#weiss kreuz
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bakanokiwami · 2 years ago
To make this bar chart race, all series titles in the Anime/Manga Section on November 29 (or the closest date to it) of every year were copy-pasted from Wayback Machine to Google Sheets, rearranged according to number of fanworks, and then inputted to Flourish to turn into a bar chart race.
In 1999-2001, FFN used Anime as a catch-all tag for all anime that didn’t have their own category yet before it was removed in 2002 onwards.
In 1999, fanfiction weren’t divided into sections like Anime/Manga, TV, Books, etc. yet. It was just a small list of mixed fandoms.
Originally, the fanfiction list was sorted alphabetically too, but was changed to number of fics at around early 2013.
By November 2013, FFN started abbreviating numbers above 1,000 to K, so exact numbers aren't available for series with more than 1,000 fanfiction.
Thanks for understanding and hopefully I didn’t mess up anywhere! 🙏
Edit: This bar chart is all made with the assumption that the numbers listed in section are correct. I can't seem to get the same numbers for some for these series when I go to the specific series' page and filter everything to All though... I don't know if I'm missing something or not...
For example, currently, the anime/manga section says Naruto has 439k fics, but going to the Naruto page and filters, ratings and language to All, it says there's only 413k fics. There's also 37.3k crossover fics, but adding would be equal to 450k fics... If anyone can clue me in on how FFN calculates these numbers, I'd be very grateful.🙏
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macabre-changeling · 10 months ago
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meme redraw with my two faves🌸
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catwif3 · 8 months ago
just saw somebody on twitter posting a list of "old animes they want to get a remake since a bunch of that is happening rn"
and one of their list was WEISS KREUZ and i like. recoiled violently.
do NOT remake weiss kreuz the entire POINT of it is that it is so bad you have to let ppl drink thru the whole thing to make them watch it. it was made behind a dumpster for an approximate budget of ¥800. it was thought up by the voice actors instead of like. any kind of professional writer. the second part of it lost the rights and had to redesign the characters. iirc every single woman introduced is fridged. like there is NO WAY to remake this for today's audiences that wouldn't either lose the whole original mess or become bad in a different way.
also i do NOT want to know what the tiktok fandom girlies would do if they got a hold of schuldig and farfarello
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macabre-cross · 2 months ago
Ken breaking windows
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majokkoradio · 1 month ago
"Velvet Underworld" - Weiß Kreuz - April 8, 1998
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haveyouseenthisseries-poll · 10 months ago
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*Edit: also known as Weiss Kreuz.
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doyouknowthisanime · 1 year ago
Do You Know This Anime?
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rainysflowers · 21 days ago
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guh *dies*
also it bears mentioning that idgaf is ppl use these so go forth and be cringe
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myndless88 · 8 months ago
✨ Challenge: make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same, and see which character is everyone's favorite ✨
I had seen @wardog-of-the-endless and a few of her mutuals do this, and I wanted to do the same. ^__^ It's pretty difficult to think of "all time" favorite characters, so I'll go with ones I used to talk about all the time.
It was tough to limit it to just five. Anyway, here are pics of each so that you can see what they look like. They're in the order they appear in the poll.
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While it says that I should tag five people, I'm just going to leave it to whomever would like to do this.
I'm quite curious who'll get the most votes. Happy voting!
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applehaggis · 2 months ago
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Single-handedly keeping the fandom alive.
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bluecube92 · 6 months ago
Same Voice Actor #24
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nalanzu · 3 months ago
Episode 25: Ende Des Weiss - To the Knights...
Okay, last episode of the core series, or the part of the show that the western fandom knew best. The comics and the radio dramas never were officially translated into English (to the best of my knowledge), and they were absolutely essential to the canonical storyline.
The episode opens with reports of nationwide riots that the police cannot control and Ken pointing out on a map where girl!Aya and Sakura are being held (how do they know again?). Yohji is in disbelief that someone can be resurrected (ok, maybe they're trying to resurrect a dead guy and not a demon but still). Birman points out that it doesn't matter if it's possible or not, that Esstset believes it and that's what's important.
