as a gentle groan tumbled from his lips. You smirked into the kiss, knowing that you had won as you backed yourself up towards one of the beds in the room, you allowed yourself to sit when your knees bumped up against the mattress. 
“Want this off,” You muttered, clumsily working on undoing his tie until you were able to pull it off of him. “This too,” You said, already starting on the top button of his shirt.
Having pushed the pesky garment off of his broad shoulders you took a moment to run the palms of your hands up and down the smooth muscles of his muscled chest. Goosebumps rose under your touch as he leaned in towards you.
“Good boy,” You murmured, throwing your head back against the pillow, knowing that the praise would do just the trick to convince him to break the rules with you. Corrupting him, now that was also a part of the fun for you, little old Jamie would’ve never fathomed doing something like this if you hadn’t convinced him, there was just something so undeniably hot about the way you could so easily manipulate him. The way that with two simple words we was a whimpering mess with his mouth latched on your nipple.
You whined as he lifted his mouth moving it to the other nipple both at the loss of contact and then the new found stimulation.
James didn’t hear the opening and the closing of the door from behind him, too focused on sucking on the delicate flesh of your tit but you did, Remus and Sirius had caught you. Smirking to yourself you realized that if you worked the next ten or so seconds correctly you would be in for a treat. 
“Jamie!” You moaned, dramatically thrusting your chest up into his mouth, “Feels so good when you suck my tit Jamsie, making me so wet.” Deciding laying it on extra thick was only going to help your mission: you wrapped your legs around James’ waist and started thrusting your hips into his. 
“Can you believe these two?” The dark haired man asked his partner incredulously, “Did you give them permission to do this?”
At the sound of Sirius’ voice James jumped off of you, a guilty look gracing his face as he immediately dropped to his knees in front of them, not even wiping the spit from his mouth.
“No Pads,” Remus responded, his eyes on James rather than Sirius, a frown took over his face as he moved his gaze to your half naked form, “Did you?”
“Nope,” Sirius replied, popping his p as he stuck his hands into the front pockets of his trousers, lazily sauntering over to where James sat subserviently on the ground, “Thought you were my good boy Jamie, what happened?” He asked in a sickly sweet sort of voice that had James in a puddle at his feet and you rolling your eyes back in your head, not noticing Remus’ piercing gaze set on you. If you paid close enough attention, the tension radiating off the man was suffocating but Remus had always been able to blend into his surroundings, making it all the more startling when he pounced.
James’ response came in the form of a pathetic little whine as Sirius turned his face up to meet him with his index finger, the boy was malleable in the other man’s grasp. 
“Come on, answer Daddy’s question, don’t be a brat,” At the very mention of the word brat James’ eyes snapped up to Sirius’, that was his worst nightmare, being a brat, failing either Sirius or Remus. It terrified him, and Sirius knew James like the back of his hand. 
“M’sorry, m’so, so sorry I didn’t want to break the rules but (Y/N) said that it would be okay, that we wouldn’t get caught and then she kissed me and-” He rambled, his hands nervously tumbling about each other in his lap, his gaze never wavering from Sirius.
“Pathetic slut,” You swore, stalking off from the bed to where Sirius stood in front of James, “You were just as into it as I was, both of us broke the rules don’t try to back out now, don’t be a bad boy Jamie.”
You opened your mouth to continue but you were cut off by a sharp slap to the side of your face as Sirius’ hand met your cheek.
“Ow,” You whimpered, clutching the side of your face in your hand as you glared at Sirius, taking a step back towards the bed, “What was that for?”
“Oh don’t act stupid, you know that you get punished when you break the rules Puppy. And calling James a bad boy,” His eyes softened as he tore them from you, moving them to gaze down at the boy who still knelt at his feet, “You’re not a bad boy are you Jamie?”
He shook his head silently, eyes locked onto Sirius’.
“He’s acting like one, throwing me under the bus,” You grumbled, still rubbing the side of your face. 
“Did anyone say you could talk?” Remus questioned you, his voice oddly calm as he strode towards you, in no time at all reaching your body.
He raised a hand to the side of your you were clutching, coaxing away your hand to replace it with his own. He ran the palm of his hand over the flesh before pulling it back to bring it against your face, more harshly than Sirius had.
The action pulled a whine from your throat as your flesh was abused by the calloused palm of Remus’ hand. In a second he had adjusted his hand so that it was gripping your jaw, using his hold on you there to tug your entire body closer to his person.
“You really expect us to fucking buy that,” He squished your cheeks together harder and harder with every passing second, “Jamsie has always been our best boy, you on the other hand Puppy, you’ve got a bit of a bratty side to you.”
“It’s not fair,” You tried to wiggle yourself out of Remus’ grasp, moving your hands to grapple at his wrist, trying to pull away from him but he was unmoving, not only being much taller than you but much stronger than you, your efforts were in vain, “He broke the rules too, he’s not your good boy he’s a fucking slut!”
“That’s it!” Sirius’ voice rang through the dorm, still positioned next to James who still sat on the floor now with his fingers entangled in the other boy’s dark curls, “On the bed, now.” His command left no room for argument as Remus let go of your face, but you just stood there, not moving until he gave you a not so gentle nudge towards the bed you had previously been seated upon.
You had to stop yourself from trembling as you sat upon the bed, it wasn’t that you were scared. No, this was exactly what you had hoped for, you were giddy.
“If anyone here is desperate, puppy it’s you, look at this,” Sirius sneered, pushing your legs apart so that your bare pussy was on display, just as you had forgone a bra you had decided to go without panties, anticipating this moment. “No panties,” He tutted, crouching down so that he was level with your pussy as he boldly ran a finger through your sopping folds, “You planned this didn’t you?” HIs eyes darted up to meet yours and with a single glance he knew.
“Course she planned it, Pads,” Remus chimed in from where he leaned against the frame of one of the other beds, “Are you just now figuring that out? Our puppy thought she could break the rules and we’d make her feel good, thought she’d enjoy her punishment.”
As his words washed over you you felt a wave of disappointment, they weren’t going to give you what you wanted.
Sensing your disappointment Sirius recaptured your jaw in his hand, “Don’t pout baby, you’re gonna take your punishment like a good girl, yeah?”
Putting on your best “James face” eye wide and pleading, lips pushed out in a small pout, head cocked to the side you extended a single hand to grope at Sirius’ crotch, squeezing his clothed member in the palm of your hand.
“Daddy,” You begged, knowing that you were breaking another rule, touching them without permission. 
Remus rolled his eyes and was at your side in the blink of an eye, wrenching your hand away from Sirius’ bulge, “You know you’re not allowed to touch without permission,” He scolded as though he was bored with your insolent behavior. “Did you forget?”
“No, Daddy,” You shook your head looking up at him as Sirius’ adjusted so that your head was turned towards the other man.
Remus’ hold on your wrist tightened, “Oh, so you just decided to break the rules?”
You stuttered, not quite sure how to answer his question, “I-I…”
“That’s what I thought,” He spat, letting go of your wrist so that it could land on your thigh, not bothering to look over his shoulder he spoke to James, instead keeping his eyes on you, “Jamie, can you pull up the armchair for me?”
Rushing to obey, James squeaked out a small “yes” before pulling the aforementioned chair to the foot of the bed before redirected by Remus to place it by the side of the bed. You couldn’t help but ogle the boy as he moved about the room, well developed muscles rippling under his skin as he stretched and twisted his body.
“Up,” Remus ordered you with a flick of his wrist towards the chair you were pulled from your seat and dragged to the chair by some invisible force. With another flick of his wrist you were positioned to his liking, legs spread and thrown over the arms of the chair, arms linked together behind your back and as you tried to tug yourself out of that position you found you were immobile. Remus and his fucking talent for wandless magic.
“I’m uncomfortable, Daddy,” You trilled, trying to move in your seat and failing tremendously. 
“What did we say about talking?” Sirius scoffed at you undoing the buttons on his uniform shirt one at a time until he was able to shed his clothing.
“Jamsie, could you grab me a vibrator, the purple one?” Remus asked as he too rid himself of his shirt.
Being the dutiful boy he was, James promptly handed Remus the small clit vibrator who idly played with the switch, turning it on and then back off for a few seconds before his stern gaze lifted to your form and a small smirk graced his face. 
“Pads?” The werewolf turned to look at the boy, “You wanna do the honors?”
Sirius grinned like an idiot as he slid the toy from his lover’s hand, slipping it onto your clit before turning it on, placing a light sticking charm on you as to ensure the toy would stay put. 
“No cumming unless we say so, do you understand Puppy?” Everything about him from the tone of his voice to his eyes mocked you as he spoke, letting you know he was having way too much fun with this.
You managed a small nod but couldn’t help but jolt at the sudden pleasure that coursed through you as the vibrations of the vibrator stimulated your clit. If you had been physically capable you would’ve bucked your hips up but that being impossible left the pleasure to only fester more as the itch to move intensified the ecstasy setting deep in your bones.
Being so distracted by the stimulation on your clit you almost missed as Remus took James’ face in his hands and meshed their lips together, pushing his tongue into the smaller boy’s mouth, Remus dug his hands in his hair. The moan that James released as Remus tugged on his locks must’ve made Sirius feel left out because in a second he was behind the two boys tugging Remus’ face away from James’, interlocking his lips with the taller man’s, he replaced Remus’ hands in James’ hair with his own.
“Daddy,” You whined, not addressing either of them particularly just wanting attention. 
“Shush, they’re giving me attention right now,” James said to you, looking to the other two boys for approval at his show of dominance.
Remus granted such, pulling away from his kiss with Sirius to extoll him, “Good boy Jamie, putting Puppy in her place.”
Getting the approval he craved at all times a gigantic grin cracked across his face, “May I touch you Daddy?” 
“Yes you may, good boy.”
Not wasting a single second, as eager as ever, James lunged towards the larger boy, attaching his lips to his pulse point, gently sucking small marks that bloomed in brilliant shades of blue and purple along the side of his neck.
The distinct clink of metal drew your attention to Sirius where he stood undoing his belt allowing him to drop his trousers, leaving him only in a pair of dark grey boxers which proudly displayed his prominent bulge. 
Sirius didn’t even spare you a glance as he moved back towards the pair, pressing his erection against James’ back while shamelessly groping his firm ass. James threw his head back onto his shoulder, abandoning Remus’ neck as the erection pressed into him and the hands on his ass overwhelmed him.
“Want inside him Rem,” Sirius groaned while he laved his tongue up and down the expanse of James’ neck, “Need inside of him,” He corrected himself.
“You think you’re ready for us Jamie?” The lycanthrope murmured in his ear, “Are you ready to take our cocks.”
Despite your most valiant efforts a moan escaped from your mouth at Remus’ words, watching James get fucked was one of your most favorite things, he was so beautiful stretched out on one of their cocks, a sobbing, moaning mess as he was split in two. But usually you got to touch him, or Remus, or Sirius, or at the very least yourself. 
The idea of not being able to touch yourself was absolute hell. Throw in the vibrator attached to your clit and your explicit order not to cum you were absolutely fucked as pleasure began to simmer in the pit of your belly, making your orgasm seem less and less far off.
You watched, practically drooling, as your boyfriends disrobed allowing their hard cocks to spring out against their stomachs, each distinctly different from the other but completely mouth watering in their own way. Your boys were perfect, all the way down to the tips of their pricks but something about seeing them in all their perfection and not being able to touch them made you a surprising mix of angry and turned on. Especially when you considered that it was them who had put you there, tied up and horny.
“Can I join Daddies, pretty please?” You begged as you watched James situate himself on the bed on his hands and knees, pushing his ass back towards Remus who was settling in behind him. “I’ll be a good girl I promise!”
“You wanna be a good girl?” Sirius mocked, pumping his cock in his hand to get it harder.
You nodded your head pathetically, giving Sirius the best puppy dog eyes you could muster with the haze settling into your mind.
Remus spoke before Sirius could, his eyes focused on the pool between your legs, “Can’t take you seriously when your pretty pussy is on display for us like that, makes you look almost as pathetic and desperate as you are.”
You groaned at the degradation, turning back to Sirius, even if he did agree to free you you would still need to convince Remus but it would at least be a start.
“If you wanna be a good girl you’re gonna sit there and be quiet while you watch us fuck Jamsie.”
Feeling defeated you wished you could drop your head into your hands, but the full body bind that had been placed on you made it hard to so much as blink.
You watched, despite yourself really, with bated breath as Remus pushed into the warmth of James’ opening, having used a lubrication spell to prepare him. The moan that the boy released went straight to your pussy and made it hard for you to think clearly as you watched him drop from his hands to his elbows before Sirius helped him back up so that he could push his cock into his mouth.
Screw waterboarding, this was a special kind of evil, cruel and unusual. With every sound of skin slapping against skin, the wet gagging noises that came as Sirius forced his cock further and further down James’ throat accompanied by the vibrator still stimulating your clit, it had your body going into overdrive to work to suppress your oncoming orgasm to the point where is was painful.
Before either of your three boyfriends showed any signs that they were even close to their orgasms you were screaming, “Please let me cum, I’ll be a good girl I promise please! I’m so sorry, please forgive me!” 
You sounded piteous.
“Shut up,” Remus threw at you as he picked up his pace in thrusting in and out of James, drinking up his moans like they were the only things keeping him going.
“Please, I’m gonna cum I can’t stop it please!” You cried out, tears rolling down your face at the effort it took you to suppress your climax. You weren’t lying, your orgasm was approaching you without remorse and no matter how hard you tried to fight it, it was by far a losing battle.
You held on for as long as you could, trying to use the lights and sounds in the room to tether you but before you were completely overwhelmed by the pleasure boiling up in your stomach and rising up your spine you screamed, “I’m so sorry, I’m so so sorry Daddy, wanna be your good girl!”
As most of your orgasms were this one was absolutely overwhelming, flooding your senses with pure, unadulterated pleasure until all you could focus on was the warm feeling that washed over you and the ache in your cunt as the vibrator continued its assault against your pussy.
The added stimulation made it harder to come back as your climax subsided and the noises and voices that had once sounded muffled, as though you had been under water were clear as they reached your ears.
The first thing you heard as the fog began to lift from your head was a familiar but far off voice, “She’ll never learn will she?”
“Doesn’t look like it.”
tagging: @randomoutsiders @weasleyposts @amourtentiaa @kittykylax @superbturtlemakerathlete @pauloonig @oliviashea05 @gxtitobxby
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1engele · 3 years
daybreak | sal fisher x fem!reader - 2. math
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[warnings: cursing, mention of smoking, mention of household abuse of a teenager]
"what a plot twist you were."
The next day, you'd wakened with dry lungs and an even drier mouth.
It was true that smoking was bad for you—but it hadn't been as horrible as you'd thought. You'd try it again, but you couldn't see yourself becoming addicted.
Your mother wasn't home, again. You were quick to understand that she worked longer shifts now and you wouldn't see her a whole lot.
Not like you cared. Michelle never really liked you all that well. You'd probably have been dumped on the street a long time ago had your father not legally obligated to pay child support.
You'd never known him. You weren't sure if you wanted to.
She doesn't use child support for your well-being. Probably uses it to continuously feed her crippling gambling addiction and buy more pointless flowers for the apartment.
You were nervous about today. You'd never been the new girl before—and you didn't know what to expect about these kids. You doubted they were as cool as people as Larry and Sal.
You showered and put on your boyfriend jeans—which had holes in the knees, but you couldn't bother to concern yourself whether or not that conflicted with the dress code or not— and your light grey hoodie. You added a flannel on top of that which was a little too big for you. Don't forget the white sneakers which you should probably replace.
You pocketed your flip phone and slung your bag over your shoulder. Stopping in front of the mirror, you passed a hand through your hair, decided it was adequate, and walked into the kitchen. You grabbed an apple—you never really found yourself hungry in the mornings. Besides, it wasn't like your mother was around to make sure you were fed—and left the apartment.
You locked the door behind you and shoved the keys into the front pocket of your bag afterward.
You met with Sal and Larry at the foot of the front steps of the apartments, like you'd agreed the day prior. You couldn't help but feel a little nervous as you opened the door and walked down the three stairs.
"Hey!" Larry greets you first.
"Hey, Larry," you smile weakly, as you're not fully awake yet, but it still means as much as a smile you'd give him when you were awake. You turn your eyes to Sal, waving shortly. You were momentarily startled when you realized he'd already been looking at you. "Hi, Sal."
"Hey," he says your name pleasantly. "How are you feeling?"
It was sweet that he was concerned about your well-being. "Alright. My lungs hurt."
He hooked a thumb around the strap of his bag and slid it up and down. His hands were pale and veiny. His nails were painted black and the polish was chipped in a few places. "Yeah. You did a shit-ton of coughing."
