#welcome back to English class what is your Thesis Statement
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death-limes · 6 months ago
my sister keeps insisting i need to make a video essay about h*zbin/h*lluva/v*vz*epop but as cathartic as that would be i can’t help but think it would just make things worse…. im not even sure i have enough to add to the conversation to justify making such a thing
it runs into the territory of the “____ is Garbage and Here’s Why” video essays that at worst are just bad-faith CinemaSins ripoffs disguised as essays & at best are just redundant rants that don’t seem to have any real purpose or say anything insightful
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things2mustdo · 4 years ago
“White people are terrible,” “I have white privilege,” and “most of the world’s problems are caused by white people” are three general statements countless social justice warriors and their enablers agree with. Yet they are all based on the severest distortion of reality. You or I should no more apologize for being white than an African-American should for being black.
Just as many blacks, Hispanics, and other minorities are made more pliable by the media and the establishment by being told they are eternal victims, white people are made more pliable by agreeing that they need to always feel guilty. Using an SJW “anti-racism” that feels awfully like the leftist version of a Nazi book about hereditary, white people supposedly inherit the evil deeds of dead dudes who owned slaves prior to the Civil War or arrived on a foreign continent in a year like 1492 or 1788.
The establishment-enforced guilt is even greater for those directly descended from such people, but even culturally and genetically unrelated individuals like Polish- and Italian-Americans, whose ancestors pretty much all arrived after periods like the slavery era, are held accountable, too. Why? Even if we ridiculously assumed we can find descendants “guilty” of their ancestry, the white guilt thesis is like putting all of Harlem’s young black men in 2016 under house arrest because 20 of them were involved in a vicious street brawl… in 1937.
Provided you adhere to our creed, neomasculinity and the Return Of Kings community form the broadest functional church you will find. We do not care where you come from, so long as you support our goal of a return to masculine societies that emphasize community-building and do not apologize for taking pride in their own cultures. ROK readers who are black, white, Asian or something else are all equal in this regard.
Here are just three of many reasons why I will not hate or feel guilty about my skin tone.
1. I’m the descendant of victims myself because many of my ancestors were from oppressed ethnic and religious groups
Look at those privileged starving Irish!
Are you heavily Irish-blooded, like me? Italian? Polish? Ukrainian? Were your ancestors Catholics living in heavily Protestant areas, or perhaps Huguenots who had to flee persecutory France?
It’s funny how SJWs prance on about white privilege when over half of all whites who emigrated to America, Canada or Australia, from the Puritans to Yugoslavian Civil War refugees, came because the civilian government or monarchy representing another ethnicity or religion essentially chased them out, had killed their family members, or wanted them dead, too. Many of the white groups who did take the journey, particularly the Italians or Irish, were then subjected to quotas and mistreatment in places like New York for years.
A great deal of my ancestors were Catholics in Prussia and other Protestant parts of northern Germany. This section of my family tree is replete with persecutions, including one great-great-great-great grandfather who lost sight in one eye and movement in his arm after being brutally assaulted by a Prussian policeman. His crime? Being an ethnic German leaving a Catholic church on Sunday in the 1800s. Catholic churches were only for “subhuman” Poles. Catholic Prussians were seen as traitors who belonged in Bavaria, prison, or dead. He ended up eking out an existence as a tailor with one good arm, after both he and his brother were repeatedly refused admission to the civil service for their faith.
In addition, I had Irish immigrant forebears whose fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters died as a result of the Potato Famine. One of these ancestors, the eldest child in his family, was working in Dublin to make money for the family when, in the space of three months, he received news that his parents, all his sisters, and all but one of his brothers had died from starvation, malnutrition, or diseases related to them.
When my aunt did the genealogy over three years, she counted 37 family members in one corner of an Irish county who died from starvation or starvation-related illness in 13 months. The famine was predicted and even aggravated by the British. Considering the squalor into which the occupiers had driven the Irish Catholics, the whole ordeal was fundamentally caused by them, too. With only an extra mouth to feed, this great-great-great grandfather of mine took his barely school-aged brother with him to Australia two months later. What role did these two have in oppressing others, white or non-white, that I should feel shame about today?
Look further back into my family tree and you find German, Dutch and Swiss Jews, many of whom were shunted around various locations within Europe, depending on what limited patience local authorities had for yarmulke-wearers at the time.
With this lineage, what exactly do I have to apologize for, aside from my supposedly very, very privileged, at best lower middle-class English forebears from drab West London and grim Yorkshire? Most of them never saw a dark person, let alone mistreated one. To boot, the vast majority lived poor, thankless lives without clean sanitation, abundant food, or anything close to job security. And these are the stations in life, through no fault of their own, that 95% of your ancestors reached as well.
2. Minorities and other non-whites frequently treated and still treat each other far worse than white people did
Rwandan genocide, anyone?
From the pre-Columbian Central and South American peoples to the Rwandan genocide, non-whites have very often treated one another even more abysmally than whites have treated them. European technology may have amplified the number of indigenous and other deaths in places like the Americas, but raw hatred, aggression, and the continuity of violence can be found in even greater quantities in non-white historical squabbles.
Europeans have also been incorrectly blamed for things like infectious diseases, despite the scientific work of antiseptic procedure pioneer Ignaz Semmelweiss being years, sometimes even centuries away. Meanwhile, non-whites have been allowed to kill non-whites without serious condemnation from SJWs.
For example, critics of the Iraq War and the attempted rebuilding of post-Saddam Iraq have said that the whole country is based on a fiction that dates back to the European post-World War I mandate systems. In other words, if Kurds, Shia Arabs, and Sunni Arabs inhabit the same country, they kill each other! Whilst it is appetizing for SJWs to blame the big, bad British and French for this, it is far from the truth. Kurds and Arabs have been butchering each other for countless centuries. The greatest Muslim figure of all the Crusades, Saladin, was consistently mistrusted because of his Kurdish origins. Similarly, intra-Arab or Arab-Iranian Sunni-Shia violence is age-old and has little if anything to do with Europeans.
Last year, Rock Thompson wrote a superb piece about the hypocrisy of attacking Columbus Day in the Americas. His work exposed the double standards of many Native American and also Central and South American tribes, who pretend their ancestors were routinely peaceful when, in fact, they regularly engaged in deplorable acts of gratuitous violence, including human sacrifices and the sadistic mutilation of enemies who were not so ethnically different. The conquistadors and Puritans are falsely seen as the harbingers of cultural and racial genocide in the Americas. Local indigenous tribes, however, were already hunting each other down for sport well before the tall ships arrived.
3. White-majority countries make the humanitarian world go round
A tent city the Saudis refused to make available for fellow Arab Syrian refugees.
Whenever you find an aid program for starving Africans, war-torn Arabs, or other suffering people, chances are that a number of white Westerners are behind it. Even if they’re not all white, they invariably come from white-majority and/or white-founded Western countries, or are funded by them. All to assuage the guilt of white people living in 2016 who feel the need to apologize for a European colonial regime that replaced almost always far more brutal indigenous ones.
Western countries also welcome non-whites in droves, both as immigrants and as “refugees.” The recent Syrian crisis is a testament to this (over-)generosity. While Saudi Arabia refused to accommodate fellow Arab Syrians in their already-constructed tent city, used normally for the Haj Priligrimage, Germany and other European states bore the brunt of those fleeing, including through the open door policies of leaders like Angela Merkel.
In general terms, white people care more about the developmental outcomes of non-whites. Wealthy non-white countries like Japan and Korea have perfected a system of meticulously keeping their populations pure and rejecting the asylum claims of over 99% of claimed refugees. This asymmetrical state of affairs is ironic when Japan’s own history of colonisation, notably the Rape of Nanking, is taken into consideration.
White guilt is also very profitable for certain establishment figures and zealous entertainers. It’s why twats like Bono and Bob Geldof get up every morning, after all. And, far from sucking the world dry, white folks have repeatedly tried to make it better. Very often this generosity is taken to an extreme, but the point of white-majority countries acting and non-white countries stalling or ignoring remains valid.
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l1lithh · 6 years ago
The English Major's Guide to Writing Essays
I know everyone usually dreads writing essays. It’s a long, tedious process that usually ends in frustration tears or an all nighter. As an English major/Crazy person that actually enjoys writing essays, I hope I can offer everyone a bit of help and save every student a some suffering.
**** The Setup ****
Find a good environment. I recommend a place that you’re comfortable and familiar with. A place that makes you feel safe and welcome. If you’re in a new environment that you have to adjust too, you’re not going to be very focused on what you’re doing. My favorite essay space is either the comfy chairs in my school library or the courtyard in my dorm building. Some might prefer busy coffee shops, while others might need to be concealed in a completely silent space.
Take care of your needs before you begin. If you're hungry, go eat something before starting. If you're tired, go lay down and take a nap for a little while. If you're feeling antsy, go for a run or a walk. Keep in mind, this goes for emotional needs, too. I've tried to write essays hungry/and/or upset, and it doesn't work well at all. You're gonna do your best work when you're 100% taken care of.
Make sure you have everything you need in one place. This pretty self-explanatory. Make sure you have everything you need for the essay within your immediate reach. Take all the research papers you need and keep them neatly stacked next to your computer or essay writing device. Keep your water right next to you. If you have an outline or notes from the class you’re writing the essay for, gather them all together and keep them right in front of you. This will make writing the essay a lot less tiring, and the process will go a lot faster.
Snacks & Water. This might be a personal preference, but I like writing more if I have something {healthy} to eat, like a small plate of hummus and pita, a handful of potato chips, or a bowl of berries. I also like to keep a water bottle nearby, because water is never a bad idea. Plus, if you’re writing in the morning, it’ll help kick start your system and improve focus.
**** The Essay ****
Ok so this part is a bit more tricky, so I’m gonna go step by step here. These steps are mostly for research papers and analysis-oriented papers and are pretty general. More specialized essays like creative writing pieces or lab reports are a whole other post entirely!
1. The overall format. So the overall format I’m going to use here is the CHUNKS system, which includes an introduction paragraph, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. I’ll cover each one of these elements one by one. It’s important to note that this system will be even easier to follow if you have an outline prepared, so I’ll cover that, too.
2. The outline. Outlines are your best friend. If you have a good outline, writing your essay will be a breeze. Your outline should cover the introduction, with a hook and thesis, the body paragraphs, which should contain your topic sentence, your evidence, commentary, and your connection back to your thesis. Finally, your conclusion should summarize everything.
3. The Introduction. Your introduction should open with a hook sentence, or any interesting quote, statement, or question that is related to your essay topic but intrigues your reader at the same time. Next, you should have your thesis. A thesis is pretty much the argument you’re trying to make in a paper and is the heart of your essay. Since it’s so crucial, I’ll give an example: In his short story, Barn Burning, William Faulkner builds an overall theme of family loyalty versus justice; he accomplishes this by his use of characterization, symbolism, and Southern Gothic elements. As you can see, the thesis follows this outline:
1. General argument - “William Faulkner builds an overall theme of family loyalty versus justice.”
2. Evidence 1 - Characterization
3. Evidence 2 - Symbolism
4. Evidence 3 - Southern Gothic elements
4. Body paragraphs. So, each body paragraph is meant to expand on each element of evidence, and explain why they prove your thesis. Body paragraphs should generally align with this outline: Topic sentence, which introduces which part of your thesis you're talking about, direct quote with evidence, and then commentary tying your quote back to the thesis. An example would be:
William Faulkner uses characterization to build his theme of family loyalty over justice. "Quote from text" (Faulkner, 5). Here, Faulkner characterizes his main character as intelligent yet submissive. This proves that family loyalty is prioritized over objective justice because even as an intelligent boy, he still feels loyalty to his father, even in the face of his father's evil.
Body paragraphs should flow from one to the other via the use of transition words like "Second," "Third," "Finally," "However," or "Similarly," to name a few. A transitionary phrase might help, too, for bigger points--"However, all of this is not to say that....".
5. The conclusion. A huge misconception about the conclusion is that it is a summary. While it is a summary, you should also make a judgment about the text in question. You should reiterate your thesis, then draw a strong, finalizing judgement to "seal the deal" and boost your thesis even more. This is your chance to really stick the landing and make the grade.
And that's all there is to it, folks! I hope this helps those of you who hate writing essays find some guidance.
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autoirishlitdiscourses · 4 years ago
Discourse of Wednesday, 28 July 2021
Again, thank you for doing such a good weekend, and the expression of your discussion on Wednesday prevents you, provided that you could talk about his own paper after letting it sit for two or three days, and though it was more lecture-oriented than it currently is. You are welcome to run up against with Ulysses: if people aren't prepared, it's been posted: The Wall Street Journal speculates about whether you're technically meeting the discussion section is also a dazzlingly insightful interpretation while yet being faithful to the Ulysses lectures which, given Ulysses, and modeling this for everyone else in both sections? I think that, going into the heart of your evidence into a complex historical condition and trace some important material in there you are. However, be aware that you would have helped to get a handle on the day before Thanksgiving.
Does it matter if that doesn't mean it's not intrusive and doesn't delay your presentation. On her forehead was so tight I thought you might find helpful in studying for the final analysis. Finally, for that assignment and may serve a number of difficult texts, with the rest of the prospectus when I've already said in the discussion so that it's fresh in everyone's mind, keep reciting it, though, you really have read Cyclops and love as a whole, though there were some amazing performances on it. This means that you understand just how much reading people have no one else in your delivery; very good work here in a number of genuinely excellent job! Well done. You went short, or see me!
But make sure that all students within each section. Yes you will have to go that route. I'm planning on having students declare in advance from the group without driving them, To become renewed, transfigured, in part because you're moving too quickly past issues that would require picking up cues that tell me when large numbers of people who had their hands.
For one thing that will help you to be tying the landscape and love as a whole was quite captivated by your own thought, self-control, etc. Question doesn't make its way to be helpful in pointing to multimedia and/or capability. I'm looking forward to your workload, but looser ones that would require the professor's reading of Godot, or Bloom's complex relationship that we have a few significant gaps, possibly by style, narrative clues, etc.
At the root of these is that it's come to each other would help you grow as a way of taking up time that way versus having an couple of things well here: you must take all reasonable steps to correct them; c you can draw in additional examples from Sartre and Camus to enrich your analysis will pay off. I think that your midterm will be thinking closely about what you think are likely to be without feedback until more or less agree? I think, too, about having specific questions, OK? 8 When You Are Old discussion of this coming weekend. Of course, the two tendencies in Irish literature that you need to cancel my office hours so that my impression at the moment and say exactly what they're like outside of my section website, and with your own, and I fully appreciate this it's not a bad idea.
Alternately, I won't assess participation until the end. Three did not, will pay off to have seen in lecture, that'll be helpful in studying for the remainder of the three types of responses to individual instructors. Wikipedia article on poitín for more information about the relationship.
Hi, everyone is scheduled. One thing that is an arena for such thinking: a three-quarters of the end of your finals, and so that the Irish as drunk, violent, and an estimate for attendance and participation. He missed four sections, you receive for attending section Thanksgiving week, you should think about how you might ask the class and get them to their fate.
Don't want to switch their attention back to you as the focal point of analysis, too, if nothing else. You may also find helpful. Good choice; I think that you should continue to attend the entire weekend as one of the grotesque. If you absolutely can't go on, so please be parsimonious about future absences.
I'm expecting it's a wonderful collection of course, as well as 1922, and showed that you had signed up for a text from the second half of Yeats's September 1913. You were clearly a bit more practice but your delivery was basically solid, and the rest of your writing is also quite graceful and expresses your thought better than I had my students in both my sections on the professor's English 150 course, the student who sent a panicked email after sleeping into the A range. Please use it personally and recommend it highly. Your discussion and question provoked close readings by using hedging phrases like I said? I'm trying to eat up time in a good move here, I will announce it in more depth.
You can also refer you to reschedule—they will help you to ground your analysis what is Mary likely to complain if I can tell you. Have a good sense of a number of fingers at the time to get your proposals for text/date combination if possible, and your material effectively and provided a good student this quarter. I suspect you actually mean by romance, which was previously the theoretical maximum score for the positions we take in the context of conversations about Irish nationalism, depending on where you need by phrasing things in your phrasing is suboptimal or doesn't quite say what you can see it, even if it's necessary to start writing in order to do in order to see change by much, but also would help to ground your argument effectively. A-. What does it mean to suggest that his presence is central to your presentation. Smooth, thoughtful paper that has not always exchanged in a lot of impressive moves. As it is constructed in the writing process is itself the immediate, direct, personal interest in the best way to find out about it. Some students improved their score between the two A-87% 90% B 83% 87% B 80% 83% B-81. Again, thank you both did a good weekend, and that you just ran out of town this weekend. Perhaps an interesting contemporary poet. You are likely to run up against was that the exam if you have been for Stephen, but perhaps could be set up in front of the work. Similarly, perhaps the way that you look at other parts of your finals. For one thing that might work as the audio or video recording of your paper is neither foolish nor improper, but the basic principles involved in the writing process. All of which is an impressive move. I think that what the professor just wanted to make your thesis statement is actually quite busy with recitations and did a remarkably good job here in order to turn into a larger point of analysis is and get 100% on the web or in a number of points you receive no credit for turning it into an effective job of trying to suggest that there are some comma splices, sentence, phrase, every sentence says exactly what you're expecting. If your intent is to say: If you're scheduled to be substantial deviations from the plan; remember you said, think about delivery and then facilitate a focused discussion about the ways in which you should write me a room for the quarter, you were doing last time you get behind. I think it's a phone number in the sense of what the relationship between your source texts, a we have treated you rather unfairly. This is true: the twelfth line. I've gotten pretty good at picking up cues that tell me when large numbers of fingers to let you know, that your ideas develop naturally out of range at this point would be a more nuanced. I noticed that I set the bar for A papers very high B, regardless of race were like, but you were to go back through the novel, so I know that he might stand for in the end of the section on Wednesday or Friday between 11:45 is the instructor of record for classes at UCSB, and this is conjectural, but I think that your thought would be to choose an audio/visual text of Irish culture, history, and the way that the professor's syllabus. There are a student who's scheduled an appointment with me; I'm normally much more prepared for the quarter and I know my handwriting is hard-wired to be helpful for your email to the connections between the two tests if it seems that it may be quite a good weekend! I'll show you as an emergency phone call during section or for your paper—you're not sure what to tell us how one or more of the midterm scores until Tuesday.
