#well bugger me
introvertedpedant · 6 days
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Stephen Dillane as Prometheus in Episode 7 of Kaos (2024)
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vivacia-18 · 4 months
After many years, guess who decided to try their hand at bookbinding again?
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That's right, me! And of course I chose I giant of a fic, because I am nothing if not ambitious XD. I think it's 3 inches or more thick, and came to a whopping 1088 pages! The fic is Count Your Blessings by @madmothmadame , a Founders Era Tobirama centric fic and I cannot recommend it enough <3 <3 <3
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My cover fabric and end paper are pretty simple, one part because I thought it suited the story, one part because I had them on hand, and one part because I'm a raw beginner and that's about as good as I could manage XD
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It took a lot of waffling on my part (graphic design is NOT a great skill of mine) but overall I ended up really happy with how the title page came out - if I had the artistic skill to paint/draw it or the supplies to transfer it, this would have gone on the cover as well. Alas, for now it shall remain inside only.
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A little detail that gave me some grief, as I waffled on font style and size a bit, but ultimately I'm really pleased with it - I used a plum blossom branch as the scene break throughout the book. If you've read the fic, you probably know why I picked that particular image for this and the title page ;)
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I realized after printing that some of my paper had gotten a bit aged, even though it was stored in the printer. I wasn't about to waste the paper, ink and time for a reprint though, so I left it. Since the book is for me, little things like that are no bother. I was just glad I didn't fuck up in the printing or signature sewing order X'D
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I included the authors notes from the end of each chapter as a bonus section at the end, so they'd be preserved with the story but not breaking up the flow of reading the book ^_^
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Final view, this time from the spine - think I left the gap a little to wide between the cover boards and spine but eh, again this is just for me and only my third binding ever (and certainly the largest! XD) so I'm still really pleased overall.
A very fun experience, and I'm looking forward to my next re-read of the story, where I'll be doing it with my very own chonky boi version held in my hands :3
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smalltimidbean · 3 months
There is an unusual amount of people messaging me today, and I am concerned...
What do you people want, I am drawing giant armadillos
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hershelwidget · 5 months
Ok Last One
for today.
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I had a vision.
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Closeups of their faces AND their boots because those are the BEST BOOTS I've drawn yet and also you Cannot see BB's eye unless you're zoomed in so there's also that
Something something musical episode where BB has a "villain" song that it duets with Barnacles
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zoscar moment
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kylos-starlight · 2 days
Me looking at my notifcations like: Ya'll..... stop watching me be unhinged about Anakin... /j
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hmm might go to my local anime store tomorrow and pick up some manga in japanese bc apparently i feel like Suffering
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xxxcertifiednerdxxx · 2 years
“Madam, for that boy, there is nothing I would not do.” IM NOT CRYING YOU ARE
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blackgumball · 11 months
why don't u like arcane
alright i guess i am talking about it today.
so when I first watched arcane, I actually did like it. I thought it was cute, but I had problems with it that have only grown until they've eclipsed any positive feelings I have towards the show.
the politics of the show is sort of the Main Reason I hate it. There's this underdeveloped city where the kids don't get to see the sunlight. vi and jinx's parents were violently killed by enforcers, this doesn't seem like something that doesnt happen all the time. viktor spent his childhood in the undercity breathing fumes that would later give him a terminal illness. enforcers (theyre literally called enforcers) come down just to enforce violent laws that were not at all made with the interests of the people in the undercity in mind. and they present the conflict between the undercity and the topside like it's a both sides issue. characters like Jayce and Caitlyn should be seen as outright villains but they're not portrayed that way at all.
speaking of jayce and caitlyn fuck those nerds they make me so mad. jayce discovers this amazing magic and proceeds to sell out immediately. He becomes politician who uses his power to further abuse the people of the undercity, uses the magic to make overpowered weapons to crush the undercity. whatever watch this scene
fuck him. and he's one of the protagonists.
