#welcome to primetime bitch
duranduratulsa · 2 years
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Up next on my Spooktober Filmfest...A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987) on glorious vintage Media Home Entertainment VHS 📼! #movie #movies #horror #anightmareonelmstreet #anightmareonelmstreet3 #anightmareonelmstreet3dreamwarriors #dreamwarriors #welcometoprimetimebitch #wescraven #RIPWesCraven #freddy #freddykrueger #robertenglund #HeatherLangenkamp #JohnSaxon #RIPJohnSaxon #PatriciaArquette #JenniferRubin #penelopesudrow #rodneyeastman #bradleygregg #kensagoes #iraheiden #craigwasson #priscillapointer #LaurenceFishburne #brookebundy #zsazsagabor #dickcavett #RIPZsaZsaGabor #nanmartin #ripnanmartin #claytonlandey #80s #vintage #vhs #mediahomeentertainment #spooktober #halloween #october
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gwyns · 4 months
I wasn’t in the fandom until a year ago and it kinda makes me sad, because when I see old posts of ACOTAR it makes me a little nostalgic. Everyone seemed happy, welcoming, and here to just have fun. Now it feels different. I feel like the prime time for being in the ACOTAR fandom was 2015 - 2017. I see the old edits, fan art, headcanons, etc, and it makes me sad. I ship Gwynriel and this fandom doesn’t seem like a safe space for people who ship them, because of a select few. Not saying that all e/riel’s are like that, because I’ve seen some e/riel’s (mostly those who are multi shippers) that are nice, and it’s sad how those are overshadowed by the toxic and aggressive ones.
i totally get what you mean. i feel the primetime to be in the fandom was 2016, acomaf was fresh and new and this was before acowar's release and people started bitching about everything, i was a lurker during this time (ha thanks social anxiety) so i didn't really participate in anything, but it was still my cozy little space. also it was before e/riel gained any significant popularity. it was a more peaceful time, i actually still have some old fandom posts saved to my drafts for when i really want to feel something
it is a shame that e/riels have such a bad reputation because i have met some nice ones too and i genuinely do see the appeal of such a ship, even if i don't care for it myself. i feel badly for the ones who just want to enjoy their ship without any drama but i also can't fault gwynriels and eluciens for becoming more aggressive either. being an elucien pre acosf was hell, like it can still be pretty bad but there were countless people that got bullied out of the fandom by e/riels because they liked elucien. you couldn't even talk positively about lucien without being labeled an abuse apologist, granted that still happens to this day but... it's definitely lessened
ps i promise you anon that even tho this fandom is horseshit most days, you are welcome here. no matter what you ship. and if anyone gives you trouble for shipping gwynriel just privately send them my way and i'll drag them for you, ok? <3
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muhimmat · 8 months
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Tarihle, politikanın kendinden geçtikleri, anlamlarını yitirdikleri bir dönemde, herkesin her şeyden haberdar olup, hiçbir şey yapmadığı, her şeyle dayanışma içinde görünüp yerinden bile kıpırdamadığı bir dünyada yaşıyoruz. Baudrillard
Welcome To Primetime Bitch "Freddy Krueger"
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impaled · 11 months
welcome to primetime bitch
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cocainaenvenenada · 5 years
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nathanscovell · 3 years
Scenes To Be Seen - Crushing Dreams
Scenes To Be Seen – Crushing Dreams
Supposedly I am a terrible person. But much much worse, a killer of dreams. At least this is what a few of my coworkers tell me. Let me explain. My youngest son has just joined the football team. He told me that he wants to be a star in the NFL. It’s his first year in playing the sport and as a father, I am extremely proud. I love the kid, even though he drives me nuts. He’s a pretty…
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vonxodd · 3 years
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2021 horror movie diary A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 3: DREAM WARRIORS (1987) dir. chuck russell "welcome to primetime bitch!"
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morgueroulette · 2 years
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Welcome to primetime, bitch!
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Welcome to primetime, bitch.