You open your mouth to reply, but before you can he meets your eyes. His head is inclined slightly downward, tilted a bit. He peers at you through the shadows of the mask. Lash-fringed, blue angel eyes bore through yours.
His eyes are opalescent. It's almost as if every time you look at them they were a different shade of blue.
You're sure your gazes hadn't connected for more than 3 seconds but the feeling that spawns inside of you from that short contact is slightly jarring. You don't necessarily comprehend what is stirring in your gut and you don't have time to because Larry's speaking breaks through your reverie.
He begins to talk about the chaos the first day of school would be. You quickly forget what had happened before.
But nothing had happened. It was nothing.
When you'd arrived at school after a little bit of walking, you, Larry, and Sal received your schedules together.
"Fuck me," you murmur, mostly to yourself, as you look down at your paper. "Math is first. This always happens to me."
Larry laughs loudly. "Yeah. That does suck. Mrs. Packerton looks like a walking corpse."
Sal jerks his head upward from his schedule. "That's fucked, Larry. She's an old lady."
"I don't care. Pretty sure she's secretly evil anyway."
Sal looks as though he's done reasoning with how harshly true Larry is most of the time. He shakes his head and looks back at you. "Well, if it's any consolation—I've also got math first. So, you know. We could go together," he pauses. "If you want."
You grin. "Yeah. Sure. At least I'll know someone there."
Larry flicks his eyes between the both of you before stopping them on Sal. "Hopefully you won't have Travis again," His eyebrows twitch. "He always has math first."
"Travis?" You echo curiously.
The two boys exchange a glance.
"Just a guy we know who-" Sal starts, hurrying to finish the sentence.
He was rushing so Larry wouldn't cut in and say something but it happened before he even had a chance. "He's a little fucker we know who gives Sal shit. 24/7. He makes my blood boil."
You furrow your eyebrows. "What- why? What's wrong with him?"
"Nothing," Sal replies. "Pretty sure he's really troubled. Not unlike the rest of us."
"Doesn't mean he should take it out on other people." Larry scoffs. "I know it bothers you, dude."
Sal doesn't reply—seems as though he's growing uncomfortable speaking about all of it.
"Hey, guys!"
A voice calls, having grown closer halfway through her sentence. You all turn towards it. A girl, leggy and taller than both you and Sal, with long locks and eyes greener than a spring clover. There was something homey in the way her chocolate brown hair brought warmth to her features.
A boy is beside her, with ginger hair with eyes a deep shade of the richest earth. His skin is pale and freckled. He carries himself with an air of bluntness and just a little bit awkwardly—his facial expression is very blank, you note.
"Hey, Ash. Shocked you aren't late," Larry grins.
"Ash" rolls her eyes at him and mirrors his expression. "You know Todd would never let that happen."
"No, I wouldn't." Todd deadpans.
Ash turns toward you after laughing enough to flash the white gleam of her teeth and a slight dimple in her cheek. "Hey!" She then says your name prettily and juts out her hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Ashley."
You don't ask her how she knows your name. Instead, you sincerely smile, take her hand and shake it. "Nice to meet you," you return, and then turn toward Todd. "You, too."
Todd is already an interesting character. He doesn't smile but his expression is cordial. "Welcome to Nockfell."
Your smile widens.
"Have you guys gotten your schedules yet?" Sal speaks up after having been quiet for a moment. He must've been reading over his schedule to himself.
"Oh! Yeah," Ashley opened her other hand, the one she hadn't shaken your hand with, and unfolded a now very crumpled piece of paper. She passed summer green over the list. "I've got biology."
Todd didn't even look at his list. "I have history."
Sal looks at you. His gaze easily levels with yours. "Looks like it's just me and you then."
Your face feels hot. "Haha," you suddenly feel nervous. "You're right. Sit beside me, okay?"
His eyebrows jump—that much you can tell by the way his eyes move. Tucking a strand of loose blue hair behind his ear, he replies: "Will do."
His ears are double pierced.
The bell's shrill ringing floods the halls. You wince, and you and Sal's eye contact is broken. Before that happens, though, you see Larry grinning to himself.
Weirdo, you think lightheartedly.
Everyone parts after that. Larry and Ash walk away together. They must both have biology, you thought. Todd leaves by himself to his respective class and you and Sal head towards math.
For a moment, the silence is unbearable. You've never been alone with a boy. Well, you weren't alone, just not in a group with other people. The noiselessness begins to bother you so you fleetingly think of something to say and blurt the first thing that comes to mind.
"The piercings," you say suddenly.
He turns his head toward you. You look up to him before looking straight. "What?"
Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god, you thought. All I do is make a mockery of myself.
"I like them!" you add, hurriedly. "They're pierced twice. That's really cool. Looks good on you."
He laughs shyly. "Thanks. I like your shoes."
"My shoes?" You look down and laugh. They were so worn. "Why?" You continue to giggle. "They're falling apart at the seams, haha."
"That's the best kind of shoe," he retorts. He jerks his chin towards his sneakers, a muted shade of cornflower blue. "Look at mine. They barely fit and they're- like, super constricting. Also super ratty—but I can't seem to get rid of them."
You laugh with him. "They look better than mine, at least."
You're glad the ice was broken so fast. You liked him.
The class was boring and uninteresting as any math class would be. You do work. You glance over at Sal a few times throughout the class—not to cheat, just to see how he was fairing—and he was writing answers down with a quick response time and humble confidence within the drawl of his handwriting.
Alright, so he was smart. Not much of a surprise there. You could tell just how perceptive of a boy he was.
You stared hopelessly at an answer on your sheet you'd yet to fill out and twirled the pencil around in your fingers.
Suddenly, a pale hand with black nails has nimbly reached over and hastily circled what you assume was the correct answer to the question with his pencil. You look up to Sal in surprise and appreciation, who's already back in his seat as if nothing had happened.
You giggle before you can stop yourself when he raises a hand and raises a finger in front of the prosthetic's mouth, to tell you "shh."
Mrs. Packerton slowly pivots away from the chalkboard and passes her eyes over the class. You and Sal quickly break eye contact and look down on your papers. Sal's shoulders shake in your peripheral vision and you press your knuckles to your lips and force a bored expression on your paper.
Before the bell rang, you noticed a blond boy with tan skin and caramel eyes in front of you and Sal, occasionally shooting your friend bitter looks. It left a sour taste in your mouth, but you didn't mention it.
You find Ash and Larry before your next class. You think you've burst a blood vessel from how hard you'd laughed when you left the classroom.
"I thought I'd cracked a rib," Sal states over your laughter. as you walked up to Larry and Ashley.
Larry and Ashley exchange a look. Larry is the first to state the obvious. "What the hell happened to you two?"
You and Sal look toward each other and make eye contact. That's the last straw. You cover your mouth and try and hold it in.
"I-" Sal inhales. "It doesn't matter," he breathes out, an amused lilt in his tone. "How was class?"
"Bad," Larry and Ashley reply, in synchronization.
"Really?" You ask, surprised. "Biology can be fun."
"This biology isn't," Ashley sighs. "Not when you're just staring at cells and organisms for 20 minutes and then being expected to do work on it and understand what's happening."
"Well, math wasn't any better," you reply. "If it's any consolation—I don't think I got any answers right except for the one Sal did for me."
"I thought math was fine," Sal chimes in.
"That's because you're fucking Albert Einstein reincarnate," Larry squints. "Please have mercy on our mortal souls, Math God."
"Oh my god," Sal looks down. "Please don't make this into another nickname."
"I like it!" Ashley grins.
You know they're teasing but you can't find it in you to join in after he helped you out in class. Instead, you resign into silence and watch as countless students filter through the halls, bumping into each other as they pass and chatting with their peers.
Through the crowd, at the far end of the hall, you see him. The blond boy who'd been eying Sal in class. He was looking at him in the same way he had been then, with threat and resent shadowing his polished amber eyes.
It looks as if he's readying himself to approach.
You glance toward Larry, Sal, and Ashley. They seem occupied well enough, so you slip into the crowd and head towards who you've now pieced together to be: "Travis," you state, as you stand in front of him. "That's you, right?"
He regards you with distaste. "Do I know you?"
You suck your teeth. "No," you tell him your name. "I came to ask you something."
Despite himself and his embitterment, his eyes shine with hesitant curiosity. You take that as your answer. In spite of his stance over you and his general advantage of being bigger, you hold his gaze with blunt intent.
"What were you planning on doing when you walked over?"
"Why do you fucking care what I do?"
You shrug. "I don't know, Travis. I just think you need to learn how to pick your battles."
"Pick my fucking battles.. you know what? I think I will go over there-"
As he takes a step forward, you raise your hand and your palm roughly hits his chest, stopping him in his tracks—not because of strength (he's at an advantage, and he could easily walk right through) but because of the views he had, or rather—the views pushed upon him.
You saw the golden cross swinging off of his neck as soon as you approached. You'd also seen the gnarly black eye he wore on his face.
It was safe to assume he was being beaten at home and by a parent. And, most of the time.. when an adult is religious they will use several methods to further push it upon their child. Like sinner's guilt. And abuse.
If Travis' extremely religious guardian were to ever find out he'd harmed a girl, especially under the eyes of many others—it wouldn't turn out very well for him.
Yes, maybe you were being manipulative. But you were being manipulative for the good of both Sal and Travis.
"Step down," you advised. "This won't go very well."
You steadily meet his eyes. The stare between the two of you lasts for an even amount of time. Finally, he breaks that contact, jerks away with you, huffs, and walks his way around you and down the hall.
After that, you returned with the excuse of exchanging books from your locker, after Larry had asked you where you had wandered off to. No one seemed to have noticed Travis standing ominously at the end of the hall or your altercation with him.
At the end of school, you were beat. You said goodbye to both Ashley and Todd. Afterward, you, Larry, and Sal head for Addison's Apartments.
"You know, we don't have to go home yet," you say.
The boys turn to you curiously, as you kick a pebble as you walk along the side of the road. The beginnings of the sunset blossom in the sky—orange and fruity like tangerine jelly and amaranth pink like homemade strawberry frosting. like home. It fills you up inside and makes you feel so sweet.
"You guys wanna see a movie?"
Larry grins. "We don't have money."
"Who says we need money?"
When you'd arrived at the movie theater, all three of you had circled to the side exit. After a few moments of waiting suspiciously, an older couple exited through the doors. Larry caught the handle before it closed, and you brushed past them and quickly entered the theater. Before the doors closed, you heard them mumbling about "pesky children," or something.
Once you'd gotten in, you scanned each screening room and what movie the doors said it was playing.
You and Sal decided on a scary movie. Larry was not amused. Whatsoever. Apparently, horror is not his thing.
Before you entered, you frowned.
"We have no popcorn.."
In moments, Larry was reaching into a nearby trash can and pulling out an empty bucket that improbably had popcorn inside of it at some point in time. He then walked away, holding this empty popcorn bucket. It was so bizarre and you would have laughed had not been extremely confused.
"What.." Sal murmured, looking to you. "You think he'll come back?"
"I don't know where he would even be coming back from," You admitted.
It wasn't very long until he'd returned, with the empty bucket he'd taken from the trash now full of popcorn.
"Mandatory free refills," He said to your baffled face, pointing toward the poster on the wall above the trash can which read exactly what he'd just said. "You can never forget the hustle, kids."
"Oh my god," Sal mumbled and you barely heard him beneath Larry's laughter.
The movie was horribly made, and it still somehow scared the shit out of Larry. It may as well have been a comedy with how hard you'd laughed. Multiple other people in the theater had told you to shut Larry up but that was impossible when he was screaming every time a shadow would come on screen or the scene would change.
You, being between Larry and Sal, originally thought you'd had the best seat. You were wrong. Not only was Larry cowering into you and screaming directly in your ear, but Sal had simultaneously begun to throw popcorn at Larry's face to shut him up. That only resulted in popcorn. All over.
Needless to say, you left before the movie ended because of the fear of being escorted out by the employees.
"I'm never seeing a movie with you again," Sal squinted towards Larry. The three of you were now on the way back to the apartments. The night was thick and pearly moonlight bounced off old the white of his prosthetic face. "I think my eardrums are bleeding."
"It's the horror movies! This isn't my fault. Both of you ganged up on me and chose it."
You giggled to yourself.
Sal, beside you, suddenly stopped. "Wait, Y/N."
You stopped, and Larry halted a few feet away, as he'd been walking a bit ahead. Sal leaned forward and reached toward your face. Your body felt as though it had been zapped and you stood still.
He reached into your hair and pulled out a piece of popcorn.
"Huh." You said, dumbly. "How'd that get there?"
Larry's approaching footsteps were fast and leggy. He reached into Sal's hand, plucked the piece of popcorn between his fingers and fucking ate it.
"Jesus Christ, I can't do this anymore," Sal shook his head.
"What? It looked okay."
Recovering quickly from whatever had happened to you, you laughed.
You also inwardly denied what your body was feeling because you knew it was much too soon.
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viaravt · 3 years
I drew another pic from another adorable Jon & Martin scene on the RP discord server where I play Martin and @superqueerdanver plays Jon. I probably put way too much time into this one (Like 3+ days worth of drawing, coloring, & shading) but oh well lol
Below the pic is the scene (edited a little so that it's easier to read & understand)
Please click the pic for better quality! And reblogs are always better than likes <3
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Jon sits nervously on a park bench, holding a bouquet of green carnations. He texts Martin, hoping he isn't busy. After just a few minutes of waiting, Martin strolls down the main path, his face brightening when he sees Jon. He heads over with a wave. "Hey! You, um, you wanted to see me?
Jon stands up and holds out the flowers, blushing. "I read once that gay men used to give each other green carnations, and Oscar Wilde liked them, and I'm not technically gay, or exactly a man, but..."
Martin takes the flowers, gazing at them in awe. "Jonnn, that's really sweet! You didn't have to..." He cradles them delicately, like they are something very precious. "I don't think anyone's ever given me flowers before, let alone ones so meaningful... Thank you." He begins blushing too
"I... um... you're welcome. And they should! You're really... you deserve... nice things," Jon replies, thinking sarcastically to himself, 'so eloquent.' Why can't he get his words right? With the flowers out of his hands, he fidgets with his cane, running his fingers over the sticker on the handle.
Martin shifts the bouquet to one hand and suddenly hugs Jon very tightly. He holds onto him, hoping that Jon doesn't notice him sniffling slightly. Jon hugs him back, grateful for the chance to hide his face.
Martin slowly pulls away, rubbing quickly at his eyes with his sleeve. "Would you... Wanna take a walk?" he holds out his free hand for Jon to take. Jo nods, quickly wipes his hand on his trousers, then takes Martin's hand.
"There's, um. Some other flowers in there too," Jon informs Martin. upon closer inspection, the bouquet also contains apple blossoms and purple lilacs. "Apple blossoms mean preference, and..." he looks down, blushing more. "Purple lilacs mean new love. At least according to one source I found. There are so many websites about flower symbolism, and so many of them contradict each other, and I don't know how to fact-check that sort of thing, and..." he trails off.
Martin examines the bouquet because he's not sure he can look at Jon without crying again. When Jon explains the lilacs, he squeezes his hand, grinning in a way that Michael would be jealous of. "How are you so thoughtful?" he asks, only half joking. Jon's not sure he can put a sentence together to answer that, so he just squeezes Martin's hand back.
Martin smells the bouquet and thinks about what he has that he can use for a vase when he gets them home. He sets a leisurely pace as he walks down the path. Holding Jon's hand. In public. Oh no he's blushing and grinning like a fool again and there's nothing he can do to stop it.
"I'm, ah. I'm glad you like them," Jon says shyly.
"Of course! I mean, how could I not?" He finally feels like looking at Jon won't make him explode into a flurry of glitter and hearts, so he does so. "When did you have time to do this?"
Jon smiles back. "I ordered them online during lunch, and then I left early to pick them up."
Martin's jaw drops. "You left early? To do something sweet for me?"
"I do leave work sometimes, it's not that unusual," Jon replies. Except it is, of course... He swings Martin's hand a little as they enjoy a walk together through the park.
If anyone wants to join the server where this scene took place, I think the only canon characters that are claimed are Jon, Martin, Elias, Michael (Distortion), and Rosie. We all have fun OCs as well. We're not super canon-strict, but we're roughly somewhere in season 2. It's a minor-friendly server, so no sexual content allowed and there is a list of things that need to be spoilered with trigger warnings, but everyone is really nice and fun to play with! If you want to join, send me a DM and I can send you an invite.
