#well planned there buckaroo
motecomic · 1 year
> Omniscient Reader: Try to remember what everyone is doing right now and why
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You have found yourself in a true GORDIAN KNOT of people and points in space.
Let’s go through these nodes in our NEURAL INTERSPACE. 
Mote, our hero, the first of our crew and second in rank is nearly complete with their tasks, all they have left is to explore planetary anomalies. Why is this so important you may ask? Besides from it being THEIR JOB (VERY IMPORTANT) but also the now lost in space Quadrigant will refuse to end its forced Quarantine unless all crewmates on board prove their reliability as workers. Otherwise returning the Quadrigant to THE ESCHATON would just be a waste of time and a reduction in the superstructure’s daily success rate. Their new found nemesis FUEHL however seems to have a very strict sense of how to succeed at Planetary Expeditions and is currently nagging at Mote’s recently mustered gung ho energy. They both can be found on the ACTUALIZATION PYLON.
Cyrrup has successfully uncovered where THE ESCHATON is relative to the Qaudrigant’s current location. While she should probably be trying to find a way to enact her revenge on CAPTAIN FRAXION she has found herself distracted by a MYSTERIOUS CREWMATE lurking below decks which, PRE-FAKEOUT, we almost had the pleasure of meeting, but you suppose we’ll have to save it for another time.
Gloo is also currently enjoying the lower reaches of the Quadrigant with a mysterious guest of his own. This mysterious being is actually a kind of SUPER FAKE INFONISM made from the corrupted UNINFORMED SUPER REAL INFORMATION UNITS from the mirrors in Mote and Cyrrup’s room, which occurred because Cyrrup unplugged the mirror in her room for her dark icon THE FLOCCULENT ORB. Gloo’s helpful nature quickly picks up on Infonism's desire to find something in the lower reaches of the structure, but he doesn’t know that Infonism has caught the scent of Cyrrup’s JOB HATING IONS. The reason for this attraction is still unknown but it’s clear the two share a sort of DARK VIBRANCE.
Sporr is lost in the cubes.
> Mote: explore planetary anomalies
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drchucktingle · 6 months
autistic expression in a neurotypical art gallery
this morning i thought i would talk about AUTHOR VOICE specifically when it comes to AUTISM. as autistic author i have learned to turn the dial up and down when writing characters. rose from CAMP DAMASCUS is basically exactly where i rest on spectrum and this shows in a few ways
in roses internal monolog you will see that she uses phrases like ‘my friend’ to talk about folks where neurotypical buckaroos might just use first name. or with her parents she will think of them in FIRST NAME instead of ‘mom’ or 'dad’. this is way many autistic buds THINK
to explain this trot I will say it is not a way of disrespect or anything like that, it is simply that these terms are TECHNICALLY all correct and interchangeable. socially, autistic buds often learn to mask by pinpointing WHEN to use these words that logically the same to us.
in CAMP DAMASCUS i left these things in to create character, but if you go back in my writing you will see it. in TINGLERS this is because they are honest in PUNK ROCK way. unfiltered expressions. in earlier novels its admittedly just because i did not realize it was unusual yet
point is, ROSES internal dialog in camp damascus is neurodivergent and i CHOSE not to change her thought process in this way, because we are BOTH autistic. this can be a risk because some neurotypical buckaroos will read it and just think ‘what a strange way. this is bad writing’
camp damascus reviews are actually very good it is a very well received book by any measure, but you will see some folks kind of making fun of these traits (i do not think they would do this if they knew it was authentic autistic way BUT we cannot educate EVERYONE on this trot)
POINT IS i am now faced with an artistic choice in later books. do i write with my AUTISTIC voice even though some neurotypical readers find it awkward? in technical sense some readers WILL think each book is better if i eliminate my autistic tendencies in later edits
my advice is this: character voice IS SO IMPORTANT, but a big part of writing is finding the place between YOUR voice and your CHARACTER voice where both are authentically existing in some way. like acting, you are always bringing something of yourself even when you 'disappear'
when writing BURY YOUR GAYS i did not plan to make misha on the spectrum, but misha is part of me and i am on the spectrum. what i have realized over time is that ALL OF MY CHARACTERS will have these traits in some way because i wrote them, and i will never disappear completely
so when edits came for BURY YOUR GAYS and misha, i took that dial and i turned it farther towards neurotypical than i did with rose, BUT I DID NOT TURN IT OFF COMPLETELY. in literal sense, i left some of those ‘my friends’, because i will always bring MY VOICE to my art as well
i am proud of being on the spectrum. while my voice may not hit every convention of ‘good writing’ it is authentically ‘MY writing’ and i think that is more important than any outside checklist for ‘correct literary expression’. and guess what THE RESULTS ARE IN, MY BOOKS DO WELL
so if you are an artist getting feedback or reviews, consider which parts you can LEARN FROM and grow and change, and which parts are just AUTHENTICALLY YOU. because while your honesty may defy conventions and seem unusual to some folks, IT IS OFTEN WHAT MAKES YOUR ART SING
feel free to turn that dial marked 'YOUR TRUE VOICE' up and down when it makes sense. i do this all the time. but i have long since decided i will never turn that dial OFF completely. your voice is your POWER buckaroo, dont be afraid to sing with it
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bbgghost · 1 month
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lot to love: chapter 7
blurb: you are the nineteen year old, younger, mutant sister of Mystique. you go to Professor X's school and have been since you were young. slow burn with wolverine ♡♡♡
a.n. im worried these are too short but idk erm enjoy this my little sweatys SEND IN YOUR REQUESTS PLEASE i would love to write specifically for you guysss ♡
c.w. age gap is mentioned alot lols! thinks get a little heated, gulp.
masterlist | tags: @white-wolf-buckaroo @mikariell95 @onlythehobi @kokomixxk @samsamsantos @fluffyflamingo20
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The term had ended, and the summer holidays had finally started. Most of the students went home to their families, but some remained, as they had no other place to go. You sat in the library with many of these students, creating a proper class plan for the new school year. Storm had helped you by giving you some of her early plans and Scott offered to sit by during your first lesson. It was comforting to have them support you, as you had oftened looked to them when you were younger.
You reflect on those days, back when you really struggled getting over your abandonment and you struggled making any friends. You remember spending many days alone on the grounds, in hallways, in the lunch hall, at the kitchen bench. You realised how grateful you were for Storm, and remember how she began sitting with you, before you met Bobby and Pyro. You hoped you could possibly do that for one of your students, not that you wanted them to have horrible pasts and struggle to make friends. You wanted that motherly relationship that you had only ever had with Storm, well one you still have.
The sun sets slowly over time, and the warm beam of sunlight that had illuminated your desk early this afternoon begins to fade. You notice yourself feeling cooler, the sky getting darker and the lack of students now surrounding you. Most likely they had gone to participate in their hobbies, a routine you had also developed in your early years. You pack up your belongings and made your way outside.
When you exit the library, you're met with a nice feeling of calm. Nobody was running through the hallway, bumping into you and there weren't any young kids screaming. You gratefully took in a deep breath, and made your way towards the teachers lounge.
Once in their, you sat down next to Scott, who was deep into some old classic book. You relaxed into the old leather of the chair and turned to him. "You enjoying your new privledges?" He asked. You hummed in response. "Well, term hasn't started so you aren't exactly a teacher yet, are you?" He joked. "I guess not." You considered, "But I'm definetly working hard like one." He laughed at that.
"Have you seen Logan?" You asked. He looked up in thought. "I think he just got back from taking Rogue and Bobby somewhere." He said. You smiled at the thought of him driving your friends around. You remember that they aren't old enough to drive yet and smile in amusement. "Thanks." You said before going towards the door. You took a shortcut out of the building and back into the garage where you found the Wolverine himself.
He had his back to you, he was clad in a classic wife-beater and blue jeans. You bit your lip as you eyed him. He was kneeling down next to his bike, tightening something with a wrench. Did the school even own hardware tools like wrenches? Sweat gleamed down his back, and illuminated his tan muscles. "You going to keep staring, or are you gonna start talking?" He asked. Your eyes widened and you swallowed harshly, and remembered that he could probably sense you. "What do you want me to do?" You asked seductively. He turned to you with his brow raised and laughed with a very small smile.
"I don't think you want to know." He smirked. You made your way closer too him as he turned and stood up. You look up at him, flashing him your best doe eyes and whispering, "Yeah, I do." He smirked and clutched the wrench in his hand so tight his knuckles turned white. You briefly imagined his claws coming out of the skin, but came back to reality when he started laughing. "You're very confident, missy." He commented and turned back around to his bike.
"I'm just matching you." You stated plainly as you watched him twist something different. "And you're sassy." He added. You rolled your eyes with a huff. You came even closer to him and grabbed at his wrist, wanting his attention. He dropped his other hand that was working on the bike and turned around to you. "Don't be doing that." He said quietly. "Doing what?" You asked innocently like. He gritted his teeth together and looked over your head. "Stop avoiding it." You whispered quietly, he picked it up, despite you almost going silent at the end.
"You need to be with boys your age." He said even softer this time. He didn't want to fully acknowledge that there was something going on between you too. He didn't even want to begin going into what he wanted to say. You moved your hand down his wrist, and began rubbing your thumb over the back of his hand. "No. I don't." You said firmly. He clenched his jaw and finally looked back down at you. "Yes. You do." He said almost angrily. "I'm old enough." You pleaded. "I'm twenty in two weeks."
"Jesus Christ, I'm 160 years older than you." He exclaimed. "I don't care!" You cried and grasped his other hand, him having put down the tool a while ago. He didn't respond and looked away from you. Tears brewed in your eyes at the sting of rejection. You thought about slapping him and punching him. You thought about breaking down in his arms. Instead he merely pulled his hands from your grasp. In a last attempt at crying out to him you shouted. "Oh, fuck you!" You said and turned to walk out.
"Hey! Don't you talk to me like that!" He fumed. You span back around and looked at him in shock. You repeated again, "Fuck you." only louder and with more attitude. He took one last calm breath before walking towards you. You feared for you life, only for a brief moment, but remembered that you knew he would never even think about hurting you. He grabbed your biceps between his large forceful hands. "Don't be such a brat." He spat. You glared at him, staring into his dark brown eyes.
His crows feet were so prominent now, and his teeth bared in anger. He looked down at you, and noticed how soft you looked between his two hands, all young and beautiful. His right hand quickly made its way into the back of your head, grabbing at a fistful of your hair. Your head leaned back at the movement. Your angry stare sooned turned expecting, waiting for his next move.
After many movements he pushed his lips onto yours, and moved them over your soft and plush ones. You felt the inside of his mouth, and felt your teeth clash. It was messy, rushed, passionate and horny. You gripped both your hands onto his biceps to stable you as he arched your back against him. His left hand moved down to your ass, and he squeezed feverishly. You squeaked into his mouth at the harsh grip and melted into his hold.
You pulled away from him after a bit, panting as you realised how desperate for air you were. "Sorry." You squeaked out. He released his hold on your cheek and instead took to rubbing his hands up and down your sides. "Never apologise doll. I swear." He spits out inbetween heavy breaths. "You're so beautiful." He says, eyes trained on yours. "Thanks." You whispered quietly, and he smiled at your response. He wrapped his arms around your neck and pulled you close to him. "I'm sorry." He said and kissed the top of your head. You put your hands around his back, touching the textured fabric of his tank.