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mechanicalkindness · 3 years
’What you do with your past defines you’
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[Thank you for reading my rules! I’ve read your rules and about in turn, and I know- it’s not necessary, buuuuut I wanted to so:  “Welcome to primetime bitch!”
Honestly, I’m curious about how this is gonna work out... Oh, the insanity that could spawn....! I look forward to interacting with you, Fritz! Well- you and your muse, as myself and Julius- well now it just sounds weird dangit ANYWAY-
Question is Freddy here talking about Amazon Prime- I’mkiddingbuthejokewasTHERE-]
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jinxthequeergirl · 4 years
For the tattoo thingy: maybe something horror themed? Or a famous horror movie quote? Maybe "Welcome to Primetime, bitch" or something like that.
Absolutely you are correct i've never considered a freddy quote but if i where thats definetly the way to go!
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galaxyofghouls · 5 years
"Welcome to primetime, bitch" then a facial.
dude freddy would def record that while saying that 👀
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alitheamateur · 5 years
Hey, Jealousy
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Warnings: Language. NSFW. Sexual content.
Characters: Liv Elliott/Colton Ritter 
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On my mother’s life, Livvy. If that son of a bitch looks at you that way again, I will get arrested.”
My closest friend, and the boutique salesclerk assured me the dress suited my body perfectly, and definitely didn’t cross any inappropriate lines when I stepped out of the dressing room earlier. But somehow, my zealous, inexplicably jealous boyfriend wasn’t on the same page. Or even reading the same book. Colton wasn’t even in the same bookstore, in the same zip code. And he made no bones about it.
He loved the dress when he saw me cascading down the steps of our hallway out of the bedroom just a brief hour ago. He loved it until he realized that every other specimen with eyes in the entire city would love it, too. It was silk number, short sleeves, with a robe-like tie around the waste. Stone gray softness settled high on my thigh, and a slit danced up a tease higher. The wrap of the dress was loose fitting, but it’s v-cut neckline, and dose of my toned legs was racier than my usual taste. But, the restaurant I had chosen was just newly opened to the public, and it’s hype was already spreading on my floor at the office among colleagues. My new love for the gym had done my body good, and I was rightfully proud of myself. Night life wasn’t typically how Colton and I spent time together, but it never hurt now and again. We were two young adults, in love, sharing life in the romping metropolis of Pittsburgh. Occasionally, I would convince my big bear to slap on that devilish leather jacket, run a comb through his hair, and hang me on his arm for a night out.
Green envy had settled in his color-changing eyes the moment the valet drank in a choking gulp of my summer-tanned legs as I stepped from the passenger side of the car after Colton handed him the keys to the SUV. The needle heel of my strappy, metallic stilettos femininely accentuated my petite feet, and created a lengthening illusion for my usually short legs. Needless to say, the parking man did not receive a tip from Mr. Ritter. Instead, a very, very firm squeeze of the fingers when he reached for the key fob. The poor kid appeared barely 20-years old, and a generous estimate of a buck thirty soaking wet. He learned a valuable lesson to keep curious stares to himself. Especially when the lady was accompanied by a brutal, quite physically capable cage-fighter.
“Calm down, Colton. I’m sure you’re just imagining things. Let’s just order, and enjoy the night, okay? Order yourself a beer and relax, love.” I fiddled with my menu, scanning for options I thought would arrive quickly from the kitchen so we could retreat back to the house before Colt wound up in hand cuffs.
He stood, his gait swelling with testosterone, to take a deep breath and escape for a bathroom break, kissing my forehead as he scooted past my chair. His return could not have been more ill-timed as the waiter so happen to be lingering at the table to pour my glass of woodsy, red wine. I could nearly feel Colton’s rageful approach before hearing his purposeful, strong stomps echoing over the marble tiled floors. His hand landed like a sack of bricks on the man whose name tag read “Charlie.”
“Charlie, is it?” Colton rattled the man’s shoulder. “Pour the glass, and fuck off to where ever it is you should be that’s not here fuckin’ panting over my girlfriend. I think it’d be in your best interest, ya’ sick little shithead.”