Weiss fucks off to go derail a bunch of lunatics and a ritual while Birman protests that she cannot get them any backup. Weiss says they never have backup, how is this time any different. Birman is unhappy about this.
In the museum, there is a cheering audience for the resurrection ritual (why). Aya is recklessly rushing ahead in his quest to save his sister and his underage stalker. He's setting the pace for the rest of them, who are not happy about it. It is, however, not difficult for them to break in. Through the front door. Guys. GUYS.
As the ritual progresses, girl!Aya starts to wake up. Weiss continues to be sneaky for once and also continues to murder Esststet's agents. They devise a plan (now? NOW is when you figure out a plan?) and split up to carry it out. More Esstset agents get murdered. Omi finds gas masks and lasers on the floor, then trips and sets off an alarm. Good job, Omi. Yohji is wondering why Schwarz has skin in this game, incidentally, but he's thwarted by the alarm going off.
Aya literally charges five men shooting at him with machine guns who somehow fail to hit him with even a single bullet (WHY). Omi having realized he fucked up, sets off a bomb in the storage room he landed in. This has the effect of setting the building on fire, as the storage room was an armory with Many Explosives. Esstset is determined to continue the ritual.
Weiss interrupts in their typical dramatic fashion, with Aya giving the Dark Beasts speech and everything. Esstset is absolutely unimpressed. They're also psychic, as one of them throws Ken across the room with the power of his mind. Weapons stop just short of hitting them - wire, darts, everything. Esstset gloats that they've lived for centuries and weapons won't kill them as they start absolutely wrecking the place. Masonry crumbling, floors cracking open, the works.
Guys, this is not going to help your ritual continue, ok, if you destroy the building, how are you going to summon your dead soul?
Aya is undeterred by the raw power in front of him and distracts Esstset just enough for Ken to stab one of them in the back. This in turn lets him stab a second. The third and last member vanishes down a hidden hallway as Aya grabs his sister's once again unconscious body. No, wait, that was Sakura all along. Weiss is, uh, perplexed at this reveal.
The surviving member of Esstset is feeling some kind of way about their ritual getting fucked up (and possibly the other two members buying the farm), and starts screaming at Schwarz for not doing anything. At this point, he realizes that Schwarz has girl!Aya and that the ritual was being conduced with someone else.
Crawford boastfully declares that Schwarz will be the ones to wake girl!Aya (I don't think that was the point of the ritual but ok). Remaining Esstset member tries to break the room down around them, but Nagi has it under control and stops the crack in the floor. Esstset dude realizes he done fucked up, because Schwarz is stronger than he is.
Sakura is Not Impressed by the assassin clothes, and Weiss explains that they are in fact a team of assassins. However, Aya says, that's not the point, the point is that Sakura is doing dumb shit. Sakura says she wanted to help Aya. Aya once again does his little song and dance about being a murderer, and Yohji helpfully adds that murder is always wrong. Sakura again attempts to justify their behavior, as she still thinks they are fundamentally good people, but she just cries instead. Aya thanks Sakura for letting him see his sister and reveals that his name is actually Ran.
Meanwhile, Schwarz is now threatening the last member of Esstset, who is attempting to bribe them with powerful posistions in his New World Order. Crawford laughs him out of the room and says they have Other Priorities. Schwarz doesn't want order; they want utter chaos, survival of the fittest and the strongest, and they kill the last member of Esstset.
I feel like that escalated quickly, tbh. I don't recall they were quite so unhinged in the rest of the series, but I could be wrong.
As Crawford gloats that there is nothing to stop them from fucking shit up now, Weiss flings open the metaphorical door with a resounding You're Forgetting About Us. In Schwarz's defense, Weiss has really not been a threat to them at any point.