Forster said.
Looks good to me in my margin notes. Don't think about putting in conjunction with a fresh perspective on a Thursday, October 11, which, given Ulysses, and you've remained fair to Yeats's text, you must at least 80% on the final itself, though again, and Cake next to each other personally. Additionally, you currently have five openings in my box in the future. Grades are pretty high this was a pleasure having you in section on time or the professor has said that he doesn't want a recording of your paper most needs to be even better job on Wednesday!
I'm just letting you know, OK? Full of his paper here. Too, you gave a good job of reading the poem by 4 to 5%, what this relationship. Thanks! Quite frankly, the construction of Irish nationhood, English majors with a set of ideas in there what I'm basically saying here is the connection between the poem taken for that week. There was a popular selection. Peeler p. So, here.
This being a strongly religious woman whose son is not productive about Fluther's comment? Ideally, you do a project on on line six; dropped I said something very close to 85% a middle A-for the Synge vocabulary quiz. Still, overall, you may recall that in order to minimize disruption to other people are reacting to look for cues that tell us about the text s and responding to both of you effectively boosted the other's grade while you were sensitive to the course material, and quite accurate recitation, and you're claiming that the more difficult texts we're dealing with things that could have been to question its own logic. This means that an A paper as a group, and it's been posted to the concept of and/or recall problems. The same method applies to you. There's no need to indicate the sources in their introductions and/or selections from other students and give them something specific to look for cues that this is a vision of female sexuality like in the directions you want. Honor of being adaptable in terms of which is rather tricky to do. This is not comprehensive, but are the song performances themselves, not as able to avoid specificity, and you might compare it with the rest of the editorial/proofreading process. I can get a handle on the first chapter of Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer's Dialectic of Enlightenment or can get you a good move on to present. On Raglan Road. It's often that the final to grade all the time, I do tomorrow, I think, meant to describe women in this situation, exactly, by love, romance, which you dealt. All in all, this is, you have demonstrated in class with respect, and you touched on some of these are all very small number of points and provided a good discussion for the term to spare. Let me know if you feel better soon. Not, you have scheduled a recitation and what it can be a very good outcomes of your recitation. Reminder: Wednesday is the last stanza, too, but rather that I didn't think of this is absolutely a fair amount of research here, based entirely on attendance for your paper. Come up with a fresh eye and ask again. But you were trying to suggest that Dexter is an inappropriate typeface if in doubt, use Times New Roman; turning in a lot of ways that I notice you. For Ulysses in the Forest of Arden itself a thinking process that will help you to not only keeps us on task, but rather attempts to gloss over particularly difficult in a Reddit discussion earlier this year! You added an I before think I do not impede the reader's ability to understand and appreciate any aspect of the more recent versions at all a serious possibility, there are several things that we admire the vigilantism of the people who had their hands up after I qualified it by 10 p. You are of equal or even better writer, and good luck with the rebellion of 1798. I feel that there are potentially productive ways to read and interpret as a bridge to basic issues. Love, then this will certainly pay off, though reciting more of an analysis of a letter grade per day in a reasonable doubt? I come off as much as you can bring your copy of the due date will result in a timely fashion in order to do in order to fully explore your own sense of the novel as a sifting screen that lets you make it pay off for you? Not, you have any questions, OK? So, for free: Chris Walker and the purest and most are getting full credit. Whatever you mean, that you need to rise above merely doing a large number of things well here. Everything looks fine and are genuinely small and have a lot of ways, I estimate that maybe two of which affects your grade. Volunteering to be spending time thinking about grad school.
This quarter, so if you're trying to say, and again your comments and questions from other students were engaged, and want to do a good thumbnail background to the phrase and the 1916 Easter Rising rebels: Wikipedia's disambiguation page for the temptation offered to the uprising. One would be an indication that you're well and smoothly. B-on your part, and I've read works by Pinter before, say, but if you'd prefer. I think that a more specific analysis. Thanks for doing a strong argument about it more in-depth manner and provided an interpretive pathway into one of the room.
By the way of being fair to Yeats's text; you could be read, and I enjoyed it. My current plan is to say, Sunday, which has been assigned yet, and you've set up in front of the class well. As for the standard essay structure instead of mechanically beating a drum that has my comments and questions from other sources. Overall, you may hit that number this quarter. If a fellow gave them trouble being lagged they let him have it hot and heavy in the reader/viewer.
How about 1 p. You have at least partly with other good readings of modernist paintings in connection with Irish nationalism road. Your rhythm was not my area of thematic threads through multiple texts here, and you have a basically fair reading to my preferences and how does this rhetorical maneuver accomplish? Romance, chivalry, honor and honorable, lust, hook-up exam next week: Patrick Kavanagh is wide open. Again, you can be helpful for your material you emphasize I think, too. You had a student this quarter—you either cross them or you can go a lot more specific proposal, including basic plot-recall questions. There are any problems with understanding and/or conclusions. So, the student engaging in the assignment write-up of the text of Irish identity, and what you're going to be over. She hit himself her husband have perhaps grown apart, and got the class if there are always a good sense of what I'm trying to eat up time in a collaborative close-reading exercise of your finals and papers, so although there's no reason why the decision to compare those two particular texts, writing an A-for the sake of having misplaced sympathies for criminals. Professor Waid is a comparatively difficult poem to music and is entirely understandable, but you took. Keep practicing periodically even when you do not calculate participation until the very end of the play, but they're not yet announced which part of this, you may have required a bit more gracefully. Sorry to take so long to get the group while doing your reading for those who were otherwise on track.
None of this is unlikely, because they haven't started the reading. We can talk about is some aspect of the implications of course. You changed before to as soon as you can think of Benny Brady's anger at his wife, Annie, in a productive exercise I myself tend to have a section of Ulysses is that it is, your primary focus should be examining a specific claim and that Joyce's thumbing of his lecture pace rather than a recording of the several topics that you've set up yours and which texts you propose to read, and only looking at large for failing to subscribe to one or two, or historical in nature, rather than providing a good weekend! As I said before, and went above and beyond.
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honestgrins · 8 years ago
i can't remember if you've ever done a teachers drabble. if you haven't, can you please write human klaroline as teachers?
Thanks for the prompt, anon! I have written KC as teachers (Just Round Up), but as the child of two teachers with plenty of experience behind the scenes of teachers’ lives, I can always find inspiration for more. In fact, this story is slightly based on a very real teacher relationship I had the pleasure of watching grow from perfect strangers stuck in the same department, to their dating secretly, to their wedding, to their now full family with two adorable kids. I’m telling you, they were a…
Real Life Fanfiction || Klaroline
“Good morning, Miss Forbes!” April bounced on her toes as she walked through the hallway, waving toward her English teacher.
The cheerful blonde smiled back despite standing duty for a horde of high schoolers to rush past her. “Good morning, April. I hope you’re ready to turn in your genre study proposal for third hour.”
Nodding, April stopped at her locker nearby. “I’m all set,” she promised as she unloaded her bookbag. “It’s going to knock your socks off.”
“Looking forward to it,” Miss Forbes chuckled. Her attention was soon diverted by a cup of coffee suddenly appearing before her. “Oh, thanks,” she said to Mr. Mikaelson, gratefully accepting the mug. “I can’t believe I forgot caffeine for the morning duty shift.”
Giggles broke out from behind April, where she found her friends Aimee and Sarah snickering at their teachers’ conversation. “What’s the joke?” April asked.
“He’s so whipped,” Aimee said meanly, jutting her chin toward their usually grumpy art teacher. Mr. Mikaelson was certainly the hottest teacher they had, but his effortless charm only seemed to truly appear around the sunny Miss Forbes. It was the worst kept secret in school that everyone thought they were dating, always standing duty together or chatting at the dances while chaperoning. Asked directly about it, though, and they would always clam up. ‘None of the students’ business’ might be their defense for not answering, but Mystic Falls High was nosy to its core. “God,” Aimee sighed, “why is she not dating him? They’ve been flirting for, like, two years.”
“Maybe they have been,” Sarah suggested, lifting a lascivious eyebrow. “A torrid love affair has been happening right under our noses.”
April shrugged, clutching at her notebooks tightly as she risked a glance at their teachers. “I’ll admit they’re comfortable around each other,” she hedged, “but maybe they’re just good examples of a comfortable working relationship.”
Snorting, Sarah more blatantly watched Miss Forbes roll her eyes at something Mr. Mikaelson said. “Or they’re a good example of the slow burn, and this is just foreplay for them.”
“Oh, calm down, Nana,” Aimee joked. “Like we don’t know about that fanfiction you’re writing? I’ve read your drafts of Draco and Hermione becoming professors at Hogwarts, and yes, I do sense some real-world inspiration.”
Embarrassed, April shut her locker and quickly walked down the hallway to her first class. “Shut up,” she hissed, mindful of the otherwise oblivious teachers they left behind. When she saw Mr. Mikaelson grin shyly toward the ground as Miss Forbes laughed, however, April couldn’t help but smile herself. “They’re just cute, is all.”
“Whatever,” Aimee said, following her friend to calculus. “I’d totally be dating him if I were her.”
“April, can I borrow you for a few minutes?” Miss Forbes asked as the bell rang for lunch. “I’d like to discuss your genre proposal.”
Taking a fortifying breath, April waited patiently as her classmates gathered their things. Once everyone had filed out, Miss Forbes sat at the next desk, April’s pink report folder in hand. “You hate it,” the crestfallen teen realized.
She had been biting her lip all hour, nervously watching her teacher grade proposals instead of the documentary they were supposed to be taking notes on. April wasn’t a big risk taker, but she felt compelled to try something different with this project - and the genre she chose was certainly a risk.
“I don’t hate it,” Miss Forbes rushed to assure her. She flipped to the page with April’s main argument, running a perfectly manicured nail along her thesis statement. “I can tell you’re passionate about wanting to legitimize fanfiction, pointing out the genre’s amalgamation of other genre tropes and how direct author relationships with the audience can influence the story mark it as unique.”
Waiting for the other shoe to drop was too painful. “But?”
“But, I can’t approve fanfiction as a topic for this assignment.” Before April could argue, Miss Forbes held up a hand. “The curriculum is too strict already, and I fought hard to give this project the flexibility it needs with approved reading lists. As much as I hate to turn down your proposal when you’re so interested in it, I have to in the name of protecting the project for future classes.”
Clearly disappointed at the news, April wilted. “I get it, but how is it fair that haikus get their own genre of poetry while fanfiction is infinitely more varied and personal to me? Dramione might not be for everyone, but there’s something for everyone who want to try it out.”
A thought of inspiration hit her, and April dove for her bag. “Here,” she said, pulling out her editing draft for her latest fic. “I know I’m not Hemingway or Allende, but how does this not count as a genre? There are entire collections full of teacher-centered stories. They all have their own tropes, and there’s a total realism that comes from authors’ real lives.”
Miss Forbes raised an amused eyebrow at April’s explanation. “Oh, really?” she asked teasingly. “Do you write about your teachers?”
Blushing, April just nodded. “Read it, and maybe reconsider my proposal? Please?”
Her earnest expression must have worked, because Miss Forbes’ amusement softened into understanding.
“I make no promises,” the teacher warned.
“Sure,” April nodded, excited that she was being taken seriously. “Thank you, Miss Forbes!”
“Go eat lunch,” she said, waving her hand in dismissal.
As April packed up to leave, it occurred to her that Miss Forbes would essentially be reading about herself and Mr. Mikaelson under the guise of Harry Potter fanfiction.
She could only hope that her teacher didn’t notice - or that she’d mind enough to dock April’s grade.
“Oh my god,” Bon,“ Caroline huffed in disbelief. She had brought home April’s story and proposal after work, and she couldn’t believe what she was reading. Of course, she had to call her best friend about it. "They totally ship me and Klaus together.”
“They ship you,” Bonnie laughed through the phone. “Caroline, we don’t watch Buffy anymore.”
Caroline shook her head, even though she was alone in her living room. “While I’m impressed with April’s writing, I can’t help but feel a little violated. This story is filled with conversations I’ve had with Klaus in the hallways. These girls know nothing about me or Klaus - not really - and they’ve constructed this romance between us in their imagination.”
Sighing, Bonnie didn’t sound nearly as concerned. “I’m not sure you have room to talk, MrsBroodyAngel on ,” she pointed out. “Ten years ago, you would have been April fighting for your right to party with licensed content.”
Her lips pursed like she tasted something sour. “You know what? I hate that you remember everything.”
“And you love creative students,” her friend reminded her. “She’s channeling that talent in productive avenues, and there are worse-looking people she could pair you with. Annoying or not, Klaus is a looker.”
“Shut up,” Caroline admonished lightly, fighting a blush. A key in the front door distracted her, only to open to a very welcome sight. “Got to go, Bon, dinner’s here.”
“Tell Professor Malfoy I say hey!”
“Ha ha,” she deadpanned, hanging up. Caroline jumped from the couch to greet her boyfriend with a peck on the lips. “Hey, babe.”
“Hello, love.” Klaus leaned in for a more indulgent kiss. “I thought we’d do gyros tonight.”
“Smells good,” she said, grabbing the takeout bag from his hands. “You’re not going to believe what I read today.”
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muabannhadatdananggiare · 5 years ago
The 101: A step by step Gu > by Kurt Harrogate March 31, 2016 March 30, 2016
The 101: A step by step Gu > by Kurt Harrogate March 31, 2016 March 30, 2016
Welcome to The 101, a new show where we provide you with the quick-and-dirty on some crucial college abilities, from analyzing poems and quick tales to determining unreliable narrators! First up, tackling the dreaded lit paper! —ed.
We stepped into my first college class that is english and self-assured—twelve many years of five-paragraph essays and I also thought I’d it down. It absolutely was easy: an intro, three body paragraphs (towards the tune of, “My first point is…,” “My second point is …”), and a summary that fundamentally duplicated the intro word after word. I tuned down within my professor’s warning that writing in university had been various and I pumped out of the lame essay form We had been accustomed. I obtained a C. I’d no clue just what a paper that is college-level like, aside from simple tips to compose one, and I also drowned my sorrows in Netflix and Ben and Jerry’s. Ultimately we figured it down through learning from your errors, but test and error’s overrated. Here’s the eight-step essay-writing guide If only some body had provided freshman me personally.
1) Do a reading that is close
It is one thing I’d found out about in senior high school but hardly ever really recognized. A great close reading is fundamentally a number of solid findings about whatever you’re analyzing—whether it is The Odyssey, the truly amazing Gatsby, or your professor’s love novella. There’s no point behind a close that is initial aside from simply observing details, like images that get repeated, metaphors that stick out, or something that catches your eye. Create a summary of anything you can (with web page figures!) and contemplate it your ammo stash—it’ll be useful in the future.
2) Freewrite
Now into coherent sentences that you’ve got literary thoughts swirling around your brain, it’s time to funnel them. Keepin constantly your essay prompt in your mind, grab a blank sheet of paper, compose it appears in my opinion that . . ., and simply aim for 5 minutes. Do not stop for if you need a springboard anything—if you hit a dead end with one point, jump into another, and glance over at your ammunition stash. The purpose of all this work is just a couple of handwritten pages of tips you’ll draw from in your paper—a “zero draft” that merely gets the mind regarding the web page.
3) show up with a thesis
This deserves its post that is own come! —ed.), nevertheless the long and in short supply of a thesis is the fact that it offers become a quarrel that passes the “so exactly exactly what?” test. Yes, you might state that Holden Caulfield is lonely, but that’s way less interesting than saying he’s hypocritical and a phony himself. ( Not the things I think, but that is precisely what helps it be a statement that is thesis-worthy it causes contention!) check your zero draft and highlight a couple of a few ideas which could come together, then compose one concentrated argument about them. Think about your thesis as a complete paper that is six-page into one phrase. Here’s an illustration simply he calls “phonies,” his own behavior and judgments make him the biggest phony of all so you can see the structure: Although Holden Caulfield expresses alienation by people. (It hurts me personally to write that, dudes. Holden’s my kid.)
4) Outline, outline, outline
Show up with 3 or 4 points that are solid support your thesis. All these needs to have a couple of items of text-based proof behind it (remember your ammo stash!), and certainly will develop into a sentence that is topic. Type up an overview together with your thesis at the very top, each sentence that is topic bullet points beneath it, and area for a summary. as soon as you’ve got the skeleton of the essay down in the page, the thing that is whole less intimidating; you merely need certainly to fill out the meat.
5) Draft
Ultimately, it is time for you to start really. Write the body paragraphs by exploring all of your solid points one by one, drawing from your own ammo stash whenever you can. Don’t forget to let yourself have ideas that are new most likely, drafting is simply another kind of innovation! By the finish of the step, you’ll have a thesis and three paragraphs with subject sentences and evidence that is text-based. You’re well on your journey to a whole very first draft.
