#well hit me with a truck
yougetsu · 2 months
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secret-smut-sideblog · 4 months
Girl Talk
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Astarion x F! Tav
18+ talks of sexuality, implied trauma, safe words, role reversal, breast worship, grinding, fingering (m!), ass play, rimming, prostate orgasm, some gender play, aftercare, porn w/o plot
One late night Astarion turned their conversation to a more sensual topic and was delighted to discover Tav lacked experience with men. Naturally he was more than happy to lend a hand...
"So you've never..." He smiled, laying on his side next to her, the faint miasma of wine around them.
"Never?" She asked, incredulous. "Astarion do you take me for a holy woman?" Smiling cheekily at him. "I thought you surface dwellers thought all Drow are insatiable."
"Well, are they?"
"No comment." She lifted her glass to her lips, sliding her eyes away from him mischievously.
They had been traveling together for a while now and had struck up a fast friendship. Her snarky words and wanton flirtation winning him over. Sharp tongue and sharper eyes.
She leaned back, thinking. "Its more that I've been mostly with women. Sure there was a man or two but they didn't make it far enough to make an impression. Didnt get far below the belt." She shrugged, waving her hand noncommittally.
Of course, in a matriarchal structure she would be more directed towards sapphic pursuits. She had explained that Drow men were not upheld to the most flattering light in her society.
"If you had to pick, in our camp-"
"Karlach," No hesitation. "Oh I'd climb her like a tree."
He blinked, an amused smile teasing the edge of his mouth. "Impeccable taste."
"I have been known to have a refined palate." She smirked.
"Honestly I'm curious but I'm just more comfortable with women, I know their bodies. I can navigate them even without eyes." She laughed.
Ah yes, the eyes. Those haunting eyes.
He had overheard her speaking to Wyll about their shared warlock experience. His, to a devil, to defend his city. Hers, to an eldritch being, to achieve the gift of sight. Tried to smother his frown at the easy energy between them, their instinctive bond.
Logically he knew he should feel this same way about Karlach, with her soft puppy eyes following Tav around camp. But he couldn't keep distaste in his heart for her. Not for long anyway. Wyll on the other hand...
Her demonic white eyes peering good naturedly into his now. He didnt know if he'd ever get used to how they pierced him. She savored every sight and while slightly intoxicating it made him squirm to be looked at so thoroughly.
"Well," He smiled. Leaning towards her conspiratorially. "If you're less experienced with men you could always practice..."
While he found himself enjoying her company, quite a lot if he was honest, he was still looking for an in. And here it was. Plopped in his lap, just a shared drink away.
"Oh please," She rolled her eyes. "My pickings out here are slim to none. Unless I get the sudden urge to get horizontal with a goblin."
"What about closer to camp?" Sliding a little nearer to her, his fingers almost touching the inside of her forearm.
"Astarion," She admonished, drawing out her words. "Wasting your advances? My neck is right here." Turned her head to make her point.
While he was distracted by her jumping pulse point he couldn't help the edge of frustration creeping up him.
He had been putting all of his honeyed words on her, all his soft tempting touches, and she would just dance them off with a light laugh.
She was a natural flirt but there was an air to her that she didn't take his advances to heart. Maybe she thought he was just like that with everyone. That it didn't mean anything.
Given that she was devastatingly beautiful he felt even more pressure to stake his claim. Their companions all circling her constantly. Gods she basically had to beat them away with a stick at the tiefling party.
"What if," He started, tracing his finger languidly up her wrist. "You practiced on me? You can touch me like you would a feminine lover, if that helps."
She sat up on elbows, head cocked slightly to the side, staring at him.
It was suddenly very quiet and he tried not to fidget, finger tracing figure eights into her soft flesh.
"And that wouldn't make you feel... uncomfortable?"
Honestly he hadn't thought that far ahead. This was a person he was free to bed on his own terms, of his own will. And he was rather fond of her. Though he was here with ulterior motives, that didnt mean he couldn't enjoy her company. He could do much worse.
"Oh what's a little exploration between friends..." Looked up at her through his lashes. "Or more than friends."
"I mean, if we're exploring I could get out the strap."
He had been mid drink and choked, sputtering as she laughed, patting hard into his back.
"I'm sorry, just teasing."
"I mean... are you offering?"
She crooked a bemused smile at him. "I think we would have to work up to that, Star. Let's see how the night goes first."