As he pulled back, you drew you hands to his front and rubbed your hands over his chest. "It's okay." You whispered while nodding. He nodded along with you before looking away. "Can we go inside?" You asked. He hummed in agreement and put his arm around your shoulder, leading you through the garage door.
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Later that night, you sat on the couch with him in the front of the tv. His right arm was draped over your shoulder, and you were curled into his side. You don't think there was anywhere else you would rather be. You wished you could stay there forever. His fingers drew on your bicep in soft circles, and the calming nature of the movement made your eyes droop. Some old movie from the 70's that Logan said he had watched at least three times played on the tv. You didn't completely understand the plot of it. A mix of being distracted and being tired influenced your ability to do so. You nuzzled your head into Logan's side and finally shut your eyes.
At the sound of your calm breaths turning even deeper he looked down at you to find you deep asleep. Your soft lips were pouted and parted. Your dark, soft lashes rested against your warm cheeks and fluttered slightly when the telivision got a little loud. Logan swore he had never seen anything more peaceful. It made his heart warm and completely god rid of his thoughts.
He gently turned to put his right arm under your torso and his left arm under your legs, picking you up and holding you carefully. You adjusted yourself, slowly waking from your deep sleep, and put your arms around his neck to stabilise yourself. He took slow steps out of the living room and into the foyer before ascending the stairs. He took you to his room, not yours, and whispered to you to 'hold on tight' while he opened the door. You mumbled softly in his ear, it all being incoherent, as he closed the door behind you.
He laid you down on his bed, and turned to undress himself. He stripped down to his boxers, and walked into his small ensuite. Unbeknowst to him, you watched him the entire time, eyes trained on his back and slowly his backside. You sleepily eyed him, like a starved woman and sighed when he walked away. You turned over, now more awake, and began undressing yourself. You pulled off your jeans and pulled off your top. You kept your bra on and laid back down in the sheets.
When Logan came back out he saw your eyes peaking out from the covers. He smiled tiredly and climbed in next to you. He wrapped his arms around your body as you curled into him. He brushed your hair back from your neck and looked between your eyes.
"You're such a sweet thing." He whispered.
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princessamericachavez · 5 months
911 7x05 CODA
"I guess it's a good thing you didn't insist on a plus one, Buckaroo." "Well... actually..."
Hen pauses the game the fourth time Buck's phone chimes.
"Are you going to answer that?" She asks, giving him a pointed look.
"No." Buck leans back against the couch's back with a huff. "It's Maddie again, asking what I think about the flower arrangements, or the centerpieces, or something."
"I thought you were banned from wedding planning."
"I am! Or- or I was, I guess, but now that she actually has to make the final choices she keeps asking me these things. And I would have an answer for her if she let me just arrange the clipboard I suggested."
"Oh, no, no, no. No clipboards for you."
Buck rolls his eyes. His phone chimes again and he stuffs it under a pillow.
"Just give her your opinion."
"See, I tried that, but then she goes and chooses the other one anyway."
"Then tell her the other one."
"And what if she does choose that one and then it's a mess? I think I'll pass. If I do anything that screws up this wedding Maddie and Chimney will never forgive me."
"I think you're being a little overdramatic, Buck. It's just a wedding."
"It's not! It's Maddie's wedding. It has to be perfect."
Hen seems to consider that for a moment, taking a sip of her tea.
"Yeah, I want it to be perfect too. For her and Chim. I mean, they deserve it. Even Karen's freaked out, she's been trying a million different dresses for the ceremony. I swear, she looks gorgeous in all of them, but she's never satisfied."
"Yeah, Eddie said something similar about Marisol. Apparently, she's nervous about meeting everyone else. I mean- again. Officially."
"A wedding date is a big deal. Makes everything very official."
"It- it does?" Buck blinks.
Hen smiles at him, in that way that's equal parts you're an idiot and you're unfortunately cute, sometimes.
"I guess it's a good thing you didn't insist on a plus one, Buckaroo."
"Well... actually..."
"Wait, you're bringing someone to the wedding?" Hen puts her cup down. "I didn't know you were dating anyone."
"It's, uh, kinda new."
"And you're bringing her to your sister's wedding?"
"I mean, it's not like it's someone new totally out of the blue, okay? I'm not bringing, like, some stranger I picked up on a dating app or anything."
"Who are we talking about?"
Hen's brow furrows with what could well be confusion or curiosity. And that's when Buck knows he can't talk his way out of the next part of this conversation. It's not a new idea. He's not that much of an idiot. He knew the rest of his teammates would have to learn about Tommy eventually, when they showed up to the wedding together, but having an actual conversation about it was not in his plans for a lazy Wednesday afternoon. Deep down, he wishes the alarm would magically go off right now and send them into some sort of emergency to get him out of it, but the silence in the fire house is deafening. So he has no choice.
"Well, I'm- I'm bringing Tommy as my plus one."
And then, just then, Hen's mouth twist with something like distaste or disappointment that makes Buck's entire stomach fall to his knees.
"Tommy?" She says, arching an eyebrow. "Buck, you do know that a plus one in a wedding is meant to be for partners, right? Not just to bring extra friends to the party."
"Wha- yeah, I know that."
"But you're still bringing Tommy."
Buck nods, then realizes that the fact isn't quite registering for her. So he takes a deep breath. Why is he nervous? It was different with Eddie. That was... well, he doesn't even know what he was so scared about when it came to that one. But this is Hen. If anyone will understand, if anyone will be supportive, it will be her. Still, he feels like his heart is about to jump out of his chest before he gathers the courage to say:
"I'm- I'm bringing Tommy... as my date. I- I mean, not a first date, of course. That- that would not be great. We've actually been going out for, well, a couple weeks. But, yeah, I really like him, so... I asked him, and he said yes. A- And Maddie wanted to meet him. And Eddie knows, but I don't know if Chim does, though Maddie has probably told him already. But I guess it would be weird if she didn't, right?"
"Wait, wait, wait-" Hen holds a hand up, finally, thankfully, putting an end to his rambling. "So. You are dating Tommy? Tommy Kinard?"
"Yes," he says and manages to sound a little more steady this time.
Hen's eyes stare into the distance. Buck can picture her entire image of him, of Tommy, of the two of them, rearranging in her head. He gives her a moment, and stays quiet, even though he feels he's going to burst into flames at any second. Finally, Hen turns to look at him again. Her eyes soften and she smiles in that very especial way that makes him feel seen and loved, the same that made him feel welcome in the 118 for the first time.
"Thank you for telling me, Buck. I know how scare it can be the first few times."
He ducks his head to hide the overwhelming emotion catching him by the throat.
"So... how long have you known?"
"That I- I maybe... well, probably... more thank likely like guys? I- I don't know. I guess always? But I also thought it was something normal, you know? That every guy felt that we. I never... until Tommy, I guess, I never really realized..."
Liar. A voice whispers inside him. Because he's been going a lot of thinking the past few days and realized there'd been times. Nights out with friends, dancing in the floor, or quiet evenings sharing beers, or afternoons at the beach, or late nights at the gym... there was his best friend in highschool, and the one guy he met in college who was maybe hitting on him and he was into it (before he dropped out and lost contact), there were moments in his travels that felt charged with possibility and the intrusive idea what if I just leaned in? and maybe other things he's not ready or willing to name, more recently, memories he daren't even touch on yet.
"I- I don't even really know what I am," he admits, squinting like the admission pains him. It does. "I just- I like Tommy. I liked kissing him."
"You've kissed?"
"Y-yeah, Hen, I did tell you we're going out."
"Right," she laughs. "Sorry, it's just... hard to wrap my head around the idea of the same womanizer kid I met a few years ago... but if this is you, even then, I suppose that kid was already... you."
"I don't know what that is, though. I mean, I like women, you know I like them. I just also..."
"Might be bisexual?"
"Bisexual? Uh, I guess. I- I don't know. I've never had to think about it before now."
"Hey, it's okay, Buck. You don't have to put a name to it yet. Whatever it is, you don't need to label it. Though... you might find it useful. I know how much you like to label stuff."
He chuckles at that, though a clipboard isn't going to save him now. Hen must feel his despair, because she reaches out to put a hand on top of his.
"Whatever it is, Buck, you don't need to know right now, okay? You just... let yourself feel it, and trust your instincts."
"My instincts kinda suck sometimes, though."
Hen laughs. "But your heart is always in the right place. I know it, Buckaroo. And this... this isn't something you can solve in a blink of an eye. It takes... exploration to know yourself, especially when you don't fit in the neat little box society expected for you."
"Right... I guess... I've been trying to find the answers, but I don't want to miss the journey while doing so."
"Buck, look at me," Hen says, softly, and waits for their eyes to meet. "I'm so proud of you."
Holding her gaze is hard when his eyes start to water.
"Thanks, Hen. I- I guess... I hadn't told you yet, because it felt very important. And I didn't- I'm not sure about anything yet, and I didn't want it to feel like I was lying to you, like I was pretending to be someone I'm not... or like I- I was taking up space that doesn't belong to me, you know?"
"Buck, if you think you might belong here, that you might be part of the community... then you absolutely have a place here, okay? Even if you don't know what to call it yet, even if you never do... and no one can tell you otherwise."
A new weight is lifted from Buck's shoulders. There's been a lot of that going around lately. Buck feels lighter than ever these days. Hen pulls him into a hug and he lets himself bask in her warmth, in the safety she provides. Someday, he thinks, maybe he'll be as steady and strong as her, so assured of who he is and what he can be. For now, he's just so thankful to have her.
"Now," he says, pretending not to catch the stray tear she cleans off her cheek as they pull back, "can we go back to me beating you in Mario Kart?"
"Oh, not a chance, Buckley. You are going down!" She chuckles, restarting the game before he can even grab his control.
"Hey, hey, hey, that's cheating!" He yells, pushing her with his shoulder as he tries to recover his first place.
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the-ace-with-spades · 6 months
Part 1 (or some of it) of a 5+1 jealous! Eddie fic I started ages ago back when Eddie was still dating Ana... Or Buck starts dating a guy, Eddie has a realization (or five) about Buck's taste in men and is entirely ridiculous about it
Buck’d been weird the last few weeks. Eddie couldn’t pinpoint in what way, or why, or even what changed, but he had been weird and it was unsettling Eddie — Buck was his rock, his one constant, his own anchor. Usually, being weird meant Buck was having problems he didn’t want anyone to know but it didn’t seem to be the case this time — there was no tenseness to him, no dropped shoulders, no distant looks. Eddie decided to wait. It wasn’t like he could force Buck into talking about it, even if he had known what it was.
So instead Eddie took a well-deserved shower and changed his uniform for a new one — the last call was nasty — and tried to look unsuspicious as he climbed up to the loft, taking a quick look at Bobby, preparing lunch, with Chim as the dishwasher, and then instantly turning to Buck and Hen. Hen was going over her medical textbooks again, but it was clear she wasn’t into it today, it had been a long day and it was showing on everyone.