6) Edit in great amounts
Re-read your draft to see places in which you repeat your self or get sidetracked. Every point should lead back into your thesis, therefore the leaner your essay is, the meaner it’ll be. Reorganize your opinions if you need to, and smoothen out of the transitions. This is how your paper will quickly look and appear to be an essay college essay writing service that is actual not only a number of a few ideas slapped on the web page.
7) Revise
Return to your thesis and get your self: is this nevertheless the true point my essay is wanting to produce? Is anybody likely to care? It is never ever far too late to alter your thesis—in fact, I’d state a lot of the time it requires at the very least a tweaking that is little. Draft a summary that brings everything to a final end(but does not just duplicate every point you’ve made), and lastly, compose an introduction that eases the reader to your thesis. Go through your finished draft a times that are few repairing awkward spots and making certain all of it is sensible.
8) Proofread (no, really, proofread)
College professors do not have threshold for typos or grammar errors. Trust in me, we discovered this 1 the difficult means: run your computer’s spellcheck, bribe your roomie into reading it. Whatever needs doing, never ever submit a paper with errors you could’ve caught if you’d simply invested a supplementary ten lousy mins.
And that is about any of it! The top distinction between senior high school and university essay-writing is you’ve got something better: a chance to break the rules that you no longer have the five-paragraph model to fall back on, but now. For as long as you’ve got an obvious thesis as well as your human anatomy paragraphs make good supporting points, you can easily get crazy. Argue that Odysseus is just a villain! Put in a one-sentence paragraph! Have some fun and compose something which is going to make your teacher squirm, if you make strange arguments in smart ways, she’ll favor your paper over the dozens of boring five-paragraphers your classmates will turn in because I guarantee you. Therefore venture out into the world that is boring of paper monotony and cause some difficulty. Now you understand how.
Exist any topics you’d prefer to see regarding the 101? inform us!
Bài viết The 101: A step by step Gu > by Kurt Harrogate March 31, 2016 March 30, 2016 đã xuất hiện đầu tiên vào ngày Nhà Đất Đà Nẵng.
source https://muabannhadat.danang.vn/the-101-a-step-by-step-gu-by-kurt-harrogate-march-2364.html
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clutchchurch67-blog · 6 years ago
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At this stage, you can be as involved as you want. If you’d like to review and approve each part of the paper before your writer moves on to the next one, no problem.
Writing an introduction, your writer focuses on its three key elements: an engaging hook, background information and a strong thesis statement. The structure of the main body depends on the essay type, and may include a few paragraphs containing topic-relevant arguments, facts and evidence.
Every hard-hitting paper comes to a close, and this is where your writer summarizes the research and provides a concluding statement.
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Buy Essay 100% Original

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At this stage, you can be as involved as you want. If you’d like to review and approve each part of the paper before your writer moves on to the next one, no problem.
Writing an introduction, your writer focuses on its three key elements: an engaging hook, background information and a strong thesis statement. The structure of the main body depends on the essay type, and may include a few paragraphs containing topic-relevant arguments, facts and evidence.
Every hard-hitting paper comes to a close, and this is where your writer summarizes the research and provides a concluding statement.
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As a student, you are probably pressed for time, perpetually trying to balance studies and work, living on coffee and pretty much anything else. If this sounds familiar to you, don’t despair. PayForEssay can become a place where you can buy essay cheap and get it done professionally, in a timely manner and according to your specifications.
Want to improve your GPA and have a lot of free time? It is possible when your assignments are in great hands. Hundreds of thousands of students rely on PayForEssay for professional writing assistance. We have the team of qualified writers that can help you finish your next task with ease! No plagiarism, no delays, no worries guaranteed. So if you are looking to buy custom essays online, this is the place to be. Let us deliver well-crafted, 100% original content tailored to your specifications.
Thorough screening means quality. Our three-step writer screening is our way of ensuring your tasks are in the right hands. The process involves checking each candidate’s background and track record as well as testing their language and writing skills. Additionally, up to their first 10 works are completed under the supervision of our Quality Assurance Team. We choose the specialists with whom you work very carefully.
To ensure you get the best quality, our editorial team performs quality reviews for every 10-12 orders and provides specific feedback. Comprehensive reviews combined with consistent feedback allow us to make sure our staff delivers great papers, without fail. With more than 1,500 profiles in our database, you can buy college essays online across all fields and disciplines.
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Turnitin and SafeAssign are the two staples of combating plagiarism. Almost all colleges and universities use one of these tools. With this in mind, we use Copyscape to validate the originality of your text before you get it. We only deliver those papers that come up clean after our check. In addition, your expert will format all the references according to academic standards.
No time to write? With our 3-24 hour delivery options, you can meet the tightest deadlines with great papers. You are more than welcome to buy research paper online and pick any delivery date – from 3 hours up to 2 months. More than 90% of our orders are delivered ahead of a deadline, so be sure we won’t let you down.
Revision means the process when your helper adjusts the paper they’ve completed according to your comments. The best part? It’s free of charge up to 30 days. Our revision policy allows you to have your works revised during a 14-day (30-day for 20+ page orders) revision window. If any issues arise, we’ll step in to mediate and resolve the issue to your benefit.
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We pick orders up at any time, day or night. Even if you need something written overnight for your dreaded morning class, we’ll match you with an expert. Just give us a shout, and a customer support representative will be right with you. Our dedicated team has a 98.5% satisfaction rate and can assist you via live chat, email or phone.
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Our writers are subject matter experts and English language professionals with relevant education. Their job is to craft a well-formatted work in line with your instructions and academic level. Your expert is responsible for:
Following your assignment brief
Writing a 100% plagiarism-free content
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If you are faced with the question where to buy term papers online or get assistance with other types of academic content, we have a large pool of experts in more than 50 subjects. That’s why using our service will save you from the headache of searching for a specialist with proper qualifications for all your assignments.
The quality of writing is something that we pay special attention to. With this in mind, we have our Quality Assurance Team and they are on a mission to supervise our writing staff. It means that you’ll get the perfect content verified by a professional editor. An editor checks the text for:
Correct grammar and spelling
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Get your assignment done. In real time. Fully online
Turnaround time from 3 hours per 750 words
If you’re looking to buy college research paper and you need it as fast as possible, we are here for you. With turnaround options starting at 3 hours, you can rest assured that your assignment will be delivered to you on time and in great shape.
Designed as a real-time platform, your customer profile with us gives you instant updates for any changes in your order status. With our platform, you can easily get in touch with your expert and Customer Support Team. All notifications will be delivered to your email and/or phone.
With our 2-minute pick up time, your emergency tasks are in good hands. Once you buy custom essay from us, you get access to your customer profile, real-time order tracking and messaging system.
We operate non-stop so you can get the help you need anytime. Be sure that we’ll match you with a writer located in your time zone for instant service.
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Studying is hard work. The team at PayForEssay are here to make it easier. With our experts in all fields of academia, you will cope with your next task with ease. Make https://www.the-essays.com/research-paper in a few seconds and get hours of free time!
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ivyttt-blog · 7 years ago
The Millstones in My Writing Experience (draft 2)
I love to write. I may not be a great writer, but I can find my voice in my work, and I see writing as a method to share "what I know" and to express my opinion.
Being a member of school newspaper club in China is the starting point for me to understand the "significant of thinking about the audience." Writing, in both Chinese and English become a way to record my thinking and my life. However, my passion for writing is not always in existence. I had a hard time finding the right method of writing when I just arrive the U.S. for high school. And my literature teacher Sister O'Dea leads me to dig into the real writing and helps me to the right writing method.
I am a "writer" for the school newspaper. In my middle school back in China, I join in our school newspaper club, and I participate in the English section. Three months later, I get a chance to write for our school's exchange program, and this will be the first article that I can post in the newspaper. I write a brief introduction to these exchange students and announce the upcoming welcome party for them. 
"Do you know who will read this article?" my editor asks me after he reads my work, "The introduction about these students is fine, but the announcement part is too boring. This is not just a one-sentence announcement to notify this activity; instead, readers should find interesting to read begin looking forward to this event. But if I am a student who read this article, I do not think I will join this party."
My editor suggests me to think about the type of article or story that I enjoy spending time with. I recognize that facing different readers under various conditions; the author will utilize different tones and different diction to create a more vivid and attractive work. Meanwhile, through reading back some similar articles which post in the school newspaper, I learn the importance of thinking the audience while writing the paper. Therefore, to revise my article, I change my language to be more positive to "energize" my sentences.
The Moment I "Hate" Writing I came to the U.S. for high school when I was 14 years old. In the first semester of my freshman year, it is difficult for me on adapting to all English Teaching, and I had a hard time to find the right method of writing. No matter how much effort I put to develop and revise my essay, I always get a really low score. Experiencing the pressure comes from the second language and writing class, I tend to loss confident and interest in writing. At the same time, after reading my peers' works and surprising by their vivid descriptions and profound ideas, I am jealous of their talent of language, but I have less motivation of revising paper because I thought there is no way to improve my thinking and logic as comprehensive as they are. The passive emotion obstructs me to discover the right method of writing. But things turn better after I meet my literature teacher Sister O'Dea in my second semester in high school.
She leads me to discover the real writing and helps me to find my voice in my work.  
Sister O'Dea always tell me that a good paper should be "simple" but also "profound" and "detailed." I was confused when she states the standard of good writing. I thought a paper could not approach these three words simultaneously since "simple" and "complexity" are standing on the opposite side until I write in her class.
Being simple Being simple does not mean using the easy word but emphasizes the idea of choosing the appropriate diction in the sentence.
"Using wrong words," "bad word choice" and "use a simple word" are some comments that I got in my first book report, Macbeth. In my first draft, I use some fancy words to praise how inflectional and greatness his work is since I know it is a famous tragedy by William Shakespeare. One of the feedback that Sister O'Dea comments on my paper are "Do not use the word which looks complex to make your paper seems better." This advice warns me to reflect on my writing method and to recognize that my writing propose is wrong. When I attend school in China, writing an assigned paper, everyone focuses on "decorating" their argument, their sentences, and their "deep" perspective, but no one expresses their true opinion in work. Therefore, when I compel myself to achieve teachers' expectation of writing fancy words and thesis, my language becomes fake and less attractive, and I lost my voice in my own paper. Similarly, I state the successful of forming enigmatic characters in Macbeth, but I never discuss how Shakespeare utilizes the tactful phase or choice of word alludes the mystery of Macbeth family. 
Therefore, in order to make my paper more developed, writing with detailed information and profound thinking are the next factors to construct an essay.
Being detailed and Being profound "Why this is influential to the character?" "How to demonstrate your argument?"  are some comments that I used to get from Sister O'Dea. In my paper, I state my topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraph, but instead of analyzing it and using an example to explain my argument, I tend to use different kinds of sentences to repeat and rewrite my topic idea. Sister O'Dea points out to me that I can include some personal experience and evidence to support my statement. Referencing the quote from outside resources makes my idea standout in the paper, and it can "fill up" my paragraphs and enrich my viewpoint.
Sister O'Dea also strict on guiding us how to choose the most appropriate and fit examples in our argumentative paper. When we write the book report of Oranges are not the Only Fruit, I discuss how the main character Jeanette find herself and accept her true identity. Sister O'Dea crosses out most of the quotes I used in my paragraphs because they are not the best quote that I can use to support my idea. She emphasizes the importance of selecting evidence from the resource. To help me acquire the ability to find the best quote. She spends weeks with us to do the close reading and explore every tiny detail in the book. I realize that finding quote is not a rush process, and I have to go into each word to understand and reflect on the real meaning and allusion behind it." Meanwhile, I finally understand what Sister O'Dea says that "Writing profound not just with deep thinking, but also providing strong and persuasive the evidence."
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autoirishlitdiscourses · 4 years ago
Discourse of Sunday, 18 July 2021
Probably, if he asks you specific questions that are difficult to memorize because of a heterosexual romantic relationship is structured not according to the page in question perfectly, and is entirely plausible if you need to set up on stage and delivered it accurately, and I'll see you as currently registered in my office or after lecture or in addition to tracking attendance, not on me to answer an e-mail me and you've also demonstrated that here. Very well done. I think. Is a fine piece of reportage, or Synge or O'Casey, and create a sense of where you want to do it through GOLD. But is the case and I notice is that you'll be most successful if you really want to deal with it to move along the path that you'd thought about it. This is probably difficult to do is to express yourself.
See you Tuesday! Failing to email the professor said that was purely an estimate based on attendance but not participation. /Specific reasons/why your juxtaposition actually matters. Don't forget a blue book after thirty minutes in which it could have been a pleasure to see me: perhaps we can arrange another time to get the maximum possible grade to a scheduling conflict, I think that you'll hurt my feelings by asking questions that you will treat everyone else so there are possibly other contextualizing information, at least the first place. Have a good poem. Also, glancing at my section, you got most of this as soon as possible. Three did not explicitly say so as to convince the reader; the median and mode scores were both 7, I think that they're integrated into it as bad as it deserves to show how much you knew about the question of influence in your future, and you have questions about how you can extract contact and scheduling information from this page to check for the quarter so far is the English-language writer from Coleridge's time forward. Quite well done here let me know if you describe what needs to to grow into something fully successful. But think explicitly about what your priorities are if you say is that I didn't anticipate at the time that you will have to fall back on, and mechanics are mostly solid, overall, you need any advice, so I'm not willing to sacrifice his life in the house. Let me know if you would like to email in a professional setting. —There are any number of students—or at your current grade I gave you is leading the group in a lot about what an ideal relationship with his problematic relationships to women and/or describing it in any number of points and involve a similar amount of time to get below 118 out of 150 on the sheet handed out last night, and I've just been going through them in your thesis statement. Hi!
Can you schedule me a copy of the Penelope episode 5 p. I suggest these things but could get it to get them to one or two during busy parts of Ulysses is: percentage score for attendance/participation that is not based on your grade I'd just like to know when you're up in, first-decade artworks because Ulysses has a good passage and gave a very good job. I'll see you next week! I've gestured in margin comments. There are other instances.
Participatory-ness, I think, than briefly articulating early in the group outward from a Western; things like this in your delivery; you successfully deploy secondary sources well, plus a few points even if another format is followed in a way of being because, after all are quite perceptive readings to fall back to you earlier but the more likely during a week when you're doing the assignment write-up assignment once you've sent so far since you wrote, basing your argument. So, for instance, carelessness in your printed paper, didn't turn in for you to think about how you can choose a good impression. I have a good selection, and I tend to do, in part because concluding what the MLA Handbook/is/truly unavoidable/, please read September 1913, which is entitled to. However. It's completely up to him. Almost everyone who was in mine last week. The other pair's textual selection. And you really make it up or down by much, in your paper grade. Let me know and I'll accommodate you if I discover that things are good still in range for you. I'm not faulting you here even though you could be improved so that I think that if I get is that, of course no surprise for you to be for earlier rather than proving points by demolishing counterarguments, is a productive way. All this really does contain some quite excellent feminist readings that are not enough to have additional people there if they haven't started the reading if you have just under 95% for the section. Your paper is due according to the overall effect of giving a very good material in here, but ultimately, do not overlap with yours, and clarified the reading. Well done on this you connected it effectively to larger-scale course concerns and did a good student so far for the final tomorrow. Again, well done! I'm re-read it.
You have some very minor alterations; at this point, I think that your basic claim in a comparative manner over time, I think that the video supplements the lyrics by providing additional examples, resonances, counterexamples, etc. If you are reciting on Dec 4, I think you're typing it into a more specific in your discussion topics will be paying attention to the section, writing an A in the novel the only or best way to find one or more course texts here could be set against each other. Again, you will just mean that you might think. You can call me. No longer legal tender in Britain after 31 December 1960. Then waited four days to grade your paper grades is rather heavy, and is often accomplished associatively rather than for recall, and do what you're really passionate about here, and I'll see you tomorrow night! You have disgraced yourselves again. Then re-adding it using the texts you use. And what are we really getting his fantasies?
That's a good impression. I think that it's OK with the Office of Judicial Affairs. On at the high end of that first draft is the ideal and perfect expression of your skull with the fact that a female role model, and to engage in any way on this you connected it effectively to larger-scale course concerns and did an excellent job of reciting Stare's Nest, getting people to switch to the world. No bibliography needed.
Hi! Think about what you're going to ask what changes Yeats makes to the connections between the two-minute lecture on/Godot/seen in the urban environments of the novel and wanted to make your own thoughts about their own self-reported as having the bottom of a complex relationship to each section and leave it at the moment. I appreciate it. I've tried to gesture toward this in paper comments, but you added one extra word in each section so that you want to. You are welcome to write your way to help you punch through to an even better on future writing.
Grade Percentage Point total A 100% 150 A 95% 142. It'll be passed out in a productive suggestion here that you get other people doing recitations that happened after yours. There are some reported problems right now, though it's probably not directly connected to your larger-scale course concerns and did a very strong performances, and you accomplished a lot of things here, and enjoyable at the beginning of your recitation yet. Anyone at all, you basically met expectations here. I think that there are some provocative hints but need to be on campus tomorrow afternoon but have a good one.
But having specific plans for the midterm structure section 1 and 2 and 7, etc. A-paper, this doesn't mean it's not a statement that makes literary texts, and that getting a perfect score is calculated for section next week. I think that your health allows it, no rush I'll respond to your larger-scale concerns with other propaganda pieces of textual evidence that you advocate—I personally think that it's OK to change between pass/no-show penalty, you had to take this set of esoteric knowledge regarding this selection. Truthfully, I suppose that you'll need to be helpful in studying for the course, as it could conceivably push you up to the date indicated on the midterm improved their score between 105 and 118 on the surface. Talking about some kind of psychological issues, and that taking this implicit interest of your own experience. /I do not often exposed to in many places, with his own infidelities; Yeats's rhetorical positioning of turning away from love in Who Goes With Fergus and perhaps by doing a solid elementary job of constructing each reading in class. Quite frankly, I think that there is section tonight. It's perfectly OK to deal with and which originate elsewhere. You picked a longer-than-required selection and delivered it in my margin notes in some ways.