After dinner she gathered her bathing supplies, exchanging pleasantries with everyone as she retreated.
Blowing a cheeky kiss to Karlach as she rose. Her fire erupting in a burst, Gale having to dive off of the log they were sharing. A goofy smile all over her face.
He almost felt bad about what he was planning. She would be much more suited to the tiefling.
Well, it's just sex, it won't mean anything beyond each of their gain. Him, allegiance. Her, pleasure.
He walked on light feet, following her dark auburn hair. The gentle lull of her singing. Playing with the tones and words they had helped the bard Alfira stumble through.
"Moon, Sun, All remind me of your grace, Faith, Care, All the love I can't repay~"
Despite her light and playful demeanor her singing voice was full and haunting. A mournful cello calling out into the night.
He understood why Karlach basically begged her to sing for them around the fire when her little talent was discovered. She had waved her away, insisting that it wouldn't be worth their time. She'd much rather hear Halsin play. Then Halsin had urged her on, countering that he would only pluck a few strings if she joined.
"Fine, prepare to be underwhelmed." She had laughed.
Immediately they went quiet as she started, closing her eyes. He noticed she always closed them when she was concentrating, as if the added sense was too much.
They were enraptured listening to her, even Halsin almost stumbling through cords. Her voice spellbinding them all.
"Gods, Soldier. Are you part harpy?" Karlach hushed after she had fallen quiet.
She smiled, clearly embarrassed. A rare sight. She had an easy confidence, getting her flustered was a feat.
Now, he approached her stealthily at the edge of the river. Faced away, already waist deep, wringing water out of her long hair.
"Are you joining or just hoping for a show?" She smirked, glancing at him over her shoulder.
He was about to scoff, how did she always hear him no matter how quiet he moved?
Seeing his annoyed posture, she smiled. "My ears are more attuned than most seeing people, dont take it personally."
"Noted. I would so enjoy sneaking up on you." He pantomimed, crouching down playfully.
"I bet you would, but you'll have to walk on a whisper to get past me." She winked, sinking down into the water to chest high. Turning to face him. Eyes alight with mischief.
It felt so easy with her. Their banter a practiced dance, the steps surefooted.
"So, are you still dreaming of sharing a night of pleasure?" He mused, pushing his hand on his lower back. A wicked smile on his lips.
She lowered further into the water, only eyes now. Staring at him through her lashes, serpentine. One hand emerging, beckoning him with a hooked finger.
He pulled his clothes off in a sensual show, leaving them in a neat pile next to hers.
As he began to wade in her head submerged. The night water too dark to make out her shape.
He stood in false absence in the water, chest high. Senses alight.
Fingers along his waist, exploring. He looked down and saw her murky shape against his torso.
She rose, chest to chest with him. Pushing her hair slick back over her head. So dark it looked black in the dim light.
"Well, well," He intoned, pulling a damp lock behind her shoulder. "Looks like I caught myself a siren."
"You do know what sirens do to beautiful creatures like you, right?" She cocked her head at him, arms coming up to drape over his shoulders.
Their eyes were level with eachother, nearly the same height. She had teased him mercilessly in camp when it was discovered that she was an inch or two taller.
It felt almost too intimate to be directly across from her, their faces mirrored.
"I'd be more worried for your neck than mine, darling." He purred, flashing her a fang baring smirk.
"Oh I dont know," She mused, pressing her body flush to his. "I think deadly things can be good bedfellows, dont you?"
She brushed her lips against his, pulling away teasingly. "You still want to do this little experiment?"
"I'd love nothing more." He snaked his hands around her waist. "Lead on."
At least he didn't have to do the work this time. Could just lay back and go somewhere else.
Some of his thoughts must have betrayed in his face cause she paused.
"Hey, I'm okay to postpone this. Indefinitely if needed." Her voice was uncharacteristically soft then, pulling away from him.
He grabbed her retreating wrist, leading her back into him.
"Tav, I need this." He hushed, the truth. Though maybe not with the intent she imagined.
She paused again. Gods it made him nervous when she got quiet. Her melodic voice usually floating around the air.
"Ground rules." She stated, her eyes serious. Waiting for his response.
He blinked. Honestly he had given his own boundaries very little, if any thought.
"You first." Stalling for time.