But Buck didn’t look even a bit tired
“Do you want to stay the night today? Chris has been asking about building a fort again and you know I hate it—”
But before he could make even more poorly worded excuses that Buck usually would be tricked into while ignoring the obvious hope in Eddie’s voice, Hen said, from the other end of the table, “Isn’t it the date night tonight?”
Eddie frowned. He didn’t have a habit of telling anyone from the team about his dates with Marisol — aside from Buck — and he certainly didn’t have another date planned at least for a week.
Eddie opened his mouth—
And Buck froze, wide eyes blinking, and Eddie could see his face turning red, his skin getting blotchy down to the neck of his navy blue collar.
“Hen,” he said, sounding a bit breathless.
"What? I lasted long enough, you've been checking your phone all day, lover boy," Hen said, putting her book down on her lap.
She had that familiar quirked brow, like she was unimpressed, but she also looked at Buck like he was the punchline to a joke she was in the process of making.
She was obviously wrong because Buck would have told him if he was going on a date.
Or not.
"It's still new," Buck said, still red in the face. At that point, even his ears were turning red. "I'm excited, sue me."
"No lawsuits in this firehouse," Chim shouted from the kitchen.
There was a familiar sound and Chim groaned quietly from the kitchen annex—Bobby swatted his arm with the dishcloth.
"Hate to break it to you, but you two have been dating for almost two months, it's not new," Hen pointed out.
And that was alarming information. Because Eddie could understand not knowing about Buck's first date or even second date but this? This meant he had been kept in the dark for many of those dates already and going by the lack of reaction from anyone else, he was the only one.
"Two months?" he asked, moving closer to the couch Buck was sitting on. "Why didn't you say anything?"
"It's new," Buck repeated. Which was a weak excuse — it's been two months apparently and everyone else knew already.
"Is our Buckaroo shy?" Hen said, leaning over the table like she wanted to pinch Buck's very pink and very pouting cheeks. She probably would have if they were sitting closer.
"Maybe," Buck said, shrugging. “Maybe I just don’t want him to run away the minute he meets you guys.”
"Come on, Buckley," Chim perked up, coming from the kitchen and draping himself over the back of Hen's backseat. "You know if he did, he wouldn't be worth it. And Maddie's been asking for a coffee date with him for weeks now because you go on, like, two dates a week, at least."
There were a couple of seconds Buck opening and closing his mouth, like a fish underwater, and Eddie waited for an explanation. Any kind of explanation, really.
"We're taking it slow," is all Buck answered it with, like a broken machine.
And those were the exact same words Eddie had been using while describing his relationship with Marisol, but somehow it didn’t make him feel better about it. Quite the opposite — it suddenly felt like he couldn't let his breath out, like he was about to punch something in a second and couldn't get the air in his lungs out until he was about to collide his first with this something.
"Come on, kid," Hen said, sounding very close to the original punchline. This time, she leaned over the table and patted Buck's knee. Chim stood behind her with a smirk that suggested he was also on in the punchline.
Eddie couldn't see anything funny about this.
At the pat, Buck looked at Hen, then he looked at Eddie, a bit wide-eyed, and Eddie couldn't help crossing his arms over his chest. At that, Buck abruptly stood up, hopping over the table's edge with his usual energy, narrowly avoiding him and stepping into the direction of the kitchen.
"Do you need any help, Cap?"
As soon as he said that, in a tone that was slightly too high-pitched to be genuine, his phone rang from his back pocket. Everyone turned to him and Hen snorted, sharing an amused look behind her shoulder with Chimney.
Bobby turned around from the stove with an equally amused gaze, even though he tried to hide it even more.
The ringtone was unfamiliar and irritating.
"No, not for now, but thank you," Bobby said, his eyebrows raising meaningfully before he added, "You should probably get that, don't want to keep him waiting. Dinner in ten."
Buck walked away, taking his phone back out of his pocket. He smiled at the screen and it was the same smile he had when Eddie showed him whatever picture of Chris Carla had sent him that day — soft and calm and a bit dreamy. Eddie didn’t like it.
He liked it even less when Buck finally picked the call and in a tone somehow even softer, answered with a, “Hey.” 
He didn't like it. In fact, he hadn't liked the whole conversation to begin with and the way everyone had been so casual about Buck dating some girl they never met was—
"Wait," he blurted out, "did Buck say he?"
“Yeah?” Chim said, casually sitting down next to Hen and picking up the remote to the TV. “I think the guy’s name is something starting with a d? David, maybe? Maddie would know, I try to tune their talks out, Buck’s like another annoying little brother to me, I don’t need to hear him gush about his date’s eyes.”
“Oh my,” Hen exclaimed, putting down her book on the table now and turning to Chimney like he held all the secrets of the world. “Buck gushes about the guy’s eyes?”
Suddenly, Chim froze, staring into space with the remote hovering in the air, like he realized he had said too much.
“I didn’t say that,” he replied finally, words coming out of his mouth too quickly.
Eddie was unimpressed—deeply.
“I’m sorry, are we going to ignore the whole he part? Since when Buck dates guys?”
At that, Chim relaxed, even though Hen was still looking at him like he was the main source of gossip. Which he was.
“I mean, Buck is bisexual, I think? He’s been out basically since his first week here.”
“Pansexual,” Hen corrected. Or Eddie supposed she corrected, because he had no idea what pansexual meant, aside from that it meant that Buck dates men. And that was the whole point of this, whatever this was.
"Buck isn't straight?"
"What?" Hen asked, glancing at him, book already back in her hand. "You're acting like this is brand new information."
"This is brand new information."
"I mean, you weren't here for the Buck 1.0 but I figured you would know by now," Chim remarked, a bit confused.
"Yeah, he went to Pride with Karen and I the first year you were here, got so drunk we had to drag his body out of the bar and into the car. He slept on our kitchen floor," Hen explained, shaking her head a bit. She frowned again, adjusting her glasses. "I'm sure I told you about it."
She did. She did and Eddie hadn’t connected the dots—their going-out being on the date of Pride and the bar Hen mentioned being in West Hollywood—and let himself think that Buck was not only out of his league but also playing a completely different sport for another three years, almost.
“Eddie,” Hen spoke up again, this time her tone reminding him of the way she spoke to kids on their calls. “He’s still Buck. Let him have this.”
“Yeah,” Chim chorused. “I haven’t seen the guy so enthusiastic about someone in a very long time. He’s this close to being lovesick again.”
Chim raised his hand, his thumb and point index finger so close it almost looked like they were touching. Eddie glared at them, not appeased at all.
“How do you know this—this guy—” He couldn’t even say this. He would’ve known. Buck would’ve told him. He didn’t like this at all. “—is actually good for him? How do you know it’s not another Abby or Veronica or Taylor or—”
“Or?” Hen prodded.
“Look, Buck is trying to move on,” Chim began, confusing Eddie even more.
Chim got a slap to the arm from Hen for whatever he was saying but Chim continued nonetheless.
“Let him be happy, alright? Let him fall in love with this guy first and worry later.”
He crossed his arms again — didn't like it. In fact, he didn't understand why no one was sharing the same feeling. “You talk about it like he already did.”
“Buck loves easy but he doesn’t fall in love easy,” Hen said, like Eddie didn't know that already. Like it wasn't the part that was scaring him the most about this situation. Because they were talking about it like Buck was already deep enough with this guy — a guy that Eddie didn't even know existed five minutes ago, a guy that Eddie didn't even know was an option for Buck — like he was already falling for him. “They are really taking it slow, I bet, snail-pace probably. Just, support him with this, Eddie. It’s the least we can do.”
Both Chim and Hen looked at him expecting him to fold and that just didn't sit with them well. Buck was dating some guy, some guy they hadn't even met yet, for months and he didn't tell Eddie. How could they not just feel the same dread, the drop in the stomach, and the heat in the chest, as Eddie did? It was wrong and he could feel it. He couldn't just let it be.
He turned to Bobby, looking for help. “You’re not going to say anything about it?”
Bobby shrugged, not glancing up from where he was counting plates.
“Buck is like a—" he began and then he frowned. "Buck is important to me, to this family. We can’t shield him from everything we want to and I think,” he finally said. “I think it’s good that he is getting out there, I think that he needs to have someone, needs to feel like he isn’t alone.”
That didn't help the dread worse — that made the dread worse, his whole body stiffening like he was a step away from turning into a statue. It didn't help the burn under his heart and all his mind could think was it's wrong, it's wrong, wrong, wrong, wrongwrongwrong.
“He isn’t alone. He has me and Chris,” he replied over the knot in his throat.
Chin snorted to his left, somewhere vaguely in the background. “You really think he will be alright his whole life with you and—”
“Buck is the one making decisions,” Bobby interrupted. “He’s an adult. If he asks for advice, we’ll give it to him and if not and things fall through, we’ll be there for him. End of the discussion.”
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boykingsw · 2 years
sweetest devotion
for @tawaifeddiediaz , inspired by this post. ily
The storm goes on for days. Pounding rain against the windows keeps Buck awake far later than he should be, considering his state. He blinks in the darkness and tries to find the sound therapeutic, but in truth, the incessant noise does nothing more than encourage the headache already festering behind his eyelids. 
His phone chimes with a message on the bedside table. In the brief instant of light it provides, Buck welcomes the distraction. 
Hen: Just wanted to check in and see how you're doing. Hope Nurse Eddie is taking good care of you :)
Buck laughs quietly and types out a reply. 
pretty sure he passed out on the couch a while ago. mind if I call you?
Hen: Go for it.
The dial tone sounds twice before she picks up, sounding like she's already refraining from scolding him for not taking better care of his health. 
"Hey there," she says. "What are you doing up so late?"
"I could ask you the same thing," he deflects, halfheartedly. 
Hen hums. "That would be a fair question if one of us hadn't been hospitalized a few days ago. You're supposed to be resting."
Buck sighs. Touché. 
"What's keeping you up?" she asks, more gently.
"Just...can't sleep. This stupid storm won't let up."
"Ah. Yeah, Karen and I are still hoping the basement won't flood this time. Pretty sure half of everything we owned grew mould last year," Hen jokes. Buck chuckles. After a moment of silence on the line, she prods him again. "Is that...the only thing bothering you?"
Buck hesitates.
It isn't, of course. But he had yet to figure out how to broach the subject in the flurry of activity that had suddenly surrounded him. Medics trying to keep him awake and doctors trying to keep him alive, his sister tearing up and fussing over him the second he opened his eyes, Bobby filling a Tupperware container with homemade soup and sending it with him when he was discharged. Eddie taking a right turn instead of a left on the way home from the hospital with a scoff, because, "You think I'm letting you go home alone?"
Everyone just seemed glad he was okay. Nobody had said much else. Buck hadn't asked. 
"Did you guys think I was dead?"
Hen is quiet for a second, thrown by his sudden frankness. Buck waits, his breath feeling strangely tight in his chest. "I mean, we hoped you weren't, but-" she sighs. "It looked pretty bad, Buck. Worse than the times before."
He hadn't really thought any less, but it shakes him a bit to hear her admit something more than the usual, "You gave us a real scare there, Buckaroo." Maybe because it actually makes it feel real. Makes the ache that lingers settle in deeper. He lays there, in bed in a house that isn't his but welcomes him as if he belongs in it all the same—where his face is in the pictures on the wall and his old t-shirts are in the washing machine and his best friend sleeps lightly in the living room, listening for any signs of pain so that he can help to ease it—and the the feeling becomes a reminder of everything he nearly lost. 
