gogtopia · 3 years
i feel like if you’re not in a computer science or engineering it can be hard to understand how insane fundy is at coding. like it’s beyond just “wow this is cool that he can do this.” for his last video, fundy coded and trained a fucking neural network to detect movement and then translated those movements into minecraft. this is on par with some of the projects that were cleared for my senior design course last year (which students were given two semesters to complete). fundy completed this in less than two weeks. like the things he creates are impressive to anyone watching but it’s also impressive by an industry standard. i truly do believe fundy is one of the most skilled programmers in the mcyt sphere and that’s why all his videos are so fascinating to watch.
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adaine · 3 years
happy pride to gorgug in particular 💖 he’s only bi for one month out of the year so I hope he enjoys it
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dunej · 4 years
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[id: 8 panel edit for the dregs. each panel has a light green background with a name and a vector image in black over it. 1: kaz brekker and a crow in mid-flight. 2: inej ghafa and a dagger pointing down. 3: jesper fahey and a revolver. 4: nina zenik and a lipstick smudge. 5: matthias helvar and a slouched wolf. 6: wylan van eck and a lit cartoon bomb. /end id]
no mourners. no funerals.
happy holidays @noahczreny hope you have a great holiday season lizz!!!
(for the @sixofcrowsnet gift exchange)
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gogtopia · 3 years
tubbo: the server is dead
dream, showing his five step plan to revive the server: this isn’t the tubbo smp it’s the dream smp
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gogtopia · 3 years
I’m gonna dethrone my best friend because he’s uninterested in being the king of the smp and he has been getting attacked and I want to keep him safe. surely, he and his new nation won’t blow up their own protest in an attempt to frame the new king for murder
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gogtopia · 3 years
the funniest ever jackbox moment was when george got quackity to do the fucking keyboard shortcut that reads the code outloud
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gogtopia · 3 years
I’m still reeling over george not wanting to play SoT because it was “too scary” and then giving one of the most ballsy performances of the game that I’ve ever seen
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gogtopia · 3 years
just a reminder that a huge reason your faves might not be in mcc (and the reason that it probably still won’t be mostly lgbt+ creators) is because noxcrew is pairing in an exclusive deal with youtube gaming. that means that most twitch affiliates/partners cannot stream the event due to exclusivity unless they have specifically negotiated to be able to in their contract. there will be some CCs from the twitch community but they will not be streaming (i.e. tubbo leaked that he would be doing this on stream). it also means that youtube streamers that regularly take part in mcc are way more likely to be in it, whether or not they are lgbt+
scott also mentioned that some creators decided not to partake in order to give more space for lgbt+ streamers to take part. but let’s not knock people who are participating despite not being part of the lgbt+ community because it’s likely that some of their viewership could help raise more money! CCs who were invited chose to take part or not to take part for their own reasons, so please be respectful of that.
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gogtopia · 3 years
karlnapity is still endgame this isn’t copium this is legitimately a relationship that can be mended and if you don’t see that then clearly you don’t understand these characters and their history
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gogtopia · 3 years
dream greeted sapnap so cheerfully and tried to avoid a fight not because he cared about him (he threatened to destroy his home as soon as he knew that their “friendship” wasn’t going to work out) but because mending things with sapnap would do wonders for rebuilding his influence over the server. sapnap at this point in time is generally well-liked with allies and friends all over the server and he’s one of the strongest PVPers on the entire server. part of dream hoped that he could get his loyal soldier back. after all, he was a force to be reckoned with before when he had punz and sapnap at his side. but sapnap isn’t that person anymore. he’s known that their friendship had turned one-sided since dream told tommy that he only cared about the power he held over him back before exile. this was proven to him again during george’s dethronement a few days later and then in his vault in the mountain where he saw that dream intended to hold his and george’s fish over them. sapnap still cares about dream because he still has nostalgia for those days long past, but he knows that those days are history and he has to do what’s right for everyone. dream, however, hasn’t changed. he cares about power and he knows that sapnap can either be a tool for him to use or a formidable enemy. his behavior in snowchester was only an attempt to tilt the scales in his favor.
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gogtopia · 3 years
“george needs to start addressing things himself instead of making dream do it” is such a stupid take. dream will speak on things when he sees fit. first off, just because they’re friends doesn’t mean the shit he says is on george’s behalf. this is unfair to dream who is his own person with his own opinions and the right to share them when he sees fit.
george has ALWAYS been the type of creator that sets a distance between himself and his audience. people say he doesn’t set boundaries but it’s obvious that he sets them for himself and that’s why he doesn’t reveal too much about his personal life and why he doesn’t respond to just anything on twitter. if something worth addressing comes up he will say something but people are blowing this shit way out of proportion and he doesn’t owe anybody a response to why he was acting like every other person between 20-25 in a place where he’s legally allowed to do so lmfao
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gogtopia · 3 years
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gogtopia · 3 years
quackity’s next big lore stream being on the same day as ranboo’s year anniversary on the server puts the lessons teaser into a new perspective
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gogtopia · 3 years
everything abt c!charlie is like... you can tell cc!charlie plays dnd. from the care he puts into his character to his ability to naturally roleplay meaningful in-character interactions like it’s nothing to the fact he doesn’t tend to break character to the complicated yet easy to follow writing for his character
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gogtopia · 3 years
at least for me shipping c!dnf is like at this point in the narrative i don’t want them to get together. nor do i reasonably think that they could get together, or that it could be a healthy relationship from the dethronement on. i just think that their relationship in particular is more compelling when you look at it through a romantic lens. like old friends that maybe developed into something more along the way. the twisted king and knight dynamic where george is unknowingly the one serving dream. dream dethroning george to “protect” him. george being notably absent from the final stand against dream. george being emotionally unable to visit dream in the prison. george seeing dreamxd in his dreams and using him as a replacement. like, in my opinion, a romantic read on their relationship adds an extra element to george’s character and directly contrasts with the purely platonic relationship between sapnap and dream, as well as explains why they might react differently to falling out with him beyond their differences in personality. idk i just think that it’s an interesting dynamic to think about and explore, but maybe that’s just because of my love for the el rapids arc
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gogtopia · 3 years
the way george is just sitting there in the taunt music video so iconic
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[id: youtube comment from a user called Tobias that says “I love her lack of energy, go girl give us nothing!” /end id]
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