"Not okay with being restrained and I'd prefer if we had a safe word."
He nodded, this was new to him but he did appreciate the idea.
Scouring his mind for definite turn offs but found it difficult. He tried to not be present for most of it so it was hard to say with certainty.
"Dont touch my back or the bite. Also not into restraint. Or force."
She smiled and he felt proud that he had passed this little test.
"We can stop at any time, okay?"
"Naturally, darling. Though I doubt I'll be able to resist ravaging you, I'll behave."
"Those lines work on a lot of women, huh?" She teased, fingers trailing his cheek as she pulled closer.
He felt a slight tightness in his chest but gave her an easy smile. "Well you're here now, arent you darling?"
"True." She whispered, leaning in to kiss his jaw gently. "Though I could say I'm here in the spirit of research."
"And you'd be a liar, a terrible one at that."
She breathed a laugh against him. "You always need to get the last word, huh?"
"Oh, I'll ge-" He was muffled by her mouth, pulling him into a slow exploring kiss.
He felt a little moan escape him, much to his horror. The desire in her touch surprising him.
She held him around his waist, cupping the back of his head. Her lips sliding warm against his.
She pulled away and he found himself following her. "The safe word is Bulette."
He nodded, and she lifted under his thighs and wrapped them around her waist. Walking up to the edge of the water.
His dead heart did race a little bit at that but he figured it was just the role reversal.
Though they were the same height she was much stronger than she looked. Muscle hidden under plush thighs and the soft curve of her stomach. He could feel it when he bit into the defined curve of her neck. See it in her shoulders when she lifted her arms over her head. That little adorable whine when she stretched.
She layed him back on the grass, her hands guiding him down.
"If this is how you treat your women I can see why you've taken so many admirers." He teased.
"You know," She smiled, leaning down over him. "You're beautiful enough it's not a far stretch."
He breathed a laugh through his nose.
"So where would you start, lover?" He purred, twisting a lock of her hair as it fell over him.
She hummed, moving down. "Usually here." Leaning into his neck on his unmarked side.
Kissing and nipping at his throat he found himself giving in to the sensation. Head falling back slightly. He never minded the foreplay.
Her mouth was devotional on his neck, licking and pulling heavenly circles.
He found himself humming with approval. Hand carding through her hair. "That is nice, darling."
"Then I'd move here..." her fingers trailing down his chest, brushing tentatively over his nipple. Asking.
He felt a shiver go down his back. Shocked by the little strike of pleasure.
"And then?" He intoned, hearing the slight rasp in his voice. Definitely intentional.
He felt her smile against his throat. Moving down his front, leaving soft kisses as she went. Thumbing over his nipple playfully.
"I would put my leg here." She hushed, pushing her knee between his thighs. "So she could grind."
"Interesting," He tried for suave, failing miserably. Her fingers softly twisting his peak making him slow and stupid.
"This is my favorite part." She looked up at him through her lashes cheekily. Hovering over his chest. "Hold on, love."
He almost scoffed, surely it wasnt-
Her mouth descended on his chest, licking hard slurping circles around his nipple.
His back arched involuntarily, a loud embarrassing groan leaving him.
She moaned in pleasure, her mouth salivating. Gripping his hips.
Gods she was unhinged, tongue pulsing and insistent. Laving up and down his hard peak. Panting hot against him.
If he had more sense he would have been baffled at how much it seemed she was enjoying just his experience. But he felt lost, head heavy with pleasure.
She pushed her thigh further into him encouragingly and he could no longer resist. Already painfully aroused.
He ground down into her thigh gratefully, feeling her tense the muscle for him.
Her other hand came up to pinch and twist at his nipple as she left it, sliding over to his left side and taking up there. The new sensation making him gasp, both sides of his chest being devastated with equal intensity.
She picked up on the rhythm of his hips and pushed her thigh into him in pulses.
Gods her mouth, rolling her tongue and nipping. Suckling down hard then pulling back to lick long stripes up his chest.
How in the hells was he already close?
He gripped her bicep, wrapping his leg around her hip.
Fuck it. Why not?
"I'm-," He panted.
She moaned into him, biting down on his engorged peak. Rising back up.
He almost whined at the lack of sensation until she latched onto his earlobe.
Oh fuck.
His eyes pulled shut. "Oh Gods, don't stop."
