#welcome to my twisted mind or whatever
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eugenoid-draws · 1 year ago
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Vent art, kind of
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meatsex · 4 months ago
I don't know you, but I saw your tag on the "kinnie with a job" post and I'm so fascinated by this glimpse into your life. Do you want to elaborate on that experience?
ohhh i forgot i wrote that, its not as exhilarating or exciting as it might sound, its just shit from my personal life, but i have a reason to be mad, and actually these two parts of the tags dont correlate at all, so im sorry, either way:
summer 2017, i had finished playing lisa the painful, i really really connected to this one little guy, i did so much art of him, i still do, the app vent was going around, and kin culture there was crazy (if you were there you know), there wasnt any other kinnies abt this dude so it was #serious shit to me, im pretty sure at some point i began to just make up "kin memories", i probably wanted to dye my hair blonde, in retrospect i just really wanted control over being THIS guy
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anyways, the other part of the story
i was dating this one guy, i think we had been dating for a year or more already, probably more, for reasons my feelings began to shift, i actually got really interested in one of his friends, i eventually told him about this, and i dont recall whatever the response was, but nothing really changed
in parties and get togethers i began to actively make moves towards his friend, i dont think i ever got to kissing him or stuff like that, but afterwards my still boyfriend would ask me shit about it and like, hype me up on it, im pretty sure he told the gc too because they would joke about him being a cuck, i dont know, i never found out
eventually we broke up, it was like whatever, if anything he broke up with me at a really bad time of my life but otherwise it didnt destroy my world or anything, we stayed friends and i even saw him a couple more times after that
then the 2020s come up and i find out that after we broke up he became an incredibly disgusting sex pest, asking friends of the gc or trying to make moves on them left and right, even if they had boyfriends, he also in general became a really disgusting and selfish person, i think the worst part of it all is hearing about it and being like "well fuck, im sorry, i wish i could say more but he legitimately never treated me this way", so honestly, i hope he kills himself i dont care
maybe after all of that i moved his brain so bad that he became an awful person, who knows, now hes a game dev for a project that might or might not make rounds, who knows, i dont care, i could make a callout on him but its redundant irl stuff, and i dont have hard proof or energy to put into it
(edit) i just remembered he also might have spread pictures of me, personal pictures of the kind a couple takes for themselves, so yeah i actually hope he kills himself
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lesbiancharliedalton · 1 month ago
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wuntrum · 2 years ago
social anxiety at the post office has escalated to the point of having dreams where i go to drop off packages at the post office and they tell me i can't drop off that many at a time and i've been doing it wrong this whole time. 😭
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horsegirlalexkralie · 1 year ago
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his ass is NOT following fire magic safety protocol
ive been reading way too much with hat atelier lately .. more fantasy au sketches below the cut
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if u cant read my handwriting feel free to ask .. theres no real story here yet but alex is some kind of magic council nepo baby & tim is his appointed bodyguard & they are adventuring and kissing
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husbandhoshi · 3 months ago
Hello! New here on the page. Your comeback post caught my attention, and I would be willing to read 30k words
omg hi!!!! thank you for the input 🩷 yall r def helping me get thru the final touches before i post!!
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designernishiki · 2 years ago
when i started following you i was a firm bisexual kiryu believer and now with every post about this man im more and more leaning into “oh so hes just a gay man heavy in denial. okay”
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all according to keikaku
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vitospaghetta · 11 months ago
Who would you say are the single most impactful and important characters in Leon's life? That helped him for the better and his growth. If it's alright to include both OG and Remake into this equation? ^-^
OG Leon: Chris, 100%. I've been holding my friends verbally hostage for years about how I will never quite get over how Chris gets Leon to smile at the end of Vendetta. Despite everything -- despite how close to the edge Leon was between the lack of agency over his own life, the survivor's guilt, the grief, the betrayal -- Chris managed to show him that he does put real, tangible good into the world, and that there are people who carry the same burdens he does, and that a problem shared is a problem halved.