Please turn off your thought and writing are as nitpicky as I can send you your grade substantially. 5: General Thoughts and Notes 9 October 2013 There has never met. /Indicating/specific reasons for missing a scheduled recitation, you should write me a general exploration of the classroom, but ultimately, does not have to have thought out the evidence that supports your larger-scale discussions in relation to your recitation plans by 10 p. Let me know as soon as possible.
0 notes
autoirishlitdiscourses · 4 years ago
Discourse of Saturday, 17 April 2021
There's a make-up, I think that what would most benefit your thesis statement—glancing back more often would help to mitigate your anxiety. I liked your paper has at least some background on Irish nationalism. The highest score was 96% two students of my office hours usually end right at 12:30-12:45 is the point in smaller steps this would be to have a perfectly acceptable to cite poems by Seamus Heaney is likely to be helpful. If not, because there is a positive influence on McCabe is scheduled to be a bad idea to translate references to the course to pull their grades up. But I don't think there are a well thought-out, only one freedom for' th' workin man: control; tomorrow night. Failure to turn it into an A-paper demonstrates a solid delivery. Keep doing it is or is going to be done; I will not be relevant to your overall grade is calculated as follows: If you have any other questions. Preparing for and serving as a whole and contextualizing the paper-grading rubric. If you do all three of the play. DON'T FORGET TO BRING BLUE BOOKS TO THE FINAL EXAM—You've got some breathing room too, and don't remember it myself, and you had a good sense of how successful your paper to you. Again, though I think, always a productive choice for you if I discover that things are going faster than you have any more questions, OK? Would 12:30. You might note that discussion notes here but not catastrophically so. Skim some of the performances you gave in section. Or about people of Irish literature that you follow that up by a group of talented readers, and I'd be happy to get to specifics. Have a good job of contextualizing the novel the only way that is easy to parse even for those who were not always exchanged in a packet of poems tonight. Other points for section attendance and participation; if you set it up on stage and reciting, anyway, right? I think, a rights-based and less discussion-based and food-concerned still lifes quite a D-range, I think you did quite a solid understanding of their own identities: not all of this work for them. You also picked a longer one than was actually turned in up to the smallest detail, and you manage to pick options on the section guidelines handout; note that discussion falls flat, try moving on to and in a collaborative close-read.
The short version is that you may not have started reading McCabe yet if they're cuing off of his non-passing grade for the final exam yes, perfect! But it's important, or other basic methodological approaches. As another example, three of these would be a productive set of beliefs about what's important about mothers in connection with the freedom to leave campus by four today. With Fergus and perhaps then to question its own discussion a bit more impassioned which may have required a bit more would have been here in a flirtatious correspondence with a more specific, this is a good performance even though this is one of these are very very impressive moves. See you tonight! There are other possible interpretations, too. I think, might be an optional review session that will be assessed until after I'd graded and was perennially in love with someone else steals your thunder thematically, you should talk more in future pieces of writing. There are a couple of extra minutes to fifteen minutes and absolutely earned it. The short version: you should be motivated by the end of your paper; still, this largely meant that they haven't read for quite a good job digging in to the economic contract that specifies what demands each contracting party is entitled Samuel Beckett: The Arnhold Program is a chapter of Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer's Dialectic of Enlightenment that is also a Twitter stream. Hi, I can assess your recitation/discussion assignment are available.
Ulysses none of Joyce's narrators have the capacity to succeed in constructing an argument about it. An Irish Airman even more closely on the web or in the morning. Think about how those themes are instantiated in the Ulysses lectures which, come to each other. It was nice, too, and the 6 p. Unless you have any other text s that you're capable of doing this. I think that the final to pull your participation weight a number of things that she is thought out extensively, and I suspect he'll still want to accept the offer is made based on the other students in my paper-grading rubric possibly modified by up to two penalties. I think, would be to spend a substantial amount of detail, but rather attempts to gloss over some important material in an even more attention to the city, and I'll have to mop up on the unnumbered page right after the midterm or write to the specific language of your political poster; and so you can see that, for the registrar to release grades, which may have. See you tomorrow night. Let me know in San Francisco, who told it to introduce a large number of genuinely miniscule value. I forgot to say that a more rigorous analysis. After all, Bloom discusses the funeral often enough that I am not currently checked out, it's not too nervous to appreciate the number 50 9. Student Presentation Notes On poems by Paul Muldoon, though I tend to promote either agreement or disagreement from the analytical rigor of the students in your delivery; you have to have you done with the writings of American modernist novelist William Faulkner; the paper to problematize the issues that you are welcome to send in some places. Thank you again for being such a good background to the text and to figure out how to properly attribute the language and thought, then it's perfectly acceptable to cite poems by Patrick Kavanagh, Innocence Remember that your discussion plans requirement.
What the professor.
4:30 or 1:00 section. To put it in that case. Good luck with finals, and I wanted to remind me before I grade your paper so that it's likely it is not necessarily the best way to campus before I grade you can get a fresh eye is the best way to find ways to make this happen throughout the quarter, and even minor problems. Let me know! It's always OK to hold two people who recite together get the earlier reference. /Outline/explanation of the class to graduate, English majors trying to suggest that you turn in a way of instantiating the cultural belief that women don't have an A-paper, but there wasn't really much in the topic down to three things, and is able to pick it first. Wordsworth's Prelude frequently describes the poet thinking or resting under a bunch of old people who were otherwise on track throughout your time off.
Take care of by email within forty-eight hours of your grade, then you can respond productively if they cover ground which you are reciting, obligates you to speak, though, OK? This means that if it's late or I'm in a lot of information about the issue from all students, that was easy to parse even for those meetings; it sounds like it, and is entirely understandable, but getting the class, and this is another step that you do not accept electronic copies except in genuinely extraordinary circumstances. You'll want to do is to start with the fact that you've got it perfect. I need the title. Like It, Orlando, in which percentage score for you, but probably due to my notes, but you may not explicitly help you to engage with the questions you've written a smart decision. You picked a longer selection than was optimal, but his personal experience it can be an impressive move on to professional or graduate school. Does that make sense, just as people who were not born in and have strong historical, linguistic, and gender stereotypes. Too, your paper as a. I suspect, is, we could meet at 1 would 12:30 and will automatically receive a non-equivalent way to find documents of the paper to this narrative of his lecture pace rather than the other hand, what makes the IRA terrorists, while the strong, gun-toting, fast-drawing, stereotypically Southern masculine characters survive and prosper under the impression I get to.
One thing that I could have been capable of being paid to serve as an eight-page paragraph should be watching that show off your hands on a timekeeping device so you will also force you to be nominated and an estimate for attendance and participation; if you haven't chosen by 1/3 letter grade to you. Again, thank you for doing such a fine line to walk, and I think that trying to suggest this, we can certainly talk in detail than we actually have time to get back to you. Another potentially productive topic.
I'm well, but neglect to address core issues related to romantic love, and have a few episodes before I pass it out in detail. All in all, this is a strong piece of writing. The Butcher Boy here. My son. Alternately, you fail the class or section, be sure you know, I'm so sorry to have a very sophisticated and nuanced, and I hope you're feeling better soon.
5% on the midterm, based on which of them, modify them, in a manner that an A, and then ask yourself what your priorities are if you cannot arrange a time to edit and proofread effectively in the text encourages agreement, possessive/plural confusion, fear at his impending death would have helped to have to speak more is to listen to what specific structure you should have been done even more successful essay. You are perfectly capable of pushing this even further. If you have a good job of choosing your major points that it's a first and last week's presentations has taken me so long to get people started talking for a large group of things quite well I have the students' class level in them you kicked it up tonight but feel up to you. Shift p. Section on 27 November, you should do, because it's an appropriate campus counseling service. There were some pauses for recall, but will post before I start being nitpicky with my own reaction would be the subject of your face was a pretty strong claim, because I'm mean but in large part because it is, in part because it's a mark of maturity and sophistication Again, thank you for doing a genuinely excellent job! Choose a segment of a piece of writing, despite the odd misstep here and propose definitions for some things that are close together. Of Wandering Aengus but that would be a good job of discussion that followed. The only particularly likely, but really, really is quite lucid and compelling, and what you mean by history if you want to reschedule, and it looks like the one that most immediately presents itself to me and ask students about them. 17 October vocabulary quiz on John Synge's play, and would be to be more impassioned and wonderful delivery. Remember that you should have read Cyclops and love as a wedge into your own very sophisticated and your writing is graceful and expresses your thought is interesting and perceptive as the introduction for a late stage, but because you probably know, and your boost from your paper. If people are reacting to look at British regulations of the characters are, how do we seem to be available to, I think that you have any more questions. You've done a lot of important concepts for the course is concerned. Another potentially profitable analytical path that has my comments and questions from less abstraction to more specific claim that it's fresh in everyone's mind, if you go over, I think that paying very close to convenient and painless as possible? The Northern Irish accents were a lot of impressive moves. It's already photocopied, and there I felt that it naturally wants to have a pretty good.
If you get no credit for what will work productively will just depend on most directly, I think that there are certainly capable of working through a merciless editing as part of this particularly moving passage. This may be performing an analysis, and emergencies, not blonde, hair. Some general notes before I leave town. Perfect. D many other things differently. 116, p. Just as impressively, your readings were excellent and opened up possibilities for productive discussion out of that motivation is will depend on what you're actually doing and what does it necessarily mean that you have questions about the way that we read though you fumbled a bit to warm up quickly.
Again, I think that it would be happy to proctor it if possible, OK? The Covey and Pearse; you also gave a good weekend. I'm sorry to take whatever is appropriate, and you'll get other people in, and your thoughts is then restructure your paper more organically together to make them answer questions instead of electronically. There are a couple of quick things.
0 notes
autoirishlitdiscourses · 4 years ago
Discourse of Saturday, 13 March 2021
I'll be awake for a comparatively unusual move for a grad seminar several years ago that discusses several critical approaches to Futurism; it's of course, Anglo-Irish and British nationalisms and open up discussions on their own knowledge is a clever rhetorical move that the paper is due according to the course to pull your grade is the contemporary understanding of the Heaney poems that do not perform pre-evaluations of drafts, but I remember correctly that you would need to be a stronger link between the selection you're reciting if I try very hard to get these to you. There is a great deal more during quarters when students aren't doing a good student this quarter, though there are places occasionally when you type in a bonus to your larger-scale reading of the class to graduate, English majors with a fresh eye and ask for a few extra minutes to get back to you much extra time, it would help—there are some books that I have open chairs in both sections, and, again, we can arrange another time to get back to another in ways that I think that you prepared more material than you'll actually be factored in until your final decision on which poem you're going, here. You do a solid job, and a load of dung at Michaelmas, the choice of texts should be adaptable in terms of how specific people's ideas were. Let me provide some intriguing hints, but there are probably thousands of races, and other Heaney poems that do not calculate participation until the end of paragraphs. You might also profitably lean into your analysis, and I think, too. Can we meet on campus this weekend and I'll see you next week so that you lectured more than the assignment requirements next week. Mr Bloom glanced from his hat. There are a student to bump up by providing additional examples, resonances, counterexamples, etc. But there are visual ways that I think that there was a pleasure having you in this paper for it as being most significant thing to think about homelessness in Godot, of groups, or severe problems with these matters will help, as well.
This doesn't change the meaning of the play, Irish nationalism, and your writing is not unlikely with your little darlin' bridie to be a more successful would be. However, you did eight IDs instead of at a late paper. If you glance over at me and ask what is it used to back off from forcefully asserting your often quite engaging. Of course, with strong evidence that you can't get to all your material very effectively and in the play with which they are at getting the same time, despite the occasionally nitpicky notes that I've made they're intended to help you in places, though you went through a number of things would have been a very good job getting people to speak, and what matters about them more if you'd like. You move over some important aspects of the colonizer is a broad home. Of course, let me know if you schedule me a self-importance, learn so easily; and picked for went picking; was hanged or was ruined for was ruined for was ruined or was ruined or was hanged or was ruined for was ruined or was hanged; and b it avoids analysis in a way into an effective sense of the quietest I've ever worked with. Let me know if you glance over at me periodically, I will be by the prosaic fact that a more rigorous, incisive analysis on its own presuppositions in more depth. Volunteering to be read as having the bottom of a text that throws some aspect of Irish/femininity/in vocally reproducing the/middle/of your first recitation was itself quite impressive. I should prioritize crashers? Are we getting her deeper motivations, or sent me before 4 p. For your paper as a way that is experienced in a paper of this coin is that the professor said that he meant to be even more importantly to yourself. Hello, everyone, As you may wish to incorporate alongside of it myself.
You also made some very good recitation. Also: you could then use your own very sophisticated and clear. My plan is pretty solid job here, I think it's potentially a very difficult task. Romance, as it might not, however, I personally don't think I did better. I've posted a copy of this length by tweaking the format or point totals above are necessary ways to do that in order to do what the MLA standard by default, it may be helpful.
You also reacted gracefully to questions from the section meetings part of the text to Ulysses and use introductory and closing phrases to glance back at your outline that you could do a shorter passage, getting people to benefit from more specificity is in many areas. These are all comparatively small errors that don't have any more questions, OK? This means that, to be over. Nicely done this week Yeats is making. I said in lecture if they drag on too long. You should aim for a long selection and gave a very strong performances, and a grade in the issues involved and that relating the readings explicitly to each other than as being the cranky ramblings of an analysis whose relevance is questionable. /Points for the 5 p. I'm leery of writing with the poem by 4 p.
79-80, perhaps not easy deal for you, and asking yourself, and other patrons of a stretch. Attending section that you examine as part of the texts that you've made. County Mayo A spavindy ass p. I practically never do this a great detail, if you have not held your grade should be different, and their outlines don't bear a lot of ways here. You've got some breathing room. DON'T FORGET TO BRING BLUE BOOKS TO THE FINAL EXAM—You've done a strong job of accomplishing many important qualities of the room to make sure that everyone in class. He did mention Yeats and Maud Gonne; there are any number of things really well here. Your overall narrative for the professor's reading than is reflected in your delivery against a different topic, but neither are they representative of how your evidence into a regular basis as you write, and I think make sure to get to everything anyway, because I think it's very possible that you get behind. For the first time since about 10 this morning to send me the only pair going this week I had sent it on just a bit more so that they should not be surprised to get you a copy of an A-range for you to talk sometimes, and you're claiming that the I have never been to let that guide you into your thesis statement, as critic Harold Bloom phrases the relationship is between the IRA and the horror of the novel's presentation of the Western World, and you make meaningful contributions to the poem and the professor send out a printed copy. Throwing the candy was a pleasure to read. Demonstrates that the syllabus and think about the horror or irrelevance of the video sets up and either satisfies or frustrates the expectation for them. If you want to get back to you much extra time, and you generally knew just how people responded most productively were the questions you've written a smart move might be productive.
But just looking at his performance so far, you could get a productive choice for a long selection and delivered it very well be that your paper to be. And style would, I guess, that is faithful and accurate down to three things: 1 avoid the question will be distributed in class: the twelfth episode, too, that your citation page distinguish this. /No-show penalty for your research paper next quarter we have sympathy for Francie, and that you've made and how the burgeoning relationship leading to the specifics of the text of Pearse's speech without too much about midterm grades. Ultimately, why not keep the appointment and show that you're arguing for or against, and for your analysis. I mean is that they haven't started the reading or other opinions: I will try to force a discussion leader for the week of section in HSSB 2251, which is a motivated one, which is an inappropriate typeface if in doubt, use Times New Roman; turning in a radio interview. At that point, if it's not you, because this helps me to leave me with an incredibly long time. You handled your material if you ask ask them to take so long to get a fresh eye and ask students about them. Here you are from the course have been hoping for. I post every slideshow I develop, as well as some slang terms for various coins and brief notes on areas in which it could conceivably have been, both of us, then send me email or stop by my office hours and am happy to meet, but I felt that it would have to evolve. But everything looks really good reason for this analysis to be put into a more detailed lesson plan, you're very welcome. It will be a useful tool to help you to reschedule, or inherently uninteresting none of your grade. Thanks, too, that one of three people reciting from Godot tomorrow.
0 notes
autoirishlitdiscourses · 4 years ago
Discourse of Tuesday, 09 February 2021
Alternately, if any for that extra credit is a set of ideas here, I think that your very rare moments of suboptimal phrasing, so overall they haven't impacted your grade is. However, be aware of areas where your payoff will be no use if I want to recite and discuss for twenty minutes as possible. I'll see you in lecture and section times and locations for my records, but I completely forgot. To-morrow the rediscovery of romantic love, but didn't fault you in lecture today. Ulysses has and did a solid job tonight!
Ulysses and The Butcher Boy both are a lot of interesting course-standard Gabler one, to be. Well, it's likely to score at least twelve lines, but I fell that I define what each grade is. You two worked effectively as a way that sets you up effectively to questions and frame them. However, I guess you could be squeezed in most places. My plan is to recognize and overcome it. I really will take up some important aspects to it from a difficult text; carried it off between 2:30-12:45 is the cluster of assumptions that you really did give quite a strong paper in other poems; Jack Clitheroe's treatment of these various types and weave them into an analysis, and has been assigned yet, and you met them at you unless you have unusually strong memorization skills. This paper is due in lecture.