"So then why-" He swallows, pushing away a sudden wave of emotion that he can't quite define. Grief? Anger? "Why would Bobby send Eddie up there after me? Wasn't there a- a better way to-?"
Hen cuts him off with a dry laugh. "No one sent him, Buck," she says. "He was up there before the rest of us could think to move." 
Buck blinks. 
"Well- why didn't anyone stop him? Come up with a better plan? I mean-"
"Do you really think we could've stopped him?" Hen asks.
Buck finds he doesn't actually know the answer. 
In wake of his silence, she rephrases the question. "If the roles were reversed, would anyone have been able to stop you?"
Buck's head begins to spin. Because no, of course not. It wouldn't matter if the whole world was screaming at him to stop—if Eddie was the one hanging from the top of that ladder, Buck would do anything to bring him back down to earth. Just like he's done before. But that's because–
Well, it's because of a feeling that settled itself in his chest long before he was able to give it a name. 
"Buck?" Hen's voice comes through the phone, but it sounds a bit farther away to him now. "You still there?" 
"I-" he starts. Stops. His mind is running in circles and he can't quite catch up. 
More softly, Hen asks, "Didn't you know he'd do the same?" 
"No," he breathes. "I don't think I did."
Yet suddenly it seems like it’s been there, in the photos and the laundry and there in the next room, on that couch, this whole time. In the arguments and the anger and the long, hard conversations, too. The big things and the small—he'd just never looked close enough to see it. 
"Listen Hen, I think I'd better-"
"Yeah, you better.” He hears her smile through the phone. “Goodnight, Buck."
"Goodnight," he says. "And uh- thanks. For the talk."
"Anytime," she says, and hangs up.
On his slow but steady journey from the bedroom down the hallway, he follows the gently flickering light of the television and tries to figure out what, exactly, he plans to say in order to unravel his tangled mess of a brain and present it as something comprehensible. When he finds Eddie, however (not sleeping like he'd thought, but watching one of those made-for-TV romance movies that he's always claimed to hate) the first thing that comes out of his mouth is–
"You're an idiot."
Eddie turns to look at him, wide-eyed and startled and a little bit concerned. "Buck? What are you-?" He stands, blinking the sleepiness out of his eyes, and steps halfheartedly into the space between them, as if worried he might have to catch Buck if he spontaneously keels over in the doorway. "Is everything okay?"
"And a hypocrite too," Buck adds, disregarding the question. 
Now, Eddie just looks confused. "Am I?"
"You're supposed to be the sensible one,” he says, pointing his finger in the way that his mother had always told him was bad manners. “You're supposed to stay on the ground and stay safe while I pull the stupid stunts. That's how it works. That's how it's always worked." 
Confusion washes away, replaced by recognition. "Buck-"
"What were you thinking?" There's a distraught edge to his voice, he knows it, and knows Eddie hears it. Still, he makes no effort to hide it. He thinks there might not be much point to that anymore, anyway. 
"Someone had to go and get you." Eddie shrugs, guarded. "I guess I was just the fastest." 
"Buck." He says, eyebrows raised.
"Why did you do it?"
"What, was I supposed to just leave you hanging up there?"
"Why did you do it, Eddie?" Buck repeats, and a layer of Eddie's expression slips away. 
He shakes his head. "I don't really know what you want me to say." 
"I would do the same for you. You know I'd do the same for you. I've done the same for you, more than once," he rambles, gaze fixed on Eddie's—searching, imploring. "And I know why I do it." He swallows the lump of apprehension in his throat. "It's the same reason every time, Eddie." 
He watches as another layer slips; crack after crack in Eddie's façade. Realization dawns—Buck sees it the moment it happens. Something flutters in his chest as the expression spreads across Eddie's face. 
"So I want to know why you did it," he says. 
Eddie's gaze softens. Carefully, nervously, he offers the truth. 
"Same reason as you, I think." 
He smiles, a slight thing. Buck does too. And for that one, brief moment, before either of them says another word, the storm seems to quiet; the rain slows, ever so slightly, to give them some small amount of reprieve.
It doesn't last, of course. But once Buck breathes out a 'thank god' and finally closes the distance between them, he can't seem to find it in himself to care.
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— roses and rings —
Warnings: fluff
Summary: Bucky’s cliché proposal isn’t as cliché as it seems. Not when your son is involved.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x SingleMom!Reader
Word Count: ~2k
A/N: I hope you all have had an amazing Valentine’s Day. This is a Valentine’s Day fic at the end of the day cause I was trying to find my flow and it took long. It’s not the best, but not the worst. Enjoy!
Bucky's heart pounded against his chest like a relentless drumbeat as he stood before the door, its wooden surface staring back at him. His gaze flickered from the doorknob to his own trembling hand and every nerve in his body seemed to be electrified with anticipation, sending jolts of anxiety coursing through his veins. The bouquet of flowers he held felt heavy in his grasp, the delicate petals flopping over and brushing against his clammy palms. With a shaky breath, he mustered the courage to reach for the doorknob once more. His fingers closed around the cool metal and then he twisted. 
“Ma, Bucky’s here!” Grayson's voice echoed through the cozy apartment, breaking the tense silence that had settled in the air. Bucky's gaze flickered towards Grayson, who was perched on the sofa with an eager expression, his eyes fixed on the super-soldier standing in the threshold. The apartment, though small, exuded warmth and comfort, with its open floor plan allowing a flow between the living room, dining area, and kitchen. 
“Why was the door open?” Bucky asked him with a raised eyebrow. His senses were on high alert, scanning the space for any signs of disturbance or danger. The thought of an uninvited guest or a potential threat sent a shiver down his spine, but he forced himself to remain composed, his training kicking in instinctively.
“Calm down, Buckaroo,” Grayson drawled, his boyish grin on full display. “I only opened it when ma said you texted.” Bucky's tension eased slightly at Grayson's reassurance, though his guard remained up. He nodded in acknowledgment. From the scrawny ten-year-old boy he had saved from a car, Grayson had grown into a well-built, tall sixteen-year-old. His floppy H/C hair and his E/C eyes were all you. 
Thinking of you snapped him back to reality. “Where’s your ma?” Bucky's thoughts drifted to you, his heart skipping a beat at the mere mention of your name. The memories of your shared moments flooded his mind, filling him with a sense of longing and affection.
“Getting ready.” Grayson thumbed at your room in the only hallway obscured from view. Bucky's lips curved into a small smile as he imagined you preparing for the date. He glanced towards the hallway, where Grayson had gestured, a pang of anticipation building in his chest. Grayson glanced at your room quickly before turning further to face Bucky, arms coming to sit on the cushions on the back of the couch. The mischievous glint in Grayson's eyes was unmistakable, stirring a sense of curiosity within Bucky. 
Another grin, a more mischievous and cunning one, graced his lips and he lowered his voice. “Also, did you get it?” Grayson's lowered voice was tinged with excitement, his demeanor suddenly more serious. 
Bucky panicked with his question, sparing a glance at your door before throwing Grayson a deadpan expression. “‘Course I got it,” he replied with forced calmness, though his voice betrayed a hint of tension. Grayson arched an eyebrow, his curiosity palpable as he silently requested to see it. Bucky hesitated for a moment, his fingers instinctively reaching for the velvet box nestled in his pocket. With a resigned sigh, he retrieved it and tossed it towards Grayson, his movements swift yet deliberate. 
But before Grayson could examine the contents of the box, your door swung open, interrupting the exchange. In a split second, Grayson acted, swiftly concealing the box in his pocket with practiced ease. Bucky cursed under his breath, the weight of his mistake settling heavily upon him as he scrambled to regain his composure. Bucky's heart lurched in his chest as he turned towards you, his breath catching in his throat at the sight of you standing there and with the realization of what had just happened. 
Bucky's pulse quickened as he tried to mask his anxiety with a charming smile, though his mind raced with the realization that his carefully planned surprise might have been jeopardized. He prayed silently that he would be able to get it back from Grayson before you two left. 
“Hey, you,” Bucky greeted you, a charming smile enough to catch your attention. He stepped forward, eager to close the distance between you, his eyes drinking in the sight of you as if seeing you for the first time all over again. That had been a day. It had also been over five years since then, but each time he saw you, he fell all over again. 
“Hey, yourself, handsome,” you retorted, allowing a small smirk to grace your red stained lips. He hoped you had used a smudge-proof lipstick because there was no way in hell that he would be able to keep his hands off of you for a long time, much less not kiss you very soon. 
“Please tell me it’s smudge-proof, doll,” Bucky teased, his voice laced with a hint of mischief as his eyes flickered towards your lips. His fingers itched to touch you, to feel the warmth of your skin beneath his touch. He longed to lose himself in the depths of your gaze, to drown in the ocean of emotions that swirled within them. He longed and ached for you. 
He reached out, hooking an arm around your waist and pulled you towards him. Your squeal was swallowed down with his lips on yours, not waiting for you to confirm whether or not it would stain his. He didn’t mind anyway. He liked it when your lipstick was faded and coating his lips or cheeks and sometimes his neck. The marking of it, the claim of it, made his heart beat faster than he thought it would. He drank in the taste of you, savoring every moment as if time itself had stopped just for you both.
A groan from Grayson interrupted the blissful moment, reminding Bucky of the world outside their bubble of intimacy.  “That’s my mom, man,” Grayson protested, covering his eyes. With a reluctant chuckle, he reluctantly pulled away, though his arms still held you close. Bucky held out the bouquet of roses towards you with a playful grin. You took them with a grin, burying your nose into them and whispering your thanks gently. 
“I’ll just put them in water real quick and then we can go,” you told him with a wink, laughing when Grayson peeked through his eyes and let out a dramatic relieved sigh. However, beneath the surface, Bucky's panic simmered, manifesting as cold sweat on the back of his neck. He watched you move towards the kitchen, his mind racing with the urgency of retrieving the velvet box from Grayson's possession. You grabbed the vase you usually put his gifted flowers in and filled it with water, passing him a gentle smile as you placed the vase on the counter. 
“Uh, you sure you’re ready?” He winced at the way your face fell ever so slightly, but he needed to get the velvet box back from Grayson. “I meant that you look absolutely stunning, but you usually forget to put something in your purse. Are you sure you have everything?” The smile that had wilted on your face brightened once more and Bucky let his shoulders relax ever so slightly. Even if he wanted that box back, he couldn’t let you think that you were any less than beautiful. Simply because you weren’t. 
“Yeah, okay,” you replied with a giggle, unwrapping the plastic surrounding the bouquet. “You got me there, but I think I have everything this time.”
Bucky breathed a silent sigh of relief, allowing himself a small moment of respite as he watched you attend to the flowers. As Bucky watched you carefully unwrap the plastic surrounding the bouquet, he couldn't help but notice the way your fingers delicately traced the contours of each flower, as if coaxing them into a perfect arrangement. His heart swelled with affection at the sight, and for a fleeting moment, he allowed himself to bask in the warmth of your presence.
A minute later, Grayson cleared his throat, effectively capturing Bucky’s attention as well as yours. 