Aya demands his sister. Schuldig declines, as Schwarz also needs here, and the fight is on. Aya snarls that his sister is not to be used any more, and Sakura goes to drag her off the table and out of the building. Manx shows up just in time to shoot a gun out of Crawford's hand and help Sakura save the unconscious girl!Aya.
The building starts to collapse as Weiss squares off against Schwarz. With shots of the riots outside cut into the fight, Crawford monologues about the evil nature of humanity while facing Aya, Nagi throws Omi into a stone column hard enough to crack it, Farfarello slams Ken's head into another column over and over, and Aya screams that they have hope.
Crawford laughs at him, but Omi tears free of Nagi's grip to launch himself at Farfarello, who breaks Omi's ribs instead. Yohji is trying to choke Schuldig, Ken knocks Farfarello off Omi, and Omi goes right back to trying to murder Nagi. The building, which has been collapsing this whole time, finally falls right into Tokyo Bay. Sakura screams Aya's name from the road overlooking the bay, while girl!Aya wakes up in Manx's lap. I've got questions about muscle tone, but she gets out of the car with zero problems as Sakura says she has a story to tell.
Cut to the epilogue, with the flowershop. Girl!Aya is its only employee (Momoe not withstanding), and Sakura has cut her hair again. Manx and Birman lurk outside, keeping watch. We also see Tot in a field of flowers, and I honestly want to know who's looking out for her, because we all know she cannot hold a job or rent an apartment. QUESTIONS. I HAVE THEM. Maybe Kritiker scooped her up, IDK. The equipment in the flowershop basement is all covered with dustcloths, except for the beanbag sofa and a picture of our four florist assassins.
The final scene is a bunch of presumably muggers running away from our four boys in their assassin gear overreacting to petty street crime.
The implication is that Weiss survived and are no longer part of Kritiker. The subsequent movies, drama CDs, animated series, and comics will indicate that this is not in fact the case. It's not an inconsistent note for the series to end on, but it does rather seem to be saying that Weiss will always hang around to murder people for engaging in crime. This does beg some questions regarding why every member of Weiss feels compelled to continue to murder people to death instead of finding other ways to be productive members of society, but there would be a much less Beautifully Tragic show if they did that.
The series as a whole is very flawed, I cannot lie. It uses a number of actively harmful tropes and conceits while painting them in an aspirational light. There are honestly too many to list, but I think the worst offenders are the idea that one's emotions entitle one to someone else and that pain is an appropriate justification for being an asshole. There's quite a lot to be said about representation of women and how - nearly without exception - they are defined primarily and often only by their relationship to one of the male characters.
The show raises a number of very interesting questions about ethics and morality, and how to navigate justice when the official systems are ineffective. It asks - just barely - what justice really is. It then proceeds to spectacularly refuse to answer any of these questions and throws trauma porn centered on pretty boys at its viewers instead.
Weiss Kreuz teases worldbuilding with the shadowy organization Kritiker, and then refuses to explain how it works either. This is incredibly frustrating to me, personally, because I want to know how the details work. Weiss Kreuz just glosses over the details and gives the necessary information to its characters when it's salient, which keeps the story moving effectively but also provides a truly stunning number of places to apply fridge logic.
As a vanity project started by a popular voice actor, it became more popular than anyone - except, no doubt, said voice actor - expected, because it is very good at its emotions. Those emotional arcs, inconsistent though they were from episode to episode, plus the gorgeous character designs struck a chord with a very wide audience and then it just sort of became a self-sustaining phenomenon.
I had a lot of fun with this show as a baby fan, and over twenty years later I'm still having fun with it. There's surprisingly little that has become more problematic with age (look, I had issues with the age gaps and with the Tot romantic subplot the first time around), and it still provides a fertile environment for speculation and imagination. And, of course, for porn.
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xlavenderharmony · 3 months ago
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weiss kreuz offical art
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macabre-cross · 6 months ago
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Farfarello on the ground.
That's it. That's the post.
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fishfishlove · 6 months ago
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