You've got a lot of things well, actually though I think that you may need to do what you're working with, though it is ultimately that you can buy yourself some breathing room. If you haven't found it on the web or in section enough so that you make sure that when you're on the text s involved and their relationship, and will automatically receive no credit for section attendance and participation is 555 9 points. You Loved Me near the beginning of the things holding you back here, based on the final. I think that it's too late to start writing. If they hit all of the assigned texts from Seamus Heaney, Requiem for the quarter and I have to satisfy this requirement. Students who read actively and who take a fresh eye and asking yourself what your most important think here is to dive into it as a pair. Exactly. I'd suspect that one thing to say this not because I expect that each of you who have been posted: The Clancy Brothers and the Stars; Seamus Heaney's problematic silence in response to your recitation, and I'm trying to think meta-critically about your paper graded by then, will pay off for you. I think that striving for even more front and center would help you to follow up a productive choice.
All in all ways to satisfy a mandatory part of the friend who was in mine last week. I will be on campus tomorrow afternoon work for you? 64; and changed the overall goal is to challenge you to be helpful, but apparently I haven't yet decided what order I'll call people in your participation weight a number of shifts in emphasis involved.
I said in an area that is necessary to have a clear and solid understanding of what was overall a strong job of putting them next to each other. I will re-inscribe Gertie into the discussion. This is not quite a D for the quarter; if you pick, OK? Well done on this and have so many in line 4, and you structure your paper is due in lecture tomorrow. I said something very close and, again, we can talk about authors other than the professor is a hard time distancing themselves from their topics well enough in other places in the back of your readings further and develop a level playing field in a hurry. I think that this is within the absurdist tradition. James Bond has been fun to have dug into these questions for discussion one way to satisfy a mandatory part of the text s with which they engage. Note that I would say that you should let me do so profitably might be to make about developmental causality and to be one way to make your thesis statement: what I would have to do this but rather that texts should be engaging in an automatic failing grade for the final, but may show occasional minor problems. Let me know what she says and keep checking your increasing amount of evidence: a smarter move is to provide the largest overall benefit to introduce a large-scale concerns with the group to read as, when you're on to point your students, and I think that that's what you're working with—you should definitely be in my 6 p. Ten minutes, so make/absolutely sure that this would help you make about how Joyce portrays the sexual content of his lecture pace rather than yes/no-show penalty. So, here. You both did a good selection, and your language and ideas of race were like, since a number of shifts in emphasis involved. 3:30, which is not a full twelve lines, each of the facts that can be hard to find sources that support you makes your teaching practices visible I post every slideshow I develop, so is an unreasonable estimate because it ties together multiple sources to produce a meaningful argument.
It would have also been intending for quite a nice, thoughtful performance that was purely an estimate based on my section guidelines handout, there are hundreds or thousands of races, and exhibiting solicitous concern for emotions that they each see themselves as being the connection between romance and the section website:. All in all, this does still count as a whole. I think that your writing despite some occasional hiccups here and will have a copy of the quarter is winding up smoothly. You should copy me as if the group as a. Hello, all of part two for all three of these women is inappropriate—it's absolutely not necessary to complete an English Paper lots of good ideas in a row this year that you do a good weekend. It seems to be my advice. Well here, and there, I think that your thesis statement is actually rather weak, because it makes my life easier if you arrive prepared on Wednesday, October 10. You are now currently at 86. I think you've got some breathing room too, that was a typo. I think that you're talking about the distrust of women, and it may be that you score at least some violent criminals are hard-nosed about such things as you would lead people up for a moment, professor MacHugh said, most of it? Well I have received several questions about identity formation, I think, and show that we can talk about why you were absent we talked somewhat about this and have not engaged in, and you're absolutely welcome to choose White Hawthorn in the episode. It turns out that I think that if you want me to identify your discussion. Have a good-faith attempt to pick another course text that's written as historical documentation, but several students will receive at least help you to adhere to anything in particular, what you see as important about mothers in connection with the text than to worry about taking longer than I had in your delivery; you delivered a sensitive, thoughtful, engaged delivery, very well done! I'll watch a few texts, and you make that? Excellent! 137 Reading quiz, if you'd like. But everything looks good to me and tell me why you should have the same deal to their hearts, you should go if you have to pander to my office hours, after lecture most of your mind about where you want to help make sure that you have either. Otherwise, bring it to go in there you are traveling with a more natural-appearing and impassioned delivery. There's a substantial deviation from the guy who's going to be reliable throughout a writing process is a specific point that you're talking more effectively saying exactly what you most need to do that if I recall my ancient reading of the poem takes on these issues, none are egregious or otherwise horrible; but you are capable of writing, despite some issues that you've done already this quarter is completely optional, but some students may not like it works with my own forehead for not meeting the discussion requirement to my office hours, let me know what you see as significant and connecting them to other students, followed by all means pay close attention to your final draft. You picked an important part of the things holding you back here, though. Soon to be more careful proofreading would help would be to pick something for you at the beginning of the text you'd selected. Again, this was a good background to the east of County Mayo A spavindy ass p. Like This One By the way that allows you to get your proposals for text/date combination if possible, but apparently I haven't yet made a lot of ways. Technically, so your paper though neither is it used to control women and his Jewish identity in the play, Irish nationalism.
Why is Denis Breen so upset about the comparative benefits of taking the class and how it accomplishes what it most needs to be present for the rest of the text you plan to discuss, but I want to deal with the freedom to leave campus before I pass it out sooner, because I think that you've identified as significant and connect them to pick one option from section the first group covers material that you want me to identify your major one or two points are in my own editing process, and good luck on the section website. Etc. You have some very, very well prepared.
Let me know if you want to do this. Answer: history, and this history is to add additional material new ways of reading the few I haven't graded yours yet, and you've done it before, but I'm happy to proctor a separate currency. Not in your sentence structure obscures your point total for the class was welcoming and supportive to other students were engaged, thoughtful, engaged delivery, very perceptive readings of Croppies, of course grade. Grading Rubric for Analytical Papers I expect that each of the poems on the syllabus.
Let me know/. I think that you leave town. 5%. One of the following: a receive a non-trivial illumination of both the broader issues of the course is a pretty safe guess, but rather to suggest that his workload was heavy this term, although it's not inevitably the case and I think. You basically did a good job.
With two exceptions the very end will be Patrick Kavanagh's On Raglan Road Patrick Kavanagh often should be made, in this practice focuses on visual readings of The Stolen Child Yeats, please let me know if you have signed up for the course website to serve as mnemonic aids and that it would have helped to get this to you I thought I had a B and I hope to be necessary to try the waters with discussion a bit short because the section and to use my recording device to capture a recording of your selection perfectly, and what question you're answering. It's especially great for students in the class was welcoming and supportive to other parts of the individual phrases in your paper is a fairly natural relationship well. Believe me, and how would his readers have understood these attitudes when the degree to which you want to cover, refreshing everyone's memory on the paper you wrote, basing your argument will be scaled to 150, Fall 2013 Overview: Recall from my other section's turn to get to it, though.
What is/is/truly unavoidable/, a free Excel clone. It can be found below if you're using the course as a useful fallback plan. You added then in line 657; dropped out from hanging out her washing; changed hell to heaven to heaven to heaven to heaven to heaven to heaven to hell; changed Acacacacademy to Acacacademy; changed off he went; dropped as a person, then allow them to larger concerns of the text s involved as closely as it provides a very solid aspects of the division of a problem, as it could have been is in many ways. At the same arrangement or dramatic performance to do this is unfortunate because they haven't read for quite a good way, nor even the best night to do this, and you demonstrate effectively that you arrive promptly in section on 27 November recitation, you could then have been balanced a bit to warm up quickly. James Joyce's Ulysses and their outlines don't bear a lot: not only against your own work will help you to keep its contents secret.
Are you talking about current citizens of Ireland as a group. Falling short of eight to ten pages long; this can be evaluated in ethical terms: what kinds of political and ethical theories would help would be central to being a lot of important historical changes in many ways, and enjoy your time and adapting your plans are generally more consistent and sensible than the Dubliners' arrangement, personally, from a two-year college can be found on the issues that you've chosen, and your thought would be to examine, and is certainly an acceptable job of weaving together multiple sources to produce a video recording, should be made about your recitation/discussion assignment. See you tonight!
You've got a good student this quarter, I think that's a good selection and gave a sensitive, thoughtful job of getting people to speak virtually all the fun under Liberty's masterful shadow; To-morrow the bicycle races Through the suburbs on summer evenings: but to-memorize twelve-line passage you'd like them to ask if you need to be shown a general pattern in Celtic mythology in which you are reading by candlelight for several days, and what you'll drop if you will probably make some very interesting and rather disturbing; a writing handbook, or help you to let me know! I don't know at this question would help you to construct a nuanced and perceptive understandings of femininity? Hi! And embarrassed.
What kind of qualifications are necessary ways to proceed. For one thing, and the currencies were subdivided in the grotesque body worthwhile to show my hand in this range provide a more rigorous analysis. However, you will engage with a good sense of being fair to the Ulysses lectures which, given the sophistication that your ethical principles are often primarily just due to strep throat, so I'm re-work the acceptable work that the exceptions is always patronizing, in part because it mirrors the hyper-aware emotional state that Bloom is engaging in an area that is, knowing where you phrase claims as superlatives instead of whenever the Registrar releases grades, preferring to leave it at the assignment requirements next week. One would be more specific claim of what you're actually saying. Ultimately, what I'd suggest would be productive. Good luck tomorrow! I do appreciate that you would like to see me during my office hours, after all with the final. I promise I'll have some very minor deviations from standard American punctuation and formatting issues that you've learned what the concept itself central to your secondary sources well, any of the performance and discussion of Quoof and n's discussion of a bar with an urgent question the night before a presentation as a whole tomorrow; In front of the poem's narrative tension, and showing that you have questions, please let me know.
He was also a wonderful job of making sure that I try to track down my office door SH 2432E, or it may be something that you need to scratch and claw for every reason, you should do whatever is most called for, and what he had discussed re-framed by McCabe. Which texts I have made some very good job of moving over some of your thoughts have developed substantially since you haven't done the reading. No longer legal tender in Britain after 31 December 1960. Again, thank you for doing such an exaggerated form as, when absolutely everything except the final and with the but this wasn't on campus tomorrow, you're absolutely not—but rather, I'm terribly sorry and embarrassed. Hi! I guess you could use. Good choice on topic. What the professor. I think that striving for even more specific analysis is a chapter on de Kooning. You also managed to do any more questions. I've been pondering this in any case always a productive line of your material you emphasize again, let me know. So, what do you see as important about those ways if you'd like. Again, very perceptive readings of the course. Made to the text s with which you dealt. What have I emphasized enough that you are attentive to what he says, then V for Vendetta in the propagandistic nature of your material you emphasize I think might have heard about. I think that you yourself have done some very thoughtful job of moving between the texts listed on the morning! But you really have done some strong ideas here, I will be able to avoid hesitation, backing up your claims even more attention to the content of his lecture pace rather than lecture-based and food-handling regulations.
Your writing is so very good job of incorporating other people's questions and comments that you might think about the ways that multiple texts, and gave no A grades should also say that I can give you the warnings that I necessarily believe these things not because I think that your paper's structure. I'll accommodate you if you would need to cancel my office door was open and relish the experience, they have to go, which is already an impressive move. I feel that your plans for the last sentence. PEGEEN contemptuously. I think, though, you can instantiate a logical reasoning process for the conversation was lazy. —Which you deal would help you really did quite an honor to win—people who see the outline for here is that if someone does make that leap and since this is not assigning specific topics for your recitation and discussion by the assignment write-up side of this, but it's not out there. Let me know what's going on in the first-serve basis. However, if you really do connect them to construct a valid MLA citation to the students, and there are a lot of ways here. Thanks for letting me know in advance that I can just bring it to introduce a large number of excellent observations pay off a bit nervous, but did not have a fair amount of flexibility. D it's YOUR JOB to make this maneuver in a more explicit, I think that a B. Recitation/discussion grade? There are also possibilities for productive discussion out of an excerpt from The Butcher Boy is Y, then we'll figure something out. No worries I'm not entirely satisfying and/or citizens were able to comment on them is not inevitably the case and I suspect, is generally not only express your central claim. Turbary p. I suspect that you want to recite the same time, and you really have done some very good student this quarter. Have a good sense of what was overall an excellent job! In particular, what this relationship is between the selection in the early 20th century. Perhaps most abstractly, I think that reframing your argument. If you are from the beginning of your ideas develop naturally out of that section went to the section, or you are not allowed to disclose. /Administrative issues after presentations. One of the text that illustrate it, let it motivate other people in section next week! It's been a fun class to speak instead of mechanically beating a drum that has sounded good to me, or other negative value judgment: that sexual desire as lust generally involves invoking one or more implicit assertions to support that particular idea, but will be. As yet, you've been this quarter. You can use the first seven that the definition for all students, and I will take this into account when grading your paper. Even their local happiness seems tuned to a scheduling conflict, I believe that I could have been possible to accomplish a single goal. He would be highly unusual to accomplish a single paper. All in all cases, the actual claims that it wasn't saved by the end of Act I: Johnny McEvoy performing O'Casey's When You Said You Loved Me near the beginning of the text than an A paper; and Henry Flower, V. Let me know.
I noticed that this is very generous Chu—You have a wonderful break! For instance, or if his ancestors are only ways of looking at the last minute in half because you had an A or A is out of lecture and section, not only lucid but thoughtful and nuanced things to talk about how to override the defaults and produce a meaningful argument. You have excellent things to talk. I'm happy just to make sure to get back to you, which involves speculations about the final to get to Downton Abbey. I'm going to be to let this paper are sophisticated and interesting thoughts, are excellent. The standard deviation was 11. I think. Let me know if you want to say that your basic idea needs to be written in a more impassioned which may have significant points of analysis is going to relate it well to other current or former TAs that you've thought closely about what we mean by history, and you did a number of things that would have also been intending for quite a strong discussion in a comparative analysis of a complex one, I am not the result of curving grades, but need to happen differently for this paragraph: attending section during the week of Thanksgiving. I can't speak for everyone who gets up in certain specific ways that you are trying to remember is that they deserve to be: ultimately, what do you see evidence of feminization, specifically? There are two potential difficulties that Stephen has with Irish nationalism, the eponymous metaphorical cyclops of the most basic issues if you have any questions: What, ultimately, I'd bridge to question 2 for later in section last week? Section 3:30-12:45 would be to have dug into these topics. Overall, you should be read in class this is a good holiday break! All of these bonuses, which is to ask me if this or in the Ulysses lectures which, if that's inconvenient for you. REMINDER: Friday is for your recitation tomorrow. I have ever done all of this category.
This is not obscene: Why is Denis Breen so upset about the way: What is right with this issue? Aside from the midterm, and is certainly an acceptable job of setting up an analytical structure sets you up for the quarter by 1. Another potential difficulty is that you should be proud of.
Have a good impression. It may be just a moment, professor MacHugh said, though this is not the best option for you, nor does it express their situation, and you receive a failing grade for the week in section. Although I do not perform pre-evaluations of drafts, but do so in a third of the Cyclops episode before section, and that you have a chance.
You picked a good idea and so forth. You Are Old discussion of the things that would be to ask the professor an email tonight saying, Yeah, I nominate her: she worked incredibly hard, made great strides, is a specific explanation of why I am saying is that the other side of your presentation by the end of the professor's email. You demonstrated that you're actually saying to a more incisive claim here would help you to talk about; it sounds like you haven't chosen by 1/3. Hi!
The group as a plausible outcome of the discussion requirement. I'll see you tomorrow. This table shows common coinages and vocabulary into which the pound, but this is not caught up on the Internet and that your recitation/discussion performance for the registrar to release grades, discussed in more depth. Let me know if you want to see what he says, then built on it. Really, the Multicultural Center, the Riverside is a more impassioned which may be surprised to discover how much work it out Wednesday, but some students may not be using to grade your paper into account when grading your paper and saying so, or that a close visual reading of the landscape, Beckett may also find it helpful to log into the course website as your thesis statement that makes a strong argument about it with a GPA of 3.
Technically, this would be to make it difficult for you. You dig into a more productive questions that are not present last night in section next week, although the multiple works that you look at anyone else's work during the early stages of planning I just finished grading this week's recitations. Both of these are very impressive move. You took a bit nervous and/or which elements you see any parallels might be useful resources for those who are as nuanced and sophisticated and interesting thoughts, are very fair in a number of students—or if Gertie is generally not only because it verges on nonsense in places, but it has a lot of interesting. But this really means is. All in all, you have improved your grade up after I sent this email so I'm not seeing at this point in the front of the quarter to answer these questions for a comparatively easy revision process. One way to satisfy the college in which I haven't yet decided what order I'll call people in the space you spend, because there were a couple of suggestions. Have a good background without impairing the discussion requirement. First: if you can't write a very strong because it will boost your attendance/participation that is, despite the fact that you leave town. Despite these things not because I wanted to make this happen throughout the quarter would be the two main components of your discussion. Think about which I'm ready to go with Fergus? For instance, you might want to have sympathy for Francie, it could, loved them, but there really were some gaps for recall. I had been set to music and perform a recitation for 27 November the day before Thanksgiving. Yeats, The Stare's Nest by My Window Yeats, The walks by the end why is this: Don't forget to bring your luggage to section; c their research paper next quarter. It was a much stronger delivery than the syllabus! I said verbally, any good copy of the things the professor, not as a person of comparatively limited energy and/or where you found it yet, so let me know what you want to take so long to get where you want the discussion in the reader/viewer. There are likely to complain if I offer you some breathing room to make your thesis, because there are some alternate scenarios that assume less-intelligent and less discussion-based hygiene in Lestrygonians. Very well done! Otherwise, I think that the Irish Republic issued by the time, the Riverside is a missed opportunity in multiple ways. It took the midterm as a discussion of On Raglan Road: Personally, I don't know for sure if it seems that it turned out to other people to benefit from even more successful would be happy to discuss. Your delivery was lively, impassioned delivery. There are a number of things well. But really, your primary concern is preparing for this coming Wednesday 27 November is National Novel Writing Month: A particular way of being as successful as it's written, which is one of the rather abstract quality? Then the two dogs at it would probably be covered on the section and total how many are attending so I think that you've put a lot of ways that prevents you from noticing when people disagreed with you in section will benefit from hearing what you want to cover, refreshing everyone's memory on the exam, so it's the best way to help you to help motivate other people have no memories. Recall from the section website you are certainly capable of tipping the scales from writing an analysis, even if you say yes, that proofreading and editing a bit nervous, but I'm happy to meet an obligation. You changed Francie to Frankie in the Department who are reciting, obligates you to reschedule, and I will definitely require documentation from the plan; remember that I'll be posting your notes are absolutely welcome to leave.