Grayson smiled innocently at you and said, “You forgot to put on the necklace.” You wrinkled your nose in amusement at Grayson's comment, your focus still on arranging the flowers to your liking. Bucky looked over and saw that Grayson's innocent smile masked a mischievous gleam in his eyes as he pointed out your forgotten accessory. 
“I didn’t know you cared about that, but the colour was a bit different to this one,” you explained with a shrug, your tone casual yet laced with humor. Bucky's heart skipped a beat at the sight of your grin, his own lips curving into a smile in response. “Ready to go?”
“Ma, didn’t you have some really important emails to check?” 
“Gray,” you started, furrowing your eyebrows and grabbing your purse that was hung on a chair, “I can check those later. I’m going on a date right now.” He watched as you brushed off Grayson's concern with a determined flick of your hand, your unwavering resolve shining through as you prepared to leave. With the color draining from Bucky’s face, he quickly started thinking of an excuse that wouldn’t alert you of anything suspicious. 
“Oh, yeah, right.” Grayson nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face. 
“Do you wanna grab a book to read?” Bucky asked all of a sudden, gesturing to your bedroom. He knew he had to retrieve the velvet box before it was too late, but he couldn't let you see his urgency. He was hoping to buy himself enough time. “It’s a long ride and we might have to wait for our reservations.” 
“No,” you responded, digging in your purse for something. You took out your phone and showed it to him with a slight shake. “I bought an audiobook so we could listen to it in the car.” Bucky's heart raced as he realized his window of opportunity was closing rapidly. He fought the urge to squeeze his eyes shut and hope that this was all a bad dream, a nightmare, and instead grinned as if nothing was wrong. 
Bucky helped you get your coat on, covering the dress he had yet to compliment. He usually saved the compliments for later, knowing that Grayson would only gag and roll his eyes. Grayson had confided that he secretly loved the fact that his mom was finally happy and he finally got the father figure he deserved. Bucky couldn’t help but ask for his permission to ask his mom to marry him. They had been together for four years now. It was about time, was all Grayson said with a nod and grin. 
Bucky inhaled and exhaled deeply, putting his hand on your lower back to grab your attention. “Could I just talk to Grayson for a minute?” He saw the confusion seep into your brows and worry flood your eyes. He smiled softly to smother your overwhelming feelings. “About staying home alone, doll. I know you’ve talked to him and he can hold his own now, but I just need to make sure.”
With your eyes softening, you nodded and cupped his cheek, leaning in to place a kiss on the corner of his mouth. “Thank you, James,” you whispered, eyes now filled with unshed tears and complete adoration. Bucky felt his heart warm, words clogged in his throat so he merely let his lips twitch into a smile and leaned into your hand. “I'll stop the elevator.” 
When the door opened and closed, Bucky turned around and yelled, “Gray!” Grayson jumped from the couch and skid across the floor, socks slippery enough on the hardfloor. He slammed the velvet box onto Bucky’s outstretched hand with a grin. 
“It’s as pretty as her,” Grayson mumbled.
“There’s never gonna be something as pretty as her, Gray.” 
Grayson waited a moment to speak and Bucky held his breath for his response. 
“You’ve got lipstick on your face.”
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typicalopposite · 4 months
Ok clipboard proposal part 3.2
Pt 1 | Pt 2 | Pt 3 | AO3
One by one everyone notices something is up with Buck.
Eddie notices it when Buck doesn’t jump to make him his best man (or even Chris…)
Hen notices it when he isn’t taking advantage of the nice fancy new clipboard they all so graciously — foolishly — gifted him at the proposal.
Bobby notices it when he’s not asked to officiate.
Maddie notices it when he doesn’t mention Jee being their flower girl.
Chimney notices it when he makes a joke about bachelor party payback and Buck looks like he’s just been punched in the face.
“Ah… there it is,” he says to himself as he watches Buck scurry off. The excuse of needing to be somewhere to do something and Chim is sure Buck doesn’t have the slightest idea what either of those are.
Chimney gathers everyone, fills them in on the feeling he has that Buck has finally figured out a way to punish himself for something he deems to be his fault… by taking it away from himself as well.
They are going to confront him when he comes back to work after his two days off… but on the second day Tommy calls Maddie saying Buck wants to elope.
“You really were just gonna pull a Bobby and Athena on us Buckaroo?” Chimney says, being the first to step through the court house doors. Buck looks at Tommy, and there’s no betrayal in his eyes because Tommy ratted their plan out… if anything he seems relieved. He didn’t want this, (and everyone was sure of that) he just… didn’t know what else to do to appease the guilty voices yelling in his head.
It’s fairly easy — with everyone there pushing him to say what’s really bothering him — for Buck to come clean about how he feels about the wedding.
Maddie grabs his face, holding it between her hands so he has to look at her. “Buck, stop.” She says, and smiles, blinking back her own tears while swiping his away with her thumbs. “What happened at our wedding wasn’t your fault.”
“I was sick, Buck…” Chim added
“But I should have—”
“Stop…” Maddie repeats, softer this time. “We didn’t blame you then, so you have to stop blaming yourself now. Please. And besides, you can’t get married in a court house… not when you said yourself a beach on the east coast at sunset when the fireflies are out might just be the ideal dream wedding.”
Buck stares at her in shock; he remembers the wedding he saw while out surfing in Virginia Beach, he remembers writing about it to Maddie… he remembers calling it magical (which… it was) and he remembers regretting writing that as soon as he did it because it was way too cheesy for him to say, but he sent the postcard anyway. “I can’t believe you remember that.”
Maddie shrugs, “I read through them from time to time, that’s one of my favorites.”
Needless to say Buck and Tommy don’t get married that day. They return home and Buck goes to the closet where he had hid his clipboard once the guilt had started to get to much. He brings it to the living room and hands it to Maddie, who vows to help him plan the most amazing, beautiful, ✨magical✨wedding ever.
(Yeah this is still not even close to being done it just keeps getting away from me ✌🏼😀 sooo part 3.3 or 4 or whatever coming soon I guess!)
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firewasabeast · 4 months
You Provide Strength
(Part 2 of my wedding series, part one here)
After finding out his parents won't be attending his wedding, Buck asks Bobby and Athena for a big favor.
Note: Read here or on ao3. There will probably be more parts, but each part can be read as a oneshot.
It's six days to the wedding and Buck is in hour nine of a twelve hour shift. Both he and Tommy wanted to work right up until the day before the wedding, saving up to enjoy a nice honeymoon. Bobby had insisted on half-shifts for Buck, which he had tried to protest, but after last night he was eternally grateful. He wasn't sure he could handle a full shift of emergencies after the phone call last night.
“Why are you being so somber?” Chim asked, looking directly at Buck. They were all sitting around the TV, a commercial playing quietly in the background. They hadn't really been watching anything. Everyone, except Buck, had been chatting away, discussing their weekend and the plans they had leading up to the wedding.
And Buck knew what Chimney was really asking. Why are you so quiet? But they didn't use that word- in any context.
He hadn't told anyone the news. They were all already on shift when he heard from his parents, and it wasn't really something he wanted to announce in the first place.
His head had been hurting all day. He had stayed up late, talking to Tommy about all the times his parents failed to show up for him. It was stories Tommy already knew, but he listened anyway. He listened, and responded, and asked questions.
He had apologized for the pity party, but Tommy had reassured him that talking about legitimate trauma that had impacted his life was not a pity party.
They hadn't fallen asleep until half past one, then Buck was up by five to make his six o'clock shift. Tommy didn't have to be at work until an hour later, but he got up with Buck anyway and made him a breakfast burrito to go, making Buck promise that he'd actually eat it.
Ever since then, Tommy had been sending regular texts, and even called a couple of times just to check in.
“I'm not being somber,” Buck replied, slumping further into his chair.
“You're being very somber. It's weird.”
“Chim's right, Buck,” Hen agreed. “You haven't shut up about the wedding this year, but now- silence. Got pre-wedding jitters?”
Buck sighed. “No,” he replied, staring at TV. “Marrying Tommy is the one thing I'm sure about.”
“Then what's up?” Chim asked. “Worried Jee won't throw the flowers right? We've been working all month,” he smiled, “she's a natural.”
“I'm not worried about that.” God, he wished they'd shut up. He knew they meant well, he was simply in no mood to deal with questions.
“Did someone steal your clipboard again?” Chimney continued lightheartedly. “I swear it wasn't me this time.”
“Don't look at me!” Hen countered. “I learned my lesson.”
“Guys,” Eddie started, having been quiet up until now. “Why don't we chill for a second? Give the almost-newlywed some breathing room.”
Eddie always knew when Buck wanted to talk, and when he really, really didn't. For that, Buck was endlessly grateful.
“Well, I'm sorry,” Chimney replied, his tone showing he was still oblivious to the gravity of the situation. “I'd like to know what made our Buckaroo go from nonstop chatterbox to the qu- silentest,” he quickly fixed, “boy in the world.”
“I really don't wanna talk about it,” Buck said, shooting up from his seat. He could feel his face getting red. He didn't want to get angry with them, he knew they meant no harm, but he couldn't handle the talking anymore. “Please, leave me alone.”
He didn't wait around to see their faces after his little outburst. He quickly walked off and began making his way to Bobby's office.
Hen and Chimney's eyes fell to Eddie, who gave a nod before getting up and following behind Buck.
“Hey, Buck, wait a sec.”
Buck stopped, and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly before turning around. “Eddie, I-”
“I know; you don't wanna talk about it,” Eddie replied, holding his hands up in surrender. “I just wanna make sure you're okay. I do feel it's my duty as your best man,” he added with a smile, concern still showing in his eyes.
Buck felt bad. He knew he could just tell them. They'd understand. They'd be pissed, but they'd understand. But something was stopping him. Almost a feeling of embarrassment. Embarrassed that his own parents wouldn't be at his wedding because, of all things, a previously planned cruise.
“I just- I need to talk to Bobby about something first. I promise i-it's not anything bad. Wedding plans are fine, Tommy's fine, we're... we're great, actually. I'm just stressing about stuff.”
Eddie nodded, letting that answer be sufficient. For now, at least.
“Okay.” He gave Buck a pat on the shoulder. “I'm here when you're ready.”
“I know,” Buck replied. “Thanks for that.”
Buck paused before walking into Bobby's office. He needed to settle himself. He felt on edge already, and he needed to make sure he didn't burst into tears the second he walked into the office.
Hesitantly, he knocked, entering once he heard Bobby's, “Come in.”
“Am I bothering you, Cap?” he asked.
“Not at all, Buck. What's up?”
“I was just, um, I was actually wondering if I could talk to you, and Athena, tonight, uh, if that's okay?”
“Sure,” Bobby replied, giving Buck a quizzical look. “Are you okay?”
Buck sighed. “Um, I think I- well, that's kind of a loaded question,” he let out a humorless laugh, “but I will be, I think.”
“You wanna come have a seat, Buck?” Bobby motioned to the empty chair across from him.
“No, I, uh, as long as tonight's okay, I'm good. I won't take too much time-”
“Don't worry about that,” Bobby interrupted. “We're having lamb stew tonight, there will be plenty for ya, so come on over. Seven-thirty good?”
“That's perfect. Thanks, Cap.”
“Of course, Kid.”
After going home to shower and change, Buck arrived at Bobby and Athena's place.