If you want to RP with me personally, feel free to DM me as well. I'm open to all kinds of scenes. I'm not a minor and don't really have any triggers, so pretty much anything goes <3
[ID: It's a digitally drawn and colored picture of Jonathan Sims and Martin Blackwood from The Magnus Archives podcast. Jon a short, skinny, non-binary person with dark skin, dark hair with grey streaks, and wearing a green button down shirt and grey slacks. He is wearing square rimmed glasses and using a cane with a bisexual flag sticker on the handle and he is blushing. Martin is a taller and heavier-set man with fair skin and freckles, auburn hair, and is wearing a red long sleeved shirt and blue jeans. He is wearing round-rimmed glasses and is holding his hands over his mouth in awe at the bouquet of flowers that Jon is handing to him. There are tears in his eyes. The bouquet has primarily green carnations but also has purple lilacs and light pink apple blossoms. End ID]
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thebakingqueen5 · 3 years
KW 2021: Height Difference
Day 1 for Kataang Week 2021 hosted by @kataang-week with the prompt Height Difference!
Links: AO3 | FF.net
Summary: Another year, another summer, another week of prompts celebrating our favorite couple. Kataang Week 2021 Day 1: Height Difference. It’s his 14th birthday and Aang is feeling frustrated. Katara wants to help and Aang confides in her about some of his insecurities.
Word Count: 2.2K
After a long day of festivities, night had finally fallen across the Fire Nation palace, and Aang and Katara were ready to head to bed and get some well-earned rest.
The couple had just finished up at the banquet and silently walked through the dimly lit halls to Aang’s room so as to not alert Katara’s overprotective brother. Though they had merely been cuddling the last few nights before sleeping, Sokka would surely throw a fit if he knew that they were sharing a room at all, hence a bit of secrecy was needed.
At last, they arrived- the third door on the right in the central wing of the palace had been designated the Avatar’s quarters since as early as Kyoshi’s time. It was a fair distance away from the rest of the bedrooms in the west wing, and it also had far more extravagant commodities with its own mini-courtyard and balcony, giving the pair plenty of space to get away from the rest of the world and simply enjoy being with each other.
“Today was fun,” Katara sighed as they finally entered the room, taking off her shoes at the entrance and immediately going towards the inviting bed.
She let herself fall onto the soft mattress, groaning softly as her limbs were finally able to relax after a long day of dancing, cooking, and celebrating for the airbender’s 14th birthday, while Aang gently closed the door with a soft thump.
“Yeah,” Aang chuckled as he joined her on the bed. He pulled some of the thin cotton sheets over them and then curled up next to her on his side.“It sure was... something.”
The waterbender shifted slightly to allow her boyfriend to rest his head in the crook of her neck and absentmindedly traced the outline of the blue arrow on his head while he closed his eyes in contentment.
“Something?” she questioned. Katara furrowed her eyebrows, her movements faltering. “Did you not have fun, Aang?”
The airbender winced when he heard the twinge of hurt in Katara’s voice. She hadn’t been trying to make it sound that way, but she had been planning the event for weeks and naturally was a little offended by the implication of his words.
“Oh. No, sweetie, I didn’t mean it that way. The party was amazing! The food, the drinks, the music, everything was spectacular. You did an amazing job, and it means a lot to me that you care so much.”
Katara let out a quiet breath of relief, resuming her gentle touches to his tattoos.
“Of course I care, sweetie. You’re my boyfriend, and I love you. That’s why if you didn’t like it, I won’t be mad, really.”
Aang tilted his head up and pressed a quick kiss to her cheek. “That wasn’t it, I promise. I just… I had  a bit on my mind today.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” she asked him tenderly.
He sighed and buried his face in her neck. “I guess... it would be nice to get it off my chest. It’s not like anyone else would get it anyways.”
The waterbender gave him a curious look, silently encouraging him to continue.
“It’s so stupid, but I heard some nobles talking when I stepped away to get us some water. They just kept going on and on about how much of a child I was and how I’m too young and too scrawny and too short for you, and, well, they’re right!”
He turned his body away from her now frowning face and pulled the blankets snug around his body like a protective cocoon.
“You’re almost 16, Tara,” Aang murmured. “A young woman in every sense of the word. Spirits, you’re of marrying age in a month! Me? I’m just a loser kid you found washed up in an iceberg. How could I ever be deserving of you?”
“Oh, Aang…”
She shifted onto her side as well and wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head on his back and listening to the rhythm of his breathing.
“Those nobles are utterly ridiculous. First of all, it’s only two years! What difference does two years make in the long run? It doesn’t, that’s what. My parents were four years apart and were the happiest two people in the world! A gap of two years is insignificant,” she said matter-of-factly.
“Second of all, sure we’re young, but considering that we saved the world even younger, I think it’s safe to say we’ve matured beyond our years. We’re certainly old enough to know we love each other, and that’s all that matters.”
“Doesn’t change the other part though,” Aang muttered in response. “Spirits, I’m 14 and barely the same height as you. A little shorter if we’re being honest. It’s so annoying! Why can’t I just grow up already?”
“I don’t mean for this to come off the wrong way, but why do you care about that? What difference does it make?”
The airbender remained silent for a few moments and pondered her question, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration.
“The monks had always taught me to judge people based on the content of their character, not their exterior, and to draw satisfaction from being self-assured, rather than care about what other people thought. And in most cases I feel like I do that pretty well, but…”
A subtle pink tinted Aang’s cheeks and he took her hands in his, stroking the back of her hand with his thumb.
“You’re different, Katara. You’re the one I love more than anything, the one I would do anything for, the one whose opinions, thoughts, and feelings mean the world to me. You’re the most amazing person on the planet, and you deserve someone worthy of you. Look at Haru and Jet! They were both older and taller and so even something as small as noticing the height difference when we’re dancing kinda hurts. It just feels like I’m the odd one out. I know that’s silly but-”
The waterbender cut him off and shook her head.
“It’s not silly, Aang. Believe me, I’ve felt the same way more times than I’d care to admit. But, in the end, none of that matters. I love you. I chose you . You’re not just my boyfriend, you’re my best friend."
He turned back around to face her and swept her up in an embrace, mind immediately put at ease by her words.
“Plus,” she continued, “So what if you’re a little shorter than me now? You’ll grow in no time. Quite frankly, I’ll miss being taller than you when you do.”
The airbender quirked an eyebrow. “You’ll miss it?”
Katara chuckled softly and pressed a kiss to his forehead, right at the tip of his arrow.
“Yeah,” she whispered, “I will. Being able to do that, not having to look up or go on my toes trying to kiss you, I won’t be able to do all that forever. Things like kisses, hugs, they’re a lot more… accessible with our current heights.”
“Hmm,” Aang hummed. “I guess I never really thought of it like that. I still want to grow taller of course, but when you put it like that, I might miss this a little bit too.”
“Let’s not get too carried away with the future, okay?” Katara laughed. “We have our whole lives ahead of us, let’s just stay in the present- the present where I love you, and you love me, and nothing else matters.”
The airbender grinned with her, pressing his forehead gently to hers.
“I like the sound of that. Thank you, sweetie. For listening, for the reassurance, just everything. It means a lot.”
“Of course, sweetie. I’m always here.”
Katara pressed a sweet kiss to his lips and wrapped her arms around his neck as Aang returned it, pulling her closer to him. They broke apart after a few seconds and grinned like idiots at one another. There was silence, but it was comfortable. The two didn’t need words, they were just enjoying being with each other.
“It’s getting late,” the waterbender murmured after some time. “We should probably go to bed.”
“Probably,” Aang whispered back, unable to take his eyes off the angel in front of him. With a flick of his wrist, he put out the candles that had been lighting up the room and settled into his pillow as Katara drew closer to him and interlocked their fingers.
“Good night, Aang. Love you,” she said, beginning to drift off to the dream realm.
“Love you too, Tara,” the airbender yawned. “Sweet dreams.”
One year later…
“Happy birthday!” the room chorused as Aang blew out all his 15 candles.
The airbender grinned and began to cut the apple cake- an ancient recipe of the Air Nomads recreated by some of the top chefs in the Fire Nation as a gift from Zuko.
“Thanks guys!” Aang laughed. “Man, it’s crazy to think that the war has been over for a little more than two years now.”
Katara smiled and leaned up on her toes to press a kiss to his cheek.
“We’ve all done a lot of growing up. We’re older, more mature-” she gave Aang a quick look from head to toe. “ Taller .”
He chuckled, pulling her close to him and peppering kisses all over the top of her head. She was right, of course- as if triggered by their conversation that night, Aang had grown rapidly over the next year. A month later he was the same height as her, two months following he was comfortably able to rest his arm on her shoulder, and now, a year later, he towered above her with her eyebrows barely at his chin.
“Ugh,” Sokka groaned. “Give it a rest you two. The oogies are out of control! Spirits, you act like a newly wedded couple still in the honeymoon stage half the time.”
“Oh, leave them alone, Sokka,” Suki chided. “It’s his birthday! Let’s give the lovebirds some alone time. They’re just kids, they’re nowhere near that yet.”
“Yeah, haha, absolutely not,” Aang nervously laughed as the other couple exited the room. The stone pendant in his pocket began to feel like poisonous lead weighing down his vision for the hopefully not-so-distant future.
“You never know,”  the airbender heard Katara mumble, so quiet he wasn’t even sure she had actually said it. “Sometimes things will come when you least expect it.”
He stood there blankly for a moment, brain struggling to process her words and had just opened his mouth to ask her what she meant (she couldn’t possibly be talking about what he thought she was… right?) when she decided to speak up instead.
“I can’t believe you were ever nervous about staying short, sweetie,” Katara quipped, her eyebrows raised teasingly.
Aang merely blinked at the subject change, promptly concluding that the last thirty seconds were simply a figment of his imagination, and sheepishly scratched the back of his head in response to her comment.
“I guess it was kinda silly, huh,” he laughed. “Look at us now.”
The waterbender pouted, going up on the balls of her feet and craning her neck to gaze up at him. “You’re too tall for your own good. I miss when you were shorter and I didn’t have to tilt my head every time just to look at you.”
“Oh c’mon, it has its benefits.”
He gave her a quick look to warn her for what he was about to do, and with one swift motion, Katara was suddenly off the ground and in Aang’s arms bridal-style, her arms around his neck and their gazes interlocked.
The airbender touched their foreheads together and gave her a cheesy grin.
“I couldn’t do this before, now could I?” he asked, quirking an eyebrow up at her.
“No,” Katara smiled, her head tilted as she looked at him endearingly, “I suppose you couldn’t. And I certainly won’t be one to complain about you holding me more often.”
Aang laughed and carefully set her back down, hearing the growing volume of the room next to them. He quickly grabbed the two full glasses on the table and handed one to the waterbender.
“Here’s to hoping you’re the one who grows by next year so my neck isn’t always sore from looking down at you,” he said as he held his drink up.
Katara gave him a dry stare before rolling her eyes and smiling.
The two clinked their glasses and turned to face the door behind which the rest of their friends had already begun to celebrate.
“Shall we?” Aang asked as he held out his arm to her.
“We shall,” Katara responded, accepting it. “Happy birthday, Aang.”
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stubz · 3 years
Ally and Emerald
I know I wanted more customers but this is ridiculous, I mean how is it that the entire McGee family injured themselves this week?
are they having some competition or bet again? oh well, more money for me
The young magic-user chuckled to herself, thinking about how what she'll buy at the market today with the wonderful amount she's earned thanks to the mishaps and clumsiness of Harvey McGee and his reckless siblings and cousins.
let's see, we need eggs, cheese, flour, and more fruit. Maybe I'll make an apple pie...oh or I could buy something special with the extra money we have! I wonder what Mrs. Smith made today. Well that's odd, why are there so many people standing there? Wait...are those carriages? 1..2...there has to be about 5 of them, why on earth are there carriages with the royal crest here?
stopping in the middle of the town square one by one lord and ladies exited the carriages. The first with a nobleman helping what looked like his wife step out with their son just behind her holding her steady. A beautiful pair of siblings exited the next one, the brother looking like he had stepped out of a painting by the most talented artist in all of Sorcier while his sister had haunting yet gorgeous features. Another pair of siblings exited the third carriage, accompanied by a girl who went to talk to the gorgeous young man. The two brothers seemed to be talking about something as well until the taller of the two noticed the young man from the first carriage and the white-haired girl, leaving his brother to speak with them.
for awhile no one spoke, with the townspeople staring at the newcomers waiting for them to say something and the nobles whispering among themselves while sneaking glances at the crowd. Finally, the silence was broken
"Hello, I am Prince Geordo, third prince of Sorcier and second in line for the throne. I am here today with my companions to ask you all some questions concerning the disappearance of my fiance, Katarina Claes. We believe that she was at this town many years ago."
murmurs could be heard through the crowd.
"a lost noble that was here years ago?"
"and not just any noble but a fiance of one of the four princes."
"wait I thought she was pronounced dead?"
"you heard of her, remember those ghost stories that people were telling? those were about her."
"AHEM!...yes that Katarina that you all have heard of, no doubt. Her appearance at the time made her look like a street rat. Choppily cut hair, dirty clothes, while carrying a bag. She has brown hair and blue eyes."
nothing. not one townsperson comes forward.
"Really? Not one of you saw her or remember someone who matches her description?"
finally, someone speaks. A man, a merchant by the looks of his slightly well-dressed appearance steps forward with his head slightly bowed.
"Well, you see your highness...there is actually a fair amount of people in town who have brown hair and blue eyes. So when seeing someone with them, most of us think nothing of them and quickly forget them."
"Fair enough but what about seeing a child roam the town in filthy clothes?"
"I-in case you are not aware this is a farming community so it's not unusual to see people walk around in dirty clothes. And as you know it is common practice for commoners to have their children help out with work, especially small farming tasks."
"If you would all just-"
"Please! Please just try to remember her! She has hair that's a lighter shade of brown than mine and, and her eyes are the same color as mine with the same slant! She likes to climb trees, a-and eat sweets, and, and she...please please just let me see my little girl again please."
"...that's all for now then. We will be staying here for a few days so please if you remember anything come see us. You can find us in the tavern on the edge of town. Thank you, you are all dismissed."
the crowd slowly dissipates, everyone going back to their daily routines. With one last look, the magic-user sees the mother being helped back into the carriage where they all head off towards the west tavern.
Mum would die from a broken heart if she had to go through what she has. Never to see your child grow up, how horrible. I'm certain that her daughter would be quite beautiful if she truly inherited her looks
"I'm off to work Mum!"
"Alright! Be sure to not overwork yourself!"
"I won't!"
with having no real workplace, the blonde earns money by staying at places where people get hurt the most often, the mill, farms, butchers, and bakery. Routinely switching places every day, today is the mill. It's a nice day today, no clouds, sunny but not too warm, with a gentle breeze.
almost forgot that they're still here
Standing in the middle of the road was Prince Alan and his friend Sophia Stuart, daughter of the prime minister. It looked like they were trying to look for something.
well it'd be rude to ignore them
"Good morning your highness, Lady Stuart. Do you need any assistance with anything?"
"Yes but first, please stop with the formalities. To be quite honest we both rather dislike it when people do that. Call me Prince Alan."
"And call me Lady Sophia."
"Oh! Alright, then please call me Maria. What is it that you need help with?"
"We're actually looking for the mill, could you give us directions? Actually, if you are not busy, could you show us the way and stay with us for a while?"
"We're doing research."
"For your friend?"
"Uhhh...yes, for her."
"Alright, then. In fact, I was already on my way there. Follow me."
it was a surprisingly pleasant walk. Prince Alan and Lady Sophia every so often the filling the silence with questions about the town and what interesting events happen here. It was a little odd though that they were so interested in her quaint little town. And that they were doing research on the mill of all things
"If you don't mind me asking, what kind of research are you doing that involves your friend and a mill?"
"Oh uh, just uhh...Sophia you explain!"
"We, we investigate...hiding...places for uh, bandits?"
"You investigate mills for places that bandits could hide in?"
"Yes, it's very crucial work! You know the saying leave no stone unturned and uh, yeah Brother is right we suck at lying."
"I'll ask Mary and Geordo for lessons later then," the silver-haired prince said with a sigh. "now what I'm about to tell you doesn't leave this conversation, got it?"
"G-got it."
" You see, us two are dead weight when it comes to investigations. We're not smart or knowledgeable in finding useful stuff and information for finding Katarina, that's Mary and Nicol."
"Or crafty and intimidating like Keith and Geordo who are great at interrogating people and doing...what needs to be done."
"Yeah, everything we are good at isn't useful for finding her. Well, not everything but so far our efforts are only bringing in money rather than info. But money is good since it helped fund the others when Father cut us off."
"So while the others are doing actual important stuff we're staying out of their way. As well as get research for our next project that will help fund them."
"But what is it that you do that requires you to research mills? And why not just read about them rather than going to one in person?"
"Because in order to get a good feel for the scene's atmosphere I need to be there and write down any important about how the characters will interact with the area. Plus Alan likes to hear the acoustics of the area's the play will take place. Something about it inspiring him when making the play's songs."
"Play? You're doing research for the play your writing? Really? Oh, my apologies I didn't mean any-!"