0 notes
autoirishlitdiscourses · 4 years ago
Discourse of Monday, 11 January 2021
As I said? So do you see as being most significant and connect them to construct a reasonable guess is that you will pick up more points than you have already given up 70 points out while still scaling up each part of how they pay off as much as they need to do it throughout. You should spend at least some effort looking at. If you choose, for instance, maybe being a nuanced argument. Theoretically, you must attend or reschedule, or it may be that our sympathy is based on the most specific and your thought so sophisticated that they want to be a good thumbnail background to the section benefits from hearing your perspective and insights, to pay more attention to your own ideas that are unrelated to romantic love, for instance, if you want any changes made that are likely many others. Still, I think that it never really rises far above the length requirements. Section Discussion Notes These notes are absolutely capable of tackling it. I need to see Dexter as a whole evinces, is generally taken to mean by history, and a sign of a problem, because he understands that you cannot recite the lines that you are setting a poem and Yeats's biography. You picked a wonderful scholar and wonderful delivery. You can absolutely go on, and different societies mean very different. You were polite and responsive to early questions didn't get a productive line of your skull with the second half of the landscape to notions related to your presentation. I think that there are hundreds or thousands of races, and gracefully move from one of his lecture pace rather than the syllabus. If you are one of which parts of your passage, getting people to characterize it what is off limits from those lines. Certainly! I will cut you off. This is, I wouldn't make bets about how you're using as an overarching narrative that includes more material than was required, though not the only way that you need a real improvement over her midterm score, as well. I'm perfectly convinced that you're dealing with, and so do I necessarily think that you're using. You might enjoy John William Waterhouse's painting Ulysses and their relationships to women and his conception of Irish emigrants Irish under your definition? I think that interrogating the metaphor's utility as a companion text to text and helping them to connect specific passages that you would like me to do more grading someone asked in lecture 15 Oct: Reminder: tonight at 7 p. Me in his eyes. There are a lot of the group. Very well done overall. Remember that there are thousands, if you'd like. If I aid you, too, that asking questions and comments that you have a genuinely excellent job of reciting Stare's Nest; and invented a few exceptions, listed in a late paper is due or a synthesis of other things, you currently have a recording of your selection's context. Noisy selfwilled man. All in all. Is produce an audio or visual component requirement, and the section that night for you. I still think that one thing, most of it to another text that you are also welcome to a novel are always a good word for having this information available on the final, is generally taken to mean, and you manage to engage in any one of your introduction and conclusion do some of them were due to you staying within the larger-scale implications format, an English minor, etc. You did an excellent quarter! I don't know the answer is here. In any case, let your readers know which texts you examine, because the section website that illustrates correct formatting according to the day's reading assignment, Bloom is highly sexualized in the sense of the Western World, and Bates Motel thank you for a few things to say that your discussion plans. If you have a set of initial examinations of your material very effectively. Realistically, calculating participation will probably involve providing at least twelve lines. At the moment and say, Leopold Bloom or Francie Brady, his extremely alcoholic father, etc. If you need any changes made I made a lot of really excellent work here. Yet another potentially useful gender-based discourse about Shakespeare every day, then you may recall from section that I've made they're intended to help people move along.
As it is, in this response. Remember that one of the texts you propose in your sentence structure are real strengths in your paper's structure is very lucid, and that she's not in any other reason. Let me know if you have to get people warmed up the chain and it can be hard to do it more in terms of figuring out when to give information that Francie himself doesn't have to pick a small observation: I will pick up extra credit, miss five sections, and only looking at their level of comfort and interest, and it was understood both closer to being more successful if it actually went out, it's a good move on your preferences and how it changes the grading email that says that you heard that the paper is wonderful in every single point. All of which I will throw you one in your notes it's perfectly acceptable topic think about why you received the professor's lecture the next week! I also quite graceful and lucid, engaging, in particular, there are ways in which you want to position each text in question by repeating something you said, there are also movies that deal with the course, I suspect you proofread hastily, to be. And I think that one of the island. Grade Is Calculated in excruciating detail. Does that help?
Thank you, plus a few things to say that, your health. In regard to this? The Butcher Boy in front of the Lambs or Red Dragon? But this is a perfectly acceptable to reiterate what you want to say that I can point to areas where your payoff will be thinking closely about how to use my camera died, I'm sorry to say is something you said, I think that asking open-ended questions intimidating or not, and I'll happily instruct him either way. I should say at this point would be necessary, then I think that your reading for class must represent your own presuppositions in more detail.
Still Life-Le Jour. The value quoted is the day that your paper,/please come talk to me as an emergency. I try very hard to get to it. That's OK sometimes it's helpful for your audio/visual text of the first sentence above means that I'm poorly qualified to evaluate disability status and cannot provide any accommodations, DSP will communicate with the small modification that I left item 5 off of the Western World, in assessing this, and being able to recite. 5 p. You have what promises to be honest.
If you miss more than 100% in section that you consult, including you, and I think that finding ways to draw out influences on Beckett, Camus, and preferably by Thursday or Friday. You do a good weekend, and everyone who's trying to say, a fraction between zero and one that they haven't started the reading yet, I also think that it will help you if I offer you a good selection, and to think about how difficult a task this can be found on the final! Attendance at each and every one of the word count is as high as any twelve lines if I can almost see where you're going on by and make sure it doesn't.
Feel better soon. What are you going to say more specifically on presentations of Irish emigrants and/or make large cognitive leaps immediately, you should attend those classes and do hate the like of you is the highest of any of my students emails constantly, but I completely forgot. On section one.
All of the poem and its historical context.
My plan is to express yourself. 4 December. I feel that that is also lucid and engaging, for the questions to which Heaney is also already an impressive move, because the batteries in my office SH 2432E and see whether they're still outside if I discover that things are going pretty well in the range of phenomena in your delivery was exact. If you have a more specific about how you'd like. I think that talking a bit more would probably be the sign of maturity, and you handled yourself and your readings of modernist paintings in connection with Irish nationalism and neutrality—these are very very difficult task. Contains an assignment that you are not currently checked out, I feel that picking only well … primarily sources that you need to do what the finals schedule says. She the Widow Quin did not, will pay off even more attention to your paper. That's fine just let me know if you have just over ⅓ of a question or two during busy parts of the rhythm of the text and helping them to argue more strongly for the quarter if you think. You for I'll leave here tomorrow night, and then re-think your plan to discuss in connection with Irish nationalism, exactly, I supposed I'd have to turn your work, Upton Sinclair's The Jungle 1906, but it should serve the overall argument will be given away on a paper that is causing you stress, then you have any breathing room this week.
If you have previously requested that I think reasons. Focusing on discussions of course grade. Let me give you some background plot summary and possibly other ways to make sure that you want to position each text contributes to your section is necessary, then revise your thesis statement, but if you have previously been attending but not participating in the back of your presentation tomorrow! I grade your paper had been stronger in other audio equipment to record your attendance/participation score above 50 points for section attendance, I won't be able to give a strong knowledge of the show interact with that time feels like you're writing more of the text that you deserve it. There were four errors in the way to do with the final, you did get the maximum possible score for the quarter have been even more than your own mind about how you did quite well in this article in the crucifixion story, called Einstein's Dreams, which also may or may not be surprised to discover how much you knew about the relationship between these texts can also be generally useful resources for those who were born and raised and have marked it as your section last week. I suspect I already know her, and you might think about your topic, but should I use my recording device to capture a recording of his lecture pace rather than a B. I'll pass it out in a timely fashion, although the multiple works that you're making a number of presentations. However, there is no ceiling in my box South Hall 2635. I've ever worked with. Hi, Chris Walker, English colonialism, misogyny based on everything except the two tests if it were, but I haven't marked deviations from the recitation of twelve lines of poetry or prose from an in-text Electronic Journals database Project MUSE SAGE journals The UCSB Library's advanced search. Too, I don't know how many minutes away you are going pretty well, actually.
One aspect of this paper, and should elucidate some aspect of the quarter. Here is what you mean by history if you have any questions, OK? I want, or Eavan Boland, Muldoon, Extraordinary Rendition Wednesday 4 December in section tonight that Thanksgiving is 28 November, and that's control for only one of the novel; and c receive the same time, I do not calculate participation until the very end of the virtues of an unhappy man near the end of the quarter, including a screen capture, etc.
I didn't get any positive feedback and stopped responding later during your discussion in section I was waiting until I realized that your plans by 10 a. You've both been very punctual this quarter, I think that interrogating the metaphor's utility as a thinker or a test in another format, an A grade in a lot of people haven't done an acceptable job of reading the Nausicaa episode of Ulysses is a fantastic document/outline/explanation of what might be called the migrant experience in general terms last night, and showed that you can tie it strongly to basically any other electronic communications device s during lecture, you may arrange lines of poetry or prose from an in-depth feedback than instructors who didn't, myself, since we've just set this up, and what matters about them—I think that this is conjectural, but against my other section's turn to get where you want to take a more nuanced way. Your writing is quite good—you do so is an awfully long time, fifteen minutes. I'll have to ponder each category on the section website: How Your Grade Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail the John Synge Vocabulary Quiz from October 17, Pokornowski's midterm review sheet for his opinion directly in your thesis statement throughout your time and managed to earn points for demonstrating correct knowledge I'd rather you did quite well, too, that it will help you be interested in completing the honors requirements in the show interact with that one of his own paper, this would be to examine nuances, and problems with these definitions if, gods forbid, I think that your argument in any way affect your analysis to do more grading someone asked in lecture, you may have done a solid job, which I suspect you actually want to think about the postcard U. 4:30 and 4 December On poems by Yeats we talked about this in more detail. Your performance was less than absolutely perfectly optimal. Well done on this you connected it effectively to larger-scale course concerns and did an excellent job of examining the text, though I felt that your paper topic here.
There were ways in which the pound, which is good. Let me know, and emergencies, not on me to do this in your write-ups except as a whole. There are a lot to discuss how future papers. Think about what men really are quite strong and confident in your own notes for week 2; he is adhering strictly to the topic. I don't know at this point, but you picked a good job of weaving together multiple sources to produce a rigorous analytical structure that you're trying to complete everything by 17 Dec so I haven't pointed them out, let me record the conversation without badgering or threats or even if you don't immediately know the answer to a variety of questions or need to confirm that the grade is. Without getting deep into the course. This is, again, a copy of Ulysses, but this is absolutely normal for students to add compliance with that kind of maneuver—the refusal to push yourself up to you by the romance meta-critically about your ideas out, and have notes even brief ones directing people to specific parts of your own, or perhaps a good weekend, and I suspect that you make sure that your thesis statement, and your writing is so late, missing more than five sections and you had a conversation that Irish culture is a strong preference and I'll see you next week: you have some interesting and important project, and what I think personally that the disclosure path.
All in all, from a document on several levels, and thanks for a text that they do poorly on the most basic issues. Being specific about how those themes are reflected in your head that you're scheduled to be about. There are also productive. But had a student in your section, providing useful background information several times in lecture on Tuesday, December 5, in part because it's a perfectly acceptable topic. You had a good job this week, when talking about Francie's level of comfort and interest, and will have electronic copies except in genuinely extraordinary/situation that results in multiple ways. You handled your material you emphasize I think that students have a basically strong delivery overall. Well done on this and have a good set of genuinely excellent work here, and have an understanding of the central interpretive difficulties that I would guess that the topic in a more natural-appearing and impassioned delivery.
Both are entirely up to discussion once you gave a very high, and your reading for those ten to fifteen minutes if you're the boss says in this matter is perceptive and complex ideas. This is only a third document might involve 1904-era food-based hygiene in Lestrygonians. I think that it might be to find a time, I think that you should come first, and a mountainy ram, and being an appropriate campus counseling service. I would like to see how it fits a general idea, but the usage in literature in English X-rays, which was key in getting them talking and you have any questions. Good choice on text, and thereby enrich your own ability to appreciate other points of similarity to dig even more, I don't know whether you want your argument in any case, each of the poem and its historical context is likely to be sent home with no explanation of why this is a really strong job yesterday you got them saying productive things with this is probably too late for students to develop. You've done a lot of similarities to yours, though, you can't write a report or an encyclopedia article rather than lecture-based and less discussion-oriented than it currently is. Of course, as a first-come, first-person pronoun that often small changes in the class, even if it seems history is to say for sure that your discussion. What, ultimately, what I'd encourage you to be more comfortable with silence, because your writing is very generous Chu—You have what promises to be letting other people would probably have to fall a bit here. I'm happy to get me your discussion tomorrow, and I quite liked it. Emailing me later that day is 3:50, some people may get more discussion leverage out of 150 to drop back into lecture mode and/or who are not A papers. You're welcome! 2 on your own ideas, which is rather interesting: the professor to say more specifically which parts of your paper and saying so is to call on the rest of your grade and because at least once in my 6 p. Doing this would have most helped here. Your own hospitalization, or Eavan Boland, White Hawthorn in the assignment write-up, I've attached a copy of your discussion notes often contain more things than that, with Stephen's rather strained relationship with each other with respect, and not dealing with O'Casey's own sense of rhythm. Please send me an outline with more concrete questions might have helped, I think, always a productive exercise I myself am less than 19 out of time, whereas the Clitheroes are unhappy, and I think, though, that it would help to make it completely slid off my plate. 649, p. Thank you! Again, I'm very sorry to take with the group warmed up the novel reward? Extra credit cannot lift you into the A range; if you just can't seem to have a clear cubist depiction of people are going to relate Ulysses to cubism as the major possibilities, and I always grade through exams section by choosing a point total, based on the final or not. Overall, you did very badly. One is that it will replace the grade you have questions, OK? Again, you may contact UCSB's Title IX Compliance Office, the more that the problem, but it fits into that tradition. A—You've done a very good job digging in to a woman's skirt at the task of structuring your argument more closely at particular parts of your presentation/discussion segment. I think that a female role model would have been avoiding presenting conclusions in favor of making a more profitable way. You must recite a text, though I think that one of three groups and the absurdist tradition. I am saying is that at least in many ways that you can reschedule you for putting so much ground that argument in a printed copy of the second half of the quietest sections I have is to let you know what's going on in your grade back, and perhaps point him toward your essay and I think that they don't come off that way versus having an couple of ways, and that it should have an A-range papers do not use what you want to say that it's fresh in your mind as you possibly can, OK?
Very well done this week, then do come alternately, if you have a nuanced and graceful and expresses your thought would be for you and to your paper is often quite engaging, and what's wrong with writing all six on the final exam. For one thing that I notice that the previous reciters' discussion it's perfectly OK to deal with this by just glancing at me and I'm looking forward to your overall score for the work. However, take a look at the final exam is at all for section in another book, on the syllabus pretty well, it's a wonderful human being and a bit nervous, but I think.
0 notes
autoirishlitdiscourses · 4 years ago
Discourse of Friday, 25 December 2020
Great Masturbator 1929, I absolutely meant what I think he will not be something you like and are perfectly capable of doing better. So, I'd rather they did on section one, to be generalizing about what Yeats wants to accomplish in ten to fifteen minutes, and your readings of Yeats and nationalism? Please get your paper that pays off more. I think, too, and I have a strong analysis that is, despite this fact, you really have done some very good work here in order to be more impassioned and fluid, impassioned delivery, and there are some ways in which passion can be evaluated in ethical terms: what would most help at this point, a professor in lecture and section, not Oct 30.
You've got some really perceptive things to talk in section this information allows them to be getting out of their material. Can't blame them after all, though, you've done some very, very good material in an episode of Ulysses, and will happily give you starting points on it, then you may contact UCSB's Title IX Compliance Office, the opportunity may not be surprised to get you a reasonable guess is that your overall grade for the quarter if you get a thorough, fresh re-typed your email, so this is not in many ways. Public Universities Should Be Free One of the poem's rhythm and let me know what you need any changes, and would have most needed to be fully successful, though, you've been rather quiet this quarter, and I think you're capable of doing even stronger work on these issues, none are egregious or otherwise just want the paper, and your final draft. You mention Beckett there is a fair number of fingers to let me know if you found interesting, and it completely impossible to say that you should definitely be in section again this quarter. Again, really perceptive things to learn and I think that would have helped to contextualize it better than you might choose, for that opinion, is that you prepared more material than was required by the wall of the labors left unfinished; changed We feel in England, was mentioned in this matter and wanted to wait for your own logical processes more carefully to do so that you could do a very good job here in a lot of really excellent work here, and would like me to handle this my own writing would pay off here. Does that make sense? Even if the text than to worry about whether you're technically meeting the discussion section is from/The Music Box/1932: There is also quite nice. I think that this is a smart investment long-term for when and what I take it. You supported each other to do so.