They exchanged hellos, then Buck headed into the living room to sit.
“Dinner should be ready in about ten minutes,” Athena said. “Can I fix you something to drink while we wait.”
“Oh, no thanks, Athena. I'm good. I need to talk to you about something,” he started, looking from Athena to Bobby.
“I can leave you two to it.”
“A- Actually, I need to speak to you both.”
Buck wanted to get this over with now. He was tired of the anxiety that kept building up inside of him. If he didn't say something now, he wouldn't be able to eat.
“Okay,” Athena said with a nod, taking a seat on the couch. Bobby sat beside her, while Buck sat across from them in a chair.
“Are you sure everything's okay, Buck?” Bobby asked. “You haven't been yourself today.”
“No, I- I know I haven't. Yesterday was actually pretty stressful and I haven't- I wasn't ready to really get into it with everyone at the station.”
“Planning a wedding can be stressful,” Athena said, figuring that was the cause for concern. “That's why I highly recommend going to the courthouse.” She and Bobby exchanged smily glances at one another.
Buck nervously rubbed his hands together. “That was an option at one point,” he replied. “But everything with the wedding is mostly ready. Actually, once I talk to you two tonight, it will be completely ready.”
“Alright,” Bobby said. He could tell this was serious. “You've got our attention, Buck. What do you need?”
“Well, you know how, um, Tommy's mom is gonna walk him down the aisle?”
They both nodded in response.
“And my parents were walking me. And we know that's not traditional, but what even r- really is traditional, you know? We wanted them to be a part of it because they're a part of us and like it or not they made us who we are.” He was rambling. He knew he was rambling. He knew they knew he was rambling. But he couldn't seem to stop himself. “I mean, I know it means a lot to Tommy to have h- his mom walk with him and I-”
“Buck, Buck,” Bobby interrupted, raising a hand to stop him. “What's up?”
Buck took a deep breath. “My parents aren't coming to the wedding and I'd like you two to walk with me,” he let out quickly.
“W- Wait a minute,” Athena started, scooting closer to the edge of the couch. “Your parents aren't coming to the wedding?”
Buck could feel the embarrassment on his face. “Uh, no. They're not.”
“Why not?” She asked pointedly.
God, he felt so small. “They have a cruise.” His voice was quiet, defeated.
Athena raised an eyebrow. If Buck had the courage to maintain eye contact, he would have been able to see the fire in her eyes. “They have a cruise?”
“Yeah, they have a cruise.”
“They have a cruise. Bobby, did you hear this? They have a cruise!” Her voice was rising now, concern being overtaken by anger.
“Yes, yes, I heard, Athena.” Bobby placed a hand on Athena's back to try and calm her, or at least keep her seated. “Buck, I don't know what to say.”
“It's okay,” Buck assured them, however weak the assurance was. “Really. I- I found out last night and it was a shock, for sure, but I need to not dwell on that.”
“Surely they gave some sort of legitimate reasoning beyond the cruise?” Athena continued.
“Honey, did you hear what Buck asked us?” Bobby asked, trying to get back on topic. He knew Athena. How fierce she could be when someone she loves is wronged. But that wasn't what Buck needed right now.
Athena paused for a moment before relaxing her posture. “Yes, yes of course, Buck, I'm so sorry.”
“It's alright,” Buck replied, letting out a laugh. He didn't say it, but he always wished he had a mom like Athena. Someone to straighten him out when he was wrong, but fight for him all the same.
“Are you sure you want us to walk with you, Buck?” Bobby asked.
Buck nodded. “I'm sure. It was actually Tommy who brought you guys up, and I- I really couldn't think of two better people to walk with me... my actual parents included.”
Bobby and Athena glanced at each other, giving a little nod before Bobby responded. “We'd be honored, Buck.”
Buck let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding, allowing himself to smile as a wave of relief washed over him. “Thank you guys, so much.”
Athena got up, holding out her arms for a hug. Buck stood, allowing himself to be held, tears prickling at his eyes. A beeping sound from the kitchen pulled Athena away.
“I'll go check the bread,” she said, trying to hide it as she wiped a hand across her own cheek.
Bobby knew she was still livid. She'd probably be talking about this for most of the night. But he also knew she loved Buck, and would let her anger subside until he was gone.
“We can probably head into the dining room now,” Bobby said, getting up as well.
Buck went to head that way, but Bobby stopped before they reached the room. “Hey, Kid,” he said, Buck turning to face him.
“Is there anything else you need? Anything at all?” There was so much more behind those words. You want me to call your parents? You want the rest of the week off? You want to sleep in the spare room so you're not alone tonight? You want us to rearrange the wedding?
Buck smiled, shaking his head as the tears stung his eyes again. “Just show up. J- Just be there.”
Bobby pulled Buck into a tight hug. “That we can do.”
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I’m sitting here thinking about the plane bts and how it’s supposedly Ryan and Kenny shooting in it, and all I can think about is the two of them flying to PA to keep Maddie and Buck from being alone while at their father’s funeral.
Like picture this: Phillip Buckley kicks the bucket, and Margaret calls and summons Maddie and Buck to PA. They take Jee and Chimney is planning on flying up a day or two after them because they have a shift, and when he goes to leave the station for the airport Eddie jumps in his SUV and asks to give him a lift to LAX because he’s going too. Apparently Tommy has a shift that he either can’t get out of (or hasn’t tried hard enough to get out of depending on who you ask) so he’s not coming, and Eddie - who has freshly realized his feeling for Buck - jumps on the opportunity to go in his stead and be there for Buck.
Chimney immediately clocks him on it, asking Eddie why he is going to the funeral of a man he hates (since according to Chimney, Eddie has been very vocal about his distain for the Buckley parents since Buck’s whole “love me anyway” speech). And when Eddie says he’s going for Buck, Chimney calls him out and says, “I guess you finally figured it out, huh? Damn, I was really banking on Buck being the first one, but now that Tommy is in the picture this actually makes so much sense.”
On the flight, Chimney purposefully switches seats to pester Eddie about it, only for the two of them to get interrupted because of a medial emergency that needs both of their attention. However, the biggest thing is going to be keeping the patient awake and alert, so Chimney suggests she weigh in on the whole ‘Buck and Eddie’ thing because Eddie insists he’s the only one that feels this way, and Chimney is adamant this Eddie is an idiot if he really thinks that.
So we get snippets of a convo of Chimney spelling out all the reasons they act like a couple, plus his own theories behind Buck’s feelings and their patient is consistently agreeing with Chimney that they act like a couple, and “Eddie, I’ve never even met the guy but this sounds like he’s kinda obsessed with you.”
Because of the medical emergency, the plan unboards on the tarmac, and Eddie and Chimeny help their patient out. Buck, who along with a bunch of passengers loved ones, was waiting worriedly at the airport because of this emergency situation is let out on the tarmac to reach their loved ones (like Carlos in 911: Lone Star), and immediately runs and crashes into Eddie who is covered in the patients blood. He’s so worried, but Eddie reassures him he’s okay. Chimney is off to the side, mouthing to Eddie behind Buck’s back, “and you think this is one sided?” Then of course Chim breaks up the moment with, “What am I? Chopped liver? I was on the plane too, Buckaroo.” Only for Buck to finally release Eddie with a blush, and hug Chimney, too.
Before the ambulance with their victim in it can leave, Eddie approaches her, and goes to wish he well. She, who saw the interaction, tells Eddie to, “Tell him how you feel. If what I just witnessed was anything, that man is hopelessly in love with you, whether he realizes it yet or not.”
So we get the next episode with Eddie looking for all the clues that Chimney and their patient pointed out in Buck to see if he thinks he’s worth the risk to tell Buck how he feels. So Cue, pining, and hopefully Eddie all at the same time!
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j0elmill3r · 2 years
Baby girl telling Joel a bedtime story when he doesn’t feel good, and she even gives him her fave plushie!
Joel fought back a tired groan as he watched you toddle into his room, holding your favourite teddy bear and book. He wasn't feeling well and had put you down for a nap so he could get some sleep himself, but you clearly had other plans.
"Hey, baby girl," He greeted you sleepily, helping you up onto his bed so you could sit beside him. "You're supposed to be sleepin', little girl." Joel playfully scolded you.
"Not tired, daddy," You told him, sitting on your knees away from him. "Here, you have teddy." You offered your teddy bear out to him, a small smile on your face.
"He's yours, honey," Joel said, appreciating the offer of getting to have your beloved teddy bear. It seemed, however, that you weren't giving him an option in the matter as you tucked the teddy bear in beside him. "Thank you, baby girl. I'll give him back to you when I feel better, promise." He smiled as he ruffled your hair.
"I read you a story, daddy," You told him, holding up the book you had picked from your selection - You knew you could read it all the way through since Joel had been slowly but surely working through it with you.
"C'mere baby girl," He held his arm up for you to lay under, to which you obliged and made yourself comfy under. You started reading your story, and by the end, it was only then you realised that your dad was fast asleep, clutching your teddy bear as he slept. You slid out from under his arm, then tucking him in and placing a small kiss on his forehead.
Joel Miller Tag list - Want to join? Fill out this form!
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drchucktingle · 10 months
Hi Dr. Tingle,
Maybe I'm mistaken, but your most recent Tingler is the first one I've seen that features a man without rock-hard six-pack abs. I appreciate the spotlight on a more average-looking male body. Is there a reason for the usual muscles? Do you typically find it easier to write about muscular men vs. fat men? I love your work and wanted to share some love and praise. Be well and keep trotting! You're doing amazing!
thank you for question. there are quite a few larger buckaroos and ladybucks on tingler covers and if it was up to check there would be more. the ISSUE is not really in taste of chuck so much as the taste of STOCK PHOTO PHOTOGRAPHERS
there are very few photos of big models that are in poses of an erotic way. usually big model photoshoots are joke photos which is not what i am looking for and a very disappointing trend. also i do not like to reuse models so if i find a dang good set of a larger buckaroo that only means ONE tingler cover
but you are welcome and i will continue trying to make diverse cover models when possible. buckaroos of all sizes and shapes are welcome in the tingleverse. LOVE IS REAL does not mean only CERTAIN kinds of love are real
anyway since you asked here are a few tinglers with larger cover buckaroos proving love is real and being hot to trot
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Not Pounded By My Soul-Crushing Job Because I Quit
The Sentient Lesbian Em Dash — My Favorite Punctuation Mark — Gets Me Off
The Physical Manifestation Of Cancelled Plans Gets Me Off Because Deep Down I Kinda Didn’t Want To Go
Mercury Is In Retrograde And She Eats My Ass
Pounded By The Five Star Rating I Gave My Own Book Because I Think I Did A Good Job And I Deserve It
Pounded By The Physical Manifestation Of My Friend's Lack Of Reaction To My New Favorite Song When I Play It For Them
The Tell-Tale Butt
Pounded In The Butt By My Q-Tip After Realizing His Instructions Surprisingly Forbid Him From Entering My Ear
there are actually even more than this if you poke around a bit. LOVE IS REAL BUCKAROOS
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bbgghost · 1 month
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lot to love: chapter 4
blurb: you are the nineteen year old, younger, mutant sister of Mystique. you go to Professor X's school and have been since you were young. slow burn with wolverine ♡♡♡
a.n. thank you for all the support! this one was way shorter than the last but hopefully still good ♡ anyways remember if you have any suggestions, requests, etc, send them my way!
c.w. angst! mention of past abuse, almost being killed (this is to align with Mystiques story in the movies), age-gap obvi cos Logan is 200+ yrs old, alchohol!
masterlist | tags: @white-wolf-buckaroo
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"Although the mission did not go to plan, you cannot let it discourage you." Ororo said as she grabbed your hand. "I mean, you don't even have your super hero name yet!" She exclaimed. You laughed at her comment. It was about a week after your first ever mission as part of the X-Men. It had obviously not ended very well, and in result of that, you were reluctant to attend another. "Charles really thinks that you're ready, I do to. It's what we've all been fighting for." She pleaded with you.