CAITLYN PISSES ME OFFFFFFFFFFFF. Shes sort of emblematic of the whole problem of the show to me. the identifying symptom of this disease. the largest genital wart that makes you realise youve got HPV. so caitlyn feels very stifled by her mother at a young age. her mother is a wealthy politician who is super concerned with image. So what does she do to escape this life beneath her mother's thumb? she joins the police force that her mother controls, and then whines about it. she's stupid! that's dumb. and when she goes to the undercity shes so shocked by how horrible life is down there, that's willful ignorance. she thinks that if they bring the hextech to the surface will solve any problems like they wont use it to keep shitting on the undercity. further fucking stupidity. and then she starts hanging out with Vi (least interesting yuri ever they just talk and hang out in the rain can i say this?) and you can tell that the story is angling to make her make Vi sympathetic to police officers until Vi eventually becomes one.
Here's my problem with that. Vi's parents were killed by enforcers, enforcers stopped Vi from taking her little sister away from that lanky groomer, enforcers locked Vi up for the rest of her childhood and kept her in a prison where she got the shit kicked out of her on the reg. They strangled her city and ruined her life THREE TIMES, but the show wants me to believe she would not only fall in love with one of these enforcers, but would become one herself! it's horrific!
I hate it because its presenting this world where I'm supposed to root for both sides of this conflict. It's copaganda. BAD copaganda at that.
And then there's the structure. I didn't catch it at first but a twitter moot of mine made a pretty good point in this tweet
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There are aspects I like though. Ekko is a fun character, as is Jinx. There's some cool designs. great gowns, beautiful gowns. but mostly I'm just tired of hearing people sucking that show's dick (i go to art school theyre SLOBBERING on that show i have to hear about it all the time.)
Anyway TLDR:
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dragonstoned · 1 year
not just ‘to’ the world in s3
ngl as much as i want to see the boys be bigshots in s3 (like fine tv version crowley was probably Someone Important, am willing to accept this and see where they go with it!! i unreservedly want fully self-actualized aziraphale using his position to gut heaven from the inside!! the shit they can do together at max levels of love wow ok let it rip!!!!)
but. i like that the first armageddon’t featured a group effort of mostly random humans. the theme of plucky kids taking down personifications of humanities’ major ills etc etc. ‘ordinary’ citizens coming together to save their big beautiful messed up world -- two of which happen to be crowley and aziraphale -- because this is their home, these are the people, that they love
and so i want humanity to truly contribute to s3, to be written well, to not just be cameos or foils for epic a/c romance, to not just exist unknowingly as doom approaches
the big one: all of us versus all of them, the book said -- tbh i can take or leave the versus part, but i do want to keep all of us, our myriad humanness, having a conscious hand to play in shaping the upcoming events instead of the boys handing earth salvation on a platter
i truly get that tv gomens is different and ngl even from the book a/c were by far the most compelling characters to me but the Celebration of Humanity of it all was just..... the intent was very lovely and very important and i really want to see it done WELL in this presumably the grand finale actually
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heatobrienswife · 9 months
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wiredaughter · 1 year
@tropetember #22: canon rewrite/everyone lives
Missed You
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supernatural ☆ adam milligan/michael ☆ ao3 ☆ fixit ☆ temporary presumption of a character death im sorry(? ☆ light angst
Adam liked the rain. He'd seen his memories, walking home after school in the drizzle, going out to the yard in a downpour, falling asleep to it on stormy nights. Now, Adam's gone, and it's just him getting rained on. He still does it, figures it's the least he can do now.
He doesn't really know what else to do, let alone how is he alive at all. Without Adam. He's got a working understanding of the new world order, where a nephilim has assumed control of heaven, but can't resolve the reason he's alive in this body, without its rightful owner. He tried to bring him back as soon as he was aware of him missing. And that was, truly, the first thing he registered before even parsing out his own return to life. Then he realised he wasn't able to raise the dead anymore. Being cut off from heaven was a new experience for him, but going back was out of the question. Heaven had taken so much from both him and Adam, there was no way.
So now, he lives like he thinks Adam would like to. He goes out for a walk when it rains, then makes sure to take a hot shower afterwards. A bath, if the hotel he's crashing has a bathtub. He still can't get sick, really, but it feels like taking care of his vessel. He sings up for a correspondence course with Adam's old email, gets a job in the post office. This seems adequate, being that he was a messenger of the divine, but it doesn't last. He leaves mid-shift on his second week, snaps away when he sees one of his coworkers mouthshrug just like Adam used to when he was unsure of something. Leaves town, zaps into a suite on the other side of the country. Everyone around him is alive, fragile like a human and yet alive.