"No no, it's fine. After all, it's a rather unusual hobby for someone of our status. Yes, we write plays. Maybe you've heard of us, we go by Ally and Emerald in the theatre world."
"Wait! You're Ally and Emerald?! As in the Ally and Emerald, creators of The Adventurer and Cursed Princess and countless other masterpieces?!"
"Masterpieces eh? An admirer are we Miss Maria? See Sophia, this is why I say we should go public! But yes, we're that Ally and Emerald."
"I love your plays! The stories are so unique and amazing! And the music is so beautiful it brings me tears!"
"Which ones have you seen?"
"The Adventurer and Cursed Princess, The Lonely Boy, The Gardener and Noble, practically all of them! Every year during the festival one of your plays is performed here but it's nothing compared to the ones performed by professionals!"
"You've seen one in an actual theatre? How did you afford the ticket price? Forgive me for being rude. It's just that even I think the ticket price is a bit much for our plays, and I'm the Prime minister's daughter."
"A wealthy merchant was trying to convince me to marry his son so to butter me up he bought tickets for one of your plays, Fae Child, my favorite. As you can see though, it didn't work."
"Fae Child? That's our first play. Compared to the others it's terrible since we had no idea what we were doing at the time! Why that one?"
"Well because it reminds me of someone very important to me. I only knew them for a day or two and yet that's all it took for them to change my life."
"They sound very special, Miss Maria. If you don't mind me asking, what were they like?"
"She was, odd, but in a good way. She was always dirty and when I offered to use our tub she said no that she preferred being dirty! She said strange funny things but sometimes gave wise advice, advice that I still use to this day. She loved sweets and climbing trees! Always wearing a smile on her face...but it didn't always reach her eyes. She was sad about something and I never asked her what it was...I regret that now. I hate remembering her eyes like that, they were such a bright shade of blue. They were the first thing I noticed about her...well that and the scar on her forehead."
"SCAR?!" "Did you say scar?!"
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 4 years
Unpopular Opinion /lh /rp
Talking about dSMP character’s heights and sort of their body types? Not in a weird way just in a ‘how I imagine them’ way. Loosely based off of their irl heights, but some of them I don’t know, so it’s mostly guesswork and vibes. Also if you disagree you’re wrong. (Just kidding leave your ideas in the tags/replies)
Obviously this is all roleplay/character stuff. None of it is intended to be weird or to reflect on the irl people! I’m just having fun with headcanons :)
Tommy is 6′3 and very very lanky. This child is not short. Stop drawing him short. He’s taller than Techno. He’s not as tall as Wilbur, but he’s tall. He towers over most people. Emphasis on most because everyone is so tall on this server what the hell? 
Anyway I think the mental image of this super tall kid actively trying to make himself look shorter/smaller is heartbreaking. Like imagine him curled up into a corner trying to make himself as unnoticable as possible in Logsted. Imagine him slouching when living with Techno to try to make himself seem like less of a ‘problem’. Imagine Dream telling him that he’s a ‘big strong man’ and that he shouldn’t need help, he can defend himself, so when he goes back to Tubbo, he tries to make himself look *tiny* as a cry for help. He wants comfort.
But he’s also incedibly skinny. Back in L’manburg and Pogtopia, he developed some muscle from all the fighting. His shoulders broadened out and he looked slightly intimidating. But like most teenage boys, he was still lanky as hell. This only got worse when he was exiled to Logstedshire, with little food (and no drive to eat the food, or get up, or exersise) he became more malnourished and he just looked *small* despite being 6′3. This probably isn’t helped by the constant use of golden apples when he moves in with Techno, which give him energy and strength but no real nutritional value. Techno was just trying to get the kid to eat normally. When he finally stands at his full height, Techno is shocked that he didn’t notice all the slouching.
Anyway Techno is 6′2. He’s taller than a lot of people but not as tall as his brothers. He makes up for this with muscle and strength and a healthy body. Wow, the only healthy person on the server. Amazing. You love to see it. Good for him. He could win in a battle of raw strength against anyone else on the server. He’s quite broad, which makes him look bigger generally.
Wilbur is 6′5 and also he is a stick. Just. Straight up and down stick. Nothing there! He is just a pale sickly stick. This gets worse the further into the timeline you go. When claiming L’manburg and fighting in the war he starts to get insomnia, causing him to look like a corpse half the time. When in Pogtopia, he’s too busy to take care of himself properly, so he only looks worse and worse. His hair is a mess, his skin is far too pale, and he only eats enough to be able to hold his own in a short fight. There’s a reason he doesn’t wear armour or really try to fight at all. He’s subconciously self-destructive, then actively so when he blows the place to the ground. He’s always been too busy for self-care.
Ghostbur is a much more healthy, younger version of Wilbur. I would say he’s ‘water rising’ era Wilbur. The life returned to his body, in a morbid kind of way. He’s still tall but he prefers to make himself seem shorter just to be less threatening.
Phil is 5′11. He has an average build, with slight muscle from the years of playing in hardcore. He’s older, now, but he can still kick your ass. Also, he taught Techno how to fight smart, not hard. He doesn’t need to be super strong because he’s intelligent enough to outwit most people on the server. He has a wordly knowledge that others don’t possess. He also has wings, large and grey, clipped so he could get onto the server (there is a no flying rule after all).
Fundy is... 5′10, just a little shorter than Phil. His fox genes make him smaller, despite his father being 6′5. He’s got a healthy, svelte build. He’s sneaky and light on his feet. In the wars he built up some muscle, but it was quickly lost since he prefers to take a backseat to any fighting outside of those times (especially now) and he’s built for spying.
Schlatt is an interesting one because a lot of people are gonna fight me on this, but he’s not actually old. Everyone calls him old but honestly I think he’s younger than Wilbur (in canon, I feel like Wilbur is in his late 30s, early 40s, simply because). I think Schlatt’s around 35-ish, but he looks older due to his shitty health. People call him an old man either to demean him or because they see his actions and appearance and go ‘yeah, this guy is old’. Which is fair enough, because irl Schlatt and c!Schlatt both act like they’re from the 1950s.
This guy looks like shit by the end, but he looks alright at the start. Slicked-back hair, sharp ram horns, golden animalistic eyes. He’s intimidating. And loud. Then everything shifts, right towards the end. He’s frail and deteriorating throughout his short presidency, and by the end of it he’s practically a corpse, just like Wilbur.
He’s 6′3, with broad shoulders and a silhouette that seems strong not only because he carries himself as if he can fight, but also because of the percieved power that comes along with it. In reality, Schlatt is a poor fighter, and the abuse he ends up putting his body through (working out excessively to try to fight his condition, and turning to alcoholism as an escape) completely destroys him, making him probably one of the least healthy and weakest people on the server. It doesn’t really show until his death scene, since he’s covered up the deterioration since day one. Basically, mans is dead. 
Glatt, or Ghost Schlatt, or whatever you want to call him, would be a healthier Schlatt. Again, from the ‘water rising’ era. I headcanon him to have longer hair in that era. Not sure why.
Ranboo is the same height as tommy, but is more naturally lithe than made that way by lack of food. His enderman DNA can be blamed for that. He’s healthy most of the time, but may have spirals where he doesn’t take good care of himself (perhaps he forgets) and he looks pretty bad. If he goes a few days without keeping up his self-care routine, he looks a lot worse than he actually is. Sleep tends to be his biggest issue, his mind keeping him awake all night and leaving him looking like shit in the morning. Really, he’s just a kid with a troubled soul, and it shows sometimes. Most days, though, he looks very well put together.
Tubbo. He’s 5′6. He’s more childlike than Tommy, which only makes it worse when he acts in the way he does in season 2. He has burn scars across one side of his body, from his execution, and he is partially blind in one eye because of it. He takes very good care of himself, since he has to look good while being president if he wants those sweet sweet approval ratings. But when he’s super stressed, he will pull all-nighters and forget to eat. He’s got a lot of issues, but his body is very normal and healthy, all things considered. 
Quackity is 5′8. Which is really funny because that’s his actual height. He’s less sharp (?) than a lot of people on the server, but he has some muscle because he’s constantly training to ‘take down Technoblade’ (in reality, it’s a habit he picked up in Schlatt’s era, and never had the heart to drop). He tries his best to stay healthy (again, to better kill Techno) and he’s careful with his life, knowing that it’s his last.
Niki is 5′5. She’s also able to kick so much ass. That is all.
Dream is a bitch and therefore I will not be discussing him. Also he’s a blob or whatever so I guess height is irrelevant. Or maybe he’s a mysterious figure with a mask. Who knows.
No one else is important enough to talk about /j (but really I’m tired so I will stop here). Put your own thoughts in the comments, tags, and rbs. This was all in good fun, so don’t get mad haha.
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penny-beee · 4 years
Tumblr media
warnings- I used a character name but I can post one with ‘y/n’ if you want
summary- A Ravenclaw and Slytherin living different paths but will the love be able to survive ?
word count- 3.9k
My Girl
The echos of my parents persistent ‘house of Ravenclaw’ speeches ring throw my head as I made my way into Hogwarts. I could feel the stares of my peers as I walked passed them and into the dining hall, whispers of ‘the next headmaster’ falling my every step. Only at the age of eleven would people think it’s okay to push this so harshly onto me. My mother Juliet Payne and father Reginald Payne were as close as one could be to Dumbledore - being as they were the closest of friends they’d made an agreement that once I passed top of class with a level and good nature - I’d become headmaster.
The sorting hat called name after name, Hermoine Granger, Vincent Crabbe, Draco Malfoy, and then me - Persephone Payne. I sat in the chair that towered over me, intricate wooden carvings ran through the back of the chair. Professor McGonagall placed the old hat atop of my head. The overwhelming feeling rushed through me, the rumbling of its voice vibrated and rung my ears.
“I see so much potential, I see the prophecy. Yes..” The hats words ran off. “Yes.. I see much of Gryfindoor but I see much more in Ravenclaw.” It thought for a moment, grumbling down at me. “Ravenclaw!” The hat shouted for the whole room to hear.
Gazing over at Dumbledore, he had a soft smile on his face - he was happy with the result. I knew my parents would be too.
I sat at my wooden desk in my dorm room, the ornate mirror casted my reflection. Long brunette hair curved around my cheek bones, deep green eyes of the forest, and porcelain skin that I had inherited from my darling mother. I cleared my throat, brushing through my bedhead, today being my very first day of classes - I tried hard to look presentable. I slipped on my navy uniform and made my way down to my first class, Charms. I sauntered over to the front of the classroom, Hermoine sat just across from me - books already out. I gave her a soft grin as I got my own supplies out. The young girl had a very competitive energy - her smile back was barely meaningful.
Class went on, we all introduced ourselves and one thing we’d want to learn this year. Not many people paid attention, most gazing off into space or slowly falling asleep. I took notes, repeated important information in my head and volunteered when no one else would. I gathered my few books as class was dismissed, I continued on with my day.
When the long day had ended, I sat at the Ravenclaw dinner table, plenty of students would smile kindly and try to start small conversations. They knew of the prophecy - as did I of course. The dining hall was enormous, bigger than the one at my parents estate. Old stone adorned the walls and floors, headless horsemen and beautiful historic women danced around the room. The dinner had disappeared around 6:30 and desert popped up from the middle of the table, cupcakes and candies lining the center. I placed a white cupcake on my plate, not too bothered in eating the tiny sweet. Mother gave me such a sweet tooth growing up, we had candies and muggle treats around every corner of the house - her excuse was always that she felt it gave a warm feeling to the house.
A bounce of my bench woke me from my thoughts, my head reacted faster than my eyes did and whipped towards the maker of the small commotion. A boy sat besides me; white hair slicked back and light blue-gray eyes stared deeply into my soul. His cocky smirk lit his face up. The boy looked familiar but I couldn’t quite put his face to a name.
“So, you must be Persephone Payne - the girl who will take over from Dumbledore. You’re cursed to this retched place eternally.” He huffed, thinking his disrespect was something humorous.
“I’m sorry, but you are?” Confused why I should even have to listen to a word he had said.
“A pure-blood like yourself and you can’t even recognize a Malfoy. How tragic.” The boy rolled his eyes, it then clicked. The icey blonde hair, cocky demeanor, he was definitely Lucious’ son.
“Ah, Draco. How pleasant to speak to a Malfoy.” The fake words of endearment dripped down my lips like venom. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to go get to bed.” I swung my legs over the bench and turned my back on him for the first time.
A few years had passed since my first day at Hogwarts, my name no longer was a big deal (people finally realized I’m just a normal witch with normal feelings). I had grown a few inches in height but never reached the average 5’5”. My cheeks thinned and my invisible curves came in, skin finally cleared after year 3.
Year four - the year of the yule hall and the tri-wizard competition. Alone in the astronomy tower, I watched the stars. The autumn night was crisp, the musky pine smell mixed with a hint of cinnamon was always comforting. A slow wind, kissed my bare wrists and cheeks - turning my face a soft rosy red. Hermoine had ditched out on me tonight, usually she came up here with me to study but with Harry in the competition she didn’t want to leave him or Ron alone. So I stood at the edge of the railing; hand curled under my chin and feet twisted under me. The nights like this were when I felt at peace with the world, the loud halls were forgotten and the lonely meals were put behind me.
I could breathe up here, scream at the world for cursing me to live the life my parents had wanted for me. I adore helping and teaching people from every walk of life, but it being my parents choice before it was mine was the difficulty. I sighed loudly, turning on my heels to leave. A tall blonde boy lurking in the shadows startled me, jumping slightly as my heart raced. Draco.
“I-I was just leaving.” I stuttered in surprise.
“No, no worries I was actually looking for you.” He grinned, nothing of his usual cocky smirk was detected.
“Alright, whats going on?”
His hand reached for the back of his neck, scratching sort of awkwardly. The boy looked shy - preserved almost; hand buried in one of his pockets, hair slightly tussled and the most awkward grin making its way onto his face. “Well, the Yule Ball is coming up and I was sort of hoping you would go with me?” Ah that’s why.
“Sort of?” I tested him.
“Uh, no no. I do hope you would go with me.” There he was, the boy with all the confidence in the world - or maybe none at all. He stood a little taller, head a little higher.
“Sure Draco, I’ll go with you. No funny business though!” I pointed a single finger at him - gently smiling
He simply nodded, gazing down at his feet awkwardly. “Cool.” He breathed out quietly.
I walked passed him slowly, stepping up slightly to give him a soft kiss of his frozen cheek.
The day of the ball came up quickly - all the girls gossiped about who was taking them and who was taking others. I just smiled and nodded, not wanting to be in the drama too much. My dress was hung up on in my closet for about a week, a sheath navy blue velvet dress waited to be shown off. I happily threw it over my shoulders, the slit went up just to the center of my right thigh, the spaghetti straps accentuated my collar bones perfectly. I straightened my brunette locks and painted light makeup onto my pale face. Leaning over, I strapped on my black heels. Draco had left me red rose the day before, since the night he’d asked me to go with him he’d been around more. He would wave in the halls; sit next to me in class every now and again, even come to the astronomy tower to keep me company. The way I was starting to feel about the Slytherin boy felt dangerous. The heir to the cruel and awful man Lucious with the good and fair heir to Dumbledore was the oddest of mixes. We brought stares when we were seen in public, although we aren’t together - people had their doubts.
Cho came in - swinging the door wide open, of course startling me from my thoughts of Draco. I stood up, nodding at her.
“We’ve got to go Seph.” She smiled, she looked astonishing. The two Ravenclaw girls to be the talk of the night.
“Alright, let’s go.”
Draco met me at the entrance of the Ravenclaw common room, he looked dashing. Black suit and fluffed hair, oddly a rush of nerves ran through my body.
His cocky grin showed up once again when his eyes landed on me. “Well don’t you look breathtaking Ms. Ravenclaw.” He smirked.
���As do you Mr. Slytherin.” A hushed chuckle left my lips.
I didn’t take his hand or arm that he offered, instead a little spurt of anxiety dampened my hands. I rubbed them together nervously. My walk was a slight waddle as we made our way to hall, feeling powerful in my heels, I stomped next to Draco - hair swaying behind me. We talked about everything from our parents, to the prophecy, to classes to what our favorite candy was. Draco was sweet, different from what I had seen in the halls throughout the years. He had a kind heart, unlike his father (who I’d met one unfortunate day). His presence was warm, I could actually speak to him. The awful part about this whole thing was that tonight would be the last night I could “pursue” him as my mother said. Him - a Slytherin boy with corrupt parents and views wasn't to be with me. Mother didn’t want to break my heart too much and tell me I couldn’t go with him to the dance, so here I was sadly swaying from side to side to the music in Dracos comforting arms. He smelled of fresh morning dew and a sweet green apple, a unique scent.