"Okay, okay." You stopped her from continuing. You know that it was almost fate that you had to join the X-Men. "I'll come to the next mission." You told her, albeit reluctantly. She nodded and smiled happily at you. "I'll tell Charles right away." She said before letting go of your hand and rushing down the hall.
You truly admired the way she was so patient with you. Although that last conversation didn't reflect it, she was talking the whole situation out with you the entire week. You knew you could be helpful to the team, and shapeshifting was merely just the start of your powers. After watching her walk for a bit, you decided that you should tell the good news to Logan. I mean, he has been one of you most kind supporters.
Looking for him was a little difficult, he often left the mansion without telling anyone, so that needed to be taken into account. Lucky for you he was sat outside, nursing a beer. You stepped through the open glass doors and walked towards him softly. He sensed you coming near him, and merely cocked his head slightly to take you in. You were clad in a lacey black tank top and blue shorts that stopped high on your thighs. Your feet were adorned in what he though to be the cutest pair of white socks he has ever seen. Maybe they were merely that way because they were on you. 9ol,
"Hey." You said softly. "What's up, kid?" He asked in true Logan nature. "I'm not quitting the X-Men." You said with a smile. You really hoped that he wanted you to stay, and that he didn't think it was ridiculous that your first mission had left you with mascara running down you cheeks. "Good on you." He said before taking a sip out of the beer. His eyes shifted back from you to the garden infront of him. "What? You not excited to have me back or something?" You teased him.
He laughed softly, and twisted the beer in his hand. You eyed him werely. You didn't want to admit it, but the smell of the beer was making you mildly disgusted. You wanted him to view you as someone who could handle alcohol though, so you ignored the feeling. "I'm glad you didn't let your sister get in the way of your decision." You dropped your smirk and looked out to the gardens. You shrugged and sat next to him, similarly to what he did to you the night before the mission.
"I have a shit older sibling too. So I, uh, know how it is." He said, making eye-contact with you. "Yeah?" You urged him to continue. He sat back, and draped his arm over the back of the bench. You had a brief thought cross your mind of him putting his hand on your shoulder and pulling you in, but yet again, you ignore it.
"His names Victor. We've never really gotten along well. I don't even know where he is right now." He said looking down at his lap, taking another swig of his beer. "What did he do?" You asked innocently. "You don't gotta worry about that sweetheart." He told you. You felt your heart flutter at the nickname. God you wished he would call you that again. "What did Mystique do to you?" He asked, looking into your eyes. "You know her?" You asked. "Used to." He answered. You tucked your hair behind your ears and looked to the gardens. You wonder how he got so curious about you so quickly.
"Well, before I was even born, my parents noticed she was showing signs of mutation. For a while they were trying to get rid of it, but eventually they realised they couldn't, so they tried to kill her." He nodded along as you spoke. "She ran away, I think that's when she became an X-Men. I don't really know, she wasn't ever crystal clear with stuff like that. But I was born, like when she was in her 20's and when she found out, she tried to take me away from them almost immediately." You stopped talking as you felt his hand on your knee. You almost felt caged, but it was so comforting having him so close to you.
"She...uhm..." You looked away from him, hoping it would help you concentrate. "She raised me from when I turned 13, but eventually she wanted to join Eric. I didn't, so instead I came here." He raised his eyebrows, urging you to continue. "I haven't really seen her before yesterday. But she was like a mother to me, Logan." You said, tears brewing in your eyes. You blinked them away. You wouldn't let your composure be ruined again. "God, I really thought she was going to kill me yesterday." You exclaimed.
You felt his hand move further up to your thigh. His thumb began stroking you softly, it was his own way of comforting you. "It's okay doll. You're alright."
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It's all you can think about. The way he spoke to you, the way he wanted to know more about you, they way he touched you. It was driving you crazy. You're note-taking abilities were impacted too, half of your page was just love hearts and the letter 'L' or 'W', depedning on the day. You prayed yet again that the Professor didn't feel like reading your mind or checking your papers.
Either way, the start of summer exams were about to happen, and you would then officially be able to be a Professor. You had always though of being one every since you sat in your first class with Storm as your teacher. You knew you would pass, but still you remained anxious about the tests.
"The first test will be next Monday. I want all of you here at exactly 7:00 in the morning. It will be on analysing the impacts that mutations have had on the following historical figures..." You took that as a queue and began writing out more important things.
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multi-fandomsfreak · 2 months
Howdy Buckaroo 🤠
Can I request an MX x Demon S/O..
Like in the beginning before they started dating. MX wasn’t aware that Reader was a demon. Cause she looked like a normal human. [Little did he know that Reader was just in her human disguise.] And it isn’t until he’s about to kill them that Reader reveals that she’s a demon. It’s a really good relationship between the both of them. Plus one day Reader meets Lucas [The kid that MX trapped in the game.] Reader is really nice and kind to Lucas and Lucas is like “Your my mom now”..
Also Lucas will use Reader as a way to escape from MX. Like Lucas could be running for his life and he spots reader and he clings onto her and stick his tongue out at MX to like tease/mock him and he always gets away with it much to MX’s dismay.
All in All this a very funny relationship with the two of them..
Reader uses She/They Pronouns 💛
Have a good day/night 🤘
MX With A Demon!Reader
Howdy partner (sorry had to)! Thanks for the ask!
Loved writing this enemies to lovers fic. I did try to keep MX in character (when it comes to his association with Lucas at least) regardless enjoyed writing this. Hope you like it as well! ~Blaze/Dawn
Pronouns: She/They
Warning: ⚠️Mentions Of Attempted Murder + Torture⚠️
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: MX + Lucas Everett
Proofread: ❌
Credits: Art by elronnyx on DeviantArt + Banner by lovebeyourss on Pinterest
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- Honestly he never expected to be trapped alongside a demon. When the two of you first met he wouldn’t have thought you were anything but human. Now that he thinks about it as time went on he should’ve seen at least some signs that you were a demon. But the last thing he would’ve thought about was what someone was or not. Plus surprisingly you were pretty convincing to even fool him to which he kind of gives you credit for it, begrudgingly. The only reason why he hadn’t noticed till then was that he was too focused on trying to kill you and when he actually did try to kill you he started to notice somethings about you that would be considered impossible for humans to have and then it just clicks for him ‘are they a demon?’ He questions himself as he stops his fist right in front of your face just leaving inches apart causing suspense for you.
- You couldn’t help but looking at him oddly, seeing confusion on his face was definitely a new thing for you. You saw him slowly lowering his fists before straightening his body looking at you with an unreadable face. Honestly you couldn’t tell if he was pissed or not he was seriously unreadable. Then after an awkward amount of silence between the two of you MX decided to speak up “how long have you been hiding this from me?” He said his voice was slightly demanding, wanting to know how long you had deceived him for. With a confused tone you asked in return “hiding what exactly?” “Are you actually a demon?” He told you what he meant. When he did ask you that you kind of froze on the spot. I mean you weren’t planning on telling him exactly but you had a feeling he would’ve figured out regardless. “Would my answer change your feelings?” You asked to which he just gave you a look as to say to just answer the question. Eventually you did answer his question and once you did you saw him relax a bit before letting you go, at least for now.
- Pretty much since he discovered you were a demon surprisingly he had mixed feelings about it. Obviously he was kind of pissed that you managed to fool him with your human disguise but at the same time he felt oddly excited that you were at the same time. He couldn’t explain why he felt that, he knows that you being a demon doesn’t change anything about you and your relationship with him. That’s when he actually questions himself about things between you and him. Maybe the two of you can be some sort of duo. Your power and his strength he considers those things a perfect duo. So despite yours and his history he decided to give you a chance.
- Initially it was awkward between the two of you when you two did at least try to get along with each other. Neither of you knew what to say to each other, there was one time he asked how your day has been before quickly realising the situation you were in which only made things more awkward. But eventually though the two of you did manage to get over it. He started asking more about yourself and actually kind of curious about you and your powers. As the two of you kept on chatting with each other the closer the two of you had got causing the two of you to develop some sort of friendship before turning into lovers.
- When you’ve managed to be more open about who you actually were I like to imagine him taking an interest in your demon form. He likes to tell you how pretty you look in it while he has you close towards him. Making you feel things as he continues enjoying your reactions. All that romantic shit.
- Ever since the two of you have developed your unique relationship he’s been a little more cautious about what he does around you as well as caring. He managed to separate his previous feelings for you and has now been replaced with love. You’ve pretty much earned his respect and he wants to earn yours in return. So he pretty much keeps what he usually does to himself. But sometimes he does let the facade slip sometimes but mostly towards other things or people, if the two of you have the chance to meet anyone or anything. Regardless if he tries his best to tone it down it doesn’t really change the fact that you know what he does but still you appreciate the effort from him. This is actually how you managed to meet one of his recent victims, a boy named Lucas.
- One day Lucas was going through the usual stuff which just so happens to be trying his best to avoid MX so nothing out of the ordinary considering what situation he got into. Then all of the sudden while he was on the run once again he managed into you. After composing himself he looked up at you wondering who or what he pumped into. At first he was a little scared of you. I mean he wasn’t even aware that someone besides him was here. He’ll probably be even more scared if he found you while you were in your demon form. However, despite that he had a feeling he could trust you. Being kind of desperate he kind of decided to use you as some sort of shield as both you and him saw MX coming. Upon noticing you he immediately stopped his chase with Lucas and chatted with you completely changing his demeanour surprising the little boy. Eventually though after him trying to convince you to let him get Lucas with you tell him that he promised to tone it down he eventually gave up and left the two of you alone.
- Upon noticing how you managed to deter his captor's attention away from him Lucas looked up at you with a slightly surprised face. “How did you do that?” Lucas quietly asked you, making you look down at him with a smile before explaining yours and MX’s relationship and history with each other. He couldn’t help but start to admire you in some sort of way. The way you're able to somewhat control MX despite who he was as a person. He started seeing you as some sort of mother figure admiring how strong you were. He wanted to be around you, he knew you wouldn’t harm him. He feels safe around which causes him to become more and more attached to you which you don’t mind. You're just glad he feels comfortable around you.
- Not going to lie when seeing you in your actual demon form Lucas is a little scared of you when you are in your demon form. Obviously he knows it’s still you when you're in that form; he knows it’s still the kind hearted you he knows this feeling or scared he’s experiencing is mostly just him being a child. A child being scared of normal things. Of course he does find you cool in a way and still admires you but he can’t help but feel uneasy when he sees you as a demon.