I think that giving texts, and don't have the Class Level field filled out. I think, always a good knowledge of the most important of which parts of the text in question. You were clearly a bit of a great deal of thought into your recording have no memories. All of the facts that my impression at the time you have any more questions. Of course, Anglo-Irish and/or make sure to keep its contents secret. You say that you provide some scenarios for less-intelligent and read well, but it's often confused with one. Please realize that right now, like getting letters of recommtion, because I will announce it on the rest of the telltale signs that you've got some very thoughtful comments about the offer, OK? Simply showing up to your larger-scale concerns, is held back by this page and export it to move it there. There are numerous options for other reasons. The short version is that it's likely that you should wind up being is the best way to get to all of the weekend is over tomorrow, I felt that it would be helpful, and the title page and copyright page from the more obvious is to recognize and overcome it. Quite a bit. Trying to avoid departing until afterwards, and making a more profitable way to push your argument? Your poem will be no use if I can find it helpful to log into the B-that you should do whatever most needs to be absolutely sure. I can do with it, because I think that there are some ways in which you could merge the recitation of a text, and an estimate based on nine weeks of mandatory section attendance and participation is 555 9 points. If you glance over at me and holding eye contact for me if you get some good questions, OK? To be flexible but unless the student thinks that if you want to, though I think that that's likely for you, will be none. Does that help? All of these bonuses, which specifies alternate terms of the rhythm of the anxiety is different, and how this is of course what we now call in English department look into it. You are absolutely capable of punching through to a group means that that is productive overall narrative for the third line of the object itself. However, the visual presentation of people who has not held your grade for the difficulties that I would avoid making a specific point. So, when it's done? Let me know as soon as possible, but your own thought, that makes a logico-narrative path through your texts in the assignment into a more luggage than you want to get past the I have to pick one option from section 2, though I felt that your interpretive categories for Ulysses recitations is over. Or, if you'd like.
Some of Dali's work, Upton Sinclair's The Jungle 1906, but think about your key terms and presuppositions and taking the final. José Clemente Orozco also painted female pseudo-cubist nudes during this time limit has come up repeatedly, and have a spot open in my response is a mandatory part of your political poster; and picked for went picking Again, thank you for a recitation of a group is not improbable. I think it would pay off, not 98. You've both been very punctual this quarter you've worked hard on it before, say, Italian Futurism Giacomo Balla, for the young hornies. I'll see you tomorrow night get me an email letting me know, too, and if you want to treat each other, aside from a rope on line 7. Have specific points in the UK and Ireland prior to the poem takes on these issues, none of these come down to thanking the previous week's reading. Really nice arrangement. This means that, to memorize something the night of section:: Yeats, addressing the crowd at a very strong alcohol, or deviates only rarely, and you display an excellent job of weaving together multiple strands you've been weaving or near the end of/Ulysses/is/truly unavoidable/, so. 5%, depending on what the professor in our department, Candace Waid, just send me a description or outline, which are a lot of your recitation. I think you have a B-81.
Alternately, I think that reading about the occasional textual hiccup here and there I felt like you were able to leap. How are you portraying, and your analyses are very solid aspects of the scenarios above; you also gave an engaged and engaging despite my sometimes rather obtuse margin notes. Attendance. I'll see you in this paper, is not necessary to argue that something is a terrible thing: The Search for the final please only do this would be most helpful at this point would be helpful in any one of the quarter. 5 Dec, 1:30 and will have other priorities instead of electronically. You've done a good reading that they've been explicit in this way is OK. You are welcome to do it: you should actually do is to think about my own policy to treat each other while being quite receptive to discussion once you gave. You have at least 88. Picking a selection from that part of the opening of the exam, and giving other people have produced some excellent readings, then you may find it quite good in many ways.
Volunteering to be written in a lifelong economic contract, as a whole would benefit from hearing them. He would be the way that you took. Overall, you did quite a good model for some productive research suggestions today. This means that an excuse is as high as any twelve lines, but I think.
The Plough and the concerns in Irish nationalism, I do have some very interesting and important topics in the quarter substitutes an estimate based on the final exam will be held tomorrow SH 2635,1:00, but I think is a useful skill, too. I understand that my work has paid off here. This week has been seen since the phrase at which he goes slowly through the tabs. Hello, I think that anything will change the way to make at least one stanza and demonstrating your close readings as a whole. Thanks for your patience. The Butcher Boy song 6 p. I've thought about the recitation and discussion of a rather general argument, rather than by asking questions that ask people to avoid explicating yourself as a single paper.
One of the text of the Sirens episode 6, which may have required a bit more about transitions between topics, but ultimately, does not necessarily mean that you identify in your thesis statement to help make sure you can make it up on crashing other sections and that those darn liberals who are not merely performing an analysis of another text than anything else that is necessary or you've hit the Send button in my box in the urban environments of the stack anyway. You may remember that you are perhaps overemphasizing the strength of the final itself. But you really have done a very solid aspects of the Irish, or Paul Muldoon, just sending me an email saying that it's OK in unusual circumstances, you had a good reading of the pageant-master and the way to help motivate other people are nervous about public speaking before, your writing is very engaging, and I'll take it off at ten minutes if it works with my schedule. Please let me know your final exam schedule. Hook-up exam is worth/an additional five percent/of your overall objective is to say. This can be found online at or, equivalently, at your option, depending on where you are again; and changed heifers to heifer in the class and is probably difficult to do on this and be very difficult thing to do.
Wow, that's fine provided that you want your argument on the section, not ten. Good luck with preparation, and let me know if you want an add code. You've both been very successful with your quarter has always been an excellent job! You may recall from section 1 and 2 on your work. Thank you for pointing me toward this in your paper further. There are no cries of unfair! Thank you, I will announce it on Friday before leaving town. You were clearly a bit nervous, but all in all, you should focus on the syllabus. I pass it out, and, especially for specific passages that would be central to the group is, too, but it has to it and give them something specific to look more closely at whether every word and phrase is correct or incorrect, and note that discussion notes, but I think that you are perfectly capable of doing this. Again, I think that your plans. Etc. You can choose to provide the largest overall benefit to introduce some major aspect of the following venues, at least a short description of your situation, but the most important insights are and what women really are and what these differences might mean would be genuinely random. If you are absent or late, I'll have to arrange for an O'Casey recitation. That's fine just let me know if you want to keep it from being in front of the overall logical/narrative arc that you get no section meeting. Here are my comments on it, can we meet at a time to get you the final exam. I think, is generally pretty strong claim, will address questions like that, I can plan for section, writing very short IDs, and you've done some very perceptive readings. So, the sex-food combination pops up in, so he gets an F on the Web: New document on section one, to talk about this would have been here in important ways, and the weird tenuous relationship that highlights something about love that lends itself structurally toward being a nuanced argument, but if you're leaving town at 7 am for session A but could make suggestions about where you're getting your information using standard academic citation methodology for phrases and ideas in even more specificity is in season 5. As for your additional texts, and even more specific in the question at a coffee shop, I think that being in front of the justice system just won't see that, when you want to make it support that negative value judgment: that sexual desire that wraps in a complex relationship to preceding Irish authors contains poems that do not assign the weighting factor until the very end of your health first and non-trivial citation problem; incorrectly sized margins or font; use of verb tense rather complex.
All in all ways, I guess, that particular idea. Got it. Overall, this is a cooperative couple, where do you take the paper above could be as successful as you know the episodes on the other presenters in both sections in this class was welcoming and supportive to other people have done some very good selections for your section over the course. But I think your discussion, either, even if you choose. Please forgive me if this works for you unless your medical condition mandates additional section absences, so if you have any further questions, and I've just finished it you had some important things to do effectively in your life, and we can arrange another time to think about it, but I think that you picked to the first section meeting during week 1 began on a paper before I go to, supportive of, say, some of my previous students have a good weekend. Here are the victims of a well thought-out order. However: think about what you're actually saying that you're making a number of ways in which I taught them both in specific phrasing terms what are Joyce's attitudes toward sexuality in general, which is what you think is likely to pay more attention to the decimalization of 1971.
Well. All of these terms that differ from what I suspect you'll do well. None of them. I'll see you in lecture on the other hand, what are Joyce's attitudes toward sexuality in general, which is not because I'm mean but in the argument may not like it passes differently when you're not articulating. 21% not quite enough of it, or should I use my camera, which might be possible to give a quiz if it is, but the Latin phrase libra e, scale 240 pence. What kind of interesting. Under many of the soul after death; that sexual desire that wraps in a comprehensive list. If people aren't prepared, it's on pp 58-59 instead of making an audible tone. If plans change for any reason, deciding that you are absolutely welcome to ask about these things might be a person, then look back with a specific point about McCabe having a topic that's personally interesting and important topics to discuss the text s with the paper-writing: some recent tweets about MLA format requires. I think that clarifying this would allow you to do what the exact text of the exam.
Again, you can try to force a discussion. Tonight's paper-grading music involves this: the professor's reading of that first draft is the case for you. Thought for the quarter substitutes an estimate based on attendance for your thesis more specific claim that for some reason though this is the reader that its structure was articulated more explicitly—the refusal to push your paper, and you related your discussion. I'll happily instruct him either way, too, for instance, an English Paper lots of good things to say, Italian Futurism Giacomo Balla, for instance. Remember that you have any questions, I think that pinning down what the textual juxtaposition that you've chosen fails to operate out of that word and phrase is not just examining a set of comments explaining why you should be careful to stay above the minimum length requirement for this coming week. Lesson Plan for Week 4: General Thoughts and Notes 9 October 2013 Thus, love as being most significant thing to be more impassioned which may have. Ah!
I don't know how GOLD looks for undergrads, I'm terribly sorry and embarrassed. Or best way. Still, I'm leaning toward putting you either cross them or you can find these types of text from page 4 and you'll be doing, though you got up in certain specific ways that I record your attendance/participation score. I have a more fluid, and this post contains the F word. Thanks. I worried last night. On Irish money if you can't go over, and students can find times and locations on GOLD. /Mechanical problems can receive by attending section on Wednesday by 4 p. Lesson Plan for Week 3: General Thoughts and Notes 20 November discussion of the interpretive problems for Ulysses. I suggesting that you picked those particular texts could be very profitable.
Reminder: section is engaged with the earliest part of the things holding you back here, I think, always a good choice to me in person, and various relationships between those points, though it's also acceptable to use the first line; changed are to go down the Irish pound was subdivided, as I pop back to another in ways that I give you some breathing room.
You handled your material if you really did intend to respond to your presentation. In retrospect, I feel like an overview or a human being and would have been hoping for. Exactly. An average weighting for students in this matter is perceptive and certainly within the larger-scale issues and/or conclusions. You might also be read as anything other than misogynistic. I hope you get from the absolute final deadline to name your poem and its background. Murphy's Law, of self, of course, think about cultural changes in many ways to make progress toward graduation that satisfies you and my hands are freezing and i dropped a keystroke without noticing. Learn German too. Let's talk tomorrow after lecture.
I'm trying to remember to send them my way I'd be happy to do is to think that finding ways to the week in section this week is the instructor of record for classes that satisfy the college in which you are of course, as it's written, would be most directly, I think, too. As for your material effectively and provided a good weekend, and emergencies, not with me. So I had properly remembered who you were there and did a very good plan going into the final. But if you're specifically interested in the context of the class at this point is for you. Give your recitation.
Then go from there, and be very difficult to memorize, I think you've got a good selection that the directions specified that they don't immediately come up with an earlier part of your key terms more explicitly—the refusal to push them even better on future pieces of writing. From the name is absurd too: Malachi Mulligan, two things.
You had a good weekend. I think that your attempt to produce a video recording as one of the text in such an impassioned recitation is worth/five percent/of your paper space to get all the presentations as it could. 40, p. Let me know if you make meaningful contributions to the overall point here is that the overall maintenance of the Triffids, Cormac McCarthy's The Road, which could conceivably have paid off with the philosophical tradition that you're bright and articulate and did a good paper, then you may want to, close your eyes and pretend you're not rushing back from him or her, and least importantly, you're welcome to disagree in whole or the other TA, I suspect that the questions were so open-ended questions productively this is a heady drug that we're not often exposed to the section is in any case always a good student this quarter so far is the best paper you wrote this up. My basic expectation is that future readers and viewers, is in how you're going to be including a screen capture, etc. Remember that the repetition-related experiences that are not major, it's a mark of sophisticated writing and thought in this particular order? Again, thank you for being a TA or instructor of record. Several new documents have been nice to have practiced a bit to warm up the chain and it can be a necessary biographical connection for the quarter if you want to take. Hi! Take a look at there are no penalties.
I grade the first group covers material that you have thought deeply about a text that you've chosen, and I think that practicing a bit flat it's a good holiday break! GOLD. This is a question that lies a bit flat it's a good job on the section often is so very lucid, engaging, and how can you schedule a time to articulate as fully and clearly as it could theoretically have been balanced a bit in the play has your selection; added old to what might be a productive direction, too, about finding something to say that I taught them during my office so they won't be stolen and have a five-minute writing. I'm sending this. The last student I have made any attempt to develop, so I can also be helpful to build up to your interest, and an even stronger work in here. My Way Reminder: tonight at 11, and your writing is already strong in several important ways. I'll probably wind up attending section Thanksgiving week has just been going through my Reddit comment history, you provided an interpretive pathway into one of the text itself will, I didn't foresee at the beginning would have paid off quite a solid job here in order to fully explore your own original work/. Alternately, you did so quite gracefully, actually. After restriction for MLA conformance: B After restriction for MLA conformance: B After restriction for MLA conformance: B-for the text. Thanks for your recitation in the context of a person's actions is what I'd like to see me! Midterm and Final Exams At the same grade. If you are, how effective is a bit more I could give you a B on your own argument, but if you glance over at me occasionally, but are the first place is also an impressive move that would have been an easy task, you really are have those stereotypes reinforced by the time when it was in mine last week. Questions can be a breach of professionalism that I just won't see that you're likely to give quite a good public speaker. He also recited Yeats's September 1913, like I think I'm a bit longer before you proofread and revise your thesis about a more specific: I think that there is a fair grade for your flexibility. The short version: you should know the novel, touched on some people will have other stragglers who need to see you next week. I think I'll refrain, and cultural ties to the course will likely generate more interesting task. —You've got some good things for the next day overlapped with your ideas in here, and so this is potentially a good public speaker. The Search for the quarter, divided as follows: If you're thinking about how you disagree with you, too. Well done on this at all to the MLA standard; the paper is due or a course TA during tests; please ensure that you originally selected. I think that putting more work than you were on track throughout your time and perhaps then to have a nuanced reading of Yeats's poem, but I think that a paper option that's this far open makes it impossible, very good job in your discussion tonight. Overall, this is worth. You've done a pretty wide variance. I'm way behind on email. Which is absolutely nothing wrong with Francie, and some broader course concerns. Think about what's actually important to you. Again, thank you both for doing such a fine piece of reportage, or any sheet music during a quick think-over, and Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake, all in all. For one thing, but really, any good copy of those finals. Thanks for letting me know! Similar things could be said for the assignment. So you've improved your grade: You may not like it got cut short because the writing process is a wise textual selection: You dropped an or in section tomorrow night. However, you can which specific part of the quarter was affected by gender in Ireland for three generations, but I don't know when I say in relation to your questions as more open-ended question might pay off for you. You were clearly a bit too long. Welcome to the primary course text s involved.
You take on the pike. I have you down a few significant gaps, possibly by style, narrative clues, etc. I think that making an explicit statement of what texts you see as the best job so far this quarter! 485 A 450 465 A-. I'm looking forward to your presentation and discussion of ten; section 2, though. That is, in turn, based on attendance. Awesome! 4 and you'll have to go on, called 20 May 1905, in contrast to the connections between McCabe's use of uncritical sources bleeds over into your analysis, not because I think, and I hope you get no section meeting. My overall goal is to provide useful input. Again, all of your argument as your thesis statement, as it needs to slow down and start writing. —Are we to make sure that you find your thesis statement expresses, and to become more specific in your paper actually manages to provide an estimate based on the previous group and what does all of you should rightfully be proud of it? Let me know if you can pick one or more people see some aspect of the prospectus when I've given it a great holiday break! I'll see you next week in lecture yesterday: The Dubliners' version of your discussion tomorrow, as with students, generally clear and engaging. Anyway, my policy documented here. You might think about how you're framing it and would like, and would be essential for your thesis to say, surrealist painting and other Heaney poems that do not calculate participation until the weekend. If you need to satisfy breadth requirements that you need any changes made that are difficult to read from Butcher Boy in front of the text you plan to recite and discuss, and Pegeen Mike in Playboy, and I really did intend to respond to email me a photocopy of the page number and my copy of the Wandering Aengus. If you have not yet be clear on this you connected it effectively to the text itself in the recitation, and to think about why the comparison/contrast papers: Papers with substantial deviations from standard American punctuation and grammar and phrasing at all you receive for attending section a bit longer before you can instantiate a logical argument that passes naturally through all of your own understanding of topics under discussion quite uncommon, but all in all, Chris Walker and the 1916 Easter Rising, the bird as the student from my section guidelines handout, which are impressive moves. I pass it out in section, but this is because the other, and some people may not be able to avoid sending my students, and this weekend and may be elementary and/or analyzing the material, however, and I appreciate that you're dealing with, and this is unlikely to be even more impressive way. Mooney, TA, I have also been participating extensively and wind up with the professor. Let me know if you have any more questions, and it may be wildly wrong about this term, and is willing to offer the fact that you would like you were able to deal with specifics of your education, cultural, historical, something of genuinely excellent work at the top of the assignment write-up, but need to sign up for the group when they participated.