He opts to apply for jobs online, but he can't bring himself to care. He sends a couple applications but forgets to follow up on them, and his course emails continue to clutter his inbox, unread. He changes towns again, stays close to the East Coast, knowing Adam had visited Maine on holiday a couple of times with his mother. It's not the same, it's not enough. It does nothing to quell the feeling of being dead where it matters. He finds himself praying one night, seeking revelation, and all he hears is a call to come home. Heaven keeps to itself. Right. The way he openly dissents is also new, but he cannot be arsed. It was heaven's machinations that got Adam killed, going back is out of he question.
He's alone with his grief, that much is evident. He'll need to work this out on his own, both for his sake and for his vessel. He settles down on Kittery, and actually gets a lease this time. He walks the beaches for nights on end, doesn't bother getting a job but starts volunteering at a local shelter. He thinks Adam would like that, and it doesn't require him to work close to anyone. There's a dinner two blocks away, and he eats there when he remembers to.
On Saturdays, he's supposed to man the counter for a couple of hours. He used to dread it, but has since started appreciating humans in a distant way. The man who walks in with his headphones playing loud enough for him to recognise the song as one Adam liked, the overexcited girl who's eyes are just the right shade of blue- the way they make the human's absence hurt in his chest hasn't changed, but it's not entirely unwelcome. He's not running from the memory, he reminds himself this Saturday as he walks to the building under a light drizzle bundled in an anorak in a shade of ochre he thinks would have looked good on Adam. It looked good in the mirror, and he'd forgone stopping for breakfast for an extra thirty minutes of staring into the eyes he loved as Adam's. It's a slow day, which lets him sit back after taking the mats out of the drier. He's focused on his book, a sequel from a saga Adam liked but was still unfinished when he went to hell, when he hears the door open.
'Welcome to Big Paws rescue...'
'You! Me? What...'
It's the voice more than the words that get him to look up from the pages at- 'Adam?'
He's on his feet before he realises, putting the desk behind him and stopping to take in his figure. He'd recognise his soul no matter what, but he's changed. He takes it all in in an instant, dyed black hair longer now, the glasses, the eyes that are unmistakably Adam. The human is frozen in place, but reaches out as Michael advances towards him. Any doubts he might have held disappear when his hand meets the archangel's. He's stumbling forward and holding him tight like he's trying to melt into him and Michael feels more than sees the lights flickering above them and he can't hear the dogs barking because it just now hits him the human's not even wearing the same aftershave he did last time they met. His power is pouring out of him like it hasn't since he came back, and even as the human huffs his awe into his shoulder he hears his thoughts rushing in, and how he's missed that. How are you alive? and You look just like I did, what are you doing here, were you really reading that? and I've missed you. Missed you so much. The door opens brusquely, the weekend manager stumbling into the room looking troubled.
'I've called an electrician!' He pants. 'Adam?'
They both turn at that, not breaking apart, to see him sigh between bewildered and relieved as the lights stop flashing on and off. They can hear distant car alarms and Adam nudges him discreetly to get him to turn them off. The older man looks between them until Michael steps back, his wrist still in Adam's firm grip. The manager throws a look around. 'I'm going to keep an eye out for any storm warning too.'
Michael clears is throat. 'Sure, I'll do the same.' He turns to Adam. 'This is Elijah, he's the manager. Elijah, this is my boyfriend-'
He tenses imperceptibly as soon as he says it. They never really talked about their relationship, never had a reason to. Adam, however, seems undeterred. 'Fiancee, actually.' He extends his free hand to shake Elijah and has the nerve to wink at Michael. 'I'm Michael.'
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padfootastic · 2 years
∇ -. old age/aging headcanon for Sirius?
heya!! thanks for the ask :”)
gosh okay so, so. sirius doesn’t really like aging; it reminds him of his parents and the portraits in his house—elderly and bitter and not what he wanted to be. he’s one of those guys who spends a good few years ‘chasing his youth’ by trying to Be Cool like the kids. it really takes some intervention tactics from james & harry before his anxiety calms down.
also! sirius is a cranky old person, for sure. the kind who shakes his fist at the sky and grumbles all the time and snores cantankerously. but like, he’s also the one w candy in his pocket. all the time. so, make ur trade off.
