#weird vibes today
jumping and looking at the clock every five minutes because i have to keep reminding myself that it’s not normal friday and i have a zoom to attend at 6:30 but i keep forgetting because i have no concept of time
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amygdalae · 11 days
This girl in my ethnic studies class keeps derailing the lecture with questions abt complicated stuff that doesn't pertain like at all to the current lecture OR asking if he's gonna address stuff that is clearly on the syllabus for later lectures and it's driving me insane girl shut upppp let him talk stop trying so hard to sound smart
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potato-lord-but-not · 3 months
Hi! I know your bio says any pronouns, but are there any you like more than others?
Just wondering because I referred to you as 'he' while talking to my sister, and she said that it felt wrong for some reason. Not that she knew your pronouns either, we were just wondering.
he and they are equally good! and she is acceptable but yk there’s o t h e r options. And I guess if you want to use other neopronouns thats cool?? except maybe ‘it’ but other than that I’m chill.
Also idk why I find you and your sister debating about which pronouns to use for me SO funny 💀💀
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nananarc · 10 months
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Ashtray . 2023
(Yeah no don't worry she's a 120kg cyborg that can crush his skull with a squeeze of her hands if she wants)
PopArt Colorful Alt Versions on my Patreon:
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moeblob · 10 months
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So I personally don't play DBD (though I think it might be fun to try but I'd be bad at it so) but a streamer I watch plays it a lot and her survival rate against Wesker players is astounding. And funny to watch. So I draw lil doodles for her Wesker interactions to put off doing other art.
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prostocupoftea · 6 months
Hello @sashazakbun24 i just came here to say that your son is very pretty thats all thank you byeee
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c-kiddo · 8 months
it may be freak behaviour (yay) but i love when i read a book and there's some folkloric mythological sex scene with a character and something like a gigantic owl or a man who's a fox or northern lights and then it makes strange babies too . i love these things happening and not being acknowledged as strange because rly its symbolic in a way but in general i just love strangeness treated matter of factly
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shortystack75 · 1 year
This code wasn’t just off, it felt other.
It felt like a malicious researcher on a new island, watching a pack of creatures jump around and play with their young.
When the creatures noticed its presence and fled, some stayed behind to threaten it, while the rest fled with their young... back to the nest.
While it stayed a for a moment to document the threats and reactions of the creatures that stayed, it soon followed the others back to the nest. and Starting getting photo documentation. Starting looking into the nest.
“Look! some of the creatures go into the chambers to protect and soothe their young while the rest circle the nest on the outside and do threat displays.”
“Oh! you can see another young one sleeping in this chamber! hmm. the creatures did not seem to like that and covered this chamber further.”
“Oh! Oh!! The creatures have found a way to drag me away! They are doing even more threat displays, I must document them, perhaps they will see I mean no harm if I offer than suitable sustenance?”
“Hmm. The apples I offered to them seemed to upset them further, I’ll take a few more photos before taking my leave. ^-^”
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theboarsbride · 6 months
toying with the idea of a lobster-themed siren character?????? ☝🤨🤔hmmm......
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fatexbound · 2 months
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Me trying to stay awake with coffee.
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penguin--person · 3 months
YAYYY I FIGURED OUT MY FURSONA!!!! ITS TRUE DEAL!!!! YAYYY YIPPEE!!!!! :D!!!! joyous tail wag!!!!
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eastgaysian · 9 months
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randomminty · 2 years
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Ive only got sv in the brain right now
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berryblu-arts · 12 hours
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did anyone else uhhh not come with a pre installed "knows how to smile in photos" software?
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thel1ghtningthief · 2 months
⚡Cabin 1 in the CDVerse🏛
This is quite long, so it's under a cut!
Also, do y'all want more cabin descriptions or the Zeus kid's profiles next?
Overview: Zeus is the god of the sky, lightning, thunder, law and order. As a result, many of his children have a strong sense of justice and don't take acts they perceive as unjust without a fight. This can lead to children of Zeus seeming standoffish and overly dramatic.
Exterior: The exterior of the cabin is mostly similar to the PJO and HOO graphic novels, with a few changes. Zeus's cabin is the biggest of all the cabins. The cabin is built out of white marble, detailed with pillars and a dome shaped roof. The roof reflects the current weather of Camp Half-Blood, which means it is always either sunny, cloudy, or reflecting the gorgeous view of the night sky. There are 4 pillars on each wall, most spaced 5 feet apart. The entrance to the cabin is set back 5 feet from the beginning of the porch. There is one pillar on either side of the start of the stairs, and one pillars on either side of the door. The gable above the porch is detailed with an eagle, wings spread majestically, in the middle. Around the eagle the marble is carved in an olive branch pattern. The door to the cabin is made of polished bronze that shimmers with holographic lightning patterning the door. Above the door is a small bronze plaque with the number 1 on it.