- When he can he tries his best to stay around you and cling onto you. He may be a kid but he’s pretty smart. Ever since you told him about your relationship with MX he likes to use it to his advantage for when he gets into some trouble with MX. It’s like when a child knows they're about to get into trouble so they run to their parents who will defend them. As soon as he spots you he immediately has a smile on his face and runs up to you before hugging you. Honestly MX doesn’t like it too much. Seeing the smug look on Lucas’s face as he gets told off by you while you're holding Lucas in your arms like he was a child of your own. Meanwhile Lucas is quietly laughing to himself at the fact that he had gotten away with this.
- Regardless, despite the things he goes through Lucas really does like you. Since he’s pretty much alone, he couldn’t help but get emotionally attached to you. He just wants to be around you, feeling safe in your arms like a mother comforting their child. He sometimes even refers to you as mum. He knows that you associate with MX but the fact that you're completely different from your partner gives him some hope. He likes it when he’s just laying in your arms calming him despite MX’s feelings about it. He couldn’t help but stick out his tongue at MX causing the buff plumber to scoff.
- Despite his overall feelings about Lucas, surprisingly he finds yours and Lucas' relationship somewhat cute. Of course this doesn’t change how he feels about Lucas or what he did to him but he guess he could let things like this slide for once. He knows that you and him don’t really have the same morals and knows he probably can’t convince you to stop seeing you forming an attachment to Lucas yourself. He just lets Lucas go and talk to you whenever he isn’t doing his usual stuff to him. You seemed happy with it as well so that’s also why he does it. Despite everyone’s history you all somewhat get along.
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hotshotsxyz · 2 years
Happy holidays and happy 911 Gift Exchange to the lovely @julianbaashir ! I hope you enjoy this silly firefam fluff! And a huge thank you to @paranoidbean for setting this whole thing up!
And That's What You Missed At The 118
(firefam) (buddie) (1.4k words)
cabin pressure inspired firefam fluff with a little buddie for fun!
No one at the station is stupid enough to say the q-word. If someone was an idiot, though, it wouldn’t be an inaccurate way to describe the shift. They’re five hours in, and the single call they’ve gotten was for a malfunctioning smoke detector. 
And Buck. Is. Bored. 
And about to make it everyone’s problem. 
He’s got a plan.
Step 1: Gather the team.
“Chimney! How’s my favorite brother-in-law?” Buck asks cheerfully, dropping to the sofa. 
“Depends,” Chimney says, raising an eyebrow and looking up from his book. “What are you about to ask me to do?”
Buck holds a hand to chest, mock affronted. “What have I ever asked you for anything?”
“I seem to remember a couch that was occupied for an exceptionally long time,” Chimney replies. 
Buck waves his hand. “Aside from that.”
“Anyway!” Buck interrupts. “That’s not important. What is important is that you grab Hen and anyone else you can find and meet me in the kitchen in twenty.”
“Pretty sure Hen’s still drowning in paperwork, Buckaroo,” Chimney says. 
“And that, my oh so handsome and intelligent brother-in-law, is why you’re going to be the one to get her.” Buck bounces up from the couch and grins. 
“You know,” Chimney calls after him as he heads towards the stairs, “Maddie and I aren’t actually married.”
“Not yet!” Buck tosses brightly over his shoulder. 
Step 2: Find an ally.
“Hey, Probie! Good to have you back on A-Shift!” Buck claps Ravi on the shoulder. 
“Dude, I graduated like three months ago. I know you know my name,” Ravi says flatly. 
Buck bites down on a grin. “Ravi,” he says imploringly, “I need your help.”
“Mm,” Ravi hums. “Nope!”
“C’mon,” Buck whines, “It’ll be fun! I just need you to distract everyone for like two minutes.”
Ravi pats him on his shoulder. “Should’ve started with ‘Ravi’ instead of ‘Probie’, then,” he shrugs. 
“I said it was good to have you back!” Buck protests. 
Ravi leans back in his chair and stretches. “Good to be back,” he grins. “Did I hear kitchen in twenty?”
“Yeah,” Buck grouses, “but it’d be more fun if you were in on it.”
“Nah, I’ll wait for the surprise,” Ravi deadpans. 
Step 3: Find a different ally.
Eddie glances up from the journal he’s writing in before Buck gets a chance to say anything.
“Oh, I know that expression,” he says fondly. “What are we about to get up to?”
“See,” Buck says, not even trying to keep from smiling, “I knew there was a reason you’re my favorite.”
Eddie pushes away from the table and gives Buck his full attention. “About time you admitted it,” he says. 
Buck feels himself go a little pink, but ignores it in favor of explaining The Plan. Which is really quite simple. And maybe less of a plan and more of a game. Anyway, it’s called–
“The Traveling Lemon,” Eddie interrupts with a grin. “I remember. You want me to distract everyone while you hide it?”
The urge to press a smacking kiss to Eddie’s lips in thanks for his brilliance is… surprisingly strong. Buck will deal with that some other time. 
“Got it in one, I have no idea why I bothered with Ravi,” Buck says. 
“Nobody’s got your back like I do,” Eddie says. It sounds like a joke, but damn if it isn’t true. 
“Hell yeah,” Buck says, bumping Eddie’s fist. 
Eddie nods at the door. “Go ahead, I’ll keep them all occupied.”
Step 4: Hide the lemon.
The game is simple. Hide a lemon in plain sight, and send the rest of the team looking for it. It’ll keep them occupied for an hour, at least, and Buck will get the satisfaction of making everyone’s day a little brighter. It’s the perfect plan, and it just needs the perfect hiding spot to go along with it. 
Buck pulls the lemon he’d snagged from the kitchen out of his pocket and sets off to find the perfect place. 
He steers clear of the loft, where he hears Eddie telling a story he’s heard before, one that Buck knows will give him almost six minutes exactly to hide the lemon. 
The locker room is his first choice, but the glass walls (which, by the way, he’s been at the 118 for six years and he still doesn’t get that) rule it out. The bunk room is too obvious, and the team would catch him on the way to Hen’s temporary office. Which leaves one of the trucks, or the gym area. 
Or something even better, Buck realizes as he glances up at the stairs. They’re open to the bottom, and the gap between the steps and the frame is just wide enough…
He stashes the lemon and jogs up to the kitchen. 
“The lemon,” Buck announces dramatically, “Is in play.”
Half the team groans, but Buck knows his team well enough to know that competitiveness will get the best of all of them. 
Step 5: Wait for someone to find the lemon, then return to Step 4.
Or, Buck thinks three minutes later when the station alarm sounds, accept that the EMS gods have it out for you. 
“It was a good try, Buckaroo,” Hen says, patting him on the shoulder. 
“Yeah,” Chim says with a friendly shove towards the engine. “We can pick it back up when we get back to the station.”
Ravi drops Buck’s helmet onto his head as they jump on the truck. “I’m almost sorry I didn’t agree to help in the first place,” he says, grinning. “I’m sure someone will find it when we get back, though.”
Buck drops into his seat next to Eddie and goes to remove the helmet. 
Eddie grabs his wrist. “Careful, Buck, you already tempted the EMS gods once today,” he smirks. 
“Oh come on, you don’t believe in the EMS gods,” Buck whines. 
Eddie shrugs. “Fine, take it off, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“Alright boys,” Hen calls from the front, “that’s enough banter. We’ve got a serious situation.”
The atmosphere in the truck immediately sobers. 
“Cat up a tree on Sunset,” Hen deadpans. 
The entire truck breaks out laughing, and doesn’t quiet until they reach the scene. 
Step 6: Rescue a cat (that probably doesn’t actually need rescuing).
Ravi’s operating the ladder, Eddie’s climbing it, and that leaves Buck to comfort the distraught cat owner. 
The young woman sniffs and rubs her eyes with her sleeve. “It’s just… Honky’s not supposed to go outside at all, but I thought he’d be fine in the backyard.”
“Don’t worry,” Buck says, “Eddie’s got him. He’s the best in the business.”
The woman looks up from her shoes. “I’m sorry for wasting your time,” she says quietly. 
“Hey, no waste!” Buck says cheerfully. “We’re here to help, that’s what we do.”
“Thanks,” she says with a hesitant smile. 
From the tree, Eddie calls down to them. “Got him! We’ll be on the ground in no time.”
The woman heaves a sigh of relief. She stares at Eddie for a moment before looking back at Buck. Or, actually, her eyes track a little above him. 
“Can I ask you a question?” she says, suddenly far less hesitant. 
“Sure,” Buck says with an easy grin. 
“Do– uh, do firefighters usually have lemons taped to their helmets?”
Buck’s jaw drops. 
“Told you someone would find it!” Ravi calls cheerfully from the truck. 
Step 7: Find and delete every single picture taken during Step 6. 
Within half an hour, Buck gets a text from Bobby. 
Is this what you all get up to when I’m away?
The attached picture is of him in the truck, laughing, eyes glued to Eddie, with a lemon taped to the top of his helmet. 
So, okay, maybe he needs a Step 8. 
Step 8: Return the lemon to play. 
“Nice job, Buckley,” Eddie says, leaning against the railing next to him. 
“Not going to look for the lemon?” Buck asks, bumping his shoulder. 
Eddie grins. “Oh I know exactly where it is. Top of the fridge, in the bowl of bananas.”
“Damn, Diaz,” Buck whistles, “You’ve got an eye for this game.”
“Nah,” Eddie says, “I just know you. Still bored?”
“Nope,” Buck says happily as Chimney darts past them, head on a swivel, only to run directly into Hen in the loft, “mission accomplished.”
Hen and Chimney both dissolve into giggles. 
Eddie looks at him with that soft expression he always seems to be wearing these days. “Mission accomplished,” he agrees.
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kreinvulon · 4 months
mister kriin sir,
i have come to inquire about a certain ship that seems to be present in your blog. one that begins with b and ends with loodmoon
whats one (or multiple) way(s) their personalities compliment each other
look buckaroo i dont know i'm just here to sate your needs
starts with b and ends with loodmoon? i have no idea what you could potentially be on about ( cracks my knuckles )
i like to think they’re knowledgeable in their own ways, which complements nicely. if you’ve played with gore before, he tends to have a lot of knowledge on survival, combat and nature. vyn’s knowledge, on the other hand, mostly sits with the art of magicka, historical knowledge and general book-smarts. they fit together nicely in that way, also it’s comedic. i like to think gore helped vyn to use a bow for the first time, and aided him in properly wielding a dagger or sword. over time, one clearly becomes the marksman / stealthy mage , and the other becomes the taunting greatsword wielder. goes right into combat. that also makes for some really good plans — one can distract, while the other strikes
also, the talker and the listener ( literally ). gore’s much chattier, wearing his heart right out on his sleeve, and vyn just prefers to… listen, pun intended, generally being less open — even though it is a defense thing. he comes to trust gore over time, though - rather quickly as well. there comes a time in their friendship where orivyn is more comfortable with gore than with anybody else, not afraid to voice his thoughts, and with gore’s considerate nature? the roles are swapped in that moment, gore eagerly listening while vyn yaps about what might be bothering him, or whatever else.
probably got off track or didn’t even talk about complements, but i think they contrast / complement each other quite nicely ? normal about them ( shaking violently )
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