On a much darker note (so CW: suicide mention), as someone who's struggled with depression for a very long time, I've always seen it as important to educate people on what drives someone to kill themselves. Those who haven't suffered from it themselves often don't understand that it's not sadness that drives someone to suicide, but hopelessness. It's the inability to imagine a future you want to live in, the allure of a potential end to your suffering, a self-perceived act of mercy. Leon's in that headspace when we see him in Vendetta. He's questioning the point of going on, his life feeling like a constant cycle of pain that he has no true escape from. He's officially lost the ability to see a meaningful future and that's dangerous. The fact that Chris was able to drag him off his bender and therefore out of that mindset by giving him just enough hope to cling onto moving forward is easily the most important impact anyone has ever had on Leon's life. If it weren't for the events of Vendetta, it probably would've been only a matter of time before Leon ate a bullet or carelessly drank himself to the point of falling unconscious and aspirating.
Remake Leon: Ashley. RE4R is definitely a narrative in which two characters grow through their experiences with each other, and I think in a very similar sense to Chris' influence on Leon in Vendetta, Ashley gives Leon hope. She's representative of the good in the world -- her trust in him, her kindness towards him making him feel something other than the pain he's felt for years -- and his ability to salvage it. She's a means of processing the survivor's guilt he still has over Raccoon City, a means of almost bargaining. At the start of the game he says that "this time, it can be different." If he can save Ashley, then maybe the pain he's experienced was worth something. Maybe not everything is lost. Maybe he can still help people in a way that feels rewarding. I think she shows him all of that and more; he's just unfortunately a long way off from fully processing his trauma at that point in his journey.
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unholyverse · 7 months ago
anon no offense but you kinda led me nowhere with that
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fern-mage · 1 year ago
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ok i decided im going to share my fucked up drawings here as well now sometimes. heres some of caillen. first image is him in the faewild with one of his worst enemies where upon entering the faewild his hair got a little shrek 3 style. second is his professionally taken baby photo
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I swear I will just post whatever I want on this blog I will not treat it like a fucking project I will just post WHATEVER I WANT
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starswallowingsea · 2 years ago
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casualtydept · 2 years ago
tragically forced to do something other than draw this weekend (go to work) so unless i come up with any urgent new ideas before monday tell me which of my billions of unfinished drawings to work on next week
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marciliedonato · 2 years ago
does ibs stand for ‘i be sneezing’ cause thats what i be doing ...LOL
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1x20 · 1 month ago
honestly i've been thinking a lot about my mom lately
i see her regularly and she and my dad are happily married still thank god but sometimes when i look at her i feel this sort of deep sadness
we had a serious conversation last summer wherein she admitted that she had basically staked her own happiness/self-worth on me and my sister's happiness. not success, mind you, this is not a situation where a parent pushes a child to do whatever it takes to become the best at xyz. just... us being unhappy felt like a personal failing to her
and i think about that all the time now. mostly in the sense that i'll never really know who she was. having kids fundamentally shifted her personality. we made her into a different person, to the point where she primarily defines herself as a Mother above anything else
i feel kinda guilty for that honestly. i know she doesn't regret a thing and i'm glad she loves me and i love her, but there's something haunting about knowing that you were responsible for a person's destruction/rebirth
and it's like... i hate the idea that she wouldn't exist if not for me/my sister/my dad. it's like she thinks she's more an object or a role than a fully fledged human being
and also that's where my dad figures into all of this. i have a good relationship with him and i know we care about each other and if i'm having a panic attack he's the first person i call, but he's also very stereotypically neoliberal cishet white man about everything
including my mom. he's so used to her doing the household tasks he whines when he has to do the ONE TASK she asks him to do (folding the laundry). he ridicules her hobbies instead of making space for them (yoga, french chanssons) - because that's for Women which means it's Cringe
i know my parents seriously considered divorce when my sister and i were in our teens. mostly because the whole puberty process was rough on everyone in the house, but additionally my parents are also very different people and my mom couldn't deal with how emotionally unsupported she felt during that time
and then there's the cheating thing. i have an abysmally good verbal memory so i can remember conversations i had 10 years ago like they happened yesterday. i was 14, in the car with my mom, and already self righteous enough to yap about stuff i didn't know about. i was talking about cheating, and how i didn't understand it, and how i would never tolerate it
and my mom got quiet. and then she said:
"you don't know what you're talking about and you shouldn't say those things. it's happened to people close to you"
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queerdagny · 10 months ago
I have lots of thoughts about key this blog is my stream of consciousness
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