I let a single tear fall from my eyes as I laid my head on his chest. No one were to see it, no one were to know of the anguish I was to endure after breaking this poor boys heart. Before he could divulge his eyes onto me, I wiped the tear away. He pulled me out in front of him - a genuine smile on his goofy face.
“Thank you for being my date tonight, we hadn’t talked much these past few years so I was shocked you said yes.” A chuckle left his soft lips.
“I thought I should take a chance on you. I’m glad I did.”
“I really do like you Seph. I can’t help but feel whole when I’m around you, you make my hard days so much better. I want you to be mi-.”
I cut him off.
“Draco, I got to go.” I spun around quickly and made a run for it, I couldn’t do it. I ran down the empty corridors - down halls - turned corners till I made it to the courtyard.
The crisp air rang chills down my spine. “Seph! Persephone!” His voice came into earshot.
“What Draco!?” I shouted, I wasn’t angry but I tried hard to be.
“What’s going on? Why did you run off like that?” He quizzed, I could hear the hurt in his words.
“I can’t be with you. I can’t do this. I don’t want this.” My voice was stern, I stared into his eyes as I watched the happiness fade.
“Why not? What did I do wrong? What happened between now and the last two months?”
“You’re cruel just like your father, I’m suppose to be with someone good. Someone that will help others thrive not drown.”
“I am not like my father.”
I shoved passed him, heart breaking piece by piece as I made my way back to my dorm. The tears fell heavily - gasps and hiccups leaving my throat. A feeling of heartbreak I had never felt before tore at my bones.
Although it had been two years after my “break up” with Draco - I still couldn’t get that boy out of my head. I passed him in the halls - stealing quick glances. Watched from afar as his life spiraled down - I knew he was hurting. Everyday he grew more quiet and more pale, he was becoming a walking bag of bones. I watched as he slowly melted into a depressive state. We had potions together with Mr. Slughorn. Draco was quiet, didn’t ever talk, stayed out of group conversations
As a group, the class stood together in the center of the room. I watched as Slughorn explained the potion in front of us. Amortentia - supposedly the most powerful love potion there was. I chewed on my thumb nail as he called up a few students to take a whiff - of course Hermoine described Ron. Hermoine came and took her spot next to me, she fidgeted with her fingers slightly as she gazed at Ron for a moment.
“Persephone, would you please come take a sniff?” Slughorn asked politely.
I nodded my head, taking the few steps to the cauldron. I bent over taking that small sniff. Memories of Draco filled my head, the teasing back and forth in year three, his perfect winks, his warm smile, resting my head in his chest as we danced - the overwhelming scent of him. The scent from the night he’d asked me to go to the dance with him. Slughorn leaned over, intrigued.
“Uh, fresh air after it’s rained, crisp green apples and cinnamon.”
Slughorn gave me a knowing look before ushering me back to my spot. Glancing out of the corner of my eye I could see Draco's face scrunched up like he had smelled something bad. He was angry with me.
Slughorn dismissed class 20 minutes later, I gathered my things and made my way for the door. Leaving the class behind me, I felt a big hand grasp my wrist, turning me around swiftly. Eyes meeting with the once vast blue ones of Draco's.
“So you reject me and don’t speak to me for two years and then decide to say you smell me for your Amortentia?!” he shouted, his voice startling me. He could see me jump practically afraid of what was to be said next from him.
“I didn’t want it to be you Draco, I didn’t even want to be asked to go up.” My voice quivered, I tried to sound strong - like I hadn’t felt bad for toying with him.
“You’re a real class act Persephone.” With that Draco left, he left me just how I did him two years ago. Alone, sad and broken.
Dumbledore was dead, murdered by his dear friend Snape. The school was taken over, death eaters ran a muck around the school. Our ‘army’ fought hard, throwing spell after spell. I was guarding the Gryfindoor dorms from the death eaters, all of the first through third years hiding away upstairs. A fellow Ravenclaw Beatrice stood next to me, our wands raised while we hid behind our makeshift barriers in front of the wooden doors. My head was pounding, head bashed from a death eater just a few moments before. My fingers ached as I clutched my wand tightly, watching every inch of the corridor for someone of the opposite side. I just wanted mother and father, I just wanted to see Draco one last time. He had come to say goodbye only a few days before, saying he understood if I never forgave him but he had no choice. No details were given but I’m sure he was talking about the current situation.
“You’ll always be a part of me.” His last words to me sang in my ears all day. A boy that was forced into the all wrong choices now had his life on the line because he couldn’t leave his mother behind.
A rush of a few death eaters ran down the hall towards Beatrice and myself, our screams filled the hall as we fought back and forth. Spells flew over my head, next to my face and right at the barrier. I feel like I was done, like I had no more fight inside me, for 5 hours I had been at this post fighting off the cruel and hate filled followers. Finally the two of us fought them off.
The sound of quick steps brought my attention back at the hall, wand up I pointed it at the direction of the sound. Turning the corner, a frightened Draco made his way down the corridor. My wand staying up and pointed at him, did I trust him? Beatrice peeked over at me, unsure of what to do next.
His face was bruised and bloody, suit covered in dust and dirt. He looked lost, like his hope was sucked from his eyes.
“It’s over, Seph. Please, Voldemort wants us out front.” His voice desperate, his eyes searched for help.
I pondered for a moment, wether me going out to the courtyard was the best choice; ultimately deciding yes.
“Beatrice, get Luna and keep the door closed and gaurded.” Beatrice nodded - turning and calling out for Luna from the common room.
Luna stepped out with her wand in hand, I gave the two girls a strong smile and walked away from them. I clenched my wand tightly in my hand as I walked with Draco. We didn’t speak, he knew I was angry at him, he knew that if it were any other time I’d shout and shout till my voice broke. We made our way to the front entrance and stood among the crowd - sifting through the people we both stood out at the very front.
Harry used all his power to fight against Voldemort, he pushed and pushed till Voldemort finally let off and died from the over power of Harry. Draco held my hand behind his body, tightly he saw his mother emerge from the band of death eaters. His mother stared over and found us, her eyes pleaded for him.
“Draco.” Her soft voice sang from across the way.
He didn’t move.
“Draco, let’s go home.” Again, she quietly begged for her son back.
His grip let go of my own, taking strides towards his mother. The whole group watching him leave the scene silently. My heart shattering for the third time, he had left me behind again.
My chest caving in, I made my way to the make shift infirmary. There laid my mother and father, dead.
Merlin mocked me, he looked down on me and decided all in one day I were to lose the love of my life, parents and friends. My throat grew dry, I felt dizzy and like I was suffocating. Hoarse screams left my throat as I fell onto my knees next to my deceased parents. The life taken from their kind souls, no goodbyes were ever given.
I felt people staring, for the first time since fourth year I felt alienated again. I felt helpless and weak. I pushed the tears that wouldn’t stop spilling from my cheeks, snot mixing with them making me look like pure hell.
That night I cried myself to sleep, for the last time I was with my mother and father. My body was shriveled while I slept in a hall.
A couple of years passed, I inherited my parents estate and all the money they left behind. I declined the offer at Hogwarts as I had lost so much in my years there. The ministry understood - I lived off the 1.2 billion dollars my parents left behind for me.
The house was huge, 10 bedrooms and 12 bathrooms all for myself, my cat Ginger and my house elf Elsa. Elsa and Ginger were my only friends these days. The house had a warm toned pallet, all shades of brown and maroon. Antique furniture and paintings filled each room, plants in every window. Most days I spent in the living room, laying under the huge window listening to classical music and reading. Elsa would make some tea for us and we’d read together or she’d go off and do her own thing.
I finished up my plate of pasta and grabbed Elsas from her as she had finished as well. I sauntered over to the cozy candle-lit kitchen and placed the dishes in the sink - not feeling up to the task quite yet. I sighed - another night of being alone in the huge house I called home. I roamed up the wide wooden stairs to my bedroom in the west wing.
The walls were painted a sandy beige, floors a dark cherry oak and a large ornate rug laid on top. My wide bed sat in between two grand windows, draped with sheer white curtains. I had two antique wooden night stands next to my bed, photos of my family were on each. The smell of cinnamon apple was a constant need for my room to feel warm and welcoming. Like the boy all those years ago.
I drug my feet over to my walk-in closet and looked for my navy silk night gown. Satisfied, i slipped out of my day clothing and pulled the gown up onto my body. I turned to gaze into my floor length mirror, looking at my body. A single scar on my shoulder left from the war, reminded me everyday of what happened.
A chime of my doorbell filled my ears - making me question why someone would be here so late. I grabbed my silky mesh robe and threw it across my shoulders. I walked out of my room and towards the stair case. As I glanced down at the door, now opened and Elsa closing it behind the guest my heart quickened it’s beating. A boy I once knew was now a man. His famous black suit with a black turtle neck underneath, blonde hair hanging down his face, small wrinkles forming in between his brows, his skin brighter and eyes blue once more. Tears began flowing down my face, I fastened my pace - robe flowing in the wind behind me. I jumped off the last stair and into Draco’s arms. He caught me perfectly. I held onto the back of his hair, wanting to make sure he was really there. I cried into the man, holding him so tightly afraid he’d disappear if I didn’t.
“My girl. My Seph. I’m here now.” His voice cracked, he was starting to cry too.
“I thought I’d never see you again.” My muffled words floated into the air.
“I know, but I got out. I couldn’t take it anymore, living the life others wanted for me.” He took a deep breath in. “But I’m here now. I’m not going anywhere.” Voice calming.
I pulled out of his hug, placing me gently on the ground so he could look at me properly. “you look as beautiful as the day I lost you.” A tear fell from his sorrowful eyes.
Wiping it away, I connected our lips. All the passion I had worked up for years just let out in one kiss. His hands grabbed at my hips, one arm gently moved to my cheek and then to the back of my head getting lost in my messy hair.
I pulled away once more and grabbed his hand from my hip, leading him up the stairs to our new room.
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skiller0dani · 4 years
Peace Offering | King Henry V
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King Henry IV sat on the throne, his health declining but the look of disdain written plain on his face at the mention of his eldest son. “What else has he ruined?” The King spat at the guard, who rushed here straight from Eastcheap with news of the Prince. The guard remained calm as he kept his gaze lowered from the King, “he was seen exiting the Tavern with another wench.” He informed the King, who requested all information of Henry bedding commoners were brought to him. A sigh escaped the forlorn King’s mouth before a rather ingenious idea struck him then, “summon my son to me again.” He shouted to nobody in particular. One guard rushed from the room immediately to then find the Prince of Wales. Though none dared speak their concerns, all in the Throne room doubted Henry would answer the summons after the King informed him he would not be the next to sit upon the throne of England. The look in their King’s eyes informed of them that he would not yet give up on this so easily. “My King?” A noble bravely asks, stepping in front of King Henry IV. 
“Why do you wish to summon Prince Henry?” He asks, but instead of the angry expression he was expecting the King smiled. “I wish merely to offer my son a peace offering.” The noble bowed before stepping back towards his family, not wishing to press the matter any further.
When the guards did manage to locate the Prince, he was as they expected him to be: drunk. Henry needn’t even open his closed eyed to know who approached, the sounds of big heavy metal armor gave them away the moment they stepped onto Eastcheap. “My liege you have been summoned to the castle by the King.” The guards inform Henry with a practiced emotionless stare. Henry smiled mockingly as he remained laying on the bench. A half eaten apple is held in his left hand and an empty tankard is in his right. “You may inform the King that I less than politely decline the summons. You may also wish him ill will on my behalf.” Henry smiled, turning his head and closing his eyes once more. The guards exchange a glance as neither know which leverage to use to force the Prince to accompany them. 
“The King wishes to bestow a gift to you my Prince.” The taller of the two guards says as he takes one shaky step forward. The Prince is not known to have a temper, but the guard still wishes to avoid the wrath of Prince Henry. An empty laugh sounds from the Prince, “I have had my fair share of ‘gifts’ from the King. Each of which a different attempt to bribe me to behave.” Henry’s tone is knowing, and his words have completely disarmed the guards. They have no suitable counterargument prepared. The smaller guard eyes down the Prince, “Y/N I’ve heard is eager to see you again my liege.” Henry’s eyes open as quickly as a gust of wind. 
“Is she being bedded by the King?” Henry asks and the pair of guards share a look Henry does not yet understand the meaning of. “Is not our place to say your highness.” Henry curses softly just under the labored breath caught in his throat, that in itself is enough of an answer. You are the daughter of a greedy noble, your Father shamelessly sold you off to the King to fulfill whatever the King asks of you. Henry had seen you under the stars the last time he found himself near the castle, which is less often than not. He slunk into the grounds to try and catch a glimpse of the fair maiden he’d seen floating so elegantly down the halls. Once his eyes landed upon you his heart was stilled in his chest. It felt as though a thousand bolts of lightning had struck him suddenly, and it sickened him as he knew likely what his Father used you for. How could he or any man resist you when you look as though you’ve been gifted to man by the Gods themselves. Your beauty truly is divine. 
Falstaff gave Henry a look that said more than words ever could. Both of them were gravely aware that Henry would have to answer the summons sooner or later. Falstaff was employed to keep Henry out of trouble, although he doesn’t try as hard to do so as he could, and he said nothing as Henry stood and exited the Tavern leaving the guards with no answer. 
It was weeks before the guards managed to convince Prince Henry to answer the summons of the King. He only accepted so they could leave him to drink in peace after he’d heard whatever rubbish his Father spewed. So Henry stood in the throne room, a look of mocking plainly on his face. With a wave of his hand, The King summoned 4 beautiful women to stand in front of the Prince. “What is your game?” The young Prince asks with an amused smile as his eyes land on you. You stand at the end of the line, your hands folded and head down. “A mere peace offering my son. I have seen how you enjoy the company of a beautiful woman with a fair bosom.” The King smiles, the unspoken conversation ringing in the air clearly. The words unspoken of how the King merely wishes to be rid of Prince Henry. “So pick the fairest woman you see before you, each of which were selected by me.” The King stands and moves behind the 4 women, 3 of which are quite eager. You however have a million butterflies desperately trying to escape your insides as the King trails a hand down your bare arm. 
“This one here son, is my personal bed wench. I am willing to part with her if it would please you. She is indeed one of my favorites.” The King smiles and you keep your innocent look intact even though you feel horribly nauseous as the King watches you with hungry devouring eyes. Henry scowls before lowering his head, with a knowing smile stretched across his face. “I choose none.” He says before turning and dismissing himself, leaving the seething King behind. The King turns towards you and finds your eyes with his, “tomorrow’s dawn you are to go to Prince Henry’s home. I pick you on his behalf for I saw how his eyes glazed in your presence.” 
Indeed when the sun of the next dawn rises, two guards are escorting you to the home of Prince Henry. You have specific instructions from the King on what to do once you arrive. Although you have pleased many men before, never have you had the pleasure of tasting Prince Henry- and he looked simply decadent. He was quite easily the most attractive man you have yet to lay your eyes on. You were dressed in a light colored silk dress, the sleeves resting just off your pale shoulders as you rode in the back of a wagon. You approached Eastcheap, and soon stopped at the doorstep of a quaint wooden house. The guards insured you entered the home safely before starting back towards the castle. 
Making your way up the steps carefully, you push into the Prince’s bedroom only to see him laying in his bed with another woman. This doesn’t surprise you in any way, but it doesn’t stop the twisting in your gut as you eye her resting her head against his arm. You have no issues with your naked body, you’ve stood naked in front of many strange men that have purchased you from the King for an evening. You would never admit this aloud, but you are quite happy to be rid of the King- even if it’s merely for one evening. You reach up and untie the string securing your dress before letting the fabric fall to the ground. The sound of your dress falling from your body to the wooden floors stirs the Prince, and his eyes flutter open before settling on you. 
“What have we here?” He asks, resting on one elbow as you use all your self control to keep your eyes off his bare chest. His eyes however shamelessly drink in your exposed skin as one hand shakes the slumbering woman next to him. “Out.” He says, his eyes on you and voice distracted. The woman pulls on a dress and eyes you with vehement jealousy as she exits the room. “I am a gift from King Henry.” You inform him, attempting to make your voice as steady as you can. “A gift in the hopes of ensuring peace between the two of you.” You finish, unable to stop the tremble of your voice. Henry smiles wryly before standing and taking a few steps towards you. Your breath catches at the sight of his bare body, his own nakedness seems to bother him not as well. You are standing naked before each other, and you can expect what he will do next. His hand reaches out and you wait breathlessly for him to touch you, but he reaches down to pull your dress back up your porcelain body. Your confusion must be written across your face plainly because he smiles. 
“You must be used to your body being bruised and admired for mens pleasure, so if you are a gift to me then I shall make it worth your while. I will not bed you, nor will I sheathe myself in you, I assure you.” Henry promises and while his words strike your heart with their sweet sincerity, you had greatly hoped to bed him. Your cheeks darken in a heated crimson blush as he steps past you to pull clothing on over his naked skin. “What is your name?” Henry asks from behind you and it feels as though your throat has cinched shut. He asks as a politeness for he already knows who you are. 