She suckled down hard, a little sweet whine directly in his ear. Her hands gripping his ass and pulling him into her harder. His cock throbbing and sliding wet against her.
One last nibbling suck and he was shattered.
Coming in stuttering cries, head thrown back. His pelvis contracting in great vicious jolts, spurting long ropes against her hip. Distantly aware of the sounds coming out of his lips.
"You with me?" She asked gently after a moment, pulling back. Kissing his face in light caresses.
Suddenly aware of his body again he realized his eyes had welled with tears.
"Ah, yes darling." He ruffled, trying to pull himself together with great effort. "I could actually go again."
She looked at him dubiously, a soft but amused smile on her swollen lips.
"I think you're lying." She purred, leaving a tender kiss on his already bruised neck.
He was. But he had a reputation to uphold.
"All out of moves? Dissapointing." He sighed.
"You're cute," She chided, coming back up to pull him into a searing kiss. "Biting off more than you can chew."
"Oh I've barely been sated, sweet thing. I'm starving."
"On your belly then." She whispered into his ear. Patting his thigh playfully.
"Well, wouldn't you like to be tasted?" He asked, confused. Surely she didnt intend to only pursue his pleasure.
"Hmm, maybe another night." She mused, truly seeming to mull it over.
What a strange creature.
"Are all sapphics like this?" He scoffed, letting her hands twist his waist. Hips up, bracing himself on his forearms.
"More than you'd think." She laughed, massaging his hips from behind.
"You know what you're doing back there?" He teased, shooting her a look over his shoulder.
"Hmm, different from what I'm used to. But I think I can translate." She eyed his backside playfully. "But dont hesitate to give me directions."
She leaned down and tongued gingerly at his hole.
His head fell forward, hands in fists.
"Well that's encouragement." She teased, tongue coming back. Moving in tight circles.
"Ah!" He moaned, pushing back into her.
Though he knew she was new to this she moved with practiced precision. He could tell she was very good at what she did on more feminine bodies.
"I heard this is a good spot." She murmured, her two fingers rubbing back and forth against his taint. The shudder that moved through him making her smile.
Tongue coming back to push slow pulsing heaven into him. Both sensations playing him like a fiddle. His fingernails digging into his palm.
Oh Gods it was too good. And still he needed more.
"Inside. One finger." He moaned into his arm.
She wet her finger inside her mouth, tested it in small circles around his entrance. Other hand still stimulating.
She pushed in gradually, pausing one knuckle deep. "Like this?"
"Yes," He panted. "Slowly."
"It feels so similar." She marveled, finger almost to the hilt. "How lovely."
He clenched at her words and heard a delighted giggle. "Even that! Oh!"
"If that's the same, then what about..." She curled her finger toward his navel.
He moaned loudly, buckling down.
"Oh yes," She smiled, beginning slow pulsing thrusts of her hooked finger. Other hand pushing more into his taint. Hitting his prostate from both sides.
A moaning writhing mess beneath her, he was completely gone.
"Oh how pretty, coming undone like this." She purred, leaning down to lick around her pumping fingers.
He knew he was not long for this world, the building pressure in his pelvis about to burst. Reaching around to grip her thigh with a bruising intensity.
"Such a good girl for me." She hummed.
He cried out, his end hitting him so hard he thought he would black out. A deep shuddering ripping through him. His whole world condensed to nearly agonizing waves of pleasure. Tears spilling down his cheeks he bit hard into his forearm. His cock forcing out what little he had left in him.
He collapsed comepletely flat into the ground, the damp earth holding him up.
She left his back momentarily, coming back with a cloth, wet from the river.
She pulled his slack body up to her chest, his back cradled into her. Softly wiping first his brow then working her way down.
"You dont ha-"
"This is part of it, love." She smiled, running her hand through his hair, cajoling it back into place. "You're getting the full experience."
He leaned into her, closing his eyes. Letting her bathe him clean. He knew future him would be screaming into his pillow at this but he was too blissed out to care.
"Thank you," She gave him one final wipe. Setting the cloth down and wrapping her arms loosely around his middle. "For trying this with me. For trusting me."
"You did everything and you're thanking me?" He laughed, still panting. "You're a strange woman, you know."
"If you're so insistent maybe you can do all the work next time." She pinched his side lightly.
Next time. The anxiety in his heart melting just for a moment. Oh thank the Gods.