“Colton Ritter! Sit. NOW.” I barked through pearly, grinding teeth.
Not a word had been spoken out of line by the poor sap, nor anything resembling a cross or distasteful look. And I wouldn’t sit helplessly by and let Colton behave as cruelly as such. The little meathead just didn’t have it in him to let me feel as if anyone had disrespected me with even so much as a flattering glance. My heart loved him for it. He truly meant well after all. But, the Pittsburgh blood just ran too deep, and he hadn’t quite mastered expressing his feelings in healthier manners.
Colt did as told, his face dripping with a sullen rash of redness. The gulp of a dark ale I had ordered him seemed to sizzle down his throat when he swallowed it. I knew his insides were rancidly burning up with the incurable fires of jealousy, even though there was no one else in the entire number of humanity that I wanted to be with besides him. Surely, his fear of inferiority hadn’t been rooted so deeply that no amount of love and faithfulness I showed him could squander it? It all circled back to our time apart, and the unforgiving way he had punished me by the break-up. He hadn’t overcome the harsh truth that I could have easily wound up in the arms of another, never to return again.
“All this over a damn dress, Colton? My God, babe. What excuse do you have for acting like that?”
Would these be the little pep-talks I’d have to give when our fictional children knocked someone down on the school bus, or repeated his father’s favorite curse word to a teacher?
“It’s doesn’t have anything to do with you, or the dress. I love the fuckin’ thing, as a matter of fact. I’ve been fuckin’ hard for you over half of the night already because of it. The problem is, so has everybody else around here.”
Colton seemed to be pushing his insatiable craving for my flesh, and the tightly covered roundness of my behind, on the Saturday evening patrons of downtown Pittsburgh. Colton loved to be in control, he loved to feel in control at all times. But with me, things were different. I knew, and he knew. One hating it more than the other. His relationship with me wasn’t like anything he’d ever experienced in life, and far from his exchanges in the cage where he usually also called the every shot. My typically in control fellow was reeling with teenage, lustful rage this evening and he couldn’t stand to feel so consumed and obsessed.
I took a dainty pull of the long-stemmed, crystal glass, licking a dribble of the rim after a pulled my glossed lips away from it. I know it may be infantile and improper to egotistically play off your advantages, but Colton was in for it.
“Is that so, huh?”
He gulped, and his knuckles turned white around his mug.
Behind the table, I loosened the pulled-tight bow of the silky wrap around my waist, causing the fabric to slip lower down my chest. More of my lotion-soft skin escaped between the valley of my breasts, and I pushed my heavy seat backwards to stand.  
“I’m heading for the ladies’ room. I suggest you follow in case some of these terribly disrespectful men get a case of the wandering eyes.”
The pair of us were pros in the arena of public indecency by now. Weddings, the gym, my office at the Pilot. Even once, an afternoon delight in the shuttle of the Duquesne Incline two weeks ago. That had been a long overdue fantasy that lived up to every single standard.
I had barely excused myself from the table before I heard Colton’s wooden chair scoot frantically across the hard floors of the dining area. I was being chased, and stalked by your handsome bedmate, and the pool between your panty-less sex. I knew the wind catching my scent and trailing behind me would lead Colton onto the front lines of battle if I so pleased.
The restroom was built with multiple stalls, but we would find good use for the antique couch placed in the corner. The door closed silently behind me as I peeped below the black doors hiding each toilet. Empty. During primetime hours of the city’s’ current hotspot. It seemed to be fate.
Tapping my heels back to the door, I peaked into the dark hallway to give Colton the signal for ‘all-clear.’ He was posted with his arms flexing across his chest, and pretending to scroll over the locked-screen of his smart phone. He grinned like Lucifer himself as I bid him inside. Only the view of my eyes, and an outstretched leg wrapped highly around the wooden door could been seen. But that was all it took to furthermore entice his excited crotch. He checked both ways for any observing eyes, and I welcomed him into the spontaneous den of thrills.