“Y/N my liege.” You inform him, remembering to keep your tone light and proper. Henry reappears beside you, holding his arm out for you to take. You blush deeply as he walks the two of you onto Eastcheap, “has my Father seen your body bare?” He asks, his tone tight. You pause for a moment, not expecting a question such as this. “Yes my liege.” You tell him and you can feel his body tense beside you, only slightly. Henry then pulls you down an ally and gently pushes you against one of the buildings, his eyes boring into yours as his hands plant firmly on each side of your head. “Has he sheathed himself deep in you?” Henry asks, his tone a soft growl and his pupils wide. Your heart hammers heavily against your ribcage, feeling the warmth pooling in your pelvis. “Y-Yes my Prince.” You whisper, your tone breathless. Prince Henry’s eyes darkened then, a look of uncontrollable anger etching into his face. 
One of his hands slides down your body, underneath your dress before landing on your aching womanhood. You gasp breathlessly as you stare into his eyes, “why would you allow him to savor the feeling of being inside your warmth?” His voice is angry, tight, and his expression is no different. You swallow a hollow lump in your throat, “I have not the choice to say no my liege. Would be my undoing if I were to deny the King his pleasures.” You inform the Prince, who surely knew this already. Henry releases you and steps away, your dress falling back to your feet. “Then I shall not return you to my greedy Father.” He says, holding his arm out again for you to take. Your heart leapt in your chest but you said nothing as you took his arm once more. 
The day was filled with picking flowers in the field, purchasing fresh fruits and vegetables, and only arguing weakly when the Prince insisted on buying you a silver locket. The sun had set when the two of you turned for the Princes home, and at this point in the evening, your nerves had settled tremendously. “My liege, why has the King outcast you so?” You asked him, no fear in your tone for you know the Prince is not like other royalty. You could ask of him anything and you doubt it would offend him. Another wry smile crossed onto his face as he led you carefully up the stairs. “I drink too much and bed too many women, for in that lions eyes I am but a child in the shape of a man.” You can see the sadness in his eyes, although he tries to shroud it from you. Alone in his bed chambers once again, you felt your nerves beginning to take hold in your chest. You felt your palms twitch anxiously as you dawdled by the door. 
Henry set the basket of fresh foods down on a wooden table before turning to face you again. “Disappointment made itself plain on your face upon my promise not to bed you.” He said, more as an observation rather than a question. A knowing smile crossed smoothly onto his face as the young Prince watched your cheeks darken in a heated blush. “Perhaps disappointment is how I felt upon hearing your promise.” You say, your voice coy as you watch him through your eyelashes. 
Henry takes a step towards you but you lower your head. “But you cannot, for my body is merely a peace offering. If you were to bed me, the King would see that as acceptance of peace. I know you are not yet ready to yield your anger towards the King.” You inform him, your heart sullen as you keep your eyes on the faded floor boards. The mischievous smile remains on his features as Henry’s eyes darken, “nothing would please me more than to steal away my Father’s favorite female companion.” He says, refusing to call you a ‘bed wench’. Henry takes your hand in his own as he stands mere centimetres from you, “will you have me Y/N? Would you defy the King to stay here with me?” His voice is hesitant, almost as though he fears you will reject him. You have not the strength to fight the smile as it crosses your face. 
“Yes my Prince, I wish to stay with you.” You say, your voice barely above a whisper as you gaze up into his darkening eyes. Henry’s hands reach up to gently hold your face between his palms as he draws you up on your toes. His lips brush gently against your own, “do you long for me as I long for you?” Henry asks, rutting his hips against yours allowing you to feel the swelling appendage between his legs. A breathless gasp escapes your lips as he presses his mouth firmly to yours. Henry’s hands hold firmly to your cheeks, and you feel not only his lips against yours but a burning emotion searing from his body to yours. A desperate whine falls past his lips as his fingers hold you tighter, and with a few guiding steps he’s laying you back against his mattress. His hands fumble with removing the fabric of your dress, but eventually the material is being pulled from your body. 
Henry takes a nipple into his mouth, lavishing it with his tongue as his other hand slides deftly between your legs. You instantly spread your thighs to allow him more space, and his fingers stroke through your lips. “I must admit Y/N, I knew you before the King brought you before me.” Henry’s voice is breathless as he gazes down at you. A crimson blush dances over your pale cheeks as you watch him with curious eyes, “For how long have you known of me my liege?” Henry’s eyes sparkle with care as a hand reaches up to stroke your hair, “longer than I am comfortable to admit.” One of the Princes hands drifts down in between your spread thighs, his eyes however stay focused on yours. “I used to sneak into the castle ground to watch you chart the stars, you are far more intelligent then you let people know.” 
His fingers slide gently into you, the shadow in his eyes allowing you to watch how thoroughly he enjoys this. A subtle gasp escapes your lips as Henry hovers his mouth over your neck, and you can feel the fan of his breath brush against your skin. Henry deftly moves his fingers inside you, “you looked delectable under the moonlight, your skin painted so delicately, your nimble fingers recording the beauty you saw with your eyes. I wished in that moment to do the same.” His voice is soft, nearly a whisper as moans escape your lips. As soon as you’d felt him inside you, his fingers were pulled away as he knelt above you. “I have no intention of returning you to my Father, I wish you to believe that in your heart.” He says, his voice thick with sincerity. His fingers move nimbly as he loosens the string securing his trousers around his waist. “I believe it my liege.” You whisper and a fond smile crosses onto his face as he gently leans over you again. 
Henry slides sweetly inside you, and you never knew you could feel such pleasure. He pulls his hips back before pushing them against your pelvis once more. Stars are erupting behind your eyes and your hand grasp at his shoulders to find purchase somewhere as your body and mind unravel beneath him. He feels perfect inside you, almost as though that’s where he was meant to be. You feel as though your body is alight as his body meets yours. Henry’s hands pull you even closer, his voice whispering sweet words into the shell of your ear. The temperature in the room rises, and you feel your body intertwining with his. Feeling the swells of pleasure intensify you cry out softly as you feel your orgasm approaching. With another clash of his pelvis against yours, you’re pulsating around him. 
After the candles have been blown out, and Henry has returned to the bed he pulls you carefully into his side. “Henry, you know the King won’t just allow me to go free, he purchased me from my Father...” You start, worry and sadness deep in your tone. Henry presses a soft and lingering kiss to your forehead before looking into your eyes. “I will keep you safe from him now and always, I promise.” His eyes held truth to them and you knew he meant what he said, but for how long could the Prince keep you from the King? 
***taglist*** @90sthemedsunsets​ @newletas​ @sflowercvol6 
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imma-potatoo · 4 years
Blond Janus AU
Summery: Now that Virgil is out of the picture. The Darks have decided that Janus needs to be put in his place.
Set just after AA
Warnings: Drugging, passing out, minor panic attack, forced branding, unsympathetic dark side oc, sympathetic Janus, questionable Virgil, gagging, tying someone up, graphic abuse, food, rats, burning, Apathy is really really creepy, starvation, ask to tag
BE CAREFUL READING THIS ONE!!! This made me have to take multiple breaks during the writing process. I'm serious. Read the warnings.
Word count: ~4319
AU masterpost
Janus was nervous, Janus was always nervous or scared or something along those lines. But this time it was worse. He felt watched and studied like an animal in a zoo. Virgil had only disappeared a few days ago, he hadn’t been seen since and it was starting to worry the teenager.
Janus slowly creaked out of his bedroom, the ancient floorboards creaking and groaning in protest as the side lightly pressed his weight on them. Idle chatter filed in from somewhere else in the enormous house. The others were loud that day, yelling and screaming, Wrath had always been particularly touchy but today he was just being ridiculous, Apathy had been particularly invasive too. Watching him from the corners of rooms and flicking his lighter open whenever the yellow side got close, and Depression was just gone; no clue where he went.
Janus felt almost like the callous side was planning something, but he needed to eat something. His stomach was churning and painfully seizing in with every breath as it started to digest itself. He hadn’t been able to eat anything in three days, which was a problem, he was beginning to feel faint and weakened. Chilling shivers shot down his spine at the very premise of being completely vulnerable to the much stronger sides. So regardless if Depression had been weirdly sparse that day, or if Apathy was planning something, or if Wrath was going to ambush him in the central hallway, he needed food.
The yellow side kept his steps even and slow, his breath even slower as his fight or flight response kept screaming in every step. But he kept himself calm as he could, the yellow side glanced through the double doorway, seeing Depression walk through the living room to the ballroom; the yellow side waited in bated breath for the blue side to enter the black and gold covered room. Janus managed to slip past unnoticed. He peeked carefully into the kitchen, listening for any of the other hallway doors to open. The large old house settled with an ear-shattering crack. Janus could feel his heart rate spike, he edged the kitchen door open carefully with a creak accompanying it.
Sneaking past the door quietly, Janus started to dig around in the cabinets. Janus felt what little pride he had fallen as he caved to the gnawing feeling invading his every thought. Normally he could become numb to that feeling that eroded his stomach, every single night he could practically taste the savory flavor of steak and potatoes or the intoxicating smell of hickory-smoked salmon or even the captivating scent of buttered vegetables that the others ate but he wasn’t permitted to. It made his stomach twist with every trace of the alluring scents.
He took wary steps to the cabinets, opening them softly. Most of the food that he had access to was either stale or coated in black and white mold like a charmel apple at a carnival fair. Janus could feel the burning bile rise in his throat when his ungloved hand grazed the infected food. Deep shivers ran down the sides spine when he touched something furry at the back of the cabinet.
 Its fur was as black as the mold on the food, the fibers matted together with oozing brown puss. Its face was narrow where its brown stained nose led up to glaring beady dark crimson eyes. The teeth were sharp as knives, they pushed past the edge of the creature's mouth, dripping thin strips of saliva.
Janus jumped back with the creature bared its teeth and let out an unnatural sound of threatening intent. He crashed into the counter when wide afraid eyes as the demon-like critter scampered off with the last of the food, sliding down to the cold tile when the room started to grow fuzzy and started to spin. The young side put his shaking hand to his chest and followed the breathing exercises his father taught him. Eventually, the sound of his own breathing didn’t overstimulate his ears, the scratching of the other rats didn’t fill his brain with mind-numbing static, the sound of a lighter flicking open and closed didn’t set off his fight or flight, and the spinning of the fan above him allowed fo- wait….. What lighter?
Janus raised his head slowly, at first seeing the polished dress shoes, then the perfectly pressed jet black slacks, the bold white dress shirt illuminating the room better than any dim bulb could, the black suspenders a harsh contrast. The yellow side brought his eyes up to meet the other sides.
The cold unfeeling black eyes of the apathetic side looked down upon the teenager. His face empty and devoid of any emotion, he was eerily still, the only movement his repeated opening and closing of the lighter. The clicking of the lighter shutting blended with the scratching of the rats in the walls as Janus scrambled backward. His nails scraping against the cracked tiles, already stained with blood but cutting open his fingers none the less on the sharp edges, Apathy watched in twisted enjoyment as the yellow side hit the wall with a small groan. “A-Apathy! When did you get here?”
The taller side chuckled lowly, it was fake of course. Everything about Apathy was fake. “Don’t stutter, what are you, Three?” the blank side mimicked a smile, “ I came in when you were using those ridiculous breathing exercises from Paranoia” He looked Janus up and down, “well? Get off the floor Deceit.” The younger side stood up, gripping the counter for extra stability as his legs tumbled and shook. Forcing himself to keep his breathing even and calm, Apathy was known for his dramatic mood swings, one second he’ll beat you to the pulp, the next he’ll help clean and tend to the wounds that he caused “Are you hungry?” Apathy looked down at the yellow side, who barely reached his shoulders, the null side was tall. And imposing, with far too much strength compared to the thin, gaunt, and weak in muscle mass; Janus. Mostly due to the younger side being denied proper nutrition.
“Wha-” Validity didn’t even get to finish his sentence before hearing a low guttural growl coming from the taller side.
His teeth were bared, eyes burning ice into the young side, “Answer the question.” Apathy hissed through his teeth, his eyes glowing a blaring sign of danger which Janus couldn’t see. Janus nodded, his eyes drifted down to avoid the null ones blaring into his soul. The taller side made a small note of feigned happiness, “Sit. I’ll get you something.”
Janus knew better to say no to the second in command, he hopped slightly and sat on the counter with less than a second thought, trying to watch what Apathy was doing but being unable to see due to the height of the side. Janus eventually gave up and resigned to just watch him prepare it.
With his focus placed on the food that the null side was preparing, he missed when Apathy slipped something into a glass of water, but all he could focus on was the starch-filled baked goods that filled his senses. Jannus watched as Apathy sliced two slices of bread from the loaf, flinching when the knife hit the cutting board, the null side opened the fridge and grabbed a few more items before assembling the sandwich, “Have you heard anything from Paranoia?”
Janus rubbed his arms, flinching when he rubbed a bruise a little too hard, “no. I haven’t. I haven’t heard anything from da- Paranoia.”
Apathy hummed slightly, a twisted grin hidden from the yellow side. “Hm, well. I guess he didn’t love you as much as you thought he did.” Janus tightened his grip on his arms. His brow furrowing in thought and concentration.
Janus felt his throat close up, his eyes starting to burn, the hair on the back of his neck standing up in a way that Janus feels is painfully obvious. Apathy could sense the smaller side tense up and grow quieter. He made a mental note of the effects.
“Well! It’s no matter! You’re a dark side anyway. Not like you could ever be accepted anyway!” Apathy turned around with a completed peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a glass of water. “Here. take it” Apathy stared at him with eyes cold and unfeeling. His grin was too sharp, too much teeth, his eyes were filled with too much malice to be completely trusted.
Janus knew this. But Janus was hungry. So so hungry. His stomach lurched at the promise of food, practically begging him to just reach forward and grab the plate. So against his better judgment, Janus took the plate. His mouth nearly dripped with saliva at the very premise. And it wasn’t coated with mold, or rat droppings, he wouldn’t get violently ill even though he tried his very best to prepare the food with the utmost diligence. Janus only spared Apathy a single glance before he took a huge bite.
The taste of strawberry jam and peanut butter overwhelmed his senses. He barely even chewed it before swallowing and taking another huge bite. He could feel Apathy’s eyes on him but couldn’t bring himself to care as he devoured the sandwich like it might be his last meal. To be fair, every meal might be his last in the dark household.
The sandwich was gone as soon as it was given to him, his stomach still ached for food but Janus knew that that would be enough for another day, or two if he really pushed it. He barely had a chance to take a breath before a tall glass of water was shoved in his hands. Two hesitant eyes looked up at the taller side. The contact he was wearing burned his eyes, made it hard to see, made sneak attacks too easy. But he managed to make eye contact with Apathy, eyes still cold and emotionless. Not even an ounce of fake kindness as Apathy starred at the Deceit. His mind was blaring warning signs, everything was too much. The fluorescent lights messed with his already messed up vision but he could tell that this was wrong. Everything was wrong, his mind was screaming at him to stop. Stop, don’t drink the water. He brought the glass to his lips, mind still screaming at him that this would only end in tears and pain and heartbreak. That he should run, run back to his room and lock the door, try to break the iron bars that held him inside like a pathetic pet only to play with and hurt. The water was cool against his throat, it tasted sweet, like berries. He wanted to stop drinking the liquid but his body begged him to continue, to accept the water with a feigned smile and fearful eyes. And he did.
Janus finished the glass, panting slightly. He looked up at Apathy, “Thank you…” Apathy looked down at him with a blank expression.
“No need to thank me, I’m just helping a fellow dark side.” Janus nodded as he hopped off the counter and started for the sink. He took in a large breath as the room started to spin. His mind growing fuzzy as he started swaying back and forth, his breath growing heavy as he started to hyperventilate. The glass fell from his hands, shattering on the floor. His breath started to quicken, even more, eyes watering as he stumbled, attempting to run away with all his strength. Trying to reach the kitchen door to run to his room. His mind was screaming for him to run. Running has saved him so many times. But he couldn’t.
His feet tripped as the room continued to spin, crashing to the cracked floor with a yelp. The tiles slitting open his hands and ripping his shirt as he tried to crawl away. His eyes filled to the brim with horror as his limbs grew still against his will. He tried to move but his limbs cried in protest. They burned an aching fiery pain as the yellow side tried to crawl to the door. All while Apathy watched in twisted fascination. 
Janus went still, still very much awake but immobile. The haunting clicking of Apathy’s black dress shoes was haunting as the side knelt down and lifted his chin, he was entirely dependent on the apathetic side and it was terrifying. His wide ghastly eyes were fogged as he made eye contact with him. The kitchen fan above whurred at the same pace it always did as Apathy said something he couldn’t make out. Shaking and trembling in fear as tears made their way down his cheeks to the cold floor.