"If Karlach doesn't beat you to it, that is."
"You're the devil."
She laughed against his back, his eyes getting heavy.
"Let's get you to your bedroll, we'll have a brand new day of bothering eachother tomorrow."
He would never admit it to her, but he was looking forward to it.
Part 2
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thecookieshop · 1 year
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funniest dynamic imaginable everyone else can go home
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nanomooselet · 5 months
Little but Fierce VI
She winds up… there's the pitch…
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Poor Nick. It never stops being funny. I'd feel sorrier that this happened to him but he's such a bastard in his introductory episode. It's like karma in advance.
Heheh. Kar-ma.
Meryl and Wolfwood behave very much like siblings to each other, while Vash and Roberto treat them like their awful terrible kids. Roberto does actually try reach out to Vash as a mentor once or twice, but of course Vash is fuck-off old and doesn't need that kind of assistance, so he's gently deflected. Roberto is old and wise enough to keep his distance. Nick, for his part, enjoys pissing Roberto off, and Roberto is for his part duly pissed off.
Still, Vash is the reason they're all even there in the first place and Meryl shows him concern. And Vash, in his way, fusses over Nick the way Roberto feels responsible for Meryl. A lot of what Vash does, he's doing pretty much solely for Wolfwood's benefit. I mean, look at this pathetic wet kitten of a man - you can't tell me he doesn't need it.
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I've already talked at some length about why exactly Vash is like he is about Wolfwood, but what's he like about Meryl?
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Pretty much exactly as fond. He's just quieter about it. To my read, he's confident she and Roberto can look after themselves and each other. That's really endearing to him, but not something he has to do anything about. And Meryl's not suffering the same kind of identity crisis as the Punisher/Wolfwood/Nico. Meryl knows exactly who she is, she's just trying to get everyone else to acknowledge it, and Vash does so from the first - she's never anything but "Meryl" to him, not "newbie" or "little lady". She never has to demand that of him.
Nor is she in directly a victim of his godawful brother, which thankfully means she isn't his responsibility to help - or at least, no more so than any given human. Also, it's Vash. What's that? Someone is invested in his well-being? Golly, that sounds suspiciously like he's being cared for (which of course he doesn't deserve), or (more reasonably) like someone vulnerable to being caught up in Knives's manipulations. Or just someone vulnerable to Knives period. Stampede out!
I though you guys were buddies./I thought you three had something special. 
No way./Yeah, not really.
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Too bad for him, he's met his match in Meryl Stryfe.
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In direct contrast to every other character around Vash, she's only one there not because she has to be, or because she needs or wants something from him, but because she decided to be. She's one of the only characters with agency, after all.
Real people aren't monsters like that./He's a man, not a monster.
But I won't give up, no matter how unreasonable the assignment!/I won't abandon an assignment just because it's silly.
We can't just leave him hanging here./No way. We can't just leave him here.
And she's also decided he needs help. So come hell or high water, this man is getting helped.
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It's her knack for finding the truth without quite knowing the reasoning behind it. In physical terms Vash really, really doesn't need help, and it's the mistake Knives always makes; that because Vash ostensibly doesn't have powers like him, he's in need of a defender. (And because this is Knives, that means it's up to him personally, and he's entitled to Vash and his exclusive love/loyalty/devotion in return. Any protests Vash makes are clearly just human corruption.) But what Vash actually needs is something his brother has never, in any version of the story, demonstrated the capacity to give him. Even sensitive little boy Knives back in Maximum relied on others for reassurance up until the moment he decided he couldn't.
Vash is more inclined to be someone others rely on, to the point of being maladaptive. It's being unable to help that gets to him, especially when he's held responsible.
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What he needs is emotional support. Or, well... faith.
Wolfwood gives that to him eventually, but it takes some serious work, and it comes with its own attendant difficulties, like the fact that Nick's not in a position to extend Vash help himself no matter how much he might want to. Nick is, like Rosa and like Vash, a pragmatist. Do what you have to do.
Meryl has never needed that kind of direct demonstration. To her, Vash is a person, and people always need help, and she's not going to be prevented giving it. End of discussion. And despite being mistaken on some particulars, on this point she's more right than even she knows.
The contrast with Wolfwood is incidentally why Meryl hitting Woofwoof with the truck isn't just fucking funny, it's the perfect way for him to be introduced. He can't catch the same bus as Vash by happenstance because this time Vash is his actual target. He can't have Angelina II because personal transport is autonomy he's not permitted to have.