From this character headcanon game
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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p a n i c ensues
#that’s too much excitement for one day. no event tl today i’ve mentally ascended _(:3 」∠)_#i needa get whatever happened off my chest before i end up blabbing about it to my mother (and have her laugh at me) so cue the tag rambling#the story is… ​i had just. gotten a seat on the bus when i realised that my wallet wasn’t in my bag :(#immediately alighted at the first random bus stop and proceeded to run around a 100% unfamiliar location for like 10 minutes#thank goodness i had an inkling of where i had dropped that bugger. or else i’d be wandering around the poorly-lit pathways at like 9.30pm#or well. wandering around said pathways in a panicked aimless frenzy.#and t h a n k g o o d n e s s i had dropped it in a rather secluded location. no one seemed to have touched it while i was away from it…#not a single note/card was out of place. the dai keychain i had on the zip didn’t have a single scratch on it either!!!!#but my priorities were seriously messed up lol#even though all of my important cards were inside the wallet,my one thought was ‘nOOO MY DAI KEYCHAIN—’#am i really allowed to call myself a functional adult? lol? send h e l p#ughhhh that was seriously terrifying though… i wouldn’t have realised that i’d lost my wallet if i hadn’t been trying to keep my umbrella…#but at least all of that panicked running managed to help me to burn off the calories from my ‘fried chicken friday’ feasts? lol?#maybe this is how i’m able to maintain my figure with my rubbish diet lmaoooo. panicked running does wonders!!!!!#inedible blubbering
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Only I would get diagnosed with a hamstring tear and feel smug about it
#i’ve been saying this whole time it’s the tendon. it’s the tendon. all along the back of my knee there’s pain and it’s because of the tendon#but did anyone listen to me? NO#i could’ve kissed the doctor. i was like THANK YOU for diagnosing me with two sprains at the same time#I TOLD YOU PEOPLE I HAD A COMPLEX INJURY AND THAT WAS WHY IT WAS TAKING SO LONG TO HEAL#but did anyone listen??? NO#she also thinks i have joint hypermobility. i’m in love with her#my family members were all like waah waaaah a knee sprain shouldn’t take this long to heal#you’ve got cartilage stuck behind it; you need surgery#NO THE FUCK I DON’T#i had TWO sprains at the same time. my patella said ‘i think i’m going to go over there’ and my MCL and hamstring both said ‘FUUUUUUCK’#to clarify.. i’m not happy but i AM smug because now i know that 1) nothing is structurally wrong in my knee#(apart from that my patella sometimes likes to bugger off) and therefore I DON’T FUCKING NEED SURGERY#and 2) going to the hospital literally wouldn’t have helped me. it would never have changed my recovery time#i just would’ve known from the beginning that i’d be looking at months rather than weeks#knee sprain is 2 weeks. HAMSTRING TEAR?????? could be another 4 weeks on top of the 4 i’ve already experienced#anyway so ya girl is going to be x-rayed to make sure i don’t also have a cartilage injury (lol) and my patella is in fact#where it’s supposed to be. and they also want me to see physio. which i’m going to do#i don’t want anybody to fucking tell me i don’t know my body ever again. i TOLD you people it was the tendon and did anybody listen???? no#well anyway i’m going to have a fish finger sandwich and then i need to dust the house#because unfortunately my treatment plan involves exercise. goodbye cruel world#at least i’m allowed to take as many painkillers as i want. well i think that was what she said. that’s what i heard anyway#personal
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snowyfrostshadows · 1 year
Another night, another ghost down.
Surprisingly Wolfgeist wasn't that bad (though, that could just be cuz I saw a bit of my brother's fight for him so I knew what to do)
The amount of pure rage of that guy though.....buddy.
If it was solely up to Luigi, he'd just grab Toad and Go. Let you keep playing piano
But noooo. You just had to throw a hissy fit, destroy the concert hall and your precious piano and for what? To end up in a jar for E. Gadd to study later.
Great planning there bud.
At least the King Ghost looks like he'll be having fun with the fight. Which. Is a step up from the other ghosts reactions of 'Fear' and 'Anger' so far.
Just. Gotta figure out the puzzle rooms to get there.
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