He succumbed to unconsciousness.
Janus was hot. He was overwhelmingly warm, he could feel his hands bound together with tight constricting knots, like a snake; Janus was aware of the irony in that comparison. A thick piece of cloth was shoved in his mouth, acting as a gag. Janus slowly slid open his eyes, the muscles spasming at the effort. Janus was used to being so cold that his body was sluggish and couldn’t pick up a pencil let alone defend himself, but the burning heat of this room was almost unbearable. Janus looked up from his position on the ground.
He was in the dark side boiler room, it was behind the fireplace. And was dark besides the glowing flame from the furnace, the air smelled of burnt flesh; which made Janus cringe from old memories, the ceiling was sagging slightly too. Fallen behind in disrepair due to no one wanting to fix the stupid thing. Janus remembered what led him to his arrangement too.
His own stupid choices. He never should’ve accepted anything from Apathy. He should’ve denied every offer of food or help from a side that constantly burned and beat him, he should have run away to his room at the first sight of the taller side; he knew that the side was dangerous with his temper, he should have defended himself, he should’ve left to go find Vee not try to deal with everything himself. he should A huge bubble of shame grew in his gut as the side stared into the fuming furnace in front of him. It was old. Very very old. Covered in rust and an antique model in construction, Janus could see the burning embers fuming from inside, entranced by the dancing flames.
He was brought back to reality with the door opening and closing with a click. The yellow side looks up with little surprise to see Apathy, he shifts away from the side as he draws closer. The clicking of the dress shoes stopping when Apathy was only a few feet away, “Look at me.” The voice was so cold and uncaring. Janus shakily raised his head but couldn’t make eye contact, in response the null side kicked him in the ribs harshly. A sharp intake of breath and a whimper of pain was muffled by the gag. The kick sent Janus to the floor, landing on his side. Janus could feel the large bruises start to form amongst his sides as the apathetic side pulled away, “Look me in the eyes bitch.” Janus raised his foggy tear-filled eyes to look into Apathy’s dark ones, almost black in colour. Panting for breath as Apathy smiled.
The taller side walked to another part of the room. “You know, you’d think after all these years you would finally do what we say and stop fighting us.” he was digging around in a box, metal scraping and clanging as he dug around. “Now that Paranoia is gone, well. We can finally make sure that you never forget that fact.” Finally finding what he was looking for, Apathy turned back to face Janus. The yellow side wanted to scream in horror.
In his hand was a long piece of metal. A rubber grip on one end to make holding it easier, the opposite end was larger. It was a hefty rectangle, Janus couldn’t read the cursive writing that sat inside of it but he knew that it held nothing but pain for him. Janus tried to back away from the branding iron, hitting the wall as he tried to wrestle out of the rope binding his hands, muffled pleas filled the room as Apathy heated the iron in the furnace.
Janus’ mind was foggy from the drugs, but the laugh that came from Apathy could pierce through any smog in his mind, “beautiful. Isn’t it?” Apathy was staring into the flames as a child stared at the stars, completely fascinated. “The flames, they are truly the most beautiful things in the mindscape. And now, you’ll have a piece of the flames with you too.” Janus wanted to scream. He wanted to yell and tell Apathy that if he loves the fucking flames so much then he could go die in them. He wanted to cry and curse and fight every single person and decision that had led him to be in this position where he’s going to have a brand permanently etched onto his skin like he was nothing more than cattle on a farm. Janus wanted to scream for Virgil, for Vee, for his father, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t because he was tied up with a gag lodged firmly in his mouth, successfully muffling all of his screams as Apathy talked on and on about the beauty of the flames. The rope tying his wrists burned and scraped. Blood staining the ropes as mangled bloody flesh winded throughout the fibers. He wanted to scream and call Apathy an insane bastard for every scar, burn and cut. But his jaw was hurting from being forced in a position to hold the torn piece of fabric.
Apathy chucked at his attempted pleas, “keep singing like that, and maybe I’ll give you another gift~” Janus felt his heart grow cold despite the flaming heat of the room. Another brand? Janus pulled his knees to his chest. Tears staining his shirt and pants. Repeatedly shaking his head as Apathy left the flaming iron from the furnace as he turned to Janus.
Apathy walked up to the cowering side like it was just another day. He pulled the weaker side from his hiding spot without a single care of what harm he might cause, dragging him to the center of the room, the concrete floor scraping at his already torn pants; bringing small pinpricks of the crimson liquid through the snake like sides flesh, tying him to a table with hefty knots, Janus was screaming into his gag as Apathy took a knife from his back pocket and cut off his shirt. Throwing the now shredded shirt in the furrence, Apathy looked over his scar covered skin. Scales on one half of his body in patches, some of the scales were a slightly lighter green; signifying that they recently grew back in after being ripped out, the other half of his body was scar covered. Bandages covering a large section of his top half but were now stained in blood as the wound reopened. Janus watched in petrified horror as Apathy grabbed the branding iron.
It was illuminating a horrendous red and orange. The dark room only being lit by the burning furnace and gleaming iron. Janus could only scream into the cloth as Apathy stepped closer to him, tears streaming down his face, repeatedly shaking his head no. but the apathetic side didn’t care as his eyes scanned over the emaciated side.
The yellow side was struggling. The ropes digging into his skin as more and more scarlet liquid dripped down his hands and wrists, tears streaming down his cheeks in bitter agony. The taller side gripped Janus by the scalp and pulled his head back to keep him in place as he positioned the branding iron just above his heart. “Are you going to sing for me, little songbird?~” Janus shut his eyes tightly, he couldn’t bear to look Apathy in the eyes as he permanently maimed his skin, he heard Apathy chuckle but couldn’t process it as he felt something hot touch his flesh with a sizzling noise.
Janus screamed into the gag as his eyes flew open involuntarily, eyes wide and full of fear as Apathy watched with a grin.
It started lightly, only slightly touching his flesh but the sizzling was none the less torture, Janus wailed in pain; the gag acting as a mild sound buffer. Only for the iron to be pressed deeper into the young sides flesh and deeper and deeper. The iron was pressing almost to the skin’s limit, Apathy continuously pushing it harder and deeper into the younger sides already mangled flesh. The burning was akin to a million wasps all stinging in one area. The side was screaming as his skin was seared, the gag was practically useless as he could feel his voice growing loader with every second. The iron dug deeper, the skin grew a dark irritated red. Apathy held the sides scalp tighter as he pulled the iron away.
The smaller side was panting, skin pale, his arms weak, eyes glanced over as his body stopped fighting; resigned to tremble in fear and in sobs. Apathy looked down at the side with amusement. “Well, you certainly sang. Didn’t you?” Apathy let go of Janus, letting him collapse to the floor, the side knelt to the floor, gazing into Janus’ new brand and the side’s broken eyes. “Aww, aren’t you pretty like that. What do you think songbird, wanna go again?” Janus’ muffled pleas were ignored as Apathy chose another branding iron.
Janus was branded a total of three times that night
----Two weeks later----
Janus stood in front of a mirror in his room. His fingers hesitantly raising to touch the scabbed over skin. One was on his upper right bicep; reading ‘monster’, another on his left ankle of his symbol and finally the one on his chest. Janus trembled at even imagining the look in Apathy’s eyes as he held the glowing iron to his skin. A quick hushed knock breaking him out of his staring contest with himself. Janus threw on his shirt; doing up the buttons as he made his way to the door, leaning against it to hopefully make out who was on the other side. “Baby snake?” Virgil.
Janus unlocked all the deadbolts as fast as he could, unlocking the door and throwing it open with hopeful glass like eyes. Happy for his father to be back, he could be back to protecting him. Virgil would never let Apathy do anything like that ever again. Janus opened the door with a smile and dragged the purple side into the room. Relocking everything before turning to his father. The pinstripe purple dress shirt was replaced with a black hoodie with purple patches. His striped tie gone, replaced with a thundercloud patch
The purple side looked sheepish, looking to the floor in shame. Janus felt his mouth dry up, words becoming unable to form; light sides had patches. “Dad… wh-what happened?” Janus’ voice was breathless, shocked from the sudden change of clothing and from his father avoiding his gaze.
“I got accepted.” Virgil sounded almost uncaring to the repercussions of this revelation. “I need you to accept my acceptance so my room will move” Janus couldn’t tell if Virgil was blocking his emotions to the situation, or if he just didn’t care. Janus looked at him with wide eyes and mouth gaped.
“What?” tears started to spring to the smaller sides eyes.
“I said that I got accepted and I need you to accept that so my room will move.” Virgil couldn’t meet his child’s eyes, “Thomas needs me.”
Janus’ voice was refusing to work with the fact that his father was leaving him, “but….. You can’t leave me here.. Alone…” His voice was breaking, “what about Wrath? And Depression? An-” his speech cut out, “ a-a-and Apathy?” The lump of lead in his stomach was only growing heavier as he gazed into Virgil’s eyes.
Virgil looked at his child, “Do you trust me?” the yellow side nodded almost immediately, “Then you have to let me go. I promise I’ll come back for you, but just because I have your trust, doesn’t mean I have the other’s.” Virgil walked up to his child and put a hand on his shoulder, not noticing a shudder “Now, you have to let me go and trust that I’ll come back for you.” Virgil let out a small smile as Janus nodded, tears falling down his cheeks.
The dark house groaned and creaked as Janus let Virgil go. As soon as the side was there, he was gone and Janus was left all alone once again.
Janus locked the deadbolts once more as Virgil left. The younger side limped back over to the bed and sat down. He looked back into the mirror and couldn’t help himself as he unbuttoned his shirt once more.
His eyes raked over the marks permanently marked on him. His symbol on his ankle he could possibly accept, probably not, but he might be able to figuratively heal. The word ‘monster’ on his bicep was nothing more than his internal thoughts ingrained on his skin, the scales that mocked him and made him permanently stand out even more than he already did with the blond curls. No, the one that we could never recover from was the words etched on his chest. His eyes raked over the words, a sob coming from his throat even though he couldn’t stop himself from reading it again and again.
‘Property of The Dark Sides.’
Janus could only sob choked tears as his fingers traced over the brand.
@mother-snake , @writerstrashbin , @psychedelicships , @cryptidwriterdotcom , @idkanameatall (ask to be removed or added)
Guys..... I'm sorry...
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cinnella · 4 years
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Name: Eris Zaramoza (chosen name); Yin Abo (birth name)
Age: 26 years old
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Birthday: November 5th
Patron Arcana:
Death (Major); Queen of Cups (Minor)
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Occupation: Magician and Shopkeeper; Former Necromancer
Height: 5'7" (1.71 m)
Weight: 64 kg (141 lbs)
Sethos Abo - older brother
Nuwa Abo - mother (deceased)
Kek Abo - father (deceased)
Xié Dongmei - aunt (deceased)
Origin: Born in Venterre, but grew up in Vesuvia
Race: Half chinese, half egyptian
Powers: Blue (astrology) and purple (divination) magic. Also has an affinity for controlling and summoning water
Intelligence Level: On a scale from 1 to 10, she's a 7
She was born in a small home in Venterre. Her father was already dead at the time of her birth, her brother only 5 years old and her mother deadly sick.
Only two days after her birth, her mom passed away, from the lack of proper medication. Sethos knew that she was way too young for him to take care of, so he tried to seek out their aunt, who lived on the other side of the city.
That night, he sat under a makeshift shelter with his baby sister, but he was so hungry that he had no other choice but to leave her there and try to find some food. Eventually, Yin started crying, which a passerby heard and when they found her, they took her with them.
Sethos was utterly crushed when he came back and she was gone... He tried to look for her, but he was so exhausted that he passed out in the middle of the street. Luckily, he was found by a woman with children and brought to her place.
When he had woken up, he explained his situation to her. The next morning, the woman helped him travel to his aunt's home. But by the time he got there and told her what happened to his sister and mother, Yin was already on a ship heading towards Vesuvia.
There, she was brought to an orphanage, in the South End, where multiple kids and babies from different places had been found, to be taken care of by people whom founded the building. She grew up a rather lonesome troublemaker. The caretakers were kind people, but the kids were mean. So she had no friends.
Soon enough, the adults had realized that most of the kids had no names, couldn't remember them or never knew them. So they took to liberty to name them, but because there were about 30 children and 15 adults, there was a lot of confusion and mis-naming.
They decided to teach the kids to read and write when they were old enough to understand the concepts, and on their 7th birthday, they'd choose their definitive name, something that they felt represented them.
And so, Yin Abo became Eris Zaramoza.
On that day, she met two kids that both looked younger than her. One was small and frail. Porcelain skin, black hair, mismatched eyes. Her name had been Saiya. The other was slightly taller than her. Umber skin, magenta eyes, jet black hair. The caretakers often called him Sykes. They were both known troublemakers and apparently, best friends.
They offered her to become friends and although she'd been sketchy about it, she agreed. They were her first friends, after all.
Years later, the three of them became inseparable and two new children joined their group, both of them noticeably younger. One had skin the color of limestone, ashy blond hair and silverish eyes. The other had dark espresso skin, curly chestnut hair and jade green eyes.
They were often referred to as "accidental troublemakers" because they did naughty things without even realizing it. These four kids became her kin, her family. For years upon years, the five of them brought migraines to the entirety of Vesuvia with their shenanigans. They were known as "the southenders".
The orphanage had a set rule. Despite the caretakers doing their best and raising the kids as their own, by the time Eris reached her adolescence, the amount of kids had doubled.
The set rule was that, once the kids would turn 17, they'd have to seek a home of their own. Eris is the eldest between her and her friends, so she had to leave first.
Heartbreaking as it was, they'd anticipated this for months. They'd made plans to try to find their roots. Upon talking with the adults, the one who'd found her so many years ago told her she'd been born in Venterre, near the west-coast.
After a couple of tear-filled fair-wells, she promised to visit from time to time, and then left to find her bloodrelatives. A couple of days later, looking through her instructions and map, she stood in front of an old, small house.
On the porch, a young man who looked to be in his early twenties, was seated there. She called to him, asking if he could help her out. When he looked up, shock was written on both of their faces.
He had grey-ish short hair and sapphire blue eyes. His skin was just a little bit lighter than hers, scars on his nose and lips. Same round nose, same almond eyes, same strong eyebrows. The resemblance was groundbreaking, almost like looking into a mirror.
Though she never met him, she knew, deep down, that they were related. He was utterly convinced he was dreaming but she reassured him he wasn't. They didn't hug, for they barely knew each other, but they both cried. She was invited in his home, where their aunt had been preparing dinner. Eris' presence brought her to tears.
In the next few hours, while they dined, she learned that their names were Sethos and Dongmei, and that they were her older brother and aunt, respectively. She learned of her parents and their unfortunate fate, of the night Sethos lost her.
It was a relief to learn all this, and although she wanted to head back to Vesuvia, to her friends and find a home, she spent a couple of days with them. Dongmei mentioned that she had an abandoned magic shop in Vesuvia from her youth, close to the center of the city. Giving Eris the key, she told her to make her home there.
Once back home, it was time for Count Lucio's yearly Masquerade. There, she met Asra, whom she soon became close with. When she learned that he was an orphan, and had no place to stay, she offered him to live with her in the shop. It needed some repairs and a lot of cleaning but it was a start.
Years passed and they became closer. Unspoken feelings hanging in the air, but something stopped them from confessing. The Red Plague had arrived and it was taking anyone it could grasp. Eris and Asra, while discussing the situation one night, had an argument.
In the years he'd taught her magic, she'd also taught herself necromancy and wanted to help the plague doctors with the dead, possibly reverse their fate. But Asra didn't agree, "magic isn't supposed to work that way" he said.
So she ran away, found Julian and became his apprentice.
Soon died from the plague...
And the rest is history.
Personality: curious, caring, bold, kind, polite, calm, patient, self-less, motherly, gentle, open-minded, truthful, loyal, trustworthy, out-spoken, honest, stubborn, too forgiving and can never hold grudges for long
Interesting facts:
The small scars on the right side of her jaw, left collarbone and left shoulder are all from fainting while trying to get back her memories. Every time, she had the unfortunate luck of hitting something and scarring her skin.
She has a huge scar on her left thigh but she doesn't remember how she got it.
She also has an "apple of discord" tattoo on her right shoulder.
God forbid you ever make her wear gold, she cannot stand it. She only wears silver.
Although she's an ambivert, she leans towards introvert.
Hates lying and liars in general.
HAAAATES Lavender. Do not put her near those flowers.
Appearance: Sienna skin tone, wavy waist-length silver-white hair, bright ice blue eyes, pear-shaped fit body, B cup breasts.
Familiar: Kage, a sarcastic silver fox that can actually talk.