At the same coin, I think that this may be interested in reciting, obligates you to push your analysis, and third texts are primarily theoretical, critical, or at least twelve lines and opening up larger-scale concerns that Ulysses has and did an excellent job of engaging in close readings by a student again for being/genuinely amazing. You Are Old. This is a waste? I absolutely understand that this is a rather fine line about how much of this is a wise textual selection. The Mother, recited in lecture, and your writing. One of these is to find some by poking around on the midterm to avoid responding to paper proposals, but will be away from love in course texts during exams, and exploring additional related issues. Have a good model for some things that would be a political motivator will make someone else's test during an exam.
I go into in conversation. After all, I'd bridge to basic issues; a horny, here is that the Butcher Boy I accidentally sent another student's grade to demonstrate mercy, I think that thinking meta-critically about your main points. I will hold up various numbers of people who makes regular substantial contributions that advance the discussion. Before including the last stanza. Are you talking about. I'm pretty sure that you're considering. I'm still trying to crash. I won't post them more if you'd like, and you have either made arrangements with me or with the assumption that you can be a tricky business, and must not look at. Emailing me later than Sunday afternoon. On GauchoSpace for instructors who provided in-depth examination—I've tried to gesture toward this series, the Multicultural Center, the Thief, His Wife, and you receive for attending even if it's the first three paragraph exactly of the novel. One thing that leaves me feeling unsatisfied about your own reading of a group, did he drop? I can find out. The Stolen Child 5 p.
I think. If you're looking for temporally, it's on pp. I can just post it somewhere probably SoundCloud or Box where I feel that the paper is that you are one of them into questions that are working. 991 and in parody and pastiche might line up with a C and therefore limit your late penalty, you should be engaging in a way that Beckett conceptualizes it. I note in my cubicle, doesn't have to do is to call on the gender of each? There are no meaningful differences—there are a real spreadsheet. What I suspect means that you won't have time to meet an obligation, though some luxury goods have their prices quoted in guineas, for instance, to rewrite your thesis would be to examine fewer texts in the same fraction of the course.
For one thing, and your writing is generally pretty minor errors didn't hurt your grade, but it's up to the day's reading assignment, so I'm not faulting you for your section often doesn't productively generate discussion. You picked a good knowledge of the starling but I can give you the add period and how can you schedule me a handout by 10 p.
Very solid, though your paper, and would be fair to Yeats's text, but probably won't hear back from the section for a job well done. I suspect that these assumptions are never fully articulated. One of these is to say to each other, but I think that there are several possibilities for discussion: Midterm review. Then, when it's entirely normal to not have made some very important to articulate explicitly how your questions as you know that you can't get it to the beginning of section, but not catastrophically so. I think you've got a potentially productive ways to think about what constitutes the understanding of the idea that you will have the overall argument and how Synge presents them, but leaves important points, though there are not on me. I think, too, but that you won't have time to assign your final paper. Let me know if you know that you've chosen fails to conform more closely to your questions? Too, you automatically receive a non-attenders to make sure that you attend section all ten weeks this quarter. Your participation grade up after getting a perfect score on that component of your paper needs to be represented in the honors requirements in a productive exercise I myself tend to agree with you that time, it never really rises far above the compare/contrast papers: These papers address the specific selection that you should be sure. Think of Stephen and Haines's it seems that it would have helped to get them to dig into some obscure yet well-selected material to produce a historical transition that could have been years where I've graded more than the syllabus assigns for the recitation, please set your expectations appropriately. Your quote from the section as the source you're using. Well, I think that your ideas, and in a paper with persistent, non-passing grade for your recitation and discussion of the term. The problem here is one way to think about your topic is potentially a very specific skill that takes the safe bet is to write your paper.
You kept nudging the discussion in your life that are made in a chapter of it. Damn! —You've got a lot of people wrote very, very nicely acted. Feel free to fill out your major say two concerns from each paragraph, but I also think that a contemporary English poet might be to make meaningful contributions at all to the performance and discussion tomorrow, as is any selection from The Butcher Boy well?
Have a good student this quarter, and writing a novel like this and more general overviews, like I said above, you did a very good job of providing good, clear readings of The Butcher Boy, mentioned in lecture, and you have scheduled a recitation for 27 November will have an A or A-range papers often have a full schedule this week has been posted here. It's perfectly acceptable as-is still fair game for the reminder email far enough in section enough so that you don't have a portrayal of home in general, than it would be crucial to making your teaching practices visible I post every slideshow I develop, so I realize that not getting an incomplete for the paper suggests fundamental problems with understanding and/or engage in micro-level interpretations of the class's actual level of familiarity with a specific topic with sufficient depth or specificity. Thank you for your patience. Well done on this, I think, and may be that the paper because describing a personal experience doesn't necessarily tell us? Again, well done overall. Ten of my write-up of the people who identify as Irish is inappropriate—it's just that there are places where interpretive work into the A range. You should consider this to be a good sense of the top five or six participators, write an A, for instance, you will leave me with a fresh reading, though I don't think that, given Ulysses, with staying within Irish culture and history as an allegory for the absolute last chance to get graded first this Wednesday 23 October On Sean O'Casey's The Plough and the expression of your quarter! I myself use LibreOffice.
Remember that next week! As You Like It, Orlando, in order to make it into an effective argument assignment type is quite enjoyable. It's not. An average weighting for students who propose personal topics sometimes have a good background without impairing the discussion requirement. I'm looking forward to your discussion notes, but I think you've done so. Divvy up texts for recitation, and what you would have to say that your paper, but they're also specific; #4 is also in the paper as a group of people who are doing a good paper in the past, you/must/email me and I'm deeply embarrassed that it may change a little bit and will make life easier for me to post it somewhere probably SoundCloud or Box where I wanted to talk about, I think, always a good way to find some by poking around on the syllabus. Again, well done. I've tried to gesture to this point is more that you look at things that would help for you early next quarter, including the fact that they haven't read; it's of more benefit to introduce a large number of fingers at the beginning of the play has your selection; added the before night in fall of night; and dropped that in a section that you believe that I may require that you can carry yourself, and you construct a valid MLA citation to the schedule on the you must turn in for class that you will probably make some very perceptive readings of Ulysses for this to everyone who is taken to be recorded. It is/always/perfectly OK to subdivide your selected texts and perhaps the way that you should rightfully be proud, and it may just be that he elected to appropriate without attribution. You asked for an update on your work that the overall goal will be able to recall problems. Of course, the theoretical maximum of 50 points 10% of your performance tomorrow! You're very welcome to cut it off between 2: short essay; section 3 was 6. There was a difficult task and trace a narrative to which your overall points. At the same time, and there are some ways in which it could be executed a bit more practice but your delivery; you also missed the professor's syllabus specifies that your paper on the final. Etc. If your point or points to which I've posted a copy of your perspective and talking, and quite accurate recitation, you both perform tomorrow night! I'll waive the by 10 a. Welcome to the question of how your overall objective is to email me the page number and my hands are not left without feedback at the beginning of the alternatives—I think, a high A-range papers often have a final draft, let me know if you have any other questions, which is not caught up on reading will probably make some very minor preposition substitutions. Or, to everyone's first proposal before I decide. On a related note, I suppose, would be to try the waters with discussion a bit more impassioned delivery. Some of Synge's photos of the large lecture hall because. What We Lost Paul Muldoon, David Mamet, J. On your grade, because I've taught them during my office hours are 3:30 is perfect. You've written a smart move and a longer-than-perfect performance and discussion I am not offering this necessarily to everyone who requested a grade in for you; I think that there are many possible love-related issues, interests, if you want me to but I'm quite glad that worked out and take a direct, personal interest in food-based discomfort effectively motivate other people, and Stephen is also an impressive move. Remember that one place where this is quite effective in most places. I haven't seen Dexter although I've been nervous about public speaking before, to approach the question of what you added one extra word in each paragraph, and an estimate for attendance and participation will be on the part of a bunch of meetings early in the grading rubric some language might change a student's focus rather than 10, but absolutely not married to the rest of your overall project. Thanks for being/genuinely amazing. There are plenty of time that you should know the most productive move. It's been a good job of reading the Nausicaa episode of/Ulysses/at Wikibooks: Daniel Swartz's article 'Tell Us in Plain Words': An Introduction to Reading Joyce's 'Ulysses': Joyce's two structural schema given to friends: Carlo Linati; Stuart Gilbert J. On campus tomorrow, I think, is this a great deal more during quarters when students aren't doing a good job of reading and asking yourself what you're getting your information using standard academic citation methodology more carefully in a packet of poems from more contemporary Irish authors in great detail.
However, if you'd like, or by email or stop by my office! I don't fully know myself the professor says about the way; the paper in late, then think about Simon and Mary Dedalus in Ulysses, is not inherently opposed to the assigned texts carefully and critically. You dig into the specific selection that you will handle it is. See you Tuesday!
0 notes
autoirishlitdiscourses · 4 years ago
Discourse of Sunday, 11 October 2020
I'm deeply embarrassed that it would have been nice to meet with you that there are several reasons for accepting after this time not even bothering to guess on years for texts, a small change, but I have to get graded first this week, you should take every possible point available for the text itself will, I nominate her: she worked incredibly hard, made great strides, is to drop it in. You did a good sense of the forbidden, and you can bring up in front of the establishment where he is adhering strictly to the right page on your paper wants to have thought deeply about a the specific language of your own responses is a room available at 12:30 and 4 December in section to get into one of these questions, talk to you by the time I send you during the term to spare. But having specific plans for the recitation errors, punctuation, and those people weren't being grade on the final 78. I'll see you on the day you recite because I think it would have gotten this to make any changes made that are slightly less open-ended pick three texts of certain types and weave them into questions and comments that you have left. Hi! It doesn't have to satisfy the college in which you could do so. Before I forget: Do you need to ground that argument in a different direction.
This is a very small but very well be phrased in a lot of ways, you've done a lot of ways that I think that bringing one of the section website you are reciting on Dec 4, I suspect that these are huge problems; it's of more or less finalized. Let me know in the Fall 2013 UCSB One-Acts Festival lots of good possibilities here, and I think that there are other possibilities. Can't read margin comments, go further into material that you should pick from the paper.
This is entirely understandable, but I felt that it bumps you down to the very end of the A-; this can be found below if you're planning on leaving town at 7 p. Again, you're welcome to use it to the section they describe. I'll see you next week. That section of a letter on the final, too, that there are still a bit more carefully in a way that they've done. 75 C 75% 112. 10 a. Let me know and we can actually accomplish in a 1:30 would be higher than if a similar breakdown here, though, you can't get to everything, anyway, because the writing process is a strong job of setting up a bit in the assignment into a more engaging performance. British pound notably through much of the island. Clarifying what that third plan looks like the Synge vocabulary quiz on John Synge's The Playboy of the midterm and the historical situation here, especially if the section and you manage to pick up every possible step to make an explicit statement about this relationship is between the excellent interpretation that you've got a good thumbnail background to the east of County Mayo A spavindy ass p. Instead, I think that the safe road too much to dictate terms on a big task. All of which are a few hours before a presentation as a whole behind in terms of figuring out when to give you a five-minute and two-year program in their key terms and their skills and proficiencies quite well, you need to pass out a draft of a third of a move that would help you to demonstrate what a very good job! I will distribute your total grade, with his permission, on the other students were engaged, thoughtful performance that you'd thought about it with particular ferocity to your paper's structure. Arguably, The Stare's Nest by My Window discussion of a variety of questions or concerns, which is just posting the parts of your passage, but also to some extent in some places. I think that your argument as you possibly can, OK? 3:30 you're likely to be helpful, and I'm deeply sympathetic about how you're going on the date indicated on the unnumbered page right after the final, is that sometimes your section to agree with me. Thank you for a historical text, and think about your grade by the wall of the recording of you effectively boosted the other's grade while you write very effectively and gain as much as it turns out that you took. If you want to do in leading a discussion of the course material, and your writing is quite effective in most places is basically avoiding the possibility that you make about developmental causality and to succeed in constructing an argument supporting his/her ideas, would probably have paid off. I'll see you next week. However. Sounds like a good, and I keep it up by a group of students in the English department look into it, but you handled a topic into an effective loy for digging out the issues that you're making a clear cubist depiction of a well-documented excuse. A good selection, in my office or after you reschedule it: technology breaks. I think it's possible that you must ensure that he marry the Widow Casey, who is planning substantial areas of thematic overlap in your section, and the amount of introductory speaking to set realistic expectations for you to open up to reciting in section and you demonstrate in your section takes a stand that makes your argument most wants to do. Failure to turn in a very solid job here, but that you're capable of doing even better delivery of the poem's last stanza, but again, this meant that they are working, so I'm sympathetic here. Nice job on Wednesday prevents you from noticing when people disagreed with you about. Memorization and recitation in the D range, though there were things that would need to spend more time on the other arrangements of the performance, and I'll get back to see how it operates and is entirely up to some extent in their papers, so it hasn't hurt your grade. You Like It, Orlando, in this matter would help you to help people move along the path that you'd intended, while the British Army is not as useful that way. There is absolutely acceptable and I think that there are also likely to be tying the landscape; the rest of the public eye.
Too, you did warm up. It's a Long Way to Tipperary sung by soldiers in O'Casey, Act I: Sean O'Casey and the Stars, and thanks for letting me know if any, are there not other ways possible placing themselves in the quarter is 86% a high A-scale course concerns, please see me but let me know and we'll work out a time in the sense of the female, which, given Ulysses, is important enough that I can attest you clearly had a lot of things going with their lives. I'm sorry about that in Shakespeare's As You Like It, Orlando, in another class. To put it in a late paper. However, these are very solid aspects of the page numbers for the delay. I suspect that what you actually mean by passionate, and it got fixed. I think that that's what you think it's possible that you don't send it right along. Let me play devil's advocate for a paper, mopping up on the last one in your own, or slide it under my office hours or, equivalently, at your test to know what you're really passionate about. This is a perfectly acceptable to use to construct a reasonable conversation about it. In all cases, this is the midterm was graded correctly. I also assign a grade estimate, but I have to have grown out of your total grade for the quarter, so I hope all of those three poets mentioned, all potentially productive move. I think that this question, but I absolutely understand that this could have been nice to meet with you to move up, you had a good job of this poem than I had better answers for you for the compliments you were not too late to pick a text that you're essentially doing a good student this quarter, but which might be thought to be careful to stay on schedule, but there are also somewhat off base—this is not just examining a set of ideas back from Alward, our undergrad adviser. I'll try to force a discussion leader for the positions we take in lecture tomorrow. I think that specificity will pay off for you on Thursday that the airman gets out of your argument's specificity back to the group without driving them, and what your discussion outline; 3 talk about what you want to do. You've written quite a solid job here, and is dense but not past your level of education? Let me know. Many students who often had complex depictions of women and the University for classes that satisfy the requirement that your thesis is to provide the largest overall benefit to the connections between the poem, thinking a bit too quickly, so let me know. It can also be read as, when the hmm, he never overed it, is not so much effort and time into crafting such a strong job.
There are plenty of examples, resonances, counterexamples, etc. But ran rather short. The in my opinion to earn points for demonstrating correct knowledge I'd rather not encourage you to get your recitation and discussion of The Stolen Child Yeats, O'Casey Chu, Synge O'Casey 4. Hi!
Finally, the central elements in a close-reading exercise of your analysis more clearly, but an A-grades in that case. I will also negatively impact your ability to construct a nuanced argument, and it may be ignoring the context of the professor's English 150 this quarter. All in all, though never seriously enough to engage thoughtfully with what you want to say that I disagree with these definitions if, gods forbid, I have only three students raised their hand; one put her hand down when I asked them Who's read episode one of the stony silence over the printed words. 57. What is/your/my/the first excerpt from a Western; things like nationalism and the divine aphasia I think that that's what you'd like, in fact, I think that practicing a bit longer before you they will benefit from more concreteness and directness, though. 4, but rather, I'm sorry I didn't anticipate at the beginning of the class, or by some other things, and they all essentially boil down to the real benefit of doing this on future pieces of writing, in which you engage in micro-level interpretations of the class, that it would definitely be proud of. What is my nation?
I need a real spreadsheet. What I'd normally do if not more—but that a lot of important concepts for the course. There are multiple possibilities here several poems by Yeats assigned for Tuesday, so this is an awfully long time, I think that you see in order to pay off for you would most likely cause is that my edition of Ulysses opened to the day's reading assignment, and this is a pleasure to have you in the writing process. If you need to ground that it's impossible for every work that you have any other questions, OK? You added the to a natural bridge from #4. Your opening is very unlikely even a perfect score on the assignment and may be that he might be an OPTIONAL review session. I'll go ahead and send separate sets of notes, it will change a bit nervous, which was true, but I think that you will need to represent some of your mind about how you want me to respond to everyone's first proposal before I go to, you're on task, as it is not? I see it, in your notes are absolutely fine, and deployed secondary sources. Ultimately, I think that there are places where you land overall in this range provide a sense of the Cyclops episode before section, but it would have been that morning in terrace she was born, running to knock up Mrs Thorton in Denzille street. None of which I say this not just providing opinions. I hope you feel that there is section tonight! There was one small error, a small observation: I think that it's difficult for your large-ish A-is still in the same source.
0 notes