Immediately he scooted the four-legs of the bright cushioned couch to barricade the unlocked door, and tossed me on it like a blonde ragdoll. I pulled open the easy confines of my clothes, and draped my leg over his shoulder to gift an opened view of my obviously naked body. With the ticks of his watch passing with haste, Colton wasted no time with the buckle of his belt, using his time wisely and needlessly prepping my already dripping entrance with his hissing mouth.
My panting bounced off the reverberating walls, dancing throughout the air with his own impatient moans of sexual enchantment. Colton captured my healthy thighs in his hands, yanking with command, teetering my bare form on the edge of the seat. His pants hanging low on his hips so his eager friend could escape, I chewed on the inside of my cheek panicked with anticipation. The risk, intermingled with the pleasureful intrusion I knew was coming next nearly caused my asthma to turn loose.
He squatted his knees to even up with my ready entrance, heaving himself instantly deep with no time, or patience to spare. He held my calves around his waist massaging deep into the tissue of my flexing legs, grunting as our bodies rocked into one another.
“This fuckin’ body of yours is for my eyes only, Livvy baby. I won’t have any other desperate prick staring at those round tits. Or that glorious little ass. Damn it, baby.”
His flashes of jealous exchanges earlier in the evening only fed and nurtured his hearty pushes inside me, and I squirmed with arousal. The way his hair had fallen into strands on his sweat beaded forehead, and the veins pulsing down the line of his neck quaked my body with shivering release. With ankles latched around his back, I closed my eyes and prepared to stifle my orgasmic outcry as he fiddled with the bead of my sex. Colton’s back was lurched forward, as if he was trying to reach depths inside of me he’d never touched before his release gave way.
Suddenly, a rattle on the other side of the door caught my very distracted attention when someone pushed to try and enter the very occupied bathroom. I was tingling with eruption, and I wasn’t about to let anyone come between me my daily hello with sexual satisfaction.
“Fuck off!” I sharply dismissed the intrusion.
Colton smiled with pride, knowing he had caused this uncurable addiction in me, and because he had tarnished my usually polite manner of speaking.
Babbling words barely translating to my English language, I felt myself spill hot release onto Colton, and down the numbness of my thighs with him smiling above me as he did the same.  
We dressed, and collected ourselves best we could before setting the restroom back to its proper state. Colton’s shirt was sweat stained, and my make-up running down my flushed face.
“Hey, babe?”
“Yes, baby?” He offered up as he helped tie the closure of my newest dress.
“Can we stop back by the boutique after dinner? They had this same dress in red, and it was to die for.”
I could see him already calculating what crowded room he would parade me around in to stir up his most envious spirit.
TAGS: @torialeysha @eap1935 @mollybegger-blog @littleluna98 
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tinalbion · 5 years
So I have never gotten tattoos before. And I keep thinking about getting one anoes related. I know I want it to say "Welcome to primetime, bitch" smth simple and cute and spooky. And I wonder how Freddy would feel knowing that something so iconic will be on my body for as long as I live.
Do it!!! You will love it, honestly. Make sure to get quotes from your local shops and to also check their portfolios. Even though its text, you gotta make sure the lineart is bomb. I am actually planning my Freddy one before the year is up, I’m just so indecisive on what I exactly want, so I’m happy to be working with custom artists who help a LOT.
Freddy would probably question you at first since it’s “rather stupid, it’ll be on your body forever”, but you know damn well 2 seconds later he’s gonna be boasting about it and think it’s the coolest thing. Dad mode kicks in first and then his ego dominates.
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stalkerkyoko · 6 years
We have flatscreens now soo
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“Welcome to primetime bitch!  eh it be different.
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"Welcome to Primetime, Bitch!" The moment Freddy became the character we all know and love. ... Child-murdering piece of shit... #anightmareonelmstreet #anightmareonelmstreet3 #freddykrueger #80s #horror #slasher #gore #dreamwarriors #robertenglund (at Baltimore, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMDsOFnAFiE/?igshid=1qesms5woxque
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