Voice claim: Margot Robbie
Full sprite:
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Lmao sorry for the backstory being so long but.. My inner writer kinda jumped out. 😅
By the way, HUGE PROPS to my lovely beyotch @sahana-anand for giving me her bio template, it helped me SO MUCH. Thank you, love, couldn't have done it without you!
Hope you'll show some love to my girl Eris!
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shoujolover-666 · 4 years
Apple Kisses
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27032116
Ship: Yandere!Neige LeBlanche x Vil Schoenheit
Warnings: Possessive Behaviour, Obsessive Behaviour, Yandere
Vil stared into the mirror, a blank look was on his face as he let the man with ebony black locks caress his own golden tresses. A pair of soft lips ghosted over the nape of his neck, which caused him to shiver slightly. He could hear a soft chuckle from behind him before he felt the sting of a bite.
The man who played with him, almost as if he was a doll, was Neige LeBlanche, the man who was known for his gentle beauty that almost toppled kingdoms and his kindness.
It made him want to laugh, but he wasn’t able to. If it was because of his unique magic he used on him or the pure ridiculousness of the situation, he didn’t know.
“I am so happy to have you with me like this, Vil-Senpai.”
Neige almost purred as he wrapped his arms around the older man’s shoulder, placing his chin on the shoulder of the person who sat on the expensive looking chair. Chocolate brown eyes were gleaming, they were oh so different from the now dull violet looking eyes. Still, to the Royal Swords Academy student, they looked like the most beautiful pair of purple diamonds. A rarity that only few people in the world could actually afford.
Fingers were exploring each and every inch he could reach as he indulged himself in the luxury of being able to be this close to his idol, the man he had always looked up to for such a long time now.
Oh, he could clearly remember the hushed whispers of some students when he was in middle-school. Words were spread about a person with the name of Vil Schoenheit and how he took over the world of fashion and celebrities by storm with his beautiful and alluring appeal while working so hard, even when he didn’t need to.
A man who also had all kinds of rumors cling to him.
How he offered favours to get to the place where he was now. Back then, he didn’t care too much about the gossip, because the world of social media never had been something that he did belong in. With time, he got to see him more and more though. On television, on flyers and even on big screens that showed advertisements.
Each and every time he saw him, his heart started to beat a bit faster and he was able to feel how his cheeks warmed up, his face ending up flushed. At first he thought it was simple admiration of how beautiful a person could be, but with time, he noticed that he never elt like this with anyone else, no matter how beautiful they were as well.
No, only the blonde man was able to make his blood boil with passion like this. It almost felt like the call of a siren, each time he saw him, he couldn’t help but get drawn to him more and more. At one point, he couldn’t stop himself anymore from trying to get closer to him.
He wanted to be able to work with him, to talk to him, to be closer to him than anyone else was. Neige wanted to be on his mind, to be his everything, just as Vil was everything to him.
That was the reason why he threw himself into the world of glitz and glamour without hesitation. If it meant that his wish would come true like that, he would even give up his position as a prince.
The stares he got at first were almost unbearable. He knew that people tended to think that he was good looking, but most of the people he interacted with were polite enough to pretend that they did not stare. Now, it was different. As a person who got more and more famous, it was only common to be looked at, to have the attention of other people.
It was uncomfortable to him, but he persisted. Thinking about how this was only a small sacrifice if it meant that he got the chance to glance at Vil without the screen separating them helped him go through this.
When the time arrived in which he finally stood directly in front of the fair beauty, he had to try his hardest to prevent himself from shaking and squeaking like the excited fan he was. Instead of giving in to the urge to react how he usually would, he simply reached his hand out to him with a smile as a greeting.
A gasp almost escaped his lips the moment he felt the soft and warm sensation of the taller man’s hand on his. Vil’s smile was refined and refined, and it only made him want to faint on the spot.
It was almost as if a queen stood in front of him, regal and prim. Oh how he wished Vil would agree to become his, to become the one who would rule and stay just right by his side.
How he would love to shower the other model with love and all the luxuries the world had to offer.
None of Neige’s inner thoughts were betrayed as he simply kept his innocent smile on his lips.
Since then, they met each other more and more often because of collaborations. The black haired noticed how his own fame started to rise more and more with each job he took, just so he would be able to get closer to Vil.
And then he was suddenly the one who was known as the fairest of them all. Something that he did not anticipate.
In the beginning, it was awful. The eyes that looked at him with a calm neutrality at first turned more and more hostile.
He wanted to beg him, asking him to forgive him… when a certain thought came across his mind.
Didn’t it mean… that Vil would be focused solely on him? Neige’s mood improved immediately and he started to work even harder to keep his new found status.
Like this, he got more and more chances to work with him. He couldn’t be happier, it almost felt like a dream come true. Until it didn’t.
The routine of feeling the hate filled gaze locked on him when he wasn’t looking at Vil was something he was used to by now. If he had to be honest, he almost anticipated it. That was why it was so strange to him when he did not feel the burning look on him.
Why? Why? Why?
Who was the blonde man who stood next to him so carelessly? Why was Vil not bothered by him in the least and paid more attention to him than to Neige? What did he have that the black haired man didn’t?
For the first time in his life, he felt angry towards someone. Wrath started to consume him, but he hid it behind the sweet smile he was known for.
“Ah, isn’t it Roi de Pomme?”
The man with the hat looked at him and bowed before he introduced himself. Not that he really cared about who he was. “My name is Rook Hunt, I hope you are going to have a successful shooting, oui?”
Neige noticed how Vil rolled his eyes. To most, it was a gesture of annoyance, but to him, it was something different. It told him how close they were to each other that the beauty would do something like this. He could feel the burning feeling of jealousy in his chest, it almost robbed him of his breath, but he kept himself in check. No, it would not do him any good if people were to find out that ugly side of him.
Ah, it was time to speed up his plans. The prince wanted to take his time and coerce him into being his slowly with time, show him what he could offer him, but there was no time for that.
He had to act now, before someone who was not worthy of Vil would snatch him away from him.
~ 🍎 ~
Vils eyes were focused on Neige for a moment before he looked away again. Right now, the black haired menace was not his priority.
There was a reason why he took Rook, his Vice, with him. Lately, there have been strange occurrences. Things that belonged to the third year student of Night Raven College started to disappear. At first, it was nothing special. Sometimes it was something as simple as a can he left standing, sometimes it was some food that he didn’t want to eat anymore.
Nothing special.
Then, other things started to go missing. Lipsticks that he used, handkerchiefs that he put down for later, even some pieces of clothes vanished without him knowing who the culprit behind these actions was.
He hoped that Rook would be able to find out who was responsible for these actions.
Maybe that was why he could care less about Neige this time. Finding the person who stole his things had a higher priority this time.
A hand grabbed his all of a sudden, pulling him out of the world of his own thoughts. “We should go, Vil-Senpai. The shooting is going to start soon.”
And with that, he was dragged along by the man who was shorter than him.
They let the make-up artists apply some make-up on their faces before they were shooed to the canvas that were prepared for them. It was time to get to work.
All the while, Rook watched his surroundings with a smile. To anyone else, it seemed as if he was solely focused on the two celebrities, but that was not the case. As a hunter, he noticed everything that happened around him. There was nothing strange happening though. Not a single person was out of place, each of them doing their own work and fulfilling their purpose.
How strange. He knew that his queen was vigilant, but not to the point of being paranoid, so he trusted the other’s judgement.
Was the person who made his dorm leader worry like that suspicious of him? What a pity. He would have loved to hunt that person down for the beautiful man he served.
~ 🍎 ~
It was time for a break. Neige was on edge when he saw how the man from before approached them, but an honest smile appeared on his lips when he heard that he had to go because of some kind of business.
He waited for Rook to leave them alone completely before he turned to Vil again, who was touching up on his make-up himself. Neige felt the urge to tell him that the blonde haired man didn’t need to do that to make people fall for him, but he swallowed the words.
The other man popped his lips after he reapplied the purple lipstick he wore before turning to him, one elegant and thin eyebrow was raised.
That single word was cutting, sharp, but he did not care. No, he would not let anyone else stop him from what he was doing.
With his goal set, he approached him. Vil didn’t even have the time to react when Neige grabbed his arm and pulled him down, pressing his pink coloured lips against the poisonous looking ones. His lips tasted bitter but were soft. The prince wished to simply get lost in the sensation, but he didn’t have the luxury.
“True Love’s Kiss.”
Purple eyes started to get glassy and lost their focus the moment Neiges lips touched him like that.
True Love’s Kiss. It was a skill that was inherited in each generation of his family. If they kiss a person while using their magic, the person would fall under a charming spell that made them obey the caster.
The prince never intended on using his Unique Magic on Vil like that, but he saw no way to get around it. Too many threats were around his beautiful queen, and he did not want to risk losing him.  
A hand wandered to the entranced man’s cheek and caressed it. If he were in his usual state of mind, his hand would have been slapped away already. Now, that he got a taste of his kiss, he was calm, docile.
Excitement made a shiver run down his smile, and he couldn’t help but laugh to himself slightly. It sounded so innocent and sweet.
Neige would tell the people that the shooting had to be stopped, for Vil was not in condition to continue. Of course, as a good colleague, he would take care of him.
No one questioned him because of how they all believed that he was simply a sweet boy who dearly cared for his older co-worker.
Which wasn’t too far from the truth.
With no one stopping him now, he took Vil home with him, his hand tightly grasping the others’.
A soft melody was hummed by him.
It was time for the future he always looked forward to. Of course he had to take care of the details later, like pulling Vil away from the eyes of the public and paying the headmaster of Night Raven College to throw the blonde student out of the school but the effort was worth it, for he now had his own princess, who was going to be his queen in the future.
It was his own Happily Ever After.
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nuttersincorporated · 4 years
Brainladdin Chapter One
Here’s Chapter One of my fanfic based on deez-art’s Brainladdin au. Please check out their art. It’s awesome!
If you haven’t read it yet, the Prologue is here and it’s now been beted (its basically the same with just the odd change of word/fixed punctuation)
Chapter One: A look into the everyday lives of Brainladdin and Wakko.
Fandoms: Animaniacs, Pinky and the Brain and Disney’s Aladdin
Word Count: 1359
Author Notes: Thank you to cawareyoudoin for betering this. Any mistakes left are my own. Here’s where the scientifically accurate version of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star is from.
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was a prosperous land of shining glory. ACMEbah was a city where anyone could succeed, or that was the story those in charge would like the world to believe. The truth was very, very different.
Unfortunately, the Warner-rabia Dream was a lie. While the rich got richer, the poor got poorer. The middle class was almost nonexistent and the better off working class struggled desperately to avoid falling below poverty line. A great many people were born and died in poverty, trapped in a cycle they couldn’t hope to escape.
One poor mouse dreamed of changing things. He wanted to make Warner-rabia the place it pretended to be. He knew that if he could only succeed, he could make ACMEbah a fair and happy place for everyone.
His story has been told many times but the truth has been twisted. The rebellion and anger at an unjust system were slowly removed from the tale to make it more palatable to the ruling classes. Those with the money to bring movies to the big screen could afford to decide what sort of stories got told and how, so they ripped out the heart of this story.
It is time to tell the real tale again. You should know the truth, but be warned; this story is not the one you think you know.
This is the story of Brainladdin as it really happened…
“Run!” Brainladdin yelled at Wakko.
He sprinted, as quickly as he could, away from the exploded mess of his latest attempt to take over ACMEbah, and from the angry local citizens. Wakko didn’t run, he was much taller than Brainladdin, instead he chose to walk quickly by his side, so that they would stay together.
Someone yelled something about Brainladdin being a public menace. Brainladdin instinctively ducked right before something large flew over his head.
Wakko turned around, half planning to attack the thrower, but Brainladdin grabbed his leg, trying to drag him away. Wakko knew Brainladdin wouldn’t leave without him, so he picked up the thing that had been thrown and they continued their escape.
They didn’t slow down again until the sound of angry voices faded away. Once they were surrounded by the everyday sounds of the city, Brainladdin stopped and looked Wakko up and down quickly to make sure he hadn’t been hurt. 
“Are you okay?” Brainladdin asked.
Wakko rolled his eyes. “I’m fine, Dad. I wasn’t the one who almost got hit by this.” Wakko held up the thing that had almost hit Brainladdin and he got his first good look at it. It was a huge wooden mallet, almost comical in size.
“I’m not your father,” Brainladdin said automatically but without any real conviction. Then he pointed to the wooden mallet, “You are not keeping it.”
“Oh, please Pops,” Wakko begged, all wide-eyed, innocent sweetness. “You won’t even know it’s there, honest. Look, it can fit in my bag,” Wakko pulled his bag out of a pocket that should have been too small to fit it. He somehow put the mallet inside the bag.
“Fine!” Brainladdin said, throwing his hands in the air in defeat. “If it will keep you happy.”
Wakko grinned. “Thanks, Padre.” Wakko put the bag back in his pocket.
Brainladdin rolled his eyes at being called Dad in another language, but ignored it otherwise. “Come, Wakko, we must return to the hovel before it gets dark.”
“Because you need a good night's sleep before I…”
“We,” Wakko interrupted.
“… try to take over ACMEbah!” Brainladdin finished as if Wakko hadn’t spoken.
They made their way back to what could only charitably be called a house.
It was crumbling and old. In theory it was condemned but there was no date set for its demolition. In reality, it had been abandoned in the hopes it would just eventually fall down by itself. Since that hadn’t happened yet, over the years several families had ended up squatting there when they had no other available shelter.
Four families currently sheltered in the building. Brainladdin and Wakko had claimed a single room at the top as their home. It was missing half the roof, and most of the wall on the outside of the building, but it still offered more shelter and was safer than the streets. 
When the two were safely back in their room, Wakko pulled out his bag out of his pocket again and started searching through it. Eventually, he pulled out one small wizened apple. Brainladdin saw the look of disappointment flicker over Wakko’s face before he could hide it. Brainladdin silently cursed himself for being so caught up in schemes that he hadn’t found time to get more food that day.
Wakko cut the apple in half and offered a piece to Brainladdin. Brainladdin shook his head. “No, no. I’m not hungry. You eat it.”  His stomach chose that exact moment to rumble.
Wakko rolled his eyes, trying to push a piece into Brainladdin’s hands. “You need to eat, Pa.” 
Brainladdin glared and refused to take it. 
“I’m not hungry.” He turned away. Brainladdin went to his planning corner, pulled his notebook and pencil from under a loose floorboard, and started to work on another plan. He pointedly ignored the apple half Wakko put down next to him and continued to work.
Five minutes later, the apple part was still uneaten. Brainladdin threw down his pencil and turned to glare at Wakko, “It will go off if nobody eats it.”
“So eat it already.”
“I will not. I have work to do.”
“Well, I guess it’s not going to get eaten then.”
“Wakko… please. Just eat the apple.”
Wakko crossed his arms and stuck out his tongue.
Brainladdin groaned. “If I eat half of what’s left, will you please eat the other half?”
Wakko grinned and cut the apple again. “Sure thing, Dad.”
“How many times do I have to tell you? I’m not your father!” There was no real annoyance in the response. It was an automatic response.
Brainladdin took his quarter of the apple and ate it slowly as Wakko wolfed down his bit. When he was done, he turned to his notebook again and started working.
When the sun set, Wakko climbed under his thin blanket, hugging the moth-eaten teddy bear Brainladdin had given him. “Sing me a song so I can go to sleep?”
Brainladdin rolled his eyes, “If it will make you be quiet.” He walked over to Wakko’s side and sat down next to him before starting to sing,
“Twinkle Twinkle Little Star I know exactly what you are
Opaque ball of hot dense gas Million times our planet’s mass Looking small because you’re far I know exactly what you are”
Wakko yawned, his eyes drooping as Brainladdin continued to sing,
“Atmospheric turbulence Causes rays of light to bend Blurry light gives views subpar Causing twinkling little star
We see you as if in the past Light’s not infinitely fast Lookback time delays our view I know exactly what you do”
Wakko’s eyes shut and his breathing evened out. Brainladdin allowed himself a small fond smile. Then, he stood up and slipped out of their small home, secure in the knowledge that Wakko wouldn’t move before he got back.
Brainladdin made his way through the quiet night streets of ACMEbah. He headed to the richer part of the city and searched through the bins until he’d managed to gather two slightly stale loaves of bread, and a bunch of bruised bananas.
Then he headed home again, glad that he wouldn’t have to waste any more time tomorrow worrying about food. 
Brainladdin checked on Wakko as soon as he was back, and was glad to see him still deep in his slumber. Brainladdin put the food down, and patted Wakko fondly in a way he never would have if Wakko was awake.
“Sleep well,” he whispered. “When I take over, I promise, you’ll never be hungry again.”
When Brainladdin turned away and went to his own bed, Wakko smiled and finally allowed himself to really fall asleep.
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