Instead, Meryl's own autonomy and narrative significance had her run the plot right into him, completely ruining whatever plans were laid for his entrance. Notice Roberto tries to steer Meryl away from the collision course they're on, to no avail, and Vash winds up flipped over. Fantastic.
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Wolfwood is getting dragged around; Meryl is the one doing the dragging. When she discovers Vash's secrets, she works to accept them and integrate them into her worldview - which means that the moment she learns he's a Plant, she doesn't reject him or become fearful of him. She instantly accepts that must mean the Plants are also people. That gives her a fuller understanding of the conflict, and especially Vash's view of it, than most. It's not a matter of "Whose side are you on?" It's "How do we move forward together?"
Wolfwood's knowledge has all been filtered through the Eye of Michael, so he's more aware of the details, but can't disentangle his true beliefs from the ideology driving them.
Meryl has a better understanding of the abstract. And that, in turn, entitles her to learn what the available methods are, and judge them...
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...But it also entitles her to something more precious: Vash's unquestioning trust.
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It's certainly much less dramatic than the demonstrations between Vash and Nick, but I have to say: any amount of exposure to Knives and his histrionics would leave me, at least, pretty relieved to have it.
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VII
Part IX
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den-ai-d · 5 months
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So uhh...turns out: I REALLY liked this Om Nom design 😃
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officersnickers · 2 months
Can Ray juggle?
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No seriously, with enough time and practice he surely will? I mean he's Mr. Almighty
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23 notes · View notes
chipistrate · 7 months
ARE WE,,,,,,
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I need to stop making the tags longer than the post,,,,,
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vampyrobot · 8 months
Thinking about people who think noelle is gross towards Susie or behaves possessively towards her….god some of y’all really hate women and teenage girls don’t you?
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plz pray for me this week and next week as I head into exam season.
St Joseph Cupertino, on behalf of myself and all college and university students taking exams in the coming days, please intercede for us, asking God for the miracle you were so graciously granted long ago. Ask that we might, after the trials of our studies, be asked only questions that we are able to answer. Amen.
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phoenixmetaphor · 9 months
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Leon from @thebrandywine ‘s [broken machine]
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1ovestay · 2 months
i will say. if there’s one thing that preparing to move to the other side of the planet has taught me it’s that i’m very loved
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walmart-miku · 7 months
wake up babe new crane wives song just dropped
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thechosenanubis · 10 months
Eddie Miller and Steve Harrington are the same person in different fonts.
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hollowsart · 1 year
AU in which Robin is a grown man and Batman is like a casual teen.
Robin is still the sidekick tho. Helping to keep little Batman on the right track and give him good advice as his adopted parent outside of Alfred. He’s joining him on the little adventures to stop crime to make sure he’s okay and everything.
Thank you.
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Great way to make sure your child is angry and sad all the time is to teach them that they're a bad person for feeling negative emotions when they're young.
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dutchwinter · 2 years
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i put some albums from artists i like into the animal crossing pattern editor, here are most of them. all are new horizons paint by number. i'll probably add more to this occasionally as i think of more albums.
albums in order, along with design codes for each if you have online:
creator code: MA-7018-2012-7588
folie a deux by fall out boy: MO-JBH6-2QGW-51W3
i disagree by poppy: MO-L11C-YX9B-X86P
barriers by frank iero and the future violents: MO-CBN9-WBKF-CN9Y
i brought you my bullets, you brought me your love by my chemical romance: MO-PJFL-GVNV-SWGX
past lives by l. s. dunes: MO-Q1H7-93CV-VB9D
renaissance by utsu-p: MO-7FHX-T8LF-6874
razzmatazz by i dont know how but they found me: MO-0F29-0YX2-LFFF
shi-bou by pinocchiop: MO-2JFC-V5KL-LGK5
how to work a room by superet: MO-2HM1-D06C-W66F
no devolucion by thursday: MO-C244-MDB3-Y16W
violent things by the brobecks: MO-8J6P-Y64W-B8T4
call the doctor by sleater-kinney: MO-DC33-QN3S-NV9D
sonder by the wrecks: MO-6M01-BFVL-R4W7
along the shadow by saosin: MO-3BRN-CRTQ-G60D
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