Interior: Differentiating from canon, the Zeus cabin does have furniture. There are 6 pairs of bunk beds, with three on each side. The bunks are made of evergreen holm oak, and the frames are detailed with lightning bolts, eagles, and an olive leaf pattern. At the back middle of the cabin is the ten foot tall statue of Zeus, glaring imposingly and seemingly watching your every move. The ceiling follows the shape of the domed roof, with an enchanted mosaic showing a current storms from anywhere over the world. Beside the statue on the right sides is a desk, made of the same wood as the bunks. There is a vase, with scenes of Zeus defeating the Titans in the first Titanomachy. In the left corner beside the statue, there is a basic camp sleeping bag. By the sleeping bag, tucked under the caseless pillow, lays a picture of three kids. They look happy. There are marks on the floor leading back to the entrance. To the left of the entrance, there is a matching desk to the right back corner. The vase on this desk is missing. If you were to open the drawer of the desk, there would be a shattered vase and a ripped picture. If you put them back together, the vase would show Heracles' numerous victories, Zeus' proudest moments. The picture would show a woman, standing with her arm around a young girl and the other holding a newborn baby. The woman is looking dissapointedly at the girl, who is ignoring the camera in favour of looking sadly at her baby brother. You close the drawer. On top of the desk is a glass vase, some shriveled olive branch long forgotten crumbled and crushed down to the bottom. If you step back from the desk, the right side of the entrance has a ladder. If you climb the ladder, you would find yourself in the gable over the porch. It's small, with not a lot of room, as it's been stuffed full of extra belongings and clothes that were almost left on the ground during the last cabin inspection.
Vibe: Entering the Zeus cabin can feel a lot like entering a courtroom for the first time: intimidating. The interior of the cabin feels slightly more homey than the exterior, but with a giant statue of Zeus glaring at you from the moment you open the door, it's not the most welcoming place in camp. The cabin can feel suffocating, due to both the constant storm in the ceiling and the loaded history of the cabins most notorious inhabitants.
Details/Symbols: Obviously, there are tons of lighting and cloud motifs scattered everywhere, from carvings on the bunks, made of oak, to the pillars holding up the ceiling. There are several vases lining the walls filled with olive branch. The cabin always smells like it does just after it's rained.
Items: There aren't many notable items in the Zeus cabin, as most of the campers are younger and newer. The most notable item currently in the cabin is one of Zeus' lightning bolts (not the master bolt, obviously).
Traditions: As for the longest time there used to only be one child of Zeus, the campers of Cabin 1 don't have many traditions. The main one as of now is a weekly debate night, where the children of Zeus split into teams for a 'friendly' debate. However, it almost always ends in someone being struck by lightning... Another tradition, if it could be called that, is that every camper has or had a stuffed eagle or bull, most of them brought to camp before being claimed as a coincidence. Their final tradition is flying or climbing to the roof to their cabin to stargaze whenever one of their siblings is feeling down.
Bunks: There are three bunk beds on the side walls, each with two beds stacked on top of each other. The beds are made of evergreen holm oak, and the frames are detailed with an olive branch pattern. The foot board is engraved with the same image of an eagle as the gable over the entrance. The head board is carved with various lightning, sky, and cloud designs. The ladder to the second bunk is at the foot board of each bunk bed. The bottom bunk closest to the entrance on the left side belongs to Laodice Ebner. The bunk above that belongs to Theseus Shaw, the current head counselor. The set behind those two belong to Rex Fitzroy and Azure Sumner. The third set on the left wall belong to Cielo Katz and Jace Merino. The first set on the right wall belong to Oberon Stellato and Ravi Bahl. The bunk at the back right, closest to the Zeus statue on the bottom, belongs to Jason Grace, when he visits. Thalia Grace occasionally stays in the bunk above him
Current Inhabitants: The current head counselor is Theseus Shaw. The other campers are Laodice Ebner, Rex Fitzroy, Azure Sumner, Cielo Katz, Jace Merino, Oberon Stellato, Ravi Bahl, and occasionally Jason and Thalia Grace.
Reference Pictures:
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These are both from the riordanverse wiki so I think they're official art, apologies if I'm wrong!
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hopefuture · 2 months
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New blog, new starter call.
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